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SJIF Impact Factor: 6.093 Volume: 4 | Issue: 4 | April | 2019 ISSN: 2455-7838(Online) EPRA International Journal of Research and Development (IJRD) Peer Reviewed Journal


Abdullahi Ahmed Hussein Faculty of Postgraduate Studies, Master of Public Administration University of Somalia, , Somalia

ABSTRACT The study had its major problem to examine the impact of on socioeconomic development in Mogadishu Somalia The principle object was to examine the relationship between Corruption and socioeconomic development in Mogadishu Somalia,The impact of political corruption on economic growth in Somalia. We show that corruption deters growth indirectly through reducing the factor input productivity in a Cobb-Douglas production function. Political corruption in Somalia is symbolized by and , embezzlement, and favoritism, kickback and without its elimination; it will be hard to achieve a reliable socioeconomic development. The study shows that there is a statistically significant moderate positive relationship between political corruption and socio economic development. The researcher suggests the following, People attitude towards corruption must be changed by educating them on the negative consequences of corruption. Equal opportunity principles must be given to the people rather than selective recruitment on the bases of nepotism. Recruiting government employee on the basis of their qualification and experience rather than on the basis of tribalism and nepotism. Financial payment should be conducted through credit transfer or any other electronic method instead of cash on hand. KEYWORDS: corruption, economic growth, Bribery, Nepotism, embezzlement andfavoritism.

1.0 INTRODUCTION In fact corrupt practices are not an issue that In the past few years, corruption has become a just begins today; but the history is as old as the world widespread phenomenon in many countries. The (Lipset and Lenz, 2000). According to Tanzi (1998) World Bank website cites corruption as the single most corruption is the intentional noncompliance with arm‟s important obstacle to development. It is a subversive length relationship aimed at deriving some advantage force that can topple the most entrenched regimes, it from this behavior for oneself or for related corrodes currencies, markets and investments. The individuals. study of the causes and consequences of corruption is Corruption is a major problem in many of the not a recent phenomenon it has a long history in world's developing economies today. While the economics, dating back at least to the seminal discussions on the political economy of nations have contributions of the rent seeking literature by Krueger always included an examination of the issue of (1974), Rose-Ackerman (1978) and Bhagwati (1982). corruption. Thus the elimination of corruption is seen as very important for development of nations(Arvate, Curi, Rocha, &Miessi Sanches, 2010). The causes of

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corruption also are many in number. For example, for constitutional institutions and authority cultural factor, psychological factor and system related dismas(2015). factors may cause corruption in every Somalia was previously known as the society.However, understudying statistics on Democratic Republic of Somalia, it is an African corruption are often questionable, the available data country and it is a member of Arab States League. suggest that it accounts for a significant proportion of Somalia was considered in last centuries as one of the economic activity. As a result of this growing concern, most important centers of world trade between the there has been universal condemnation of corrupt ancient worlds. In the colonial era Somalia was practices, leading to the removal of some country divided into two parts: British Somalia and Italian leaders.(Freckleton, Wright, & Craigwell, 2012). Somalia. On June 26, 1960, an independence of British Political corruption is expected to undermine Somalia from the United Kingdom was formally the legitimacy of the democratic system, support for declared, followed by the five-day independence of the incumbent and even interpersonal trust (Morris Italian Somalia. Somalia, officially known the Federal 1991, Mishler and Rose 2001). (1966). Corruption is Republic of Somalia, its capital is Mogadishu. now recognized as a global phenomenon, which has to Recently the population of Somalia is 10,817,354 and be addressed coherently and consistently. Corruption total area is 637.657 km 2. There are four languages is not a contemporary social phenomenon, but rather are spoken in the state: Somali, Arabic, Italian, has existed as long as human society. dismas(2015). English. Life expectancy in 2014 was 55.35, mortality Political corruption is certainly not a new rate