

Photo by Marcin Okupniak

Exposing Systematic Violence During Hospital Birth and the Hijacking of Human Love

By Jeanice Barcelo, M.A.

Copyright © 2014 by Jeanice Barcelo

All rights reserved. This book may not be reproduced in whole or in part, or transmitted in any form, nor be stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or other, without written permission from the author, except in the case of brief quotations by a researcher or reviewer embodied in articles or reviews.

For more information, please write to Jeanice Barcelo at [email protected] or visit

Cover and interior design by Jeanice Barcelo

Cover Photo: Newborn under blue lamp Marcin Okupniak,, ID 5078713

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Library of Congress Catalogue Number: 2014959798

First ePrinting, PDF, November 2014

Paperback edition, March 2015 ISBN - ISBN-13: 978-1505211115



Thank You For Giving Me Life



For my daughter Anastasia And for my son Alex And for the three babies that died in my womb

For all the children who have incarnated into my family Who now carry the lineage of prenatal and birth trauma That permeates our entire family line

For all the children who have ever been born And for all the children who have yet to be born

This book is written for you

It is written so that the whole world will know What is at the root of human suffering And what has caused the interference In the maternal-child bond And the breakdown of human love worldwide

I pray that all my family members someday read this book And that all of your family members read it too

So that all pristine humans Can break free from the technocratic spell And successfully give birth in love




Contents ______

Opening Poem ...... xi Forward ...... xv Introduction ...... 1 Overview ...... 5 Birth Rape ...... 5-13 Father Trauma ...... 13-14 Postpartum Depression/Post-Traumatic Stress ...... 14-15 Maternal and Infant Mortality ...... 15-16 Drug Use in Labor and Drug Addiction Later ...... 16-18 Induction ...... 18, 22-29 Newborn Hats ...... 19 Antibiotic Eye Ointment ...... 19 Swaddling ...... 19-20 Epidural ...... 24 Cascade of Interventions ...... 26-28 Cytotec ...... 29-33 Pitocin and ‘Pit to Distress’ ...... 34-40 C-Section ...... 40-47, 52-59 J. Marion Sims, The Father of Gynecology ...... 45 Surgery without Anesthesia ...... 45-54, 76-77 Twilight Sleep ...... 48 Molestation of Anesthetized Women ...... 48-52 Neonatal Intensive Care ...... 59-75 Umbilical Trauma ...... 65-70


Oxygen Deprivation Experiments on Preemies ...... 70-74 Babies Don’t Feel Pain ...... 75, 116, 179 Medical Procedures Linked to Autism ...... 75 Medical Kidnap ...... 76-77 The AIDS Hoax ...... 77-80 Caduceus and Pharmaceutical Sorcery ...... 80-82 Circumcision – The Mark of the Beast ...... 85-163 Circumcision without Anesthesia ...... 85-88 Circumcision and “HIV” ...... 88 Jewish Influence ...... 89-163 Circumfetish ...... 92-93 Breaking the Mother/Child Bond ...... 94-96 Nurse’s Testimony ...... 96-102 Surgical Mutilation and Social Control ...... 102-103 The Attack on Human Love ...... 104-113 Missing Male Pheromones ...... 107-112 Lifelong Effects ...... 113-118 The Autism Link ...... 118-119 The Master Plan ...... 132-140 Sexual Perversion and Pedophilia ...... 144-163 Pornography ...... 151-163 The Sexualization of Children ...... 157-163 Common Core ...... 157-163 Summation ...... 165-168 Home Birth Safer than Hospital Birth ...... 165-167 Jeanice’s Story ...... 173 Stillbirth of Anastasia ...... 173 Haphazard Conception ...... 175-178 Discovery Shock ...... 176


Traumatic Hospital Birth ...... 179-180 Mind control of Medical Students ...... 181-190 Infertility Treatments ...... 190-194 Abortion ...... 196-198 Aborted Babies and Satanic Science ...... 197-199 Artificial Reproductive Technologies ...... 190-200 Post-Mortem Sperm Retrieval ...... 198-200 Abortion and Post-Traumatic Stress ...... 202-203 PTSD and Premature Birth ...... 202-203 Organ Donation, “Brain Death,” and Medical Murder ..... 206 Anastasia’s Birth and NICU Experience ...... 207-208 Traumatic Repetition ...... 201, 208-230 Maui and the Healing of Birth Trauma ...... 210-218 Implantation Shock ...... 214-215 Toxic Womb Shock ...... 215-217 Annihilation Ideation ...... 218 Circumcision and Parasympathetic Shock...... 219-221 Haunted Womb Shock ...... 222 Epidural ...... 225-226 Tools for Healing Birth Trauma ...... 230-231 The Remedy ...... 232-234, 308-321 Appendix A – The Dark Side of the CDC ...... 237 Endnotes ...... 247 Birth of a New Earth Curriculum ...... 301 Men’s Program ...... 309 Preparatory School ...... 313 Poetry about Hawaii ...... 317 About the Author ...... 327 Index ...... 331

ix x

GATEWAY By Jeanice Barcelo

I’m standing today at the gateway Between what was and what is to come Prepared to embrace my future Yet remembering where I come from

Integration is happening inside me All my pieces are coming together Parts of me that were hiding in darkness Have come into the light now forever

The road has been long and treacherous So many memories I kept from myself Wounded imprints from trauma in childhood Hidden poisons left rotting on the shelf

The courage it has taken is enormous To lift the lid on the secret and unseen To understand what has locked me in misery To release it and finally feel clean

Generations of wounded have come before me Passing their darkness onto their young Unwilling to examine their shadows Burying their heads and biting their tongues

Their silence and denial offends me How dare they perpetuate their pain Why haven’t they owned up to their darkness? Instead of creating more and more of the same

As a teenager I decided I had had it That I would NOT pass on the disease That I’d rather stay childless and single Until at last I had found keys

To unlocking the doorway to divinity Putting an end to the lineage of abuse Saying NO to the lies of my elders And then finally untangling the noose


The core of our pain starts in childbirth And gestation filled with loathing and fear Our own mothers handing over their power Taking drugs, smoking cigarettes, drinking beer

And then birthing their babies in violence C-sections, inductions, and more Epidurals, anesthetic, and pain killers Separation that cuts right to the core

Ridiculous attempts to create numbness To deny our culture of hate Birthing babies asleep and unconscious Leaving infants alone at the gate

How disgusting to hand over our power Undermining the beauty of birth What on Earth could we possibly be thinking As we belittle our value and worth

Denying our own inner calling To protect our infants at birth Handing over our sons to be circumcised Then pretending that they don’t feel traumatized!!!

Allowing our babies to be taken To be poked and prodded and hurt Then placed in nurseries of horror Their nervous systems on hyper-alert

And I question how many infants must suffer At the hands of this sadism and pain C-sections, episiotomy, circumcision, All done for profit and gain

It’s pathetic and I knew it from the get go That the buck stops with me – and that’s that I will NOT birth my babies in violence Or allow others to tell me where it’s at


I have grown into a strong, empowered woman With a voice that’s committed to truth Speaking out about outrageous betrayals When others may think me uncouth

Well too bad! I accept myself fully And I am done with holding myself back Stripping away old layers of uncertainty Putting an end to my suffering and lack

And my efforts have evolved me into an elder That embodies great wisdom and love Standing ready to guide the next generation On the path to rising above

I am standing today at the gateway To fulfilling my purpose on Earth Protecting the incoming children Choosing life, choosing love, healing birth




What you are about to read are personal testimonies of severe birth trauma combined with a critical analysis of the highly dangerous, technologically based birthing culture that exists in the United States and throughout the western world.

Some of the information and stories contained in this book are extremely intense and, therefore, difficult to read. As a result, this material may be activating for some, especially those who have had similar experiences or who have not yet addressed their own birth trauma.

Before reading this book, I ask you to consider your best resources should you find yourself feeling triggered or troubled by the following material. What can you do to help yourself calm down? What can you do to return your system to love? Do you meditate or like to draw? Do you find exercise helpful, or spending time in nature? Do you enjoy writing or do you have a close friend or therapist with whom you can share your feelings? How about dancing or drumming or swimming or running? Would you find any of these things helpful?

Please consider what would be appropriate for you, and if, after contemplating your usual resources, you find you need additional support, please feel free to contact me at [email protected]




A short time ago, on December 31, 2014, a newborn babe entered this world as the newest member of his family to carry the intergenerational burden of birth trauma. Baby X’s birth destiny was hijacked through the elective induction of labor, which catapulted him out of the womb before he was ready to be born. His birthdate was chosen based on the convenience of the obstetrician, in combination with the United States military’s last minute decision to allow his father to take a short leave in order to attend the birth of his son.

Because of the elective induction of labor, which was not medically necessary or indicated, Baby X was subjected to all manner of technological interference in his birth, including the use of dangerous pharmacological drugs known to disrupt bonding and breastfeeding and create lifelong, damaging imprints in the child. Despite my attempts to warn Baby X’s mother about the dangers of induction and circumcision, (and to warn his grandmother and his great grandmother as well), none of these matriarchal figures had any regard for the information I shared, and sadly, a very damaging birth experience was inflicted on this tiny newborn babe.

Baby X’s mother chose to have epidural anesthesia which no doubt numbed her experience of her child’s birth. Yet, while she herself may have been saved from feeling the intense, unrelenting, artificially-induced contractions of an induced birth, her baby was forced to endure the pain of those contractions all alone. Furthermore, since epidural tricks the mother’s body and disrupts the production of the natural opiates and beta endorphins of birth (all necessary to make the birth process pleasurable for both mother and child), Baby X was forced to experience MORE pain than if his birth had been natural and without drugs. Epidural anesthesia also causes psychic separation between mother and child because mom can no longer feel her baby (or her own body) and therefore, she can do nothing to help her baby get born. Thus, as a result of the epidural, Baby X was left with no support from his mother during the last hours of his birth and was forced to navigate the process all alone.

Worst of all is that, within the first 24 hours of his life, Baby X’s parents handed him over to medical butchers who sexually tortured and genitally mutilated him through the procedure that they call circumcision – done 96% of the time in the U.S without anesthesia. As a result of this traumatizing, unnecessary, brain damaging surgery, it is likely that Baby X will never feel safe in the world or properly bond with his parents as he cannot trust they will protect him from harm.

Making matters worse is the fact that Baby X’s parents are likely to remain in complete denial of the trauma that they have caused their newborn son. And since the rest of the baby’s family refuses to acknowledge the trauma, there is no one that Baby X can turn to for support.

Because of the information I shared with Baby X’s mother and grandmother prior to the birth (outlining the damage that could ensue as a result of induction and circumcision), I have been prohibited from seeing or interacting with Baby X. The saddest part is that I am the only one (that I am aware of) who can help Baby X because I am the only one willing to acknowledge the violence that was inflicted upon him and who has the skills to help him heal.

Unfortunately, the compulsion of Baby X’s family to pass on their own birth trauma to their young is far greater than their instinct to protect him or help him heal. And as a result, I have not been permitted to reach out to Baby X or to offer him my heart’s knowing of the pain that he has endured. With each day that his trauma goes unacknowledged, the deeper is the wound that will influence his life.

And so, the lineage of birth trauma marches on, having infected yet another generation of children who, “with each generation… [become] more disconnected, more fractured from the truly human being that would otherwise be…”1 And with each generation the trauma escalates and the children become sicker, sadder, and less able to experience true love or deeply connect with their souls.

Therefore, I am dedicating this book to Baby X and to all the children born to parents who refuse to heal and transform. May these unconscious parents awaken one day soon and apologize to their children for the harm that they have caused. And may these children find solace in knowing that there was at least one voice

2 who tried to speak on their behalf, who wanted to protect them, and who really, really cared.

I’m sorry Baby X, for what they have done to you. Until my last breath, I will continue to speak out about these outrageous betrayals and expose the abusers for who and what they are.




This book has been written to give voice to the untold story of birth trauma – a hidden epidemic. According to a 1995 study by William Emerson, pioneer in the healing of birth trauma, 95% of all births in the United States are considered traumatic, with 50% rated as moderately traumatic and 45% rated as severely traumatic.2 These very disturbing figures are a direct result of technological interference in the birth process and the practices and procedures being imposed on women and babies during hospital birth.

Studies now indicate that as many as one in three new mothers are experiencing some level of post-partum post- traumatic stress disorder after childbirth.3 Medical interventions are said to be a huge culprit in creating a severe trauma response,4 and mistreatment by medical professionals is also known to trigger acute trauma symptoms.5

Of great concern is the fact that an increasingly large number of women giving birth in hospitals are labelling their experience as “birth rape.” For many who have suffered this extreme level of abuse, symptoms of post-traumatic stress abound.6

The best definition of birth rape I have ever seen was written by a woman named Amity Reed on her blog called “the f word.” She states:

“…[W]e often picture rape as an act of demented sexual anger and misogyny, perpetuated by sick individuals. [But] in fact, rape is more frequently a display of power and control, a way to subjugate another human being. And it doesn't just happen in dark alleyways, bedrooms tinged with the smell of alcohol and 'mixed signals', or in war zones. It can (and does) happen in some of the most respected and revered institutions in the land - hospitals…

A woman who is raped while giving birth does not experience the assault in a way that fits neatly within the typical definitions we hold true in civilised society… But fingers, hands, suction cups, forceps, needles and scissors… these are the tools of birth rape and they are


wielded with as much force and as little consent as if a stranger grabbed a passer-by off the street and tied her up before having his way with her. Women are slapped, told to shut up, stop making noise and a nuisance of themselves, that they deserve this, that they shouldn’t have opened their legs nine months ago if they didn’t want to open them now. They are threatened, intimidated and bullied into submitting to procedures they do not need and interventions they do not want. Some are physically restrained from moving, their legs held open or their stomachs pushed on…”7

Stories of birth rape abound and one need only do a cursory google search to find numerous websites addressing this serious and ever escalating issue. Some of the stories that women are sharing are absolutely astounding. What follows is a just a small sampling.

“…Around 2 am Friday morning, I knew I was in transition, because I began to doubt my ability to see it through to the end. Jeremy was great–he was right there telling me he knew I could do it, and it was almost over. Shortly after, my water broke. It wasn’t audible, but I felt a definite “pop.” It actually made me smile, because I had AROM [artificial rupture of membranes] with my other two. I looked down and noticed the water was fairly green. So she has some meconium, no big deal. Shortly thereafter I had an overwhelming urge to push. So I pushed. I pushed on my hands and knees, standing, squatting, hanging from around Jeremy’s neck. This went on for hours. I could feel her up against my pelvic bone. I held on to some built in shelving and had Jeremy press down on my thighs, and I could feel her move…but not far enough. I knew instinctively that she was alright, and that if I had one more pair of hands, she would move and be out quickly. Unfortunately we don’t know anyone, at least anyone we feel comfortable enough with to invite to our birth, so at around 7:30 am, we decide to call EMS, figuring that would give us the extra set of hands. That was probably the single most stupidest thing we’ve ever done in our lives. How naïve I was to believe they would do what I asked then I could send them away. The EMTs were four young guys who were pretty freaked out by a

6 woman in labor. All they could say was, “are you crowning?” over and over. Both of us try to explain what it was we needed and all they could say is, “breathe, are you crowning? We have to get you on this gurney.” Finally I gave in and went. Second most stupidest thing I’ve ever done. When we get to the hospital, there was no doctor there, only nurses. I refused to get on the bed, and asked the nurse to please just put her hands on my thighs as I hung off the side of the bed to help me get this baby past my pelvic bone. She actually did! One good push with a set of hands on both of my thighs was all it took–I felt baby push right past! A doctor runs in–she’s not the on call doc, the on-call doc is on her way–she’s there for a scheduled elective C-section at 8 am. This doctor yells for me to stop pushing and get on the bed. I tell her no, and she yells for the EMT guys who are still in the hallway to help get me on the bed. I give in rather than be manhandled.

Another contraction hits and I push, and of course, baby’s crowning. She (doc) yells at me to stop, grabs that nasty betadine stuff and starts scrubbing me, then literally throws a cup of mineral oil over my crotch. My husband and kids walk in then, just as Lily’s head pops out. One more good push, and there’s her body. I start to say, “give her to me,” doc yells, “THICK MEC,” and cuts the cord before I can even finish saying it. They had her off, and I demand for her not to be suctioned. Believe it or not, they listened. However, at this point, doc grabs the cord and starts yanking, and says that the placenta is having a hard time detaching, and I need to push. I give a tiny test push, and know it’s not coming, so I tell her NO! STOP PULLING! STOP! STOP! STOP! I’m screaming by this point, because she’s pulling with all of her might. I grab my belly where I can still feel it attached and beg her to stop, telling her it’s attached, STOP STOP STOP! My husband is saying the same thing…then it comes out. She tries to pull it away, but I scream at her again. She then says “Your placenta looks odd. You may have had a collapsed fibroid come out with it.” At this point, I’m getting tunnel vision, and a ringing in my ears, and say that I’m gonna pass out.

The doctor has pulled out my entire uterus…


With 4 doctors and a half a dozen nurses, they managed to get my uterus back in... [T]he doctor who did this to me, she came in with the attitude that she’d saved my life...”8

Astounding!!!! Enraging! Unbelievable!!!

But wait! There’s more!

Here is another woman’s story…

“I went to the hospital in labor on Jan 30th. I arrived at the hospital dilated to 4. An hour & a half later, my water had broken on its own and I was dilated to 6.

Since I was laboring on a birthing ball, the midwife wasn't confident about the fetal heart rate monitor, it was showing decels, so I was asked to consent to an internal monitor (screws into the baby's scalp during labor). I refused the first time I was asked, then consented the second time they asked. I consented because I thought my husband was beginning to panic and hoped that it would ease his stress. When I consented to it, I looked at my husband & said "That is medical intervention #1".

Before the monitor was even plugged in, we were told that we were going to be moved to the OR "just in case" while being monitored more closely. The midwife had called an OB to consult & we expected to meet him in the OR.

On the way to the OR, my husband was sent to a dressing area to change into scrubs & I was sent straight into the OR. My husband & I were separated.

As soon as I reached the OR, the staff began prepping me for surgery. I stated that I did NOT want a C-section. I demanded to see my husband and stated that IF I was to receive a C-section my DH & I would make that decision together. I was told that my husband was on his way. I was also told that my baby needed more oxygen & I was told to breathe deeply in a new mask because it had a better seal on my face (the oxygen I was breathing before was thru a smaller mask). The new mask wasn't oxygen,


I was gassed against my will. I am unaware of what was done to me from the time I was gassed up until I awoke in recovery. I am assuming that I only had a C- section. Any further details have not been shared with me.

When my husband exited the dressing area & went to go to the OR, he was told that he couldn't go in because I was already being anesthetized for surgery. He was not asked to consent on my behalf. He was not told that I had refused consent. He was not told that I had requested his presence. He was not told WHY I was having surgery.

I found out that my son had been born, and that I had been operated on, when I woke up in recovery. No medical professional came to me and spoke to me about my surgery. I have never been told WHY I required a C-section. I only know the name of the delivering physician because it's on my son's birth certificate. I never met him. He never came to talk to me before or after surgery. I also never saw the midwife again after I was wheeled into the OR….

I'm having an extremely hard time coming to grips with having been lied to and operated on against my will. I love my son, but I did not give birth to him. I was not present at his birth. That moment in my life has been taken from me. I had a birth plan. It included my desire to bathe my son myself for his first bath. A nurse bathed him while I was knocked out. My birth plan included my desire to hold my son immediately upon birth. God knows how many medical professionals held my son before I did. I've seen pictures of the first time I held him. I do not remember it. I don't know if I'll ever again be capable of trusting a medical professional to respect me as a whole person, instead of just a slab of meat ready for their whim. I thought that it was required of medical professionals to obtain informed consent whenever possible prior to performing surgery.”9

Notice in this story how medical staff completely disregarded the mother’s wishes, despite her taking the time to create and

9 share her birth plan with them. Obviously, the very presence of a birth plan indicates that a woman understands at some level that she is going into enemy territory to give birth and that she must develop some type of defense ahead of time to protect herself from assault. One woman described this reality in an article entitled “The Birth Plan Trap!”

“There is something inherently wrong about having to ask permission to not be abused or taken advantage of. Although there may be doctors and nurses who respect birth plans… it just doesn’t seem appropriate for a woman to have to protect herself from the system. It is like meeting a man who has a prior conviction for domestic violence, and agreeing to date him if he signs an affidavit promising not to lay a hand on you. Does the affidavit excuse his past behavior? Or even guarantee his future behavior?

…In my opinion, birth plans are counterproductive and ultimately do not result in any real positive effect in hospital routine and policy. I think doctors and nurses are generally disdainful of birth plans... There are the rare professionals who view a birth plan with respect and appreciate a well-informed patient, but I believe these to be the exception rather than the rule.”10

Of course, birth rape existed long before birth plans became fashionable, and here is just one woman’s experience of how hospital birth used to be…

“After being told at the check-in desk that I was probably in false labor, I was put into a wheelchair and taken to a labor ward, which consisted of several women sharing a large room with only drapes hanging between the beds. I was handed a gown to put on and told to get into bed. Shortly thereafter, and without asking my permission or even whether I felt the need, I was given a shot in my thigh. Next, the nurse checked my cervix and discovered that I was 9 cm dilated…

They had no time to shave my pubic hair and give me an enema—standard protocols of the time. Instead, I was rolled into the delivery room, moved to a flat table and

10 instructed to put my feet in the stirrups. To my surprise, my legs were then actually strapped into the large stirrups. I was even more surprised when the nurse strapped my arms down to my sides. I started to get scared…

My doctor came in and broke my bag of waters. I had one pushing contraction... The next thing I knew the nurse tried to put a mask over my face. I turned my head from side to side trying to avoid the mask. I didn’t know what it was and she didn’t tell me. Three hours later I awoke to my husband telling me that we had a baby girl. He was very excited. I looked around the room and then slipped back into unconsciousness.

I woke again several hours later in the middle of the night. A nurse was bringing babies to the other mothers in the ward so they could (bottle) feed them. I sat up in bed even though my bottom hurt a lot and readied myself to see my baby for the first time and to nurse her. The nurse didn’t bring my baby. This process occurred several more times; each time the other mothers were brought their babies and my baby remained in the nursery. When I asked why my baby wasn’t being brought to me, I was told “she doesn’t need to eat.” They didn’t bring my daughter to me until I threatened to go get her; almost twenty-four hours had elapsed since she was born.

I remember feeling numb and dazed for the three days I spent in the hospital. Something didn’t feel quite right to me, but everyone was acting like everything was perfectly normal. What I later came to realize was that I was in a state of shock. Not only had I been an unwilling participant in the “knock ’em out, pull ’em out” standard of care practiced in many hospitals during that time, I had missed the most important event of my and my daughter’s lives. My labor records showed that my doctor had used forceps to pull my baby from my unconscious body. The episiotomy he cut extended to a third-degree tear. He had manually removed the placenta…

I now know that what I experienced at the educational conference was a flashback I had, without warning, been


taken back to the scene of a crime—a rape. My daughter’s birth contained all the elements of a rape. I was taken to a strange place and told what to do. My clothes and personal possessions were taken from me. I was forced into an uncomfortable position and bound. I was threatened (it’s hospital policy, don’t make trouble). I was drugged and knocked unconscious. I was sexually assaulted: My vagina was cut and a man’s tool (forceps) was inserted into my body. I was robbed. That which was most precious to me, my baby, was taken from me. All this was done against my will…”11

And here is one more story from a midwife who describes her participation in birth rape.

“…As I learned to be a midwife, I did horrible things to women in the name of education. I have held women's legs open ("to get the baby out"). I have pulled placentas out ("to learn how to get one out that needs help or if the mom is bleeding")... I have pulled placentas until cords have fallen off. I have grabbed women's nipples and shoved them into their babies' mouths. I have done vaginal exams on women who were screaming NO!... I have ruptured membranes because I needed to learn how. I have manually dilated cervices that did not need to be touched because I needed (or thought I needed) to learn how to do it in an emergency. I have manually dilated a cervix on a woman having a waterbirth (and I wasn't wearing gloves) and got her cervical flesh under my fingernails.

As a doula and student, I stood by and watched as women screamed to be left alone… I watched as women had Cytotec inserted into their vaginas secretly. I watched as women unknowingly drank Cytotec from Gatorade bottles. I witnessed Pitocin being secretly injected into the vaginal vault to projectile a baby in second stage arrest. I witnessed Pitocin being put on gauze and put in women's vaginas without their knowledge. I watched as the gauze was put in their rectums without their knowledge. I have seen women sutured who might not otherwise need it simply because someone needed training. I have seen OBs cut an episiotomy because they are in a hurry... I


have seen and heard women be screamed at to shut up, grow up, that she asked for it by opening her legs 9 months ago, that she gets what she deserves. I have seen a woman slapped by a midwife. I have seen a midwife, on more than one occasion, hang a baby upside down and slap the baby up and down the back to revive him/her. I have seen, on more than one occasion, midwives take a fainted woman's nipples and twist them nearly off to revive the woman…

I am the enemy of many women. I am their pain. I embody it. I created it. I am more filled with shame than there are words to describe…”12

Clearly we have a serious problem when midwives come forward to reveal that they have been witness to, and participated in, this level of abuse. Midwifery training is supposed to call for sensitivity and patience during labor and birth – much more so than the training received by obstetricians, who actually become experts in learning how to create a crisis. So what terrible curse has befallen midwifery that those who are trained in this ancient art are now participating in these horrors? Is the medical system changing the very nature of midwifery care?

Sadly, mothers are not the only ones experiencing trauma due to the behavior of medical professionals. Fathers, too, are reporting harrowing experiences of having to stand by helplessly and watch as their partners and babies are assaulted by medical personnel. This feeling of helplessness – of not being able to protect their wives and children from abuse in a hospital environment – is having a negative impact on the psyches of men, causing great shame and humiliation for some – and sometimes a breakdown in their relationships as well.

“…I was standing on the other side of the glass at that point. I really felt very helpless to do anything to intervene with regard to what was going on and what was being presented to me in terms of the medical practice... I am aware that I went home and carried that sense of guilt or a sense that I really didn’t do everything that I should have done as a dad to protect them in that environment…”13 – Fred Snowden“


“We had a GP who was actually a family doctor from my wife’s childhood, and he walks up and he has her start pushing. She’s on her back and the first thing he does is he walks over, grabs scissors, and cuts her.1 I was like – what the fuck? What are you doing?” 14 – David Biegel

“But here comes the nurse with the baby so I follow after the baby. They take him to a room. Well this room… had plate-glass panels so you could see into it… I start pounding on the glass and causing a disturbance… I stopped when security came… Seriously. [And I shouted] I am not the one harming the baby. Get your arms off me and go arrest the doctor. And that nurse needs to be shackled too…”15 – Rob Bell

“And we got in the car and we went to the hospital. And when we got to the hospital, they took her away. They took her and my baby away from me. And I was sent off somewhere else and I had to assert myself back in to the system. But when that birth happened, I lost a connection with her [my wife] that I never regained.” 16 – Ray Castellino


“’The pall that the experience placed over our entire relationship was stronger than a death in the family, because we both feel that we should have been able to do better. She has an alibi and can say she did all she could. I have no such explanation.’ Another husband expressed the same sentiment when he said he was ‘ashamed that I let them hurt my wife as I stood by.’”17

With stories like these, we should not be surprised to learn that 14% of fathers in the United States suffer from postpartum depression,18 and 33% of fathers whose babies spend time in a

1 It would be a very interesting study to find out how many of these scissor-happy, genital mutilating doctors were circumcised as infants – that is, how many of them experienced extreme sexual violation in infancy that might be driving them to inflict the same on others as a way of dealing with their unresolved trauma.

14 neonatal intensive care unit end up with post-traumatic stress disorder. 19 20 (More information about what is happening in neonatal intensive care units will be presented later in this book).

Worse still is the fact that children born to parents with postpartum depression or post-traumatic stress also suffer greatly.21 Studies show that these children experience impaired bonding and difficulty breastfeeding,22 23 as well as “anger issues and withdrawal in infancy, aggression, anxiety and lower IQ scores in school-age children, and drug use, alcoholism and ADHD in teenagers. These conditions often impact children’s chances of long-term success, and can lead to lower levels of education, increased risks of poverty, and a host of mental and physical disorders.” 24

“Postpartum depression can affect the way a mother bonds with her child. It also can affect how the child develops, putting him or her at risk for attachment, cognitive, behavioral and emotional problems (Lefkowitz et al., 2010). In my observations, acute stress disorder and PTSD can compound and complicate the postpartum depression, making it that much more difficult for a mother to bond with her child…”25

Unquestionably, the long-term ramifications of postpartum depression and post-traumatic stress disorder after birth are HUGE. They affect our species on a social, spiritual, psychological, biological, relational, mental, and familial level. So why are so few people talking about this? Why has our society acted as if the angst and suffering that parents and children are experiencing are just normal side effects of childbirth? Why have we not been willing to address the root causes of these disorders and instigate change?

Obviously, birthing families in the U.S. pay a high price to give birth within the confines of the medical system – and this price is not just emotional and psychological, but financial too. The U.S. has the most expensive labor and delivery costs in the world (“the average total price charged for pregnancy and newborn care was about $30,000 for a vaginal delivery and $50,000 for a C-section”),26 yet we are one of only eight countries around the globe where maternal mortality is actually on the rise27 (maternal death is up 50% since 1990).28 In fact, the U.S. is performing so

15 poorly in terms of its treatment of birthing mothers, that it has one of the highest maternal mortality rates in the world 29 (we are ranked 60th behind 59 other countries including Iran, Bosnia, and even war-torn Palestine). The lives of American babies are at serious risk too, with the U.S. ranking 68th in the world in terms of infant survival – a number that puts the U.S. dead last amongst all industrialized nations.30 Worse still is the fact that the U.S. has the highest first-day infant mortality in the industrialized world31 and 50% more first-day newborn deaths than the rest of the industrialized world combined.32

“The United States has a higher infant mortality rate than any of the other 27 wealthy countries... A baby born in the U.S. is nearly three times as likely to die during her first year of life as one born in Finland or Japan. That same American baby is about twice as likely to die in her first year as a Spanish or Korean one. Despite healthcare spending levels that are significantly higher than any other country in the world, a baby born in the U.S. is less likely to see his first birthday than one born in Hungary, Poland or Slovakia. Or in Belarus. Or in Cuba, for that matter.”33

These incredibly high death rates are a direct result of medical interference in the birth process, which results in 90% of all babies being born in the U.S. with some type of drugs in their system (Pitocin, epidural anesthesia, etc.). None of these drugs have been tested for safe use in infants,34 and all of them have the potential to create long-term problems in children, including difficulty with maternal-child bonding and drug addiction later in life.

“I find the hypocrisy about drug use astonishing. In the U.S., it appears that women who smoke or drink alcohol in pregnancy can be publicly chastised; if they take heroin, or other street drugs, they can find themselves in jail or threatened with removal of the baby and their other children. But no one raises even a murmur about the far more powerful addictive drugs that are used on the labor ward, and no one appears concerned about the effects these drugs can have on a still-developing fetal brain.

There are plenty of studies examining the immediate effects of drugs in labour, but where are the studies

16 examining the long-term effects? By that I mean effects that can emerge, 5, 10, 20 or even 50 years later.

I suggest we are sitting on a time bomb, and we persist in ignoring the research because of the horrendous implications. No one wants to admit that their care is creating drug addicts, but I believe the overuse of drugs in pregnancy and childbirth is doing just that.

In a well-designed case control study at the Karolinska Institute in Stockholm in 1990, researchers compared children exposed to pain-relieving drugs in labour with those who were not exposed and discovered an increased risk of drug addiction later in life (Jacobson et al., 1990). In 1988 they showed that when nitrous oxide was given to the mother, the child was five and one-half times more likely to become an amphetamine addict than a brother or sister born to the same parents. In their paper in the British Medical Journal (1990), patients who had died from opiate addiction were compared with brothers and sisters; the researchers found that if the mothers had been given opiates or barbiturates or larger doses of nitrous oxide, the risk to the child of opiate addiction in later life was increased 4.7 times. In a further study, researchers discovered that the risk of drug addiction was related to the hospital in which they were born. In other words, the likelihood of a child developing drug addiction in later life depended on the labour ward policies of the hospital the mother chose for the birth, and I quote: "For the amphetamine addicts, hospital of birth was found to be an important risk factor even after controlling for residential area" (Nyberg, 1993). Jacobson and Nyberg’s research suggests that the use of opiates, barbiturates and nitrous oxide in labour causes imprinting in the babies, and we are now reaping the whirlwind.

In 1984, Desmond Bardon suggested that a significant proportion of the millions of children and youths in the United States who are afflicted with significant mental and neurologic dysfunction are the victims of obstetric medications administered… to the mother during labour and birth... Not only have Bardon’s concerns not been addressed, but since that time even more women and


babies have been subjected to high levels of drugs in pregnancy and labor, and little has been done to investigate the possibility that the huge increases in drug addiction and associated crime are a direct result of the drugs used on the labour wards. While various agencies work hard to pull the bodies out of the river, no one is investigating who is pushing them…”35 [emphasis added]

And still the medical profession marches on, using dangerous drugs at almost every hospital birth and attempting to forcibly eject up to 44% of babies in the U.S. from their mother’s womb36 through the use of such drugs. This diabolical process is called “induction” and it is nothing less than a hazing rite being inflicted on huge numbers of American babies under the guise of “medical necessity.”

In Merriam-Webster’s Dictionary, induction is defined as an “initiation,” “the formality by which a civilian is inducted into military service,” and/or “the process by which the fate of embryonic cells is determined….”37 Clearly, the use of the word “induction” is VERY significant. Induction is a medical ritual. It is designed to alter the fate of the baby and indoctrinate the child into the world of technocracy. Induction is a theft of the baby’s birthright as it steals the child’s ability to orchestrate the timing of his/her own birth. Induction leaves negative impressions on the child’s psyche designed to make the child feel powerless at the hands of “the system.” This system (referred to as technocracy throughout this text) forcefully interrupts the natural order of birth and therefore the natural order of Creation. It will do everything in its power to exercise dominion over the child’s life and will seek to undermine the child’s spiritual awareness and capacities in order to turn the child into a robotic, mind controlled slave.

“Century after century, various systems have come and gone, one after the other, but all with a single goal – to kill you, a ‘ruler’ and wise creator, and transform you into a soulless slave…. The system always operates through parents. And through those who proclaim themselves to be wise teachers… [T]hey are motivated by the age-old ambition to separate you from God.”38

The dark forces have conjured up countless ways to alter and enslave us, and the methodical use of trauma (through violent

18 technological interventions like induction) is a primary means by which they are deliberately causing brain damage and dissociation in children, thereby effectuating a split between the child and its soul.

Hospital birth is a ritual initiation into technocracy and technocracy is a Luciferian construct designed to control and subjugate us and separate us from God. The technological world is nothing more than an overlay that has been superimposed over the real world (i.e. all that is beautiful, good, and pure) under the guise of making life “easier.” In truth, this system has sought to enslave us and has served only to poison and destroy all that the Creator has given us, including our ability to give birth in love. There is no benefit to technological interference during childbirth and every intervention causes harm.39 Something as seemingly benign as putting a hat on the baby’s head after birth actually serves to block the parents from sensing the pheromones coming off the baby’s head,40 which activate the neurobiology of love41 and help the parents recognize and fall in love with their child.42 Similarly, putting ointment in the eyes of a newborn (ostensibly to prevent infection from venereal diseases) 43 prevents the baby from making eye contact with its parents which interferes once again with the natural flood of love hormones that should be present at birth.44

“[T]rue sensory and temporal connection with another living being… is one of love’s bedrock prerequisites… The main mode of sensory connection, scientists contend, is eye contact. Other forms of real-time sensory contact — through touch, voice, or mirrored body postures and gestures — no doubt connect people as well and at times can substitute for eye contact. Nevertheless, eye contact may well be the most potent trigger for connection…”45

Likewise, newborn swaddling prevents skin-to-skin contact between mother and child and undermines the possibility for human love and bonding to flourish. 46 47 Swaddling delays breastfeeding48 and interferes with the mother’s recognition of her baby as she will be sensing the chemicals in the blanket instead of her baby’s pheromones.49 Swaddling has also been linked to hip problems 50 and sudden infant death syndrome,51 and swaddled babies have been shown to have very high levels of cortisol,52 which means they are in a heightened state of stress. In truth,

19 swaddled babies are not calm, but instead, enter into a state of extreme biological shutdown,53 otherwise called parasympathetic shock or dissociation. Swaddling is NOT good for babies and a far more loving way to calm a baby would be to put the baby skin-to- skin with its mother.

“...The effects of swaddling upon every human born during the past ten millennia were catastrophic. Besides having ‘the pressure force blood to their heads and make their little faces purple,’ besides ‘crushing his breast and ribs’ and ‘compressing the flesh almost to gangrene, the circulation nearly arrested,’ swaddled infants were severely withdrawn, listless and physically retarded in the onset of walking, which often didn't begin until from two to five years of age... The effects of swaddling on all adults' emotional lives is even more profound. Because of the lack of warmth and holding, there is a lifelong deficit in oxytocin and oversupply of cortisol, the stress hormone, resulting in a lifetime of rage and anxiety states. Even rats lose neurons in the hippocampus and orbital frontal lobes when tied up like human infants… producing depletions in serotonin, norepinephrine and dopamine, exacerbated aggressive behavior and a severe decrease in social capabilities…”54

Medical procedures like swaddling offer no benefit (despite the lies they feed us), but instead cause extreme and long-term harm. Their real purpose is to traumatize the infant and break the bonds of love between parents and children while simultaneously initiating newborns into a Luciferian based, technocratic order. Under this system, children can expect to receive little or no love and be systematically abused by those in positions of authority. Even though this is difficult to accept, it is nevertheless the real agenda behind the protocols of hospital birth.

Nowhere is the concept of hospital birth as a ritual indoctrination into technocracy more eloquently articulated than in an article entitled “The Rituals of American Hospital Birth” written by Robbie Davis Floyd. She writes:

“Routine obstetric procedures are highly symbolic. For example, to be seated in a wheelchair upon entering the hospital, as many laboring women are, is to receive


through their bodies the symbolic message that they are disabled; to then be put to bed is to receive the symbolic message that they are sick. Although no one pronounces, "You are disabled; you are sick," such graphic demonstrations of disability and illness can be far more powerful than words. One woman told me:

I can remember just almost being in tears by the way they would wheel you in. I would come into the hospital, on top of this, breathing, you know, all in control. And they slap you in a wheelchair! It made me suddenly feel like maybe I wasn't in control any more.

The intravenous drips commonly attached to the hands or arms of birthing women make a powerful symbolic statement: they are umbilical cords to the hospital. The cord connecting her body to the fluid-filled bottle places the woman in the same relation to the hospital as the baby in her womb is to her. By making her dependent on the institution for her life, the IV conveys to her one of the most profound messages of her initiation experience: in American society, we are all dependent on institutions for our lives. The message is even more compelling in her case, for she is the real giver of life. Society and its institutions cannot exist unless women give birth, yet the birthing woman in the hospital is shown, not that she gives life, but rather that the institution does.”55

Indeed, technocracy is always seeking a way to justify its existence and convince us all of how very important it is. And yet, women have been giving birth for centuries without the interference of technology, and we (just like all other animals in nature) are perfectly able to do it without perishing, otherwise we would not be here and certainly not in such large numbers.2 Once we understand the bogus premise that underlies our belief in the

2 Despite the medical system (and the media) parroting the lie that women are dying in childbirth less often now than they were centuries ago thanks to our high-tech medical system, in fact, women are dying more often now than ever before thanks to technological interference in the birth process. As mentioned and cited earlier, the U.S. has one of the highest maternal (and infant) mortalities rates in the entire world.

21 so-called “benefits” of hospital birth (i.e., that technology is more powerful than God and will somehow save us from the faulty equipment the Creator has given us), we can easily see how tricked we have been. In truth, the interventions being inflicted on mothers and newborns are NOT beneficial but are, instead, designed to harm us and train us to acquiesce to the dictates of “the system.”

Power struggles abound during hospital birth, and these are felt very strongly by the baby, especially with medical interventions like induction, which can create long-term psychological issues in the child, including a predisposition toward sexual sadism.

“The long-term influence of early birth memories emerges very clearly in the second part of the study I conducted among my patients. It shows indirectly that if we are happier or sadder, angrier or more depressed than other people, it is, at least in part, a result of the way we were born…

A good example of this is the link the study found between induced labor and sexual perversion… induced labor not only correlated with sexual sadism but also with a masochistic personality…

Many women who have experienced an induced birth (and it is important to point out that most induced labor is performed at the obstetrician’s suggestion or insistence) describe the experience as something that is “done” to them. They feel that the contractions do not originate inside themselves, but that they are imposed on them from the outside. As a result, they lose control of their bodies…”56

Exactly. And the same is true for the baby, who may also feel (perhaps even more than the mother) that bad things are being imposed on him or her from the outside and that, as a result, he/she has lost significant control over his/her birth. The artificially stimulated contractions of an induced birth are most definitely imposed on the baby from the outside (through pharmacological drugs like Pitocin and Cytotec), and because these contractions are extraordinarily intense, painful, and

22 dangerous for the child (and the mom), the baby may surmise (quite accurately) that there is a sadistic and mean-spirited force attempting to hurt it and compel its expulsion from the womb. The child may also feel, like its mother, a loss of control over its own body. This type of power struggle so early in life will leave dark imprints on the child’s psyche and a deep emotional scar. Surely it makes sense that the child might later develop sadomasochistic tendencies as it seeks a way to gain a feeling of control over its life and its body – something that should come naturally but does not because of the stolen birth imprint and the forceful ejection from the womb.

What is most disturbing about all of this is the fact that induction rates are as high as 90% in some hospitals,57 which means this is affecting alot of incoming children and perhaps paving the way for mass psychological damage and even a societal propensity towards psychopathy.

Moreover, induction has the potential to destroy lives. In the following excerpt, we will hear about an unnecessary induction that ended in a brutal delivery for a second born twin who was damaged for life as a result of medical interference during birth.

“Mrs. Baylor was a young, first-time mother in late pregnancy. Her attending physician… wanted to induce labor because he thought she might be overdue. I did Mrs. Baylor’s admission history… and discovered she was not at all sure when she’d had her last period. [I mentioned this to Dr. Coombs, adding] ‘Maybe we should do an ultrasound to make sure of the size of the baby. We wouldn’t want to induce a preemie.’…

But Dr. Coombs brushed me off, anxious to get back to his patients crowding his office. ‘Totally unnecessary,’ he said. ‘She’s plenty big. Any fool could tell that. Except maybe an intern.’ He laughed. I didn’t.

I did add, carefully, ‘She’s big, but I was worried that I felt two heads.’ Dr Coombs called me an idiot…

I wrote out an order for an intravenous drip of Pitocin… We had to raise the dose several times, but by dinnertime, Mrs. Baylor was having the strong contractions Coombs 23 wanted. I stayed with Mrs. Baylor most of the night... I tried telling Mrs. Baylor a story to help her cope with her pain…

Near dawn, by happy coincidence, came the cry of a newborn baby from down the hall, prompting me to remind Mrs. Baylor that this would be her reward at the end of her all-night labor. Dr. Coombs came soon after and was aghast to find his patient laboring without medication. He stormed out of the room, yelling for Demerol… He also called in an anesthesiologist to give her an epidural… Linda [the charge nurse] told me later that Coombs sedated virtually all his patients because it made them easier to manage…

‘Give her the epidural,’ he told the anesthesiologist… ‘I’ll be back after morning office hours. She won’t deliver before noon,’ he announced confidently.

An epidural paralyzes the lower body and eliminates bodily sensations. In doing so, it also eliminates the powerful emotions associated with birth and does away with the laboring mother’s need for human contact. Recent animal studies have shown that it interferes with the mother’s ability to bond with her baby. In humans, epidurals are associated with a higher incidence of postpartum depression. [emphasis added]

I left the room once the epidural had been given; my presence was no longer needed. Feeling defeated, I lay down on a cot in the physician’s room to take a nap. My efforts to help Mrs. Baylor during the night now seemed pointless. She had been laboring successfully, occasionally twisting and turning in pain, but fully conscious and excited about seeing her baby. Now, as the hour of birth approached, she was lying stupefied in bed, watching a morning quiz show on television…

Linda woke me an hour later. Mrs. Baylor’s water had broken and two little feet protruded from her vagina… The waters were tinged with greenish-brown meconium (a newborn’s first feces). Meconium in the waters is not unusual in a breech birth… [but] there is some risk of the

24 baby aspirating (breathing in) the feces… My heart was beating furiously as I stared at the baby’s feet, knowing that Dr. Coombs might not make it to the delivery...

Linda was hurrying to get a gurney to take Mrs. Baylor to the delivery room when the patient let out a sudden roar, and the legs descended further to reveal a baby’s behind. I hastily looked around the labor room for a pair of gloves, remembering what my mentor had taught, that the key to a successful breech delivery was not to rush it. ‘Calm down,’ I reminded myself, rubbing the sweat off my palms…

Entrapment of the head is the big risk in a breech delivery, and you cannot believe how relieved I was when the baby’s eyes finally appeared and he looked at me, just before his whole head cleared the vagina…

My reverie was cracked by the sudden curse of Dr. Coombs bursting into the room. ‘Why didn’t you call me earlier?’ he demanded.

‘You said she wouldn’t deliver before noon,’ I reminded him.

‘She wasn’t supposed to’ he said, frowning distractedly. I looked to see what he was staring at. Another pair of feet!

While Linda tried to get Mrs. Baylor onto the gurney she had fetched, another nurse appeared in the hallway with a small but healthy-looking boy. ‘Four pounds, two ounces!’ she called. Dr. Coombs took another look at the feet protruding out of Mrs. Baylor, cursed again, and began his procedure for breech delivery – namely, yanking the baby out before it could cause any trouble. He pulled hard on the infant’s wet feet and gained a new purchase on the legs. He pulled a second time, hard again, until we could see the baby’s scrotum. But the cervix responded to this tugging by clamping down on the baby’s head. Dr. Coombs cursed under his breath. I don’t know if he had ever been in such a fix before. In desperation, he tugged harder. The baby’s thin neck stretched as taut as a bowstring, but the cervix held the 25

head in place, and the baby began turning a terrible shade of purplish blue, its feet soon as dark as the withered winter leaves outside. Despite the doctor’s tugging, the boy would not slide through the passageway his brother had negotiated on his own minutes earlier…

Dr. Coombs gave a last Herculean tug and yelled for general anesthesia. He stopped pulling… spun around and threw himself into preparing for a crash induction. While the mother was being knocked out, a snarling Dr. Coombs burrowed into her with his forceps. She went unconscious, and he clamped onto a head. Out came a limp, unmoving baby…

Dr. Coombs was letting me repair the episiotomy… Minutes later a nurse called in, ‘The second baby is three pounds, eleven ounces.’ Dr. Coombs scowled irritably…

Mrs. Baylor’s two babies together weighed almost eight pounds, which explains why Coombs thought she was ready for delivery. The firstborn boy’s lungs were not mature, but he did well in the nursery and… was to be a normal, healthy infant. His brother was not so fortunate. His lungs were also underdeveloped; in addition, I was told, the neurological problems he sustained from oxygen deprivation during his traumatic birth would probably result in permanent brain damage and maybe , retardation, or cerebral palsy…”58

Sadly, this horrific story is not at all uncommon and is a classic example not only of medically induced lifelong disability, but also of the “cascade of interventions” that can so easily occur once a mother allows her birth to be technologically interfered with through induction.

 Pain relief drugs are almost always given due to the hard- core contractions caused by the drug Pitocin,59 and these drugs can do long-term harm, including causing drug addiction later in life, as mentioned above.

 Pain relief in the form of epidural anesthesia causes an unnatural and harmful separation between mother and baby. Because mom can no longer feel her baby or her


own body after the epidural, she can no longer help her baby get born. Therefore, the baby must navigate the birth on its own against unbelievable odds. These include dealing with the intensity of Pitocin contractions, perhaps with an internal fetal heart monitor literally screwed into his/her head, and also having to navigate through mom’s pelvic opening despite the fact that she is flat on her back, which narrows the pelvis and cuts off baby’s oxygen supply. All of this is happening as a result of the mother’s choices regarding where and with whom to give birth. Epidural also undermines the natural hormones of birth60 which disrupts bonding and the mother’s ability to feel love for her baby, all of which can have catastrophic implications for the long term well-being of the child.

 Demerol as a form of pain relief has been associated with serious side effects. The FDA, for example, warns that Demerol can impact fetal development:

“Meperidine [demerol] should not be used in pregnant women prior to the labor period unless in the judgment of the physician the potential benefits outweigh the possible hazards, because safe use in pregnancy prior to labor has not been established relative to possible adverse effect on fetal development. When used as an obstetrical analgesic, meperidine crosses the placental barrier (editor's note: the placenta is not a barrier) and can produce depression of respiration and psychophysiologic function in the newborn. Resuscitation may be required."61

Demerol is an opioid drug (similar to morphine or heroin) and it is given in doses that are appropriate for adults.62 However, since this drug passes through the placenta (and even crosses the blood-brain barrier),63 it causes an overdose in the baby as well as a drugged confusion while baby is trying to navigate the birth process. For the baby, it’s similar to trying to drive drunk.64 In addition to mental confusion, demerol also causes respiratory problems in infants,65 and the drug makes mother feel “stoned” and drowsy during and after birth, which means she will be less able to recognize and bond with her own child.


 Pulling and tugging on a baby during the birth process can and often does result in serious insult to the child.66 At best, the child can end up with spinal subluxations that cut him/her off from essential life force (until the subluxations are removed through chiropractic care).67 At worst, the child can end up neurologically impaired or dead due to its oxygen supply being cut off (as was the case in this birth). 68 Hemorrhage is also a common iatrogenically caused problem when a physician pulls and tugs on the baby during birth or pulls and tugs on the umbilical cord to force the placenta to come out after the birth.

 Forceps hurt babies and, as we will see later, they can and do cause severe injuries,69 brain damage,70 and death71 in infants. They can also cause severe tearing of the mother’s vagina and/or perineum.72

 Episiotomies are extremely painful and harmful to women and can cause long-term sexual problems, incontinence, and more.73

 Because of these horrendous interventions, babies often end up in neonatal intensive care units where they are exposed to isolation and horrific forms of violence, which we will discuss in more detail shortly. Bonding is also severely disrupted when babies are separated from their mothers and fathers while in a NICU.74 75

 Families of children who spend time in neonatal intensive care units suffer tremendously and it is not uncommon for marriages to break down due to the stress caused by newborns being admitted to NICU.76 77

In fact, every one of the interventions mentioned above are likely to contribute not only to long-term psychological and sometimes physiological problems for the child, but also to a breakdown of the family.

Worst of all is the fact that every single one of the interventions listed above could have been avoided if the arrogant doctor had not insisted on the induction, epidural, and Demerol in the first place. Mom could have helped her babies get born and both could have navigated their way through the birth portal on 28 their own and in their own time. This doctor destroyed not only the birth experience for this mother and her babies, but also the life of the second twin. No doubt, the suffering of the second twin negatively impacted the possibility for happiness for the entire family.

It is also important to note that induced babies are not yet ready to be born. Therefore, with every “successful” induction, there is also a medically-induced premature birth (and hence, the babies in the above story were born with underdeveloped lungs). In truth, 20-25% of all premature births in the United States are purposely caused by the medical profession through induction.78 Induced babies have a HUGE risk of ending up in neonatal intensive care units (up to 64% increased chance) and also being forcibly torn out of their mother’s bodies through cesarean section (a 67% increased chance).79 As we will see shortly, babies that end up in neonatal intensive care units suffer greatly, as do babies that are born through cesarean section.

Induction is triggered primarily through the use of two extremely dangerous drugs, Cytotec/Misoprostol (used to “ripen” the cervix by causing a miscarriage state), and Pitocin (used to create artificial contractions that can be intense and unrelenting and that can cause uterine rupture and severe fetal distress).

Cytotec is an ulcer drug that is being used in modern obstetrics AGAINST label, which clearly states that the drug is contraindicated for use in pregnant women. Regarding the use of Cytotec during labor and delivery, the FDA states:

“…A major adverse effect of the obstetrical use of Cytotec is hyperstimulation of the uterus which may progress to uterine tetany with marked impairment of uteroplacental blood flow, uterine rupture (requiring surgical repair, hysterectomy, and/or salpingo-oophorectomy) [removal of the ovaries and Fallopian tubes], or amniotic fluid embolism [which is often deadly for mothers and babies]. Pelvic pain, retained placenta, severe genital bleeding, shock, fetal bradycardia, and fetal and maternal death have been reported…

The effect of Cytotec on the later growth, development, and functional maturation of the child when Cytotec is


used for cervical ripening or induction of labor has not been established. Information on Cytotec’s effect on the need for forceps delivery or other intervention is unknown.”80 [emphasis added]

What is known is that large numbers of mothers and babies are dying and/or being maimed as a result of this drug being used during labor,81 82 83 yet its use still persists because it is convenient for obstetrical staff and because it costs under 30 cents per tablet.84


In December 2001, my 32-year-old daughter, Tatia Oden French, entered a well-known hospital in Oakland, California, to have her first child. She was in perfect health. The baby was in perfect health. The pregnancy was “unremarkable.” Tatia was almost 2 weeks past the due date, and the doctor wanted to induce her. After much stalling on Tatia's part, she reluctantly agreed to submit to induction. The agent used was Cytotec (misoprostol). None of the medical staff told us anything about Cytotec. When I asked what Cytotec was, I was told it is “the standard of care… we use it all the time.” Tatia said it was “not approved by the FDA [U.S. Food and Drug Administration] for use in labor.” Nothing else was said about the potential side effects, the dangers to the mom and child, or the alternatives. However, phrases such as “You don't want to go home with a dead baby, do you?” were said. The pressure was on. Tatia conceded…

Ten hours after Tatia was induced with Cytotec, both she and her baby girl, Zorah, were dead. When I asked Tatia's doctor what happened, she just said, “It was a very rare adverse effect of Cytotec, but it does happen.” Still not comprehending what had just happened, I heard myself ask the doctor, “Could you at least tell me that you will not use that drug again?” Surprised, she looked at me and said, “No, I cannot promise that.”…

Several months after Tatia and Zorah's deaths, I started the process of forming a nonprofit organization dedicated to saving the lives of expectant mothers and their infants.


On March 3, 2003, The Tatia Oden French Memorial Foundation received its official U.S. nonprofit status…


In August 2000, the original manufacturer of Cytotec, G.D. Searle & Co. (Searle), sent a letter to over 200,000 OB/GYNs in the country stating the possible side effects of Cytotec when given to pregnant women, such as hyperstimulation of the uterus, uterine rupture, fetal bradycardia, amniotic fluid embolism, death of the mother, and death of the child. Subsequently, ACOG wrote a rebuttal to the FDA regarding Searle's letter, claiming not enough evidence and scientific studies warrant eliminating misoprostol's use to induce labor. Searle, however, found enough evidence in its trials of misoprostol for the treatment of ulcers to issue the letter. Searle also stated that the company did not intend to study or support the use of Cytotec for induction of labor or cervical ripening.

Why is Cytotec routinely used in labor and birth when its own manufacturer does not recommend its use? Cytotec is indicated for reducing the risk of gastric ulcers induced by nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, including aspirin, in patients at high risk of complications from gastric ulcers (Searle, n.d.). Searle also claims, “Cytotec may cause abortion (sometimes incomplete), premature labor, or birth defects if given to pregnant women” (p. 6). Without adequate testing of Cytotec, physicians and midwives were able to use the drug for labor induction under a loophole in the drug regulatory system. Cytotec produces uterine contractions as a side effect and, after it was approved by the FDA for a specific medical indication and placed on the market, there were no restrictions preventing physicians or midwives from using Cytotec for any reason, for any patient, or at any dosage. Such usage is referred to as “off-label” use of a drug (Wagner, 2003).

Maternal and infant deaths from Cytotec inductions continue to occur. Cytotec is used off-label; therefore, no accurate statistics are kept on adverse events when it is

31 used to induce labor. Pregnant women are still being given Cytotec, and some come through unscathed. However, many women and babies are permanently harmed.


At the Motherbaby International Film Festival in Traverse City, Michigan, in October 2008, Steve Buonaugurio's film, Pregnant in America, was shown. During the question- and-answer session, the emcee asked audience members to stand if they were given Cytotec to induce their labor and had suffered hyperstimulation of the uterus. About six women stood up. Then, the emcee asked women to stand if they thought their babies had suffered any neurological issues due to the Cytotec induction. About 20 more women stood. Next, the emcee asked those to stand who knew of women who were given Cytotec to induce labor and had died. Six more women stood. This continued for about 5 more minutes, with the emcee naming side effects caused by Cytotec inductions and women continuing to stand. In the end, there were over 30 women standing in an audience of approximately 150 people (20%).

After Cytotec is inserted in the vagina, it dissolves instantly. There is no turning back. There is nothing that can be given to reduce the severe tetanic (very violent and painful) contractions wearing on the mother's uterus and depriving the baby of oxygen far longer than can be tolerated. These and many other side effects do not need to continue to occur. Alternative interventions are available to induce labor and can be turned down or off (Pitocin) or withdrawn (Cervidil, Prepidil).

Why do health-care professionals continue to use Cytotec, knowing of the potentially devastating adverse effects? Cytotec is inexpensive. The cost is 25 cents per pill…

The cost in terms of human life and the resulting permanent damage that Cytotec can do cannot be measured… As long as this non-evidence-based practice continues, babies may suffer permanent brain damage. Mothers might never have children again because tetanic


contractions caused their uterus to rupture, requiring a hysterectomy to save their lives. Mothers who suffer amniotic fluid embolism may live through it, but with near-death experiences. Families will endure the lifelong agony of waiting with joy-filled hearts for the birth of a new life only to ache endlessly because that day ended the life of the mother and/or the baby. These costs, along with the tragic outcomes of mothers who took diethylstibestrol (DES) or thalidomide while pregnant, are much too high; these practices must be stopped. As with the history of DES and thalidomide, only a public outcry will stop the use of Cytotec to induce labor…”85

Of course, public outcry will only come if and when people are educated about how much harm the medical profession is causing. This book aims to expose the violence for all the world to see.

Pitocin is another drug that is used against label every day in the United States for the induction (and augmentation) of labor. Like Cytotec, Pitocin has not been approved by the FDA and, on the contrary, the FDA, along with the World Health Organization,86 and even The Physician’s Desk Reference warn against the use of Pitocin for the elective induction of labor.87

“Elective induction of labor is defined as the initiation of labor in a pregnant individual who has no medical indications for induction. Since the available data are inadequate to evaluate the benefits-to-risks considerations, Pitocin is not indicated for elective induction of labor.”88 89

The use of Pitocin to induce or augment labor can lead to a number of serious complications including uterine rupture, 90 uterine hyperstimulation, postpartum hemorrhage, fetal distress, fetal asphyxia, fetal heart abnormalities, low APGAR scores, permanent central nervous system, brain damage, and death.91

Despite the long list of serious complications caused by this drug, a 1992 University of Texas survey reveals that 81% of women in U.S. hospitals received Pitocin to induce or augment labor.92 “Pitocin inductions are a leading cause of C-sections”93 and are one of the main reasons the U.S. has one of the highest C-section rates in the world.94


“Pitocin is most often used to induce labor before it has begun naturally (its other use is to augment a labor that has already begun). When the body is not yet ready for the birthing process that it is being forced into, the result is often excessive maternal discomfort and fetal stress… Pitocin-induced contractions lack a slow build-up and are much stronger/harder, faster, and more frequent than normal. When uterine contractions are too hard and/or too long, uterine blood flow is reduced and the baby is deprived of oxygen. It’s important to remember that the baby experiences every contraction just as the mother does. Unnaturally strong and long contractions, produced by Pitocin, are quite difficult for the baby, not just painful for the mother. And while a mother opts for pain medication to numb her experience of the monster contractions, the baby does not experience pain relief. When the baby experiences the increased pain and decreases of optimal oxygen supply from these unnatural contractions, his heart rate is compromised, which prompts the diagnosis of “fetal distress,” and leads to the conclusion that a C-section is “necessary” to “save” the baby. Of course, the OB is merely “saving” the baby from the unnecessary and dangerous complications that were caused by the administration of the induction drugs.”95

Pitocin is artificial/synthetic oxytocin. Its use during labor tricks the mother’s brain and interferes with her ability to produce natural oxytocin. If natural oxytocin is not pumping through mom’s body during childbirth, her ability to bond with, breastfeed, and experience love for her baby is severely undermined. Not surprisingly, Pitocin use during labor disrupts bonding and breastfeeding and damages the newborn’s oxytocin receptor sites for life.96

“Oxytocin is centrally related to our natural capacity to give birth. When we have a scheduled C-section, for example, there is no oxytocin release in the mother’s brain, and thus a severe interruption in the establishment of the postnatal oxytocin circuitry wiring in the newborn…

[A]fter just 3 or 4 generations of highly technological childbirth, it seems very possible that our human oxytocin system is weakening.”97


What this means is that any infant born to a mother given this diabolical drug during the birth process can grow into a brain damaged adult that may become habitually depressed and have difficulty creating healthy relationships and/or experiencing human love throughout life. The use of this drug during labor is not only undermining the bonds of love between mother and child, but also the child’s potential to be happy later in life.

Furthermore, if we want to understand why so many people are becoming addicted to drugs like Oxycodone, we need only look to their damaged oxytocin receptor sites and recognize that these wounded souls are desperately trying to attain feelings of well-being that should come naturally to them but do not because of the drugs they were exposed to early in life.

Incidentally, Pitocin and Oxycodone have very similar chemical formulas, with Oxycodone being made up of 98 99 C18H21NO4 and Pitocin being made up of C43H66N12O12S2. It would be an interesting study to find out how many Oxycodone addicts were born to mothers who were given Pitocin or some other version of synthetic oxytocin during birth.

Pitocin induction is now being associated with an increased chance for autism in children – especially in boys.100

It is well known that Pitocin use in labor causes fetal distress. The reasons for this are many, but a primary problem with the use of Pitocin is that it creates a persistent stream of very intense contractions that turn the uterus into a trash compactor instead of a birthing vessel. For the mom, the unrelenting contractions quickly become unbearable and an epidural or some other form of pain relief is requested. For the baby, whose protective padding (i.e., the amniotic sac) has likely been forcefully broken by medical staff (through amniotomy or the “breaking of the waters”) and who is also likely to have an internal fetal heart monitor literally SCREWED INTO ITS HEAD (which probe pulls and tugs at the baby’s skull with every contraction), Pitocin contractions are not only unbearably painful, but can quickly become life-threatening.

Doctors are well aware of this fact and some of them use it to their advantage. The internet is abuzz these days with discussion about the medical order called “pit to distress.” In a nutshell, pit to distress involves a doctor giving an order to the nurse to crank

35 up the Pitocin to the highest level to deliberately put the baby in distress so that the doctors can move more quickly to a C-section. Here is how one blogger at Keyboard Revolutionary described it:

“Pit to distress.” How have I not heard about this? Apparently it’s quite en vogue in many hospitals these days. Googling the term brings up a number of pages discussing the practice, which entails administering the highest possible dosage of Pitocin in order to deliberately distress the fetus, so a C-section can be performed.

Yes folks, you read that right. All that Pit is not to coerce mom’s body into birthing ASAP so they can turn that moneymaking bed over, but to purpose-fully squeeze all the oxygen out of her baby so they can put on a concerned face and say, “Oh dear, looks like we’re heading to the OR!”101

Let’s listen to one nurse as she describes a personal experience with a bullying doctor who basically ordered her to deliberately hurt a mother and baby with Pitocin.

“…[T]he following excerpt is a good example of how “pit to distress” is ordered by physicians, EVEN IF they don’t actually write it out as an order (although some actually do!)

“…At 1:30pm, right on schedule, Dr. F came into the room. After some quick small talk he asked Sarah to get into the bed so that he could perform a vaginal exam and break her water.

Sarah: “Umm, I was hoping we could wait a little bit longer to do that, until I am in more active labor.”

Dr. F: “Well, if I break your water it is really going to rev things up and put you into active labor.”

Sarah: “I’d really rather wait.”

Dr. F: (visibly frustrated) “Well I at least have to check you!”


(Oh lord, I love the “have to”!) Dr. F’s exam revealed that Sarah was 4 centimeters! Yay!

After helping Sarah to the bathroom and back to her rocking chair, I stepped out to catch Dr. F at the desk. “Thanks for holding off on the amniotomy, it was really important to her birth plan,” I said, trying to “smooth things over” and (gently) remind him that the patient was in charge! “Yeah well I’ll be back around 4:00pm to check her again and if she hasn’t made any progress I am going to break her water,” he said, grudgingly. He started to walk towards the elevator but then turned around to me and said:

Dr. F: “You have the pit at 20 right?”

(Note: The way Pitocin is administered for induction in my hospital (and many others) is that you start the Pitocin at 2mu/min (or 6mL/hr) and increase by 2mu/min every 15- 30 min (or more) to a maximum of 20mu/min (or 60mL/hr) until you obtain an adequate contraction pattern (or, 3-5 contractions in 10 minutes). So what does that mean? That means that you do NOT just crank the Pitocin until you get to “max pit,” rather you TITRATE it until you get 3-5 contractions in 10 minutes that are palpable and are causing cervical change. However, this is not what many physicians I work with ask you to do. Bottom line is everyone is different. I personally could take a whole box of Benadryl and not so much as yawn while my husband can take one tablet and all but hallucinate! It is no different for Pitocin. Some people are extra sensitive and only need a little bit, and others tolerate “max pit” very well. I seem to have this same “fight” with physicians all the time at work. They insist you “keep cranking the pit” when all you are going to do is hyperstimulate the uterus and cause the baby to go into distress. But I digress….)

Me: “No, I have her at 10mu/min.”

Dr. F: (sarcastically) “What!? What are you waiting for?!


