lexander Gore Arkwright Hore- Few men have enjoyed such Ruthven was born in Windsor, a successful career as both ABerkshire, on 6 July 1872, the second son of the 9th Baron a soldier and a statesman. Ruthven and Lady Caroline Annesley Gore. Educated at, fi rst, Winchester Alexander Hore-Ruthven, the College and, later, Eton College, he 1st Earl of Gowrie, reached initially worked in a tea merchant’s offi ce in Glasgow, before travelling glorious heights in each to India to work on a tea plantation in Assam. sphere and, as a result, was While working there, Hore-Ruthven rewarded with a glittering array succumbed to malaria and he returned to . In 1891, he joined the of decorations and titles. Lord Highland Light Infantry Militia – which Ashcroft examines the actions did not have the status of the Regular Army – and was promoted to captain of Brigadier General Alexander in 1896. In 1898, Hore-Ruthven transferred Hore-Ruthven, 1st Earl of Gowrie into the Regular Army, and he was VC, GCMG, CB, DSO & Bar, PC. employed with the Egyptian Army until 1903, spending the fi rst two years of his service involved in the Second Sudan Campaign. On 22 September 1898, he was serving in the Nile Expeditionary Force and in command of the Camel Corps detachment of Colonel Parsons’ column during the attack on the last Dervish stronghold at Gedaref. TOP: British troops in action during the Jon Enoch/eyevine Parsons’ force of 1,350 men – which fi ghting in the Mahdist War. Fought between was considerably outnumbered – the Mahdist Sudanese and the Egyptian, and later British, forces, this confl ict, which lasted captured the town of Nur Angora, between 1881 and 1889, is also known as the leaving 500 Dervish casualties. Within Mahdist Revolt, the Sudanese Mahdist Revolt, six days, Ahmed Fadid, one of the the Anglo-Sudan War, or the Sudan Campaign. Dervish leaders, arrived on the scene ABOVE: A picture of Hore-Ruthven in uniform, with a force of 8,000 men but, yet an image that was taken to commemorate the again, after a fi erce action, he too was award of the Victoria Cross. repulsed. Lord Ashcroft’s “Hero of the Month”

Lord Ashcroft.indd 81 13/06/2013 11:05 11 May 1899. Six days later, he joined 1915, he served as a brigade major in ABOVE LEFT: One hour after Japanese the Cameron Highlanders as a second France. In April 1915, he was promoted bombers struck at Hawaii on the morning of lieutenant and was promoted to full to major in the Welsh Guards and two 7 December 1941, Prime Minister John Curtin lieutenant the following year. Thereafter, months later was employed with the of Australia declared that “from one hour ago, Australia has been at war with the Japanese he became a special service offi cer to Mediterranean Expeditionary Force. Empire”. Here Prime Minister Curtin looks on During his time in the Sudan, Hore- from where he lay. or three times, put down the wounded the Somaliland Field Force and took However, he was seriously wounded at as the Governor-General of Australia, Lord Ruthven repeatedly distinguished himself Although the enemy was fi ring and man and fi red on the enemy to check part in the action at Jidballi in January Gallipoli, becoming – in fact - the very Gowrie, signs Australia’s declaration of war against Japan. on the battlefi eld, and he was Mentioned charging, Hore-Ruthven rushed forward, their advance. Nobody who witnessed 1904. From 1905 to 1908, he was fi rst casualty of the newly formed Welsh in Despatches at least twice. He was also picked up the wounded offi cer and the incident was in any doubt that the military secretary to two successive Lords Guards Regiment. ABOVE RIGHT: The opening ceremony of the present at the fi nal defeat of the Khalifa carried him towards the 16th Egyptian Egyptian offi cer would have been killed Lieutenants of Ireland, Lords Dudley and He was awarded the Distinguished Australian War Memorial in Canberra on 11 Aberdeen. Service Order on 2 May 1916, for his November 1941. Amongst the many offi cial in 1899 (the Khalifa – Abdallahi ibn Battalion. Because he was progressing but for Hore-Ruthven’s extraordinary guests on the fl ag-bedecked dais are the Muhammad – had eventually succeeded more slowly than the advancing bravery. In 1908, he was promoted to captain conduct in Gallipoli. Over the next two Governor-General of Australia, Lord Gowrie the Mahdi as the leader in 1891). Dervishes, Hore-Ruthven stopped two Hore-Ruthven’s VC was announced in in the 1st Dragoon Guards (he had had years Hore-Ruthven was mentioned no (front row, third from right), R.G. Menzies By then, Hore-Ruthven had