under-5 (per 1,000 live births) was 174 in 2005 phenomenon. The early great thinkers in philosophy and reduced to 137 in 2015, and GDP per capita in (e.g., Aristotle, Plato) addressed the topic, and the 2015 was $ 549.27. This country with a parliamentary Roman Empire and its fall-serves as an important early federal system is suffering from continuous conflicts case study (MacMullen,1988). Despite this, the term and disputes as well as it ranked last in the Corruption “political corruption” has no agreed-upon definition. Perceptions Index 2016. It is Located in East Africa, Although efforts have been made to advance bordered by the Gulf of Aden to the north, the Indian conceptual frameworks of political corruption Ocean to the east, to the northwest, Ethiopia (e.g.,Heidenheimer& Johnston, 2002; Philp, 1997), a to the west, and Kenya to the southwest. Somalia consensus definition does not currently exist contains many natural resources such as uranium, iron particularly in the criminology literature. Moreover, ore, tin, copper, salt, natural gas and some oil reserves. corruption is not limited to the political and public Abumousa(2017) arena, but present in virtually all human interactions Since the outbreak of civil war in Somalia in (e.g. family and community relations and business 1991 and the collapse of government institutions, the transactions) in different forms (bribe, kickback, international community including neighboring stealing, nepotism, misappropriation, etc.) (Nye 1989). countries attempted several times to restore peace and In African political history, the commission of stability in Somalia from the perspective of a tribal Africa (2005) noted that most African countries conflict. But these efforts were unsuccessful due to suffered from the governments that have looted the clan-oriented warlords who thrived economically at resource of the states with personal exchange. And the expense of weak and vulnerable citizens in the also most African countries are more corrupted than chaotic situation. However, the conflict in Somalia other continents in the world for instance in 1996 and was not only due to tribal conflicts, but, it was a 1997 Transparency International ranked Nigeria as one combination of power struggle, control of resources, of the three most corrupt nations in the world and tribal fighting. In other words, it is political (Agbiboa, 2010). Corruption is also principally a corruption and theft of public resources. This work governance issue, and a challenge to African will study how these phenomena evolved and its democratic functioning. It is a failure of both adverse effects on the government. institutions and the larger framework of social, In Somalia corruption affected almost all judicial, political and economic checks and balances institutions of government. It affected the office of the needed to govern effectively. When these formal and president, the prime minister, parliament, the mayor of informal institutional systems are severely weakened the capital, security agencies as well as international by corrupt practices, it becomes harder o implement aid. The practice of nepotism, extortion, and the theft and enforces laws and policies that ensure of public resources are common. These officials accountability and transparency. Thus, according to misused their official positions to enrich themselves the UNDP Anti-Corruption Practice Note, corruption and ignored the public interest. A report released by undermines the rule of law and leads to the violation of the International Governance Institution-Somalia, human rights by fostering an anti-democratic described the situation like this: “As one of the longest environment characterized by uncertainty, instances of state collapse in recent years, Somalia unpredictability, declining moral values and disrespect faces many of the major corruption challenges that

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affect conflict-torn countries, with rampant corruption experienced extreme conflict and systematic and a deeply entrenched patronage system corruption in its recent history, resulting in weak undermining the legitimacy of the internationally government structure that is unamendable. recognized Federal Government (FG). Corruption is International Transparency group ranked Somalia as further exacerbated by the absence of a functional the most corrupt country in the world for seven central government, lack of resources and consecutive years. Bribery, fraud, and embezzlement administrative capacity, weak leadership structures as of public property continue to occur. (Leslie, 2011, p. well as a limited ability to pay public officials.” 