
Supermassive and Co-evolution?

Chung-Pei Ma UC Berkeley or σ or L or Ngc The MΒΗ - σ relation (2009)

Local Black Holes

49 direct mass measurements (2009)

Major updates (2009-2013) 17+ new masses 16+ updated masses

Avi’s idea! Gebhardt et al (2000) Ferrarese & Merritt (2000) Tremaine et al (2002) Gultekin et al (2009) The MΒΗ - σ relation (2013)

72 direct mass measurements (2013) 4.5 dex MBH-σ slope steepens BH mass from ~4 to ~5

Major updates since 2013

1. Massive ellipticals 2. Compact ellipticals McConnell & Ma (2013) 3. Masers (~20 MBH) 4. CO (5 MBH) The MΒΗ - σ relation (2016+)

McConnell & Ma (2013) Does σ work for massive ellipticals? Saglia+(2016) NGC 1600 NGC 4874

4.5 dex BH mass

Galaxy velocity dispersion The MΒΗ - M* relation (early-types only) Does M* work for McConnell & Ma (2013) massive or compact ellipticals?

NGC 1600 NGC 4874 NGC 1600 4.5 dex MBH~2%M* BH mass Mean relation MBH~0.2%M*

Galaxy stellar mass The two most massive black holes reside in different environments Thomas, Ma et al (2016, Nature) McConnell, Ma et al (2011, Nature)

NGC 1600 group

14 15 Mvir ~ 1.5x10 Msun Mvir = (1.4-2.7)x10 Msun 44 Lx ~ 1000x lower Lx = 4x10 Lsun Rank 2 galaxy ~3x fainter (fossil-group) Rank 2 galaxy similar in L D = 64 Mpc D = 102 Mpc NGC 4874

Is MΒΗ correlated with any galaxy property at high mass?

Galaxy velocity dispersion Massive ellipticals have large stellar cores

NGC 1600 core radius rb = 0.7 kpc or 2.3” M87 M49 NGC 3842 HST is too small for NGC4889 high S/N spectroscopy ! NGC1600 NGC4874 My team: Gemini/Keck integral core radius field spectrographs with subarcsec resolution JWST/30m even better

Thomas, Ma+ (2016) MΒΗ correlates better with galaxy core size

NGC 4889 MBH - core size relation

NGC 3842 NGC 4874 2.5 dex BH mass

Thomas, Ma+ (2016) See also Lauer+ (2007)

Galaxy core radius New BH scaling relation for cored ellipticals

Black hole’s gravity NGC 4874 NGC 4889 dominates within the NGC 3842 sphere of influence MBH = M*( < rSOI)

Best-fit is consistent with rSOI = rb Intrinsic scatter 0.17 dex rSOI = rb

=> rb is better than GM/σ2 as a predictor for rSOI Thomas, Ma+ (2016) Galaxy core radius Physics Origin of Stellar Cores?

The tight SOI - core radius scaling relation gives strong evidence that black holes created stellar cores

But how?

Binary black hole scouring Black hole recoil after merger AGN feedback

Galaxy velocity dispersion Stellar orbits are tangential in core regions

More radial

Isotropic orbits

More tangential (i.e. fewer on radial orbits) Next Step in Super-Duper Massive Black Hole Hunt

The MASSIVE Survey

An integral field spectroscopic (IFS) and photometric survey of the ~100 most massive within ~100 Mpc

Volume-limited, target all M*> 1011.5 Msun The MASSIVE Survey

Survey paper Ma + (2014) ApJ Stellar pop gradient Greene + (2015) ApJ Molecular gas Davis + (2016) MNRAS X-ray properties Goulding + (2016) ApJ Black hole mass Thomas + (2016) Nature Stellar kinematics Veale + (2017) MNRAS Ionized gas Pandya + (2017) ApJ Environment Veale + (2017) submitted σ radial profile Veale + (2017) in prep Kinemetry Ene + (2017) in prep HST isophotes Goullaud + (2017) in prep Black hole masses (2017) in prep …………… Looking Ahead at the Massive End

ΛCDM Cosmology Gravitational Waves Physics of Pulsar Timing Arrays black hole & galaxy MASSIVE mergers Survey 20+ black holes 9 above 10 Msun 100 most massive galaxies Strong-gravity Galaxy Formation Physics Gas physics of VLBI Event Horizon galaxies/clusters Imaging Stellar IMF Dark matter Looking Ahead

A new population of SMBHs beyond M87

Candidates for Event Horizon Telescope & GW searches

Not all reside at centers of rich clusters NGC 1600: first extreme MBH outside rich clusters MBH ~ 2% M*

MBH - σ & MBH - Mbulge relations show large scatter at both low and high mass ends

New BH scaling relation: rSOI = rb

Core size => better proxy of MBH

A new hunting strategy: MASSIVE survey + HST cores Past efforts relied on velocity dispersion σ