•MECHCUT Ckmptjs STATION Volume XXVIII Storrs, Connecticut, Wednesday
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NEXT PLAN BLACKOUT SPOTTER SOON •MECHCUT CkMPTJS STATION Volume XXVIII Storrs, Connecticut, Wednesday. February 25, 1942 Z88 No. 21 Freshmen Nome Prof. Tilton As Closs Dean Of Women Says: Next Practice Blackout Sorority Initiation For University Tllttday Faculty Advisor Replacing Dr. Kummer \s Very Infantile Callahan Is Chairman Volunteers Asked Soys U. of C. Only N. E. BAN.S HELL WEEK Area To Include Of Executive Committee College Having Hell Week For Air Raid Post Hartford, Tolland The freshman class has named •"The informal initiation of soro- Cecil Tilton their new class ad- Atop Water Towers rity women on this campus is de- The University will undergo its visor, to succeed Dr. Charles second practice blackout in con- cidedly infantile and unbecoming Kummer who has left the univer- junction with an area that will in- sity to assume a position in the OCD Appoints Cable to college women" thus, Dean M. Chief Observer Here clude both Tolland and Hartford personnel department of the Of- P. French, in an interview this Counties on Tuesday, March 3. fice of Emergency Management at week, expressed one of her reas- This blackout will be one of a Washington. A call has been issued for vol- Mr. Tilton is associated with the unteers to man the airplane-spot- ons for calling the activities of the series that is being conducted in each of nine air-raid divisions of department of economics in the ting post that will soon be estab- annual Hell Week to a halt. School of Business, and has been lished in the fire lookout station the state. Connecticut has been di- atop the water towers, or in a Miss French went on to say, vided into nine regions, each un- with the university for 13 years. "As far as I know there is no The class officers also named an place adjacent to it. der the supervision of a different executive committee representing This call comes from Officer Le- other college in New England air-raid warden, and all have re- cently begun air-raid practice in- the various dormitories, the mem- land Cable, who has been appoint- which indulges in such activities bers of which will work with the ed chief observer by the state Of- and I think that it has not been DEAN M. P. FRENCH dependently. class advisor and officers in plan- fice of Civilian Defense to organize done in the western schools for Winthrop Tilley. professor of English, has been named air-raid ning social event and activities. a look-out station at the Univer- years." Plan Quiz Program Committee members include sity. Volunteers will man the post warden of the Hartford and Tol- James Callahan, chairman; Keith 24 hours a day, and they will be During the interview Miss For Faculty Club land County region, and will sup- Christiansen of New London.! drawn from the faculty and the French brought out the fact that ervise the next blackout. George John Curran of New Haven, Rob- i student body. the eastern schools, and therefore The regular meeting of the Fac- McReynolds will be in charge of the test here, in his capacity as ert Dowling of Naugatuck. John| Mr. Cable explained that at Connecticut, were several years ulty Club, to be held Monday. Ryan of Hartford, Alice Fenn of least 84 such volunteers are re- March 2 will be given over to a University air-raid warden. behind the western schools in be- Planes May Observe Cheshire, Patricia Runyan of New quired in order to have each ob- ginning sororal activities and that Quiz Program, at which some of Canaan, Shirley Abbott of Nor- server do only a two hour trick she felt that we were just start- our domestic talent will be given The practice air-raid next Tues- walk, Dorothy Barry of Water- once a week. ing where the other colleges left the opportunity either to distin- day will be a "full-dress rehearsal bury and Pearl Baker of Green- The post will be located either off 15 years ago. guish or expose itself. Two teams, under actual wartime conditions wich. to be picked from the members, of the air-raid warden system" in atop one of the towers, or in a Miss French repeated that we The first event planned by the building which may be construct- will be pitted against each other this region, according to Mr. Mc- committee is a hay ride to be held are judged by strangers by what in a gigantic battle of wisdom. Reynolds. Army planes may take ed if the first choice proves inad- they see and that any stranger on in the near future. The main com- visable. According to Mr. Cable, Action aplenty will be forthcom- part in the drill, observing its ef- campus during the informal in- mittee