ACCIONA global commitment to bioDIVERSITY Sweden

CANADA United Kingdom POLAND





Saudi Arabia





South Africa


• ACCIONA projects in the world in favour of the conservation of biodiversity

• prologue ...... 07 • Introduction ...... 08 • principles of biodiversity policy ...... 09

Biodiversity Offsetting and Improvement Programme: Net Positive Impact 10

• Nesting boxes for protected species in ACCIONA’s facilities ...... 12 • using photo-trapping to research the presence and behaviour of wild around ACCIONA’s facilities ...... 16

• fruit trees in Bear Country ...... 24 • regional Network for protecting threatened species in Extremadura () ...... 26 Feeding point in Monfragüe National Park ...... 28 Feeding point at La Roca de la Sierra ...... 29 Feeding point at Trujillo ...... 30 • Captive Breeding Project for european mink for reintroduction to the natural environment ...... 32

• Creating a wetland and a bankside wood using renewable energies ...... 34

Good practices in biodiversity linked to ACCIONA’s business 36

Working to benefit fauna

• Improving the condition of protected ophidian habitats in Ontario (Canada) ...... 38 • Monitoring birds of prey and chiropteran species in wind farms ...... 40 • Protecting fish and bird habitats in the River Thames (United Kingdom) ...... 42 index • Improving the amount of preys for Bonelli’s eagles in Spain ...... 44 • Safeguarding Montagu’s harrier nests ...... 45 • preserving protected species within desert dunes ...... 47 • Conserving protected species in the Atacama Desert, Chile ...... 48 Working with flora

• Generating new populations of threatened species in a World Biosphere Reserve ...... 52

• Working to preserve the Copihue, Chile’s national flower ...... 52 • Recovering and reproducing species from the desert in Mexico ...... 53 • Recovering and reproducing protected species in Ontario, Canada ...... 54 • Working with tree ferns, orchids, mosses and lichens in Colombia ...... 54 Restoring and caring for ecosystems

• Recovering and creating new wetlands in Alberta (Canada) ...... 57 • Restoring peat bogs and creating new wetlands in Spain ...... 58 • Combining wine production and biodiversity conservation ...... 59 Fighting against invasive species

• Pest control and invasive species, in Australia ...... 61 • Controlling the expansion of the zebra mussel ...... 62 • Controlling invasive species at Mundaring (Australia) ...... 63 6 • 7 ACCIONA, global commitment to bioDIVERSITY

ACCIONA drives the transition towards a low carbon economy


“Only when the last tree is cut down, from the past, but there is no solution the fight against climate change, in the the last fish caught, the last river there that can guide us in our interest challenges that are set before us by poisoned, only then we will realize to warn public opinion about the economic and social development linked that one cannot eat money” (Cree consequences of climate change. The to the preservation of the planet. There Indians, Canada) worst of which, without a doubt, is the is no middle ground, nor can there be. one that threatens life on the planet. You are either in or out. Today, nobody One of ACCIONA’s most noteworthy has any doubt about the fact that all challenges is the commitment to We could take inventory of how bad we plant and species, no matter sustainable development. It is a understand the meaning of biodiversity, how simple, are a repository of genetic challenge that begins in the present and which is nothing other than the variety information resulting from thousands heads straight into the future, to coming of life on Earth, meaning all living plants of years of evolution, and when they generations. You may have heard of and animals inhabiting the planet. And go extinct, they disappear and are lost the sentence recalling that the Earth we could look the other way when we forever. is not inherited from our ancestors, learn that the species extinction rate we borrow it from our children. But is currently 1000 times faster than the Dear reader, the report you have in your as we already know, human beings historical rate of natural extinction. hands reflects, with both humbleness are capable of deciphering the most Preserving biodiversity means that we and decisiveness, the labour that those complicated of scientific mysteries but of us who work at ACCIONA perform must be fully committed to the rules incapable of understanding thoughts as in favour of preserving biodiversity that the Earth imposes upon us. simple as the one you have just read. wherever our brand is present. We The footprint that man has left in the Business strategies are also established would like you to consider it as a past matters little now with respect to this way, with clarity and conviction. written commitment that binds us to directing our actions and proposals. And And this is how we would like to continuously adapt. above, all regarding our warnings and be understood in ACCIONA: in our considerations. We draw conclusions commitment to the environment, in

“Halting biodiversity loss and tackling climate change, are one of the main challenges facing humanity”

Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development. OECD - 2008. 8 • 9 ACCIONA, global commitment to bioDIVERSITY

Conserving the natural environment Principles and biodiversity of ACCIONA’s is a mainstay of the ACCIONA’s biodiversity environmental strategy policy

Incorporate biodiversity conservation Establish regular monitoring of the into its strategy, as a key component impacts on biodiversity of the Company’s Conservation of when making decisions in the areas of different projects and facilities. biodiversity and the planning, implementation, operating and dismantling of its facilities. Underscore and communicate relevant responsible use of actions in the field of environmental our natural heritage Promote awareness and training on conservation, fostering a culture of biodiversity and conservation in its biodiversity conservation. are, for ACCIONA, various lines of business, promoting as well as an ethical best practices and communication Promote actions aimed at protecting commitment, a internally and externally. and improving the natural environment. necessary condition Drive training of Company personnel in Collaborate with government, local biodiversity. communities, social organisations and for global other stakeholders in the development sustainability Develop a programme for offsetting of biodiversity conservation, awareness impacts generated on the natural and research actions. environment and biodiversity.


The Convention on Biological Diversity For ACCIONA, in addition to the fight (CBD), at its meeting of the Conference against climate change, conserving the of the Parties, held in Japan in 2011, natural environment and biodiversity is set out its Strategic Plan for Biological a mainstay of its environmental strategy. Diversity 2011-2020. This Plan recognises It has had a specific Natural Environment the progress that has taken place and Biodiversity organisational unit since towards the integration of biodiversity 2011, as well as a Panel of Experts in conservation and sustainable use of Biodiversity. Since 2012, it went further resources into companies’ economic towards achieving the principles defined activities, setting a series of targets to in its Biodiversity Policy, promoting make variables related to biodiversity an reconciliation between conserving important element in business decision species and natural places and carrying making. out its production business. 10 • 11 ACCIONA, global commitment to bioDIVERSITY

Biodiversity Offsetting and Improvement Programme: Net Positive Impact

“ACCIONA is aware that biodiversity Some of the itself is a key and valuable natural resource, promotes its value and noteworthy conservation as a necessary measure actions within for economic development and social this program are: progress.”

