fL, NS.oR.ISA,bS North America's #1 Native Weekly Newspaper $1.00

If t,' . , - : 7, Ili! \+ . . .,, I .,!`_ t _ .

O arahsonha kenh OnkwehonweneSix Nations of the Grand RiverWednesday June 22, 2005 - INAC :r. uSfr4s keeps schools open on a s ri. 1 4 National Aboriginal Day despite eé, v band council demand to close Mr! I , . = r 'on them J

I: By Lynda Powless Editor The Six Nations Education Commission had the day off The Six Nations Band Council offices were closed. And PP ' 5_ most of Indian and Northern Affairs Canada (INAC) á rat. employees spent National Aboriginal Day enjoying local s I ,, festivities. 14 +- 1 it? But Six Nations students, they had to go to school 't . Six Nations Band Council had He said notices should go to local ÿ k. elI = sent a notice education director high schools as well. Staats was - L. Kathryn Knott two weeks ago adamant the schools be closed. demanding Six Nations elemen- "Just tell INAC the schools are tary schools be closed. closed," he told council. Band Councillor Lewis Staats had But yesterday schools remained put the motion forward at council opened. to close the schools. (Continued on page 2) New Senior Administrator on

the job Six Nations Aboriginal Solidarity Day activities were a smash thanks to Grand River Enterprises and the Dreamcatchers Fund who sponsored a full day of amusement rides for the community and local children Powless By Lynda took advantage of the free rides, cotton candy and goodies. Six Nations band council held its barbecue, Editor story telling ventures. (Photos by Jim C Powless) r Six Nations new senior administor is on the job. Barbara Craig, a former Indian Affairs bureaucrat took up her post replacing former Senior Executive Officer Paulette Tremblay Monday Not a mistake to order riot squad in at morning. The SEO has refused Turtle Island News interview requests. Public Ipperwash, Carson tells inquiry relations officer Dan David did not return Turtle Island News calls. FOREST, Ont. (CP- A police com- squad to march against native take, although he admitted George According to a press release issued by the mander dismissed suggestions occupiers of Ipperwash Provincial would not have been killed if he (Continued on page 3) band office Craig is originally from Six Monday that he made a mistake Park. hadn't given the order that led to native protester Dudley Even Peter Rosenthal, the lawyer repre- loci Italian George being killed by a provincial The senting occupiers of the park and Inside - e, = N. police sniper a decade ago. Ipperwash former army camp known as Local 2 "No sir," Deputy Commissioner Aazhoodena, cross -examined said when asked if he Inquiry i n Carson Monday about the deadly Editorial 4 coe: John Carson had made a "grievous error" on hind- order at the Ipperwash inquiry. Sparts 8 Sept. 6, 1995, in ordering a riot sight Carson said it was no mis- (Continued on page 2) National 14 Careers 16 Try a Hamilton police want to study Kingston Classified 18 TOASTED DELI report on racial profiling Business Directory 19 HAMILTON (CP) _ Police in Hamilton want to see a report on racial profiling in Kingston before deciding if e SANDWICH a review of local policy is needed. An early version of that report found that blacks in the eastern city were 3.5 times more likely to be today! stopped by police than Caucasians.Aboriginals were 1.4 times more likely to be stopped. 01> Hamilton police received four complaints about racism last year.The Kingston report is due out in July. Hamilton's police services board wants to review the resultbefore deciding if any changes need to be made. 'It's been our position that if there's a perception of racial profiling, we have to react," said chief Brian Mullan. Mullan said the department already conducts racial profiling training, anti -discrimination and harassment train- mcm lov*n' it . values and diversity training. I ing, ethics training, organizational III 282 Argyle St., increase for officers found to 0 7 4 4 70 0 4 5 51 9 The force also has disciplinary measures in place that limit promotions and salary Resturant Caledonia act unprofessionally with minorities, he said. DIGITAL SATELLITE DESCRAMBLER System Features lino based software Digital satellite descrambler built on Nexus Card technology. for added stability. ©TE3(1IFila3 Onscreen TV Guides. Extremely easy to install. valable. Built in Personal Video Recorder (PVR) No cards, codes or o 0, 5 A that can record up to 40 hours of high quality digital video. updates needed. O -'+rSD.301 Pause, Play, Rewind, and Forward live TV. 17' Show this ad w and get Open n00 Mon. -Fri. 10 -6 Itswelree ',OFF. Kober Satellites - Saturday 10 -5 Is Satellite Solutions for Today's Television 330 Wellington Rd. S. 519 -672 -3443 www.shopkober.net shop @kober.net 1 Year Scrambling Warranty

