
Greek Myths: The

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1) What did do to his brothers after he became king? Feedback

2) Who constructed the ?

3) Why did King Minos demand tribute from Athens?

4) How many tributes had the Athenians already paid to before Theseus journeyed to the island?

5) What two things did give to Theseus to help him battle the Minotaur?

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6) Where did Theseus leave Ariadne? Feedback

7) Number the following sentences from 1 – 7 to show the order in which they happen in the tale.

The first one has been done for you.

Aegeus sent a tribute to Crete.

Minos banished his brothers from Crete.

The Minotaur began to eat people.

Poseidon gave Minos a bull.

King Asterion died. 1

Theseus killed the Minotaur.

The Minotaur was banished to the labyrinth.

8) Look at page one. Find and copy one word or phrase which shows that Minos’ brothers gave up their plans to become king.

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9) Find and copy two words which show that ’s bull Feedback was impressive.

10) Poseidon was so angered by this betrayal that he conspired with the goddess to punish the king.

Which of the following is closest in meaning to conspired as it is used here? Tick one box.





11) Look at page two. Find and copy one word or phrase which shows that Daedalus was clever and inventive.

12) Look at page two. Find and copy one word which shows that King Aetheus felt ashamed sending a tribute to Crete.

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13) Theseus also knew that he was getting closer to the Feedback Minotaur and secreted himself in a twist of the maze.

Which of the following is closest in meaning to secreted as it is used here? Tick one



told no one



14) Look at page four. Find and copy one word which shows that Ariadne was not sure Theseus would survive the labyrinth.

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15) What impressions do you get of Theseus from this tale? Feedback

Give two impressions, using evidence from the text to support your answer

Impression Evidence

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16) Poseidon has a strong sense of justice. Feedback

Find two pieces of evidence to support this.

17) Aegeus is a weak ruler. Give one piece of evidence to support this claim.

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Greek Myths: The Minotaur Answer Sheet

1) What did Minos do to his brothers after he became king?

He banished them from Crete

2) Who constructed the labyrinth?


3) Why did King Minos demand tribute from Athens?

The Athenians had killed his human son, Androgeos

4) How many tributes had the Athenians already paid to Crete before Theseus journeyed to the island?


5) What two things did Ariadne give to Theseus to help him battle the Minotaur?

A ball of string A sword

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6) Where did Theseus leave Ariadne?

The island of Naxos

7) Number the following sentences from 1 – 7 to show the order in which they happen in the tale.

The first one has been done for you

Theseus sent a tribute to Crete 6

Minos banished his brothers from Crete. 3

The minotaur began to eat people. 4

Poseidon gave Minos a bull 2

King Asterion died 1

Theseus killed the Minotaur. 7

The Minotaur was banished to the labyrinth. 5

8) Look at page one. Find and copy one word or phrase which shows that Minos’ brothers gave up their plans to become king.

relinquish or relinquished their claims to the throne

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9) Find and copy two words which show that Poseidon’s bull was impressive.

magnificent superb

10) Poseidon was so angered by this betrayal that he conspired with the goddess Aphrodite to punish the king.

Which of the following is closest in meaning to conspired as it is used here? Tick one box.


plotted 



11) Look at page two. Find and copy one word or phrase which shows that Daedalus was clever and inventive.

cunning such was his cunning

12) Look at page two. Find and copy one word which shows that King Aetheus felt ashamed sending a tribute to Crete.


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13) Theseus also knew that he was getting closer to the Minotaur and secreted himself in a twist of the maze.

Which of the following is closest in meaning to secreted as it is used here? Tick one



told no one


hid 

14) Look at page four. Find and copy one phrase which shows that Ariadne was not sure Theseus would survive the labyrinth.


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15) What impressions do you get of Theseus from this tale?

Give two impressions, using evidence from the text to support your answer.

Impression Evidence

He is brave He volunteers to go to Crete to fight the minotaur.

He is arrogant He believes that he can kill the Minotaur when others have failed.

He does not He abandons Ariadne instead honour promises of marrying her.

He is cruel He abandons Ariadne on an island.

He is forgetful. He does not remember to take down the black sails.

He is selfish He abandons Ariadne so that he can marry her sister.

He does not think about what his father will do when he sees the black sails.

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16) Poseidon has a strong sense of justice.

Find two pieces of evidence to support this.

He plots against Minos after the king breaks a promise.

He sends a storm against Theseus after his betrayal of Ariadne.

17) Aetheus is a weak ruler. Give one piece of evidence to support this claim.

He agrees to Crete’s demands for a tribute every nine years instead of risking war.

He is worried that his people will grow angry about the tributes but has not come up with a plan of his own.

He agrees to send his own son to Crete instead of risking war.

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