Subject: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by cdunigan on Mon, 03 Dec 2007 18:52:30 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message We now have a publicly accessible instance of Bugzilla at . You can create your own account with any valid email address, and start entering bugs. I know that it takes some time to get used to a new procedure, so there are no plans to stop taking bugs from the Bug Report email address or directly from the forums. But Bugzilla gives you a nice standard way to make reports, upload savegames and screenshots as attachments, and most importantly, search existing bugs to check if the bug you want to report has already been reported, and what the fix or workaround might be.

We (the Development Team ... well, okay, probably mostly me ) will be starting to enter existing bugs from the email address and the forums into Bugzilla as we can. If you have any problems using, or suggestions for improving, our Bugzilla, feel free to drop me a PM here.

[color:#CC0000]PLEASE TAKE NOTE:[/color]

A good bug report is straight to the point: Quote:1. Bug description 2. If bug cannot be easily reproduced on a new game, post the savegame. (customized Ja2_Options.INI as well if savegame cannot load with default Ja2_Options.INI) 3. Detailed steps to replicate the bug 4. Version Number (for development version aka DepressiveBrot's exes, it's the JA2_####.exe number. Number shown ingame for development version are seldom up-to-date) 5. Any mods running on top of 1.13? If it's a graphical glitch, screenshots will do.

Coders/Modders need to be able to reproduce the bug on their side before they can do something about it.

Subject: Re: JA2 V1.13 now has Bugzilla! Posted by Marlboro Man on Mon, 03 Dec 2007 18:58:19 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Great Job on setting this up JAPH.


Subject: Re: JA2 V1.13 now has Bugzilla! Posted by Sergeant_Kolja on Mon, 03 Dec 2007 19:23:37 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message

Page 1 of 585 ---- Generated from The Bears Pit a word to the community:

I hope not only we developers but also the community will use the BugZilla! To clearify:

EVERYBODY can report Bugs there.Improvement requests can be reported as bug with type "enhancement". (pls.see below, too)Also Bug votings are theoretical possible, but JAPH should tell us more about this function, 1st.

Only the "Gunz I like to see too #1001" - thing is currently not planned to be hosted there. This is because just counting guns anybody has seen somewhen is not very impressive. Discussion should take place here, first. This is also valid for most other improvement suggestions. Please continue discussing every idea, as used before. Then elect a representative who will report this idea to us.

Please, be so kind not to report any fantastic idea you got (like 3D engine, quad-Screen-Mode and so on). As already said, such ideas could be very valuable, but should be discussed with other mates here, first. with best regards, Sergeant_Kolja

Subject: Re: JA2 V1.13 now has Bugzilla! Posted by lockie on Mon, 03 Dec 2007 19:32:20 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message good work guys , you'll be busy ! :venus:

Subject: Re: JA2 V1.13 now has Bugzilla! Posted by Sergeant_Kolja on Tue, 04 Dec 2007 20:40:30 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message JAPHWe now have a publicly accessible instance of Bugzilla at

Sorry, JAPH accidently included a colon into the link, so it does not work on some browsers :wb: Please click here, this works better

@JAPH, can you please edit your topmost post, remove the colon and add a slash. I am in doubt all users will scroll down to my posting with best regards, Sarge

Page 2 of 585 ---- Generated from The Bears Pit Subject: Re: JA2 V1.13 now has Bugzilla! Posted by cdunigan on Wed, 19 Dec 2007 00:38:10 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Fixed the link in the top post.

Subject: Re: JA2 V1.13 now has Bugzilla! Posted by Velsku on Wed, 26 Dec 2007 04:55:55 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message It broke.

Software error: DBD::mysql::db selectrow_hashref failed: Unknown column 'profiles.disable_mail' in 'field list' [for Statement " SELECT profiles.userid AS id,profiles.login_name,profiles.realname,profiles.mybugslink AS showmybugslink,profiles.disabledtext,profiles.disable_mail FROM profiles WHERE userid = ?"] at Bugzilla/ line 69 Bugzilla::Object::_init('Bugzilla::User', 27) called at Bugzilla/ line 40 Bugzilla::Object::new('Bugzilla::User', 27) called at Bugzilla/ line 131 Bugzilla::User::new('Bugzilla::User', 27) called at Bugzilla/Auth/ line 111 Bugzilla::Auth::Verify::create_or_update_user('Bugzilla::Auth::Verify::DB=ARRAY(0xa3ad3c0)', 'HASH(0xa4b68dc)') called at Bugzilla/Auth/Verify/ line 65 Bugzilla::Auth::Verify::Stack::create_or_update_user('Bugzilla::Auth::Verify::Stack=ARRAY(0xa3a 6e64)', 'HASH(0xa4b68dc)') called at Bugzilla/ line 77 Bugzilla::Auth::login('Bugzilla::Auth=ARRAY(0x9d26f10)', 0) called at line 232 Bugzilla::login('Bugzilla', 0) called at /sites/ line 40

Subject: Re: JA2 V1.13 now has Bugzilla! Posted by cdunigan on Wed, 02 Jan 2008 20:03:23 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Yep, it sure did. My hosting sysadmin upgraded the OS, not realizing that it would upgrade Bugzilla, too, and my modified pages are not compatible with the new version. I'm fixing it now. Sorry for the delay, I was away visiting relatives for Christmas.

Subject: Re: JA2 V1.13 now has Bugzilla! Posted by cdunigan on Wed, 02 Jan 2008 20:36:43 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Damn. I need some more work from my sysadmin, and he says he can't get to it right away. :wb:

I should be able to fix it tomorrow. I'm sorry for the trouble.

Page 3 of 585 ---- Generated from The Bears Pit Subject: Re: JA2 V1.13 now has Bugzilla! Posted by cdunigan on Fri, 04 Jan 2008 01:09:09 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message :angry: Never let sysadmins touch applications they don't know. He tried to fix it for me, now it's worse. I will make fixing this a priority for my morning (US Central time zone), but I can't get to it tonight.

Again, many profuse apologies for the trouble.

Subject: Re: JA2 V1.13 now has Bugzilla! Posted by Velsku on Sat, 05 Jan 2008 08:04:31 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message The password recovery doesn't work, or maybe it just wants me to enter my forgotten password to work...

Subject: Re: JA2 V1.13 now has Bugzilla! Posted by cdunigan on Mon, 07 Jan 2008 16:25:25 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message It's finally fixed, sorry for the delays. Damn life responsibilities always getting in the way of the stuff that really matters, like gaming and working on games.

@Velsku: Nothing really worked right until about five minutes ago. Please try it again, and PM me if it still doesn't work. I'll reset it for you and look into the problem.

Subject: Re: JA2 V1.13 now has Bugzilla! Posted by Velsku on Mon, 07 Jan 2008 17:10:45 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Works now, thanks.

Subject: Re: JA2 V1.13 now has Bugzilla! Posted by rasz on Mon, 28 Jan 2008 10:06:21 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message can we please have it set up better? like - you can browse bugs _at all_ - you can browse _without setting up account_

Page 4 of 585 ---- Generated from The Bears Pit for the first one " The Words field cannot be empty. You have to enter at least one word in your search criteria." you need to enable searching with no words entered (just displays all bugs with selected status), for example the ioquake3 ones : _open__&product=Quake+3&content= im not sure the second one, but afair it didnt let me use search without an account anyway heres the link to current open bugs (after you do the first step and enable blank searches) : tatus=__open__&product=1.13%20Mod&content= great to have a bugzilla

Subject: Re: JA2 V1.13 now has Bugzilla! Posted by cdunigan on Mon, 28 Jan 2008 17:12:10 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Thanks for the feedback, I'll keep it in mind. But I deliberately set it up this way for the protection of the developers. Since Bugzilla requires a valid email address as its username, freeing up browsing bugs by allowing searches without search terms (effectively displaying all bugs) allows people to browse the developers' email addresses as well. I especially don't want to allow any viewing without creating an account, since that would allow search engines to index the site and spread developers email addresses even farther. It's bad enough that they have to reveal them when they accept bugs. By the way, if anyone knows a configuration tweak for Bugzilla that would remove the display of email addresses, I'd love to hear it. From what I've seen so far, that change will require a bit of coding. Not a problem since Bugzilla is all perl, but finding time is always a challenge. Obviously, I haven't done that yet.

If, on the other hand, I hear an outcry from the community to allow browsing, and I hear from the developers that they don't mind losing their privacy, I'd be happy to change it. So far that hasn't happened.

Subject: Re: JA2 V1.13 now has Bugzilla! Posted by rasz on Thu, 31 Jan 2008 09:00:07 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message so basically we got useless bugzilla, GREAT we can submit bugs, but we cant see current list of bugs

Page 5 of 585 ---- Generated from The Bears Pit Subject: Re: JA2 V1.13 now has Bugzilla! Posted by lalienxx on Thu, 31 Jan 2008 09:44:55 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message raszso basically we got useless bugzilla, GREAT we can submit bugs, but we cant see current list of bugs

To display a list of all bugs you have to do a search with regexps and enter "." in search field.

Subject: Re: JA2 V1.13 now has Bugzilla! Posted by lynxlynxlynx on Tue, 05 Feb 2008 21:40:19 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message useless indeed. You have to register to view anything. If you want to prevent the page being robotized, add an appropriate robots.txt. If you fear manual spam, obfuscate the emails.

Subject: Re: JA2 V1.13 now has Bugzilla! Posted by cdunigan on Wed, 06 Feb 2008 20:23:49 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Using robots.txt relies on the bot honoring it, which the less savory ones obviously won't do. I could certainly obfuscate, but that again will require a code change, and if I'm doing that much, I might as well remove them from the display entirely. I intend to work on that shortly.

Anyway, it isn't just the crawlers and random browsers that I want to keep from viewing the coders' email addresses. Not all coders are comfortable with registered users being able to see their addresses. It's not that they fear some of us overwhelming them with unwanted contact. It's simply a desire for a certain level of privacy that I think they're entitled to. I'm not trying to be difficult, I'm just trying to protect the coders who have brought, and continue to bring, this wonderful game to us for no personal gain. A little respect for their privacy seemed like the least I could do in gratitude.

So, as I said before, to achieve more usability and still protect privacy, I'll start work on removing the assigned user from the bug display. Until I complete that, please continue to use JaggZilla as it is, knowing that your inconvenience is helping protect the people who gave you such a great game.

Subject: Re: JA2 V1.13 now has Bugzilla! Posted by Velsku on Thu, 07 Feb 2008 15:35:00 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message lalienxxTo display a list of all bugs you have to do a search with regexps and enter "." in search field.

Page 6 of 585 ---- Generated from The Bears Pit works too. You still have to log in though. JAPHSo, as I said before, to achieve more usability and still protect privacy, I'll start work on removing the assigned user from the bug display. The product field would be a good replacement for the assigned user field in the buglist. I wonder why is rather empty.

Subject: Re: JA2 V1.13 now has Bugzilla! Posted by cdunigan on Fri, 07 Mar 2008 15:13:54 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message I have the changes worked out on a test system now. I hope to put it into production sometime today. I've used user "real name" instead of email for the assigned field, so people can at least bother the assigned coder on the forum, if they feel strongly enough to do so.

Sorry so slow, RL has been throwing me a lot of curves recently.

Subject: Re: JA2 V1.13 now has Bugzilla! Posted by cdunigan on Fri, 07 Mar 2008 17:00:53 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message I'm taking JaggZilla down for updates at 0600 GMT. It should be unavailable for no more than 30 minutes.

Subject: Re: JA2 V1.13 now has Bugzilla! Posted by cdunigan on Fri, 07 Mar 2008 18:18:00 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Partially completed. I have to get my sysadmin to change a few file permissions. I'll finish it later today, posting here when I get ready to complete the job.

Subject: Re: JA2 V1.13 now has Bugzilla! Posted by cdunigan on Fri, 07 Mar 2008 21:49:00 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Bringing JaggZilla down again for the completed updates. Should be available again in less than 30 minutes.

Subject: Re: JA2 V1.13 now has Bugzilla! Posted by Marlboro Man on Fri, 07 Mar 2008 21:56:22 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message

Page 7 of 585 ---- Generated from The Bears Pit Thanks for the work dude. Much appreciated.

Subject: Re: JA2 V1.13 now has Bugzilla! Posted by cdunigan on Fri, 07 Mar 2008 21:58:09 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Done. I'm *almost* there. I still have to find a way to suppress display of CC addresses. But it's moving forward. JaggZilla is available again.

Subject: Re: JA2 V1.13 now has Bugzilla! Posted by cdunigan on Fri, 07 Mar 2008 21:59:19 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message You're welcome!

Subject: Re: JA2 V1.13 now has Bugzilla! Posted by cdunigan on Thu, 17 Apr 2008 13:53:45 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message More updates. I'll be taking JaggZilla down at 12:00 my time, which is 0600 GMT if my memory of time zones is correct. It should only be down for a few minutes. This should be the final fix for hiding email addresses, which will make it possible to allow empty searches and reading bugs without logging in. You'll still have to log in to add or change bugs.

Subject: Re: JA2 V1.13 now has Bugzilla! Posted by cdunigan on Thu, 17 Apr 2008 18:03:28 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Took a bit longer than I thought it would, but I'm done. I've now enabled empty searches as well, since browsing bugs should no longer display email addresses. I can't get it to work from quick search boxes on the home page and in the header, but empty searches now work on the search page. '.*' searches from those "Quick Search" boxes still work, though. I'll try to enable empty searching from there too.

With this done, I'm much more inclined to allow anonymous read access. I'll get back to y'all on that one.

Subject: Re: JA2 V1.13 now has Bugzilla! Posted by cdunigan on Thu, 17 Apr 2008 18:12:09 GMT

Page 8 of 585 ---- Generated from The Bears Pit View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Er, correction. It looks like '.*' searches from the quick search boxes never did work - my mistake. Still, I'll see about making them accept empty searches.

Subject: Re: JA2 V1.13 now has Bugzilla! Posted by cdunigan on Mon, 21 Apr 2008 17:13:35 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message I've come to a conclusion about JaggZilla I should probably announce, so here it is. We will not make anonymous access possible in the foreseeable future. As a compromise, I will try to develop an anonymously accessible page that lists all bugs, but without the ability to get more detail on any of them. That way you can at least see the bug titles without having to log in.

If I may ask, what is the objection to creating an account and logging in? Even the coders have to do that. Even I have to do that. I hope I don't sound too argumentative, but why shouldn't the users?

Subject: Re: JA2 V1.13 now has Bugzilla! Posted by Kermi on Tue, 22 Apr 2008 13:11:22 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message JAPH: last time i tried to create an account, i never, ever got the confirmation email. Didn't even get smacked by my spamfilter.

Subject: Re: JA2 V1.13 now has Bugzilla! Posted by cdunigan on Tue, 22 Apr 2008 15:42:57 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message @Kermi: I'm sorry about that, and I'd like to fix it. Could I ask you to try again and tell me what happens, and I'll look through the server logs and see what I can find out? In any event, if it fails, I'll be happy to create an account for you manually.

The last bit goes for everyone. If you can't create an account normally, drop me a PM here, or send me an email (my email address is in a few links right there on the home page), and I'll be happy to create an account for you.

Subject: Re: JA2 V1.13 now has Bugzilla! Posted by cdunigan on Mon, 28 Apr 2008 17:31:02 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message This is a brief tutorial on the "whining" feature of Bugzilla. If you'd like to be automatically notified

Page 9 of 585 ---- Generated from The Bears Pit of new bugs that are assigned to you if you're a developer (that word includes non-coders on the team), or create other kinds of automatic notifications, you use whining. Note this currently is enabled only for the Dev Team. If everyone else wants it, and you can give me a good reason, I'll turn it on for all users. If the server starts to send too much email traffic, though, I'll have to turn it off again. The guy who's hosting JaggZilla for me doesn't mind incoming traffic at all, but he really doesn't want a lot of outgoing traffic. Besides which, you can and should get notifications of bug changes by adding yourself to the CC list for the bugs you're interested in.

On to the tutorial. On your home page, click the link at the bottom of the page next to "Saved Searches" called "My Bugs." That's the default saved search everyone gets, but you can't use it for whining, so you have to create a new one. When the "My Bugs" search result list comes up, copy this saved search by entering a new name (let's call it "New Bugs Assigned to Me" for an example) under the "Remember search" button, and click the button. Your new saved search will appear next to "My Bugs," click on it. When the "New Bugs Assigned to Me" search result list comes up, click on the "Edit Search" link. What you'll see is the list of search parameters. Under "Status," select "New" and "Reopened." Don't select just "New" in case someone actually uses Bugzilla the way they're supposed to, and reopens a previously closed bug instead of just creating a new one. Under "Email Addresses, Bug Numbers, and Votes," make sure only "the bug assignee" is checked. Then click the "Search" button to execute this search. When the search result page comes up, just click the "Remember search" button again, the name you gave this search should already be in there. Congratulations, you've created a saved search for all newly opened bugs assigned to you.

Now go to the link at the bottom of every page called "Whining," next to "Edit." On the Whining page, click the "Add a new event" button. Put whatever you'd like in the email subject and text, then click the "Add a new schedule" button. Set how often you'd like JaggZilla to run your search and email you a list of results. If you've already created saved searches, make sure the one you just created is selected under "Search." When you've set everything on this page, click the "Update/Commit" button.

Now JaggZilla will whine at you for all new bugs assigned to you. It does this continuously, not just once at bug creation/opening. The idea is that you're supposed to look at the bugs and change the status to "Assigned." This indicates that you've accepted the bug. Don't think the fact that you already show as the assignee means that the bug status has changed. It'll still be "New," and JaggZilla will still whine at you, until you update it to "Assigned." If you don't want to accept it, reassign it to someone else.


Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by Marlboro Man on Tue, 10 Jun 2008 16:27:53 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Changed the header so people see that this is the place to report and add bugs that are found.

Reports go here.

Page 10 of 585 ---- Generated from The Bears Pit Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by cdunigan on Thu, 03 Jul 2008 17:36:39 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Thanks MM. Sorry I keep disappearing for weeks at a time. RL is keeping me hopping.

I also want to note that "bugs" can also include "enhancement requests." Bugzilla allows you to set the severity of the bug report, and one of the severity levels is "enhancement."

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by BurgerKing on Tue, 08 Jul 2008 06:06:31 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Here is one bug I found with current 1024 build.

I just took one of Alma's sector (NE). Then I stationed 3 support mercs here while the assault mercs proceeded down to Alma's SE sector. Unfortunately, I wasnt able to kill all the enemies at SE sector and one went up to NE sector!

The problem now is, everytime I sent back the Assault mercs to the NE sector, the game required me to choose where to insert all mercs including those support mercs already in the sector. It is not possible and game crashes when i select to insert individual mercs.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by cdunigan on Tue, 08 Jul 2008 19:08:02 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Thanks, BurgerKing, but I think you may have misunderstood the topic. Yes, it says "report all bugs here," but at the top of the thread you'll see a link for Bugzilla, the bug reporting system that this topic was trying to point you towards. Sorry for the confusion. We'd like bug reports in there instead of here. Your report is likely to get much more attention there, too. Thanks again!

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by cdunigan on Wed, 03 Sep 2008 19:50:17 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message There may be a problem with JaggZilla, which is what I've called our Bugzilla instance. I can't load the site, and I'm currently being denied SSH access, too. I've sent a message to my sysadmin to see what's up. I'll post here again when I know more.

Page 11 of 585 ---- Generated from The Bears Pit Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by cdunigan on Thu, 04 Sep 2008 13:58:59 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message I didn't get a chance to check up on it last night, but this morning it seems accessible again. I guess my message worked. Please let me know if you see any problems with it. Thanks.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by Acidio on Mon, 17 Nov 2008 17:04:05 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Not sure where to post this but when I create an I.M.P, I kind freeze when I agree to my choices and transfer the funds. I have JA2 GOLD w/ 1.13 + latest EXE. (From what I found on the WIKI)

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by wanne (aka RoWa21) on Mon, 17 Nov 2008 18:05:29 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message @acidio: Just post a savegame + bug description to bugzilla

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by cdunigan on Mon, 17 Nov 2008 18:53:08 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message And in case it wasn't clear, RoWa21 means to go to the link at the top of this thread ( ), create an account and log in, then create a new bug with a savegame attachment. Let me know here if you have any questions about the process.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by cdunigan on Wed, 19 Nov 2008 15:33:36 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message I will be starting to clean up JaggZilla today. I will start by removing some products that are no longer relevant and re-assigning their bugs to other products. I'll also improve the version numbers available in the remaining products.

Then we'd like to start closing bugs that can not be reproduced because no savegame has been uploaded and attached to the bug. I will try to make sure the creators of these bugs are notified that the bug is about to be closed. If you get an email that a bug you reported will be closed, you can prevent the closure by uploading a savegame that will reproduce the bug.

When that is complete, I'll start closing bugs for obsolete revisions of v1.13, whether savegames

Page 12 of 585 ---- Generated from The Bears Pit are attached or not. The fix for these bugs should be to upgrade to the most recent version. However, if you find that the bug still exists in that version, feel free to re-open your bug and change the version number to the recent version. If you don't attach a savegame or a include a clear game procedure that reproduces the bug, though, we will probably have to close it again.

I'd also like to ask everyone to please do everything you can to create savegames that will show the bug you are reporting. It is almost impossible for the coders to fix something they can't easily see for themselves. While coders may be willing to attempt to reproduce your bug by following some instructions you provide, they may not have a game ready at the exact place where your bug happens, and they almost certainly won't have the time to play a new game up to that point just to find your bug.


Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by cdunigan on Wed, 19 Nov 2008 21:25:17 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message I have removed the Multiplayer and New Inventory Products. All bugs for these should now be created under 1.13 Mod. I have also removed all old Version numbers for 1.13 Mod, moving them all to a single "obsolete" version, and changed the current Versions to a range of values based on the savegame formats. Bugs from removed Products and Versions have been moved to the appropriate Products/Versions. Bugs for the "Obsolete" Version of 1.13 Mod have been marked as "Resolved" and "Won't Fix," (they're for an obsolete version, after all) but left Open for now.

If you want your bug to stay Open, make sure it still applies to a current (rev 2085 or higher) Version, and change the Version in JaggZilla. In a week or so, after people have had a chance to read the emails that just went out and decide what they want to do, I'll start marking bugs for the "Obsolete" Version of 1.13 Mod as Closed if they have no savegame attached to the Bug. I'll leave "Obsolete" bugs that *do* have savegames attached alone for now. I generally travel over December, so when I return in January, I'll start Closing *all* Bugs for the "Obsolete" Version, including the ones with attached savegames.


Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by Cribbie on Thu, 21 May 2009 02:26:06 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message When I go to talk to Tony, black screen and then dropped to desktop. Latest version of 1.13, retail of 1.06. Thanks

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here!

Page 13 of 585 ---- Generated from The Bears Pit Posted by Cribbie on Thu, 21 May 2009 18:38:44 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message CTD in Chitzena B2. During Opponent's turn. I get a "Watch out for snipers" just before the crash. Latest version of 1.13. Retail of 1.06. Thanks.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by Marlboro Man on Thu, 21 May 2009 18:45:20 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Did you apply the "official" JA2 1.07 patch, before installing 1.13? That may be your problem, but then again I am not sure.

And official meaning Sirtechs 1.07 patch.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by Cribbie on Thu, 21 May 2009 19:18:33 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message No I did not. Should I delete/reinstall/patch to 1.07 then upgrade to 1.13? Will my current saved games still work? Should I use the "one-click installer"? Thanks

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by Insane on Wed, 27 May 2009 00:19:40 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Just posted my bug on bugzilla, put it through as a clone of a "new" bug listed in '08. Any average turnaround on responses?

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by 4ERNEV on Tue, 09 Jun 2009 08:29:32 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message hie, after i did svn update last night, i lost my previous saved games, i play 1.13, the games are there its' just that it replaced the exe now continue saved game is darkened any suggestions ?

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here!

Page 14 of 585 ---- Generated from The Bears Pit Posted by gmonk on Tue, 09 Jun 2009 08:50:29 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message What version were you using before? You'll have to revert to your old version.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by 4ERNEV on Tue, 09 Jun 2009 08:54:15 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message understand, but how do i find out? u mean i should revert option tortoise svn ?

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by wanne (aka RoWa21) on Tue, 09 Jun 2009 08:56:07 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message 4ERNEVhie, after i did svn update last night, i lost my previous saved games, i play 1.13, the games are there its' just that it replaced the exe now continue saved game is darkened any suggestions ?

The savegames are not lost. Because of the use of VFS, the Savegames are now stored in a different location. You have to copy your "SavedGames" folder from "Data-1.13\SavedGames" to "Profiles\UserProfile_JA2113". Then start the game again and it works.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by 4ERNEV on Tue, 09 Jun 2009 08:58:55 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message good man !

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by gmonk on Tue, 09 Jun 2009 09:03:45 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Er, yeah, sorry. Just saw RoWa's post in another thread myself...

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by 4ERNEV on Tue, 09 Jun 2009 09:07:22 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message

Page 15 of 585 ---- Generated from The Bears Pit ini editor also not working, cant change resolution, saved games work but resolution is poor, how to improve it?

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by wanne (aka RoWa21) on Tue, 09 Jun 2009 09:19:47 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message 4ERNEVini editor also not working, cant change resolution, saved games work but resolution is poor, how to improve it?

I take a look at the INI Editor source. Will reply soon.^

EDIT: Do you have the latest INI Editor (Version 1.3) installed? You can change the resolution in the INI Edtior. There is a Drop Down List named "Game Screen Resolution", also a Drop Down List "Windowed Mode". Change you settings there and then click on "Launch JA2 v1.13".

For best resolution select "1024x768" in the "Game Screen Resolution" Drop Down List.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by 4ERNEV on Tue, 09 Jun 2009 09:44:25 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message yes, i have the latest installed. but still wont open

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by wanne (aka RoWa21) on Tue, 09 Jun 2009 09:52:58 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message 4ERNEVyes, i have the latest installed. but still wont open

Be sure to have the latest ja2.ini from SVN GameDir. Just copy/paste the following lines in your ja2.ini. (Before copy/paste delete all the lines in your ja2.ini). Then start the INI Editor again.


Page 16 of 585 ---- Generated from The Bears Pit SCREEN_MODE_WINDOWED = 1 PLAY_INTRO = 1

EDIT: BTW, you can delete your "JA2_Enhanced_IMP...*.exe". This is already included in the latest "ja2.exe" from SVN.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by 4ERNEV on Tue, 09 Jun 2009 13:13:04 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message good!

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by coffeecommander on Tue, 09 Jun 2009 13:54:48 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message BUG: Often can't bring up the detail window for items in sector inventory (you know, what happens when you right-click items there).

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by coffeecommander on Tue, 09 Jun 2009 19:05:45 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message BUG: Chitzena SAM site was protected by three soldiers. "3". Not that any other number would've proven an obstacle, but that felt a little easy.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by rasz on Wed, 10 Jun 2009 01:56:59 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message cafBUG: Often can't bring up the detail window for items in sector inventory (you know, what happens when you right-click items there). thats happening to me in r1140

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here!

Page 17 of 585 ---- Generated from The Bears Pit Posted by Kaerar on Wed, 10 Jun 2009 04:19:35 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Same here from SVN 1127 using normal or HAM 3.3 exe's.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by Lyt.Ivans on Wed, 10 Jun 2009 07:43:21 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message i try to send flower to deidranna but after i select the flower on the then got run time error. is it reported previously? if reported previously then iI am sorry for the repost ^^

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by Logisteric on Wed, 10 Jun 2009 07:44:22 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message never seen that - and the queen always gets flowers for our first anniversary

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by Lyt.Ivans on Wed, 10 Jun 2009 07:48:22 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message errr... i mean using the AIM mortuary to send flower to deidranna

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by Logisteric on Wed, 10 Jun 2009 07:50:16 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message what'ya think i'm talking about? 'our first anniversary' = 'day 366 - me mincemeating her troops'

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by 4ERNEV on Wed, 10 Jun 2009 12:43:43 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message enemy inventory is now poor, i mean its not what it was before i did the update two days ago, now next to the line "gun" it only says "rifle" i used to have it set to full ?! can i repair it without corrupting my savedgames

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here!

Page 18 of 585 ---- Generated from The Bears Pit Posted by gmonk on Wed, 10 Jun 2009 13:13:21 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Have your ini file settings been set back to defaults? The enemy equipment view is also based on range to target. edit: Changing ini file settings won't corrupt your saves, but certain ini choices require a new game to have any effect. IIRC the tooltips detail can be changed without restart.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by 4ERNEV on Sat, 13 Jun 2009 22:36:19 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message how can You make the hummer take +1 more thing? i want to have my robot with me?!?!

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by gmonk on Sat, 13 Jun 2009 23:39:06 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message 4ERNEVhow can You make the hummer take +1 more thing? i want to have my robot with me?!?!

That's not a bug, that should be posted in "Feature Requests" or "1.13 Mod Discussion".

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by Logisteric on Sun, 14 Jun 2009 05:06:03 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message the robot is a merc - and as you can have just 6 in a squad i don't see a problem

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by 4ERNEV on Sun, 14 Jun 2009 21:42:39 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message cant you make it happen to take one more man in the truck, by working something...

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by Logisteric on Sun, 14 Jun 2009 21:48:07 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message squadsize is SIX if you had seven in that truck (=1.16 squads) you needed a total rework of the

Page 19 of 585 ---- Generated from The Bears Pit game, cause who ever is in that truck is counted as one squad. i hope 1 = 1.16 reminds you of one of your long dead math teachers. even i do understand this - an i'm a maccie.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by IBNobody on Mon, 15 Jun 2009 16:49:45 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message I posted a bug report on Bugzilla that would cause a CTD in 2975.

If you do a quick-load while an explosion is on screen, you will CTD.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by Logisteric on Mon, 15 Jun 2009 16:52:09 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message so you dug up a bug ramses II complained about to be ancient? can't you wait to be dead before you chealot?

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by IBNobody on Mon, 15 Jun 2009 18:46:00 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message In my defense, I did do a search to see if the bug was reported.

Please stop trolling, though, or I'll have to add you to my ignore list.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by Logisteric on Mon, 15 Jun 2009 19:51:51 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message so you call it a bug when you order an action (quickload) while another one (explosion) has not yet ended? how on earth is a ten-year-old program supposed to handle that?

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by Gorro der Grüne on Mon, 15 Jun 2009 19:57:08 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Just wait till the program has done it's subroutines.

Same problem is activatingin some hotkeys on my machine (2*2,2GHz 6GB Ram) while the

Page 20 of 585 ---- Generated from The Bears Pit progran wants to display some messages -> crash

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by IBNobody on Sun, 21 Jun 2009 14:19:58 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Logistericso you call it a bug when you order an action (quickload) while another one (explosion) has not yet ended? how on earth is a ten-year-old program supposed to handle that?

The bug is 1.13 related. JA2 1.12 vanilla did not have this save/load bug. That's why I reported it.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by Logisteric on Sun, 21 Jun 2009 14:38:57 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message iirc, you simply couldn't quickload during enemy action and when you tried while stepping on a mine during your turn you got the same ctd qed

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by 4ERNEV on Tue, 23 Jun 2009 14:15:03 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message

this happens to my game now, after i updated with the latest files from the svn ?! what is it wrong now

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by gmonk on Tue, 23 Jun 2009 14:33:31 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Looks like your ja2_options.ini doesn't taste so good to the new code.

Any other mods installed? Are the values in your ja2_options file inside the recommended settings?

Try backing up your ja2_options and downloading it from SVN to see if the problem goes away.

Page 21 of 585 ---- Generated from The Bears Pit Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by 4ERNEV on Tue, 23 Jun 2009 15:22:15 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Try backing up your ja2_options and downloading it from SVN to see if the problem goes away. byt how do i do that?

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by Shanga on Tue, 23 Jun 2009 15:32:12 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message 4ERNEV this happens to my game now, after i updated with the latest files from the svn ?! what is it wrong now

Quote: Quote: Try backing up your ja2_options and downloading it from SVN to see if the problem goes away. byt how do i do that?

My brain just halted for a moment here. So you updated from SVN, then you don't know how to update from SVN? Or you don't know what "backup" means?

Just download Kaerar's latest single-click installer exe and be done with it.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by gmonk on Tue, 23 Jun 2009 16:16:21 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Rename ja2_options.ini to ja2_options.bak and reupdate via SVN. That will download the ja2_options.ini from SVN. You may need to re-edit any preferred settings you were using.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by 4ERNEV on Tue, 23 Jun 2009 16:23:07 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message in folder data-1.13 theres a file ja2options.ini when renamed to ja2options.bak then update with svn new file downloaded and then when launched the game same error exactly as shown in the picture !??

Page 22 of 585 ---- Generated from The Bears Pit Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by gmonk on Tue, 23 Jun 2009 16:38:51 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message On that screen it says an error message was created. What are the contents of that file?

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by jay.pea on Tue, 23 Jun 2009 17:30:30 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message "Sell all items of the same kind" (ALT+Y) sells items with ownership. The unintentional result can be hostile sectors. Even though it is more an annoyance than a bug i think it should be fixed.

"Sell all items in sector" does not sell items with ownership.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by BirdFlu on Tue, 23 Jun 2009 17:54:24 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message But the error is not in ja2_options.ini, these are mere warnings. The real error is that your Items.xml is either missing or invalid. It's right there on the screen.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by gmonk on Tue, 23 Jun 2009 17:57:51 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Leave it to me to overlook the obvious and hunt around in the other crap on that screen!

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by Kaerar on Wed, 24 Jun 2009 03:37:01 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message My Single Click Installer (from my sig) should make life easier 4ERNEV

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by 4ERNEV on Wed, 24 Jun 2009 20:16:15 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message did good with the installer, but onother problem occured, saved game wont load omg!!

Page 23 of 585 ---- Generated from The Bears Pit Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by Headrock on Wed, 24 Jun 2009 20:43:24 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Quote:"Sell all items of the same kind" (ALT+Y) sells items with ownership. The unintentional result can be hostile sectors. Even though it is more an annoyance than a bug i think it should be fixed.

"Sell all items in sector" does not sell items with ownership.

I've got a very basic fix for that, I'll send it to RoWa.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by Kaerar on Wed, 24 Jun 2009 22:51:14 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message 4ERNEVdid good with the installer, but onother problem occured, saved game wont load omg!! The savegame must have been from a pretty different version of the game or from a VFS setup game (later than SVN 1127).I'm not sure there is much you can do about that now

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by 4ERNEV on Thu, 25 Jun 2009 15:55:07 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message see, here's what prevent the saved game from loading !?

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by BirdFlu on Thu, 25 Jun 2009 19:54:45 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Interesting, never seen this one before. You need to tell us exactly what versions of the game and data you are using and you need to send in your savegame file. According to the error message you either really have not enough RAM or your savegame file was corrupted. Maybe it's just too old, but i thought that the version numbers checking should prevent crashes. For me it looks like a value is read from the savegame that gives the number of something. If the file structure has changed, then the value at this position in invalid. So, if this invalid number is too large, then you will try to allocate more memory than you have, which must fail. In either case, there is no way of knowing what exactly went wrong, unless you send in the savegame file. And there is probably no way of fixing your savegame.

Page 24 of 585 ---- Generated from The Bears Pit Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by Headrock on Thu, 25 Jun 2009 22:21:54 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Quote:see, here's what prevent the saved game from loading !?

That's just bizarre... Are you using Vista by any chance?

(Also, what Birdflu said)

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by 4ERNEV on Fri, 26 Jun 2009 07:04:28 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message xp pro sp3, ram is 1k, i dont mind send you the save game, but how do i do that

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by gmonk on Fri, 26 Jun 2009 07:40:41 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message 4ERNEVram is 1k

AHA! There's your problem right there! :biglaugh:

Edit: Do you have a mediafire account? You could upload it and post the download link here.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by 4ERNEV on Fri, 26 Jun 2009 08:28:44 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message here it is:

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by ebak on Sun, 28 Jun 2009 09:40:36 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message BUG: Cannot save game in Multiplayer mode

When trying to save/quicksave, screen says ERROR SAVING THE GAME! DEBUG: ERROR WRITING HISTORY... the game saves it anyway

Page 25 of 585 ---- Generated from The Bears Pit BUT when trying to load any MP saved game, the game says: Internal error in reading mercenary/vehicle slots from save file: number of slots in save file (20) differs from slots in .ini (26)

When I try to modify the mercenary/vehicle slots through the INI Editor, the error is replaced by creature slots. Changing the creature slots still results in an error...

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by BirdFlu on Sun, 28 Jun 2009 10:18:05 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message 4ERNEVsee, here's what prevent the saved game from loading !?

As i said, it was a corrupt savegame. The item 53 in the sector I14 was saved incorrectly. Maybe it was damaged afterward, or maybe your hard disc is failing. Anyway, this savegame is lost.

Maybe we should switch an XML savegame format. It would be easier to find and to fix errors.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by Kaerar on Sun, 28 Jun 2009 11:01:40 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message If we could do that it would save a lot of hassle

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by 4ERNEV on Sun, 28 Jun 2009 18:44:41 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message this is very depressing

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by Flak on Tue, 07 Jul 2009 13:15:42 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Another bug for the latest version, civilian miners don't dissapear when bug attack the mine that some of them get themselves killed by the bugs which results in losing town loyalty.

Page 26 of 585 ---- Generated from The Bears Pit Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by Sgt. Papiercorpse on Fri, 17 Jul 2009 07:15:37 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Is Bugzilla still used or is there another way to submit bugs?

Currently playing the game again and I'd like to submit some bug reports.

Btw: How do I activate debug mode in game play? Some bugs cant be reproduced by savegame, so it would be nice to submit a stacktrace or smth. The bug report files are buggy too, so they are useless atm.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by gmonk on Fri, 17 Jul 2009 07:21:10 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Are you using a debug version?

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by Sgt. Papiercorpse on Fri, 17 Jul 2009 07:41:33 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Checked out the SVN version (latest englisch+german version) and it showed me some C assertions here and there, so I guess there's a debug version builtin, is it?

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by grim on Tue, 18 Aug 2009 19:19:09 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Hello,

Coming back to my favorite game, i tried to reinstall JA2 and v1.13 but encountered a problem. I will try to explain what kind of problem and how it happenned:

To summ up: on a fresh install of JA2 + v1.13 from SVN, i have a runtime error while loading the arrival on the island, saying: Runtime Error Press to exit File : .\utf8string.cpp Line : 192 Function : utf8string::as_utf16 Invalid UTF8 character '

Page 27 of 585 ---- Generated from The Bears Pit Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by dethica on Sun, 06 Sep 2009 20:16:19 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message hi. first post here. i'm using "JA2 1.13 3111 exe SVN@1183 Full" and my team of 5 mercs are getting attacked by 60+ enemies (mostly grey soldiers) in the Drassen mine sector, on the second day. is this normal behaviour? i had to cheat-kill them, and that took two "alt+o" presses, cause another wave spawned when the first ones died.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by Logisteric on Sun, 06 Sep 2009 20:24:51 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message did you skip the cut scene? deidreanne tells elliot to stage a massive counter-attack, doesn't she? you may turn it down in the ini - for most guys here it's fun to invent new ways to get rid of those bastards (with no help by gabby that is) welcome to the pit, btw

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by dethica on Sun, 06 Sep 2009 20:28:51 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message yeah i've seen those like a dozen times, but i dont recall getting attacked by SIXTY men in the previous version. the biggest attack i've had was in balime, and there were 30 guys that time. that was pretty "massive" in my opinion. but sixty is just insane, especially on the morning of your SECOND day. and im only playing the "experienced" difficulty mode.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by Logisteric on Sun, 06 Sep 2009 20:30:54 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message sure, they are more on insane. it is in for quite some time now - and: does anyone force you to be there on the second day?

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by arulcopm on Sat, 12 Sep 2009 06:03:59 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message

Page 28 of 585 ---- Generated from The Bears Pit this SEEMS like a bug but is it? after i make a new wep for JA2 and edit maps for some reason father walker john dissappears entirely...... i go to drassen church on day 1 at like 10:00 = not there 12:00 = not there then day 2 at 8:00 and so on hes not there =|

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by orko_oskar on Sat, 12 Sep 2009 07:12:14 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Have you checked the local bars?

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by Logisteric on Sat, 12 Sep 2009 07:20:23 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message please up a file containing that map and the profdat you're using

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by Marlboro Man on Sat, 12 Sep 2009 13:56:09 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message The priest likes his booze. So sometimes he can be found at the bar in the middle sector, where you also find Carmen sometimes.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by battlelore on Sun, 13 Sep 2009 03:52:55 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Found 3 things in v3111

1. When I looked at the financial log in the laptop, the first page had the first entry "$45000 deposited" copied all over the place 10 or more times, instead of stuff like "purchased from bobby for $123" [img=]

2. I had Ira in Drassen airport with 20 militia and went with my IMP into the middle sector to kill hostiles and called my militia as reinforcements. Ira was in the center of the map btw. I killed almost all of them, but 1 fled north into the airport sector. I then order my IMP to go to the airport. Then the game lets me place my mercs before the attack.. I can place the IMP in the bottom, but doesn't let me place Ira anywhere. I was thinking about exiting the game and reloading, but got

Page 29 of 585 ---- Generated from The Bears Pit past that by pressing "spread", and both mercs are now at the bottom of the map and i can press "Done" now. So now I have to attack a sector owned by me instead of the enemy attacking it and me defending, who btw is standing in the center of the map.

3. Apparently if you make an IMP with the same nickname as another IMP (imp's profile filename=nickname) you won't be able to load your saves after exiting the game.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by czar1985 on Sun, 04 Oct 2009 08:45:07 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message "MELEE_DAMAGE_MULTIPLIER" does not affect bare hands. When damge multiplier is high then martial arts skill is useless.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by Logisteric on Sun, 04 Oct 2009 09:31:56 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message battlelore6663. Apparently if you make an IMP with the same nickname as another IMP (imp's profile filename=nickname) you won't be able to load your saves after exiting the game. are you kidding? your imp is saved as 'your imp.dat2' when you try to load that game the exe finds 'your imp.dat2' already opened and crashes when trying to load the second of your imps :gaga:

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by entar on Sat, 14 Nov 2009 02:34:34 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message battlelore666Found 3 things in v3111

1. When I looked at the financial log in the laptop, the first page had the first entry "$45000 deposited" copied all over the place 10 or more times, instead of stuff like "purchased from bobby for $123" [img=]

I too had this error, any idea how to patch it? Doen't harm much but it would be good if this can be settled.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by Anonymous on Sat, 14 Nov 2009 16:06:26 GMT

Page 30 of 585 ---- Generated from The Bears Pit View Forum Message <> Reply to Message I don't think there is a patch up for this. It is a common denominator among most JA 2 modifications.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by entar on Fri, 20 Nov 2009 15:09:36 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Oh too bad, if there's something that can cure that error, it would be good.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by Skrape on Wed, 09 Dec 2009 00:46:22 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Just started a new game to try out some ideas, and this bug happened (as seen in picture). Strange is, i didnt had this before and i didnt changed anything (no updates or similar) except that i installed MP 1.5. JA2 1.13 version is 3111

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by Anonymous on Wed, 09 Dec 2009 17:39:52 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Was it just a graphical error or did it affect functionality?

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by Skrape on Thu, 10 Dec 2009 10:53:03 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Just graphical, when i click this icon it works as it should work

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by Anonymous on Thu, 10 Dec 2009 19:26:13 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Things happen like that from time to time. No big deal.

Page 31 of 585 ---- Generated from The Bears Pit Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by Heast on Mon, 21 Dec 2009 22:14:22 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Hi all, i

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by corplen on Tue, 29 Dec 2009 09:32:11 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message HI


Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by Panpiper on Sat, 02 Jan 2010 17:46:29 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Pitch black map at night.

Sorry if this has been reported. I really do not want to read through 300 posts to see. It could also be the result of a mod I am using as I found the origin of the problem in Ja2_Settings.INI.

I intalled a new clean copy of 1.06, upgraded it to the latest SVN using JA2 1.13 3287 exe SVN@1203 Full.exe, and added 113_possum_dbb_mod_v4 to it. I also added 1.13add_maps but know that this bug was not caused by that.

The bug was that night fighting occurred on an absolutely black map. The only lights were the very few occasional lights that existed on the map. My own mercs and the area around them were pitch black. If they didn't have little name tags over their heads when selected, it would have been absolutely impossible to locate them on the screen. Wearing night vision goggles 4 didn't improve the situation at all. In short any night engagement was severely hampered.

I isolated the cause and found the fix. In Ja2_Settings.INI the setting of TOPTION_MERC_CASTS_LIGHT was defaulting to FALSE with the admonition preceding of: DO NOT CHANGE THESE UNLESS YOU KNOW WHAT YOUR ARE DOING. Well, fortunately I'm not very good at following instructions and I change the setting to TRUE. Now My mercs have light in their immediate vicinity, I can see where they are and see at least a little bit of their immediate vicinity.

Now it might well be that the game interprets this to mean that the enemy can also see my mercs

Page 32 of 585 ---- Generated from The Bears Pit because they are carrying torches. If that is the case, I would suggest that the problem is not allowing the player to see their mercs, the problem is treating these 'merc lights' like real in game lights. The mercs are not in fact walking around with lanterns. They are simply able to discern at least a little bit of their immediate surroundings, even at night, which for the benefit of the player is the ability to actually see the merc and their immediate surroundings. I might suggest as something for a modder to make this 'light' (that is only visible to the player) dependent upon the skill of the merc, whether they have Night Ops as a Skill, and what sort of night vision gear they are wearing.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by datakurs on Sun, 03 Jan 2010 21:55:17 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message v3287 (+ wf606 maps + Mapupdate 20090909 + HAM_3.6a), and I had not met these before with earlier versions: - Hans says I can enter to meet Tony but does not step away. Happens almost always, need to detonate the window to get in. - Sometimes opponent guys in the ring don't move or fight. - Must be the same bug: beaten opponents don't leave the ring, and until that I can not start the next match. Only re-entering the sector puts the guys to their default places. - However when I re-enter Spike does not let us in, no matter how high is my leadership. - After winning the match Darren sometimes wants to give the money to a specific merc. If he/she is not next to him he will not give any money. - Kyle gives only $60 for the deed instead of 10000. However this amount can be found in the bar, on a chair. update: the extreme fighting and the Kyle bugs are in v3111, too.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by Sot on Sat, 30 Jan 2010 08:14:08 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message ERROR_REPORT The value [JA2 Game Settings][bLastSavedGameSlot] = "98" in file [Ja2_Settings.INI] is outside the valid range [-1 , 11]. 11 will be used. help me

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by Starwalker on Mon, 01 Feb 2010 08:31:01 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message SotERROR_REPORT

Page 33 of 585 ---- Generated from The Bears Pit The value [JA2 Game Settings][bLastSavedGameSlot] = "98" in file [Ja2_Settings.INI] is outside the valid range [-1 , 11]. 11 will be used. help me

That is just a warning, the game itself set the variable to the correct maximum. BTW, what does Ja2_Settings.INI belong to, it does not seem to be a regular part of basic 1.13?