T - Jane 22, 2005 2 June 22, 2005 3 - `F71 Local Local New senior officer starts at band office, interviews refused Solidarity Day picnic at park, but kids stuck in school (COnfmsedfmmfro., the Director General of Policy. Six Nations, it feels as though l'in Officer) Dr. Peen, Tremblay (Connnuedffamfrom) made If the planning is known Planning and Coordination is coming home" Craig is Oneida. and I look forward to working earllyenough. " edo that rally Six Nations but raised in Stoney Starts said Knott refused to close Services for roS m She is a mother with one son. with IA.d a fats the new Senior through a prose. ofv Creek. She graduated from the schools saying she would have roar,, lie us has also been Ina lamd council press release Administrative Officer Barbara McMaster University heroic Ya. Me schools on what day we will be Act ng/AS t Deputy Minister. bard. council chief Dave General Craig."Trm to discuss the issue with Me educa- tending law school s the off But that happens a year in She has also taught law at said. "Our community is address- blay I. working tion commimion and principals. University of Ottawa.. ae advance." Algnnyuin co, in Ottawa. ing significant issues and chat- researcher at Six Nations Staatsaid he was not happy with Craig worked for the Provincial She said she is now Naming for According tua band coumil press Cet We art Con a that Polytechnic that decision. Government of Ontario before 2005 -2006, not managing on a Memo Craig said she "believes know brings with her a weal. or Band council public relations o ffi1 said band received a back to Ottawa and to a Lewis council heading manse -month basis. strongly in publie service. 1 have knowledge and experiences. She r Dan David did notn Morn position at Me Federal Department letter from Knott saying the something to offer Six N will complement mane our Turtle Island thaws repeated "We responded to council, sug- of Justice. in 1993, Craig earned schools would remain open.. and to its civil service.) also want-i t cry capable administrative requestss for im Band if they want inp, into the her Master Degree in law. n "I really know what hap - ed m be closer to my family. I teasel am very thankful m rave CatCouncil Chief Dave did plaggplanning process for n,u .rm. w Since 1995. Craig has worked at pened.Theren was a lever in y suoprnponemeil htiamt wreantwemd to had the b walk rink TOWS Tonde Islam., News would bee t it but it needs to Indian and Northern Affairs mailbox that said she would dis- cum hma e I retan o Barbara óa;g(sa hiedphom) (outgoing Senior Executive calier happen now" Canada (INAC) most recently as cuss o with the school commission "We already start school early. We but Mitt they weren't closing the have to do 194 so n..,í61 OPP deputy commissioner on stand for 15 days at Ipperwash inquiry school, today" days we have to see how we would fit hb Staau, who was heading onto ...piers outside Mc park, he batons and shields should use force advance on the parking lot Carson mistakenly reported an occupier and still meet the requirements Chietswood Park for the day said, I (Continued from front) ro decided the Crowd Management get the occupiers back into the said he believed there con tiara silk. was stick. do we want to have the C 1, "We felt it was Me best decision," "' ac pieced with is But,i p,,. chance dura she shot by According to information present- nth the who. for the day We do said Carson, the Ontario Provincial Political pressure played no role in occupiers. guess 1 would look at not waning fJ ed by Rmentlal, that officer was mid -winter in some of our schools. Police Incident command. when the decision, although Carson aid The march was a sceight-alread Acting Sgt. Ken Deane who lacer to penalizing cite wok, If they in the school. We invite the com- protesters moved from the adjacent Se he had told his subotinates the action by lines ofofficers. shot George. were to be marked absent, esPecial- munity no the schools to cele- former Ipperwmh army camp into ré premier was watching the incident. They stopped orve when mein- Rosenthal, crow-examination will ly if they were looking for an biota" the park oiler it arced following 1 When he issued the order to of Me Tactic, and Rescue Unit continue Wednesday. award of some type. But I believe It M _ the labour Day weekend. She said she has not heard from osa will be discussed with our next La 041.5. Mars ed ;n droves1155 m attend ae annual Salutarily Day pi or Chie. rood Purl The potential for problems with band council since her notice went. - eating from she council with pYesOay m re, rin n, re clown and lots rides. outside the was cer- I- prow. park MAC, when we meet with Kathy tainly there. said Carson referring Father's Day Contest Winners Nm' But she said a letter was provided to possible violence against matey to parents and explaining Mats added, "I'm not pleased guardians residents or damage to their homes. schools would be open. "They were out on the sandy park- with M attitude all. We should She said she didn't know if rice ing os They were carving bat -like IV be celebrating" °a o schools were undertaking any sin objects." .aid Canon. referring to . Knott said the schools remained Mal programming for the day. reports he bad retched. opened because Mere had been no "I dent knew specifically what Earlier in the sham.. unlit request from Me band council to mow. e e each school is doing. A normal pan occupiers thing OPP DepufCom John ' V 11'1M1 close the schools for National orr curriculum is cultural pieces amide the pro they should be left Carson har trim the wand Aboriginal Day during the plan- I done know how the day is being alone. to Ipperwashash ng for 15 durs. nine for the Zrvce-2005 school year. observed. l haven't asked the ques- He meow.. a court order WASP.. advised council wouldhe issued cite next day to tion." unity Nas we art obligated under remove park occupiers. Unit officers armed with steel At MAC', office, Knott to provide a Modal. But following the report about said "We have nothing happening Orr nsrstent with surrounding b.0. today Over lint couple of weeks we have had different com erca- She aid while Mere is provision tions. potluck lunches and lunch 1 CRISIS SERVICES fro change 'in matter riai (AP breaks activities." requires consultation and datca. At New Credit, ate elementary men with many people, including school and band offices were Monday to Thursday mac the union Nat represents Me closed. teachers. We have contractual Band Council Chief Bryan 4:00 PM - 11:00 PM obligations" LaForme said the community The Ontario Education Act decided to honour Noma schoires 94 days of h cervction In Phone: 445 -0230 Solidarity Day. and that includes ools. Me kids. She mid the adjmtmenm can be Vlle.aWaWaaaaa.,tIear V.V., _ S. Nations Æ10s peeked Me amusement park elves a&Siv.Nadans Solar* Day vetivi0es Tracy School may hare been open but when it came w shoring the Day reran. brought their kids to Me park The rides were ray of Grand River Enterprises and the Dreanwatcher Fund (Photos by Jun C Powless)

#40.01M h Day so New Credit isn't bolding According to o House f C mmon 116ìe. Dreamcatcher "We mow this Solidarity lie aid on Me are schools are closed. We are band any special eVent, this year matte comrnMee study al cost a h I d t has a APPIlAUCus operated vie closed the school. because of other pre issues but of deal Y WINE COUNTY'S LARGEST RPPE MICE SHOWROOM S2 S3 billion rive con 1 Its Mr1be runá a little bit different at Six "But still dunk its hnprtm BRANDS UNDER ONE ROOF lA P An Nations because Me schools are son look for Indian Affairs to respect 5r, "len would have b lobby %pp by Indian Affairs, even though in Ms day, but we don't do it om- COMMUNITY BULLETIN DAY ° Parliamentarians to pick uP the FINAL 4 should lace selves,. it is something we Pave my opinion MAC baton and Men w Me is to to look into and make it of oar This inform the community that the 'ae our day. and km an mm sa BLOW OUT plan for the soh I and deadline for summer sports applications will Chief Ural said if a notice had overall orvundenakhng,he ascot. gone out from the New Credit the community" National Aboriginal Day was be Thursday, June 30, 2005 at 2 p.m. THURS. JUNE 23 TO -. Band Council to MAC to close the It isn't easy to get a ratiorel her- declared in 1996. Plana are in Me SUN. JUNE 26 school, "i would be closed I'd day. works for a bigB splashP for 10. Applications can be picked up at the over Mere, with es council, and balle beeget 21 Member an. raid Bind. councillor Dave Hill loan Dreamcatcher Fund Office, 3201 2nd Line we would close ìl" national holiday a Member o[ L . Chief Larorme said he believes Parliament has to take up an muse. was important for kids limits or online at lylvet.dreamcalchedund corn WI National Aboriginal Day should be explained Minister of Indian and celebrate the day with their would like to see Me Applications must be dropped off in person !!q a federally recognaed holiday. Affairs Andy Scott press secretary parents and he or received by deadline to Dreamcatcher "I Mnk it should be. After allow Camppeelsi orrisan. celebration taken more anomie. avet ram Holiday's Act would close everything else down on cer- "Everything should be closed. I Fund, P.O. BOx P 659, Ohsweken, Ontario bave m be amended soya{ okra. Many Items under below cost tain days, but when it comes to our think it should be mandatory hol- ment bill or member's bill NOA 1 MO. If you have any questions please schools and Solidarity Day for First iday for everyone. They deserve M would also losehave m haie aie I MI ' we only do it n our own feel free to contact us (905) 768 -8962. la lf Nations ear or all Me on,' ; dose "ni!R aeon.. and Mac dotal pmirmea ana retumnea. ._ gm _._.._.._\,. pentranrrlm.tqmta r its nattes. 1

4 Turtle Island News - Commentary -June 22, 2005 0 lune 22, 2005 5 North America's 01 Native Weekly Newspaper! CONFEDERACY...? Local Okarahsonha keels Oobw Woo wen. MY /.. BAND COUNCIL.,.? LIURTLE LISLAND Mohawk MONAWK WARRIoRS_? STANCE Longhouse's Father's Day breakfast popular -MEWS CHANGES_ ir MY NEVER Q11 ! - t` i Turtle Island News is published weekly on the Six Nations Grand } Pzva Riser Territory. It is a politically independent newspaper that is SIAN I Ir.49n_.I wholly owned and operated by aboriginal people. No D,..? 7 portion of the newspaper, including advertisements, pictures or w iti, .T n r.k ¡ r. editorial content may be reproduced without permission. PURLISIMR- r.rM cartons EDITOR Lynda Pnwlen