Me: “She is contracting every 2-3 min and they are palpating moderate to strong. She has to breathe through them. And the baby is looking good on the monitor. I want to keep it that way!”

Dr. F: “But she’s not going anywhere! You have to keep going up if you want her to progress.”

Me: “But she has changed to 4 centimeters…”

Dr. F: “I was being generous!”

Me: “So you lied…”

Dr. F: (annoyed) “Listen, keep going up on the pit, even if she is contracting every 2-3 min. They aren’t strong enough. Keep going up. If we hyperstimulate her, we can just turn the pit down.” (Note: These were his exact words. I know this because I was so flabbergasted that he said it, I wrote it down in my notebook that very moment! The fact is sometimes the baby is in so much distress after hyperstimulating the uterus that just turning the Pitocin down isn’t enough!...

Me: (jaw dropped, completely dumfounded) If I turn the pit up anymore, I am GUARANTEED to hyperstim her.”

Dr. F: “We’ll cross that bridge when we get to it. I’ll be back around 4:00pm.”

By this point I was more than annoyed with Dr. F. I explained the situation to the charge nurse and told her that I would not be cranking the pit on room 11 unless Dr. F wrote me an order that read “Regardless of hyperstimulation or contraction pattern, continue to increase Pitocin until the maximum dose is reached.” (By the way, he wouldn’t’ write me that order). She basically told me to do what I felt was right because it was my license at stake too.”

Ladies and gentleman the account that you have just read is called “Pit to Distress” whether the Pitocin order was


actually written that way or not. What Dr. F gave me was a VERBAL ORDER to increase the Pitocin, regardless of contraction or fetal heart rate pattern, until I reached “max pit,” which he acknowledged would hyperstimulate her uterus. This goes against our hospital’s policy and the physical written order that this doctor signed his name under. However, like some other doctors I work with, none of that mattered to him. What he wanted was for me to “crank her pit” regardless and from my experience with this doctor, at the first sign of fetal distress we would have been crashing down the hallway for a stat cesarean!”102

Indeed. It sounds like this doctor was in a hurry to be done with the birth and it mattered not to him whether damage to a mother and/or baby would be caused by his violent interference in the process. This is the kind of doctor we all need to be wary of as their ethics and behaviour are highly questionable.

Here is one more story from another nurse who describes pit to distress in her hospital.

“I see the wide use of Cytotec (misoprostol) for inductions. I see what it does to a woman’s uterus and to her baby. Not to mention - it’s not FDA approved for use as a labor induction agent in pregnant women… I also see a HUGE number of Pitocin inductions/augmentations, where Pitocin is titrated at such high doses, so quickly, that it’s like we’re trying to blow the baby out of the woman’s uterus. [emphasis added]

Many of the obstetricians that I work with are eager to “get her delivered” as quickly as possible. There is also the “pit to distress” or “make the baby prove itself” - in other words, keep cranking that Pitocin up until the baby crumps into fetal distress and the obstetrician does a stat C-section—all so the doctor can be done, and get out of the hospital. Why wait 12-14 hours for a natural labor, when you can be done in less than an hour?

Our induction rates are through the roof. The nurses are rarely told the unit statistics, and when we are given them, they seem grossly understated. The L&D nurses


know how many patients are induced or augmented, day after day, because we are the ones there, admitting the patient, and running their Pitocin. We see them in massive amounts of pain from what is a very unnatural process designed to speed up the labor process, thus leading to increased epidural rates due to the higher levels of pain from synthetic oxytocin versus natural oxytocin…”103

Obviously, with this level of callous interference in the birth process, the number of cesarean section births has skyrocketed, with at least one out of every three babies now being forcibly torn out of its mother’s body by medical surgeons104 (and in some U.S. hospitals, the C-section rate is 50% and higher). 105 C-section births are often extremely traumatic for the mother and the child and the risk of experiencing post-traumatic stress after a cesarean birth is very high (33% in one study).106

“Some mothers experience their cesarean as a physical assault and a form of institutional violence. For some mothers the surgical birth is experienced as a rape. A growing body of psychosocial literature and increasing personal testimonies from mothers themselves in books, on e-lists, websites and personal blogs also suggest that some women suffer from Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder after their cesarean section. They experience the same physical and psychological symptoms as those experienced by combat veterans, major disaster victims, or plane crash survivors.”107

And yet despite the extreme trauma caused by cesarean section, the rush to get women into surgery so that obstetricians can be done with the birth is very common. Some of these OBs are not only unethical but also egomaniacs. To them, cesarean surgery is a sport and the OR is the competition ring. Women who are unfortunate enough to end up in the “care” of these doctors are in danger of having their bodies used like mannequins – all so that unethical men can prove their “manhood” by showing off who can “perform” cesarean surgery the fastest.

“The obstetrics culture at Lutheran was structured instead around the belief that mothers only get in the way of the birthing process. Dr. Jason… was the embodiment of this idea [and was] generally considered to be Lutheran’s

40 expert on labor and delivery. His only serious competition was Dr. Poirot…

Both doctors had reputations for giving women Cesareans at dawn so they would be able to keep morning office hours… Jason’s [cesarean] rate was 48 percent, a close second to Poirot’s 49 percent, both well above the hospital rate of 13 percent [in 1975]…

One cold October morning at 6 A.M., well before dawn, I… found the night nurses preparing for two sections. Jason was to perform one, Poirot the other. Both of the women had been admitted during the night. Neither had been laboring particularly long, and neither’s baby was in distress, but for Jason and Poirot, it was a simple decision. Dawn was approaching, dilation was incomplete, office hours would arrive before babies – hence the Cesareans…

Since Jason and Poirot shared identical views on obstetrics, they had to cultivate other ways to compete. On that morning, while scrubbing for surgery, they hit on wagering $100 to see who could do the faster Cesarean. An operating room nurse was assigned to time each surgery, beginning with the incision and ending with the last suture. It was my fate to be on Dr. Jason’s team, operating on Mrs. Atkins. I wanted to run away and hide. I couldn’t believe that this was happening. This was just about as bad as the time I witnessed one of the Stanford OBs give a woman an episiotomy after she delivered, so as not to deprive her husband of the pleasure of a tightened-up vagina…

‘Give her a general,’ Jason roared, looming over Mrs. Atkins, flexing his fingers. ‘And do it quick. You hear me? Now!’ he shouted, ‘Now!’ He frightened the anesthesiologist into a crash induction. Regional anesthesia would have left the mother conscious and better able to bond with her baby, but general anesthesia is quicker, and there was money at stake. The anesthesiologist turned up the halothane anesthetic and added barbituates to the woman’s IV. ‘Start the clock,’ Jason said with relish, shaking his scalpel at the timekeeping nurse. ‘I’m cutting the skin.’ The mother

41 jumped and let out a scream. ‘Put her out, damn you!’ Jason shouted at the anesthesiologist. ‘She’s not gonna remember anything anyway.’ …

In a frenzy, Jason cut the baby out, passed it to the pediatrician, tore the placenta off the uterine wall, and set about sewing up Mrs. Atkin’s uterus almost before the baby had drawn its first breath. Finishing off the last suture, he tossed his needle holder and tissue forceps onto a stainless steel tray and raised his hands like a rodeo cowboy who has just tied up a calf.

‘Seventeen minutes!’ proclaimed the timekeeper. ‘It’s a new record for a Cesarean.’

‘That should be good enough to beat Poirot!’ Jason said gleefully. And it was… He speculated that his new record might be a standard that would last ‘as long as the game is played. I’m the Babe Ruth of obstetrics,’ he crowed, ‘the Mickey Mantle of the OR.’

[Later that afternoon] my name was being broadcast over and over on the loudspeaker… I ran to the phone. ‘Dr. Mehl? This is Linda, the charge nurse. It’s Mrs. Atkins. She hasn’t put out any urine through her Foley since she returned from the OR.’ …

Either her kidneys had stopped working and she was in renal failure or Dr. Jason had managed to tie off both ureters as he was sewing up his incision... Given the speed of the morning’s operation, I assumed the latter had happened…

‘Am I the poor jerk who has to call Dr. Jason and tell him what he’s done?’

‘Better you than me,’ she replied with a laugh, ‘since he’s been known to shoot the messenger when he doesn’t like the message.’

I had to beg, then demand that his receptionist interrupt his office hours. She finally fetched him after warning me

42 severely that he would not be happy… ‘Tell him it’s about Mrs. Atkins. He gave her a Cesarean this morning,’ I said, ‘and she’s not putting out any urine.’

‘Who?’ Dr. Jason asked when he got on the line.

‘Mrs. Atkins,’ I repeated… ‘Your record-breaking Cesarean,’ I reminded him…

Two hours later I was going over the films with the radiologist… [I] saw where the ureters were tied. They were ballooning like fat sausages above the ligatures. The calyces of the kidneys were thick and dilated. We were going to have to go back into surgery to undo the damage…

That afternoon, when Dr. Jason’s office hours were over, we reopened Mrs. Atkins. This operation took longer than seventeen minutes. Jason, unable to find where he’d tied off the ureters, had to call in a urologist…

‘What’s wrong?’ asked the urologist…

‘Her ureters were accidentally tied off,’ Dr. Jason said. ‘And I can’t find where to untie them.’…

‘Any idea how this happened?’

‘This was Dr. Jason’s record-breaking seventeen-minute Cesarean, you know,’ called out the anesthesiologist…’

‘Wait a minute,’ Richardson said, ‘this was a what?’

‘The all-time hospital-record-breaking seventeen-minute section,’ piped up the anesthesiologist… ‘He and Poirot made a bet to see who could get through it the fastest.’

‘You did what?’ Richardson hissed at Jason, as if he couldn’t believe his ears…

‘Why don’t you just kill the next one? I bet you could do that in ten minutes.’…


‘You’re way out of line, Dr. Richardson!’ Jason thundered.

‘I’m out of line?’ Richardson said, incredulous.

‘You can’t come in here and slander other doctors at least not in my OR,’ Jason shouted, quivering like a volcano set to erupt. Richardson remained calm, which doubled Jason’s rage. ‘You’ll never set foot again in any OR in this hospital,’ he threatened… I will make your life hell.’

‘Oh, but you already have,’ Richardson said softly. ‘And think of what you’ve done for hers.’…

One week later Mrs. Atkins left the hospital with a healthy baby. No one ever complained about the seventeen- minute Cesarean… Mrs. Atkins… sent us a letter thanking us for the good care she received, and for finding a specialist who could fix her so quickly when complications set in.”108

One of the things that stands out about this lunatic doctor is that he began surgery before anesthesia had taken effect. Memory block drugs were administered instead and this enabled the doctor to write off his outrageous abuse with the idea that if she doesn’t remember it, it doesn’t matter. This self-serving logic permeates modern obstetrics and has existed from its inception.

“In the 19th century, the father of modern gynecology, J. Marion Sims, conducted his research experiments on enslaved Black women. Sims performed the invasive and torturous procedures without anesthesia. J. Marion Sims’ justification for choosing not to anesthetize his test subjects was that he did not believe Black women felt pain at all. In an 1857 lecture, he stated that it was “not painful enough to justify the trouble.”109


Throughout the 1840s, J. Marion Sims, who is often referred to as "the father of gynecology", performed surgical experiments on enslaved African women, without anesthesia. The women—one of whom was operated on


30 times—regularly died from infections resulting from the experiments. In order to test one of his theories about the causes of trismus in infants, Sims performed experiments where he used a shoemaker's awl to move around the skull bones of the babies of enslaved women.”110

Clearly, the man was a psychopath, and even if the victims of these insane men have no cognitive memory of what happened to them (due to the use of memory block drugs), their bodies will remember what was done to them, and so will their babies. The cellular memories that Mrs. Atkins carries as a result of what Dr. Jason did to her is almost guaranteed to have a negative influence on any future birth experience she may have. With respect to the impact on her baby, we can only surmise what it feels like to enter this world via the hands of a medical butcher, in an atmosphere of callous indifference, with your mom screaming in pain because she is being cut into without anesthetic, and yet later she is oblivious to the trauma that she (and her baby) endured. Certainly, this will cause bizarre psychic imprints for the child and a HUGE possibility that he/she will experience negative, long-term, consequences as a result.

“Denial programming begins with the first experiences the infant goes through in life. The child has been horrendously wounded and traumatized, yet the next morning, the adults around him are acting normally, as if nothing had happened. They are modeling a lifestyle of denial for the infant and young child…”111

Moreover, the habit that doctors have of performing surgery on innocent people without anesthesia is something we all need to be very concerned about. Many, many women are reporting that this has happened to them, and statistics indicate that it happens to 20,000 to 40,000 patients per year in the United States.112

“I feared for my life and for my child. It was a horrible experience; they started the surgery even after I told them I was still feeling sensation. They either didn't believe me or it didn't matter to them; they kept going, telling me that no additional drugs were possible until after the baby was born. Those 10-15 minutes or so were the longest and most awful of my life. I got my hands

45 free and fought the surgery; they had to struggle to hold me down. I begged my husband not to let them tie me down, but what could he do but let them? I felt betrayed by them all.

Outside my husband tells me I was not making a lot of noise but inside I was SCREAMING but couldn't get the sound out. I felt like I was gasping and choking, like no air was coming in to give me the oxygen I needed to get the sound out, to SCREAM for them to stop, to fight them off. I felt like I was a fish, flailing around out of water, helpless and tortured and dying. The pain was so great I kept passing in and out of consciousness, and I felt deeply, deeply traumatized. In fact, even after the baby was born and they gave me more drugs, according to the medical records the surgery was still strongly felt by me. Although the drugs they had given me blocked this part of my memory, my body remembered, and did so for a long time afterwards.

For weeks afterward (and to a lesser degree, later), I had recurring nightmares of the surgery. In my dreams, I felt hands crawling all over me (probably the hands that had held me down). I cannot express how creepy that was, feeling those hands on me, holding me down, trying to tie me down as they hurt me, feeling the hands all over me as my body was being cut into, screaming and no one hearing me.

The baby had been flashed in front of my face right after she was born; it breaks my heart still that I could hardly care because of the pain. In addition to everything else, they also stole my joy for her birth, and that has been very hard to forgive. My main reaction was that good, now I could go. On some level I think I felt like I was dying. The baby was taken away into the baby unit; my husband went with her at first and then tried to run back and forth between us for the rest of the time. I saw her briefly when I awoke in recovery; I have a foggy memory of singing 'Happy Birthday' to her, and then I don't remember much more. I didn't really get to hold her or nurse her until about 8 hours later. I think this separation is one of my greatest sorrows even today; I have pictures


of her, alone in her little isolette, bundled up, with a binky in her mouth to keep her quiet. She looks so incredibly lonely and scared. She needed me, and I wasn't able to be there for her. But I was lucky; after I did get her, I hardly let go of her, and we did manage to bond fiercely then…

For some time I believed that my cesarean was probably necessary; that my baby was either too big or my pelvis too small. When eventually I found out that my C-section experience was likely unnecessary, I experienced a resurgence of grief and anger. There was hope for the future of avoiding a repeat performance, but it was terribly frustrating that I'd had to go through that awful experience when it was probably unnecessary. I didn't feel I'd had a C-section, I felt I'd had a vivi-section----and unnecessarily, too…”113

Indeed, performing surgery without anesthetic is a form of institutionalized medical torture, and yet, it happens every day in U.S. hospitals to preemies, infants, mothers, and living organ donors, and it is also being done to innocent animals through veterinary medicine, all of which will be discussed later in this book.

For now it is important to stress that, in the story above, medical staff gave the birthing mother memory-block drugs so that she would be confused and forget what actually happened to her. The use of amnesia drugs is an obvious form of mind control and government programs like MK-Ultra and Monarch 114 make extensive use of such drugs.115 In obstetrics, these drugs have been used since at least the 1930s, when women were given a mixture of morphine and scopolamine (“twilight sleep”)116 during labor (ostensibly to help women deal with labor pain).117 In truth, these drugs are mind-altering substances designed to create unquestioning compliance as well as amnesia.118

“Twilight sleep… is an amnesic condition characterized by insensibility to pain without loss of consciousness, induced by an injection of morphine and scopolamine… This combination induces a semi-narcotic state which produces the experience of childbirth without pain, or without the memory of pain.”119


Sickeningly, despite all the rhetoric about helping women deal with pain, these drugs are often not used to help women at all but rather to help doctors cover up heinous medical abuse, including the sexual molestation of patients while they are under sedation.120 121

“When Dr. Schneeberger entered the room, Candice was still distraught. The nice doctor talked with her for a few minutes, and then he thoughtfully suggested he should give her something to calm her down. She didn’t argue — the doctor knew best after all. So Dr. Schneeberger left the room for a minute and came back with a syringe he’d prepared for her. He closed the door, pushed up her sleeve, swabbed her arm and gave her the injection.

Instantly the drug took effect. It was the powerful anesthetic Versed. Candice went limp almost immediately. The doctor carried her to the examining table and laid her down. She found she couldn’t talk, couldn’t move, couldn’t even blink. Her eyes were stuck open. She was paralyzed and thoroughly helpless. So when the doctor unzipped her jeans, she couldn’t object. When he pulled her jeans down, she couldn’t stop him. And when he shoved himself inside her and raped her, she couldn’t scream.

When he was done, the POS doctor pulled her jeans up and left the room. He knew Versed had an amnesiac effect on most people, which is why he chose it. He had to have known that Versed sometimes causes respiratory arrest and patients should be monitored for breathing difficulties. He didn’t care. Schneeberger just left Candice alone and paralyzed on the table. She eventually lost consciousness.”122


“[T]he patient… described how Hardy had tried to stimulate her sexually while she was half-sedated…

Hardy denied any wrongdoing at the time saying three “professional assistants’’ were in the operating room and the case was dropped. 48

The incensed woman wrote a letter in protest saying the board hadn’t done its job properly.

Since then, staff have reportedly witnessed the reproductive endocrinologist inappropriately touch women under anesthesia, as well as touching a sedated patient’s breast while she was underwent egg retrieval...

A whistleblowing female specialist, who remains anonymous, reported Hardy last October and told medical board investigators she was ‘horrified’ and felt “awkward and difficult but had to tell someone.”

She said a longtime patient in her 40s confided in her that 55-year-old Hardy touched her sexually and rubbed her genitals during an un-chaperoned 2011 examination. Hardy told her extensive sexual touching was ‘part of her fertility treatment’…”123


“Dr. Frederick Field now will be known as one of Oregon’s most notorious serial sex offenders. The bad doctor pleaded guilty to 11 counts of first-degree sex abuse and one count of first-degree rape in the Wasco County court last Tuesday…

The allegations began with two victims but quickly became more. Soon he was charged with sexually abusing seven women; six patients and one hospital employee, revealing that they were incapacitated by drugs when they were assaulted…

[T]he victims who were sedated by Field for surgery or other medical problems and then touched inappropriately. Six of Field's accusers say he touched their genitals or breasts, or forced them to touch his genitals, and one woman said Field forced her to have sexual intercourse in 2008…”124

In addition to this outrageous sexual violence being perpetrated against paralyzed and sedated women, doctors are

49 also performing pelvic and genital exams on unconscious and anesthetized women, without their consent, and medical students are being encouraged to do the same thing.125 126 127 128 Here’s an interview with Dr. Michael Greger describing what is taking place at teaching hospitals across the United States…

“Are all women who are put under general anesthesia in a hospital practiced on by students while unconscious?

All women in the OB/GYN department at most teaching hospitals and hospitals affiliated with a medical school are. If you’re anesthetized and you’re in the OB/GYN department, you probably have had students practice pelvic exams on you regardless of what you’re in the hospital for – even if the procedure you need doesn’t require a pelvic exam!

Additionally… if your surgeon is an OB/GYN, odds are there’s going to be a team of hungry medical students waiting for you to fall asleep.

When you say a team, how many people do you mean?

That depends. There’s the attending, a few residents, an intern and then as many medical students as they can round up.

However, I’m less concerned about interns and residents. They are doctors that have a role in that patient’s care, so doing a pelvic exam might be useful for them. But for medical students, no one even pretends it’s about the patient. Patients are strictly tools for our education. There’s no thought that there’s any benefit to the individual patient when medical students are just lining up in there. [emphasis added]

When you were a medical student, did all your classmates perform non-consensual pelvic exams on women?

Yes, particularly the male students practiced pelvic exams on anesthetized women. As of last year, which was the last time I checked, they still do.”129


Wow! Good to know! This way we can avoid these places like the plague! It’s amazing, really, that they continue to get away with this filth and that women have not yet demanded these evil institutions be bulldozed to the ground. Clearly, what this doctor has just described is RAPE! And it happens regularly in U.S. hospitals.

Here are more comments concerning these dastardly medical practices.

“We seem to be having a problem among medical workers. They are viewing us as living cadavers and perpetrating sexual assaults upon us, while we are unaware…

These UNinformed consent forms bear part of the responsibility. In every single one of these documents I have perused, there is always a clause or two about allowing "anybody the doctor directs," "anything the doctor deems necessary" or something about allowing others to observe. Did you know that this allows anybody at all to expose your vagina and dig around in it, in front of anybody who wants to watch? Drug reps, device reps, the janitor? Did you know that your sedation for a toe bunion can be used to hide the fact that people are doing pelvic exams on you? Remember that amnesia and "cooperation" are the main components of sedation with Versed. They will tell you to spread your legs and you will do so. Then they can claim that because you spread your legs for them, that you wanted it. You won't remember it anyway… so ANY humiliation is just fine with them…”130


“If a student were to have performed that same procedure on an unconscious, intoxicated woman, it would certainly have been labeled sexual assault. It is horrifying that when a WU teaching doctor ordered a medical student to do the same thing to an anesthetized hospital patient, it was instead labeled a pelvic exam…”131

Obviously, twisted ethics (that sometimes border on psychopathy) are systemic and ingrained within the medical 51 profession and these ethics often manifest as disturbing expressions of violence being inflicted on innocent people.

The following story describes a mother being paralyzed during cesarean surgery, but not anesthetized. Based on the information given at the beginning of this account, it seems quite possible that medical staff may have deliberately tortured this mother as a way of punishing her for having attempted to give birth on her own, outside of a hospital. The use of paralysis drugs during surgery is an all-too-common practice amongst medical “professionals” who are delusional enough to imagine that it’s perfectly OK to paralyze patients during surgery but provide them with no anesthetic. Anyone in their right mind can easily ascertain that babies and mothers are being tortured in this way, but few people are willing to call it what it is, and fewer still are willing to admit that the torture of infants and mothers is commonplace in American hospitals.

“Although Amy planned an unattended childbirth, she ended up in the hospital with a cesarean [that] did not go well. They used a general, and the level of anesthesia was not sufficient during the surgery… the mother was fully conscious of the pain, but was paralyzed from other drugs and so was not able to communicate that she was feeling the surgery…

‘As I laid on that cold, sterile table---so far from how I planned to greet my baby---I prayed not to wake up (as happened during a general several years ago during my ear surgery), to not feel it and for my husband to get my daughter so she could know someone loved her. I did not fear for her, never did--- somehow I knew she was OK but I also somehow knew I had some problems coming.

They put the mask on me and I hear, ‘She's out’ and they start to cut me. I AM AWAKE!!! I feel like I cannot breathe, I can hear them talking and can feel everything. I have never felt such pain in my life. I prayed not to die from the pain. I felt like I was doubling over from pain but I knew I wasn't moving. When they stopped cutting I was so glad it was over. I felt like I sighed but I don't know if I did. It was over but I didn't hear my daughter or them talking about her. This is when


I felt the pain again. Oh my God---they are cutting me AGAIN!!! I try to scream, I try to kick, I try to blink my eyes hoping SOMEONE will help me.

Then I hear my daughter's cry! I was so happy to hear her cry. Then I was asleep finally. I woke up in the recovery room asking where my daughter was. She was with my husband. That made me feel better but I wanted to see her. A few minutes later I see my husband and my daughter. She was so beautiful! She was asleep. I cry that I missed it and my husband tries to comfort me and tells me how he handled her in the nursery. He told her about our family and how many brothers she had. She was awake for him. I was never so jealous in my life. I was glad she had him to comfort her but I wanted to be the one holding her!’”132

Here we can sense the beginning of relationship breakdown due to the trauma inflicted on this mother during hospital birth. Not only is she jealous that her husband had an opportunity to bond with their daughter while she, herself, was denied this opportunity. But she might also be subconsciously angry with her husband for not sensing the harm that the doctors were inflicting on her during surgery since he did doing nothing to stop it. Naturally, in situations where fathers are forced to stand by and watch as medical staff torture their wife and/or child, (or where fathers allow fear to take over and put pressure on their partners to accept medical abuse), intense spousal conflict can ensue.

“After the birth, many couples have rifts that become chasms as birth trauma issues remain silent. One couple came to see me two years after an unnecessary cesarean following a failed induction. There was no indication the baby was endangered, no apparent reason for a cesarean other than to have the birth happen that very day. The woman, Judy, had a history of late babies, no complications, and mild labors. After the Pitocin failed to induce contractions, Judy wanted to go home. Her husband Roger wanted to do what the doctor said, which was to go ahead with a cesarean. Judy was pressured by them both to sign consent forms and deliver cesarean. She was angry in a rock-hard way and could not trust Roger afterwards. She blamed him for causing the


cesarean and for not listening to her about what she believed her body was capable of.

Not only did Judy have her cesarean trauma to heal, but her relationship with Roger was wounded as well. She said she’d been looking over her shoulder ever since, not able to trust that her body would not be sabotaged by Roger again…”133

Marital breakdown is common after a traumatic birth134 135 as mothers feel they were not protected by their partners, and fathers feel shame and guilt for having not stood up in defense of their partners and babies. No doubt, this dynamic is the root of HUGE numbers of marital failures worldwide.

In addition to the above, c-section moms can also experience severe physical complications including:

“…potentially life-threatening problems, such as hemorrhage, blood clots, and bowel obstruction… bladder damage, infection, and enduring pain. Women who’ve delivered by C-section face greater likelihood of future complications in pregnancy, including uterine rupture or conditions in which the placenta covers the opening to the cervix (placenta previa), adheres abnormally to the uterine wall (placenta accreta), or separates from it (placenta abruption). These women are also less likely to breastfeed, and may be at greater risk for depression and post-traumatic stress.136


“C-section can impact future pregnancies in a negative manner. Examples include bleeding, placenta previa, abnormal fetal positions and rupturing of the uterus along the previous C-section scar. Placenta previa is normally a rare occurrence that leads to excessive bleeding before or during delivery. The placenta attaches to the lower part of the uterine wall, and partially or totally covers the cervix. Abnormal fetal positions can make labor harder if a mother is attempting a vaginal birth after cesarean (VBAC), which can lead to another C-section. The rupturing of the uterus can be serious, even fatal… 54

A C-section… increases the likelihood of urinary tract infections and bladder infections, which can lead to incontinence…

A C-section can slow the removal of waste from the body for several days, weeks or even months after surgery. Initially, these symptoms are considered bothersome, but they should resolve over time. If constipation is severe or persistent, treatment may be necessary to ensure that an underlying issue does not exist.…

[W]omen can experience sexual dissatisfaction after a C-section. The increased time of healing can reduce a woman's interest in sexual activity. The sensitivity at the site of the incision can cause pain or tenderness during sexual intercourse. The Childbirth Connection also suggests that women may experience ongoing pelvic pain from the wound.”137

Not surprisingly, C-section moms can have very long recovery times138 due to the fact that they have undergone major abdominal surgery and are likely suffering from birth trauma and sometimes PTSD. Here is how one C-section mom describes her experience…

“C-sections are MAJOR abdominal surgery. The pain is agonizing. I never experienced greater pain in my life, than after my surgical C-section. Even going through natural labor and contractions with a VBAC (vaginal birth after Cesarean) birth of my second child for eleven hours, the pain was not as bad as it had been with the C-section.

The best way I can describe it is imagine your most painful, intense, contraction, and multiply it by at least 50 to 100%... Now, realize the pain does not go away, after 30 seconds or a minute like the pain during contractions does. It is constant and never-ending. That level of pain is with you for DAYS (not seconds or minutes). Imagine your insides feeling like they are going to split open for several weeks, after the surgery, every time you laugh, cry, sneeze, get out of bed, stand up, or move too fast…

C-sections ARE a big deal. So big, your life will never be the same… 55

You may lose precious time with your newborn baby. Time that you will NEVER get back, because you are doped up on strong narcotic pain medications for at least 24 hours- usually longer- after the birth. Your baby might be groggy after birth in most cases, because the epidural and or spinal tap medication used to numb you, is in their system too.

Instead of spending the first few moments after birth holding, nursing, and bonding, with your baby, your hands may be tied down….

Because of this, you probably won’t be able to hold your baby during this time… In my case, my hands were still restrained…

If you are lucky, your baby will want to breastfeed, even though he/she could still be groggy from the birth. If not, then starting breastfeeding becomes a much bigger challenge. As any new mother will tell you, breastfeeding a brand new baby can be hard at first. Now imagine trying to position your baby to nurse, but you can’t have your new baby’s feet, or body anywhere near your incision because you can’t risk having them push, or kick you in that area. You can use a pillow to block the site, but it becomes another aspect to figure out.

By having a C-section, your chances for hemorrhage, post-partum infection, internal injuries, postpartum depression, breastfeeding problems, reproductive problems, and maternal death, are increased than if you gave birth vaginally.

By having an elective C-section your baby’s chances for neonatal respiratory distress syndrome (RDS), physician caused prematurity (since they can only guess what the correct due date is), persistent pulmonary hypertension (PPH), are cut by the surgeon’s scalpel two to six percent of the time, and are less likely to be breastfed, are increased than babies who are born vaginally.

In most cases, you will have metal staples in your incision for several days after the surgery. I thought my tummy 56

looked like Frankenstein’s forehead. It was so awful I couldn’t even look at it.

Your uterus will have permanent scar tissue, which is at a higher risk for rupture with future pregnancies…

Your birthing options with future pregnancies are SEVERELY limited… In all actuality, you will be pressured to have a repeat C-section with future pregnancies, even though with every subsequent C-section, the uterine rupture rate increases…

You will probably have a longer recovery after a C-section than if you had given birth vaginally. You can’t drive for usually 10 days. You are sore, and it can be a struggle to just get up and move, let alone walk, sit-up, sit, and lie down. It is recommended that you don’t climb any stairs for two weeks - too bad if your house has stairs - it can be very painful, every time you have to go up or down your stairs. You don’t dare laugh or cough for several days, because it just hurts too much. You may only have a limited amount of pain medication, because most doctors want to “wean” you off the strong pain narcotics a few days after the C-section. Keep in mind, this is all while you have a brand new baby to take care of as well…

The general thought is it usually takes about 3 weeks to recover from vaginal birth, and 6 weeks to recover from a C-section, IF everything goes well.

That was not true for me at all. It took me about 12 weeks to feel almost 100% again- meaning I didn’t have pain that kept me from doing daily activities. That is 3 months! If I were to count the time that it took for my scar to heal, and to not feel any pain whatsoever – I would say NEVER. Even now, four years later, if I move at an odd angle, I will get a weird pain in my abdomen, that I never had before having a C-section…”139

Obviously, with women experiencing this level of pain, mother-infant bonding is a huge issue. Not only is it difficult to produce the neurochemicals of love when pain is present, but breastfeeding is also difficult because the hormones of birth have 57 been undermined, and these are the very hormones that allow for the full let-down of breast milk. Also, the baby must be placed very, very carefully on the mother’s body during any breastfeeding attempts so there is no possibility the baby will kick or even touch the C-section wound. This is a great challenge and if a mother is experiencing so much pain that she has difficulty simply sitting up, her ability to respond to her infant’s needs will be severely undermined.140

Sadly, C-sectioned mothers are not the only ones experiencing major trauma from cesarean surgery. Babies suffer as well. Autism is 23% more likely in children that have been born by cesarean section,141 and C-section babies often develop diabetes and obesity later in life.142 Moreover, due to the interruption of normal vaginal delivery (during which contractions pump the baby’s lungs and prepare them for the outside world), C-section children can develop serious respiratory problems because of the method of their birth,143 and it is common for C-sectioned babies to become asthmatic later in life.144 C-section babies also have a greater risk of developing immune disorders, inflammatory bowel disorders, rheumatoid arthritis, allergies, and even leukemia.145

Because the natural hormones of birth are disrupted during a C-section (which hormones allow humans to love and bond with each other), C-sectioned babies often have difficulty breastfeeding and bonding, and these difficulties are compounded by the drugs used for cesarean birth which make baby drowsy and mother completely unavailable.146 On top of all this, hospitals are in the habit of separating babies from their mothers immediately after birth, and this contributes HUGELY to a breakdown in mother- infant bonding and difficulty breastfeeding.147 This separation is habitual with C-sectioned babies because mom needs time to recover from the surgery and come out of the anesthesia (if she is lucky enough to have had it). Additionally, mom’s arms are often immobilized and strapped down to a table, thus, she cannot even reach for or hold her own child.

Worse is the fact that C-sectioned babies often end up in neonatal intensive care units, and those born before 39 weeks are twice as likely as those born vaginally to be kept in a NICU due to respiratory distress.148 Once a baby ends up in the NICU, the possibility for healthy bonding is further degraded.


NICUs are like the bowels of the technological underworld. They are places where infants are literally held captive for weeks and months and subjected to all manner of painful and torturous medical procedures, most of the time without being given any form of pain relief whatsoever.

“On average, a prematurely born infant in a neonatal intensive care unit will experience 14 to 21 invasive procedures a day, including heel lance, insertion of intravenous lines, and intubation. All of these procedures are quite painful and are routinely conducted without prior analgesics or anesthetics…

"We once assumed that a newborn infant is insensitive to pain, and this is clearly not the case. Even at that period of time, the central nervous system is able to respond to pain, and our studies show that the experience of pain completely changes the wiring of the brain in adulthood."149 [emphasis added]

While NICU infants are forced to endure extreme levels of pain on a daily basis, parents are expected to acquiesce at every turn to the dictates of the medical system. The social control of parenting in the NICU is extreme,150 to the point that parents must first get PERMISSION to hold or even touch their own children lest they interfere with medical protocols. NICU parents are often forced to stand to the side and watch as painful procedures are inflicted on their children who are lying there helplessly, immobilized through the medical system’s repetitive use of paralysis drugs. If parents begin to feel horrified about what they are witnessing, they are never given the option to simply take their baby out of the NICU and into a more nurturing and healing environment. The child’s release will only happen when and if the medical system ordains that it is OK, and if a parent argues about this, their child can be put into the custody of the state. One mother of a very premature baby who was confined in a NICU for six months in a state of suspended animation (i.e., paralyzed, intubated, fed through tubes that had been inserted through a surgically created hole in the baby’s stomach, etc.) put it this way:

“Andrew is not our baby anymore – he’s been taken over by a medical bureaucracy. The bureaucracy controls Andrew – access to Andrew, information about Andrew,


decisions about what will happen to Andrew. It tolls inexorably onward, oblivious to our attempts to communicate, participate…”151

This mother felt that her baby was being used as a guinea pig by doctors who wilfully gave her baby drugs that were experimental and dangerous without parental consent. These same doctors viewed the myriad torments that their so-called “treatments” had caused this baby as “interesting” and as a means for them to gather medical data. Despite the parents making a clear request for their baby to be removed from “life support” so that he could finally die, medical personnel refused for months to allow this to happen. Instead, they labeled the parents as “bad parents” and continuously accused the mother of being cold and not bonding appropriately with her child.

The feelings of torment at seeing their child trapped in what can only be perceived as a sociopathic institution created a dark cloud over this couples’ marriage and just about destroyed their family and their lives. 152 Later, after baby Andrew was finally “allowed” to die, the parents wrote a long letter to the medical establishment, excerpts of which are below:

“The sad list of Andrew's afflictions almost all of which were iatrogenic reveals how disastrous this hospitalisation was. Andrew had a month's long unresolved case of bronchopulmonary dysplasia sometimes referred to as 'respiratory lung syndrome'. He was 'saved' by the respirator to endure countless episodes of bradycardia and cyanosis, countless suctioning and tube insertions and blood samplings and blood transfusions; 'saved' to develop retrolental fibroplasia, numerous infections, demineralized and fractured bones, an iatrogenic cleft palate and finally, as his lung became irreparably diseased, pulmonary artery hypertension and seizures of the brain. He was in effect 'saved' by the respirator to die five long painful and expensive months later of the respirator's side effects. [emphasis added]

The IICU's attempt to nourish Andrew artificially was nearly as unsuccessful as its attempt to breathe for him. His bone problems, which included severe rickets secondary to hyperalimentation testify to the large

60 amount of research still required before the nutritional needs of extremely premature, critically ill infants can be competently met. The notes in the medical record by those called in to consult about Andrew's problem show that research interest in our baby's problems was indeed high. 'The incidence of rickets here and in other IICU units is very interesting' one consultant began 'and points out the need for data. The endocrine section with your help would be interested in exploring this area.' 'Thank you' another note reads 'for interesting consult on this syndrome. The only time I have seen X-rays of more fractured bones was in an Air Force crash victim.' One of the reasons a doctor once gave to explain Andrew's dependence on the respirator and lack of effort to breathe for himself was that with all those broken ribs it 'hurts like hell every time he takes a breath’…

The extraordinary technology that was marshalled to keep Andrew from dying was sufficient only to the production of new 'interesting' problems… During his stay at Pediatric Hospital Andrew suffered through a prolonged case of E coli septicemia related to abscesses at the arterial line sites which necessitated surgical removal of gangrene and necrotic muscle down to the bone of his right leg. It was noted in the record in May that 'right foot remains limited due to severed and removed tissue'. He also had several urinary tract infections and 'multiple courses of pneumonia'.

And this was not yet the end of Andrew's problems. He also suffered from a heart defect and possible stress ulcers. He experienced a pulmonary hemorrhage in January…. as the months went by the record noted cortical atrophy, enlarged ventricles, chronic encephalopathy, microcephaly and 'severe developmental delay'…

[W]e think the magnitude of the medical failure involved is quite obviously staggering…

We think the question must be raised as to whose interests were really served by this six months of imposed hospitalisation. Certainly not Andrew's. He had the

61 misfortune of being declared 'salvageable' (the IICU's word) by people who knew neither how to salvage him nor when or how to stop. Certainly not ours. Those six months were for us a nightmare of anguish, frustration and despair. It seems clear to us that all the benefits in this case went to Pediatric Hospital and its staff. The medical residents got a chance to broaden their education by working with a baby with malfunctions of virtually every system of his body, the specialists took part in some 'interesting consults' and gathered some data and the hospital collected the mind boggling sum of $102,303.20 from the insurance company.

Although we signed a general consent form when Andrew was admitted to the hospital we did not know that we were signing away control over the events of the next months… [I]n our opinion, the hospital did not accord us, Andrew's parents and legal guardians, our rights of informed consent in decisions about his care. From the very first, we were treated as wholly external to the case. Our wishes, judgments, and thoughts were rarely of interest to the IICU's medical staff, who arrogated decisions to themselves as though we did not exist.

A severe crisis of confidence developed as we despaired of getting any believable information. And evidence confirms that our cynicism was not out of place. Even we were surprised when we obtained a copy of Andrew's medical record and compared the information there with the version we had been given. Andrew's bronchopulmonary dysplasia had first been noted nearly two months before we were informed of it. He had had more infections than had been reported to us, had been on more drugs of a seemingly experimental nature than we knew of, and had bone problems more severe and fractures more numerous than we had been told. We found out that Andrew had developed an iatrogenic cleft palate. We learned for the first time about the gangrene that had developed in his infected leg and of the tissue and muscle that had been cut away down to the bone [likely with no anesthesia]; we had been told only that Andrew had an abscess which had been drained and which had 'healed nicely'….


What happened at Pediatric Hospital has had a final bitter psychological cost: we have been robbed of the opportunity to grieve at the death of our child. We have friends whose baby son, brain damaged and unable to breathe on his own, died a day after birth in a Community hospital. No respirators were available to prolong the suffering of everyone concerned, and the family was able to grieve for the baby in a normal way. The baby is buried in an old country cemetery where the parents, their older child, and their year-old normal, healthy son gather now and then to think of the child who might have been.

There can be no such scene for Andrew. By the time he was finally permitted to die, the death itself could bring only feelings of profound relief: relief that Andrew's pain, as well as our own, was finished at last; relief that we had all escaped the clutches of Pediatric Hospital at last…”153 [all words in brackets are this author’s commentary]

Andrew’s parents suffered greatly at having to watch what was happening to their child. Despite their attempts to protect him by asking that he be removed from their machines, medical staff refused to comply. Andrew’s body was kept alive so that medical interests could study him and gather information. The overwhelming suffering that this caused Andrew and his family is difficult to comprehend.

Of course, bonding with a child who is trapped in a NICU, locked in an incubator, and can only be stared at but not interacted with because the child is kept on paralysis drugs for hours and days at a time is EXTREMELY difficult. The fact that doctors accused this caring mother of not bonding properly with her child is a total disgrace. Both parents were likely in a state of shock as a result of having to watch their child endure medical atrocities day after day with no ability to help or protect him. The trauma of Andrew’s NICU stay had likely escalated to a point where the parents were terrified to make a deeper connection with their child for fear that that connection would cause everyone more pain.

Just imagine the desperate loneliness of a helpless premature infant whose parents are unable to bond with him and who is trapped in a hideous technological environment where people are daily torturing him and using him as a means to gather medical

63 data. It makes me feel physically ill just thinking about what they did to this innocent child and realizing that this happens every day in neonatal intensive care units across the United States.

Horrifyingly, statistics now indicate that a whopping 20% of all babies born in the United States are obliged to spend time in a NICU. 154 Like Andrew, many of these babies are treated like objects and used for medical “science.” Some are also used for training purposes by student doctors who are instructed by their superiors to practice their undeveloped medical skills on the bodies of these wholly unprotected and very sick infants.

“’You want to do the honors?’ Heineman, the senior resident asks.

‘Sure. I’m gonna have to learn sometime,’ shrugs a first- year resident named Kennedy.

On the warming table before them is the premie who was brought in by transport a few hours ago. His condition has worsened, and they have decided to ‘put a line in him,’ slang for threading a catheter into one of his arteries through the stump of his umbilical cord. The catheter, a very thin, flexible tube, will be left in place indefinitely to provide the staff with an instant method of obtaining blood samples, taking blood pressure, and administering fluids and electrolytes.

A nurse swabs the child’s abdomen with a 1 percent iodine solution and places a piece of tape at the base of the cord to control any bleeding. Then Kennedy begins to tie a ribbon around the umbilicus to make it stand up. It has the color and consistency of an oriental rice noodle.

From a sterile tray, Kennedy takes up a scalpel and the catheter. He must cut the umbilical cord on a bevel, to expose the artery for insertion. It’s like preparing electrical wire for splicing.

‘I don’t cut it there, do I?’ Kennedy asks uncertainly.

‘Sure. You cut it right there,’ Heineman replies.


Reassured, Kennedy slices off the top of the umbilicus… Working carefully, Heineman fits a tweezers into the tiny artery opening and by parting the tweezer blades, dilates the hole. ‘All yours,’ he says, and Kennedy goes to work. He slides the catheter into the artery, causing the baby to flinch visibly. Slowly he feeds out more catheter, but it goes in only about three inches before it stalls. Kennedy looks perplexed. Withdrawing it slightly, he pushes it forward again. ‘Nope,’ he says, ‘won’t go in.’

‘That’s all right. That happens,’ says Heineman. ‘Try again.’

Once more Kennedy inserts the catheter while Heineman dilates the artery. Again the baby flinches, and again the catheter stops.

‘It’s okay,’ Heineman says soothingly. ‘There’s a lot of turns it has to make in there. It’s like a drainpipe.’

Before he can try a third time, Kennedy must slice off more umbilicus to get a fresh opening to work with. Having done so, he tries again to insert the catheter. ‘Uh, uh,’ he moans, frustrated. ‘It just won’t go.’

Off comes more umbilical cord. Then Kennedy makes a fourth attempt, and a fifth. Each time the baby tenses. Each time the catheter stops.

On the sixth try Heineman says, ‘That’s it, I think you have it this time.’ Kennedy feeds the catheter higher and higher into the artery, like a plumber’s auger. He wears a look of triumph. But then suddenly the catheter stops. ‘Son of a bitch,’ he says.

On the seventh try there is hardly any umbilicus left to cut. Kennedy fails again and gives up in exhaustion. The baby has begun crying bitterly. Tears are streaming down his face.

At this moment, the chief neonatologist happens to come by. He announces that he will show both Kennedy and


Heineman an advanced technique for umbilical catheterization. And he indeed works the catheter in almost completely before it once again stalls. They finally decide to switch to a radial arterial line, a catheter in the arm instead of the navel. It is less desirable but the only option at this point. ‘We have a saying,’ remarks Heineman. ‘If you can’t get the procedure done, then he probably didn’t need it anyway.’”155

Notice the baby’s body is likened to inanimate plumbing and electrical equipment and the doctors express no concern about the pain they caused this vulnerable child. Notice also that the baby was jabbed in its umbilical artery EIGHT TIMES before its ordeal was finally over, with the last jab being an egoic attempt on the part of the “chief neonatologist” to demonstrate his medical prowess and finesse, which was an epic fail. After several minutes of painfully tormenting this tiny child, the doctors jokingly conclude that the baby did not need the procedure after all.

Obviously, it is not OK for doctors to make light of their violence, nor is it OK for them to be so desensitized that they cannot see the harm they are causing. This kind of indifference is considered “normal” in medical circles and is a necessary part of becoming a doctor. Desensitization begins in medical school which, at its core, involves trauma based mind control programming designed to cause dissociation in medical students and turn otherwise normal individuals into high-functioning psychopaths (more on this later). The pain that these doctors were able to inflict on this vulnerable child without concern is a sure sign that their training/ programming worked.

It should also be noted that the violation of the baby’s umbilical area is not just a physical assault, but an attack on the baby’s soul (and we can be sure that the people who “conjure up” the idea of these sadistic medical procedures know exactly what they are doing). 3 Indigenous cultures around the globe have

3 Even the seemingly benign blue light that surrounds the infant pictured on the cover of this book has a sinister purpose. According to Fritz Springmeier and Cisco Wheeler (experts on mind control programming), blue lights are used as a hypnotic induction to make people believe they were abducted by aliens (rather than attacked by doctors and nurses). Deeper Insights Into the Illuminati Formula, Chapter 4 - Hypnosis and the Occult.

66 known for eons about the spiritual importance of the umbilicus. Their wisdom makes clear the need to protect the umbilical area in order to protect the baby’s physical health and spiritual well- being.

“The Baganda of Uganda believe that the placenta is actually a second child. Not only is it the child's double, but the placenta also has its own spirit that resides in the umbilical cord. The portion of the cord attached to the baby must be carefully preserved to ensure the good health of the child…156


“Amongst the Indian tribes of North America there’s a belief that the soul lives in the birth organs; when the cord and the afterbirth have dried up and dropped away they’re tenderly gathered up by the mother and arranged in a sacred fabric that she had woven during the pregnancy. This bundle is then buried secretly, and retrieved whenever the tribe moves. This bundle is presented to the grown person when they appear to have children who will survive into adulthood. The mother lays the bundle into the arms of the person with this statement:

“Today you are a man, or woman, and I return this to you, for you to look after. I have protected your soul all of your life; now it’s up to you.”157


“Eloquent ceremonies are performed to honor the placenta in countries all over the world, and even here in our own backyard. The Navajo of the American Southwest customarily bury a child's placenta within the sacred Four Corners region to bind the child to its ancestral land and to its people. The Maoris of New Zealand bury the placenta in native soil for the same reason. They even applied their word for land to the placenta - whenua. In certain regions of Siberia, the buried placenta is thought to be ill or uncomfortable if the baby becomes sick. The gravesite is treated, and the placenta may be reburied in another spot in hopes of curing the child…


“The Ibo of Nigeria and Ghana consider the placenta to be the baby's twin. Aymara and Quecha peoples of Bolivia say that the placenta has its own spirit. Malaysians consider the placenta to be the older sibling to the child. When the baby smiles unexpectedly, it is said that he is playing with his brother. The Parigi of the Celebes Islands also view the placenta as the older brother… Similar beliefs can be found in Java and Bali. The Toba-Bataks of Sumatra believe the placenta is the younger brother. It is also thought to contain one of the seven souls that each person possesses, which can act as a sort of conscience for the child. In Iceland, it is held that the child's guardian spirit resides in the placenta, leading them to name it "fylgia", which means "guardian angel". In western Australia, the placenta is considered to be the child's companion…”158


“In Cambodia, for example, the baby’s placenta, which traditional Cambodian healers call “the globe of the origin of the soul,” must be buried in the right location and orientation to protect the baby. The burial place may be covered with a spiky plant to keep evil spirits and dogs from interfering, because such interference could have long-term effects on the mother’s mental health…”

The placenta is held in reverence and awe because it accompanies the child from the spirit or womb world. For the Hmong, it must also accompany the person back to the spirit world. After death, a Hmong must travel back to every place the person has lived until they reach the burial ground of their placenta. Only when clothed in their placental “jacket” (the Hmong word for placenta also means jacket) can the soul travel on to be reunited with the ancestors, then be reincarnated in the soul of a new baby. If the soul cannot find its placental jacket, it will be condemned to wander forever naked and alone…”159

Clearly, the umbilical organs are of extreme spiritual importance. The fact that doctors get away with attacking this area of a baby’s body and vampiring the blood from umbilical arteries should concern us all.


Furthermore, their habit of clamping and cutting the umbilical cord immediately after birth, despite the fact that it is dangerous and harmful to the child,160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 should also concern us greatly. This medical butchery cuts the baby off from its oxygen supply and deprives the child of vital stem cells and nutrients necessary for the proper development of the immune system. It can also lead to a number of serious problems including “autism, cerebral palsy, anemia, hypovolemia, hypotension, ischemia, shock, shock lung, respiratory distress, oliguria, hypoglycemia, ischemic encephalopathy, mental retardation; neural, behavioral and developmental disorders…168 and more.

Despite the well-documented damage that the medical profession is causing, the violence of immediate cord clamping continues unabated. In truth, this procedure is not being done because it has any benefits, but rather so that the infant’s cord blood169 170 171 and placenta172 173 174 can be harvested and sold to the highest bidder. This includes the cord blood of vulnerable premature infants.

“The cord blood of pre-term infants contains more stem cells than normal infants, and interestingly; early cord clamping is particularly promoted for these infants by the medical establishment, due to its higher market value. The welfare of the child is not even considered. For the hospital, this blood is a premium sales item because it contains more nutrients and stem cells... These are desperately needed by the weaker infants. This need is ignored, and the cord blood is literally stolen from the sickly child… and then sold for maximum profit. There is no doubt that this cord blood would result in much healthier premature newborns.”175

Exactly. And we should all have a good laugh when we hear the phrase “evidenced-based medicine” because it is either a very sick joke or a complete Luciferian reversal. All evidence indicates that medical procedures like immediate cord clamping are harmful, and it is time for us to consider that that is exactly what is intended.

Lest we imagine that all this harm is just an oversight and the medical system really does have our best interest in mind, let’s take a peek inside the sordid underworld of medical science, where

69 we find a recent “experiment” in which oxygen was deliberately withheld from 654 premature infants to “study the effects.”176

“Medical personnel routinely give supplemental oxygen to babies who are born with immature lungs. Too much oxygen can cause severe eye damage, including a blood vessel disease and blindness called retinopathy. Too little oxygen can lead to brain damage and death.

The NIH-funded experiment used the test babies in an attempt to find the sweet spot for preemies yet to be born: the lowest level of oxygen that would preserve vision, yet be sufficient to prevent brain damage and death.

To get the answer, researchers arbitrarily assigned infants to either a high-oxygen or low-oxygen group. Because, researchers say, all oxygen levels fell within the generally accepted range, they argue the babies received the same “standard of care” as babies not in the study…. But it turns out there were key differences in how researchers treated babies in the study compared with those not in the study.

Normally, medical personnel constantly adjust oxygen as preemies’ conditions change, based on their individual needs. But the SUPPORT study was designed to keep infants in their randomly assigned range, despite a baby’s individual needs.

And in a decision that one government source says shocked seasoned researchers when they learned of it, the babies’ oxygen monitors intentionally were altered to provide false readings. The reason: so medical staff wouldn’t be tempted to adjust oxygen out of the babies’ study-assigned range…

More of the high-oxygen babies ended up with serious vision disorders. The low-oxygen preemies were more likely to die...”177

Now, to any clear-thinking person, it should be obvious that withholding oxygen from a premature infant (or any living being

70 for that matter) is a form of slow suffocation and torture. Asphyxiating babies with underdeveloped lungs – babies that are already struggling to take a breath – will obviously create massive desperation and suffering for the children that fall victim to these “studies,” and many will die. Worse is the fact these so-called “experiments” mirror common forms of methodical torture used by mind control programmers to create dissociation in children.

“Trauma based mind control programming can be defined as systematic torture that blocks the victim’s capacity for conscious processing (through pain, terror, drugs, illusion, sensory deprivation, sensory over-stimulation, oxygen deprivation, cold, heat, spinning, brain stimulation, and often, near-death), and then employs suggestion and/or classical and operant conditioning (consistent with well-established behavioral modification principles) to implant thoughts, directives, and perceptions in the unconscious mind, often in newly- formed trauma-induced dissociated identities, that force the victim to do, feel, think, or perceive things for the purposes of the programmer. The objective is for the victim to follow directives with no conscious awareness, including execution of acts in clear violation of the victim’s moral principles, spiritual convictions, and volition.

Installation of mind control programming relies on the victim’s capacity to dissociate, which permits the creation of new walled-off personalities to “hold” and “hide” programming. Already dissociative children are prime “candidates” for programming. Alternatively, very young children can be made dissociative through trauma-based programming.”178 [emphasis added]

Oxygen deprivation is also used by Luciferian occultists who seek to purposefully kill children slowly in order to hijack their souls.179

“If someone dies normally, his or her soul instantly leaves the body to the home of souls and there is almost nothing that can come in between that process, except when the process of dying is being slowed down over many hours or sometimes even many days, mostly using Code O2T torture... Code O2T is the deprivation of oxygen to a near


life-threatening degree, which is the easiest to regulate in order to create slow death lift [i.e., in order to hijack the soul]… Then the person gets [slowly suffocated], which is interrupted every time just before death, and when a state of unconsciousness is reached, then restarted when consciousness is back. Then repeated over and over again. Where together with fear, stress, ritual incantations and physical fatigue, the subject will be entirely worn out and with no more physical or mental resistance. That’s why they prefer babies or young children – because they don’t have any resistance.”180

Clearly, we are dealing with evil and the fact that these kinds of “experiments” have been going on for decades181 should give us insight into just how dangerous the medical system really is.

For those who fall victim to these satanic “experiments,” if oxygen deprivation does not lead to death, it will most certainly lead to brain damage182 and the creation of nasty, non-verbal, psychological imprints in survivors – imprints that may lead to aberrant social behaviour later in life. For example, teenagers who are today involved in playing “choking games” (during which they suffocate themselves to the point of unconsciousness or death) may have once been the victims of these vile oxygen deprivation experiments. Their unconscious, unresolved memories of being tortured in infancy may very well be compelling them to re-create the near-death conditions of their original trauma and re-enact the asphyxiation.

“There is something VERY VERY wrong with America when our young people find life so boring and meaningless that they voluntarily choke themselves to the point of fainting, all for “fun.”

Some of them don’t just faint. They die…

It’s called the Choking Game — a “game” of human beings voluntarily suffocating themselves to the point of unconsciousness so as to obtain a “rush” or light-headed sensation that’s supposed to be pleasurable…

Dr. Matt Bruckel of Total Access Urgent Care said, “Basically what they’re accomplishing is they’re starving 72

their brain for oxygen. The children will hyperventilate which will decrease the CO2 in the blood and the CO2 is the gas that causes the brain to breathe. And when you drop it down so low, the oxygen in the blood will drop down faster than the CO2 will rise so they’ll develop cerebral hypoxia, which is a condition in which the brain doesn’t have enough oxygen because the triggers for breathing and ventilation are gone.”183

This sounds very similar to what is happening to the preemies in the NICU and it would be interesting, indeed, to find out how many of the teenagers involved in these choking games spent time in a NICU as infants.

Moreover, in his article entitled Premies Gasping for Breath, H. Peter Aleff outlines decades of repeated experiments that involve withholding oxygen from premature infants.184 He asserts the experiments were never done to help children but have their roots in a program designed to deliberately kill them. 185

“[L]eading physicians… [who] planned and executed this trial included advocates of ruthless Nazi-style eugenics who openly proposed to eliminate the babies at risk as ‘defective persons of which this world has a sufficient quantity already.’

[T]he doctrine instituted by that trial, the still current practice of oxygen rationing for premature babies desperately in need of this breathing help, is in fact the survival of an unacknowledged euthanasia program…”186

On top of all this, records indicate that for decades, infants were being systematically tortured by being forced to undergo radical surgery without being given any form of pain relief. The infants were (and still are) being PARALYZED during surgery so that they cannot move or scream, but they can feel everything that is happening to them while the agonizing procedures are taking place. Despite medical staff pretending this is perfectly normal and OK, clearly it is not. It is a form of medical torture which can be easily ascertained by reading the following accounts.

“Up until the mid-1980s, preemies were not even considered to feel pain. As a result, they received horrible 73

medical procedures – chest tubes, heart surgeries, etc. without anesthesia… we saw it happen to an infant in the unit we were in. Paralyzed with a drug, and a chest tube inserted. No anesthesia.”187


“Anyone now 23 years or older who had major surgery as a baby is at risk for chronic post-traumatic illness because the surgery was probably done without anesthesia…

The baby was given a curare drug for total paralysis while the respirator tube was inserted into the windpipe and the paralysis was maintained throughout the surgery. The paralyzed baby was wide awake with no pain control. Imagine what it must have been like for the infant: unable to lift a finger; unable to move away from the searing pain of the scalpel; the sensation of being turned inside-out as the heart or intestines are grasped; and the overwhelming pain. People that have survived these early traumatic experiences usually cannot recall them verbally while they cannot forget them nonverbally…”188


“…Jill Lawson… demanded to see hospital records after her son's death in 1985. She said, ‘Somehow it was possible for professionals who perceived a baby as too fragile to tolerate general anesthesia, to perceive that same infant as able to withstand open-chest surgery without pain relief’ (Lawson, 1988, p. 2)… At two weeks, Jeffery, ‘during his hour and half operation had two holes cut on either side of his neck and one in his chest, he was cut from his breastbone around to his backbone, his flesh lifted aside, ribs pried apart, blood vessels tied off and lungs retracted, tissue stitched together and a ‘stab incision’ to secure chest tubes’ (Lawson, 1988, p. 2). He died a few days later, as a result of the shock that over- whelmed his entire system causing his brain to bleed and his organs to fail. The hospital's senior neonatologist responded to Mrs. Lawson's inquiries by stating, ‘it didn't matter because he was a fetus,’ explaining that children less than 2 years of age ‘do not feel pain’…”189


Such is the arrogance and extreme insanity of esteemed members of the medical profession who have continued to insist, for more than 100 years, that babies don’t feel pain.190 After looking closely at what these children have been subjected to while under the “care” of the American medical system, should we really be surprised that:

“Johnson et al. report a threefold overall greater risk of subsequent mental health problems in those children born prematurely… childhood psychiatric disorders should be added to the list of serious potential risks for children born extremely pre-term… [T]his study highlights an increased risk for attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder, anxiety and autistic spectrum disorders... Anxiety disorders… occurred at a rate four times higher in the preterm versus term population...”191

Sadly, those doing this study don’t think to point fingers at the medical profession itself as being THE CAUSE of these psychiatric and neurological problems. Yet clearly, this is precisely the case. As we have seen in just a few short pages of this book, babies who spend time in a NICU or who are exposed to interventions like induction, Pitocin, and/or cesarean section have a highly increased chance of autism. There are actually numerous procedures being linked to autism (and other problems like ADHD) and they include:

 the clamping and cutting of the umbilical cord immediately after birth;192

 vaccines193 194 (especially those like the MMR vaccine that contain aborted human fetal tissue); 195

 exposure to ultrasound4 during pregnancy; 196 197 198 and

 circumcision. 199

4 In my forthcoming book, entitled “MK Ultrasound,” I show that medical science has known for nearly 100 years about the extremely damaging effects of ultrasound on the developing brain. Yet they have been lying to parents and medical students alike, repeatedly asserting that ultrasound is perfectly safe. It is not and it is one of the many things they are doing to babies to deliberately cause brain damage.


In 2013, the U.S. Centers for Disease Control reported that 1 in 50 American children200 (and 1 in 42 boys)201 between the ages of 6 and 17 had been diagnosed with an autism spectrum disorder. In the 1960s, only 4 children in 10,000 were diagnosed with the disorder,202 so something has drastically changed that is causing harm to hundreds of thousands of American children, leaving them mentally, neurologically, and sometimes physically incapacitated for life. Could it be that lethal medical practices are causing this severe disruption in outcome?

You betcha!!!!

And yet, despite the obvious evil at the core of all this, if parents dare to question the dictates of the medical system, or if they seek to make their own determination about the care of their newborns and protect them from medical assault, doctors and nurses can turn against them like rabid dogs, calling in Child Protective Services (“CPS”) and instigating the kidnapping of very young children.203 204 Some of these children are literally held captive at American hospitals for weeks and months where they are repeatedly violated through surgical alteration and force-fed deadly pharmaceutical drugs against parental wishes. This was/is the case with “HIV positive” baby Rico Martinez Nagel who was taken right out of the arms of his loving mother, snatched up by CPS, and kept in a medical prison for seven weeks during which time medical antagonists surgically altered and tortured the baby, installed a gastric feeding tube, and maliciously force-fed this vulnerable child as many as seven poisonous HIV drugs,5 all known to stop the growth and development of little children and eventually kill them.205

“The drugs being given to the children are toxic – they’re known to cause genetic mutation, organ failure, bone marrow death, bodily deformations, brain damage and

5 Note: Rico’s experience is filled with inter-generational traumatic repetition. Rico’s mother, Lindsey Nagel, suffered from adoption trauma and the pain of being separated from her biological parents. Like Rico, she was born to an HIV positive mom and was forced to take highly toxic HIV drugs as a young child – drugs that almost killed her. Once the drugs were stopped, Lindsey began to thrive, and throughout her 22 years, she never showed any sign of AIDS. Sadly, due to her unhealed birth, adoption, and early life trauma, the very real phenomenon of traumatic repetition kicked in and caused her son to suffer similar experiences to the ones that she herself experienced as a small child.


fatal skin disorders. If the children refuse the drugs, they’re held down and have them force fed. If the children continue to resist, they’re taken to Columbia Presbyterian hospital where a surgeon puts a plastic tube through their abdominal wall into their stomachs. From then on, the drugs are injected directly into their intestines.

In 2003, two children, ages 6 and 12, had debilitating strokes due to drug toxicities. The 6-year-old went blind. They both died shortly after. Another 14-year old died recently. An 8-year-old boy had two plastic surgeries to remove large, fatty, drug-induced lumps from his neck.

This isn’t science fiction. This is AIDS research…”206

Interestingly, there is a growing body of evidence indicating that HIV does NOT cause AIDS 207 208 209 but the so-called “treatments” do.

“AIDS – The good news is HIV doesn’t cause it. The bad news is ‘recreational drugs’ and medical treatments like AZT do.” 210


“Contrary to popular belief, Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS) is not a global pandemic caused by the Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV); rather, it is one of the biggest and deadliest medical scandals of modern times. There is no convincing evidence that ‘HIV’ plays any role whatsoever in impairing the immune system, let alone that it is the sole cause of AIDS. There is compelling evidence that ‘HIV’ is not readily transmitted sexually, and that AIDS is not contagious.

HIV/AIDS is above all a multibillion dollar industry, in which so many scientists and organizations have acquired a stake that the views of researchers who challenge the orthodox position are vigorously suppressed….

In the name of fighting HIV/AIDS, hundreds of thousands of lives have been and are being destroyed. People who


test positive on the highly unreliable ‘AIDS test’ – including those who are otherwise perfectly healthy, among them babies and young children – are ‘treated’ with extremely toxic and deadly drugs, which ruin the immune and digestive systems and cause several AIDS- defining conditions, while giant pharmaceutical companies rake in the profits…

HIV is supposed to be 100% lethal. Yet the World Health Organization (WHO) admits that 95% of people worldwide described as ‘having HIV’ live in good health…

HIV is said to be a retrovirus, but no other known retrovirus is able to kill cells. There is so little HIV present in the bodies of AIDS victims that it is generally impossible to detect it. Instead, people are tested for the presence of antibodies to HIV. But in the case of every other virus except HIV, the presence of antibodies is regarded as a sign that the virus in question has been defeated and the person concerned is probably immune! …

In fact, the very existence of ‘HIV’ as a genuine invasive virus has never been conclusively demonstrated. In the developed world, drugs are the main factor causing ‘AIDS’, while in the developing world the key factors are malnutrition, poor sanitation, and tropical diseases.”211


“Overwhelming evidence that the drug AZT causes death and that the HIV virus is not a contributing factor to AIDS is gaining international attention. In March 1993, Karen Park, International Educational Development, Inc., spoke at the United Nations concerning infants with the HIV virus,’ . . . infants were treated with AZT, a drug whose extreme toxicity is under scrutiny . . . there was no rational reason to give HIV-positive babies . . . AZT . . . the drug would surely kill them.’ – ‘Project Aids International (PAI) submitted evidence during this United Nations session that the United States Government and the manufacturer of AZT (Wellcome Foundation, Ltd. London) had sufficient knowledge as early as 1961 that AZT was a deadly toxin. PAI further attests that ‘both the


U.S. Government and Wellcome Foundation are knowingly participating in criminal negligent homicide.’”212

Well-credentialed researchers suggest that HIV does not harm the immune system and that the so-called “virus” might not even exist as it has never been isolated in lab tests.213 214

“[T[here is no virological, nor epidemiological, evidence to back up the HIV/AIDS hypothesis… The virus is biochemically inactive and harmless. [There real causes of AIDS include] AZT, chemotherapy, radiation and radiation treatment, street drugs like popper and MDMA etc., along with antibiotics which break down the immune system and malnutrition and starvation as seen in Africa. ‘These are the causes of AIDS and AIDS is not sexually transmitted and HIV doesn’t exist.’”215


“During the past 20 years HIV-AIDS research has shown to a line of critical scientists again and again that the existence of HIV has not been proven without doubt, and that both from an aetiological (causal), and an epidemiological view, it cannot be responsible for the immunodeficiency AIDS. In view of the general accepted HIV/AIDS hypothesis this appeared to me so unbelievable that I decided to investigate it myself. After three years of intensive and, above all, critical studies of the relevant original literature, as an experienced virologist and molecular biologist I came to the following surprising conclusion: Up to today there is actually no single scientifically really convincing evidence for the existence of HIV. Not even once such a retrovirus has been isolated and purified by the methods of classical virology." 216

The tests that are used to determine if someone is “HIV- positive”217 are notoriously inaccurate and only measure whether the person has “HIV antibodies.” The presence of antibodies typically means that a person has fought off a virus and the virus is no longer present in the body.