3) (Group, Feb 2011) Despite all these challenges the international Despite the extensive studies and the efforts of community is engaged to help the country to overcome international community and Somali Federal its difficulties, fight terrorism, and embark on nation Government in creating measurements of corruption building and establishing government institutions. and the ratification of laws and policies that are meant Corruption affected almost all spheres of life in to curb corruption practices; corruption penetrated in Somalia, including government agencies, international all institutions of the Somali Federal Government. aids and in the private sector. The most affected areas According to International Crisis Group, former of corruption in Somalia are Aden Ade international president Sheikh promised “a airport and , international aid, the new era of ethical and clean politics. (siyaasad nadiif parliament and the executive including the president. ah) He also pledged to create an administration that The main challenge that this form of political would advance good governance and tackle the corruption raises for public institutions concerns the endemic corruption that blighted past regimes, this qualification of the ways in which public officials may promise remains unfulfilled."(SOMALIA: THE make use of their entrusted public power in TRANSITIONAL GOVERNMENT, Feb,2011). The compliance with the rationale of the public order expectations to clean up the government was quickly within which they operate. To this end, the first dashed. The crusade war against corruption was dimension to consider concerns public officials in their abandoned as the president tried to maintain a political rule-making function. Public rules have been generally alliance with the then parliament speaker Sharif regarded as corrupt when they are the outcome of an Hassan, who can mobilize members of parliament illegitimate exchange between the legislator and those against his opponents(SOMALIA: THE who are systematically but unduly advantaged by TRANSITIONAL GOVERNMENT, Feb,2011). those rules. Bribery is a paradigmatic example ( However, poorly functioning government institutions Emanuela Ceva and Maria Paola Ferretti 2017) tend to be relatively corrupt. (Leslie, 2011) However, the assessment of this dimension of In the absence of functional central political corruption is far from being straightforward governments Somali transitional governments because the line between legitimate and illegitimate perceived as a weak, highly corrupted and weak political exchanges is blurred. The demission of leadership structures state. According to International corruption include bribery, nepotism, Favoritism and Crisis Group (2011), confirmed that both petty and Embezzlement while socioeconomic measure income massive corruption is prevalent in Somalia, with wide and wealth Hence in this study the researcher was spread misuse of state resource and disregard for examined the political corruption of Somali and its ethical conduct by public offices such as poor book impact of economic growth in Mogadishu, Somalia. and record keeping, unclear internal procedure that Therefore, in this study, will investigate how Political may create many opportunities for misusing public corruption affects economic growth in Somalia and resource for private gain. The and also the study will identify the factors that may other dimensions of its socio-cultural and political contribute setting had always relied strongly on traditional and Research objectives informal pillars; such as livestock, Remittance and General objective Telecommunication companies. (UNDP, 2004). The main objective of this study is to assess the impact Hence, countries that practice high levels of of political corruption in socio economic development corruption are common for underdevelopment, famine, in Somalia a case of Banadir. Specificallythis study poor infrastructure and low levels of trust. Despite the will investigate factores influence the political abundance of natural resources in most African corruption in Somalia case of Banadir countries, these countries depend on foreign donations  To determine the political corruption of to carry out government services. Somalia suffered mechanism from all these negative indications of corruption.  To know the effect of bribery on Somalia is socially, economically and politically socioeconomic development in Mogadishu, unstable for two and half decades and thus, it has been Somalia. identified as a “failed state”. The country has