Ashley Hill Small 1 assist

Orangeville 1 Six NATIONS PARKS & RECREATION FOR 2 INFORMATION CALL (519) 445-4311 Katie SmM goals . The Arrows Express tasted the JUNE 22° x I DM .4. 1 Tarawa. -. Famhv 311nw soma. Lindsay Smith 2 1°21,2 assists \ team Mat took over first plat. u Moron Tt Nan 70 Atom Awehiyo Boys va Squirt BOya SS beer.* Lamm to Mar mg.. v. mar am stoma siris vs Peewee Glib vs Thomas 2 goals Iassist lejak,WG week des ' do g e .aoaa II. a I station] P.M 555566.5 Pal 1 assist I at the Iroquois Lacrosse Arena. Junta. same ..0.1 7. Too Fast. . 8 N wee. Stacy Smith 1 goal 2 assist Orangeville &mutated red first "." .. MAIN um Brandi I narea " Storm 00 Martin goal SCHEDULE /G1` rind out scoring Six Nations four n f ow% li co m ofm I...O. 040 p oars Joanna Atkins 1 goal DIAMOND am. home. sat pm pane 840 e Sou Thu r Amy Bombe, I goal Friary sunder Monda gSixsNations came back strong in A.m. en hsece evs rube.. no GIm M0f81 Poe. ^ ho timeren mow Jere .Isaacs I tort pro :ft.... aeaean goo ..11. goal the second and 1hd period out romp m " a p ...ran.. 44 ran 66 pan ,,,,, Immusumamm 1011.30 am screw Pam 1 .1 scoring Orangeville by two goals #2 ... Game 2mho ....12 each period...... 7: . s... mom mho Six Natiom 17 vs. Owen Sound 2 Kent Squire ended the night with Lindsay Smith 6 goals 3 assists fan goals and one assist an, two Ashley Hill 3 goals 3 main Mitch Nanticoke came in with two ran -tar Talia Bmbem 2 gaols 1 assist goals and five assists. WotanBur xm -t P Kitty Hill 2 goals (905) 768 -3999 Danny Hill scored two goals and Suety Smith I goal I assist 9201 Second Line two "s. Single goal came from sheen Brooks. 1 goal P. F46, liagersolg. ON Cody Jamieson and Lucas Miller. ADVENTURE CAMP - Ases 11 -13 - July 25 -2 LIMITED SPACE, Canoeing, Skateboarding, Gates &Missal and Ropes Course. Noel Mann I goal Iroquois Lacrosse Miller also earned w muss SUMMER SPORTS CAMP - Ages 4 -12, Parlous Se10101m LIMITED SPACE LEPT,. 225.00 Fm. CbiefImood Prone nagaa..raa tom.. o Maki anso for moen.byprwor'), as seat for 5125.00. for dosi. cali Josh Park. Katie Smith I goal Goalie Pen VarrEvery emed two S.N. HORSE IN OHSWEKEN am. hum Arena row to b evo TRACK - Ratting Toms for Horses Monday to Friday - 6 am- 5 pm. Saturday & Sunday - 6 am to wehiyo Thomas 3 assists assists. Ben Powless earned three gam & 4 pm 507 pm. Next game is June 26, 2005 in umas and single assists came from ALL WALKERS & RUNNERS ON TRACK - acing these times will use the at their own Orangeville. The girls are now 6 Crate Poim Sid 0d risk LItA!AJJxy 191JD PHASE 2 OF THE RECREATION MASTER SITE PLAN Which includes repairs & wins. Ohms co Porter Smi. way renovations to the Gaylord Powless - Arena and installation of a Hydro substation will begin Six Nations IlMer19 Gins Field tw- ° ci Q -- IL- Arrows defeat Excelsior., officially on April II, INN GAYLORD POWLESS ARENA WILL BE fat. cw. s1-csa7. í CLOSED BEGINNING APRIL II. hence ahane 19 in Owen Sound 116).:24 vt:D=ca JOEL

10 af Turtle Island News - Local Section - June 22, 2005 A,j Turtle Island News - Local Section - June 22, 2005 ll

Ottenn. rk,fncalgverreav} Iroquois %.I wws:. f :)f ! :Í Y A : GREAT SUCCESS '519- t It was a day of fun, prizes, food Convenience it was Funnel won second prize w the and more fun! cakes and strawberries and Dreamcatchers Fund and went I For the 200 people who es. Food everywhere. home with a couple of sleeping 'enured down to the Iroquois aAnd if that wasn't enough there hogs and tent. Lacrosse Arena's First were prizes to be won, Dakota Brant won their third Anniversary Open House Door prizes that saw dozens of prize of a basket full of kids Sunday it was a day of fun and people walking out with free toys. food. t- shirts, lacrosse sticks, lacrosse Draws were held at all the There was food everywhere. pins, caps from the arena. offices the Ontario Sports The arena gave away pizza. The Dreamcatchers Fund held a Circle had draws for hockey The Dreamcatchers Fund who draw with a Mountain Bike jersey and a Fleece sweater has office space in the building going to Wendy C. Hill was pretty a who It hard to walk out [ ç were holding a barbeque, free was no thrilled with her prize without a gift. Hause u..lws /npu^iir raer ose Mena Sunda, - lured aur0enera(maeager 4seu co- read of th pop and lets not forget the she rode it around the area. And Owners Kun Spies and Delhy orlaaYhP oaten whoptoakafew t t wt t ahne uric he/hmr 100etse be etividow that took ar the /roquais /.aerosse Ar. l Jin CPsatauei plane wrky cotton candy. even editor and volunteer for Pow less made sure everyone ne p pl ft d th g o take in At Dinawn free donuts were the day, Lynda Powless found was having a good time. pan the fun da,. handed out. at Bow hunter she had a lucky day when she wllnaN.nl.rsrM. I SAwa-1.[e.a r- -a-1 -4)ÍOWL.EST 9 40E y oi''3r. C-: '7 G' . Prkes everywhere. editor çóv Linda Pawlensr even won a tent .. - . the Sin .l.öo..eA4J.aUyPonl...A.MN=rpi;nro. Mn and Weeping eaGS PROM THE e rl tnl:r pr. Owvpr.v IAwn tir owr we prows al de ewl.aaggwe pine Dnvannnnnea ahn µwu re of the lacrosse Shaw-A-Rama during the Open House. one of diEAMCATCHER FUND. Dreameateeer M urd mnn DM Powlrssee a e sebo emans,aaraa mole full sjpri-v.' Ilxrom Erna In Canada Thor sewn., had a Chance atpeties,, lots elfree load nen'where he winners were Tans R,m y

d 1 l -2 I 1 ".} .r--

N't; N O/L ie alt - -- - - rs'rónEvengnes Elmne f HW'7 . - - ed m cheek out why the kids were having so wach fun in the jump, [sm., He adnv win er n butin trues, aae it a m. favaume games arsne mine, .rrwwrwv. Ana 'nou gamma, gen. onnm m.Eraar ,.r ...... eaaaan. a, ...r +n lone, Y lern. wojwe l.e[.n uy rsoagmaaLam+w.wna "91111MMIRL