“[T]he tests are not standardized and give many “false positives”... [T]he tests at best confirm the presence of 79

antibodies and not the virus itself, much less the virus in an active, replicating state. Antibodies typically mean that the body has fought off a viral infection, and they may persist long after the virus itself has disappeared from the body.”218

Thus we have massive fraud operating through the medical industry which has knowingly poisoned countless innocents diagnosed as “HIV positive.” While they busy themselves destroying countless lives, they simultaneously rake in billions of dollars from the sale of HIV drugs, with pharmaceutical giants like Gilead Sciences Inc. doing $3.8 BILLION in sales for the fourth quarter of 2014.219

It is time for us to recognize the evil we are up against. Those who are behind this madness are seeking to do harm.220 As one retired vaccine researcher put it:

“…The medical cartel, at the highest level, is not out to help people, it is out to harm them, to weaken them. To kill them…”221

The Truth has been hiding in plain sight. The caduceus symbol used by the medical profession represents magic and death.222 It was carried by the demi-god, Hermes, 223 who is said to be the protector of liars and thieves,224 and in charge of “leading the dead to the underworld.”225 226

This, my friends, is the true nature of the medical system. It is literally killing 783,936 per year227 and is now the leading cause of death in the United States. 228

“A group of researchers meticulously reviewed the statistical evidence and their findings are absolutely shocking…

This fully referenced report shows the number of people having in-hospital, adverse reactions to prescribed drugs to be 2.2 million per year. The number of unnecessary antibiotics prescribed annually for viral infections is 20 million per year. The number of unnecessary medical and surgical procedures performed annually is 7.5 million per


year. The number of people exposed to unnecessary hospitalization annually is 8.9 million per year.

The most stunning statistic, however, is that the total number of deaths caused by conventional medicine is an astounding 783,936 per year. It is now evident that the American medical system is the leading cause of death and injury in the US…”229

Moreover, the word “pharmacy” derives from the word “pharmakeia” which means SORCERY.

“Pharmakeia (sorcery) is a form of the Greek root from which we get our English words pharmacy, pharmacist, and pharmaceutical…. The learned William Barclay says that pharmakeia began ‘to denote the misuse of drugs, that is, the use of drugs to poison and not to cure’….

In the New Testament, pharmakeia carried with it the idea of sorcery, occultism, and black magic.”230


“In this study you will find evidence that points to the real bottom line about drugs… they have been and continue to be primarily about conforming mankind to the image of the serpent, Satan… [T]he goal is to prepare us for the mark of the Beast.

The words "pharmacy" and "pharmaceutical" are derived from the Greek word, pharmakeia (Strong's G5331). This word is found in the Bible in the following passages…

Now the deeds of the flesh are evident, which are: immorality, impurity, sensuality… idolatry, sorcery (pharmakeia), -- Galatians 5:19-21

…all the nations (ethnos) were deceived by your sorcery (pharmakeia). -- Revelation 18:23

The Heritage Bible interprets the phrase "because all the nations were deceived by your pharmakeia" as


"...because in your spell inducing drugs all the races were led astray."

Nearly everyone is being influenced by this sorcery...”231

Indeed! And it is imperative to understand that those who have been murdered by the medical system and led to the underworld by the technocratic gods are in danger of having their souls harvested through sorcery and then recycled through reincarnation. If this happens, people can spend countless lifetimes trapped in a technocratic matrix enslaved to the forces of darkness.

The only way out of this nightmare is through consciousness and an awareness that there has been, and continues to be, a deliberate, methodical, purposeful attempt to alter and enslave us. This alteration is effectuated through sorcery and the use of extreme trauma, mind control, medical torture, and pharmaceutical drugs. If we are to survive and thrive, we must maintain a steadfast determination to avoid the medical system whenever possible and protect our children from harm.

Death and dis-ease are the name of their game and those who give their bodies over to this Luciferian cult are in danger of having their souls hijacked. 6

6 “An unholy alliance formed between the American Medical Association, the F.D.A., and the Rockefeller Foundation. To ensure compliance from the medical schools, the Rockefeller Foundation frequently insisted that medical schools place Rockefeller employees on their board of directors... The new legally enforceable medical monopoly paralleled the past Rockefeller monopoly from the petrochemical industry of past times. Instead of owning all petroleum, the Rockefeller empire now controlled virtually all medicine. He owned the lion's share of the chemical industry, which would later be called the "pharmaceutical" industry. Throughout his life, John D. Rockefeller, Sr. refused to take his own medicine. He used traditional holistic medicines for his health... After the hijack of the medical schools, the true carnage of polio, heart disease, and cancer exploded...” The Corbett Report, Episode 286, Rockefeller Medicine, November 2, 2013.




Circumcision – The Mark of the Beast

“Circumcision is a blatant insult to God, implying that he is a bungling designer and that he is imperfect, hence NOT God. It is a Satanic suggestion... By insulting the work of God, it proves that it is indeed the work of the Devil. Circumcision is how the Devil gets HIS brand on his Devil-worshipping followers…” – Mike Hockney232

Of all the torturous procedures employed by the medical system today, infant circumcision is perhaps the most disturbing. Baby boys less than 48 hours old233 are strapped to torture boards called “circumstraints”234 and genitally mutilated by doctors who have sworn an oath to “do no harm.” The “procedure” is done 96% of the time in the U.S. without anesthetic,235 236 and in some cases takes place immediately after birth,237 before the baby has had a chance to meet and bond with his mother.238

“Some obstetricians have made early circumcision almost a fetish… [I]n one instance with which we are familiar… the operation was performed when the hips [had] been delivered and pending expulsion of the upper half of the body.”239

Doctors have sought to legitimize this blatant abuse and interruption in bonding since at least the 1950s, to wit....

"It is the purpose of this paper to endorse a possibly more suitable time to perform this operation, immediately after the birth of the newborn."

Convenience: Prior to this new plan the circumcisions were performed between the third and seventh days and a line-up on Sunday mornings was routine. It meant an extra hospital trip, a good deal of uncomfortable delay between cases, and the resulting traffic problem in the birth rooms was prodigious. Under the present regime, the obstetrician finishes his episiotomy, walks across the hall and circumcises the infant, and is finished with the whole business....


Stimulation of the baby: Frequently following a general anesthetic the newborn is depressed and various stimulants are employed; circumcision unfailingly produces an excellent response in a sleepy baby.

Pain: Although the pain sense is present at birth, it is much less intense than in later infancy.

Conclusions: The convenience and time saving afforded both physicians and nurses are considerable… The mother signs the circumcision permit when she is admitted to the labor room, the doctor finishes the operation after he has completed his delivery, there is no conflict in the scheduling of cases, and no babies are forgotten and left uncircumcised…

For these reasons, as well as those of economy, convenience, safety, rapidity of healing, and close hospital observation we feel that immediate circumcision of the newborn male infant might well be more universally adopted."240

The incredible amount of pain that an innocent baby is forced to endure as a result of this medically unnecessary surgery is unfathomable. Other countries, like Canada and Australia, assert that circumcision should only be performed with anesthetics, yet in the U.S., unanesthetized infant circumcision continues unabated.

“The Canadian Pediatric Society states that ‘the evidence of the need for pain control is strong...’ The Australasian Association of Pediatric Surgeons condemns neonatal circumcision but states that if it is to be carried out…

[T]he procedure should be performed electively after six months of age. When performed, it should be carried out by a surgeon performing circumcisions on children on a regular basis with an anesthetist using appropriate techniques. This would imply that the anesthetist is fully trained in the art of pediatric anesthesia, including the ability to perform caudal and penile regional, or local anesthesia... 86

Even with this information, the practice of unanesthetised neonatal circumcision continued. This allowed doctors to conduct experiments into the parameters of extreme pain during the 1980s and 1990's on human babies that would have been prohibited in laboratory animals. ” 241 [emphasis added]

Evil experiments on human babies continue to this day, as in the case of a recent “study” completed in September 2014 that involved the genital torture of 274 newborn male infants in order to compare the pain levels from two different circumcision devices (the Gomco and Mogen clamps). Results from this study have yet to be reported.242 The children were obviously surgically altered without the benefit of anesthesia.

“Circumcision causes newborns a lot of pain, and they should always receive anesthesia for it, researchers say. Suffering caused by the procedure was so clear in a new study of anesthetics that researchers stopped enrollment early because they decided it was unethical to circumcise any more newborns without an anesthetic.”…

Two of 11 newborns who received no anesthetic had potentially dangerous episodes within minutes of the procedure. One newborn lost muscle tone, stopped breathing several times and vomited. The other choked and stopped breathing briefly, the researchers said.243

No respectable medical association in the world recommends routine infant circumcision,244 245 246 247 and, in fact, “six medical societies in Australia and New Zealand and the British Medical Association recognize the long-term psychological risks.” The overwhelming majority (about 80%)248 of males on our planet are NOT circumcised, and yet, as of 2010, approximately 3,000 American infants per day were subjected to this extremely traumatic, brain damaging surgery.”249 250

“This year, 1.2 million male babies in the United States will have between 35 and 50% of healthy, functioning penile skin -- containing over 20,000 nerve endings and the five most sensitive areas of the penis251 -- removed in a procedure that all of the major medical associations in the world… have deemed medically unnecessary.


Overall, routine, non-therapeutic circumcision costs over $2 billion a year; in most states, it is still covered by Medicaid, at a cost of tens of millions of dollars to the taxpayer. Despite near-universal recommendations against performing it routinely, it is the most common surgical procedure performed in the United States.252

In December of 2014, the U.S. Centers for Disease Control (“CDC”) released a public proclamation claiming that circumcision’s “benefits” outweigh the risks, and that removal of the foreskin “reduces the risk of HIV” and “sexually transmitted infection.”253 254

Based on the information shared earlier in this book regarding the HIV hoax (i.e., that HIV may not exist, 255 256 257 and that if it does, it is harmless and NOT sexually transmitted 258 259 ), the absurdity of the CDC’s proclamation should be obvious.

The truth is… “there is no evidence whatsoever that circumcision can prevent HIV.” 260 Numerous studies have confirmed this 261 262 263 showing that circumcision does not prevent sexually transmitted diseases 264 and circumcised males have HIGHER rates of STDs than those who are intact.265 266

“First, circumcision status does not appear to lower the likelihood of contracting an STD. Rather, the opposite pattern holds… Indeed, the absence of a foreskin was significantly associated with contraction of bacterial STDs among men who have had many partners in their lifetimes. These results suggest a reexamination of the prevailing wisdom regarding the prophylactic effect of circumcision.” 267

The CDC is well aware of this data and in 2008, said…. “[t]here is not enough evidence to say circumcision protects men from getting the AIDS virus…”268

“A recent Centers for Disease Control (CDC) and WHO report confirms previous reports that circumcision does not prevent sexually transmitted diseases (STDs). Teens 15 years and older in the USA have the highest rate of STDs in any industrialized country and half will contract a sexually transmitted disease by age 25, despite two-thirds 88

of young males having been circumcised. Such reports suggest that the social experiment of circumcision to prevent STDs… has already failed in the USA, which has the highest rate of non-therapeutic infant circumcision in industrialized countries…”269

It is not clear what prompted the CDC’s reversal on this issue. However, the CDC is known to be a fraudulent 7 and corrupt organization involved in deliberately altering, falsifying, and/or hiding scientific data, 270 271 272 273 making fraudulent claims, 274 and promoting fraudulent studies to mislead the public.275

“Over the years, the CDC… has repeatedly deceived and lied to the public… [F]ive recent examples [outlined in this article] reveal that the CDC has deliberately altered or withheld scientific evidence in a bid to misinform the public.276

Despite the CDC’s lack of ethics and unexplainable reversal on the circumcision issue, the U.S. media nevertheless jumped at the chance to spread the CDCs lies. As if it had all been pre-planned, the media simultaneously broadcasted the CDC’s fraudulent claims across numerous publications, using the exact same title (“Circumcision Benefits Outweigh the Risks, CDC says”), published on the exact same day, with the exact same information, and, in many cases, written by the exact same author. These duplicate articles were sent out across dozens of American news sites including, but not limited to, Yahoo,277 AOL,278 Huffington Post,279 Washington Post,280 ABC News,281 US News,282 Business Week,283 MSN, 284 Scientific American, 285 RT, 286 and many, many, many more. This well-orchestrated, propagandized, media mind control frenzy was clearly designed to manipulate the way the American people think about circumcision, and it was arranged by the very same people who own and control the overwhelming majority of media outlets in the U.S. – i.e., circumcising .287 288 289 290 291

The control of the opinion-molding media is nearly monolithic. All of the controlled media — television, radio, newspapers, magazines, books, motion pictures speak

7 More information about the fraudulent and corrupt nature of the CDC can be found in Appendix A at the back of this book.


with a single voice, each reinforcing the other. Despite the appearance of variety, there is no real dissent, no alternative source of facts or ideas accessible to the great mass of people which might allow them to form opinions at odds with those of the media masters.

They are presented with a single view of the world… It is a view of the world designed by the media masters to suit their own ends — and the pressure to conform to that view is overwhelming. People adapt their opinions to it, vote in accord with it, and shape their lives to fit it.

And who are these all-powerful masters of the media? As we shall see, to a very large extent they are Jews...”292

Due to media monopoly, Jewish ideals and culture are widely promoted and disseminated in the U.S. where infant circumcision is under attack and where Jews are likely feeling an urgency to tout any semblance of credible support for the procedure. Increasing numbers of Americans are speaking out against the traumatizing,293 294 brain-damaging,295 296 medically unnecessary surgery, 297 298 and many are refusing the operation for their newborns.299 Circumcision rates in the U.S. are dropping, though there is confusion regarding just how much. Pro-circumcision sources claim the rates have dropped from 83% to 77%,300 while other sources say they have dropped from 64.5% to 58.3%301 or 32%,302 depending on who is reporting.

The Jewish circumcision ritual known as metzitzah b'peh has also been brought under scrutiny because the ritual involves rabbis putting their mouths to an infant’s mutilated penis and sucking blood off the circumcision wound.303 This very dark, blood sucking ritual has caused at least 17 New York infants to contract herpes from the saliva of Jewish mohels, and several have died while others have suffered brain damage as a result.

“…The ultra-Orthodox Jewish practice of metzitzah b'peh requires a practitioner to orally suck the baby's penis to 'cleanse' the open wound following its circumcision, making them susceptible to the virus…”304

“The department has confirmed 17 cases of herpes resulting from MBP since the year 2000. Two of the babies


died, at least two suffered brain damage, and the strong possibility exists that there may be many other unreported cases. Nonetheless, the city estimates that MBP is performed 3,600 times per year in New York.”305


“There have now been four reported cases in 2014… This is the 17th case since 2000, the health department said. Of those 17, two infants have died and at least two more have suffered brain damage.

The most recent case involved a boy born in November. Twelve days after his circumcision, the baby was brought to a pediatrician’s office because of concerns about fussiness after feeding, according to the health department. The boy had a “cluster of papules” on his penis and was sent to a dermatologist who then sent the boy to the emergency room. The location of the lesions, timing of signs and symptoms, and laboratory identification of HSV-1 are consistent with transmission of the herpes virus during direct contact between the mouth of the ritual circumciser and the newly circumcised infant penis, the health department said…”306

The depravity that lurks in the of those who perform this procedure is clear from the following account.

"But the mohel (circumciser) with whom I had worked countless times suddenly handed me the knife. He pointed to my squirming son, whose hands and legs were tied to the board. The foreskin had been pulled up over the glans of the penis and was now protruding through a narrow slit of the small, stainless steel clamp. . . . 'It's the greatest honor a father can have,' he added. . . . There is no greater primal anger than that caused by seeing another male in carnal contact with your wife, in this case the physical intimacy of mother and son. And there is no greater primal envy than that caused by looking down at the person who was brought into the world specifically to be your survivor. . . . The breast provides, but the knife protects. It channels the father's natural anger and jealousy into one controlled cut. He takes off one small


part in order to preserve – and love – the whole... No father should be denied this experience, even vicariously, of inflicting upon his child a ritualized blow so intense as to make him both shake and recoil . . .’"307

Thus we see that, in this minds of those who commit this atrocity, circumcision is a deliberate assault on an innocent infant for the purpose of inflicting severe pain and torture. Hence, circumcision can easily be classified as ritual sexual abuse.

Kerth Barker, a survivor of ritual sexual abuse, states that some of these sadistic abusers are “aroused by the idea of surgical mutilation.”308 “They believe that there is a relationship between surgical mutilation and social control.” 309 Some abusers get a sexual thrill inflicting torture on innocents while others become aroused watching other males being circumcised. 310 Some of these sadistic psychopaths enjoy masturbating while infants or young boys are being circumcised. 311 Others masturbate over empty circumstraint boards.312 These very sick people are called “circumfetishists” and many of them are doctors.

“A circumfetishist is someone who has a sexual fixation for the circumcised penis, and/or derives sexual gratification from the act of circumcision itself. Often their sexual fantasy involves infants…”313

The Gilgal Society (named after the Hebrew word “Gilgal,” which means “hill of foreskins”) is a “circumcision advocacy group” that “publishes circumcision propaganda, fetish stories of young boys being circumcised while others masturbate, and other materials.” 314 Gilgal Society’s membership includes many doctors, some of whom have published research papers on the so- called benefits of circumcision to prevent HIV315 (which we have already established may not exist and if it does, it is NOT sexually transmitted).

Groups such as the Acorn Society, the Gilgal Society, and the Cutting Club openly admit to a morbid fascination with circumcision to the point of sado-masochistic fetish. These groups advertise that doctors are among their members. There are those on the Internet who discuss the erotic stimulation they experience by watching other males being circumcised, swap fiction about it, and trade in


videotapes of actual circumcisions. Furthermore, there are anecdotal accounts of doctors becoming sexually aroused when circumcising boys. Circumcision certainly provides an opportunity not only to handle boys' penises without the condemnation that a sexual assault… would attract, but also the opportunity to exercise power over another human being, to alter the penis and to control it and the boy's future sexual life… Mutilating the genitals of others has a deep sexual motive… combined with the urge to control people.”316

This sexually perverse need of doctors to harm and control helpless infants was articulated beautifully in a 1966 article written by John M. Foley, M.D. He states:

“Circumcision provides a convenient and socially acceptable outlet for the perverted component of the circumciser's libido. I have had personal experience with the psychopathology that underlies the wish to circumcise. The pitiful wails of the suffering infant are all too often the background for lewd and obscene commentary by the obstetrician to his audience of nurses…

One of the reasons why circumcision is so common in this country stems from the sadism of the crypto-pervert.

Psychiatrists have long agreed that circumcision is basically a punitive act. According to Dr. Menninger, for instance, the original and basic purpose of circumcision was to serve as a symbol of castration, and the practice was initiated by fathers – to punish their sons for whatever incestuous feelings they might have for their mothers…

The circumcision of a newborn boy is a spectacle so appalling and revolting in its cruelty that, on their first encounter with the ordeal, many robust medical students faint. The infant is tied down securely to a circumcision board, with his genitals exposed. Next, the entire foreskin and much of the penile skin is pulled through a clamp, and as the clamp's screw is tightened, the skin is crushed off. As much as 80% of the total penile skin is removed. In


this country anesthetics are rarely used. The infant struggles and screams, and often vomits and defecates, before lapsing into unconsciousness.”317

Not surprisingly, the trauma caused by this despicable procedure creates irreversible neurological damage318 and breaks the bonds of love between mother and son319 320 321 322 (which no doubt makes those punishing fathers very happy).

When a child is subjected to intolerable, overwhelming pain, it conceptualizes mother as both participatory and responsible regardless of mother's intent. When in fact, mother is truly complicit, as in giving permission for unanesthetized surgery… the perception of the infant of her culpability and willingness to have him harmed is indelibly emplaced. The consequences for impaired bonding are significant… [S]uch a trauma creates an "enormous obstacle to the development of basic trust between mother and child" which must be acknowledged to the maturing child if healing is to occur…”323

“Somehow they understood that when it's done to a boy, it disconnects him from his mother, breaks that tender bond between them forever. As the baby boy is taken from his mother's arms and subjected to this torture, the only way the baby can interpret it is as a betrayal by her. He will never again trust her or connect with her. He can be trained to show her some respect and behave appropriately, but that deepest wound in his heart never heals, unless he knows about it and wants to make an enormous effort to forgive her. But that requires a very evolved soul. Most of the men simply don't know that they carry that deep pain within them, where it came from and why, - they just act it out unconsciously, by hurting their mothers, their lovers, themselves and other people...”324


“Circumcision… is designed to destroy the bond between mother and son, and "freeze” the mother's heart… If the emotional system of the mother can be traumatized and frozen, she can then easily be infused with deep feelings


of guilt and shame, and unnatural helplessness. The powers of a mother can then be easily controlled…

It's a medical fact that after this painful "ritual," the infant child is returned to its mother in a neuro-chemically frozen, or "catatonic," state. For months, the levels of cortisol (the hormone of death) will be at 1.5 times over pre-torture baseline in the limbic brain stem, and in the left trunk of the sympathetic nerve system, which covers the digestive system and the heart. After studies of MK-Ultra, it is now fully documented that the traumatized infant child will refuse to trust its parents…”325

Regarding brain damage from circumcision trauma...326

“Circumcision is described as an intervention with long- term neuro-behavioral effects. These changes promote two distinct behavioral types characterized by increased anxiety, altered pain sensitivity, stress disorders, hyperactivity/attention deficit disorder, leading to impaired social skills and patterns of self-destructive behavior.”327


“Drs. Anand and Hickey… conclude that newborn responses to pain are ‘similar to but greater than those in adult subjects’... As a surgical procedure, circumcision has been described as ‘among the most painful performed in neonatal medicine.’ Studies of infant responses show that the pain of circumcision is not like that of a mere pin prick. It is severe and overwhelming…

Justin Call, infant psychologist and professor-in-chief of child and adolescent psychology at the University of California, reports that ‘sometimes babies who are being circumcised . . . . lapse into a semi-coma.’ Tonya Brooks, president of the International Association for Childbirth at Home and a midwife, observes, ‘In four of the nine circumcisions that I have seen, the baby didn't cry. He just seemed to be suddenly in a state of shock!’ Studies demonstrate that even though an infant may not cry during circumcision, the stress hormone level in the blood 95

still increases dramatically, and medical researchers consider this change to be the most reliable indicator of pain response. Therefore, lack of crying does not mean that the infant feels no pain. It could mean that he is withdrawing from unbearable pain.

Circumcision has other harmful effects. Anand and Hickey write that… [T]he persistence of specific behavioral changes after circumcision in neonates implies the presence of memory. In the short term, these behavioral changes may disrupt the adaptation of newborn infants to their postnatal environment, the development of parent- infant bonding, and feeding schedules.

Psychiatrist Rima Laibow agrees that circumcision significantly impairs mother-infant bonding…. The American Academy of Pediatrics Task Force on Circumcision notes increased irritability, varying sleep patterns, and changes in infant-maternal interaction after circumcision…”328

To understand more fully what an infant is forced to endure during circumcision, let’s listen to the words of hospital nurses as they describe their personal experience with the procedure.

“I went with the nurse to the mom's room that was having her son circumcised that morning. The nurse asked the infants' parents if they had any questions, both parents simply replied, "no." If only they knew what their poor little baby was in for. The nurse asked the parents if they wished to be present during the circumcision and watch the procedure performed. Neither parent was interested, so we then headed with the baby in her arms to the "procedure room," which was simply... the nursery.

The nurse unswaddled the calm, sleeping baby, and proceeded to undress him. The baby began to fuss a little since it was a little cold in the room, and I'm sure he didn't appreciate being unwrapped and removed from his warm, cozy blankets.

The nurse then laid the now naked infant down on a hard plastic body board and strapped down his arms and legs. 96

The baby was crying very hard now, trying to fight having his arms and legs strapped down in such a straight unnatural position for a newborn.

The doctor then walked in, and was very friendly when the nurse introduced me and informed him that I was a nursing student who was joining them that morning to observe. While the doctor was talking to me, he seemed impervious to the now screaming infant. I wasn't even really hearing the doctor at that point, all I kept thinking was, 'Someone please unstrap that poor little guy, and pick him up and comfort him already.' The doctor saw my obvious distress and smiled and said, "Oh, don't worry about him, he just doesn't like being on the board, he's in no real distress." 'No real distress'? Really? This tiny little newborn was screaming and no one was responding to his cries. He was literally being ignored. I was not impressed so far.

The doctor then draped the infant in surgical drapes which covered his abdomen and legs but exposed his penis. The doctor using a swab, rubbed a solution on the infants' penis explaining what the solution was, and that it works to cause an erection on the infant so that he can grasp his penis easier. The doctor then grabbed the infants now erect penis with forceps and proceeded to force a sharp instrument into the opening of the penis. The infant was of course screaming the most horrid cry I have ever heard come from an infant. The nurse was proceeding to give him sugar water, which she claimed "helped soothe the baby". This little guy seemed as though he could care less and was choking and gagging on the liquid. He just kept screaming. At times his scream didn't even come out, he was screaming so hard. I felt weak in the knees and had to fight very hard to hold back the tears forming in my eyes.

The doctor had forced the sharp scissor-like instrument into the opening of the baby's penis and was now forcing it open to tear away the foreskin from the glans of the penis. He then grasped the skin with another type of forceps and proceeded to cut at the foreskin. The doctor was talking away and explaining each step, I wasn't even


listening. I could not believe the unbelievable distress this baby was in, and no one seemed to care really. I then asked the doctor if he had used any freezing or anything. He simply replied, "No, it's too risky to use on little guys like this." WHAT? So, basically this doctor was hacking skin off of this poor little infants' most sensitive organ, and the infant was experiencing every cut? I remember feeling so disgusted and said to the doctor, "This is barbaric." The doctor said, "Well, that's your opinion, but some parents prefer their boys be cut." All I could think of was, 'Why? Who really cares?' When the doctor was finished the procedure, the nurse took the now exhausted infant and applied Vaseline and gauze to the infants' very raw, bleeding penis. The infant was no longer crying, but had such a look of shock on his little face. He had just experienced the most horrific pain he will probably ever experience in his entire life.”329


“Today was resident training day and as part of the rotation, they were being instructed on how to perform a circumcision. Again because of nurse training I was only scheduled to assist with two. Both babies were for the same doctor, so I set up two sets of equipment as well as two boards in the room. I wheeled both boys in and strapped them down side by side. Both began to cry, feeding off the noise of the other. Then the doctor came in with two residents trailing behind him, all were garbed. Brief introductions were made, and I was informed that they would be watching the procedure today. The doctor disinfected the first boy and then draped a cloth over him. He then went over the instruments with the trainees and then went to work. He slowly inserted the probe between the boys foreskin and moved it in a circular motion, all the while explaining to the residents. Apparently satisfied, he pushed the skin back and made a vertical slit with a pair of scissors very slowly, explaining the procedure to the doctors. He was taking twice the usual time all because he needed to explain things!! The baby bucked and pulled at the restraints, but to no avail. The doctor then exposed the bleeding red glans further pointing at it and making more medical observations. The two trainees looked on

98 very intently. The doctor then selected a bell and placed it over the glans, and pulled the skin back over. He placed the rest of the clamp around it inserted the safety pin and screwed the clamp tight. Now at this point when there are two or more babies, the doctor would begin to clamp the next one. Instead he just waited and discussed the procedure with them. When I commented on this, he just said "One of these two will do him after right?" And he looked around and winked at them. UGH!! After about 5 minutes of pause, the doctor took the scalpel and as the residents looked intently on, he began to make a circular cut. He stopped halfway and did some more talking and then continued on as the baby wailed. The doctors then removed the clamp and bell revealing a completely exposed glans. The doctor then made a visual inspection and pointed out some details. He ran his finger around the glans, oblivious to the sensitivity of it and the cries of the infant and then told them to do the same. (This was to check against cysts of some sort I guess). He made more observations about how much exposure of the glans is acceptable and pointed details out. He then picked up the scissors to remove the frenulum, pointing out what he was about to do. He made a snip and the baby bucked in pain. But instead of going through with it he stopped halfway and made another talking point!!!! The baby was in AGONY and I wanted to stop the pain, but I could not. He then snipped again, completing the circumcision. God Almighty. The circumcision had taken 25 minutes instead of the usual 10-15. All for training!!! The baby lay limp in the restraints, exhausted from his ordeal. I bandaged him up and tried to comfort him the best I could.

But that is not the end Oh no! The doctor turned to the next baby and asked "Which one of you wants to try?" One of the residents stepped forward in front of the whimpering boy. He sterilized the area with ointment following the doctor’s example. Then he began separating the foreskin from the glans with the probe, but haltingly, looking up for assurance from the trainer who just nodded. The boy began screaming, but none of the doctors took notice. He made a dorsal cut and placed the bell over the glans. He attached the clamp as the doctor monotone and coached "Good, now draw the foreskin up,

99 a little further, great! Now secure it with the pin..." The trainee fumbled here inserting the pin through only part of the foreskin. The doctor stopped him: "No, through both sides, take it out and try it again." The poor baby had already been stabbed once and now it was happening a second time!! The trainee did as was told and secured the clamp, tightening the bolt as the baby screamed. He let go as the clamp did its work, and the doctor said "That wasn't too difficult now all you have to do is..." and he went on to describe the rest of the procedure which I am sure you do not need to hear.

Once the 5 minutes were up, the foreskin was excised, and the bell removed. This boy had been scalped!!! There was no skin or slack at all left. Just an exposed glans on a shaft which stuck straight up and down, such was the tension. As the doctor examined the work he just said ‘It’s a little tight there a guess, next time don't take off quite as much but he should be fine.’ Next the student tried to snip the frenulum. He made the cut as the baby screamed in pain. The doctor took a look and said. ‘You missed a bit, do it again.’ And the rest of the frenulum was removed from the screaming boy. The doctor said ‘Well that's it for the procedure. You all understand it?’ They nodded eagerly. ‘Well then I'll see you both tomorrow, and you'll get a try’ he said pointing to the one who had not performed the circumcision. They all left and I bandaged up the screaming boy, and wheeled them both back to the nursery. Another days work done.

Now I apologize for the graphic content of this post, and I do not wish to offend anyone. But I feel that the best way to stop this is for parents to hear the truth. These babies were put through a tremendous amount of excess pain due to training that their parents will never know about. Seeing is believing. Thank you for listening.

I feel a great release being able to talk to you all, let me tell you about where I work. At my hospital, the circumcision rates are high, probably about 80%. The doctors who I work with all use the gomco clamp and anesthesia is not used. The docs do not seem to care about the harm they are inflicting on these babies. The

100 story I am about to tell is a small sample of what I see and after you read it I leave you to judge what you have read and if you still want this graphic information on this page.

* * * * * *

Here is how my day yesterday went: I arrived at the hospital early, at about 5 am. I got in my garbs and checked on the newborns. I check the charts and sort the babies. The ones with a red C on the chart are slated for circumcision and they must be ready to go at 7, as most circumcisions are done then. At 6:45 I begin to take the babies to their designated rooms for circumcision. Some are done individually, others are done assembly line fashion. Yesterday was a light day for me as we were training new nurses, so I only had to assist in one circumcision. Some days it is as much as 15. I went into the circumcision room, laid out the gomco clamp parts and instrument packets and laid out a cloth. Then I went to fetch the baby.

Walking over to a sleeping baby is always one of the hardest parts for me, watching the little angel sound asleep, oblivious to the pain about to be inflicted upon him. The boy awoke with a start as I wheeled the cart into the room. I uncovered his blanket as he squirmed a bit, poor thing! I then undid and removed the diaper and he began to whimper a bit. Then I lifted and placed him on the plastic circumstraint and began strapping him down as he tried to resist and began to cry. This always breaks my heart as I know that I am letting this happen, I always want to snatch them away but I know I can't. I then take my place to the right of the table as the doctor walks in. He swabbed the genital area with disinfectant and laid the surgical drape over him, pulling the penis through. The baby was of course crying now, and I bite my lip like always. He then begins to separate the foreskin from the glans ripping and tearing as the baby let out a blood curdling wail. He made a slit and tried to insert the bell but he made an error and the bell would not go in as the slit was not long enough. He jammed the bell in anyway tearing the skin as the baby's head tilted up and let out a


scream. Oh I wanted to hit that doctor! … After placing the skin through the bell and securing it with a safety pin, which I always find disgusting, he screwed the bell shut and turned toward me. He then tried to make conversation with me, asking about my family!!!!! All the while with a screaming baby in the background! After the designated 5 minutes, he assembled the scalpel and made a circular cut as the boy screamed loudly… The doc then removed the bell, leaving a very exposed glans, with no skin build up behind it. After a quick exam to the still screaming infant he picked up the tissue scissors and snipped the frenulum!! The baby screamed again as the doc motioned for me to take over and went to wash up. Reluctantly standing over the infant, I applied vasoline to his bleeding glans, and wrapped the penis in gauze. Then I removed him from the circumstraint, re-diapered his trembling body and wheeled him back to the nursery filled with wailing boys. Welcome to this world.”330

After reading these brief descriptions of what is happening to infant boys every day in the United States, if there is still any doubt about whether circumcision is harmful and a form of sexual torture, I invite my readers to visit to watch a short video of a real circumcision so that everyone can see the procedure for themselves.

Birth As We Know It – Circumcision

Once you have watched the video and listened to the tortured screams of the defenseless newborn, I’m sure you will agree that what you just witnessed was unmitigated evil. Circumcision is not being done because it has any benefit, but rather to disempower and attack the male children of this planet and disturb the possibility for human love and bonding to flourish.332 Circumcision causes babies to dissociate due to trauma, 333 and it is cutting children off from their souls.334 Ultimately, circumcision is a form of trauma-based mind control335 that is being used to turn little boys into hurting men that will be more inclined to be of service to the dark side.

“What they believe is that when surgical mutilation is combined with indoctrination, such persons can retain


their intellectual capacity while becoming completely submissive to their masters. What Illuminati psychiatrists believe is that when a person is subjected to extreme surgical mutilation, this creates a permanent feeling of powerlessness. So when such a person is then subjected to indoctrination, that person will accept the indoctrination more willingly...”336

“[T]hey believe that there is a relationship between surgical mutilation and social control. They believe that the more they surgically mutilate the bodies of their own servants and subordinates, the more control they will have over them.”337

Perhaps this explains the ever-escalating, medically unnecessary surgical alterations taking place today, including episiotomies,338 c-sections, 339 hysterectomies, 340 oophorectomies (removal of ovaries and fallopian tubes),341 mastectomies,342 and of course, circumcision.

Moreover, thanks to the ever increasing numbers of botched circumcisions happening today,343 more and more doctors get to participate in “revision” circumcisions” 344 (up 119%) and castrations.345 The latest news is that doctors have even done “penis transplant surgery” on a young South African man who lost his penis due a botched circumcision. (Note: South Africa now promotes medical circumcision to men aged 15-49346 thanks to a $750 million bribe they received from the U.S.347 for the year 2013 alone).

“The nine-hour operation by surgeons in Cape Town offers hope to high numbers of South African men who lose their penises due to complications with traditional circumcision… ‘Experts estimate as many as 250 penis amputations take place every year across South Africa.

‘This is a very serious situation,’ said Prof van der Merwe. ‘For a young man of 18 or 19 years, the loss of his penis can be deeply traumatic.

‘He doesn't necessarily have the psychological capability to process this. There are even reports of suicide among these young men.’ 103

‘We used the same type of microscopic surgery to connect small blood vessels and nerves, and the psychological evaluation of patients was also similar,’ said Prof van der Merwe.

The procedure could eventually be extended to men who have lost their penises from penile cancer or as a last- resort treatment for severe erectile dysfunction.”348

Or course, erectile dysfunction is also likely to be the result of circumcision, so the medical system has developed quite a racket.

“A new study in the International Journal of Men’s Health shows that circumcised men have a 4.5 times greater chance of suffering from erectile dysfunction (ED) than intact men, revealing what appears to be a significant acquisition vector. Other studies have previously observed that circumcision’s damage results in worsened erectile functioning, inability to maintain an erection, and reducing the glans sensitivity, including an overall penis sensitivity reduction by 75%. Premature ejaculation is five times more likely when adjusted for erectile dysfunction and circumcision.

Moreover, in Israel - a country that routinely circumcises their baby boys for religious reasons - Viagra is so common… that the Pfizer pharmaceutical company asked for permission to market Viagra without a doctor's prescription, making it an over-the-counter medication.

[Y]ou simply cannot change form without altering function. While there are immediate dangers and harm caused by circumcision, there are also other problems that may not arise until much later in life. One of these dangers is erectile dysfunction…

One of the major reasons that circumcision can lead to ED is because of keratinization. The glans (or head) of the penis is intended to be an internal organ, protected by the prepuce (foreskin). When the foreskin is removed, the head is completely exposed to the elements, including a constant rubbing against clothing. Over time, the skin thickens to protect the glans (much like a callous forms in 104

areas of excessive friction). The head becomes dry and thick and is no longer supple and moist.

As men grow older, the thickened skin of the glans becomes less and less sensitive, which can cause men to have issues with erections. Sensitivity loss is also contributed to the circumcision itself, which removes the majority of the specialized nerve endings in the penis (over 20,000).349

In addition to erectile dysfunction, circumcision causes many other long-term issues including alexithymia – i.e., “difficulty in experiencing, expressing, and describing emotional responses.”350

“Alexithymia, a kind of emotional dissociation linked to neonatal and posttraumatic stress disorder, has been found to be associated with circumcision. One study observed early signs of circumcision-related alexithymia in four and five-year-old boys after their circumcision. It concluded that circumcision has detrimental effects on the child’s psychological functioning and adaptation, and that the child tends to seek safety in withdrawal and isolation. A clinical case report on circumcision noted that the only response available to the infant is shock, wherein the central nervous system is overwhelmed by pain, followed by numbing and paralysis. While some babies have been described as being “quiet” after circumcision, it has been surmised that the stillness most likely represents a state of dissociation. The International Journal of Men’s Health published a study examining the link between the early trauma of circumcision and the personality trait disorder alexithymia. The study, by Dan Bollinger and Robert S. Van Howe, M.D., M.S., FAAP, found that circumcised adult men are 60% more likely to suffer from alexithymia, the inability to process emotions.”351


“Male circumcision alters the brain of its victim. Not only by depriving that person of the full potentials in sex…, but also… of transforming the inherent potential within that person to experience love, contentment, or peace, here in the matterium. The reasons at a biologic level can


be explained due to the deprivation of the brain of the man of certain necessary, and brain chemistry altering, key hormonal ‘circuits’ that include the flesh stolen from him shortly after birth…”352


“So why was it that the foreskin was chosen? It is my opinion that the choice of the foreskin was deliberate. It was craftily chosen and with a great understanding of human physiology and the way that physiology relates to the community as a whole and the way that physiology can affect the mind of the individual. This betrays a staggering level of understanding of our physiology…

Here’s what’s going on. The male foreskin serves a purpose… The foreskin of the penis has receptors on it that the rest of your body does not. These receptors are acutely attuned to the extraction and transmission of the intelligence from hormones… And the number of hormones that the foreskin is able to receive and decode is potentially in the thousands…

Those receptors are intended to pick up not hormones that are out and about in the air, because you shouldn’t be out waving your penis in the air as a hormone receptor. They are intended to pick up vaginal secretions. These vaginal secretions then trigger a reaction – not in the penis itself although there are many that occur there. The ones I’m speaking of are actually in the brain of the male…

The foreskin receives the hormones and it triggers an electrical reaction that literally races up to the brain… [Removal of the foreskin] removes this type of brain development… males that don’t have foreskins have brains that are not maturing the way nature intended…

It’s my contention that the removal of the foreskin removes an aspect of love from the individual male that they can never experience without that foreskin. Further, it is my contention that the removal of the foreskin removes an act of love that the community - the family


that that male participates in – can never experience without that male having that foreskin…

[T]he community as a whole, the social order, the nation, is of a type that is different because those foreskins are gone… Those foreskins bind the male to that female at an alchemical level – an alchemical component of love that is absent with that foreskin gone…

It affects the social order as a whole. Men without foreskins cannot bond to women and will not sacrifice themselves for women the way that men with foreskins will do. Period. Men with foreskins will bond with women from the vaginal secretions triggering a reaction within the sensory apparatus of the male foreskin that triggers a growth pattern within the male mind that will not exist without it. These men will bond with women in a way that men without foreskins will not. That affects that individual. That affects the woman involved. That affects the community...

Wow! You could not have picked a better spot in the body! If you had chosen as your act of obedience to your god… to remove your eye, you would not have affected the community, the individual, and the female half of the species as greatly as this choice of nipping off this little bit of skin off these small babies.” 353

Indeed, our entire civilization is negatively affected by infant circumcision which confirms that circumcision is the mark of the beast.354 It is a direct attack against the energy of love and it disturbs male/female relationships on a level yet to be fully understood. What we know now is that the inner prepuce contains apocrine glands that are known to produce pheromones. 355 356 Pheromones are non-verbal chemical messengers that elicit behavioural responses in other members of the same species. Human pheromones serve to guide a newborn infant to its mother’s breast and help mothers recognize and bond with their babies. 357 According to at least one researcher, the bonding produced through pheromone recognition is lifelong.358

Male pheromones play a role in women’s moods359 and may be necessary for women’s optimum health.360 They also play a

107 role in women’s sexual response361 and mate selection.362 363 364 Male pheromones convey vital information to women about who men are genetically and immunologically. This information is transmitted nonverbally and helps women determine if it is wise to join in sexual union with any particular man.

“The process of finding a mate is a series of conscious and unconscious determinations made by the brain and body of the organisms seeking to reproduce. While men and women both emit and are affected by pheromones, females unknowingly respond to these chemical signals when searching for a partner….

While looks might appear as the most important factor at the start of any relationship, what drives strong emotional feelings are a series of chemical signals being emitted by the male. These chemical signals, or pheromones, interact with specific sites in female nostrils to cause intense emotional feelings. These sites include a series of vemeronasal organs (VNOs) that process pheromone signals from men and connect directly to a part of the brain that manages basic drives and emotions. The pheromones act as emotional stimuli and carry an array of markers that can identify a particular male's major histocompatibility complex (MHC),365 or a cluster of genes that play an important role in immune function… [T]he MHC and pheromone signals, work effectively with female mate preferences to ensure a diverse selection of combination for future progeny. The MHC influences both body odors and body odor preference in human females to ensure the production of genetically diverse offspring…

The pheromones originate in the apocrine glands of the skin located in the axillae of the armpits and pubic region. In humans the apocrine glands… become activated after puberty, a time focused on finding a mate. In male sexual maturation, the apocrine glands produce steroidal secretions derived from testosterone, as andorstenone (male sweat exposed to oxygen) and androstenol (fresh male sweat). As a result, pheromones act as hormones or chemical messengers that are transported outside of the body to evoke responses in another…


Pheromones work with MHC specific cites as cues to persuade certain human mate choices. Recent studies support the theory that the MHC acts as a genetic marker of relatedness that prevents inbreeding and thus the exposure of deleterious allele combinations.”366


“One’s nose can also help identify a genetically compatible mate. Researchers asked women to rate the odors of T-shirts worn by different men. Women preferred men whose DNA was different enough from their own that it would increase the likelihood of producing a child with a robust immune system.”367

Interestingly, this study also showed that use of oral contraceptives reversed this innate intelligence.

“[T]he analysis of the preferences showed that women not using contraceptives tended to choose T-shirts belonging to men with dissimilar HLA . The hypothesis made to explain this preference is that… offsprings born from such sexual partner would have two main evolutive advantages: the choice of non-self and non-parental MHC-partners determines heterozygosis at the MHC loci and inbreeding avoidance. While inbreeding avoidance reduces the chances of progeny to be homologous for recessive deleterious alleles, heterozygosis for MHC loci delivers better immune protection…

[T]he reason why contraceptive-user woman tend to prefer MHC-similar scents is still not known…”368


“[B]irth control pills may be interfering with… evolutionary signaling. In a study published in Trends in Ecology and Evolution, researchers found that oral contraceptive pills may significantly alter both female and male choice by removing certain natural preferences around the time of ovulation.


Women taking oral contraceptives don’t prefer masculine men, as ovulation is suppressed. They no longer prefer partners with a different immune system genetic makeup either. In turn, men no longer show heightened interest for women during the menstrual cycle. In other words, the cyclical attraction mechanisms seem to break down when ovulation is suppressed…

[I]s this affecting the genetic diversity of our offspring? And are mates less likely to stay together after a woman discontinues taking the pill and the signals change?”369

Similar to the disturbance caused by oral contraceptives, circumcision, too, interferes with chemical signalling designed to help us find the right partner. Once the foreskin is removed, so too are the apocrine glands that transmit vital pheromone information necessary for healthy reproductive choices. The loss of this information is serious and may be contributing to high levels of false unions and relationship failures amongst those partnered with circumcised men. Additionally, the high number of genetic diseases370 371 372 373 374 and birth defects375 amongst Jews could be related to missing pheromone information that prevents Jewish women from choosing an appropriate mate. Of course, inbreeding376 377 and consanguineous marriages378 379 play a role as well.

“[P]heromones carry information from the environment directly to the innermost brain stem. They are shown to affect everything from menstrual cycling, to mood, to fertility, to feelings of being safe or unsafe with a selected partner. Removal of the glands in the foreskin that produce these pheromones would deprive the inner brains of women of their right to know, at limbic levels, if their choices are right, or not right, for evolution…. Surgical removal of her partner’s pheromone glands deprives her of this knowledge and thus of fulfillment… Circumcision is a means of… Breeding by Deception.”380

Because circumcised men are unable to transmit “honest” biological information to women, relationships have become wholly distorted. Additionally, there are forces that seek to deliberately undermine human love and relationships by provoking carnal impulses through products that contain human, animal, and

110 synthetic pheromones. These products are designed to distort our natural preferences and compel us to engage in sexual activity with people that might otherwise repel us.

An interesting example of this can be found in an item called “Relic Box – Pheromone Manipulator” which claims that those who have the box will become appealing to those “who normally may not give you a second glance.” 381 A website entitled “” states:

“Are you looking to get girls easily in the dating or social scenes? Have you ever asked yourself on how to “get a girl to like me?” Many guys have often wondered what it would take to land the girl of their dreams each and every time they go out. I would have to automatically tell them that pheromones may be what they need to get the job done right…”382

Important questions for us to ask ourselves include:

“[W]hat might the implications for our society be with the increasing chemical complexity of the products we use, many containing animal and/or human pheromones?”383


“[M]anufacturers of women’s perfumes and men’s scented products have made quite a few claims concerning the capability of their products to attract members of the opposite sex. Can this override the effect that natural pheromones have on humans?”384

Companies like Human Pheromone Sciences, Inc. profit from the manipulation of human sexuality.

“Human Pheromone Sciences, Inc. engages in the research, development, manufacture, and marketing of consumer products containing synthetic human pheromones and other mood enhancing compounds… The company’s products include fragrance and bath and body products, including eau de toilette, cologne, eau de parfume, lotion, bath and shower gel, after-shave balm,


deodorant, talc, soap, and body cream…. The company [operates] under the trademark Natural Attraction… The company signed an agreement with Schwarzkopf & Henkel, a division of Henkel Consumer Goods, Inc., and they introduced hair styling products containing its patented compounds.”385

Again we see the Jewish hand,386 and the Board of Directors for this company reads like a who’s who of the pharmaceutical industry.387 This means we are dealing with sorcery. The “love potions” that this company creates are similar to “love spells” designed to manipulate people to “fall in love” against their will.388 As one brilliant researcher put it, “sex under the influence of commercial pheromones is now a sophisticated form of mind control.”389

Wikis now available on the internet give us insight into the megalomania involved in pheromone manipulation. According to one X-Man wiki:

“Pheromone Manipulation is the power to… psychically manipulate one’s own pheromones [and] the pheromones of others for one's own purposes… With this ability, one could release pheromones that [induce] attraction between subjects… [or] exude amounts of pheromones strong enough to induce sleep, change emotions and draw crowds. These pheromones may induce pleasure, or put subjects into a state of high suggestibility (either of which is useful for limited mind control)… [T]hese pheromones can be used to mark territory (causing people to feel the compulsion to not go into a certain area), or to leave a pheromone path which others can follow in order to find you. The user's pheromones may even… cause foes to become disoriented, violent or extremely sick. One can issue a gas that makes people who inhale it more prone to seduction or suggestions. The victims are still in control of their conscious, but have weakened discipline.”390

Thus we get a sense of the real agenda behind pheromone products which are now prolific in the western world.

On top of all of this manipulation and all of these attacks on human love (of which circumcision is a fundamental part), the

112 sexual experience itself has been negatively altered as a result of circumcision. Circumcision decreases sexual pleasure in men391 392 and sexual satisfaction in their female partners393 who suffer from “incomplete sexual needs fulfilment … and frequent sexual function difficulties overall … notably orgasm difficulties and dyspareunia [painful sexual intercourse]…”394

“For the glans penis, circumcised men reported decreased sexual pleasure and lower orgasm intensity. They also stated more effort was required to achieve orgasm, and a higher percentage of them experienced unusual sensations (burning, prickling, itching, or tingling and numbness of the glans penis). For the penile shaft a higher percentage of circumcised men described discomfort and pain, numbness and unusual sensations. In comparison to men circumcised before puberty, men circumcised during adolescence or later indicated less sexual pleasure at the glans penis, and a higher percentage of them reported discomfort or pain and unusual sensations at the penile shaft.”395


“[C]ircumcision adversely alters a man’s sexual performance to his detriment and to his female parnter’s… [T]he surgically altered penis makes it difficult – in some cases impossible – for most American women to achieve orgasm from intercourse… [M]illions of American women routinely experience chafing, redness, soreness, and discomfort (even pain) as a consequence of ‘circumcised intercourse.’”396


“According to surveys in the medical literature, women reported that they were significantly more likely to have vaginal dryness during intercourse with circumcised men than genitally intact men…. With circumcised partners, women were less likely to have one or multiple vaginal orgasms, and their circumcised partners were more likely to have a premature ejaculation. Circumcision was also connected with vaginal discomfort. Women were less


likely to "really get into it" and more likely to "want to get it over with" if their partner was circumcised.”397

In addition to sexual problems and the lifelong loss of love, trust, bonding, and intimacy that is their birthright, circumcised men also suffer from a variety of neurological, psychological, sexual, and physical problems including, but not limited to, alexithymia,398 permanent brain damage,399 post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD),400 anger, aggressiveness and/or withdrawal,401 suicidal impulses, 402 depression, poor body image, low self- esteem,403 guardedness in relationships, 404 orgasm difficulties,405 premature ejaculation, 406 erectile dysfunction, 407 and even criminal behavior and serial killing.408

“..In Norway, the only country that records the circumcision status of rapists, 2% of the population are circumcised and commit more than 80% of their rapes. And, since 1991 almost all wars involved one circumcised country with some conflicts between both factions being circumcised. This includes all USA conflicts since Vietnam.

No other statistical records are kept regarding the individual and social percentile circumcision status of serial killers or rapists. Yet, over 50% of rapes in Sweden are perpetrated by the minority of men who belong to circumcising cultures. Circumcision status may factor highly in the USA’s highest of all other country’s incarceration rate to population...."409


“When people are sexually abused at very young ages, they will not remember the abuse consciously in their later life. Subconscious memories pose grave problems - they are not easier than conscious memories to fix. To the contrary, they are far more dangerous and their effect far more pervasive, because the bearer responds to them automatically, and thinks their behavior is normal and not worthy of consideration.

The standard hospital procedure for circumcision is to first stimulate the baby's penis until it sticks up, so naturally all circumcised men have a very strong subconscious 114

confusion between sex and violence. Even Ted Bundy mused on the question of why he would connect two such seemingly disparate things, and confirmed that his perversion was triggered long ago:

This interest, for some unknown reason, becomes geared toward matters of a sexual nature that involves violence. I cannot emphasize enough the gradual development of this. It is not short term...

Remarkably, neither Bundy nor serial killer researchers ever bothered to ask if he was raped with a razor as an infant (which he almost surely was). Movies like "Ted Bundy" automatically start the story at his adulthood, instead of asking any questions about what was done to him as a child… Considering that Bundy was strapped down and raped with a razor blade… right out of the womb, which was not only his first sexual experience, but also one of his first life experiences in general, is he really insane for thinking sex and violence are related? Knowing his first suckling at his mother's bust was shortly followed with the maximum pain known to man… is it really inexplicable that he'd scream f-you b--ch! when raping women and making them bleed? Far from it. Bundy's response is one of the many normal responses that should be expected from infant genital mutilation.”410


“The ‘covenant’ of Judaism with the off-world demi-urge they chose as god is what dooms their males to this twisted mentality that they currently demonstrate with their death rituals in Gaza. Their ‘covenant’ also dooms the rest of us humans to having to put up with this shit…

Until Judaism examines its history, stops lying to itself, and ends the abominable practice of mind and body maiming that is male circumcision, there will not be peace on this world, nor within Judaism itself. You see, it has already terrorized most of the world, fed on that grief and death and fear, and has yet only one victim left to


‘taste’….Israel….itself. Judaism globally is about to shred itself to shit in front of our eyes.

Unfortunately, there will be so much collateral damage, that other nations will be forced into action by the carnage of the innocents as the Jewish males wail to the universe in a river of blood for their stolen foreskins and the torture it has done upon their atman (souls). Their anguish and self-loathing is what is causing the death of generations of innocents, and the warping of their own children.”411

Naturally, when babies are abandoned and betrayed by their parents who willingly hand them over to demented medical or religious genital torturers, there will be long-term psychic and sexual ramifications. How could it be otherwise?

“There have been many studies done which attempt to quanitify the trauma and subsequent sexual perversion that genital mutilation causes… [C]ircumcised men were significantly more likely to masturbate and to participate in heterosexual oral sex than uncircumcised men… Almost all of the surveyed men who were predominantly or exclusively gay were circumcised.”412

“The fact is, circumcised men masturbate far more than intact men - 40% more often. Are they trying to make up for in quantity what they are lacking in quality of experience?”413


“Rhinehart (1999) stated that psychological problems were almost universally noted by his self-selected circumcised respondents. These included reports of a sense of personal powerlessness, fears of being overpowered and victimized, lack of trust, a sense of vulnerability to violent attack, guardedness in relationships, reluctance to have relationships with women, defensiveness, diminished sense of masculinity, feeling damaged, sense of reduced penile size or amputation, low self-esteem, shame about not "measuring up," anger and violence towards women, irrational rage reactions, addictions and dependencies, 116

difficulties in establishing intimate relationships, emotional numbing, a need for greater intensity in sexual experiences, decreased intimacy, decreased ability to communicate, as well as feelings of not being understood.”414


“Up to 20% of circumcised males will suffer from one or more of the following complications, to some degree:

 Meatal stenosis (narrowing of the urethral opening due to infection and subsequent scarring, that occurs almost exclusively in circumcised boys)

 extensive scarring of the penile shaft

 skin tags and skin bridges

 bleeding of the circumcision scar

 curvature of the penis

 tight, painful erections

 psychological and psychosexual problems”415


“[N]eonatal circumcision may induce long-lasting changes in infant pain behavior because of alterations in the infant’s central neural processing of painful stimuli… [T]he long-term consequences of surgery done without anaesthesia are likely to include post-traumatic stress…”416

“Emerging studies provide convincing clinical evidence for an adverse impact of neonatal pain/stress in infants at a time of physiological immaturity, rapidly developing brain microstructure and networks, as well as programming of the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis. Currently it appears that early pain/stress may influence the developing brain and thereby neurodevelopment and


stress-sensitive behaviors, particularly in the most immature neonates.” 417

As if all of the above were not enough, a new large study has linked the higher rates of autism and attention deficit disorder in boys with circumcision. This may explain why male children are five times more likely to get autism than girls418 419 420 -- i.e., because the trauma of circumcision causes brain damage which predisposes boys toward severe neurological disability. 421 422 423

“A new study from the Statens Serum Institut, in Denmark, has found a link between autism spectrum disorder (ASD) and circumcision in boys aged 0 to 9 years. Though no specific mechanism has been established, the team speculates that a malformed stress response, stemming from the procedure, may alter or delay brain development.

Just within the last decade, ASD rates have more than doubled in the U.S.

“Our investigation was prompted by the combination of recent animal findings linking a single painful injury to lifelong deficits in stress response and a study showing a strong, positive correlation between a country's neonatal male circumcision rate and its prevalence of ASD in boys,” said Professor Morten Frisch of the Statens Serum Institut, who led the research…

Regardless of background, the team explains, “circumcised boys were more likely than intact boys to develop ASD before age 10 years.” What’s more, “risk was particularly high for infantile autism before age 5 years.”424


“Circumcision before the age of five can double a boy's risk of developing autism, controversial research suggests. Scientists believe the finding may be linked to stress caused by the pain of the procedure. The study of more than 340,000 boys in Denmark found that


circumcision raised the overall chances of an autism spectrum disorder before the age of 10 by 46 per cent. But if circumcision took place before the age of five it doubled the risk.” Circumcision also appeared to increase the likelihood of boys from non-Muslim families developing hyperactivity disorder.” 425

Clearly, circumcision is causing massive harm.426 427 428 Yet despite the damage, parents in the U.S. are under tremendous pressure from doctors, religious leaders, and sometimes family and friends, to have their infant boys circumcised – even when those children have spent time in a NICU.

“I'm really ticked off at this doctor... He scolded us for not doing the circumcision when he was 2 days old, even knowing that our son was 5 weeks premature and on a ventilator for his first 2 days of life. He also said no pediatrician in his right mind would EVER recommend not circumcising. When I told him that while my son was attending Nationwide Children's Hospital (one of the best in the country!) and my husband asked about circumcision, the doctor on call said he "would not circumcise our son because he was against it" and we would need to find another doctor to do it if we wanted it. [The doctor’s] response was "I'd like the name of that doctor, because I don't believe it."

"He went on and on about how this was going to cause my son lifelong trouble if we did not act now… Shame on us for not doing it sooner and now he is almost 2 years old and will have to go through the trauma of it, where at 2 days old he wouldn't have felt a thing.”429

Notice how the doctor exerts pressure on the parents by spouting off one of the medical system’s most despicable lies – i.e. that “babies don’t feel pain.” No doubt, this lie was drilled into the doctor’s head while he was in medical school and repeated ad nauseum throughout his years of practice in the American medical machine.430 Nevertheless, a lie is a lie (infants actually feel MORE pain than adults), 431 and this lie has given doctors license to engage in some of the most horrific, inhumane, and cruel treatment of infants imaginable, including exposing infants to excruciatingly painful procedures without any form of pain relief.


“In the last hundred years, scientific authorities robbed babies of their cries by calling them "random sound;" robbed them of their smiles by calling them "muscle spasms" or "gas;" robbed them of their memories by calling them "fantasies" and robbed them of their pain by calling it a "reflex"…

In the 20th Century, infants have had a head-on collision with physicians, typically male physicians [most of whom are probably circumcised]… In the collision, infant senses, emotions, and cognitions were generally ignored….

Circumcision has been a scandal for centuries, but like the scandal of neonatal surgery without anesthesia, it is a particular scandal of the 20th Century. Nowhere on earth has the sheer number of suffering infants been greater than in the United States where generations of newborn boys have been routinely circumcised without anesthesia. Over the last three decades, the rate has fallen from over 90% (an incredibly large social experiment) to around 60%, affecting over one million baby boys per year…”432

Indeed, circumcision is a scandal, and the fact that it is routinely performed in the U.S. without anesthetic is an abomination. The origins of this medical butchery need to be fully understood, and my research indicates that circumcision was mainstreamed in the U.S. as a result of Jewish influence. America is one of the only countries in the world where circumcision has become a superfluous medical ritual. It is imperative for us to understand who instigated this wickedness and why.

“Like millions of non-Jewish white men in America, I am circumcised. Until my wife became pregnant with a boy, it was never anything I reflected upon too much. It’s all I’ve ever known, and mostly all I’ve ever seen in the American locker room. When I inquired of my parents about my own circumcision, I was told that it was just “what everyone did” at the hospital. I was whisked away for the procedure with nary a discussion. They also didn’t give it much thought, apparently.

But reflect on that for a second: a bizarre ritual in which sharp instruments slice up the most intensely personal

120 part of the male body, right after birth, and for which there is almost no legitimate medical explanation. That’s just what “everyone does”? How does that insanity come to be? …

A question that burns for me is: were Jews responsible for persuading so many American gentiles to perform this bizarre ritual, primarily as a way to “normalize” the practice and remove the stigma? …

The topic cries out for research. I would love to know how circumcision spread from an ethnically particular practice, one that, in the words of Sir Richard Burton, was “held in horror” by Christendom, to something that “everyone does”…

[I]f it’s even partly true that Jews encouraged “universal circumcision” so as to disguise their practice as ethnically unique, white non-Jews should be embarrassed. It would mean that they allowed a stereotypically tricky group of Jews to convince them to perform this ritual on their boys without ever questioning or thinking about it. So flaccid (if you will) was the white sense of racial strength and solidarity… that they quite literally got their dicks nicked.

You might almost call it a “mass ethnic rape” of white non- Jewish males by Jews. That many millions of white males subjected to that physical trauma at birth — and denied that extra measure of sexual satisfaction — just so that Jewish males could “hide out in the open”? Staggering to consider.

If Jews can talk “the goyim” into doing that, what can’t they talk them into? Persuading them to fight their wars in the Middle East seems like child’s play by comparison. Persuading them to stop reproducing, to divorce at the drop of a hat, to give up their power slots, their property, their very lives? No problem.

I don’t know for sure that Jews persuaded whites to become circumcised in order to disguise themselves in the open. But the bare evidence available does seem to fit the theory, and as with so many things Jewish, the 121

incredible dearth of research and information on the topic makes me yet more suspicious — especially given that it seems to be the very sort of thing that curious academics tuck into.

Are we afraid to tackle the issue because of offending Jewish sensibilities? Do men avoid the topic because they don’t like to admit that they’ve had a part of their penises cut off, and never had any say in the matter? I think all of this may be going on…”433

In fact, there is excellent evidence to indicate that Jews were the driving force behind infant circumcision in the U.S. and that, at least in part, they did this to hide their own Jewish roots.

“Millions of Jews were murdered during because circumcision marked them as Jews! This must never happen again! Everyone should be circumcised!”434

According to the Circumcision Information and Resources Page:

“The modern use of Hebrew circumcision as a medicalized practice dates from about… 1870 in the US. The procedure accepted for medical use essentially was the Jewish peri'ah… No scientific studies were carried out to determine the efficacy and safety of circumcision prior to its introduction into medical practice, nor were any studies conducted to determine the social effects of imposing genital alteration surgery on a large portion of the population.”435

Jews have conjured up all manner of ridiculous lies to make circumcision seem appealing to “the goy.”

“From the 1870s to the 1880s the number of papers on masturbation increased by 25 per cent, and from the 1880s until 1900 by a further 30 per cent. Among the more influential American physicians who noticed this obsession, and who contributed to it, were Abraham Jacobi (1830-1919) and M.J. Moses. Jacobi was the founder and first president of the American Pediatric


Society, the first chairman of the Section on Diseases of Children of the AMA, and president of the New York State Medical Society, the New York Academy of Medicine and the Association of American Physicians. Both Jacobi and Moses asserted that Jewish boys were immune to masturbation because they were circumcised, and that non-Jews were especially prone to masturbation, and all the terrible diseases that resulted from it, simply because they retained their foreskin. Moses and Jacobi’s studies acquired canonical authority, and their claims that the foreskin was the prime risk factor for epilepsy, paralysis, malnutrition, hysteria and other nervous diseases, were regularly cited by medical writers for the next few decades.

In 1871 Moses published a very influential and widely- cited article, ‘The value of circumcision as a hygienic and therapeutic measure’, in the New York Medical Journal. In a key passage he cited his experience ‘as an Israelite’ as giving him the authority to speak on the value of circumcision as a health, and specifically as an anti- masturbation, measure:

As an Israelite I desire to ventilate the subject, and as a physician have chosen the medium of a medical journal, that I may not be trammelled in my expressions … I refer to masturbation as one of the effects of a long prepuce; not that this vice is entirely absent in those who have undergone circumcision, though I never saw an instance in a Jewish child of very tender years, except as the result of association with children whose covered glans have naturally impelled them to the habit….

