Did American Orthodox Jews Forsake Their Israeli Brothers?
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Controversy DID AMERICAN ORTHODOX JEWS Modern Orthodoxy and the Failure of Nerve? By Emanuel Feldman here was Modern Orthodox behave with sensitivity and honor the National Council of Young Israel Jewry in the United States toward the pioneers who originally set- and the RCA’s Israel Region unambigu- Wduring the recent withdraw- tled those parts of Eretz Yisrael if the ously denounced the withdrawal and its al/expulsion trauma in Israel? Here is a evacuation occurs—a fine sentiment, as implications. And here and there were group that always identified itself emo- far as it goes. But not a single word was heard strong anti-withdrawal statements tionally and ideologically with Religious spoken about the morality of uprooting from individual Orthodox rabbis and Zionism, was inspired by the pioneers fellow Jews from their homes and liveli- synagogues, and from several ad hoc who settled the Land and castigated groups. those who did not understand the devo- That American Modern Orthodox tion of the settlers to Eretz Yisrael. It is Jews chose not to get involved in a thus perplexing that when the chips debate about military strategy—will were down, the settlements threatened withdrawal enhance or dilute Israel’s with closing and their residents with security?—is understandable. What is forced expulsion, not only did this difficult to understand is their unwill- American Orthodox community not ingness to address the fundamental ide- growl angrily; it did not even offer a ology of Religious Zionism concerning protesting meow. the surrender of parts of the Holy Land The flag-bearers of Modern to their enemies. And it completely Orthodoxy and Religious Zionism—the defies understanding that there was offi- Rabbinical Council of America, repre- cial silence in the face of the impending senting one thousand Orthodox rabbis, human tragedy about to befall the very and the Orthodox Union, representing communities with whom they were hundreds of Orthodox synagogues— spiritual partners—a silence that was took no sides. In their separate pre- interpreted by Israeli authorities as withdrawal statements they offered boil- acquiescence. erplate clichés that urged Israel to A rabbi removes a sefer Torah from a shul in What is exquisitely ironic is that the settlement of Bedolach. Thirty-eight shuls the very organizations that were silent Rabbi Feldman, rabbi emeritus of Atlanta’s in Gush Katif were dismantled during the dis- about the obvious consequences of the engagement. Photo: www.sassontiram.com Congregation Beth Jacob, where he served for expulsions have now set up special thirty-nine years, was editor of Tradition for hoods, or about destroying communities funds to assist the Gaza refugees—who thirteen years. He is currently editor-in-chief of and schools and yeshivot and cemeteries. became refugees because of the very the Ariel English Rashi project, and his most The other national Orthodox organiza- forced expulsions about which these recent book is Biblical Questions, Spiritual organizations were silent. Journeys (New York, 2004). Rabbi Feldman tions followed suit and were similarly resides in Jerusalem. ambivalent, or remained silent. Only What happened? An unwillingness (continued on page 40) 38 JEWISH ACTION Winter 5766/2005 FORSAKE THEIR ISRAELI BROTHERS? A Rejoinder By Yosef Blau abbi Emanuel Feldman is angry skills, the Reform movement presently balanced by a feeling of being “at home” with the Religious Zionist/Mod- has the most representatives in the in America. The sentiment is that Israel Rern Orthodox community in American delegation to the World is a wonderful place to learn Torah, but America and with what he characterizes Zionist Congress.) America is a country where one can live as its “failure of nerve.” He finds it diffi- But whereas the majority of a fully observant life while maintaining cult to understand its “unwillingness to American Jews have little or no connec- a more comfortable lifestyle. Thus, address the fundamental ideology of tion to Israel, the exception is Ortho- while many young American Orthodox Religious Zionism concerning the sur- doxy, where commitment to Israel is Jews spend a year or two studying in render of parts of the Holy Land to [its] strong. Each year thousands of yeshivah Israel, they usually return to the United enemies.” It is clear to him that the dis- States to further their Jewish or secular engagement triggered a struggle for the education or both, get married and set- soul of Israel and an assault on the very Many American Religious Zionists main- tle permanently in the States. roots of Religious Zionism. The Religious Zionist/Modern Let me begin my response by tain that only those who actually live in Orthodox community is the only seg- placing it in the context of the relation- Israel and whose own futures are at ment of the Orthodox world that views ship of American Jewry to