
week ending PRL 116, 023201 (2016) PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS 15 JANUARY 2016

Ionization of by Slow Heavy Particles, Including Dark

B. M. Roberts,1,* V. V. Flambaum,1,2 and G. F. Gribakin3 1School of Physics, University of New South Wales, Sydney, New South Wales 2052, Australia 2Mainz Institute for Theoretical Physics, Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz, D 55122 Mainz, Germany 3School of Mathematics and Physics, Queen’s University Belfast, Belfast BT7 1NN, United Kingdom (Received 30 September 2015; published 12 January 2016) Atoms and can become ionized during the scattering of a slow, heavy particle off a bound . Such an interaction involving leptophilic weakly interacting massive particles (WIMPs) is a promising possible explanation for the anomalous 9σ annual modulation in the DAMA direct detection experiment [R. Bernabei et al., Eur. Phys. J. C 73, 2648 (2013)]. We demonstrate the applicability of the Born approximation for such an interaction by showing its equivalence to the semiclassical adiabatic treatment of atomic ionization by slow-moving WIMPs. Conventional wisdom has it that the ionization probability for such a process should be exponentially small. We show, however, that due to nonanalytic, cusplike behavior of Coulomb functions close to the nucleus this suppression is removed, leading to an effective atomic structure enhancement. We also show that electron relativistic effects actually give the dominant contribution to such a process, enhancing the differential cross section by up to 1000 times.

DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.116.023201

Introduction.—It is possible for an or a to In Ref. [6], a theoretical analysis concluded that due to a eject a bound electron and become ionized due to the suppression in the WIMP–electron-scattering ionization scattering of a slow, heavy particle, such as weakly interact- cross section, loop-induced WIMP-nucleus scattering ing massive particle (WIMP) dark matter. Such can would dominate the relevant event rate, even if the DM be detected, although the momentum transfer values particles only interacted with leptons at tree level. In this involved in this process are very high on the atomic scale. case, the previous constraints from nuclear recoil experi- This type of scattering is particularly relevant for the analysis ments [2–4] still apply. However, these conclusions are of the anomalous DAMA annual modulation signal. based on calculations that employed simple nonrelativistic The DAMA Collaboration uses a scintillation detector to wave functions. A rigorous ab initio relativistic treatment search for possible dark matter (DM) interactions within of the atomic structure has not yet been implemented, and, NaI (see Ref. [1] and references therein). The data as we demonstrate in this work, is crucial. from the combined DAMA/LIBRA and DAMA/NaI A recent analysis of data from the XENON100 experi- experiments indicate an annual modulation in the event ment has also investigated WIMP-induced electron-recoil rate at around 3 keV electron-equivalent energy deposition events [7,8], and also observed modest evidence for an 9 3σ with a . significance (the low-energy threshold for annual modulation (at the 2.8σ level). However, based on DAMA is ∼2 keV) [1]. The of this modulation their analysis of the average unmodulated event rate, DM agrees very well with the assumption that the signal is due that interacts with electrons via an axial-vector coupling to the scattering of DM particles (e.g., WIMPs) present in was excluded as an explanation for the DAMA result at the the DM galactic halo. This result stands as the only 4.4σ level [7]. This means that for DM-electron scattering enduring DM direct-detection claim to date. to be consistent with both the DAMA and XENON On the other hand, null results from several other, more experiments, both event rates would have to have a very sensitive, experiments (e.g., Refs. [2–4]) all but rule out the large modulation fraction. It has been suggested that possibility that the DAMA signal is due to a WIMP-nucleus electron-interacting “mirror” DM may satisfy this criteria interaction. While the DAMA experiment is sensitive to [9] (see also Ref. [10]). By assuming the DAMA result was scattering of DM particles off both electrons and nuclei, due to an axial-vector coupling, and using the theoretical most other DM detection experiments reject pure electron analysis from Ref. [6], the corresponding modulation events in order to search for nuclear recoils with as little amplitude that would be expected in the XENON experi- background as possible. This means that DM particles that ment was calculated in Ref. [8]. The observed amplitude interact favorably with electrons rather than nucleons could was smaller than this by a factor of a few, and it was potentially explain the DAMA modulation without being concluded that the XENON results were inconsistent with ruled out by the other null results. This possibility has the DAMA results at the 4.8σ level [8]. We note, however, been considered previously in the literature—see, e.g., these conclusions are not entirely model independent, and a Refs. [5,6]. rigorous relativistic analysis is required. We also note that