Moses’ paper had a big impact on American physicians, who now argued that castration should be abandoned in favour of circumcision, since circumcision cured all the same diseases, but did so without affecting the power to procreate. An article in the Medical Record in 1895 explained the power of circumcision to stop masturbation thus:

In all cases [of masturbation] circumcision is undoubtedly the physician’s closest friend and ally… To obtain the best


results one must cut away enough skin and mucous membrane to rather put it on a stretch when erections come later. There must be no play in the skin after the wound has thoroughly healed, but it must fit tightly over the penis, for should there be any play the patient will be found readily to resume his practice...”436


Abraham Wolbarst (1872-1952) was an urologist practicing, among other places, at the Beth Israel Hospital and the Jewish Memorial Hospital in New York. In January 1914 he published [a paper] in the Journal of the American Medical Association [entitled] ‘Universal circumcision as a sanitary measure.’ [I]n his influential paper, [he tried] to prove that circumcision conferred immunity to syphilis, and to argue that it should be made compulsory as a means of reducing the incidence of masturbation and many other problems as well. He stated that it was ‘generally understood that irritation derived form a tight prepuce may be followed by nervous phenomena, among these being convulsions and outbreaks resembling epilepsy. It is therefore not at all improbable that in many infants who die in convulsions, the real cause of death is a long or tight prepuce’. He added that it was ‘the moral duty of every physician to encourage circumcision in the young’…

As a result of Wolbarsts’s ceaseless lobbying and agitation however, the radical notion of universal, non-therapeutic, involuntary circumcision of young babies slowly gained acceptance among American physicians. . (The procedure was non-therapeutic because it was performed on normal, healthy children showing no signs of deformation or disease.) Medical textbooks were rewritten to instruct obstetricians and pediatricians to examine the penis of every newborn boy to determine whether the foreskin was retractable. If not (as was usually the case), the advice was that it be removed immediately.”437

Please note that foreskins are NOT normally retractable in infancy and in some boys, the foreskin will not retract until puberty.438 Wolbarsts obsession with foreskin removal had no

124 basis in medical science, but rather an unconscious compulsion to inflict the same trauma on other innocents as was inflicted on him.

“I wish I could circumcise every uncircumcised man in the world, so they'd all be like me. I don't have a foreskin and no one else should have one either.” 439

This compulsion is part of the psyche of many circumcised men who fabricate nonsensical ideas about the so-called benefits of foreskin removal.

“In 1932, Wolbarst published what was long regarded as the definitive paper on circumcision as the most reliable preventive of cancer of the penis. Based on his ‘observation’ (read contention) that Jewish men never got penile cancer, Wolbarst theorized that the disease was caused by ‘the accumulation of pathogenic products in the preputial cavity’. Wolbarst offered no scientific validation in support of this notion, yet, based on this paper, the proposition that smegma was carcinogenic became widely accepted as a proven fact in the United States…440


“The profit margin for circumcision procedures rose with the mass manufacture and wide distribution of the now ubiquitous Gomco clamp, invented in 1934 by Aaron Goldstein and Dr. Hiram S. Yellen. Gomco is an acronym for the Goldstein Manufacturing Cmpany... This cruel stainless steel [torture] device is still widely used today to crush the foreskin and isolate it so that it can be excised by scalpel. The standardization of its surgical technique facilitated the rapid institutionalization of neonatal circumcision as a routine hospital procedure and led to the acceptance of the ‘high and tight look’ (since the clamp usually produced a maximum loss of tissue) that came to be regarded as the normal appearance of the penis…”441

“Hiram Yellen… wanted a device that was so simple to use that his colleagues would be able to claim the circumcision procedure from fussy and expensive surgeons who still insisted on anesthetics and strict control of bleeding…”442



“Abraham Ravich was an urologist at Israel Zion Hospital, Brooklyn, from which position he became one of the most rabid crusaders for mass involuntary circumcision... In 1942, expanding upon Wolbarst’s theory of smegma as a carcinogen, and repeating the myth of Jewish men’s immunity to such disease, he postulated a causal link between the foreskin and cancer of the prostate. He also restated the obscure theory…. that cervical cancer in the female was caused by smegma from the male. The popular magazine Newsweek gave sympathetic coverage to Ravich’s claims and quoted his demand that there be ‘an even more universal practice of circumcising male infants’...”443

Dr. Lewis Albert Sayre was also a major contributor to mass circumcision in the U.S.

“The systematic removal of the foreskin owes its ubiquity in America to… Dr. Lewis Sayre. In 1870, Sayre drew a correlation between the foreskin and an orthopedic malady in a young boy. Through a series of bizarre medical experiments, Sayre and his colleagues eventually determined that links existed between the foreskin and a vast range of ailments that included gout, asthma, hernias, epilepsy, rheumatism, curvature of the spine, tuberculosis and elephantiasis.”444

Sayre was a highly-credentialed, well-respected, orthopedic surgeon who was a principal founder, and for a time the President of, the American Medical Association (an organization that has been, from its inception, largely funded by the Luciferian 445 Rockefeller Foundation).446 447 448 449 450 Sayre is said to have been an “inventor of a number of important instruments,” 451 including the instruments used for his method of “suspending the patient followed by wrapping”452 in order to cure curvature of the spine. As you can see from the photos below, Sayre’s method to cure curvature of the spine looks more like a sadomasochistic torture scene than a well-designed method of healing and his “treatment” obviously has very strong sexual undertones.

126,_Spinal_disease_and_spinal_curvature,_1877_ Wellcome_L0014464.jpg


Sayer was a colleague of the well-known psychopathic “father of gynecology,” Dr. J. Marion Sims, who was mentioned earlier in this book as having repeatedly operated on black women and their unborn children without anesthetic. Together, these two very disturbed, yet medically “distinguished” men, helped to mainstream the sexual torture and genital mutilation of men, women, and infants throughout the United States.

“The medical history of circumcision in the United States properly begins in New York on 9 February 1870. That morning Dr. Lewis A. Sayre was summoned by a colleague, the eminent New York gynecologist James Marion Sims, to consult on a perplexing case. ‘Please let me know at what hour you can come to my house to see the son of Mr. M_____, of Milwaukee,’ Sims wrote. ‘The little fellow has a pair of legs that you would walk miles to see.’ Sayre was at the time America's leading orthopedic surgeon, a renowned teacher and scholar, an authority on the anatomy of bones, joints, and muscles. Intrigued by the prospect of seeing some rare musculoskeletal pathology, he dropped what he was doing and went at once. When he arrived, Sayre encountered ‘a most beautiful little boy of five years of age, but exceedingly white and delicate in his appearance, unable to walk without assistance or stand erect, his knees being flexed at about an angle of 45 degrees.’”453

Dr. Sayre concluded that:

“[T]he deformity was due to paralysis and not contraction, and it was therefore necessary to restore vitality to the partially paralyzed extensor muscle, rather than to cut the apparently contracted flexors. I therefore had him sent to my office for the purpose of applying the constant current of the galvanic battery. In its application, while passing the sponge over the upper part of the little fellow’s thighs, the nurse cried out, ‘Oh, doctor! Be very careful! Don’t touch his pee-pee – it’s very sore’; and upon examining the penis I found it in a state of extreme erection.

The body of the penis was well developed, but the glans was very small and pointed, tightly imprisoned in the contracted foreskin, and, in its efforts to escape, the


meatus urinarius had become as puffed out and red as in a case of severe granular urethritis; upon touching the orifice of the urethra he was slightly convulsed, and had a regular orgasm. This was repeated a number of times and always with the same result.”454

Now, in situations where an adult man repeatedly touches the penis of a “most beautiful little boy” and brings the child to orgasm several times, outside of medical circles, this would immediately qualify as pedophilic sexual abuse. And when you combine this very strange “treatment” with Dr. Sayre’s other erotically charged method for curing curvature of the spine, it seems that he was a medical pervert. Nevertheless, people actually respected this lunatic and thus, he was able to bring the “beautiful little boy” to Bellevue Hospital “in order to demonstrate the [circumcision] operation to his students there.” -- i.e., Gang Rape

“The following day, after the patient was anesthetized, Sayre drew the foreskin forward and cut it with scissors. To his surprise, ‘the mucous portion [remained] quite firmly adherent to the glans nearly to the orifice of the urethra.’ So he finished the procedure by ‘seizing the thickened mucous membrane with the thumbs and finger nails of each hand’ and tearing it away from the glans.”455

Dr. Sayre soon concluded that his “treatment” was a success and afterwards...

“For the better part of three decades, until his death in 1900, he continued zealously to promote circumcision… Sayre made several expeditions to the Manhattan State Hospital's Idiot Asylum on Randall's Island where he ‘carefully examined the external genitals of sixty-seven children, operating on a number of them.’ Afterward he was convinced that some boys' mental symptoms improved, but his surgical experiment ended in frustration. No patient recovered enough to be discharged from the asylum.”456


“Sayre wrote that ‘many of the cases of irritable children, with restless sleep, and bad digestion, which are often 129

attributed to worms, is solely due to the irritation of the nervous system caused by an adherent or constricted prepuce’…

For nearly 30 years, Sayre zealously promoted circumcision as a cure for a wide variety of maladies, including but not limited to orthopedic problems, epilepsy, hernia, and ‘lunacy.’

Sayre's claims led to others trying similar experiments. Sims and other physicians developed a whole host of new genital surgeries designed to alleviate psychological problems – ‘cutting the body to cure the mind.’ Some of the procedures included ovariotomy – removing a woman's healthy ovaries in order to relieve the symptoms ranging from hysteria and neurasthenia (nervous exhaustion) to backaches; Cliterectomies were also performed. Significantly, these procedures were not marginal medical procedures practiced by a handful of crackpots; rather they were ‘central in the arsenal of late- nineteenth-century gynecology.’ Moreover, they were still being practiced in the U.S. long after they were abandoned in Europe.”457


“Dr Lewis A. Sayre (1820-1900) was certainly among the most distinguished believers in the therapeutic powers of circumcision. He served as vice-president of the American Medical Association in 1870 and as president in 1880. At the annual meeting of the AMA in 1870 he delivered a remarkable paper entitled ‘partial paralysis from reflex irritation, caused by congenital phimosis and adherent prepuce’. Supporting his claims with numerous case studies and clinical evidence, and deploying the most scientific methodologies available at that time, Sayre proved to the satisfaction of his audience that a long, adherent foreskin could not only cause paralysis in various limbs, but also hip-joint disease (probably tuberculosis of the hip-joint), hernia, bad digestion, inflammation of the bladder and clumsiness. In each case Sayre reported that amputation of the foreskin had cured the problem. For the rest of his career Sayre urged physicians always to


examine a boy’s prepuce in all cases of disease. Whenever phimosis, as defined by reflex theory, was found, Sayre advised immediate amputation of the foreskin. Because of his professional reputation and impeccable credentials, major American medical schools steadily incorporated Sayre’s theories and therapies into their curricula.

During the late 1860s and throughout the next decade epilepsy was increasingly the focus of medical interest… Capitalising on the new anxiety, Sayre reported to the New York Pathological Society in 1870 that phimosis was also the cause of epilepsy. A few English physicians had been experimenting with circumcision as a treatment for epilepsy since 1865, but they attributed the problem to the tendency of the foreskin to encourage masturbation, and thus cited prevention of masturbation as the key to curing the condition. Sayre maintained that a long foreskin alone had the power to induce violent epileptic convulsions, and that circumcision had cured every case of epilepsy that he had encountered. As with paralysis, hundreds of case reports were published over the next 75 years, all validating Sayre’s advocacy of circumcision as a cure for epilepsy.

At the annual meeting of the AMA in 1875 Sayre delivered another important lecture on phimosis. Here he informed his audience that he had discovered that a long and adherent foreskin could cut off the circulation of blood to the spinal column, thereby causing lameness, curvature of the spine, paralysis of the bladder and club foot. Miraculously, he reported, circumcision brought an immediate cure to all these patients, including the patient with the club foot. In the same lecture he also described several cases in which clitoridectomy brought instant relief to paralytic girls.”458

Clearly, Dr. Sayre was mentally deranged. As to the question of whether he was a Jew, I have not been able to find any definitive proof. However, there are several good reasons to believe he was.

 Sayre used his fingernails to rip the foreskin off of the glans of the “beautiful little boy” he circumcised at


Bellevue Hospital. This is a primitive and revolting method of removing the foreskin used by Jews. 459

“After the excision has been completed, the mohel seizes the inner lining of the prepuce, which still covers the glans, with the thumb- nail and index-finger of each hand, and tears it so that he can roll it fully back over the glans and expose the latter completely. The mohel usually has his thumb-nail suitably trimmed for the purpose.”460

 Sayre’s photograph hangs prominently in the wall display at the library of the Jewish Hospital for Joint Diseases,461 and

 Sayre was raised by his millionaire 462 uncle, David Sayre, who was both a silversmith and a banker463 - fields that were (and still are) totally dominated by Jews.464 465

Regarding Jewish control of the banking industry, Jew Howard Wallace Rosenthal shared important information in a 1976 interview with Walter White, Jr. During this interview, Rosenthal revealed a very dark, well-organized, Jewish/Luciferian agenda to take-over of the United States and the rest of the world. The control of banking is instrumental to that takeover.

“At first, by controlling the banking system we were able to control corporation capital. Through this, we acquired total monopoly of the movie industry, the radio networks and the newly developing television media. The printing industry, newspapers, periodicals and technical journals had already fallen into our hands. The richest plum was later to come when we took over the publication of all school materials. Through these vehicles we could mold public opinion to suit our own purposes. The people are only stupid pigs that grunt and squeal the chants we give them, whether they be truth or lies…

"Our power has been created through the manipulation of the national monetary system. We authored the quotation. 'Money is power.' As revealed in our master


plan, it was essential for us to establish a private national bank. The Federal Reserve System fitted our plan nicely since it is owned by us, but the name implies that it is a government institution. From the very outset, our purpose was to confiscate all the gold and silver, replacing them with worthless non-redeemable paper notes. This we have done!"466

With respect to Jewish control of modern medicine, Rosenthal stated:

“I was taught that we Jews must become lawyers so we could control and strangle the courts, and even the judges, unless they were Jews. We should become doctors and teachers and leaders in all the churches—and this goal has almost been fully accomplished…

More than 12,000 doctors are graduated from medical schools in the United States every year and almost 10,000 of them are Jews. Among the law students the Jewish percentage is even higher. Jews are on such a solid foundation here in the United States that any kind of opposition to our control would only be temporary…

You have become addicted to our medicine through which we have become your absolute masters.”467

Not surprisingly, Rosenthal was murdered after this interview, probably for revealing too much. At the time of his sharing this information, Rosenthal was the Administrative Assistant to N.Y. Senator Jacob Javits, a major Zionist supporter and instigator of mass immigration in the U.S. 468 According to several Jewish sources who are familiar with the Jewish “master plan,” mass immigration is designed to promote interracial sexual unions, with the ultimate goal being mongrelized children and the complete annihilation of “the white race.”469 About this topic, Abe Foxman, President of the Jewish Anti-Defamation League, had this to say:

"Gentlemen. Welcome to the Second Centennial Meeting of the Learned of Elders of Zion… Many of you are very busy men. Let us get to the crux of the matter. As masters of business, , law and most importantly... media, we are ready to implement our most important 133

and ambitious program. One that will finally and totally remove from existence the impediments of our absolute control of this earth.

I speak of the death of the white race. The complete removal of all means of reproduction of the so-called . Men, we now control the destiny of this race. It is now time to make sure the White race becomes extinct through miscegenation and having a virtually zero birth rate. We have all enjoyed the vision repeated all over this world every day of the last white children playing with little dark children and knowing that they are being set-up for their eventual destruction. We can ruin the ancient pure bloodline of an Aryan child by convincing him or her of the altruism of begetting interracial children. We must expose the race mixing of the urban centers to the suburbs and rural areas of this country.

More aggressive programs to integrate these areas are now underway through HUD. It is worth any price to annihilate the next generation of White children. We want every White father to feel the sting of having their children marry colored mates and produce biracial children. We must use our power to discourage White men and women who still persist in getting together from producing more pure White children. They will be ostracized by not becoming part of the New Society of all races. This will dissuade most of them. We will deal with the less cooperative goyim by murder and imprisonment. Finally, we will see the end of the white race. Impressionable White children will have their minds molded into the agents of their own destruction.

Already, our efforts have succeeded in making the "men" of this race grovel at our feet. Men, you and your ancestors have worked hard to make sure we would have the power to hold the destiny of this race in our hands. Now we have it. Perish Aryan Goyim (cattle)!"”470

And from Rabbi Emmanuel Rabinovich…

“…The goal for which we have striven so concertedly for three thousand years is at last within our reach, and


because its fulfillment is so apparent, it behooves us to increase our efforts and our caution tenfold. I can safely promise you that before ten years have passed, our race will take its rightful place in the world, with every Jew a king and every Gentile a slave (Applause from the gathering)…

I can state with assurance that the last generation of white children is now being born. Our Control Commissions will, in the interests of peace and wiping out inter- racial tensions, forbid the Whites to mate with Whites. The White Women must cohabit with members of the dark races, the White Men with black women. Thus the White Race will disappear, for the mixing of the dark with the White means the end of the White Man, and our most dangerous enemy will become only a memory. We shall embark upon an era of ten thousand years of peace and plenty, the Pax Judaica, and our race will rule undisputed over the world. Our superior intelligence will easily enable us to retain mastery over a world of dark peoples.”471

Many Jews have spoken out about this evil agenda and affirmed that there is a deliberate attack against Christians that is being exercised through the medical profession.

“In a Rothschild Journal, Jan. 13, 1889, is an interesting directive that was sent from the top Jewish authority in France, to local rabbis, back several hundred years ago. It is appropriate, because it became the basis of Jewish control of the medical profession. It said: ‘…Make your sons doctors and apothecaries that they may take away Christian lives.’

Have they done this? Far beyond their fondest expectations! By the end of the 1960's they had full control of the medical profession. It goes without saying there were many good Christian doctors, dentists and druggists, but these were used as a shield for the Jewish takeover of medicine. The majority of these Christian medical men were in chains to the Pharisees, one way or the other.


Not only were they in full control but they furthered their control by filling all the medical schools and centers with Jewish ‘Medicine men.’ This was especially true in the field of Mental Health...

The American Medical Association… is now thoroughly controlled by a clique of Jewish doctors at the top… Read the journals of the A.M.A. and you will see the Jewish hand everywhere.”472

Indeed, the Jewish hand is everywhere and it is especially intertwined with the evils of modern medicine, including infant circumcision. Although this is a difficult topic to discuss for fear of offending innocent Jews or being labeled “anti-semitic,”8 we must talk about it in order to bring attention to those who are at the root of this evil.

Several researchers have suggested that a cult of “crypto- Jews,” is behind this and that these people are not Jews at all, but rather, Satanists masquerading as Jews.

“Rabbi Marvin S. Antelman charges that the world today is ruled by a Sabbatean Frankist satanic cult that has conspired with the Illuminati to destroy all religions and fuse all nations into one… The Frankists deviated from Judaism and all that Judaism holds to be true and righteous. Thus we find Frankists practicing sex orgies, while such ideas were foreign to Orthodox Jews…”473

Similarly, others have suggested that the majority of Jewish people are manipulated slaves to a small psychopathic group of occult priests who convinced them that they were God’s chosen people and, with Moses’ help, kept them wandering through the wilderness for 40 years in order to program them.

8 Note: Most Jews are not Semites. "Recent peer reviewed John Hopkins genetic research by a respected Judaic MD shows that 97.5% of Judaics living in Israel have absolutely no ancient Hebrew blood, are therefore not Semites and have no ancient blood ties to the land of Palestine at all while 80% of Palestinian do carry ancient Hebrew Blood and thus are real Semites and have ancient blood ties to Palestinian Land." Preston James, PhD, The Hidden History of the Incredibly Evil Khazarian Mafia, March 8, 2015.


“The [high]-priest directed his efforts to gaining single- handed control of the world… And even more than that – he meditated on how to resurrect his own world, distinct from the world God has created [i.e., the technological world.]…

It was the priests… who channeled the energy of the interaction between people and… the creations of Nature into the temples they had invented. They fed on it – the energy of the people – giving nothing in return...

The people became stupefied, as though under a hypnotic spell… And they began to destroy the world of the Divine Nature while building an artificial world for the priests’ benefit…

By order of the High Priest the priest Moses led the Jewish people out of Egypt. The people were offered a most marvelous life in the Promised Land, prepared by God especially for them.

The Jewish people were declared to be God’s chosen ones. The tempting news set minds afire and a part of the people followed Moses, who for forty years led his people about from region to region in the wilderness. The priest’s assistants constantly preached sermons about their being a chosen people and inspired the people to make war and plunder cities, all in His name.

If anyone should happen to awake from his psychosis and demand a return to his former life, he was declared a sinner to be reformed and given a deadline by which he had to be reformed. If he failed to do this he would be killed. The priests acted not in their own names, but by pretending they were carrying out the deeds of God.

What I am telling you is no fantasy or dream. This may be clearly seen by everyone for themselves by looking for answers in the Old Testament of the Bible... A reliable portrayal of historical events can be learned by anyone who wakes at least a little from the millennia-old hypnotic sleep and reads how and by what means the Jewish


people were programmed and turned into troops for the priesthood.”474

Supporting the idea that the Jewish people were manipulated by black magicians, the following quote suggests that circumcision was intended to mark Jewish men as slaves and the Levites (who were involved in “priestly” magic475 and lived parasitic lives off of other people’s “tithes” [taxation and usury]),476 choose to mark the “lesser” Jews as livestock through circumcision.

“[Why are] Jewish baby boys… circumcised on the eighth day? The secret to this lies in the occult knowledge. Levites possess that knowledge. And incidentally, they do not perform circumcision on their own babies, they do that only to their "livestock" — the Jews.

During the first eight days only three lower Chakras are developed. All the higher Chakras remain undeveloped in the body of a circumcised Jew. In other words — a circumcised Jew is only half a person — with mutilated soul and brain.”477

Moreover, evidence indicates the Levites wrote the “laws” of the Bible and used a tremendous amount of propaganda to convince others they were handed down directly from God.

“The evidence indicates that it was the Levite priesthood who wrote the Levitical laws in the Bible, and that these were not simply the laws of God brought down from Mount Sinai by Moses... It was the Levites who had the most to gain by propagating the myth that Moses wrote the Bible, and that Moses brought Levitical laws down from Mount Sinai on the orders of God. That such a belief still holds sway is an affront to the truth, because it can be demonstrated to be false, and in this way the political interests of the Levitical priesthood of ancient Israel can be seen to remain of political and religious importance long after they themselves passed from the scene...”478

“During the hundred years that followed the Assyrian conquest of Israel, the Levites in Judah began to compile the written Law. In 621 BC they produced Deuteronomy... This was the birth of “the Mosaic law,” which Moses, if he 138 ever lived, never knew. It is called the Mosaic law because it is attributed to him, but the authorities agree that it was the product of the Levites, who then and later repeatedly made Moses (and for that matter, Jehovah) say what suited them…

Deuteronomy is also the basis of the political programme of worldly dominion over nations despoiled and enslaved, which has been largely realized in the West during this Twentieth Century…

Before Deuteronomy was compiled only the “oral tradition” of what God said to Moses existed. The Levites claimed to be the consecrated guardians of this tradition and the tribespeople had to take their word for it…. That Deuteronomy was different from anything that had been known or understood before is implicit in its name, which means “Second Law.” Deuteronomy, in fact, was Levitical Judaism first revealed; the Israelites… ‘were not Jews’ and had never known this ‘Law.’ …

Deuteronomy stood the earlier tradition on its head... However, the Levites were within their self-granted right in making any changes they chose, for they held that they were divinely authorized to amend the Law…

Religious intolerance is the basis of this “Second Law” (racial intolerance was to follow later, in another “New Law”) and murder in the name of religion is its distinctive tenet… Thus the moral commandments against murder, stealing, adultery, coveting, bad neighbourliness, and the like are vitiated by a mass of “statutes” expressly enjoining the massacre of other peoples, the murder of apostates individually or in communities, the taking of concubines from among women captives, “utter destruction” that leaves “nothing alive,” the exclusion of “the stranger” from debt-remission and the like.

By the time the end of Deuteronomy is reached the moral commandments have been nullified in this way, for the purpose of setting up, in the guise of a religion, the grandiose political idea of a people especially sent into the


world to destroy and “possess” other peoples and to rule the earth…

Deuteronomy is above all a complete political programme: the story of the planet, created by Jehovah for this “special people,” is to be completed by their triumph and the ruination of all others. The rewards offered to the faithful are exclusively material: slaughter, slaves, women, booty, territory, empire. The only condition laid down for these rewards is observance of “the statutes and judgments,” which primarily command the destruction of others… “Seven nations greater and mightier than thou” are to be delivered into the Judahites' hands, and: “Thou shalt utterly destroy them; thou shalt make no covenant with them, nor show mercy unto them… ye shall destroy their alters… for thou art an holy people unto the Lord thy God; the Lord thy God hath chosen thee to be a special people unto himself, above all people that are on the face of the earth… Thou shalt be blessed above all people… And thou shalt consume all the people which the Lord thy God shall deliver thee; thine eye shall have no pity upon them… the Lord thy God will send the hornet among them, until they that are left, and hide themselves from thee, be destroyed… And the Lord thy God will put out these nations before thee by little and little… But the Lord thy God shall deliver them unto thee, and shall destroy them with a mighty destruction until they be destroyed. And he shall deliver their kings into thine hand, and thou shalt destroy their name from under heaven; there shall no man be able to stand before thee, until thou have destroyed them …”479


“Judaism adopted circumcision from the Egyptians through Moses, who left Egypt with the Hebrew slaves. Moses, who could be considered ‘the father’ of the Jewish tradition, law, rituals, and administrative authority, was not himself circumcised, yet he required all of his followers to be circumcised…

During the time of Moses, flint knives were used to perform circumcision on males who had reached puberty…


After the time of Moses, the tradition of Jewish circumcision was altered from being performed at the stage of male puberty to that of the neonatal stage, typically being performed on the eighth day after birth. This was done to forcefully conform the male infant into the Jewish community, for circumcision was a distinct symbol of Jewish culture. In fact, the Jewish practice of neonatal circumcision is a perfect example of hierarchal control over the body, for the infant, who was too young to decide for himself, was subjected to a Jewish hierarchal system and religion, whether he desired to or not.”480

Regarding the “law” that commands Jews to circumcise their infants on the eighth day, the following Jewish intellectual argues that this day is chosen so that circumcision will permanently alter the endocrine system of male babies and cause them to be forever mentally, emotionally and neurochemically stunted.

“The only common denominator which may explain the Jewish issue is their circumcision at the 8th day which perturbs the 21 days of 1st puberty. This perturbation brings about, through hormono-psychic action, a speculative parasitic mentality, the cause of antijewism of all times, all nations in all languages.

As a matter of fact this peculiar circumcision at the first day of the first puberty brings about a hypotrophy of the "internal genital”… the organ of moral sense (not morality), spirit of synthesis, altruism…

We have known for forty years that this gland is atrophied among insane people. It is hypotrophied with the Jews.481


“[T]he Jews are totally unaware of their ordeal - because it's an ordeal they live through - You know, to torment and to kill others, it's also hell for them, it's a disease. You know Neitzsche said 'it was the sick who invented malice.' Consequently these are people you need to cure, and to cure the Jews it's very simple: radical suppression of the 8th day circumcision. And we're going to enter the heart of the issue... 141

Well there is, for the Jews, an operation you get done on the 8th day after birth. It's called circumcision.

Now on the 8th day after birth, begins - as Dr. Jean Gautier has shown - the first puberty. This puberty lasts 21 days. It's going to last 21 days starting on the 8th day. And it's on the 8th day that circumcision is practiced. As a result, the first puberty, which is a major event, is going to be disturbed...

[T]his operation affects the Jewish psyche and endocrine system... What happens is when you perform this operation, you set free some hormones contained in the internal genital organ, which is THE human gland… The gland that basically runs everything deliberately… It's the organ of free will… It will be underdeveloped and at the same time it will liberate other organs, which will run without the breaks on.

[T]he role of the internal genital gland is precisely to orchestrate a balance in the whole hormonal system. It won't be able to do it. Thus the pituitary and the thyroid, even the adrenal glands to a lesser extent, will become unhinged. They will therefore be out of control - 7, 8, or 10 times more active than in most humans. And what's going to happen? The internal genital gland, which is underdeveloped in the mentally ill, will be underdeveloped in the Jews. Which means they'll only have enough interstitial capacity to direct their speculations which will be dictated by their pituitary and their thyroid. Hence a sort of real illness: they can't stop... [W]hat's switched off is the potential to control their speculation... And you come to these monstrosities that are financial Capitalism, Marxism and Freudianism…

[T[he hormones will fixate… upon the reproductive genital gland, which will make the Jews sex fiends, womanizers...

So the Jews would have a satanic mission... with the obligation to not understand the tragedy of circumcision... through denial if need be. To reach the end of their satanic path... they are… compelled to pursue this horrible analytical path until the end, and to impose it on humanity


as a whole, and unfortunately they're buying into it without any resistance. That's how you can understand the Jewish question on a metaphysical level -- basically, they are innocents, miserable, who suffer the consequences of an unfortunate operation, giving them an absolutely fixed mentality which makes them great financeers… they have the mindset because of the circumcision, and they cannot escape it. So this circumcision is, therefore the key...”482

Indeed, circumcision is a key and part of a larger satanic agenda that includes blood sacrifice as an offering to a very demonic god.

“In addition to proposing that circumcision was taken up by the Jews purely as a religious mandate, scholars have suggested that Judaism's patriarchs and their followers adopted circumcision… as a form of blood sacrifice.”483


“Blood is a fundamental and indispensable element in all the memorial celebrations of Pesach: the blood of the Passover Lamb and the blood of circumcision. In the Midrash, this relationship is continually stressed and demonstrated. God, having seen the door-posts of the doors of the children of Israel in Egypt, bathed with the blood of the Passover lamb, is said to have recalled his Pact with Abraham, signed and sealed with the blood of circumcision…

Isaac was sacrificed for the love of God and his blood gushes onto the altar, coloring it red. This is the historical- ritual memory, transfigured and updated, which the Judaism of the German lands, reduced in numbers by the suicides and mass child murders committed during the Crusades "for the sanctification of the Lord's name" wished to preserve, situating it at Passover and in relation to the exodus from Egypt. In one of his elegies, Ephraim of Bonn described not only the ardor and the zeal of Abraham in immolating his son, butchering him on the altar, but also the abnegation of Isaac, happy to serve as the holocaust. After which the saintly boy was carried


back to life by God himself, Abraham is said to have sought to sacrifice him a second time…

As we have seen, during the ceremony, the blood of circumcised foreskin was mixed with the wine and tasted by the mohel himself, by the child and his mother…”484

Clearly, any blood-drinking ritual that involves sexual torture and genital mutilation is satanic in origin. Thus we can be sure that when Howard Wallace Rosenthal said “most Jews do not like to admit it, but our god is Lucifer,”485 he was not kidding.

Understanding the satanic agenda – which is to take everything that the loving Creator has given us (including the magnificent male foreskin that helps men bond to women) and destroy it and/or turn it on its head – is key to recognizing the real agenda behind circumcision. It is a weapon of mass destruction. Its aim is to enslave, mutilate, and torture innocents, while simultaneously disrupting family bonds and undermining the potential for human love and happiness to flourish.

Circumcision is designed to morph children into the likeness of the beast, and the act is such a corruption and an affront to the energy of love, it distorts the child’s psyche and sexuality for life and thereby distorts the way he relates to his partners and the way he creates his progeny as well.

“Circumcision has pharaonic origins and it was Seton’s [Satan’s] idea in the first place to mutilate the slave because when done so, the sexual desire starts at a very early age – around 10 years old – when the human brain has not entirely developed yet, draining out nutritional liquids through the spinal column out of the brain and into ejaculation – thus creating perfect slaves with an undeveloped brain and interested in one thing only, as the lack of the foreskin creates a perpetual condition which a normal man would define as an erection when the glans shows…”486

Precisely! And it has been powerfully argued that Jewish men more than any others are obsessed with sex,487 so much so that they actually worship it.


“We hear that God’s name is Yahweh. Let me tell you something about Yahweh… Yahweh is not the name of God… Yahweh in Hebrew simply means… and the best way to express it is to explain what the word means… is to take a garden hose and twist it, hold the end of it, turn on the water and you feel the pressure building up. When you release the hose, it’s a release of pressure and a release of energy. In ancient Hebrew, the release of dynamic energy was called Yahweh. And it was always associated with sex. It’s the building up of the sexual urge and the releasing of energy in the sex act. It was referred to in the ancient Phoenician/Canaanite system as being one with Yahweh.”488

Jewish religious texts are filled with stories of sexual obsession and sexual deviance and, in fact, Talmudic Judaism appears to be wholly grounded in sexual corruption and debauchery.

“No class of men appears to be quite as sex-obsessed as the Orthodox Jews and the rabbinate. If you compare the religious texts of the various world religions, you will find that all of them—with the single exception of Judaism—maintain a high moral tone throughout. They don’t keep harping on about breasts and penises, prostitutes and semen. Judaism does. Consider this inflammatory passage from the Hebrew English Bible, enough to bring a blush to any maidenly cheek:

“There she lusted after her lovers whose genitals were like those of donkeys and whose emission was like that of horses. So you longed for the lewdness of your youth when in Egypt your bosom was caressed and your young breasts fondled.” (Ezekiel 23: 20-21) …

There are so many of these stories in the that a special name had to be invented for them: aggadah... It can certainly be argued that Judaism is more obsessed with sex than any other world religion… The Talmud is full of such stories about rabbis and their students paying visits to prostitutes. Since the word “pornography” literally means “writing about prostitutes,” the Talmud is perhaps the only religious classic that could be described—in a literal sense—as pornographic…”489



“According to a CNN report in 1998, Israel now has the highest per capita consumption of prostitute services in the world. One million visits are paid to prostitutes each month, making brothel hopping one of the nation’s most popular pastimes.

Thousands of women are abducted annually—mostly from Russia, Ukraine, Moldavia, Uzbekistan and China— and sold into sex slavery in Israel. ‘The situation,’ Jewish author David Weinberg wrote in a 1998 article about prostitution in Israel, entitled Not So Holy Land, ‘is enough to make you cry in despair—or vomit from shame’…

In 1998, Israeli commentator Jonathan Rosenblum, noting that a CNN documentary had revealed that Israel now had the highest rate of prostitution in the world, had this to say: “Once again anti-Semites portray us as sexual libertines and perverts to undermine our moral authority. Today we cheerfully admit the charges.”490

Adding to this insanity is the plethora of evidence indicating that Jews have a strong propensity toward sexual perversion, especially pedophilia.491 492 493 494 495 496 497 498 499 NAMBLA, the “North American Man/Boy Love Association” is a homosexual, predominantly Jewish, “pedophile and pederasty advocacy organization” 500 501 502 that strives to abolish laws designed to protect children from pedophiles and have all convicted pedophiles released from prison. 503 Together with academics like Philip Tromovitch, Robert Bauserman, and Bruce Rind of Temple University, they seek to normalize pedophilia 504 505 and create sympathy for adults who sexually prey on children.506

At a July 2014 conference held at Cambridge University, Philip Tromovitch stated that “the “majority of men are probably pedophiles and hebephiles,” and “pedophilic interest is normal and natural in human males.”507 In 1998, the Jewish-led American Psychiatric Association508 (APA) issued a report claiming “that the ‘negative potential’ of adult sex with children was ‘overstated’ and that ‘the vast majority of both men and women reported no negative sexual effects from childhood sexual abuse

146 experiences.”509 In 2013, the APA moved to declassify pedophilia as a mental disorder and instead label it a “sexual orientation.”510 Under fire, the APA later claimed they had made a “mistake” and would correct their manual.511

Additionally, Talmudic laws give Jews permission to have sex with children as young as three. 512 513 514 515 516 517

Avodah Zarah 36b-37a - It is therefore to be concluded that a heathen girl [communicates defilement] from the age of three years and one day, for inasmuch as she is then capable of the sexual act…

Sanhedrin 55b- R. Joseph said: Come and hear! A maiden aged three years and a day may be acquired in marriage by coition [intercourse], and if her deceased husband's brother cohabits with her, she becomes his.

Sanhedrin 54b - Rab said: Pederasty with a child below nine years of age is not deemed as pederasty with a child above that. Samuel said: Pederasty with a child below three years is not treated as with a child above that… Rab makes nine years the minimum; but if one committed sodomy with a child of lesser age, no guilt is incurred. Samuel makes three the minimum.”518


“Baby boys may always be used as subjects for sodomy by grown men, according to the Talmud… The Pharisaic subterfuge here is that until a child reaches sexual maturity, capable of sexual intercourse, he or she does not rank as a person, hence Biblical laws against sodomy (pederasty) do not apply. Throughout the Talmud "nine years and one day" is the fictitious age of male maturity. Likewise, under "nine years and one day," the "first stage of intercourse" of a boy with the mother, or any grown woman, is harmless, Talmudically. Shammai, to seem more "strict," lowers the age to eight years in some cases.

A long harangue about the amount of the Kethubah (payment if divorced) a woman gets if her virginity was

147 removed by a young boy, fills Kethuboth 11b of the Talmud… And here, the foul mother may be reckoned "pure," depending on the age of the child…

‘When a grown up man has intercourse with a little girl it is nothing, for when the girl is less than this — that is, less than three years old — it is as if one puts the finger into the eye — tears come to the eye again and again, so does virginity come back to the little girl under three years.’ (See… Kethuboth 11b of the Talmud)

This is the standard doctrine of the whole Talmud on baby girls. Sodomy and intercourse with babies is the prerogative of the adult Talmudic man…

The following is also typical concerning the fictitious age of sexual maturity of baby girls set by the Pharisee "sages:"

"A maiden aged three years and one day may be acquired in marriage by coition …" (Sanhedrin 55b and 69a-69b), (Yebamoth 57b and 60b); also Niddah 44b.

Baby girls of three can invoke sadistic punishments on those who have intercourse with them when they are "Niddahs" (menstruating), a physical impossibility, of course. (Talmud, Sanhedrin 55b; Sanhedrin 69a)

And, at three, a baby girl is always rated as "one who is fit for cohabitation — that is one who has attained the age of three years and one day." (Talmud, Yebamoth 60b)… But, in the case of a baby girl who is not Jewish-born, or a so-called "proselyte," she may be "married" thus by a grown priest: "A proselyte who is under the age of three years and one day is permitted to marry a priest;" although "one who is fit for cohabitation," as stated on the same page, is "one who has attained the age of three years and one day."

This Talmud Yebamoth passage continues with the ruling in the case of a baby under three married to a grown man priest, and declared eligible to continue as his wife… The


baby girl was a "proselyte," of course, so age did not matter. But "under eleven years and one day" a little girl "carries on her marital intercourse in the usual manner." (Yebamoth 12b)

Adultery is permitted with the wife of a minor, and wife of a non-Jew….The pretense is that a minor not being a "man" yet, and the non-Jew having non-human status, Talmudically, the Biblical law does not apply. Thus, once again do the Pharisees make the commandments of God of "none effect" …”519

Sickeningly, Jews are attempting to have this very disturbing religious text mainstreamed into American law.

In 1999, the Supreme Court agreed to consider an amicus brief based wholly on Talmudic law... In November 2002, the American Orthodox Jewish community held a kosher dinner in the Supreme Court building to celebrate the establishment of the National Institute for Judaic Law. The dinner was attended by 200 people, including three Supreme Court Justices. The purpose of the Institute is to introduce Talmudic laws into the US legal system and law schools. It is thus the clear civic duty of every American to become intimately acquainted with the Talmud…”520

Not surprisingly, Jews are the cornerstone of the “sexual liberation” movement in the U.S., which has further degraded the bonds of love between men and women and fueled a 40-50% divorce rate in the United States.521

“Born in 1949, my lifespan corresponds to a massive social engineering campaign on the part of Satanic elites to destroy the institution of marriage and family. This has been done by separating sex from both love and marriage ("sexual liberation,") and by teaching young women to seek sex and careers instead of marriage and motherhood ("feminism.")

Why? To make us servile. To change human nature, the Elite first needs to destroy the four legs of human identity: family (gender), race, God (religion,) and nation.


How? They use the media to make people think self- destructive behavior is advanced and "cool."

Who? Illuminati bankers like the Rothschilds are the mainspring of the "Elite" and control the mass media. They belong to the Sabbatean movement, a Satanic Jewish heresy of the 17th Century which many Jews opposed. The Sabbateans went underground and infiltrated Gentile society through fake conversion and intermarriage. They took over Freemasonry and used it to control all important social institutions and political movements, including Communism, Socialism, , and Zionism. Their headquarters is the Bank of England and the City of London.


New York Liberal Jews like Norma Klein probably had no idea she was advancing the Satanic Sabbatean agenda in the 1970's and 1980's when she taught teenagers to have sex. The author of 30 books, she thought she was liberating young people from the chains of religious superstition. I'll bet she didn't know that the Sabbateans are a sex cult, and premarital sex, wife swapping and orgies are part of their dogma. Most Liberal Jews are unconscious of the Luciferian role they play by thumbing their nose at what is natural, healthy and decorous.

In a recent article, "Teen Shpilkes," [anxiety] Eryn Loeb revisited this seminal influence on her life and was struck, not by the soft core porn, or the vulgarity, but by the "pervasive Jewishness" of Klein's work. It focuses entirely on "secular Jews...[who] own The Joy of Sex and are happy to discuss its contents with their precocious, introspective offspring... There are affairs, divorces, abortions, ardent feminists, gay characters and lots of sex, all portrayed with Klein's distinctive casualness and honesty at a time when nearly all of these things were destined to stir up controversy."

"Domestic Arrangements" (1981) finds 14-year-old Tatiana Engelberg nonchalantly detailing her sexual awakening: "Daddy takes everything very hard which is


probably why he got so hysterical when he found Joshua and me fucking in the bathroom at four in the morning."

In "Beginner's Love" (1983) 17-year-old Leda Boroff gets pregnant and considers abortion versus adoption. ‘There aren't very many Jewish babies...I could probably sell it for a year's tuition at Yale.’

Norma Klein grew up in New York among ‘extremely liberal left-wing Jews.’ Her father was a psychoanalyst and in her home ‘Freud had replaced God in whom [her] father had decided early on he didn't believe.’

There it is in a nutshell. Liberal-Left Jews are going to build a heaven of their own design without God… God would interfere with their ability to do whatever they like, especially regarding sex.

Liberal Jews are humanists, which means they make men like Freud their Gods and sex their holy sacrament. They are Luciferians and don't even know it.”522


“We are totally oblivious to the fact that we have been colonized by a satanic cult, the Illuminati.

My adult lifetime has been characterized by a concerted drive by the Illuminati to eliminate all limitations on sex beginning with marriage, and leading to pedophilia, incest and bestiality. Pornography plays a central role in this program.

The purpose has been to reduce all human relationships to the level of a cheap and transitory thrill, the orgasm. The effect is to reduce human beings to their bodily appetites and defeat our spiritual nature…

TV and movies are full of sexual propaganda and cues. Movies directed at youth are thinly disguised porn. 523 Women and girls now see their value almost totally in terms of sex appeal.


Our strongest civilizing impulses are derived from strong marriage and family. This is why marriage is their main target. Destroy marriage; destroy society. This is behind the promotion of homosexuality and gay marriage.”


“Mankind has been colonized by a satanic cult, the Illuminati, Cabalist Jewish bankers & Freemasons who used their fraudulent monopoly over government credit (currency) to buy the world and hold mankind in debt- servitude.

So effective is their control over culture that humanity only now realizes it is the hostage of an emerging globalist police state.

We are also recognizing that "sexual liberation" and pornography are political weapons designed to degrade and control.

The Illuminati know that real men supported by loyal wives will defend their families and ensure that their children have a wholesome future.

Better to turn these men and women into sex addicts who betray their families for a cheap transitory thrill…


Just as "social change" is really "social engineering," Hollywood entertainment is really behavior modification.

"Risky Business" (1983) is described as "a teen comedy- drama" when it was designed to hook a new generation on pornography. Tom Cruise plays Joel "Goodson" an innocent whose teenage fantasy comes true when a comely young prostitute (Rebecca de Mornay) moves in while his parents are away on vacation.

The film contains many steamy sex scenes and implicitly condones prostitution and sex for its own sake. No


coincidence, it was made by David Geffin, a homosexual Jew and written and directed by Paul Brickman, a Jew whose "sexual preference" is unknown.

This film about corrupting innocence is bookmarked by the American Pie series (1999-2012) more Illuminati Jewish "teen comedy" which begins with four teenagers who vow to lose their virginity before graduation.

Again, the film contains enough sex and nudity to hook every young male viewer on pornography.

The "American pie" refers to a scene in which the hero is caught masturbating into an apple pie, a reflection of what Illuminati Jews and Masons think of American values and what they are doing to America. ("Motherhood & apple pie" used to signify wholesome before it was defiled by Illuminati Jews and Masons.)

In the sequel, American Wedding, (2003), the future bride performs fellatio on the groom under a table in a crowded restaurant. At the wedding reception, the groom's unruly friend has sex with the groom's grandmother in a darkened closet thinking she is the bride's sluttish sister. Granny is so pleased she blesses her grandson's marriage to a "shiksa." In the final scene, another friend performs cunnilingus on the unruly friend's mother in a bubble bath.

This crude psychological assault on our morals and decency is part of the Illuminati's hate-filled (Talmudic) strategy to destroy the institution of the family…”524

Not surprisingly, Jews dominate and control the pornography industry525 526 527 528 529 530 and, according to one Jewish professor, they are using it to destroy “Christian culture.”531

“[T]here’s no getting away from the fact that secular Jews have played (and still continue to play) a disproportionate role throughout the adult film industry in America. Jewish involvement in pornography has a long history in the United States, as Jews have helped to transform a fringe subculture into what has become a primary constituent of Americana.’ … 153

Jewish activity in the porn industry divides into two (sometimes overlapping) groups: pornographers and performers. Though Jews make up only two per cent of the American population, they have been prominent in pornography….

Jewish involvement in the X-rated industry can be seen as a proverbial two fingers to the entire WASP establishment in America. Some porn stars viewed themselves as frontline fighters in the spiritual battle9 between Christian America and secular humanism. According to Ford, Jewish X-rated actors often brag about their ‘joy in being anarchic, sexual gadflies to the puritanical beast.’ Jewish involvement in porn, by this argument, is the result of an atavistic hatred of Christian authority: they are trying to weaken the dominant culture in America by moral subversion… Al Goldstein, the publisher of Screw, said (on, ‘The only reason that Jews are in pornography is that we think that Christ sucks. Catholicism sucks. We don’t believe in .’ Pornography thus becomes a way of defiling Christian culture… as it penetrates to the very heart of the American mainstream…”532


“The Jews have pushed, created and profited from pornography and perverse entertainment. The ‘chosen people’ make up 90% of all American pornographers. The Hollywood they run has mainstreamed wife-swapping, common law marriages, fornication, homosexuality, lesbianism, transvestitism, pedophilia, drug and alcohol abuse and self-indulgence. Bestiality will be next on the list for these society-corrupting Jews.

The Jews have brought homosexuality out of the closet and into our faces through numerous ‘rights’ legislations.

9 Regarding the spiritual battle that is being waged through the pornographic manipulation of human sexuality and the degradation of human love – the battle is not between Christian America and “secular humanism,” but rather between the forces of love and the Luciferian forces of EVIL.


Sodomy is shown in their Jewish controlled media and movies as normal, healthy, enjoyable and something to celebrate openly in as brazen a fashion as possible. Six year old children in our Public Schools are shown videos promoting anal sex between males. The Jews have founded, funded and fronted every homosexual advocacy group in America.”533


“Jews are breaking down the morals of society with filth, that's why they dominate the porn industry, they promote homosexuality and legalize sodomy (Jewish organization ACLU), they try to legalize child sex (Jewish organization NAMBLA), and all the Jewish produced movies like American Pie series, are full of sex and feces jokes. The disgusting Jewish cartoon Southpark has all sorts of anti- values crap in it, like glorifying Satan and ridiculing all the Western institutions. That's why most US teenagers are so ignorant and badly behaved and not respectful, because they watch too much Jewish filth.”534


“[H]istory and experience have unfailingly shown that, whenever the Jews slate a country for destruction, pornography is the very, very first weapon they use against that doomed race, since pornography acts not only as a softener and decayer of the will, but also as its own natural, debilitating and enervating agent…”535

In fact, there is evidence to substantiate the claim that Jews use pornography as a weapon to destroy cultures. The following story describes how the Israelis have used pornography to attack the morality and spiritual values of the Palestinian people.

“Porn movies and programs in Hebrew are being broadcast by Israeli troops who have taken over three Palestinian television stations of Ramallah, irate residents of the besieged West Bank town have told AFP. The offices of three local television and radio stations were occupied by soldiers yesterday morning, a few hours after

155 tanks and hundreds of troops stormed the town in Israel's biggest offensive against the Palestinian Authority and its leader Yasser Arafat.

The soldiers started broadcasting the porn clips – considered extremely offensive by most Muslims – intermittently this afternoon from the Al-Watan, Ammwaj, and Al-Sharaq channels, the residents said.

‘The pornographic movies started on Al-Watan television at around 3:30 pm,’ one 34-year-old Palestinian mother named Reema told AFP.

‘I have six children at home, they have nowhere to go with what is going on here and can't even watch TV," she said angrily. It's not healthy really. I think the Israelis want to mess with our young men's heads,’ she said.

Anita, a 52-year-old mother of three children, complained about ‘the deliberate psychological damage caused by these broadcasts. I am furious, these are the people who are shooting at us that also play this disgusting trick on us,’ she said.

‘We are desperate for news and constantly flipping channels and get these terrible pictures instead,’ adding that videos of the intifada were also shown backwards with ‘ideal terrorism’ written in red across the screen.

‘Luckily, there is no electricity in half of Ramallah,’ she said from her house in east Jerusalem where the channels are also available.

A fourth local station, whose premises were not seized by the army, ran a written message across its screen letting people know it was the Israelis who were behind the graphic scenes.

‘Anything currently shown on Al-Watan and other local TV channels has nothing to do with Palestinian programs but is being broadcast by the Israeli occupation forces, we urge parents to take precautions,’ the message said.”536


Jews are also largely responsible for the sexualization of children in America537 538 539 as well as the creation of the Common Core curriculum now being taught in American schools. 540 Common Core emphasizes so-called “sex education” that promotes masturbation to 5-year-olds,541 and teaches 9-year-olds how to use condoms542 and 10-year-olds about “safe anal sex.”543 Kevin Jennings, homosexual activist and “poster boy” for the North American Man/Boy Love Association, 544 served as President Obama’s “safe school czar” from 2009-2011. 545 During his years of “service,” Jennings helped orchestrate school lessons for young teens, instructing them on various forms of “homosexual play,” including fisting, fucking, rimming (“licking butt”) and watersports (“piss play”).546 According to one lesson that was shared with approximately 200 young teens:

‘Fisting [forcing one's entire hand into another person's rectum or vagina] often gets a bad rap....[It's] an experience of letting somebody into your body that you want to be that close and intimate with...[and] to put you into an exploratory mode.’

The above quotation comes from Massachusetts Department of Education employees describing the pleasures of homosexual sex to a group of high school students at a state-sponsored workshop during GLSEN- Boston's ‘TeachOut’ Conference on March 25, 2000 held at Tufts University. Approximately 200 young teens and 300 adults attended the day-long event. Kids were bussed in from high schools across Massachusetts. We have posted the actual audio recordings of what went on at that March 2000 event. Children as young as 12 were instructed by adults (state employees!) how to perform a range of dangerous and perverted homosexual sex acts. These included: homosexual oral sex techniques, inserting one’s entire hand in someone else’s rectum, sado-masochism techniques, girls using “dildos” and rubbing their sex organs together, and more…

GLSEN (and Kevin Jennings) did not dispute that the recordings were genuine or that the events did not take place as we described them. Instead, they tried to get a


court to ban the tape and sue us. In fact, Jennings defended the event.”547

Through Common Core, pornographic rape scenes have been introduced into reading materials for young teens, including the following excerpt from a book entitled “Nineteen Minutes,” which was assigned reading for an English class:

“She’d been floating along pleasantly in a haze of the familiar. Yes, Matt had kissed her — one short one, then a longer, hungry kiss, as his hand worked open the clasp on her bra. She lay lazy, spread beneath him like a feast, as he pulled off her jeans. But then, instead of doing what usually came next, Matt reared over her again. He kissed her so hard that it hurt. “Mmmph,” she said, pushing at him.

Relax,’ Matt murmured, and then he sank his teeth into her shoulder. He pinned her hands over her head and ground his hips against hers. She could feel his erection, hot against her stomach…

She couldn’t remember ever feeling so heavy, as if her heart were beating between her legs. She clawed at Matt’s back to bring him closer.

‘Yeah,’ he groaned, and he pushed her thighs apart. And then suddenly Matt was inside her, pumping so hard that she scooted backward on the carpet, burning the backs of her legs. … (H)e clamped his hand over her mouth and drove harder and harder until Josie felt him come.

Semen, sticky and hot, pooled on the carpet beneath her. Matt framed her face with his hands. ‘Jesus, Josie,’ he whispered, and she realized that he was in tears. ‘I love you so goddamn much.’

Josie turned her face away. ‘I love you, too.’”548

Notice the insidious way this pornographic rape scene blends the word “love” with a despicable act of depraved sexual violence. Notice also how they introduce the idea, ever present in

158 pornographic material, that women enjoy sexual violence. Hence Josie “clawed” at Matt’s back in order to “bring him closer.” This subtle yet significant comment implies that Josie wanted it and enjoyed the violence, and this message is repeated ad nauseam in almost all pornography and is now being taught to American children in U.S. classrooms.549 William Baer, an angry father of a 14-year-old who spoke out against this vile book at a school board meeting (and was ARRESTED for doing so!) believes that ‘politicians and educators running the public school system want to dismantle the family unit, and undermine traditional morality...’550 Certainly, Mr. Baer is correct. The agenda behind Common Core IS to dismantle the family and destroy morality and the people behind this agenda call themselves Jews.551

Canadian schools are also being infiltrated by pornography and we should not be surprised to learn that Ontario’s “sex-ed architect,” Jew Benjamin Levin, was recently convicted on charges of child pornography. To get a sense of who this man really is and the true agenda behind the “graphic sex-ed curriculum” he created (i.e., to sexualize and feed off of children, destroy their purity and innocence, and prepare them for pedophiliac abuse), let’s take a peek at the “Statement of Fact” used to convict this disgusting pervert.

“Among the more lurid details contained in the statement are the admission that Levin, in internet chats, claimed he had sexually abused his own daughters, hoped his daughters would make his grandchildren available to him for sex, and counseled an undercover officer on how to groom a child for sexual abuse…

Levin frequented a website, designated as “M”… that described itself as an “alternative sexual lifestyle social networking site” with chat rooms on “incest” and “teens.” Levin created his profile on M in 2010, describing his gender as “couple,” and his sexuality as “nothing is taboo.” ...

On August 7, 2012, Levin started an online chat with Toronto undercover police officer Janelle Blackadar, who posed as a “sexually submissive, young, single mother with a subversive interest in the sexualization of her children,” the statement reads. Levin told Blackadar that


“he sexually abused his own daughters and other children when they were as young as 12 years old, and encouraged D.C. Blackadar to do the same.” …

Between December 3, 2012 and January 23, 2013, Levin chatted with another undercover officer, Angela Johnson of the London Police Service. He texted Johnson that “he and his wife had been sexually active with their own daughters when they were 12, 13, and 16 years of age.”

Levin told Johnson that he “wished he had a son, but he had sexually abused a couple of boys, as well as his own girls,” according to the statement, and “also stated that he hoped his daughters would ‘share’ their own children (his grandchildren) with him and his wife,” and he “expressed his desire to have sexual intercourse with the three children” that Johnson claimed to have…

On December 14, 2012 Levin asked Johnson, “Would it arouse you if a lover wanted to include your children, force you to help.” Johnson answered, “I am perfectly cool with being forced to help but I wouldn’t want my children in pain.” Levin then messaged Johnson, who previously claimed she had three children, two boys aged 12 and 8, and a 10-year-old girl, that: “I’d like to [have sex with] all three in front of you with your help,” and asked “Would they submit or would I need to tie them?” …

Levin added: “The idea of parents being sexually involved with their kids is exciting” …

“We like most things, [having sex], anal, oral, 69, some bondage, spanking.” He then texted: “It’s amazing how many parents think of their kids sexually at least from chatting online.”

In a January 28, 2013 chat with Gray, the undercover police officer told Levin he was a lesbian who had had sex with a man at 16. Levin replied that, “young males are bad to learn from. …that’s why I think girls should learn from older” women or men, and it is “good if mothers help them learn.” He added, “It’s very hot to think of mummy’s sharing their girls.” … 160

Also that June… Levin “engaged in a sexualized chat” with Blackadar at her initiation, and instructed her “on how to groom the child to get her ‘used to’ sex,” reads the statement. “Mr. Levin instructed D.C. Blackadar to expose her daughter to pornography, to be nude and to masturbate in front of the child.”

In a later chat with Blackadar, Levin instructed the undercover officer “to ‘play with this child in order to ‘prepare her for being f**ked.’” The statement says Levin also “instructed D.C. Blackadar to spank this child for her own pleasure and digitally penetrate her. Mr. Levin asked D.C. Blackadar if she would hurt her child to ‘please him.’”

He encouraged the officer to “continue to show pornography to her child, to masturbate in front of her and to continue to sexually assault her on a regular basis by penetrating the child with her fingers and sexual implements.” He also told the officer “to spank the child” and “stated that it was fine if the child cried and that the child should understand that more would be done to her. Mr. Levin emphasized that is was important to make the child cry.”552

Not surprisingly, those behind Common Core chose to recently hand out pornographic word-search puzzles to 8th grade middle school students based on the sickeningly popular, sadomasochistic film “Fifty Shades of Grey.”553

“At least five students at a middle school in Monessen, Pa., were given word puzzles based on the erotic novel and movie Fifty Shades of Grey this week… [T]he word search was passed out… to an eighth-grade class and included words like "bondage," "erotic," "handcuffs," "intercourse," "independent," "intimidating," "paddling," "spanking" and "submissive."554

“[M]any parents feel the situation represents the continued sexualization of young school children. Parents of a middle school student in California were outraged last June when a sex-ed teacher asked their daughter “how far she would go” 555 sexually during an in-class assignment.


The father of a female middle school student was equally upset several months earlier when his daughter discovered a school poster that listed graphic sexual acts.556 The school claimed the poster was simply part of a health and science curriculum.

As if middle school wasn’t early enough, Chicago public school administrators demanded that all kindergarten children receive mandatory sex-ed courses in 2013. Similarly, feminist groups attempted to force classes on kindergartners in California as well.”557


“Parents in a Pennsylvania school district are turning 50 shades of red over word search puzzles given to middle school students based on an erotic novel and movie.

The students in Monessen were given puzzles based on ‘Fifty Shades of Grey that contained terms including ‘spanking,’ '’submissive,’ '’leather cuffs’ and ‘bondage.’ Other words on the list were more explicit…

The movie [is] based on a best-selling book by E L James about a college student and her torrid affair with a 27-year-old billionaire with a penchant for bondage, discipline, sadism and masochism.”558

By now, it should not surprise us to learn that “E L James” (also known as Erika Mitchell and Erika Leonard) is a Jew and that 50,000 copies of the Hebrew edition of her sadomasochistic book sold out in Israel on the first day! Several people have commented that the book is “mommy porn,”559 while others say the film is attracting large numbers of teenage girls. Either way, this film is sure to contribute to the degradation of love and the family and that, my friends, is precisely the goal.

“While many argue that ‘Fifty Shades of Grey’ is for adults, ‘the media firestorm has pushed it into the awareness of children of all ages,’ says Dawn Hawkins, executive director of the National Center on Sexual Exploitation, via e-mail. A quick search of social media posts on the film,


she says, shows throngs of teenage girls fantasizing about having their own Christian Greys. ‘These girls are wishing to have a man who intimidates, humiliates, and abuses them,’ she adds.

‘The sexual templates of children are being altered to think that sexual violence, emotionless sexual encounters, and fetishized practices are normal and healthy behaviors,’ Ms. Hawkins says…

‘We are seeing the dissolution of all boundaries, particularly moral ones ... a concept of what is right and what is unacceptable,” he says. “For a culture to survive, it has to be able to draw some boundaries. If it doesn’t, it will slowly collapse from within.’”560


“Meanwhile Jews kick their feet up, as sex abuse sickness has always been an inherent part of their 'culture'. The more they can make American culture resemble their own (poisoned, material, corrupt), the more they can blend in, and their crimes can go further unpunished. The 'Fifty Shades phenomenon' is Jewish in origin and Jew-propagated. Anything can be made to look 'appealing' with enough conditioning and advertising."561

Indeed. And if Luciferian Jews can make circumcision and sadomasochism look appealing to the “goy,” you can bet it will be easy for them to normalize homosexuality, transgenderism, pedophila, and even bestiality.

As difficult as it is to talk about this topic, it is urgently necessary for us to do so. We are under attack by Luciferian forces calling themselves Jews. They are bent on world domination and the extermination of “the white race.” Infant circumcision is part of their “master plan” and is being used to distort the expression of human sexuality and human love. It is a fundamental part of their agenda to enslave and alter us.

It is time for us to recognize this Truth.




In sum, circumcision, along with all forms of sexual violence and sexual perversion, is satanic in origin. Likewise, the extremely violent and traumatizing procedures being inflicted on mothers and babies during hospital birth are part of a larger Luciferian agenda to alter and undermine Mankind. These extreme corruptions against the natural order of Creation are intended to damage the human psyche and turn otherwise loving and kind human beings into degenerate, mind controlled slaves. When circumcision is used in combination with other satanic devices like pornography and/or so-called “sex education,” or when circumcision becomes part of an arsenal of technological interventions being used during pregnancy and birth (i.e., induction, amniotomy, fetal heart monitors, pitocin, cytotec, demerol, epidural, c-section, cord clamping, NICU torture, vaccination, etc.), it is part of a diabolical recipe to alter the human race.

We are in the throes of extreme spiritual warfare and it is urgently necessary for us to see it and act accordingly. This means we must choose now to protect our children from these very dark forces and stay as far away from Luciferian institutions, including modern medicine, as is humanly possible. Every time we choose to walk into a hospital to give birth, we are endangering ourselves and our children. It is imperative for us to wake up to this fact and to recognize that hospitals are places of extreme toxicity, massive trauma, infectious diseases, and death. If we were not being completely brainwashed to believe that this type of environment is the “safest” place for us to give birth, we would clearly see that what we are doing is insane.

My strongest advice to birthing families is to avoid going to hospitals whenever possible and give serious consideration to birthing your babies at home. Studies now show that home births are safer than hospital births562 563 564 and the number of home births in the United States has risen by a whopping 41% in just six years (from 2004-2010).565 This huge jump in home birth families is, no doubt, the result of parents having either experienced major trauma during a previous hospital birth or simply doing their homework to discover what is actually happening in U.S. hospitals. The cesarean rate for midwife-led, planned home births is a low 5%566 compared to nearly 33%567 or more568 in U.S. hospitals. In one large recent study of almost 17,000 planned home births in 165 the United States, it was found that 97% of the babies were born full term (as opposed to almost half of hospital born babies being induced prematurely),569 570 and 87% of previously C-sectioned moms had a successful VBAC (vaginal birth after cesarean).571 Another U.S. study of more than 5,000 low-risk women found that planned homebirths with certified professional midwives are associated with lower rates of medical intervention. 572 No maternal deaths occurred among this population of planned homebirths and…

“Compared with the relatively low risk hospital group, intended home births were associated with lower rates of electronic fetal monitoring (9.6% versus 84.3%), episiotomy (2.1% versus 33.0%), cesarean section (3.7% versus 19.0%), and vacuum extraction (0.6% versus 5.5%).”573

Still another study which examined every birth in the Netherlands over a two-year period found that home birth is safer than hospital birth,574 and that:

“[T]hose who opted for hospital births were:

 1.8 times more likely to suffer severe morbid events.

 2.3 times more likely to end up in intensive care.

 2 times more likely to suffer eclampsia.

 1.47 times more likely to suffer multiple blood transfusions.

 1.37 times more likely to suffer from postpartum hemorrhage.

 1.44 times more likely to require manual removal of the placenta…

The fact is that modern medicine’s push to medicalize all births has never been based on what’s best for either mother or child. This Netherlands study included all births


for a span of two years. How much more is required to prove that natural is generally better?

One of the Cochrane Collaboration’s celebrated reviews found that birth is less safe in hospitals. Modern medicine’s most routine intervention, early cord clamping, steals a third of a baby’s own blood—and it’s done in nearly every birth. Yet, the push is to move every single birth to a hospital, to destroy this most sacred of experiences and cause an amount of harm that is nearly inconceivable”575

Indeed, the amount of harm being caused by hospital birth truly is inconceivable, which is probably why so many people have avoided looking closely at its effect, lest they be forced to examine their own compliance with this system and the resulting pain it has caused them, their families, and/or their clients.

For those who are courageous enough to step away from this madness and choose home birth, there are a few very important things to keep in mind.

1. There are forces in the United States that are extremely antagonistic to families that choose to birth outside of “the system.” These very dark forces (that often operate through medical personnel and CPS), have been known to take radical action against holistic-minded families, even to the point of having children kidnapped and taken away from their parents. Young children have been placed in the custody of strangers576 and/or the medical system itself577 for very flimsy reasons, and sometimes the legal system upholds this evil. It is imperative for parents who are considering home birth to have a healthy respect for the medical/legal (i.e., organized and criminal) apparatus that can be mobilized in an instant should they (the parents) seek “support” from medical people of any kind during or after a home birth. It is wise to prepare well in advance for an emergency with a list of naturopathic, chiropractic, homeopathic, osteopathic and/or truly friendly allopathic support should you need it, and thereby avoid negative attention and intervention from unwanted antagonists in the medical field. Of course, if you feel you need to go to the hospital, you absolutely should, without a doubt. In the event this becomes necessary, it is wise to have a lawyer at the ready should the people at the hospital decide to give you any trouble.


2. Get involved with online home birth communities and surround yourself with a system of support. The strongest and most knowledgeable people seem to be attracted to the “unassisted birth” communities and much can be learned by participating in these online forums and discussion groups. I have witnessed first-hand one of these communities (on facebook) coming to the immediate aid of a home birth family that needed to go to the hospital and was being harassed by CPS. The mom in this case started sending messages to the people in the facebook group (from the hospital), and the facebook community immediately responded by quickly bringing together a list of people in the mother’s area who could help, including a lawyer – which ultimately made all the difference. A system of support is invaluable if you are choosing to birth at home and online forums are a great place to build these support systems.