For this reason and in the framework Nesting boxes for protected species in of its four environmental policies, ACCIONA’s facilities. ACCIONA has an Environmental Offseting Plan, through which actions Using photo-trapping to research the constitutes a differentiation by the presence and behaviour of wild animals positive impact they generate, are around ACCIONA’s facilities. In the Sustainability implanted. Fruit trees in bear country. Master Plan 2020, Within this Plan is developed ACCIONA has set the the Biodiversity Offsetting and Regional network for the protection Improvement Programme which of threatened species in Extremadura, Neutral Biodiversity designs and execute initiatives that go Spain. Footprint as a target, beyond administrative environmental requirements on a voluntary basis Captive Breeding project for european which means, a aimed to favour certain threatened mink, for reintroduction to the natural target of No Net Loss species and/or ecosystems. environment. of biodiversity and Creating a wetland and a bankside achieve, when possible, wood using renewable energies. a Net Positive Impact 12 • 13 ACCIONA, global commitment to bioDIVERSITY

Nesting boxes for protected species in ACCIONA’s facilities

The group of nocturnal birds of prey at least those living in Spain, make their These are nesting boxes that look like advice in the project. have been installed in the Atotonilco and eurasian scops-owl (Otus scops). plays an essential role in maintaining nests in holes in old trees, which are those commonly made for -eating wastewater treatment plant, Mexico, Nesting boxes can also be used for the ecological balance in many of the often cut down and removed from the bird nesting, but of a much bigger size. Furthermore, the Disabled Employment one of the largest in the world. Based nesting by other species of diurnal birds planet’s ecosystems. For this reason countryside. Therefore, the availability of Specifically, their dimensions are 35 cm Centre of the Prodis Foundation, a not- on previous experiences in Spain and of prey, also of great interest, such as the they are fully protected by legislation appropriate breeding places usually acts x 35 cm at the base and 40-50 cm high. for-profit institution whose purpose México, in 2016 the Company proceeded common kestrel (Falco tinnunculus) and in numerous countries. as a limiting factor for the majority of The width of the opening varies between is to improve the social and working to install 7 nesting boxes in areas of great the lesser kestrel (Falco naumanni). these species. 7 cm and 12 cm in diameter, depending integration of young people with learning environmental interest in Portugal, such In recent decades, some of these species on the species they are aimed at. They disabilities, have collaborated in the us the Parque Ambiental Do Alambre and All these species are fully protected under have seen their populations drop in In order to benefit populations of are made from certified wood and nesting boxes construction. Estuário do Sado Natural Reserve. spanish regulations and are included several countries, Spain among them, for nocturnal birds of prey, ACCIONA initiated treated with linseed oil to protect them in Spanish Catalogue of Threatened several reasons, including the scarcity of in 2012, a campaign to install nesting from the inclemency of the weather. In total, 500 nesting boxes have been The target species for the nesting boxes Species. appropriate nesting places. boxes appropriate for these species, made for its installation in ACCIONA’s in Spain are the following nocturnal birds which are being placed in a significant The NGO Brinzal, which specialises in facilities throughout Spain. In addition, of prey: tawny owl (Strix aluco), barn owl Indeed, the majority of these species, number of its facilities. nocturnal birds of prey, offered technical during the last years 36 nesting boxes (Tyto alba), little owl (Athene noctua)

Thanks to this 500 nesting boxes project it’s located in ACCIONA’s estimated that facilities: waste water around 100 chicks treatment plants, water of diurnal and purification plants, solar nocturnal birds plants, hydroelectric of prey are born power plants, vineyards, every year buildings, etc 14 • 15 ACCIONA, global commitment to bioDIVERSITY

During these years, many of acciona’s nesting boxes have been occupied by colonies of bees, which is of great environment Other birds have also made their nests As voles are considered to be pests for common kestrels and lesser kestrels are in the nesting boxes, such as the spotless agriculture in Castilla y León, this means born every year. interest starling or the rock pigeon, and several that a single pair of barn owls eliminates have been occupied by bees, which is also around 2,000 voles per year, confirming As can be seen, this is a project of great of great environmental interest, as these the importance of nocturnal birds of prey environmental and social interest. The perform an excellent function in to maintaining the ecological balance and placement of nesting boxes in ACCIONA’s pollinating plants and their numbers are how beneficial they are to agriculture. facilities is going to constitute an own plummeting around the world. distinguishing mark of the Company and During the last two years, monitoring one proof more of its commitment with ACCIONA has carried out the monitoring of the occupation in the breeding the protection and improvement of the of some of the breeding pairs, with some period has carried out, with the aim of biodiversity. truly surprising information about its obtaining information about species feeding results. In particular, one pair of and its distribution. The results obtained barn owls that nested in a nesting box have been very successful, 100% of the located in a facility in Castilla y León target species have nested. Thanks to this carried around twenty voles to the nest project, it is estimated that around 100 each night to feed their chicks during bird of prey chicks as barn owls, eurasian their feeding period. scops-owls, little owls, tawny owls,

Little owl nesting in a nesting box in an ACCIONA’s facility

Benefiting bees

Numerous studies have shown a Some of ACCIONA’s nesting boxes, worldwide decline in bee populations, especially those with round openings, which is attributed mainly to the use of have been occupied by colonies of bees. phytosanitary products and to pollution This is of great environmental interest in general. In this regard, various as it benefits species which has international organisations have raised the undergone significant decreases in alarm, as preserving bees is fundamental populations in recent years and which not only to conserving the natural are essential for pollinating crops and environment, but also to food production, conserving ecosystems. given their pollinating function. 16 • 17 ACCIONA, global commitment to bioDIVERSITY

Roe deer in the vicinity of Genet near a waste water treatment plant Fox near a wind farm a wind farm in Galicia in Autonomous in Castilla y León

Using photo-trapping to research the presence and behaviour of wild animals around

ACCIONA’s facilities Work was carried out in 30 ACCIONA’s ACCIONA has carried out an To perform the work, a total of 42 Focusing on carnivorous mammals, environmental research project to study photo-trapping cameras, with sensors for which was the main target group facilities in six the wild fauna inhabiting the area around activation by movement, were located for the work and for being a good autonomous regions its facilities, using a photo-trapping around 30 facilities in six autonomous indicator of the presence or not of technique. regions. the empty effect around a facility, it of spain and more has been photographed 12 of the 15 than 21,000 photos The objective has been to act over the The cameras remained installed for 15 native carnivorous mammals species fauna group of terrestrial mammals on months, although the number of months which inhabits in Spain, they were and videos of wild which it is interesting its relationship they were in place in each facility varied photographed. animals were taken with exploitations and infraestructures, from one facility to another, but always due to their special features have to be within this period. Additionally, the three that were not located in the natural environment, as detected was due to the fact that none of wind farms, solar plants, being thermal Over that time, more than 21,000 the facilities studied were in areas where or photovoltaic, waste water treatment photographs and videos of various animal those species inhabit. plants, roads or vineyards. species were taken.