I 12 June 22, 2005 June 22, 2005 Sports Elders Page 13 Six Nations in Junior 'A' Allstar game, Mitch Nanticoke wins game MVP Attendance low at Iroquois Lodge's first The Arrows players, i Is open house Express _ - as he had I 6 goals and I 5 assists in 4 j - By Fact Goode. The open house held last coaches and - Sauna. f training staff III com- y 1 1 games foe the Ottawa Titans. Staff hailer 011111 11« a and opportunity for community pleted successful DOI, Mn Callum is expected to add some !cr 'Re attendance may have been low members _ filled day in Brampton on Saturday to see just what Ne lodge spark to the Arrows Express at the J for the annual lr. All Sou pron.. for its 50 reside. :10--11-a...,,,-11 bA" offense along with the expected - - Iropnis Lodge's Opn House. but Clarice Hill assisOM to Teresa Gill game. Although the gat. lack. return nf Matt Myke and also the the friendly staff and _ defence for most mats m.irMa coordinator said in a .e part it was an debut of Andy Secore over the next - f='- made IN ledge pro, ides entertaining affair with ohe West fork The phone interview on MondLtt morn- + more then just tim necessities ing drat the open defeating the East by a Score of I of home wasn't a life as evideM by smiles on die - 19. The Arrows Fxpress played .e successful as they would e ewes 111 1100,001111, and mad alike for the West side and Al of .e liked, but was nice d players Ben VanEver, Ben Powless, Kent Squire and Mitch Nanticoke o points in the game All three forward scored goals and .nd.ra Ben bank added a couple of McLeod 'the conclusion of the assists during his one period in game goal. In other news the Ammo Express The Arrows Expose Mitch completed a trade on Saturday as Nanticoke who had 4 goals on the well. The Anew, picked up Callum liom the day was chosen as the ou..nding Caked Ottawa Pawless player of the game and received the Tops La for Oure draft outage couple weeks. Callum will be in lack Bash Memorial Award from pick, Callum is tta" and 1 85 lbs 1111 Arrows line-up O the. game Jr. nd h L al in warn scoring "A' ,O111m1sstlitter Ikan POO NanOrttke .HIP ef 2005 Jr A .91Istar game in Brampton against Mississauga Sunday night The Bennett and Marshal families of Ohio 11111111 11g lodge hi visit mother grancimailier and great-arand Six Nations Rebels settle into second place after three weekend wins inatherlirginia Bennett /Photos lisEdna Mier, Bs same. The lodge's bright, sunny day 4111 Samantha 1 nity Marlin before lio N.11101, mdahe lust lass than a minute later b /,p11/ in a geriattic, Harris organized the early, after- room was lined with Span SoplIllo Oxlips aced tharr fourth and Courtney scored with assists from booths on all exercise program according to their noon event and were kinds of information for 111 1111,1,111 SIX NATIONS - The Six final goal of the period with asst. Hawenaedas Thomas and Tsadahe was. .randy physic Rebels - ... more than happy to chaN with visi- of services including the Activities are abound the resi Naos defeated Guelph, from Blake Sault and Scan Thomas at N23 gng them a 7-3 for tors Edna Lickers. a long time res- Society of London and Wallaceburg this "Scooter" Courtney lead going Into the thi. period. Ai A.CM Brant, the dents of the lodgtt Susan Frankli Went of the lodge smartly Mood Canadian National Institute for the assist. administrator In weekend to improve their winning 1h, RON finished out the first Guelph was able to out score Se, iii, .tt lip. in a sweater out. stopped to clut Blind and the National Diabetes phone interview Nat the stteak to six games. pend with a poly . Henl.wk Nations by one pal in the third Cr activities with her great- granddaughter Association. Besides The Rebels him., home floor of for slashing with one second period but still weren't able to infomaation coord.tor has about 2./ stew a1 Rebecca bickers, who was man- diere was also the Iroquois Lacrosse Amna Friday remaining on the clock come out on top. ,... .2,/,` Q,.) demonstrations for teem to M.O. when tampon ning a boo. on heal. advocacy relaxartion techniques, nigN to take on Ouclph The Rebels continued to dominate Six Nations final two goals came '''' ` %, such as spain eve., such as a rem t - services here The Rebels took the lead in the the game three back el on the reserve. therapulie message and amp.. boat cruise. Franklin said wawa with more to from Tsadahe Thomas at 16,09. te 4'1 Rehecca home from Carlton ture. reside. go on the first period with three back to back heck goals early on in the second earning him game MVP, and ' -VG outings mite. LNiversity handed on pamphlets Lori Mt. k at th Pals. period 54110111 with 109 left on the clock Neat on elder abuse. which Me a Keegan at 1 wan lodge as a restoratIve care provider Hill ward the seven Longboat scar. a goal with an Roland "RAIN" 11111 and Kyle . ..! . - ` growina want on Me reserve. said the residents have the opotti- none mark with assists from Kyle assist from goalie Roland "Rollie" Point earned assists giving the ii411.11111 Mania and Ely Longboat. Hill just . Ilenhawk was being Rebels the 9-6 Win. Jackie Hai Massage therapist and aeweiaris parks an Tery, Tsadahe Thomas scored the next released from the peel, box at The Rebels travelled to London on Ilan, knee.. the age aid treatment of chine., ¡Jewett., two goals at SL2 1 and with I 59 8.8 Friday and carne home wan 1 7-5 assists from Hill, lake. Henhawk Tsai.. Thomas scored his fourth win. They hit the road again and Hawenaedas Thomas. of the game al 133 with 60 1111111111 Sunday and trolled to ITO DR. V. DUCHNAV Guelph came back with one goal from Told .16am Wallaceburg to 6 defeat them with a DR,, GUAM 011UGA z °^;: , l'.1 L I_'(,° n nF`nrroa,i L Lacrushe legend Puneh Gash,« AUTOMOTIVE hea foe the dinnasp Pau far a GROUP yummy too. luneh. IF AMBULATORY has their own volunteer. She said YOU HAVE A FULL TIME JOB OR .cre are also eve. held at the Resident Cathy Jonathan ehm with Nancy 04/0 in Janata badge including bowling. singers STEADY Um Pam ,aaa a/ a, INCOME FOOTWEAR INC. and picnic. Another perk for the M nts Ls a visit Nora the NO $$ MONEY 6 DOWN *LEASE TO OWN Osier Court, Dundas ON L9H 4L3 Therapy Oogs It's a bonus for Pi- LEGGAT AUTO GROUP FINANCIAL SERVICES ma! and the elders alike because the dogs are specially trained and JI l the elders can while the time away IT CAN HAPPEN FOR YOU, evil. to their hearts contend. The Rebel...II all three of their games aso nrlred0111llhRlg,01110J0 nanklin said the reside. head LET LISA MARTIN SHOW YOU HOW! game winning streak (Phan, by Samantha Marlin) Sn Nations Health Services [imitation and not just sitting ;L. around because it perks .em right 10-5 score. when tlny take on Owen Sound. John Noble 6... Certified orthopedic shoemakers specializing in Onswaken. MO ltte R,ebels are have now won Frid.'s one stans at X 10 Will. custom footwear and orthoses for your individual Resident Ca.y Jonathan said lio- CALL heir IP six games and head imo Owen Sound away in last "Six Nations Health 1477-534.4286 Home ns ..e lodge was 'the .st" as IE Friday's game at the Iroquois place in the North West Dior. ef pedorthic needs. Services is dedicated he sal the hand of her Lacrosse Arena in second holding plop the Western Conference with I 8 97 MI Pleasant St, to building a 1 or email me: [email protected] healthy averite nurse Nancy Hill