3. If you are choosing to birth your baby at home, please consider seeking healing for any previous traumatic sexual or birth experiences you may have had (including your own birth) or that may exist in your family line. In the next part of this book, I will talk in some detail about the reality of intergenerational trauma and traumatic repetition. We can avoid recreating past trauma by finding a way to heal it before we give birth again (and ideally before we conceive again). Moving trauma out of the nervous system prior to giving birth will help the body feel competent and safe, which will ensure a gentle, easy birth experience with optimal mother-infant-family bonding. Giving birth without the weight of past trauma, in a safe, supportive, and loving environment, will help preserve the bond that exists within marriages and support incoming children to begin their lives intact and without the burden of trauma. This is what is needed at this time.

Now I will share my own personal story, as well as ideas about how we can move away from this dark system and return to a culture of love. My visions and suggestions are outlined at the back of this book. I share these in the hope that, once we understand the nature of what we are up against, and the keys to transforming it, we might easily step onto the path of true healing and return our species to love.

May God bless you all and thank you for taking the time to read my book.




What if the word victim could be redefined into something closer to hero, recognizing that the path some have tread will spare others from the same?”

- Mike Dooley, Notes from the Universe

Jeanice Barcelo Dancing with the Fires of Transformation Maui, Hawaii 2010



Jeanice’s Story

On May 12, 1998, I experienced the most heart-breaking and intense initiation of my life. It was on that fateful day, after a very long, 53-hour, home birth labor, that my daughter, Anastasia, was born still. As she emerged from my womb, her eyes remained closed, her umbilical cord was not pulsing, and she was not breathing. I remember asking my husband, Brian, to hand me my baby so I could try to bring her back to life. But as soon as I reached out for my daughter, I immediately fell back into the birthing pool. I was blacking out due to exhaustion and extreme loss of blood. In technical terms, I was hemorrhaging to death, and it took everything I had to try to stay conscious during this tragic and horrible scene.

Paramedics were immediately called and my baby was rushed to a neonatal intensive care unit in Miami and placed on “life- support” machines in an effort to keep her alive. Despite her body being attached to their machines for two months and two days, I never saw her open her eyes.

While Anastasia was being whisked to the NICU in Miami, I was being rushed to a hospital in Key West where I recall receiving harsh and insensitive treatment during my time in the emergency room. The medics on duty appeared to be in a state of panic because I was losing a lot of blood and had not yet given birth to the placenta. So they proceeded to push, press, and pound on my belly with such force and intensity, it was as if they had no awareness that there was a woman attached to the body they were pounding on. The horror of the entire experience was more painful and surreal than anything I had ever encountered in my life.

I was forced to spend an entire week in that hospital, separated from my baby, barely able to walk, doing whatever I could to recover from my near-death experience and the tragedy of giving birth to a dead child. My husband brought me pictures of our baby, but she had tubes attached to her body and tape stuck all over her face. I could not even make out what she really looked like. Was that my child? Could this possibly be happening? I didn’t even recognize my own baby!!! What was wrong with me, I wondered? All I felt was numb. All I wanted was to be dead.


I recall, while in the emergency room, they put me under anesthesia. And when the anesthesia wore off, I had an experience of plunging – hard – back into my physical body. I think, for at least a few moments, I must have really been dead because I distinctly recall wanting to stay dead. I was fighting with some type of spiritual forces, yelling “I don’t want to go back! I don’t want to go back!” But the outside forces seemed to have the upper hand in this situation and “they” insisted that I had to come back. I was told that my life was not over yet and that there was more work that needed to be done. And so back I came, slamming hard into my physical body, wondering why the hell I had ever been born and what on Earth I was thinking when I signed up for this ride.

Every inch of my body felt pain, and my soul was suffering through the deepest experience of grief known to humankind. I remember lying in a hospital bed, hurting more than I ever dreamed possible, when an angel appeared in the form of a human female nurse. She nurtured me and touched me with so much tenderness and love, that it made me sob quite hysterically in grief for a lifetime of having no conscious connection to nurturing love.

My life up to that point had been a series of tragedies and traumas, many of which had inter-generational roots and were re- creations of earlier childhood wounds. Although I had spent most of my life surrounded by people who lived in denial about the impact of early childhood trauma, I myself was forced to confront it, having been brought to my knees with the overwhelming grief and destitution it caused.

Early childhood trauma literally rewires the brain and causes nervous system damage that can devastate the long-term potential of a child. In his latest book entitled “The Body Keeps The Score,” Bessel van der Kolk argues that childhood trauma is one of the west’s most urgent public health issues and that when left unaddressed, it can lead to serious health problems, drug addiction, alcoholism, employment problems, criminal behavior, relationship issues, domestic or family abuse, and much more.

“…WHAT has killed more Americans since 2001 than the Afghanistan and Iraq wars? And which serious health issue is twice as likely to affect US women as breast cancer?


The answer, claims psychiatrist Bessel van der Kolk, lies in what we now understand about trauma and its effects. In his disturbing book, The Body Keeps the Score, he explains how trauma and its resulting stress harms us through physiological changes to body and brain, and that those harms can persist throughout life. Excess stress can predispose us to everything from diabetes to heart disease, maybe even cancer…

When no one wants to hear about a person's trauma, it finds a way to manifest in their body. And it is not only extreme experiences that linger. Family disturbance or generalised neglect can wire children to be on high alert, their stressed bodies tuned to fight or flight. Or they may be so "numbed out" by keeping demons at bay they can't engage with life's pleasures or protect themselves from future trauma. Even parents who don't attune with their children can do untold damage, van der Kolk argues…

"If your parents' faces never lit up when they looked at you, it's hard to know what it feels like to be loved and cherished," he says. Neglect creates mental maps used by children, and their adult selves, to survive. These maps skew their view of themselves and the world…”578

Indeed! And sadly, for millions of people, the trauma and neglect begin right at the moment of conception, and this is especially true for children who are conceived as “accidents” or as side effects of their parent’s carnal appetites.

This was the case in my own life, which began in the back seat of a car at a drive-in movie theatre in the year 1957. My parents were just teenagers at the time, and when they made the choice to “have sex,” they were not thinking about how wonderful it would be to create a child. Yet because “having sex” involves activating life-creating potential, in I came, incarnating to parents who did not really want me and who were not at all ready to be the kind of parents that could support me to thrive and flourish.

This unfortunate beginning meant that I had to spend the first few weeks of my life completely alone, with nobody to greet me or welcome me into the womb and nobody to express joy at my arrival. When my mother finally did discover my presence in her

175 womb, her response was anything but joyful. Instead she felt fear, revulsion, and extreme anxiety, especially regarding what would become of her when her own mother, my grandmother, found out she was pregnant.

Not surprisingly, I (like millions of others) developed what is called “discovery shock” – or the shock of being rejected and unwanted by my own mother. This initial and very profound rejection, being as it was my first experience of relationship in this incarnation, resulted in a deep-seated sense that I was inherently unlovable and, indeed, that I would never be loved. Deep feelings of grief permeated my being even at this very early stage of development, and this grief imprinted, at least in part, in my lungs, as they were forming during this precise period of gestation. Not surprisingly, I spent the first 40 years of my life with lung problems, including bronchitis and pneumonia, and as a teen, I developed a variety of smoking addictions (cigarettes, marijuana, etc.), which lasted for many decades.

Smoking addictions are a common way for people who suffer from discovery shock to suck back or hold down the intensely painful feelings that we experienced during fetal life but were not yet mature enough to process. Smoking is used as a temporary fix – a way to artificially quiet the system and keep the uncomfortable memories from surfacing. Unfortunately, smoking can also cause long-term harm, and those who do not find a healthy way to deal with their unresolved prenatal memories, can end up causing serious physical damage to their lungs – adding yet another layer of wounding to an already compromised system.

In my own case, the feeling that I was inherently unlovable was unwittingly confirmed by my mother who would repeatedly say things to me like “don’t ever have children early – they’ll ruin your life.” Naturally, this made me feel a tremendous amount of remorse for having been born, as well as guilt and shame for being the cause of my mother’s suffering. She would tell me often how difficult her life was and how much she had to give up in order to be a mother. I accepted her truth as a terrible fate, knowing deeply what a burden my existence was to my mother.

Many years later my mother would also tell me how she cried when she realized she would have to marry my father because she had become pregnant with me. This she did not want to do

176 because she thought he was too jealous and controlling and not an intellectual match for her. But my grandmother, being a rather strict Catholic, insisted on the marriage, saying to my mother “You made your bed – now lie in it.” And so, for seven years, that is exactly what my mother did, giving birth to two children after me with a man she did not love or respect and who, as it turns out, quickly became sexually involved with another woman, who also happened to be my mother’s best friend.

Naturally, I felt guilty about all of this, especially because my father was quite cruel toward my mother and I felt she would never have had to endure an abusive marriage had she not become pregnant with me. Yet in truth, it was my mother’s choice to have sex with my father. And as a result of that choice, an entire chain of events was set into motion that would forever change the fabric of her reality. Of course, I am sad about what my mother has had to endure. But I am even sadder still about what I, myself, have had to endure as a result of that one careless choice my mother made to have sex with my father.

It is not easy for those of us who are conceived through false unions. We sense the lie from the very beginning and it makes us doubt the quality of our essence and the value of all our parent’s choices. Our coding for love is extremely muddled, and in my case, this was made worse by the betrayal that was taking place between my father and my mother’s best friend. Not surprisingly, I’ve had difficulty throughout my life attracting authentically loving and enduring relationships. And I am quite certain that my experience would have been very different had I been born to parents who truly loved each other and sincerely wanted a child.

I am sharing this part of my story because I want people to understand the insidious nature of haphazard conception. It almost always creates trauma for the parents and the child – and the damaging memories the child carries of not being wanted or welcomed imprint into the psyche and can get re-created again and again as the child comes of age and seeks to find a way to re- write the script.

In my own case, I experienced a traumatic reenactment of my wounded conception imprint when I was 17 years old (the exact same age at which my mother conceived me), by choosing to have sex for the very first time in the back seat of a car with a man I

177 neither loved nor respected and with whom I had no interest in marrying – just like my mom! This experience was almost an exact replica of my own conception - but without a resulting pregnancy. I also experienced traumatic repetition by manifesting several sexual partners who created with me similar relationship dynamics to those that existed between my mother and father. For example, I re-lived one particularly traumatic experience when I was about 19 years old by chasing my boyfriend down the stairs toward the front door and putting my arm right through a glass door as I tried to run out. The memory I was re-living, but had not yet been able to process, involved my mother running after my father as he stormed out of the house. She accidentally put her arm through a glass door, which caused blood and glass to splatter everywhere. The scene was absolutely horrifying to me (I must have been about 5 or 6 years old at the time), and was made worse by my father’s indifference to my mother’s suffering and his abject cruelty telling her to “clean it up” and then walking away.

Naturally, the contempt my father showed toward my mother had an extremely dark influence on my psyche, and this manifested several years later with the creation of several abusive partners who would treat me with absolutely no sensitivity and a complete disregard for my well-being – i.e., the exact same way my father treated my mother.

Moreover, there were several other aspects of my mother’s experience which literally became part of my being. Her feelings of being “bad,” for example, for having had sex prior to marriage, were communicated to me both telepathically and neurochemically while I was gestating in her womb. Her feelings literally became part of my psychology and physiology, and not surprisingly, I spent the first 40 years of my life with an unconscious feeling that I was not only unlovable, but also inherently bad.

My parents, for their own part, were very young and had no understanding of how their feelings were going to impact me. (In truth, they are still in denial about this, but ah, I digress). However, the facts are the facts. During the first nine months of life in my mother’s womb I was literally swimming in emotional and physical toxicity caused by my mother smoking habitually, being shamed by my grandmother, and my parents fighting constantly. My earliest implicit memories are of my parents’ turbulent emotions combined with my own feelings of being

178 completely ignored and feeling inherently unlovable and bad. These primal, powerful, prenatal imprints made their way into my physiology and my psychology, creating a dark influence on my psyche and my life experience for several decades. Ultimately, these imprints caused years of emotional and spiritual pain that led to a plethora of unhealthy relationships (and much more) – all of which further confirmed my imprinted belief that I was inherently bad and unlovable.

Not surprisingly, my trauma-filled gestation was followed by a very traumatic birth that took place in a violent technological setting (a/k/a the hospital) where all energies seemed to be antagonistic to my well-being. My mother was given a drug called scopolamine which, in indigenous cultures, is known as “devil’s breath.” 579 This drug, which has been used extensively in US government mind control programs like MK Ultra,580 581 is known to both create amnesia and make people do whatever is asked of them (including empty out their bank accounts and give all their money to the people who have given them the drug)582 without any resistance whatsoever. The use of this drug during labor and birth provided the medical profession with the means to do whatever they wanted to me and my mother, without my mother expressing even the slightest bit of concern. When the doctors decided to use forceps to pull me out of her vagina, for example, my mother lay there like a limp noodle, oblivious to the extreme power struggle that was going on between me and the doctors – a power struggle that I had no chance of winning and that would cause me to distrust and despise authority for the rest of my life.

Interestingly, because of the scopolamine, my mother does not remember a thing about my birth and both she and my father insist that the birth “went fine.” I, on the other hand, was left with horrible somatic/cellular memories that psychically confirmed that I did not deserve even the slightest amount of tenderness, support, or love from those who were responsible for my well- being. I had absolutely no help or protection during my birth as my mother was completely unconscious and unavailable after just one contraction, and my father was kept out of the birthing space by usurping doctors who determined that their presence at my birth was more important than his. Amazingly, it was at least four or five days after my birth before my father actually ever got to hold me. Prior to that time, he had only seen me through a glass window! And this was because they kept me and my mother in

179 the hospital for several days after my birth, during which time I was left primarily alone in a nursery where I received precious little love and got to visit with my mother only for very short visits. Naturally, every single one of the primary neurological opportunities for bonding with my parents had been missed, and I had spent so much time in a nursery feeling abandoned and terrified that the foundation for post-traumatic stress disorder was already set in place (though it would not manifest in its full-blown form until later in life).

Not surprisingly, I was never breastfed, and since co-sleeping and baby-wearing were not in vogue, it was virtually impossible for me to truly ever bond with either my mother or my father. To this day, my parents know very little about me (I am talking about my essence here, and not my persona) and they show little to no interest in my spiritual development or my life’s path.

From these very troubled beginnings emerged my very traumatic life during which I have repeatedly felt that I must overcome unbelievable odds just to stay alive. I’ve spent decades dealing with imprinted emotional abandonment, rejection, betrayal, and abuse, all of which has led to a series of abusive relationships, severe eating disorders, living in extreme poverty for several decades, and a 15+ year addiction to prescription tranquilizers and narcotics (which addictions probably had their roots in the drugs my mother was given during my birth).

As if all of the above were not punishment enough (as I shared earlier, I always felt guilty for being born and ruining my mother’s life), I also have a 30-year history of miscarriages and other tragic endings in childbirth. And although I live in a culture that tries to sweep such severe losses under the rug, each of the losses affected me deeply and created spiritual and psychic wounding that intensified over time.

By the time I reached the age of 35, I had already experienced all of the above trauma as well as three pregnancy losses and an incredibly dark journey through the labyrinth of technological infertility treatments. Even though I was never infertile, I endured those hideous “infertility treatments” because my first husband was diagnosed with a low sperm count that made it difficult for us to conceive. During the 16 years that Casey and I were together, I successfully conceived three times, two of which pregnancies

180 ended in miscarriage, and a third which ended in a late-stage abortion of our (so we were told) severely deformed child.

Our son was conceived through a combination of artificial insemination and the ingestion of an extremely toxic pharmaceutical drug called Clomid, both of which combined to create a surreal technological nightmare that ended horribly for me, my baby, and my marriage. The artificial insemination procedures were painful and humiliating and, in my opinion, a disgusting and disturbing way to conceive a child. Asking my husband to go into a cubicle to masturbate to pornography and catch his semen in a jar was twisted enough. But then having that semen spun through a centrifuge and injected into my vagina by a strange man in a white coat wielding a syringe – well, that was off-the-charts insane.

Due to my level of extreme unconsciousness at the time, I allowed them to do this to me several times before I actually became pregnant. On one occasion, the pain of having that syringe inserted up through my cervix was so great I could barely walk out of the doctor’s office and return to work the next day.

Interestingly, doctors are taught in medical school that the cervix does not feel pain. This is similar to how they are taught that babies don’t feel pain, and to the way veterinary students are taught that animals don’t feel pain. This lie is repeated over and over again in the cult of modern medicine as a means of creating new initiates who will be willing to inflict violent and painful procedures on their medical victims without the benefit of pain relief.

“I saw my then brother-in-law – he went from college – a really good person who wants to help people, and as he went through med school, it changed him… As you have to try to prove yourself as a doctor… basically you have to feel like you’re God… [Y]ou have to act in a certain way to get obedience from people… Throughout the years… he changed. He couldn’t keep himself. If you did one thing wrong that they didn’t agree on, then all of a sudden you’re not at the top of your class, you’re at the bottom. And you don’t get to do the procedures or get the top doctors to work with… So you had to comply…


His dream was to go to Africa and help poor people. But [after medical school] he was saddled with all this debt [and so] he had to go and get a practice… I worked in his office for a while. He’s an OB-GYN… I was his office manager, but I’d also be the technician in the room with him…

[W]hen a woman has a pap smear that’s not quite right, they’ll go in with an instrument and take a bite out of it [the cervix]. So there’d be women going ‘AH AH AH! – IT HURTS! STOP! STOP!’ And he’d go – ‘well the cervix doesn’t feel any pain…’ And the women are jumping off the table and screaming OW! OW! OW! and he’s just repeating the mantra of what was told to him and going ‘well, I’ll give you something to numb it, but the cervix doesn’t feel any pain.’ I must have seen it at least five times. As this woman was screaming and jumping off the table begging him to stop, he’d be saying over and over that the cervix doesn’t feel pain because that’s what was told to him…”583

Clearly, this doctor’s behavior is a vivid example of how people behave when they are operating from a place of mind control. Their programming causes them to go into a hypnotic trance and deny their connection to their own feelings, their own bodies and, indeed their own soul. Every ounce of this doctor’s being should have been screaming at him to stop what he was doing because it was harmful. Yet due to his medical “training”/programming (which training, as we will see, mirrors the techniques of trauma- based mind control and clearly conditions medical initiates to do horrendous and very cruel things), this doctor habitually dissociated and robotically repeated absolute rubbish, even when it flew in the face of his own observations!!

So how does the medical system do it? How do they turn good and decent people into biological robots who parrot nonsense and can’t seem to think for themselves? The answer lies in the indoctrination process that medical students are put through, which process is set-up to systematically break down the morality and the will of medical students and, if all goes according to plan, will cause a split in their psyche that will result in dissociation and the assimilation of an alter personality that will be willing to conform to medical norms. This indoctrination process involves

182 repeatedly exposing medical students to high levels of stress and trauma as well as sleep deprivation, nutrition deprivation (i.e., junk food and fast food are the norm), sunlight deprivation, shaming the non-conformists and taking away any privileges they may have gained through conforming, and keeping the students enclosed in artificial and toxic settings for days, weeks, and months at a time so that they cannot connect with nature or any semblance of their spiritual and ethical identities.

Dr. Leonard Horowitz describes the initiation process this way:

“In medical schools, dental schools and these other professional training organizations and institutions it is a hazing process. It is trauma based education at its worst. These interns are kept up for three nights in a row. What can you do under that highly stressful situation? What you can do is make a lot of mistakes and be susceptible to mind control – virtual hypnosis. You graduate with no education in nutrition, you graduate with no knowledge of holistics and natural healing, and you are ultimately a mind controlled manipulated slave of the pharmaceutical industry...” 584


"Medical schools conduct a virtual hazing process they call professional training. After prolonged intense studies, and life-and-health-jeopardizing clinical exposures, medical residents are deprived of sleep, sometimes for days…

This form of high-stress trauma-based education is completely consistent with standardized techniques used in mind control and cult indoctrination programs. This is commonly called brainwashing, but it is really a subtle form of hypnosis that relies on fear and trauma to capture and control your attention and shape your behavior."585

Similarly, Dr. Rima Laibow states:

“The medical schools were shaped, and they developed with the support of the [Rockefeller funded] medical boards to train pill pushers. Period. End of discussion.


Very elegant, very elaborate, very hifalutin training. Brainwashing. Having lived through it, I can tell you it is nothing short of brainwashing. There’s sleep deprivation. There’s protein deprivation. There’s shame. There’s guilt. There’s more stress than you can possibly imagine. And in the end, what you’re supposed to do is cow tow to the wisdom of your elders and seek their approval throughout your entire life while raising yourself within the ranks of the elite by being patted on the head every time you satisfy their demands and meet their standards… But what you’re not supposed to do is think. Ever. … Medical training is a brainwashing procedure designed to produce compliant, well puffed-up pill pushers.”586

And Dr. Alvin Mahoney adds:

“[You suffer from]… sleep deprivation, light deprivation – you never see the sun for an entire summer… It’s brutal. It’s traumatic. And almost everybody that comes out of there has some kind of post-traumatic stress disorder…

When it came exam time… they would take you to this special room in a special building that you had never been to before called the red room. And you would pile up like sheeple – like cattle – outside of the red room. And you’ve got 100+ students altogether about to take a big exam and, you know if you don’t pass this exam, you don’t get to move on. And there’s a good chance you’re going to get kicked out of school, right? So everybody is super stressed. I mean, the energy in that room was so negative and so full of fear and toxic, it was unbelievable… And they would have you standing there for about a good 30 minutes and then they would let you into the exam room and then you would take the exam after you had this congestion of energy… It wasn’t until I started looking at mind control that I said – Man, that’s a mind control thing! There was no reason why the door shouldn’t be open, we go in and take our seats. And if we have to wait 30 minutes before the exam, that’s fine. Why did they put us in this thing with all this energy and everybody’s tripping out and everybody’s worried? It was just ridiculous… And why the color red? …The room itself was red. Outside it was red. Inside it was red. The walls were


red. The chairs were red… There’s a reason why the damn thing was called the red room… I’m not quite sure why they used the color red… I know that there was a reason for that room being red. There was a reason for us to be shackled up like cows going to the slaughter...””587

Indeed. Several authors have noted the significance of using the color red if one wishes to evoke stress, fear, or trauma.

“[R]ed is associated with a sense of urgency… Red is known to be stimulating… Exposing students to the color red prior to an exam has been shown to have a negative impact on test performance. Could it be that red overstimulates the mind, making it difficult to focus?”588


“On the flag itself, we have the red of trauma, of the bloodshed of war and sacrifice, mixing with the white of pure consciousness, next to the blue skies of intellectual thought full of stars, re-presenting all the illuminated brotherhoods, fraternities, orders, lodges, etc, working together behind the scenes to create the trauma that makes prisoners of everyone under their influence…”589

In addition to subjecting students to extremely high levels of stress and fear, medical training also involves repeatedly traumatizing students by forcing them to engage in atrocities that only a sociopath would feel OK about. Let’s listen to the words of Barbara Rivera, founder of www.BirthPower.Org, as she describes some of the “training” she was subjected to before she ultimately quit working toward her animal-science degree at Rutgers University.

“…I’m not sure whether they’ve changed anything, but the belief is that puppies don’t remember the pain or that puppies don’t feel it. So they just do those tail dockings and they take off the dewclaws with no anesthesia…

Usually at the vet that I worked at, you would hold the puppy… I only did one because I didn’t realize I could say

185 no – it was so horrifying cause you had to hold the puppy and the puppy would poop and pee all over your pants screaming… then they would… sew it back up at the end of the tail while the puppy is crying…

Back when I started (20 years ago), they didn’t give animals pain medication… because they said that if the animal is in pain, they rest better… and that basically animals don’t feel pain like we do and there’s no need for it…

[T]here’s Ketoset, which is a drug that… puts them into a daze – a drug stupor – and it kind of like immobilizes them… [this was quite common] just paralyzing the animal and doing surgery on them… I think that might be a cause of a lot of behavioral problems… after the animals get spayed and neutered… I’ve been in many surgery rooms where, even on gas, either the dog or the cat will wake up during surgery…

I went to Rutgers University for my animal science degree… they also had a biology class which was, of course, dissecting a frog, which was very upsetting to me anyway, even though it [the frog] came dead in biology, because I knew that… I could’ve learned just as much information from a book or a video. So to me it was like a useless waste of a death to an animal. So it really was upsetting…

You can’t be fully present to do what you need to do when you know you’re doing something wrong – like right down to your soul.

The next class that I never took was Systems Physiology, which I heard from people who took the class that you actually took a live frog and anesthetized it and then dissected it alive. And then also a rabbit – where you took a live rabbit, anesthetized it, opened it up and slowly did your experiments on the live rabbit. And I also heard it was over a period of time that you did this. So it really wasn’t just doing the rabbit and then the rabbit was dead. I heard that… you did a couple of labs on this one rabbit until finally the rabbit was dead… I had 12 credits to go


and that was one of the classes that I was like – uh uh – not for me. I think back then too… there were some places where students were standing up and saying ‘I don’t want to do this. There should be an alternative for me.’ But that was a really radical thought at that time. And I didn’t have the confidence to do that, especially because I didn’t have the grades.

Another class I did very bad in – it was a psychology course on learned helplessness. And what it does – it highlighted the psychiatrists and their experiments on dogs—drowning dogs. So what they would do is – they would put them in enclosures… where they… would leave them swimming for hours and hours and hours and hours until they finally gave up and drowned themselves. And then they would save it [the dog], resuscitate them, and do it again. So this was the class. Based on studies like… shocking the dog every time they went to a landing where the only thing that could save them is if they go on a landing and then they would shock the dog…

You’re expected to sit there, like this is sanity, and learn it and then regurgitate back… It’s an atrocity. So, you know, there’s a lot of classes I didn’t do very well in…

We went to the roundhouse which is a big barn – and a circle where people can sit and listen to a lecture in a barn with a live animal. So the professor brought in a female cow and basically described the reproductive cycle. And then he gets on a glove that goes up to here [top of the arm] and he says – ‘anyone who wants to do an exam, just put on a glove.’ There must’ve been about 45 students and I’m sitting there going – ‘they’re going to gang bang this cow, just for anybody who’s interested to check to see what the uterus looks like?’ So I don’t know how many did it, but plenty did it… Of course the cow – they restrain them in a metal cage so they can’t back up and they can’t go forward… immobilized in a room full of people….590

In fact, what Barbara has just described is the absolute torture of innocents that is part and parcel of medical training and mind

187 control programming. The repeated drowning 591 and electro- shocking of an innocent dog, for example, is an obvious form of mind control torture592 (similar to water boarding) through which the dog is being trained in “learned helplessness” and the students are being trained to dissociate (detach their minds from the emotional state of their body). Dissociation causes the student to allow an alter personality to come forward – one that will be willing to commit sadistic and cruel acts in the name of medicine or science or psychiatry or veterinary medicine or whatever professional field the student is seeking entry into. These cruel experiments on dogs are also used in U.S. government/CIA mind control and torture programs, to wit:

“At the helm of this human experimentation project were two psychologists hired by the CIA, James Mitchell and Bruce Jessen… they had Air Force experience in studying the effects of torture on American prisoners of war, as well as a curiosity about whether theories of “learned helplessness” derived from experiments on dogs might work on human enemies… [they] engaged in techniques intended to produce ‘debility, disorientation and dread.’… [T]hey produce the condition of total submission… 593 [emphasis added]

Dr. Mahoney also describes an experience of dog torture during his medical training:

“…I’ll tell you one of the things that was traumatic for me because I’m an animal lover… So we go into this suture class… and guess who the suture victims were? It’s not some fake skin that you can just learn your technique on. No, it was live dogs. I’m like – oh, this is not going to work for me folks. They’re like, no you’re going to do it or you will not be in school. So I had to do something that was completely against my nature, completely traumatic to me. Now… you’re basically killing the dogs. You’re practicing on dogs… They haul in these dogs on dog beds, like the dogs are the patients. They’re hooked up to anesthesia… and you have to make the incisions, you have to clean up the wound, and you have to suture the wound. And then you have the instructors coming around in the dog lab – the suture lab – grading you on how well


you suture. I’m like – hell, I don’t even want to be a surgeon. Do I need to do this shit?”594

Good question! The answer, of course, is NO! You don’t “need” to do it, but you WILL do if you are determined to become part of the cult of modern medicine. Dogs are likely chosen for this type of “training” because they are extraordinarily loving and because harming a dog goes against every ounce of goodness in the human soul. But this is what mind control conditioning is all about! It’s a direct assault on love! It requires the betrayal of love in order that dissociation occur causing a separation from the soul. In truth, it is highly likely that the dogs being used for this sadistic training (mind control programming) are not anesthetized at all, but rather paralyzed, and the poor creatures are probably feeling everything that the students are being forced to do to them. Naturally, whether the students are conscious of this fact or not, they will instinctually feel the dog’s stress and pain as each one of them cuts into the dog’s flesh, digs around (“cleans out”) the wound, and then sews it up. And yet, despite the obvious evil that is happening, and despite their own physical and emotional discomfort, the majority of medical students will perform these actions anyway, which for many, will require them to dissociate so that an alter personality can step in and go through the motions of torturing the dog. Sadly, their souls will be feeling the agony of everything they are doing but will have no ability to stop the abominable actions since the personality that should be inhabiting the body has disassociated. Once this dissociation happens, the mind control programming is almost complete. It has caused a much desired split in the psyche and has summoned the appearance of a walk-in personality that lacks empathy and is desensitized to the pain of other beings.

“I’ll tell you a brief story about me going to an anatomy class… My best friend, and my brother… came to visit me up at Howard University and wanted to know “What are you learning? What is this medicine thing about?” … And I said, “Well, I’m working on a cadaver right now… I’ll take you to the anatomy lab. I’ll let you in. I’ll let you see what’s going on and explain to you some of the stuff that’s going on inside your body…” Thinking they would have no problem with it, right? Because I’m already desensitized to it…


I take them into the lab… On one side there’s nothing but heads on a metal stick… then there’s the metal caskets, for lack of a better word, but that’s where we had the bodies in a solution of formaldehyde. You roll the thing open and the body rises up. And so I’m raising the body up… to the cadaver I was working on and I’m talking. At that point, I thought they were still there…. I must have talked for about 10 minutes or so. I turned around, there was nobody there…. I put the body down, turned off the lights, went outside and I’m like – what the hell happened to you guys? They’re like – “No f’n way. That’s some Frankenstein shit…”

“…The stuff that we get exposed to as doctors – it’s not natural… But…, if you’re going to make it through medical school, you better suck it up and deal with it… But to them [my friend and brother], it really was Frankenstein. It was insanity. And that has a way of also traumatizing you. You’re breathing in formaldehyde. You’re dealing with dead bodies. You’re dealing with a culture of death. And so that, in itself, you become desensitized – to life even…”595

Indeed, what Dr. Mahoney has just described sounds like a scene from a dark satanic nightmare. Clearly, a room full of heads on sticks and dead bodies in metal caskets that rise up on demand is not only abnormal, but extremely dark and deranged. The fact that this medical trainee had become completely desensitized to it is an indication that the mind control programming had worked (although, in Dr. Mahoney’s case, it did not work for long).

Throughout this book, I may refer to medical doctors as “sadistic” or even sociopathic, but I want to make clear that I don’t believe all of them started out this way or that this is their true nature. I believe they are operating from a place of mind control.

Getting back to the discussion about the very dark underworld of medical infertility, it is here that we find similar conditions to those being experienced by medical students, only now it is the infertility patients being exposed to extremely high levels of stress and trauma which compel them to dissociate so that they will participate in activities that are detrimental to themselves and their hoped-for offspring.


“…Just this week new reports surfaced about the health risks to both mother and baby from fertility treatments that rely on high doses of hormones—a practice that continues because some argue that it leads to higher rates of IVF “success.”

As consultant psychologists to a busy neonatal intensive care unit (NICU) — almost three new admissions every day — we daily battle the disconnect between dreams of technological salvation and actual life and death realities. We see many of the "worst-case scenarios"; infants less than one pound, infants with congenital birth defects and unclear futures. And we’re consistently struck by how hard it is for families on the NICU who have suffered infertility to think about and make sense of what is happening…

“It was the best and worst day of my life. After 5 rounds of infertility drugs and treatments, miscarriages—early and late—dashed hopes and dark moods, I had my babies, twins. But they were born at 26 weeks and now my son has a cerebral bleed and his head is growing dangerously large. They tell me that they need to put in a shunt. I no longer know what to feel—except terrified. They call me ‘mommy,’ but am I? I was a woman who longed to be a mommy, but I never expected this.”

“…Dr. Meryl Weinman Dorf wrote a piece for Psychoanalysis 3.0 describing the traumatized state of mind typical of couples undergoing infertility treatment. She emphasized how the dizzying cycles of hope and crashing despair lead almost inevitably to what is called dissociation—the adaptive process by which we disconnect from unbearable thoughts and feelings in an effort to cope with overwhelming stress. While emotionally protective in the short run, dissociation dismantles critical thinking processes…

The omnipotent promise of ART, coupled with parents’ deep desires to have their “own child”, overwhelms and overshadows the capacity to think, sometimes with tragic consequences…”596


Indeed, the consequences of artificial reproductive technologies (ART) really are tragic. Aside from the fact that there is a 77 percent global failure rate 597 that leaves thousands of hopeful couples extremely depressed and sometimes destitute, those children who actually do get born can suffer serious physical, neurological, behavioral, and learning difficulties.

“The emotional toll associated with family-building failure can be crushing. The scientific fascination with the latest protocol and the marketing of fertility procedures as a lifestyle enhancer over the past few decades has unwittingly led to a disregard for the emotional responses of these medical procedures, which creates a different kind of health concern – one involving mental health. Studies have shown that people coping with fertility failures are as distressed as cancer patients. Many others suffer depression and post-traumatic stress disorder.” 598


“…[C]hildren who are conceived through IVF and other assisted reproductive technologies have mutant DNA,599 and are at high risk for things like birth defects,600 brain damage, premature birth ,601 low birth weight, diabetes, hypertension, obesity, cancer, 602 and learning and behavioral problems…”603 604

These children also suffer psychologically as they come of age, as is the case with Gracie Crane whose life is the result of the “mass marketing of human embryos.” Gracie was adopted as a “leftover” IVF embryo – or an embryo that was not chosen when it came time for implantation in the womb of her biological mother. According to an article at,605 for every one child born through IVF, 30 embryos are created and left frozen in suspended animation indefinitely or until they are disposed of like common trash. This is how Gracie began her life. She was a leftover. She has no genetic connection to her adopted parents and naturally, she has memories of being an “unwanted” embryo – i.e., a sort of waste product – at least in the minds of the mad reproductive scientists who care nothing about the spiritual implications of what they are involved in and view human embryos as products to be sold and traded for high dollars. Gracie expresses her pain this way:


“‘There are times I’ve wished I’d never been born — as much as I love my parents, it’s just so sad not knowing who I am and where I came from.’…

‘Anyone considering starting a life which has already been started somewhere else shouldn’t just think about their desire to have a baby and take the fastest option,’ she says.

‘They should be as selfless as possible and think about how the child will feel growing up — speak to people like me and my parents.

‘If people are going to have a donor-conceived child, they need to match up the donors to the parents.

‘But then embryos that can’t be matched will be thrown away, and that’s not right either,’ she adds, her huge brown eyes welling up again…”606

Alana Newman is another adult who was conceived through artificial reproductive technologies. She states:

“The facts of my conception are that my father was paid to abandon me. There is no dignity in that. I suffered from debilitating identity issues, mistrust of the opposite sex, hatred and condemnation of the opposite sex, feelings of objectification – like I only exist as a play-toy for others, and feeling like a science experiment.

If people can take away something so precious as a mother or father and make us feel like we should be grateful for the loss, what else can people take away from us? How do you expect the next generation to fight for things like freedom, democracy, clean air, clean water, when something as precious and basic as your mother or father is stolen from you? Removed by the state… Removed by a fertility industry that forces you into existence and then doesn’t return your calls when you grow up and start banging on their doors asking for records.”607


Clearly, there is deep psychological and emotional pain being expressed here, yet few people consider the long-term implications for a child created through artificial reproductive technologies. It is yet to be seen whether these children will actually be able to reproduce.

Many children conceived through these technologies end up being born prematurely and/or very sick and/or deformed.

“…[O]ne study from 2002 found that children conceived with IVF and ICSI… were twice as likely than normally conceived children to have a major birth defect. Another found them twice as likely to be born below normal weights—itself a predictor of problems later in life…”608

Naturally, this information really hits home because my third baby, who was also a product of assisted reproductive technology, was said to have had serious birth defects. The drug they gave me (Clomid) made me hyper-ovulate and it was so poisonous that it caused me to break out in a very severe skin rash from which I still carry scars. Years later, I discovered that Clomid causes severe fetal deformities, and yet, the medical demi-gods never bothered to inform me of this, nor did they ever let on that if my baby was actually deformed (this is still a question in my mind), the drug could have been at the root of my baby’s alleged deformities. This particular drug is still being used today and it is causing all manner of suffering for thousands of families who are also being told that their babies are severely deformed. Lawsuits against the pharmaceutical industry abound.609

If I had understood then what I understand now, I would never have tried to conceive a baby through artificial reproductive technologies. Unfortunately, at that time I had no way of knowing how ominous these technologies really are and how dark my birth experiences were about to become. I endured extreme amounts of suffering and psychic wounding solely because I had handed my body and my procreative power over to the medical profession.610 And this I did because I had been conditioned to believe that “they” were more qualified than me to handle my pregnancies and births. My programming (and indeed, it is mind control that led me to give them my power) was like a hypnotic spell that lasted for several decades and caused me to view the technological demi-gods as all-powerful and all-knowing.


During the early stages of my technologically-induced pregnancy, I underwent what the medical system refers to as “prenatal care.” It was during this time that I was informed that my pregnancy was “high-risk” and that I would need to allow them to subject me and my baby to a battery of tests, as well as constant prodding and probing, in order to ensure that everything was “OK.” I did this without question, enduring numerous blood and urine tests, as well as repeated exposure to ultrasound (I’m writing an entire book on the dangers of this technology) and invasive vaginal exams, all considered “normal” within the realms of technologically managed pregnancy and birth. In looking back, I am appalled at what I allowed them to do to me, my baby, and my body. But in retrospect I can see how the experience prepared me to understand and teach everything that I am sharing today.

This particular pregnancy (my third) was destined to take me through the ominous, fear-based, trauma-drama underworld of technological birth. What I did not know then, but understand now, is that when one conceives a child through technological means, it is quite common for the entire gestation and birth to naturally follow suit. Somewhere in the back of my mind lay the belief that since “they” were the ones who knew how to put the baby in me, “they” would be the ones to know how to get the baby out. Therefore, as soon as I discovered that I was pregnant, I immediately turned over my birthing power to the technocratic gods. In essence, I had done this even before I conceived, but upon confirmation of my pregnancy, the transfer of power was total and complete.

It is important to note also that my Catholic upbringing strongly influenced the choices I made and caused me to expect that childbirth would be a horrendously unpleasant experience.

“To the woman he said, ‘I will greatly increase your pains in childbearing; with pain you will give birth to children. Your desire will be for your husband, and he will rule over you.’" -- Genesis 3:16

I was raised to believe that “God” wanted women to suffer in childbirth and I was foolish enough to pray to that mean-spirited god, asking him to help me get pregnant. On the surface, I was

195 hoping that he/it would deliver unto me a healthy child. But deep down, I didn’t trust that god at all, and I was intuitively afraid that he would hatefully take my baby from me as some type of sacrificial offering (I was told he was especially fond of first-born children) or as punishment for some previous indiscretion that I may have committed earlier in my life or some other lifetime (content unknown). I was in fear almost the entire five months of my pregnancy, worrying that something terrible would happen.

Sure enough, sometime during the fifth month of my pregnancy, I underwent a third or fourth sonogram, and this time the results were not good. I recall sitting in a sterile, industrial- type, antiseptic-smelling medical room, listening to one of the doctors telling me that my baby was severely deformed and probably would not be able to survive outside of the womb. In looking at the ultrasound results, purportedly of the baby that was in my womb, I could see that the baby had no skin on its stomach and that its organs were floating around in the sac. I could also see that the baby’s spine was twisted in an “S” shape – a condition the doctors called “spina bifida.”

My world was turned upside down. I felt as if I would collapse to the ground. My worst fear had been made manifest as I became yet another fertility statistic – i.e., one of the thousands of infertility victims who would end up becoming “mother” to a severely deformed, defective, or dead child.

Making matters worse for me was the fact that I was left with the terrible decision of whether to abort my baby at this mature stage of pregnancy, or carry my baby to term, believing that he would surely die once he came out of my womb.

I chose to abort my child.

Adding to my horror was the fact that my pregnancy had already advanced to the second trimester, and therefore, I could not undergo a “simple” abortion. Instead, I had to literally give birth to my child and experience the traumatizing underworld procedures of pharmacological induction, drug-drenched labor, and technological birth.

I recall quite vividly the absolute gall and insensitivity of medical staff who saw fit to place me in a maternity ward where I 196 was surrounded by other women who were – ostensibly – joyfully giving birth. Knowing that my baby was to be born dead was difficult enough, but being surrounded by other women who were supposedly happily giving birth made it much harder. I was in such a state of shock and drug-induced fog when my son emerged from my womb, I barely remember looking at his dead form and wondering what “they” (i.e., those unconscious, insensitive assholes) would do with his body.

Now, in looking back, I realize that when I saw my child, I did not notice any extreme deformities such as the ones they showed me on the ultrasound results. In fact, from what I can remember now, my baby’s body appeared to be completely whole. It was only decades after I chose to abort my son that I would discover that the bodies of aborted human babies are being used for a variety of sordid “scientific” (satanic) endeavors, and we can now find DNA from aborted human babies in vaccines such as MMR, Chicken-pox, Polio, Hepatitis A and B, and Rabies.611 Cells from aborted babies are also being used for “flavor-enhancing research” by companies like Senomyx,612 and residue from aborted babies can be found in products made by Lipton, Nestle, Kraft, and Campbell’s Soup all of whom have hired Senomyx to do their “flavor enhancing research.”613 614

“A biotechnology company out of California called Senomyx specializes in the development of food flavorings using aborted embryonic cells for the production of food chemicals. Research by Senomyx into the use of “HEK- 293″ aborted human fetal cells as a flavor enhancer, was published in pubmed in 2002, after which several patents were filed by them. Additionally, this company has partnered with numerous major processed food manufacturers including Kraft, PepsiCo, and Nestle.

Oklahoma Senator Ralph Shortey has introduced legislation in early 2012 to prohibit the normalization of widespread cannibalism, yet it still continues to this day. The only way to truly stop it is to stop supporting the companies that are making human beings eat their own dead babies… Every time we eat any of the food sources listed below (and any time we eat the flesh and blood of another sentient being), we are participating in a satanic ritual.”615


As if all of that were not sordid enough, the bodies of aborted babies are also being used to create wrinkle creams by companies like Neocutis,616 burned to generate electricity in Oregon,617 and turned into powder to be used as stamina boosting pills!!! 618 Worse is the fact that eggs from aborted human female babies are being stolen by those involved in artificial reproductive technologies, and these eggs are being used to create IVF children.619 Not surprisingly, Israel is on the cutting edge of this Luciferian technology,620 as well as “post-mortem sperm retrieval,” which involves harvesting sperm from dead men. 621

“In July 2003, the Daily Mail wrote about the work of a team of researchers from Israel [that] had successfully cultivated ovarian follicles in the lab, keeping them alive for several weeks. The tissue, the part of the female reproductive system that gives rise to ova, had been taken from seven babies aborted at between 22 and 33 weeks gestation. It was cultivated in a mixture of chemicals and hormones over four weeks and the follicles matured to the stage just prior to the production of gametes.

Dr. Tal Biron-Shental, from Meir Hospital in Kfar Saba, Israel, was quoted by the Mail, as well as the BBC and a few other outlets, conceding that the concept of taking ovarian tissue from aborted babies “was controversial”. In fact, her quotes revealed much about the direction the abortion ideology has taken; one of pure, ice-cold utilitarianism.

“I’m fully aware of the controversy about this - but probably, in some place, it will be ethically acceptable,” Biron-Shental said. “There is a shortage of donated oocytes (eggs) for IVF - oocytes from aborted fetuses might provide a new source for these.”622


“In-vitro fertilization (IVF) in Israel is already a widely accepted medical procedure. According to Time Magazine, ‘Israel is already IVF-crazy; health insurance pays for as many IVF cycles as needed to achieve the birth of up to two babies. In 2003, it codified guidelines surrounding


posthumous reproduction that allow a spouse or partner to use a dead man’s sperm unless he has specified that was unacceptable.’”623

Clearly, this type of dark science has its roots in satanism as it literally involves Frankenstein attempts to create life from corpses or conjure people up from the dead. The fact that this goes against every aspect of does not seem to disturb the Israelis, who boast that…

“Unlike countries where couples spend their entire life savings trying to conceive a child with the help of expensive medical intervention such as in vitro fertilization (IVF), Israel provides free IVF until a woman has two babies or reaches age 45. Israel has the highest per capita use of IVF in the world… Hadassah provides over 5,000 IVF procedures each year to patients from Israel, the Palestinian Authority, and abroad...”624

Regarding the ethics and morality of post-mortem sperm retrieval, Rabbi Mordechai Halperin had this to say:

“Post-mortem sperm retrieval seems to fall under the prohibition of hana’a min ha-met, deriving benefit from a corpse... However, procreation is a mitsva (“be fruitful and multiply”) and therefore the prohibition of hana’a min ha-met should not apply...

An often-heard ethical argument against post-mortem sperm retrieval is that a new heir is being created against the will of the other heirs. If the inheritance is one million dollars and there are four heirs, each will get $250,000. If you then create a fifth heir, each will get only $200,000. Is this fair?”625

Notwithstanding the “ethical” considerations of a diminished financial inheritance, what has not been addressed by our learned friend is the fact that studies now show that sperm626 and egg627 carry memories that are passed on intergenerationally. Therefore, embryos that are created from the cells of corpses will carry memories not only of their own death/murder, but also of the fact that they were used as scientific/satanic guinea pigs by the reproductive establishment with complete disregard to their 199 spiritual integrity and psycho-social well-being.628 What kind of emotional torment do we suppose will manifest in a child whose biological “parents” are corpses and who was “conceived” in a cold technological environment completely devoid of love? What type of suffering do we imagine will ensue as a result of the psychic memory that the child will carry regarding it’s “mother” being an aborted fetus that was murdered by the medical system – i.e., the very same system that now believes it has a right to use the genes of this murdered child to conjure up an IVF baby?

Clearly, we are dealing with EVIL here and this twisted attempt to usurp the life-giving energy of the Creator is setting the stage for deep spiritual wounding and a generation of intensely damaged and mutant human beings.

Worst of all is the fact that my own aborted baby’s body could have been used for any one of the above-mentioned sordid, diabolical, Luciferian purposes, and I harbor the pain and the guilt of knowing each day how much suffering my child (and my entire bloodline) endured because of my choice to abort.

Late-stage abortions like the one that I had are truly hideous because in some cases (like my own) babies are literally burned to death in the womb. The abortionists inject a strong and poisonous saline solution directly into the amniotic sac and as the baby gulps in the solution, his/her insides are slowly burned. Also, the outer layer of his/her skin is burned and stripped away, and the baby can struggle and convulse for up to 12 hours before his/her heart stops beating and he/she succumbs to death.629

Again I will repeat that if I had known then what I know now, I would never have chosen to abort my baby. I would have allowed him to be born instead and to die, if that were his destiny, gently and in the arms of love.

How sad that the medical system does not tell women the truth about what is really going to happen to their babies during an abortion! How sad that they are capable of such flagrant murder of innocents! How is it that our “advanced civilization” has come to consider this blatant form of human sacrifice “normal”? How is it that so many women are choosing to have abortions without asking the simple question of how their babies will die?


As a side note, it is worth pointing out that this whole spiritually annihilating experience took place in a hospital in Mineola, New York, which just so happens to be the very same hospital in which I was born! This “coincidence,” I would later understand, was not a coincidence at all, but a brilliant attempt on my part to re-enact portions of my own traumatic birth so that memories could rise to the surface for resolution.

“Traumatic repetition” is the term used to describe the human tendency to recreate patterns of trauma over and over again. Humans do this not because we are masochistic, but because we are earnestly seeking resolution — i.e., the means to create a happy ending and return our system to love. So, for example, if we are raised in a family situation where our father is a womanizer and abusive to our mother, we may re-create the very same type of experience later in life by manifesting an abusive or cheating partner or, conversely, we may become an abuser and/or cheater ourselves. In the first instance, the hope is that we can change our abusive partner and get them to be kind and loving to us, in which case we imagine our original wound can heal. In the latter instance, the hope is that we can experience some level of control and mastery over the original wound by becoming the abuser/cheater ourselves.

Unfortunately, our re-creation attempts don’t often work very well, and instead of creating healing and empowerment, they often cause re-traumatization and a further compounding of the trauma.

This is what happened to me with the birth/abortion of my son. And it would happen again, in an even more escalated and horrific fashion, several years later when I tried to give birth to Anastasia.

It should be noted here too that, like me, my husband also had a great deal of unresolved prenatal and birth trauma – some of which played itself out during this particular birth/abortion experience. As an infant, my sweet husband was given up for adoption, and it is likely that his mother contemplated abortion while he was in her womb – just as I was contemplating abortion while his child was in my womb (something he had a tremendous amount of difficulty with). His low sperm count was, no doubt, his body’s way of expressing his ambivalence toward pregnancy and childbirth – all stemming from the unconscious residue of his

201 unresolved prenatal, birth, and adoption trauma. Had he been given an opportunity to consciously heal his early life experiences, his low sperm count would probably have resolved itself naturally and he might have avoided having to endure this horrific re- creation episode.

Unfortunately, we had no access to prenatal and birth trauma therapists at that time, nor any language to understand what was happening to us – and why. Lacking the support we needed to make sense of our experiences and heal them, our marriage began to break down and, within a few short years, Casey and I went our separate ways.10

Sadly, by the time I met my second husband, Brian (at age 38), I was already carrying so much unresolved birth trauma there was little hope I could ever give birth with ease. My own birth, coupled with two miscarriages and my abortion experience, had already paved the way for a serious predisposition toward post- traumatic stress disorder.

Statistics now show that a whopping 67% of women who undergo late-stage abortions (and 52% who undergo early-stage abortions), meet the American Psychological Association’s criteria for post-traumatic stress disorder. 630 PTSD is now being linked to an increased risk for preterm birth,631 632 and at least one in nine children in the United States is born prematurely.633 The U.S. has one of the highest rates of preterm births in the entire world, and this is likely due to our technocratic way of life which inflicts massive amounts of trauma on mothers and babies as well as exposing them to untold number of toxins and chemicals in the food (phud), air, 634 water, personal care products, 635 home cleaning products, etc. Babies in the U.S. are having such a hard time staying in the womb that they are more likely than those

10 It is the saddest reality, indeed, when human love cannot sustain itself. And the breakdown of love is directly related to the high levels of stress and trauma that many couples are enduring. These patterns of trauma begin in early life, with highly traumatized parents giving birth to highly traumatized children, who carry a blueprint for trauma that follows them throughout their life. Such was the case for Casey and me (and millions of others), and although we had both devised skillful compensatory mechanisms to get ourselves through life (like abusing alcohol and drugs), our love could not survive the onslaught of darkness that kept coming at us as we matured into adulthood.

202 gestating in countries like Ethiopia, Uganda, Sudan, Bangladesh and the Democratic Republic of Congo to be born preterm.636

“Babies born preterm, before 37 completed weeks of gestation, are at increased risk of immediate life- threatening health problems, as well as long-term complications and developmental delays. Among preterm infants, complications that can occur during the newborn period include respiratory distress, jaundice, anemia, and infection, while long-term complications can include learning and behavioral problems, cerebral palsy, lung problems, and vision and . As a result of these risks, preterm birth is a leading cause of infant death and childhood disability. Although the risk of complications is greatest among those babies who are born the earliest, even those babies born “late preterm” (34 to 36 weeks’ gestation) are more likely than full-term babies to experience morbidity and mortality.”637

How is it that statistics on PTSD are not being discussed by midwives and obstetricians who play such a fundamental role in the care of women during birth? Surely, if so many women meet the criteria for PTSD, this will influence their ability to carry a child to term and give birth with ease. Wouldn’t it make sense for care providers to ask the simple question of their clients – “have you ever had an abortion or any form of previous birth trauma?” And if the answer is yes, to direct their clients to seek healing for their birth trauma before they attempt to give birth again. This one simple act on the part of a care provider could prevent countless numbers of women from experiencing premature birth or traumatic repetition. And it could save literally hundreds of thousands of incoming babies from being born in trauma.

Regrettably, I did not have a care provider who was conscious enough (or courageous enough) to warn me about the dangers that were lurking in my unresolved baggage, and so, within the first month of meeting Brian, I rapidly became pregnant again. During this pregnancy (my fourth), I was able to maintain a sense of joy for approximately 14 weeks, at which point the walls came crashing down once more when I was told that my baby had died in my womb. I recall going to see a Long Island midwife for a regular prenatal check-up, only to be told, quite matter-of-factly, that my baby was dead. This woman was so rough in her handling

203 of my body, and so callous in the way that she communicated to me that I was carrying a dead child, that I could scarcely believe other women would allow her to attend their births.

Despite all of the grief I was experiencing, and unaware that my unresolved grief and trauma were setting the stage for extreme danger during future pregnancies and births, I plowed on and conceived yet another child within that same year.

Amazingly, my fifth pregnancy really took root and I carried Anastasia to term. I avoided technocratic doctors like the plague, and instead, sought help from local midwives and nutritional experts. I ate well (vegetarian and organic), exercised regularly, got plenty of rest, and consulted dozens of books and movies about gentle and natural birth. I educated myself to the umpteenth degree in an effort to ready myself for natural birth.

Still oblivious to the hazards of unresolved birth trauma, and having not yet made the connection between my own traumatic hospital birth and the experiences I was currently having in trying to give birth to my own children, I was, nevertheless, mysteriously drawn to literature that revealed the dangers of technologically managed childbirth. At last, I was beginning to understand that hospitals are an incredibly harsh and violent place to give birth. And although my focus was on finding the most gentle way to bring my baby into this world, I had a strong personal aversion to giving birth in a hospital – even if I still didn’t fully understand why. My husband felt exactly the same way I did and we, therefore, made the decision to birth our baby at home.

We had tried several times throughout my pregnancy to locate the perfect midwife to support us through our home birth. None of the Long Island midwives felt like a real match to me, and by the time I relocated to Florida, most of the Florida midwives were unwilling to take me on as a client due to the lateness of my pregnancy and my past history with miscarriage and loss. The one midwife who was willing to support us (she was actually the main reason we moved to Florida) suddenly became unavailable as I got close to term because the State of Florida unexpectedly made it illegal for birth-center midwives to attend home births.

Unfortunately, my husband and I had to go it alone (with just a few close friends in attendance at the birth), and part of me really

204 believed that we could do it. On a conscious level, I kept telling myself that I was exceptionally well-prepared and that I had reached a level in my spiritual and emotional development where nothing could go wrong. I loved my husband deeply and believed our love would carry us through.

But on a subconscious level, I was absolutely terrified. Despite all the emotional, psychological, and spiritual work I had done to turn myself into a better person, I was still extremely insecure about my ability to give birth. And at the deepest levels of my being, I feared what “God’s” intention might be for me and my baby.

My perception of God as a mean-spirited and punishing creature was deeply connected to the impressions that were made on my psyche during my own birth. Just as our parents seem like gods to us when we are small children, so too do those who handle us at birth play the role of God to the incoming soul. Because my birth attendants handled me with forcefulness and indifference, I developed a concept of “God” as uncaring and brutal. Because my birth was so traumatizing, and because I was treated with so little love and with callous indifference to the extreme sensitivity of my being, I had developed a strong sense that “God” (i.e., a power outside myself that seemed to have control over my experience) was incredibly harsh and mean. Thus, it was not wholly surprising to me that the god I was raised to believe in would bless me with pregnancies and then violently take them away. Nor was it surprising to me that he would initiate my labor with Anastasia on Mother’s Day to trick me into thinking that I would be gifted with the best Mother’s Day gift ever (i.e., the birth of my child) – only to be let down in the worst way imaginable by not giving birth to my daughter until two days later, and having her be born dead. I honestly had come to expect this type of betrayal and torment from “god,” and thus I experienced these types of atrocities over and over again. 11

11 My concept of God was further distorted by my Catholic upbringing, wherein I learned that the Judeo-Christian God was an angry, jealous, mean-spirited, war-monger who loved human and animal sacrifice and demanded people give up their first-born children. Obviously, these characteristics have absolutely nothing to do with the Real Creator but rather are a description of the Creator’s adversary.


And so it was that on Mother’s Day, May 10th, 1998, my labor began, and 52 hours later, on May 12th at 1:14 pm, Anastasia was born dead. Although the masterminds of the technological underworld were able to keep her body alive with their high-tech machines and protocols, she never opened her eyes and was never able (or given the chance) to breathe on her own. She suffered for two months in a neonatal intensive care unit, daily subjected to the fear-based, sadistic rituals of the medical profession and finally succumbed to her ultimate death on July 14th, 1998.

Anastasia ostensibly died during a failed surgery attempt to slice a hole in her throat for the purpose of inserting a breathing tube – a process the technological gods call a “tracheotomy.” But several years later I would come to understand that this surgery was likely performed on my daughter without anesthesia. Also, I would later learn that the diagnosis of “brain death” that they had designated for my daughter was completely bogus. It was used solely to try to convince me and my husband to sign organ- donation papers so that Anastasia’s body parts could be harvested for nefarious purposes.

According to Dr. Paul Byrne, 80-year-old neonatologist exposing the dark side of organ donation, “brain death” is a completely fictitious diagnosis conjured up by the underworld demi-gods for purposes of finding a way to legalize the harvesting of organs while people are still very much alive. Organ donation in the U.S. is an extremely dark business, with living people being wheeled into operating rooms and having their chests cleaved open and their organs removed one at a time at the hands of medical sadists. The patient’s heart is the very last organ that is removed, after which the victims are, of course, dead. The organ removal is done without anesthesia in the U.S., but with the victims instead being given paralysis drugs so that they cannot move or scream while they are being tortured and murdered by medical doctors.638 Patients have literally woken up on hospital operating tables just as the doctors were getting ready to cleave them open and remove their organs,639 and lawsuits have been filed by parents who have claimed that doctors deliberately killed their children in order to harvest their organs.640 Even the former transplant coordinator at the New York Organ Donor Network has decided to file a lawsuit alleging that hospitals are “playing God” and being pressured to harvest organs from people who are not yet dead!641


And so, although I was told by the medical demi-gods that they wanted to operate on my daughter to perform a tracheotomy, I now suspect that they were much more interested to operate on Anastasia so that they could harvest her organs and sell them off to the highest bidder.

The brutality and horror of what is happening to infants in neonatal intensive care units has already been discussed, but I would like to add here my own personal observations regarding what they did to my daughter. Every single day that she spent in their “care” meant that she would be stuck with needles and have IV lines repeatedly shoved into her tiny little body. No body part was missed. They would stick them in her head, feet, arms, toes, legs, neck, torso — anywhere they could stick them — numerous times a day, day after day after day. I witnessed blood being repeatedly drained from her little body in order to fill the vampiric needs of the medical system – and this despite the fact that her veins were collapsing and the theft of her blood was making her anemic. Her feet were repeatedly slashed for blood samples, and this happened several times a day for more than 8 weeks. Tape was repeatedly put on her beautiful face, then torn off from across her vulnerable and sensitive skin, only to be replaced again and again by more tape and more tape and more tape. The skin underneath the tape had become raw and partially scabbed, but this did not stop them from putting on more tape and tearing it off once again. With each passing day, the raw wounds looked more painful and the grief that I felt knowing the pain that she was in expanded. Mechanical gadgets were attached to every part of her body, making her an appendage to their machines and making it impossible for her to receive loving, nurturing, skin-to-skin human contact or even be held by her father or me. The machines of the NICU, including her respirator, roared all day and all night, causing extreme stress to her nervous system, no doubt, and a major disturbance to her hearing. Lights were left on 24/7 giving her (and all the other children in the NICU) absolutely no opportunity to fully rest or connect with their own circadian rhythm. In fact, none of the children being held captive in the NICU ever got to see the light of day or feel the warmth of the sun on their face!!! Their entire environment was artificial and, in fact, completely alien to the human race!!

Making matters worse were the incessant and painful intubation procedures that they inflicted on my daughter without

207 mercy. Tubes were repeatedly forced up my daughter’s nose and shoved down her throat, day after day after day. Anastasia could neither gag during these procedures nor try to push the abusers away because she had been paralyzed with their horrible drugs. In fact, the overwhelming majority of touch and stimuli that my baby was subjected to under their “care” was painful, traumatic, invasive, abusive, and heartless. She was given absolutely no pain medication whatsoever during these excruciating procedures, but was instead given paralysis drugs to make her be still and to make the procedures less difficult for the doctors and nurses.

Anastasia felt every single thing they did to her. Paralysis meant that she could not move. But she could FEEL everything those knife-wielding, needle-pricking, tube-shoving maniacs did to her. And her father and I had to watch it, over and over again.

There were times when I was observing what they were doing to my daughter and flashbacks of my own traumatic hospital birth would stream across my mind. During these moments, I experienced such profound discomfort in my own body that I literally wanted to rip off my own skin. I recognize now that this physical discomfort was, at least in part, a result of my own mind control beginning to break down – i.e., the very same mind control that left me hypnotized for decades, forgetting what the demi-gods of the technological underworld had done to me, my mother, my grandmother, and many other family members. Nevertheless, in spite of their attempts to deliberately create amnesia with their drugs, I was nonetheless beginning to remember what they did to me by watching what they were doing to my baby. This was probably the most painful and difficult part of my awakening and ultimately, it shattered my nervous system and threw me into full blown PTSD.

I will never forget one particular code-red experience (my baby was on the verge of death), during which I was forced to witness a hideous creature calling himself a doctor holding my baby in his wicked hands and trying to puff up his own sense of self-importance by forcefully and brutally pushing and pounding on my daughter’s little body in order to demonstrate how HE could do the breathing for her. I wanted to tear my baby out of his arms and run out of that hospital, but I was afraid that she would die if I took her away from their machines. So I stood there, asking the doctor if it was really necessary for him to push and pound on my

208 daughter’s body that forcefully, appalled by his threatening response to have hospital security remove me if I tried to interfere or give him any more lip. It was excruciatingly painful to watch this man use my daughter’s body to pump up his own ego, and it was enraging to have my husband stand mutely by, allowing this beast of a man to abuse his baby and threaten his wife. This was the beginning of the end for me and Brian, and it was not until several years later, long after our marriage had come to an end, that I was finally able to make sense of Brian’s wimpy behavior and forgive him.

This is still the incident that conjures up the most profound discomfort within me, probably because it is the incident that most closely mirrored the deepest levels of my own birth-trauma wounding:

 unconscious, abusive male energies roughly mishandling my body

 using my precious physical body to bolster their grandiose egos and their own sense of self- importance

 demonstrating a callous, heartless, disregard for the extreme sensitivity of my being

 subjecting me to medical rituals and procedures that were painful, violent, and extremely traumatizing

 having no powerfully loving male (or female) presence to protect or defend me

 being unable to protect myself or get away from the abuse

 being dependent on the abusers for my life

All of these components were present during my own hospital birth, and all of them played themselves out masterfully during this recapitulation episode with Anastasia.

There are numerous other parallels between the birth experiences I had as an infant and the childbirth experiences I had

209 as an adult. In truth, there was an entire lineage of unresolved, traumatic prenatal and birth experiences that seemed to out- picture themselves through me as I must have been the elected representative to heal the entire family line!! These similarities were begging to be recognized and addressed so that the traumatic repetition could end, and although I started making the connections during Anastasia’s brief life, they didn’t come into full clarity until several years later, after I had moved to Maui and began working with Dr. Stephanie Mines (www.tara-

It is important for me to note here that, for purposes of my own healing, it was imperative that I leave the harsh and chaotic energy of Long Island (where I had returned two months after Anastasia’s death) and get myself into an environment where I could live closer to nature. Being able to connect with the sights and sounds of the natural world on an everyday basis (which ultimately included spending several years living on Makena Beach and listening to the soothing sounds of the ocean every night) – all of this was absolutely necessary for my nervous system to reset and then finally begin to heal. Even though I did not consciously understand how important this outdoor living really was until many years later, a part of me instinctively knew that once I arrived on Maui (for what I thought was to be a two-week vacation), I absolutely needed to stay rather than return to New York. Ultimately I remained on Maui for more than 11 years (and perhaps I will return in the near future).

In truth, the decision to remain on Maui was very easy for me to make because my life in New York had already gone into collapse. My husband had completely abandoned ship and moved to another state, having never even taken the time to grieve Anastasia’s death with me – or even attend her memorial services. Our home was gone and important pieces of our life together had gone into severe decay. I was living back at my parents’ home, suffering from extreme post-traumatic stress disorder, completely unable to work or function properly due to nervous-system disruption. I was a physical, emotional, and spiritual wreck.

Lucky thing for me, right before I went to Maui, I had been gifted with a small chunk of money that not only enabled me to make the trip, but also gave me the courage to believe I’d be financially OK if I remained there. And so, within two days of my

210 arrival, I spontaneously made the decision not to fly back to New York, but instead to remain on Maui.

Interestingly, many of the people who live on Maui refer to the island as “Mother Maui” and, indeed, the island is literally shaped like a woman. When you look at aerial maps of the island you can clearly see the woman’s head, face, neck, breasts and torso.