Male spanish ibex in the vicinity of a wind farmon a mountain in Valencia 18 • 19 ACCIONA, global commitment to bioDIVERSITY

Fox near a wind farm in Castilla y León A family of egyptian mongooses in the vicinity of a waste Wolf in a wind farm sorroundings water treatment plant in the Autonomous Community of Madrid. in Castilla y León Results obtained

The results obtained can be considered Foxes (Vulpes vulpes), stone martens to these species. recently, were is becoming much rarer Wolves were detected at the wind to be highly satisfactory because all (Martes foina), pine martens (Martes in the southern half of the country in farms in Galicia and Castilla y León, the carnivorous mammals that could martes), polecats (Mustela putorius), 80% of the The most frequent of all of them was recent years. having confirmed how they habitually be present in the habitats around the genet (Genetta genetta), eurasian iberian the fox and, to a lesser extent, the stone use the service roads of some of the facilities studied were detected and badgers (Meles meles), weasels marten, both of which were present in Egyptian mongooses were photographed wind farms, in which they even hunt. photographed around them. Some (Mustela nivalis), european wildcats peninsula’s the surroundings of practically all the near a thermosolar plant in Extremadura species were even confirmed to be (Felis silvestris), egyptian mongooses carnivorous facilities studied. and the waste water treatment plants Finally, highlight the detection of the present in certain areas where they were (Herpestes ichneumon), eurasian otters in Madrid, where photos and videos brown bear, which is an endangered unexpected. In fact the data obtained (Lutra lutra), wolves (Canis lupus) and mammals European wildcats were photographed confirmed their breeding. This fact is species of which only a little over provides very interesting information on bears (Ursus arctos) were photographed. species were in Castilla y León, Galicia and Valencia, highly relevant as it is a species that was 200 individuals survive in Spain. It certain species from the biological and The american mink (Neovison vison), which in which it was especially interesting to not present in the region ten years ago, was photographed in a wind farm in environmental point of view. has established itself in the wild photographed find them, as this is a species that was having arrived naturally from southern Castilla y León. in recent decades, needs to be added present in practically all of Spain until Spain. An stable presence of european wildcats has been detected in Valencia, a species whose distribution has been drastically reduced in recent years, especially in the southern half of the country.

The northward shift of several mammal species that lived in southern latitudes is observed, which might be due to climate change European wildcat near a wind farm in Castilla y León

Family of stone martens in the vicinity of a wind farm in Valencia 20 • 21 ACCIONA, global commitment to bioDIVERSITY

The photographs and videos obtained have also provided a significant amount of information on the behaviour of various species of mammals, for example about their diurnal or nocturnal nature

Eurasian badger in the vicinity of a wind farm in Red deer in a wind farm in Castilla y León Castilla y León, at an altitude of over 1,500 metres

Terrestrial mammals are perfectly adapted to the studied facilities

Other non-carnivorous mammals were Species such as the egyptian mongoose photographed around the facilities, such were found to be completely diurnal as rabbits (Oryctolagus cuniculus), hares (practically all the photographs and (Lepus capensis), wild boars (Sus scrofa), videos were taken during the day), as spanish ibex (Capra pyrenaica), roe deer were the spanish ibex. (Capreolus capreolus) and red deer (Cervus elaphus), among others. The Species such as wild boars, roe deers, photographs and videos taken confirm pine martens, wildcats, foxes and wolves the abundance of wild boars in the were photographed both during the day majority of habitats, as well as their and night. Others, such as badgers, wandering life, the abundance and stone martens and genets have shown expansion of roe deers in many areas nocturnal habits. and the natural colonisation of new areas by red deers.

Wild boars in a wind farm in Valencia 22 • 23 ACCIONA, global commitment to bioDIVERSITY

Water rail at the effluent outlet of a waste water treatment Roe deer near a highway that ACCIONA maintains plant in the Community of Madrid Numerous relevant findings were obtained on the behaviour and geographical distribution of some species

Another interesting finding was how the different species of carnivorous mammals tend to avoid each other, as only one photograph was obtained showing individuals of different species at the same time.

Although birds were not the target of this work, around 60 species were also photographed, providing interesting information, such as the stable presence of water rail (Rallus aquaticus) at the outlet of a waste water treatment plant.

Young wild boars in the vicinity Otter near a thermosolar Hare in the vicinity of a wind of a wind farm in Valencia plant in Extremadura farm in Castilla y León 24 • 25 ACCIONA, global commitment to bioDIVERSITY

This combined action by ACCIONA and fop supports brown bear conservation by applying measures to improve biodiversity in general and brown bear habitats in particular. As such, it contributes effectively to the recovery of one of our most Photos: Brown Bear Foundation (FOP): Bear Foundation Brown Photos: emblematic animal species Bear and her breeding

Bear eating fruits of buckthorn Action in the bear area, which is the only breeding unit where only 40 individuals remain Fruit Trees in Bear Country

