Taxonomy and Herbaria and the Kinds of Information They Provide

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Taxonomy and Herbaria and the Kinds of Information They Provide and health must occur in the context of and sustainability. The Global Network Ao frican B tanical Diversity Network) conserving the environment. For sustain- for Taxonomy, in the form of BioNET- is an initiative aimed at building capac- able development, social and economic INTERNATIONAL was launched in 1993 ity in plant taxonomy in southern Africa. development must happen together with to facilitate the development and growth SABONET’s major achievements and its the conservation of ecosystems. Concerns of taxonomic resources in developing contribution to sustainable development about human demands and the deple- countries. The Global Network focuses on are communicated extensively in the paper tion of biological resources have led to a assisting developing countries to acquire by Huntley et al. al (2002). In summary, concerted effort by countries all over the taxonomic skills and technologies, and SABONET has successfully built a strong world. The past decade saw the birth of to improve collections of organisms and base of botanical researchers, techni- many conventions, the most powerful be- their related knowledge, and in so doing cians and plant information databases ing the Convention on Biological Diversity to become self-reliant in taxonomy. Build- and has helped botanical institutions in (CBD), where signatories accepted the ing this taxonomic support is important southern Africa to become self-sufficient responsibility of inventorying biological for national programmes focusing on the in taxonomy. These institutions are now diversity, and implementing strategies sustainable use of natural resources as a able to support projects that relate to the to preserve it. The Convention calls for means of eradicating poverty. Through its development and well-being of the people the conservation and sustainable use of regional partnerships, the Global Network of southern Africa, and in this way contrib- biological resources, as well as for the also helps countries to implement interna- ute indirectly to sustainable development sharing of benefits procured from the use tional agreements such as the CBD and the efforts in Africa. of genetic resources. International Plant Protection Convention (King, 2002). Also in the spirit of the CBD, International and regional initiatives such No matter what use there is for a species, the Global Taxonomic Initiative (GTI) was as these have helped improve biological whether it is in the fields of pharmaceuti- developed. The GTI was established by the skills resources against the backdrop of cals bio-prospecting, construction or food, Conference of Parties to redress the lack declining natural resources. They have knowledge of a species in its ecosystem is of taxonomic information and expertise facilitated the accumulation of information the first step to deciding its potential and in many parts of the world so that better- and growth of capacity, thus contributing sustainable use. Taxonomy provides this informed decisions could be made about to national conservation programmes knowledge of species. Achievements in conservation, sustainable use, and the such as those managed by the National En- conserving biological diversity therefore equitable sharing of benefits. vironment Secretariat (NES) in Lesotho. depend on a considerable investment in taxonomic work. Over the past few de- Following the adoption of the CBD, a few Taxonomy and herbaria and cades, taxonomy as a traditional science regional programmes aimed at preserving the kinds of information they discipline has been ignored somewhat, biodiversity and reducing the taxonomic provide with biologists turning their attention impediment were initiated for countries in towards the fast growing and more fash- southern Africa. These include SAFRINET, Vast knowledge of our natural plant di- ionable fields of molecular biology and SECOSUD, and SABONET. SAFRINET is versity is stored in herbaria. Baijnath & genetics instead (Hoyningen-Huene, et. the SADC LOOP of BioNET-INTERNA- Nicholas (1994) discuss in detail the func- al. 1999). Through the CBD, governments TIONAL. It is a southern African network tions, users and benefits of herbaria in have realised that there are huge gaps for building capacity in the biosystematics southern Africa. In summary, the kinds of in our knowledge of taxonomic systems of invertebrates and micro-organisms. information that herbaria provide include: and there is also a shortage of trained SAFRINET provides the network for species richness in countries, distribution taxonomists to fill these; these deficiencies pooling and sharing existing resources data on species, endemic species, rare impede the fulfilment of objectives set out for the benefit of all member countries. It and endangered species, species with in Agenda 21. To conserve biodiversity and promotes information exchange, capacity medicinal and/or other economic value, to provide sound policy advice at national building and training, and improvements areas of greatest plant diversity, and re- level, especially in developing countries, in reference collections and technology. gions with unique vegetation. The main more specialists who are familiar with SECOSUD (Service for Environmental output from taxonomy and herbarium taxonomy and ecology are needed to Conservation of Biodiversity and for research is workable identification keys. provide information on the taxonomy, Sustainable Development) is a biodiver- The main service provided by herbaria is interaction, and interdependence of the sity conservation initiative that focuses the identification of plants by specialists various organisms in ecosystems. See on digital inventories of plant species of who, very often, are the users who are able Mattson’s (2003) opinion on the neces- economic interest. SABONET (Southern to interpret difficult technical keys. sity to promote biology and not just taxonomy in addressing the Plant taxonomy and herbaria needs of biodiversity conserva- generate the knowledge about tion and society. plant species that is necessary for the conservation of biodiversity Following the CBD, international and for meeting the objectives of programmes dedicated to devel- sustainable development. They oping biodiversity science have also provide base information been initiated. DIVERSITAS is an that is necessary for socio-eco- example of a major initiative that nomic development. In addition, provides an international multi- herbaria are responsible for dis- disciplinary research framework seminating accurate information for biodiversity science. It aims on plants and floristics that could to facilitate collaborative sci- be of importance to society. entific research for the under- Aloe polyphylla in its natural habitat at Sosa Thaba Putsoa. For example, herbaria provide standing of ecosystem functions (Photo: Tau Mahlelebe) taxonomic data on species for 30 SABONET News Vol. 9 No. 1 September 2004 the selection and development of new Mountains Conservation Programme and A few potential end-users from the eco- useful plant products such as drugs that the Range Management Area Programme. nomic sector in Lesotho include persons might affect social development. At the Persons facilitating and participating in involved in farming, agriculture, animal level of economy, taxonomic data supports these programmes will collaborate closely husbandry, handicraft, the clothing and decisions and planning for sustainable with the herbarium staff for the kinds of footwear industry, and basketry. In draft- agriculture, housing, road development, information provided by herbaria. ing conservation policies, decision-mak- community-based harvesting and tech- ers and planners rely on herbarium data. niques for cultivating indigenous crops. The Maluti-Drakensberg Transfrontier Academics and students at the National The data helps to identify species that are Conservation and Development Project University of Lesotho and other institu- suitable for use in product manufacture. between Lesotho and South Africa pro- tions depend on herbarium data for proj- This data may in turn yield ideas for small vides a new framework for linking insti- ect design and research. Pharmaceutical businesses and wealth creation that are tutions and the community in conserving bio-prospecting industries that seek to extremely relevant to the economies of the environment. The deduction that the produce effective drugs will choose po- southern African countries today. Maluti-Drakensberg Mountains have a tential plants from taxonomic information significant degree of plant diversity with provided in publications. The area in which taxonomy and herbaria high endemism in southern Africa could have a major input is the conservation of only be made from checklists, and check- Through the support of SABONET-Leso- environments. Taxonomic data gives rise lists are an outcome of collection and tho, botanical resources in the National to greater understanding of the diversity documentation of specimens in herbaria University of Lesotho Herbarium, the of plants on a farm, in a country, or region. over long periods. Decisions relating to Agricultural Research Herbarium, the Se- It feeds into floristic data and indicates sustainable use and conservation of rare hlabathebe National Park Herbarium, and threatened plant communities. It helps to and threatened plants in protected areas the Katse Alpine Botanical Gardens have identify threats such as alien species that will continue to rely heavily on herbarium- been strengthened. These resources will disrupt biological
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