The B3 Story: Pellagra 1271 High Street, Auburn, CA 95603 Phone (530) 823-7092 order line (800) 359-6091 Hours: Tues. – Fri. 10 a.m. – 4 p.m. E-mail:
[email protected] web: August 2014 Volume 10: Issue 8 Introduction and mental problems. This suggests The cure for pellagra was actu- that some of these conditions which ally discovered by Casimir Funk, a Vitamin B3 or niacin is associated are not as severe as what is seen in Pole, at the Lister Institute in London with one of the most horrible nutrient pellagra may benefi t from supplemen- about 1911. Funk isolated the cure defi ciency diseases. About three mil- tation with the nutrient. for beri-beri (thiamine) from rice and lion Americans contracted pellagra suggested that these new substances and 100,000 died of the disease be- Pellagra was associated with the which caused diseases when they tween 1907 and 1940. adoption of corn, a new world plant, as a dietary staple. Corn became so were missing in the diet should be Through the strenuous efforts of popular that people gave up other called “vitamines.” Vitamins are not Dr. Joseph Goldberger the disease foods such as fruits, vegetables, and really amines, but the name stuck. was conquered. Foods were fortifi ed dairy products. In 1786 Johann Wolf- The “e” was later dropped. Funk dis- with niacin and the medical profes- gang Goethe, a well-known German covered nicotinic acid, the cure for sion relegated this important vitamin writer and naturalist, wrote “I believe pellagra, while seeking to isolate the to a place in the history books.