Miscellaneous Papers on “Turbellarians”
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藤女子大学紀要, 第 42 号, 第 II 部: 81-96. 平成 16 年. Bull. Fuji Women's University, No. 42, Ser. II: 81-96. 2004. MISCELLANEOUS PAPERS ON “TURBELLARIANS” by MASAHARU KAWAKATSU, EUDÓXIA MARIA FROEHLICH, HUGH D. JONES, ROBERT E. OGREN, MASAYUKI TAKAI and GEN-YU SASAKI ARTICLE II (pp. 88-96 ) http://planarian.net/db/lpindex/ix2004.pdf ADDITIONS AND CORRECTIONS OF THE PREVIOUS LAND PLANARIAN INDICES OF THE WORLD (PLATYHELMINTHES, SERIATA, TRICLADIDA, TERRICOLA) ADDITIONS AND CORRECTIONS OF THE PREVIOUS LAND PLANARIAN INDICES OF THE WORLD – 12 By MASAHARU KAWAKATSU, EUDÓXIA MARIA FROEHLICH, HUGH D. JONES, ROBERT E. OGREN, and GEN-YU SASAKI INTRODUCTION ADDITIONS AND CORRECTIONS OF THE PREVIOUS The present publication is a continuation of our LAND PLANARIAN INDICES OF THE WORLD – 12 Land Planarian Indices Series. An ‘Additions and Corrections of the Previous Land Planarian Indices of the World –12’ is given. A. BIPALIIDAE INDEX (1987: Bull. Fuji Women’s Col- lege, No. 25, Ser. II, pp. 79-119; 1988: Occ. Publ., Biol. Abbreviations for publications of the Land Planarian Lab. Fuji Women’s College, No. 19, pp. 1-16; 1992: Bull. Indices Series: BFC = Bulletin of Fuji Women’s College, Fuji Women’s College, No. 30, Ser. II, pp. 62-75; 1993: (Ser. II); BFU = Bulletin of Fuji Women’s University, Ibid., No. 31, Ser. II, pp. 80-81; 1994; Ibid., No. 32, Ser. (Ser. II)(after 2002); OC = Occasional Publications, II, pp. 73-76; 1995: Ibid., No. 33, Ser. II, pp. 78-81; Biological Laboratory of Fuji Women’s College, Sapporo 1996: Ibid., No. 34, Ser. II, pp. 87-93; 1997: Ibid., No. (Hokkaidô), Japan; pdf = web article ( pdf ) is also 35, Ser. II, p. 56; 1998: Ibid., No. 36, Ser. II, pp. 75-76; available. 1999: Ibid., No. 37, Ser. II, pp. 94, 97, 99-101; 2000: Ibid., No. 38, Ser. II, pp. 83-85; 2001: Ibid., No. 39, Ser. Abbreviations for figures and photographs cited: AE, II, pp. 112-113; 2002: Bull. Fuji Women’s Univ., No. 40, arrangement of eyes; CP, parts of the body showing the Ser. II, pp. 165-166; 2003: Ibid., No. 41, Ser. II, pp. color pattern(s); DB, dorsal view of the body; DH, dor- 108-109). sal view of the head; DRB, diagramatic representation of the body (schematic figure); DVB, dorsal and ventral BFC25. Pp. 91-93. Bipalium kewense Moseley, 1878. views of the body; FCA, schematic figure of the copu- Add the following items. latory apparatus; FGO, schematic figure of the genital Bipalium kewense: Tanaka, 2003: 138. Okinawa organ; FP, schematic figure of the pharynx; FTS, Islands, SW Islands of Japan. schematic figure of transverse section(s); HI, histo- Bipalium kewense: Okochi., Sato & Ohbayashi, logical figure(s); PCA, photographs of the copulatory 2004: 1465-1474, fig. 2c (map). Haha-jima apparatus; VH, ventral view of the head. Island, the Ogasawara Islands / Japan. Bipalium kewense: Yamamoto, Yamamoto & Ka- Note. ‘KAWAKATSU-&-SASAKI’s WEBPAGES ON wakatsu, 2004: 42. PLANARIANS, SAPPORO AND TÔKYÔ (ISSN 1348 Bipalium kewense: Yamamoto, Kawakatsu & 3412)’ is a Continuation from the Occ. Publ., Biol. Sasaki, 2003: 2-4, fig. 2 (idiogram), 4, fig. 4A Lab. Fuji Women's College, Sapporo (Hokkaidô), Ja- (and B) (idiogram(s)), 5-6, fig. 5, ⑤-⑦ (color pan: Nos. 1-34, for 1970-2000 (ISSN 0917-4362). photographs). Nagasaki Pref., Kyûshû / Ja- pan. The pdf versions of the ‘Land Planarian Indices Series’ (published after 2001) are available at our website: BFC25. P. 96. Bipalium moseleyi Loman, 1887. http://planarian.net. Add the following items. Bipalium moseleyi : Froehlich & Leal Zanchet, - 1 - 2003: 752. Nagasaki-1. Kawakatsu, Yamamoto, Ogren & Takai, 2000. Add the following items. BFC25. P. 97. Bipalium nobile Kawakatsu & Makino, Diversibipalium sp. Nagasaki-1: Yamamoto, 2003: 1982. Add the following items. 