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by Sot on Mon, 01 Feb 2010 09:01:52 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message No, this is not just a warning unfortunately - game crashes in Windows. The game crashes even after correcting the value of 98 on the right. Disable Autosave - still fly, but no longer writes crashreport I'm playing 1.13 (rev 1205)eng + HAM 3.5(eng) Save:

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by Sot on Tue, 02 Feb 2010 14:37:17 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Is there any news? Who ever tried to understand what is wrong?

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by BirdFlu on Tue, 02 Feb 2010 21:09:47 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Sot[...]The game crashes even after correcting the value of 98 on the right.[...] Corrected it to what? It has to be a value between 0 and 10 (not -1 to 11).

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by Sot on Tue, 02 Feb 2010 21:16:07 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message I do not understand too. The game itself is used to correct the value 98 to any other after the crash, or I corrected manually. But it did not help.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here!

Page 34 of 585 ---- Generated from The Bears Pit Posted by BirdFlu on Tue, 02 Feb 2010 21:44:33 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message There are for example these kind code bits

#define NUM_SAVE_GAMES 11 ... BOOLEAN gbSaveGameArray[ NUM_SAVE_GAMES ]; ... gbSaveGameArray[ gGameSettings.bLastSavedGameSlot ]You can access the 'gbSaveGameArray' array with values 0 to 10. With all other values there is a good chance that the game will crash. If you have an invalid value in your ini file the game sets it to 11, an invalid value (that should be fixed). Now, if you set a correct value in the ini file and the game still crashes, then it must be something else. Check other log files, vfs_init.log, game_exceptions.log, errors.log, etc.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by AdamRadm on Tue, 02 Feb 2010 22:27:06 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message dethicahi. first post here. i'm using "JA2 1.13 3111 exe SVN@1183 Full" and my team of 5 mercs are getting attacked by 60+ enemies (mostly grey soldiers) in the Drassen mine sector, on the second day.

im at this point, killed off about 20 so far (go pistols go!) anyways i keep getting the game crash and i dont know what the trigger is (i mean whats causing the crash so i can fix/avoid it) it happens anywhere from 1-5 min into my save game says somthing about

Quote:Assertion error Line 1471 of Queencommand.cpp also some garbage about debug mode and it tries to save the game, then it crashity crashes.

?? Used the search function and no matchs on the forum on a semi related note, how do i take screenshots, and where are the files stored once i take one?

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by BirdFlu on Tue, 02 Feb 2010 23:08:39 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message AdamRadmdethicahi. first post here. i'm using "JA2 1.13 3111 exe SVN@1183 Full" and my team of 5 mercs are getting attacked by 60+ enemies (mostly grey soldiers) in the

Page 35 of 585 ---- Generated from The Bears Pit Drassen mine sector, on the second day.

im at this point, killed off about 20 so far (go pistols go!) anyways i keep getting the game crash and i dont know what the trigger is (i mean whats causing the crash so i can fix/avoid it) it happens anywhere from 1-5 min into my save game says somthing about

Quote:Assertion error Line 1471 of Queencommand.cpp also some garbage about debug mode and it tries to save the game, then it crashity crashes. It looks like an enemy group is trying to enter your sector and somehow the determination of the insertion direction fails. This may not be an option, but you could try get out of the sector before the enemy group arrives. Maybe the erroneous code won't be executed then.

Quote: on a semi related note, how do i take screenshots, and where are the files stored once i take one? press the 'print' button (above the 'insert' button). You will find the screenshots in you user profile directory (\Profiles\UserProfile_JA2113).

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by Sot on Wed, 03 Feb 2010 09:54:00 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message BirdFluThere are for example these kind code bits Now, if you set a correct value in the ini file and the game still crashes, then it must be something else. Exactly.

All found: game_exceptions.log

*** Mon Feb 01 20:30:02 2010 ***

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ======Mon Feb 01 20:29:41 2010 ======File : .\vfs_file_raii.cpp Line : 11 Location : vfs::COpenReadFile::COpenReadFile

file "SPEECH\" does not exist

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by BirdFlu on Wed, 03 Feb 2010 13:03:41 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message

Page 36 of 585 ---- Generated from The Bears Pit Unfortunately, that "error" is not the source of your crash. The game can work without .gap files well enough.

When does then game crash anyway? What would i have to do to reproduce it? What version do you use? What OS? Where have you installed the game? C:\Program Files\... (or similar) or in some other directory? Do you start the game as an administrator?

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by Sot on Wed, 03 Feb 2010 13:55:10 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message By items: game crash during the course of the enemy Save: -I play in the 1.13 rev 1205 + HAM 3.5 on rev 3095 + some of their guns and items additional files (if necessary): configuration INI: -Windows XP -C: \ Program Files \ Jagged Alliance 2 Gold -game start in as an administrator --disable NOD 32 does not help

Thank you in advance for your help and I apologize for my language.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by Sot on Fri, 05 Feb 2010 12:37:56 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message There is news? It was possible to reproduce the bug?

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by BirdFlu on Fri, 05 Feb 2010 13:08:00 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message i will look at it soon

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by BirdFlu on Fri, 05 Feb 2010 16:58:28 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message

Page 37 of 585 ---- Generated from The Bears Pit Could you give me your Map\FacilityTypes.xml file?

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by Sot on Sat, 06 Feb 2010 10:26:26 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Always

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by BirdFlu on Sat, 06 Feb 2010 12:43:07 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message I guess i should have found out that earlier, but i'm also missing the files "Map\Facilities.xml" and "Map\DynamicRestrictions.xml" (never played HAM).

Subject: error when try to start latest 1.13 release Posted by praashek on Sun, 07 Feb 2010 23:39:30 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message i get this error message when try to start the game (with JA2.exe) installed on new clear install of Ja2 with 1.07 patch (tried with 1.06 as well) and then copy the files from unpacked JA2 1.13 3287 exe SVN@1203 Full.exe to the folder with the game. OS XP SP3 old version (2008_04_28_JA2_v1.13_Release_(EN)_[].exe) works well no weird characters in folder names. anyone can help?

Subject: Re: error when try to start latest 1.13 release Posted by BirdFlu on Mon, 08 Feb 2010 00:28:59 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message I assume that the install directory contains non-ascii characters. That "bug" was fixed in the multiplayer version, but the patch wasn't integrated into the main branch (yet). What is you install directory?

Another possibility is that you have a modified ini file that contains non-ascii characters and this files is NOT saved using the UTF8 encoding. Do you have the file game_exceptions.log? It could contains more error messages (or not).

Page 38 of 585 ---- Generated from The Bears Pit Subject: Re: error when try to start latest 1.13 release Posted by praashek on Mon, 08 Feb 2010 01:17:15 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message it crashes when i try to start the game for the first time, so no weird characters should be there in .ini file, install dir is e:\GAMES\JA2_1_13\ but also tried to renamed it to "games/ja2" only but it didnt work as well

Subject: Re: error when try to start latest 1.13 release Posted by praashek on Mon, 08 Feb 2010 01:20:05 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message eh and sorry for double post - no game_exeptions.log appears in my JA2 dir

Subject: Re: error when try to start latest 1.13 release Posted by BirdFlu on Mon, 08 Feb 2010 20:42:36 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message What if you try a current Multiplayer version? Does that one work?

You can try this one for example, it's as good as any other MP version.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by Sot on Fri, 12 Feb 2010 15:55:50 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Did find a bug?

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by BirdFlu on Fri, 12 Feb 2010 22:51:41 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message You hit the maximum number of corpses (= 250). I increased it to 500, so it should work for a while. Here is an unofficial version (HAM 3500), but i'm not sure i used the right codebase. The number should be increased in the main branch anyway.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by Sot on Sat, 13 Feb 2010 14:08:50 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Thank you for taking the time to my problem. In the near future will try your exe. Can tell who to

Page 39 of 585 ---- Generated from The Bears Pit contact from the coders, that they have made corrections to the new revision?

PS exe not working... bugreport:

I am embarrassed by the fact that your exe - alfa version. I have not included in the INI second and third points (look in bug reports), and the first can not be corrected using the INI editor (look in bug reports).

Here is my old exe:

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by BirdFlu on Sun, 14 Feb 2010 00:12:54 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message SotThank you for taking the time to my problem. In the near future will try your exe. Can tell who to contact from the coders, that they have made corrections to the new revision? Headrock is in charge of HAM.

SotPS exe not working... bugreport: That is actually more of a warning, not an error. You should be able to "fix" the problem by entering the correct values in the correct Ja2_Options.ini.

Also, it seems it did indeed used and older codebase. When you start the game an info string appears and says that i was using an alpha version of HAM 3.5. Headrock should be able to release the right version.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by Sot on Sun, 14 Feb 2010 00:39:01 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Sorry, I put it wrong ... exe works, but gives ERROR_REPORT ... Furthermore. The fact is that in my INI to point BULLET_HIDE_INTENSITY is set to Current Value: 100, which can not be changed with an editor (and for some reason, indicated ERROR_REPORT you select FALSE).


Page 40 of 585 ---- Generated from The Bears Pit Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by BirdFlu on Sun, 14 Feb 2010 00:58:47 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message You can set/add the values in the ini file manually by opening it with a text editor. But anyway, i used an alpha version of HAM and the values of some options probably changed in the following versions. You can ask headrock if he can increase the number of corpses in his exe files.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by Sot on Sun, 14 Feb 2010 13:05:47 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Ok. Thanks again for your help.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by wanne (aka RoWa21) on Tue, 16 Feb 2010 21:56:47 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Sot The fact is that in my INI to point BULLET_HIDE_INTENSITY is set to Current Value: 100, which can not be changed with an editor (and for some reason, indicated ERROR_REPORT you select FALSE).

The INI-Editor does not support the new HAM properties yet. After HAM 3.6 is included in main 1.13 source code, I will alter the INI-Editor to work with all the new HAM properties. Meanwile you could just open the INI-File with a text editor and edit the file there instead of using the INI-Editor.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by Kaerar on Thu, 25 Feb 2010 08:06:50 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Just got this crash when I shot Grunty in the back of the head testing out a new UI animation. The two STI's are the same length so shouldn't cause this crash.

Solved. DON'T put p_dead.sti or p_close.sti in root Data\Interface folder as well as the override folders

Ok update its still occuring if I kill my mercs (testing still). Reproduce-able but seems a tad random on cause conditions.

Page 41 of 585 ---- Generated from The Bears Pit Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by Sot on Thu, 11 Mar 2010 13:12:13 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Catch a bug

REV 1214 (RUS rev3383)

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by Headrock on Thu, 11 Mar 2010 15:19:49 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message LOL @ Cigara!!!

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by Sot on Thu, 11 Mar 2010 17:23:33 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message ?

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by usrbid on Sat, 13 Mar 2010 08:22:13 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by Headrock on Sat, 13 Mar 2010 12:08:03 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Actually it's not an IMP, it's Stogie. Most of the characters have completely different nicknames in that Russian version (as can be seen on the merc list)

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by Anonymous on Sat, 13 Mar 2010 18:28:33 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Translation please.

Page 42 of 585 ---- Generated from The Bears Pit Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by Sot on Sun, 14 Mar 2010 16:35:23 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message And then a Cigar? My IMP name is Kulibin I'm talking about the error - Assertion Failure [Line 1212 in file. \ ArmsDealerInvInit.cpp]

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by Headrock on Sun, 14 Mar 2010 16:49:49 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Something's being done wrong when a shopkeeper is trying to order new items at midnight. I'm unfamiliar with how the system works, but I might be able to figure it out. It could take a while though.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by Sot on Sun, 14 Mar 2010 17:27:17 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message At midnight? But the game crush at 8:55.

This save game, may be useful

Debug autosave

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by Headrock on Sun, 14 Mar 2010 17:56:12 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Dunno, the function is named "DAILY", and those generally run at midnight. I'll do a more thorough check when I get home.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by Sot on Tue, 16 Mar 2010 23:40:10 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message to Headrock Apparently you were right about the sellers. I reduced the count of some items (I previously added to the game) and the game did not crash.

Question. Apparently there is a maximum amount of all items are available from vendors (in particular to Bobby Ray )...? Is it possible to increase it?

Page 43 of 585 ---- Generated from The Bears Pit Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by pambos on Sun, 21 Mar 2010 17:05:27 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message revision 1215 bug one :

\data 1.13 \ja2_options.ini

MELEE_DAMAGE_MODIFIER = 100 for some reason it affect gun damage bug two:

I recall that when you trained civilians in city and you sleep and wake up the time used to count .it does not anymore

edit : spelling

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by clbg on Mon, 22 Mar 2010 21:25:39 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Can somebody confirm that flashbang grenades really work? It seems for me, that they dont work properly (only stun damage, no eye blind). Tried several latest builds.

Edit: Shame to me. Solved.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by Ormus n2o on Tue, 23 Mar 2010 16:14:12 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message

It happends before but never with weapons. I think this is conected with using CTRL + SHIFT + M (In Tactical Map, Merges all mergable items while stacking and sorting. This means medkits, toolkits, canteens, gas cans, alcohol, first aid kits, ammo). It happends with repair kits and camo kits.

@Edit. Found another bug.

Page 44 of 585 ---- Generated from The Bears Pit Helicopter disappear lol. I don't know what to say. Helicopter has arrived to sector XX ...

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by Faithless on Wed, 24 Mar 2010 20:31:25 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message While trying to debug my mod I stumbled into a 1.13 bug. It has nothing to do with my mod because it also happens with the default 1.13 exe. Basically that leaves my install at SVN revision 3320, without anything else.

Sequence of events, 100% reproducible : Load save.Speed up till alma lower left gets invaded.Load the map.Load the same save again.Push the down arrow to zoom in on the map before the invasion. The game will now CTD because it tries to access an empty ButtonList when trying to update the interface panels. Can't really find the cause myself, I've never seen this part of the code before.

Savegame and ini's

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by Buggler on Sun, 28 Mar 2010 14:32:36 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Minor Lockpicking Bug since JA2 Gold 1.12

'Lockpicking' (both real-time & turn-based mode) increases energy(+2) instead of sapping it off(-2). 'Kicking' & 'Using Crowbar' worked as advertised.

To reproduce: Any locked door. (E locked room in e sector west of Drassen Airport is e 'nearest' testing ground that I can think of)

Thanks in advance if committing e fix to SVN.

Build: JA2 1.13 pure B3358 SVN1215

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by Anonymous on Sun, 28 Mar 2010 18:43:38 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message @Buggler

Does it occur every attempt even if the attempt is a failed lock pick?

Page 45 of 585 ---- Generated from The Bears Pit or

Does it occur after successful lock pick?

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by Buggler on Mon, 29 Mar 2010 01:46:35 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message @taoteching It applies to all cases of lockpicking (both failed & successful attempt). FYI, locked chests also have e same bug.

So my hunch will b that e modifier sign for lockpicking code is mistakenly coded as '+' instead of '-' for the energy level.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by Anonymous on Mon, 29 Mar 2010 01:52:11 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Very weird...... :et5:

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by genzo on Sat, 17 Apr 2010 20:06:32 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message I installed JA2 v1.13 using the "JA2 1.13 3358 exe SVN@1220 Full.exe" file. when I try to attack Drassen from the North the game crashes with the following error (I think somebody had a similar issue time ago in a different location) no debug save can be created.

I tried to reload the game from different save files but nothing to do, always the same crash. is it a bug or something that can be corrected via configuration? thanks

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by Beka on Thu, 06 May 2010 07:35:01 GMT

Page 46 of 585 ---- Generated from The Bears Pit View Forum Message <> Reply to Message V.3358 German (language probably won't matter)

Problem with the INI setting preventing civilians from becoming hostile:


It's weird when dealing with Doreen: After talking her out of exploiting the kid she walks off. This is in my usual games the moment to attack her to get loyality increase for both talking and killing. With this INI setting she won't enter combat mode while in her walking sequence and thus can't be hit. This is probably not a bug but anyway an issue to fix?


Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by Logisteric on Thu, 06 May 2010 07:47:42 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message you are wrong - that could happen in vanilla - it's not related to ham - i had to run after her to shoot her years ago

... and so what loyality is easy in 1.13

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by Gorro der Grüne on Thu, 06 May 2010 07:54:56 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message she cant walk away since she always is surrounded by mercs. btw the time she is polished off I normaly do have allready 100%

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by Beka on Thu, 06 May 2010 08:01:18 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Okay, I guess My description needs to be more precise.

In Vanilla JA2 she would also walk off once we've talked her out of her evil doings - but when shooting at her while she's walking away she would call us an idiot an enter combat mode.

Now, she walks away - but when shooting her she won't say anything and just continue her slow

Page 47 of 585 ---- Generated from The Bears Pit escape. No combat mode. bla, bla... loyality doesn't matter... and how am I supposed to surround her with just three mercs around?


Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by Gorro der Grüne on Thu, 06 May 2010 09:13:33 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message I spare her 'till I have enough mercs :nerd:

The reason why I suround her is, that sometimes she behaved in vanilla exactly as you desripted for Your current game.

But, nowadays she alsways behaves so (btw Brenda, too)


Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by Beka on Thu, 06 May 2010 10:17:43 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message I also managed to do it with my few mercs: after talking to her she tried to walk away but I just fired a few rounds behind her. Good thing I didnt hit one of the kids by accident. One hit was enough to make her fall to the ground as good as dead (Glaser ammo). Then I could kill her like usual and get the merc's comment.


Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by Beka on Sat, 08 May 2010 17:39:22 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Okay, don't know if this's actually a bug:

In the latest version I have trouble with training militia in other sectors than those where you could train in the original game. I imported my modified cities.xml from my old 1.13-install to the newest one and all of a sudden militias can only be trained in "old" sectors.

Is it a bug? Anyone els having trouble like this?


Page 48 of 585 ---- Generated from The Bears Pit Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by Wil473 on Sat, 08 May 2010 17:55:55 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Do the sectors you want to train in have a facility in it that allows militia training? The current SVN has a new facilities feature (with its own XML).

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by Beka on Sat, 08 May 2010 19:15:37 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Okay, seems like I was caught by this new facility feature. Now everything is working right. Thanks mate!

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by Airbus on Thu, 17 Jun 2010 18:30:55 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message In version 3478, in Co-op multiplayer game I received stable "clock" while merc was interrupted by enemy.

Also, randomly one of clients became inadequate. It refused to respond to "L" pressing (so I had to turn mercs via interface). It refused to move screen when mouse pointer was at the edge of screen. It also refused to choose mercs by clicking on their portraits (I had to choose them on tactical screen, by clicking on their figures). And, best of all, mercs became to move backwards... =)

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by Airbus on Fri, 18 Jun 2010 18:24:00 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Still playing v.3478. Got two falls of the game.

The first one was during assault on east SAM, and I don't know why it felt. I load quicksave and move one merc to another tile, and then continue playing as if nothing had happened. The second one was when I came to the north-west sector of Cambria, placed mercs and clicked "Ready". As it was in first time, I load quicksave and do the same, except reloading weapons. This helped me.

Maybe I have crashlogs for this falls, but I don't know where they are, and I am writing from another computer. By the way, where JA2 v1.13 place crashlogs?

Page 49 of 585 ---- Generated from The Bears Pit Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by bbm on Tue, 17 Aug 2010 14:17:24 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Hi, this has probably been reported already as you have a lively community here indeed but i can't help but vent my frustration over this. I was denfending Drassen mine with my three mercs against some 97 invaders when all of a sudden this bad boy pops up:

This is particulary nasty as I was playing in Iron Man Mode. Can anyone tell me what might be causing this? I'm not an expert on these cryptic messages. Maybe disabling a line in a .ini might help? Here is the savegame:

Link to Savegame 97

I patched the english versio of the game from 1.02 to 1.06 and the applied "JA2 1.13 3356 exe SVN@1227 Full". I'm using XP x86 SP3. Hope someone can shed some light on this issue. Thanks!

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by wanne (aka RoWa21) on Tue, 17 Aug 2010 15:21:57 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message It has nothing to do with an INI property, I will try to debug the code and see what causes the problem.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by Flugente on Tue, 24 Aug 2010 20:15:47 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Hi, I ran into a bug with the helicopter: I attack a sector (squad 1), while at the same time a second squad lingers already above the sector in the helicopter.

1. If I unload the heli-squad before the attack begins, they stay in the enemy-occupied sector without starting a fight, which has always been hat way. But if first squad enters the sector, the formerly-airborne squad can not be placed on any edge of the map, therefore the game has to be manually exited. 'Clear' or 'Spread' causes a debug-message.

2. If I proceed with the attack, I can place the second squad on the same edge as the first one, which would be fine. The battle starts, but the second squad is not placed on the map. The sound of people moving is played, even in turn-based mode. I can go to strategic view, unload squad the heli-squad and enter tactical again. The new squad is

Page 50 of 585 ---- Generated from The Bears Pit placed where it should be, except for one soldier (my Imp 'Shred' in this case) that is placed on another edge of the map (which is where the heli entered the sector from). If she was with the others, I'd be happy with this

I played this with revision 3585 with NAS 0.61b + STOMP 1.20, though I guess it doesn't have to do with the mods 8being a heli/merc-placement-issue and all).

Savegame from before the incident (just continue, skip the waiting for another squad):

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by Jolly_Reaper on Sun, 12 Sep 2010 10:54:01 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Now this is odd. After fighting three rounds in the San Mona boxing ring, Shadow (my victim) decided to start a new life on his own. He seems to behave like a militia or whatnot, walking around without me ordering him. When I tell him to crouch and aim he will, but will stand up on his own and walk off eventually.

Can't find anything on Bugzilla. I wonder, did anyone ever had something like that?

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by silversurfer on Sun, 12 Sep 2010 11:57:23 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Someone mentioned that already in this forum but I never experienced it in my games. If you have a savegame to reproduce the bug you could open a request on JaggZilla and hopefully someone will look into this.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by Jolly_Reaper on Sun, 12 Sep 2010 12:16:40 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Unfortunately I don't. :\ I noticed it too late and all my saves were oversaved.

Oh well. I think I'll start a new game, since having Shadow wandering around like some lost soul isn't really amusing. (Well, at first it is, but he's kind of a bullet magnet now, walking into enemies and such. xD)

Page 51 of 585 ---- Generated from The Bears Pit Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by silversurfer on Sun, 12 Sep 2010 15:30:07 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Did you try to assign him to a different squad? Maybe this fixes him...

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by Jolly_Reaper on Sun, 12 Sep 2010 21:06:49 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Didn't try that. Would have been nice to try, but I deleted the savegames. >_> I am past the boxing match again and Shadow still behaves normally. The only difference is that I didn't quicksave between matches this time. Ah well. ^_^'

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by jasonlips on Wed, 15 Sep 2010 19:23:43 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message I am getting constant ctd when attacking sector Alma H13, the one with the general and the sergeant. I believe it is tied to the explosion that injures the Sergeant, because I can creep around for a while without a crash, but I crash when my turn triggers just following the explosion. I am playing h the latest version on Ironman Expert.

Has anyone heard of this? Any ideas?

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by fightcancer on Thu, 16 Sep 2010 06:17:54 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message ^^^ And for that reason I stopped playing Iron Man.

At 07:59 (am) my game CTD from the strategic screen (where I can view the laptop, etc.). What can I try to get around this issue please?

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by silversurfer on Thu, 16 Sep 2010 09:06:11 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Are you expecting a delivery from Bobby Ray? If so and you are below ground - get to the surface as fast as you can and wait past 8 o'clock. This bug is fixed in the latest beta.

Page 52 of 585 ---- Generated from The Bears Pit Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by fightcancer on Thu, 16 Sep 2010 16:22:32 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message No, in fact BR's hasn't even become available yet. Oh, and I'm using the newest 1.13 with the newest HAM.

Any tips on how I can get past 07:59 am are appreciated!

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by wanne (aka RoWa21) on Thu, 16 Sep 2010 16:27:44 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message fightcancerNo, in fact BR's hasn't even become available yet. Oh, and I'm using the newest 1.13 with the newest HAM.

Any tips on how I can get past 07:59 am are appreciated!

Can you upload the savegame anywhere, I would like to take a look what causes the problem. BTW, which EXE Revision are you using?

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by fightcancer on Thu, 16 Sep 2010 16:58:47 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Wow! I was just re-running the particular save in question to make sure it duplicate the CTD I've been having, and it actually went to 08:00 am! That means the issue did NOT occur this time--after 20-30 consecutive crashes last night and yesterday.

BTW, at 08:00 am I got an email from John Kulba (the tourist from Chitzena) thanking me for rescuing him and so on. I may have received the 2 pistols from him in Drassen. I haven't checked yet to make sure.

I'll see if any of my saves can duplicate the crash again. Not sure why it didn't crash this time but did crash the previous couple dozen times.

EDIT: This is so weird! I can't duplicate the CTD on ANY saved game. It's as if a magical fairy came overnight and fixed my setup. Thanks anyway for the prompt responses--and for the excellent game!!

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by jasonlips on Sat, 18 Sep 2010 12:03:42 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message

Page 53 of 585 ---- Generated from The Bears Pit I waited a few days to make sure Bobby Rays orders had cleared and tried again with success. No more CTD. Yay!

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by fightcancer on Mon, 20 Sep 2010 01:18:19 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message This bug occurs once about every 4-6 turns in Drassen while fighting against the queen's massive counterattack:

Quote:RUNTIME ERROR -- PRESS TO EXIT Assertion failure [line 1478 in file .\Queen Command.cpp] Attempting to do a debug save as SaveGame97.sav (this may fail)

It usually happens while enemies are around and I'm in turn-based mode--and when it does, here are some consistencies: * It's always at the beginning of the opponents' turn. * It's usually I just killed an enemy.

Also, sometimes it happens when I'm not in turn-based mode (maybe if an enemy just bled to death).

After I hit and JA2 CTD, I can usually reload a few times and get past it either by pure luck or by not killing the enemy. Presently I can't get past this one turn at all.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by wanne (aka RoWa21) on Mon, 20 Sep 2010 10:57:25 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message @fightcancer: Looking through the code it seems that the new group does not have a valid insertion (N, E, S, W). I made a fallback (dirty hack) in the code instead of throwing an assertion it picks a random insertion, that should work.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by Faithless on Mon, 20 Sep 2010 11:29:56 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Might be a good idea to output some kind of error message, though. So modders will know that their insertion point is missing.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by fightcancer on Mon, 20 Sep 2010 16:55:26 GMT

Page 54 of 585 ---- Generated from The Bears Pit View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Ty for the responses. Anything I can do to get the game working again? Presently I can't get past this turn to save my life. Once I hit End Turn, the game auto saves. Then I hear an enemy grunt like he's bleeding to death. Then the error message appears and CTD.

Also, I've added more info to the problem description above.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by wanne (aka RoWa21) on Mon, 20 Sep 2010 17:49:36 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message @fightcancer: What about kiling all enemies in the sector with cheat (ALT + O), so you can continue playing on next sector.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by fightcancer on Mon, 20 Sep 2010 18:43:11 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message @RoWa21: I'll try that now.

So I did CTRL + GABBI, then did ALT + O. It immediately causes the same error message and CTD.

I also tried reloading a game from a few turns prior and using ALT+O. Same thing: CTD with the error above.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by Faithless on Mon, 20 Sep 2010 20:01:07 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message If you were already using a beta exe, you should use the new exe, I saw in the log rowa has applied the workaround. Tais SCI's are usually the latest, so try those (you may have to wait a while though). You need at least revision 3702.

You can also try exiting the sector and coming back later. There are some cheats to move your character around if you need them.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by fightcancer on Tue, 21 Sep 2010 01:22:04 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message

Page 55 of 585 ---- Generated from The Bears Pit When I hit "V" I see I have:

Quote:Version: release v1.13.3356 (build 10.03.07) Do I need to install the single-click installer from over here which is "JA2 1.13 3111 exe SVN@1194 Full"?

I wasn't using a beta EXE and Idk where to find them. Will I have to start over on a brand new game of JA2? Thanks!

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by Faithless on Tue, 21 Sep 2010 10:22:40 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message I'm afraid that's not the beta version you're using, so updating will make your savegames useless

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by fightcancer on Tue, 21 Sep 2010 18:32:21 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message How do I get this newer, fixed version of JA2 1.13? I was previously using the newest SCI available which is from "JA2 1.13 3356 exe SVN@1227 Full.exe". Where do I get the fix please?

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by DepressivesBrot on Tue, 21 Sep 2010 18:34:35 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Get one of Tais's SCI

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by fightcancer on Tue, 21 Sep 2010 18:56:04 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message OK, I went there, followed the link and found the newest 1.13 beta: "Uploaded 09/16/2010 | 93.08 MB". If it was uploaded on 9/16 then I don't see how it could address the bug I reported on 9/19.

Any help is appreciated.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by DepressivesBrot on Tue, 21 Sep 2010 19:01:16 GMT

Page 56 of 585 ---- Generated from The Bears Pit View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Ooops, didn't pay attention to that detail. Get the beta file nevertheless, I'll upload a newer exe for you.

Edit: Here's the link (hope it works)

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by fightcancer on Tue, 21 Sep 2010 19:22:16 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Got it! Thanks! So I'm installing...

1) a fresh copy of 1.12 (JA2 gold), 2) the newest TAIS SCI beta-- "SCI_SVN1238_MPSVN3691_Vanilla113_20100916.7z" --in the root JA2 folder, 3) this newest 3708 beta from the link above in the root JA2 folder.

Thanks again!

EDIT: Can I use my IMPs from my previous saved games?

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by fightcancer on Thu, 23 Sep 2010 17:24:10 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message May I ask what the most stable version of 1.13 is? I don't mean to seem ungrateful, but this will be the 5th campaign I've started due to bugs. And when I launched the game with the new EXE above (Ty vm!) I saw a fair amount of new content. I'm concerned about playing the beta software that may have campaign-ending bugs.

Also, is the most stable 1.13 more stable than 1.12? Thank a bunch!

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by silversurfer on Thu, 23 Sep 2010 18:08:09 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message In my opinion the most stable version is the latest beta code. We got rid of some really nasty bugs there and I wouldn't ever use anything older than that anymore. I might be a little biased as I compile my own code and always read the update notes on SVN.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here!

Page 57 of 585 ---- Generated from The Bears Pit Posted by fightcancer on Thu, 23 Sep 2010 18:48:24 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Cool. I'll give it a shot--and thanks!

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by silversurfer on Thu, 23 Sep 2010 19:01:27 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Besides - you won't see any updates for the old public exe anyway. Any bug fixes go to the beta code and will be fixed there. So it's probably the safest option to start using the beta. That way you actually have a chance that your savegames will be compatible with a new exe. But don't rely on that too much. Sometimes the structure of the savegames has to be changed to make room for a new feature. Luckily this doesn't happen often and I hope it doesn't happen in the near future because I started a new game myself these days...

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by fightcancer on Fri, 24 Sep 2010 06:26:20 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message That makes sense.

How does one go about JA2 coding? I've done a lot of macros, VB and other coding. I'd like to give back to the community. Is there a post that explains how to get involved? (I'm NOT interested in writing new content, but shoring up the existing.)

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by silversurfer on Fri, 24 Sep 2010 06:54:36 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message There is a thread about getting the source code and installing a compiler: 0

It's rather old and also a bit outdated. Also the link in the first post leads to the public source code for the old exe.

You would rather want the current source code from this branch: 1.13 MP

Page 58 of 585 ---- Generated from The Bears Pit This is the latest developer code and if you compile this you get an even newer exe than Tais' SCI has (until Tais uploads an update for the SCI). If you want to submit some change to the code (bugfix, new feature or something else) you would want to talk to RoWa21. He's in charge of managing the code. The best option for submitting code changes is the use of .diff or .patch files which Tortoise SVN can create. You don't have to be part of the 1.13 team to take part in coding.

You will need Visual Studio. I would recommend VS2010 Express because it freely available from Microsoft. Just install Visual C++ 2010 from the package. Make sure to setup the correct path to your JA2 directory and output file name in the project. Otherwise you will search forever for the exe.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by reVurt on Tue, 28 Sep 2010 13:24:57 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Possible Save Game/Load Game bug:

I'm playing AIMNAS on the Wildfire Maps, which also gives two extra vehicles in addition to the hummer and icecream truck. Unfortunately, I hadn't changed the ini option to allow more than two vehicles, so when I found a third, I dismissed one of the earlier ones and saved my game.

Reloading the save results in a runtime error, with the message of an Assertion Failure at line 3868 of "Strategic Movement.cpp"

This one is very easy to reproduce using one of Tais' AIMNAS SCIs. Start a new game and move to the rebel hideout sector, A10. There is a jeep there in one of the garages on the lower west side of the map. Get in. Get out. Dismiss the jeep. Save the game and reload.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by fightcancer on Fri, 08 Oct 2010 06:54:13 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message San Mona bug during Extreme Fighting:

If there's a civilian standing in the doorway then your merc can move past him by exchanging place with him. However, the mighty Kingpin, don of San Mona, cannot get past him resulting in an infinite hourglass.

Using EXE 3721.

Also, I'm pretty sure CTH has something wrong whenever there's any kind of obstacle between the merc and his target. I'm playing with high-level mercs (7-9) with high wisdom (100), high MRK (88-95) and they miss 80% shots a lot if there's an obstacle. Probably they miss more than they

Page 59 of 585 ---- Generated from The Bears Pit hit.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by fightcancer on Tue, 23 Nov 2010 17:05:45 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message In build 3924 when I access the AIM list of mercs on the notebook, the entire roster is blank. There are zero players visible regardless of my sorting options.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by Toan on Sat, 27 Nov 2010 12:31:04 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Encountered this problem just last night...

Somehow, and I'm not sure how, I seem to have done something that the game didn't like whilst defending the central SAM shortly after liberating Balime. Both my quicksave and my save file won't open.

Any suggestions?

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by Anonymous on Fri, 28 Jan 2011 04:39:05 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message XML editor error.

Using Tais single click installer.

Unhandled Error. Please report this error to Madd Mugsy. Error: The string " is not a valid Boolean value.

The last thing it reads is MercStartingGear.XML

What do I need to change in that XML?

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by wanne (aka RoWa21) on Fri, 28 Jan 2011 08:25:37 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message

Page 60 of 585 ---- Generated from The Bears Pit @taoteching: Which version of the XML Editor are you using? Latest version is 0.46. The XML Editor from the beta 2011 starts fine. Do you use latest XML files?

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by Anonymous on Fri, 28 Jan 2011 12:08:11 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message I am using 0.44.

Sorry, I did not state it was Tais' Wildfire combination.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by usrbid on Sun, 30 Jan 2011 22:44:38 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Yo RoWa, not sure if this is the right place, I am playing UC 1.13 and find occasionally bugs which "feel" more like they are related to 1.13 not UC, where should I post these?

For example one of my observations is that when I carry an ALICE backpack (goes in back slot, at the very bottom) in my ALICE field pack (goes in hip slot, to the middle right) my movement cost seems higher. I even tested that by having the merc drop the backpack (12 AP) after which I could run several more tiles than having the backpack in my side pack. (And just to clarify, I was not carrying the backpack in the backpack slot, I put the backpack into the large item slot of my field pack.)

In case you need this, I am playing Tais' SCI_SVN1241_MPSVN3740_UC113_Hybrid_NAS_v2.75-20101004, slightly older SCI for UC113, maybe one or two versions below the most current, which was released just a day or two ago.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by Starwalker on Mon, 31 Jan 2011 09:15:53 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Guys, please, if you commit something to Bugzilla, take a second to think about whom to assign it to. It is true that I am the items-guy of the 1.13-team, but I cannot solve problems that are code-related (and thus cannot be solved by changing XML-data) like bugs 355, 353, and 349 (which is essentially a duplicate of 353). These should be assigned to a coder, that would be faster than me re-assigning them.

Page 61 of 585 ---- Generated from The Bears Pit Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by SpaceViking on Mon, 31 Jan 2011 14:36:40 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message There's no clue who does what when you create a bug report. Most people probably assume that the default is the right person.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by Starwalker on Mon, 31 Jan 2011 19:29:50 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Well, in that case I'll keep re-assigning then...

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by Logisteric on Sat, 12 Feb 2011 19:11:12 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message it's a known exploit and whoever does it either knows he's a cheater (no sense to tell them to stop, as it's easy to built superhumans anyway) or discovers it's a cheat and doesn't do it again

-> very low priority

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by sean10mm on Thu, 03 Mar 2011 16:27:30 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message 1.13 Beta - Current version: SCI_113Beta_r4057_20110116.7z (Updated 16 Januari 2011)

-Aim level settings don't appear to work correctly. Turning on extra aim levels in the INI editor doesn't do anything by itself (all guns have 4 aim clicks regardless of scopes). Turning on extra aim levels + dynamic aim levels gives you up to 8 aim levels for guns with the 10X scope but only 4 for all others, even guns with the 4X or 7X scope, in spite of the fact that by the description in the INI editor those should give up to 6 and 7 aim levels respectively.

-No first aid kits or camo kits in the game, at all, in the game world or in stores.

-Scope minimum ranges seem completely broken. The 10X has the SHORTEST minimum range (70), while the 7X and 4X have minimum ranges far beyond anything that makes sense at all (150 and 100).

Page 62 of 585 ---- Generated from The Bears Pit Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by Starwalker on Thu, 03 Mar 2011 16:31:18 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message sean10mm-Scope minimum ranges seem completely broken. The 10X has the SHORTEST minimum range (70), while the 7X and 4X have minimum ranges far beyond anything that makes sense at all (150 and 100). Get a new items.xml and weapons.xml from the SVN-Server. This has been fixed for some time. If you see ammo problems with these new XML-files, then get a new magazines.xml from the server, too.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by Gorro der Grüne on Thu, 03 Mar 2011 16:45:13 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Cellhey there did you always noticed that its already possible to gain health/strength for doing nothing else then overload yours mercs chose a sector cofirm the sector and then abort what u did. repeat this over and over again and your mercs will get true fightmachines ^^ i think that should be fixed.

There is an easier way to get a heIMP.

Health =25, Strength=1, level=1 let him/her come overload as much as possible (2000 or more %) perform the action only once


Health >90, Strength >95, Level=10

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by Gorro der Grüne on Thu, 03 Mar 2011 18:03:13 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message strength=1 is the magic

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here!

Page 63 of 585 ---- Generated from The Bears Pit Posted by sean10mm on Fri, 04 Mar 2011 15:53:24 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Starwalkersean10mm-Scope minimum ranges seem completely broken. The 10X has the SHORTEST minimum range (70), while the 7X and 4X have minimum ranges far beyond anything that makes sense at all (150 and 100). Get a new items.xml and weapons.xml from the SVN-Server. This has been fixed for some time. If you see ammo problems with these new XML-files, then get a new magazines.xml from the server, too.

Any thoughts on the aim levels being wrong? At least according to the INI editor the 10X scope shouldn't be the only thing giving aim levels >4, but that's what the weapon details in the game is reporting.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by Starwalker on Fri, 04 Mar 2011 22:53:06 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Sorry no, those are code functions, not item parameters that I can influence.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by Torres on Sun, 06 Mar 2011 14:16:52 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Im running this version SCI_SVN1252_MPSVN3944_Vanilla113_20101204

And I've found that you can attach both foregrip and colt grenadelauncher to the improved version of the carbine the M4A3.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by DepressivesBrot on Sun, 06 Mar 2011 14:33:02 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message So? You can attach a grip to an M203. Question is if this is consistently applied or not ... however, 3944 was before the NAS overhaul, so it might have changed one way or the other anyways.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by PasHancock on Sun, 06 Mar 2011 14:40:09 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message

Page 64 of 585 ---- Generated from The Bears Pit I am playing a Tais SCI R.4117 BETA.I have noticed,if you will press j near Fence or Boxing ring(in San Mona) you will climb up a roof(if in Boxing Ring) and you will climb up on empty space(near fence)

Fix it please

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by DepressivesBrot on Sun, 06 Mar 2011 14:48:53 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message PasHancockI am playing a Tais SCI V.4117 BETA.I have noticed,if you will press j near Fence or Boxing ring(in San Mona) you will climb up a roof(if in Boxing Ring) and you will climb up on empty space(near fence)

Fix it please Has been disabled in r4156 for exactly that reason. Dunno if it can be fixed easily. It should allow you to jump on those thick walls in Meduna, but somehow look just like them to that function.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by PasHancock on Sun, 06 Mar 2011 14:56:37 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Ok.

Just want to ask 1 more thing.When I am having a battle and when its an Enemy/Militia/Civilian turn,they think too long,they make few steps,game freezes and after few seconds they countinue to make they're turn.Happens only when Enemy sees me or Militia,same with Militia>Enemy.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by Sincleanser on Sun, 06 Mar 2011 15:53:23 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Ya, they got an interrupt and it gets to cycle through everyone that got an interrupt - which with how grouped they each can be, the wait can be a decent amount of time as it could be anywhere from 1 - 50[?] new turns.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by Starwalker on Sun, 06 Mar 2011 22:43:10 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message DepressivesBrotSo? You can attach a grip to an M203.

Page 65 of 585 ---- Generated from The Bears Pit Exactly that thing is the reason why I allowed a foregrip together with a M203PI UGL

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by PasHancock on Thu, 10 Mar 2011 04:55:20 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Ok,i have sent my Mobile Militia from Cambria Mine to Estoni to defend it.They arrived there and i noticed that enemy soldiers are nearby,i placed my Mercs there and when they were about to arrive(enemies) my Game Crashed!

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by wanne (aka RoWa21) on Thu, 10 Mar 2011 08:09:12 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message @Pas: Do you have a savegame before the crash? Send me a PM.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by PasHancock on Sat, 12 Mar 2011 10:05:11 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message In Tais SCI my snipers(militia) doesent want to climb up a rooflike it was in Rev 2085.I have at least 1-2 snipers per sector with militia and none of them climbs roof and guards sector.In rev 2085 every sniper Climbed roof.I want my Militia(snipers) be on Roof again.

Playing SCI rev4117

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by ColCool on Sat, 26 Mar 2011 19:42:45 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message hey, using this: 927 cant re-enter several sectors. currently drassen mine and the upper right of alma. get a CTD saying "missing file" (ya very helpful).

Page 66 of 585 ---- Generated from The Bears Pit any solution?

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by Logisteric on Sat, 26 Mar 2011 19:49:05 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message welcome to the pit which of those scis? which file?

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by ColCool on Sun, 27 Mar 2011 11:42:02 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message I just get a generic message not pointing me to any file.

Using this one (confirmed by the loading screen): Current version: SCI_113Beta_r4057_20110116.7z (Updated 16 Januari 2011) the exact message is: "Error. Missing or corrupted file(s). Game will exit now." its a JA msgbox. music still plays if thats important. game breaks just after the red loading bar finishes. never got anything like this with past versions. the only new thing this time, I dont use this ddb weapon mod or so.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by Logisteric on Sun, 27 Mar 2011 11:49:46 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message try a reinstall, i use that sci and never had any problems

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by PasHancock on Sun, 27 Mar 2011 15:18:54 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message I had the same but only after i Edit something in Map Editor

Page 67 of 585 ---- Generated from The Bears Pit Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by easterngames on Thu, 28 Apr 2011 03:59:36 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message whenever i post anything to bugzilla it at first gives me an error message saying it failed. i then retry it again and it goes through, but then the report shows up twice. im not trying to double post there.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by Omega on Sun, 01 May 2011 20:39:48 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Hi guys, just need some help I'm using 1.13 3585 build 10.08.08 (NAS1. and I'm getting a ctd on Day 50 at 8AM sharp with the below error message. It says something along the lines of missing speech file or something similar so I'm thinking it's to do with the Sheraton Mine closing down (shown in second picture).

Also If the image below can provide any help..

If I can provide any more information or if you need my .Sav please let me know.

Thanking you in advance.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by wanne (aka RoWa21) on Sun, 01 May 2011 20:50:33 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Yes we need the save. Please upload it anywhere.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by Omega on Mon, 02 May 2011 09:39:42 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Sorry should of figured that out really :\

Here is my "After Battle" save its at 7:29AM

Thanks again.

Page 68 of 585 ---- Generated from The Bears Pit Never mind I sorted it myself..turns out it wasn't to do with the mine running out at all...Spike seems to of taken over the role of Iggy (or at least his voice when he complains) and he doesn't like Fidel and it plays that sound file (saying how he doesn't want to work with him)....problem resolved but maybe something to add to the bug list.

I solved the problem by searching for the offending file (068_031.wav) and renaming it to 068_031A.wav which for some reason worked

Thanks for the offer to look anyway.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by wanne (aka RoWa21) on Mon, 02 May 2011 11:51:29 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Cool that it works.

I did not look yet at the savegame, but why should Spike speak with the voice of Iggy? Thats interesting.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by Omega on Tue, 03 May 2011 11:54:06 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Just a little update, it happened again after I changed the file name on a different day so I just got rid of Fidel which was weird because when I first changed the file name it played ok it just said "missing speech #38" or something along the lines and the speech played yet the time after that it quoted the same file name and crashed again.

Either way the issue is resolved now

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by TheStranger on Thu, 05 May 2011 16:43:20 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Hi there,

I have a problem which is very annoying. I installed the SCI_113Beta_r4057_20110116 (and even tried the SCI_SVN1252_MPSVN3944_Vanilla113_20101204). When I arrive in Arulco the game freezes after about 5 min for sure. If I press the Windows key and get back into the game it continues to work. But then after a short time it freezes again and again. I have searched the last hours on the Internet but didn't find anything relating to such freezes.

The Vanilla version works perfectly btw.

Page 69 of 585 ---- Generated from The Bears Pit I use an AMD Phenom X4 4 GB Ram Win 7 but I don't think the system specs aren't helping cause the Vanilla works right.

I tried even my german version and applied the latest german v. 1.13 and - the same. Have you any ideas?

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by TommyGun on Fri, 13 May 2011 19:06:42 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message build 10.03.07 i cannot enter the rebel underground sector for some reason. i was there already, recruited ira and all... but i cant return there. the "stairs" that lead there are just not flagged as sector transition i guess coz of a bug. what can i do on my current save?

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by wanne (aka RoWa21) on Fri, 13 May 2011 19:51:55 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message which revision number of 1.13 are you using?