Photo: Corbis Images,

Significantly, the island across from Maui’s breast (Kaho’olawe) is shaped like a fetus. The body of water in between the two islands is called the Alalakeiki Channel, which means “the weeping child.”642 Legends say that the child is weeping because it has been separated from its mother.643

Naturally, this legend really struck a chord with me because it mirrored my own personal grief about the initial separation between me and my mother which later manifested as separation between me and my own child. There were other Hawaiian legends as well that spoke to the breaking of bonds between mother and child, and this all confirmed for me that Hawaii was the perfect place to effectuate my healing.

Place-names of Hawaii tell stories of sexuality, conception, pregnancy, and childbirth. For example “Hakioawa.” Hakioawa is a northeastern coastal point on Kaho’olawe, and the name literally translates as “an easily broken, fragile, premature infant, believed to be caused by the sour condition of the mother.”644 In one legend it is said that the sour condition of the mother (the earth goddess Papa/Haumea) was caused by the sky father, Wakea, cheating on her, and her betraying herself by going back to him and then conceiving and giving birth to his children (the islands of Maui and Kaho’olawe). Stories say that the gestation and birth of

211 these islands was not easy for Papa/Haumea and she was sick while she gestated Maui and “in great travail” when she gave birth to Kaho’olawe. 645 Papa/Haumea was so angry at Wakea, she ultimately cursed and deserted her baby, Kaho’olawe, and this behavior on the part of the mother might explain why Kaho’olawe has had such a harsh and barren existence. Indeed, the tiny island has suffered dramatic abuse, having first been cursed and abandoned by its own mother, and then later used as target practice by the United States military, who literally bombed the little island for more than 50 years. (Please see footnotes 646 647 below for more info about this).

When I first arrived on Maui, I can remember sitting at Makena Beach and hearing explosions going off on Kaho’olawe, which caused me great turmoil. These explosions, as it turned out, were what the U.S. military referred to as a “clean-up.” They were literally detonating tons of unexploded ordnance on the island, which ordnance they had recklessly left behind during their repeated years of senseless bombings. Hawaiian activists fought for decades to get the U.S. to stop their brutal assault, and then finally in 1990, a cease-bombing went into effect. The U.S. military was told to clean up their mess, and so they grudgingly said OK and devised a mean-spirited way to continue their assault on the island by detonating the unexploded ordnance. Not surprisingly, their “clean-up” caused further trauma to Kaho’olawe and to everyone, including myself, who cares about Hawaii and the Earth.

And so, Kaho’olawe holds a special place in my heart because I resonate so strongly with her story. She too, was the product of a dysfunctional male/female union and like me (and my children), she was devastated by an insane, Luciferian-based, technological culture that feeds off of trauma and the abuse and degradation of life. The kinship I feel for Kaho’olawe is very deep, and the love I feel for Maui is deeper still. Maui is the nurturing mother I never had – the one in whose womb I could finally begin to heal. Her soft, feminine energy held me through some of the darkest times of my life, and I will always feel gratitude for her presence as I worked through decades of traumatic wounding in order to once again reconnect with my soul.

In order to help my readers understand the extreme vortex of trauma that I was stuck in when I first arrived on Maui, I will share

212 that, for the first four years, I was chronically homeless, unable to find work, living in extreme poverty, and suffering from post- traumatic stress symptoms that caused flashbacks, nightmares, sleeplessness, depression, intense anxiety, constant hyper- arousal, and repetitive panic attacks that could be set off by something as simple as the sound of base music. Despite all of the lush and wondrous beauty that surrounded me in Hawaii, and all of the joy I was experiencing in reconnecting to the natural world, I still felt isolated and afraid most of the time, and I worried incessantly about what “god” was going to subject me to next. Although I had heard the new-age rhetoric about creating my own reality a million times before, I nevertheless sensed that something dark and menacing was interfering with my life. I mistook this energy for God and worried incessantly about what “it” was planning to subject me to next.

Additionally, I was experiencing extreme discomfort and distress at watching (and feeling) some of the unconscious people around me viciously destroying the natural world. They were participating in what the dark forces call “land development,” which term is actually a Luciferian reversal because what it really means is land destruction. In this case, “development” involved raping and clawing at the Earth Mother with great force and intensity, using violent machines to turn living things into dead things while simultaneously destroying the habitat of multitudes of species. It also involved pouring concrete and poison all over the lush, fertile, wondrous beauty of Maui, while cutting off the indigenous people from their land and poisoning the food supply in an attempt to render everyone dependent on an artificial system that is not now, and never will be, beneficial or necessary.

In my short few years that I lived at Makena, I watched the entire coastline undergo despicable transformation that caused “homes” (that remain empty most of the year) and other structures to blight the Earth, blocking magnificent views that had existed for eons and preventing local people from having access to their subsistence way of life. Golf courses were sprawled across acres and acres of land, while megatons of toxic pesticides were poured onto the Earth, poisoning the soil and the ocean and causing coral reefs to die off and turtles to develop huge cancerous tumors before they too ended up dead. The completely unlawful, puppet government that the U.S. installed in Hawaii more than a century ago has refused to release its stranglehold over the

213 islands, despite the Hawaiians fighting vehemently to restore their national sovereignty. The criminal U.S. puppet government has wrought havoc on Hawaiian land and people, and it has destroyed Hawaii’s wildlife and its natural resources with a vengeance. (Note: I’ve written about some of this in my poems, a few of which you can find at the back of this book).

Obviously, I have very strong feelings about what the United States has done (and continues to do) to Hawaii. From my perspective, the U.S. has waged an all-out war against The Mother, against Nature, and against God Himself. My witnessing the relentless invasion of technocratic “development” made me aware, for the first time in my life, of just how deranged the American way of life really is and what a cancerous blight it is causing on planet Earth. I could not help but think, as I witnessed people (mostly men) sawing off healthy limbs of beautiful trees and laying waste to entire areas of coastline with their bulldozers, that these men were compelled to play out their own childhood trauma (especially circumcision/surgical trauma) by inflicting the same type of senseless brutality on other living beings that they themselves had experienced when they were small. (Psychiatrist Karl Menninger once said "What's done to children, they will do to society").648 Naturally, trying to cope with this insanity was very intense, especially because I could literally FEEL the attack on the Mother as if it were happening to me at the same time. When the dark ones would ram their violent, sabertooth machines into Maui’s body, the drilling sent ripples of trauma through my body as well.

In addition to all of this, I was also processing through deep layers of my own prenatal and birth trauma, re-experiencing again and again what pre- and perinatal psychologists refer to as “implantation shock.” 649 In a nutshell, implantation shock can happen when a fertilized egg has trouble implanting in its mother’s womb. After conception, a mother can either make her womb receptive and welcoming to the newly formed embryo, or highly toxic and unwelcoming, depending on her physical, emotional, and psychological state. As a general rule, mothers who do not want to become pregnant can make their wombs hormonally, and sometimes physically (through fibroids or tumors, etc.), very unwelcoming. If the womb is unwelcoming, the embryo may have trouble implanting and may need to try several times before it finds a satisfactory place to nestle in and begin to grow its body. Each time the embryo tries to implant and fails, it can feel like a

214 near-death experience, with the embryo understanding that if it does not succeed in implanting, it will be washed out of the womb and “die.”

I have absolutely no doubt that implantation was very difficult for me and that I was forced to try several times before I actually succeeded in finding a place to attach to my mother’s uterine wall and begin to grow my body. Sadly, once I actually did implant, my mother’s womb still did not feel welcoming or safe.

Naturally, this impacted my psyche, and through the process of traumatic repetition, I got to re-live my difficult implantation experience again and again on Maui. In fact, in the 11 years that I spent there, I never did successfully implant (i.e., I never did find a safe and nurturing home where I felt wanted and welcome). Instead, I spent a tremendous amount of time living on the beach without housing. And during the last three years of my time on Maui, I moved at least 16 times!!!

Implantation shock prevented me from being able to settle down in any one place for any reasonable length of time. Wherever I lived, I felt unwelcome and unwanted and as if I were a burden to the people around me. I relocated numerous times in a sincere effort to find my right home. But the search still continues to this day, which is a clear indication that my implantation shock has not yet fully healed.

Also during my time on Maui, I was consciously working to heal my “toxic womb shock.”650 Toxic Womb shock is the result of living in a womb where there is chronic emotional and/or physical toxicity. Emotional toxicity can occur if there is repetitive and persistent arguing, or violence of any kind, or extreme stress or depression, or a desire to abort (to name just a few). Physical toxicity can occur when the mother is smoking or taking drugs of any kind (legal or illegal), or when the mother is exposed to environmental toxins such as pesticides or chemicals in her food, water, air, cleaning products, laundry products, skin and hair care products, etc. The overall sensation for the child is that the womb is poisoned and that it cannot get away from the poisons or protect itself from them. In my case, the feeling of being poisoned and unable to protect myself was very real and was compounded by the sense that my mother did not care whether or not she poisoned

215 me because, in truth, she really didn’t want me around anyway. (PS - This feeling persists to this day).

Toxic womb shock played itself out during my time on Maui in a very interesting way. My mother’s cigarette smoking while she was pregnant with me, for example, got recreated in my life when I lived downwind of a sugar cane factory located in central Maui. In order to harvest the sugar cane, the criminally insane psychopaths that run the sugar-cane industry (who, by the way, come from the very same bloodlines that masterminded the illegal U.S. occupation of Hawaii which began in 1893 and continues to this day),651 violently traumatize the plants by withholding water from them for six weeks before harvest.652 After forcing the plants to go into shock, they then proceed to archaically set the plants on fire, leaving a barren and desolate wasteland for miles and miles and destroying the lives and habitat of many species. MASSIVE clouds of black smoke rise up into the atmosphere on burn days (almost every day for at least nine months out of the year), blanketing huge parts of the island in toxic soot and poisoning everything in its wake.

“Roughly six weeks before a Maui sugarcane field is harvested, crews gradually eliminate its drip irrigation. Shocked by this sudden manmade drought after nearly two years of regular watering, the cane begins to store energy. Thick stalks load up on sugar while leafy tops yellow under the tropical sun. Everything is drying for the big burn…

When set right, the fires create a sort of vacuum as they collapse in upon themselves. Burning superhot and fast, the flames expel smoke, steam and ash straight up, thousands of feet into the air. If things go as planned, the smoke and ash are shot so high that the upper-level winds catch them and blow them out to sea before they can fall back toward neighborhoods, schools and beaches.

On a calm day, a cane fire looks a bit like a nuclear bomb has been detonated. Tourists pull off the road, scratching their heads and wondering whether the end has arrived. Once the uninitiated are assured that yonder Pa‘ia has not been wiped off the map, they almost always pose the


same awestruck question: “How do they get away with that?”653

Not surprisingly, the people that live downwind of this monstrous industry suffer from severe respiratory problems and other illnesses, and of course, premature death.654 The fact that the U.S. Federal Government subsidizes this insanity655 (and has done so for close to 100 years) is a clear indication that it wants to destroy Hawaiian land and people and that that has been the agenda from the very beginning. In fact, the entities that control the U.S. government are bent on annihilating the indigenous way of life of the Hawaiian people because that way of life allows humans to exist outside of the technocratic system! They refuse to allow this. They have sought repeatedly and with a vengeance to destroy indigenous cultures and land around the globe (and this includes decimating the Native American people of North America) in order to impose their technocratic way of life on everyone and render us all dependent on their artificial system for our survival.

Obviously, sugar cane burning should have been extinguished decades ago (along with the people responsible for it). There have been many, many good and caring people who have fought long and hard to ensure its demise, but unfortunately for us (and for all the plants, animals, birds, fish, and insects that are affected by it as well), its presence still persists. And as a result, we humans who once lived in a womb filled with noxious smoke get to re-live our toxic womb experience en masse when the sugar cane is set on fire.

Also worth noting is that the U.S. government’s highly toxic geoengineering/chemtrail programs656 are another way we are re- creating the toxic womb en masse. For those who may not be aware of what these programs are, they involve weather manipulation through the use of HAARP technologies657 combined with the spraying of megatons of aluminum, strontium, barium, and other toxic heavy metals and nano-particulates into our atmosphere from military and commercial planes. The techno demi-gods say they are doing this to abate “global warming,”658 but the story of global warming is an absolute fraud,659 and the real cause for “climate change” and extreme weather events is the geoengineering programs themselves. 660 These programs are being used to deliberately depopulate the Earth661 and to shuffle

217 those who are left alive into Agenda 21662 designated areas and FEMA camps.663

On Maui, and also here in New York, chemtrails are sprayed almost on a daily basis. Obviously, there is no way to avoid breathing in the poison air or protect ourselves from it, which once again creates the conditions of a toxic womb.

Chemtrails also provide those who lived in a womb where abortion was considered an opportunity to re-live those very same feelings of “someone wants me dead and is trying to kill me.” “Annihilation Ideation” is the term used to describe a mother’s intention to kill her baby and the baby’s resulting feelings of terror at being unable to get away from the murderer or protect its own life.664 Clearly, the masterminds behind the chemtrail programs have a similar intention to kill us, and their desire for “depopulation” can be confirmed by the following 2025 governmental forecast, which predicts that the U.S. population will drop from 216 million to 69 million over the next 11 years. Forecast for Depopulation of USA

Thanks to government geoengineering programs, we all get to re-live that feeling of having a murderer after us and having no way to protect ourselves from their murderous agenda.

The parallels I am perceiving between our prenatal experiences and what we are creating en masse have been made possible through the work I did with Dr. Stephanie Mines ( in combination with my participation in The Template Ceremonies ( I cannot recommend these two bodies of work highly enough and sincerely hope you will check them out.

My work with Dr. Stephanie Mines began during my fourth year on Maui when I attended a workshop for the healing of birth trauma. Stephanie was instrumental in helping me identify and work through some of my deepest prenatal and birth trauma residue, providing me with amazing insights into how my earliest experiences influenced my adult life. She also gave me a tool – a Japanese system of subtle energy medicine called Jin Shin Jyutsu, which was ultimately a key to my transformation. As soon as I 218 started practicing Jin Shin (i.e., doing self-care on a daily basis), my life began to change for the better quite rapidly. Within three months of daily self-care, I was able to stop smoking marijuana for good. This was after many, many years of abuse. Within five months of practicing Jin Shin self-care, my finances and housing began to improve. Soon, many other things began to shift as well, including the quieting of my post-traumatic stress symptoms and an ability to sleep once again! With Jin Shin, I found that when I was feeling highly agitated by something in my outer experience, I could simply take my fingertips and place them on my body in strategic places, and presto! I was able to calm myself down! This capacity to calm my terrified reptilian brain was invaluable to me at the time (it still is) because I found myself activated A LOT and really needed a tool that would help me settle down. Jin Shin not only did that, but it also helped transform my electromagnetic energy field which had been damaged through trauma and desperately needed to heal.

Jin Shin and The Template Ceremonies also enabled me to begin to forgive many of those who I perceived had hurt me – not because I had made up my mind to forgive them, but because forgiveness was happening spontaneously as I moved through my healing process. This included moments of feeling real forgiveness toward my mother (whom I recognized as having been severely traumatized herself) and also my husband, Brian, for not protecting me or our daughter during that horrible scene in the Miami hospital. I came to understand that Brian was suffering from a habitual nervous-system response known as “parasympathetic shock” whereby the body and personality immediately freeze when danger is present. The origins of this habitual nervous system response probably lie in Brian’s infant circumcision, because the levels of pain, sexual torture, betrayal, and abandonment that an infant is forced to endure during this cruel, sadistic, and harmful “procedure,” force his immature system to shut down, go numb, and/or “freeze” through temporary paralysis. Because the “play dead” response enabled Brian to stay alive as an infant, it became a lifelong, habitually programmed response to threat, causing Brian to go numb whenever he was confronted with danger.

“...adults with a history of child abuse typically experience a greater tendency to freeze at the moment of subsequent trauma and to develop dissociative symptoms.”665


Keeping in mind that infant boys are literally strapped to torture boards called “circumstraints” when they are being cut,666 and that their arms and legs are completely immobilized during the “procedure,” let’s listen to what one highly intelligent and sensitive man has to say about his own experience with infant circumcision. Referring to one of my radio interviews during which I discussed the topic of circumcision, he said:

“With regard to circumcision, you are spot on. You helped me figure out a deep rooted trauma of my own. My whole life, I’ve avoided confrontation like the plague, and have had dreams of being paralyzed in situations where my body needed to act, but I could not so much as move my arms or legs to react. I’d never even thought that it could possibly be the result of birth trauma. But my mom tells me that when I was born, normal procedure in those vile places [hospitals] meant that I was taken away for tests, and given back [to her] newly circumcised -- without my mother [ever] being asked or told about it. Upon closer inspection and asking why they did this, they said, "it is standard procedure and it would have caused him problems later on in life anyway." Doctors, seem to think they know better than nature, our Creator, and a child’s own parents! And as stated, parents seem to be ok with this, as they are taught that man needs the system from a very young age.”667

Indeed, I have met several circumcised men who suffer from periodic episodes of sleep paralysis. This disorder could very well have its roots in infant circumcision and might be their body’s way of trying to bring the circumcision trauma to consciousness for healing. Still other circumcised men have told me stories of how they believe they were abducted by aliens when they were small children, and that the aliens stuck knives and other instruments into their private parts and sexually violated them. Again, I suspect these men are remembering their circumcision trauma and that they were not abducted by aliens, but rather by medical personnel who genitally mutilated and sexually tortured them in infancy.

Again, I will repeat, there is no medically necessary reason for this surgery and ample evidence that it does long-term harm.668 Moreover, circumcision trauma causes a habitual nervous system

220 response called parasympathetic shock – which might be responsible for the breakdown of numerous marriages due to the habitual tendency of circumcised men to go numb or become paralyzed when confronted with medical abusers inflicting harm on their wives or children.

I have no doubt that it is due to circumcision trauma that my husband was unable to stand in defense of me and our baby in that Miami hospital. Parasympathetic shock had kicked into gear in the presence of the abusive egomaniac calling himself a medical doctor. I had seen this freezing/paralysis behavior in Brian many times before, but until I began studying the effects of birth trauma with Dr. Stephanie Mines, I had no context in which to understand it.

Interestingly, I also learned that Brian and I were opposites. While his nervous system habitually went into parasympathetic mode, my nervous system habitually moved into the “sympathetic” mode of “fighting” (which prompted me to want to bust the doctor in the head and take my baby and run!). These are dichotomous survival mechanisms that Brian and I had learned and utilized early in life (i.e., during life-threatening prenatal and birth experiences), which had become habituated over time and were a constant source of tension in our relationship. It was wonderful to finally make sense of Brian’s “wimpy” behavior and forgive him, and also to make sense of my own behavior (i.e., my tendency to short-circuit and want to attack people) and forgive myself.

Finally, Jin Shin enabled me to connect the dots, i.e., to see the parallels between my adult experiences and the lineage of prenatal and birth trauma that ran through my family line. These parallels were numerous and obvious once I knew where to look. I will endeavor to outline some of them here.

1. My maternal grandmother gave birth to a baby boy that was killed by medical professionals. The doctors attending her birth used forceps to pull her baby out, and they used so much force and pressed so hard on his little skull, they gave the baby a brain hemorrhage and he died. In layman’s terms, this could easily be called a medical murder, but in my grandmother’s mind, it was her fault for having such a “big baby.” She never held the medical abusers accountable for the death of her child.


Obviously, this HUGE trauma was never thoroughly addressed, nor was it ever healed by my grandmother. The unresolved memory was, therefore, passed on to my mother, who was the very next baby to come through my grandmother’s womb, and was then passed on to me as the first baby through my mother’s womb.

Interestingly my mother was gestated in what is now called a “haunted womb,” which is the term used to describe the grief and fear that permeate a womb where previous losses (abortion, miscarriage, stillbirth, or the death of a child) have gone unresolved.669 During her gestation, my mother was swimming in my grandmother’s emotional/neuro-chemical experience and everything that my grandmother was thinking and feeling during that nine month period went into the creation of my mother’s physiology and psychology, which subsequently went into me.

Now here’s one of the most interesting parts. Studies now show that a woman’s reproductive system develops while she is a baby gestating in her mother’s womb. By 20 weeks of gestation, the female fetus already has developed about six or seven million eggs.670 One of those eggs that formed during gestation will, later in life, become you or me or whoever is destined to be the child of that particular mother, once it is fertilized by a sperm.

What this ultimately means is that every one of us literally spent time living inside of our mother’s body (as one of her eggs) while she was still growing inside of our grandmother’s womb. Therefore, all of us, having lived inside of grandmother’s body for several months, carry memories of our grandmother’s life experience – especially womb memories and those related to pregnancy and childbirth.671

And so it was with me. The environment I lived in as an egg (i.e. my grandmother’s haunted womb) was permeated with memories of a medically murdered baby and unhealed grief, and this is partly how it came to pass that memories of my grandmother’s extreme birth trauma and perinatal loss got passed on to me.

The saddest part of all is that traumatic repetition caused me to re-create this unhealed perinatal loss again and again in my life, with the manifestation of several miscarriages, one abortion


(mimicking the medical murder), and finally a full-term stillborn baby (who also was likely brutally murdered so that the medical demi-gods could harvest her organs).

This dead baby scenario played itself out mercilessly in my life for two decades, all in an effort to help bring my conscious awareness to the unhealed trauma and assist me in reaching resolution. This is the power of inter-generational wounding and how extremely dangerous it can be when left unaddressed and unhealed.

So why, you might ask, did my mother, brother, and sister not manifest dead babies as well? The answer is this. They found other ways to re-live the unhealed perinatal grief – ways that did not involve the literal death of a child, but were nonetheless able to evoke the same type of feelings.

Consider the following information from a very important article entitled Breasts in Mourning: How Bottle-Feeding Mimics Child Loss in Mother’s Brains. The article suggests that bottle- feeding an infant, rather than suckling an infant at the breast, will evoke feelings of grief in the mother as her body and brain will interpret the lack of a baby at the breast to mean that her baby has died.

“So what happens when, for whatever reason, mothers do not breastfeed their healthy infants? According to a new theory being proposed by University of Albany evolutionary psychologist Gordon Gallup and his colleagues, the decision to bottle-feed is tantamount, in the mother’s psyche, to mourning the loss of the child. At least, that’s how a woman’s body seems to respond to the absence of a suckling infant at its breasts in the wake of a successful childbirth. In a soon-to-be-published article in Medical Hypotheses, the authors argue that bottle- feeding simulates the unsettling ancestral condition of an infant’s death:

Opting not to breastfeed precludes and/or brings all of the processes involved in lactation to a halt. For most of human evolution the absence or early cessation of breastfeeding would have been occasioned by miscarriage, loss, or death of a child.


We contend, therefore, that at the level of her basic biology a mother’s decision to bottle feed unknowingly simulates child loss.

There is at least correlational evidence to support this evolutionary claim, too. For example, in a paper presented earlier this year at the annual meeting of the Northeastern Evolutionary Psychology Society, Gallup and his colleagues reported their findings that, among a sample of 50 mothers recruited from local pediatric clinics and who had given birth in the previous 4-6 months, those who bottle fed scored significantly higher on the Edinburgh Post- natal Depression Scale than breastfeeders did. This effect panned out even after controlling for the mother’s age, education, income and relationship status with her current partner.”672

Thus, we should not be surprised to learn that my mother chose not to breastfeed any of her three children. And in fact, this may have been her unconscious way of recreating feelings of perinatal grief, thereby revisiting the unhealed trauma of her mother.

Likewise, my sister also chose not to breastfeed her only daughter and she gave birth by cesarean section – also known to cause perinatal grief. Additionally, none of my brother’s three children were ever breastfed either and one of them had to spend time in a NICU.

Moreover, all of the children born to my mother, sister, and brother were born through a fully medicalized birth which included the use of drugs like Pitocin and/or epidurals, or worse. As was mentioned earlier, the use of Pitocin during labor can trigger feelings of perinatal grief in the mother and the child. Let me reiterate that this is because Pitocin is synthetic oxytocin, and the use of this drug during labor tricks the mother’s brain and undermines her ability to produce natural oxytocin.673 When the production of natural oxytocin is undermined during labor, the neurobiology of love is blocked at birth and the neurobiology of grief can, and often does, activate instead. The blocking of oxytocin during birth is causing mothers and fathers to suffer from postpartum depression – which is actually the body’s natural

224 response to not being able to bond with one’s baby or feel love during and after birth. The body thinks the baby is dead and the neurochemicals of grief flood the system.

Like Pitocin, epidural anesthesia also tricks the mother’s brain. In a natural birth, the mother will produce natural opiates and beta-endorphins to counteract any experience of pain and induce feelings of pleasure and well-being in mother and baby. However, when epidural anesthesia is introduced, those natural opiates and beta-endorphins will cease to be produced and will not be circulating through the mother’s body. What this ultimately means is that, although the mother will not be feeling any physical pain, her baby will be feeling MORE pain, since her baby needs those natural opiates and beta-endorphins in order to deal with the intensity of labor! But unfortunately, those important hormonal ingredients will not be present and baby will suffer as a result. Consider the words of this brilliant video entitled “Epidural Release Form,” which is a parody of so-called “informed consent.”

"I understand that the pain from labor causes my brain to release endorphins. These are natural painkillers which can be likened to morphine or heroin. These opiates are so powerful that they can cause women to have an out- of-this-world or high feelings in between contractions and they also have been known to cause euphoria during and after birth… When I receive an epidural, I understand that my baby will feel the pain of labor more intensely because my body will stop producing and circulating the hormones mentioned above. I choose that my own pain be removed and that my baby feels the pain of labor more intensely…”674

Sadly, in the 2006 Listening to Mothers Survey, 75% of mothers reported receiving an epidural during labor!675 Yet, no epidural release form ever reveals the whole nasty truth about epidural side effects, and so most mothers have no idea that receiving an epidural during labor will cause their baby to experience more pain. However, there is some validity to the notion of the self-absorbed mother who, during the birth of her child, thinks only of herself with very little regard to what is happening for the baby. It is in this case that we need to ask ourselves – how can any child forgive its mother for choosing to relieve her own pain while ignoring the impact this will have on her

225 child? Surely these types of decisions (along with the drugs) are at the root of poor mother-child bonding and bad mother-child relationships that last throughout life.

Please consider the following quote from book 8.2 of the Ringing Cedars series entitled “Rites of Love” which eloquently speaks to this reality.

“The appearance of pain at the moment of birth is a sign of an erroneous psychological approach to the birth process on the part of the parents. Many, many animals give birth to their offspring in natural surroundings and none of them perish or experience suffering. Nor did the Creator come up with any thought of pain for His beloved creation, Man. Just as loving parents would never conjure up the thought of pain for their children. As she fulfills her highest purpose - that of co-creating LIFE -- the woman who has carried the Divine child within herself receives a reward ordained by the Creator. This reward is the feeling of bliss and the chain of joyful ecstasies during labor, but certainly not pain. Quite to the contrary, the process of giving birth... should be a joyful and pleasant one.

It is Man himself, deceived by the occult sciences and suggestions from the dark side, who by his own intrusion has made childbirth painful for the mother and a fatal shock for the baby... [The baby] gets born, but it does not understand why it is being so rudely torn out of its pleasant and perfect Space and why its mother suffers and experiences pain.

The mother’s pain causes untold mourning on the part of the child…

Anesthetics can lessen the mother’s physical pain… but they increase the mental pain for the infant, since anesthetics cut him off from contact with his mother.

Such a state instills in him fear and a lack of self- confidence, which continue even into adulthood, even into his most advanced years...


Few women in today's world realize that they do not have to frighten their baby - on the contrary, they can caress their child during labor, talk with it, express their thoughts to it, invite it to be born into the world. And this need not be accompanied by any sensation of stress or pain.

After hearing the call of his mother and father, the child will perceive the labor contractions as a caress - an invitation to make his appearance of his own free will, to explore a world that is brand new to him. To be born of his own free will -- that is an indication of great and extraordinary significance. All the information imparted by god during a birth like this will be preserved in him.

When the woman experiences fear over her labor, this fear is felt by the child in the womb. When the woman experiences pain from her labor… and has thoughts only for herself, the child in the womb experiences DOUBLE the amount of pain. He feels abandoned, and, above all, helpless and defenseless. Such feelings are harmful and they are lasting.

In this kind of birth, the child feels for the first time in his life that he is not the master of the Universe, but a worthless nonentity, subject to some kind of external forces.

His body is born, but the spirit of mastery and of a kind creator is not born in him. Such a Man will not become the likeness of the divine. A mere slave of some other entity he will remain, and he will try his whole lifetime to free himself from slavery, but in vain.

[Cesarean birth] is hardly the birth of a Man -- it is more like a routine operation. Who is thereby causing the Man to emerge into the world -- the mother, who has not given birth to the child, or the surgeon, who has torn the fetus out of the mother’s body? The infant, who has not yet appeared in the world, suddenly loses contact with his mother and, consequently, with the whole order of the grand Creation. Then he is forcibly torn from the womb? What for? Whereto? And why so rudely? And why is he not


in charge of anything himself? The whole world crashes before him!

People believe a child is born into the world, while he, at the moment of birth, feels himself forlorn. And while it seems as though this infant man has thrived, what has remained alive, in fact, is only the flesh. He will try to use what paltry remains he can reclaim of his spiritual substance to search for his Divine self throughout his life. And for this only his father and mother are to blame…”676 [emphasis added]

Indeed. Isn’t it time we stopped being in denial about all of this and start dealing with it head-on? We can no longer bury our heads in the sand and pretend that what we are doing during pregnancy and birth is OK. It is not. It is hurting all of us and making it very difficult for our children to lead any kind of a happy life.

2. Another area where my grandmother’s experience deeply mirrored my own was in the length of our labors. My grandmother’s labor with the baby that was killed lasted almost three days. Amazingly, my labor with Anastasia also lasted close to three days, at the end of which I was handed a dead baby – just like my grandmother.

3. My grandmother’s baby was pulled out with forceps and so was I. Had I gone to the hospital to give birth to Anastasia, it is likely she also would have suffered this same fate.

4. My mother suffered from haunted-womb shock and I suffered from it as well. Sadly, my daughter, Anastasia, also suffered from living in a haunted womb – one that had become intensely permeated with unresolved losses that far exceeded what anyone else in the family had had to endure.

5. My grandmother’s births were completely usurped by the medical profession. My mother’s and my first birth were also completely usurped by the technological demi-gods.

6. My grandmother was severely traumatized by the medically caused death of her baby. Because of this trauma, her maternal

228 capacities were majorly compromised and she was unable to experience deep love for my mother when my mother was born. In fact, my grandmother did not even recognize my mother as her own child. The first thing my grandmother said when my mother was finally brought to her after the birth was… “that’s not my baby.” Naturally, this had a profoundly negative impact on my mother, who never bonded with my grandmother and who had a very difficult relationship with her mother throughout life. This lineage of disturbed mother-infant bonding was passed on to me and I was never able to bond with my mother either. 56 years later, our relationship is still extremely strained.

Interestingly, this lineage of disturbed bonding, combined with the EXTREME amount of birth trauma that was running through my system and the fact that Anastasia was born dead, made it literally impossible for me to experience love at the moment of my daughter’s birth. Like my grandmother, I did not recognize Anastasia as my own child and indeed, the neurochemicals that were circulating through my body when she was born were not the chemicals of love, but of extreme grief.

7. During my third pregnancy which ended in abortion, doctors repeatedly exerted forceful pressure on my womb during sonograms and vaginal exams. This forceful and abusive manhandling of my body repeated itself while I was in the emergency room after Anastasia’s birth. Sadly, my poor baby suffered the same abusive fate, with at least one doctor forcefully and violently pushing and pounding on my daughter’s little belly and chest, supposedly in an effort to “help” her breathe. It is likely that this type of scenario had played itself out before, in my grandmother’s and/or my mother’s births. At the very least, it is clear that unnecessary force was used on my grandmother’s baby boy.

8. My mother willingly handed over her birthing power to the medical profession, just as her mother did before her. Both women chose to experience medically managed, drug-drenched labor, and technological birth. Neither of them ever questioned medical procedures or techniques. I followed this family heritage during my first three pregnancies, willingly giving away my power to the technocratic gods. However, I caught myself by the time I reached my fourth pregnancy, at which point I started to break free of the spell. By the time Anastasia was born, I was fully ready

229 to own my birthing power, but unfortunately, a lineage of unresolved prenatal and birth trauma prevented me from embodying it.

9. My grandmother gave birth to my mother in a hospital and my mother gave birth to me in a hospital. In both cases, mom and baby were immediately separated after birth (a common hospital practice which leads to terrified infants and grieving mothers). All of us were, therefore, denied an opportunity to properly bond. This same trauma played itself out when Anastasia was born. She and I were immediately separated after her birth, and although I was conscious of the fact that hospitals do this all the time and that I did not want this to happen to me and my baby (one of the main reasons I chose home birth), I nevertheless created/attracted this same sad experience due to my unresolved trauma and traumatic repetition.

The above is just a partial list of the insights I gained during my years of birth trauma study. Over time, I gathered enough information to fully understand the impact of prenatal and birth trauma on the human psyche. This led me to complete a teacher training with Dr. Stephanie Mines so that I could help other birth trauma sufferers access the healing they need through learning Jin Shin self-care. I also trained to become an ambassador for Template Ceremonies 1 and 2 so that I could assist people in the reconnection of their bio-circuitry for complete restoration of electromagnetic flow.

Because trauma disrupts the electromagnetic circuitry of the human spirit/body/mind system, I believe that energetic healing is the most effective means of rewiring our nervous system and resolving early shock and trauma.

In addition to Jin Shin and The Template Ceremonies, I also found craniosacral therapy to be helpful and enjoyed working with Rebecca Goff (, who practices and teaches a unique system of craniosacral therapy that combines traditional techniques with being in the ocean. Additionally, I recommend the work of Elena Tonetti (, who has created one of the most important videos about gentle birth ever to hit the planet. Her film is entitled “Birth As We Know It” and contains some of the most exquisite footage of water birth that I have ever seen. In addition to being a filmmaker, Elena also offers Birth Into


Being workshops that are helpful for the repatterning of birth trauma.

There were/are several other things that I found to be very supportive during my healing journey. One of them was learning how to fire-dance. Fire-dancing is something I never would have considered doing while living in New York. However, once I moved to Maui, I found myself absolutely compelled to do it. Fire-dancing gave me a potent outlet to express and move some of the intense emotions I was experiencing. It also enabled me to reconnect and ground in my physical body and express an aspect of feminine sensuality that I had held in check for most of my life. This was an essential part of my journey to wholeness. (See page 112 for a picture of me fire-dancing).

Swimming in the ocean with dolphins and whales (and turtles) was also extremely beneficial for the reorganization of my brain chemistry, as these beings emit sonar sound waves that alter the neurological impulses of humans. After I moved to Maui, I became an avid ocean swimmer and had many close encounters with these incredible beings.

Additionally, tribal drumming is something I found to be extremely healing and transformational. Drumming literally helped me rewire my brain677 - something I desperately needed to do because of my damaged neuro-physiology. Whenever I participated in drum circles (which I still do often), I found myself having unabashed moments of sheer joy and ecstasy – emotions which I found to be very beneficial while working toward the resolution of my trauma.

Finally, the Ringing Cedars books (also referred to as the “Anastasia books”), written by Vladimir Megre, ( were instrumental in my healing and transformation. I discovered the books sometime during the year 2005 and was absolutely mesmerized by the profound wisdom contained therein, especially as regards conscious conception and birth. Although I had been studying human sexuality for several decades, and even taught about it in a university setting in New York during the early 1990’s, I never before encountered the quality of information that was being presented to me through the Anastasia books. While reading the books, I felt as if my daughter, Anastasia, was speaking to me directly, sharing with me what it

231 means to conceive, gestate, birth, and parent a child in love, without trauma and without a dependence on the artificial system we call technocracy. This, I believe, is part of the reason why she incarnated – i.e., to help me heal and to prepare me and others to bring children into this dimension in a gentle way, a love-filled way, a way that will enable them to maintain a full-on, conscious connection to Source/Love throughout their lives. Even though I am 56, I still remain open to having another child and to giving birth the way nature intended – in a field of love as far away from technocracy as is humanly possible.

I am now an educator and activist as well as a part-time TV and radio show host. I speak with great passion about the dark side of the medical system, especially as it pertains to technologically managed pregnancy and birth. I also share important information about the impact that prenatal and birth experiences have on the rest of our lives.

As a remedy to the current predicament we find ourselves in, I have created a much needed 20-week curriculum designed to assist future parents in preparation for conscious conception and birth. The curriculum provides an in-depth look at the entire primal period including how to prepare a proper preconception environment, and the importance of the conception imprint and the first nine months in the womb. Also covered at length is the impact of technological interference in the birth process and how to heal ourselves and protect our children from experiencing the same type of wounding. Finally, the curriculum covers the post- birth period with an in-depth look at the myriad benefits of breastfeeding and the dangers of vaccination.

The curriculum is intended to offer quality information to future parents of all ages. It emphasizes the importance of doing preparatory work prior to the conception of children. It combines information from the Ringing Cedars books with my own personal knowledge about prenatal and birth trauma and how to heal from negative early-life experiences. It takes people from A to Z in terms of how to prepare to bring children into this world in the most gentle, love-filled, ecstatic way possible. More information about the curriculum can be found at the back of this book.

I have also designed a special 12-week program especially for men. The program is intended to fill a void in our culture due to

232 its tendency to focus on the women’s role during pregnancy and birth while relegating men to the peripheral background. Because there is virtually no education or support for future fathers, and because our society offers little or no information regarding the masculine role during the conception, pregnancy, and birth phases of family life, men are often left feeling alienated and confused during the gestation and birth of their children. Assigned the menial position of “spare part” by their culture and by the medical profession, men have been denied the opportunity to enact their full power during pregnancy and birth, often losing the respect of their partners and unable to fully bond with their children. The alienation and isolation that fathers feel during the childbearing year is at least partially responsible for the breakdown of family love on our planet and the reason why men are leaving their families in droves. It is imperative for us as a species to reverse this negative trend and re-establish the important role of the masculine as it relates to bringing forth new life.

The men’s program is intended to call men forward into their full power and potency and is a forum to discuss a variety of topics including human sexuality, male/female relationships, the western definition of “masculinity,” the importance of the preconception and conception phases of childbirth, and the vital part that men need to play during the conception, gestation, and birth of their children. More information about the men’s program can be found at the back of this book.

For those who are interested to help spread these curriculums worldwide, I have also created a teacher training which you can learn about here:

My website is filled with articles, images, videos, poetry, links to my television and radio shows, and much more. To go deeper into the information that has been shared in this book, please visit:

My website:

My blog:

My youtube channel:


For information about how to heal our current condition, please watch for my next book, entitled “How to Have an Ecstatic Birth,” which will outline the antidote to giving birth in trauma.

Finally, my long-term vision involves the creation of a spiritually based preparatory school where men and women can come to educate themselves about conscious conception, gestation, pregnancy, birth, and parenting (info at the back of this book). To my knowledge, no school or university offers a single class about these most important topics, and this fact alone is a strong indication of the need for this type of “alternative” education. The school I envision will address the most important questions of our time – i.e., how can we raise happy children and preserve love in our families forever. Preconception education and preparation is vital and it is the key to creating the best and most beneficial outcome for all.

I am hopeful this type of school will spread like wild-fire across the globe and become central to communities worldwide. I envision a world made up of happy families and people that are focused on creating a life experience that is filled with love.

Conscious procreation and parenting in an arena far removed from technocracy are the keys to transforming our species, healing our planet, and preserving love in families forever. They are the foundation for children to experience the fullness of their spiritual nature and to become all that the Creator intended them to be.

Our unborn children are waiting for us at the gate. They are asking us to ready ourselves in body, mind, and spirit for their fully-conscious arrivals, and to prepare ourselves to bring them into this dimension in the most loving and gentle way. For those who are desirous of taking the leap and contributing to the fulfillment of human love here on Earth, please visit my website at and/or e-mail [email protected] so that we can make a connection and move toward our common destinies together.

I anxiously await the arrival of my soul tribe and our co- creation of a New Humanity and New Earth

Until then…



Photo by Patti Ramos -


With love and blessings to all who take the time to read this,

Jeanice Barcelo



Appendix A – The Dark Side of the CDC

The following information is being shared to expose The Truth about the Centers for Disease Control, an organization that recently pronounced that circumcision reduces the risk of HIV and sexually transmitted diseases.

“[D]ata now indicate that male circumcision reduces the risk of male HIV acquisition through penile- vaginal sex… These trials also found that adult circumcision reduced the risk of men acquiring… sexually transmitted infections”678

Despite the CDC’s claims, “there is no evidence whatsoever that circumcision can prevent HIV” or sexually transmitted diseases.679 Numerous studies have confirmed this, showing that circumcision does not prevent HIV or STDs, 680 681 682 683 684 and circumcised males have HIGHER rates of STDs than those who are intact.685 686 687

The CDC is aware of these facts and has referred to them in the past. 688 689

Additionally, the so-called “AIDS epidemic” appears to be a hoax and the CDC has knowingly promoted the hoax. Mounting evidence indicates the “HIV virus” may not exist, 690 691 692 and if it does, it is harmless and NOT sexually transmitted.693 694

““The "worldwide AIDS epidemic" is… a fictional construct created by the pharmaceutical industry, its non-profit front groups and the CDC to sell AIDS drugs...”695

“[Peter] Duesberg (Molecular biology/Univ. of Calif., Berkeley), an early researcher in the field of retroviruses, asserts that HIV, like virtually all retroviruses, is harmless. He finds that HIV meets none of the usual criteria (such as the six laws of virology) used to establish that a microbe causes disease. But if that is so, why do scientists persist in saying that AIDS is an epidemic caused by HIV? As Duesberg tells it, the federal Centers for Disease Control and Prevention needed a serious epidemic to justify its continued existence, and by naming


AIDS a single contagious disease, it created an atmosphere of public fear that brought it increased funding and power. The biomedical establishment took note. Having failed to find a viral cause of cancer, Duesberg says, virus hunters needed a new disease, and AIDS was it.”696

The CDC is known to be a fraudulent and corrupt organization involved in deliberately altering and falsifying scientific data to mislead the public. 697 698 699 700 701 702 Their pro-circumcision proclamation is just one of many examples in which they offer false and inaccurate information designed to trick the American people.

In 2014, CDC scientist William Thompson Ph.D. came forward to admit that, at the request of his superiors, he participated in burying significant data that revealed a link between the MMR vaccine and autism.

“I regret that my coauthors and I omitted statistically significant information in our 2004 article published in the journal Pediatrics. The omitted data suggested that African American males who received the MMR vaccine before age 36 months were at increased risk for autism.”703

“[I]n 2003 a 340% risk of autism in African American boys related to the MMR vaccine was discovered and then hidden due to pressure from senior officials. The CDC researchers then recalculated their results by removing a population to get the results that were desired.”704

The CDC has a tendency to be selective about the data they use in their “scientific studies” in order to get the results they want.

“A review of these documents leaves me very concerned that rather than seeking to understand whether or not some children were exposed to harmful levels of mercury in childhood vaccines in the 1990s, there may have been a selective use of the data to make the associations in the earliest study disappear…

[T]he lead author of the article, Dr. Thomas Verstraeten, worked for the CDC until he left over two years ago to


work in Belgium for GlaxoSmithKline (GSK), a vaccine manufacturer facing liability over TCVs [thimerosal containing vaccines]…

The first version of the study, produced in February 2000, found a significant association between exposure to thimerosal containing vaccines (TCVs) and autism and neurological developmental delays (NDDs)…

A June 2000 version of the study applied various data manipulations to reduce the autism association to 1.69 and the authors went outside of the VSD database to secure data from a Massachusetts HMO (Harvard Pilgrim, HP) in order to counter the association found between TCVs and speech delay.”705

The CDC has a penchant for recommending practices that are harmful to children. In 2010, the CDC released a paper706 that recommended mothers delay breastfeeding in order to boost “vaccine efficacy.”707

“…[T]he US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recently… released a study that recommends women withhold breastfeeding their children in order to boost the "effectiveness" of the rotavirus vaccine.

Ten researchers from the CDC's National Centers for Immunization and Respiratory Disease (NCIRD) released the ridiculous paper, entitled Inhibitory effect of breast milk on infectivity of live oral rotavirus vaccines, which claims the immune-boosting effects of breastmilk are a detriment to the efficacy of vaccines. The paper goes on to say that, rather than remove vaccines so that breastmilk can do its job, women should instead remove the breastmilk to allow vaccines to do their job…”708

Since breastmilk is necessary for the healthy development of a child’s immune system, and vaccines are known to destroy their immune systems,709 710 711 712 713 714 715 716 it would appear the CDC is deliberately trying to hurt children.

“A larger problem with vaccination, however, is that it appears to have an adverse effect on immune function. In


the case of childhood vaccination, it is thought that current vaccines cause serious defects in immune development and function. While the assumption has always been that we can have both vaccinated immunity and a healthy immune system, this is apparently untrue. When an immune system, especially a developing one, is bombarded with “inactivated” antigens suspended in solutions of toxic additives, contaminants and solvents, immune function can become impaired…

Many health professionals are speaking out about their concern that childhood vaccines harm the developing immune system. At the same time, questions are being raised about the skyrocketing rate of chronic illness and disease among children.”717

Furthermore, the CDC is responsible for the maiming and killing hundreds of thousands (perhaps millions) of children through vaccines. 718 719 720 721 Since 1989, the National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program has paid out over $2.8 BILLION ($2,857,926,807.60)722 to families with vaccine-injured children – and this, despite the fact that the overwhelming majority of claims were dismissed (3,540 were compensated while 9,734 were dismissed).723 Since the U.S. Supreme Court has determined that parents cannot sue pharmaceutical companies when their children are injured or killed by vaccines, vaccine manufacturers and the CDC are literally getting away with murder.

“What many people don't know is that the ‘vaccine court’ comes from the National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act of 1986… The Act specifically states that vaccine manufacturers are not liable for injuries and death that ‘result from side effects that were unavoidable even though the vaccine was properly prepared and was accompanied by proper directions and warnings.’"724

“Since 1990, between 12,000 and 14,000 reports of hospitalizations, injuries and deaths following vaccination are made to the federal Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System, or VAERS, annually, but it is estimated that only between 1 and 10 percent of all doctors make reports to VAERS. Therefore, the number of vaccine-related health problems occurring in the United States every year may be more than 1 million."725 [emphasis added] 240

Moreover, the CDC has knowingly contributed to the deaths of countless unborn babies through vaccines.

"Documentation received from the National Coalition of Organized Women (NCOW) states that between 2009 and 2010 the mercury-laden combined flu vaccinations have increased Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting Systems (VAERS) fetal death reports by 4,250 percent in pregnant women. Eileen Dannemann, NCOW’s director, made abundantly clear that despite these figures being known to the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), the multiple- strain, inactivated flu vaccine containing mercury (Thimerosal) has once again been recommended to pregnant women as a safe vaccination this season.

Outraged by the CDC’s total disregard for human life, Ms. Dannemann accused the CDC of ‘willful misconduct,’ saying that they are responsible for causing the deaths of thousands of unborn babies. She stated that the CDC deliberately misled the nation’s obstetricians and gynecologists and colluded with the American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology (AJOG) to mislead the public by advertising the flu vaccine as a safe vaccine for pregnant women when they knew fully well that it was causing a massive spike in fetal deaths.

In a letter to Dr. Joseph Mercola, Ms. Dannemann wrote:

‘Not only did the CDC fail to disclose the spiraling spike in fetal death reports in real time during the 2009 pandemic season as to cut the fetal losses, but also we have documented by transcript Dr. Marie McCormick, chairperson of the Vaccine Safety Risk Assessment Working Group (VSRAWG) on September 3, 2010, denying any adverse events in the pregnant population during the 2009 Pandemic season.’…

‘Continuing the vaccine program without notifying the public or the healthcare practitioners of the VAERS miscarriage/stillbirth incoming data was clearly a purposeful decision. The CDC, aware of their own incoming stream of early vaccine adverse events reports, clearly decided to allow the obstetricians to continue, unwittingly, murdering and damaging the unborn…’”726 241

Many researchers allege that the CDC’s real agenda is genocide727 728 729 and depopulation,730 731 732 and that vaccines are biological weapons 733 734 735 736 designed to create mass sterilization,737 738 739 740 disease,741 and death.742 743 744

“The CDC is so far from acting in the best interest of children or the public that it seems as though the CDC were trying to kill fetuses and damage and sterilize American children…

The CDC is mandating sterilizing vaccines to American children. It clearly has close CIA ties which means the Rockefellers. The Rockefellers were half owners of IG Farben, the Nazi pharmaceutical and chemical giant that ran the concentration camps and performed hideous experiments on unwilling human beings. 1600 Nazi doctors, researchers, technicians and engineers were brought to the US at the end of WWII by the CIA under Operation Paperclip. The CDC was founded at just that time and filled with "distinguished scientists." Since that time, the CDC has been killing black men, created a fake pandemic, killed huge numbers of fetuses with the swine flu vaccine, destroyed the minds of American children with the MMR, mandated vaccines that are contaminated and are known to sterilize, pushed through a clearly fascist pandemic law, and keeps more than one set of books on its data.

In keeping more than one set of books, and in mandating the vaccine schedule (up to 69 vaccines from birth to 18), the CDC could actually know how many children have been maimed and killed by vaccines and be running one of the world's largest forced human experiments in history.”745

According to Dr. Rebecca Carley,

“I have researched vaccines for about 18 years after my only child was brain damaged. In fact, I have documented that pretty much all diseases in "internal medicine" are caused by a corruption of the immune system produced when vaccines are injected directly into the bloodstream. We are talking about all autoimmune diseases, non-


traumatic seizures, cancer & genetic damage, in people and in pets. This has been documented by non-pharma funded veterinarians at Purdue University in an outstanding article entitled "science of vaccine damage", available on the internet.

Their goal is depopulation… as well as creation of disease for which they sell billions of dollars of toxic drugs which cure NOTHING. Insurance was invented so that only big pharma treatments would be covered, steering the herd towards these toxic drugs.”746

The CDC also owns patents on lethal disease strains like Ebola, adding to the belief that they are trying to kill people.747

“[T]he US federal government actually took out a patent on the Ebola virus in 2010. The patent application is in the name of ‘The Government Of The United States Of America As Represented By The Secretary, Department Of Health & Human Services, Center For Disease Control.’

‘The invention provides the isolated human Ebola (hEbola) viruses denoted as Bundibugyo (EboBun) deposited with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention… on November 26, 2007 and accorded an accession number 200706291,’ the patent description reads, ‘The present invention is based upon the isolation and identification of a new human Ebola virus species, EboBun. EboBun was isolated from the patients suffering from hemorrhagic fever in a recent outbreak in Uganda.’ …

[T]he patent not only grants DHHS and the CDC exclusive ownership of the Ebola strain it extracted from a Ugandan victim, it also claims ownership over all other similar Ebola variations. Showing what the CDC’s true agenda might be, the patent also claims exclusive ownership of most, if not all, Ebola treatments, tests, experiments, vaccines and drugs…

‘This patent may help explain why Ebola victims are being transported to the United States and put under the medical authority of the CDC. These patients are carrying valuable intellectual property assets in the form of Ebola variants, and the Centers for Disease Control clearly 243

desires to expand its patent portfolio by harvesting, studying and potentially patenting new strains or variants.’”748

In addition to holding patents on deadly biological agents and promoting harmful things like circumcision and vaccines, the CDC also employs high-level officials who are involved in the sexual molestation of children and bestiality.”749

“Dr. Kimberly Quinlan Lindsey, a senior government scientist from the Center for Disease Control (CDC) in Atlanta [is] facing multiple child molestation and bestiality charges… Dr. Lindsey and her live-in boyfriend, 42-year- old Thomas Westerman… were both charged with ‘immoral and indecent’ sex acts with a six-year-old boy, along with an additional charge of bestiality for Ms. Quinlan – derived from incriminating photographs revealed to local police…”750

‘The bestiality charge is a result of evidence recovered during the investigation’ … Investigators allegedly found photographs of Lindsey performing lewd acts on two pets… The child would allegedly spank Lindsey and use an electric sex toy on her…”751

“Lindsey… returned to work soon after her arrest in October 2011. She’s been with the CDC since 1999 and at one point was responsible for overseeing a $1.5 billion fiscal allocation process for terrorism preparedness.”752

“In most cases, professional persons facing such serious charges would be suspended from work pending the outcome of a trial, particularly if they are employed in a public office or agency. Not in this case however, and the public agency in question did not feel it had to justify its decision to reactivate Dr Lindsey to the CDC… It is unclear what this means in terms of her relationship with the CDC, but the protocol is unusual. Questions from skeptics may be asked about what programs Dr Lindsey is involved with at the agency.

It is common knowledge to many Americans already that the CDC works in collusion with the world’s major


pharmaceutical corporations to roll out various vaccine products, most notably the notorious Swine Flu scare in 2009, and a clandestine program to track ‘flu vaccine compliance’ at the local level.

Previously, Dr Lindsey was a senior health scientist in the Office of Public Health Preparedness and Response, overseeing the allocation process for $1.5 billion in ‘terrorism preparedness’.

“[T]he so-called ‘terror preparation’ material was paid for by taxpayers, but genuine products never actually delivered. A lack of oversight and proper auditing has led to hundreds of billions of dollars, and even trillions of dollars disappearing into budget black holes in the US since 2000. The War on Terror is possibly the biggest-ever gravy train in US history, one that is still moving ahead to this day.

But the CDC’s involvement in staged bio-events may go even deeper than this as charges have been made against it, and the World Health Organization, along with pharma giants Baxter and Novartis, offering proof that the pharmaceutical companies and international government agencies themselves are actively engaged in developing, manufacturing and distributing biological agents classified as the most deadly bio-weapons on earth in order to trigger a pandemic and cause mass death. [emphasis added]

Was Dr Lindsey going to go public with something? Was she too valuable to get rid of? This may explain why the CDC had to get her back in line. Or is the CDC attempting to cover-up a wider pedophilia and child abuse ring linked to its own protected institution?”753

These are very good questions indeed and should give us pause to consider whether we should give even one iota of legitimacy to the CDC when it dares to make recommendations for our children.

The CDC is not an institution that can be trusted.




1 Clare Puskarczyk, Ph.D., in a personal comment on my facebook page, January 5, 2014.

2 Elena Tonetti Vladimirova, “Limbic Imprint” in Circumcision and Human Rights, edited by George C. Denniston, Frederick Mansfield Hodges, Marilyn Fayre Milos, Springer Science & Business Media, Dec 23, 2008, p.252.

3 Inbal Shlomi Polachek, Liat Huller Harari, Micha Baum and Rael D. Strous. Postpartum Post- Traumatic Stress Disorder symptoms: The Uninvited Birth Companion. IMAJ, VOL 14, June 2012,

4 Cheryl Tatano Beck, Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder Due to Childbirth, Nursing Research, May/June 2004, Vol. 53., No. 3, “A high level of obstetrical intervention during childbirth and the perception of inadequate labor and delivery care were associated significantly with the development of acute trauma symptoms.”

5 Ibid.

6 Scott Dunlop, The Dirty Secrets of Birth Rape,, May 18, 2012,

7 Amity Reed, Not a Happy Birthday,, March 7, 2008,

8 Mary’s Story. Unassisted Birth. Hospital Transport. Obstetrician pulls her uterus out while trying to use traction on her placenta., BirthRape:Birth Stories,

9 Dawn Luehrs, VBAC Denied, Horrid Experience,, April 24, 2012.

10 Emily, The Birth Plan Trap!, Adventures in [Crunchy] Parenting blog, October 31, 2008,

11 Shea Richland, Birth Rape: Another Midwife’s Story, Midwifery Today Issue 85, Spring 2008,

12 Barbara E. Herrera, LM, CPM, Birth – rape and otherwise, July 7, 2004, Navelgazing-Midwife-blog, otherwise.html

13 Interview with Janel Mirendah for the film “The Other Side of the Glass.” and

14 Ibid.

15 Ibid.

16 Ibid.


17 Pam Udy, Emotional Impact of Cesareans,, Issue 89,, Spring 2009,

18 Robin Nixon, Dads Get Postpartum Depression Too,, May 18, 2010, quoting a study published in the May 19 issues of the Journal of the American Medical Association,

19 Erin Digitale, Packard/Stanford child psychologist discusses how parents of preemies sometimes develop PTSD, Stanford Medicine, June 3, 2009, news/2009/06/packardstanford-child-psychologist-discusses-how-parents-of-preemies-sometimes- develop-ptsd.html

20 Laurie Tarkan, For Parents on NICU, Trauma May Last, The New York Times – Health, August 24, 2009. “The Stanford study found that although none of the fathers experienced acute stress symptoms while their child was in the NICU, they actually had higher rates of post-traumatic stress than the mothers when they were followed up later. “At four months, 33 percent of fathers and 9 percent of mothers had P.T.S.D.,” Dr. Shaw said.”

21 Nicole Letourneau, PhD and Justin Joschko, How postpartum depression affects children, MedPage Today’s, October 5, 2013, depression-affects-children.html

22 Ballard CG, Stanley AK, Brockington IF, Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) after childbirth, Br J Psychiatry, 1995; April 166: 525-8,

23 Anastasia Pollock, MA, LCMHC, Postpartum Depression & Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder, Psyche Central, disorder/00018497

24 Nicole Letourneau, PhD and Justin Joschko. How postpartum depression affects children, MedPage Today’s, October 5, 2013. depression-affects-children.html

25 Anastasia Pollock, MA, LCMHC, Postpartum Depression & Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder, Psyche Central, disorder/00018497

26 Elisabeth Rosenthal, American Way of Birth Costliest in the World, New York Times:Health, June 30, 2013. world.html

27 Every Mother Counts, U.S. Maternal Death Rate is Rising, May 5, 2014. Original link no longer working but article can be seen here rate-is-rising/# and here is-rising-fast.html

28 Andre Damon, Maternal death in childbirth up 50 percent in America, World Socialist Web Site, May 6, 2014.


29 Global, regional, and national levels and causes of maternal mortality during 1990—2013: a systematic analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study 2013, The Lancet, Volume 384, Issue 9947, pp. 980-1004, September 13, 2014 doi:10.1016/S0140-6736(14)60696-6,

30 NBC News, Vitals, More US Babies Die on Their First Day Than in 68 Other Countries, Report Shows, April 30, 2013, die-on-their-first-day-than-in-68-other-countries-report-shows

31 Michelle Castillo, U.S. has highest first-day infant mortality out of industrialized world, group reports,, May 7, 2013. infant-mortality-out-of-industrialized-world-group-reports/

32 RT.USA, US chalks up more first-day newborn deaths than rest of industrialized world combined – report, May 7, 2013,

33 Christopher Ingraham, Our infant mortality rate is a national embarrassment,, September 29 2014. national-embarrassment/

34 Catherine Beier, CBE, MS CCC-SLP/L, The "Business" of Birthing,,

35 Beverley Lawrence Beech, Drugs in Labour: What Effects Do They Have 20 Years Hence?, Midwifery Today, Issue 50, Summer 1999,

36 Jennifer Mercier, PhD, Expanding Our Focus: C-section Recovery, Pathways to Family Wellness, Issue #33, March 1, 2012, focus-C-section-recovery.html

37 Merriam-Webster Dictionary,

38 Vladimir Megre, The Space of Love, The Ringing Cedars Series Book 3, Ringing Cedars Press, New York, NY, p. 114.

39 Birth Trauma and Humanity s Takeover, Ari Kopel and Serena interviewing Jeanice Barcelo on Shattering the Matrix,, September 2013.

40 Dr. Maureen, Baby heads are jam-packed with pheromones,, October 3, 2006.

41 Ariel Currie, Hank Coshnear, Mila Quinn, and Logan Sand, Human Pheromones, Macalester College's Pheromone Studies. heromones.html

42 Dr. Linda Folden Palmer, Bonding Matters. . . The Chemistry of Attachment, from The Baby Bond, Sourcebooks, Inc., Naperville IL, 2001, as posted at, August 6, 2013.


43 Robin Elise Weiss, LCCE, What are the newborn eye drops done for at birth?, About Health, as posted at, April 29, 2014, At-Birth.htm

44 Vicki Santillano, The Eyes Have It: How Eye Contact Affects Our Brains, brains

45 Maria Popova, The Science of Love: How Positivity Resonance Shapes the Way We Connect,, January 28, 2013, citing Barbara Fredrickson, Love 2.0: How Our Supreme Emotion Affects Everything We Feel, Think, Do, and Become

46 Jack Newman, MD, The Importance of Skin to Skin Contact, International Breastfeeding Center, contact

47 Raylene Phillips MD, Uninterrupted Skin-to-Skin Contact Immediately After Birth, Newborn & Infant Nursing Reviews, 2013;13(2), pp 67-72.

48 Peggy O’Mara, Swaddling: A Second Look,, November 9 2011. Link no longer accessible but article can be seen here: 2/swaddling-a-second-look

49 Mother-Infant Bonding: The Science of Smell,

50 Sarah Boseley Swaddling babies can cause them hip problems, doctors warn,, October 28, 2013. doctors-warn

51 Peggy O’Mara, Swaddling: A Second Look,, November 9 2011. Link no longer accessible but article can be seen here: 2/swaddling-a-second-look

52 Jeanice Barcelo, Swaddling Causes High Stress Response in Infants,, June 9, 2012, citing Nils Bergman and Gussie Fauntleroy, The Question of Routine Swaddling,, November 9, 2011.

53 Gussie Fauntleroy, The Question of Routine Swaddling,, November 9, 2011. - Link no longer available but article can be seen here: routine-swaddling


54 Lloyd DeMause, The Emotional Life of Nations, Chapter 8 - The Evolution of Childrearing, as quoted at Link no longer working but can be viewed here: aring.html and here:

55 Robbie Davis Floyd, The Rituals of American Hospital Birth, Readings in Cultural Anthropology, 8th ed., David McCurdy, HarperCollins, New York 1994, pp. 323-340.

56 Thomas Verny, M.D., with John Kelly, The Secret Life of the Unborn Child, Dell Publishing, New York, 1981, pp. 118-119.

57 Kelly Winder, Induction of Labour – The Risks of Labour Induction,, “[S]ome hospitals, mainly private ones, have a 90% induction rate termed 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. obstetrics, so the care-giver is not woken overnight to attend births.”

58 Lewis Mehl-Madrona, M.D., Coyote Medicine, Scribner, New York, 1998, pp. 105-109.

59 Jennifer Ashton, M.D., Study Raises Concerns That Pitocin May Harm Babies,, May 10, 2013.

60 Dr. Sarah Buckley, Epidural Risks and Concerns for Mother and Baby,, 2005. - Previously published in Mothering No.133, Nov-Dec 2005, as “The Hidden Risks of Epidurals.”

61 FDA Approved Obstetrics Drugs: Their Effects on Mother and Baby, © 2001 Doris Haire, President, American Foundation for Maternal and Child Health and Chair, Committee on Maternal and Child Health, National Women's Health Alliance.

62 Beverley Lawrence Beech, Drugs in Labour: What Effects Do They Have 20 Years Hence?, Midwifery Today, Issue 50, Summer 1999.

63 Demerol (meperidine) Disease Interactions,,demerol.html

64 Dr. Stephanie Mines, Ph.D., Removing Primary Obstacles to Early Development – Assessment and Treatment, 2006, pp. 28-29.

65 Using Narcotics for Pain Relief During Childbirth,

66 Dr. Mike Mills, Traumatic Birth Syndrome, Mills Chiropractic, 2014.

67 Eric J. McKillican, DC, LCP, FICPA, Subluxation at Birth: The Effect on the Fate of Humanity, birth-the-effect /articleslinks/subluxation-at-birth-the-effect

68 Dr. Christopher Kent, Subluxation and sudden infant death syndrome, Chiropractic Leadership Alliance, July 1, 1995.


69 Amy Norton, Forceps delivery tied to lower brain injury risk, Reuters, November 30, 2011. idUSTRE7AT2JG20111130

70 Traumatic Brain Damage, factors/traumatic-brain-damage/

71 Jane Feinmann, Why do doctors still use forceps when they killed our baby?,, February 22, 2010. doctors-using-them.html

72 Douglas Levine, M.D., Forceps vs. Vacuum,, March 15, 2012. vacuum#BenefitsofForceps4

73 Episiotomy: Ritual Genital Mutilation in Western Obstetrics citing Katherine Hartmann, MD, PhD, et al., Outcomes of Routine Episiotomy A Systematic Review, JAMA. 2005;293:2141-2148, and Rob Stein, Procedure On Women In Labor Adds Risk Study Urges Halt To Episiotomies, Washington Post, May 4, 2005. dyn/content/article/2005/05/03/AR2005050301206_pf.html

74 Severine Henry, Neonatal Handling Affects Durably Bonding and Social Development, DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0005216, April 08, 2009.

75 Julia Petty, Psychosocial Care of the Family in the Neonatal Unit, University of Hertfordshire.

76 Alexander N. Manning, MSN, RN, The NICU Experience How Does It Affect the Parents’ Relationship?, Journal of Perinatal and Neonatal Nursing, Vol. 26 , No. 4, October/December 2012, , pp. 353–357. 00014&Journal_ID=54008&Issue_ID=1455491 and 00014&Journal_ID=54008&Issue_ID=1455491#sthash.TQcPraDF.dpuf

77 Julia Petty, Psychosocial Care of the Family in the Neonatal Unit, University of Hertfordshire.

78 Christine Haran, Preventing Premature Births,, July 2014.

79 Taylor Newman, Scheduled Inductions Raise C-section Rates: Should Hospitals Ban Them?, inductions-raise-C-section-rates-should-hospitals-ba

80 Cytotec/Misoprostol Warnings.

81 Marsden Wagner, MD MS, Adverse Events Following Misoprostol Induction of Labor, Midwifery Today, Issue 71, Autumn 2004.