0031-9007=16=116(2)=023201(5) 023201-1 © 2016 American Physical Society week ending PRL 116, 023201 (2016) PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS 15 JANUARY 2016 Z there is no a priori reason to believe that the fraction of the M ¼ α e−ik0·Rψ ðrÞδðr − RÞeik·Rψ ðrÞd3rd3R modulated signal should be small or proportional to the χ f i fractional annual change in the DM velocity distribution. In −iq·r ¼ αχhfje jii; ð2Þ fact, the scattering amplitude is very highly dependent on the values of momentum transfer involved, which depend where k and k0 are the initial and final momenta of the on the velocity of the DM particles. As we shall show, heavy particle, respectively, and q ¼ k0 − k is the momen- electron relativistic effects must be taken into account tum transfer (we use units in which ℏ ¼ 1). properly to recover the correct momentum-transfer depend- From Eq. (2), the scattering cross section is expressed as ence of the cross section. In this work, we demonstrate the applicability of the 2π k2 − k02 d3k0 Born approximation to such scattering processes, and dσ ¼ α2jhfje−iq·rjiij2δ − ω dν ; ð Þ V χ 2M ð2πÞ3 f 3 demonstrate that the expected exponential suppression of χ the relevant electron matrix elements is lifted. This essen- V ¼ k=M ω ¼ ε − ε tially amounts to an effective enhancement of the scattering where χ, f i is the change in energy dν rate due to the behavior of the electron wave functions at between the initial and final electron states, and f is the very small distances (i.e., close to the nucleus). Crucially, density of final electron states. Assuming that the heavy we also show that relativistic effects actually give the particle is incident along the z axis, we obtain from Eq. (3), dominant contribution to the scattering cross section. This α2 qdqdϕ means that an analysis that only considers nonrelativistic χ −iq·r 2 dσ ¼ jhfje jiij dνf; ð4Þ electron wave functions may underestimate the size of the V2 ð2πÞ2 effect by several orders of magnitude, which may have significant implications for the interpretation of electron- where q2 ¼ k02 þ k2 − 2k0k cos θ, θ is the heavy-particle recoil experiments, such as DAMA and XENON. A more scatteringqffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi (polar) angle, ϕ is the azimuthal angle, and complete ab initio relativistic many-body calculation of the 0 2 k ¼ k − 2Mχω. The total cross section is obtained from scattering cross section and ionization rate will be presented q ϕ in a later work. Eq. (4) by integration over and and summation or As well as the DAMA and XENON100 experiments, our integration over the initial and final electron states. results also have implications for the interpretation of other Since the energy of the DM particle is much greater than ω experiments which are sensitive to electron recoils, such as the typical electron transition energy , the smallest q ¼jk0 − kj ≃ ω=V XENON10 [11,12] and CoGeNT [13]. They will also be momentum transfer is min . The corre- q z useful for the planning and interpretation of future experi- sponding vector is in the negative direction. For low V ments, in particular for those proposed to search for light incident velocities this momentum is much larger than p ∶ q ≳ m v2=V ¼ DM for which electron recoils are significant [11,14]. the typical electron momentum e min e e Scattering amplitude.—We consider the scattering peðve=VÞ ≫ pe. In this case the Fourier transform in the amplitude and the resulting cross section for the ionization amplitude [Eq. (2)] is suppressed and the momentum of an atom or molecule via the scattering of a slow, heavy transfers essential for the total cross section are such that particle χ (e.g., a dark-matter WIMP), off the atomic q ≪ k [though formally Eq. (4) is integrated up to q ¼ k þ k0 electrons. By heavy and slow, we mean that the mass of max ]. Hence, we can write the momentum ˆ the incident particle is much greater than the electron mass, transfer vector as q ¼ −ðω=VÞez þ q⊥, where q⊥ is the z Mχ ≫ me, while the typical velocity of the DM particle V component perpendicular to . This also implies 2 is much smaller than the characteristic electron velocity, qdqdϕ ¼ d q⊥. Changing the electron wave functions V ≪ ve, where ve ∼ αc (α ≈ 1=137 is the fine-structure from theR coordinate to momentum space [e.g., 8 −1 −ip·r 3 constant and c ≈ 3×10 ms is the speed of light). ψ~ iðpÞ¼ e ψ iðrÞd r], we have from Eq. (4) For simplicity, we take the effective interaction between Z χ α2 d3p 2 d2q the particle and the electron to be a pure contact dσ ¼ χ ψ~ ðp − qÞψ~ ðpÞ ⊥ dν : ð Þ interaction V2 f i ð2πÞ3 ð2πÞ2 f 5