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by DepressivesBrot on Fri, 13 May 2011 19:53:44 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message The date looks like the 3356 to me. Don't have one to check right now though.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by wanne (aka RoWa21) on Fri, 13 May 2011 20:07:52 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message ok, seems very old version. this bug does not exist in current 1.13, I am sure.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here!

Page 70 of 585 ---- Generated from The Bears Pit Posted by smeagol on Sat, 21 May 2011 11:43:38 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Found a typo in the options menu (exe 4425):

Insted of New Chance to Hit it states New Chan"G"e to Hit.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by AlGoblin on Sun, 22 May 2011 13:16:29 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Build 11.01.16-

Sometimes soldiers shoot (they seem to have a particular liking for long bursts while at it) through walls. I encountered it on 2 maps: Chitzena Mine & Cambria Mine, in Cambria it ignored the building's corner, and in Chitzena it shot through a closed door and a straight wall.

Also, during the same battle at Chitzena one of my mercs was "stuck" with shooting only at on particular, fixed target/square/point. Regardless of saving and loading and switching guns and targets, he always rotated and aimed at a square near the center of the northern end of the map. During numerous tests, handing him a grenade launcher and pumping a 40mm at an empty square (anywhere) fixed the "target lock". It felt damn cool to come up with such an obscure workaround.

Also, big thanks to all the developers of 1.13, one of my favourite-favourite games got better thanks to them.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by K0ukku on Tue, 19 Jul 2011 20:29:19 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Hey,

I played the newest 1.13 release and I encountered a strange feature concerning the binoculars:

The small light blue binoculars give LONGER sight range than the bigger black binoculars. It was something like +10 day vision range for the smaller blue binoculars and just like +7 for the black & bigger ones.

Also in my opinion both binoculars should give longer sight range aswell.

Cheers, Hookster

Page 71 of 585 ---- Generated from The Bears Pit Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by DepressivesBrot on Tue, 19 Jul 2011 20:40:25 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Iirc, the bigger one has less tunnel vision instead, so you gotta weigh your options instead of having one clearly superior item.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by STK on Wed, 20 Jul 2011 23:08:45 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Hey all just went to play some MP DM and spent like 20 mins kitting out me mercs for some CQB with a mate and just put a gas mask on me merc and bam kicked to desktop.

Is this common with gas masks kicking server like the grenade bug?.

I have attached the only thing that presented its self after the crash even though it looks like a complete waste to me but meh. All it seems to do it repeat the same error over and that error seems like nothing but here it is me crash dump.


Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by Torres on Sat, 01 Oct 2011 15:37:39 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Hi there !! I've come across something that may not be a bug but a rather annoying thing.

Actually the XM25 Grenade Launcher system uses 25mm grenades, when using a 40mm grenade pouch to carry them I've noticed that I can carry LESS of these smaller grenades than of the other 40mm.

I mean, in the pocket slots for 40mm grenades I can carry TWO 40mm grenades or ONE 25mm O_o was this made on purpose? I dont know if it has been reported yet so sorry if repost

Is there any quick fix for it? like maybe any simple edit I can make to reduce item size by 1 or something like that?

Thx 4 the mod again

PS.- did you understand what I mean? when using this technical english Im not sure if Im being understood? is understood the word? lol haha

Page 72 of 585 ---- Generated from The Bears Pit Edit: oops, sorry. Ok will find that sub-forum. I couldn't tell to which mod belonged since I installed both at the same time. thanks anyways wil473

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by Wil473 on Sat, 01 Oct 2011 15:49:38 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message @Torres84 - please specify if you are playing stock v1.13, the AIMNAS mod, or some other mod.

In stock "official" v1.13, the 25mm grenades do not come as individual grenades, but instead in "six-packs" using the old multi-grenade system. If anything the complaint should be that these large magazine shaped items fit the 40mm grenade pockets at all.

AIMNAS, if I remember correctly, has 25mm grenades portrayed as individual units (taking advantage of NAS allowing multiple grenades being loaded simultaneously to achieve the 6 shot capacity). That or Smeagol had posted artwork pointing towards this in future. Despite the title of this thread referencing "all bugs," you may want to post this in the AIMNAS sub-forum.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by Anonymous on Tue, 04 Oct 2011 13:46:51 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Just a minor bug that got lost.

The EDT files associated with e-mail still need fixed.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by wanne (aka RoWa21) on Tue, 04 Oct 2011 13:59:25 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message taoJust a minor bug that got lost.

The EDT files associated with e-mail still need fixed.

What do you mean exactly? Do you have a fix?

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by Anonymous on Tue, 04 Oct 2011 14:06:47 GMT

Page 73 of 585 ---- Generated from The Bears Pit View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Whenever a mercenary is unavailable in A.I.M., we can leave him a message. He/she then in return sends us an e-mail, but a lot of times the text of the edt is wrong in correlation to the specific merc.

For Example:

I left Blood a message.

I recieved a message from Blood, but in the body of the message it was Monk speaking.

I believe this to be just a mess up in edt when ever Jazz made the extended mercs page on the A.I.M. site.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by wanne (aka RoWa21) on Tue, 04 Oct 2011 14:31:55 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message can you provide a savegame?

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by Anonymous on Tue, 04 Oct 2011 14:50:48 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message!128

Check Latest E-mail.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by Torres on Tue, 04 Oct 2011 15:30:00 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Dont know if reported yet and dont know if just 1.13 related or 1.13+AIMNAS related, I have both installed.(v.ja2v1.13-update-4552-EN+SCI_AIMNASv20_r4561_20110709_fixed)

Civilians in sector L12 Balime, inside shops. They are armed and when talking to them they respond with a QUOTE 13, QUOTE 2, QUOTE X generated answer. They simply say that.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here!

Page 74 of 585 ---- Generated from The Bears Pit Posted by wanne (aka RoWa21) on Tue, 04 Oct 2011 16:18:35 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message tao!128

Check Latest E-mail.

Can't load the savegame. Is this savegame from a specific 1.13 MOD?

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by Sam Hotte on Tue, 04 Oct 2011 16:20:21 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Torres84Dont know if reported yet and dont know if just 1.13 related or 1.13+AIMNAS related, I have both installed.(v.ja2v1.13-update-4552-EN+SCI_AIMNASv20_r4561_20110709_fixed)

Civilians in sector L12 Balime, inside shops. They are armed and when talking to them they respond with a QUOTE 13, QUOTE 2, QUOTE X generated answer. They simply say that.

Cannot tell for sure but i would "blame" AIMNAS for it since smeagol used to work with different factions (e.g. warden).

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by wanne (aka RoWa21) on Tue, 04 Oct 2011 16:28:44 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message @Sam_Hotte: Yes, I assume it is not default 1.13.

The "Quote 13, "Quote 2" are placeholders in the CIVS EDT-File. The modder can decide what should go there.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by wanne (aka RoWa21) on Tue, 04 Oct 2011 16:45:23 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message RoWa21tao F!128

Check Latest E-mail.

Can't load the savegame. Is this savegame from a specific 1.13 MOD?

Page 75 of 585 ---- Generated from The Bears Pit I just tested and default 1.13 and it works without problems. I receive the correct mail. It must be MOD specific. Point me to the download link of the MOD.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by Anonymous on Tue, 04 Oct 2011 17:48:29 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Tais' AIMNAS Installer



Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by wanne (aka RoWa21) on Tue, 04 Oct 2011 23:14:14 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message taoTais' AIMNAS Installer



I found the problem with "Blood". The problem is the "Data-AIM\BinaryData\Email.edt" file which was taken from original Wildfire 6.0. Of course this does not fit exactly, because Wildfire 6.0 replaced some merc (e.g: Blood with Monk) and therefore replaced the email texts.

I will correct this problem in the "Email.edt" file and then upload the corrected file.

EDIT: Here is the fixed Email.edt file for the AIMNAS (Wildfire) MOD. Just put that file in the "Data-AIM\BinaryData" folder. Overwrite the existing file.

It only works for new incoming mails. Old mails will still have the wrong texts for the merc that are replaced in original wildfire 6.0.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by Anonymous on Wed, 05 Oct 2011 00:35:57 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Thanks,

Page 76 of 585 ---- Generated from The Bears Pit Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by STK on Mon, 12 Dec 2011 15:42:14 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Hi all long time no see .

Thought I would give it a go again and I tryed aimnas latest version with the latest version of 1.13 from this link so I used the latest unstable version of 1.13 and latest version of aimnas

I must say its great fun.

But I am really interested in MP and I was a little gutted to see that

1 Climbing still is disabled

2 Gas masks when I fit them at the start screen where we choose out mircs etc it kicks the server dead

Though I must say I am so pleased that explosives are now fixed Any news on any more MP fixes pleasseeeeeee

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by wanne (aka RoWa21) on Mon, 12 Dec 2011 17:33:10 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message 1) not in the near future

2) that should have no impact on a mp game. does the game also crash if you do that in a sp game? try it out.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by STK on Mon, 12 Dec 2011 17:41:25 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Hi mate I have not tried the gas masks in SP yet aint got to far as I was so excited to test MP out and see what was fixed .

I suspect it works ok in SP.

Page 77 of 585 ---- Generated from The Bears Pit I will test it tonight.



I see your part of the team who made 1.13? if so thanks so much for this its awesome.

Shame there is no updates for MP fixes in the future but I appreciate every thing you lot have done so far.


Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by Flugente on Wed, 07 Mar 2012 23:38:18 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message I'Ve just tried to start a game with Tais Unstable SCI from February 28, with a debug exe built upon the development code from the newest version to verify overheating weapons also works properly in that trunk. It does, but I've found a unrelated problem:

Whenever I try to change an option in the preferences menu, the game completely freezes. Kinda weird, didn't show up when i put that thing into the debugger. I suppose it might have something to do with the new resolutions, as it didn't happen on 1024x600, but on all other resolutions.

Does anyone else experience that, or is it just me doing dumb things?

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by Dyson on Wed, 02 May 2012 09:40:06 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Got crash with the map editor:

JA2Gold eng + SVN 1417 + Map Editor_5178.exe

Message is like that: assertion failure [Line 2898 in worlddef.cpp]

Page 78 of 585 ---- Generated from The Bears Pit Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by wanne (aka RoWa21) on Wed, 02 May 2012 13:12:28 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message DysonGot crash with the map editor:

JA2Gold eng + SVN 1417 + Map Editor_5178.exe

Message is like that: assertion failure [Line 2898 in worlddef.cpp]

When do you get the crash? Which action did you perform? Is the bug reproduceable?

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by Clarkew on Fri, 03 Aug 2012 17:20:52 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Mercs who use the sleazy bar facility remain drunk for the rest or their short miserable lives.

Tested on current SVN back to at least r1470 (currently running 1486)

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by Flugente on Fri, 03 Aug 2012 18:01:24 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message @ClarkeW: Fixed as of r5442. Problem was that the drug effect decay function wasn't notified that the mercs were under the drug effect. You can manually fix that in your current game by giving those mercs any drug manually (like a beer), this will cause the drug effect to update and correctly decay over time.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by Clarkew on Fri, 03 Aug 2012 18:51:33 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Sweet! Thanks. apparently beer does solve everything

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by Slax on Sun, 05 Aug 2012 01:22:13 GMT

Page 79 of 585 ---- Generated from The Bears Pit View Forum Message <> Reply to Message 5442 and 5443 exes seem to lack raise costs for weapons. It's actually an interesting mechanic. Speeds things up in a nice way. Maybe a future ini option?

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by DepressivesBrot on Sun, 05 Aug 2012 08:43:07 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Will be fixed shortly.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by Slax on Thu, 09 Aug 2012 19:53:28 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message 5454 exe. AR maps.

Looks like the game thinks my merc is bracing their weapon on the window pane even though she's one the roof.

Mercs auto-eat/drink and this happens. Occasionally also happens when scrolling through the merc list on map screen, or when arriving in a new sector. (Fails to draw certain merc portraits and then comes the crash.) First thought it had something to do with camo wearing off but I really have no idea. Manually feeding my mercs fixed it.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by DepressivesBrot on Fri, 10 Aug 2012 08:06:23 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Looks like you're missing something, possibly interface icons. Do a clean install with the newest SVN gamedir if you are using my exe!

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by Slax on Fri, 10 Aug 2012 12:18:10 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message

Page 80 of 585 ---- Generated from The Bears Pit Missing icons then. I'm doing a fresh install just to be sure but I'd also like to know what file(s) this stuff resides in, for future reference. Thanks.

NOPE! Still happens. Note that this is seemingly random. Hmm... Interface and laptop folders are up to date. I've really only modified map related files so nothing vital should have been been lost. GameLoop errors show up every now and then when accessing sector inventories so testing is becoming difficult. A frustrating path to walk.

Anyway, back to my old theory that camo wearing off has something to do with it. Seemed to be a reliable way of recreating the crash before. I'll keep you posted.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by Flugente on Fri, 10 Aug 2012 20:10:12 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message The icons specifically needed are in Data/Interface/ItemInfoSecondaryIcons.Sti and Data/Interface/PORTRAITICONS_A.Sti - PORTRAITICONS_D.Sti

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by Seomis on Tue, 14 Aug 2012 23:00:34 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Well i think this can be reported as a bug. In day 31 and when passing to day 32 the game crashes. Even if i make a quick safe before the game crashes still. I have the last version, the new update and the special file with the mercs from Deadly Games instaled in a Jagged Alliance2 gold. So can you fix it or advise me what to do?

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by Flugente on Tue, 14 Aug 2012 23:05:02 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message ehm... what exactly is your error then? Any screenshots or error messages?

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by Seomis on Tue, 14 Aug 2012 23:13:53 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message No the game simply shuts down the game and exites.

Page 81 of 585 ---- Generated from The Bears Pit Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by Sam Hotte on Wed, 15 Aug 2012 00:09:35 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Sometimes those crashes, that happen at a certain time, can be worked around, if doing something else at the the very time the crash happened. E.g.: If Crash occurs when being in strategical and letting time pass by time compression exactly at the change from day 31 (23:59) to day 32 (00:00) - load a tactical sector at 23:5x and let the time pass in tactical by just walking around or doing nothing. If you are lucky, the crash won't happen then at 00:00.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by Seomis on Wed, 15 Aug 2012 10:04:39 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message I see. Sadly i deleated all my saves. A shame i was just training militia em Alma and then i would have attacked Meduna a waste. In the near future i will do that if that crash happens again i will use your advice. Thanks.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by tim110011 on Thu, 16 Aug 2012 10:02:33 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message GAMEDIR 1493 game_log.log

*** Thu Aug 16 17:18:29 2012 ***

[4.36836] : ERROR : File : .\Init.cpp Line : 1166 Location : InitializeJA2 Loading external data failed File : .\Init.cpp Line : 311 Location : LoadExternalGameplayData Items.xml

LiveLog.txt *** Thu Aug 16 17:18:29 2012 ***

[4.17884] : XML Parser Error in Items.xml: not well-formed (invalid token) at line 36639


Page 82 of 585 ---- Generated from The Bears Pit Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by JMich on Thu, 16 Aug 2012 10:24:08 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message tim110011T

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by tim110011 on Thu, 16 Aug 2012 10:52:31 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message EXE 5474 GAMEDIR 1493



Error: Could not load animation file ANIMS\S_MERC\S_N_SHOT2.STI stack_trace.log

[497.555] : Backtrace: file "SPEECH\" does not exist [498.958] : Backtrace: file "SPEECH\" does not exist [501.44] : Backtrace: file "SPEECH\" does not exist

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by JMich on Thu, 16 Aug 2012 10:55:40 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message tim110011EXE 5474 GAMEDIR 1493



Error: Could not load animation file ANIMS\S_MERC\S_N_SHOT2.STI

See here, seems that the animation is not included in all versions of the game, and (unfortunately) wasn't uploaded to the trunk. As for the missing .gap files, you can safely ignore them.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by Seomis on Thu, 16 Aug 2012 20:22:16 GMT

Page 83 of 585 ---- Generated from The Bears Pit View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Again my game crashes this time on a diferent turn. So help will be appreciated i have a savedgame right before the crash happens but i'm not able to post it here. If someone wish to have i send him the save and if could help me it will be very appreciated.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by JamTheDane on Mon, 27 Aug 2012 19:28:02 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message I talked to JMich on another board, and he told me to go bug report here

I been playing JA2 1.13 for a few days now, and have run into a really irritating bug. I run the newest version, 4870, with the latest hotfix, no extra mods or changes.

I have tried to make 3 new games now, and I get his by this every time, after cleaning up the start area. Just after clearing the area, I will either get random people dropped from group (had a full group, or a group with 2 out of 5 mercs in it), but the game will crash with a "

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by Flugente on Sun, 02 Sep 2012 20:01:49 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message @Slax: Regarding the error of mercs getting the mount bonus on the roof even though they shouldn't: fixed in r5546.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by removed_one on Wed, 12 Sep 2012 16:00:12 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Hi. I recently just started playing again, but now I'm having problems with opening the XML and ini editors. I keep getting a message saying "A device attached to the system is not functioning." Never had that problem before, so I was wondering if anybody knows a fix.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by tim110011 on Sat, 22 Sep 2012 03:21:02 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message This is a request not a bug: Update 3rd-party libraries ?


Page 84 of 585 ---- Generated from The Bears Pit 7z(lzma) : 4.65 9.20 utfcpp : 2.2.2 2.3.2 libpng : 1.2.35 1.2.50 zlib : 1.2.3 1.2.7

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by DepressivesBrot on Sat, 22 Sep 2012 20:21:35 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Why? What's the benefit and how much is this potentially going to break?

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by tim110011 on Sun, 23 Sep 2012 03:12:29 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message There are vulnerability warnings on libpng home page, zlib 1.2.3 also released 7 years ago. My exe bulid (svn5579) with new libraries now works fine.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by rtm on Fri, 05 Oct 2012 16:12:47 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message I've found a neat bug in 5412 with wildfire maps.

Mike shows up in Tixa, gets shot IIRC without even a chance to speak. After I clear out the dungeon there, I go on to clear out the cache at J12.

Can't find last enemy. So, I google the forums, then try the alt-E cheat.

Works. Turns out there's an invisible, dying Mike in the upper right corner of the map. Even though his corpse definitely was at Tixa..

Truly invisible, his only presence is indicated by the square being impossible to move onto. It doesn't show the cross, just the merc won't go there.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by Parkan on Fri, 02 Nov 2012 11:14:52 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Ja2+SCi 5645. If i play with tooltips level 4(debug).The enemy and militia units have wrong description about their

Page 85 of 585 ---- Generated from The Bears Pit traits.For example:Enemy has trait-Athletics-but this is not athletics-it is Bodybuilding.

Plus.If player play with IMP mercs where they have more than 3 traits(major\minor)(for example i play with 4 major\4 minor) the description tooltip in laptop if i want to see More trait-is wrong too.(For example:I created merc with Machinegunner,hand to hand, Deputy,Bodybuilding,Athletics,Night Ops,Ambidex.The laptop menu show-Machinegunner,hand to hand,Deputy,Night ops,More.If i look to More i saw only Athletics,teaching.The teaching i not chose when IMp merc was created.

Such bugs was in previus versions like in 5555 exe. Cheked with stock 1.13 mod,and with AFS and UC mod separatle.This bugs occur.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by Flugente on Fri, 02 Nov 2012 16:15:48 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message @Parkan: I have an idea how your error occured... I'll see to it in the next week or so.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by Parkan on Fri, 02 Nov 2012 22:31:59 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Such errors appear after adding new Covert operation skill.before that skill there was no such bug.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by Flugente on Fri, 02 Nov 2012 22:51:34 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message I know, because I had to change a lot concerning trait numbering and displays

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by Uriens on Sat, 03 Nov 2012 16:30:01 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Just to add to this specific bug. Actual skills you chose work properly, it's just 'more' tooltip that that displays wrong skill (-1 index i think). For example if 13 is athletics then it will show as melee skill in 'more' tooltip because melee has 12 index. However, if you test it in game, you can see that merc really gets movement reduction from athletics as he should.

Page 86 of 585 ---- Generated from The Bears Pit Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by Parkan on Sat, 03 Nov 2012 16:45:10 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Not just "more" tooltip work not properly,the tooltip level 4(debug)on enemy work not properly too.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by DepressivesBrot on Sat, 03 Nov 2012 16:51:07 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message And you see this ... how?

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by Parkan on Sat, 03 Nov 2012 16:59:49 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message in ja2_option.ini tooltip level detail-4.If i understand you correctly.=)

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by DepressivesBrot on Sat, 03 Nov 2012 17:07:11 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message No, I know what you're talking about. But how do you know those tooltips are wrong? It's not like traits are a weapon the enemy drops afterwards that differs from the TT.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by Parkan on Sat, 03 Nov 2012 17:26:49 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message I made some testing.Increased damage reduction of bodybuilding to 90% and looked to result.enemy who have athletics and gain a little damage-have wrong trait.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by Uriens on Sat, 03 Nov 2012 18:31:15 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message I seem to have a problem setting up manual militia restrictions. Right click should cycle through sector colors allowing me to set up restrictions in the 'r' screen. However, right click does nothing and i can't find a way to change restrictions on map. I only get green (patrol) and grey (no entry) sectors. Setting RESTRICT_ROAMING,

Page 87 of 585 ---- Generated from The Bears Pit ALLOW_MILITIA_MOVEMENT_THROUGH_EXPLORED_SECTORS and ALLOW_DYNAMIC_RESTRICTED_ROAMING to various combinations in .ini file didn't help much. Did something change with manual restrictions lately or is this a bug? Can't seem to find anything about it using search function.

Btw, I'm using latest SVN version with 5656 exe version.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by Uriens on Sun, 04 Nov 2012 20:13:00 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message After more testing I think I can confirm this as a bug. At the moment you can't manually set restrictions for mobile militia. In 'r' screen you should be able to right click on the explored sector to cycle it's color (green/yellow/red). However, this function does not work.

I have RESTRICT_ROAMING and ALLOW_MILITIA_MOVEMENT_THROUGH_EXPLORED_SECTORS set to true while ALLOW_DYNAMIC_RESTRICTED_ROAMING set to false. Any other combination produces either weird results or greys out whole map in the 'r' screen.

I do remember using this when Headrock introduced this for his HAM mod. Right now I see no way to use it so it's probably broken.

Btw, I tried using it with 5520 .exe version, the one released on SVN but the problem is the same. Could it be that some change in hotkeys broke right click functionality in 'r' screen?

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by Flugente on Mon, 05 Nov 2012 21:38:39 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message @Parkan: The tooltip error is corrected in r5669.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by Parkan on Tue, 06 Nov 2012 09:53:06 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message thank you =)

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by Uriens on Tue, 13 Nov 2012 19:17:24 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message

Page 88 of 585 ---- Generated from The Bears Pit Some more bugs. Using latest version from SVN 1559 and exe version is 5685.

Using inventory popups bug. If you try to attach something that is forbidden an error will appear as normal but after that any action results in crash.

Latest crash report caused by this: Toggle SpoilerRelease v1.13.5521 (Development Build): Build 12.08.24. Z

File: E:\Games\Ja2\ja2.exe 8 type 586 processor. Total Physical Memory: 4095 Megs. Segment( CS:EIP ): 0023:006497a9.

Exception occurred at address: 0x006497a9 Write Access Violation at: 0x00000000

Exact Error Message "The thread tried to read from or write to a virtual address for which it does not have the appropriate access."

The game 'CAN' continue

Registers: EAX=00000000 CS=0023 EIP=006497a9 EFLGS=00010206 EBX=00000008 SS=002b ESP=1385fd50 EBP=1385fd50 ECX=1385fcf0 DS=002b ESI=1385fcf0 FS=0053 EDX=00000000 ES=002b EDI=00000000 GS=002b

Stack Walk: FramePtr ReturnAd Param#1 Param#2 Param#3 Param#4 Function Name 1385fd50 006bf6a1 00000000 00000000 00000017 1385fda0 ja2! 1385fd64 0054f4a3 1385fcf0 02893b10 b8982333 00000000 ja2! 1385fda0 004f84ca 07fd84a8 00000008 ffff002e 000001c5 ja2! 1385fdc8 004093c1 00000010 0000002e 000001c5 00000000 ja2! 1385fe08 00505d2d b8982043 ffffffff 12882528 00000000 ja2! 1385fed0 00505f64 b8982193 ffffffff 12882528 74a4199e ja2! 1385ff00 00505ff9 00000000 00795f46 ffffffff 00360dd0 ja2! 1385ff38 00795fc2 b89821fb 74a41725 00000010 74a4199e ja2! 1385ff68 007961af ffffffff 00000000 00000000 00000000 ja2! 1385ff88 74a433aa 00000000 1385ffd4 77279ef2 00000000 ja2! 1385ff94 77279ef2 00000000 41cef4fa 00000000 00000000 kernel32!BaseThreadInitThunk [omap] 1385ffd4 77279ec5 00796010 00000000 00000000 00000000 ntdll!RtlInitializeExceptionChain [omap] 1385ffec 00000000 00796010 00000000 00000000 43534552 ntdll!RtlInitializeExceptionChain

Page 89 of 585 ---- Generated from The Bears Pit [omap]

Stack dump: 1385fd50: 1385fd64 006bf6a1 00000000 00000000 00000017 1385fda0 0054f4a3 1385fcf0 1385fd70: 02893b10 b8982333 00000000 00000008 00000001 00b44b24 1385fdac 02893b10 1385fd90: 0085fdf4 1385fec4 0084d078 ffffffff 1385fdc8 004f84ca 07fd84a8 00000008 1385fdb0: ffff002e 000001c5 00000000 004f8977 ffffffff 00000009 1385fe08 004093c1 1385fdd0: 00000010 0000002e 000001c5 00000000 00000000 12882528 1385fff0 0000002e 1385fdf0: 000001c5 258b7e96 00100000 00000000 01c5002e b898209b 1385fed0 00505d2d 1385fe10: b8982043 ffffffff 12882528 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 1385fe30: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 1385fe50: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 1385fe70: 00000000 7726013d 754115e9 00000002 1385fec4 00000001 00000000 75411654 1385fe90: bb0f036d 00000002 1385ff3c 1385ff38 00000024 00000001 00000000 00000000 1385feb0: 00000000 00000000 00000000 b8982043 1385fe10 1385fef0 0084b8e6 00000000 1385fed0: 1385ff00 00505f64 b8982193 ffffffff 12882528 74a4199e 1385fed8 1385f914 1385fef0: 1385ff2c 008251f0 ab921fe3 00000001 1385ff38 00505ff9 00000000 00795f46 1385ff10: ffffffff 00360dd0 b89821ab 74a41725 00000000 74a4199e 1385ff18 1385ff58 1385ff30: 00851f80 00000000 1385ff68 00795fc2 b89821fb 74a41725 00000010 74a4199e 1385ff50: 1385ff40 74a4199e 1385ffc4 008251f0 ab8df21b 00000001 1385ff88 007961af 1385ff70: ffffffff 00000000 00000000 00000000 000001f8 000001f4 1385ff94 74a433aa 1385ff90: 00000000 1385ffd4 77279ef2 00000000 41cef4fa 00000000 00000000 00000000 1385ffb0: 00000000 00000000 00000000 1385ffa0 00000000 ffffffff 772b71d5 256dce1e 1385ffd0: 00000000 1385ffec 77279ec5 00796010 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 1385fff0: 00000000 00796010 00000000 00000000

(00400000 - 0F9A5000) E:\Games\Ja2\ja2.exe - file date is 11/12/2012 22:33:04 (77240000 - 773C0000) C:\Windows\SysWOW64 tdll.dll 6.1.7601.17725 6.1.7601.17725 - file date is 11/17/2011 06:38:40 (74A30000 - 74B40000) C:\Windows\syswow64\kernel32.dll 6.1.7601.17932 6.1.7601.17932 - file date is 08/20/2012 18:37:20 (75400000 - 75447000) C:\Windows\syswow64\KERNELBASE.dll 6.1.7601.17932 6.1.7601.17932 - file date is 08/20/2012 18:37:20 (75520000 - 75555000) C:\Windows\syswow64\WS2_32.dll 6.1.7601.17514 6.1.7601.17514 - file date is 11/20/2010 13:21:40 (74FF0000 - 7509C000) C:\Windows\syswow64\msvcrt.dll 7.0.7601.17744 6.1.8638.17744 - file date is 12/16/2011 08:53:00 (76510000 - 76600000) C:\Windows\syswow64\RPCRT4.dll 6.1.7601.17514 6.1.7601.17514 - file date is 11/20/2010 13:08:58 (74920000 - 74980000) C:\Windows\syswow64\SspiCli.dll 6.1.7601.17856 6.1.7601.17856 - file date is 06/02/2012 05:34:10 (74910000 - 7491C000) C:\Windows\syswow64\CRYPTBASE.dll 6.1.7600.16385 6.1.7600.16385 - file date is 07/14/2009 02:15:08 (75560000 - 75579000) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\sechost.dll 6.1.7600.16385 6.1.7600.16385

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Cowers in fear prone animations seems to be bugged sometimes. Enemy can become unhittable by any attacks (ranged, melee, explosives) until he recovers and gets out of that stance. Doesn't happen all the time but it's frequent enough to be a problem. This seems to most often happen to enemies that got suppressed by grenades, like stun grenade. Cowers in fear crouch animations can also become bugged but in different way. This seems to happen when militia kills an enemy - he will instead of becoming a corpse just remain there in 'cowers in fear' stance with dying status. Militia will ignore him and move on while mercs can see him AND they can target/shoot him to finish him off. If not finished enemy can stay like this forever. Reminds me a lot on that falling from rooftop animation bug except that you can't target or kill enemy there (I think).

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by DepressivesBrot on Tue, 13 Nov 2012 19:30:18 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Roofzombies can be targeted and killed with melee attacks. Did you get the bug where a soldier 'cowers in fear' but instead stands (making him an easy target) up as well?

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by Flugente on Tue, 13 Nov 2012 19:54:54 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Does that happen on all bodytypes, or just on single one? Stuff like this can happen if some animation is missing.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by Uriens on Tue, 13 Nov 2012 20:51:23 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Not sure what body type it was. It looked like normal male I think. The animation was there, he had cower in fear stance, crouched one. I'll pay attention to body type next time I ran into it.

I get soldier 'stands up' bug all the time. It's in fact so often I figured you guys know about it for sure. It seems like it's some sort of 'mid stance'. First shots get him up, next ones get him to normal cower stance (assuming he didn't die while standing). I'm playing with AIMNAS and increased suppression effects so I see this quite often.

Page 94 of 585 ---- Generated from The Bears Pit Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by Uriens on Thu, 15 Nov 2012 12:59:16 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Ok, here is an update:

Quote:Cowers in fear crouch animations can also become bugged but in different way. This seems to happen when militia kills an enemy - he will instead of becoming a corpse just remain there in 'cowers in fear' stance with dying status. Militia will ignore him and move on while mercs can see him AND they can target/shoot him to finish him off. If not finished enemy can stay like this forever.

I ran into this again - twice. It was on an enemy with normal male body, but I don't think it's really important. I think I figured out what may cause this. Both times it happened during militia turn. It may be possible for this to happen on enemy turn against militia (or even your mercs), but I didn't see it yet. The first time it happened when a militia was shooting at the enemy and, while the animation of cover in fear was still playing for that enemy, another militia came to turn and shot that enemy (would probably killed him). However, that made enemy status stuck in dying state. Second time it happened when ambidextrous militia with 2 pistols was shooting at the enemy that already had 'cower in fear' stance. Both shots were hits, first one started animation of being hit while cowered in fear and before that animation ended, another shot landed and send him to this frozen dying state.

It would seem that problem appears when a killing shot lands while the animation is playing. In both cases hits happened shortly after first move before animations finished. I'm guessing that in code, at the end of animation, game calls for something that causes this.

All this happened only on crouched cower in fear animations. Never saw this on any other stance.

I also ran into another bug. If your merc is positioned behind the door that blocks view of him, when he tries to apply first aid on him you will get a stopwatch and action wont happen. I do recall that this specific action (first aid) had problems before in much older versions if there were objects (not only doors) in the way when you clicked on your merc. This bug is still here. I think this one should be easy to reproduce, just have your merc stand behind an object like door and try to make him apply first aid on himself. You may have to hit him with something first so that he actually has something to heal.

Also, stand up bug appears to happen on prone enemies/militia/mercs when they are prone and under suppression fire. On first shot/burst they stand up and on next (assuming they live) they go to crouched 'cower in fear' stance. I'm not sure if the problem is that game decides to send prone targets to crouched cower in fear stance (which is wrong stance for prone targets), or the prone 'cower in fear' animation fails to start and the game then sends them to standing stance as a backup. I must mention that I really don't remember seeing enemy going to prone 'cower in fear' stance from prone position under suppression fire. Only times I saw enemy go to prone 'cower in

Page 95 of 585 ---- Generated from The Bears Pit fear' was because of grenade explosion.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by wolf00 on Sun, 18 Nov 2012 20:30:31 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message i have a merc on repair duty,when is my repair kit deplet game going to asertion fail... latest svn revision & exe 5676

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by Flugente on Sun, 18 Nov 2012 23:34:51 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Thank you for spotting that. Fixed in r5693.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by wanne (aka RoWa21) on Mon, 19 Nov 2012 08:50:20 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Map editor crash on saving map I13. Present in 4870 & 5520 (spotted by Buggler) Load the map I13 in the map editor & save without any changes will cause CTD.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by Flugente on Mon, 19 Nov 2012 18:43:59 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Testing that one with r5693. It crashes because of something happening in ClassifyEdgepoints() in Map Edgepoints.cpp:787... something about isolated gridno handling, whatever that is.

So far, I feel pretty innocent about it, as I didn't do anything there...

Update: This is somehow connected to map entry points, and the fact that this map in particular has fences that limit the possible merc entrypoints from north and east. If you tell the game that the map has no gMapInformation.sNorthGridNo and gMapInformation.sEastGridNo, everything works, one can save this... ideas, anyone? Has anyone observed similar behaviour in other maps?

Update 2: That definetly is the problem. If I remove a tiny section of the fence, the map can properly be saved. I conclude that the game tries to check wether the map edgepoints are connected to... some other region. If the fence is closed, this isnt possible... and the code cannot handle that. Atm no idea how to fix that. Putting a whole in your fence will solve this issue, but is kinda against the concept of fences, isn't it?

Page 96 of 585 ---- Generated from The Bears Pit Update 3: If the fence is there, we try ClassifyEdgepoints() (isn't it wonderful if a code section begins with Quote: There is a flaw in the design of this system. ? On checking the northern gridno, we try InternallyClassifyEdgepoints(). Stuff happens, dunno if good or bad , but in the end a MemReallocReal() fails because of HeapValidate()-error... ehem. Ideas? Anyone?

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by wanne (aka RoWa21) on Mon, 19 Nov 2012 21:47:16 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message the fact, that the bug is still present in 4870 makes it hard to spot the code which caused the bug. can we get a workaround even if it us dirty to catch that bug and allow the saving of the map?

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by Flugente on Tue, 20 Nov 2012 00:16:06 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Removing a part of the fence makes the map saveable. Alternatively, removing the isolated entry point might also work, but I did not test that.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by Buggler on Tue, 20 Nov 2012 07:03:58 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message On further testing, G1 & H1 also CTD on saving in map editor w/o doing anything as they too hav e isolated entry.

E weird thing is I14 can b edited & saved successfully... (which also hav isolated entry point accessible only from adjacent sectors)

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by Clarkew on Tue, 20 Nov 2012 17:16:04 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message SVN Rev 1564 Ex build 5679

Just had a soldier standing on the other side of the chitzena wall(A2) (and ten+ tiles away) kick my imp to near death with one hit

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here!

Page 97 of 585 ---- Generated from The Bears Pit Posted by Sam Hotte on Tue, 20 Nov 2012 17:31:14 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Must have been Chuck Norris ...


Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by Clarkew on Tue, 20 Nov 2012 17:56:49 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message lmao. Surprised the wall didn't fall down too.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by Flugente on Tue, 20 Nov 2012 19:05:37 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message I14 does not have a closed fence, thus the difference. Closed fences are a no-no, it seems.

Hmm... dunno. Must be because the enclose part is smaller, thus something does not happen here...

Update: I've checked I14. Funny thing: I can save it once without any problems... but if I save that map again, I get the same crash. What happens is that on the first saving, gus2ndNorthEdgepointArraySize has size 82, but on the second saving, it has size 121. when trying to allocate memory, this immediately fails.

This is all very odd. As I'm pretty saved we do not do randomized saving :headbanger:, this means that either some code section gets overwritten somewhere :roulette: or those arrays (or their sizes) are not cleaned properly... which is very odd, considering the fact that saving a map is a very basic thing we do since ages. I know of no changes to entry points whatsoever... :dontknow2:

Update2: The funniest thing ever happened: When we do our little... whatever, we call a function that has this little gem: if( gWorldSectorX == 14 && gWorldSectorY == 9 && !gbWorldSectorZ ) { //BRUTAL CODE -- special case map. iSearchRange = 250; } else { iSearchRange = EDGE_OF_MAP_SEARCH; }

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Update3: If I remove that special case thing for I14, the map saving crashes the first time, reproducable. So the above is good for something... but there is no comment on what that might be. :wb:

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by Uriens on Thu, 22 Nov 2012 16:30:28 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Exe version: 5695 Svn version: 1564

Just a short update on a standing up when cowering bug.

I can now confirm that this happens when the target is in the prone ready stance and gets suppressed by enemy fire. Instead of going to cower stance he stands up.

Also, if the target is in lying on the floor position (stunned by grenade, out of energy bc of shotgun hit, fell from a hit in the legs, etc.) he will move to lying cower stance properly without standing up.

Most likely cause of this is that there is a bug that prevents target to go from prone stance into lying cower stance directly and instead target stands up.

This happens every time a prone target gets suppressed by enemy fire and it appears to be a case for both prone stance with a rifle and a prone stance with a pistol (not 100% sure if same applies to dual pistols).

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by pyg on Thu, 22 Nov 2012 22:38:00 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message I've been getting a consistent crash removing an attachment from an item (like nvg from helmet, scope from rifle) from 5520/recent svn to DepressivesBrot 5699/1562 sci. It doesn't happen at first but by the time I get to Drassen at some point I go to change something and I get a assertion error crash. I would do the bugzilla thing but I couldn't find a .sav (they didn't move recently right?). Also, the Shift-n goggle swap doesn't work then... usually how I crash it is by trying to manually change eye gear.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by knightofni on Sat, 24 Nov 2012 13:04:11 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message exe : 5676

Page 99 of 585 ---- Generated from The Bears Pit svn : 1554

(Depressive Bot SCI), using no Mods.

The PercentBase modifier (modifier for snapshot) doesn't seem to be working. It works in the official release (4870). The reticule is similar with -99% and +99%. With 4870, the difference in the reticule is easily noticeable.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by Parkan on Sat, 24 Nov 2012 20:09:32 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Flugente.

The bug with tooltip in version 5697 seems happen again.I installed fresh ja2+sci 5688 gamedir 1562 and play game with 5697 exe.Any advise?=) in those screen tooltip shows:athletics and teaching but i taked bodybuilding and scouting.

I want to add one more maybe bug thing.I am playing last unstable version with 5697 exe with stock campaigh(only added WF maps on it).in ja2_option.ini the line NEW aggressive_AI(that ai supposed to made often attacks to captured sectors)but it won't work.I don't change any line in section Strategic enemy ai (changend only started garrison to 500% on insane difficulty)and n attacks happen,only NEW attacks maded by Flugente.Is i am lucky much or there is a really bugs.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by Clarkew on Mon, 26 Nov 2012 00:32:52 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message exe: 5698 SVN rv: 1566

Not sure if it's a bug or a "feature".

Getting hit or suppressed and triggering "cowering in fear" while prone causes Merc to stand fully upright. Seems to work against Enemy AI as well.

Gotta admit it was pretty funny seeing Ira pop up on her own in the middle of a firefight only to get suppressed again the next turn.

Page 100 of 585 ---- Generated from The Bears Pit Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by Parkan on Mon, 26 Nov 2012 12:54:20 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message exe:5697 SVN rv:1562 Original campaigh+WF maps only.

The Advanced tab in description box of weapon seems little broke.For example i have assault rifl m16 without attachment in advanced tab there is no info.I am adding a scope(the scope has + to aim and hit bonuses),after installing it rifle has not plus in those characterstics it has minus and much bigger than scope must gave.Plus statistic seems have some misspostion:I am looking to Aim bonus-the tooltip and characterstics say that hidden muzzle flash.

Ps.the general tab seems working fine. PSS.Foregrip have no any info about it stats.But in general tab it add bonuses.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by krux on Tue, 27 Nov 2012 23:16:56 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Here is my list for my latest playthrough: version: Depri's SCI 5693 + AR maps (IIS & NCTH on)

1) Unloading the new underbarrel shotgun does not empty the gun but yet gives you the ammo, ie duplicating it!

2) Inventory Management costs AP feature is great but: It happens that I find myself with zero (or negative) AP while moving gear around, and as it now costs AP to place items you are not allowed to put it anywhere! Alt+x is the only way out from this.

This can easily be caused by unloading a gun (while having low AP) as this seems to cost no AP. Another case is when loading a weapon that uses loose bullets, as this can reduce you to negative AP (bug?). Say if you load a shotgun with slugs that previously was loaded with buckshot you can also find yourself in this situation. A more rare case was when an enemy started combat at me while I was removing a scope. After being hit and supressed I ended up with the scope on my mouse cursor but no APs to put it down.

3) NIS gives me a lot of interrupts and starts combat mode with none of my Mercs seeing an enmey (they are always close though), is this intended or a bug?

4) Sometimes I can't loot unconscious enemies. I realised that this mostly/always happen inside buildings. First I thought the limited space was the problem but maybe a more likely guess is the roof/walls is blocking the cursor.

Page 101 of 585 ---- Generated from The Bears Pit 5) Ira just gained 9 points of dexterity and 1 medical when performing surgery, landing her at 100 dex.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by Flugente on Wed, 28 Nov 2012 02:30:10 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message concerning 1): That is a known issue, and I have yet to find a way around it. Reloading attachments is weird, I'm happy it even works so far... as a workaround, take the gun in your hand and toggle through firemodes until you get a underbarrel one.You can then drop the ammo on the gun and it will reload the underbarrel one.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by Buggler on Thu, 29 Nov 2012 08:18:05 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message As reported before, G1, G2, H1, I13 & I14 CTD in map editor [color:#cc0000]r4870[/color], [color:#CC0000]r5520[/color] & [color:#CC0000]latest revision[/color] due to enclosed isolated map entry.

Update: - No issues when saving with r2085 map editor for all e above original maps (isolated map entry point must be at the borders to have characters successfully inserted during gameplay) - No issues when playing with r5600s executable using 'r2085 saved maps' - CTD when saving 'r2085 saved maps' in r5520 map editor (same as reported issue)

Update2: Bug introduced in r3342 on e integration of Big Maps Project if( gWorldSectorX == 14 && gWorldSectorY == 9 && !gbWorldSectorZ ) { //BRUTAL CODE -- special case map. iSearchRange = 250; } else { iSearchRange = EDGE_OF_MAP_SEARCH; } E above code was already in there before r3342

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by Clarkew on Thu, 29 Nov 2012 18:35:52 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message

Page 102 of 585 ---- Generated from The Bears Pit EXE: 5702 SVN Rv: 1566

Assertion failure when flying helicopter without enough money in the bank. screenshot

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by JAsmine on Thu, 29 Nov 2012 19:09:26 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Concerning ctd related to isolated map entry points:

I don't know if this helps, but I'm using official 4870 + official bugfixes. I have several maps with isolated entry points (including the ones mentioned above). I can't produce any related crashes inside the game or the editor, no matter how hard I try. Everything seems to work okay. I am using Arulco Revisited maps.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by Buggler on Fri, 30 Nov 2012 01:00:29 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message JAsmineI have several maps with isolated entry points (including the ones mentioned above). I can't produce any related crashes inside the game or the editor, no matter how hard I try. Everything seems to work okay. For AR maps, there's valid openings (e.g. fence openings/proper entrances) to move btw the 2 areas within the same map whereas in vanilla maps there's no pre-defined openings which causes CTD. E.g Isolated I13/I14 area only accessible from H13/H14; isolated G1/G2/H1 area only accessible from H2 etc.

Edit: @ JAsmine: U can help w bughunting by saving a fully closed-up AR maps to see whether it will cause CTD.

Edit2: Bug introduced in r3342 on e integration of Big Maps Project

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by goc_man on Fri, 30 Nov 2012 06:20:18 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Not sure if this is a bug or feature (if it's a feature can't see what it does...) Anyways, when I hire Maddog, he's wearing a hat(?) for some reason. Image

Page 103 of 585 ---- Generated from The Bears Pit It's a face gear icon (if I disable those in the options menu, the hat disapears) r5702 on SVN 1566

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by Sargeno on Fri, 30 Nov 2012 06:38:47 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message I believe that is part of the Covert Ops skill.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by goc_man on Fri, 30 Nov 2012 07:08:03 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Oh right, forgot about that feature...

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by smeagol on Sat, 01 Dec 2012 12:18:58 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Not sure if this is a known issue or if it is already fixed (it is probably a bigmaps issue, maybe connected to increased roomnumbers):

Roofs on revealed buildings reappear when reloading a save game so you have to re-investigate every single room.

After reloading it looks like this (even though Buzz is in the room, the roof is again there.. to get the room below reappear she needs to turn around):

Currently using a 5676 exe, but this bug has been around for some time, I doubt it has been fixed in the meantime...

Would be nice if someone could look into this.

Page 104 of 585 ---- Generated from The Bears Pit Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by lockie on Sat, 01 Dec 2012 21:18:12 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Smeagol , this has happened right from the beginning with big maps for me , nuisance but no biggie .

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by wanne (aka RoWa21) on Sun, 02 Dec 2012 09:28:47 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message it is a big map exclusive bug. does it happen one all buildings on the map, ir does it work for buildings in the upper left edge of the map?

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by smeagol on Sun, 02 Dec 2012 15:52:21 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Happens to all of them.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by Elvis_A on Sun, 02 Dec 2012 22:20:43 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Hi everybody, it is my 1st post on this forum. :waving:

I am using exe v5702 game version and settings below playing fullscreen on 1366x768 resolution

I captured Drassen, went through San Mona -> Sam Site->Chitzena. Found few bugs already:

1)When you escort Mary and John to airport - they gain experience as shown on picture. I do not remeber such thing in original game.

Page 105 of 585 ---- Generated from The Bears Pit 2)I encounter the bug which I believe belongs to original game - after boxing match in San Mona, Darren crossed the ring and did not give money to my merc.

