Horsham - Tuesday 11th September 2018

News and appeals

Appeal for witnesses following ram raid in Rudgwick

Police would like to speak to anyone who saw or heard a ram raid at the Co-op in Rudgwick on Sunday (9 September).

Officers attended the store in Martletts Corner, Rudgwick, near , around 2.45am after members of the public witnessed a cash machine being stolen.

A JCB telescopic forklift was used to smash the glass of the shop and pull the free-standing machine out before it was loaded onto the back of a 4x4 vehicle. The 4x4 vehicle and a silver Subaru, believed to be connected to the three suspects, left the scene heading south to the A281. The JCB, stolen from Horsham, was left at the scene.

1 Detective Constable Kirstie Neal said: “We are appealing for anyone with information on this incident to come forward to us immediately.

“This crime occurred in the middle of the night when the suspects knew there would be fewer witnesses, but they would have made a large amount of noise. Did you get woken up by it? "The three suspects wore dark clothing and masks covering their faces and were at the scene for around five minutes.”

To report information please go online, call 101 quoting 180 of 09/09 or anonymously through Crimestoppers. https://sussex.police.uk/news/appeal-for-witnesses-following-ram-raid-in-rudgwick/

2 Crime summary Burglary

There have been no Burglaries of note this week but there has been an increase in thefts from sheds and garages and another text message scam…..please see below.

Other than Dwelling

Reference: 1008 6th September Location: Horsham Road, Handcross Date and time: Between 0830hrs and 1720hrs 6th September Details: An insecure garage was entered and power tools were stolen.

Reference: 1288 6th September Location: Road, Date and time: 5th September – Time frame unknown Details: A Pedal cycle was stolen after someone removed the padlock from a shed.

Reference: 0284 7th September Location: Sandygate Lane, Date and time: Between 0900hrs and 1700hrs 6th September Details: A Barn was broken into, pedal cycles, power tools and a Bluetooth speaker were stolen.


Reference: 0491 8th September Location: Wheatsheaf Road, Date and time: Between 0945hrs and 1055hrs 8th September Details: Locks on 2 sheds were broken and garden equipment were stolen.

Reference: 0642 8th September Location: Five Oaks Road, Slinfold Date and time: time and date unknown Details: Garden equipment including strimmers, chainsaw and a sander were stolen from a garage.

Reference: 0839 9th September Location: Road, Maplehurst Date and time: Between 1440hrs and 1540hrs 9th September Details: A padlock was broken off a garage and a Petrol strimmer was stolen

Reference: 0974 9th September Location: Lane, Date and time: Time frame unknown Details: Padlocks broken off a garden shed. Strimmer, Hedge Cutter and lawn mower were all stolen.

4 Reference: 0668 10th September Location: Road, Date and time: Between 0810hrs and 1830hrs 7th September Details: Garden equipment and Power tools stolen from a garage after door was forced open.

Please click on the link or see our website for crime prevention advice. https://sussex.police.uk/advice/protect-your-home-and-belongings/burglary/

I have been made aware that there is currently another scam involving text messaging. It appears someone is texting claiming to be from your bank and that a fraudulent transaction has been made, you are then requested to call a number where money is taken from you. Please be advised not to call the number, visit your bank if possible.

Always use a different phone to call and use a different number that was given. As a reminder, neither your bank nor the Police will ask for your passwords and pin numbers. For further information on fraud please click on the link or see our website. https://sussex.police.uk/advice/protect-yourself-and-others/fraud/banking-and-card- fraud/ https://sussex.police.uk/advice/protect-yourself-and-others/fraud/telephone-fraud/

5 Help us keep Sussex safe

If you saw or heard anything, or have any information about any incident in this message please contact us online, email us at [email protected] or call 101, quoting the reference number provided.

Alternatively you can contact the independent charity Crimestoppers, anonymously, on 0800 555 111, or online at www.crimestoppers-uk.org

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Message Sent By Janice Brown (Police, Prevention Support & Engagement Officer, Sussex)