has been divided into var- the plans are for the continous ing. fectiveness from the air. itiation period would not blame ious sub-committees for tickets, watch to begin next Tuesday at Members of the club are urged When the signal for the black- one or two sororities for the in- transportation and entertainment. noon, with both women and men to submit questions to Walter out is given, traffic in the affected dignities but would refer to the Mr. Tilton will address a meeting taking part. Stemmons or Albert Waugh im- area will be halted. For this pur- of officers and committee mem- entire scene as representative of pose special police officers have An elaborate system has been the women students as a whole. mediately. bers tomorrow in the library. worked out under which an ob- been sworn in by towns in the state to assist state police in stop- server, upon spotting a plane, may The Dean of Women said in Collegians Hire Sigma Kappa Delta call army headquarters in Boston conclusion. "It seems to me that ping all vehicles. At the Univer- by a direct wire and inform of- there are enough heartaches con- Several Players sity, associate professor of eco- Sorority To Pledge ficials of the direction, number, nected with sorority pledging, and nomics William H. Carter Jr., and and distance of the aircraft. These it seems like rubbing it in when For Sophomore Hop professor of history Edmund A. Monday, March 2 details will be plotted on a large- those who have taken a sorority Moore have been sworn in by the town of Mansfield to act as special scale map at the receiving point. flaunt it before those who have No Late Permission (Continued On Page Six) not been asked." police. Silence Period For Says Dean Of Women At the University, where the Greek Women March 1 last blackout was almost entirely The Collegians have hired sev- '■ effective, the goal will be "one Sigma Kappa Delta, the newly Leonard To Discuss World Charter eral players from Hartford as well hundred per cent cooperation." organized sorority on campus, will as a vocalist for the Soph Hop. It The Military science department enter its formal rush period on' William Leonard, assistant pro- federation based on the Charter is hoped that this will allay much and civilian defense officials have February 26 with an old-fashion-j The speakers, all members of the of the criticism which has been ! fessor of economics, will be feat- established an observation to be ed hay-ride to the Church cabin ured as the main speaker at the debate club, will answer questions directed at the committee that : manned by two students, in the and a hot dog roast. open forum to be conducted by the from the audience. hired the Collegians for the Hop. library tower. It will have its By a special act of the Pan- debate club tomorrow evening at The first home debate of the In spite of the refusal of Dean I first trial during the next air-raid Hellenic Council, the sorority will 7:30. The discussion will be on season with Providence College French to grant late permission ! drill. issue formal bids on March 2, at 5 the topic. Resolved: that a world will be held on March 2 at 7:30 for co-eds. the dance will be held This post would serve to spot p.m. in the home economics build- federation be formed based on the p.m. in the home economics build- on Saturday. March 7, but will places where damage was done ing. Atlantic Charter. The forum will ing. Benjamin Esposito and Mor- begin promptly at 8 p.m. during an actual attack. It would Silence period for all sororities be held in Home Economics 123. ton Baratz are scheduled to rep- Open To AH also serve as a vantage point from will start at 6 p.m. on Sunday, resent Connecticut and uphold Mr. Leonard's talk will deal The highlight of the dance will which lights that had not been ex- March 1, and end with pledging the negative on the question. Re- with the economic principles to be be the presentation of prizes to the tinguished could be detected. on the following day. solved: that all labor unions be incorporated within the federa- King and Queen of the Hop as Messenger Service regulated by law in the United Sigma Kappa Delta was organ- tion. Morton Baratz, '42 of New elected by the sophomore class. Under the direction of Lieuten- States. On March 5, the same ized as a club last year, and upon London will explain the principles The dance is open to members of ant Rex J. Morthland. a messenger submitting its constitution to the of the Atlantic Charter, and Ben- team will take the affirmative all classes, but the King and service has been set up to carry against Rhode Island State Col- Pan-Hellenic Council this fall be- jamin Esposito.