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 To assess the impact of nepotism on socio Political corruption is the use of powers by economic development in Mogadishu, Somalia. government officials for illegitimate private gain. An  To explain the impact of embezzlement on illegal act by an officeholder constitutes political socio economic development corruption only if the act is directly related to their  To identify favoritism factor that influence on official duties, is done under color of law or involves socio-economic trading in influence Political corruption characterized 2.0 LITERATURE REVIEW by bribery, nepotism, Fraud , Favoritism” and According to Carl (1972) defines Corruption as Embezzlement. (Amundsen 1999) a kind of behavior which deviates from the norm 2.1 Factors influencing perception of actually prevalent or behaved to prevail in a given corruption inSocioeconomic development. context, such as the political. 2.1.1 Bribery Socio-economic development is the process of This corruption involves the promise offering social and economic development in a society.Socio- or giving of a benefit that improperly effects the economic development is measured with indicators, actions or decisions of public servants, political party, such as GDP, life expectancy, literacy and levels of or government agency. (A report implemented by the employment. Changes in less-tangible factors are also Namibia institute for democracy (NID), 2006). considered, such as personal dignity, freedom of Bribery” is the payment of a fixed sum, a association, personal safety and freedom from fear of certain percentage of a contract, or any other favor in physical harm, and the extent of participation in money of kind paid to the state official in charge of society. Causes of socio-economic impacts are, for making contracts on behalf of the state or otherwise example, new technologies, changes in laws, changes distributes benefits to companies or individuals, in the physical environment and ecological changes businessmen and clients. To pay or receive bribery is (Ghent, 2008). corruption per se,and should be understood as the essence of both extractive and redistributive Political corruption is general term that refers to corruption. The bribery is the payment (in money or instance where appointed or elected government kind) given to or taken by testate official in a corrupt officials, from judges to legislation and police fail to relationship (Amundsen, 1999). uphold the law in affair and balanced manner, this can There are many equivalent terms to bribery, include such activities as supporting legislation like kickbacks, baksheesh, sweeteners, grease money through bribery providing favorable or unfavorable and pay-offs, which are all notions of corruption seen judicial and legal treatment to select minorities in the from below, as “redistributive” corruption. These are population or other abuses of power (Ray wark, all payments needed or required to make things pass 2003.)According to Carl (1972) defines Corruption as swifter, smoother or more favorably through a a kind of behavior which deviates from the norm bureaucracy, or to avoid some burden. By “greasing actually prevalent or behaved to prevail in a given palms” many corporations and business interests are context, such as the political. for example able to buy political favors and escape the It is deviant behavior associated with a full burden of taxation and environmental regulations, particular motivation, namely that of private gain at others are able to buy protected markets and public expense. In this study adopted the definition of monopolies, import/export licences (Ghent, 2008), Amundsen (1999) which defines political corruption as Bribery, however, is also extraction. It is a kind deviation of national legal system which may cause of “informal” taxation whenpublic officials charge weak transparency, accountability and also misuse of extra under-the-table payments or “gifts” from clients. public resource for personal gain. Corruption in It is an extractive form of bribery when a party boss developing countries is often believed to arise from the goes on a promotion tour, and fills the luggage clash or conflict between traditional values and the compartment of his car with “donations” and imported norms that accompany modernization and “gifts”from the “devoted followers” in his socio-political development. constituency (Amundsen, 1999) Bureaucratic corruption is seen by some 2.1.2 Nepotism researcher, then, as an unavoidable outcome of This involves a person ensuring that family modernization and development (Alam 1989, Bayley members are appointed to positions, or that family 1966).David Bayley (1966: 720) argues that members receive contracts or tenders. (A report "corruption, while being tied particularly to the act of implemented by the Namibia institute for democracy bribery, is a general term covering the misuse of (NID), 2006). authority as a result of considerations of personal gain, The term of Nepotism comes from Italian word which need not be monetary." Herbert Werlin (1973: nepotismo, which is based on Latin root nepos, 73) defines political corruption as the "diversion of meaning nephew or grandson. Since the Middle Ages public resources to nonpublic purposes."