Vˆ ¼ α δðr − RÞ; ð Þ eff χ 1 Let us now derive this result using a different approach, i.e., the time-dependent perturbation theory, and treating where r and R are the position vectors of the electron and the motion of the heavy particle classically. We assume that the heavy particle, respectively, and αχ is the strength this particle moves in a straight line, R ¼ ρ þ Vt, where ρ constant. (Considering a finite-range interaction does not is the impact parameter vector perpendicular to V. The affect our conclusions; see Supplemental Material [15].) probability of the transition i → f induced by the inter- dw ¼jM j2dν Assuming that the interaction is weak, the amplitude is action Eq. (1) is then given by td f, where the given by the Born approximation, transition amplitude is [16]

023201-2 week ending PRL 116, 023201 (2016) PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS 15 JANUARY 2016 Z ∞ M ¼ α eiωthfjδðr − ρ − VtÞjiidt: ð Þ which is exponentially suppressed. This behavior will be td χ 6 −∞ observed for any electron wave functions that are smooth near the origin. As mentioned above, exponential suppres- Replacing the electron wave functions with their momen- sion of the amplitude for large ve=V is also the general 0 tum-space counterparts, ψ~ iðpÞ and ψ~ fðp Þ, and integrating result of the adiabatic nature of the perturbation by a slow over r and t gives the amplitude in the form projectile [16,17]. We demonstrate, however, that the behavior of the ZZ 3 2 αχ d p d q⊥ iq⊥·ρ electron wave functions near the origin of the Coulomb M ¼ e ψ~ ðp − qÞψ~ iðpÞ ; ð7Þ td V f ð2πÞ3 ð2πÞ2 field leads to contributions to the amplitude that are not exponentially suppressed. These terms are proportional to where we introduced q ¼ p − p0, whose z component (i.e., the nuclear charge Z and decrease only as a power of q at that in the direction of V) is fixed by integration over time large q. and given by qz ¼ −ω=V. Consider the ejection of an electron with energy ε from The differential cross section is obtained by integrating an nl. The contribution of the final-electron the transition probability over the impact parameters: partial wave l0 to the amplitude [Eq. (2)] is proportional to Z the radial integral dσ ¼ jM j2dν d2ρ: ð Þ Z td f 8 ∞ 2 Rεl0 ðrÞRnlðrÞjLðqrÞr dr; ð10Þ 0 Inserting the amplitude from Eq. (7) immediately leads to the cross section [Eq. (5)], derived earlier using the Born where RnlðrÞ and Rεl0 ðrÞ are the radial wave functions of approximation. the initial and final states, jLðxÞ is the spherical Bessel This equivalence confirms the validity of the Born function, the values of l, l0, and L must satisfy the triangle approximation, ensuring that Eq. (4) can be used to inequality, and l þ l0 þ L must be even due to parity calculate the cross section and event rates. At the same selection. The leading contribution to this integral at large time, the time-dependent picture provides additional under- q comes from small r ∼ 1=q, where the radial functions standing of the smallness of the ionization cross section by behave as (in atomic units: a0 ¼ 1, c ¼ 1=α ≈ 137) 2 WIMPs (beyond the overall factor αχ). It is known that if   the time scale of the perturbation T is much larger than the l Z RnlðrÞ ≃ Ar 1 − r þ … ; ð11Þ characteristic period τ of the system, the effect of the l þ 1 perturbation is suppressed [16]. In our case T ¼ a0=V and τ ∼ 1=ω, where a0 is the Bohr radius (or, more generally, A being the normalization factor, and with a similar the radius of the electron orbit). Their ratio is T=τ ∼ expression for Rεl0 ðrÞ. From Eqs. (10) and (11), it appears a ω=V ∼ q =p ≫ 1 q 0 min e [17], which means that the cross that the leading contribution to the amplitude at high is section is suppressed. This suppression is in general proportional to exponential, unless the potential in which the particles Z Z ∞ 1 ∞ move has a singularity, which changes the suppression into rlþl0þ2j ðqrÞdr ¼ xlþl0þ2j ðxÞdx: ð Þ L lþl0þ3 L 12 a power law. This is demonstrated explicitly in the next 0 q 0 sections. Exponential suppression (and lack thereof).—The large However, the integral magnitude of the momentum transfer q relative to the Z ∞ pffiffiffi Γ½3 þ 1 ðL þ l þ l0Þ typical electron momenta means that the exponent in the xlþl0þ2j ðxÞdx ¼ 2lþl0þ1 π 2 2 hfje−iq·rjii L 1 0 atomic structure factor oscillates much more 0 Γ½2 ðL − l − l Þ rapidly than the electron wave functions involved. The value of this integral is thus determined by small electron- is identically zero for even l þ l0 þ L, since the gamma nucleus separations, and the dominant contribution to the function in the denominator has poles for nonpositive cross section is proportional to the probability of finding the integer arguments. This also shows that including any electron close to the nucleus. even-power corrections to the small-r expansion of the −iq r In general, rapid oscillations of e · lead to an expo- wave functions, Eq. (11) (which appear for any potential nential suppression of the amplitude. The simplest way to regular at the origin), also leads to zero contributions. see this is by assuming that the electron wave functions Therefore the amplitude in this case would decrease faster −βr2 have an oscillatorlike behavior, ψ i;fðrÞ ∼ Ae . The than any power of q, i.e., exponentially. matrix element for large q will then be On the other hand, the lowest-order, linear correction in either RnlðrÞ and Rεl0 ðrÞ, is proportional to Z [see Eq. (11)], 2 R hfje−iq·rjii ∝ e−q =8β; ð Þ ∞ lþl0þ3 9 and the integral 0 x jLðxÞdx is nonzero. This