24,000 fruit trees planted in six years reproductive success and the survival of need a greater variety of fruit-bearing Location of the fruit tree plantation areas the cubs appear to be directly linked to species to compensate during years when in Palencia and in the Cantabrian Mountains to benefit (2012 to 2017) brown bears. the availability of food, hence greater acorn and beechnut production is scarce, feed diversity would be supremely as well as to offer high energy foods in The brown bear (Ursus arctos) is listed as important for their recovery. This is why seasons of scarcity, such as summer. “threathened” by the Spanish Catalogue ACCIONA and the Brown Bear Foundation of Threatened Species. Although the (FOP) initiated this project, with the main In total, from 2012 to 2017, ACCIONA This action enriches population of cantabrian bears has been objective of enriching the hills where planted 24,000 fruit trees of various mountains where bears growing in Spain in recent years, this the bears live in Palencia and Cantabria species: cherry, apple, whitebeam, alpine growth has been significantly slower by planting fruit trees to improve the buckthorn, alder buckthorn and rowan live by creating a series in the eastern subpopulation, which availability, in terms of variety and distributed in numerous copses to cover a of feeding points and, includes the palentino hills in Palencia amount, of food for brown bears. larger enriched terrain. Their survival rate and Liébana as well as Polaciones hills exceeds 93%. in turn, contributes to in Cantabria. This subpopulation slightly The main woodlands in Palencia and improve biodiversity exceeds 40 individuals. Cantabria are oak (Quercus spp.) and beech (Fagus sylvatica), woods, which and co2 fixation Various scientific studies indicate that are very attractive to bears, but they 26 • 27 ACCIONA, global commitment to bioDIVERSITY

Regional Network for the Protection of Threatened Species in Extremadura

This project has been included in Autonomous Community of Extremadura National Park and Biosphere Reserve Catalogue of Threatened Species to “In the 10-year review report of the and it was designed and carried out by (Cáceres), La Roca de La Sierra (Badajoz) danger of extinction”. Monfragüe Biosphere Reserve (MBR) in ACCIONA in cooperation with the Regional and Trujillo (Cáceres). the UNESCO Man and the Biosphere Government. The project has also favoured other (MAB) Programme. Each feeding site has consisted of a species of carrion-eating birds of prey It has been a regional scale project with fenced plot of land between 5,000 and that are as well threatened, such as the Within this programme, ACCIONA’s clear international implications, given the 10,000 m2, cinereous vulture (Aegypius monachus) actions are specifically highlighted as large number of over-wintering birds of where specific food for these species and the egyptian vulture (Neophron innovative and are framed as the main prey that have been favoured, which nest have been regularly provided. percnopterus), both listed as “vulnerable” conservation programmes that have in northern and central Europe in the in the Spanish Catalogue of Threatened been carried out in this biosphere reserve summer and spend the winter in central The main target species of this project Species, and to a lesser extent, also the during the last 10 years. and southern Spain. has been the red kite (Milvus milvus), black kite (Milvus migrans), listed as given that its spanish population has “special protection”. The purpose of this project has been It has been the establishment and dropped drastically between 40% and to favour certain birds of prey species maintenance of three strategic feeding 50% in just one decade. This is why the The main achievement of the project whose existence is threatened. It was sites in the region for these species. Environmental Administration raised the has been the design of a method that initiated at the beginning of 2013 in the The sites are located in the Monfragüe category of the species in the Spanish allows the selective feeding of the target species, versus other opportunistic species such as the griffon vulture(Gyps fulvus), this carrion-eating bird is very Eegyptian vulture abundant in our country, and it tends to monopolise feeding stations for carrion- eating birds, thereby hindering other species from accessing food. Location of the three feeding sites, ACCIONA in Extremadura, Spain Consequently, a number of selective has implemented an techniques for providing and distributing specific feeding system food were experimented until the established objective was reached. The which provided a results have been very satisfactory, given supplementary source MONFRAGÜE that the targeted bird species have been regularly observed at the feeding place, of food for species which have contributed to stabilise like red kite TRUJILLO its populations.

LA ROCA DE LA SIERRA Pioneering project of environmental interest that have favoured threatened birds of prey

Red kite 28 • 29 ACCIONA, global commitment to bioDIVERSITY

Platforms installed in the scrubland Black kites at one of the feeding sites for feeding kites Monfragüe National Park La Roca De La Sierra feeding site feeding site

The Monfragüe National Park, declared as operate again in this new stage. It is located in the Dehesa Boyal in of the species feeding there or flying Biosphere Reserve by UNESCO, is one of the township of La Roca de la Sierra overhead. the areas of major importance worldwide The species of greatest interest that (Badajoz), it was created for the main for some bird species that are typical of have fed at this site are the egyptian purpose of favouring the red kite, given Also in this case, it was possible to mediterranean scrubland area, which vulture and the cinereous vulture, and the large number of this species over- minimise and even prevent the griffon houses the largest colony of cinereous sporadically the golden eagle. The black winter in the surrounding area, where vulture from going down to feed. vultures in the world. kite and the griffon vulture also visited there is at least one nesting pair. this feeding site. However, it has been Even though this feeding point had possible to minimise the presence of the It was regularly visited by red kites, previously existed, it was inactive. Thanks griffon vulture in favour of the former and in winter, it has been common to It was created to ACCIONA’s intervention, it began to birds. observe between 5 and 15 individuals for the main purpose of favouring the red kite, given the large number of this species over-winter in the surrounding area

Black kite Cinereous vulture Feeding platforms at La Roca de la Sierra 30 • 31 ACCIONA, global commitment to bioDIVERSITY

The population of the red kite (Milvus milvus), a species in danger of The results obtained at the three extinction, has dropped feeding sites have been very drastically in Spain by satisfactory. La Roca de la Sierra more than 35% in just and Trujillo sites were designed one decade basically to favour the red kite, while the Monfragüe site has served other species that are also of great interest, such as the cinereous vulture, the egyptian vulture and sporadically the golden eagle

Red kites in a roosts closer to the feeding point Trujillo feeding site

It was located in the Dehesa Boyal of In winter, this feeding site has been Trujillo (Cáceres). regularly visited by a larger number of red kites than at the La Roca de la Sierra The main objective of this feeding site site. It has also been possible to reduce has been to favour the red kite, given the visits by the griffon vulture, which are large number of this species over-winter seen only sporadically for not being able in the surrounding area. to access food. 32 • 33 ACCIONA, global commitment to bioDIVERSITY

This european project is part of the Captive Breeding Programmewithin the national strategy for the conservation of this species