The poma. two para behind Six We operate a clinic at the Gane Vohs Junior 13 Nations. Brantford, ON, community and will Bennett and Marshal family of a MID WEST Health Centre on Chietwood Road, provide, promote and Ohio come to visit Virginia We specialize III Crab Problems, Seed o This will the first time Six N3T ITS hi Credit Bennett at least once a year and are Standings Natiom and Owen Sound have Ohsweken every other Wednesday protect culturally 63 mama gJ11010110L,114 my happy with her care o (10 of Mon..lune M. 2005 faced each ..her the entire teat morning. For an appointment or more appropriate superior 411=11) ISUZU ACURA. Telephone the lodge be head. its season. health and information please call programs annual yard sale and yummy, han Friday will the (519) 756-2920 SATURN y PONTIAC *111111CIC roam G W I. z night, game be Six 1 800 461 8588. services for the n Friday. information on any of -VW"- Rebels all game Attie regular her Fax 756 -7942 Guelph 18 15 5 0 LOLS (519) Nations Community." the above SCIIICCY can be found on fJMVha son. I he 2005 Junior reason (tg) bc.4,3 GiDoIctsmoulc. Nations 10 n 'B' SWIM ¡ la a johogerdPon.aibn.com the Net . aontact the Six Nations ends next Tads. ondon 16 4 I 2 I/ 8 menv.afw.ca .- ..,.e.me+..m+ak Elili131=11111 and long term care. i 14 /.. June 22, 2005 National June 22, 2005 Ontario 15 - National Briefs Tree planted for missing Regina girl as one NW Ont. chiefs say they'll hold off on day care suit while talks continue EAGLE LAKE, One "The decision (CPI- to cut the Sioux costs and up to $23 million in cap- the suit was made at Eagle Lake northwestern Ontario. Aboriginal group alleges N.B. premier vio- Chiefs from the Sioux Lookout Lookou Area Aboriginal ial funding for additi nil year anniversary approaches day -care Firs n,, south of Dryden While a eaten sa reached area say they'll give newly elect d Managementt Board's funding lated Canada's hate crime law facilities from Human Resources where more than 130 delegates are in APoth area chiefs said then that REGINA (C14)_ ¡First Nation has mes Her disappearance and the ensuing Ontario Regional Chief Angus bon 5538,928 to came and FREDERICTON (CP) A group rolling itself the Mdiseet SHOP. Skills Development Canada land, the Chiefs of Ontario more talks were needed clear planted a hope tn remind -What a thought "to tree of we'd do with search riveted the community and Toulouse time to put together a with no nsultation." Donny and the Aboriginal Council has asked police o investigatestiate New Chiefs of Ontario. annual eonfernce this week. up a few outmoding Issues" people of Tama Keenness as the this planting taboo, ofTamn has led to one of to largest police Fiw funding package for remote Trout Brunswick Premier Bernard Lord for possible violation of e Mortis, chiefaftteBig lake Mortis said he was trying to "ore- The day -care funding issue arose The issues included insufficient one-year of her arson- to park that interest in the investigations in Regina's history. C'onch's iuodv nv. some Fus Nation day -care centres First Nation, said Wednesday. .e ss that remote First 1 b iu.atu negotiations between Sioux funding a meet program and ses masons. appose general c wn said Melvin mat.aw, nt continuing with civil court Thee claim involves comments bade by Lord in January at Wore Ina lawsuit filed in meat last Nations don't receive the financial Lookout-area " First Nations rid Uce coo in many remote .mmu- The Regina girl was five years old Aisaicau school pnricipak the girl'sre bone and an extensive atom against the Chiefs of December, Sioux Lookout Burke, the only aboriginal edamder provincial legislature. Area support that southern Ontario First Como relating to financial sup res, and a lack of childcare when she was reported missing last ..Maybe someone out there will mound search ward, imt0 erg, Ontario the federal govern- Lord says are alms about who does and hunt pay taxes rid Aboriginal Management Board is Nations Pon for employment training facilities. July 6. remember something from the night Regina Prise Chief Cal Johnston was misinterpreted, and cans Me complaintin Wolin moot. seeking $250,000 in operating The announcement m hold off on services to 25 communities in Members of the ...airy path- that this Wiped That's all we will before the police commission Burke , and says M1u m s bee of Ow cowed says Brea school a the not to do," said Aria Wedn.day to review the knew. He says eM1nshas era intention of pursuing the complaint because n nwmtung First Nation on haven't foramen young lady. haw date. Toronto schools to twin with schools in Nunavut, Lt. Gov. could woe a wad. teen the swam, are .weal .l announces Friday w plant Net in honour of We still have hopes tlikeun A full-time investigative team of TO O T (C ) In Nations childtcn. Inuit students who never youth sù,: Keenness. A large oak tree,. repro she What it will do is not so much six police members has been in toss scram Jae world. Both 'n rely on sM1.ls m Police Sot aen police liars Arbour sae i.tpod Canada's lamest dry 11 twin with South= schools will raise money on pavement or ridden Some sent life. was plated along with a bring closure with our own kids but place since April and support staff over (a) 20-year rem the tat through fundraising nuts from the group auto to complaint was received n was 42 schools ac .rasps n share tr loam cols for their noMCm an elee dw'ill use mail and well- career, the amber of smaller trees along the they'll know that we've actually person was added to Re team the haw re soggy,. of and donations. W the loses sus b get reply.deeply NoNOOne from the council was ies..., and maul awareness, to o know bigcity peas )n penman of the school. tribute," first week mm.yv.. an class suicide,' Rogues, said. Students in Mew like Rodent! availablevariable fin of May. comment. 1Govt lames artleman whew s,ll nvlde young city slick- who toss news skinned a can.µ se kids just to get to know across The students rad sky -blue ribbons c Ike was last seen by her family The team is reviewing every aspect 'lm Odeon CallaCanada, lag NSW Judge reserves ,en for 20 year old from Winnipeg in announced lest Wednesday- life north Nt. ere . of and polo bear or watched the pink their comma., their in Keenness s favourite colour on the going to bed riot 5. of the investigation. wood. mom, peers ask arson case hildrrn know all about In ordeal waled a ItaNeman's northern lights. might build the .1f-confidence that achievement by bee to four yearn WINNIPEG (CPI A judge will deliver his ruling later this N is corners of world but Toronto ollice _ Lawyers Leonard Peltier argue for his release the snhsirhlg a an M But tae ,memo will do more can keep them from committing SW Bonnard raid month abets about the far North of .dry Manna waetie fan.: ihn Meanie stereotypes, skid ride.- They also Face similar roadblocks w FARGO. (API is illegal because the R the sentencing ofa Winnipeg man who pleaded guilty to ND. _ Lawyers for U.S. court months, defence lawyer Barry their own country and we want to and (àthohe shed Nord Jimmy peal Jacquard, president of the fan. launched a similar project learning from the despair aM naos anan imprisoned native Arnerican had no BMsdiction on the reserve. Rachel. said Wednesday- chugs. dus¿ said Banlemn whose to match schools an dús wealthy. Federation f Nu.. 