023201-3 week ending PRL 116, 023201 (2016) PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS 15 JANUARY 2016 Z determines the leading asymptotic behavior of the ∞ Γð2γÞ ½πð1 − γÞ πðZαÞ2 r2γj ðqrÞdr ¼ sin ≃ : 0 2γþ1 3−ðZαÞ2 amplitude, 0 q 2q Z ∞ ð17Þ 2 Z R 0 ðrÞR ðrÞj ðqrÞr dr ∝ : ð Þ εl nl L lþl0þ4 13 0 q The power of q remains the same for scalar, pseudoscalar, This shows that the largest cross section for large q (i.e., the vector, and pseudovector interactions, and if p states are least suppression, jhfje−iq·rjiij2 ∝ q−8) is obtained for both considered; see Supplemental Material [15]. initial and final s states (l ¼ l0 ¼ L ¼ 0). Similar integrals Thus we see that not only is the exponential suppression arise in the problem of atomic at high removed, but even the power suppression is significantly energies, see, e.g., Ref. [18,19]. weaker than that found in the nonrelativistic case. Note that This power, instead of the exponent, emerges due to the the cross section goes as the square of the amplitude, Coulomb singularity of the electron wave function at the meaning that the momentum-transfer dependence of the nucleus. The singularity for the s-wave electrons is stronger leading atomic structure contribution to the cross section is −6þ2ðZαÞ2 −8 than in higher partial waves, whose expansions contain proportional to q (compared to q in the non- −ðq=p Þ2 extra powers of r. The ionization by slow, heavy particles is relativistic case, and e e in the “naive” adiabatic case; thus dominated by s-wave contributions from small elec- see also Supplemental Material [15]). This result indicates tron-nuclear distances. This means that there is an effective that relativistic effects actually give the dominating con- atomic-structure enhancement of such scattering processes tribution to the amplitude, and that therefore a nonrelativ- involving s waves, and that relativistic effects may be istic treatment of such problems can greatly underestimate significantly larger than expected. the size of the effect. Relativistic enhancement.—Indeed, the situation in the We have verified this enhancement numerically. In relativistic case is quite different. Consider the Dirac wave Fig. 1, we plot the ratio of the atomic structure factor function for an electron in the central field of the atom, calculated using relativistic Dirac-Coulomb wave functions to those calculated using nonrelativistic Schrödinger func- F ðrÞΩ ðθ ; ϕ Þ nκ κm r r tions. The calculations were performed for the 3s state of ψ nκm ¼ ; ð14Þ iGnκðrÞΩ−κ;mðθr; ϕrÞ iodine, which would give the dominant contribution to the ionization rate due to WIMP–electron scattering at the κ κ ¼ −ðl þ 1Þ where is the Dirac quantum number [ for energy scale relevant to the DAMA experiment [6] (the 1s j ¼ l þ 1=2 κ ¼ l j ¼ l þ 1=2 j , and for , being the total and 2s electrons are bound too tightly in I and Xe to Ω angular momentum], and κm is the two-component become ionized with the energy deposition observed by r spherical spinor. At small , the radial functions of the DAMA). We use the true nuclear charge (Z ¼ 53 for large and small Dirac components behave as [20] ~ iodine) instead of the effectivepffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi nuclear charge Z. The ~ standard definition Z ¼ n 2Inl, where n is the principal F ðrÞ ≃ Brγ−1ðγ − κ þ Cr þ …Þ; ð Þ nκ 15a quantum number and Inl is the electron ,

