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Zeitschrift/Journal: Koleopterologische Rundschau

Jahr/Year: 2008

Band/Volume: 78_2008

Autor(en)/Author(s): Hernando Carles, Aguilera Pedro, Ribera Ignacio

Artikel/Article: Limnebius zaerensis, a new species from the Pays Zaër-Zaïane, central Morocco (Coleoptera: ) 195-198 ©Wiener Coleopterologenverein (WCV), download unter www.biologiezentrum.at

194 Koleopt. Rdsch. 78 (2008) Koleopterologische Rundschau 78 195–198 Wien, Juli 2008

ZIMMERMANN, A. 1924: Die Halipliden der Welt. – Entomologische Blätter (für Biologie und Systematik der Käfer) 20 (1): 1–16; (2): 65–80; (3): 129–144; (4): 193–213.

ZIMMERMANN, A. 1928: Neuer Beitrag zur Kenntnis der Schwimmkäfer. – Wiener Entomologische Limnebius zaerensis, a new species Zeitung 44: 165–187. from the Pays Zaër-Zaïane, central Morocco

Ing. Bernhard J. van VONDEL (Coleoptera: Hydraenidae) Natuurhistorisch Museum Rotterdam, c/o Roestuin 78, 3343 CV Hendrik-Ido-Ambacht, The Netherlands ([email protected]) ERNANDO GUILERA IBERA C. H , P. A & I. R Dr. Paul J. SPANGLER Smithsonian Institution, Washington D.C., USA Abstract Limnebius zaerensis sp.n. (Coleoptera: Hydraenidae) is described from the Pays Zaër-Zaïane, in central Morocco. According to the structure of the aedeagus and the sequences of several mito- chondrial genes it seems to be most closely related to L. ignarus BALFOUR-BROWNE, 1979 from the extreme south of Spain.

Key words: Coleoptera, Hydraenidae, Limnebius, , new species, cox1, rrnL, tRNA-leu, nad1, W Mediterranean.


The genus Limnebius LEACH, 1815 forms a well defined, distinctive group of small (0.8–2.8 mm) water with a rather similar external morphology. Most species can only be reliably distinguished on the basis of the aedeagi (JÄCH 1993). The genus has a world-wide distribution, with more than 120 described species (HANSEN 1998), of which more than 2/3 are from the Palaearctic Region (JÄCH 2004). The last comprehensive revision of the Palaearctic species (JÄCH 1993) did not recognise subgenera, although for practical reasons the genus was divided in six informal species groups. In this paper we describe a new species of the Limnebius trun- catellus group sensu JÄCH (1993), which was collected in central Morocco.

Material and Methods

The soft tissue from one male specimen preserved in the field in 96 % ethanol was digested and the DNA isolated using a standard non-destructive phenol–chloroform extraction, and stored with ref. No. MNCN-AC14. The extracted specimen (paratype) is kept in the general collection of the MNCN (with the same reference number), with the aedeagus mounted in a transparent card. With the aim to investigate the phylogenetic relationships of the new species, some mitochondrial genes were sequenced: a fragment of ca. 800 bp of the 3’ end of the cytochrome oxidase subunit 1 (cox1) (primers “jerry” and “pat”, SIMON et al. 1994), and a fragment of ca. 800 bp spanning the 3’ end of the large ribosomal unit (rrnL), the full transfer RNA for Leucine (tRNA-leu), and the 5’ end of the gene NADH dehydrogenase 1 (nad1) (primers “16Sbi” and “fawND1”, SIMON et al. 1994) (see RIBERA et al. 2001 for general sequencing conditions). Sequences were submitted to GeneBank with accession numbers EU365865-EU365868.

MNCN Museo Nacional de Ciencias Naturales, Madrid, Spain NMW Naturhistorisches Museum Wien, Austria

Limnebius zaerensis sp.n.

TYPE LOCALITY: Morocco, Pays Zaër-Zaïane, affluent of the river Korifla near Rommani. ©Wiener Coleopterologenverein (WCV), download unter www.biologiezentrum.at

196 Koleopt. Rdsch. 78 (2008) HERNANDO et al.: Limnebius zaerensis, a new species from central Morocco (HYDRAENIDAE) 197

Figs. 2–3: Type locality of Limnebius zaerensis sp.n., affluent of the river Korifla near Rommani, Pays Zaër-Zaïane, Morocco.

