What You Need to Understand Mark 8:1-9

1 In those days the multitude being very great, 9 and having nothing to eat, called his And they that had eaten were about four disciples unto him, and saith unto them, thousand: and he sent them away.

2 I have compassion on the multitude, because Intro: they have now been with me three days, and A) There are plenty which try to find have nothing to eat: contradictions in the 1) They often confuse this with 3 And if I send them away fasting to their own the feeding of the 5000 houses, they will faint by the way: for divers of • The feeding of the 5000 is them came from far. recorded in all 4 • The feeding here is only recorded 4 And his disciples answered him, From whence in Mark and Matthew can a man satisfy these men with bread here in the wilderness? B) Distinctions between the two 5 And he asked them, How many loaves have 1) The first miracle of feeding took place in , near ye? And they said, Seven. • It involved predominantly Jews 6 And he commanded the people to sit down on 2) This miracle of the feeding …. the ground: and he took the seven loaves, and • Took place in Decapolis gave thanks, and brake, and gave to his disciples • It involved mostly Gentiles to set before them; and they did set them before 3) The 5,000 had been with Him one the people. day • The 4,000 had been with Him 3 7 And they had a few small fishes: and he days blessed, and commanded to set them also 4) When the 5,000 were fed there were before them. 12 baskets of fragments remaining

8 • In this miracle, only 7 baskets of So they did eat, and were filled: and they took fragments remained up of the broken meat that was left seven baskets.

5) There were even 2 kinds of baskets • Mark 8:14-18 “Now the disciples had • For the 5,000, small wicker lunch forgotten to take bread, neither had baskets (kophinos) were used they in the ship with them more than • For this miracle, hampers (spuris) one loaf. And he charged them, were used (considerably larger) saying, Take heed, beware of the leaven of the , and of the C) The shared several aspects leaven of Herod. And they reasoned 1) The menu was basically the same among themselves, saying, It is • Fish and bread because we have no bread. And 2) We are encouraged by our Lord’s when Jesus knew it, he saith unto compassion and control them, Why reason ye, because ye • But we are frustrated with the have no bread? perceive ye not yet, blindness and unbelief of the neither understand? have ye your disciples heart yet hardened? Having eyes, D) Immediately after, our Lord is see ye not? and having ears, hear ye attacked by the pharisees ……. not? and do ye not remember?” Mark 8:11-12 “And the Pharisees came 1) My guess is they are feeling a little forth, and began to question with him, smug having just witnessed Jesus seeking of him a sign from heaven, putting the Pharisees in their place tempting him. And he sighed deeply in 2) This we know….. Jesus uses the his spirit, and saith, Why doth this occasion to teach His disciples generation seek after a sign? verily I say • Let’s look at what the disciples unto you, There shall no sign be given could not understand unto this generation.” 1) They are wanting some miracle before them to prove He is the • (Vs. 13) Jesus refuses to play their game 2) He leaves them standing • He tells the disciples to get on the boat • They sail away

I. The Lord’s Command E) But notice the disciples didn’t bring Mark 8:15 “And he charged them, along any bread saying, Take heed, beware of the leaven of the Pharisees, and of the 2) Notice “the leaven of Herod” leaven of Herod.” • Matthews account says, “Leaven of the A) He warns to beware of the leaven of ” the Pharisees and Herod • Pharisees were “religious conservatives” 1) Leaven is another word for yeast but Sadducees were “religious liberals” • Yeast would be added to dough to (Herodians) make it rise • Worldliness and world’s ways • Yeast is a bacterium, with 3) We are always in danger of both! moisture, will come to life and • Hypocrisy of the Bible believers affect what it is a part of • Worldliness of believers 2) This is called fermentation • The first step of decomposition II. The Disciples Confusion 3) In the Word of , leaven is a Mark 8:16 “And they reasoned among picture of sin themselves, saying, It is because we • Luke 12:1 ….. “beware ye of the have no bread.” leaven of the pharisees, which is A) The disciples immediately hypocrisy” misunderstood (mind was on • They claimed they loved the Lord, physical and not spiritual) but their heart was far from the 1) Is he rebuking us for not bringing Lord! bread? • Matthew 23:15 “Woe unto you, 2) Is he telling us not to buy bread from scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! the Pharisees or Herodians? for ye compass sea and land to 3) Is he saying we should not have make one proselyte, and when he fellowship with the Pharisees or is made, ye make him twofold Herodians? more the child of hell than 4) (Answer) None of the above! yourselves.”

B) Jesus was using leaven as a metaphor and symbol of evil B) Jesus is warning of a hypocritical heart 1) Don’t be hard on the disciples 1) We all struggle with our own heart being • Often times we are spiritual cold dullards as well! • One of the reasons we emphasize our • That is why we continue to battle D-Groups / Bible reading our flesh as we do! 2) Take a church service for example 19 When I brake the five loaves among (choir sings, receive an offering, five thousand, how many baskets full of sermon, home) fragments took ye up? They say unto • Stop and think of the privilege of him, Twelve. coming to church … the blessing 20 And when the seven among four • Stop and think of the blessing of thousand, how many baskets full of God’s goodness fragments took ye up? And they said, • Stop and think of the truth of Seven. God’s word and how it changes your life

• Stop and think of the privilege to share a slice of Heaven on earth…. God’s people worshipping together • Even the trials and valleys you face is God intervening in your life! 3) God is seeking to grow us …. • To develop us • But we are so worldly and captivated with this world that we miss it!

III. The Lord’s Challenge X) In verse 11 remember the Pharisees Mark 8:17-20 And when Jesus knew it, have rejected Him he saith unto them, Why reason ye, 1) They saw what Jesus could do because ye have no bread? perceive ye • But refused to believe not yet, neither understand? have ye 2) They asked for a sign they already your heart yet hardened? had 18 Having eyes, see ye not? and having • Baby born in Bethlehem ears, hear ye not? and do ye not Matthew 2:1 remember? • The age predicted by Daniel in 1) Stop and think about the Matthew 24:15 was closing mountains He has moved in your • The message and work of life Jesus was already evidence He • (Example of Rose and our was the Messiah John 14:11 college days) 3) But the story changes to disciples • Example of my wreck / injury • They witnessed His miracles 2) Stop and remember God • Yet still didn’t understand our answering your prayer Lord could take care of them 3) Stop and remember times of • They too were spiritually blind closeness in His presence 4) Stop and reflect on when He A) Jesus asked a series of questions waved you! 1) The questions were designed to awaken their hearts Conclusion: • Don’t you remember the A) The disciples needed to realize it feeding with 5 loaves? was not about WHAT you had with • Don’t you remember how much you fragments we took up? 1) It was about WHO you had with 2) The questions were permeating you!! • You have eyes, can’t you see? • You have ears, can’t you hear? B) It is still true today in our Christian life …. 1) Walking with Him 2) Trusting in Him 3) Relying upon Him is the greatest thing you could do…

3) The questions were convicting

• Don’t you understand who I

am? Sources: • He wanted them to see Him as 1) The of Mark, William He was, God in the flesh. Barclay

2) How Is It Ye Do Not Understand? B) In our time of doubt, we should Alan Carr reflect and remember too! 3) The Gospel According to Mark, Leadership Ministries World Wide