The objective of this project is to condition, which is a success for the cameras and sensors that allows the achieve captive breeding of this species, quick retrieval of good results and monitoring of the individuals 24 hours generating a certain number of individuals for the contribution to the viability of a day. for later reintroduction to the areas the European mink captive breeding where the species lives, where the causes programme. This project is carried out with the of their disappearance have gone, both support of the Biodiversity Foundation, in Spain and in other countries in the ACCIONA have collaborated in extending the Ministry for the Ecological Transition European Union. and improving the facilities, considerably and the collaboration of ACCIONA. increasing the facility size per individual In this facilities, between 2015 and as well as the water pool each individual 2017, 22 breedings were born in perfect has. The facilities also have closed-circuit European mink

Captive Breeding Project for european mink, for reintroduction to the natural environment

ACCIONA has been collaborating actively The European mink is the Europe’s most northern Soria and north-eastern Burgos, since 2013 with the Foundation for endangered mammal, having seen its where their populations keeps decreasing. Research in Ethology and Biodiversity populations fall dramatically in recent For this reason, in 2017 it has been A few breedings (FIEB) on the Captive Breeding Project for years, partly as a consequence of the listed as species in a “critical situation” have already born european mink (Mustela lutreola) which irruption of american mink. according to the criteria in the Spanish Foundation carries out at its facilities at Catalogue of Threatened Species. within the (Toledo). This is One of the only three populations of framework of the one of the only two captive breeding european mink remaining in Europe is in centres authorised in Spain for this Spain, extending itself through part of this project endangered species. the Basque Country, , , 34 • 35 ACCIONA, global commitment to bioDIVERSITY

This project, which has been developed currently managed by the Fundación By carrying out this project in a degraded and planned by ACCIONA within its para la Investigación en Etología y area of little natural value, ACCIONA Biodiversity Policy in collaboration with Biodiversidad which gave in the land to and FIEB have managed to reverse the the Fundación para la Investigación ACCIONA to carry out this project. process, supporting its environmental en Etología y Biodiversidad (FIEB) has regeneration and representing a novel achieved the restoration of more than The regeneration of this degraded land conjunction between improving the 10.000 m2 of a degraded area, of which has allowed it now to be a refuge for natural environment and using renewable 600 m2 are wetland and the rest is a birds, among which stand out (Anas energies. repopulated forest with 350 native trees platyrhynchos), grey heron (Ardea like poplars and ash trees. cinerea), common stilt (Himantopus himantopus) and kentish plover By carrying out this project in a The wetland is located at Casarrubios (Charadrius alexandrinus), reptiles such del Monte (Toledo), in a land in which as the viperine snake (Natrix maura) degraded area of little natural two decades ago there was a riverside and amphibians such as natterjack toad value, ACCIONA and the FIEB forest but at present it was degraded (Epidalea calamita) and perez’s frog and without any vegetation. This site is (Pelophylax perezi). managed to reverse the process, supporting its environmental regeneration. Operation diagram of the wetland This also represents a novel conjunction between improving the natural environment and using renewable energies

Creating a wetland and a bankside wood using renewable energies

ACCIONA has regenerated with birds that cross the Peninsula. survival of the fauna, water is withdrawn renewable energies a riverbank from a nearby aquifer using solar panels. ecosystem by creating a wetland and This action is technically innovative as for In turn, the aquifer is fed by the natural repopulating of a riverside forest. the creation of the wetland a renewable filtration of water from the wetland. This action has allowed recovering an energy system has been used which environmental degraded area in the ensures the existence of a continuous This technique, which makes the wetland province of Toledo, turning this area in a layer of water in the wetland, regardless sustainable and autonomous, can be refuge for birds, reptiles and amphibians of the periods of droughts. For this, when extrapolated to any area where there is and a new stop on the route of migratory there is not enough water to ensure the availability of a nearby water source. 36 • 37 ACCIONA, global commitment to bioDIVERSITY

Working to benefit the fauna

Good practices in Many of ACCIONA’s projects around the world need to work with habitats where protected species live, or they are projects where special monitoring of some biodiversity linked to species is necessary to check their behaviour or their interaction with the environment or the project. Some ACCIONA’s business of the work can be highlighted.

From the rain forests of Canada to the deserts of Peru, through temperate forest or tropical jungles, ACCIONA has carried out widely varied biodiversity preservation actions involving a large number of species. Next are detailed some of the most striking and interesting actions as well as the Company’s commitment to protecting ecosystems and species. 38 • 39 ACCIONA, global commitment to bioDIVERSITY

Specimens of the two species were also radio tagged to know their behaviour and to be able to monitor their biometric data One of the most important commitments that can be made in terms of biodiversity involves the protection of threatened fauna

Thamnophis butleri Elaphe gloydi


Rescue, capture and relocation Improving the habitat system operated by experts for protected ophidian in the subject and specialised personnel in Ontario, Canada

Improving the habitat for protected An action protocol was established to These are structures capable of housing vegetation colonization. Some areas ophidian in The Rt. Hon. Herb Gray prevent impacts on both species, from hundreds of specimens during the have been replanted and restored and Parkway Project in Canada. placing specific barriers to prevent winter, where they spend the cold woodland invasion of these ecosystems them from passing into work areas, season in large groups. In addition, has been kept under control. Elaphe gloydi and Thamnophis butleri to establishing a rescue, capture and various forestry and population control are two Canadian ophidian species that relocation system operated by experts actions were used to manage the wet inhabit the areas around the Rt. Hon. in the subject and specialised prairie areas around the project where Herb Gray Parkway project at Windsor personnel. woodland vegetation was colonising (Canada) and are the species with which the wet prairies, endangering numerous work has been carried out to support the One of the most outstanding actions highly interesting animal and plant expansion of their habitat and develop was the creation of hibernaculum for species. Controlled fires have been monitoring and control measures. this type of threatened fauna. prescribed to reduce the woodland 40 • 41 ACCIONA, global commitment to bioDIVERSITY

Environmental monitoring allows to know interesting data on the behaviour of these species

White-tailed eagles (Haliaeetus albicilla)