Aedeagus (Fig. 1). Main piece broad, flattened, not twisted, with a deep incision forming two lobes of unequal size. Left paramere short and wide, distinctly separate from the main piece, covered with a dense tuft of setae, and a few long apical setae. Appendage “A” of JÄCH (1993) enlarged and flattened apically. SEXUAL DIMORPHISM: Males with a prominent hook-like protuberance in ventrite VI. Due to the presence of some additional species of Limnebius with a similar external morphology in the same habitat (see below), we do not include females among the type material, although a number of putative females were identified.

Fig. 1: Aedeagus of Limnebius zaerensis sp.n., holotype (ventral view). Scale bar: 100 µm. ETYMOLOGY: Named after the area in which the type series was found. DISTRIBUTION: So far only known from the type locality. HABITAT: Specimens were found in a small stream excavated in the Zäer-Zaïnae Plateau, TYPE MATERIAL: Holotype (MNCN): “73 MOROCCO 10.4.2007 / gorges Rd. Rommani-Ben Slimane / str. in affluent of the river Korifla. The bed of the stream had no vegetation, although the shores were Nerium, afl. Oued Korifla / 265m N33º32'59.4" W6º44'54.9" / Aguilera Hernando & Ribera leg.”. Paratypes: 7 covered by dense stands of Nerium oleander (“baladre”), some of them arboreal (Figs. 2–3). The (MNCN, NMW, author’s collections), same locality data as holotype. water fauna was dominated by Hydraenidae, with eleven species in addition to Limnebius One paratype (MNCN) was used for DNA extraction, labelled “MNCN-AC14”. zaerensis sp.n.: L. bacchus BALFOUR-BROWNE, 1979, L. kocheri BALFOUR-BROWNE, 1979, L. DESCRIPTION: Measurements: 1.6–1.7 mm long (males). Black to dark brown, with pronotal maurus BALFOUR-BROWNE, 1979, L. evanescens KIESENWETTER, 1866, Ochthebius dilatatus side and hind margins broadly paler; dorsal surface covered with fine, adpressed pubescence. STEPHENS, 1829, O. mediterraneus IENIùTEA, 1988, Hydraena bisulcata REY, 1884, H. capta d’ORCHYMONT, 1936, H. rigua d’ORCHYMONT, 1935, H. cf. testacea CURTIS, 1830, Hydraena Head and pronotum with sparse, distinct punctation; disc of pronotum glabrous; pronotum with sp. (females). Another interesting coexisting species was Hydrocyphon gereckei HERNANDO, well developed shagreen towards sides. Elytra with a denser punctation, entirely shagreened. AGUILERA & RIBERA, 2004, of which only larvae and pupae could be found (reared to adults). Legs, antennae and palpi testaceous. Elytral apices truncate. AFFINITIES: The general structure of the aedeagus of Limnebius zaerensis is similar to that of L. ignarus BALFOUR-BROWNE, 1979, L. pilicauda GUILLEBEAU, 1986 and L. kamali SÁINZ- ©Wiener Coleopterologenverein (WCV), download unter www.biologiezentrum.at

196 Koleopt. Rdsch. 78 (2008) HERNANDO et al.: Limnebius zaerensis, a new species from central Morocco (HYDRAENIDAE) 197

Figs. 2–3: Type locality of Limnebius zaerensis sp.n., affluent of the river Korifla near Rommani, Pays Zaër-Zaïane, Morocco.

Aedeagus (Fig. 1). Main piece broad, flattened, not twisted, with a deep incision forming two lobes of unequal size. Left paramere short and wide, distinctly separate from the main piece, covered with a dense tuft of setae, and a few long apical setae. Appendage “A” of JÄCH (1993) enlarged and flattened apically. SEXUAL DIMORPHISM: Males with a prominent hook-like protuberance in ventrite VI. Due to the presence of some additional species of Limnebius with a similar external morphology in the same habitat (see below), we do not include females among the type material, although a number of putative females were identified.