Israel. Studies stake have the right to determine the the emergence of the State of Israel as indicate that young American Jews have country’s policies. having profound religious significance. minimal interest in Israel. The tradition- Its perspective contrasts with that of al non-Orthodox Zionist youth move- many non-Orthodox Jews, who either ments have almost disappeared from the view Israel in purely secular terms or high school graduates attend yeshivah or American scene. The Reform move- who want to transform it into a carbon seminary in Israel. While the number of ment, which in its Pittsburgh Platform copy of the American model, with full those making aliyah from North of 1885 had been staunchly anti- recognition of Reform and Conservative America is relatively small, North Zionist, reversed its stance after a long rabbis. At the same time, the Religious American olim tend to be Orthodox. process of change. Now, while the Zionist/Modern Orthodox perspective movement is officially supportive of True, the Chareidi world rejects the differs from that of some segments of Israel, its membership is not that com- symbols of Israel; it does not display the the Right who accept the return to mitted to the State; for example, few Israeli flag and, at best, ignores Yom Israel but see no significance in having a Reform Jews have ever visited Israel. Ha’atzmaut. Nevertheless, Chareidim, state, and view the Israeli government as (Paradoxically, because of its larger for the most part, are very supportive of if it were no different than the membership and greater organizational Israel and of the settlements. Yet, despite the American American or Polish government. Rabbi Blau is mashgiach ruchani at Orthodox community’s commitment to What is the essential ideology of Yeshiva University and president of the Israel, for many, appreciation of Israel is Religious Zionism? There is a funda- Religious Zionists of America. (continued on page 41) Winter 5766/2005 JEWISH ACTION 39 (continued from page 38) taken care of and were then taken from planned protests in New York City drew of Diaspora Jews to confront the demo- their homes with only their clothes on less than twenty thousand Jews. cratically elected government of Israel, their backs, and housed in cramped Historians will wonder how it even when its actions are of question- quarters in dormitories, hostels, kibbut- came about that in the year 2005, the zim and hotel rooms, Modern Orthodox/Religious Zionists in and who, several months after the expulsion, know not what the morrow Historians will wonder how it came about will bring. that in the year 2005, Religious Zionists in Granted, the situa- tion is complex, and one America blinked and then averted their eschews simplistic eyes when an existential threat to the very answers or condemna- core of their own Religious Zionism tions. However, the unmistakable impression loomed before them. is that in circumstances where courage and “Not a single word was spoken about the morality of destroying vision were required, America—the very people who reli- communities and schools.” Photo: www.sassontiram.com autopilot platitudes were giously pray each Shabbat for the Jewish able morality? A fear of offending the all that were heard. State as the “first flowering of our American government, which was pres- One might have expected ambiva- Redemption,” and for whom this prayer suring Israel unmercifully? Was too lence from extreme right-wing is the litmus-test of Jewish loyalty, and much naive trust placed in official assur- Orthodox Jews, for whom any kind of who were ideological soul mates of the ances that those evicted from their Zionism is a dirty word, and who expelled refugees—blinked and then homes would be lovingly taken care of always distanced themselves from Israeli averted their eyes when an existential (assurances that have been buried under affairs. One might have expected this of threat to the very core of their own the rubble of business-as-usual bureau- Conservative and Reform Jewry, whose Religious Zionism loomed before them. cracy)? support of Israel in general is lukewarm It is not hyperbole to say that while the These might be acceptable consid- and who take their cues from the major- ideological earth was trembling beneath erations in normal times with normal ity culture which, following the their feet, and an earthquake sundering issues. But what was apparently not American media, was fully supportive of the ground on which they stood, they grasped was that before our very eyes a the withdrawal. And one was not sur- struggle for the soul of Israel was taking prised that the Presidents Conference, with its secular orientation and its ties to the American government, fully sup- The unmistakable impression is that in cir- ported the withdrawal. cumstances where courage and vision American Orthodoxy’s reactions were in stark contrast to the attitude of were required, autopilot platitudes were all the Orthodox in Israel across the that were heard.