Newspaper Articles from the West Virginia Advocate : on Families Of
NEWSPAPER ARTICLES FROM "THE WEST VIRGINIA ADVOCATE" BY DR. WILMER L. KERNS (by permission of the author) ON FAMILIES OF HAMPSHIRE CO. WV & FREDERICK CO. VA PROPERTY OF BAD VEGAS NEOOONALGENEALOGICAL UERARX 1. The HOTT Family 2. The Adam KERN Family 3. The ALKIRE Family 4. The SLONAKERS 5. The STREIT Family 6. The Ellis PUGHFamily 7. The LA FOLLETTE Family 8. The KACKLEYFamily 9. The HEAREFamily 10. The SLANES 11. The BRUCEFamily 12. SomeEarly Pioneers of Old Virginia 13. Historic Records of Hampshire Co./The Lost Records 14. The Rev. Christy SINE 15. More Pioneers/MC COY, EDWARDS, CAUDY & TAYLOR 16. The Mysterious Jacob OATES 17. The QUEENFamily it .wM, , “«../".1; .A APage 16 History: ‘ ' ~ The West Virginia Advocate Monday, September 13, 1982 The Hoii Famil Editor's Note: Henceforth, Dr. A is: 7"”"Now Although this family name had a Kems' column, reporting history of .«. different families of the re ion, will very humble beginning, descend ants of Geor e Hott have played a becate. a negularIt s believed feature that of this e column Advo rominent roe in this area. They willassist the many people whoare ave served as: commissioner, tracing their genealo ‘calroots and sheriff, lawyers, doctors, ministers, also provide informa ive and enter and ap le growers. At least two taining facts to the general public. descen ants served as bishops in Readers are requested to mail all the_United Brethem Church (now comments or in uiries to: Dr. Wil United Methodist), one college president and a host of professors mer L. Kems, c o The West Virgin and teachers in various schools.
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