82 Henci Goer, Update on Spin Doctoring Misoprostol (Cytotec): Unsafe at Any Dose, Science & Sensibility, May 10, 2010. misoprostol-cytotec-unsafe-at-any-dose/

83 Marsden Wagner, MD, MS, Adverse Events Following Misoprostol Induction of Labor, Midwifery Today, Issue 71, Autumn 2004.

84 Henci Goer, ACOG’s 2009 Induction Guidelines: Spin Doctoring Misoprostol (Cytotec), Science and Sustainability, August 17, 2009.

85 Madeline Oden, Freedom to Birth—The Use of Cytotec to Induce Labor: A Non-Evidence-Based Intervention, The Journal of Perinatal Education, 2009 Spring; 18(2): 48–51.

86 Recommendations from the World Health Organization 1985 Appropriate technology for birth. Lancet 1985; 2: 436-7. Can be viewed here declaration.html and world-health-organisation#.VKH0hAPvw and

87, Pitocin.

88 Pitocin®(Oxytocin Injection, USP) Synthetic,

89 Pitocin Package Insert.

90 Pitocin, Oxytocin Overdose Injuries, Reiter & Walsh, P.C. medication-errors/Pitocin-and-oxytocin

91 Chris Kresser, Natural childbirth VI: Pitocin side effects and risk,

92 Researchers - Look in the first environment, the womb, Autism Today., citing Mothering Magazine, Spring Issue, 2001, cc: Ken Johnson, PhD, MANA Statistical Project, Robbie-Davis Floyd, PhD, University of Texas, Midwives Alliance of North America (MANA), Pitocin.

94 World CS rates,

95, Pitocin.

96 Lani Axman, Pitocin’s Untold Impact,, July 21, 2010.

97 Marcy Axness, Are We Losing the Capacity to Give Birth?,, October 27, 2012, quoting Dr. Kerstin Uvnäs-Moberg and Michel Odent. are-losing-the-capacity-to-give-birth/




100 Denise Mann, Induced Labor Linked to Raised Risk of Autism, Study Suggests, WebMD, August 12, 2013. autism-study-suggests

101 Jill, “Pit to Distress”: Your Ticket to an “Emergency” Cesarean?,, July 6, 2009. cesarean.html quoting Original Source - Jill, Just When I’d thought I’d heard it all,, July 2009. (Keyboardrevolutionary blog is no longer publically accessible).

102 Pit to Distress, A Disturbing Reality,, July 8, 2009.

103 Jill, “Pit to Distress”: Your Ticket to an “Emergency” Cesarean,, July 6, 2009. cesarean.html – Quoting Original Source:, April 2007 (since deleted)

104 Childbirth Connection, Rates for Total Cesarean Section, Primary Cesarean Section, and Vaginal Birth After Cesarean (VBAC), United States, 1989-2012.


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164 Claudine Crews, CPM, LM, Clamping of the Umbilical Cord - Immediate or Delayed - Is this really an issue?,,

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181 H. Peter Aleff, Premies Gasping for Breath are Denied the Breathing Help they Need – Medical Oxygen-Starving Practices and Experiments,,

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184 H. Peter Aleff, Premies Gasping for Breath are Denied the Breathing Help they Need – Medical Oxygen-Starving Practices and Experiments,,

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187 Vera Sharav, Premature Babies Targets of Unethical Experimentation, Health Impact News, November 7, 2014. experimentation/

188 Louis Tinnin, M.D., Infant Surgery Without Anesthesia, December 30, 2010.

189 Terry T. Monell, Living Out the Past: Infant Surgery Prior to 1987, JOPPPAH 25(3), Spring 2011, 159-172.

190 David B. Chamberlain, Ph.D., Babies Don’t Feel Pain: A Century of Denial in Medicine, Presented at The Second International Symposium on Circumcision, San Francisco, California, May 2, 1991.

191 Joan L. Luby, M.D., The Neonatal Intensive Care Unit: Attending to Mental Health Outcomes. Journal of the American Academy of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry, Volume 49, Issue 5, May 2010, Pages 439–440, doi:10.1016/j.jaac.2010.01.015.

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193 David Kirby, Government Concedes Vaccine-Autism Case in Federal Court - Now What?, Huffington Post, November 5, 2009. concedes-vacci_b_88323.html

194 Ibid.

195 Theresa A. Deisher, et al., Impact of environmental factors on the prevalence of autistic disorder after 1979, Journal of Public Health and Epidemiology, Sept. 2014, Vol. 6(9), pp. 271-284.

196 Jennifer Margulis, Are Ultrasounds Causing Autism in Unborn Babies?, The Daily Beast, April 29, 2013. autism-in-unborn-babies.html

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198 John E. Robison, More thoughts on ultrasound, questions about risk, and autism,, May 28, 2012. ultrasound-questions.html

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204 Terri LaPoint, Health Impact News, 4 Month Old Texas Baby Seized from Parents in Medical Dispute, October 24, 2014, as posted on Medical Kidnap, month-old-texas-baby-seized-from-parents-in-medical-dispute/

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209 Shirley Lipschutz-Robinson, Questioning the AIDS Virus - The AIDS, HIV, and AZT Controversy, Shirleys-Wellness-Café.com,

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211 David Pratt, HIV=AIDS=Death: A Killer Myth,, August 2006.

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213 Sean Adl-Tabatabai, Nobel Prize Winner In 1994 “HIV Doesn’t Cause AIDS,”, February 2015.

214 Stefan Lanka, German Court Rules "HIV Never Isolated,”

215 Dr. Peter Deusberg as quoted in Brett Salisbury, Dr. Lawrence Cohen M.D. PHD, HIV Hoax, Kindle Edition, Salisburyebook/dp/B00QH7VDE2/ref=sr_1_fkmr0_2?ie=UTF8&qid=1426111481&sr=8-2- fkmr0&keywords=The+Great+%22HIV%22+Hoax#reader_B00QH7VDE2

216 Dr. Heinz Ludwig Sänger, Emeritus Professor of Molecular Biology and Virology and a former director of the Department of Viroid Research at the Max-Planck-Institutes for Biochemy near München, in a letter (in German) to the Süddeutsche Zeitung as quoted at Missing Virus – The Rules of Isolation,,


217 Jon Rappoport, The Massive Fraud Behind HIV Tests,, 2006.

218 Sean Adl-Tabatabai, Nobel Prize Winner In 1994 “HIV Doesn’t Cause AIDS,”, February 2015.

219 Jonathan D. Rockoff, Hepatitis Drugs Lift Gilead Sciences’s Results, Wall Street Journal, February 3, 2015.

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223 Ellie Crystal, Caduceus - Rod of Hermes,,

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225 Derek Rudnak, The Caduceus: Origins and Meanings,, March 11, 2009.

226 Mike Adams, The Caduceus Decoded: Secret Symbols Reveal Dark Agenda of Western Medicine,, June 24, 2009.

227 Gary Null PhD, et al., Death By Medicine, Life Extension Magazine, March 2004.

228 Ibid.

229 Ibid.

230 James Sanders, Pharmakeia: The Abuse of Drugs,, Truth Magazine XV: 6, December 10, 1970, pp. 11-12.

231 Bob Schlenker, Pharmaceuticals -The Sorceries of Babylon,

232 Mike Hockney, Hyperreason, HyperReality Books, 2012 – an Amazon kindle publication. Quote can be found on page 5131 at 71%.


233, Surgeries and Procedures: Circumcision,

234 Images of a baby strapped to a circumstraint board during circumcision can be seen here:

235 Infant Circumcision with Anesthesia: Does It Really Help the Pain?, The Whole Network, August 20, 2011, it-really-help-the-pain

236 Pain of circumcision and pain control, Circumcision Information and Resources Page.

237 George R. Spence, M.D., Chilling of Newborn Infants: Its Relation to Circumcision Immediately Following Birth, Southern Medical Journal, March 1970, Volume 63, No. 3, pp 309-311 as quoted at

238 Rosemary Romberg, Circumcision: The Painful Dilemma – Authors Own Story, Bergin & Garvey Publishers, Inc., Massachusetts, 1985.

239 Circumcision in the United States of America,§ionid= 8&id=73 citing Richard Miller and Donald Snyder, Immediate circumcision of the newborn male, American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Vol. 65, 1953, p. 1-11

240 RL, Snyder DC., Immediate circumcision of the newborn male, American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology, 1953:65(1), pp. 1-11 as quoted at circumcision/796539-they-circumcised-my-son-delivery-table.html

241 Pain of circumcision and pain control, Circumcision Information and Resources Page.

242 Gomco Versus Mogen: Which is Best? A Randomized Controlled Trial (GMRT),,

243 Mary G. Ray, What you Need to Know about Anesthesia & Pain from Circumcision,, 1997.

244 Darcia Narvaez, Ph.D., Circumcision Ethics and Economics, Psychology Today, September 25, 2011,

245 Circumcision Policies of Other Medical Organizations, Circumcision Resource Center,

246 Royal Dutch Medical Association, Non-therapeutic circumcision of male minors (2010), male-minors-2010.htm

247 National Health Service, Circumcision, NHS Choices.

248 Ibid.


249 Ronald Goldman, Ph.D., How Male Circumcision Harms Women, Circumcision Resource Center.

250 Robert Clover Johnson, The Impact of Neonatal Circumcision: Implications for Doctors of Men’s Experiences In Regressive Therapy, Published in Denniston, George C., et al., Genital Autonomy: Protecting Personal Choice, Springer Science and Business Media, 2010 (pp. 149-166)

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252 Ali A. Rizvi, Male Circumcision and the HIV/AIDS Myth,, September 3, 2009.

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254 Benefits of male circumcision outweigh risks, CDC says,, December 2, 2014.

255 Christl Meyer, Austrian German Biologist Proves "HIV" Does Not Exist,, July 9, 2012.

256 Christine Johnson, Does HIV Exist?, An Interview with Eleni Papadopulos-Eleopulos,,

257 Coleman Jones, What if HIV Does Not Exist?,, November 1996.

258 David Pratt, HIV=AIDS=Death: A Killer Myth,, August 2006.

259 Dr. Peter Deusberg as quoted in Brett Salisbury, Dr. Lawrence Cohen M.D. PHD, HIV Hoax, Kindle Edition, Salisburyebook/dp/B00QH7VDE2/ref=sr_1_fkmr0_2?ie=UTF8&qid=1426111481&sr=8-2- fkmr0&keywords=The+Great+%22HIV%22+Hoax#reader_B00QH7VDE2

260 Professor Gregory Boyle, Scientist Denounces Flawed Studies Used by CDC to Promote Circumcision. citing Boyle, G.J. and Hill, G., Sub- Saharan African randomised clinical trials into male circumcision and HIV transmission: methodological, ethical and legal concerns, J Law Med. 2011 Dec;19(2):316-34.

261 Robert Predit, Circumcision Doesn't Lessen HIV Transmission, ABC News, July 18, 2009. quoting Maria J. Wawer, et al., Circumcision in HIV-infected men and its effect on HIV transmission to female partners in Rakai, Uganda: a randomised controlled trial, The Lancet, Vol. 374, No. 9685, p229–237.


262 Shamiso Yikoniko, HIV infection rate higher on circumcised men, July 8, 2012. Original post no longer accessible but can be seen in full here: m_content&view=article&id=8811%3Ahiv-infection-rate-higher-on-circumcised- men&catid=38%3Atravel-tips&Itemid=18

263 U.S. Navy Finds That Circumcision Does Not Prevent HIV or STIs, The Whole Network, October 25, 2011. prevent-hiv-or-stis citing Thomas AG, Bakhireva et al., Prevalence of male circumcision and its association with HIV and sexually transmitted infections in a U.S. navy population, Int Conf AIDS. 2004 Jul 11-16; 15: abstract no. TuPeC4861. Naval Health Research Center, DHAPP, San Diego, CA, United States.

264 R.S. Van Howe, Does circumcision influence sexually transmitted diseases?: A literature review, BJU International, Volume 83 Supplement 1, January 1999, pp. 52-62.

265 Edward O. Laumann, PhD, et al, Circumcision in the United States: Prevalence, Prophylactic Effects, and Sexual Practice, Journal of the American Medical Association, Vol. 277, No. 13, April 2, 1997, pp. 1052-1057. and

266 Rodriguez-Diaz CE, et al., More than Foreskin: Circumcision Status, History of HIV/STI, and Sexual Risk in a Clinic-Based Sample of Men in Puerto Rico, J Sex Med. 2012 Aug 15. doi: 10.1111/j.1743- 6109.2012.02871.x. [Epub ahead of print].

267 Edward O. Laumann, PhD, et al, Circumcision in the United States: Prevalence, Prophylactic Effects, and Sexual Practice, Journal of the American Medical Association, Vol. 277, No. 13, April 2, 1997, pp. 1052-1057. and

268 Will Dunham, No proof circumcision cuts gay male HIV risk, study says, Reuters, October 7, 2008 as posted on U-T San Deigo,,

269 D Sidler, et al., Neonatal circumcision does not reduce HIV/AIDS infection rates, South African Medical Journal, Volume 98, Number 10, October 2008, pp. 762-766.

270 Volubrjotr, CDC Violates Its Duty To The People ~ Big Pharma Vaccine Hoax Exposed: 30 Years Of Coverup To Abscond Money From The Public!,, December 15, 2012. hoax-exposed-30-years-of-coverup-to-abscond-money-from-the-public/

271 Mike Adams, BREAKING: CDC whistleblower confesses to MMR vaccine research fraud in historic public statement,, August 27, 2014. son.html

272 Jon Rappoport, The Big One: CDC whistleblower goes public Now: CDC whistleblower admits fraud publicly: releases Aug. 27 statement!,, August 27, 2014. now/


273 Dr. Joseph Mercola, Oncology Dietitian Exposes Fraud in CDC’s HPV Vaccine Effectiveness Study, Health Impact News, December 17, 2014, cdcs-hpv-vaccine-effectiveness-study/

274 The CDC: A Truly Corrupt and Dangerous Organization,, September 10, 2014.

275 Scientific Fraud and Vaccines, Letter written by Congressman Dave Weldon, MD, to Julie Gerberding, Director of the CDC, regarding a fraudulent CDC-sponsored study purporting to show no link between mercury-laced vaccines and autism,

276 The CDC: A Truly Corrupt and Dangerous Organization,, September 10, 2014.

277 Mike Stobbe, CDC: Circumcision benefits outweigh risks,, December 2, 2014.

278 Mike Stobbe, CDC says circumcision benefits outweigh the risks,, December 2, 2014.

279 Mike Stobbe, Circumcision Benefits Outweigh Risks, Say New CDC Guidelines, Huffington Post, December 2, 2014.

280 Mike Stobbe – Associated Press, CDC: Circumcision benefits outweigh risks, Washington Times, December 2, 2014. outweigh-risks/2014/12/02/02f5ecfe-7a2a-11e4-8241-8cc0a3670239_story.html

281 Mike Stobbe, CDC: Circumcision Benefits Outweigh Risks, ABC News, December 2, 2014.

282 Mike Stobbe, CDC: Circumcision Benefits Outweigh Risks, US News, December 2, 2014.

283 Mike Stobbe, CDC: Circumcision benefits outweigh risks, Business Week, December 2, 2014.

284 Reporting by Bill Berkrot in New York; Editing by Lisa Shumaker, Reuters, Male Circumcision Benefits Outweigh Risks, U.S. CDC says,, December 2, 2014. us/health/medical/male-circumcision-benefits-outweigh-risks-us-cdc-says/ar-BBgfJOq

285 Reporting by Bill Berkrot in New York; Editing by Lisa Shumaker, Reuters, Male Circumcision Benefits Outweigh Risks, CDC says,, December 2, 2014.

286 Benefits of male circumcision outweigh risks, CDC says,, December 2, 2014.

287 Frank Weltner, General Overview of Massive Jewish Press Ownership,

288 Six Zionist Companies Own 96% of the World’s Media, Pakalert Press, March 16, 2009.


289 Elad Nehorai, Jews DO control the media, The Times of Israel, July 1, 2012. As quoted from screenshots at

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291 John Whitley, Seven Jewish Americans Control Most US Media,, November 21, 2003.

292 Jackie Patru and Darren Weeks, Who Rules America? Who Controls the U.S. Media?,, June 2000.

293 Ronald Goldman, Ph.D., Circumcision: The Hidden Trauma, Circumcision Resource Center.

294 Psychological impacts of male circumcision, Circumcision Reference Library, Circumcision Information and Resource Pages,

295 Dr. Paul D. Tinari, Ph.D., MRI Studies: The Brain Permanently Altered From Infant Circumcision, Peaceful Parenting Blog,, October 26, 2009.

296 Infant Pain Impacts Adult Sensitivity, Peaceful Parenting Blog,, October 1, 2009 citing "Neonatal injury alters adult pain sensitivity by increasing opioid tone in the periaqueductal gray," Frontiers in Behavioral Neuroscience, September 2009, Vol. 3, p. 1-11.

297 Benjamin Spock, M.D., Circumcision – It’s Not Necessary, Redbook 1989, quoted on

298 Lori “Laurel of Leaves,” Modern Circumcision is Not Necessary, Natural, or Biblical,, October 31, 2011. circumcision-is-not-necessary-natural-or-biblical/

299 Stasia Bliss, Circumcision Rates Dropping – More Choosing to ‘keep It in Tact’, Liberty Voice,, August 22, 2013. more-choosing-to-keep-it-in-tact/

300 Study: Circumcision Rates Declining Among US Males, CBS Atlanta, April 3, 2014.

301 Rachael Rettner, U.S. Circumcision Rate Drops Over Last 3 Decades, Report Says, Huff Post Parents,, April 7, 2014. rate-drops_n_5107637.html

302 Stasia Bliss, Circumcision Rates Dropping – More Choosing to ‘keep It in Tact’, Liberty Voice,, August 22, 2013. more-choosing-to-keep-it-in-tact/

303 Why Rabbi’s Must Suck the Blood of a Circumcised Infant,, as posted at


304 Nina Golgowski, Two more babies stricken with herpes after ritual ultra-orthodox Jewish oral blood sucking circumcision in New York City,, April 5, 2013. sucking-circumcision-New-York-City.html

305 Rabbi Eric H. Yoffie, N.Y. mayor must outlaw dangerous circumcision rite before another baby dies,, December 31, 2014.

306 Dan Goldberg, City reports new case of herpes after metzitzah b’peh, December 23, 2014. hall/2014/12/8559130/city-reports-new-case-herpes-after-metzitzah-bpeh

307 Joshua J. Hammerman, Birth Rite, The New York Times Magazine, March 13, 1994.

308 Kerth Barker, Cannibalism, Blood Drinking & High-Adept Satanism, Self-Published work, August 2014, p. 100-101.

309 Kerth Barker, How the Illuminati Plan to Use Surgical Mutilation as a Form of Social Control,, February 27, 2014.

310 Circumfetish,

311 Gilgal Porn, Gilgal Society,

312 Image of Ben Winkie, a "circumsexual" blogger, masturbating over a circumstraint.

313 Circumfetish,

314 Jake H. Waskett,

315 Gilgal Society,

316 Circumfetish,

317 John M. Foley, M.D., The Unkindest Cut of All, FACT, Volume 3, Number 4, July-August 1966, Pages 2-9.

318 Circumcision Causes Brain Damage,, citing Dr. Paul D. Tinari Ph.D., Brain Visualization Research during Male Infant Circumcision, and numerous studies outlined at Male neonatal circumcision trauma and brain damage,

319 Ibid.

320 Ronald Goldman, Circumcision: A Source of Jewish Pain, Jewish Circumcision Resource Center, originally published in Jewish Spectator, Fall, 1997, pages 16-20.


321 James W. Prescott Ph.D., Ten Principles of Mother-Infant Bonding: Foundations for Human Trust, Harmony and Peace, Institute of Humanistic Science,

322 Hill George, Circumcision and Human Behavior: The emotional and behavioral effects of circumcision, Genital Wholeness, May 27, 2012. 2y9nanfagw8nr-13/

323 Dr. Rima Laibow, Circumcision and its Relationship to Attachment Impairment, In Syllabus of Abstracts, Second International Symposium on Circumcision, April 30-May 3, 1991, San Francisco, 14, as quoted at:

324 Elena Tonetti Vladimirova and Marilyn Milos, Circumcision,, September 20, 2005.

325 Molecule, Circumcision is Mother/Child Trauma Brainwashing, May 6, 2013.

326 Mark David, Study: Circumcision Permanently Alters the Brain, Researchers Threatened,, brain-researchers-threatened/ citing Paul D. Tinari, Circumcision Permanently Alters the Brain,

327 Anand, K. and Scalzo, F., Can Adverse Neonatal Experiences Alter Brain Development and Subsequent Behavior? Biol Neonate 77 (2000): 69-82 as quoted at

328 Ronald Goldman, Circumcision: A Source of Jewish Pain, Jewish Circumcision Resource Center, originally published in Jewish Spectator, Fall, 1997, pages 16-20,, citing Rosemary Romberg, Circumcision: The Painful Dilemma, Chapter 17C, contents/chapter17/17-c/

329 Darlene Owen, A Nursing Student is Introduced to Circumcision,, July 19, 2012.

330 Josh Comprosky facebook page, December 22, 2014. 048.500032169&type=1&theater

331 Elena Tonetti, Birth as We Know It – Circumcision,

332 Kristen and Jeffrey O'Hara, Sex As Nature Intended It: The Most Important Thing You Need to Know About Making Love, but No One Could Tell You Until Now, and

333 John Rhinehart, Neonatal Circumcision Reconsidered, The Circumcision Reference Library, Transactional Analysis Journal, Volume 29, Number 3, Pages 215-221, July 1999.

334 John Kaminski, Cut Off From Our Souls, Creations, April 6, 2005.


335 Male Genital Mutilation/MGM (Male Circumcision) racket,

336 Kerth Barker, Cannibalism, Blood Drinking & High-Adept Satanism, Self-Published work, August 2014, p. 101.

337 Kerth Barker, How the Illuminati Plan to Use Surgical Mutilation as a Form of Social Control,, February 27, 2014.

338 Vast Majority of Episiotomies Unnecessary,, May 19 2005. unnecessary/

339 Nathanael Johnson, Unnecessary C-sections a $3.5B problem, study finds, January 29, 2011.

340 Dr. Stanley T. West, Hysterectomy, Reproductive Medicine, 2008-2009.

341 Angelina Jolie has ovaries, fallopian tubes removed to cut cancer risk,, March 24, 2015. cancer-risk/

342 Diana Zuckerman, Ph.D., Unnecessary Mastectomies, The Light Party,

343 Some Catastrophic Complications of Circumcision Recorded During 2013, CircWatch, January 2, 2014.

344 119% Increase in Revision Circumcisions,, October 31, 2011. citing Charles Bankhead, AAP: Need to Re-Do Circumcision Rises, Reasons Unclear,, October 17, 2011.

345 Joseph4GI, Intactivism News, March-April 2014.

346 Tamar Kahn, US plans to give SA an extra $10m for male circumcision, Business Day Live, July 2, 2013. circumcision

347 South Africa: U.S. Government Partners With Higher Education Medical Male Circumcision Campaign,, May 30, 2013.

348 Docs Perform First Successful Penis Transplant,, March 13, 2015.

349 Does Circumcision Cause Erectile Dysfunction?,, August 8, 2011.

350 Alexithymia,


351 Male Genital Mutilation,, May 17, 2013.

352 Clif High, Male Circumcision Alters the Brain of Its Victims,, July 14, 2014.

353 Clif High, Clif's Wuju: The Pen Island Conspiracy, Radio Interview posted at,

354 Dr. Sdf. Sean Hross, Circumcision is a Covenant & Alliance with Seth-On & Isis against God`s Creation: Genital Mutilation, September 3, 2012.

355 P M Fleiss, et al, Sexually Transmitted Infections, (London), Volume 74, Number 5, October 1998, Pages 364-367.

356 Gary L. Harryman, Circumcision: What is Lost?,, April 8, 1999.

357 Mother-Infant Bonding: The Science of Smell,

358 ibid.

359 Lundström JN et al., Subthreshold amounts of social odorant affect mood, but not behavior, in heterosexual women when tested by a male, but not a female, experimenter, Biol Psychol. 2005 Dec;70(3):197-204.

360 Kate Shriner, Human Pheromones: What are the implications?, Paper written for a course at Bryn Mawr College, April 26, 2003.

361 J. Verhaeghe et al, Pheromones and their effect on women’s mood and sexuality, Facts Views Vis Obgyn. 2013; 5(3): 189–195.

362 Lordosis Behavior,

363 Mo, Alpha male pheromones stimulate neurogenesis in the female brain,, July 31, 2007. stimulate-neurogenesis-in-the-female-brain/

364 Etienne Benson, Pheromones, in context, American Psychological Association Monitor, October 2002, Vol 33, No. 9, page 46.

365 Ibid.

366 Danielle Marck, Finding the Perfect Mate: Male Pheromones and Female Attraction, Serendip paper written for a course at Bryn Mawr College, February 23, 2006.

367 Sarah Everts, The Truth About Pheromones,, March 2012.


368 Airaldi Matteo and Grassini Alberto, Mate Selection: roles of Pheromones and Major Histocompatibility Complex,

369 Edward C. Geehr, M.D., Human Pheromones: Do Birth Control Pills Send Wrong Signals?,, May 27, 2011. ong_signals.aspx

370 Medical Genetics of Jews,

371 Jewish Genetic Disease Consortium – Jewish Genetic Diseases,,

372 Jeremy Goodman, Genetic Counseling: Amongst , BioChem158 paper written for, December 9, 2011.

373 Yael Rosenberg, RN, Jewish Genetic Diseases,,

374 jews have 112 Genetic/Hereditary Diseases,

375 Increasing Number of Disabled Israeli Children Sue For Not Being Aborted,, June 18, 2012. sue-for-not-being-aborted/ citing Christine Dhanagom, November 10, 2011. children-sue-for-not-b

376 Maurice Lamm, Prohibited Marriages, -- Jewish men may marry their step-sisters, cousins, and nieces.

377 Carly Silver, Jewish Identity?,, October 1, 2009.

378 Consanguinity Among Jews,,

379 The History of the House of Rothschild, -- Mayer Amschel Rothschild made it a condition of his will that his 5 sons intermarry with first and second cousins to preserve the family fortune

380 Molecule, Circumcision and the Process of Male-female Bonding, Unpublished work shared through personal correspondence.

381 Relic Power Box – Pheromone Manipulation,, 112612017.htm

382 Antonrosa, GET GIRLS – GET WOMEN,, September 16, 2010.


383 Kate Shriner, Human Pheromones: What are the implications?, Serendip paper written for a course at Bryn Mawr College, April 26, 2003.

384 Susan M Keenan, What Are Human Pheromones?,, July 24 2007.

385 Human Pheromone Sciences Inc, (EROX:OTC Markets Group Inc), Bloomberg Business, March 18, 2015.

386 Sarah Everts, The Truth About Pheromones, Smithsonian Magazine, March 2012.

387 Human Pheromone Sciences Inc (EROX:OTC US): Board Members Affiliated With Bernard I. Grosser M.D., Bloomberg Business, March 18, 2015. ROX&previousCapId=334350&previousTitle=HUMAN%20PHEROMONE%20SCIENCES%20INC

388 For Men,, Please note, Human Pheromone Sciences Inc. was formerly known as Erox Corporation and changed its name in 1998. -- On their website, Erox Corporation refers to men and women as “targets.”

389 Molecule, Circumcision and the Process of Male-female Bonding, Unpublished work shared through personal correspondence.

390 Pheromone Manipulation,, http://x-

391 Bronselaer, G. et al., Male Circumcision Decreases Penile Sensitivity as Measured in a Large Cohort, BJU International (2013).

392 Frisch M., et al., Male circumcision and sexual function in men and women: a survey-based, cross-sectional study in Denmark, Int J Epidemiol. 2011 Jun 14.

393 Kristen and Jeffrey O’Hara, Sex as Nature Intended It,

394 Morten Frisch, et al., Male circumcision and sexual function in men and women: a survey-based, cross-sectional study in Denmark, International Journal of Epidemiology, Advanced Access Published June 14, 2011, 1-15.

395 Bronselaer GA, et al., Male circumcision decreases penile sensitivity as measured in a large cohort, BJU Int. 2013 May; 111(5):820-7.

396 Kristen and Jeffrey O’Hara, Sex as Nature Intended It.

397 Ronald Goldman, Ph.D., How Male Circumcision Harms Women, Circumcision Resource Center.

398 Dan Bollinger, et al., Alexithymia and Circumcision Trauma: A Preliminary Investigation, International Journal of Men’s Health, Volume 10, No. 2, July 2011, 184-195.


399 Dr. Paul D. Tinari, Ph.D., MRI Studies: The Brain Permanently Altered From Infant Circumcision, as quoted on the Peaceful Parenting blog, October 26, 2009, studies-brain-permanently-altered.html

400 Gregory J. Boyle, et al., Male Circumcision: Pain, Trauma and Psychosexual Sequelae, Men’s Health, Vol. 7, Issue 3, May 1, 2001

401 R. Goldman, The psychological impact of circumcision, BJU INTERNATIONAL, Volume 83 Supplement 1, Pages 93-102, January 1, 1999.

402 Ibid.

403 Ibid.

404 Gregory J. Boyle, et al., Male Circumcision: Pain, Trauma and Psychosexual Sequelae, Men’s Health, Vol. 7, Issue 3, May 1, 2001. citing T. Hammond, A Preliminary Poll of Men Circumcised in Infancy or Childhood, British Journal of Urology, BJU International (83, Suppl. 1), January, 1999, p. 85-92.

405 Circumcised men have more orgasm trouble, Love Matters, September 21, 2011.

406 Wei Shuong Tang MMed and Ee Ming Khoo M.D., Prevalence and Correlates of Premature Ejaculation in a Primary Care Setting: A Preliminary Cross-Sectional Study, The Journal of Sexual Medicine, July 2011, Volume 8, Issue 7, pages 2071–2078.

407 Does Circumcision Cause Erectile Dysfunction?,, August 8, 2011. citing Dan Bollinger, et al., Alexithymia and Circumcision Trauma: A Preliminary Investigation, International Journal of Men’s Health, Volume 10, No. 2, July 2011, 184-195.

408 Richard L. Matteoli, Circumcision, Serial Killing, Criminal Behavior and American Medical Violence,, August 31, 2012. http://www.salem-

409 Ibid.

410 Ian Clarke, Perversion and Circumcision,,

411 Zen Gardner, Male Circumcision Alters the Brain of its Victims,, July 14, 2004.

412 Ian Clarke, Perversion and Circumcision, citing Laumann, E. et al., Circumcision in the U.S.: Prevalence, Prophylactic Effects, and Sexual Practice, JAMA 277 (1997): 1052–1057 and Survey by the Australian edition of Forum magazine and the Family Planning Association of NSW,

413 Patricia Robinett, What is Circumcision Really All About?,, June 11, 2008.


414 Gregory J. Boyle, et al., Male Circumcision: Pain, Trauma and Psychosexual Sequelae, Men’s Health, Vol. 7, Issue 3, May 1, 2001. citing T. Hammond, A Preliminary Poll of Men Circumcised in Infancy or Childhood, British Journal of Urology, BJU International (83, Suppl. 1), January, 1999, p. 85-92.

415 Geoffrey T. Falk, Frequently Asked Questions about Infant Circumcision – Does infant circumcision have risks?, Circumcision Information Resource Page, August 6, 2006.

416 Taddio, A. et al., Effect of Neonatal Circumcision on Pain Response during Subsequent Routine Vaccination, The Lancet 349 (1997): 599–603, as quoted in Medical Studies on Circumcision, Circumcision Resource Center.

417 Ruth Eckstein Grunau, Neonatal Pain in Very Preterm Infants: Long-Term Effects on Brain, Neurodevelopment and Pain Reactivity, Rambam Maimonides Med J. Oct 2013; 4(4): e0025, Oct 29, 2013.

418 Facts About Autism,, 2015. about-autism

419 Pamela Madden Krall, Why are Boys Five Times More Likely to Get Autism Than Girls? North Bay Regional Center, September 7, 2014. autism-than-girls/

420 Diana Rodriguez, Autism in Boys and Girls,, January 11, 2010.

421 Morten Frisch, Ritual circumcision and risk of autism spectrum disorder in 0- to 9-year-old boys: national cohort study in Denmark, Journal of the Royal Society of Medicine, January 8, 2015 - J R Soc Med January 8, 2015.

422 Autism and Circumcision,, April 20, 2013. circumcision/

423 John MoonPye, Circumcision/ADHD/Autism,, April 5 2011.

424 Chris Weller, ASD And Circumcision Linked, With Thoughts Of Brain Development As A Factor,, January 16, 2015. thoughts-brain-development-factor-318144

425 Anna Hodgekiss, Circumcised boys may be more likely to develop autism and ADHD by the age of 10, study claims,, January 8, 2015. 2902214/Circumcised-boys-likely-develop-autism-ADHD-10.html

426 Male neonatal circumcision trauma and brain damage, Circumcision Information and Resources Page.

427 Ronald S. Immerman and Wade C. Mackey, A Biocultural Analysis of Circumcision, Social Biology, Volume 44, Fall-Winter 1997, pp. 265-275.


428 Circumcision Causes Brain Damage, The Male Infant Circumcision Site,,

429 Facebook page of intactivist Brother K – written by parent who preferred to remain anonymous. 004414898074&type=1&theater

430 David B. Chamberlain, Babies Don't Feel Pain: A Century of Denial in Medicine, Presented at The Second International Symposium on Circumcision, San Francisco, California, May 2, 1991.

431 Wikipedia states: “Pain in babies, and whether babies feel pain, has been the subject of debate within the medical profession for centuries. Prior to the late nineteenth century it was generally considered that babies hurt more easily than adults.[1] It was only in the last quarter of the 20th century that scientific techniques finally established babies definitely do experience pain – probably more than adults…”

432 David B. Chamberlain, Ph.D., Babies Don’t Feel Pain: A Century of Denial in Medicine, Presented at The Second International Symposium on Circumcision, San Francisco, California, May 2, 1991.

433 Kevin MacDonald, Christopher Donovan: Penis Mutilation, aka Male Circumcision: Did Jews Persuade The Rest of Us To Get Circumcised?,, August 10, 2010. circumcision-did-jews-persuade-the-rest-of-us-to-get-circumcised/

434 Pediatrician's wife, Circumcision: The First Torture, American Academy of Pediatrics Annual Conference, Hyatt-Regency Hotel, Chicago, April 14, 1996. “The pediatrician she spat this out to a nurse who heard her… told me this in two separate conversations. The nurse said there were not enough exclamations points in the universe to convey the ferocity this woman displayed…”

435 History of Circumcision, Circumcision Information and Resources Page.

436 A short history of circumcision in the United States: Part 1,

437 Ibid.

438 The Development of Retractile Foreskin in the Child and Adolescent,

439 Anonymous Communicator at

440 A short history of circumcision in the United States: Part 1,,

441 Ibid.


442 Circumcision in the United States of America,§ionid=8&id= 73

443 Ibid.

444 Debra S. Ollivier, Circumcision in America,, October 26-27, 1998.

445 The Rockefeller Bloodline.

446 James Corbett, Episode 286 – Rockefeller Medicine,, November 2, 2013.

447 G. Edward Griffin, He Who Pays the Piper - Creation of the Modern Medical (Drug) Establishment,, 1999.

448 The Flexner Report: How John D. Rockefeller used the AMA to take over Western Medicine, The Freedom Articles, February 11, 2015. rockefeller-ama-takeover/

449 William Ramsey, Rockefeller's Luciferian NYC Temples,, January 27, 2011.

450 Terry Melanson, Lucis Trust, Alice Bailey, World Goodwill and the False Light of the World,, Original 2001, Updated May 8, 2005.

451 Lewis Albert Sayre, M.D., American Civil War Medicine & Surgical Antiques, Medical, 2011. and 0and%20faculty/Sayer_Lewis_A_002.jpg

452 Lewis Sayre,

453 David Gollaher, From Ritual to Science: The Medical Transformation of Circumcision in America, Journal of Social History, Fall 1994, Volume 28, Number 1, pp. 5-36.

454 Dr Sayre's cure for paralysis, History of Circumcision,

455 Ibid.

456 Ibid.

457 The Origin of Male Circumcision in the United States,

458 A short history of circumcision in the United States: Part 1,,


459 Spare the Rod, citing an October 14 ruling of the Supreme Court of British Columbia, in Regina v. D.J.W. published in Harper’s Magazine, January 2010, p. 20.

460 Blood Ritual: Circumcision, Talmud Style,, citing The Jewish Encyclopedia, 1906.

461 Introduction to the Department – A History of Excellence is the Foundation for Success, 2012 Report, NYU Langone Medical Center, Department of Orthopaedic Surgery, p. 4. http://nyulmc-

462 David Austin Sayre, Lexington History Museum, History Hub. david-austin

463 Lewis Sayre,

464 Gold and Silver Smithing; A Judaic Tradition Part II - Europe and America Fact Paper 17-II, Hebrew History Federation, 2_gold.htm

465 Brother Nathanael Kapner, Federal Reserve: A Private Jewish Bank Strangling America,, Copyright 2008-2010.

466 The Howard Rosenthal Interview, An interview recorded by Walter White, Jr., from the book “The Hidden Tyranny,” as quoted on, June 28, 2005. and Hidden-Tyranny-The-Harold-Rosenthal-Interview#scribd

467 Ibid.

468 Brother Nathanael, The Jewish Conspiracy Behind the 1965 Open Immigration Law,, 2008.

469 Andrew Carrington Hitchcock, Jewish Genocide of The White Race – CASE CLOSED,, March 1, 2015. Genocide-Of-The-White-Race---CASE-CLOSED.php

470 Per 'The National Observer' via a document from Abe Foxman's office, August 25, 1998, as cited at Children of Yahweh/Readings,, and ZioNazi Quotes,, and The Atrocities Perpetrated Against the Human Race, http://the-atrocities-perpetrated-against- and

471 Rose Rabbinovitch, Full Speech Of Rabbi [Emmanuel] Rabbinovitch Found,, November 30, 2003. citing Rabbi Rabinovich’s Speech of January 12th, 1952.

472 James A. Miller, What Zionist And Anti-Zionist Jews Have Said About: Medical Practices, The Evils of Zionism Exposed by Jews, 1995. Article originally published in HLI Reports, Human Life International, Gaithersburg, Maryland; June/July 1995, Volume 13, Number 8. said-about-medical-practices.html


473 Sex Cult of Frank, Weishaupt, and Rothschild, Atlantean Gardens,, March 6, 2015.

474 Vladimir Megre, The Book of Kin, Ringing Cedars Press, Paia, Hawaii, 2007, pp. 157-159.

475 John Kaminski, Cut Off From Our Souls, Red Ice Creations, April 6, 2005.

476 The Role of the Levites, The Tribe: The Cohen-Levi Family Heritage,,

477 John Kaminski, Cut Off From Our Souls, Red Ice Creations, April 6, 2005.

478 Did Moses Write the Torah?,

479 Douglas Reed, The Controversy of Zion, Chapter 3: The Levites and The Law, Omnia Veritas Ltd., 1956.

480 History of Circumcision, December 21, 2004.

481 R.D. Polacco de Ménasce, Zgram - Where Truth is Destiny: Now more than ever!,, November 21, 2003,

482 Roger Dommergue Polacco de Menasce, The Secret Behind the Jewish Question – Circumcision – Trauma Based Mind Control, Part 1 of 4. as quoted at

483 Circumcision,,

484 Ariel Toaf, Blood Passover - Chapter Nine - Sacrifice and Circumcision: The Significance of Peschach, Circumcision.php

485 The Howard Rosenthal Interview,, June 28, 2005. and

486 Dr. Sdf. Sean Hross, God`s Creation Mutilated by Pharaoh`s Perversions,, March 19, 2013.

487 Dr. Lasha Darkmoon, Sex and the Jews: Letter to a Jewish Correspondent,, August 29, 2010. Jews&Sex.html

488 Jordon Maxwell, The Cult of Saturn, Republic Forum – The Inner World of the Occult, January 3, 2001, SaturnGnosis,, September 1, 2012.

489 Lasha Darkmoon, Secret Sex Life of the Jews,, October 19, 2013.


490 Lasha Darkmoon, Sex and the Jews: Letter to a Jewish Correspondent,, August 29, 2010. Jews&Sex.html

491 Salman Hossain, Jews Are Prominent in Pedophile Bust,, January 6, 2014.

492 Shira Medding, Former Israeli president to face rape charges, officials say,, March 8, 2009.

493 Jewish Child Molestors that are Never On the News – Why? Long list of Jewish Child Molestor Rabbis gets no media coverage and Jewish homosexual pedophiles are undisturbed.

494 Ed Koch, Child Abuse in the Ultra-Orthodox Hasidic Community,, May 15, 2012.

495 Dan Goldberg, Australian Jewish youth leader arrested for child molestation, – The Global Jewish News Source, October 19 2011. jewish-youth-leader-arrested-for-child-molestation

496 Adam Austin, Jew “Honored” To Be Part of Global Child Pornography Ring,, May 30 2009. pornography-ring/

497 Child abuse royal commission: Rabbi Yosef Feldman resigns as director of Yeshiva centre,, February 22, 2015 evidence/6085654 and Sharon Deery, Rabbi Yosef Feldman tells royal commission he didn’t know it’s illegal for adults to touch children’s genitals, Herald Sun, February 6, 2015. know-its-illegal-for-adults-to-touch-childrens-genitals/story-fni0fee2- 1227210372759?nk=e5126b5450f0a711ce0d8acfa5f7f8b4

498 John Marzulli, Ex-wife: Rabbi Israel Weingarten half-nude with our daughter,, March 6, 2009. nude-daughter-article-1.366724

499 Married rabbi, 30, arrested at Jewish youth center in Beverly Hills for 'sexually molesting and spanking naked boys' in New York,, October 30, 2013. boys-New-York.html

500 Ed Noor, The NAMBLA Rabbi,, October 13, 2003.

501 German parents protest against pedophilia – get attacked by faggot Jews and Marxists,, January 28, 2015. jews-and-marxists/

502 NAMBLA, .org,


503 North American Man/Boy Love Association (NAMBLA),,

504 Stephanie J. Dallam, Science or Propaganda? An examination of Rind, Tromovitch & Bauserman (1998), The Leadership Council on Child Abuse and Interpersonal Violence, 2005.

505 Rind et al. controversy,

506 Pat Dollard, It Begins: Pedophiles Call for Same Rights as Homosexuals,, July 25, 2013. with excerpts from the Northern Colorado Gazette,

507 Nick Hallett, Cambridge Conference: ‘Paedophilia is Natural and Normal for Males,’, July 7, 2014. paedophilia-is-natural-and-normal-for-males/

508 Brother Nathanael Kapner, Neurotic Jews – Priests for a New World Order,, 2008.

509 Pat Dollard, It Begins: Pedophiles Call for Same Rights as Homosexuals,, July 25, 2013. with excerpts from the Northern Colorado Gazette,

510 AFA Reports Pedophilia Officially Classified as Sexual Orientation, Charisma News, October 30, 2013. by-american-psychology-association

511 Jennifer LeClaire, APA Associated Pedophilia With Sexual Orientation but Claims It Was an Error, Charisma News, November 1, 2013. sexual-orientation-but-apa-claims-it-was-their-error

512 Stuart Wilde, Gaza & the Talmud’s Death Wish,, November 21, 2012.

513 Michael Hoffman, The Truth About the Talmud,, September 6, 2010.

514 Rev. Ted Pike, Pedophilia, the Talmud’s Dirty Secrety, National Prayer Network,, October 6, 2011. and

515 Sex with Children by Talmud Rules, Come And Hear – an Educational Forum for the Examination of Religious Truth and Religious Tolerance, August 12, 2010. http://come-and-

516 Talmud Permits Child-Adult Sex, children.htm

517 Jewish Law Sodomy with 3 year olds ok, Islam Forum, July 12, 2012.


518 Judaism/The Talmud,,

519 Elizabeth Dilling, Talmudic Immorality, Assinity, and Pornography: The Reprobate Mind, Come-,

520 Anonymous Author, Talmud – Child Sex

521 Marriage and Divorce, American Psychological Association, 2015.

522 Henry Makow, Liberal Jews, Sex and the New Satanic Order,, August 31, 2009.

523 Henry Makow, Illuminati Use Porn to Wage War on Society,, October 11, 2013.

524 Ibid.

525 Jeanice Barcelo, Pornography and the Destruction of Society – The Jewish Influence,, October 17, 2014. citing Ellie Katsnelson, Time to Resist,, September 22, 2014. and Boyd, Porn Upsets Palestinians,, March 3, 2002.

526 Dr. , Jewish Professor Boasts of Jewish Pornography used as a Weapon Against Gentiles,, February 26, 2007. jewish-pornography-used-as-a-weapon-against-gentiles/

527 Nathan Abrams, Triple-exthnics - Nathan Abrams on Jews in the American porn industry, Jewish Quarterly, Winter 204, No 196, p. 27-30.

528 Eric, Pornography, Sex Slaves, Prostitution – Why Are These Businesses Dominated By Jews?,,

529 Lasha Darkmoon, Pornography – The Secret Weapon of the Jews,, May 11, 2014.

530 Frank Weltner, Study Archive of Jewish Pornographers in Modern Societies,,

531 Jewish Professor Boasts of Jewish Pornography Used as a Weapon Against Gentiles, The European Union Times,, March 7, 2007. professor-boasts-of-jewish-pornography-used-as-a-weapon-against-gentiles/

532 Nathan Abrams, Triple Exthnics, Jewish Quarterly, Winter 2004, Number 196.


533 Brother Nathanael Kapner, How The Jews Are Destroying America,, citing excerpts from Patrick Grimm, There Must Be A Dozen Ways To Destroy Your Country: How the Jewish Supremacists Wrecked America,, February 28, 2007. country-how-the-jewish-supremacists-wrecked-america/ Link no longer available but page can be viewed here: ere-must-be-a-dozen-ways-to-destroy-your-country-how-the-jewish-supremacists-wrecked- america/

534 Forum,

535 Ellie Katsnelson, Time to Resist,, September 22, 2014.

536 Boyd, Porn upsets Palestinians,, March 30, 2002.

537 Mr , Sexualization of children by the International Criminal jewish Mafia,, September 2014. Criminal-jewish-Mafia-

538 , Jews Behind Sexualization of Kids, Vanguard News Network, February 6, 2008.

539 Lasha Darkmoon, Manufacturing Satanism: A Personal Memoir,, November 1, 2014.

540 The Insane Jews That Created Common Core,, May 30, 2014.

541 Joseph Abrams, U.N. Report Advocates Teaching Masturbation to 5-Year-Olds,, August 26, 2009.

542 Doug Giles, Sexing Up Your Kids: Here’s What A School Has for Your 4th Grader,, February 21, 2014. citing Judy Cloud Berryhill, Talking About Sex, University of Tennessee,

543 Renee Nal, Report: Chicago schools teaching ‘safe’ anal sex to 5th graders, – Common Core Watch, November 17, 2014. safe-anal-sex-to-5th-graders/

544 Volubrjotr, Obama Linked To NAMBLA: North American Man Boy Lust Association: Obama–>Jennings–>Hay–>NAMBLA,, September 18, 2010. association-obama-jennings-hay-nambla/

545 White House "safe schools" czar Kevin Jennings: How he pushed the homosexual agenda to kids in America's schools,, December 10, 2009.


546 Child Pornography in the Classroom,, December 26, 2009. citing Jim Hoft, Breaking: Obama’s “Safe Schools Czar” Is Promoting Child Porn in the Classroom– Kevin Jennings and the GLSEN Reading List,, December 4, 2009. porn-in-the-classroom-kevin-jennings-and-the-glsen-reading-list/ Link is no longer active but archive can be viewed here: aking-obamas-safe-schools-czar-is-promoting-porn-in-the-classroom-kevin-jennings-and-the-glsen- reading-list/

547 The "Fistgate" conference: HERE'S what homosexual activists in schools do with children,, October 19, 2012.

548 Doktor Zoom, Hero Dad Arrested for Trying to Protect Kids From Filthy Sex Book,, May 7, 2014. filthy-sex-book

549 Ben Velderman, New Hampshire Father Opposes Required Reading of Pornographic Novel in 9th Grade English,, May 5, 2014. required-reading-of-pornographic-novel-in-9th-grade-english/

550 Lily Dane, Dad Arrested For Speaking Up About Pornographic Content in Required Reading for 9th Graders,, May 6, 2014. speaking-pornographic-content-required-reading-9th-graders/

551 Brother Nathaneal, The Judaic Destruction of Western Culture, Real Zionist News, 2010.

552 Lianne Laurence, Ontario sex-ed architect convicted on child porn charges: courtroom hears graphic details,, March 4, 2015. wynnes-former-top-education-bureaucrat-convicted-on-three-child-po

553 Tara Fowler, Did Middle School Students Receive Fifty Shades of Grey Themed Word Search Puzzles?, February 12, 2015.

554 Zach Johnson, Middle School Students Given Fifty Shades of Grey Crossword Puzzles: "It Was a Huge But Unintentional Error,", February 12, 2015. crossword-puzzles-it-was-a-huge-but-unintentional-error

555 Adam Salazar, School Asks Eighth Graders How Far They Would Go Sexually,, June 6, 2014.

556 Abby Eden, Father Upset with Terms on School’s Sexual Education Poster,, January 14, 2014. poster/

557 Mikael Thalen, ‘Fifty Shades of Grey’ Word Search Puzzles Given to Middle Class Students,, February 11, 2015. puzzles-given-to-middle-school-students/


558 ‘Fifty Shades of Gray’ Puzzles Given to PA Middle School Children, February 12, 2015.

559 Shawna Cohen, Masturbating Moms Go Mainstream, May 7, 2012. live-mothers-day-parody-659/

560 Gloria Goodale, How 'Fifty Shades of Grey' is contributing to shift in norms on sexuality,, February 18, 2015. Shades-of-Grey-is-contributing-to-shift-in-norms-on-sexuality

561 Frontier Justice, Fifty 50 Shades Of Grey - More Jewish Psychological Warfare, Laconics Round Table,, Feb. 14, 2015.

562 Kelly Fitzgerald, Home Births May Be Safer Than Hospital Births, Medical News Today, September 20, 2012.

563 James Gallagher, Home births are 'best for many mothers', BBC News Health, December 3, 2014,

564 Haroon Siddique, Low-risk pregnant women urged to avoid hospital births, The Guardian, December 2, 2014. women-urged-avoid-hospital-births

565 Melissa Cheyney PhD, CPM, LDM, et al, Outcomes of Care for 16,924 Planned Home Births in the United States: The Midwives Alliance of North America Statistics Project, 2004 to 2009, Journal of Midwifery and Woman’s Health, Volume 59, Issue 1, January/February 2014,

566 Lynn Griffith, Largest homebirth study completed reports that 97 percent of babies were carried fullterm with minimal interventions used for labor and delivery, Natural Parenting, News, September 9, 2014, as posted at completed-reports-97-percent-babies-carried-fullterm-minimal-interventions-used-labor-delivery/ citing Melissa Cheyney PhD, CPM, LDM, et al, Outcomes of Care for 16,924 Planned Home Births in the United States: The Midwives Alliance of North America Statistics Project, 2004 to 2009, Journal of Midwifery and Woman’s Health, Volume 59, Issue 1, January/February 2014,

567 Childbirth Connection, Rates for Total Cesarean Section, Primary Cesarean Section, and Vaginal Birth After Cesarean (VBAC), United States, 1989-2012.


569 Jennifer Mercier, PhD, Expanding Our Focus: C-section Recovery, Pathways to Family Wellness, Issue #33, March 1, 2012, focus-C-section-recovery.html

570 Christine Haran, Preventing Premature Births,,


571 Melissa Cheyney PhD, CPM, LDM, et al, Outcomes of Care for 16,924 Planned Home Births in the United States: The Midwives Alliance of North America Statistics Project, 2004 to 2009, Journal of Midwifery and Woman’s Health, Volume 59, Issue 1, January/February 2014,

572 Kenneth C. Johnson and Betty-Anne Daviss. Outcomes of planned home births with certified professional midwives: large prospective study in North America, British Medical Journal, 330, 2005: 1416.

573 Ibid.

574 Heidi Stevenson, Home Birth Safer Than Hospital Birth: Nation-Wide Study Netherlands,, November 14, 2014, safer-than-hospital-birth-nation-wide-study-netherlands/

575 Ibid.

576 Terri LaPoint, Breastfed, Homebirthed Babies Taken Away From Parents For Not Using Hospital, Health Impact News,, November 25, 2014, for-not-using-hospital/

577 Terri LaPoint, 4 Month Old Texas Baby Seized from Parents in Medical Dispute, Health Impact News,, October 22, 2014. texas-baby-seized-from-parents-in-medical-dispute/

578 Shaoni Bhattacharya, The Lifelong Cost of Burying our Traumatic Experiences, New Scientist, November 11, 2014. our-traumatic-experiences.html citing Bessel van der Kolk, The Body Keeps the Score: Brain, Mind, and Body in the Healing of Trauma, Viking Books, 2014.

579 Beth Stebner, The most dangerous drug in the world: 'Devil's Breath' chemical from Colombia can block free will, wipe memory and even kill,, May 12, 2012, Colombia-ELIMINATES-free-will.html

580 Richard Helms, Scopolamine Island, CIA.

581 Alan Bellows, The Truth About Truth Serum, Damn Interesting, Article 81, December 22, 2005.

582 Top Documentary Films, World’s Scariest Drug, including first-hand accounts of the extreme loss of free will caused by this scopolamine.

583 Barbara Rivera of in a private interview with Jeanice Barcelo on May 31, 2014.

584 Dr. Leonard Horowitz, “Vaccine Fraud” on Coast 2 Coast AM as quoted at

585 Dr. Leonard Horowitz, as quoted by Lenon Honor at Trauma Based Mind Control The Making of Medical Doctors, June 21, 2013. and “In Lies We Trust, Part 4”


586 Dr. Rima Laibow, Dr Rima Laibow Exposes Genocidal Plot,, December 10, 2012.

587 Dr. Alvin Mahoney in a radio interview with Lenon Honor,, Trauma Based Mind Control The Making of Medical Doctors, June 21, 2013.

588 Musicis2words, The Use of Color in Mind Control Conditioning, Metaphysical Forensics, March 21, 2014. control- conditioning/

589 Arthur and Fiona Cristian, Darkness Visible: The Freemasonic World In Plain Sight, Love for Life, December 14, 2014. world-plain-sight-decoding-george-washington-lithograp

590 Barbara Rivera of in a private interview with Jeanice Barcelo on May 31, 2014.

591 Nick Wing, Here Are The Most Horrific Details From The Senate Torture Report, Huffington Post, December 9, 2014, details_n_6295396.html

592 Karriker, W., Torture-based mind control: Empirical research, programmer methods, effects and treatment. Workshop conducted at the 13th International Conference on Violence, Abuse and Trauma, September 2008, San Diego, CA. based-mind control-as-a-global-phenomenon/ and Monarch/MKULTRA/SRA Child Abuse,

593 Lisa Hajjar, The CIA Didn’t Just Torture, It Experimented on Human Beings, The, December 16, 2014. experimented-human-beings#

594 Ibid.

595 Dr. Alvin Mahoney in a radio interview with Lenon Honor,, Trauma Based Mind Control The Making of Medical Doctors, June 21, 2013.

596 Dr. Susan Kraemer and Zina Steinberg, The Dark Side Of Fertility Treatments: Lessons From A Neonatal Intensive Care Unit, Psychology Today, July 18, 2012. treatments-lessons-neonatal-intensive-care-uni

597 Wesley J. Smith, The Dark Side of the Fertility Industry: Destroying Women’s Health, LifeSite News, September 13, 2013. industry-destroying-womens-health/

598 Pamela Mahoney Tsigdinos, The Sobering Facts About Egg Freezing That Nobody’s Talking About, Wired, October 24, 2014.

599 Andrew Moseman, Genetics Study: Will IVF Babies Face Health Problems Later in Life?, Discover Magazine, February 22, 2010. study-will-ivf-babies-face-health-problems-later-in-life


600 Christian Nordqvist, In Vitro Fertilization Has Higher Birth Defect Risk, Medical News Today, October 22, 2012.

601 Alexandra Sifferlin, Study Clarifies Link Between Fertility Treatments and Neurological Problems In Kids, Time, March 26, 2013. between-fertility-treatments-and-neurological-problems-in-kids/

602 Andrew Moseman, Genetics Study: Will IVF Babies Face Health Problems Later in Life?, Discover Magazine, February 22, 2010. study-will-ivf-babies-face-health-problems-later-in-life

603 Lynn Hsieh, IVF Babies' Risk for ADHD: Eleven Times Higher Than in Traditional Births, ADDitude, March 2010.

604 Jeanice Barcelo, Luciferian Reproductive Scientists Create Babies in Artificial Wombs,, August 8, 2014.

605 Rebecca Taylor, In-Vitro Fallout: Donor IVF Teen Says “I Wish I Had Never Been Born,”, June 27, 2014. teen-says-i-wish-i-had-never-been-born/

606 Ibid.

607 Rebecca Taylor, In-Vitro Fallout: Donor IVF Teen Says “I Wish I Had Never Been Born,”, June 27, 2014. teen-says-i-wish-i-had-never-been-born/

608 Debora Spar, The Dark Side of IVF, The Daily Beast, May 10, 2010.

609 Parker/Waichman LLP, CDC Study – Clomid Side Effects May Be Linked To Birth Defects, Lawsuits Pending. recall

610 For a very potent perspective on the reality of artificial reproductive technologies, please read The Sobering Facts About Egg Freezing That Nobody’s Talking About, by Pamela Mahoney Tsigdinos,, October 24, 2014.

611 Human DNA From Aborted Fetuses Are In Vaccines, The Liberty Beacon, February 7, 2013.

612 Rebecca Millette, Biotech company using cell lines from aborted babies in food enhancement testing,, March 29, 2011. cell-lines-from-aborted-babies-in-food-enhancement-te/

613 Dave Mihalovic, Avoid Any Products Containing Aborted Fetal Cells,, March 9 2012. Cells.shtml

614 Aborted Human Fetal Cells for Stimulating Artificial Flavors,


615 Mark David, Satan at Work: Aborted Fetuses Used in Food, Beauty Products and Vaccines,, vaccines/

616 Dr. Eowyn, Aborted Human Fetal Cells in Your Food, Vaccines & Cosmetics,, December 22, 2011, cosmetics/

617 Onan Coca, Oregon Burning Aborted Babies at Garbage Facility to Create Electricity, Eagle Rising, April 25, 2014. energy/

618 Richard Shears, Thousands of pills filled with powdered human baby flesh discovered by customs officials in South Korea, Mail Online, May 7, 2012, 2140702/South-Korea-customs-officials-thousands-pills-filled-powdered-human-baby- flesh.html?ICO=most_read_module

619 Harvesting eggs from aborted babies to create IVF babies? Ten years later the story still horrifies,, April 13, 2013. years-later-th -- original link has mysteriously disappeared but article can be seen here: eggs-from-aborted-babies-to-create-ivf-babies-ten-years-later-th and here:

620 Jeanice Barcelo, Israel and the Dark Side of Reproductive Technologies,, July 26, 2014, dark-side-of-surrogacy-ivf-and.html

621 Stephanie Guler, IVF After Death; Post-mortem Sperm Retrieval,, Health News, June 13, 2011. sperm-retrieval_2947

622Harvesting eggs from aborted babies to create IVF babies? Ten years later the story still horrifies,, April 13, 2013. babies-to-create-ivf-babies-ten-years-later-th -- original not available but article can be seen here: eggs-from-aborted-babies-to-create-ivf-babies-ten-years-later-th and here:

623 Stephanie Guler, IVF After Death; Post-mortem Sperm Retrieval,, Health News, June 13, 2011. sperm-retrieval_2947

624 IVF Babies: A Gift of Israel and Hadassah to Its People, Hadassah: The Women’s Zionist Organization of America, Inc., July 2, 2014.


625 Rabbi Mordechai Halperin, Post-Mortem Sperm Retrieval, Important Jewish ethics regarding postmortem sperm retrieval,

626 James Gallagher, ‘Memories’ pass between generations, BBC News Health, December 1, 2013.

627 Dan Hurley, Grandma's Experiences Leave a Mark on Your Genes,, June 11, 2013. mark-on-your-genes

628 Jeanice Barcelo, Israel and the Dark Side of Reproductive Technologies,, July 26, 2014, dark-side-of-surrogacy-ivf-and.html

629 Saline Abortions are Cruel and Dangerous, Minnesota Citizens Concerned for Life,

630 Julia Alcott, Post abortion stress - the psychological stress some women suffer after abortion,, psychological-stress-some-women-suffer-after-abortion.html

631 Diana Phillips, PTSD Linked to Increased Risk for Preterm Birth, November 7, 2014.

632 Robert Preidt, PTSD in Women Linked to Premature Birth, Medline Plus, November 6, 2014.

633 March of Dimes, 2014 Premature Birth Report Cards, Sourcing National Center for Health Statistics.

634 Richard E. Behrman, et al., Preterm Birth: Causes, Consequences and Prevention – The Role of Environment Toxicants in Preterm Birth, Institute of Medicine, The National Academies Press, Washington, D.C., 2007.

635 Chris Weller, Preterm Births Tied to Chemicals in Personal Products, Processed Foods: What Are Phthalates?,, November 20, 2013. tied-chemicals-found-personal-products-processed-foods-what-are-phthalates-263285

636 March of Dimes, Born Too Soon, The Global Action Report on Preterm Birth, 2010.

637 U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Health Resources and Services Administration, Maternal and Child Health, Child Health USA – Preterm Birth, 2013.

638 Birth of a New Earth Radio Show, Jeanice Barcelo interviewing Dr. Paul Byrne about the Dark Side of Organ Donation, July 20, 2013.

639 Sidney Lupkin, Patient Wakes Up as Doctors Get Ready to Remove Organs, ABC News, July 9 2013,


640 Susan Donaldson James, Parents' Hospital Lawsuit Says Teen Was 'Killed' For Organs, ABC News, March 6, 2009,

641 Andres Jauregui, Patrick McMahon, Whistleblower, Claims Organ Donor Network Harvested From Living Patients, Huffington Post, September 27, 2012. patients_n_1919079.html

643 In one Hawaiian story, Maui and Kaho’olawe were once united as a single landmass, but after a battle between two Hawaiian goddesses (Pele and Haumea), the waters rose and they became two separate islands. In this battle, Pele (Hawaiian volcano goddess) was desirous of having a child and she asked Haumea (Hawaiian goddess of childbirth) for help and blessings. Haumea refused to help Pele, believing Pele to be too volatile to make a good mother. Enraged by Haumea’s refusal to bless her with a child, Pele caused earthquakes and volcanic eruptions and Haumea raised the waters to put out Pele’s fire.

644 Mary Kawena Pukui and Samuel H. Elbert, Hawaiian Dictionary, University of Hawaii Press, 1986, Honolulu, HI. Haki = easily broken, fragile; Awa = A premature infant, believed caused by a “sour” condition of the mother. 01haw-50-20-frameset-book--1-010escapewina%3Dd&a=d&d=D0&toc=0

645 Martha Beckwith, Hawaiian Mythology – Papa and Wakea, 1940,, - “…Papa became pregnant with the island, Sick with the foetus she bore, Great Maui was born, an island, . . . Papa was in heavy travail with the island Kanaloa (Kahoolawe). . . A child born to Papa, Papa left and returned to Tahiti, Went back to Tahiti at Kapakapakaua, Wakea stayed, lived with Kaula as wife, Lanai-kaula was born, The firstborn of that wife. Wakea sought a new wife and found Hina, Hina lived as wife to Wakea, Hina became pregnant with the island of Molokai, The island of Molokai was a child of Hina. The messenger of Kaula (Laukaula) told Of Wakea's living with another woman; Papa was raging with jealousy, Papa returned from Tahiti Bitter against her husband Wakea…”

646 GlobalSecurity.Org – Military - Kaho’olawe. - “Kaho`olawe [To be carried away, in Hawaiian] Island has been used to train military personnel for air and sea attacks, as well as for marine landings over a period extending from 1941 to 1990. Since 1941 the island has been used for combat training and as a bombing target [both live and inert firing] by US military forces and its allies. Since the 1970's the target area has been limited to the central 1/3 of the island. There is evidence that prior to the 1970's the entire island was used as a target. Almost every type of ordnance item used by the US military during this period may have been dropped or fired on Kaho`olawe…”

647 The History of Molokini Crater, November 6, 2012. molokini-crater/ - “Molokini… is believed to be the umbilical cord of neighboring Kaho’olawe… Given the ancient Hawaiian tradition of burying the umbilical cord of ali’i, or chiefs, it’s theorized that Molokini was potentially used as a place where the afterbirth of royalty would be ceremoniously placed into the ground… Kaho’olawe’s history as a target island is well known, not as many people are aware that neighboring Molokini was also used as a place for explosive destruction. Allegedly the crescent shape of the islet closely mimicks the shape of a battleship, and scuba divers at Molokini continue to find 50 caliber bullet casings even to this day.”

648 Map of Kansas Literature, Karl Menninger,


649 Dr. Stephanie Mines, Removing Primary Obstacles to Early Development Assessment and Treatment, The TARA Approach for the Resolution of Shock and Trauma, Copyright 2006, pp. 14-15.

650 ibid, pp. 17-18.

651 See Queen Liliʻuokalani, Hawaii's Story by Hawaii's Queen, Lee and Shephard, Boston MA, 1898. See also Keanu Sai Doctoral Dissertation, The American Occupation of the Hawaiian Kingdom: Beginning the Transition from Occupied to Restored State, University of Hawai`i at Manoa, Political Science, December 20, 2008

652 Matthew Thayer, The Burning Question,, July-August, 2014,

653 Ibid.

654 For more info on this topic, please visit:

655 Facts About Sugar Cane on Maui,, “For almost 75 years, sugarcane reigned, subsidized largely by the U.S. Federal Government. Sugar planters ruled the islands’ economy, changed their social structure and kept them in a colonial plantation style of living with bosses and field workers.”