36. Shimabara, Nagasaki Pref., Kyûshû / Bipalium nobile : Shirasawa, Yoshihama, Seo & Japan. Furuta, 2003: 32. Tôkyô / Japan. Diversibipalium sp. Nagasaki-1: Yamamoto, Ka- Bipalium nobile : Shirasawa, Yoshihama, Seo, wakatsu & Sasaki, 2003: 2-3, fig. 2 (idio- Furuta & Shirasawa, M., 2003: 1541. Tôkyô / grams), 5, 7, fig. 5 Y- T (color photographs). Japan. Isahaya, Nagasaki Pref., Kyûshû / Japan. Bipalium nobile : [Yamamoto, A.], 2003: 34-35, 4 figs (monochrome photographs of live speci- BFC38. Pp. 84-85. (Under Bipalium). Diversibipalium mens, distribution maps in Hokkaidô). sp. Nagasaki-2. Kawakatsu, Yamamoto, Ogren & Otaru, Hokkaidô / Japan. Takai, 2000. Add the following items. Bipalium nobile : Yamamoto, A., Yamamoto & Diversibipalium sp. Nagasaki-2: Yamamoto, 2003: Kawakatsu, 2004: 41-48, figs 1-5 (photo- 36. Shimabara, Nagasaki Pref., Kyûshû / graphs, distribution map in Otaru City, Japan. chromosomes and an idiogram, 2x=10). Diversibipalium sp. Nagasaki-2: Yamamoto, Ka- Otaru, Hokkaidô / Japan. wakatsu & Sasaki, 2003: 2-3, fig. 2 (idio- Bipalium nobile : Yamamoto, Kawakatsu & Sa- gram), 8, fig. 5 V- K (color photographs). saki, 2003: 2-3, fig. 2 (idiogram), 5-6, fig. 5 Shimabara, Nagasaki Pref., Kyûshû / Japan. - (color photographs). Nagasaki, Kyûshû / Japan. BFC38. P. 85. (Under Bipalium). Diversibipalium sp. Nagasaki-3. Kawakatsu, Yamamoto, Ogren & Takai, BFC25. Pp. 96-97. (Under Bipalium). Diversibipalium 2000. Add the following items. multilineatum (Makino & Shirasawa, 1983). Add the Diversibipalium sp. Nagasaki-3: Yamamoto, 2003: following items. 36-37. Shimabara, Nagasaki Pref. Kyûshû / Diversibipalium multilineatum: Yamamoto, A, Ya- Japan. mamoto & Kawakatsu, 2004: 42. Diversibipalium sp. Nagasaki-3: Yamamoto, Ka- Diversibipalium multilineatum: Yamamoto, Ka- wakatsu & Sasaki, 2003: fig. 2 (idiogram), 5, wakatsu & Sasaki, 2003: 2-3, fig. 2 (idio- 8, fig. 5 Q- U (color photographs). Shima- grams), 5, 7, fig. 5 -S (color photographs). bara, Nagasaki Pref., Kyûshû / Japan. Nagasaki, Kyûshû / Japan. BFC38. P. 85. (Under Bipalium). Diversibipalium sp. UNDESCRIBED BIPALIID SPECIES (1987: BFC25, pp. Nagasaki-4. Kawakatsu, Yamamoto, Ogren & Takai, 107-109; 1992: BFC30, pp. 73-75; 1993: BFC31, p. 81; 2000. Add the following item. 1994: BFC32, pp. 75-76; 1995: BFC33, pp. 80-81; 1996: Diversibipalium sp. Nagasaki-4: Yamamoto, Ka- BFC34, pp. 88-89; 1997: BFC35, p. 56; 1999: BFC37, p. wakatsu & Sasaki, 2003: 2-3, fig. 2 (idio- 97; 2000: BFC38, pp. 84-85; 2001: BFC39, p. 113; 2002: gram), 5, 9, fig. 5 F- I (color photographs). BFU40, p. 166; 2003: BFU41, p. 109). Nagasaki, Nagasaki Pref., Kyûshû / Japan. BFC30. P. 74. Bipalium sp. of Chichi-jima Island. BFC38. P. 85. (Under Bipalium). Diversibipalium sp. Ogren & Kawakatsu, 1988. Bipalium muninense Nagasaki-5. Kawakatsu, Yamamoto, Ogren & Takai, Sluys, Kawakatsu & Ogren, in press.