'leachers this 100 storm o welfare communities lo sweep- Over five days, Christopher Pillion, 20, .7 activist Leonard Peltier argued They said to United States only Peltier was convicted of killing mother is Ojibwa and who has Nona skimmed Si million diverse Won tae with schools ComcROn to the onside world Donne native tcerta with 100 pub- rims addiction and low literacy levels. in pmperry Wednsday for his release, saying M1u authority to regulate interstate Ronald Williams and lack Cater including three homes. champion of horsy among Fiat deep in Canada, Arctic wilderness. nmy help redo one of the ldsltest tic schools off menu. Con. was told Pillion suffers font Fetal Alcohol Syndrome the U.S. government dad not have commerce native territory. during a standoff reserverve rid has the mental age elan "immature, poorly socialized 13- the right to try him for crimes that AssistantAss staU.SM1 " met Scott and received two consec.ve life Robbie Robertson gets doctor of laws degree from York University r-old " occurred on South Dakota Se m idef said the claim is hiss sentences. The agent were shoo in drive and Defence lawyer Ed Murphy says Pillion should be allowed to loos. the head at close range and tear TORONTO (CPB Talem for of laws degree from York Awards and the Aboriginal l took to get hen" seholarship to the Ronnie Hawkins sheer grit earned Robbie lave Peltier, úo, is serving life In prison "The law applies everywhere to bodes tenon, don road. Rotten University. ' Achievement Awards. Raised "wry down the tack." at Academy of Rack 'ri Roth" he for the killing of two FBI agents everyone, regardless of the have said Peltier was a degree, Isle, from The tore loan, award wine, "I'm completely grateful and hen- the Six where his with his parents until he can be placed in a supervised wide six;" Supporters Nations joked. shams o his years with , tial during a 1975 standoff' on the Pine Schneider said. tressed u y because of his the School of Rock," has produced" mutes of osed," the 62- year- oldaid dun Mohawk mother r spent her child- the music icon. s Me nrogarn Ridge Indian Reserve. Ile Bed to A ruling is expected within two political activism. But Canadian music leg- .Aboriginal m andd helped ma has convocation address to about head, Robertson rada formal d u- Already a rising star et 19, end' s el promotion of Aboriginal 1900 Ma Crown attorney Keay Pearlman wads Pinion boom two laud but was extradited to the them in to spotlight. graduates of York's Faculty cation was, on his radar an the Roberson revelled how, after late- rights and culture that brought him of United States rid consisted in His work has also earned ham sees- of Graduate Studies and Faculty of Gm 191, ohm he dropped out of night club gags, he'd cruiseem pus 1977. has HOUSEHOLD, FARM & undreamed-of hoer Tuesday lifd achievement hone Educ owe yore h arm Ile fled . numerous teal school w pursue has dream York's n his shiny . w ppeals. when hems presented with dus. from the Native Music "The irony of all o path was won a Pearlman saysa Pillions impulsiveness and lack of insight make n We new "I lucky enough to Cadillac and fed intimidated. Peltier's lawyers said the ANTIQUE AUCTION his a hh risk to re-offend if allowed to remain to the loam sentence Gull Bay man gets 2 years for decade of sexual assaults on young girls munity without constant supervision. SATURDAY, JUNE 25, 2005 10:00 AM hen arrested, Pillion told police hew "addicted to Supreme Court THUNDER BAY, Onh (CPI _ A In daidíng on jail, Pierce rejected amok and two counts of indecent opmenr of a long-running all- said. "Two years in to fderal Pen fire'and wends/ likely continue to rat them if released, =r rake sÿ...4r_r era sraarueaa Permanent member of Lake .deem won, consider a con- assault. The incidents orle place noive hockey tournament.-I'm I'm satisfied with tot "The Pearlman told cows upholds sentences rain -mamar Nipigon-oea First Nation has be en ditiaml ,one Sewn 1978 end 1987. glad he just didn't get a slap on the women came forward with their were roar e owes real and substantial danger tot the ... y, sentenced to prison fus seaml The offences, she said. wmmlainm ere young wdst and I'm glad at was Wm allegations in early 2003. of Sun Peaks r tlee...eaw x at Pearlman said. o6ermhe against two and then sat. leer dewgirls thentime. Tus earlier Inc, seriously in the con.," one vac cart KAMLOOPS, NC. `CPI Alcoa imagine dent Ina letter o court, Pillion wrote Idea if released from custody _ drrlrsasaysh.rYm,- o..rm.r ed Y the lax lades and continued alt is lends more scanned when one of them Teenager dodged with murder four years after the fact, five mmayw. aggressive west olemnMt was an he would thect cede his education and one day work with a4asem erra,.Ir.rlaw..arrf.o rs.i -r for anotherHdecade. SAULT STE, MARIE, OM. (CP)-A Baobewav First Nation man has Neskodit Indian Band members g dm wet darned ern" One mid rosined the she had been the police anon squad. .s Justice Helen Pierce handed More been charged with first -degree murder an the death of .'away dis- who slim down the highway to Sun Proa w."e'efa lave ti to grow up and .stop being a sheep and start = Murphy Moth,. or. a She judge said. "The offendfooffender suss drinking rt perry rid fill moan shit man ss ssr^rs.atm ow, Peaks Resort to protest development . emir and used the children for his n a bedroom. When she inter, being a ram." he wrote. M mec Friday rte of he toed Novae Stevens, 19, made brief appearance Wednesday in bail court. are off to jail. Nicole Manuel, she cadge Sidney Lerner reserved sentencing until June 24. sr ri-.yns,ru Marc 02. he'd been convicted .sesral dustmen oxbow heed. found Bouchard having inter. where he was tared. custody. ...on lack Trevor Delp W Mfrss sa,r,_.r steelstheir Wl,ng,feelings ins hefty.- wither.with RwcAW. lead- Long serving Nov. SNUB native chief re elected .oar,T Clew r.m.re..au of March a sea The body of lames Pan, 20, of Sault Ste. Marie, was found May 31 w Marc. Sauls were taken into cus- veil Na Fired YARMOUTH, N.S. (CPI_ A long- serving Nova Scotia native .sate.. adata Three .char convictions each ,tto February, two-day m member d r Gull Bay o abandoned lumber yard O Garden River First Nation. tody by the sheriffs shortly after raes . band chief h. been re- elected to another five-year teem robe ...chard fus .nth terms to February, time Nolan. carved on malt Stevens appeared acorn Monday via videoothereoce. B.C. Supreme Court Justice Frank in (Condoned on next page) ha served m ewe time. Bouchard, on wo.unts cof vsextul u elm instrumental the tract. .fore the lodge )are la asking for a delay in the medic!. C I ga has now on Thursday ems deem., for dismissing Reis annuls of sera me raw lack Dennis.., Saul will w.e e=mew begin .day jail terms, while m.s...ro...rr rw , rMuw.ory r Manuel will serve 45 days.Rod Pic of the Crop MAW *AWE Anderson, who teas allowed to serve asewrr- .rgan e der. sor mo.aar his 90-day sentence intermittently, Lynden Park Mall must how himself at Re Regional Strawberry season...mmm Correctional Centre key, How Nu. you raw die Into this yummy menial 84 Lynden Toad, Blanhford filiUn s Line cookie sheet inch with malg oil ff - yam° mix lie cup NOW, X Please join as Br with 519 -751 -0759 Clip opus walnuts hopppedana. NEED A GOOD VEHICLE? y, cu Don't throw or give away your