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and until the late 17th century, some Catholicpopes Favoritism is quite simply the normal human and bishops, who had taken vows of chastity, and proclivity to favor friends, family and anybody close therefore usually had no legitimate offspring of their and trusted. In the political sphere, favoritism is own, gave their nephews such positions of preference thepenchant of state officials and politicians, who have as were often accorded by fathers to son.Several popes access to state resources and the power to decide upon elevated nephews and other relatives to the cardinalate. the distribution of these, to give preferential treatment Often, such appointments were a means of continuing to certain people when distributing resources. a papal "dynasty". Clientelist favoritism is a basic characteristic of the For instance, Pope Callixtus head of the Borgia neo-patrimonial societies, but in most societies it is a family, made two of his nephews cardinals; one of rather everyday proclivity to favour one‟s kinship them, Rodrigo, later used his position as a cardinal as a members (family, clan, tribe, ethnic, religious or stepping stone to the papacy, becoming Pope regional group Alexander Alexander then elevated Alessandro 2.1.4 Embezzlement Farnese, his mistress's brother, to cardinal; Farnese Embezzlement is outright theft of entrusted would later go on to become Pope Paul .Paul also funds. It is a misappropriation of property. Another engaged in nepotism, appointing, for instance, two common type of embezzlement is that of entrusted nephews, aged 14 and 16, as cardinals. The practice government resources; for example, when a director of was finally ended when issued the bullRomanum decet a public enterprise employs company workers to build Pontificem, in 1692.The papal bull prohibited popes in or renovate his own house.(Jens Chr. Andvig and Odd- all times from bestowing estates, offices, or revenues HelgeFjeldstad, 2000). on any relative, with the exception that one qualified Embezzlement” is theft of public resources by relative (at most) could be made a cardinal (Rogan, public officials, and as such its understood as another 2010) Nepotism is a common accusation in politics form of misappropriation of public funds. The state when the relative of a powerful figure ascends to official steals from the public institution in which he similar power seemingly without appropriate his employed and from resources he is supposed to qualifications (Ghent, 2008). administer on behalf of the state and the public. Nepotism at work can mean increased However, disloyal employees in private forms can also opportunity at a job, attaining the job or being paid embezzle their employers and firms, and several kinds more than other similarly situated people. Arguments of resources may be embezzled (Rogan, 2010). are made both for and against employment granted due to a family connection, which is most common in Embezzlement is not considered as corruption small, family run businesses. On one hand, nepotism from a strict legal point ofview. In legal terms, can provide stability and continuity. Critics cite studies corruption is a transaction between two individuals, that demonstrate decreased morale and commitment one state agent and one “civilian” agent, where the from non-related employees,[ and a generally negative state agent goes beyond the limits of the law and attitude towards superior positions filled through regulations in order to secure himself a personal nepotism. An article from Forbes magazine stated benefit in the form of a bribe. Embezzlement is "there is no ladder to climb when the top rung is therefore regarded as theft, because it does not involve reserved for people with a certain name."Some the “civilian “side directly. The general public is be businesses forbid nepotism as an ethical matter, stolen only indirectly when public funds are (Ghent, considering it too troublesome and disruptive (Ghent, 2008). 2008). These points to one of the dangers of 2.1.3 Favoritism embezzlement. There will have to be apolitical will as “Favoritism” is a mechanism of power abuse well as an independent judiciary and a legal capacity implying “privatization” and highly biased distribution in order to clamp down on embezzlement. In of state resources, no matter how these resources have authoritarian and semi-democratic countries, system of been accumulated in the first place. Favoritism or embezzlement can develop in a closed institutional and is to grant offices or benefits to friends and moral universe, independently of the public moral and relatives, regardless of merit. Favoritism is related to with few possibilities of public sanctions (Rogan, corruption insofar as it means power abuse in the form 2010). of a corrupted (undemocratic,“privatised”) distribution of resources, whereas corruption strictly defined is Without a directly involved “civil” party in this, about the Accumulation of resources. However, embezzlement is also irrelevant to any understanding favoritism in the distribution of resources is intimately of corruption as “redistributive” (any Robin Hood can related to corruption, in particular the collective and be excluded). Within the theory of extractive extractive corruption of neo patrimonial regimes as corruption, however, embezzlement is seen as one of discussed above (Rogan, 2010). the most important modes of economic accumulation.