3)u can put 2 7.62x54 50ammo boxes to AR mag slot, hence 100 ammo per ar mag slot, which is not normal

4) If you turn off Food system - still you bartenders and bobby ray sell food 5)if the Food system off - you cannot fill up canteen. It would be nice to have canteens filled up automatically every day, like in Night Ops mod. 6)If you try to clean weapon by ctrl + . + 3 command merc cleans only his own weapons, leaving others' weapons dirty. 7) It is possible to attach duct tape to tool kit but you cannot attach wire cutters even in inventory, toolkit glows when you point at wire cutters. I believe it is easy to fix this in xml editor. i am not sure is it bug or feature - mercs often cannot hit targets few tiles away, the farther the worse it gets. btw, thank you for this great mod :super:

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by Flugente on Sun, 02 Dec 2012 22:52:22 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Hello E1vS, welcome to the pit!

1) Propably an oversight, but since it doesn't do any damage, I doubt it will be corrected 2) The boxing is the most bugged thing in the whole game. ave frequently and often. It soemtimes helps to end the fight on different tiles, so that Darren selects another route. 4) Yep. 5) That is intentional. Filling up canteens is to stop your mercs from dying immediately if they find no merchant, not to give you free breath regeneration. 6) Perhaps the formulation is a bit misleading. The option '3 - Clean all guns' means that every merc in this sector will clean all of his own guns - not that the current merc will clean the guns of everyone in this sector.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by DepressivesBrot on Sun, 02 Dec 2012 23:00:41 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message 3)How do the other full power rifle cartridges compare? If it's an outlier, it's a bug. If they are the same, it's due to cramming every object in the game into just 34 sizes. And it might just work if you assume that 2 filled AK or G3 magazines are much less space efficient than optimally filled paper boxes 8)Start a game without NCTH (New Chance to Hit system, easily recognized by the huuuge

Page 106 of 585 ---- Generated from The Bears Pit crosshair)

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by krux on Sun, 02 Dec 2012 23:24:15 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message 1) I get this alot when clicking around in ingame options (mainly load/save): Runtime Error Assertion Failure [Line 1295 in Button.System.ccp] Attempting to RemoveButton with out of range buttonID -1.

2) Ira once again maxed out her dexterity when doing surgery (she gained +9 dex instantly). I belive it happens just when you confirm the surgery. It has happend to her two times now, but never to my other doctor, Cliff. Could it be her teaching trait, or high wisdom?

3) Kobra sight has incorrect attachment class. It's a detonator apparently.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by Elvis_A on Sun, 02 Dec 2012 23:30:03 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message DepressivesBrot3)How do the other full power rifle cartridges compare? If it's an outlier, it's a bug. If they are the same, it's due to cramming every object in the game into just 34 sizes. And it might just work if you assume that 2 filled AK or G3 magazines are much less space efficient than optimally filled paper boxes 8)Start a game without NCTH (New Chance to Hit system, easily recognized by the huuuge crosshair)

NCTH worked fine for me in 4870. Now I am using old CTH.

FlugenteHello E1vS, welcome to the pit!

6) Perhaps the formulation is a bit misleading. The option '3 - Clean all guns' means that every merc in this sector will clean all of his own guns - not that the current merc will clean the guns of everyone in this sector.

Thanks! So it means that every merc must have cleaning kit? Is it possible in the future that cleaning will be part of repairing proccess? First merc cleans and then repairs. It would be nice to be able to attach cleaning kit to tool kit, and be able to use it from there.

3)u can put 2 7.62x54 50ammo boxes to AR mag slot, hence 100 ammo per ar mag slot, which is not normal. I think 1(not 2 as it is right now) box for = 1 ar mag slot would be fine

Page 107 of 585 ---- Generated from The Bears Pit Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by Flugente on Sun, 02 Dec 2012 23:48:36 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Repairing an item to its current maximum threshold should also clean it.

@krux: The Kobra in GameDir 1568 has 8, which is a sight. Do you use another data set?

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by Uriens on Mon, 03 Dec 2012 04:41:19 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message @ E1vS : 8 - Do you use scopes on the weapons that miss a lot? Scopes have minimal range too and if you try to use them below that range they get terrible CTH. You can use '.' key to cycle between scopes, ironsights and "fire from the hip" stances. Each gives different results at different ranges so try them out and see if that is the problem. Also, you may turn off inaccurate CTH display option in ini file at least while you are testing this, to give you a good idea on what different modes do.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by Elvis_A on Mon, 03 Dec 2012 19:40:18 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Uriens@ E1vS : 8 - Do you use scopes on the weapons that miss a lot? Scopes have minimal range too and if you try to use them below that range they get terrible CTH. You can use '.' key to cycle between scopes, ironsights and "fire from the hip" stances. Each gives different results at different ranges so try them out and see if that is the problem. Also, you may turn off inaccurate CTH display option in ini file at least while you are testing this, to give you a good idea on what different modes do.

I started the game with new CTH. And as you may guess I did not have any scopes at all. mercs miissed a lot even the distance between merc and enemy was half of gun range.

4870 was much better with NCTH.

FlugenteHello E1vS, welcome to the pit!

6) Perhaps the formulation is a bit misleading. The option '3 - Clean all guns' means that every merc in this sector will clean all of his own guns - not that the current merc will clean the guns of everyone in this sector.

Well here is the bug when you press + (to select all mercs) and then clean all guns - only one

Page 108 of 585 ---- Generated from The Bears Pit merc will clean his weapons, hence you have to select merc one by one and clean them separately which si annoying.

FlugenteRepairing an item to its current maximum threshold should also clean it.

No, even if you repair everything - guns remained dirty.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by DepressivesBrot on Mon, 03 Dec 2012 19:49:03 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Now that you mention it: If I remember correctly, the 4870 implementation used a coordinate transformation that produced center biased trajectories, Heady felt this was a bug and 'corrected' it to produce uniform distribution across the target circle.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by krux on Mon, 03 Dec 2012 20:05:54 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message @Flugente: I have GameDir 1567, Kobra has 8 as you say but also 65536 which I had to change to 8 to be able to attach it.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by Elvis_A on Mon, 03 Dec 2012 20:27:09 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message I forgot to mention bug when I was trying to find Skyrider - I had already mobile militia which located 1 sector to the south from Drassen mine, and when I entered this sector, and was ambushed by cats! wtf? my militia was in sector before my arrival!

Please return NCTH which was in the last official release...

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by Flugente on Mon, 03 Dec 2012 20:32:20 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message @krux: ah, right. That is an error, I'll correct it.

The cat ambush code simply does not take into account militia afaik.

Page 109 of 585 ---- Generated from The Bears Pit Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by LLIkaOIO on Wed, 05 Dec 2012 13:15:02 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message For some unknown reason the mercenary list in AIM becomes empty.

MERC list is not empty, but all face graphics replaced with Barry graphics. Face graphics of already recruited mercs (include IMPs) after this bug may be replaced too. This can happen in the beginning or in the middle of the game (or maybe just after save-exit-load procedure).

How to reproduce: Start new game, save game, exit ja2, load saved game, open AIM site.

Checked on 4870 (on AIMNAS, AR and without mods) and 5280

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by Parkan on Wed, 05 Dec 2012 17:19:24 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message I have found a bug with Imp chars.For example i have created 7 Imps.those 7 imps chars start with some equipment.If those imp char dies or one of them after deleting dead imp char from roster and recreating imp char during campaighn without full restart the recreated Imp char start with twice more of equipment(so with cloned stuff).This bug occur since...well i don't remember really but this bug not too old.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by Mula on Sun, 16 Dec 2012 10:43:04 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Hi guys, would like to report some minor issues with GameDir 1565: 1) Items are sometimes inaccessible in the sector inventory, when character is in the vehicle and ctrl+clicking items out of the character inventory. 2) If ctrl+clicking item into the vehicle inventory and current slot is full of that particular item, the other ctrl+clicks make the additional items to be deleted, instead of moving those items into the next slot. 3) AP cost of the weapon is sometimes incorrectly calculated in the character inventory, like if there were no weapon attachments.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by sidew on Tue, 18 Dec 2012 21:00:14 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message I'm wrong or the .50BGM ammo is bugged on 4970?

Page 110 of 585 ---- Generated from The Bears Pit When I try to load the Barret M82, I always crash... This happens when I put the .50BGM magazine or crate on the rifle.

The same issue is still present also on r5520 exe...

If is helpful, I can provide the 4970 crash save file for debugging...

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by Gambigobilla on Tue, 18 Dec 2012 21:11:51 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message There was a problem with M82 magazine size, but it was fixed. Also if it's the same problem it's XML problem not exe. You can fix it by changing M82 magazine site to 11.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by sidew on Wed, 19 Dec 2012 07:36:56 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Thanks, I modified the .50BGM ammo magazine from 11 to 10 and I can ise the M82 without crashing....

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by krux on Wed, 19 Dec 2012 21:59:31 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Can someone confirm this, I'm running a clean GameDir 1576 with exe 5739 straight from SVN:

Something is wrong with ammo types, the descriptionbox shows the following values for AP and HP magazines:

AP - Armor piercing: 0.8 HP - Armor piercing: 1.5 GLA - Armor piercing: 3.0

Clearly wrong.

Values in AmmoTypes.xml seems to be correct, so the problem must be in the newer exe.

After some investigation I've found that the correct values would be found if you'd divide 1 with the

Page 111 of 585 ---- Generated from The Bears Pit value above, for example AP: x = armourImpactReductionMultiplier / armourImpactReductionDivisor x = 3 / 4 = 0.75 (rounded up to 0.8 as above) correct value = 1 / 0.75 = 1.333 (rounded to 1.3)

Could someone check this, I was updating my heavily modded game to get the latest SVN features so I though I effed something up, but now I tested with a clean build with same results. I'm also not sure if this affects the acctual game or just the item description.

Edit: I realize now that the values I see might be the correct ones. It's just that the description box says higher values are better and the 0.8 is written in red. I'm also fairly certain I remember AP having a value of 1.3. I'm confused :confused:

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by Flugente on Wed, 19 Dec 2012 22:42:34 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message I see it too... I'll correct it in time.

Edit: This is pretty bizarre. I think I corrected an error a while ago, where that value was used upside down (not sure if it was in trunk or in one of my dev branches)... Anyway, the value is correct: the lower the value, the better... no idea why it's written wrong...

Edit 2: Fixed in r5743. Concerning armour piercing values, Lower is better, higher is worse. Only changed the description here... That's the way the code handles it... hope not to many modders fitted their ammo according to UDB ?

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by krux on Thu, 20 Dec 2012 09:13:34 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Yeah I noticed after some testing that it seems to work like intended ingame, lower values are better, only the description is wrong.

It seems that in 4870 the value shown in the UDB was first altered (1/value) to keep some kind of consistency where 'higher is better', while the actual game used the unaltered, lower value for calculations.

I agree that it's better to show the correct value where lower is better.

Page 112 of 585 ---- Generated from The Bears Pit Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by Uriens on Fri, 21 Dec 2012 23:38:50 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message SVN Version: 1578 Exe: 5744

Traits bug. When you setup game for 3 major and 5 total traits (AIMNAS standard) the bug shows up. If your IMP picks 3 major traits and ambidexterity (doesn't matter if you pick another minor trait or not) the ambidexterity won't show up. Not sure if it's active either. If you, however, pick only 2 major traits, ambidexterity will show up as normal.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by Elvis_A on Tue, 25 Dec 2012 15:45:08 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message rev 1578 exe 5744 my previous gamesave does not work =( (from 1563\5702 to 1578\5744)first it said that some ini parameters do not match(number of vehicles, etc) so I changed them in in editor, then when i try to load game it stuck loading at ~70% saying error loading game and returns to main menu. so i decided to start new game.

2 more bugs I've seen one from rev 1563, exe 5702 - General in Alma does not give Orta location after (direct)conversation, even there is notification "History log updated" however history log in laptop screen about Orta loaction is not there other bug - when applying surgery (i did it in drassen hospital facility) med kit used instantaneously - 40% of medkit used in 1 second. I think same bug applies to combat in turn base mode.

Are those bugs or features? 1) some items lack descriptions in ini editor (is there new version, that i do not have?) 2) i reached and captured Drassen (expererienced difficulty level) but no dead enemy soldier left a medkit or a 1st aid kit, so now i have one 1st aid kit and one 30% med kit for 7 team members. I hope bobby will deliver medkits soon enough or I am going to lose Drassen in few game hours. 3) merc's energy decreases very fast - few shots you fire from automatic rifles - and you have half stamina left. is it possible to fix that in ini or xml?

Can anyone tell me how to turn off ONLY scrolling through team members by mouse scroll? It is annoying sometimes when you aim at an enemy and accidentally switch to other merc.

Page 113 of 585 ---- Generated from The Bears Pit Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by Flugente on Tue, 25 Dec 2012 17:48:29 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Savegame compatibility was broken in r5744. No way around that, your savegame will be compatible up to r5743.

Surgery drains the medkit alot very fast. That is normal.

1): Which items exactly? 2): That is normal. 3): A few heavy guns, like LMGs, have the new 'heavy' tag - you will lose stamina fast when aiming with these while standing. Look for Sandro's recent thread about that, it should mention the corect option to switch it off.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by Elvis_A on Tue, 25 Dec 2012 19:29:23 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message FlugenteSavegame compatibility was broken in r5744. No way around that, your savegame will be compatible up to r5743.

Surgery drains the medkit alot very fast. That is normal.

1): Which items exactly? 2): That is normal. 3): A few heavy guns, like LMGs, have the new 'heavy' tag - you will lose stamina fast when aiming with these while standing. Look for Sandro's recent thread about that, it should mention the corect option to switch it off. it is ok for me if surgery drains a lot of med kit, but when it does it in a second - that is not good. It will be better if merc doctors use it for intance few % per minute. it is not all that is missing. Should i download something else? or i picked the wrong ini?

P.S. keep up your great work. can you advice me how to capture enemy soldiers?

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by Flugente on Tue, 25 Dec 2012 19:36:51 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Surgery happens very very fast, like bandaging (instant if on assignment). Nobody would want to wait the time real surgery takes

Page 114 of 585 ---- Generated from The Bears Pit Regarding you picture: This can also happen if, for some reason, your IniEditor.xml (or similar name) is not up-to-date... Don't worry, the game always takes fitting default values. You can simply open the ini and look for these values manually.

You capture enemies by handcuffing them. This works best when they are unconscious. Simply put handcuffs in your man hand before clicking on them, the cursor will change. The other alternative is to speak to them and demand their surrender, but that will only work if they are in a hopeless situation.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by krux on Thu, 27 Dec 2012 13:36:12 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message I noticed that my merc with sniper trait had to pay a lot of AP to reload a Winchester Trapper, while other mercs without the trait did not. The trapper has no tag which is generally fine as it seems to be on by default. My guess is that there is a bug with the sniper trait where SwapClips is treated as off if not set, and they therefore have to pay the for each bullet as you would with magazine-less guns.

And talking about surgery, my mercs often max out their dexterity when performing surgery, some kind of bug there.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by DepressivesBrot on Thu, 27 Dec 2012 13:44:03 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message The Trapper does not have a detachable magazine, everybody should reload it bullet by bullet.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by krux on Thu, 27 Dec 2012 17:59:27 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Hmm that makes me look pretty foolish. I'm pretty sure my other merc reloaded it for just 20 AP, but I'm most likely wrong then.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by DepressivesBrot on Thu, 27 Dec 2012 19:28:19 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message If it was the last ~20 he had, he might have loaded it partially.

Page 115 of 585 ---- Generated from The Bears Pit Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by Parkan on Sat, 29 Dec 2012 22:11:32 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message I don't know is this bug already reported or not.I have a big FPS downd during enemy\militia turns,when: 1.Enemy on roof during militia turn or player turn spotted militia\player mercs/ 2.Militia on roof spotted enemy during their turn or during interrupt.

Tested on Gamedir 1578 with exe 5744.Installed Wf maps and AIMNAS Eastern release(yes yes i don't play on big maps and use older version of AIMNAs because it has not troubles with too much NADA items on maps).

Tested too on stock version of 1.13 mod,same bug appears.Such bug i saw in 5697 version too.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by Flugente on Thu, 03 Jan 2013 17:23:11 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message kruxAnd talking about surgery, my mercs often max out their dexterity when performing surgery, some kind of bug there.

(Hopefully) fixed in r5760. This also fixes the infamous exploit of training health and strength by overloading your merc, plotting a path in strategic view and then cancelling the order repeatedly.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by Clarkew on Thu, 03 Jan 2013 22:03:45 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message SVN Rv: 1582 EXE: 5754

Enemy's spawning with 3 crates of 9x18mm ammo causing them to collapse from exhaustion at the start of the battle. Thought reinstalling everything would fix it but it's still active.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by grunty77 on Wed, 30 Jan 2013 11:04:06 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message I have the v1.13 ja2 5840 4870 version and I encountered the Mike bug where there is a invisible Mike. So I used ctrl gabbi cheat and killed off the 2nd mike. Anyway, now I'm in Balime and I'm trying to steal chalice of chance, but I keep getting CTD's without any reason why from the game.

Is there any version of v1.13 where the Crepitus show up in the game. I've been playing various

Page 116 of 585 ---- Generated from The Bears Pit versions of v1.13 and the crepitus never show up. Since they never show up should i just play without the sci - fi version?

After 5840 when is the next stable version of v1.13 coming out?

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by Sam Hotte on Wed, 30 Jan 2013 12:30:47 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Crepitus: Check the ini if you inadvertently turned the crepitus off even with SciFi enabled. If Crepitus is enabled, then you perhaps missed to trigger this quest? IIRC you need to find and visit the small crepitus liar in Tixa basement to start this ...

And welcome to the pit! :cheers:

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by grunty77 on Wed, 30 Jan 2013 14:46:28 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Thanks, that worked.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by Panzerdraco on Thu, 31 Jan 2013 06:51:59 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message SVN Revision: 1600 EXE: 5825

When assigning statistics using I.M.P, I can't click and drag on the sliders, I have to click the arrows (gets annoying really fast).The speed of the enemy's turn is extremely fast - often less than a second for a dozen guys or more to all make a move. I have ENEMY_TURN_SPEED_UP_FACTOR set to 1.0. Resolved: Had "speed up AI turns" checked in options.Sometimes when talking to the bartender in Drassen the game will crash, the error message stating that the selected merc isn't allowed to interact with the bartender.

Also this is my first post, woo. Hi guys!

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here!

Page 117 of 585 ---- Generated from The Bears Pit Posted by wolf00 on Mon, 04 Feb 2013 21:15:04 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message exe 5825 on build 1597,you cant use hand grenades & 40mm grenades,this explosives makes wounded emeny imortal,you cant finish your batle ...

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by Elvis_A on Tue, 05 Mar 2013 17:53:23 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message exe 5882 svn gamedir 1610

1)The bug I had in stable 4870 release is still present - sometimes when I try to attach trigger group - some error appears and shut downs the game 2)display bug 1366x768

3) G36 rails can be attached to M4 commando 4) sometimes dying enemy soldiers became invincible - easily fixed with save/load 5) I do not think that ruger mini supports trigger group - trying to attach crashes the game [color:#FF0000]upd [/color]6) same as 5 but for calico pistol M950 7) sometimes if you try to reload all weapons in tactical (shift+R) you get Assertion failure error and game crashes. please find uploaded game save file I guess last one was partially my mistake - the game do not know what to do with 85 rounds magazine, so I change glock 18 mag capacity to 30 rounds - so 100 round mag works fine.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by Flugente on Fri, 08 Mar 2013 19:07:13 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Not sure if this was reported here or somewhere else... there was recently a new bug that caused anyone being hit by an explosion to update animations for a long time, resulting in a significant time with the clock. This is fixed in r5908.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by Elvis_A on Sun, 10 Mar 2013 19:50:33 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message not sure if somebody mentioned it - if you use first aid kit merc first trying to pick something from ground similar to ctrl+ mouse click, then applies kit

Page 118 of 585 ---- Generated from The Bears Pit Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by Parkan on Sun, 10 Mar 2013 22:40:18 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Thank you Flugente for fixing this bug.Now it is work fine.It fixed the freeze bug if merc was hit by grenade on next turn he get up,but when bug was sometimes after explosion the merc not get up and player must use save\load for getting merc up.

Subject: Trigger group attachment CTD isolated. Posted by Behrooz on Tue, 12 Mar 2013 17:27:23 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message I have isolated E1vS' trigger group CTD from my 5845 install.

Steps to replicate:

1) Open the attachment screen for a gun able to take trigger group attachment in inventory or the sector. (I just used the Galil AR if you grab my save, but anything that'll take a trigger group works)

2) Left-click on an internal attachment slot (as if you were going to use the dropdown menu like for other slots)

3) Like any other time you click on an attachment slot, the game tries to open the dropdown menu of available attachments and the ammunition counter on the gun disappears while that is open, BUT:

4) Since all attachments for the internal slot are hidden, the dropdown menu does not appear and that [internal] slot appears to go into an invalid state. Ammunition counter remains invisible.

5) Attaching something to that internal slot while the slot is in an invalid state (trigger group ALWAYS, R&S or sling depending on where you click next?) will CTD with the following error:

Runtime Error - Press to exit Assertion Failure [Line 1911 in file sgp.cpp]. Attempting to do save as savegame247.sav Unhandled exception processing GameLoop unable to recover

Attaching items to other slots while the internal slot is in an invalid state doesn't cause problems. Leaving the attachment window for that weapon and re-opening restores everything to normal. Trigger group always CTD when attached to an invalid-state slot, R&S and Sling were sometimes successful, sometimes crashed-- probably depends which internal slot I clicked on initially. v5845 savegame here:

Page 119 of 585 ---- Generated from The Bears Pit Subject: Orta location bug Posted by Elvis_A on Wed, 20 Mar 2013 20:13:47 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message exe 5917 svn 1620

Bug with Orta location is still present - general mentions Orta but location does not appear on map. save file

Subject: Re: Orta location bug Posted by tbird94lx on Thu, 21 Mar 2013 00:04:02 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message current svn update as of march 20 2013 on new ja2 install

Subject: Re: Orta location bug Posted by Flugente on Thu, 21 Mar 2013 00:17:46 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message For the record.. you are really using, right? With an exe built from

Subject: Re: Orta location bug Posted by tbird94lx on Thu, 21 Mar 2013 00:28:04 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message ummm..the first link is what i used..i used MM's instruction in the svn thread

Subject: Re: Orta location bug Posted by tbird94lx on Thu, 21 Mar 2013 00:31:22 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message if all i used for my svn is am i missing stuff? o.O

Page 120 of 585 ---- Generated from The Bears Pit Subject: Re: Orta location bug Posted by Sam Hotte on Thu, 21 Mar 2013 00:31:38 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message looks like you forgot to get newest .exe (which is not coming with SVN), so get the according .exe from Depri's thread (in my sig).

Subject: Re: Orta location bug Posted by tbird94lx on Thu, 21 Mar 2013 00:32:40 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message ahhh..okies..thankee

Subject: Re: Orta location bug Posted by tbird94lx on Thu, 21 Mar 2013 00:47:05 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message wont allow alternate mods i cant add my iov guns or the aimnas guns..everything reverts to vanilla o.O

Subject: Re: Orta location bug Posted by Sam Hotte on Thu, 21 Mar 2013 01:05:54 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message grep through the dev centre here; some XMLs have moved recently and similar changes. So merging in some older mods may need some mcgyvering.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by weidox on Fri, 29 Mar 2013 00:17:52 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message I'm playing svn version with .exe gradually upgraded from 5921 to 5951 (minor changes). Already ran into a series of annoyances/issues which I'd like to list. First two are real annoyances, the rest just minor (for me). 1. Tooltips missing in weapon/attachment/ammo etc details in some cases. Tooltip for weapon APs to ready is always missing. Tooltips for some other things are missing too - cannot even tell what those are cause of missing description.. 2. By reading 1.13 HAM wikia (which is supposed to be integrated in 1.13), I found that scopes below minimum distance (scope factor x 7 tiles) should give penalty. Though, taking M21 with 10x scope I get better CTH (without aiming) to the same enemy 23 tiles away than using 7x scope on same weapon. With max aiming, 7x scope reaches somewhere as 10x scope with aiming at those

Page 121 of 585 ---- Generated from The Bears Pit 23 tiles. That way 10x scope seems to be always better than 7x (guess similar for all scopes) - no fun to have obsolete scopes and not realistic. 3. 12 gauge ammo says to extend weapon range by 50% but actually it extends it by 5 tiles. That is, flat increase instead of percentage. Same for weapon barrel extender - says 100% but actually fixed 10 tiles. 4. If enemy takes drassen airport while helicopter is underway to automatically return with mercenaries inside, game crashes upon helicopter arrival to airport. 5. Using hand to hand stun I stole a lot of stuff from enemies, and noticed that black specialists (low level) are carrying comparably very good stuff - only colonels seems to be usually carrying better stuff. Sign of poor loot balance by enemy level. 6. Had once - started to create IMP character, abandoned in the middle. Not sure if did save/load. Then tried to create IMP, got the same character in progress (surprised) and finished creation. Then opened AIM site and noticed that my IMP character is between AIM mercenaries - don't know if it replaced any of AIM characters or was just added to AIM (did restart game immediately fearing further corruptions). 7. Possible to add silencer to a weapon (for example Calico M-950) in MP Holster so it doesn't fit in it anymore. Gun animation stays disabled, it's possible to take it away but not possible to put back in. 8. Crashes predictably after tens of save game loads.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by LootFragg on Fri, 29 Mar 2013 00:41:02 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Confirming 3, I have noticed that earlier, some values are wrongly displayed as percentages. Not ammo specific but value specific, same with match ammo.

As for 7, the gun size gets increased by +1 and leaves the range of what can be stored in that "pocket" (holster). It stays there even if it can't be placed there, correct. This has always been the case and may be used as an exploit but with minor consequences. Solutions may include dropping the gun and displaying a message but I guess that considering the small gameplay impact (and the fact that mercs may have starting gear in non-existing pockets), this potential exploit has been left unattended. It's just not worth it.

Welcome to the Pit.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by Vincent J. Claymore on Fri, 29 Mar 2013 23:25:41 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Hi there...

I play AR 1.4 with 5744. I currently play around with the cover ops trait and I've noticed that lately when I get caught by soldiers and lose my disguise only the pants appear in my inventory, but no short. This is more than a minor inconvenience, because it means that I need to get new shirts all

Page 122 of 585 ---- Generated from The Bears Pit the time. Is this a known issue?

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by Flugente on Fri, 29 Mar 2013 23:41:25 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message A) Quite a few fixes where made since 5744, so this might already be fixed in newer revisions if this is a bug. Though I don't remember on which revisions savegame compatibility was broken. B) Does any helpful message appear? If no suitable shirt can be found in the xmls, a message should appear. C) If you were shot in the torso while wearing the new clothes, you will not get the shirt back when being uncovered. It is now considered 'damaged' an unfit for future disguises, so it isn't spawned again.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by Vincent J. Claymore on Sat, 30 Mar 2013 11:35:11 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Thank you! A) I could check if another revision would fix it, but since it happened half way through the game I don't think so B) No, just the normal message when enemies see through your disguise. C) I conquered Omerta, Drassen, Alma, Orilla and all through these battles whenever someone saw through my disguise I got my shirt and pants (both black btw) back to my inv. now roughly since I bought the Hummer and had to fight 120 enemies in that sector west of Balime whenever enemies see through my disguise I only get the pants back - I've gone through about a dozen of shirts since then, so I assume the "shot in chest, shirt damaged" thing got stuck somehow and the game thinks all new shirts are damaged as well - is that possible?

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by Flugente on Sat, 30 Mar 2013 11:37:05 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message C) It could be. I remember there was some error related to those flags fixed a while ago.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by Vincent J. Claymore on Sat, 30 Mar 2013 11:38:38 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Okay, but there is no easy fix if I don't want to update my version, is there? Would it maybe help if I swapped from Elite to Redshirt-disguise?

Page 123 of 585 ---- Generated from The Bears Pit Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by Flugente on Sat, 30 Mar 2013 11:45:00 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message That would not help. However, judging from the svn log, this might have been fixed in r5751, which is just a stonethrow from your current revision. See if you can get that exe and see what happens.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by Clarkew on Sat, 30 Mar 2013 22:09:32 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Gamedir 1636 Exe 5963 (and 5966)

Turtle and Dyno showing up in M.E.R.C. with no bio or picture, recruiting them gives you the gear and a merc with a blank portrait. Never mind, recopyed to faces dir and the portraits came back. Bio's are still empty but I'm thinking I just need a reinstall

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by GrimTheWanderer on Sun, 31 Mar 2013 01:16:38 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Running a base game patched to gold with SCI_Unstable_Revision_5945_on_GameDir_1624 installed. Noticed something odd, the weapon attachments only appear to give, with a very few exceptions, bonuses in standing position. At most there will be a CTH bonus for prone. A search of the forums and a review of the bug topic didn't illuminate me as to if anyone else was experiencing it or noticed it. It may be that the bonuses are applying across the board and only displaying differing values as applicable. Any information appreciated.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by wolf00 on Mon, 01 Apr 2013 11:40:38 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message new added merc from ja dg,i runing sci 1635/5966 exe there is no speech action or face animation for these merc ...

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by weidox on Mon, 01 Apr 2013 12:28:45 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message

Page 124 of 585 ---- Generated from The Bears Pit Another bunch of bugs (continuing numbering), in addition to the list I wrote earlier. Will anyone ever fix them?.. Major bugs: 9. Laser sight no effect at night NCTH (didn't check day). 10. Removing armor has no effect on accuracy NCTH. Not sure all other items, didn't check. I get a feeling that there may be general problems with accuracy & items in NCTH. 11. Strange aiming NCTH in few occassions - radius reduced drastically after 2 or 3 aim clicks but other clicks (prior or subsequent) have no visible effect. that I once tried to turn off ADVANCED_REPAIR with game in progress. 12. Impossible to exchange places with civilians/NPC - this was possible in vanilla and wildfire. 13. In addition to wrong or missing tooltips - tunnel vision icon once said just "property icon, mouse-over to reveal property name". 14. Sometimes negative AP after doing action. If I remember correctly, happens when wounded merc tries to drop something. 15. Try to steal from unconscious enemy when another enemy sees - only enemy inventory buttons painted, he gets an interrupt and game usually freezes (except once when game moved forward, then another my merc got interrupt but I couldn't access his inventory etc. then I figured that those painted inventory buttons do work and i can actually click and get inventory closed so game then released from freeze). 16. When some merc is moving at night, there's repaint problems when scrolling screen - flicker and paints the same position like not scrolled. When scroling finished then finally paints correct position after scroll. Minor bugs: 17. While there's pretty good game balance with better weapons having increasing AP cost, one place where it falls flat is bolt action rifles. They're very similar to non-bolt ones except for requiring manual reload after each shot, and thus being useless in game. That's in addition that I got my both types of rifles in my game at same time. 18. 1024x768 resolution (don't know about others) - when attacking, sector left bottom part shows list of unassigned mercs, and information here is unaligned in various ways. 19. Clean guns special action: effect is current merc cleans single gun. Clean guns team special action: current merc cleans all guns. That is, what is actually done differs from button name. 20. Minor - disarming mine in realtime with enemies in sector shows AP cost. 21. Is this right that sun goggles can be attached to zylon combat vest? Bugs/questions for features: 22. Camo types - possible to get more than 100% totals by changing equipped items. And whole idea I think is not more realistic than vanilla as having even wrong camo should give some benefit. Personally for me also too much hassle in changing camo to actually use it - it's enough hassle already with changing/managing weapons. Can there be option for vanilla single type camo system? 23. Inability to wear tactical pack and backpack at the same time is just annoyment because it's possible to put one in another and achieve similar capacity. Only takes inventory management time before combat to sort this out. It's already enough that backpacks are inaccessible and slow down character in combat. Removing restriction would make TIMS set a bit obsolete but that's not a big issue comparably I think. And if needed maybe then add some bonus instead to tims set. 24. In vanilla I think towns were becoming hostile if player was advancing too slowly during campaign. This was removed in wildfire 6. Is this happening in 1.13? I hoped to find configuration entry for this (as I personally don't like time limit however realistic it could be. Sometimes it's just fun to wander around the lands).

Page 125 of 585 ---- Generated from The Bears Pit 25. And pure question for feature - game mode where save is disabled while in turn based mode (similar to silent storm and probably to JA 1). Kind of bronze man vs iron man.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by Gambigobilla on Mon, 01 Apr 2013 12:47:28 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message @weidox

12. Hover mouse over civilian and press "x" 21. It a legacy feature for old inventory system

Base 1.13 has some balance issues, much of a showcase for new features, if you check changelogs you can't see new xml edits other than items required for new features. Also with Headrock gone, nobody here truly understands NCTH. Use at your own risk.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by Sam Hotte on Mon, 01 Apr 2013 13:01:53 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message 12. there even is an ini setting to toggle this.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by weidox on Mon, 01 Apr 2013 23:02:47 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Really sad to hear NCTH being kind of dead. I liked it to some part - at least the idea that better scope isn't always better in targeting. Don't know how this actually works now in OCTH - but I guess it's still the same "the more the better". I'm writing tens of bugs here in forum - is there a better place so someone would be tracking and taking action?

And another bug. 26. Weapon details popup (the one with a lot of stats) seems to show all values adjusted (via attachments or inherent) except accuracy. Accuracy seems to be always shown unadjusted.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by LootFragg on Tue, 02 Apr 2013 00:08:04 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message @weidox

Page 126 of 585 ---- Generated from The Bears Pit 14. Negative APs are intended, they get subtracted from next round's AP pool. This doesn't only happen after actions but mostly when you get hit or suppressed, even leading to your character still having negative APs during his turn after having received unwanted attention.

16. This is a bug that is related to the option of illuminating the ground near mercs. Default hotkey was "G" I think. Turn it off and scrolling works fine.

17. Yes. But guns in JA2 are never entirely balanced. Considering bolt-action rifles have only minor advantages over semi-automatic ones in reality while being slow, this isn't really far off.

21. As Gambigobilla stated, this is a feature from the OIV (Old Inventory System), the attachment slots represent pockets. So you could stash your sunglasses in your vest's pockets, shove a gas mask into a trouser pocket and put camo kits there, too. Still existing in NIV.

23. You cannot put a filled backpack into a combat pack, only a half-empty one. The container's item size increases with the amount and size of items stored in it, so it will grow too large to be contained itself. I agree though, it would be better if both could be carried with severe penalties to doing so.

24. Taking my time here, except that my mercs need food to survive. Other than that, no consequences. Only Enrico Chivaldori getting impatient.

25. Isn't that the Iron Man mode?

Also, I believe that only few bugs can be fixed given the complicated nature of the JA2 engine but you're pretty much in the right place. Just don't expect people to outright love the hunt for bugs.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by weidox on Tue, 02 Apr 2013 05:23:31 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message @LootFragg

14. Negative APs (suppression, being hit, not sure anything else) in general are right, and I stated that sometimes after action it's possible to get into negative AP.

17. Agree that bolt action rifles are realistic. But then having them useless isn't good for game. Maybe lower their prices considerably or make sure they enter game earlier that better sniper rifles?

21. I found that it's very useful that helmets have places to attach sun glasses/NVG, as NVG takes a lot of inventory space (and inconvenient to exchange with sun glasses which takes less space). Doubt how much realistic, but good for game.

25. Iron Man doesn't allow to save while there's enemies in sector. "Bronze Man" would allow to save when there's no enemies in sight and game reverts from turn based to realtime. Though I start to doubt how much useful it would be. This worked very well in Silent Storm but in JA2 1.13

Page 127 of 585 ---- Generated from The Bears Pit enemies tend to rush massively to attack once they find you so once good combat started there may be no peace until (almost) everyone is dead.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by LootFragg on Tue, 02 Apr 2013 08:44:07 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Guns aren't balanced in JA2. Submachineguns are too clumsy, shotguns too weak, you name it. If you want balance, you have to settle with a mod like Buns' improved item progression or his WWII mod (which basically starts with bolt action rifles) or check out Smeagol's AIMNAS. Except if you want to change values by yourself which is possible after all. Lower the overall coolness and costs of bolt action rifles and they will appear earlier and cost less. It's a shit ton of work though and everybody who wanted to change default values has ended up making his own item mod slash conversion.

Helmet attachments aren't uncommon. Especially NVGs have headstraps and helmet mounts so they should just be wearable on the head even without a helmet.

PM Buns or Smeagol or visit their threads to find out more about the item mods. They might have what you need.

Edit: Well, fuck me bollocks, check out ClarkeW's Item Balance Mod.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by weidox on Tue, 02 Apr 2013 09:49:08 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message When I finish current game probably I will try some mod. Really wanted to try AIMNAS but it's not working properly since some version (when bigmaps were started). And no guarantees that last good version works well with 1.13 SVN release. And another bug (really annoying): 26. Not possible to copy game directory and play without having game installation in that directory. This worked with vanilla, wildfire and 1.13 build 4870. But somewhere between 4870 and 5951 some dependency was added so I cannot anymore simply copy game directory to another computer and play it. By copying till now I was able to have several different JA2 games in progress.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by Hazapuza on Tue, 02 Apr 2013 10:33:30 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Check out wil473's Arulco Folding Stock mod(s). He's done rather nice work with NCTH, among other things.

Page 128 of 585 ---- Generated from The Bears Pit 26. Can't confirm myself, but I find it extremely unlikely that this would be the case...

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by Sam Hotte on Tue, 02 Apr 2013 10:52:10 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message 14. It's still intended, though. So you can accomplish certain actions with just a very few APs missing by "borrowing" from next turn. Somehow complementary to "take over some unused APs to next turn".

17. there are plenty of useless guns in the games; amount differs from personal PoV concerning "Usefulness". Shotguns? Big Handguns? WW2 guns? Most of them are mostly used just until something better can be looted/bought.

21. As Gambi said, they are relict from the time before NIV; they were first attempt to simulate pouches and alter inventory on the way to NIV.

25. work around would be an selfimpossed "Bronze Man". I could imagine that coding this could lead into collisions with "force turnbased" and "real time sneaking". But I would even prefer an autosave on start and end of turnbased.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by weidox on Tue, 02 Apr 2013 11:03:48 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message 14. It's different. It's like my merc has 15 AP left. I try to drop something for 12AP cost. And then merc drops to some -7 AP or even >-10 AP. Also remember that at least once in similar cases I saw some strange merc animation when doing such action.

Of all the issues, I miss a way to turn back OCTH cause NCTH is too much buggy no matter how nice it is and nicely it looks. And camo stuff - I loved using camo in vanilla/wildfire, and 1.13 camo is over complicated and there's just not enough camo available to even use it, not talking about changing on demand. 5 mercenaries, some half thousand enemies killed and only ~10 packs of camo collected in total. That's having in mind that I stunned and robbed some 100 elites. 10 camo packs is barely enough for single use to cycle all camo types on all mercs. Feeling miserable.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by weidox on Tue, 02 Apr 2013 11:07:48 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message 26. More details what I did - clean install JA 1.12 gold. Copy to another place, uninstall JA 1.12. Copy 1.13 over 1.12. Try to start exe, few seconds and crash. Don't remember if there was any error message. Now I'm using just 1.12 gold with 1.13 over it, no uninstall or moving or whatever, it works then.

Page 129 of 585 ---- Generated from The Bears Pit But I don't like that, on another computer then I need again to install. And I fear how I'll manage when I'll try to have some mod over 1.13 SVN. We'll see..

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by Sam Hotte on Tue, 02 Apr 2013 11:46:04 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Choose OCTH on game start to get rid of NCTH.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by weidox on Tue, 02 Apr 2013 11:58:29 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message As of mods, I find that Arulco Folding Stock is for UB which I don't want to play for the moment. At the same time I found Arulco Revisited which with it's less empty overland map sounds appealing, and it's fresh meaning compatible with more or less recent 1.13 - but it's only maps, not weapon etc balance. AIMNAS is focusing on bigmaps and I don't even find a working link to download separate AIMNAS >v17 (only SCI with v20 which has a pretty old 1.13 v4561 inside - and I love 10 mercs per squad which appeared somewhere >v4870). ClarkeW item mod seems to be up to date - but then it's only price balance mod, nothing with weapon balance itself - should not hurt to use but also bolt action rifles weren't major issue.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by weidox on Tue, 02 Apr 2013 12:00:21 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message @Sam_Hotte

Choosing OCTH for new game will change setting for old games? Strangely, if that's true, wonder why there's no option in .ini file. Maybe there's some savegame compatibility issues?

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by Sam Hotte on Tue, 02 Apr 2013 12:21:54 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message weidoxChoosing OCTH for new game will change setting for old games? No, of course not. The way to revert back to OCTH is to start a game with this setting. Or revert back to v4870 (or not much newer) where CTH system can be toggled in game preferences (But this would also require a new game start).

Page 130 of 585 ---- Generated from The Bears Pit Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by weidox on Tue, 02 Apr 2013 13:10:34 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message I just found a page where all mods with download links are collected. Wonderful:)

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by Hazapuza on Wed, 03 Apr 2013 22:12:41 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message weidoxAs of mods, I find that Arulco Folding Stock is for UB which I don't want to play for the moment. Unfinished Business (if that's what you mean by UB) has nothing to do with Arulco Folding Stock; it's an item mod with the standard JA2 campaign.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by weidox on Thu, 04 Apr 2013 07:16:26 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Seems I missed UB (unfinished business) with UC (urban chaos). I find now in notes that Arulco Folding Stock is available for original campaign. And I hope it's compatible with Arulco Revisited which seems to be very attractive on paper.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by Gambigobilla on Thu, 04 Apr 2013 08:24:15 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message It will have some problems with preplaced items, because base 1.13 items.xml and AFS items.xml don't match. Instead of finding a 9mm glaser ammo you'll find a AWM or instead of a shotgun you'll find a nada item. If you can look past it, it's completely playable.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by weidox on Thu, 04 Apr 2013 19:36:18 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message A question if anyone knows answer on such mixing.. Let's say I add Arulco Revisited which modifies maps (and guess also modifies stuff found in maps), and then add AFS which also modifies items. Can it happen that AFS items get in unreachable spaces etc like in walls (in case AFS put an item in a place where vanilla had some container and AR made a wall)?

Page 131 of 585 ---- Generated from The Bears Pit Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by Flugente on Thu, 04 Apr 2013 19:40:08 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message No.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by DepressivesBrot on Thu, 04 Apr 2013 19:46:34 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message To elaborate: Item placement is saved by the map. What an item IS depends on the XMLs. So if the AR maps say there's an item in that cupboard and it's supposed to be a shotgun under 1.13, in AFS it might be a med kit ... or a jar ... or an AWM or a NADA item (most likely) - but something will be there.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by weidox on Sun, 07 Apr 2013 14:28:53 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Bugs further. 27. San Mona fighting seems to be buggy. First time I came it locked with clock cursor while waiting forever for Kingpin to come. Another try went well, but then when I hit with bare hands in ring I got disqualified and game locked with clock cursor again forever. Then tried again, dropped off any guns and armor, and it passed successfully.

Also on 19., it's a bit different - I had all cleaning kits on 1 merc, and I found now that Clean Guns (Team) is working, but Clean Guns (Merc) cleans only a single gun for current merc.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by grim on Sun, 07 Apr 2013 19:49:13 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Bug report:

JA2 1.13 version: 5962 on 1631

Description: I had some misfortune shooting with RPG weapons. Sometimes, the rocket/grenade hits, but do not explode at all. It happens very randomly. It seems to happen mostly with fragmentation rocket, and while i was testing this with Iggy (Screenshot below), it happened every time at the first shot: reloading the RPG with another rocket and shooting worked properly every time after the first.

I managed to catch the exact moment the rocket hits a tank (and doesn't explode):

Page 132 of 585 ---- Generated from The Bears Pit On the screenshot, you can see the rocket is in perfect condition, so i don't think it's some kind of missfire. Iggy's RPG isn't in perfect condition though, but this malfunction occured with 100% condition RPGs before that.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by weidox on Mon, 08 Apr 2013 05:36:03 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message 27. San Mona fighting seems to be buggy. First time I came it locked with clock cursor while waiting forever for Kingpin to come. Another try went well, but then when I hit with bare hands in ring I got disqualified and game locked with clock cursor again forever. Then tried again, dropped off any guns and armor, and it passed successfully.

Also on 19., it's a bit different - in earlier try I had all cleaning kits on 1 merc so results were half wrong. Now I found that Clean Guns (Team) is working as written, but Clean Guns (Merc) cleans only a single gun for current merc. Not that bad, changing button name to Clean Guns (Merc) would solve all issues.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by grim on Mon, 08 Apr 2013 09:04:34 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message I had some issues with San Mona fighting too. Getting payed for your bid is quite teddious, if you are too far from the guy, ie exiting the combat on the other side of the ring, he cannot deliver the payment, so i end up entering the ring very close to him and it works.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by LootFragg on Tue, 09 Apr 2013 22:24:51 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message The San Mona boxing issue is very old and very known, it has been around since the beginning of JA2. Scripting in general is messy if it includes pathfinding. It's easy to get stuck in the very beginning, for instance, when not following Fatima the way it is intended.

That means you will have to save a lot (to various savegames). When boxing, try to keep everything as clean as possible to avoid bugs. Clear the paths, only enter the ring when you are expected to, never pay in advance, keep it step by step and quicksave a lot. This cannot be easily fixed despite being known, so try to work around the issue.

If you want to talk to people directly, use the IRC chat. Don't expect immediate answers, most people will be lurking. But it might help in case you have trouble with known issues.

Page 133 of 585 ---- Generated from The Bears Pit P.S.: Small exploit if you want to get the quest without having to box. Crack a window to Kingpin's mansion and jump through it, he will talk to you as if you were an expected guest. Only works with jumping through windows enabled.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by Sam Hotte on Tue, 09 Apr 2013 22:50:14 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message My experience is, that (quick-)loading during one of the fights instantly breaks the quest; you usually are disqualified (for using a gun or so) continuing a loaded game having been saved during the fight. Rather save every time before entering the ring. And - this is rather a feeling than I could prove it - don't interrupt neither Darren nor Kingpin in their speech (by clicking/escape) let them deliver their speech even if you knew them by heart now.

Edit: the exploit Flug mentioned also works, if lock picking the backdoor without being seen doing so by his henchmen.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by LootFragg on Wed, 10 Apr 2013 04:30:48 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Got a runtime error, guess it's an old one, to do with the ice cream truck.

Version: 5930 standard Savegame:

Other shit: Modified vehicles.xml to fit more passengers into the ice cream truck (12 or so). Playing with pretty much everything enabled. No zombies though.