19 June 22, 2005 IS Business Class] June 22, 2005 pireetory - WE BUY & SELL BIRTH OBITUARY THANK You EVENT FOR SALE NEW 6 USED VRllsrs Ram EUCHRE VIDEO & VIDEO GAMES Logan: Anne Lorraine Si Q tión We would to dank the following Come out and support the Six VACUUM Sony N64. áS Where Surrounded by her loving tangly 5NE5.1 'a.í.Á ties org.imuons for the donations to Nations volent Association SALES @CERVIICE mm.w.300*31 at Mason Tuesday lone 14, sass. r.. makeThomas spring draw success for Euchre every Huge selection of new and used: .4.- 2005 at Me age of 70 years. 46. 1.L. lame..e load. Wednesday evening Filter Queen, Kirby, Tristan, Phone: 445-0396 Beloved wife of Willie Logan. Canadian Tire-Caledonia, Da ai 7:00 at V Pally /with Miracle Mate and more lUlh Roa _ g: ' Loving mother of Cathy (teems) Mon RI Sign (905) 765 -9858 77Qvy . Coosa. a Veterans m Free Tamue, repairs. Ps Pinta S'pealaG mr and The* Bomber... Construction, Six Nations Ohsweken.a Let till Entertain Pou Bags, belts and parts Call 1 inns Jar pricing and Steve. Aub and Carol Logan, Mr. Ken Page , COmmina, Six Nations Benevolent Assoc. We take trade -ins. F^' Hedge and 603 Colborne St. E. 751.1073 Montour Mlle Monster'), Payment plans available Mon: Fri. ale Ben en VyseKand Tiger and Natasha '.L I9. Donalds in (llamas Kathy THE VAC SHOP: 80 ARGYLE 7:30 am- EGO pm Breakfast Logan Dear grandmother of SERVICES Sun. 11741ti 10 p. .S Rod Hill @ family, New ST NORTH CALEDONIA, ON Timmy. Tanya, Tyler, TAM, Special 'L Directions, Wilma Williams@ Need Help, (905) 765 - 0306 tn. Doob, Ashlee, Alben, Alex, MODERN AUTO PARTS Ñ lonk* Family, LT Thomas Sniff, Two All Clogged Drains Cleaned BACKNOE WORK All day Blair, Stacy and big sister Bailey lodanna Day., Katie, Spud, Row eat, Gibson family, Septic Systems, tubs, silks, EXCAVATING 1 are proud to announce the bIM of Royce. , and LATE MODEL LOW MILEAGE AUTO PARTS .a ll LL Thomas Home @ School, Six also water cisterns ea FOR SALE COMMERCIAL Dada Rmaanimaks Hill rteat grandchildren.. Sister of Nations .q.. Hall, sun Nations For Fast Service Call Faint lot is or Take Oat May 2005 sse & RESIDENTIAL theby vñnL FIMh Date: 27, Marion tavia Green. Gene Council, Bank of - Concession 02, R.R, 01, Scotland, ON 905- 772 -3792 Guns, Balla, I C O9 Tanks Mc. 21. SrgtnAL Itamgva. Time: 7:08 pm Green, and Pat Clause. Also sur- Males Gan repairs available on aile at 519 -443 -8632 1- 800 -265 -8005 l th.e 11ir iasl by nim'es and SAND GRAVEL FILL mad many I would like to thank all the THE VAC SHOP Aw9m- Place: 7 lonnakeratftha by for SOIL TRUCKING bones nephews. Predeceased parents above businesses and we caul., HELP WANTED 00 ARGYLE ST N. Need an automotive pan please check our parts located RabSep Nia:wen to everyone who helped Isaac and Annie (Genmel, Green BULLDOZING have done it without y of their ATTN., WORK FROM CALEDONIA, ON al py.maarraeaingrh.Gam `20" 1.'23" with the safe arrival of our pre- and 3 brothers Barney. Elwood help and it m very much HOME MAR 7654306 cious baby boy. A special (DOad). and Ben Gran The afframard BE YOUR OWN BOSS nimwen to Grandma Marilyn for family will bonum her life visim- Tirana you from 0L Thom 525475.- ptl0 Live well with all the extra help and support at iron m her home 2735 661ía Family & Eyewear Home & School & Slag free Doline info, FOR SALE Eyecare R.J CONSTRUCTION home An apes house to wel- road aller 10 a.m. Wednesday. free training BLACK ROCK AVAILABLE come !Sao will be held on Funeral Service and Ronal will be THANK You www.123wealthfromhome.co11 Mpick Strawberries Dr. Annette I. Delio 410.1e, PHARMASAVE Frain June 24th at 668 Mohawk held a the Onondaga Conghouse or ea111-880-571-9234 Farm Produce Call for pricing. We would like to thank the Health Care Centre Rd from 4 -8pm on Thursday lune 16.2005 a 11 Sunny Terrace Farms for mignon - Suite 02, West Haldimand General Hospital Phone: (519) 445 -0200 m. .ArmngT as by Sneres Dreamnteher hod U-pick or ready picked awber- Ing our activities for Me FOR SALE Hapersvfllet, Ontario HEALTH fund Dome, Ohsweken. f Onondaga oil .11011115 ydtt Arad Lew. Oa. BIRTH 2004 -2005 season. House for Sale s Look for Signs, at tlaw N4 fe She's here Courtney. Jeremy, Shady. Doom a Mr Moved to Your Lot 4MClellan Rd. Tura left. (905) 768 -8705 ee CENTRE is Me 3M THANK Berme Kalb. Hill YOU G 1 , and Rally 0 I ... wor 1200 sq S, Hardwood Floors, 3 752 -8746 Imta. vna,unv 5N > or GN BOAS lava little girl for Dee and Brandon. Free Parking áa1 The family of Me late G. Stanley Redan. inylSidmg,newwin- .11717 -1357 OHSWEKEN Flom at BOLL lime 11 at 1255 s Greene wish to express there sin - THANK You wa. $45, 000.00 -411/Al am 816x. 9oz A new sissy for ere thank you and appreciation Katmta Native Camel Society Includes all permits and Police Ashley and Brooklyn. FOR SALE GoL$52211LU for all aspects ,ares gratefully acknowledges Me Escort,aco Delivery e mion. ' /îl% Thanks te Aunt Nance for helping LEIGH BAKER /Rawleigh to doom illness Dreamemcher Fund for their he moved Octct. 05 me the last Mw hours, and to both Home for Sale and his passing. V would like a 6969 McKeon Drive a help Mthe recent purchase of Open House Sunday lunt 26 Mon. torr). gammas for taking Me kids for Moved Lot to express admiration and thanks new van. I2pm - 2pm Greely, Ontario 8:30 am. m 0:00 Me weekend. o un aura for 1600 Ab. olutely eml Stone Slinger Service tot. to Ralph Garlow who gave our :wa 0216 Belvenia (Between Appleby K4P 1A2 cooking supper for us when we N Hardwood (refinished) 2 Saturday dad some spiritual comfort dur- @ Walks Line) Burlington Now available for stoning beeper rile you home And Brandon Na. for Broom, Kitchen-Dining Roam, lo 3:00 p.m. ing his illness. Wed like to thank Take Lot South m "Good health with natural products" tine everything. REUNION ' Livingroorn Open Concept inside basements and driveways the Six Nations Veterans who Lakeshore Tum Loft to Belvenia (RIP Our friend Mmk Hia Kitchen has Solid Oak Cabinets honoured our dad at his funeral. Ius bandy Reunion @ T lien Left First house on Left. Martin (519) 445-4988 wHt05) Built-in Sainlms Steel R.R. #1, Hagersville Smith Dad also wanted to hear his Picnic Phone Danny Cell 768-3833 Independent Distributor 445 -4471 Dishwasher, Bunt -in Stainless the Mart. Sister's sing Desen dants of- Dan Tobiwe, 905- 570 -6294 Steel Oven, Stainless Steel Range OBITUARY and they too honoured him with Hiram Tabor. Edmund Tabicoe, top with exhaust hood, Marble Donna May a few hymns. N, were also Charles TareI0alare and Dona NOTICE Countertops, Fireplace M zcecefully oink her family with touched by are many kind words ITbbicakSault BOB HOOVER & SONS Your Own Business ta.ayaun. Family Room beam the Henderson General expressed during the open eulogy Saturday. July ^'.2005 Pickerel FishI @ Chips TURTLE Finished in Oak with Gus INC. Hospital, Hamilton on lune 20, ftme. Special thanks to the Mrssssaugas of New Credit First Friday June 24th Publication Fireplace, French style Doors 2005, Dams (Hill) Farmer age 66 Grand River Blue,ss singers Nation Recreation Ball Park 7 Home Comfort Specialises since 1952 Front Hack New Windows Turtle Island News Publications produces special ISLAND NEWS yews. wife of John Farmer, moth- and all the ladies who helped 27, Noma Rd. R Re Hoge Family Yard Sale @ 575, 000.00 corporate supplements that can be distributed in a err of John a Laura, Darryl prepare the meals. We would Hags-ravine. Ontario NOA 1H0 m-7 . . Includes all permits and Police Plumbing Heating ADVERTISING Nam. Bryan & Shelly, Dawn a also like love 12:00 Noon -? 24th ei Sat. 25th variety of ways. If your company has an upcoming Escort, ery. Installation. . Air Frank, the late Donald es and support that his nephews Pot Luck BB() approx I: 30 pm MOO Fifth Lime Conditioning anniversary, a major new product launch, a moved A 2106 Kimberly, mocha..., of Bev from Tuscarora shows. Mar Races, games, ball g &c160dnen Ron @ Eva Rem berm . Sales. Service . Installations DEPARTMENT Open House Sunday lune 26 corporate reorganization or any other reason, to Mamole, pan., John Jr., coordinated weekly hospital vu- adult. bring gloves, R I2pm -2pm Renovations communicate to businesses or consumers, give us James, lamb, lordmn, Lee, loot. Rs us mend Wa would also chairs PHONE: (3069 Nat SC (Between Guelph Lydia, Trina Kimberly, Kyleigh, like to acknowledge Six Nations for more info all NOTICE . New Home Construction a call. We can write, Illustrate and photograph, ad Jiu @ Walkers 1...) MINNA. Aram. Frankie, Howie, Child &Family services who Carol Fundraising Loeb,* 00.08 .0 direct and finance with advertising a one -time Take Guelph Line South to 445 -0868 Kristen, seer of Alva & the allowed us the time to Tie Carolyn The Gathering Place move Lakeshore rum left to Ross more publication that will help your company Ronald @ Belva, Marion Care ores Own" and be there Sandra 9005768-5729 Sunday lose 27th @ IPm lee Tura left to First St Turn left FREE ESTIMATES forward. & Charles, Margaret, & the late for our dad for his many medical Donation of Rims ap,cated for (Seneca Road) 55.00/Person FAX: Phone Dan, Cell George Hill, sister-in-law of aplwinwens and procedures. teas &games For Tyler Hill to represent For more Information call 905-5;0e3w Carole Hill, Stanley ffi Dons We'd also Irve to our Ontario at the Brick Super Deferred Payments up to 6 months OAC 445 -0865 Farmer, Shirley ffi the late Ron cousins Jennifer, CMista and Novice T thEdmonton, Financing available as low as $411 month installed Tara for being there when we Alberta Island 'News Farmer, a Ted ffi the late Dan. YARD SALE NOTICE Turtle 1 ADVERTISING Hill, also armed by mNY dedr 'd 1b t (July 60611th, 2005) (519) 445-0868 nieces @ ,hews. Resting thank you for your continued Goodman M ufti Family Lawn Sale St. Paul's Anglican Church Olsen r support of our mother who had Amana DEADLINE Viv Milla 4 451 Mohawk Rd. FOR RENT Kaoyangeh AtrCondit na -I1Br- morningWhere a lost he gamer 0(50 +years. Mad; Saturday June 25, 2005 Sour Springs Road Po Box 329, Ohsweken, Ontario, NOA 1,110 Funeral Service will be held on This support is also truly ap,ci- Rentals Pm Vacation will be holden! Fax: 519 445 0865 Is 5:00 P.M. Thursday at 11 m Interment St. teed 662A Hwy #6., N., Caledonia, ON Come One, Come All 10 minutes to Disney, 2 beautiful. Memorial Day Service Johns Cemetery, 5th Line. E -mail: adver rise @theturtieislandneuan +Ira 5 bedroom, alta.. Villas. With honouring all The family of The late Stanley private pool and games room. 905 - 765 -2627 FRIDAYS who are .mood in www.theturtleìslalldnean.v. con w 4dlmey- YARD SALE YARD SALE villas.cnm St. Paul's cemetery Moab) call 519-2M -9615 dune 25 8:00am 3 pm o on Sunday, Juune 26, 2005 736S an Line Rd Multi Family Yard Sale 1.1.11107. UM at (3 [idles wed or Little Buffalo) HAVE A My 2nd 3rd Everyone Welcome! Hank, Place -36754th Line this page by Melt, shoe, a of electric be arse FOR RENT Pftase come and tidy up You could part nubs Hd-Ya much much STORY? (near raN.ad tracks) your raved no's wave site 732/070/ wood Rd For Rent, ceo re iron S WAN-7 beCorehad and place flowers Call as to get Coverage! Ideal spot for smoke shop. Call WP edsto if you wish. calling 519- 445 -0868 today! (519)445 -0868 Dimkto k and BBQ 445-4372 fee more information Kanato Native Dance Theatre LiRIO 05020200000 011 lone. r