Golden eagle Horseshoe bat Eurasian eagle-owls (Aquila chrysaetos) (Rhinolophus ferrumequinum) (Bubo bubo) Monitoring birds of prey and chiropteran in wind farms Chiropteran tracking has been In addition to the usual monitoring and these species as well as to propose on a spanish wind farm, the aim was surveillance plans of wind power facilities improvement measures for the to study the breeding success of the carried out at at operational stages, specific studies populations or to control impacts. pairs settled in the facility itself. On the numerous facilities are conducted for interesting species. In other hand, a satellite radio-tracking of a this way, monitoring of the presence and In the case of chiropteran, ultrasound golden eagle in Navarra, Spain was carried using ultrasound activity of chiropteran in Croatia and Mexico, detectors have been used to register out, whose objective has been to know monitoring and eurasian eagle-owls (Bubo bubo) the flight pattern of the different the species’ home range and use its space and golden eagle (Aquila chrysaetos) in species based on their own ultrasound to analyse its habits and thus improve its Spain have been carried out. frequencies, since these are specific for management in the region. each species. This work seeks to gather precise information on the behaviour of In the case of eurasian eagle-owls pairs

Rhinolophus hipposideros 42 • 43 ACCIONA, global commitment to bioDIVERSITY


Waterfowl and seabirds

Protecting fish and bird habitats in the river Thames

Fish and invertebrates are groups that Furthermore, methods were used in the The desalination plant’s surroundings usually go unnoticed in many works facility to protect aquatic fauna in the are now extensively used by hundreds of as their behaviour, habitat and size are surroundings using grilles, audible alarms water birds of numerous species looking not usually studied in as much depth as and countercurrent air sweeps of pipes. for food, mainly small fish, crustaceans groups of birds or mammals. In this manner, the suction pipes act and molluscs conserved using the impact intermittently such that they only operate prevention measures implemented during During the construction of the Beckton at low tide, mainly to protect marine the construction. desalination plant (London), work on fauna. Also, a 200 dB underwater sound the riverside was carried out on barges barrier is created to form a special escape to avoid impacts on aquatic fauna, route for fish. especially crustaceans and molluscs. 44 • 45 ACCIONA, global commitment to bioDIVERSITY

ACCIONA has built and maintains two facilities aimed to provide supplementary food for a pair of this species and other birds of prey SPAIN

Safeguarding montagu’s harrier nests

Programme to safeguard the some sites in Cuenca, Spain. The work has nesting of montagu’s harriers allowed that numerous nests were saved The population of (Circus pygargus) in Spain. from destruction by combine harvesters. these birds of prey, which Over the 5 years of the project, 77 nests Montagu’s harriers basically raise their were spotted, so the overall balance breeds every year without young in cereal crops, that’s why one was highly satisfactory. A total of 118 the need of travel long of the main problems they face now new specimens have flown, almost 24 Montagu’s harrier chicks in their nest is the mechanised crop harvesting. In specimens per year, which is a highly distances in search of the warmest areas or in years with significant result for the population in food, has increased certain climate conditions, the combine the area. harvesters consume their nests before since ACCIONA’s the chicks have the ability to escape. facilities were opened ACCIONA has carried out a programme to safeguard the nesting of this species at

Bonelli’s eagle (Aquila fasciata)

18 new specimens have Improving the amount of preys flown, almost 24 specimens for bonelli’s eagles in Spain per year, which is a highly Bonelli’s eagle (Aquila fasciata) is one species and other birds of prey in order pigeons undergo worming and health significant of the largest european bird of prey to improve their breeding success. checks to make sure they are in good species most threatened. Among the health and can breed normally in this result for the environmental measures associated with Each facility has numerous breeding facility. These specimens are prey species population in wind powerplants, ACCIONA has built and pairs of pigeons which are subject to a for the various pairs of birds of prey maintains two facilities aimed to provide breeding and release process to act as inhabiting the surrounding area. the area supplementary food for a pair of this possible prey for these specimens. The 46 • 47 ACCIONA, global commitment to bioDIVERSITY

A complete monitoring to evaluate and facilitate the adaptation of these species to their new home has been carried out


Arabian gazelle (Gazella arabica)

Preserving protected species within desert dunes

The fascinating desert ecosystem that (Lepus capensis) and Cheesman’s gerbil released in perfect conditions. In addition, surrounds the city of Dubai, in United (Gerbillus cheesmani), along with more a complete monitoring to evaluate and Arab Emirates (UAE), consists mainly than a hundred specimens of reptiles, facilitate the adaptation of these species of low sand dunes with scattered such us spiny–tailed lizard (Uromastyx to their new home has been carried out. trees, shrubs and grasses that host a aegyptia), classified as vulnerable by remarkable wildlife. ACCIONA, as part the IUCN, sandfish(Scincus scincus) and Additionally, several specimens of Ghaf of the consortium that is carrying out dune sand gecko (Stenodactylus doriae). tree, or tree of the dunes, considered the construction one of the largest These species have been relocated to national tree of UAE, have been identified photovoltaic plants in the world, the Al Marmoum Conservation Reserve, and relocated to Oasis Park, in the has implemented an environmental sanctuary for a great diversity of wild surroundings of the Reserve, in order to management program which consist in the animals and migratory birds. protect this species from such a limited identification and relocation of the animal natural presence. species present in the surroundings of the The capture and relocation of the species facility, among which stand the arabian has been carried out by a specialist team gazelle (Gazella arabica), classified that has used the best available practices, as vulnerable by the IUCN, cape hare which has allowed all of them to be 48 • 49 ACCIONA, global commitment to bioDIVERSITY

100% of the terrestial fauna rescued were released in good conditions

Guanaco (Lama guanicoe) CHILE Conserving protected species in the Atacama Desert, Chile

ACCIONA has built in the Atacama Desert, improve knowledge of these populations of the country. About 300 specimens Chile, the biggest photovoltaic plant surrounding the facility. It identifies of cactaceae and 11,000 bulbs of desert to date in Latin America. As part of the and characterizes the anthropogenic flowers have been rescued and relocated. commitments acquired in relation to the threats and develops an environmental photovoltaic project, the company has awareness program aimed at increasing Lastly, there has also been a rescue and implemented an ambitious environmental the sense of belonging and care of relocation plan for reptiles through six plan focused on the conservation of the natural resources. The plan also aims at rescue and five monitoring campaigns, Guanaco, Lama guanicoe. improving the responsible pet ownership, which made possible that 100% of the with focus on dogs and other threats 486 individual reptiles were released in Historically, a large part of the territory to wildlife by the rural populations good conditions. of the Atacama Region was the habitat neighbouring the project. The plan for the guanaco populations, a species contemplates the biannual monitoring of classified as Vulnerable. However, these the populations in the surroundings of the populations have been significantly “El Romero Solar” for five years. reduced in the last years due to food scarcity, which does not allow to maintain Additionally, a biological management a stable population of this camelid. In plan for flora has been carried out, this context, ACCIONA is committed to including target species like cactaceae, carry out a conservation plan which will shrubs and bulbs of this semiarid zone 50 • 51 ACCIONA, global commitment to bioDIVERSITY

