Operating Systems & Virtualisation Security Knowledge Area Issue 1.0 Herbert Bos Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam EDITOR Andrew Martin Oxford University REVIEWERS Chris Dalton Hewlett Packard David Lie University of Toronto Gernot Heiser University of New South Wales Mathias Payer École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne The Cyber Security Body Of Knowledge www.cybok.org COPYRIGHT © Crown Copyright, The National Cyber Security Centre 2019. This information is licensed under the Open Government Licence v3.0. To view this licence, visit: http://www.nationalarchives.gov.uk/doc/open-government-licence/ When you use this information under the Open Government Licence, you should include the following attribution: CyBOK © Crown Copyright, The National Cyber Security Centre 2018, li- censed under the Open Government Licence: http://www.nationalarchives.gov.uk/doc/open- government-licence/. The CyBOK project would like to understand how the CyBOK is being used and its uptake. The project would like organisations using, or intending to use, CyBOK for the purposes of education, training, course development, professional development etc. to contact it at con-
[email protected] to let the project know how they are using CyBOK. Issue 1.0 is a stable public release of the Operating Systems & Virtualisation Security Knowl- edge Area. However, it should be noted that a fully-collated CyBOK document which includes all of the Knowledge Areas is anticipated to be released by the end of July 2019. This will likely include updated page layout and formatting of the individual Knowledge Areas KA Operating Systems & Virtualisation Security j October 2019 Page 1 The Cyber Security Body Of Knowledge www.cybok.org INTRODUCTION In this Knowledge Area, we introduce the principles, primitives and practices for ensuring se- curity at the operating system and hypervisor levels.