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Embezzlement isa fundamental part of the socioeconomic development in Mogadishu, Somalia, resource extractive apacity of the ruling elite, and may to assess the impact of nepotism on socio economic even be more important than extraction through bribes development in Mogadishu, Somalia, to explain the embezzled, and individual citizens have no legal right impact of embezzlement on socio economic to present themselves as forfeited (Amundsen, 1999). development, to identify favoritism factor that 3.0 METHODOLOGY influence on socio economic development in Somalia In this study, the researcher was conducted case of Banadir .The study employed a cross-sectional through cross sectional surveys , the research design research design in data collection. This research explanatory research design, the researcher used employed quantitative data collection method whereby explanatory research design or cause relationship data was gathered by the use of closed ended variables because to consideration time and cost of questionnaires which were self-administered. Factor data. The study is also said to be correlation in design analysis was used to assess the validity and Cronbach because there was intent to establish the relationship alpha to assess reliability of the questionnaire. between political corruption on socio economic Multiple regression analysis was performed to assess development and this method was considered best for the relationship between the dependent variable (socio- the research‟s purpose. economic development) and the independent variables Before collecting any data, it is important that (bribery, nepotism, embezzlement and Favoritism ) researchers clearly define the population, including a The research wanted to the impact of political description of the members. The designed descriptive corruption in socio economic development in Somalia should designate the population for which the problem a case of Banadir. The summarizes respondents' level was examined. The entire population for which the of agreement on Bribery.The respondents agreed that researcher wants to draw conclusions was the focus of Bribery causes poor accounting practice in managing the descriptive. There are 5 main institutions in public finance. As shown by mean of 2.39. The Banadir region. The target population of this study was respondents also agreed that Bribery is one of the main 200 where 45 are drawn from ports , 40 from airport factors contributing corruption. As reported by a mean adenadde , 50 from Mogadishu municipal workers. 30 of 2.90. The respondents also agreed that Bribery Members of the parliament, 35 members of political creates misuse of resource allocation in public parts. Responses were given by Top Managers ,Middle institutions. As shown by mean 3.02. The respondents Managers , workers , that are involve and close also agreed Bribery contributes corruption to poor corruption sourness.. governance A sample is part of the target (accessible) The study is to examine the impact of political population that has been procedurally selected to corruption in socio economic development in Somalia present it. The sample was consist of 133 participants a case of Banadir, the summarizes respondents' level selected from selected institution in Mogadishu. These of agreement on nepotism. The respondents agreed participants have been chosen according to the that Nepotism harms ethical leadership of politicians possibility of getting accurate information. According and senior public officials. As reported by a mean of to Slovene„s (1960) formula. 2.79. The respondents also agreed that Nepotism is one This study will carry out pilot test in order to of the factors contributing political corruption and thus ensure validity and reliability of questionnaire before remains a big challenge to effective governance. As conduct main data collection. shown by mean of 3.05. The respondents also agreed This study was applied quantitative methods that Nepotism increases appointment of family especially correlation design for analyzing collected member to positions. As reported by a mean of 3.04. questionnaire. SPSS 20 were used to analyze data The respondents also agreed that Nepotism serves the collected and item analysis was illustrated the narrow interests of family and allies, as shown mean of strengths and weaknesses based on the indicators in 3.45.and The respondents also agreed that Nepotism terms of mean, standard deviation and rank. From impedes principles of fairness and transparency by these strengths and weaknesses, the recommendation favoring families ties over competencies and was derived. qualification 4.0 SUMMARY OF FINDINGS This study to examine the impact of political The general objective of this study was The corruption in socio economic development in Somalia main objective of this study is to assess the impact of a case of Banadir, The summarizes respondents' level political corruption in socio economic development in of agreement on embezzlement . The respondents Somalia a case of Banadir. Thus, this study will carry agreed that the reason of money stealing exists in our out the following specific objectives. Specifically this country is a poverty, obtaining a mean of 2.99. The study To determine the political corruption of respondents also agreed the most of the population mechanism, to know the effect of bribery on take part the embezzlement because of every one‟s self interest, obtaining a mean of 3.08. The respondents

