蓮董整輩襲箋 直t, a 塑曲〇一哩e臆臆me畦s Door Of?臆am Phillips,S Tin the Tale of Sun Records Is So Familiar It Hardly Needs Re
劫狩古間et5.子 音St7∵やつ皿∵妃・ time), Carl Perkins (his 1956 car crash and long period of con- Valescence just subsequent to the sales takeoff ofく地理嚢垂些 細QeS,’’the rockabill立s車), and Gene Vincent (the 1960 London taxi accident which killed Eddie Cochran and made WOrSe a Virtua11y crippling leg injury he had suffered earlier). It 蓮董整輩襲箋 直t, a 塑曲〇一哩e臆臆Me畦s door of?臆am Phillips,s tin The tale of Sun Records is so familiar it hardly needs re- telling・ How Sam Phillips started out recording the great black blues singers and leasing the results to independents like Chess in Chicago and RPM on the Coast・ How EIvis Presley wandered in and paid $3.98, PreSumably to cut a record for his mother on Phillips’s custom recording service. How with the release of ’’That’s All Right,,, Presley,s first record and Sun No. 209, Phillips never looked back, SCarCely recorded another black artist, and put together a roster which at one time or another included Presley, Carl Perkins, Jerry Lee Lewis, Johnny C今sh, Charlie Rich, Roy Orbison, and such lesser lights, and rock- abilly luminaries, aS Sonny Burgess, Warren Smith, Onie Wheeler and Malcolm Yelvington. 史聖堂_旦旦uS± o王臆旦Imost classical p証tv and」鉦血j皿」)er- haps that is why, eXCePt for the work of its major practitioners, it holds up so poorly today emulate it in 聖上e上皿出し吐g垂臆臆t旦旦哩皿a血重 [ SOunq WaS 出哩宝止せe上皿しj聾血al臆runS Of Tam is Louisiana- guitarist. It was not just Southem music either, it was つ_ Outhem music a車L蓮th臆the ±lmst」。1 e exce聾inI霊吐_ 葦三豊董艶書誌詰図日 埋坦crmtI±土塁己’It was ”聖旦uSi己臆旦畦J塾_ 寄越範詩誌董董 Of曲and L鉦!里Eizz址-WaS nOt always very staid 襲撃警護聾蓋蓋蓋琵 Every genre has its unique requirements・ Rockabilly・s, how- ever, Were mOre Stringent than most.
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