γ−1 provides a sensible approximation for the wave function at GnκðrÞ ≃ −ZαBr ð1 þ Dr þ …Þ; ð15bÞ intermediate distances. At very small distances, however, pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi where B is a normalization constant, γ ¼ κ2 − ðZαÞ2, Z C ¼ − ½1 þð2γ − 2κ þ 1Þð1 þ α2ε Þ; ð Þ 2γ þ 1 nκ 16

εnκ is the electron energy, and D ∼ C. In the nonrelativistic limit (Zα → 0, γ ¼jκj) Gnκ van- ishes, and Eq. (15a) reduces to Eq. (11). However, the corrections in γ ¼jκj − ðZαÞ2=2jκjþ… actually change the power of r that appears in the expansion. As a result, the lowest-order in r term, which vanished in the nonrelativistic case [see Eq. (12)], now becomes

Z 0 FIG. 1. The ratio R of the atomic structure factor ∞ γþγ −1 1 0 0 2 pffiffiffi Γ½ ðL þ γ þ γ þ 1Þ −iq·r 2 rγþγ j ðqrÞdr ¼ π 2 ; jhεs1=2je j3s1=2ij for the ionization of 3s1=2 electrons in L γþγ0þ1 1 0 0 q Γ½ ðL − γ − γ þ 2Þ I ¼ 1 1 ε ¼ 2 2 iodine ( 3s1=2 . keV, keV) calculated with relativistic (hydrogenlike Dirac) wave functions to that obtained with non- which is nonzero. For example, for the initial and final relativistic wave functions, using the true nuclear charge Z ¼ 53. s-wave states [κ ¼ −1, γ ¼ γ0 ≃ 1 − ðZαÞ2=2], we have (The momentum conversion is 1 MeV=c ≈ 268 a.u.)

