'LUHFWRU\RI 0DVVDFKXVHWWV'LUHFWRU\RI /REE\LVWV0DVVDFKXVHWWV /REE\LVWV 7\ISPJ 3H^ Executive Legislative Regulatory Municipal 51 Franklin Street l Boston l 617.778.1200 www.JohnsonHaleyLLP.com The Directory of Massachusetts Lobbyists 2011 1 FROM THE PUBLISHER Dear Reader: Thank you for taking the time to make use of our 2011 Directory of Massachusetts Lobbyists. In 2005, we noticed that there was no comprehensive list of lobbyists in the state. Seeking to fill that void, we began publishing this directory. Now the directory is used by executives, legislators and attorneys as a quick reference to the world of lobbying in our state. Many people use it as a starting point when they begin the process of deciding what lobbyist to use for whatever their need may be. As the publishers of Massachusetts Lawyers Weekly, we sit at a distinct intersection of law and business. And we realize the value of a good lobbyist. That’s why we make sure this directory gets into the hands of thousands of corporate decision makers. For more information about this directory, additional copies or to advertise in future editions of the publication, please contact Melanie Footer at 617.218.8121 or e-mail
[email protected]. And once again thanks for your interest in the Directory of Massachusetts Lobbyists. Sincerely, Susan Bocamazo Publisher DONOGHUE BARRETT & SINGAL, P.C . INTEGRATED LEGAL SERVICES Resources. Relationships. Results. • Resources include skilled specialists in legislative and regulatory affairs—and integrated services through our Health Care, Litigation, and Corporate Departments. • Relationships include an expansive network of government, legal, and industry contacts that offer valuable access, insights, and leverage.