Fig. 1: Aedeagus of Limnebius zaerensis sp.n., holotype (ventral view). Scale bar: 100 µm. ETYMOLOGY: Named after the area in which the type series was found. DISTRIBUTION: So far only known from the type locality. HABITAT: Specimens were found in a small stream excavated in the Zäer-Zaïnae Plateau, TYPE MATERIAL: Holotype (MNCN): “73 MOROCCO 10.4.2007 / gorges Rd. Rommani-Ben Slimane / str. in affluent of the river Korifla. The bed of the stream had no vegetation, although the shores were Nerium, afl. Oued Korifla / 265m N33º32'59.4" W6º44'54.9" / Aguilera Hernando & Ribera leg.”. Paratypes: 7 covered by dense stands of Nerium oleander (“baladre”), some of them arboreal (Figs. 2–3). The (MNCN, NMW, author’s collections), same locality data as holotype. water beetle fauna was dominated by Hydraenidae, with eleven species in addition to Limnebius One paratype (MNCN) was used for DNA extraction, labelled “MNCN-AC14”. zaerensis sp.n.: L. bacchus BALFOUR-BROWNE, 1979, L. kocheri BALFOUR-BROWNE, 1979, L. DESCRIPTION: Measurements: 1.6–1.7 mm long (males). Black to dark brown, with pronotal maurus BALFOUR-BROWNE, 1979, L. evanescens KIESENWETTER, 1866, Ochthebius dilatatus side and hind margins broadly paler; dorsal surface covered with fine, adpressed pubescence. STEPHENS, 1829, O. mediterraneus IENIùTEA, 1988, Hydraena bisulcata REY, 1884, H. capta d’ORCHYMONT, 1936, H. rigua d’ORCHYMONT, 1935, H. cf. testacea CURTIS, 1830, Hydraena Head and pronotum with sparse, distinct punctation; disc of pronotum glabrous; pronotum with sp. (females). Another interesting coexisting species was Hydrocyphon gereckei HERNANDO, well developed shagreen towards sides. Elytra with a denser punctation, entirely shagreened. AGUILERA & RIBERA, 2004, of which only larvae and pupae could be found (reared to adults). Legs, antennae and palpi testaceous. Elytral apices truncate. AFFINITIES: The general structure of the aedeagus of Limnebius zaerensis is similar to that of L. ignarus BALFOUR-BROWNE, 1979, L. pilicauda GUILLEBEAU, 1986 and L. kamali SÁINZ- ©Wiener Coleopterologenverein (WCV), download unter www.biologiezentrum.at

198 Koleopt. Rdsch. 78 (2008) Koleopterologische Rundschau 78 199–231 Wien, Juli 2008

CANTERO & BENNAS, 2006, with obvious differences in the main lobe and the main appendices (see Fig. 1; JÄCH 1993, SÁINZ-CANTERO & BENNAS 2006). The close relationship with L. pili- cauda and L. ignarus was confirmed with the molecular data (L. kamali was not available for Revision of the Palearctic species of study), with the smallest difference being ca. 4.3 % for cox1 and 1.3 % for rrnL+ tRNA- leu+nad1 from a male of L. ignarus from Almeria (Abrucena, Río Nacimiento, 19.V.2006 A. the genus Ochthebius LEACH XXV Castro leg.). The three species were more distantly related to L. mucronatus BAUDI, 1872. Lim- The superspecies O. (s.str.) viridis PEYRON and its allies nebius ignarus is at present known only from southern Spain (Málaga, Cádiz, Granada and Almería) (JÄCH 1993; SÁINZ-CANTERO & ACEITUNO-CASTRO 1997; JÄCH et al. 1999), though its (Coleoptera: Hydraenidae) presence in northern Morocco cannot be discarded. The recently described Limnebius kamali is known from northern Morocco, and L. pilicauda is one of the commonest and most widely distri- M.A. JÄCH & J.A. DELGADO buted species in Morocco and the Maghreb (JÄCH 1993, 2004; SAÍNZ-CANTERO & BENNAS 2006). Abstract