*1 Add the 2000. Add the following items. following item (see also BFC38: 84). Diversibipalium sp. Nagasaki-5: Yamamoto, 2003: Bipalium sp.: Okochi, Sato & Ohbayashi, 2004: 37. Shimabara, Nagasaki Pref., Kyûshû / 1468, 1470, fig. 2c (map), 1472-1473. Japan. Haha-jima Island, the Ogasawara Islands Diversibipalium sp. Nagasaki-5: Yamamoto, Ka- (Tôkyô) / Japan. wakatsu & Sasaki, 2003: 3-4, fig. 2 (idio- *1. This new species name may be disclaimed. Cf. gram), 5, 9, fig. 5 J- \ (color photographs). ICZN, 4th Ed., 1999. Art. 8.3. It will be de- Shimabara, Nagasaki Pref., Kyûshû / Japan. scribed based upon the samples from Chichi-jima Island, the Ogasawara Islands. BFC39. P. 113. (Under Bipalium). Diversibipalium sp. Kumamoto-1: Yamamoto, 2000. Add the following BFC38. P. 84. (Under Bipalium). Diversibipalium sp. item. - 2 - Diversibipalium sp. Kumamoto-l: Yamamoto, BFC26. Pp. 64-65. Platydemus manokwari de Kawakatsu & Sasaki, 2003: 4, fig. 4c (idio- Beauchamp, 1962. Add the following items. gram), 5, 9, fig. 5 Z- E (color photographs). Platydemus manokwari: Tanaka, 2003: 138. Oki- Kumamoto Pref., Kyûshû / Japan. nawa Island, SW Islands of Japan. Platydemus manokwari: Okochi, Sato & Ohba- yashi, 2004: 1465-1474, fig. 2c (map). Haha- B. RHYNCHODEMIDAE INDEX, PART I : RHYNCHO- jima Island, the Ogasawara Islands (Tôkyô) / DEMINAE (1988: Bull Fuji Women’s College, No. 26, Japan. Ser. II pp. 39-91; 1992: Ibid., No. 30, Ser. II, pp. 75-78; 1993: Ibid., No. 31, Ser. II, p. 81; 1994: Ibid., No. 32, Ser. II, p. 76; 1995: Ibid., No. 33, Ser. II, p. 81; 1996: UNDESCRIBED RHYNCHODEMIDAE (Rhynchodem- Ibid., No. 34, Ser. II, p. 89; 1997: Ibid., No. 35, Ser. II, inae) SPECIES (1998: BFC26, pp. 82-84; 1992: BFC30, pp. 56-57; 1998: Ibid., No. 36, Ser. II, p. 76; 1999: Ibid., p. 78; 1994: BFC32, p. 76; 1997: BFC35, p. 57; 2000: No. 37, Ser. II, pp. 101-103; 2000: Ibid., No. 38, Ser. II, BFC38, p. 86; 2002: BFU40, pp. 166-167). pp. 85-86; 2001: Ibid., No. 39, Ser. II, pp. 113-114; 2002: Bull. Fuji Women’s Univ., No. 40, Ser. II, p. 166; 2003: BFC38. P. 86. Platydemus ? sp. 1 of Chichijima Island. Ibid., No. 41, Ser. II, pp. 97-106, 109-110). Kawakatsu, Okochi, Sato, Ohbayashi, Kitagawa & Totani, 1999. Add the following item. BFC26. P. 51. Insert a new collective group (genus) and Platydemus ? sp. 1: Okochi, Sato & Ohbayashi. species list before the genus Caenoplana Moseley, 2004: 1468, 1470, fig. 2c (map). 1472-1473. 1877. See BFU41. Pp. 94-95, 98-99, Table 1. Haha-jima Island, the Ogasawara Islands (Tôkyô) / Japan. Genus Anisorhynchodemus Kawakatsu, Froehlich, Jones, Ogren & Sasaki, 2003 (collective BFC38. P. 86. Platydemus ? sp. 2 of Chichijima Island. group). Kawakatsu, Okochi, Sato, Ohbayashi, Kitagawa & Literature: Kawakatsu, Froehlich, Jones, Totani, 1999. Add the following item. Ogren, Takai & Sasaki (2003), Article II. Platydemus ? sp. 2: Okochi, Sato & Ohbayashi, 2004: 1472. Haha-jima Island, the BFC26. P. 62. Replace “Platydemus boehmigi Geba, Ogasawara Islands (Tôkyô) / Japan. 1909” by the following name. nec “Rhynchodemus boehmigi von Graff, 1899.” C. RHYNCHODEMIDAE INDEX, PART II : MICRO- Anisorhynchodemus gebaboehmigi Kawakatsu, Froeh- PLANINAE (1989: Bull Fuji Women’s College, No. 27, lich, Jones, Ogren & Sasaki, 2003. Ser. II, pp. 53-111; 1992: Ibid., No. 30, Ser. II, pp. Anisorhynchodemus gebaboehmigi nom. nov.: 78-80; 1993: Ibid., No. 31, Ser. II, pp. 81-82; 1994: Ibid., Kawakatsu, Froehlich, Jones, Ogren & Sa- No.