How to crash the game: Enter the ice cream truck in tactical mode (100% crash probability for me regardless of merc).

Also, I guess it crashes when arriving in a sector as well but I haven't confirmed that.

Since it only shows an unhandled exception and the game being unable to recover the loop, I have no idea what this is about.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by Gambigobilla on Wed, 10 Apr 2013 08:49:15 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Probably it's because you pushed passenger capacity above the team limit. It can be maximum 9

Page 134 of 585 ---- Generated from The Bears Pit because the maximum team limit is 10 and icecream truck itself is a merc. Lower it and start a new game. Or use debugger if you know how it works.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by LootFragg on Wed, 10 Apr 2013 17:46:52 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Wait, if it can only be maximum team size minus one, how did the vanilla ice cream truck (lol) fit 6 passengers with maximum team size being 6 also? Going by that logic, it would have been capped at 5 slots.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by weidox on Wed, 10 Apr 2013 17:48:54 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message 28. Leon Roachburn (MERC) isn't improving any his stats - no matter that I used him for a bit of shooting and killing so he had at least to improve his markmanship and level, but everything is at zero progress.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by DepressivesBrot on Wed, 10 Apr 2013 17:52:55 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message If there's exactly one merc who doesn't evolve, it's likely to be intended.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by Flugente on Sun, 14 Apr 2013 12:42:42 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message LootFraggGot a runtime error, guess it's an old one, to do with the ice cream truck.

Version: 5930 standard Savegame:

Other shit: Modified vehicles.xml to fit more passengers into the ice cream truck (12 or so). Playing with pretty much everything enabled. No zombies though.

How to crash the game: Enter the ice cream truck in tactical mode (100% crash probability for me regardless of merc).

Also, I guess it crashes when arriving in a sector as well but I haven't confirmed that.

Page 135 of 585 ---- Generated from The Bears Pit Since it only shows an unhandled exception and the game being unable to recover the loop, I have no idea what this is about. The solution is easy: A vehicle can have up to MAXPASSENGERS slots, and#define MAXPASSENGERS 10So you can define a vehicle to have any number of slots, as long as its

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by Flugente on Sun, 14 Apr 2013 12:55:12 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message GrimBug report:

JA2 1.13 version: 5962 on 1631

Description: I had some misfortune shooting with RPG weapons. Sometimes, the rocket/grenade hits, but do not explode at all. It happens very randomly. It seems to happen mostly with fragmentation rocket, and while i was testing this with Iggy (Screenshot below), it happened every time at the first shot: reloading the RPG with another rocket and shooting worked properly every time after the first.

I managed to catch the exact moment the rocket hits a tank (and doesn't explode):

On the screenshot, you can see the rocket is in perfect condition, so i don't think it's some kind of missfire. Iggy's RPG isn't in perfect condition though, but this malfunction occured with 100% condition RPGs before that. Could not reproduce on 5997. Do you play with ENEMY_HIT_COUNT set to 2? When a rocket hits it damages the tank, but if the damage isn't enough to kill it, no explosion will show. So the only indication you've hit is the 'plink' sound and the damage indicator...

This would also explain why your rockets always 'work' on the second hit, as the tank is then already damaged from the first.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by grim on Sun, 14 Apr 2013 13:45:45 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message From Ja2_Options.ini: Quote:ENEMY_HIT_COUNT = 0

Another test with Iggy, RPG-7 loaded with PG-7VM HEAT rocket. First shot on a tank doesn't explode (as on above screenshot), doesn't "plink", and doesn't affect its "health bar", as shown below:

(the "32" is the AP cost for reloading on cursor)

Page 136 of 585 ---- Generated from The Bears Pit If i reload the save before shooting, and change the rocket in the RPG-7, eather with another HEAT or any other rocket type, or shoot with a LAW, the rocket explodes on hit as intended. A floating damage number appears, and The tank health bar shows the "wound".

The problem seems to be in the first shot of a loaded rocket launcher.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by LootFragg on Sun, 14 Apr 2013 19:06:22 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Flugente#define MAXPASSENGERS 10The fact that there is a definite limit probably indicates that there is a huge bunch of code behind it and each slot has to be declared individually and it is not a mere question of flagging someone as being on a vehicle and boom goes the dynamite. Crap. Would have loved larger troop transportation and at least driver + squad. But thanks for clarifying this for me, Flugente.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by DepressivesBrot on Sun, 14 Apr 2013 19:14:55 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Go the way of the mech inf, use smaller squads.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by grim on Mon, 15 Apr 2013 08:12:44 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message About the first RPG shot bug, i tested r5997 and didn't have the problem. I guess this closes the case!

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by LootFragg on Mon, 15 Apr 2013 08:58:18 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message DepressivesBrotGo the way of the mech inf, use smaller squads.Well, the mechanized infantry does have tanks. ^^

I'll stick with larger squads. That way I won't have to specialize everyone. But I will leave out the designated driver for transportation. *sigh*

Page 137 of 585 ---- Generated from The Bears Pit Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by Flugente on Mon, 15 Apr 2013 22:29:43 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message As we seem to have quite a few people here who like fitting xmls, might as well ask for this...

The MercOpinions.xml stores the opinion of every merc towards every other merc. Well, only the first 75, because nobody ever thought of expanding that, but that's not my point.

The thing is that Blood's values are VERY VERY WRONG. In fact, he has an opinion of +20 towards everybody, which means that he likes EVERYBODY very much. Even Bubba. This is wrong. I dunno where the original values came from, but can someone please repair that? The svn history of that file only goes back to 2010, and it was already wrong then.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by wanne (aka RoWa21) on Tue, 16 Apr 2013 07:45:28 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Flugente The thing is that Blood's values are VERY VERY WRONG. In fact, he has an opinion of +20 towards everybody, which means that he likes EVERYBODY very much. Even Bubba. This is wrong.

Thanks for pointing that out. I just fixed it.

Flugent The MercOpinions.xml stores the opinion of every merc towards every other merc. Well, only the first 75, because nobody ever thought of expanding that, but that's not my point.

Of course it should be expanded from 0 - 254 ( to , because we can have a maximum of 255 profiles. Expanding that array in the code should be easy, but the tricky part would be to keep savegame compatibility. Do you think it is possible to keep savegames working after the data change?

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by Flugente on Tue, 16 Apr 2013 21:25:03 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Thank you for fixing that, RoWa.

Yes, it can be done savegame compatible. Done so in r6012. :nerd:

Note that I'll abstain from filling in the 45900 now missing opinion entries :yikes: . Also didn't add empty values to the xml, but they will be read once there (default is 0).

Page 138 of 585 ---- Generated from The Bears Pit Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by wanne (aka RoWa21) on Tue, 16 Apr 2013 21:33:57 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message FlugenteThank you for fixing that, RoWa.

Yes, it can be done savegame compatible. Done so in r6012. :nerd:

Note that I'll abstain from filling in the 45900 now missing opinion entries :yikes: . Also didn't add empty values to the xml, but they will be read once there (default is 0).

Very cool. So are there any volunteers to update the "MercOpinions.xml" file with the new 45900 missing entries...

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by weidox on Wed, 17 Apr 2013 12:22:24 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message One more bug (I'm still using v5951): 28. Trying to send flowers - clicking on dropdown to select city immediately freezes game forever.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by Flugente on Wed, 17 Apr 2013 18:02:20 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message weidoxOne more bug (I'm still using v5951): 28. Trying to send flowers - clicking on dropdown to select city immediately freezes game forever. RoWa fixed this in r5975.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by weidox on Thu, 18 Apr 2013 21:01:01 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message 29. MGL-140 grenade launcher doesn't show condition for 5th grenade (empty bar like zero). Interestingly, after I started shooting it started to show about 10% condition for this slot grenade, no matter grenade condition I put in.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by merc05 on Sat, 04 May 2013 13:46:48 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message

Page 139 of 585 ---- Generated from The Bears Pit Some of my discoveries:

- launchers that use multiple shot ammo (like six 20 mm grenade clips for XM-29 OICW) spent the magazine before they fire the last round, in this example after firing 5 rounds instead of 6

- a repost from a topic in general thread: This happens with both armor and weapon type items (maybe with more) that have been given an option to transform into another item. This causes a message that there is not enough room in the inventory and all the items from the backpack are being dropped - it looks as if the game wants to put all items from the backpack into the hands slot. BUT it happens only when a merc is wearing a backpack to the items in the backpack (not combat pack) and only in turn-based mode - when there is no combat transformations work flawlessly. It also won't happen if a transformable item is an attachment as I've noticed.

- and another repost: This is happening since revision 5908 where a fix was introduced to "NO_STANDING_ANIM_ADJUSTMENT_IN_COMBAT worked on all animations, which caused explosion victims to not update anims correctly. As a fix, we check for individual animations". I'm using a custom weapon, a crossbow capable of firing explosive tipped bolts. These cause a grenade-like explosion on impact (set in the AmmoTypes.xml as a HighExplosive, Mk2 Grenade). Since the before mentioned update it stopped knocking enemies down like an explosion should. Standard thrown grenades work as they ought to. This problem seems to still persist for me.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by weidox on Wed, 08 May 2013 20:40:25 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message I wonder where I should post bug reports so development would actually take care of it.. 30. Anyway, now under OCTH and build 6061, marksman/sniper additional aim clicks seems to be buggy. In gun description they show to decrease number of aiming clicks, but actually they increase num aim clicks available. Not clear should be correct - it can be that those are supposed to be "free" aim clicks, in that case description would be correct but behavior incorrect, or another way would be that aiming allowance is extended (which in some cases brings no benefit), then description would be incorrect but behavior correct. Update: forgot to say than on SMG description also shows to decrease aiming clicks but available aiming clicks are not increased. That is, on SMG only description seems to be buggy.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by LootFragg on Thu, 09 May 2013 22:13:52 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Hi weidox. The New Trait System you're using (Sniper / Marksman and all that) focuses on NCTH where less aim clicks mean faster target acquisition whereas in OCTH, more aim clicks mean more accurate fire.

I have no idea if it supports OCTH since I've never used OCTH in a long time. But since it actually increases the number of aim clicks, it seems to work under OCTH as well. The descriptions can

Page 140 of 585 ---- Generated from The Bears Pit be tweaked towards OCTH, that's correct, but I personally believe it has little merit as most people who use New Traits are prone to use NCTH, NIV, NAS and so on as well. Might be wrong here.

The person who created New Traits is Sandro. New Traits are part of Sandro's STOMP project. Sandro hasn't been active for quite a while but there is a chance of him coming back

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by DepressivesBrot on Thu, 09 May 2013 22:20:21 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message STOMP is fully geared towards OCTH, NCTH effects were an afterthought and a hackjob like everything else in that system.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by yelirio on Fri, 10 May 2013 19:33:02 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message

Bug report:

JA2 1.13 version: 5986 on rev1660 (rev aprox)

Description: As discussed in ( ) the laser projection factor of attachments is not working.

First, I've tried using the Kiparis, which have a laser projection system built-in. Compared with a mp5, the Kiparis had a smaller reticle and also the laser projection factor was in the mag.factor. I've tested with a rifle lam on a m4a1, and the target reticle within range wasn't getting smaller than another with m4a1 with no attachments.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by Wil473 on Sat, 11 May 2013 00:23:37 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Bug 627 submitted - CTD when attachment undergoes an item transformation while attached to a gun that also has a C-Mag attached.

As of SCI_Unstable_Revision_6068_on_GameDir_1670, there is at least one attachment in stock Data-1.13 that has a potential to setup the conditions for the crash - the LAM/Flashlight Combo, when it is attached at the same time as a C-Mag adapter, trying to toggle the flashlight on/off crashes the game.

Page 141 of 585 ---- Generated from The Bears Pit The game does not CTD if other attachments, except for the C-Mag adapter are attached.

Not sure if a save game is really warranted, all I did was: 1) hire Len 2) used cheat codes to quickly get the LAM/Flashlight and C-Mag attachments 3) attach both 4) crashed the game by simply trying to turn on the LAM/Flashlight

The above was using Stock Data-1.13 in SCI_Unstable_Revision_6068_on_GameDir_1670.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by Flugente on Sat, 11 May 2013 00:47:45 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Hmm. As switching on flashlight is a item transformation, the game tries to reattach the C-mag adapter (don't ask why, I don't understand our attachment system at all). Somehow that fails to set the ammo icon button. Yuk. This might take a while.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by Wil473 on Sat, 11 May 2013 01:12:44 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message FlugenteHmm. As switching on flashlight is a item transformation, the game tries to reattach the C-mag adapter (don't ask why, I don't understand our attachment system at all). Somehow that fails to set the ammo icon button. Yuk. This might take a while. I vaguely remember Headrock mentioning this cycling through of all attachments after an item transform was needed to prevent another crash scenario. Though this explains why the game CTD's if you try to item transform an inseparable attachment while it is attached.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by weidox on Sat, 11 May 2013 14:16:44 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Is there a way to display whether old or new interrupt system is being used? I used the new interrupt system on v5951 and was pleased with it's workings but now as I started another game on v6061 (with OCTH as NCTH disappointed me), interrupts are working pretty poorly and I'm not sure if it's problem of mod (Arulco Revisited, which modifies only maps, I fixed it a bit to not change any other configs), or something was done with the new interrupt system.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by Flugente on Sun, 12 May 2013 16:49:03 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message

Page 142 of 585 ---- Generated from The Bears Pit The interrupt system can only be selected on starting a new game, unless you use a debugger.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by weidox on Sun, 12 May 2013 17:01:22 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Yes, but question is how to get to know which interrupt system is being used for particular save game. I'm not sure now whether I did correctly choose IIS or missed that.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by Flugente on Sun, 12 May 2013 17:04:38 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Ah. No way, unless you debug or run towards an enemy and get interrupted several times by the same guy in one turn.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by weidox on Sun, 12 May 2013 21:01:02 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Sadly funny because that's almost impossible to test for multiple interrupts in current game. Because interrupts are happening so rarely that it would be useless to hope to see two interrupts in a row. Enemies almost freely roam and shoot me, and I do the same.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by weidox on Sun, 12 May 2013 21:28:43 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message I tried now a bit on vanilla 1.13 v6061 and IIS seems to be working as poorly, though maybe to lesser extent (don't know if old IS got worse but it did not please me too). Even at night + night ops it's pretty hard to get interrupts. Looking through version history, I see there were some fixes about interrupts, though can't understand what exactly was done. Guess may be related.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by wanne (aka RoWa21) on Sun, 12 May 2013 21:54:02 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message weidoxI tried now a bit on vanilla 1.13 v6061 and IIS seems to be working as poorly, though maybe to lesser extent (don't know if old IS got worse but it did not please me too). Even at night

Page 143 of 585 ---- Generated from The Bears Pit + night ops it's pretty hard to get interrupts. Looking through version history, I see there were some fixes about interrupts, though can't understand what exactly was done. Guess may be related. the interrupt fixes in the source trunk were just multiplayer interrupt fixes.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by weidox on Sun, 12 May 2013 21:58:34 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Getting interrupt without enemy visible (only sound) - is it possible in old IS?

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by weidox on Sun, 12 May 2013 23:15:05 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message RoWa21 the interrupt fixes in the source trunk were just multiplayer interrupt fixes.

I opened v5951 with save game, just to be sure that my memories are right - and I'm getting interrupts mostly as expected - ie, running out of a corner is almost certain way to get immediately shot. With v6061 similar interrupts do not happen (an initial peskie in Omerta runs at night through a corner where my lvl 4 night ops merc is standing and shots him twice before he's able to get interrupt - that's default scenario).

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by Sam Hotte on Mon, 13 May 2013 11:59:49 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message weidoxGetting interrupt without enemy visible (only sound) - is it possible in old IS? Yes (at least in stable v4870).

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by Flugente on Tue, 14 May 2013 19:06:47 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Could not reproduce. Using IIS, interrupts happen left an right for me... did you change any interrupt settings?

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here!

Page 144 of 585 ---- Generated from The Bears Pit Posted by alex662 on Wed, 15 May 2013 13:37:57 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message hey, i used to play JA2 since 2003 and i came across this forum few days ago. anyway i never played UC or 1.13 so i thought i should give it a go. i installed JA2 to E:/Jagged Alliance 2. went to this link : nna_Liv.html#Post236264 downlaoded Unstable 1.13 SCI from here : e.html#Post311288 installed it. then downlaoded Original Urban Chaos Data folder from here : installed it and then downloaded Urban Chaos-1.13 v4.42 (Full) 20130501 from here : so theres the problem : after i installed 1.13 - it worked fine (without UC) after i installed UC - it worked fine (without 1.13) but after i installed Urban Chaos-1.13 v4.42 (Full) 20130501 im trying to open JA2 with INI and i get this msg : can you guys help me out? btw - is there any way to replace the AP option and set it to 'normal'? i mean playing with 75AP seems wierd to me.. im used to 20-24AP per round. thx for your help & sorry for my english.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by pheloncab on Wed, 15 May 2013 16:01:05 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Your error message is missing. anyways.. UC should work. Which EXE are you clicking/selecting with the ini?

Page 145 of 585 ---- Generated from The Bears Pit and just to make sure, your trying to play the latest UC115 hybrid right?

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by alex662 on Wed, 15 May 2013 21:01:52 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message pheloncabYour error message is missing. anyways.. UC should work. Which EXE are you clicking/selecting with the ini? and just to make sure, your trying to play the latest UC115 hybrid right?

what do you mean my error msg is missing? cant you see it? i'll upload it to another server : and im selecting vfs_config.UC113.ini im not sure if my UC115 hybird is actually the latest version.. i downloaded it from here so i guess it is : nna_Liv.html#Post236264 i used the MediaFire mirror.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by Gambigobilla on Thu, 16 May 2013 06:22:09 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message IFK if i get it right but, if you run vanilla exe after installing 1.13 it messes your whole installation. Reinstall and don't even touch original exe. To be honest i delete ja2.exe after installing ja2 because the sci's don't overwrite it. They come with a name like ja2_6082.exe so if you run ja2.exe instead of ja2_6082.exe then *boom* gone is the day's work.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by DepressivesBrot on Thu, 16 May 2013 07:00:37 GMT

Page 146 of 585 ---- Generated from The Bears Pit View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Didn't I change that the first time you mentioned it? Can't open one of the archives atm but only the editors should include a version.

Subject: New Kid New (or OLD?) Bugs Posted by Drglord on Thu, 16 May 2013 09:30:19 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Hello there well i was a big fan of JA2 and when i found out about 1,13 i started playing it immediately and BOY it's like a new game amazing stuff boys. Now down to the cheese.

1) Not sure about that but i am really confused about aim levels. Snipers add aiming levels while that makes a gun less accurate? Pretty weird.

2) After adding the different scopes toggle scopes don't work anymore as intended. Previous to that you got different magnifications while now you slap a x10 scope and you get bonus x10 even if the guy is standing next you weird that no one has noticed that pretty much makes x10 and x7 scopes the best. If you disable scope toggle scopes return to normal behavior.

3)Not a bug but a a question though the default behavior of scopes x10 and even x7 seem to be useless since a x10 needs more than 60 squares away to be in optimal range and that means that you won't even see with the scope so far so what is the catch?

4) Explosions sometimes cause mercs to fall on their back and stay there trapped unable to do anything even if they have full energy they are stuck and if you choose to do anything with them it stucks and you have to wait for the 30 seconds timeout.

5) The new cower effect produces alot of bugs. It seems it was intended for civilians hence now alot of times cowering guys can[t be killed or even be shot while in that state. I have even see my mercs enter an immortal state while in that state and while the battle is on and die when it's over.

6) Using switches in ALMA to open doors crashes the game don't know if it is a n old one this one.

Almost finished a complete playthrough with the latest unstable build so thats some of the things i found out.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by CapnJack on Thu, 16 May 2013 10:28:42 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Sounds like you're using an old version of the SVN builds you need to update to one of the latest ones. Several of those bugs have been fixed in the latest builds. Latest 1.13 SCI/Builds

Page 147 of 585 ---- Generated from The Bears Pit Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by Drglord on Thu, 16 May 2013 10:35:38 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message I am using the latest build so i am pretty sure they are there. Especially the scopes bug.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by LootFragg on Thu, 16 May 2013 11:46:32 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Hi Dragonlord, welcome to the Pit. I can't help you but some things sound strange to me.

1) This does not sound like a bug, rather like you're using NCTH. In OCTH, your default shots had a certain chance to hit while every further aim click added to that, so more meant better. In NCTH, your gun has a certain aiming accuracy that can be achieved by maxing out the aiming clicks, regardless of how many there are. The more there are, the slower you get to max out your aim. So less aiming clicks coupled with high accuracy is what you're looking for in guns and merc traits. Otherwise, just use OCTH.

2) No idea. Sounds like a bug because this should have been fixed already.

3) No idea.

4) The timeout is a deadlock due to an unresolvable loop. There is a deadlock delay of 30s configurable in your INI that allows you to keep playing after that while. Decrease the time to make deadlocks go away faster but keep in mind that sometimes the game needs to load a bit even if it is not stuck. As for mercs being stuck, are they maybe suppressed (negative APs maybe)? With HAM's suppression feature, explosives can seriously pin someone down. Otherwise, no idea.

5) Sounds weird as well but try tuning down the cower effectiveness in the INI. I don't know about mercs automatically dying after a fight except when they were bleeding out but if someone cowers in fear, you can hardly hit him from more than 10 tiles away. Try getting closer and shooting him directly or using melee, he's suppressed after all.

6) Any error messages?

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by alex662 on Thu, 16 May 2013 15:53:57 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message GambigobillaIFK if i get it right but, if you run vanilla exe after installing 1.13 it messes your whole installation. Reinstall and don't even touch original exe. To be honest i delete ja2.exe after installing ja2 because the sci's don't overwrite it. They come with a name like ja2_6082.exe so if you run ja2.exe instead of ja2_6082.exe then *boom* gone is the day's work.

Page 148 of 585 ---- Generated from The Bears Pit reinstalled the game and i launched it via INI still getting the same error msg as above.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by Sam Hotte on Thu, 16 May 2013 16:09:40 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Alex, there is a dedicated board to UC-1.13. which contains a FAQ thread with detailed instruction what and how to install and which things to adjust in the ini-editor to run UC-1.13. Furthermore there are newer Versions than the one you are using and a bug report section there.

I'd suggest you go there for more detailed help targeted especially at UC-1.13.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by alex662 on Thu, 16 May 2013 16:36:24 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Sam_HotteAlex, there is a dedicated board to UC-1.13. which contains a FAQ thread with detailed instruction what and how to install and which things to adjust in the ini-editor to run UC-1.13. Furthermore there are newer Versions than the one you are using and a bug report section there.

I'd suggest you go there for more detailed help targeted especially at UC-1.13. can you please give me a link? (pretty easy to get lost in this forum... at least for me )

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by Sam Hotte on Thu, 16 May 2013 20:40:45 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message alex662went to this link : nna_Liv.html#Post236264

Go there again.

PS: You must have found it, as you've posted there already ...

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by Flugente on Thu, 16 May 2013 20:50:05 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message

Page 149 of 585 ---- Generated from The Bears Pit Dragonlord 2) After adding the different scopes toggle scopes don't work anymore as intended. Previous to that you got different magnifications while now you slap a x10 scope and you get bonus x10 even if the guy is standing next you weird that no one has noticed that pretty much makes x10 and x7 scopes the best. If you disable scope toggle scopes return to normal behavior.

3)Not a bug but a a question though the default behavior of scopes x10 and even x7 seem to be useless since a x10 needs more than 60 squares away to be in optimal range and that means that you won't even see with the scope so far so what is the catch?

4) Explosions sometimes cause mercs to fall on their back and stay there trapped unable to do anything even if they have full energy they are stuck and if you choose to do anything with them it stucks and you have to wait for the 30 seconds timeout.

5) The new cower effect produces alot of bugs. It seems it was intended for civilians hence now alot of times cowering guys can[t be killed or even be shot while in that state. I have even see my mercs enter an immortal state while in that state and while the battle is on and die when it's over.

6) Using switches in ALMA to open doors crashes the game don't know if it is a n old one this one.

2) That is intentional for scope modes. Without scope modes, scopes magically adjust to best magnification. As that is stupid in my books, I impeded that behaviour when using scope modes.

3) Long range scopes are only useful for long ranges, yes.

4) That was fixed a while ago, don't know the exact revision anymore.

5) See 4)

6) Need more input. Which map, which switch, which doors?

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by weidox on Thu, 16 May 2013 21:52:42 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message FlugenteDragonlord 2) After adding the different scopes toggle scopes don't work anymore as intended. Previous to that you got different magnifications while now you slap a x10 scope and you get bonus x10 even if the guy is standing next you weird that no one has noticed that pretty much makes x10 and x7 scopes the best. If you disable scope toggle scopes return to normal behavior.

2) That is intentional for scope modes. Without scope modes, scopes magically adjust to best magnification. As that is stupid in my books, I impeded that behaviour when using scope modes.

I was experiencing the same on v5951, and that was one of reasons why I finally ditched NCTH. As of HAM documentation (probably outdated but ideas were clear), scopes below "best" range

Page 150 of 585 ---- Generated from The Bears Pit should give increasing penalty. But actually there is no penalty. I'm not sure what is meant about being intentional for scope modes, even if it's intentional, it simply doesn't work as it was expected. Another problem which greatly amplifies 10x scope problem is that 10x scopes usually do not require additional aiming at all to achieve maximum accuraccy. So guns with 10x scopes are the most accurate in general at any range, and at about >=20 square range are taking least time to shoot accurately (as 10x scope guns have longer base aiming/shooting times but they win because they require no extra aiming).

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by weidox on Fri, 17 May 2013 20:34:10 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message I just complained about interrupts on v6061, and I did experience another bug which I don't think could be caused by map mod (Arulco Revisited). Simply, I did spend all my AP with a merc (some 3-6 AP left), and was able to get interrupt with full AP, and then after I used up AP in interrupt, again got full AP for next turn. This happened when I was healing this merc with another merc, probably there is some cause between those. P.s. I'll move to report bugs to the new bugzilla soon:)

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by weidox on Fri, 17 May 2013 20:44:13 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Seems that bugzilla at is a bit forgotten.. Bugs submitted in last year are untouched.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by grim on Fri, 17 May 2013 21:30:58 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message An image is worth many words:

Bug: When you move from a sector to another with a running out of fuel vehicule, the above message appears, with (null) as vehicle name.

History: Hrvg had this problem on the french latest version he has, while checking his traduction, and asked me if he had made a mistake somewhere. I checked on my latest game build (JADL 1.13 v4.41, exe 6020 and data 1652), and i had the same result. Can someone else confirm with a more recent build?

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here!

Page 151 of 585 ---- Generated from The Bears Pit Posted by Flugente on Fri, 17 May 2013 22:09:57 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Fixed in r6085.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by merc05 on Sat, 18 May 2013 13:51:40 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message (r6085)

- when hiring guys from M.E.R.C. and then quiting to main menu and starting a new game the M.E.R.C. account does not get reset and I have "unsettled bills" text over the mercs I hired in my previous gameplay

- still problems with compiling a build in MapEditor mode (the Release mode was fixed) with ModularizedTacticalAI in VS2010

Quote:11>LINK : fatal error LNK1181: cannot open input file 'ModularizedTacticalAI.lib'

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by weidox on Sat, 18 May 2013 14:39:53 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message I just upgraded everything to v6077, and all interrupt problems I complained on v6061 gone (and also performance back to normal).

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by choijaeho on Sun, 19 May 2013 10:16:22 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Making Tony to follow bobby ray's coolness progression level seems broken.

I'm playing unstable JA2_6082 and revision 1677 with Arulco Revisited 1.4 and Strohmann's NCTH data overhaul mod kinda felt Tony's inventory broken, so I tested with a new game with tons of guns, sci-fi, BR quality and quantitiy both set to x10

I used TONY_USES_BOBBY_RAYS_SETTING = TRUE in the ini file, of course

Started a new game, travelled to San Mona and checked Tony but he only has low coolness stuffs and quantitiy is also low.

Page 152 of 585 ---- Generated from The Bears Pit I noticed this problem was already mentioned in this post in 2011: ng_Co.html

So it seems it still hasn't been fixed or the glitch reappeared

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by wanne (aka RoWa21) on Mon, 20 May 2013 13:49:59 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message merc05(r6085)

- when hiring guys from M.E.R.C. and then quiting to main menu and starting a new game the M.E.R.C. account does not get reset and I have "unsettled bills" text over the mercs I hired in my previous gameplay

- still problems with compiling a build in MapEditor mode (the Release mode was fixed) with ModularizedTacticalAI in VS2010

Quote:11>LINK : fatal error LNK1181: cannot open input file 'ModularizedTacticalAI.lib'

both are fixed. one is already committed and the other fix will be committed soon.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by choijaeho on Mon, 20 May 2013 18:40:01 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message (r6082) Another bug with UFC match at Kingpin's nightclub. If you kill all the competitors, and talk to Darren he will still accept the fight money even though the boxers are all dead, call Kingpin to watch the show, ring the bell, but when I move a merc inside the ring nothing happens. Trying getting back to strategic window shows the message "you sure you want to abandon the fight"

Well if all of the competitors are dead, obviously, none of them can step inside the ring but hurting all of them below OKLIFE seems to activate this glitch as well.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here!

Page 153 of 585 ---- Generated from The Bears Pit Posted by choijaeho on Tue, 21 May 2013 18:28:22 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message fantazmaMaking Tony to follow bobby ray's coolness progression level seems broken.

I'm playing unstable JA2_6082 and revision 1677 with Arulco Revisited 1.4 and Strohmann's NCTH data overhaul mod kinda felt Tony's inventory broken, so I tested with a new game with tons of guns, sci-fi, BR quality and quantitiy both set to x10

I used TONY_USES_BOBBY_RAYS_SETTING = TRUE in the ini file, of course

Started a new game, travelled to San Mona and checked Tony but he only has low coolness stuffs and quantitiy is also low.

I noticed this problem was already mentioned in this post in 2011: ng_Co.html

So it seems it still hasn't been fixed or the glitch reappeared

By scanning through the code file it seems in armsdelaerinvinit.cpp the file only refers to merchants.xml but not the actual ja2_options.ini file. The part that refers to ja2_options.ini in armsdealerinvinit.cpp is commented out with /* */

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by Parkan on Mon, 27 May 2013 22:51:25 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message I don't know is thig bug related to my option or not. In ja2_option.ini i turned off completly-supression fire,supression fire from explosive,supression shock.During combats enemy\militia soldiers go to cower stance and can be invulnerable to shoots and punches(punches inaccesible and geting 30 seconds clock-cursor).Plus sometimes during combat if enemy change postion(like when lying on ground change position to another angle)i get 30 seconds lockdown(cursor-timer ). Version of exe 6099(such things happened before such version too)

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by Hazapuza on Tue, 28 May 2013 14:52:30 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message I'm experiencing a strange deadlock under 6100. It occurs when I order a merc with full APs and the Athletics trait (Magic in this case, but also happens with an IMP) to run as many tiles as possible, in a straight/almost straight line. After 93 or so APs are spent, the merc stops and the deadlock starts. I can then take the last step after the timer has run its course. This can be

Page 154 of 585 ---- Generated from The Bears Pit reproduced reliably.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by LootFragg on Tue, 28 May 2013 15:39:53 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message I can confirm Hazapuza's deadlock as I've had it in previous versions since the Athletics trait allowed mercs to run 30+ tiles. No idea what the critical limit was but moving over many tiles without stopping caused a sudden break.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by Flugente on Tue, 28 May 2013 17:46:45 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message This is an ancient bug that afaik dates back to the original vanilla. The problem occurs once you move more than 30 tiles in turnbased in one move. In ancient days, it was never a problem, as it only occured in very rare instances (high agility merc and serious abuse of drugs). With Athletics, it is much more common.

The problem seems to be that for some reason, the game decides to still be busy - during testing, the 'unsetting' of the 'busy' flags occurs much later, and in a very different location, if one runs 31 tiles compared to 30 tiles. I neither now why nor where exactly that happens, and I've wasted enough time on that today...

Fix: Make pauses when running :transform: With NO_STANDING_ANIM_ADJUSTMENT_IN_COMBAT to TRUE you won't even lose APs on stops.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by merc05 on Tue, 28 May 2013 19:14:33 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Thanks for fixing those .

(r6102) Recent bug happening after the cleanup update where in Strategic AI.cpp this code: if( ubIntention == PURSUIT ) { //Make sure that the group isn't moving into a garrison sector. These sectors should be using ASSAULT intentions! if( SectorInfo[ ubSectorID ].ubGarrisonID != NO_GARRISON ) { //Good place for a breakpoint. pGroup = pGroup;

Page 155 of 585 ---- Generated from The Bears Pit } } was replaced with this code:

//Make sure that the group isn't moving into a garrison sector. These sectors should be using ASSAULT intentions! Assert(ubIntention != PURSUIT && SectorInfo[ ubSectorID ].ubGarrisonID != NO_GARRISON );

This causes an assertion error when the last member of enemy squad is killed although not on every encounter. It's definitely this part though cause reverting this part of the code prevents the crash.

(r6102 and sooner) Noticed some problems with commanding EPC's/robot (generally every character without a merc bodytype). It's possible to make every character (including the robot) do a window jump with Shift+J. The character just gets teleported. Also every character (including the robot) can be made to climb the roof. Again they get teleported there. In the latter case I can't get the robot back down. Also making EPC's strafe with 'Alt' button makes them disappear. Maybe some check for bodytype could be performed to disallow these from happening?

(r6102 and sooner) I have some update on a bug reported before, where multiple-shot launcher ammo was missing one shot from clips. It seems it is only true for rocket launchers. Grenade launchers (like XM-25) have proper amount of ammo in clips.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by Flugente on Tue, 28 May 2013 20:23:38 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message True, the first statement is unnecessary, fixed in r6103.

Also, as of r6103, robots cannot climb roofs, windows, fences or walls anymore.

Regarding the rocket display error: With what weapon do you experience that? RPG-7 works fine for me.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by merc05 on Tue, 28 May 2013 22:11:04 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Thanks a lot for the fixes. I'm gonna check that out tomorrow. As for the rocket launchers, here is the item code from my XMLs:

Page 156 of 585 ---- Generated from The Bears Pit Items.xml

1833 M202 M202 FLASH Built to replace vintage flamethrowers in the U.S. Army the FLame Assault SHoulder weapon has greater range and less weight. Too bad Geneva Convention forbids its use. M202 FLASH One of our favourite fire making devices. The four-tube launcher is equipped with front and rear hinged protective covers, a folding sight and trigger handle assembly and a collapsible tube structure to provide compact carrying and storage capabilities. 16 1 1833 3 2 172 52 7 2800 9 -6 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 10 1 100.0 10 20.0

1834 M74 M74 quad rocket pack The only thing better than an incendiary rocket is four of them. M74 quad rocket pack

Page 157 of 585 ---- Generated from The Bears Pit The only thing better than an incendiary rocket is four of them. 256 2048 2048 1 116 2 173 69 32 1 2400 9 -6 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 100.0


1833 M202 FLASH 3 5 30 80 90 2 4 500 200 100 100 10 428 111 157

Page 158 of 585 ---- Generated from The Bears Pit 20 90 1 10 476 1 4000 5000 1600


1834 1833


116 8 40 40 7 75 2 9 3 5 4 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

This should be a fire-missile launcher that is loaded with quad-packs and allows 4 shots before reloading. With the above setting 3 shots will empty it so I have to set MagSize to 5 in order to make it work like I want to. If it can't be replicated maybe I'm just dumb and there is no error in the code but in the xml ? But I can't find anything wrong with it, everything works fine except the number of rounds.

Page 159 of 585 ---- Generated from The Bears Pit Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by Hazapuza on Wed, 29 May 2013 20:50:37 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message A rather strange bug: bonuses/penalties to recoil values caused by attachments (a muzzle break in this case, playing UC1.13) only show up in the description screen if the weapon is equipped. but not if the weapon is in the sling slot/backpack or sector inventory. Also, when the weapon is in a merc's hands, all other full auto capable weapons magically show the same recoil reduction in their descriptions.

In addition to these, the recoil reduction shown in the weapon's description is more than it should be. The AK Muzzle Brake in question lists -2 vertical recoil and -1 lateral recoil, but the end result is -2,-2, or from 15.5 to 13.3.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by pheloncab on Wed, 29 May 2013 20:59:35 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message have you compared your xml to one of the multi-grenade launchers that work? that might show you a missing flag or mis-set attatchment code.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by Flugente on Wed, 29 May 2013 23:08:55 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message The issue with magazine-fed GLs/RPGs having one less shot than expected is fixed in r6104.

When we remove a grenade/rocket from a magazine, we reduce the status of the magazine item by 100/magsize. We remove the magazine object when (pseudocode) magazine.status

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by Hazapuza on Thu, 30 May 2013 12:38:31 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Playing with the latest UC1.13 4.45.1a (revision 1678, exe 6103), I encountered an assertion failure: 9db2.png~original

The cause seems to be the window breaking after being hit by a grenade. I reverted back to 6100

Page 160 of 585 ---- Generated from The Bears Pit and the error doesn't occur. I assume this doesn't have anything to do with not starting a new game after upgrading from 6100 to 6103.

I can provide a save.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by Flugente on Thu, 30 May 2013 19:13:31 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Hmm. I cannot reproduce that error with r6104, but I don't want to install an entire mod just out of curiosity... any more input? Did that grenade also hit someone?

Edit: Wait a minute... idea...

Edit2: r6105 should fix your problem. Please test, if that specific location still produces errors, we have a real problem.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by Emufarmers on Sun, 02 Jun 2013 13:14:19 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message fantazmaAnother bug with UFC match at Kingpin's nightclub. If you kill all the competitors, I get this with just the first competitor dead. There goes that cash flow.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by Flugente on Sun, 02 Jun 2013 13:16:18 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Quite a few bugs were fixed recently. As r6105 is savegame-compatible to r6082, you could try that exe out, and see if the error still occurs.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by Emufarmers on Sun, 02 Jun 2013 17:35:26 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message FlugenteQuite a few bugs were fixed recently. As r6105 is savegame-compatible to r6082, you could try that exe out, and see if the error still occurs. It still occurs.

Page 161 of 585 ---- Generated from The Bears Pit Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by Flugente on Sun, 02 Jun 2013 17:57:42 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Well, what is the exact error then? What does it say?

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by Emufarmers on Sun, 02 Jun 2013 18:07:39 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message FlugenteWell, what is the exact error then? What does it say? It doesn't say anything. It's the same as what fantazma reported: You give Darren the money and step into the ring and then nothing happens. (I assumed it was because I killed one of the fighters, but now that I reread his post, maybe it's just that all three were sufficiently injured.)

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by Flugente on Sun, 02 Jun 2013 18:15:16 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Try jumping into the ring from another side and see if that helps.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by Emufarmers on Sun, 02 Jun 2013 18:23:22 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message FlugenteTry jumping into the ring from another side and see if that helps. Nope, that doesn't seem to have any effect.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by MasterN on Mon, 03 Jun 2013 19:38:17 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Running AR 1.4 on 1687 / 6105.exe solved...

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by Flugente on Mon, 03 Jun 2013 19:41:12 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Did you take into account the scope modes?

Page 162 of 585 ---- Generated from The Bears Pit Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by Hazapuza on Mon, 03 Jun 2013 19:57:44 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Sweet O - Try putting the weapon on someone's hands. The aiming level bonus should then be visible. I posted a similar issue concerning recoil modifiers on the last page. There certainly seems to be something wrong with the UDB.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by MasterN on Mon, 03 Jun 2013 19:58:04 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message solved.... sorry...

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by weidox on Tue, 18 Jun 2013 21:13:41 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Another bug to already boring long list (not counting anymore) - binoculars/scopes sight radius (tunnel vision) and sight range mostly do not work. Compact binoculars, quality binoculars, 7x and 10x scopes have daylight different tunnel vision % (70%, 40%, 70%, 90% accordingly) but their sight radius is the same when in hands. 4x scope has tunnel vision as 20% but actually there's no change to sight radius with this scope in hands. Sight range is also inconsistent. While there is progression as increasing sight range % gives an actual increase, there's huge jump from no scope to using 4x scope with 20%, and then small increases till compact binoculars at 100% sight range bonus. I checked those on a merc with Scouting skill. Also tried a bit scopes on weapons without Scouting skill - 4x scope and 7x scope are giving the same sight radius, similar to binoculars. Using 6077 on 1676 with Arulco Revisited mod (no item changes).

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by Flugente on Thu, 20 Jun 2013 18:15:43 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Testing that with r6141 on current GameDir. A few observations:

Testing on 10:21 (daylight, lightlevel 3) on a road with Raider. No vision-altering armour, facegear, drugs or disabilities were used. No item: sight range 26, no tunnelvision M16A1: sight range 26, no tunnelvision M16A1 with ACOG, 4x, not looking through scope: sight range 26, no tunnelvision M16A1 with ACOG, 4x, looking through scope: sight range 31, tunnelvision 20%. ACOG, 4x, in hands: sight range 29, tunnelvision 20%. Sight range 29 is correct, as the 20% sight range bonus gets reduced to a 15% bonus on this time of dayConclusion A: The sight range when using scopes on guns is too high, it does not receive the daylight penalty it should. And its propably my fault, as I was the last one to

Page 163 of 585 ---- Generated from The Bears Pit modify this for the scope modes (I should have never made that stupid feature).

Edit A: This is friggin odd. I edited this function, but not the part that causes this error. For some reason, we apply a different penalty on guns (an I didn't do this...)

For non-guns we use bonus += BonusReduceMore( idiv( pItem->dayvisionrangebonus * (NORMAL_LIGHTLEVEL_NIGHT - bLightLevel), NORMAL_LIGHTLEVEL_NIGHT ), (*pObj)[0]->data.objectStatus ); and for guns we use sScopebonus += BonusReduceMore( idiv( Item[ObjList[pSoldier->bScopeMode]->usItem].dayvisionrangebonus * (NORMAL_LIGHTLEVEL_NIGHT - __max(bLightLevel,NORMAL_LIGHTLEVEL_DAY)), (NORMAL_LIGHTLEVEL_NIGHT-NORMAL_LIGHTLEVEL_DAY) ), (*ObjList[pSoldier->bScopeMode])[0]->data.objectStatus ); The intersting part is that once we use pItem->dayvisionrangebonus * (NORMAL_LIGHTLEVEL_NIGHT - bLightLevel), NORMAL_LIGHTLEVEL_NIGHT and once Item[ObjList[pSoldier->bScopeMode]->usItem].dayvisionrangebonus * (NORMAL_LIGHTLEVEL_NIGHT - __max(bLightLevel,NORMAL_LIGHTLEVEL_DAY)), (NORMAL_LIGHTLEVEL_NIGHT-NORMAL_LIGHTLEVEL_DAY)If bLightLevel is 3, this causes a 25% reduction on items that are not guns. Why? I have no idea. :sadyellow: But it seems intentional.

Edit B: testing with a 7x and binoculars gives exactly the results that are to be expected: sight ranges of 35, 30 and 45.

Edit C: a comment by ChrisL reveals that the sight range daylight formula used on weapons was planned to be used, but apparently forgotten. Fixed in r6145. The correct sight ranges for a 4x scope are 31, and 39 for a 7x scope, when looking through them both in hand and on a gun. That might be the solution to your error.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by SharkD on Sun, 23 Jun 2013 20:01:08 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message SCI_Unstable_Revision_6116_on_GameDir_1678

I get these errors when running the UB executable:

Doesn't seem to interfere with starting a new game though.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here!

Page 164 of 585 ---- Generated from The Bears Pit Posted by Flugente on Sun, 23 Jun 2013 20:07:30 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message That simply means that the UB JA2Options.ini does not have a few values, so it uses defaults - nothing to worry about.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by merc05 on Tue, 25 Jun 2013 19:08:36 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Damn! This one is nasty. I've been playing with item transformations for a while but I haven't noticed this one before. Basically it's about temperature not being recreated when attachments get recreated during the item transformation (their status i.e. does get checked and is properly recreated). To give an example: I have a weapon with 2 attachments: a grenade launcher and a retractable stock with transformation option to extend/retract it. I fire a few shots from the underbarrel grenade launcher and it gets its temperature high. Then I use transformation option to extend the stock (retracted retractable stock transforms into extended retractable stock). After this the temperature on the grenade launcher drops to 0. The same of course happens to attachments temperature if I would use transformation directly on the gun itself. I hope I've managed to explain this problem clearly.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by weidox on Tue, 25 Jun 2013 21:26:45 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Another bug which bothers me already long - items which give negative camouflage are actually giving unproportionally high reduction in camoe. For example, my merc has 58% wood camo, and I put on an item which gives -5% of each camo type. Instead of dropping my camo to 48%, it drops to 18% - and I get impression that all negative camo types are just added into a single minus, not differentiating by type.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by SharkD on Thu, 27 Jun 2013 00:02:52 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message 6116/1678

In UB I get an endless stopwatch when starting combat with Col. Biggins.

Save game:

Page 165 of 585 ---- Generated from The Bears Pit Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by SharkD on Thu, 27 Jun 2013 04:50:26 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Error when trying to pass through the ventilation shaft with the blades still turning.



6116/1678 UB

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by lockie on Thu, 27 Jun 2013 10:09:19 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Maybe you just got shredded.....

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by wanne (aka RoWa21) on Thu, 27 Jun 2013 16:02:15 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message SharkDError when trying to pass through the ventilation shaft with the blades still turning.


Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by SharkD on Thu, 27 Jun 2013 21:55:27 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message I added the savegame to my previous post.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by SharkD on Thu, 27 Jun 2013 23:42:35 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message

Page 166 of 585 ---- Generated from The Bears Pit 6116/1678 UB

Save game:

When using the VSS Vintorez + PSO-3, the target becomes invisible when raising the weapon to fire.

IIRC this doesn't happen with the PSO-1. (Not 100% sure.)

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by SharkD on Fri, 28 Jun 2013 00:39:55 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message 6116/1678 UB

Can't focus/select/view/etc. sector. I am therefore stuck and cannot proceed with the game except by reloading an older save.



After reloading the problem seems to have gone away. :confused:

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by SharkD on Fri, 28 Jun 2013 07:40:25 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message I'm having trouble making group selections. I'll press '=', but then the cursor will flicker and focus will revert back to the main merc. The cursor seems rather flickery in general IMO. Also affects the Look command 'L'.


