
In Reference…

Alamance Community College Library Spring 2016

Not sure how to vote? Want to learn more about the lives and beliefs of our presidential hopefuls? Check out these new books about our candidates, including the ones who have recently dropped out of the race, from a display case in the library. (Books are listed alphabetically by the candidate’s last name.)

Immigration Wars: Forging An American Solution– by Jeb Bush and Clint Bolick From the former Republican governor of Florida and a leading constitutional litigator comes a timely and provocative look at one of the most divisive issues facing the nation today: immigration. His six-point strategy for reworking our policies begins with erasing all existing, outdated immigration structures and starting over.

A More Perfect Union: What We the People Can Do to Reclaim Our Constitutional Liberties – by Dr. Carson admits that he is not a politician, but luckily, that doesn’t matter. He says, “Our founding fathers didn’t want a permanent governing class of professional politicians. They wanted a republic, in Lincoln’s words, ‘of the people, by the people, and for the people.’ A country where any farmer, small-business owner, manual laborer, or doctor could speak up and make a difference.”

Hard Choices – by Hillary Rodham Clinton

Hillary Clinton's candid reflections about the key moments during her time as Secretary of State, as well as her thoughts about how to navigate the challenges of the 21st century.

In Reference – Spring 2016 – page 2

HRC: State Secrets and the Rebirth of Hillary Rodham Clinton – by Jonathan Allan The story of Hillary's phoenix-like rise after her defeat for the Democratic presidential nomination in 2008 is at the heart of HRC, a riveting political biography that journeys into the heart of Hillaryland to discover a brilliant strategist at work.

A Time for Truth: Reigniting the Promise of America – by Ted Cruz The outspoken Texas senator has refused to go along with the established way of doing business in Washington. As a result, he has become a voice for millions of Americans frustrated with governmental corruption and gridlock.

God, Guns, Grits, and Gravy – by Mike Huckabee Here Huckabee asks the question, "Have I been taken to a different planet than the one on which I grew up?" He explores today's American culture, drawing from his travels as a presidential candidate to present average, small-town people and families, and their optimistic resilience in the face of hard times; their stories, says Huckabee, "will inspire readers to think about their own values and rediscover what makes America great."

Huckabee: The Authorized Biography – by Scott Lamb In this authorized biography of Michael Dale Huckabee, Scott Lamb reaches into the vaults of Huckabee's past to show us the man behind the politician. He had access to personal and professional files, including dozens of exclusive interviews with family and .

In Reference – Spring 2016 – page 3

Taking A Stand: Moving Beyond Partisan Politics to Unite America – by Rand Paul Senator Rand Paul's plan for America is where lower taxes and smaller government empower a muscular and expansive middle class; an America that doesn't engage in nation-building or fight wars where the best outcome is stalemate; an America that believes in constitutionally protected liberty and the separation of powers.

American Dreams: Restoring Economic Opportunity for Everyone – by Marco Rubio In this follow-up to his bestselling memoir, An American Son, Senator Rubio offers a road map for restoring the land of opportunity. He explains why we now stand at a critical junction and why the next few years will determine the future for our children and grandchildren. He shares his plan for scaling back state, helping families save for college and retirement, and making it easier for small businesses to create millions of good jobs.

An American Son: A Memoir – by Marco Rubio Marco Rubio, U.S. senator and son of Cuban immigrants, tells his "American dream" story as he speaks about the challenges we face and the better future that's possible if we return to our founding principles.

The Essential and His Vision for America – by Jonathan Tasini Author Jonathan Tasini draws heavily from Bernie Sanders' ample public record of speeches, statements, and interviews, and couples his working-class spirit with specific legislation he has championed on a number of core proposals that comprise a broader people's agenda for America. In Reference – Spring 2016 – page 4 Outsider in the White House – by Bernie Sanders As Bernie Sanders continues to cement his reputation as hero to the progressive left with his run for the Democratic nomination for president in 2016, this expanded and updated edition of his 1997 political autobiography continues his story as he fights to bring radical social change to America.

Crippled America: How to – by Donald outlines how a could be restored to greatness. The book explores Trump's view on key issues including the economy, big CEO salaries and taxes, healthcare, education, national security, and social issues. Of particular interest is his vision for complete immigration reform, beginning with securing the borders and putting American workers first.

If you can’t find the books you need in our library, just ask at the circulation desk! We can borrow materials for you from the other community colleges in North Carolina through our interlibrary loan program. If that doesn’t work, we can go to World Cat, the world’s largest online catalog to search for materials for you.

Let us do the hunting for you!