Acknowledgements The Ochthebius (s.str.) viridis PEYRON, 1858 species complex (Coleoptera: Hydraenidae) is revised taxonomically. Ochthebius viridis is considered as a superspecies, which includes two semispecies: O. We thank Agustín Castro for providing specimens of Limnebius ignarus, and Alexandra Cieslak viridis viridis and O. v. fallaciosus GANGLBAUER, 1901. The two semispecies more or less replace for help in the laboratory work, which was funded with the project CGL2004-00028 to Ignacio each other geographically, occurring sympatrically in northeastern Italy, along the western coast of the Ribera. Balcan Peninsula, and in the English Channel area (France and southern UK). While there is morpho- logical evidence of hybridization in northeastern Italy and along the western coast of the Balcan References Peninsula, the two semispecies obviously do not hybridize in the English Channel area. Two new species are described: O. arefniae [Iran], O. bernhardi [Ponto-Mediterranean]. Ochthebius HANSEN, M. 1998: World Catalogue of 1. Hydraenidae (Coleoptera). – Stenstrup: Apollo Books, obscurus REY, 1885 (= O. viridis sp. 2 sensu JÄCH 1992) is considered as valid species. Because of ho- 168 pp. monymy, the name O. obscurus has to be replaced with its oldest synonym O. viridescens IENIùTEA, JÄCH, M.A. 1993: Taxonomic revision of the Palearctic species of the genus Limnebius Leach, 1815 1988 (syn.n.). Ochthebius fallacioviridis IENIùTEA, 1988, O. obscurometallescens IENIùTEA, 1988, O. (Coleoptera: Hydraenidae). – Koleopterologische Rundschau 63: 99–187. pseudoviridis IENIùTEA, 1988, and O. subviridis IENIùTEA, 1988 are proposed as new synonyms of O. viridis fallaciosus. Ochthebius viridis is recorded from Bosnia-Herzegovina and from Montenegro for JÄCH, M.A. 2004: Hydraenidae, pp. 102–122. – In: Löbl, I. & Smetana, A. (eds.): Catalogue of the first time. One male from Saudi Arabia possibly represents another undescribed species. Palaearctic Coleoptera 2. Hydrophiloidea - Histeroidea - . – Stenstrup: Apollo Books, 942 pp. Key words: Coleoptera, Hydraenidae, Ochthebius viridis complex, superspecies, semispecies, JÄCH, M.A., DÍAZ, J.A. & GAYOSO, A. 1999: “Acciones Integradas”: Excursion to Andalucía (Spain: taxonomy, new species. Málaga, Cádiz), October 1998 (Coleoptera: Hydroscaphidae, Haliplidae, Gyrinidae, Dytiscidae, Hydrochidae, Hydraenidae, Dryopidae, Elmidae). – Koleopterologische Rundschau 69: 171–181. RIBERA, I., BARRACLOUGH, T.G. & VOGLER, A.P. 2001: The effect of habitat type on speciation rates and Introduction range movements in aquatic beetles: inferences from species-level phylogenies. – Molecular Ecology 10: 721–735. The Palearctic species of the Ochthebius marinus group were revised taxonomically by JÄCH EYRON SÁINZ-CANTERO, C.E. & ACEITUNO-CASTRO, E. 1997: Coleopterofauna acuática de las sierras de Tejeda (1992), who realized that Ochthebius viridis P , 1858 s.l. represents in fact a complex of y Almijara (Sur de España). II Polyphaga (Coleoptera, Dryopidae, Elmidae, Hydraenidae, several different species. Hydrochidae, Hydrophilidae). – Nouvelle Revue d’Entomologie (N.S.) 14: 115–133. One of the major problems concerning the nomenclature of Ochthebius viridis and its allies was SÁINZ-CANTERO, C.E. & BENNAS, N. 2006: Limnebius kamali sp. n. from northern Morocco (Coleoptera, caused by the fact that the only syntype of O. viridis known to exist could not be examined Hydraenidae). – Revue Suisse de Zoologie 113: 559–563. despite of various efforts (see JÄCH 1992: 128). SIMON, C., FRATI, F., BECKENBACH, A.T., CRESPI, B., LIU, H. & FLOOK, P. 1994: Evolution, weighting, The problems were further enhanced by IENIùTEA (1988), who had published “provisional de- and phylogenetic utility of mitochondrial gene sequences and a compilation of conserved poly- merase chain reaction primers. – Annals of the Entomological Society of America 87: 651–701. scriptions” of numerous new species of Ochthebius LEACH, at least ten of which were attribut- able to the O. viridis complex: O. albanicus, O. affer, O. fallacioviridis, O. graecus, O. obscuro- Carles HERNANDO metallescens, O. perviridis, O. pseudoviridis, O. sicilianus, O. subviridis, and O. viridescens. P.O.Box. 118, 08911 Badalona, Catalonia, Spain ([email protected]) Eventually, the availability and taxonomy of Ieniútea’s species names has been a matter of de-

bate for decades (see JÄCH 1989, 2004, HANSEN 1998), impeding a thorough taxonomic revision Pedro AGUILERA Museu de Ciències Naturals de la Ciutadella, Passeig Picasso s/n, Parc de la Ciutadella, 08003 Barcelona, of the O. viridis complex. Accordingly, JÄCH (1992) left the Ochthebius viridis complex more or Catalonia, Spain ([email protected]) less unrevised. Only one species within this complex, provisionally named “O. viridis sp. 2”, was splitt off, but no distinct name was applied to it. Since then, the name “O. viridis sp. 2” (sensu Ignacio RIBERA JÄCH 1992) has been used in various works dealing with the ecology of Ochthebius (e.g. Museo Nacional de Ciencias Naturales (CSIC), José Gutiérrez Abascal 2, 28006 Madrid, Spain SÁNCHEZ-FERNÁNDEZ et al. 2004, ABELLÁN et al. 2004, 2006, GARRIDO & MUNILLA 2007). ([email protected])