Two more bugs in UB:

1. When I created my IMPs I made two auto weapons specialists and two snipers. However, when looking at their traits via the roster in the laptop they instead show up as Engineer and Stealthy

Page 167 of 585 ---- Generated from The Bears Pit respectively. 2. The game doesn't return you to the main menu when you've won. Instead, it drops you back to the strategic screen, except all your mercs are gone and you have $0.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by wanne (aka RoWa21) on Fri, 28 Jun 2013 11:36:42 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Do you have a savegame for 2 (before you make the final action). For 1 a savegame would also be fine.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by SharkD on Fri, 28 Jun 2013 20:14:42 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Here is a savegame for 1 and 2:

However, the switch to launch the missiles has disappeared! My merc is standing right next to where it used to be. You can't finish the game without it.


3. All my soldiers from M.E.R.C. show up equipped with umbrellas instead of weapons. 4. Picking up a corpse puts a camouflage in my inventory instead of the body.


Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by Flugente on Sat, 29 Jun 2013 01:37:19 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message 4. That is normal, as nobody has done a proper pic for the corpse item yet. Camouflage is a placeholder pic.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by merc05 on Sat, 29 Jun 2013 16:27:45 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message

Page 168 of 585 ---- Generated from The Bears Pit merc05Damn! This one is nasty. I've been playing with item transformations for a while but I haven't noticed this one before. Basically it's about temperature not being recreated when attachments get recreated during the item transformation (their status i.e. does get checked and is properly recreated). To give an example: I have a weapon with 2 attachments: a grenade launcher and a retractable stock with transformation option to extend/retract it. I fire a few shots from the underbarrel grenade launcher and it gets its temperature high. Then I use transformation option to extend the stock (retracted retractable stock transforms into extended retractable stock). After this the temperature on the grenade launcher drops to 0. The same of course happens to attachments temperature if I would use transformation directly on the gun itself. I hope I've managed to explain this problem clearly.

Regarding this one, I did a temporary fix that seems to work for now. In Items.cpp every time when command is used to recreate items

OBJECTTYPE tempAttachment; CreateItem(iter->usItem, (*iter)[0]->data.objectStatus, &tempAttachment);

I changed this to

FLOAT barreltemperature = (*iter)[0]->data.bTemperature; OBJECTTYPE tempAttachment; CreateItem(iter->usItem, (*iter)[0]->data.objectStatus, &tempAttachment); (tempAttachment)[0]->data.bTemperature = barreltemperature;

It's a bit strange for default inseperable attachments that get recreated with its parent item status, I used the same template for temperature, though that meens every time attachments get recreated after transformation a built-in grenade launcher will get a temperature value of the gun's barrel. if(Item[Item[pObj->usItem].defaultattachments[cnt]].inseparable == 1){ FLOAT barreltemperature = (*pObj)[ubStatusIndex]->data.bTemperature; OBJECTTYPE defaultAttachment; CreateItem(Item [ pObj->usItem ].defaultattachments[cnt],(*pObj)[ubStatusIndex]->data.objectStatus,&defaultAttachment); (defaultAttachment)[0]->data.bTemperature = barreltemperature; AssertMsg(pObj->AttachObject(NULL,&defaultAttachment, FALSE, ubStatusIndex, -1, FALSE), "A default attachment could not be attached after merging, this should not be possible."); }

Hope this helps.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by anv on Sat, 29 Jun 2013 22:52:13 GMT

Page 169 of 585 ---- Generated from The Bears Pit View Forum Message <> Reply to Message 6169/1687 First MERC merc hired after launching the game arrives without equipment (no cost is added to MERC account, it's just treated if you've chosen "no" when asked if you want to buy equipment on hire).

Problem persists irregardless of merc and gear kit number.

Any MERC merc hired after first one work properly. Also loading game from before hiring him, or starting new game makes next merc work.

If "MERC_WEBSITE_IMMEDIATELY_AVAILABLE" is set to true, and you hire MERC as a first guy after starting a new campaign, he comes with only Enrico's letter.

Problem resets after relaunching the game, so even after you properly hire MERC merc with his equipment, save the game, restart the game and reload, next MERC guy will come without equipment.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by Buggler on Mon, 01 Jul 2013 03:12:58 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message anv6169/1687 First MERC merc hired after launching the game arrives without equipment (no cost is added to MERC account, it's just treated if you've chosen "no" when asked if you want to buy equipment on hire).

Fixed in r6176.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by Parkan on Mon, 01 Jul 2013 20:12:01 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message 6169 exe. Bug: Mercs light during movement still work if option is turned off.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by Flugente on Mon, 01 Jul 2013 20:58:30 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Toggling 'g' does not help?

Page 170 of 585 ---- Generated from The Bears Pit Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by Parkan on Mon, 01 Jul 2013 21:25:26 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Nope.It still works if it turned off.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by Elvis_A on Tue, 02 Jul 2013 10:08:23 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message SCI_Unstable_Revision_6148_on_GameDir_1682

1)Bug with "repair ->items" is still present (items word appear far away) on 1920x1080. 2) Screen constantly goes down when talking to NPCs, endind turn in combat etc, and you cannot move camera up. During combat camera freeze or goes down and you cannot use mouse or keys to move camera. Temporarily it is possible to move camera after using options menu or click on minimap

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by Parkan on Tue, 02 Jul 2013 19:22:31 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message E1vS

Screen constantly goes down when talking to NPCs, endind turn in combat etc, and you cannot move camera up. During combat camera freeze or goes down and you cannot use mouse or keys to move camera. Temporarily it is possible to move camera after using options menu or click on minimap

Such freezes can be occured on other resolutions but not often.Every resolution except standart(from 640*480 to 1024*780)can have such freezes.clicking on minimap if freeze occur-helps to remove such bug,but often using this became horrible things.I suggest to use 1280*960 not so minimal like 1920*1080 but such resolution very playble without such bug

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by Elvis_A on Fri, 05 Jul 2013 00:10:57 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message 1692 SVN 6187 exe

(I have only 11 mercs) 1) When trying to escort John and Mary, Mary does not join squad but

Page 171 of 585 ---- Generated from The Bears Pit John does. 2) Darren takes money but no boxer appears on the ring in San Mona.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by merc05 on Fri, 05 Jul 2013 11:31:09 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message r6187 on GameDir 1692

Tested and confirmed this: with the new option for civilians to drop all their equipment weapons that have a default attachment (like an integrated grenade launcher) are dropped without their default attachments with an empty slot instead.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by silversurfer on Fri, 05 Jul 2013 13:33:03 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message merc05r6187 on GameDir 1692

Tested and confirmed this: with the new option for civilians to drop all their equipment weapons that have a default attachment (like an integrated grenade launcher) are dropped without their default attachments with an empty slot instead.

I just tested this with Kingpin and his "Steyr AUG-A2". I found the error in the code and will fix it. Has nothing to do with "civilians drop all" btw. This would also happen with any other weapon drop.

However there is a requirement to reduce attachments at all:

"Enemies drop all" must be disabled. Otherwise attachments will never be reduced. I wonder if this is intended behaviour since we have this "ATTACHMENT_DROP_RATE" in the Ini. :confused:

So shall attachments be reduced according to the "ATTACHMENT_DROP_RATE" if "Enemies drop all" is on?

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by DepressivesBrot on Fri, 05 Jul 2013 13:35:23 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message The purpose of ADR is to reduce the insane amount of attachments you get with NAS and the conversion of internal to default attachments when you are running under drop all.

Page 172 of 585 ---- Generated from The Bears Pit Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by silversurfer on Fri, 05 Jul 2013 16:24:56 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message I understand the intention behind ADR but when "Enemies drop all" is active ADR is ignored completely.

One could say that "drop all" means all including all attachments but I think that this limits options for the player. If ADR was honoured even when "drop all" is active the player could say "I want all their gear but please not so many attachments." and set ADR to 20% for example. If he wants all the attachments too, he can set ADR to 100% and the game will behave like now with "drop all" active alone.

I'm not the one to make that decision so I will just fix the bug and hand the fix to Rowa.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by DepressivesBrot on Fri, 05 Jul 2013 17:24:47 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message ADR doesn't even make sense in limited drops, you'll never run into that crazy attachment overflow. And it used to work under DA, I remember I had to set it to 100 or find precision rifles with no optics and stuff like that.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by SharkD on Sat, 06 Jul 2013 04:07:55 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message I noticed this a while ago but haven't mentioned it so far.

The problem is that CTRL+L (Load Game) no longer works during militia or enemy turns. Sometimes it is faster to exit the game and restart than to wait until your own turn. It's very annoying IMO.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by silversurfer on Sat, 06 Jul 2013 08:06:17 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message I can't remember a time when this was any different. I always used Alt+X to exit because it was not possible to directly load a savegame. Taught me to be a little more careful in my advance.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by Elvis_A on Sat, 06 Jul 2013 11:07:57 GMT

Page 173 of 585 ---- Generated from The Bears Pit View Forum Message <> Reply to Message SharkDI noticed this a while ago but haven't mentioned it so far.

The problem is that CTRL+L (Load Game) no longer works during militia or enemy turns. Sometimes it is faster to exit the game and restart than to wait until your own turn. It's very annoying IMO.

Did you try to use Alt+L ?

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by Elvis_A on Sat, 06 Jul 2013 12:22:49 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message I have seen the bug when you try to attach incompatible attachment the game can crash or display weird things in sector and merc inventory

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by Gambigobilla on Sat, 06 Jul 2013 12:36:44 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message If you are in an endless loop after loading quicksave, using Alt+L again puts you another endless loop. IMO it was a lousy hackfix (rev4543), but some people love it because they think it's a fitting punishment for save-load spammers.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by merc05 on Sun, 07 Jul 2013 12:47:01 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message silversurfermerc05r6187 on GameDir 1692

Tested and confirmed this: with the new option for civilians to drop all their equipment weapons that have a default attachment (like an integrated grenade launcher) are dropped without their default attachments with an empty slot instead.

I just tested this with Kingpin and his "Steyr AUG-A2". I found the error in the code and will fix it. Has nothing to do with "civilians drop all" btw. This would also happen with any other weapon drop.

However there is a requirement to reduce attachments at all:

"Enemies drop all" must be disabled. Otherwise attachments will never be reduced. I wonder if this is intended behaviour since we have this "ATTACHMENT_DROP_RATE" in the Ini. :confused:

Page 174 of 585 ---- Generated from The Bears Pit So shall attachments be reduced according to the "ATTACHMENT_DROP_RATE" if "Enemies drop all" is on?

You're right. Seems I just noticed it because of trying to test out the civilians drop all . But the problem is still occuring in r6201 . It even occurs when I comment out the content of ReduceAttachmentsOnGunForNonPlayerChars in source code. I think it has something to do with default attachments being of an inseperable/replacable type. Scopes/sights seem to spawn.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by silversurfer on Sun, 07 Jul 2013 14:27:54 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Can you give me an example NPC where I can test this? I haven't had an opponent so far that was supposed to drop a weapon with an inseparable attachment.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by weidox on Sun, 07 Jul 2013 21:55:38 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Version 6077 on gamedir 1676. Trying to load .50 BMG ammo box into Barrett M82A2 crashes game.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by Gambigobilla on Sun, 07 Jul 2013 22:14:54 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message @weidox change magazine size to 11

Is this still happening?

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by merc05 on Sun, 07 Jul 2013 23:00:48 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message @silversurfer: Right now to test it out quickly I just added a guy via map editor to Omerta map and given him an AICW. I tried it with both a civilian and an enemy and indeed this occurs in both cases - the gun is dropped without the integral grenade launcher. Enemies drop all is checked.

Page 175 of 585 ---- Generated from The Bears Pit CIVILIANS_DROP_ALL is set to true. ADR is set to 100.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by SharkD on Mon, 08 Jul 2013 03:35:32 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message E1vSDid you try to use Alt+L ?

That works. It would be nice to be able to do both again though.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by silversurfer on Mon, 08 Jul 2013 09:26:46 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message merc05@silversurfer: Right now to test it out quickly I just added a guy via map editor to Omerta map and given him an AICW. I tried it with both a civilian and an enemy and indeed this occurs in both cases - the gun is dropped without the integral grenade launcher. Enemies drop all is checked. CIVILIANS_DROP_ALL is set to true. ADR is set to 100.

I added a AICW (item 605) on the Omerta A9 map and also gave one of the soldiers an AICW.

The freely placed AICW had the default grenade launcher (item 909).

The AICW on the soldier didn't even have a grenade launcher before he died. What's not there can't be dropped, right?

I think that this is a problem with the editor. When you place items in NPCs inventory they don't get some of the default attachments. This is bad because it means that after a bugfix for the editor the maps need to be updated with the new correct information.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by Elvis_A on Mon, 08 Jul 2013 21:53:48 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message 2 old bugs on svn 1692, 6187 exe

Bug with Orta location is still present i.e. after chat wtih General at Alma, history log updated but Orta does not appear on map. trigger group still can be attached to mini 14 causing game crash.

Page 176 of 585 ---- Generated from The Bears Pit Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by weidox on Tue, 09 Jul 2013 06:41:13 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Gambigobilla@weidox change magazine size to 11

Is this still happening?

Doesn't crash after change.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by SharkD on Thu, 11 Jul 2013 04:27:06 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message 6201/1698

NCTH enabled.

I have an M24 with a 10x scope. Magnification seems to be stuck at 3x. I can use the mousewheel to change the number of ticks when aiming, but the additional aim levels seem not to be taking effect.

Save game:

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by DepressivesBrot on Thu, 11 Jul 2013 05:23:14 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message That's likely just wrong interpretation. All the standard scopes are fixed power, what you are seeing is the effective magnification used in the calculation. Try shooting people at.longer range.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by Bambusar on Thu, 11 Jul 2013 11:36:22 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message In Chitzena only John joins the squad after you agree to escort them. Mary doesnt join. John has spy covert icon on.

More info and save file: ckages.html#Post322610

Page 177 of 585 ---- Generated from The Bears Pit Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by silversurfer on Thu, 11 Jul 2013 11:38:19 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Correct. The magnification factor that is displayed in the upper left corner of the NCTH cursor shows the magnification at target range. That means that if a target is 21 tiles away it is at 3x magnification (3x NORMAL_SHOOTING_DISTANCE / 10). For this range the best scope to use would be a 3x scope. The indicator is green if a scope is used at or beyond its designated range and turns red if used below its designated range. This will apply a penalty which can be quite big, especially for the higher power scopes. Don't use these for close quarter combat.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by SharkD on Thu, 11 Jul 2013 13:50:41 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Ok, thanks.


Well, my IMP is still not hitting worth shit even though he has a Marksmanship of ~85, plus the bonus for his Sniper trait.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by silversurfer on Thu, 11 Jul 2013 17:07:35 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message A 10x scope has a designated range of 10x (NORMAL_SHOOTING_DISTANCE / 10 * SCOPE_RANGE_MULTIPLIER). With the default of 70 for NORMAL_SHOOTING_DISTANCE that means 70 tiles! Certainly too much for the standard maps. The penalty for shooting at a target at 21 tiles range is 67 points which will ruin your CTH.

You can do a number of things to increase CTH with scopes.

1. Don't use a scope below designated range. I know that this is difficult on standard maps.

2. Decrease SCOPE_RANGE_MULTIPLIER. This will make the game "think" that your scope has a lower magnification when it comes to penalty calculation. I'm using a value of 0.7 at the moment which would cause the 10x scope to have a designated range of 49 tiles. That is still too much for the maps I play on so I stick with 7x (~34 tiles) and 8x (~39 tiles) scopes for my sniper rifles and 4x scopes for the ARs.

3. Change AIM_TOO_CLOSE_SCOPE. This is a multiplier used to calculate the penalty for using a scope below designated range. The default is -4.0. To have half the penalty set it to -2.0. You can't set it to something >0 because that would mean a bonus for using a scope below its

Page 178 of 585 ---- Generated from The Bears Pit designated range.

It is difficult to get used to NCTH when you are used to the headshot game that we had with OCTH but I must say that I like it. Mercs have been far to accurate with the old system. With NCTH I usually aim for the torso and get good results. The start was difficult however because I had to get close to the enemy and therefore risk to take some bullets but it was fun. edit: Btw. this is a screenshot that I took a few minutes ago. My expert sniper was aiming at an elite who was 39 tiles away. She uses a M21 with a 7x scope. The weapon was mounted on a table. Nice small aperture, isn't it?

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by SharkD on Fri, 12 Jul 2013 18:18:50 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message I've been save scumming every turn and still can't hit 50% of the time with any of my mercs (not just the sniper). Meanwhile redshirt soldiers are getting headshots with shotguns and pistols from several tiles away.

For instance, I had an auto expert with a FAMAS and 2x scope who couldn't hit the enemy from ~15 tiles.

I am giving up and going back to revision 4870.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by Gambigobilla on Fri, 12 Jul 2013 19:02:30 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message There is a hardcoded save-scumming cth penalty.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by Flugente on Sat, 13 Jul 2013 01:10:48 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message E1vS1692 SVN 6187 exe

(I have only 11 mercs) 1) When trying to escort John and Mary, Mary does not join squad but John does. 2) Darren takes money but no boxer appears on the ring in San Mona. 1) fixed with r6221.

Page 179 of 585 ---- Generated from The Bears Pit 2) Could not reproduce.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by Bambusar on Sat, 13 Jul 2013 09:19:12 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message E1vS Darren takes money but no boxer appears on the ring in San Mona.

Those fights are very bugged, make sure you save game before starting to talk to Darren. Always go in the ring from "front side". Pay attention where in the ring you click to jump in.

It can happen that as soon you hit other guy Darren will accuse you of cheating.

Sometimes after you get out of the ring Darren wont pay you if you are turned away from him. and you cant control where your soldier will be facing after you exit the ring.

Also sometimes I noticed that you cant take money from your bank account. Buttons are just grayed out. To fix that problem just exit the game and start it again.

In all three cases you have to reload the game form before ouy started talking to Darren.

Anyways for San Mona Extreme Fighting: Always make safe save game before starting the quest.

Another Tip: fight first day only twice, sou you can get more fights before Kingpin invites you to his house. Never kill any of the fighters, you wont be bale to fight them other days.

About NCTH: In my current game I have Steyr scout with 7x battle scope and it seems like it is working alright, I hit like 66% of shots from 15-25 tiles wit 90 marksmanship merc. What bothers me more are about 80% missed shots with handguns on 3-5 tiles with mid class mercs with about 60 marksmanship. And lots of missed shots using machine pistols and assault rifles without attachments on single shot mode. While double pistols for ambidextrous mercs are almost too precise.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by Flugente on Sat, 13 Jul 2013 10:40:10 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Bambusar Also sometimes I noticed that you cant take money from your bank account. Buttons are just

Page 180 of 585 ---- Generated from The Bears Pit grayed out. To fix that problem just exit the game and start it again. Try using different tabs in UDB. Extracting money is only possible with one.

You can fight 3 times the first time and still have more fights on other days.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by silversurfer on Sat, 13 Jul 2013 10:43:36 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message SharkDI've been save scumming every turn and still can't hit 50% of the time with any of my mercs (not just the sniper). Meanwhile redshirt soldiers are getting headshots with shotguns and pistols from several tiles away.

Sometimes they are very lucky but this happened for my mercs as well. I aimed at the torso but have scored a headshot instead. It just depends on the final bullet path.

Bambusar Sometimes after you get out of the ring Darren wont pay you if you are turned away from him. and you cant control where your soldier will be facing after you exit the ring.

Not sure but I think that Darren gives the money to the nearest merc. That's why I always pay with one merc that stays next to him and fight with another.

Bambusar Also sometimes I noticed that you cant take money from your bank account. Buttons are just grayed out. To fix that problem just exit the game and start it again.

No need to restart. Just switch to the "Desc." tab in the description box. Maybe the money box should be handled differently code-wise. edit: There is another problem with money. The display for "Current Money:" at the bottom is always empty. edit2: Fixed. - current balance is displayed again at the bottom of the UDB - UDB resets to Description tab when clicking on money or the deposit/withdraw money button

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by Bambusar on Sun, 14 Jul 2013 07:04:26 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message

Page 181 of 585 ---- Generated from The Bears Pit thx for fast responses

Meanwhile i did some new sprites for new gear with missing images

Fell free to put them to trunk if people like them: In 7z you have 11 files and directions where to copy each one. This was made from files taken from 6232/1704, newer versions will already have this in the trunk.

I will test them right away. This image is showing why I changed tileset icons of backpacks. Old one were IMO a big and looked unnatural in horizontal position (tileset and interface icons were the same). New ones are smaller and Diagonally placed for Backpacks and Vertically for smaller combat packs, so they are easy to distinguish. This is new and old Light knife interface/inventory sprite. Old one used same picture for Light knife and Combat Knife. New inventory sprite allows us to recognize them even if there isnt name below them.

If flashlight seems strange, this millitary flashlight is the one I used. I didnt choose version that can be attached to helmet since our Flashlight has quite high damage if thrown (18, 5). This one is heavier than helmet versions.

:laugh: Post or PM me (so we dont spam the thread unnecessarily) any other items you find missing or you think need to be redesigned.

Another bug with Escort John and Marry quest: JA_6221

Now you can recruit both of them but when you escort them to the Airfield in Drassen mission end dialogue is does not trigger. I tried leaving and entering B13 few times but no avail. Savefile: Screnshot:

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here!

Page 182 of 585 ---- Generated from The Bears Pit Posted by SharkD on Mon, 15 Jul 2013 06:37:31 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message 6201/1698 [edit] WildFire 6.06 maps

1. Somehow some of my mercs' weapons got switched from the Colt 9mm SMG to the AK-47. I'm pretty near the beginning of the game, and feel the AK-47 might be a bit overpowered. On the other hand, the SMGs had a lot of attachments that I wish I had now.

See the characters named Auto 1 and Auto 2. Save game:

2. I'm playing at Experienced difficulty. Drassen Airport was just attacked, and 40 veteran militia lost versus 18 red shirts. Is this normal? Red shirts used to lose pretty bad against veterans.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by silversurfer on Mon, 15 Jul 2013 19:31:36 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Ahem, is this a new feature?

This comes up when I try to access the M.E.R.C. web page. Could be related to the new "Hire Speck" feature. I didn't hire him nor was I aware that his website would vanish.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by Sam Hotte on Mon, 15 Jul 2013 20:09:03 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message IIRC this has been in vanilla that MERC website can disappear for a while (and comes back with a new merc available or such). Don't recall the exact circumstances, tho, like when this could happen, money paid/owed etc.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by silversurfer on Mon, 15 Jul 2013 20:39:20 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Ok, thank you. Never noticed this feature in the past. Bad for them that I can't pay my bills now.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by Clarkew on Tue, 16 Jul 2013 02:07:30 GMT

Page 183 of 585 ---- Generated from The Bears Pit View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Anyway to turn off Unique Enemy Names? It's defaulted to Unique Names off and Ranks on in the INI yet in game (svn 1704, Exe 6232) they still show up on red shirts and up. Am I missing a setting somewhere?


Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by Bambusar on Tue, 16 Jul 2013 06:13:38 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message @ClarkeW

Names are from

..\Jagged Alliance 2 Gold\Data-1.13\TableData\Profiles

This part of Ja2_Options.INI is responsible for that.

;------; Controls wether enemy soldiers/militiamen can use predefined profiles from TableData/Profiles. ; In the xml, one can specify name/bodytype/hair/skin/traits ; If selected, the game will select a newly created soldier's data from these profiles randomly ;------SOLDIER_PROFILES_ENEMY = TRUE SOLDIER_PROFILES_MILITIA = FALSE

Looks like this part of Ja2_Options.INI is overridden by ENEMY PROFILES.

;------; Turn this on, and the game uses individual enemy names (in tactical) defined in 'TableData\EnemyNames.xml'. ; If you set this to TRUE, then you have to set INDIVIDUAL_ENEMY_RANK = FALSE. ;------INDIVIDUAL_ENEMY_NAMES = FALSE

;------; Turn this on, and the game uses individual enemy names (in tactical) defined in 'TableData\EnemyRank.xml'. ; If you set this to TRUE, then you have to set INDIVIDUAL_ENEMY_NAMES = FALSE. ;------

Page 184 of 585 ---- Generated from The Bears Pit INDIVIDUAL_ENEMY_RANK = TRUE

Unrelated: lastest 1704/6232 is still missing # for 675 HK P7M8 handgun in Weapons.ini I dont think HK P7M8 has Accuracy 0 intentionally. 5 or 6 would be more suitable. Lowest of all weapons is sawed off shotgun with 3. .38 Special and U-94S UDAR have 4.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by wanne (aka RoWa21) on Tue, 16 Jul 2013 06:44:59 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Bambusar Unrelated: lastest 1704/6232 is still missing # for 675 HK P7M8 handgun in Weapons.ini I dont think HK P7M8 has Accuracy 0 intentionally. 5 or 6 would be more suitable. Lowest of all weapons is sawed off shotgun with 3. .38 Special and U-94S UDAR have 4.

Fixed, now it has accuracy 6.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by wolf00 on Tue, 16 Jul 2013 07:54:26 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message i check this later,in older svn install i see this bug:ammo belt 5.56 match 200, have image for caws ammo

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by Bambusar on Tue, 16 Jul 2013 08:42:35 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message 445 5.56x45mm Belt M 5.56x45mm Belt, Match 1

Page 185 of 585 ---- Generated from The Bears Pit is missing ###

### should be 245 if I am not wrong.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by wanne (aka RoWa21) on Tue, 16 Jul 2013 09:49:03 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Bambusar445 5.56x45mm Belt M 5.56x45mm Belt, Match 1 is missing ###

### should be 245 if I am not wrong.


Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by Clarkew on Tue, 16 Jul 2013 17:16:15 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Thanks Bambusar, that fixed it!

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by SharkD on Wed, 17 Jul 2013 11:37:34 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message 6201/1698, WF 6.06 maps

Movement bug. My merc was crawling and then got an infinite "not enough AP" spam message.

Save game:

Page 186 of 585 ---- Generated from The Bears Pit Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by merc05 on Wed, 17 Jul 2013 17:47:53 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message r6221 on GameDir 1703

Supposedly fixed in r6182, when playing a build with encyclopedia enabled and clicking on items tab in the encyclopedia menu the game crashes to desktop.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by wanne (aka RoWa21) on Wed, 17 Jul 2013 19:29:40 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Bambusarthx for fast responses

Meanwhile i did some new sprites for new gear with missing images

Fell free to put them to trunk if people like them: In 7z you have 11 files and directions where to copy each one. This was made from files taken from 6232/1704, newer versions will already have this in the trunk.

I will test them right away. This image is showing why I changed tileset icons of backpacks. Old one were IMO a big and looked unnatural in horizontal position (tileset and interface icons were the same). New ones are smaller and Diagonally placed for Backpacks and Vertically for smaller combat packs, so they are easy to distinguish. This is new and old Light knife interface/inventory sprite. Old one used same picture for Light knife and Combat Knife. New inventory sprite allows us to recognize them even if there isnt name below them.

If flashlight seems strange, this millitary flashlight is the one I used. I didnt choose version that can be attached to helmet since our Flashlight has quite high damage if thrown (18, 5). This one is heavier than helmet versions.

:laugh: Post or PM me (so we dont spam the thread unnecessarily) any other items you find

Page 187 of 585 ---- Generated from The Bears Pit missing or you think need to be redesigned.

Another bug with Escort John and Marry quest: JA_6221

Now you can recruit both of them but when you escort them to the Airfield in Drassen mission end dialogue is does not trigger. I tried leaving and entering B13 few times but no avail. Savefile: Screnshot:

Thanks Bambusar, I just committed the files to the 1.13 SVN GameDir.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by iklop on Thu, 18 Jul 2013 13:11:26 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Greetings :wave:

Is this the right place for reporting ?


I found missing M.E.R.C. Kit selections in AFS - though wil473 pointed out one of them is a Stock v113 issue: MausiSome item kits are missing for M.E.R.C. characters, namely - Walter Yuntz has no kit 5 - Gregory "Spooky" Block has only kit 5 (some clothes) wil473Wally's Kit 5 was missing a food item. For some reason there has to be something filled into the pocket slots for kits 2-5 to appear. This is not a problem in UC-1.13 as only kit 1 is used, but for this and DL-1.13 I've been using food items to make Kit 5 always appear.

I'll add gear selections to Spooky if he is now appearing in stock v1.13 M.E.R.C. I thought he was left off the roster for players to activate via XML editing as they saw fit.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by anv on Thu, 18 Jul 2013 23:53:17 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Bambusar Another bug with Escort John and Marry quest: JA_6221

Now you can recruit both of them but when you escort them to the Airfield in Drassen mission end

Page 188 of 585 ---- Generated from The Bears Pit dialogue is does not trigger. I tried leaving and entering B13 few times but no avail. Savefile: Screnshot:

Changing Overhead.lua elseif ( ProfileIdsSectorX == 13 and ProfileIdsSectorY == SectorY.MAP_ROW_B and ProfileIdbSectorZ == 0 ) then to elseif ( ( CheckNPCSectorBool( Profil.MARY, 13, SectorY.MAP_ROW_B, 0 ) == true ) or ( CheckNPCSectorBool( Profil.JOHN, 13, SectorY.MAP_ROW_B, 0 ) == true ) ) then seems to fix this. Apparently ProfileIdsSectorX, Y, Z aren't set to proper values.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by nhja2fan on Sat, 20 Jul 2013 18:17:07 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Using SCI_Unstable_Revision_6232_on_GameDir_1704 I noticed the following:

At the end of a battle (defense of Drassen center sector), a 9mm clip on the ground had 0 bullets.

Creating boxes or crates caused the game to spawn multiple boxes or crates with 0 bullets. Merging items does not get rid of the clip, boxes or crates.

Edit: A workaround is to delete the zero round clip. This seems to fix/avoid the problem.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by Parkan on Sat, 20 Jul 2013 19:07:01 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Using SCI_Unstable_Revision_6232_on_GameDir_1704 and still notice a some old bug that occurs from 4870 with bugfix update(or maybe from even older release): If player create a Imp char and after some time IMP char die,player remove that imp char from roster.If after that recreate same IMP char,that IMP char will be with doubled items in inventory(if there was 3 Clips-there after that will 6 Ammo clips,and so on)

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by anv on Sun, 21 Jul 2013 14:43:26 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message 6234/1709

Mercs turn into fast food maniacs. No, seriously. After saving and loading game, gear kit selections looks like:

Page 189 of 585 ---- Generated from The Bears Pit Same happens to MERC. Trying to hire someone: AIM - without equipment sends merc normally, with "buy equipment" - doesn't send merc or closes hiring window. Closing window manually clears all gear kits. MERC - without equipment sends merc normally, with - crashes game with "Unhandled exception" error.

Reselecting kit fixes displayed gear, but hiring merc with equipment still crashes game.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by nhja2fan on Sun, 21 Jul 2013 18:09:09 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Using SCI_Unstable_Revision_6232_on_GameDir_1704 I noticed the following:

Was training Militia in Cambria mine sector.

Performed defense of same sector, afterwards, going back to train militia, was charged another $750, even though the training was half complete.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by silversurfer on Sun, 21 Jul 2013 18:51:38 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message anv6234/1709

Trying to hire someone: AIM - without equipment sends merc normally, with "buy equipment" - doesn't send merc or closes hiring window. Closing window manually clears all gear kits. MERC - without equipment sends merc normally, with - crashes game with "Unhandled exception" error.

Reselecting kit fixes displayed gear, but hiring merc with equipment still crashes game.

I sent a fix to RoWa.

Unfortunately there is some broken data in the savegame which was caused by a previous bug. I was able to fix the bug itself but I can't fix the savegame.

The good thing is that you can still use the savegame with this fix. You just need to do the following:

AIM: 1. select the merc that you want to hire 2. select one of the kits. This will update the kit and make it work again.

Page 190 of 585 ---- Generated from The Bears Pit 3. hire the merc.

M.E.R.C: 1. select the merc that you want to hire 2. click on "Inv" to display the gear kits. 3. select one of the kits to make it update 4. hire the merc.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by wanne (aka RoWa21) on Sun, 21 Jul 2013 21:38:43 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message anvBambusar Another bug with Escort John and Marry quest: JA_6221

Now you can recruit both of them but when you escort them to the Airfield in Drassen mission end dialogue is does not trigger. I tried leaving and entering B13 few times but no avail. Savefile: Screnshot:

Changing Overhead.lua elseif ( ProfileIdsSectorX == 13 and ProfileIdsSectorY == SectorY.MAP_ROW_B and ProfileIdbSectorZ == 0 ) then to elseif ( ( CheckNPCSectorBool( Profil.MARY, 13, SectorY.MAP_ROW_B, 0 ) == true ) or ( CheckNPCSectorBool( Profil.JOHN, 13, SectorY.MAP_ROW_B, 0 ) == true ) ) then seems to fix this. Apparently ProfileIdsSectorX, Y, Z aren't set to proper values.


Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by wanne (aka RoWa21) on Sun, 21 Jul 2013 21:41:15 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message anv6234/1709

Mercs turn into fast food maniacs. No, seriously. After saving and loading game, gear kit selections looks like:

Same happens to MERC. Trying to hire someone: AIM - without equipment sends merc normally, with "buy equipment" - doesn't send merc or closes hiring window. Closing window manually clears all gear kits.

Page 191 of 585 ---- Generated from The Bears Pit MERC - without equipment sends merc normally, with - crashes game with "Unhandled exception" error.

Reselecting kit fixes displayed gear, but hiring merc with equipment still crashes game.

Fixed, thanks anv for reporting and silversurfer for fixing the bug

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by silversurfer on Mon, 22 Jul 2013 07:55:22 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message silversurfer Unfortunately there is some broken data in the savegame which was caused by a previous bug. I was able to fix the bug itself but I can't fix the savegame.

The good thing is that you can still use the savegame with this fix.

One thing just came to mind - there might be some side effects in using such a savegame. Profiles that you can't access through AIM or M.E.R.C. could still contain some invalid data. I ran into this bug with Hamous before the fix. He had lots of NADA items and several HK21s in his inventory. So I wonder what happened to the other profiles...

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by Elvis_A on Mon, 22 Jul 2013 16:40:45 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Thanks guys for fixing John/Mary bug.

I am going to test new version very soon. I hope save/load is not broken

About San Mona club bug - I did not know that killing boxer will cause a bug Bull is deadly on the ring

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by iklop on Mon, 22 Jul 2013 17:47:14 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Greetings :wave:

Pseudo-bug, tested with revisions 6023 and 6221: The animated *sti files, as well as the A.I.M. roster pictures (not the one in the biography, the one when viewing all mercs) of Monk and Shadow are hardcoded into the exe(?) and won't be overwritten by *sti files placed into the Faces folder.

Page 192 of 585 ---- Generated from The Bears Pit Any chance to make the exe (or whatever causes it) read the placed *sti files ?

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by Gambigobilla on Mon, 22 Jul 2013 19:16:21 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message The problem is you are putting your files at "data" folder which is the lowest priority on VFS and they get overruled by the "Data-1.13" folder. You are not even playing vanilla JA2 why are you using "data" folder? Put your files into the folder which mod you are playing. edit: if you insist on putting them into your "data" folder, you can alternatively delete 10.sti and 170.sti from "Data-1.13\faces"

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by iklop on Mon, 22 Jul 2013 19:53:01 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Please excuse me for not stating it: This is exactly the problem, after seeing that Monk and Shadow were not overwritten with the files from Data/faces, i placed the files to Data-1.13/faces as well. But the *sti files were still not used by the game.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by Gambigobilla on Mon, 22 Jul 2013 20:17:24 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Just tried it and it works perfectly. Are you sure that you are modifying \data-1.13\faces\10.sti and \data-1.13\faces\170.sti ? Also starting a new game is a must. There is probably a little oversight somewhere. Check everything carefully again.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by iklop on Mon, 22 Jul 2013 20:22:21 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Okay, will do, but tomorrow. Possible that i overlooked something, i was installing, reinstalling and testing quite a lot the last days and maybe lost track somewhere.

And thanks a lot for clarifying the VFS structure

Page 193 of 585 ---- Generated from The Bears Pit Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by Elvis_A on Mon, 22 Jul 2013 20:25:41 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message It is not really a bug but since you entered mercs from Ja 1 you need to change or add some info in the Alumni section

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by iklop on Tue, 23 Jul 2013 13:58:52 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Greetings :wave:

GambigobillaJust tried it and it works perfectly. Are you sure that you are modifying \data-1.13\faces\10.sti and \data-1.13\faces\170.sti ? Also starting a new game is a must. There is probably a little oversight somewhere. Check everything carefully again. Don't know what i'm doing wrong. Have 2 versions installed: 1) JA2 -> JA2 v113 6063, no mod, in both Data subfolders are the faces installed. Started new game, but still what i call "hardcoded" Monk+Shadow 2) JA2 -> JA2 v113 6221 -> AFS 4.47, in all 3 Data subfolders are the faces installed. Same than above.

E1vSIt is not really a bug but since you entered mercs from Ja 1 you need to change or add some info in the Alumni section What and where is the Alumni section ?

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by Sam Hotte on Tue, 23 Jul 2013 14:19:05 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message MausiWhat and where is the Alumni section ? In game, AIM Website, the pages where former members are listed in a Gallery.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by SharkD on Tue, 23 Jul 2013 20:27:42 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message I'm playing 6201/1698. Not sure if this is a bug, but loading times have increased dramatically since 4870. Especially when opening/closing a sector's inventory, or when starting or ending an "auto-resolve" battle between the militia and army.

I think the latter has to do with the new "Equip militia with guns/armour/etc." feature.

Page 194 of 585 ---- Generated from The Bears Pit Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by nhja2fan on Tue, 23 Jul 2013 23:37:19 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message 6232/1704

This problem has existed forever (pre 4870), but is still present.

In sector H10 (a cache), there will be an inaccessible Sniper Scope. Additional problems with the crates in the sector occur as well (can close/open multiple times to get multiple sets of items). The cause of this problem is in the map itself in that the Druganov does not accept a sniper scope. Either the sniper scope should be changed to a PSO-1/3, or the map load function should handle this error condition in a better fashion.

A quick workaround is to add the sniper scope as an acceptable attachment to the Druganov, then the map loads and operates properly.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by iklop on Wed, 24 Jul 2013 11:21:15 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Greetings :wave:

MausiPseudo-bug, tested with revisions 6023 and 6221: The animated *sti files, as well as the A.I.M. roster pictures (not the one in the biography, the one when viewing all mercs) of Monk and Shadow are hardcoded into the exe(?) and won't be overwritten by *sti files placed into the Faces folder.

Fresh install solved the problem :whoknows:

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by iklop on Wed, 24 Jul 2013 18:32:31 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Revision 6232 on Gamedir 1704: The Facesviewer.exe generates an error while starting and can't be executed properly.

Error message:

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by nhja2fan on Thu, 25 Jul 2013 07:10:27 GMT

Page 195 of 585 ---- Generated from The Bears Pit View Forum Message <> Reply to Message 6232/1704

Another problem that has been around forever, but is still present.

If an explosion knocks a merc to the ground (lying down), he/she may not return to be able to do anything (change stance/move/shoot) until turn based operation ends. Trying to make the merc perform an action results in the spinning clock cursor. The merc in question has APs and energy.

Possible contributing factor, more than one merc affected by he explosion.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by silversurfer on Thu, 25 Jul 2013 09:31:12 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message nhja2fan6232/1704

Another problem that has been around forever, but is still present.

If an explosion knocks a merc to the ground (lying down), he/she may not return to be able to do anything (change stance/move/shoot) until turn based operation ends. Trying to make the merc perform an action results in the spinning clock cursor. The merc in question has APs and energy.

Could you please upload the savegame + Inis somewhere? Best would be one savegame directly before and one after the explosion so I can check what happens when I try to do something with a merc.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by wanne (aka RoWa21) on Thu, 25 Jul 2013 12:52:19 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message MausiRevision 6232 on Gamedir 1704: The Facesviewer.exe generates an error while starting and can't be executed properly.

Error message:

Remove the write protection from your JA2 installation directory.

Page 196 of 585 ---- Generated from The Bears Pit Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by nhja2fan on Sun, 28 Jul 2013 08:44:18 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message @silversurfer, Sorry, I don't have the saves, if I come across it again, I'll make sure I have save games, and I'll PM you.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by SharkD on Mon, 29 Jul 2013 03:36:59 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message SharkDI'm playing 6201/1698. Not sure if this is a bug, but loading times have increased dramatically since 4870. Especially when opening/closing a sector's inventory, or when starting or ending an "auto-resolve" battle between the militia and army.

I think the latter has to do with the new "Equip militia with guns/armour/etc." feature. Also, my militia aren't using the weapons in sector inventory. Instead, they start off in each battle with no equipment, and only pick up stuff laying within reach on the ground. Militia is next to useless!

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by Parkan on Mon, 29 Jul 2013 10:02:02 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message militia Ai seems very stupid or tactical only few militia man can made moves or attack all other militia can do nothing and sit on their asses.if command them to spread out the spread and after that still do nothing on their during tactical battles when i command with my mercs-militia is useless.they become handy on autoresolve battles nothing more.

Maybe it is possible to add them i script with Search and kill during tactical combat?

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by iklop on Mon, 29 Jul 2013 14:59:07 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Greetings :wave:

RoWa21MausiRevision 6232 on Gamedir 1704: The Facesviewer.exe generates an error while starting and can't be executed properly.

Error message:

Page 197 of 585 ---- Generated from The Bears Pit Remove the write protection from your JA2 installation directory. Thanks a lot

However now i'm curious how this happened. When creating new folders i don't set write protection, windows (at least usually/as far as i know) also doesn't. And i do install in a mod-friendly folder :whoknows: silversurfernhja2fan6232/1704

Another problem that has been around forever, but is still present.

If an explosion knocks a merc to the ground (lying down), he/she may not return to be able to do anything (change stance/move/shoot) until turn based operation ends. Trying to make the merc perform an action results in the spinning clock cursor. The merc in question has APs and energy.

Could you please upload the savegame + Inis somewhere? Best would be one savegame directly before and one after the explosion so I can check what happens when I try to do something with a merc.

Same game revision: is it really a bug or is it simply "all energy drained" ? I had the same with explosives on one instance, and on a different with H2H hits. The merc couldn't do anything, because energy was drained and didn't recover for a very long time (something like 10-20 turns, don't remember exactly). Outside of turn-based energy recovers quicker than during turn-based.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by Sam Hotte on Mon, 29 Jul 2013 15:08:30 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message MausiHowever now i'm curious how this happened. When creating new folders i don't set write protection, windows (at least usually/as far as i know) also doesn't. And i do install in a mod-friendly folder :whoknows: Sometimes a file/folder being copied from a write protected source (e.g. CD) keeps this attribute when copied elsewhere. So maybe the file to be written to is from your vanilla install CD or has been protected in Depri's SCI or some such.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by iklop on Mon, 29 Jul 2013 15:56:15 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Sam_HotteMausiHowever now i'm curious how this happened. When creating new folders i don't

Page 198 of 585 ---- Generated from The Bears Pit set write protection, windows (at least usually/as far as i know) also doesn't. And i do install in a mod-friendly folder :whoknows: Sometimes a file/folder being copied from a write protected source (e.g. CD) keeps this attribute when copied elsewhere. So maybe the file to be written to is from your vanilla install CD or has been protected in Depri's SCI or some such. Hm. I made a JA2 installation and simply copy that for fresh v1.13 installations. A necessity that arose quickly last week, thus i simply blame the SCI :whoknows:

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by Flugente on Mon, 29 Jul 2013 17:35:48 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message SharkDI'm playing 6201/1698. Not sure if this is a bug, but loading times have increased dramatically since 4870. Especially when opening/closing a sector's inventory, or when starting or ending an "auto-resolve" battle between the militia and army.

I think the latter has to do with the new "Equip militia with guns/armour/etc." feature.Yes it has. With good reason, as we have to loop over the entier inventory 3 times for every militia we create. That includes auto resolve.

A bug causing them to forget equipment was fixed recently, you should probably update.

Parkanmilitia Ai seems very stupid or tactical only few militia man can made moves or attack all other militia can do nothing and sit on their asses.if command them to spread out the spread and after that still do nothing on their during tactical battles when i command with my mercs-militia is useless.they become handy on autoresolve battles nothing more.Militia are as dumb or smart as they always were. They use the same AI as the enemy, nothing has changed there.

ParkanMaybe it is possible to add them i script with Search and kill during tactical combat?No.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by Parkan on Mon, 29 Jul 2013 19:27:42 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Almost all my battle with milita goes like: my merc defending,and only few militia made some actions, other milita siting and do nothing.sometimes during defences or attacks from 20 unit of militia only 5-6 can act other sitting and dying.Tryed to command to them-not big work for need some fixes really.or add them command serach and kill?because no commands work besides-spread out,get cover,lay down,and retrat perhaps(never used it so)

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here!

Page 199 of 585 ---- Generated from The Bears Pit Posted by Flugente on Mon, 29 Jul 2013 19:30:32 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Well... do they have weapons? Are they in a position where they can actually see the enemy?

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by Parkan on Mon, 29 Jul 2013 19:38:28 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message They have weapons.they have all,they not doing thing that needed.Tha'ts all.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by Flugente on Mon, 29 Jul 2013 19:43:43 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Then please state the exe revision you are using, and post a savegame and your Ja2_Options.ini.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by Parkan on Mon, 29 Jul 2013 19:54:44 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message okey,but i am playing in UC right now.and such glitches i have very long time even in 4870 revision.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by Flugente on Mon, 29 Jul 2013 19:56:20 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message 4870 is old. I don't do any maintenance for ancient code. If this is not in current unstables, I am not interested. Same for any mods. I won't install mods just to find bugs.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by Bambusar on Mon, 29 Jul 2013 20:00:13 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message try to position them (by calling them to you with merc wearing headphones) near the side of the map where enemies will enter the map in my experience they always all fight, if they dont have weapons they try hand to hand combat only problem i se is that they shoot over heads of friendlies way to often so if you place them

Page 200 of 585 ---- Generated from The Bears Pit close together they tend to shoot each other in the back while aiming to at the enemies i have no idea what could be the reason for not doing anything at all and just staying put in options ini file you can try to set

WE_SEE_WHAT_MILITIA_SEES_AND_VICE_VERSA = TRUE and restart the game, maybe that would help a bit

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by Parkan on Mon, 29 Jul 2013 20:18:24 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Flugente4870 is old. I don't do any maintenance for ancient code. If this is not in current unstables, I am not interested. Same for any mods. I won't install mods just to find bugs.