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also agreed without anti-corruption committee caused 5.0 CONCLUSIONS the long time existing embezzlement in our country, Based on the findings of this study, the obtaining a mean of 3.80. The respondents also agreed following conclusions were drawn. results reveal that that High rank holders deceives the national asset bribery, nepotism, embezzlement and favoritism have instead of keeping, obtaining a mean of 3.14. significant and positive influence towards socio- This study to examine the impact of political economic development in Banadir region. Standard corruption in socio economic development in Somalia multiple regression analysis was conducted for a case of Banadir, The summarizes respondents' level hypotheses testing (Cooper, 2013) in order to establish of agreement on favoritism. The respondents agreed the best combination of independent (predictor) that you felt that your boss shows favoritism in variables would be to predict the dependent (predicted) performing duties, obtaining a mean of 3.00. The variable and to establish the best model of the study respondents also agreed when you see someone at (Schindler, 2013). work getting special treatment you feel 6.0 RECOMMENDATIONS discouragement this favoritism, obtaining a mean of Based on the findings of this study and the conclusions 3.22. The respondents also agreed you always feel drawn, the following recommendations were made: your boss' favourite employee, obtaining a mean of This study forwarded the following recommendations; 3.23. The respondents also agreed that favoritism can  People attitude towards corruption must be endanger the group working and coordination in tasks, changed by educating them on the negative obtaining a mean of 2.38. consequences of corruption. A number of questions were asked examine the  Equal opportunity principles must be given to the impact of political corruption in socio economic people rather than selective recruitment on the development in Somalia a case of Banadir. The bases of nepotism. summarizes respondents' level of agreement on socio  Fraud is caused by clan politics so there must be economic development respondents agreed that Poor one man one vote electoral process in which people pay much of their effort to how they can systematic electronic database is used. service themselves instead the country, as shown mean  Recruiting government employee on the basis of of 3.45. The respondents also agreed that Rich their qualification and experience rather than on communities increase the economic level of the the basis of tribalism and nepotism. country by increasing employment opportunity, as  Financial payment should be conducted through shown mean of 3.45. The respondents also agreed that credit transfer or any other electronic method Wealthy communities sacrifice the nation instead their instead of cash on hand. wants, as shown mean of 3.24. The respondents also 7.0 AREAS FOR FURTHER RESEARCH agreed the poor‟s activity to creation of the income This study was conducted by examining the reduces inflation and there by develops the country‟s impact of political corruption in socio economic aggregate economy, as shown mean of 2.39. The development in Somalia a case of Banadir, therefore respondents also agreed when the country‟s life further research can be carried out in other areas in expectancy rises, the socioeconomic development Somalia as such areas Impact of tribalism on socio- improves, as shown mean of 2.90. The respondents economic development in Somalia, Impact of also agreed Health lifestyle like exercising, eating corruption on foreign direct investment. nutritious food and adopting non-smoking practices REFERENCES increase life expectancy, as shown mean of 1.57. The 1. E., On, C., Economic, T. H. E., In, D., Study, C., respondents also agreed Higher health spending per & Municipality, O. F. K. (2015). MASTER ’S capita is generally associated with higher life DEGREE FINAL DISSERTATION. expectancy at birth., as shown mean of 1.80. The 2. Peoples, C., & Sutton, J. E. (2017). Oxford respondents also agreed Higher national income Research Encyclopedia of Criminology Political contributes to longer life expectancy, as shown mean Corruption and State Crime A Criminological of 3.45. Overview of Political, (January 2019), 1–20. Results confirm the varying importance of the impact of political corruption in socio economic 79.013.274 3. Adenike, T. (2013). An econometric analysis of development in Somalia a case of Banadir . Finally the the impact of Corruption on economic growth in results reveal that bribery, nepotism, embezzlement Nigeria, 4(3), 54–65. and favoritism have significant and positive influence 4. Manzetti, L., & Wilson, C. J. (2007). Public towards socio-economic development in Banadir Support ?, 949–970. region. 5. Seligson, M. A. (2002). The Impact of Corruption on Regime Legitimacy : A Comparative Study of Four Latin American Countries, (May), 408–433.

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______|EPRA International Journal of Research and Development (IJRD) |ISSN:2455-7838 (Online) |SJIF Impact Factor: 6.093|______

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Volume: 4 | Issue: 4 | April| 2019 |120 |