656 Alan Ostrowsky, An Introduction to Chemtrails and Geo-Engineering,

657Japanese Government Pays 60 Trillion Yen to Stop More H.A.A.R.P. Attacks, EU Times, May 24, 2011. r-p-attacks/

658 Chisa Fujioka, U.N. urged to freeze climate geo-engineering projects, Reuters, October 21, 2010.

659 Mike Adams, Global Warming Data FAKED by Government to fit climate change fictions,, June 23, 2014.

660 Obama’s October Surprise – Creating and Steering Hurricane Sandy,, November 6, 2012. steering-hurricane-sandy/

661 Zen Gardner, Eugenics, Depopulation, and the Elite Mindset,, September 21, 2014. mindset/

662 Geoengineering,

663 Agenda 21 – The UN Blueprint for the 21st Century, The Green Agenda.

664 Dr. Stephanie Mines, Removing Primary Obstacles to Early Development Assessment and Treatment, TARA Approach for the Resolution of Shock and Trauma, Copyright 2006, pp. 23-25.


665 Michael D Trout citing Robert C. Scaer, The Body Bears the Burden: Trauma, Dissociation and Disease, The Haworth Medical Press, Binghamton, New York, 2001, p. 108. disease#.VKS3ONzr0-1

666 For information about the “circumstraint,” please visit:

667 Scott Andrews, British Columbia, Canada in a personal communication to Jeanice Barcelo

668 Circumcision Information Summary,, and Doctors Opposing Circumcision - Genital Policy Statement - Chapter Six: Long-Term Adverse Effects of Circumcision,

669 Dr. Stephanie Mines, Removing Primary Obstacles to Early Development Assessment and Treatment, The TARA Approach for the Resolution of Shock and Trauma, Copyright 2006, pp. 19-21.

670 In your grandmother’s womb: The egg that made you., Genetics for Parents, Genetics for Everyone,, grandmothers-womb-the-egg-that-made-you/

671 Dr. Stephanie Mines, Removing Primary Obstacles to Early Development Assessment and Treatment, The TARA Approach for the Resolution of Shock and Trauma, Copyright 2006, pp. 9-11.

672 Jessie Bering, Breasts in Mourning: How Bottle-Feeding Mimics Child Loss in Mothers’ Brains, Scientific American Blogs, August 27, 2009, mind/2009/08/27/breasts-in-mourning-how-bottle-feeding-mimics-child-loss-in-mothers-brains/

673 Megan J. Lewis, An investigation of the Effects of Pitocin for Labor and Induction and Augmentation on Breastfeeding Success, (2012), Scripps Senior Theses, Paper 109. : “…studies have shown that exogenous oxytocin can interfere with the natural production and regulation of oxytocin and can have adverse effects on the fetus and mother…”

674 Epidural Release Form,

675 Chris Kresser, Natural childbirth V: epidural side effects and risks,, 2011.

676 Vladimir Megre, Rites of Love, Ringing Cedars Press, Paia, HI, pp. 160-162.

677 David Otieno Akombo, Ph.D., The Use of Drumming as Cure for Children with Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), 2003. “…Effective treatments have now been developed to help people with PTSD. Research is also helping more scientists to better understand the condition and how it affects both the brain and body. Different forms of music such as drumming are becoming an important therapeutic tool. Drumming exercises greatly reduce stress among Vietnam veterans and other victims of trauma, apparently by altering their brain-wave patterns…”

678 Benefits of male circumcision outweigh risks, CDC says,, December 2, 2014.


679 Professor Gregory Boyle, Scientist Denounces Flawed Studies Used by CDC to Promote Circumcision. citing Boyle, G.J. and Hill, G., Sub-Saharan African randomised clinical trials into male circumcision and HIV transmission: methodological, ethical and legal concerns, J Law Med. 2011 Dec;19(2):316-34.

680 Robert Predit, Circumcision Doesn't Lessen HIV Transmission, ABC News, July 18, 2009. quoting Maria J. Wawer, et al., Circumcision in HIV-infected men and its effect on HIV transmission to female partners in Rakai, Uganda: a randomised controlled trial, The Lancet, Vol. 374, No. 9685, p229–237.

681 Shamiso Yikoniko, HIV infection rate higher on circumcised men, July 8, 2012. infection-rate-higher-on-circumcised-men&catid=38:travel-tips&Itemid=18. Original post no longer accessible but can be seen in full at m_content&view=article&id=8811%3Ahiv-infection-rate-higher-on-circumcised- men&catid=38%3Atravel-tips&Itemid=18

682 U.S. Navy Finds That Circumcision Does Not Prevent HIV or STIs, The Whole Network, October 25, 2011. prevent-hiv-or-stis citing Thomas AG, Bakhireva et al., Prevalence of male circumcision and its association with HIV and sexually transmitted infections in a U.S. navy population, Int Conf AIDS. 2004 Jul 11-16; 15: abstract no. TuPeC4861. Naval Health Research Center, DHAPP, San Diego, CA, United States.

683 See Circumcision and HIV for a list of resources and studies that show circumcision does not prevent HIV.

684 R.S. Van Howe, Does circumcision influence sexually transmitted diseases?: A literature review, BJU International, Volume 83 Supplement 1, January 1999, pp. 52-62.

685 Edward O. Laumann, PhD, et al, Circumcision in the United States: Prevalence, Prophylactic Effects, and Sexual Practice, Journal of the American Medical Association, Vol. 277, No. 13, April 2, 1997, pp. 1052-1057. and

686 Rodriguez-Diaz CE, et al., More than Foreskin: Circumcision Status, History of HIV/STI, and Sexual Risk in a Clinic-Based Sample of Men in Puerto Rico, J Sex Med. 2012 Aug 15. doi: 10.1111/j.1743- 6109.2012.02871.x. [Epub ahead of print].

687 Edward O. Laumann, PhD, et al, Circumcision in the United States: Prevalence, Prophylactic Effects, and Sexual Practice, Journal of the American Medical Association, Vol. 277, No. 13, April 2, 1997, pp. 1052-1057. and

688 Will Dunham, No proof circumcision cuts gay male HIV risk, study says, Reuters, October 7, 2008 as posted on U-T San Deigo,,

689 D Sidler, et al., Neonatal circumcision does not reduce HIV/AIDS infection rates, South African Medical Journal, Volume 98, Number 10, October 2008, pp. 762-766.


690 Christl Meyer, Austrian German Biologist Proves "HIV" Does Not Exist,, July 9, 2012.

691 Christine Johnson, Does HIV Exist?, An Interview with Eleni Papadopulos-Eleopulos,

692 Coleman Jones, What if HIV Does Not Exist?,, November 1996.

693 David Pratt, HIV=AIDS=Death: A Killer Myth,, August 2006.

694 Dr. Peter Deusberg as quoted in Brett Salisbury, Dr. Lawrence Cohen M.D. PHD, HIV Hoax, Kindle Edition, Salisburyebook/dp/B00QH7VDE2/ref=sr_1_fkmr0_2?ie=UTF8&qid=1426111481&sr=8-2- fkmr0&keywords=The+Great+%22HIV%22+Hoax#reader_B00QH7VDE2

695 Mike Adams, AIDS fraud: The Marketing of an Epidemic exposed in House of Numbers exclusive film clip,, May 3 2010.

696 Shirley Lipschutz-Robinson, Questioning the AIDS Virus - The AIDS, HIV, and AZT Controversy, Shirleys-Wellness-Café.com, citing Peter H. Duesberg, Ph.D., Inventing the AIDS Virus, Regnery Publishing, Washington DC, 1996.

697 Volubrjotr, CDC Violates Its Duty To The People ~ Big Pharma Vaccine Hoax Exposed: 30 Years Of Coverup To Abscond Money From The Public!,, December 15, 2012. hoax-exposed-30-years-of-coverup-to-abscond-money-from-the-public/

698 Mike Adams, BREAKING: CDC whistleblower confesses to MMR vaccine research fraud in historic public statement,, August 27, 2014. ml

699 Jon Rappoport, The Big One: CDC whistleblower goes public Now: CDC whistleblower admits fraud publicly: releases Aug. 27 statement!,, August 27, 2014. now/

700 Dr. Joseph Mercola, Oncology Dietitian Exposes Fraud in CDC’s HPV Vaccine Effectiveness Study, Health Impact News, December 17, 2014, cdcs-hpv-vaccine-effectiveness-study/

701 The CDC: A Truly Corrupt and Dangerous Organization,, September 10, 2014.

702 Scientific Fraud and Vaccines, Letter written by Congressman Dave Weldon, MD, to Julie Gerberding, Director of the CDC, regarding a fraudulent CDC-sponsored study purporting to show no link between mercury-laced vaccines and autism,

703 Kent Heckenlively, Esq., Havin' Trouble with CDC Whistleblower, William Thompson,, September 2014. cdc-whistleblower-william-thompson.html


704 Eplettner, Fraud at the CDC uncovered, 340% risk of autism hidden from public, CNN IReport, August 24, 2014. and .pdf

705 Letter to Julie L. Gerberding, M.D., Director at the CDC from Dave Weldon, M.D., October 31. 2003, as posted at, Scientific Fraud and Vaccines,

706 S.S. Moon, et al., Inhibitory effect of breast milk on infectivity of live oral rotavirus vaccines, Pediatr Infect Dis J. 2010 Oct;29(10):919-23.

707 Kristen Michaelis, CDC Advises Delayed Breastfeeding To Boost Vaccine Efficacy.

708 Ethan A. Huff, CDC researchers say mothers should stop breastfeeding to boost 'efficacy' of vaccines,, January 21, 2012.

709 Randall Neustaedter OMD, Lac, Do Vaccines Disable the Immune System?, August 6, 2006. system/

710 Noelle, Do Vaccines Destroy The Immune System Before It Even Has A Chance To Develop Leading To Chronic Auto Immune Disorders and Hundreds of Other Diseases?, April 6, 2014. develop-leading-chronic-auto-immune-disorders-hundreds-diseases/

711 Rowan Contraho, Vaccines as ‘Cluster Bombs’, COTO Report, June 28, 2011. bombs%E2%80%99/#comment-1557

712 Russell L. Blaylock, M.D., Vaccination Dangers Can Kill You or Ruin Your Life,, May 12, 2004. dangers.aspx

713 Patrick Jordan, ICD-999: Vaccine Induced Diseases, The Chronic Serum Sickness Postulate,, 2009.

714 Wendy Myers, Vaccinations Cause Chronic Immune System Dysregulation,, November 8, 2013. dysregulation/

715 Your Immune System, How It Works And How Vaccines Damage It , Damage-It

716 Dr. Joseph Mercola, Vaccines and Immune Suppression,

717 Dr. Neustaedter, O.M.D., L.Ac., Do Vaccines Impair Immune Function?,,


718 Eplettner, Fraud at the CDC uncovered, 340% risk of autism hidden from public, CNN iReport, August 24, 2014,

719 Tim Bolen, The CDC Has Known All Along How Dangerous Vaccines Are - And Has Covered It Up... (Part Three) - What the Government Agencies Actually Knew..., Bolen Report, October 22, 2011.

720 CDC Vaccine Link to Autism Scandal: The Wrong Man was Condemned, Health Impact News, October 6, 2013. wrong-man-was-condemned/

721 Jon Rappoport, CDC caught in billion-dollar scheme to sell vaccines,, September 5, 2014. scheme-to-to-sell-vaccines/

722 U.S. Department of Health and Human Services - Health Resources and Services Administration - National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program – Statistics Report.

723 Ibid.

724 Stephanie Rabiner, Esq, Can't Sue Drug Companies for Vaccine Defects Rules Supreme Court,, February 24, 2011. supreme-court.html

725 Barbara Loe Fisher, Should parents be allowed to opt out of vaccinating their kids?

726 Christina England, 4,250% Increase in Fetal Deaths Reported to VAERS After Flu Shot Given to Pregnant Women,, November 23, 2012. spikes-fetal-death

727 Alexandra Bruce, Genocidal Fraud by the CDC,, August 30, 2014. data.html

728 CDC History of genocide by vaccine,,

729 CDC Genocidal Measles Vaccine Experiments on Minority Children Turn Deadly - U.S. Medical System Conducts Ethnic Cleansing At Home and Abroad, Based on NVIC Vaccine Report 0696 Rec 9/3/96.

730 Dr. Leonard Horowitz and Sherri Kane, HPV Vaccine Risks Include Genocide: Politicians endorse cancer and Depopulation,, 2013. depopulation-dr-leonard-horowitz-sherri-kane/

731 Mandatory Three ‘FLU’ Shots Harkens 1972 Genocidal CDC Plan, From Hell to Veins,, February 25, 2010. three-shots-harkens-1972-genocidal-cdc-plan/


732 Jon Rappoport, Now we come to vaccines and depopulation experiments,, September 15, 2014. experiments/

733 Dr. Rebecca Carley, Innoculations: The True Weapons of Mass Destruction Causing VIDS, Vaccine Induced Diseases (An Epidemic of Genocide),, January 29, 2005.

734 By Stephen Lendman, Bioweapons, Dangerous Vaccines, And Threats Of A Global Pandemic,, July 7, 2009.

735 Mike Adams, Vaccines as Biological Weapons? Live Avian Flu Virus Placed in Baxter Vaccine Materials Sent to 18 Countries,, March 3, 2009.

736 Bioweapons, Dangerous Vaccines, and Threats of a Global Pandemic,, July 9, 2009. of-a-global-pandemic/

737 Christina England, Vaccines Can Cause Infertility,, July 20, 2013.

738 Vaccines: Infertility, Sterilisation & Abortion.

739 Jon Rappoport, Depopulation vaccine in Kenya and beyond: Kenya’s Catholic bishops are charging two United Nations organizations with sterilizing millions of girls and women, November 11, 2014.

740 Steve Weatherbe, Mass Sterilization: Kenyan Doctors Find Anti-Fertility Agent In UN Tetanus Vaccine,, November 8, 2014. depopulation/1899-mass-sterilization-un-tetanus-vaccine.html

741 Christina England Bill Gates’ Polio Vaccine Program Eradicates Children, Not Polio,, November 26, 2013.

742 Guylaine Lanctot, M.D., Vaccination, The Silent Genocide,, November 14, 2005.

743 Rich Winkel, CDC’s Depopulation Policy Targets Gullible Women,, February 28, 2013. gullible-women/

744 Candace Hill, Hidden from History: The Canadian Holocaust - Vaccination Genocide Exposed in Canada,, November 17, 2000.

745 CDC and CIA: A Close and Sick Relationship,, August 28, 2014.


746 Dr. Rebecca Carley comment at: CDC and CIA: A Close and Sick Relationship,, August 28, 2014. relationship.html

747 Ethan A. Huff CDC owns patent on Ebola virus; agency to collect royalties on all future Ebola vaccines,, September 19, 2014.

748 Mark Wachtler, CDC Ebola Patent could earn Billions from a Pandemic,, August 4, 2014, pandemic/ citing Mike Adams, Why does the CDC own a patent on Ebola 'invention?',, August 3, 2014,

749 David Lohr, Kimberly Lindsey Arrested: Bestiality, Child Molestation Charges Filed Against CDC Researcher, Huffington Post, October 11, 2011.

750 Patrick Henningsen, New paedophilia and bestiality scandal compromises the CDC,, December 5, 2011. compromises-the-cdc/

751 David Lohr, Kimberly Lindsey Arrested: Bestiality, Child Molestation Charges Filed Against CDC Researcher, Huffington Post, October 11, 2011.

752 Christian Boone, Lawyer for CDC official accused of molestation seeks to use polygraph evidence, Atlanta Journal Constitution,, May 9, 2013, for-cdc-official-accused-of-molestation-see/nXmpp/

753 Patrick Henningsen, New paedophilia and bestiality scandal compromises the CDC,, December 5, 2011. compromises-the-cdc/



BIRTH OF A NEW EARTH CURRICULUM© By Jeanice Barcelo, M.A. [email protected]

Current research indicates that youth all across America are increasingly at risk for a variety of social disorders including drug and alcohol abuse, eating disorders, behavioral problems, learning disabilities, severe depression, suicidal behavior, violent behavior, criminal activity, and more. Young people are also at risk for a variety of reproductive challenges such as prepubescent menstrual cycles, premature sexual activity, unwanted teen pregnancy, single or repeated abortions, single parenthood, and/or giving birth to an unwanted child.

A growing body of research in the field or pre- and perinatal psychology is suggesting that this current social crisis may have its roots in unresolved trauma that our youth may have experienced while in the womb, during birth, or during the immediate post-natal period of their lives. Western society has paid very little attention to the importance of the birth experience and the first nine months in the womb, and we have seriously under-estimated the impact of pre- and perinatal trauma on the psyches of our young. As a result, our youth are suffering tremendously and are having a difficult time leading joyful, healthy lives.

Much to our misfortune, there is not a single school (that I am aware of) in the whole of the United States or elsewhere that has 301 taken on the responsibility of teaching young adults about the principles of conscious procreation and parenting. Although “sex education” has made its way into high school classrooms, truly meaningful discussions about the spiritual implications of haphazard sexual behavior, and/or about the importance of conceiving babies consciously, gestating them in loving and trauma-free wombs, birthing them gently, and parenting them consciously, are sadly absent.

As a result, millions (perhaps billions) of children are being conceived haphazardly and then gestated in wombs filled with fear, shame, and resentment. This difficult beginning (if it doesn’t end in abortion) is often followed by a birth experience that is filled with trauma and toxicity.

According to a study done by William Emerson (expert in pre- and perinatal psychology and pioneer in the field of birth trauma healing), 95% of American hospital births are considered traumatic, with 50% of these being rated as moderately traumatic, and 45% being rated as severely traumatic. Early trauma has been shown to affect the development of the fetal and infant brain, nervous system, neuro-chemistry, organs, physiology, psychology, and consciousness. Early traumatic memories leave imprints that are stored somatically and, although these memories may not be available to the conscious mind, they nevertheless influence all aspects of health and personality.

Traumatic imprints create psychological and behavioral patterns that tend to repeat throughout life. For example, babies that are gestated in wombs where mother and father are not in a loving relationship may carry an imprint of dysfunctional relating that can manifest and seek resolution later in life. The imprint can effectively cause a maturing young adult to repetitively enter into unfulfilling and/or abusive relationships as he or she recreates the conditions of his/her early wounding in an attempt to achieve a different outcome. Unless human beings become conscious of the primal wounding that is generating their behavior and their choices (much of which is often inter-generational), and unless they find ways to achieve resolution, the patterns are likely to repeat themselves and get passed on to future generation.

Early traumatic womb experiences can include, but are not limited to:


 being in a womb where one is not wanted and/or where thoughts of abortion are contemplated

 being in a womb where the mother is experiencing deep emotional pain or chronic depression (the fetus is swimming in the hormonal/neurochemical make-up of its mother)

 being the product of a loveless sexual experience

 being in a womb that is filled with stress hormones due to the stress that parents (especially our mothers) are under

 being exposed to toxic substances such as alcohol, nicotine, and illegal and prescription drugs while in the womb, at birth, or during the first two years of life

 being exposed to domestic violence or violence of any kind before, during, or after birth

 being abandoned by one or both parents

All of the above experiences (and this is a very small sampling) can result in the under-development of the human brain and the over-adrenalization of the nervous system. Biological deficiencies and traumatic compensations tend to compound over time and can lead to an adolescent and/or adult that has difficulty generating healthy behavior, satisfying relationships, and a joyful life.

It is for this reason that it is imperative to offer young people an educational program that will help them understand the social conditions that are perpetuating this dis-ease. The program should also offer tools to effectuate healing and transformation – tools that will help our youth put an end to the lineage of accidental and unwanted pregnancies, and thereby put an end to the lineage of abuse, maltreatment, neglect, and dysfunction.

The program described below is geared toward young adults between the ages of 17 and 30 (mature adults can also benefit from the program). It is designed to help change the way young people think about relationships, sexuality, pregnancy, birth, and parenting. It is also designed to provide young people with tools

303 and knowledge that will help them heal their past and create a better future for themselves and for their children.

The curriculum outlined below encourages young people to understand the social implications of irresponsible sexual activity, thereby encouraging them to be in absolute integrity with their sexual behavior. Each class will stress the importance of being truly ready to bring forth life before becoming sexually active and, once this readiness is established, to seek a stable, committed, loving relationship (and home) before conceiving a child.

The curriculum is further designed to educate youth about the types of trauma that can occur during conception, prenatal life, at birth, and also during the first two years after birth. This information has a variety of benefits including:

 helping youth become conscious of any trauma they, themselves, may have experienced in their own early life, thereby starting the process of conscious resolution;

 providing them with tools they can use to heal their own damaging imprints;

 helping youth understand the implications of irresponsible sexual behavior and haphazard conception;

 providing youth with a moral incentive to make sure the important pieces are in place BEFORE they become sexually active and/or become pregnant and have a child.

Emphasis will be placed on their capacity to make responsible choices, encouraging them to maintain a drug and alcohol-free environment at all times and trusting that, if they do choose to become pregnant after this program, they will have enough information to create the best possible circumstances for themselves and their babies.

The program consists of a 20-week intensive lecture, film, and experiential series that will utilize a combination of classroom-like discussions, auditory and visual aids, and on-going focus-group interactions, as outlined below.



The course you are about to review is designed to examine cultural practices and beliefs in the areas of sexuality, pregnancy, childbirth and parenting. By utilizing cross-cultural data as a method of comparison, the following curriculum critically analyzes western habits and customs with respect to the conception, gestation, birth, and parenting of children — and the impact this is having on individuals, families, society, and the human species as a whole.

Through a combination of lecture, film, and focus-group interactions, the curriculum explores the things that can be done to heal the past and create a better future – one that will support the preservation of love in families and completely transform the quality of western civilization.

Part I A Cross-Cultural Look at Human Sexuality

Weeks 1 & 2 – A sociological and anthropological overview of the social construction of “masculinity” and “femininity” and how cultural definitions, norms, and expectations influence human relationships and sexual behavior.

Week 3 – An examination of the media and pornography and the impact they are having on our understanding of human sexuality.

Week 4 – A review of some of the most pertinent religious beliefs that Americans hold about gender, sexuality and childbirth, how this compares with indigenous cultures around the world, and how this is influencing the way we are conceiving, gestating and birthing our children.


Part II An In-Depth Look at Pregnancy and Childbirth

This part of the course will offer in-depth information about the importance of prenatal and birth experiences, and how they affect our lives and our civilization. We will look closely at hospital birthing practices and how technological interventions are influencing the primal process of gestation and birth. We will examine how the relationship between mother and father can affect baby’s brain development as well as its relational abilities later in life. We will learn about the importance of the mother- infant bond and how this bond begins to build in the earliest stages of gestation and can create a lifetime of healthy relating or its opposite. We will discuss, in-depth, the types of trauma that can occur during the various stages of gestation and at birth and how these traumas affect our later lives. We will also look closely at ways to prevent prenatal and birth trauma, and examine tools we can use to reorganize our own neurology and brain chemistry to repattern our own unhealthy imprints.

Weeks 5 & 6 – The importance of the preconception environment and how to prepare oneself for conscious conception.

Week 7 – An overview of the important role of the father during the childbearing year.

Weeks 8 & 9 – An overview of life in the womb and how our experiences during the first nine months of life can affect our health and personality throughout life.

Week 10 – An examination of the significance of mother’s emotions during gestation and at birth and how they impact the neurology, brain chemistry, physiology and psychology of the fetus. Included here will be a discussion about parental love and how mother’s relationship with father plays a very important role in our brain development, our personality, and our capacity to develop healthy love relationships later in life.

Weeks 11-14 – An examination of modern birthing practices and the impact of technological interventions during gestation and childbirth (including review of several pertinent films including Pregnant in America and The Business of Being Born).


Week 15 – An overview of the significance of the mother/infant bond and the impact on the parent/child relationship and the psychological health of mother and child if this bond is interfered with.

Week 16 – Viewing of the film “Birth As We Know It.”

Weeks 17 & 18 – How to heal our past trauma with Jin Shin and prepare for conscious procreation.

Part III Conscious Parenting

Week 19 – Attachment parenting – the importance of holding the baby, sleeping with the baby, and making sure the baby and the mother are properly nurtured and cared-for. Also, an in-depth look at vaccinations.

Week 20 – Discussion about the physical and emotional benefits of breast-feeding, and info about lactation support and/or postpartum doula support.




Photo Credit – Patti Ramos –

Birth of a New Earth is pleased to announce an educational program designed specifically to empower men and to educate the public about the important role of the father during the childbearing year.

The series will explore the father’s role during the entire primal period — from the preconception and conception phases of childbirth, through pregnancy, birth, and beyond. We will take a critical look at the ways in which western society tends to alienate men from the birth process and undermine the role men need to play in bringing forth new life. We will discuss how beneficial it is for the father to play a central role in the birth of his children and ways to ensure the integrity of the father’s position during hospital and/or home birth.

In addition, we will also take a close look at the social construction of masculinity and male sexuality as they are being expressed in western societies. We will discuss the ways in which the current definition of “manhood” may not only be wounding our men, but may also be undermining the potential for healthy male/female relationships and for powerful, love-filled, conception experiences for ourselves and our children.


Finally, we will explore why the healing of the masculine is essential for the preservation of love in our families and discuss how men can reclaim their divine masculine potency and step into their power as partners and as fathers.

For more information about this program, please contact: [email protected]


Photo by Patti Ramos -

PLEASE NOTE: This series is being brought forth as an antidote to the current trauma-based paradigm of unconscious conception and technological birth. All segments will be led by Jeanice Barcelo, M.A. and have been inspired by Jeanice’s own personal experiences with childbirth and years of professional study and training regarding the impact of prenatal and birth experiences on the human spirit/body/mind system.

Jeanice’s work has also been inspired by her reading of the Anastasia books ( and her deep desire to effectuate global transformation by transforming the cultural dysfunction around human sexuality and childbirth.





Photo by Midwife Carol Gautschi -

Restoring Love in Families through Conscious Procreation and Transforming the Earth by Transforming the Way We Give Birth

Birth of a New Earth is pleased to announce its intention to bring forth an international, spiritually-based, preparatory school/center that will teach the principles of conscious co-creation to future parents, birth professionals, and those interested in personal healing and development.

Based on the vision outlined in the Ringing Cedars series of books written by Vladimir Megre (, the school is being brought forth as an antidote to the current trauma-based paradigm of unconscious conception and technological birth. The school will focus on the keys to preserving love in families and offer teachings that emphasize the importance of doing preparatory work prior to the conception of children. Classes will outline the importance of parental choices and take students from A to Z on the principles of creating a proper preconception environment, conceiving babies consciously, gestating babies in trauma-free wombs, birthing babies in the most gentle and loving environments, and parenting them in a way that will allow them to

313 fulfill their divine potential. Special classes for future fathers will also be included so that men will have a deeper under-standing of the critical role they need to play in bringing forth new life.

Photo by Patti Ramos

Also included will be a variety of programs that will help future parents explore and heal their own prenatal and birth experiences. This aspect of preconception preparation will be stressed in order to ensure that negative imprinting from previous births will not get activated during future births and will not get passed on to incoming children.

The school/center will offer access to some of the finest teachers and trainings, as well as workshops and seminars, teacher trainings and film festivals, and a special 12-week curriculum designed especially for men.

Access to the best healing modalities and treatments for the resolution and prevention of prenatal and birth trauma will also be available as will certification trainings for those wishing to practice and teach these modalities.


The anticipated date for the opening of this facility is September, 2016. We are actively seeking to raise funds for the creation of this school, which will be the first of its kind to exist anywhere on planet Earth.

If you are moved by this endeavor and would like to support or participate in any way, please contact:

[email protected]

Thank you for taking the time to read this and for supporting the birth of a new humanity.



ODE TO MAKENA By Jeanice Barcelo

Sacred Makena Breast of the Mother and Primal oceans of sound Pristine beauty and crystalline waters Our love for you knows no bounds

Your magnificence awes us And touches all souls And assists us to remember That God is nature And God is love And this is true forever

Stop the bulldozers! Stop the hatred Of nature and the Mother Humanity needs love The Earth needs healing We need to unite with one another

Standing strong Courageous and determined Let’s plant the ultimate seed And make a promise For all tomorrows No more nasty deeds


Whales being mutilated Turtles with cancer Toxic golf courses lining our roads A mockery of government And a travesty of justice I tell you my friends, there is evil amongst us

But enough is enough We’re tired of destruction And endless trails of greed We love this land We love the Mama It is SHE who fulfills our needs

So forget about jobs And forget about money Our sustenance comes from Source The dark lords have tricked us Through lies and deceit And taken us down the wrong course

But we are awakening To the truth of our power And that truth lies within Hawaiian soil We will not allow The dark lords to destroy us Or convince us to labor and toil

At work that would kill us And provide us no meaning And take us away from God Each life has a purpose Special gifts that God gave us And it’s time that we all did our part

In healing our planet And protecting our Mother And the creatures that share this life We love you Makena We love you Great Mama And we promise to end this strife


For the beauty of life Can be felt on your land And there is no greater place on Earth To bring forth our children To create our new Heaven To uphold the sacredness of birth

And life in a body And spirit in matter And the union of woman and man This land is sacred! This place is our church And we commit to do all that we can

To protect its heritage To honor its beauty, To uphold the law of the land Aloha Aina Aloha ke Akua Aloha in each grain of sand

We love you Makena We love you Great Mama From now until death do us part We stand united In prayer and forgiveness We’re ready to make a new start

Big Beach, Makena, Maui Photo by Jeanice Barcelo 2010


HOME By Jeanice Barcelo

Big Beach, Makena, Maui Photo by Jeanice Barcelo 2009

In some of our innermost places Lying deep within our bones There is an eternal knowing Of the place that is our home

Perhaps we’re not even born there And it’s miles and miles away Yet, once we finally arrive there We know we are meant to stay

All “homes” that have come before it Will have generated a deep inner longing For the true place our soul is meant to reside A place where we feel true belonging

Indeed, we’ve created a soul shift When we finally reach this place And move into vibrational alignment Bridging worlds of time and space

For some, it may take a long while To bring all of the pieces together All the parts that make a whole being Even the ones that have been torn and tethered


As for me, my own personal journey Has been a definite rugged road Filled with years of a deep inner longing To create my heavenly Earthly abode

Then one day I finally arrived At a place called Makena, Big Beach I stood on the land at the south end And I knew I no longer needed to reach

When a voice I recognized spoke inside me and said “This is the land of the Mother You must honor and remember the old ways And unite all your sisters and brothers

All about you stands the brilliance of creation The forces from which all life emerge Deep stirrings of ecstasy bring the lava Birth erupts from Her deep erotic caves

It blasts through what no longer serves here Paving the way for new life to begin Eliminating that which is lies, greed and falsehood Creating a cosmic, harmonious win-win

Notice Maui - she’s shaped like a woman And Makena sits right at her breast Kaho’olawe is Her infant that’s crying Due to abuse and emotional neglect

The story of this land remains hidden But to those whose hearts remain true The truth will be known and remembered And the time to share will soon come due

Hold this wisdom in your heart, at your bosom And listen closely to the natural world To the whales who make love and give birth here To the dolphins as they make love in swirls

Please know that your search is now over And you no longer need to roam You’ve been entrusted with the wisdom of the Mother And this land is the place you call Home.” 322

I sat there that day on a stone altar A place to which I would often return Seeking solace and connection to the Mother Wanting to absorb everything there was to learn

And I knew that my destiny sat there with me Holding my hand as I uncovered my fate And pieces of my life flashed before me As I stood ready to walk through the next gate

Mother Maui has nurtured and adored me Through all of my suffering and pain She has guided me, gently and softly To the core of love that is at the heart of this game

And although my “home” is now walled-off and gated Making it more difficult to access and connect I must trust that love will prevail here And make done with this government elect

Makena is the sanctuary of the Goddess It is the place for us to come and give birth To honor our sacred sexuality And the procreative dance of Heaven and Earth

It is not for the mundane or the profane Those energies will feel strangely out-of-place It is for primal, passionate, power Unmitigated joy, eternal bliss, ecstatic grace

So be gone all greed-erected structures And money-hungry vampires with holes in your hearts Take your business to some other dimension Preferably one that’s several galaxies apart

The work of love is to be done at Makena And no matter how long you continue to try Your imp-like attempts to destroy Her Will make you be the ones who will die


Heed these words, all lovers of Hawaii The time is fast approaching toward change Surges of love are soon to be expected Let’s make sure we stay within range

Transmitting waves of love and acceptance Sending our heart prayers into the Earth Knowing fully what happens is necessary To wash away the old and make room for new birth

And as the waves crash in all around us Tossing us ecstatically in their delicious foam Let us shout from the top of every rooftop That THIS is the place we call Home

Sunset over Kaho’olawe Photo taken at Keonio’io, La Perouse Bay Makena, Maui, Hawaii, 2010





Jeanice Barcelo M.A., is a TV and radio show host, researcher, writer, educator, and activist dedicated to exposing the dark side of modern medicine - especially as it concerns the systematic abuse of mothers and infants during hospital birth. Jeanice has spent the last 15+ years uncovering the roots of institutional violence and the long-term, inter-generational impact of birth trauma on the human body/mind/spirit system. She is a transformational teacher and a former adjunct professor and has lectured extensively about topics related to gender, sexuality, pre- and perinatal psychology, pregnancy, childbirth, and parenting.

Jeanice is also a trained doula and an independent childbirth educator with expertise in the healing and prevention of prenatal and birth trauma. She is a certified Jin Shin instructor and practitioner with ten years of experience using subtle energy medicine for the resolution of early shock and trauma. Jeanice has studied in-depth the impact that early trauma has on the human mind/body system, and, in particular, the ways in which prenatal and birth trauma effect the development of the fetal nervous system and brain. Through her own personal experience, in combination with several years of intense training with Dr.


Stephanie Mines (, Jeanice has come to a deep understanding of how early overwhelming experiences can influence one’s health and personality throughout life and can cause a variety of disorders later in life including, but not limited to, repetitive relationship problems, chronic health issues, drug and alcohol addiction, uncontrollable violence and criminal behavior, chemical imbalances in the brain, fertility issues, severe depression, and an inability to lead a joyful, healthy life.

Jeanice offers educational seminars and teacher trainings, healing and counseling for birth trauma, as well as workshops and programs designed especially for men. She can be reached at [email protected].





Abandonment, 180, 219 Anesthetic, xii, 47 Abe Foxman, 133, 278 Anesthetized, 9, 186 Aborted human babies, 197, 198 Animals, 21, 47, 75, 181, 186, 217, Aborted Human Fetal Cells, 288, 226 289 Antibiotic eye ointment, 19 Abortion, 31, 181, 196, 197, 198, Anti-jewism, 141 200, 201, 202, 203, 215, 218, Anxiety, 15, 75, 176, 213 222, 229, 302, 303 Anxiety disorders, 75 Abortion ideology, 198 APGAR, 33 Abortionists, 200 Apocrine Glands, 107, 108, 110 Abuse, xi, 13, 174, 180, 209, 212, Arthur and Fiona Cristian, 287 219, 303, 322 Artificial contractions, 29 Abuse of Mothers, 327 Artificial insemination, 181 ACOG, 31 Artificial reproductive technologies, Addictions, 176, 180 192, 193, 194, 198 ADHD, 15, 75, 275, 288 Artificial system, 213, 217, 232 Adoption, 201, 202 Asphyxiating babies, 71 Agenda 21, 218, 292 Assisted reproductive technologies, AIDS, viii, 76, 77, 78, 79, 88, 237, 192, 194 261, 262, 264, 265, 294, 295 Asthma, 58 AIDS research, 77 Attention deficit disorder, 118 Alalakeiki Channel, 211 Augmentation of labor, 33, 34, 39 Alana Newman, 193 Autism, 35, 58, 75, 76, 118, 253, Alexithymia, 105, 114, 270, 273, 274 254, 256, 260, 275, 297 Alter personality, 182, 188, 189 Babies Don’t Feel Pain, viii, 75, 119, American Academy of Pediatrics, 96 181, 260, 276 American Medical Association, 82, Baby Rico, 76, 261 124, 130, 136, 248, 265, 294 Bad mother-child relationships, 226 American Psychiatric Association, Barbara Loe Fisher, 297 146 Barbara Rivera, 185, 286, 287 Amnesia, 51, 179 Barbiturates, 17 Amniotic fluid embolism, 29, 31, 33 Baxter, 245 Amniotic sac, 35, 200 Beast, 81, 260, 288 Amniotomy, 35, 37 Bestiality at the CDC, 244, 299 Amphetamine addicts, 17 Beta-endorphins, 225 Anastasia books, 231, 310 Betrayal, 177, 180, 205, 219 Andrew Carrington Hitchcock, 278 Beverley Lawrence Beech, 249 Anesthesia, 16, 26, 41, 49, 50, 52, Bible, 81, 138, 145 58, 62, 74, 100, 174, 185, 188, Biological weapons, 245 206, 225 Bio-robots, 102


Birth As We Know It, 102, 230, 307 British Medical Association, 87 Birth Control Pills, 32, 110, 183, 184 Brother K, 276 Birth Defects, 31, 110, 191, 192, Cadaver, 189, 190 194, 288 Caduceus, 262 Birth Into Being workshops, 231 Campbell’s Soup, 197 Birth of a New Earth, 309, 313 Canadian Pediatric Society, 87 Birth of a New Earth Radio Show, Cancer, 174, 175, 192, 318 290 Cascade of Interventions, 26 Birth plan, 9, 10, 37 Catheter, 64, 65, 66 Birth Rape, vii, 5, 6, 10, 12, 247 CDC, ix, 76, 88, 89, 237, 238, 239, Birth Trauma, ix, xv, 5, 53, 55, 201, 240, 241, 242, 243, 244, 245, 202, 203, 214, 218, 220, 221, 260, 264, 265, 266, 288, 293, 222, 229, 230, 232, 254, 256 294, 295, 296, 297, 298, 299 Birth Trauma - Counseling For, 328 CDC and Bestiality, 299 Birth Trauma - Effects of, 221 CDC and staged bio-events, 245 Birth Trauma - Impact of, 327 Cells from aborted babies, 197 Birth Trauma – Lineage Of, 1, 2 Cellular memory, 45, 179, 199 Birth Trauma - Repatterning of, 231 Centers for Disease Control, 88, 239 Birth Trauma Healing, 302 Cerebral palsy, 26 Bladder, 54, 55 Cervical ripening, 30, 31 Bladder infections, 55 Cervix, 10, 12, 25, 54, 181, 182 Blindness, 70 Cesarean Section, 29, 39, 40, 41, 42, Blood rituals, 27, 29, 54, 60, 64, 70, 43, 44, 47, 52, 53, 54, 58, 75, 74, 95, 101, 166, 167, 173, 195, 166, 224, 227, 254, 256, 285 207 Cesarean Section without Blood samples, 64, 207 Anesthesia, 45, 52 Blood transfusions, 60, 166 Cesarean-Section, 58 Blood-brain barrier, 27 Chemicals of love, 229 Bonding, 1, 15, 16, 27, 34, 56, 57, Chemtrail programs, 217, 218 58, 60, 63, 94, 96, 102, 114, 168, Chemtrail Programs, 292 180, 226, 229 Chicken-pox Vaccine, 197 Bottle-feeding, 223 Child Molestation at the CDC, 299 Brain chemistry, 231, 306 Child Protective Services, 76 Brain damage, 26, 28, 32, 33, 70, 76, Childbirth, xii, 15, 17, 21, 34, 52, 90, 91, 114, 192, 252, 258, 268, 180, 195, 201, 204, 209, 211, 276 222, 223, 226, 233, 305, 306, Brain Development, 106, 118, 306, 309, 310, 327 327 Childhood trauma, 174, 214 Brainwashing, 183 Chiropractic care, 28 Breastfeeding, 1, 15, 34, 56, 58, Choking games, 72 223, 232, 239 Chris Kresser, 253, 293 Breastmilk, 239 Christina England, 297, 298 Breech delivery, 25 CIA, 188


CIA torture programs, 188 Circumcision on the eighth day, 138, Circumcised men, 104, 220 141 Circumcising cultures, 114 Circumcision rates, 100 Circumcision, viii, ix, xii, 1, 2, 75, 86, Circumcision side-effects, 14, 87, 87, 88, 90, 91, 92, 95, 96, 98, 99, 88, 91, 95, 104, 105, 113, 114, 100, 101, 102, 104, 105, 107, 116, 117, 118, 120, 138, 140, 113, 114, 117, 118, 119, 128, 221, 237, 265, 274, 294 129, 130, 136, 138, 140, 141, Circumcision-induced shock, 11, 29, 142, 143, 214, 219, 220, 221, 63, 74, 95, 176, 187, 197, 216, 237, 247, 260, 263, 264, 265, 228, 230, 327 266, 267, 268, 269, 270, 271, Circumcision and blood sacrifice, 273, 274,275, 276, 277, 293, 294 143, 258, 267, 279 Circumcision - Gomco clamp, 100, Circumfetishist, 92 101 Circumstraint, 101, 102, 220, 293 Circumcision and autism, 118, 220, Clif High, 271 221, 268, 275 Clitoridectomy, 131 Circumcision and brain damage, Clomid, 288 105, 106 Common Core, 157, 158, 283 Circumcision and curvature of the Complications, 33, 34, 53, 54 penis, 117 Conceive, 168, 180, 181, 194 Circumcision and herpes in infants, Conception, 175, 177, 178, 211, 90 214, 232, 233, 234, 304, 305, Circumcision and keratinization, 104 306, 309, 310, 313 Circumcision and male bonding, 107 Conscious conception, 231 Circumcision and masturbation, Conscious procreation, 234 122, 123, 124, 131, 157 Contractions, 7, 11, 22, 34, 35, 37, Circumcision and meatal stenosis, 38, 39, 53, 55, 58, 225, 227 117 Cord blood, 75 Circumcision and Missing Male Cord clamping, 167 Pheromones, 107 Corpses, 199 Circumcision and scarring of the CPS, 76, 167, 168, 261 penile shaft, 117 Craniosacral therapy, 230 Circumcision and the Jewish Creator, 220, 226, 234 influence, 120 Criminal behavior, 114, 174, 328 Circumcision and tight, painful C-section, xii, 7, 8, 9, 15, 33, 34, 36, erections, 117 39, 40, 47, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, Circumcision as a cure for epilepsy, 249, 252, 256, 257, 285 131 C-section and allergies, 58 Circumcision as the Mark of the C-section and chronic immune beast, 107 disorders, 58 Circumcision complications, 117 C-section and inflammatory bowel Circumcision has pharaonic origins, disorders, 58 144 C-section and leukemia, 58


C-section and rheumatoid arthritis, Dr. Rebecca Carley, 242, 298, 299 58 Dr. Rima Laibow, 269 C-section rate, 40 Dr. Sarah Buckley, 251 C-section scar, 54 Dr. Sarah J. Buckley, 258 C-sectioned babies, 58 Dr. Sdf. Sean Hross, 271, 279 Cult indoctrination, 183 Dr. Stephanie Mines, 210, 218, 221, Cult of modern medicine, 181 230, 251, 292, 293, 328 Curriculum, 232, 304, 305, 314 Drowning dogs, 187 Cytotec, vii, 12, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, Drug addiction, 16, 17, 18, 174 39, 252, 253 Drug and alcohol abuse, 301 Dark science, 199 Drugs in Labor, 16, 17, 18, 249, 251 David B. Chamberlain, 260, 276 Drumming, 231, 293 Death, 14, 16, 33, 63, 70, 74, 76, Ebola, 243 165, 173, 186, 200, 206, 208, Eclampsia, 166 210, 215, 217, 221, 222, 223, Egg Freezing, 287, 288 228, 319 Eggs, 49, 198, 199, 214, 222, 287 Death of the white race, 134 Elective induction of labor, 1, 33 Deformities, 194, 197 Electronic fetal monitoring, 166 Demerol, 24, 27, 28, 251 Electroshock, 188 Depopulation, 218, 242, 243, 292, Elena Tonetti Vladimirova, 230, 247, 297, 298 269 Depression, 213, 215, 301, 303, 328 Embryos, 199, 214, 215 DES, 33 Encephalopathy, 61 Deuteronomy, 138, 139, 140 Endorphins, 225 Developmental Delays, 61, 203, 239 Epidural, xii, 1, 16, 24, 26, 27, 28, Developmental Disorders, 69 35, 40, 56, 165, 224, 225, 251, Diabetes, 58, 175, 192 293 Disassociation, 189 Epidural Release Form, 225 Discovery shock, 176 Episiotomy, xii, 11, 12, 26, 28, 41, Dissociation, 19, 20, 66, 71, 105, 166, 252 182, 188, 189, 190, 191, 293 Erectile dysfunction, 104, 114 DNA, 197, 288 Erectile Dysfunction, 104, 105 Dolphins, 231, 322 Ethan A. Huff, 296, 299 Dr. Alvin Mahoney, 184, 188, 190, Eugenics, 262, 292 287 Euphoria, 225 Dr. J. Marion Sims, 128 Evidenced-based medicine, 69 Dr. John M. Foley, 93, 268 Evil, 167, 318 Dr. Joseph Mercola, 258, 266, 295, Experiments on dogs, 187, 188 296 Eye Ointment, vii Dr. Leonard Horowitz, 183, 286, 297 False unions, 177 Dr. Lewis Albert Sayre, 126, 277 Father’s role, 309 Dr. Lewis Mehl-Madrona, 42 Fathers, 13, 14, 53, 54, 224, 233, Dr. Paul Byrne, 206, 290 310, 314


FDA, 27, 30, 31, 33, 39, 82 Haphazard conception, 177, 304 FDA Approved Obstetrics Drugs, 251 Haphazard sexual behavior - Fertility Treatments, 191, 287, 288 Spiritual Implications of, 302 Fetal asphyxia, 33 Haumea, 212, 291 Fetal bradycardia, 29, 31 Haunted womb, 222 Fetal brain, 16 Hawaii, ix, 171, 211, 212, 213, 214, Fetal deformities, 194 324 Fetal development, 27 Hawaiian legends, 211 Fetal distress, 29, 33, 34, 35, 39 Heart surgeries on infants without Fetal heart monitor, 27, 35 anesthesia, 74 Fetus, 36, 74, 211, 222, 227, 303, Hebrew slaves, 140 306 Hemorrhage, 28, 54, 56, 221 Fifty Shades of Grey, 161, 162, 284 Henci Goer, 253 Fight or flight, 175 Henry Makow, 282 Fisting, 157 Hepatitis A and B, 197 Flashbacks, 11, 208, 213 Hermes, 262 Flavor-enhancing research, 197 Herpes in circumcised infants, 90, Forceps, 5, 11, 12, 26, 28, 30, 42, 91 179, 221, 228, 252 HIV, 76, 88, 237, 261, 264, 265, 294 Foreskin, 88, 98, 99, 100, 101, 104, HIV drugs, 76 106, 107 HIV hoax, 77, 78, 79, 80, 88, 237, Foreskin - purpose of, 106 261, 262, 264, 265, 294, 295 Formaldehyde, 190 Home Birth, 165, 166, 167, 168, Frenulum, 99, 100, 102 173, 204, 230, 285, 286, 309 G. M. Morley, MD, 258 Home births are safer, 165 Gastric feeding tube, 76 Hormones, 58, 225, 303 Gaza, 115, 281 Hospital birth, 5, 10, 18, 22, 165, General anesthesia, 26, 41, 50, 52, 166, 167, 204, 208, 209, 302, 327 57, 62, 74 How to Have an Ecstatic Birth, 234 Genesis 3 Howard Rosenthal, 144 16, 195 Human experimentation, 188 Genetic mutation, 76 Human love, v, 35, 234 Genital exams without consent, 50 Human sacrifice, 200 Genital Mutilation, 252, 270, 271 Human sexuality, 231, 233, 305, 310 Geoengineering, 217, 218, 292 Hyper-arousal, 213 Gestation, xii, 176, 179, 195, 211, Hyperstimulation of the uterus, 29, 222, 232, 233, 234, 305, 306 31, 32, 37, 38 Gilgal Society, 92, 268 Hypertension, 56, 192 god, 195, 205, 213, 227 Hypnotic spell, 194 God, 9, 53, 168, 181, 195, 205, 206, Hysterectomy, 29, 33 213, 214, 317, 318 Iatrogenic, 60, 62 Gordon Gallup, 223 IG Farben, 242 Hakioawa, 211


Illegal U.S. occupation of Hawaii, Israel, 104, 116, 124, 126, 136, 138, 216 143, 146, 156, 162, 198, 199, Implantation, 214, 215 267, 280, 289, 290 Implantation shock, 214, 215 IV, 21, 207 Imprints, xi, 17, 23, 177, 179, 302, IVF, 191, 192, 194, 198, 199, 200, 304, 306 287, 288, 289 In Vitro Fertilization, 199, 288 IVF children, 198 Inbreeding, 109, 110 IVF embryos, 192 Incontinence, 28, 55 IVF failure rate, 192 Incubator, 63 J. Marion Sims, 44 Indoctrination, 182 Jacob Javits, 133 Induce, 23, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 53, James Corbett, 277 117, 225 James Marion Sims, 128 Induction, vii, 1, 18, 22, 23, 26, 28, James W. Prescott Ph.D, 269 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 37, 39, Janel Mirendah, 247 41, 53, 75, 196, 251, 252, 253, Jeanice Barcelo, i, ii, xi, 171, 235, 254, 293 286, 287, 288, 289, 290, 293, Induction drugs, 34 301, 310, 317, 319, 321, 327 Infant brain, 302 Jewish control of modern medicine, Infant death, 31, 90, 91 133 Infant Mortality, vii, 16, 249 Jewish Hospital for Joint Diseases, Infant Surgery Without Anesthesia, 132 260 Jewish mohels, 90 Infants, xii, 16, 47, 59, 61, 64, 70, Jewish psyche and endocrine 73, 87, 119, 207, 230, 327 system, 142 Infants do not feel pain, 119 Jewish ritual, 90 Infection, 54, 56 Jews, 89, 90, 138, 141, 267 Infertility, 180, 191 Jews - Levites, 138 Infertility drugs, 191 Jews and the American Medical Infertility treatments, 180 Association, 126 Informed consent, 9, 62, 225 Jin Shin, 218, 219, 221, 230, 307, Initiation, 18, 21, 33, 173, 183 327 Intactivist, 276 John Kaminski, 269, 279 Intensive care, 29, 58, 64, 166, 173, Jon Rappoport, 262, 265, 295, 297, 207 298 Intergenerational memory, 199 Jordon Maxwell, 279 Intergenerational trauma, 168 Judaism, 115, 136, 139, 140, 143, International Association for 145, 282, 290 Childbirth at Home, 95 Kaho’olawe, 211, 212, 291, 322, 324 International Journal of Men’s Keanu Sai, 292 Health, 104, 105 Kerth Barker, 92, 268, 270 Intravenous drips, 21 Kevin Jennings, 157, 283, 284 Intubation, 207 Kidnapping, 76


Kidneys, 42, 43 Maui, ix, 171, 210, 211, 212, 213, Kraft, 197 214, 215, 216, 218, 231, 291, Land development, 213 292, 319, 321, 322, 323, 324 Lasha Darkmoon, 279, 280, 282, 283 Meconium, 24 Late-stage abortions, 200 Media, 21, 89, 90, 305 Learned helplessness, 187, 188 Medicaid, 88 Learning and behavioral problems, Medical abuse, 53 192 Medical abusers, 221 Lenon Honor, 286, 287 Medical atrocities, 63 Levites, 138, 139, 279 Medical bureaucracy, 59 Lewis Mehl-Madrona, M.D., 251, Medical establishment, 60, 199 254 Medical interference, 16, 21, 23 Life support, 60 Medical interventions, 22, 75 Love, v, xiii, xv, 9, 35, 37, 57, 58, Medical Kidnap, 286 174, 177, 179, 180, 200, 201, Medical murder, 221, 223 205, 212, 225, 229, 232, 233, Medical personnel, 60, 70, 167, 220 234, 235, 305, 306, 309, 313, Medical profession, 18, 29, 75, 179, 317, 318, 319, 322, 323, 324 194, 206, 228, 229, 233 Love - Preservation of, 310 Medical protocols, 59 Low birth weight, 192 Medical rituals, 209 Low sperm count, 180, 201, 202 Medical sadists, 206 Luciferian occultists, 71 Medical science, 75, 77, 185, 186, Luciferian reversal, 213 188 Luciferian technology, 198 Medical staff, 35, 47, 52, 53, 62, 63, Luciferian-based, technological 70, 73, 196 culture, 212 Medical students, 50, 75, 182, 183, Lungs, 26, 29, 58, 60, 70, 71, 74, 176 189 Mainstream media, 89 Medical system, 5, 13, 15, 21, 59, Major abdominal surgery, 55 75, 167, 200, 207, 232 Makena, 210, 212, 213, 317, 318, Medical torture, 47 319, 321, 322, 323, 324 Medical victims, 181 Makena Beach, 210, 212 Medically-induced premature birth, Male/female relationships, 233, 309 29 Marilyn Milos, 269 Memory-block drugs, 47 Marsden Wagner, MD, 252, 253 Men’s program, 233 Masculinity, 233, 305, 309 Mental health problems in those Masochism, 22 children born prematurely, 75 Mass marketing of human embryos, Meperidine/demerol, 27 192 Metal staples, 56 Mass sterilization, 242 Metzitzah b'peh, 90 Maternal Mortality, 15, 16, 29, 56, Michel Odent, 253 166, 248, 249 Midwifery Today, 247, 249, 251, 252, 253, 257


Midwives, 8, 9, 12, 13, 165, 166, New York Organ Donor Network, 203, 204 206 Mike Adams, 265, 292, 295 Newborn hat, vii, 19, 121, 142 Mind control, 179, 182, 183, 184, Newborns, 20, 22, 28, 69, 76, 87, 188, 189, 190, 194, 287 90, 101 Miscarriage, 29, 180, 181, 191, 202, NICU, ix, 28, 58, 59, 63, 119, 173, 204, 222, 223 191, 207, 224, 248, 252, 257 Misoprostol, 29, 30, 31 Nightmares, 46, 213 MK-Ultra, 47, 95, 179, 255, 287 NIH, 70 MMR Vaccine, 75, 197, 238, 242, Nitrous oxide, 17 265, 295 North American Man/Boy Love Modern obstetrics, 29 Association, 146, 157, 281 Molokini, 291 Norway, 114 Monarch Mind Control, 47, 287 Novartis, 245 Morten Frisch, 118, 273, 275 Nursery, 11, 53, 180 Moses, 138, 140, 279 Nursing, 56 Mother Maui, 211 Nutrition deprivation, 183 Mother/Infant Bond, 306, 307 Obesity, 58, 192 Mothers, 16, 22, 35, 40, 47, 54 Obstetricians, 13, 22, 39, 40, 124, Murder by Medicine, 262 203, 241 NAMBLA, 146, 155, 280, 281, 283 Obstetrics culture, 40 Narcotics, 56, 57, 180 Off-label us of drugs, 31 National Vaccine Injury Off-label use of drugs, 31 Compensation Program, 240, 297 Oocytes from aborted fetuses, 198 Natural world, 210, 213, 322 Operation Paperclip, 242 Neonatal Intensive Care Units, 15, Opiate addiction, 17 28, 29, 58, 59, 64, 173, 191, 206, Opiates, 1, 17, 225 207, 260, 287 Oral Contraceptives, 109, 110 Neonatal pain/stress, 117 Organ Donation, ix, 47, 206, 290 Neonatal respiratory distress Organ failure, 76 syndrome, 56 Organ removal, 206 Neonatologist, 65, 66, 74, 206 Orgasm difficulties, 113, 114 Nervous system, 33, 168, 174, 207, Orthodox Jews, 90 210, 219, 221, 230, 302, 303, 327 Oxycodone, 35 Nestle, 197 Oxygen, 8, 34, 36, 46, 70 Netherlands, 166 Oxygen deprivation, 26, 71, 72 Neurobiology of Grief, 224 Oxytocin, 34, 35, 40, 224, 253, 254 Neurobiology of Love, 19, 224 Oxytocin receptor sites, 34, 35 Neurochemicals, 57, 225, 229 P M Fleiss, 271 New Earth, ix, 234, 290 Pain medication, 34, 57, 186, 208 New York, 201, 206, 210, 211, 218, Pain relief, 34, 35, 59, 74, 119 231 Painful medical procedures, 59 Painful sexual intercourse, 113


Pain-relieving drugs, 17 Placenta, 7, 11, 12, 27, 28, 42, 54, Pamela Udy, 257 67, 68, 166, 173, 247 Panic attacks, 213 Placenta abruption, 54 Papa/Haumea, 211 Placenta accreta, 54 Paralysis, 52, 59, 63, 74, 206, 208, Placenta previa, 54 219, 221 Poetry, 233 Paralysis drugs, 52, 59, 63, 206, 208 Poisonous saline solution, 200 Paralyzed, 52, 59, 74, 189, 208, 220, Polio Vaccine, 197 221 Pornography, 145, 152, 153, 154, Paralyzed during Cesarean, 52 155, 159, 165, 181, 280, 282, Parasympathetic shock, 20, 219, 284, 305 221 Post abortion stress, 290 Parental consent, 60 Posthumous reproduction, 199 Past trauma, 168, 307 Post-Mortem Sperm Retrieval, ix, Patricia Robinett, 274 198, 199, 289, 290 Patrick Jordan, 296 Postpartum Depression, 14, 15, 24, Pediatrician, 119 27, 54, 56, 192, 224, 248 Pedophilia, 146, 147, 151, 154, 245, Postpartum Depression in Dads, 248 280, 281 Postpartum hemorrhage, 33, 166 Pele, 291 Postpartum Post-Traumatic Stress, Pelvic exams without consent, 6, 7, 5, 15, 248 50, 51, 55 Post-Traumatic Stress, ix, 5, 15, 40, Pelvic pain, 55 54, 74, 114, 117, 180, 184, 192, Penis transplant surgery, 103 202, 210, 213, 219, 247, 248, Pepsi, 197 255, 256, 293 Perinatal grief, 223, 224 Power struggle, 23, 179 Perineum, 28 Preconception, 232, 233, 306, 309, Pfizer, 104 313, 314 Pharmaceutical drugs, 76, 181 Preconception education, 234 Pharmaceutical industry, 194 Preemies, 23, 47, 70, 73 Pharmakeia, 81, 262 Pregnancy, 15, 16, 54, 75, 178, 180, Pheromone Manipulation, 112 195, 196, 201, 203, 204, 211, Pheromones, viii, 19, 107, 108, 109, 222, 228, 229, 233, 234, 255, 249, 271, 272, 273 301, 303, 305, 309, 327 Phimosis, 130, 131 Pregnant in America - the Film, 32 Pit to Distress, vii, 35, 36, 38, 39, Pregnant Women, 27, 29, 31, 39, 254 241, 285 Pitocin, vii, 12, 16, 22, 23, 26, 27, Premature, 29, 56, 59, 61, 63, 119, 29, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 211, 217, 301 40, 53, 75, 224, 225, 251, 253, Premature Babies, 248, 259, 260 293 Premature Birth, ix, 29, 290 Pitocin induced contractions, 34, 35 Premature ejaculation, 104, 114 Pitocin inductions, 33, 39 Prenatal and Birth Trauma, 306, 314


Prenatal and Birth Trauma - Impact Rockefellers, 242, 262 of, 230, 327 Ronald Goldman, Ph.D., 264, 267, Prenatal and Birth Trauma - 273 Prevention of, 327 Rotavirus vaccine, 239 Prenatal experiences, 218 Routine obstetric procedures, 20 Prenatal imprints, 179 Ruptured membranes, 12 Prenatal memories, 176 Russell L. Blaylock, M.D., 296 Preparatory school, 234, 313 Rutgers University, 185, 186 Preterm birth, 202, 203 Sabbatean, 136, 150 Programming, 117, 194 Sacrificial offering, 196 Psychiatric disorders, 75 Sadism, xii Psychiatrists, 187 Sadistic, 23, 190, 206, 219 Psychic wounding, 180, 194 Sadomasochism, 23, 126, 161, 162 Psychopathy, 23, 51 Saline Abortions, 290 PTSD, 15, 202, 203, 248, 290, 293 Satan, 81, 144, 155 Queen Liliʻuokalani, 292 Satanic, 190, 197, 199 Rabbi Emmanuel Rabinovich, 134 Satanism, 199 Rabies Vaccine, 197 Scar tissue, 57 Rape, 5, 12, 40, 114 Scientific, 197 Raping and violating the Earth, 213 Scopolamine, 179, 286 Rapists, 114 Seizures, 26, 60 Rebecca Goff, 230 Senomyx, 197 Recapitulation, 209 Separation between mother and Red room, 184, 185 baby, 26 Renal failure, 42 Serial killers, 114 Reproductive problems, 56 Serpent, 81 Reproductive Technologies, ix, 289, Sexual assault, 51 290 Sexual deviance, 145 Respiratory problems, 58, 217 Sexual dissatisfaction after a C- Retained placenta, 29 section, 55 Retardation, 26 Sexual molestation while Retinopathy, 70 anesthetized with Versed, 48 Rich Winkel, 298 Sexual molestation while under Richard L. Matteoli, 274 sedation, 48 Ringing Cedars, 226, 231, 232, 293, Sexual obsession, 145 313 Sexual perversion, 22 Ringing Cedars books, 231, 232 Sexual sadism, 22 Ripen the cervix, 29 Sexual violence, 49, 158, 159, 165 Ritual circumciser, 91 Sexuality, 211, 303, 305, 309, 323, Robbie Davis Floyd, 20, 251 327 Robin Lim, 257, 258 Sexualization of children, 157 Rockefeller Foundation, 82, 126 Sexually tortuous surgery, 87 Rockefeller Medicine, 262


Side effects, 15, 27, 30, 31, 32, 60, Talmud, 145, 147, 148, 149, 278, 225 281, 282 Sleep deprivation, 183, 184 TARA Approach for the Resolution Sleep paralysis, 220 of Shock and Trauma, 292, 293 Sleeplessness, 213 Teaching hospitals, 50 Smoking, 176 Technocracy, 19, 21, 217, 232, 234 Sociopathic, 60, 190 Technological birth, 5, 195, 196, Sociopathic institution, 60 229, 232, 310, 313 Sodomy, 147, 155 Technological underworld, 59, 206 Sonograms, 229 Technologically managed pregnancy Sorcery, 81, 82 and birth, 195, 232 South Africa, 103, 270 Ted Bundy, 115 Sperm, 180, 198, 199, 201, 202, 222 Terri LaPoint, 261, 286 Spina bifida, 196 Tetanic contractions, 32 Split in the psyche, 189 Thalidomide, 33 Spousal conflict, 53 The Other Side of the Glass, 13, 247 Stamina boosting pills, 198 The Template Ceremonies, 218, Standard of care, 11, 70 219, 230 Stealing eggs from aborted human Thomas Verny, M.D., 251 babies, 198 Torture, 52, 53, 73, 102, 187, 188, Stealing ovarian tissue from aborted 219, 220 babies, 198 Torture boards, 220 Stillborn, 223 Torture of infants, 52 Stirrups, 11 Toxic Womb, 215, 217, 218 Student doctors, 64 Toxic Womb Shock, 215, 216 Subluxations, 28, 251 Tracheotomy, 206, 207 Subtle energy medicine for the Trauma, xi, 5, 13, 54, 58, 63, 119, resolution of early shock and 165, 168, 175, 177, 179, 180, trauma, 327 182, 195, 201, 202, 203, 204, Sudden infant death syndrome, 251 209, 212, 214, 219, 220, 222, Sugar cane, 216, 217 223, 224, 228, 230, 231, 232, Sunlight Deprivation, 183, 184 234, 301, 302, 304, 306, 310, Surgical birth, 40 313, 327 Surgical mutilation, 92, 102, 103 Trauma Based Mind Control, 71, Surgical mutilation and social 286, 287 control, 92, 103 Traumatic birth, 26, 54, 179, 201 Suture lab, 188 Traumatic imprints, 302 Swaddling, vii, 19, 250 Traumatic repetition, 168, 178, 201, Sweden, 114 203, 210, 215, 222, 230 Sympathetic shock, 221 Traumatic wounding, 212 Synthetic oxytocin, 34, 35, 40, 224 Turtles, 213, 231 Tail dockings, 185 Twin birth, 23, 29 U.S. government, 188, 217


Ultrasound, 75, 195, 196, 197, 257 Vacuum extraction, 166 Umbilical artery, 66 VAERS, 240 Umbilical catheterization, 66 Vagina, 12, 181 Umbilical Cord, 21, 28, 64, 65, 67, Vaginal Birth After Cesarean, 54, 69, 75, 173, 258, 259, 260 254, 285 Umbilical Cord Blood, 69 Vaginal exams, 12, 195, 229 Umbilical Cord Clamping, 69, 165, VBAC, 54, 55, 166, 247, 254, 256, 258, 260 257, 285 Umbilical trauma, 68 Versed, 48, 51 Umbilicus, 64, 65 Veterinary medicine, 47, 188 Unassisted Birth, 247 Viagra, 104 United States military, 212 Vietnam veterans, 293 Unresolved Birth Trauma, 204 Vivi-section, 47 Unwanted Children, 167, 176, 192, Vladimir Megre, 231, 249, 279, 293, 215, 301, 303 313 Ureters, 42, 43 Wakea, 211 Urinary tract, 55, 61 Water boarding, 188 Uterine blood flow, 34 Waterbirth, 12 Uterine hyperstimulation, 33 Whales, 231, 322 Uterine rupture, 29, 31, 33, 54, 57 William Emerson, 5, 302 Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting Womb, v, 21, 173, 175, 196, 197, System, 240 200, 201, 203, 212, 214, 217, Vaccine-injured children, 240 222, 227, 228, 229, 232, 301, Vaccines, 75, 197, 239, 240, 242, 302, 303, 306 266, 288, 289, 295, 296, 297, 299 World Health Organization, 33, 245 Vaccines as biological weapons, 242