I understand that.I will proved all what you need for 1.13 stock mod when i get to it.about 4870 i said that such bug appeared in 4870 too and in unstable often appears on my playthroughs

WE_SEE_WHAT_MILITIA_SEES_AND_VICE_VERSA = TRUE it always set to true adn influences only on player vision of milita

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by Randok on Tue, 30 Jul 2013 09:42:47 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message JA+SCI_Unstable_Revision_6258_on_GameDir_1715 When it is enabled NCTH, shooting does not work, for example: grass, wall, tree, etc. That is, there is no sound, no fewer bullets.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by silversurfer on Tue, 30 Jul 2013 14:20:32 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message RandokJA+SCI_Unstable_Revision_6258_on_GameDir_1715 When it is enabled NCTH, shooting does not work, for example: grass, wall, tree, etc. That is, there is no sound, no fewer bullets.

The parameter "WEAPON_SOUND_EFFECTS_VOLUME" is set to 0 in the current

Page 201 of 585 ---- Generated from The Bears Pit Ja2_Options.ini. Try resetting it to 50 and see if it helps.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by Randok on Tue, 30 Jul 2013 14:53:39 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Quote:The parameter "WEAPON_SOUND_EFFECTS_VOLUME" is set to 0 in the current Ja2_Options.ini. Try resetting it to 50 and see if it helps. - Nothing When I shoot the enemy everything is fine ( sound, fewer bullets ). When I shoot at the ground, wall, etc. .. (no sound, no fewer bullets). This situation is when there is no fight.

When a player's turn, and I'm trying to shoot into the ground is CDT.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by silversurfer on Tue, 30 Jul 2013 16:33:14 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Careful people. Revision 6258 breaks savegame compatibility.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by Flugente on Tue, 30 Jul 2013 17:45:54 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Currently fixing that.

*Note to code contributors: If a struct you want to add stuff to has something likeUINT8 bPadding[ 86 ];, then you should use that.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by Strohmann on Tue, 30 Jul 2013 18:23:58 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Revison 1715 with 6258 exe When hiring someone from M.E.R.C. the gear cost doesn't get substracted from the account. A.I.M. does work in this regard. The order of the biographies of the 3 new natives is wrong. On a weapon an removeable attachment A, and an attachment B with the flag 2

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by Flugente on Tue, 30 Jul 2013 18:26:13 GMT

Page 202 of 585 ---- Generated from The Bears Pit View Forum Message <> Reply to Message r6260 restores savegame compatibility and fixes a few code issues. It's incompatible to 6258, but few people should have that anyway.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by Flugente on Tue, 30 Jul 2013 18:40:26 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Randok is fully correct. When using NCTH and not firing at a soldier, the NCTH calculation throws an error. Fixed in r6261.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by Randok on Tue, 30 Jul 2013 18:47:14 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Thank you

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by JMich on Tue, 30 Jul 2013 19:30:22 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Strohmann When hiring someone from M.E.R.C. the gear cost doesn't get substracted from the account. A.I.M. does work in this regard. Intentional. M.E.R.C. doesn't get any money in advance, they take it when you settle your tab.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by SharkD on Tue, 30 Jul 2013 20:43:07 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Flugenter6260 restores savegame compatibility and fixes a few code issues. It's incompatible to 6258, but few people should have that anyway. Will 6201 savegames work with it?

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by silversurfer on Tue, 30 Jul 2013 20:46:45 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message FlugenteRandok is fully correct. When using NCTH and not firing at a soldier, the NCTH calculation throws an error. Fixed in r6261.

Page 203 of 585 ---- Generated from The Bears Pit Thanks for fixing that (actually my fault ). When I moved that agile/experienced check out of the height difference check I overlooked that little pTarget detail...

StrohmannItems.xml: Setting PercentReloadTimeAPReduction to negative values does only work if it's present on an attachment, just on a weapon doesn't work.

Oh yes and that's not the only tag that isn't working on the gun. Fixing...

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by Flugente on Tue, 30 Jul 2013 20:46:50 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message It should, unless your 6201 exe was built with odd builddefines. Depri's SCI should be ok.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by Strohmann on Tue, 30 Jul 2013 21:08:13 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Quote:Strohmann Items.xml: In a exchange with silversurfer he said the tooltip for is wrong, positive values act as a penalty, not a bonus.Do we fix the description or the code in this case? I have no idea how many modders use this tag. I vote for just the tooltip, as handling is a similar case where positive values don't mean bonuses.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by DepressivesBrot on Tue, 30 Jul 2013 21:24:58 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message silversurferStrohmannItems.xml: In a exchange with silversurfer he said the tooltip for is wrong, positive values act as a penalty, not a bonus.

Do we fix the description or the code in this case? I have no idea how many modders use this tag.Per default, assume that wil uses, abuses and misuses any tag extensively.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by jerry18 on Sat, 03 Aug 2013 20:23:18 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message JA2+SCI_Unstable_Revision_6263_on_GameDir_1718 = the game is completely without all voices/sounds/music.

Page 204 of 585 ---- Generated from The Bears Pit I could not use previous revision = 6258 because of savegame compatibility, so for me the last working rev. is 6239.

Changing of "WEAPON_SOUND_EFFECTS_VOLUME" parameter change nothing.

EDIT: Solved - this was problem of multiple copies of JA2 = some of them were without sound.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by Flugente on Sat, 03 Aug 2013 21:14:37 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message In the current trunk, MERC_WEBSITE_ALL_MERCS_AVAILABLE does not work correctly. I updated from an older savegame, and now mercs that were previously hirable no longer have their webpage displayed. I suspect this has something to do with the recent Speck/JA1 guide business. Please fix.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by silversurfer on Sun, 04 Aug 2013 07:15:42 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message FlugenteIn the current trunk, MERC_WEBSITE_ALL_MERCS_AVAILABLE does not work correctly. I updated from an older savegame, and now mercs that were previously hirable no longer have their webpage displayed. I suspect this has something to do with the recent Speck/JA1 guide business. Please fix.

Do you have a savegame and Inis to test this? Unfortunately I have only current saves and these already have John and the natives.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by Flugente on Sun, 04 Aug 2013 09:49:07 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Not really. I am playing with my mod, into which I frequently merge the trunk.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by silversurfer on Sun, 04 Aug 2013 12:41:44 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Quickly looking at the code it seems that availability is initially handled in mercs.cpp function GameInitMercs(). This is fine for a new game. However, availability is also stored in the savegame and as long as a merc did not exist when creating the savegame there is no info on his availability.

Page 205 of 585 ---- Generated from The Bears Pit SaveNewMercsToSaveGameFile( HWFILE hFile ) is the function to save the data to the savegame. LoadNewMercsFromLoadGameFile( HWFILE hFile ) is the function to load it. gConditionsForMercAvailability is the array which stores the data. Could be something wrong with it because John Kulba and the natives were inserted after its initialization? It contains the profile ID so every member should be unique but this array is probably the best starting point for the search.

Without a problematic savegame it is hard to debug where something goes wrong.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by Buggler on Mon, 05 Aug 2013 05:58:00 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message FlugenteIn the current trunk, MERC_WEBSITE_ALL_MERCS_AVAILABLE does not work correctly. I updated from an older savegame, and now mercs that were previously hirable no longer have their webpage displayed. I suspect this has something to do with the recent Speck/JA1 guide business. Please fix. Use this testsave.


Started game on Depri's 6239 and bugged on 6263. Last 1/3 merc pages are repeated merc profiles.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by silversurfer on Mon, 05 Aug 2013 09:22:54 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Thanks Buggler. This helped to catch the problem. The bug was introduced in rev. 6258 with function GetAvailableMercIndex(UINT8 gubCurMercIndex). This function is supposed to return the uiIndex of the merc for display. Unfortunately it never hits for all the new mercs that were not present in the savegame because their availability is set FALSE, so the function returns an ID that is incorrect.

I don't know why this new function was introduced instead of using the existing GetMercIDFromMERCArray(UINT8 ubMercID) function. I'll try to figure it out and get in touch with anv.

Page 206 of 585 ---- Generated from The Bears Pit Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by silversurfer on Mon, 05 Aug 2013 12:21:21 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message After replacing the new GetAvailableMercIndex(UINT8 gubCurMercIndex) function with the old one I get the correct mercs displayed again. Problem is that still our availability info is incorrect in gConditionsForMercAvailability and there are mercs displayed that shouldn't be displayed.

During game initialization the parameter LaptopSaveInfo.gubLastMercIndex is set to the array index of the last available merc. In my test with MERC_WEBSITE_ALL_MERCS_AVAILABLE = TRUE this parameter was set to 40 (that's all the mercs including natives but without Speck and Kulba).

Now I loaded the old savegame from Buggler which has LaptopSaveInfo.gubLastMercIndex set to 42. So the game says "Look, we have 43 mercs available for the M.E.R.C. website! " and now I'm able to see all mercs including Speck and John Kulba whom I haven't even rescued yet...

Actually there is tons of more problems than that... The game is not designed to load additional mercs while mid game and it also doesn't like switching MERC_WEBSITE_ALL_MERCS_AVAILABLE on and off mid game so don't ever do that!

This problem is a little over my head. I don't even know where to start fixing. GameInitMercs? LoadSavedGame? Merc Website Display? Handling of MERC_WEBSITE_ALL_MERCS_AVAILABLE? :hmm: :roulette:

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by Gambigobilla on Mon, 05 Aug 2013 12:36:24 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Why not just make duplicates of Speck and John Kulba? Although that would make it possible to rescue John with himself. Maybe make an exception for John and Speck so they are excluded from MERC_WEBSITE_ALL_MERCS_AVAILABLE=TRUE

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by Buggler on Mon, 05 Aug 2013 13:19:30 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message silversurferNow I loaded the old savegame from Buggler which has LaptopSaveInfo.gubLastMercIndex set to 42. So the game says "Look, we have 43 mercs available for the M.E.R.C. website! " and now I'm able to see all mercs including Speck and John Kulba whom I haven't even rescued yet... Uploaded savegame was started on the "pre-Speck/John" sourcecode & latest (post-Speck/John) GameData which maybe the cause.

Page 207 of 585 ---- Generated from The Bears Pit Maybe should test run with a pure "pre-Speck/John" savegame to confirm... Apologies for any unintended headaches.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by silversurfer on Mon, 05 Aug 2013 13:35:08 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Well, Speck and John are not the only problem. The real problem lies somewhere else. There is two tags in MercAvailability.xml which are supposed to be used for merc availability:

Unfortunately they are not used and updated properly to form the list of mercs. If they were used correctly it wouldn't matter if you add a merc or switch MERC_WEBSITE_ALL_MERCS_AVAILABLE=TRUE mid game. The game would have valid data available and work just fine.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by Parkan on Tue, 06 Aug 2013 10:44:51 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Found strange bug.In ja2_option.ini there is an option-Enchanced close combat.If it turned on-it allows to strip out all items from enemy,and if this option turned off-it still allowed to strip down all items from enemy.Strange thing,really.using SCI with 6263 version of exe.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by Uriens on Tue, 06 Aug 2013 12:01:27 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message JA2 exe version 6263. JA2 svn version 1720.

When using CTRL+left arrow or right arrow keys to change merc position in a squad, merc pictures get messed up if the selected merc is in position 7 or above (need to have squads of 8 or 10 enabled for this, of course). If you try to move merc in position 6 or lower, it seems to work fine.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by silversurfer on Tue, 06 Aug 2013 15:27:31 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message What exactly do you mean by "messed up"? I have a team of 10 mercs and I can move whatever

Page 208 of 585 ---- Generated from The Bears Pit merc between positions 1 to 10 just fine. Can you please explain further and maybe post a screenshot?

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by Flugente on Tue, 06 Aug 2013 21:31:44 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message @silversurfer: Regarding the MERC website error... I take it the error only happens when one uses 'pre-John' savegames with 'post-John' exes... but its ok when one starts a new game now? That would make it less dramatic.

Would it perhaps be possible to add a flagmask to the merc website data entries, and add a new tag 'special availability conditions'? The way I understood was that John .and Speck have special recruitment conditions. Hardcoding stuff depending on dynamic xml entries is bad, but perhaps this could be eased? As in, the ini option for all available behaves like it used to, except for those with that special tag. Also, is there a reason new entries aren't added to the end of that xml?

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by silversurfer on Wed, 07 Aug 2013 09:32:41 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Now that you mention it, I have no idea why the natives have been inserted in the middle of the XML. That was a bad idea indeed.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by Uriens on Wed, 07 Aug 2013 10:02:45 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message I'd love to post a screenie, but at the moment I can't seem to be able to recreate it. It happened at the very start of the game when I dropped in Omerta and tactical combat started. I had Scully move from position 10 to the left and his picture changed to the Wolf's. My female IMP even got black picture instead of the normal one. Some other mercs also switched pictures as I was moving Scully around but only to those on 7-9 positions were affected. Positions 1-6 seemed unaffected. I had to reload game in order to get pictures back to normal.

However, right now in Drassen I tried moving people around and it seems to work fine with no pictures swap problems. I'll try that again when I get in tac combat, it may be related to that.

Edit: Nope, in tac combat seems to work fine too. I'm not sure what caused it first time. If I ran into a bug again I'll post it, but at the moment it seems to work fine.

Page 209 of 585 ---- Generated from The Bears Pit Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by silversurfer on Wed, 07 Aug 2013 11:20:59 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Uriens However, right now in Drassen I tried moving people around and it seems to work fine with no pictures swap problems. I'll try that again when I get in tac combat, it may be related to that.

Edit: Nope, in tac combat seems to work fine too. I'm not sure what caused it first time. If I ran into a bug again I'll post it, but at the moment it seems to work fine. Good to hear that.

Flugente Also, is there a reason new entries aren't added to the end of that xml? I think I know now why the natives have been inserted in the middle of the XML. Each merc has a tag and a tag which defines when he should become available. The natives just fit in that spot. For normal mercs when conditions for (the amount of money paid to M.E.R.C) and (number of days passed) are met a new event will be added and the merc will become available.

But the whole concept of merc availability is a bit problematic. All mercs from MercAvailability.xml are loaded into the array gConditionsForMercAvailability. This feeds gubMercArray and also affects LaptopSaveInfo.gubLastMercIndex which is the index of the last merc that should be displayed on the M.E.R.C website. LaptopSaveInfo.gubLastMercIndex will be increased as new mercs become available over time. When mercs are added within the list the concept is bound to go *booom*. :bomb: example merc list at the time the game was saved:

[0]merc1 [1]merc2 [2]merc3 [3]merc4 [4]merc5 [5]merc6

LaptopSaveInfo.gubLastMercIndex is at 5. Now somebody inserts merc7 into MercAvailability.xml. We load our savegame and get this:

[0]merc1 [1]merc2 [2]merc3 [3]merc7 [4]merc4 [5]merc5 [6]merc6

LaptopSaveInfo.gubLastMercIndex is still at 5. Sorry merc6, we will miss you. :whythis:

Page 210 of 585 ---- Generated from The Bears Pit I have no idea how to fix this. So that also means no new reevaluate function because I simply have no data in the savegame to evaluate. The LaptopSaveInfo.gubLastMercIndex is the only thing that I could use but that doesn't tell me which mercs were available when the game was saved. :rant2:

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by wanne (aka RoWa21) on Wed, 07 Aug 2013 12:36:25 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message silversurferNow that you mention it, I have no idea why the natives have been inserted in the middle of the XML. That was a bad idea indeed.

If it helps, we can move the entries of John Kulba and the 3 Natives to the end of the XML file. I don't see any reason, why anv moved them inside the xml and not to the end. So feel free to move them at the end if you need. silversurfer I think I know now why the natives have been inserted in the middle of the XML. Each merc has a tag and a tag which defines when he should become available. The natives just fit in that spot. For normal mercs when conditions for (the amount of money paid to M.E.R.C) and (number of days passed) are met a new event will be added and the merc will become available.

In source code revision 6258 there was a source code change by anv, regarding the unlocking of mercs from MercAvailability.xml. I put that in the SVN history:

"Improvement: MERC mercs get unlocked according to their own availability conditions, not to their order in MercAvailability.xml"

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by silversurfer on Wed, 07 Aug 2013 14:33:21 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message RoWa21 If it helps, we can move the entries of John Kulba and the 3 Natives to the end of the XML file. I don't see any reason, why anv moved them inside the xml and not to the end. So feel free to move them at the end if you need.

That won't help. Those merc arrays work like this:

Page 211 of 585 ---- Generated from The Bears Pit Lowest index numbers are the mercs that are available from the start. Increasing index means increasing requirements for availability. LaptopSaveInfo.gubLastMercIndex points to the index in the array up to that mercs have been enabled for the M.E.R.C website. They need to be in order. example: [0]merc1 day 0 money 0 [1]merc2 day 0 money 0 [2]merc3 day 2 money 100 [3]merc4 day 2 money 100 [4]merc5 day 2 money 100 [5]merc6 day 5 money 500 ...

At day 0 we will have merc 1 and merc2 available and LaptopSaveInfo.gubLastMercIndex will be 1. After day 2 and 100 dollars we get three additional mercs and LaptopSaveInfo.gubLastMercIndex will be set to 4. If you move merc3, 4 and 5 below merc6 you will get this:

[0]merc1 day 0 money 0 [1]merc2 day 0 money 0 [2]merc6 day 5 money 500 [3]merc3 day 2 money 100 [4]merc4 day 2 money 100 [5]merc5 day 2 money 100

With this order on day 2 the game will increase LaptopSaveInfo.gubLastMercIndex from 1 to 4 because there are three mercs which should become available. Now what chaos do we have? Merc6 is available although he should be unlocked on day 5 and merc5 will not be available although he is supposed to be unlocked.

This is a design problem and there are only two solutions that I can think of at the moment:

1. Don't ever change MercAvailability.xml mid game and keep the correct sort order. Well, this is not really a solution because it doesn't solve the problem with special availability options. Just imagine that we have another merc below John Kulba that is supposed to be unlocked at day x and that day has come. LaptopSaveInfo.gubLastMercIndex is increased by one and BINGO - say "Hello" to Mr. John Kulba instead! :wave:

2. Redesign the whole merc availability handling.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by Flugente on Wed, 07 Aug 2013 18:18:37 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message

Page 212 of 585 ---- Generated from The Bears Pit Also related to the new mercs:

When you have any of the natives hired, one can no longer shop from shopkeepers. When opening the buy/repair/whatever menu, the game builds a list of all their 33faces. As the natives do not have such faces, the game receives an error and aborts opening the menu.

Fix will be easy: simply add those pictures.

Morale of the story: When adding new faces, add all faces, not just some.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by pheloncab on Thu, 08 Aug 2013 01:19:20 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message As a non programmer i'm not sure how much adjusting this array issue really will require math/formulae wise.. What I was wondering was if you could add a binary state to the array so it would be merc day # $$ true/false

Set normal mercs to all be true, the specials are false at creation, then the special item happens it changes this flag to true. then your merc availability would be adding a check on the flag before displaying the possible mercs for you to hire.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by silversurfer on Thu, 08 Aug 2013 08:17:12 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message pheloncabAs a non programmer i'm not sure how much adjusting this array issue really will require math/formulae wise.. What I was wondering was if you could add a binary state to the array so it would be merc day # $$ true/false

We already have this flag. It's the tag in MercAvailability.xml. When this is set the merc is available from the start. The game sets this as well when a merc becomes available over time because of days, money or (now) other circumstances (John rescued). is part of the gConditionsForMercAvailability array which is saved in the savegame. Hey, wait a minute! One of the problems is right there!

Our gubMercArray (the list of mercs for the M.E.R.C website) is populated directly by gConditionsForMercAvailability in function GameInitMercs(). This is done before the savegame is loaded and therefore it only has the current default data which doesn't necessarily match our savegame data. :thinkerg: So gubMercArray has a different list of mercs than gConditionsForMercAvailability that we loaded from the savegame. This would explain Flugentes problem that after 6258 (and its GameDir) there

Page 213 of 585 ---- Generated from The Bears Pit were different mercs available than before. I think that this can be fixed easily. silversurferThe bug was introduced in rev. 6258 with function GetAvailableMercIndex(UINT8 gubCurMercIndex). This function is supposed to return the uiIndex of the merc for display. Unfortunately it never hits for all the new mercs that were not present in the savegame because their availability is set FALSE, so the function returns an ID that is incorrect.

I don't know why this new function was introduced instead of using the existing GetMercIDFromMERCArray(UINT8 ubMercID) function. I'll try to figure it out and get in touch with anv. Now it is also clearer why anv changed that function to select available mercs. Before it was not checked if a merc had its set TRUE. So it is actually a good thing that anv created this new function. It will probably not work correctly with savegames created before 6258 but it should work fine with newer ones.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by silversurfer on Thu, 08 Aug 2013 18:07:42 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Ok, I think that I fixed part of the problems with merc availability for older savegames.

The game now takes the array gConditionsForMercAvailability from the savegame and uses this to re-populate the list of mercs for the M.E.R.C website (gubMercArray). Mercs that were unlocked (flag StartMercsAvailable == TRUE) stay unlocked. If you happen to have a savegame where this flag was never set correctly for any of the mercs and you want to be able to recruit them there is a workaround available. If you set MERC_WEBSITE_ALL_MERCS_AVAILABLE = TRUE in Ja2_Options.ini all mercs are unlocked. This was not possible in the past but now it is.

There is one drawback with this fix. It's not possible to add or change M.E.R.C mercs mid game. Well, actually not much difference from the past (as we have learned). The array from the savegame always takes precedence. If someone wants to improve the new function please do so.

The new function is located here:

Laptop\mercs.cpp void RevaluateMercArray()

It's not in the current trunk and I wonder if it should be tested a little more. Flugente, could you please test it with your broken savegame? If you like the fix you can commit it to SVN later. Of course anybody else is welcome to test it too.

Here is the patch file: *removed*

Page 214 of 585 ---- Generated from The Bears Pit Bug is fixed in revision 6278.

Btw. I was able to fix Bugglers test savegame with the new code. It was started with MERC_WEBSITE_ALL_MERCS_AVAILABLE = TRUE and somehow had a merc counter of 43. The list and counter were fixed by the new function which left 41 mercs available like it is supposed to be. So I'm quite please with the result.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by Flugente on Thu, 08 Aug 2013 20:00:39 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Merged it into my mod, and it seems to work just fine. Will test a bit more and then commit, thank you!

For the record: will this allow randomly inserting new mercs in the middle of the array in the future, or should modders still avoid that?

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by silversurfer on Thu, 08 Aug 2013 20:26:02 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Flugente For the record: will this allow randomly inserting new mercs in the middle of the array in the future, or should modders still avoid that? The problem is that any merc that is not present in the savegame will not be made available with the new function because he is not in the gConditionsForMercAvailability array that is read from the savegame. This means that a modder could insert some merc anywhere but you will need to start a new game to be able to recruit him.

If someone could expand the new function and provide a solution to dynamically update the gConditionsForMercAvailability array from the savegame with the data from MercAvailability.xml it would be great because it would allow to add mercs mid game.

Remember what I did in function LoadSavedMercProfiles( ... ) in SaveLoadGame.cpp to add new merc profiles mid game? This is somewhat obsolete now. New merc profiles will still be imported but since their availability is not updated they won't show up on the M.E.R.C website. Would be cool if someone could change that.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by Flugente on Thu, 08 Aug 2013 21:06:33 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Committed in r6278.

Page 215 of 585 ---- Generated from The Bears Pit Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by Seven. on Fri, 09 Aug 2013 15:30:20 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Using CTRL+ in tactical breaks the game ( when i try to sort mercs faces in tactical). Latest SVN + 6279.exe No mods, all default ini.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by silversurfer on Fri, 09 Aug 2013 16:20:03 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message SevenfmUsing CTRL+ in tactical breaks the game ( when i try to sort mercs faces in tactical). Latest SVN + 6279.exe Windows 7 No mods, all default ini.

What does "breaks the game" mean? Does it crash? Do your mercs vanish? Does Deidranna commit suicide?

The feature works fine on my machine except for one condition that I noticed a moment ago. If someone is talking when I try to do the swap the game crashes. Is your report about this issue?

I implemented a check for the talking condition now so the game will refuse to swap mercs as long as someone is talking. Until the fix is committed please refrain from swapping mercs as long as there is active dialogue/monologue.

If you are talking about a different problem please clarify so I know what I need to look for.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by Seven. on Fri, 09 Aug 2013 16:36:54 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message silversurfer: I tested again, and you are right - this happens only with "speaking" mercs, as you said. Just didn't know that you are working on fixing it already

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here!

Page 216 of 585 ---- Generated from The Bears Pit Posted by silversurfer on Fri, 09 Aug 2013 16:43:58 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message I wasn't working on it.

I was just testing again because of your report and tried to swap directly after cheating in a new opponent. My merc was still in his "Enemy sighted!" speech and *crash*

I'll hand in the fix.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by wanne (aka RoWa21) on Sun, 11 Aug 2013 19:39:10 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message silversurferI wasn't working on it.

I was just testing again because of your report and tried to swap directly after cheating in a new opponent. My merc was still in his "Enemy sighted!" speech and *crash*

I'll hand in the fix.

Thanks for the fix, which was applied in revision 6281

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by wanne (aka RoWa21) on Sun, 11 Aug 2013 19:40:52 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message FlugenteAlso related to the new mercs:

When you have any of the natives hired, one can no longer shop from shopkeepers. When opening the buy/repair/whatever menu, the game builds a list of all their 33faces. As the natives do not have such faces, the game receives an error and aborts opening the menu.

Fix will be easy: simply add those pictures.

Morale of the story: When adding new faces, add all faces, not just some.

I currently added placeholders (John Kulba face) for the missing 3 natives 33-faces. I hope anv will do the missing 33 faces soon.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by Flugente on Sun, 11 Aug 2013 21:44:27 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message

Page 217 of 585 ---- Generated from The Bears Pit Thank you

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by fallschirmjager on Sat, 17 Aug 2013 00:14:02 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message I've been playing Urban Chaos v4.47 AFS which was fine and decided to fire up vanilla with v4.47 AFS as well.

Problem I'm having is that during turn based, the enemies are moving insanely fast. It's good in an essence that turns are over so quick but I can barely see the enemy before they've shot at my guys and disappeared.

Is it a bug or is there some feature I'm missing in the editor?

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by wanne (aka RoWa21) on Sat, 17 Aug 2013 06:42:08 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message fallschirmjagerI've been playing Urban Chaos v4.47 AFS which was fine and decided to fire up vanilla with v4.47 AFS as well.

Problem I'm having is that during turn based, the enemies are moving insanely fast. It's good in an essence that turns are over so quick but I can barely see the enemy before they've shot at my guys and disappeared.

Is it a bug or is there some feature I'm missing in the editor? thats a feature. you can enable/disable it in the ingame options. It is called "Fast enemy AI turns" or something like that.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by merc05 on Sat, 17 Aug 2013 11:01:17 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message rev 6285 on GameDir 1729

Some recent bugs:

1. Using the feature CTRL+Left/Right for switching merc position in squad in tactical mode sometimes causes for 2 merc to switch their portraits (i.e. Bull has Fox's face, Fox has Bull's face). I don't know exactly the conditions for replicating this, but it happens very often. IDK if having face gear displayed on merc portraits has something to do with it or not.

Page 218 of 585 ---- Generated from The Bears Pit 2. Ordering a merc to shoot a terrain that is occluded from his sight like inside the building he doesn't see causes a merc to perform a shooting animation but no bullet is fired.

3. Move equipment via assignment and using a big map cause items that are transported to a sector using a big map to be placed somewhere beyond the reach of mercs. The items do not appear on the map. I can see them in the strategic sector inventory view, but they are out of reach and I cannot pick them up manually or use a move item assignment to retrieve them again.

4. Using the move equipment assignment while the sector that items are transported FROM is currently loaded in the tactical view will cause some strange random or "Nada" items to remain or just a CTD if trying to access the sector or its inventory view. The sector that items are transported TO will have the proper items appear.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by Flugente on Sat, 17 Aug 2013 11:35:56 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message 3. should have been fixed in r6287. 4. Still exists? Yoiks.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by merc05 on Sat, 17 Aug 2013 12:42:03 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Revision 6287 fixed issue 3. Thanks Flugente!

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by anv on Sat, 17 Aug 2013 20:37:45 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Regarding MERC availability: Yeah, my entire problem with previous system was lack of checking if StartMercsAvailable of merc is set to true, which prevented adding special conditions for certain mercs, like quest outcomes and .ini settings. As for putting mercs in the middle of .xml - order of display on MERC website depends on position there, and it's quite natural mercs should be displayed according to their skills/price, not date of adding them to repository. What I didn't realize was that changing source mid-game (pre-Kulba->post-Kulba) with some new mercs already "unlocked" (not really unlocked, just LaptopSaveInfo.gubLastMercIndex increased) would result in my new function skipping those mercs, hence looping first few mercs instead. Good to see silversurfer fixed this without losing savegame compatiblity. Shame I didn't explain changes better then. Well, apparently haste is a bad advisor.

Bug report: 6287/1729 1. Quitting from tactical immediately to main menu during rain - raining sound keeps on playing.

Page 219 of 585 ---- Generated from The Bears Pit 2. Moonwalk - when you order merc to run and click behind him with alt pressed, he starts running backwards (with animation playing as if he was still running forward - it's especially noticeable when running diagonally). Although considering how hilarious this looks I'm able to accept it as a feature.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by Flugente on Sun, 18 Aug 2013 14:49:34 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message @merc05: 4. is fixed in r6288.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by Flugente on Sun, 18 Aug 2013 15:36:31 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message I could not reproduce merc052. Ordering a merc to shoot a terrain that is occluded from his sight like inside the building he doesn't see causes a merc to perform a shooting animation but no bullet is fired.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by merc05 on Tue, 20 Aug 2013 12:19:12 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message FlugenteI could not reproduce merc052. Ordering a merc to shoot a terrain that is occluded from his sight like inside the building he doesn't see causes a merc to perform a shooting animation but no bullet is fired. Please ignore that. I can't reproduce it myself since some time (??). :headscratch:

But I've found 2 bugs that I can reproduced anytime - r6287/1729.

1. I have given an NPC a rifle with attached inseperable grenade launcher with 5 slots for rifle grenades. Now during combat the AI can fire them all in burst mode, even though the GL is incapable of burst fire (only the rifle is when it shoot bullets). Does the AI check the available modes from the main weapon instead of an attachment weapon?

2. If the said NPC damages a building in town this causes an assertion error in HandleTownLoyalty.cpp (probably due to implementation of a code that reduces town loyalty for the side that damaged a building - that was some time ago IIR - and the NPC is neither enemy nor merc).

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by Flugente on Tue, 20 Aug 2013 18:02:03 GMT

Page 220 of 585 ---- Generated from The Bears Pit View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Thats odd - do you have a savegame?

Especially odd since that file doesn't exist, and the function of that name does absolutely nothing... :headscratch:

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by Kriplo on Tue, 20 Aug 2013 20:40:56 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Confirmed merc05 problem, notice that AI don't know how to properly use guns with GL attachments, yesterday latest example: give 'AI XM-29 OICW' and he fired all grenades from burst, then in all next turns deadlock reported he had no ammo and remains sitting duck although he have full 5.56 clip.

As currently testing and fixing smaller problems with AI could check into this one.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by merc05 on Tue, 20 Aug 2013 20:48:47 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message I must have been high on something :crazy:. It's not HandleTownLoyalty.cpp - that doesn't even exist as a file. Sorry for that. This is the real message of the assertion error.

The function seems to be 'switch (bKillerTeam)' in Strategic Town Loyalty.cpp. So, it's rather not about damaging the building.

Unfortunately the debug save didn't work. I have a savegame before the error but that wouldn't do good since this is a modded version so I'd have to paste the whole GameDir. In stock 1.13 there are no multi-shot rifle integrated grenade launchers without autofire (the AICW GL can autofire, the GL I used can't or rather shouldn't). Also a thing about the AI I've noticed is that it can't load an underbarrel GL, I only managed to make it shoot it if I gave the NPC a gun with rifle grenades pre-installed as default attachment.

And BTW thanks for fixing the MoveItems assignment. Now it works. I noticed something though when performing that task the game moved 2, then 0, then again 0, then 64 items. Why the 0's?

Page 221 of 585 ---- Generated from The Bears Pit Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by Flugente on Tue, 20 Aug 2013 21:15:03 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Fixed in r6298.

Does the AI bug (not using UGLs) also occur with the enemy, or only armed civilians? Does it occur with all UGLs, or only with rifle grenades?

Unsure about moving 0 items (assuming the sector isn't really empty an you replenished stuff^^)... did you, by any chance, to the assignment and then load the autosave of that hour an continue playing?

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by Kriplo on Tue, 20 Aug 2013 21:24:33 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Funny, AI decide to use burst fire with gun but for some reason (probably during CalcBestThrow) remains pSoldier->bWeaponMode==WM_ATTACHED_GL then as gun had burst of three round an AI had enough APs he do two burst decisions in one turn and empty 20mm clip. In my case SOLDIER was equiped with XM-29.

Which gun had option to attach AICW or does exist some burst grenade launcher?

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by Kriplo on Tue, 20 Aug 2013 21:56:38 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Problem is function CheckIfTossPossible which perform changing bWeaponMode but should return old values not in else but outside condition:

INT8 bOldWeaponMode = pSoldier->bWeaponMode; pSoldier->bWeaponMode = WM_ATTACHED_GL; . . . if ( bGunSlot != NO_SLOT && ... ) { ... } else { pSoldier->bWeaponMode = bOldWeaponMode;//This line should be outside if else condition }

Page 222 of 585 ---- Generated from The Bears Pit pSoldier->bWeaponMode = bOldWeaponMode;//This solves problem

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by Flugente on Tue, 20 Aug 2013 22:23:58 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Thanks, Kriplo, comitted in r6299.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by LootFragg on Tue, 20 Aug 2013 22:28:00 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Edit: Bug from r6239 already solved in r6279.

SolvedGot an interesting one.

Savegame packed as 7z, 200kB: Also been renamed, you will need to remove the additional information.

Revision 6239.

You will need to change the following values in Ja2_Options.ini from the trunk to start the savegame: [System Limit Settings] MAX_NUMBER_PLAYER_MERCS = 32 MAX_NUMBER_PLAYER_VEHICLES = 6 MAX_NUMBER_ENEMIES_IN_TACTICAL = 64 MAX_NUMBER_CREATURES_IN_TACTICAL = 40 For the bug to occur, you will need to set the following parameter in CTHConstants.ini: [General] RANGE_COEFFICIENT = 1.55This can be any value, apparently, equal to 1.55 or higher. Lower values than 1.54 or equal will prevent the bug from happening. Tested values are 1.1, 1.52, 1.53, 1.54, 1.55, 1.6, 1.7, 1.8, 3.0. Edit: The crucial threshold seems to be between 1.54000002 and 1.54000003.

What you need to do: Load up the savegame, go to the combat in Drassen Mine, end the turn.

What should happen: Enemies will move. Raven will spot one enemy. A female soldier will run around the corner behind the church and charge towards Haywire. The screen will go black and it will output an error message via dialog box, titled "Error", saying "Unhandled exception. Unable to recover."

What will prevent the bug: Either another RANGE_COEFFICIENT value at 1.54 or lower (or somewhere in between 1.54 and 1.55 but I didn't test it further). OR you can load the game, cheat

Page 223 of 585 ---- Generated from The Bears Pit with GABBI, hit Alt+E to see enemies, there will be five soldiers behind the church of whom two soldiers are next to each other closest to the right church corner. Target the outer one that is not directly at the church wall (the woman that will run around the corner) and hit her with Ctrl+H once. She won't have enough AP to get close and the bug won't occur.

Also, I'm very interested in your findings, so if this gets a proper solution, I'd be delighted about a quick PM linking me to the topic. Good hunt! ^^


Super Edit: Same phenomenon, new angle. More data.


1) The range coefficient threshold for the crash depends on GRAVITY_COEFFICIENT as well. Default is 4.0.

With values of 3.238374 and below (tested to 1.0), the RANGE_COEFFICIENT threshold will be between 1.560000002 and 1.560000003. With values of 3.238375 and higher (tested to 4.3, will change at 4.4 or earlier), the threshold will be between 1.41000002 and 1.41000003.

2) The enemy soldier has a P229R. The target this time seems to be Buzz on the roof of the dental clinic building, weirdly, as Buzz cannot be seen from the position the soldier is on when the game crashes. I have tried the same circumstances with Buzz being left one tile behind or prone so she wouldn't get spotted and the bug didn't happen.

What you need to do to trigger it: Have Razor run 3 tiles along the house wall, PAST the window, not only in front of it.

What should happen: The enemy soldier will get an interrupt when Razor has run past the window, will turn around and run towards the church window to take a peek. The game crashes. If not, Raven will spot her and say a prayer.

This is some AI related calculation but it doesn't seem to require line of sight to the target. But that's just my observation, I won't hypothesize about code.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by Kriplo on Tue, 20 Aug 2013 22:49:41 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message @Flugente

You are welcome, but that is just temporary solution, meaning AI will not go in deadlock and just use XM-29 gun as ordinary.

Page 224 of 585 ---- Generated from The Bears Pit For this new weapons (where grenades are in attached clip) AI will not fire grenade because old logic cannot find available grenades if he had clip already in gun (problem with CalcBestThrow).

Anyway will investigate this in detail and in couple days after complete testing could send all patches to you or Rowa21.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by Flugente on Tue, 20 Aug 2013 23:31:02 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message @LootFragg: did as you said, and nothing happens. The woman runs up to Haywire, and then runs back. r6300 is still compatible to your savegame - you could see if the error still occurs with that exe.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by LootFragg on Wed, 21 Aug 2013 01:46:31 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Yes, I can confirm that r6279 doesn't have that problem anymore. My compiler is a cunt, so no 6300 for me. But this one works alright, no crashes. Love it.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by Kriplo on Sun, 25 Aug 2013 21:22:13 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message From r6322 problems with AI handling all kind of grenade launchers should be solved, I hope :whistle:

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by LootFragg on Sun, 25 Aug 2013 22:04:32 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Problem foundUsing r6312 executable on r1738 repo. If the sector where the ice cream truck was found (in my case D9) is loaded, squads on travel assignments will never arrive at their destination, instead travel indefinitely. As soon as the sector is unloaded, all squads will arrive. Encountered on r6279, upgraded to r6312 to test. Tested with debug (standard trunk) version plus minimum JA2_Options.

Savegame as 7zip. Requires [System Limit Settings] MAX_NUMBER_PLAYER_MERCS = 32 MAX_NUMBER_PLAYER_VEHICLES = 6

Page 225 of 585 ---- Generated from The Bears Pit MAX_NUMBER_ENEMIES_IN_TACTICAL = 64 MAX_NUMBER_CREATURES_IN_TACTICAL = 40

Also cheated my squad to the sector, recruited Hamous and sent him driving off. He would also never arrive at any other sector until his former sector got unloaded. Driving everywhere is possible unless D9 is loaded. Also, D9 in my case is fixed, regardless of Hamous being there or not, as long as it is loaded, no squad, ice cream truck or not, will arrive. Flugente pointed out that there are Bloodcats in the sector which causes the game to think we are in battle, therefore all travel assignments get delayed. Since Bloodcats are supposed to be hidden, there is no warning on time compression like in normal battles, which caused a whole lot of confusion. Hamous and the Ice Cream Truck being in the sector is a mere coincidence. The point here is the invisible Bloodcats battle with the mercs in the sector.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by Flugente on Sun, 25 Aug 2013 22:48:02 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Hmm. Will try tomorrow evening again - so far no luck... instead after a certain point, merc portraits vanish completely, which could indicate possible memory leaks etc.

Edit: This is all very.. bizarre. The error also occurs in older builds (tested with 6219), but without the disappearing portraits.

An odd effect is that it seems to be connected to your merc in D9 (Ears). Simply ordering him to move to another sector leads to normal behaviour, even without loading any other sector.

Edit2: Not entirely true... ordering Ears to move sector causes the sector to unload, after which one can cancel the movement order. The error really is connected to D9 being loaded - and killing hamous and the Truck doesn't help...

Edit3: gaaaaah. Stupid, stupid me. The solution is very simple: Your D9 contains a bloodcat. Bloodcats are hostile. When we are in battle with hostile civilians or bloodcats (not enemies), we delay any arrival by 3-6 minutes, in order not to start another battle. That is okay... the error is that the game should deny time compression with a warning which it doesn't. Not sure if such a warning exists, but it should imho. I suspect this has sth to do with you not yet knowing of the 'cats. Thus the battle hasn't yet started in the stricter sense, but they are still registering as hostiles.

Solution: Shoot cats :maskedsniper: :blackcat: (it's 3 cats it seems). There's no code fix in the stricter sense, but it should definitely put out a warning and deny time compression.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by Flugente on Sun, 25 Aug 2013 23:55:31 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message

Page 226 of 585 ---- Generated from The Bears Pit @Kriplo: Could you describe your AI improvements a bit? People are dying for better AI, and you're doing quite a lot atm. There is interest in that

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by Kriplo on Mon, 26 Aug 2013 18:45:59 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message

Well I will hardly called them improvements rather bug fixing Currently not adding anything spectacular new because don't want to add more bugs then they are already there. So only intensively debugging and observe AI behavior, e.g. have function which temporary add all soldiers to my team then manually equip them with all kind of weapons and stuff, after that check if they use them properly, and of course surprisingly find they don't

So here are current fixes and few little changes as I'm wrote them in svn: - AI will avoid use of last two locations, previously this lead into premature end turn although soldier have plenty of remaining APs. - Fix problems with improper APs calculations for burst and autofire which lead into AI to forcibly cancel and end turn for those actions. - Add option for decide to use short autofire instead of one long to enhance chance to hit. - After taking cover change facing toward closest enemy to avoid going in status red and rather take proper black decisions. - Fix bad public noise processing after AI investigate closest disturbance and find nothing, also erase all same noise points in team members if one of them already investigated. - Sometimes AI not fire when target is on roof, happens in situation when previous target was on ground because bLevel was not update. - Instead to calculate ChanceToHit only from STANDING from now AI calculate chance for all stances, so AI should be more eager to attack. - Basic support for reducing AI friendly fire during best shot calculation, then AI decide depending of soldier character to fire or take other action. Still in autofire accidentally friendly hits could be higher depending of bullets spreading. - AI will ignore attack breathless targets if there are other in better condition. - AI will not fire into dying targets. - AI should avoid go into creature gas. - Fix bursting grenades from non burst launcher. - Not use GL if grenade is already in it - Not firing from rocket launcher if couldn't find hand grenade. - Refusing to launch grenade from attached GL if couldn't find grenade in other pockets. - Never fire from single rocket launchers like LAW. - Incorrect chance to throw calculation for GLs which lead into no decision to throw. - Whole cylinder of grenades was permanently remove from pocket after reloading launcher.

If you play game with OCTH then you will see little improvements as AI is more eager to fire upon, but in NCTH as play above savegame from LootFrag AI didn't attack at all, because all CTH is zero, but after switching to OCTH they became far more aggressive. BTW playing those save under debug, game is terrible slow, after you press end turn few seconds pass before AI start his movement then if you get interrupt and press end turn again same story,

Page 227 of 585 ---- Generated from The Bears Pit please could anybody confirm that problem?

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by DepressivesBrot on Mon, 26 Aug 2013 18:52:29 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Quote:- Fix bursting grenades from non burst launcher.Does this fix tanks behaving like 105mm auto cannons?

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by Kriplo on Mon, 26 Aug 2013 19:04:03 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Don't know, never test tank behavior only soldiers, and honestly never go so far in game, actually never finish game as AI make me sad :compsmash:

But I will keep in mind, so you said that tanks do shell bursting?!?

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by DepressivesBrot on Mon, 26 Aug 2013 19:12:59 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Yes. At least they sometimes did the last time I got far enough to encounter them, which admittedly has been a while.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by silversurfer on Mon, 26 Aug 2013 19:40:18 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Kriplo If you play game with OCTH then you will see little improvements as AI is more eager to fire upon, but in NCTH as play above savegame from LootFrag AI didn't attack at all, because all CTH is zero, but after switching to OCTH they became far more aggressive.

I believe that somewhere I have seen that with NCTH when a target is outside gun range the chance to attack is zero. CTH is not zero in that case so I think that it would be reasonable to implement a certain chance to attack, maybe a calculation that considers how far outside of gun

Page 228 of 585 ---- Generated from The Bears Pit range the target is. At the moment I'm just too busy with work to really look into the code.

Kriplo BTW playing those save under debug, game is terrible slow, after you press end turn few seconds pass before AI start his movement then if you get interrupt and press end turn again same story, please could anybody confirm that problem?

I can confirm that playing in debug mode is slow. Starting the game already takes much longer. I got used to it somehow. :whoknows:

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by Flugente on Mon, 26 Aug 2013 22:16:28 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message @LootFragg: As of r6324, we forbid time compression if hostile civilians or bloodcats are in the sector. Otherwise all travelling squads are delayed over and over again.

This should not pose a problem with kingpin's goons, his hitmen, the Hicks or assassins. Afaik they all are 'dormant' until the player triggers them to become hostile. Once they are, we are in a battle, where it always was impossible to compress time anyway.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by Kriplo on Tue, 27 Aug 2013 17:25:30 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message @DepressivesBrot,

Check tanks, and find out you are right, they still burst shells although decision was to burst from machine gun, there are plenty bugs from bad APs calculation, improper weapon handling/switching, unlimited ammo, chance to hit seems always return 99, and some not tank related problem with autofire switch and shot calculation if primary gun is not already in HANDPOS.

The latest one don't know how to fix is related to tank burst animation, obviously it's old one where autofire is fixed to 6, so for now solution is to hardcode to 6, because any other value will mess APs deduction, bad animation and they still will fire just 6.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by Kriplo on Tue, 27 Aug 2013 17:40:53 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message silversurferKriplo

Page 229 of 585 ---- Generated from The Bears Pit If you play game with OCTH then you will see little improvements as AI is more eager to fire upon, but in NCTH as play above savegame from LootFrag AI didn't attack at all, because all CTH is zero, but after switching to OCTH they became far more aggressive.

I believe that somewhere I have seen that with NCTH when a target is outside gun range the chance to attack is zero. CTH is not zero in that case so I think that it would be reasonable to implement a certain chance to attack, maybe a calculation that considers how far outside of gun range the target is. At the moment I'm just too busy with work to really look into the code.

Kriplo BTW playing those save under debug, game is terrible slow, after you press end turn few seconds pass before AI start his movement then if you get interrupt and press end turn again same story, please could anybody confirm that problem?

I can confirm that playing in debug mode is slow. Starting the game already takes much longer. I got used to it somehow. :whoknows:

NCTH is new stuff I don't know how it works but AI from AICalcChanceToHitGun always have zero and yes it's outside gun range, e.g. have pistol and is 13 tiles away, but in OCTH he will fire as CTH is not zero.