already the London Gazette on 26 February 1899 to go through the promotion system a less than fi ve times in despatches and was (left of fl agpole, second row from back), second time after switching from the made a Companion of the Bath and a and Senator J.S. Collings (right of Gowrie). been awarded his Victoria Cross, for ABOVE LEFT: The orders of chivalry of when the fi nal sentence of his citation (Courtesy of the Australian War Memorial; an act of bravery during the attack on Brigadier General Alexander Hore-Ruthven, confi rmed the widespread belief that militia to the regular Army), and then Companion of St Michael and St George, P01313.001) Gedaref on 22 September 1898. In the 1st Earl of Gowrie VC, GCMG, CB, DSO & he had saved a comrade’s life: “Had the worked as military secretary to the as well as receiving a Bar to his DSO. heat of battle, he saw that an Egyptian Bar, PC. (© IWM; Courtesy of the Lord Ashcroft offi cer been left where he fi rst dropped, Governor-General and Commander-in- This Bar was announced in the London BELOW LEFT: The Australian Governor- Collection) Chief of Australia until 1910. Gazette on 10 December 1919, when General, Lord Gowrie, pictured inspecting offi cer had been wounded and that the he must have been killed.” American troops on New Guinea, circa 1943. advancing Dervishes were only fi fty yards ABOVE RIGHT: Brigadier General Alexander He received his decoration from During the First World War, Hore- his citation read: “He commanded his (Courtesy of the Australian War Memorial; Hore-Ruthven, 1st Earl of Gowrie VC, GCMG, at Windsor Castle on Ruthven continued to cover himself in brigade with conspicuous gallantry and 014914) CB, DSO & Bar, PC pictured wearing many of the medals, orders and decorations shown in glory. From November 1914 to March judgement throughout the operations the photographs on this page. east of Ypres from 28 Sept. to 27 Oct. 1918 inclusive. His presence and personal LEFT: A portrait of a young Hore-Ruthven. (© bearing at critical times during the IWM; Courtesy of the Lord Ashcroft Collection) fi ghting was of decisive value, especially RIGHT: Having been appointed Governor during a strong enemy counter-attack. of South Australia, Hore-Ruthven arrived in On 20 Oct. at St Louis, he went forward Adelaide during May 1928. He took to his duties with enthusiasm, visiting many areas among the attacking troops at a critical of the State in a de Havilland DH.60 Moth juncture, and inspired them to the fi nal owned by his Aide-de-Camp, Captain Hugh effort, whereby the high ground of great Grosvenor. During 1931 Hore-Ruthven was tactical value was captured.” present at the unveiling of the National War Memorial ‘Spirit of Sacrifi ce’ in Adelaide. As if all this was not enough, Hore- He gave the following address during the Ruthven was one of the very few men ceremony: “It is not only for ourselves that to be awarded the Croix de Guerre by we have erected this visible remembrance of great deeds, but rather that those who come both France and Belgium. His many other after us and have not experienced the horrors decorations included the prestigious of war, or realised the wanton destruction and Order of the Dannebrog from Denmark. utter futility of it all, may be inspired to devise some better means to settle international As a full colonel, he commanded the disputes other than by international slaughter. Welsh Guards from 1920 to 1924 and, This memorial is the seal of South Australia’s for the following four years, the Guards homage to her sons, who in the ranks of brave Brigade at Aldershot. He retired from the company from all parts of the Empire, gave their lives during the Great War.” Army with the rank of brigadier general. In 1928, he succeeded his friend, Lieutenant BELOW: The medals awarded to Brigadier General Sir Tom Bridges, as Governor of General Alexander Hore-Ruthven, 1st Earl of Gowrie VC, GCMG, CB, DSO & Bar, PC, all South Australia, before taking up the post of which are on display in the Imperial War of Governor of New South Wales seven Museum. (© IWM; Courtesy of the Lord Ashcroft years later. Collection)