Working with flora

Within ACCIONA’s various projects worldwide, there are situations where working with flora is needed, by protecting or rescuing specimens or generating new populations. It has worked with numerous species and groups, and performing work ranging from classic collection and transplanting to the most innovative measures, such as reproducing of specimens or carrying out research into little-known species. SPAIN

Ferula latipinna, vulnerable species whose populations were increased by the project

Generating new populations of threatened species in a World Biosphere Reserve (UNESCO)

Actions aimed at conserving which stands out, for the first time, the of the cone have allowed a pair of and improving biodiversity on the reproduction in a nursery garden of the kestrels (Falco tinnunculus), a species island of La Palma, Spain. threatened plant species, Ferula latipinna. catalogued as of interest for Canary This “ex situ”, reproduction technique, Island ecosystems, to take up residence The island of La Palma, UNESCO World pioneer for this species, have guaranteed and nest in a hollow of the inner wall of Biosphere Reserve, stands out for its the viability of growing this protected the cone itself. flora, as the Canary Islands are among species in nurseries. the major botanic singularity territories on the planet. In order to build Los A volcanic cone which had previously Sauces road, in which ACCIONA have been used as a dump was restored to been involved, a series of environmental house the nursery for Ferula latipinna actions have been developed, among and other native plants. The restoration 52 • 53 ACCIONA, global commitment to bioDIVERSITY


Desert cactaceae and succulent plants are species of high ecological value, being Mexico the zone Several thousand with the greatest new specimens variety of these of Copihue species on were planted, the planet improving the species’ population situation over the whole territory MEXICO

Picture of the Copihue, Chile´s national flower

Working to preserve Recovering and the Copihue, reproducing species Chile’s national from the desert flower in Mexico

The plant called “Copihue” (Lapageria On the other hand, an innovative In many works it’s needed to occupy high environmental value. These species this nursery would become a production rosea), is a protected species declared information campaign was implemented spaces inhabited by interesting species of were recovered and transferred using unit with all the necessary permits, Chile’s “National Flower” since 1916. On on the presence and characteristicis of flora. This was the case of the Atotonilco various techniques and spread around managed by the community. This will improving and renovating the road called the Copihue at tolls on the new road, waste water treatment plant in Mexico, natural areas and landscaped zones. enable them to produce and market Route 160 in Chile, an inventory to raise people’s awareness of the which is one of the world’s biggest waste Additionally, some specimens were taken these species, which will permit an was made one by one of all the importance of conserving this protected water plant and will provide wastewater to a nursery created to house the rescued economic development for the zone and specimens of the species that could be plant. treatment for 10.5 million inhabitants. flora from spaces affected by the project. a new production business linked, in this affected by the works and, in order to The objective of this was also to produce case, to the environment and biodiversity. offset the impact on the species, several As an additional measure, 47.5 hectares Associated with the works, a complete native flora, including cactaceae. thousand new specimens were planted, of native forest was planted in deforested plan was developed for relocating improving the species’ population areas inthe Pedro del Río Zañartu Park, in specimens of species affected by the Workers from local communities were situation over the whole territory. the city of Concepción. project site, many of them cactaceae of trained so that, at the end of the project,

Plantation of the species 54 • 55 ACCIONA, global commitment to bioDIVERSITY

ACCIONA has worked with mosses and lichens; species rarely benefited in conservation projects Symphyotricum praealtum (aster), species used by Canadian indigenous tribes


Platanthera leucophaea, species of the area

Recovering and Working with tree ferns, reproducing protected species orchids, mosses and lichens in Ontario, Canada in Colombia

Programme for the control habitats of the wet prairies of this region of a specific nursery for reproducing Transplanting and conserving affected by the route of the installation, Work was also performed with other and oversight of threatened of North America. specimens. SIGNIFICANT PLANT species of flora were identified. In total, 200 tree fern high environmental value species, such PLANT SPECIES in the Rt. Hon. Herb in Colombia. (Cyathea divergens) specimens, 1,000 as orchids and bromeliads. A complex Gray Parkway project, Canada. In those cases where occupying these Among other measures, the orchid Liatris epiphytic plants (orchids and bromeliads) transfer procedure was developed to habitats could not be avoided, new spicata was collected, safeguarded and There are groups of species that usually and multiple groups of non-vascular save them, involving moving their entire American wet prairies are among habitats were created in other areas as reproduced, generating a population of go unnoticed in environmental restoration species (mosses and lichens) were root structures and implanting them in Canada’s most exceptional ecosystems. In a restoration measure. 70,000 specimens. Numerous species projects. For example, ferns and epiphytic registered and saved. their new homes, on trunks or in spaces this habitat, a mixture between a wetland used by the native Indians in the area plants and groups of non-vascular plants; prepared for the purpose. zone and meadows, there are many were recovered, including the Willowleaf mosses and lichens, among others. A protocol was developed for transferring native species of flora. aster (Symphyotrichum praealtum), by specimens of tree ferns up to 4 metres New areas of these plant communities transplanting their vegetative structures However, on the construction of the tall, which were subject to different In the Rt. Hon. Herb Gray Parkway were created with the aim of creating and planting them later. Cusiana Gas Pipeline in Colombia, transplanting techniques. These project in Ontario (Canada), a series of environments with the native corrective actions were performed for specimens were relocated in areas environmental measures were established characteristics of this ecosystem. Seed these types of species. Transplanting depending on each species’ needs. After in order to safeguard populations of the spreading, propagule collection and them presented a great technical planting them, maintenance tasks were zone’s threatened species and promote elements of vegetative reproduction challenge. Firstly, the plant species performed, helping to achieve a survival the reproduction of the most interesting were used, as well as the setting up of greatest interest, which could be rate of nearly 100%. 56 • 57 ACCIONA, global commitment to bioDIVERSITY

Restoring and caring for ecosystems

In some settings and with some kinds of projects it is necessary to carry out ecosystem restoration work or create new habitats to support the biodiversity of a whole area. ACCIONA has worked in various geographical settings to restore new habitats to reflect the natural make up of these ecosystems. CANADA