023201-4 week ending PRL 116, 023201 (2016) PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS 15 JANUARY 2016 the nuclear charge is essentially unscreened. Therefore, the discussions, and M. Schumann for his comments on the atomic wave functions at small distances are proportional manuscript. B. M. R. and V. V. F. are grateful to the Mainz to the pure Coulomb wave functions. Given the importance Institute for Theoretical Physics (MITP), where part of this of small electron-nuclear separations, such processes are work was completed, for its hospitality and support. strongly dependent on the atomic number, and using a too- small Z~ can lead to orders-of-magnitude underestimation of the probability. The best way to treat this problem is to use a *[email protected] self-consistent field approach, such as the relativistic [1] R. Bernabei et al., Eur. Phys. J. C 73, 2648 (2013). Hartree-Fock method. [2] The XENON100 Collaboration, Phys. Rev. Lett. 109, Conclusion.—We have demonstrated the equivalence of 181301 (2012). the first Born approximation and semiclassical treatment [3] The LUX Collaboration, Phys. Rev. Lett. 112, 091303 for the problem of ionization of atoms or molecules by (2014). slow, heavy particles, such as WIMPs, and have shown that [4] The SuperCDMS Collaboration, Phys. Rev. Lett. 112, relativistic effects (which were previously neglected) give 241302 (2014). the dominant contribution to the event rate. Our calcula- [5] R. Bernabei et al., Phys. Rev. D 77, 023506 (2008). [6] J. Kopp, V. Niro, T. Schwetz, and J. Zupan, Phys. Rev. D 80, tions have implications for the interpretation of the anoma- 083502 (2009). lous annual modulation result of the DAMA and XENON [7] The XENON Collaboration, Science 349, 851 (2015). collaborations in terms of DM particles scattering off the [8] The XENON Collaboration, Phys. Rev. Lett. 115, 091302 atomic electrons. (2015). One might suspect that this is a less likely explanation, [9] R. Foot, arXiv:1508.07402. due to the supposed large suppression from the electron [10] R. Foot, Phys. Rev. D 90, 121302 (2014). wave function at high momentum. We show, however, that [11] R. Essig, A. Manalaysay, J. Mardon, P. Sorensen, and T. this suppression is not as strong as expected, leading to an Volansky, Phys. Rev. Lett. 109, 021301 (2012); R. Essig, J. effective enhancement coming from the contribution of Mardon, and T. Volansky, Phys. Rev. D 85, 076007 (2012). s-wave electrons at very small distances. The effect is thus [12] The XENON10 Collaboration, Phys. Rev. Lett. 107, 051301 highly dependent on the nuclear charge, which is mostly (2011). [13] The CoGeNT Collaboration, Phys. Rev. D 88, 012002 unscreened at such small distances. Therefore, there are (2013); arXiv:1401.3295. implications for simple calculations that employ screened [14] R. Essig, M. Fernandez-Serra, J. Mardon, A. Soto, T. Z~ hydrogenlike functions with an effective nuclear charge ; Volansky, and T.-T. Yu, arXiv:1509.01598. it is more appropriate to employ a fully self-consistent [15] See Supplemental Material at http://link.aps.org/ approach, such as the relativistic Hartree-Fock method. supplemental/10.1103/PhysRevLett.116.023201 for further Crucially, relativistic corrections to such a process are details on the atomic structure and cross section. significantly larger than may have been expected due to the [16] L. D. Landau and E. M. Lifshitz, : different radial dependence of the Dirac wave functions Non-relativistic Theory (Pergamon, Oxford, 1977). (compared to the Schrödinger wave functions) at small [17] In atomic collisions this is known as the Massey adiabatic distances. A nonrelativistic treatment of such problems can criterion; see H. S. W. Massey, Reports Prog. Phys. 12, 248 therefore greatly underestimate the size of the effect. (1949). [18] A. Dalgarno and H. R. Sadeghpour, Phys. Rev. A 46, R3591 Several new experiments designed to test the DAMA – (1992). results are currently under way [21 23]; it is crucial that [19] R. C. Forrey, H. R. Sadeghpour, J. D. Baker, J. D. Morgan, the relevant theory required for their interpretation is and A. Dalgarno, Phys. Rev. A 51, 2112 (1995). correct. There are also implications for the planning and [20] V. B. Berestetskii, E. M. Lifshitz, and L. P. Pitaevskii, interpretation of future experiments, in particular for those Quantum Electrodynamics (Pergamon, Oxford, 1982). proposed to search for light DM, for which electron recoils [21] R. Bernabei et al., Nucl. Part. Phys. Proc. 263–264,87 are significant [11,14]. (2015). [22] J. Amaré et al., arXiv:1508.06152; arXiv:1508.07907; This work was supported in part by the Australian arXiv:1508.07213. Research Council. We would like to thank J. C. [23] J. Xu, F. Calaprice, F. Froborg, E. Shields, and B. Suerfu, Berengut, M. Pospelov, and Y. V. Stadnik for helpful AIP Conf. Proc. 1672, 040001 (2015).