Lord Ashcroft.indd 82 13/06/2013 11:06 Lord Ashcroft.indd 83 13/06/2013 11:06 Australian commandos and sailors from ABOVE LEFT: Lieutenant Arthur Roden Cutler, on the right, after his investiture of Z Special Unit – better known as “Z the Victoria Cross by the Governor-General, Later, in 1935, he was granted a Force” – succeeded in sinking seven Lord Gowrie, at Admiralty House on 11 June peerage, becoming 1st Earl of Gowrie enemy ships with limpet mines after they 1942. The announcement of Cutler’s VC in the London Gazette includes the following: and Viscount Ruthven of Canberra and were smuggled in and out of the area “For most conspicuous and sustained Dirleton (in East Lothian) for his services on a fi shing boat. The boat, under the gallantry during the Syrian Campaign and for to Australia and, on 23 January 1936, he command of Major Ivan Lyon, had been outstanding bravery during the bitter fi ghting was sworn in as Governor-General and appropriately renamed MV Krait after a at Merdjayoun [in June 1941] when this artillery offi cer became a byword amongst Commander-in-Chief of Australia. His small, but deadly, Asian snake. the forward troops with whom he worked.” war record and his charming personality On 30 January 1945, Lord Gowrie was (Courtesy of the Australian War Memorial; made him immensely popular in 012576) Australia and the surrounding ABOVE and LEFT: Alexander Gore Commonwealth territories. He Arkwright Hore-Ruthven was born undertook some gruelling tours in Windsor. This Blue Plaque, which including visiting Papua and New commemorates his gallantry in action for which he was awarded the Victoria Cross, Guinea, where both peoples gave can be seen at The Hermitage, Hermitage him a warm welcome. In 1938, Lane in Windsor. (Both images courtesy of Lord Gowrie was made a member Peter Reed) of the Privy Council. His term of offi ce as Governor- General was due to end in 1939 Churchyard in Shipton Moyne. but his chosen successor, the Duke When his orders, medals and of Kent, then accepted a naval decorations came up for sale at appointment on the outbreak Christie’s in 1989, the auction house of the Second World War, so needed nearly two full pages to list Lord Gowrie agreed to stay on and photograph all twenty of them. in Australia and supervise the Similarly, a huge display case was Commonwealth’s war effort. later needed in order to display them The war, however, also brought at the gallery that bears my name in personal tragedy: his only son, the Imperial War Museum. In fact, his Major The Hon Patrick Hore- is the largest medal group out of my Ruthven, died of wounds received entire collection of 181 VCs. in action in Libya whilst on an I feel immensely honoured to own SAS mission in December 1942. and be able to show the public the Fortunately, Patrick Hore-Ruthven fi nally succeeded as Governor-General awards of this wonderful soldier and had already fathered a son, Grey, who by the Duke of Gloucester and received statesman – a quite remarkable man who later, as the 2nd Earl of Gowrie, served in an astonishing show of affection from the devoted almost his entire life to serving ’s Cabinet during the Australian people for his years of service. his country and the Commonwealth, both 1980s. In fact, in offi ce for nine years and seven on and off the battlefi eld, all over the While serving in Australia, Lord days, he remains the longest serving world. I Gowrie’s manifold qualities endeared him Governor-General in Australian history to all sections of the community. Many and the only one to have been advised by admired his superb fi ghting record as an fi ve Australian Prime Ministers. VICTORIA CROSS HEROES offi cer, including his Gallipoli association From 1945 to 1953, by which point Lord Ashcroft KCMG PC with the ANZACs (the Australian and New Lord Gowrie was over eighty, he served is a Conservative peer, Zealand Army Corps). Others warmed to as Deputy Governor and Lieutenant businessman, philanthropist and author. The story his courteous manner, his wise counsel Governor of Windsor Castle. It was only behind the Hore-Ruthven and his political and diplomatic skills. in Coronation year that he fi nally retired VC appears in his book Lord Gowrie’s own experiences as from public life. Victoria Cross Heroes. For a soldier were invaluable during this Brigadier General Alexander Hore- more information visit: www. period and he personally obtained the Ruthven, 1st Earl of Gowrie VC, GCMG, Lord Ashcroft’s VC collection approval that was needed to launch CB, DSO & Bar, PC died on 2 May 1955 is on public display at the Operation Jaywick, the famous raid in Shipton Moyne, Gloucestershire, at Imperial War Museum (though the museum is closed for refurbishment work until 29 July). on Japanese ships in Singapore in the age of eighty-two. Hore-Ruthven For more information visit: September 1943. In this daring Special and his wife, who died in 1965, are Forces’ operation, fourteen British and buried together at St John the Baptist

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