Wetlands in the work area

Recovering and creating new wetlands in Alberta, Canada

Wetland areas are among twenty hectares of new wetlands and such as exists prior to agriculture being the most biodiverse ecosystems natural meadows were created. introduced into the area, using native in the world. species of flora from the area. In the case of wetlands, a specific As they are migratory stopover areas, treatment was carried out to eliminate These new zones provide habitat and they become very valuable spaces and any type of contamination that could be food to migratory birds and native fauna need to be preserved. In executing found in the substratum before flooding from the area. the Stoney Trail Ring Road project in (contamination caused by pesticides and Alberta (Canada), several actions have other agricultural substances). been carried out aimed at mitigating and offsetting impacts that the work To recreate the original ecosystem of generates on habitats in the area, natural prairies, the aim has been to especially wetlands. One hundred and recreate this habitat with similar flora 58 • 59 ACCIONA, global commitment to bioDIVERSITY

The management system for the three vineyards of the ACCIONA Bodegas Palacio, reconstructed takes full account the natural of all types of network of measures linked wetlands and to preserving peat bogs with the natural regeneration of environment plant species and the use of sustainable, non-polluting growing techniques

Drosera specimens are among those Vineyards to have gained most from the project

Restoring peat Combining bogs and creating wine production spain new wetlands and biodiversity in Spain conservation Regenerative pool for wild fauna

Peat bogs are a type of wetland that fulfil in the , restoring Restoring the peat bogs returned the Worth highlighting within the In the plantations, both the natural the use of biological methods for pest valuable environmental functions and are them to recover these exceptional original water flow to the area, flooding environmental actions in these vineyards, environment and the buildings are control and actions of conservation and of high value for biodiversity. However, habitats. the surface with a sheet of water a few the conservation and fostering of inhabited by a large number of birds of restoration of soils, avoiding erosion and they have been subject to numerous millimetres deep and so regenerating natural habitats in areas not set aside prey species, various species of passerine favoring the proliferation of microfauna. disturbances that have affected their Work was carried out to make a pool, plant communities, especially of Drosera for growing vines. The creation of green birds, chiropters, mustelids, cervids, etc. state of conservation, above all in the recovering an old area open to flooding, rotundifolia y Drosera intermedia, two corridors and the conservation of natural All nests are left alone, ensuring that mountainous areas in southern Europe to recover a significant area of peat bogs small protected carnivorous plants. areas favor the development of natural they are not damaged and hunting is where authentic ones are rare. and make other pools along the river vegetation. Especially, mediterranean prohibited to prevent disturbances. Úrbel as a system for containing flood forest and bush and, in general, any Within one of ACCIONA’s projects, action waters and recovering an old dump other native tree or bush species that Regarding cultivation and land was taken on peat bog and wetland areas area around Úrbel del Castillo. may be of interest. management techniques, it stands out 60 • 61 ACCIONA, global commitment to bioDIVERSITY

Fighting The campaign began against in April 2013 with quarterly edition of invasive local environmental species and social issues

Some species can cause serious environmental problems when they extend beyond their natural area of distribution. Invasive species are now a serious environmental and economic problem in many parts of the world. In some ACCIONA projects the need arises to control and to stop the expansion of these species and implement measures to prevent their proliferation.


Lantana Mother of millions Groundsel bush

Pest control and invasive species in Australia

An environmental awareness program Environmental Management Plans, for Certificates of absence of seeds. called BEST (Building Environmental the ACCIONA´s works on the Australian Sustainability Together) was developed in continent. Activities to mechanically eliminate any order to train employees and contractors presence of specimens of these plagues on the environmental aspects of projects Among these initiatives are highlighted: in the entire area, whether seeds, implemented in Australia. These activities rhizomes or adult plants. were launched under the slogan “BEST Protocol to avoid the arrival of adult commitment of all”. specimens to the areas comprised Activities regarding animal specimens, within the project. among others the dangerous fire One of the main environmental aspects ants that have caused devastating of the work in the Australian continent is In-depth monitoring of the arrival environmental damage throughout the control of pests and invasive species, of seeds or any vegetation structure southern Australia. the management of which is crucial. To to the work site, to which purpose this purpose a full action protocol for a battery of preventive and control invasive species was developed within the measures have been implemented. 62 • 63 ACCIONA, global commitment to bioDIVERSITY

The zebra mussel The impacts is an invasive foreign on forests and species, which wood of various proliferation is invasive species generating severe is an important environmental, social problem and economic in Australia problems



Hylotrupes bajulus

Dreissena polymorpha

Controlling Controlling invasive the zebra mussel species at Mundaring, invasion in Spain Australia de Hylotrupes bajulus

The zebra mussel is an invasive use of chemical products with the system of large capacity filters, the Nature throughout Oceania is seriously on the natural vegetation. This mould is the first time in 2004. It has continued its foreign species, which proliferation is consequent environmental damage to effectiveness of which has been shown. affected by invasions of non-native included in the list of 100 of the world’s spread through the county of Perth since generating severe environmental, social water quality. The great advantage is that the process is species, so great efforts were made worst invasive alien species by the that time. and economic problems as it blocks entirely physical, avoiding the use of any to control this aspect in works that International Union for Conservation of numerous water facilities of all kinds. It ACCIONA has participated in the chemical products. ACCIONA carried out at Mundaring Nature (IUCN). To prevent its propagation throughout also affects aquatic fauna as it occupies construction of a system to avoid the (Australia). the work area, studies were prepared on beds and flooded areas, asphyxiating entry of the zebra mussel into the A complete protocol was also prepared its presence in the zone, with detailed native species. irrigation network of a large housing One of the aspects controlled is on the delivery and use of pine wood, as mapping, and on the necessary control development that draws water from the the expansion of the oomycete the Hylotrupes bajulus , a pest that measures to prevent its arrival due to Its great capacity for resistance and Canal Imperial de Aragón in Zaragoza. Phytophthora cinnamomi, which has affects pine and structural and building works activities. reproduction means it is difficult to seriously affected woodlands in the wood, has been detected in the area. eliminate, in most cases turning to the This facility consists of a sophisticated project area, with very negative effects This was found in Western Australia for Avda. de Europa, 18 Parque Empresarial La Moraleja 28108 Alcobendas (Madrid) Spain

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