20 0 Turtle Island News - Local Section - June 22, 2005 ATTENTION ALf.. GOLFER... DUFFER.. BEGINNERS


-seat c

r i. Nis

r fî


.. 0 Aninuca' Earl Zemo

i a o[f o urnOErnent

/ sio,000 SATURDAY JULY 9T ", 2005

, CASH PRIZE SUNDRIM GOLF COURSE *Thanks to Lakeside Insurance

' Brokers of Hamilton 4 Tee -times: 10:00 am Sharp Shotgun. Start (Scott Wright) 0 Golf & Dinner $110.00 / person...Dinner Only $25.00 ' Come out and join us for q =a rof Fun in the 4 Includes Prize, Green fee, NY Steak r & Sockeye Salmon BBQ, Dessert

sponsored by: HOLE IN ONE PRIZES Grand River Enterprises 2005 Pontiac Cobalt Lakeside Insurance Brokers of Hamilton *Thanks to Lee Munro Chevrolet. Oldsmobile. Erlinds Restaurant - Village Pizza & Wings Corvette of Paris* Irografts - Wahta Springs - Village Café

PRIZES INCLUDE: Men's Long Drive *Ladies Long Drive * Closest to Pin (Men's) * * Closest to Pin (Ladies) * Skin's - $10.00 Skin's - $5.00 * Closest to Pin (Carl ($20.00 Entry)

Money to paid in full by July 6th... No Walk -Ons For bookings please call Shanna 519 -445 -4790 * PLEASE NO WALK -ONS *