Yes debug is always been slow but currently is very bad even with Core i7 3770K, but this end turn is strange one, if you get time just load LootFrag savegame and after end turn always there is pause of 3,4 seconds.

To improve game start does anybody plan to create XML resource compiler inside game which will compile just out of date XMLs and already compiled will be in binaries again instead every time parse whole XML bunch?

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by Flugente on Tue, 27 Aug 2013 18:36:06 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Kriplo To improve game start does anybody plan to create XML resource compiler inside game which will compile just out of date XMLs and already compiled will be in binaries again instead every time parse whole XML bunch? Why would we do that? The whole point is to externalise as much as possible (and reasonable) for maximum freedom of the user. There are other sections that would benefit from speeding up much, much more. Like attachment handling for example, which causes debug exes to hang every time one opens EDB.

Page 230 of 585 ---- Generated from The Bears Pit Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by Kriplo on Tue, 27 Aug 2013 18:59:35 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message

No, of course didn't mean to abandon XMLs, but to create binaries from them again for those XMLs which are out of date (just like we compile out dates files). This conversion will be done my game itself. e.g. why every start game need to parse all XMLs, just those who had older time stamp will be convert to binary, loading structures from binaries is far more faster and debugging will be easy as once upon time was.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by Flugente on Tue, 27 Aug 2013 19:28:05 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message But... why? We would need to code a system to write binaries, then compare date of xml and binary, create binary from xml each time we read an xml (and keep the data structures up-to-date), add read routines for every new binary... and all we gain are fractions of a second on game startup ( a few seconds on debug though). Is there any advantage I'm missing?

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by Parkan on Tue, 27 Aug 2013 20:08:23 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message exe version 6332.The music during fights\peace time not finish its plays during player turn then reset to start if turn by enemy.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by wanne (aka RoWa21) on Tue, 27 Aug 2013 20:29:01 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Kriplo Yes debug is always been slow but currently is very bad even with Core i7 3770K, but this end turn is strange one, if you get time just load LootFrag savegame and after end turn always there is pause of 3,4 seconds.

You can try the ReleaseWithDebugInfo build configuration. It has the debug informations and runs nearly with the same speed than the Release build. I am only talking about the VS2005 project settings, cause that is the main version I use.

Page 231 of 585 ---- Generated from The Bears Pit Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by pheloncab on Wed, 28 Aug 2013 11:18:51 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Running 6322 + AFS.

Hamous is in Drassen airport, set to move items to Drassen Mine. I took the rest of my mercs out, took over the SAM site, then explored a little and wandered back to the mine.

~ full day of time passed, 0 items have moved. my ini uses 30min blocks instead of 45 for counting assignments, if that changes anything with this particular one.

Edit: moved 3 more mercs(imps) to B13, set them to move to D13. checked the move item toggle on strategic inventory screen, no items are hashed out as unmovable. timed forward 6 hours. no items moved.

Edit again: got it working. you have to set it to bring items to the merc, and yet save the items you wanna keep by sector..

Amazing what happens when you try again after sleep.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by Flugente on Wed, 28 Aug 2013 16:16:21 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message If you are in B13 and command moveitem on D13, that means your merc will move items from D13 to B13. Not the other way around. Are there items in D13 they could move?

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by Kriplo on Wed, 28 Aug 2013 17:12:45 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message @Flugente Benefit is faster start under debugger (can bet time will be halved) and make debugging easier specially when work with laptop where take almost half minute. Sure, it's far from easy to implement, but anyway it will be nice to have it

@Rowa21 Faster is but without "edit and continue" and not always showing values after breakpoint, but good

Page 232 of 585 ---- Generated from The Bears Pit option for test before commit, thanks.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by pheloncab on Wed, 28 Aug 2013 18:06:06 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message FlugenteIf you are in B13 and command moveitem on D13, that means your merc will move items from D13 to B13. Not the other way around. Are there items in D13 they could move?

Thanks.. Left the webpage up when I fell asleep at the keyboard, and woke up and realized the error I made and put in an edit. When it refreshed.. your answer was there..

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by Katagelan on Wed, 28 Aug 2013 18:09:08 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Flugente

Why would we do that? The whole point is to externalise as much as possible (and reasonable) for maximum freedom of the user. There are other sections that would benefit from speeding up much, much more. Like attachment handling for example, which causes debug exes to hang every time one opens EDB.[/quote]

Then why make the "drop all loot" not switchable mid-game ? That would be a step toward maximum freedom.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by Shadow21 on Wed, 28 Aug 2013 19:03:24 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message i found a bug that freezes the game. every time mercs automatically consume food the game hangs if one of the mercs tries to consume a drink or another item that is in a stack of more than four items.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by Flugente on Wed, 28 Aug 2013 19:15:40 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Shadow21i found a bug that freezes the game. every time mercs automatically consume food the

Page 233 of 585 ---- Generated from The Bears Pit game hangs if one of the mercs tries to consume a drink or another item that is in a stack of more than four items. Works fine for me... exe? mod? Anything else odd?

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by Flugente on Wed, 28 Aug 2013 19:19:40 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message JuanThen why make the "drop all loot" not switchable mid-game ? That would be a step toward maximum freedom. It was switchable once, but it was moved later on for different reasons

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by Shadow21 on Wed, 28 Aug 2013 19:29:39 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message FlugenteShadow21i found a bug that freezes the game. every time mercs automatically consume food the game hangs if one of the mercs tries to consume a drink or another item that is in a stack of more than four items. Works fine for me... exe? mod? Anything else odd? i am indeed using mods. i use arulco revisited and AFS. i am using exe version 6322 but had that problem with older version as well. if i put 8 pet bottles into a backpack slot and the merc is thirsty (glass icon on portrait) the next time the merc auto drinks (full hour) the game freezes and i cant move the mouse, it doesnt crash though.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by Flugente on Wed, 28 Aug 2013 19:44:11 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message And that also happens when you drink from a stack manually?

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by Shadow21 on Wed, 28 Aug 2013 20:52:04 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message that works without problems. the freeze only occurs when time is compressed and the merc drinks automatically

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by Katagelan on Wed, 28 Aug 2013 21:42:51 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message

Page 234 of 585 ---- Generated from The Bears Pit Cowering or pinned down enemies ( the ones doing the cowering civilian animation )can become impossible to hit even in hand-to-hand. Sometimes a militia can occupy the same space and be hit even when it is the cowering one who is targeted. I have seen a militia kicking repeatedly another who was standing on top of a prone pinned enemy.

When a sector loads for tactical battle, sometimes the game ceases to recognize my AZERTY keyboard and works in QWERTY. Reloading the game makes the situation normal again.

The masterkey underbarrel shotgun replenishes indefinitely its ammunition.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by Flugente on Wed, 28 Aug 2013 21:52:29 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message JuanThe masterkey underbarrel shotgun replenishes indefinitely its ammunition. That is known. I haven't been able to solve that one so far. To reload it with, drop ammo on the main gun while an underbarrel firing mode is selected.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by Uriens on Thu, 29 Aug 2013 11:44:42 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message JuanCowering or pinned down enemies ( the ones doing the cowering civilian animation )can become impossible to hit even in hand-to-hand. Sometimes a militia can occupy the same space and be hit even when it is the cowering one who is targeted. I have seen a militia kicking repeatedly another who was standing on top of a prone pinned enemy.

I can confirm those. Unhittable bug usually happens when a stun or explosive grenade is used. I used to think that explosion makes actors fall on impossible locations and that is what causes the 'invulnerability' bug. However, I have seen this happen on enemies that were on plain grassland with no objects near so I really can't tell what causes this. I guess to replicate have a group of enemies and toss stun grenade at them following with explosive one. Those that don't get hurt by explosion (and should) are pretty much those that got 'invulnerability' bug. Could be related to cover animations but I'm not 100% sure.

On top of that, frequently enemies go to 'dying' state but don't really die. They appear 'grayed out'

Page 235 of 585 ---- Generated from The Bears Pit as if they are out of vision (not true though) and can be force targeted as if you are shooting at the tile. One shot will end them though. AI ignores such targets.

Quote: When a sector loads for tactical battle, sometimes the game ceases to recognize my AZERTY keyboard and works in QWERTY. Reloading the game makes the situation normal again.

That could be because of ALT+SHIFT windows keyboard shortcut that switches language settings. Try pressing ALT+SHIFT again to get back to standard. You can also try to disable that shortcut in windows if you don't really need it. I've had it cause similar problems in numerous games so I have it turned off completely.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by Kriplo on Thu, 29 Aug 2013 18:53:01 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message

Current build won't compile under debug:

1>c:\games\jagged alliance 2\buildnew\strategic\luainitnpcs.cpp(1481) : error C2065: 'l_InitMapProfil' : undeclared identifier 1>c:\games\jagged alliance 2\buildnew\strategic\luainitnpcs.cpp(1483) : error C2065: 'l_SetKeySoldier' : undeclared identifier

Rowa21, Flugente please check if this functions are part of JA2UB or whatever and fixit

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by Kriplo on Thu, 29 Aug 2013 19:15:08 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message also game refuse start as in Language Defines.h current define is POLISH and probably should be ENGLISH ?

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by Flugente on Thu, 29 Aug 2013 19:21:55 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message SVN won't let me commit. Just move the '#ifdef JA2UB' to line 1480 for the time being.

Page 236 of 585 ---- Generated from The Bears Pit Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by Kriplo on Thu, 29 Aug 2013 19:44:46 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message So those new functions are part of JA2UB, thanks.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by Flugente on Thu, 29 Aug 2013 20:56:20 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Both errors fixed in r6337.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by Faalagorn on Fri, 30 Aug 2013 00:51:20 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message In revision 1741, when the ini was last changed it says:

; JA2 1.13 - Unfinished Business (JA2 1.13) ; VFS_CONFIG_INI = vfs_config.JA2113.ini

While I think it should be:

; JA2 1.13 - Unfinished Business (JA2 1.13) ; VFS_CONFIG_INI = vfs_config.UB113.ini

While we're at it, why not just change it so there is some consistent naming scheme in these files, i.e. something like this:

; JA2 1.13 VFS_CONFIG_INI = vfs_config.JA2113.ini

; JA2 1.13 - Vanilla (JA2 Classic) ; VFS_CONFIG_INI = vfs_config.JA2Vanilla.ini

; JA2UB 1.13 ; VFS_CONFIG_INI = vfs_config.UB113.ini

; JA2UB 1.13 - Vanilla (JA2UB Classic) ; VFS_CONFIG_INI = vfs_config.UBVanilla.ini

There's still some inconsistency in the naming of the ini files themselves (omission of the "113" in Vanilla inis and omission of "JA2" in UB inis, but well.

Page 237 of 585 ---- Generated from The Bears Pit Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by Elvis_A on Fri, 30 Aug 2013 11:09:04 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message After updating svn 173x to last 1744, exe was 6322, mercs dissapeared from MERC site, even there are emails left from Speck about new available mercs. Last available merc was Larry, now it is Lance again. Is it bug or some changes in ini after update? edit 2 4.7x33 100 AP ammo box fits AR magazine slot in lbe. is it supposed to be like that?

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by silversurfer on Fri, 30 Aug 2013 12:13:22 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message E1vSAfter updating svn 173x to last 1744, exe was 6322, mercs dissapeared from MERC site, even there are emails left from Speck about new available mercs. Last available merc was Larry, now it is Lance again. Is it bug or some changes in ini after update?

Was your game started with exe 6322 or was it older than that? In 6286 there was a bugfix for merc availability which is not able to automatically fix all related bugs in older savegames. If your game was started after that fix there shouldn't be any problems with merc availability.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by Elvis_A on Fri, 30 Aug 2013 13:30:17 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message silversurferE1vSAfter updating svn 173x to last 1744, exe was 6322, mercs dissapeared from MERC site, even there are emails left from Speck about new available mercs. Last available merc was Larry, now it is Lance again. Is it bug or some changes in ini after update?

Was your game started with exe 6322 or was it older than that? In 6286 there was a bugfix for merc availability which is not able to automatically fix all related bugs in older savegames. If your game was started after that fix there shouldn't be any problems with merc availability.

I started the game recently. exe was the same 6322. MERC mercs were available ja 1 natives + some others, and in the end of list Larry Roachburn. I will "wait" one week in the game. I opened Merc site and Speck said something like with current profit new mercenaries will be available soon. Maybe game progress resetted or some files changed.

By the way my imp mercs cannot do gun repair to 100%. they have technician trait. I edited manually ja2 options ini and put it TRUE.

Page 238 of 585 ---- Generated from The Bears Pit Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by wanne (aka RoWa21) on Fri, 30 Aug 2013 14:32:22 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message FaalagornIn revision 1741, when the ini was last changed it says:

; JA2 1.13 - Unfinished Business (JA2 1.13) ; VFS_CONFIG_INI = vfs_config.JA2113.ini

While I think it should be:

; JA2 1.13 - Unfinished Business (JA2 1.13) ; VFS_CONFIG_INI = vfs_config.UB113.ini

While we're at it, why not just change it so there is some consistent naming scheme in these files, i.e. something like this:

; JA2 1.13 VFS_CONFIG_INI = vfs_config.JA2113.ini

; JA2 1.13 - Vanilla (JA2 Classic) ; VFS_CONFIG_INI = vfs_config.JA2Vanilla.ini

; JA2UB 1.13 ; VFS_CONFIG_INI = vfs_config.UB113.ini

; JA2UB 1.13 - Vanilla (JA2UB Classic) ; VFS_CONFIG_INI = vfs_config.UBVanilla.ini

There's still some inconsistency in the naming of the ini files themselves (omission of the "113" in Vanilla inis and omission of "JA2" in UB inis, but well.

Thanks, I correct the ja2.ini

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by silversurfer on Fri, 30 Aug 2013 20:40:52 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message People, when working with Lua script function "CheckFact" please always supply the fact AND a profile ID (profile ID can be 0 in most cases). Otherwise the function will always return "false".

Function call should look like "CheckFact( fact, profileID )".

I just got shot by Kingpins goons while entering his house because of a incomplete function call in the current scripts...

Page 239 of 585 ---- Generated from The Bears Pit Fix for that and other similar errors is on its way to RoWa.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by wanne (aka RoWa21) on Fri, 30 Aug 2013 21:00:26 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message silversurferPeople, when working with Lua script function "CheckFact" please always supply the fact AND a profile ID (profile ID can be 0 in most cases). Otherwise the function will always return "false".

Function call should look like "CheckFact( fact, profileID )".

I just got shot by Kingpins goons while entering his house because of a incomplete function call in the current scripts...

Fix for that and other similar errors is on its way to RoWa.

Thanks silversurfer, I have just committed the fix.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by Kriplo on Sat, 31 Aug 2013 10:50:20 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message In r6340 fix tank bursting shells problem, and some other tank related bugs mostly with invalid animation decisions, bad APs calculation and limitation to 6 rounds when tank use machine gun.

Barry and Bob dies horribly many times before due to this fixing :bawling:

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by silversurfer on Sun, 01 Sep 2013 01:30:14 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message To those experiencing weired face exchange with the merc swapping feature (CTRL + left / CTRL + right):

I have a feeling that this is somehow related to interrupts. Could you please check and confirm (or not).

When it happened in my game that a merc was moved away from the spot where I put him it was during an interrupt. I could see that my Squad[0][] array had the wrong order but I don't know why. For example merc 4 was now in position 0. This is retained during save/load. Also gTeamPanel

Page 240 of 585 ---- Generated from The Bears Pit has the same wrong sort order. The only way to fix Squad and gTeamPanel is to reassign the group but at some point it gets a wrong sort order again.

First thing I will do is to issue a sort command after swapping mercs so that the Squad array has the correct order but this will not fix the issue with interrupts.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by silversurfer on Sun, 01 Sep 2013 22:31:30 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message edit: Found what I was looking for. Data Breakpoint is the key.

Could someone please lend me a hand here? I'm trying to solve the bug where opponents that are killed at the edge of a roof will stand there forever in dying state.

I already found the reason why animations are not working correctly.

Soldier Control.cpp:

BOOLEAN SOLDIERTYPE::CheckSoldierHitRoof( void )

This function checks if the victim can fall from the edge of the roof. It sets some flags. this->EVENT_SetSoldierDesiredDirection // this sets the direction that our victim should be turning to before he falls off the roof this->flags.fTurningUntilDone = TRUE; // turn until you fall this->usPendingAnimation // FALLOFF or FALLFORWARD_ROOF, in my tests it was always FALLOFF (backwards)

So far so good. This works fine. Turning animation starts. This is handled in: void SOLDIERTYPE::TurnSoldier( void )

This code here is supposed to make us fall from the roof: if ( this->flags.fTurningUntilDone && ( this->usPendingAnimation != NO_PENDING_ANIMATION ) ) { if ( this->ubDirection == this->pathing.bDesiredDirection ) { UINT16 usPendingAnimation;

usPendingAnimation = this->usPendingAnimation; this->usPendingAnimation = NO_PENDING_ANIMATION;

this->EVENT_InitNewSoldierAnim( usPendingAnimation, 0 , FALSE );

Page 241 of 585 ---- Generated from The Bears Pit this->flags.fTurningUntilDone = FALSE; } }

On the first run of TurnSoldier( void ) this->flags.fTurningUntilDone is TRUE this->usPendingAnimation is FALLOFF

Unfortunately my victim was not facing the right direction at the beginning so he had to turn a bit (faced SW, desired was SE). Now here comes the problem - on the next run of function TurnSoldier( void ) the flag this->usPendingAnimation is set to NO_PENDING_ANIMATION. WTF? The above code will never be used with that! :rant2:

So far I haven't been able to find the spot where this->usPendingAnimation is set to NO_PENDING_ANIMATION after the first run of TurnSoldier( void ). How can I backtrace this?

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by silversurfer on Mon, 02 Sep 2013 16:39:38 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Managed to fix the "undying soldier on roof edge" problem in rev. 6346. :yaysupplz:

The problem was part of resetting animations if a new situation occurred. In general this functionality should stop anybody from doing anything for example when an interrupt happens but it shouldn't prevent the dead from dying.

Also added a change that enemies do not attack empty player vehicles anymore. Made little sense to me that a soldier would attack an empty car when there are dangerous mercs around.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by Uriens on Mon, 02 Sep 2013 17:07:34 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message You killed rooftop zombies bug? :bawling:

That bug was with us so long I was just about to propose to moderators to make it a forum account and give it a honorable bug badge. :et5:

I guess all it gets now is a funeral. :rip:

Well, ok, I'm just kidding. :blah:

Page 242 of 585 ---- Generated from The Bears Pit Good job on fixing this.

Btw. regarding: silversurferTo those experiencing weired face exchange with the merc swapping feature (CTRL + left / CTRL + right):

I have a feeling that this is somehow related to interrupts. Could you please check and confirm (or not).

When it happened in my game that a merc was moved away from the spot where I put him it was during an interrupt. I could see that my Squad[0][] array had the wrong order but I don't know why. For example merc 4 was now in position 0. This is retained during save/load. Also gTeamPanel has the same wrong sort order. The only way to fix Squad and gTeamPanel is to reassign the group but at some point it gets a wrong sort order again.

First thing I will do is to issue a sort command after swapping mercs so that the Squad array has the correct order but this will not fix the issue with interrupts.

It's quite possible this has to do with interrupts. First time I ran into this it was just when I landed in Omerta after fresh start of the game. OFC, I was in combat almost immediately and it's quite possible interrupts caused this.

When I tried to recreate the bug I was trying to move mercs when there were no enemies in sector so the feature worked fine.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by Kasar on Mon, 02 Sep 2013 17:58:07 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Hi there, I have posted this in another thread - but perhaps this is the best place for it.

Seems the arrival drop off point gets moved to sector p16 when it had been placed in an area, that then gets taken over by the enemy. The game auto-relocates it, but to p16. Once at p16, it cannot be selected, or moved and any mercs that arrive are stuck in p16 without any options to do anything.

I have the latest patch from DepressiveBrot's link, on top of 1.12.

Any ideas?

Thanks in advance!

Page 243 of 585 ---- Generated from The Bears Pit Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by Flugente on Mon, 02 Sep 2013 18:18:26 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message KasarHi there, I have posted this in another thread - but perhaps this is the best place for it.

Seems the arrival drop off point gets moved to sector p16 when it had been placed in an area, that then gets taken over by the enemy. The game auto-relocates it, but to p16. Once at p16, it cannot be selected, or moved and any mercs that arrive are stuck in p16 without any options to do anything.

I have the latest patch from DepressiveBrot's link, on top of 1.12.

Any ideas?

Thanks in advance! Buggler fixed that this very morning. The next SCI / any exe >= r6344 will have this fix.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by silversurfer on Mon, 02 Sep 2013 18:19:03 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Kasar Seems the arrival drop off point gets moved to sector p16 when it had been placed in an area, that then gets taken over by the enemy. The game auto-relocates it, but to p16. Once at p16, it cannot be selected, or moved and any mercs that arrive are stuck in p16 without any options to do anything.

This bug was fixed yesterday in rev. 6344 by Buggler. Thanks for that. I just don't know if it will fix your savegame where the marker is already in an inaccessible sector. edit: Now I know why he is called Flugente. He's so damn fast.


Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by Gambigobilla on Mon, 02 Sep 2013 18:20:25 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message I believe it's fixed in 6344

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by Kasar on Mon, 02 Sep 2013 19:28:05 GMT

Page 244 of 585 ---- Generated from The Bears Pit View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Very cool, thanks!

I will try to finish the game without the ability to recruit new mercs. I should be fine, as I had a lot before this happened.

I may have to go get the robot if it gets too hairy...

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by Kriplo on Tue, 03 Sep 2013 18:43:17 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message

OCTH in CalcChanceToHitGun practically return 0 when you try to aim torso and distance between your prone merc and standing soldier less then 3 tiles. Aiming legs or head haven't this problem. Comparing v1.12 with latest one shows that iPenalty is introduced in chance depending on target stance and seems have unset value for AIM_SHOT_TORSO.

Attached code shows where problem rise:

// Effects of visual range // From for JA2.5: 3% bonus/penalty for each tile different from range NORMAL_RANGE. if (!TANK(pSoldier)) // WANNE: No penalty on the tank iPenalty = 3 * ( NORMAL_RANGE - iSightRange ) / CELL_X_SIZE; ... //CHRISL: We should probably include these target size penalties even if we can't see the target so that shooting a "hidden" head is harder then a "hidden" body // if aiming at the head, reduce chance to hit if (ubAimPos == AIM_SHOT_HEAD) { // penalty of 3% per tile //iPenalty = 3 * iSightRange / 10; //comm by ddd iPenalty = INT32(gGameExternalOptions.uShotHeadPenalty * iSightRange / 10); iChance -= iPenalty; } else if (ubAimPos == AIM_SHOT_LEGS) { // penalty of 1% per tile iPenalty = iSightRange / 10; iChance -= iPenalty; } //CHRISL: A target's stance should have no impact on an aimed, headshot. The head doesn't get any smaller just because the target is crouching down. if (pTarget != NULL && ubAimPos != AIM_SHOT_HEAD) {

Page 245 of 585 ---- Generated from The Bears Pit // targeting a merc // adjust for crouched/prone target switch( gAnimControl[ pTarget->usAnimState ].ubHeight ) { case ANIM_CROUCH: ... break; case ANIM_PRONE: ... break; case ANIM_STAND: // if we are prone and at close range, then penalize shots to the torso or head! if ( iRange

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by silversurfer on Tue, 03 Sep 2013 19:23:03 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Hmm, you are right, iPenalty holds some value from another calculation above. I have no idea which formula to implement there.

NCTH does it differently: iHeightDifference = uiShooterHeight - uiTargetHeight; if (iHeightDifference < 0) { iHeightDifference *= -1; } else { iHeightDifference = 0; }

// Height difference is mitigated by range. A LONGER range reduces this penalty! if (iRange > 0 && iHeightDifference > 0) { FLOAT fTempPenalty = gGameCTHConstants.BASE_SHOOTING_UPWARDS * iHeightDifference; fTempPenalty /= iRange;

fBaseModifier += fTempPenalty; }

If our shooter is prone (height level 0) and we are shooting at the head of the target (height level 2) the height difference is 2.

Page 246 of 585 ---- Generated from The Bears Pit BASE_SHOOTING_UPWARDS * 2 = -30

At iRange = 3 tiles (distance to target) the penalty is -10 which is big enough but it won't make our CTH 0. How about we "borrow" this piece of code for OCTH?

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by Kriplo on Tue, 03 Sep 2013 19:58:01 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message @silversurfer

Don't know reason for those changes probably to create more balance, but seems someone forget torso aiming from close distance. Not sure if similar problem had NCTH as primary playing/testing with OCTH as NCTH concept is still mystery to me.

As you notice just before entering switch keyword, iPenalty is set for AIM_SHOT_HEAD and AIM_SHOT_LEGS but left some previous improper value for anything else.

Well, afraid I'm no use, so will leave decision to you as you have experience with CTH stuff

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by Elvis_A on Wed, 04 Sep 2013 10:10:22 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message svn 1747 exe 6343

I saw interesting bug yesterday. It is Mike recruitment related. After repelling attack on Grumm mine, 1 Deidrana soldier retreated to the next grumm sector. In tactical mode I heard bursts of fire and militia dying. It was in front of the ACA building near Bar. I was surprised that it was Mike. Good thing that I had one AIM merc to recognize him. I used 2 vacuum grenades and he did not fell down. I used 4 my mercs to beat him to Critical. He killed 4 elite militia and left 2 elite militia almost dead. If I did not beat him, I am pretty sure he could kill all militia in sector.

The Bug was after I recruited Mike. In map view there was still one soldier in sector. So I left sector in tactical, and entered again - still someone present but no enemy actually in sector, so I left sector but no autobattle triggered, and loyalty decreased =( I quit the game and started again. This time autobattle triggered and bug disappeared. here are save files

About bug with MERC mercs disappearance - new mercs slowly started to appear on the site.

Page 247 of 585 ---- Generated from The Bears Pit Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by Gambigobilla on Wed, 04 Sep 2013 11:21:03 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Can you check if there is an invisible mike (it happens) with Ctrl + GABBI then ALT + E

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by silversurfer on Wed, 04 Sep 2013 13:40:49 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message The problem with invisible Mike should be solved since revision 6239. The game reads a flag that is stored in the savegame to make sure that it doesn't spawn another Mike. If this flag is set wrong from playing with an older exe before, the bug could still happen, I think. This flag should be fixed when Mike is spawned so you should probably never encounter the problem again.

E1vS About bug with MERC mercs disappearance - new mercs slowly started to appear on the site.

The game checks regularly if new mercs should become available. This depends on days passed and the amount of money spend on M.E.R.C. Looks like the conditions are met in your game and the mercs show up now.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by silversurfer on Wed, 04 Sep 2013 17:55:36 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Kriplo@silversurfer

Don't know reason for those changes probably to create more balance, but seems someone forget torso aiming from close distance. Not sure if similar problem had NCTH as primary playing/testing with OCTH as NCTH concept is still mystery to me.

As you notice just before entering switch keyword, iPenalty is set for AIM_SHOT_HEAD and AIM_SHOT_LEGS but left some previous improper value for anything else.

Ok, I looked a bit closer at the code and it doesn't seem to make any sense to me now. The calculations for AIM_SHOT_HEAD and AIM_SHOT_LEGS that you see before the switch have nothing to do with being a prone shooter. They are applied directly to iChance and represent a penalty for shooting at certain body parts.

The switch that we are looking at represents a penalty for shooting at a target that has a specific stance and we are prone.

The last option where target stance is ANIM_STAND and we are prone uses this formula:

Page 248 of 585 ---- Generated from The Bears Pit iChance -= (INT32)((5 - ubAdjAimPos - iRange / CELL_X_SIZE) * 10 * iPenalty);

I don't know where this iPenalty comes from but it doesn't belong there at all. In addition to that the formula doesn't make sense. Example:

Our target is 5 tiles away (iRange = 50) and we are shooting at the torso (torso is AimPos 2).

(5 - 2 - 50/10) *10 = -20 iChance -= -20 means iChance - (-20)

Hey cool, we just got a bonus of 20 points to CTH. :whythis: No doubt why people love to play with OCTH...

A few more results:

aimed at Distance Body Part Result 1 Legs 10 1 Torso 20 1 Head 30

2 Legs 0 2 Torso 10 2 Head 20

3 Legs -10 3 Torso 0 3 Head 10

4 Legs -20 4 Torso -10 4 Head 0

5 Legs -30 5 Torso -20 5 Head -10

As you can see if the target is 3 tiles or further away we receive a bonus to CTH in most cases. Actually for headshots this stuff doesn't even apply because: if (pTarget != NULL && ubAimPos != AIM_SHOT_HEAD)

I think I will remove the "case ANIM_STAND" completely and make it a separate if clause below with some NCTH magic.

Page 249 of 585 ---- Generated from The Bears Pit edit: I'm going to use this formula now for the penalty:

// Height difference is mitigated by range. A LONGER range reduces this penalty! if (iRange > 0 && iHeightDifference > 0) { FLOAT fTempPenalty = -100 * iHeightDifference; fTempPenalty /= iRange; iChance += fTempPenalty; }

The worst thing that can happen is that you are prone on ground level, your target is standing on a roof and you aim for the head. iHeightDifference would be 5 in this case. At 1 tile range you would get a penalty of -50. Is that too much? Remember, you are basically looking at a wall trying to aim at a head 4.5 meters above you, not the ideal situation... At 10 tiles range the penalty would be just -5 which is almost nothing and you wouldn't have to break your neck in the process.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by Kriplo on Wed, 04 Sep 2013 19:25:22 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message @silversurfer

Excellent fix, thanks, calculation now work like a charm :cheers: it's was so itching bug as currently test fix for incorrect vertical angle formula in firing bullets.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by Parkan on Fri, 06 Sep 2013 20:42:26 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Something weird is going with music in game.The battle tracks can play only 5-15 second then they start from all over again.the win music after tactical battle never run,plus i got bug with win music 5 times win music played after autoresolve battle.what is shit happened with it?

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by wolf00 on Fri, 06 Sep 2013 20:51:44 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message prizes in tony black market are in mess,some are in negative values ... sci 1753 6358.exe

Page 250 of 585 ---- Generated from The Bears Pit Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by wanne (aka RoWa21) on Fri, 06 Sep 2013 21:18:50 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message ParkanSomething weird is going with music in game.The battle tracks can play only 5-15 second then they start from all over again.the win music after tactical battle never run,plus i got bug with win music 5 times win music played after autoresolve battle.what is shit happened with it? it seems the bugs have something to do with the music externalization. I forwarded the bugreport to Jazz, so he hopefully can fix it.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by wolf00 on Sat, 07 Sep 2013 07:46:01 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message [URL=]



Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by Parkan on Sat, 07 Sep 2013 08:24:19 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message i think those bugs are for AFS mod not for vanilla mod?Post this in AFS topic.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by Kriplo on Sat, 07 Sep 2013 08:27:12 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message @wolf00

This could be related with new backgrounds. CalcShopKeeperItemPrice function throw exception under debug as uiDiscountValue variable is unset for guns and ammo.

Probably Flugente already work on it.

Page 251 of 585 ---- Generated from The Bears Pit Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by Elvis_A on Sat, 07 Sep 2013 08:33:54 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message 6358/1758 I saw the bug with negative prices in both Ja 1.13 and Arulco Folding Stock too.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by DepressivesBrot on Sat, 07 Sep 2013 09:01:37 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Kriplo@wolf00

This could be related with new backgrounds. CalcShopKeeperItemPrice function throw exception under debug as uiDiscountValue variable is unset for guns and ammo.

Probably Flugente already work on it. You might want to fix this yourself, he's not even around for the next couple of weeks.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by wolf00 on Sat, 07 Sep 2013 09:22:40 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message no this is also present in sci 1753 6358.exe,no mods instaled on top

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by Buggler on Sat, 07 Sep 2013 11:34:28 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message @wolf00 Shopkeeper bug fix is already submitted before your reporting. Did not experience negative values in my testing though. Probably due to e uiDiscountValue variable being set before I started testing.

Due to unforeseen circumstances (Initially wanted Flugente to commit but with him being off to lala land), it has not yet been committed into SVN. Wait for Rowa's commit.

Treat it as another part of game's simulation: their calculators are temporarily experiencing their version of Y2K bug. In the meantime, live off your stash.

Edit: Committed in r6371 by silversurfer

Page 252 of 585 ---- Generated from The Bears Pit Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by Kriplo on Sat, 07 Sep 2013 12:47:51 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Currently in build trunk still missing update for this exception, anyway will not update if Rowa21 already have fix.

If not check and add final else in function CalcShopKeeperItemPrice:

// if it's a GUN or AMMO (but not Launchers, and all attachments and payload is included) if ( Item [ usItemID ].usItemClass & (IC_GUN|IC_AMMO) ) { if ( gpSMCurrentMerc->GetBackgroundValue(BG_PERC_PRICES_GUNS) ) uiDiscountValue = ( uiItemPrice[ubCnt] * gpSMCurrentMerc->GetBackgroundValue(BG_PERC_PRICES_GUNS) ) / 100; // if we play without backgrounds, Flo gets the hardcoded bonus else if ( gpSMCurrentMerc->ubProfile == FLO ) uiDiscountValue = ( uiItemPrice[ubCnt] * FLO_DISCOUNT_PERCENTAGE ) / 100; else//dnl Add this to fix unset value as this part is inside for loop uiDiscountValue = 0;

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by silversurfer on Sat, 07 Sep 2013 13:27:16 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message I believe the best fix would be to initialize properly.

So instead of:

UINT32 uiDiscountValue; use:

UINT32 uiDiscountValue = 0; edit: Fixed in 6371 together with Bugglers other bugfixes regarding shop and auto attachments.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by Elvis_A on Sat, 07 Sep 2013 16:17:34 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Doctors in Cambria do not heal critical wounds. is it bug or intentional?

Page 253 of 585 ---- Generated from The Bears Pit Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by Kriplo on Sat, 07 Sep 2013 17:03:13 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message If there are no complains I will commit fix for NAS manipulation problem (reported by Buggler)described below:

- Fix problems with left click on NAS pocket with weapon and attachment in hand also do some patch to JA2SP_INVENTORY_AP inventory manipulation.

Details: - If have valid attachment for weapon in some NAS pocket and try left click on it weapon will be transfered to HANDPOS, this is fix and attachment box will pop up instead. - Fix problem with inventory manipulation on when they deduct APs from even on unsuccessful item movement. - From now during turn based combat you can only attach and reload weapon in your HANDPOS and item handling is forbidden in strategic map as code for APs deduction for item movement is only implemented in tactical screen. So this restrictions apply only during turn based combat and with JA2SP_INVENTORY_AP is turned on.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by silversurfer on Sat, 07 Sep 2013 21:03:31 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Wow, since the latest patches there is something very wrong with CTH calculation. My mercs and opponents can't hit anything anymore even at very close range. Investigating...

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by Kriplo on Sat, 07 Sep 2013 21:13:07 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message You are playing OCTH or NCTH? In OCTH I have no problems.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by silversurfer on Sat, 07 Sep 2013 21:24:41 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message NCTH. I already fixed it in 6373. The bug was introduced in rev 6363. iSightRange was set to 0 after it had been calculated correctly. After that everything was calculated with target invisible... *ouch* :dontlike:

Page 254 of 585 ---- Generated from The Bears Pit Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by Strohmann on Sat, 07 Sep 2013 21:30:41 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Revision 1759/6371 exe:

When modifying LASER_PERFORMANCE_XYZ in CTHConstants.ini the value from in Items.xml gets used correctly, but the old incorrect tooltip for projection factor still gets displayed in the UDB.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by Kriplo on Sat, 07 Sep 2013 21:37:23 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Real fun, just test with XM-8 from 10 tiles with max aim depleted clip and hit nothing like in OCTH if put uiDiceRoll to 0.

Going to update your fix and try again.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by Kriplo on Sat, 07 Sep 2013 21:49:51 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message @silversurfer

Ok, it's better now, around 10% of hits from 10 tiles.

Want to check bullet moving, which variable in NCTH you set if want to hit always regardless of distance ?

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by Moa on Sat, 07 Sep 2013 22:03:30 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message remove the iSightRange assignment in #6584 aswell: iSightRange = 0;

(albeit it is stated in the log this was not commited by me btw.)

Page 255 of 585 ---- Generated from The Bears Pit Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by Faalagorn on Sat, 07 Sep 2013 22:03:51 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message ParkanSomething weird is going with music in game.The battle tracks can play only 5-15 second then they start from all over again.the win music after tactical battle never run,plus i got bug with win music 5 times win music played after autoresolve battle.what is shit happened with it? Also, the main menu music starts over whether you go back from preferences option, and laptop music restarts whether you leave the laptop (r6373)

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by silversurfer on Sat, 07 Sep 2013 22:59:39 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message StrohmannRevision 1759/6371 exe:

When modifying LASER_PERFORMANCE_XYZ in CTHConstants.ini the value from in Items.xml gets used correctly, but the old incorrect tooltip for projection factor still gets displayed in the UDB.

Not in my game. :headscratch:

Moaremove the iSightRange assignment in #6584 aswell: iSightRange = 0;

(albeit it is stated in the log this was not commited by me btw.)

Oh yes, thanks for the hint. Fixed in 6374. This was for OCTH btw.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by Parkan on Sun, 08 Sep 2013 07:36:34 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message solved

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by silversurfer on Sun, 08 Sep 2013 08:41:06 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Please use 6374. This contains a bugfix for OCTH.

Page 256 of 585 ---- Generated from The Bears Pit Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by silversurfer on Sun, 08 Sep 2013 18:54:10 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message StrohmannRevision 1759/6371 exe:

When modifying LASER_PERFORMANCE_XYZ in CTHConstants.ini the value from in Items.xml gets used correctly, but the old incorrect tooltip for projection factor still gets displayed in the UDB.

The bug only affected the general tab for a weapon. I simply overlooked this. Fixed in 6379.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by wanne (aka RoWa21) on Mon, 09 Sep 2013 07:20:28 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message @music bugs: This should now be fixed in Rev. 6381, because we restored the original music code. Once the music externalization works like it should, we will re-add them.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by Faalagorn on Mon, 09 Sep 2013 08:11:13 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message RoWa21@music bugs: This should now be fixed in Rev. 6381, because we restored the original music code. Once the music externalization works like it should, we will re-add them. ja2.exe works fine, but editscreen.cpp prevents MapEditor from compiling. In line 1614 change MusicPlay( giMusicID, MUSIC_OLD_TYPE, FALSE ); to MusicPlay( giMusicID );

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by wanne (aka RoWa21) on Mon, 09 Sep 2013 09:08:06 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message @Faalagorn: Thanks, it is fixed now.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by Elvis_A on Tue, 10 Sep 2013 13:55:40 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message 1761/6371 I've got weird bug I'venever seen before: If you move items from lbe to sector in map view and assign them to tasks after some time removed items will appear in your lbe again.

Page 257 of 585 ---- Generated from The Bears Pit edit. maybe it is due to professional thief background?

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by Faalagorn on Wed, 11 Sep 2013 08:51:24 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message E1vSedit. maybe it is due to professional thief background? Yes, it's a feature . Read the background description. Being kleptomaniac is a tough one.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by Faalagorn on Wed, 11 Sep 2013 08:58:36 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Bug: I don't know exactly when it's happens, but I'm pretty sure it's related to higher resolutions (I'm playing 1920x1080), but sometimes when I click any button in tactical screen, my screen goes down a bit. That includes end of turn button, dialogues, every confirmation screen etc. I'll post some more details If I'll nail this issue down. I'm playing on EXE: 6387, Data: 1763 + AFS: v4.48 Release Candidate 20130905. My current Ja2_Settings.INI and my Ja2_Options.INI (vsync is on among others)

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by Parkan on Wed, 11 Sep 2013 12:47:37 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message where i can find 6387 exe?in derpi build there is only 6375 maximum exe.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by Seven. on Wed, 11 Sep 2013 12:55:57 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Parkan: look here from Faalagorn's signature or get a complier :=!

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by Moa on Wed, 11 Sep 2013 21:53:05 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message

Page 258 of 585 ---- Generated from The Bears Pit There is something wrong since the changes related to not enough APs to drop off an item attached to cursor. Accessing Map inventory with couple of items takes longer to load. for 100 items its allready some seconds in debug build for 6394. Also after autoresolve battle it takes forever to continue (because the items are accessed/dropped/merged here as well). There are around 300 items in that sector and it took around 4 minutes to continue. random break during 'hang' after autoresolve: Toggle Spoiler JA2_EN_Debug.exe!_nh_malloc_dbg_impl(unsigned int nSize, int nhFlag, int nBlockUse, const char * szFileName, int nLine, int * errno_tmp) Line 239 + 0x19 bytes C++ JA2_EN_Debug.exe!_nh_malloc_dbg(unsigned int nSize, int nhFlag, int nBlockUse, const char * szFileName, int nLine) Line 302 + 0x1d bytes C++ JA2_EN_Debug.exe!malloc(unsigned int nSize) Line 56 + 0x15 bytes C++ JA2_EN_Debug.exe!operator new(unsigned int size) Line 59 + 0x9 bytes C++ JA2_EN_Debug.exe!std::_Allocate(unsigned int _Count, std::_List_nod::_Node * __formal) Line 36 + 0x15 bytes C++ JA2_EN_Debug.exe!std::allocator::allocate(unsigned int _Count) Line 187 + 0xb bytes C++ JA2_EN_Debug.exe!std::_List_val::_List_val(std::allocator _Al) Line 495 + 0xd bytes C++ JA2_EN_Debug.exe!std::list::list() Line 608 C++ JA2_EN_Debug.exe!StackedObjectData::StackedObjectData() Line 876 + 0x4a bytes C++ JA2_EN_Debug.exe!std::_Uninit_def_fill_n(StackedObjectData * _First, int _Count, const StackedObjectData * __formal, std::allocator & _Al, const StackedObjectData * __formal, const StackedObjectData * __formal) Line 631 + 0xb bytes C++ JA2_EN_Debug.exe!std::_Uninitialized_default_fill_n(StackedObjectData * _First, int _Count, const StackedObjectData * _Pval, std::allocator & _Al) Line 672 + 0x40 bytes C++ JA2_EN_Debug.exe!std::_List_val::_Buynode(std::_List_nod::_Node * _Next, std::_List_nod::_Node * _Prev) Line 531 + 0x3e bytes C++ JA2_EN_Debug.exe!std::list::_Insert(std::_List_const_iterator _Where) Line 990 + 0x1b bytes C++ JA2_EN_Debug.exe!std::list::resize(unsigned int _Newsize) Line 854 + 0x4a bytes C++ JA2_EN_Debug.exe!OBJECTTYPE::initialize() Line 1252 C++ JA2_EN_Debug.exe!OBJECTTYPE::OBJECTTYPE() Line 1240 C++ JA2_EN_Debug.exe!std::_Uninit_def_fill_n(OBJECTTYPE * _First, int _Count, const OBJECTTYPE * __formal, std::allocator & _Al, const OBJECTTYPE * __formal, const OBJECTTYPE * __formal) Line 631 + 0xb bytes C++ JA2_EN_Debug.exe!std::_Uninitialized_default_fill_n(OBJECTTYPE * _First, int _Count, const OBJECTTYPE * _Pval, std::allocator & _Al) Line 672 + 0x40 bytes C++ JA2_EN_Debug.exe!std::_List_val::_Buynode(std::_List_nod::_Node * _Next, std::_List_nod::_Node * _Prev) Line 531 + 0x3e bytes C++ JA2_EN_Debug.exe!std::list::_Insert(std::_List_const_iterator _Where) Line 990 + 0x1b bytes C++ JA2_EN_Debug.exe!std::list::resize(unsigned int _Newsize) Line 854 + 0x4a bytes C++ JA2_EN_Debug.exe!StackedObjectData::Load(unsigned int hFile) Line 2638 C++ JA2_EN_Debug.exe!OBJECTTYPE::Load(unsigned int hFile) Line 2717 + 0x13 bytes C++ JA2_EN_Debug.exe!WORLDITEM::Load(unsigned int hFile) Line 2492 + 0xf bytes C++ JA2_EN_Debug.exe!LoadWorldItemsFromTempItemFile(short sMapX, short sMapY, char bMapZ, WORLDITEM * pData) Line 716 + 0x15 bytes C++

Page 259 of 585 ---- Generated from The Bears Pit > JA2_EN_Debug.exe!AddItemsToUnLoadedSector(short sMapX, short sMapY, char bMapZ, int sGridNo, unsigned int uiNumberOfItemsToAdd, OBJECTTYPE * pObject, unsigned char ubLevel, unsigned short usFlags, char bRenderZHeightAboveLevel, char bVisible, unsigned char fReplaceEntireFile) Line 840 + 0x18 bytes C++ JA2_EN_Debug.exe!SOLDIERTYPE::DropSectorEquipment() Line 15990 + 0x48 bytes C++ JA2_EN_Debug.exe!RemoveAutoResolveInterface(unsigned char fDeleteForGood) Line 2751 C++ JA2_EN_Debug.exe!AutoResolveScreenHandle() Line 704 + 0x7 bytes C++

This was not the case before rev.6367. Note that the callstack above is just a random break, those functions are not compulsory bugged. Somewhere inbetween those versions something went wrong.

Edit: loading sector inventory with 250 items in rev 6394 takes 14 seconds, in rev 6367 it takes 9 seconds. Both using debug versions with debugging on, no breakpoints. Edit2: its caused by Bobby Ray's shippment. If there is one arrived but not yet opened this increases the loading time of any sector inventory.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by Kriplo on Thu, 12 Sep 2013 18:12:17 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message MoaThis was not the case before rev.6367. Note that the callstack above is just a random break, those functions are not compulsory bugged. Somewhere inbetween those versions something went wrong.

Edit: loading sector inventory with 250 items in rev 6394 takes 14 seconds, in rev 6367 it takes 9 seconds. Both using debug versions with debugging on, no breakpoints. Edit2: its caused by Bobby Ray's shippment. If there is one arrived but not yet opened this increases the loading time of any sector inventory.

Moa, are you sure problem rise from r6367 as my change in that revision was just expanding condition to check EnoughPoints function for reload, for which I don't see how could create such huge problem? And this what you explain first notice playing LootFrag savegame (which you could find above) and that was before r6367. Afraid this problem go far deeper with inventory handling

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by Moa on Thu, 12 Sep 2013 18:55:08 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message its somewhere in between 6367 (ok) and 6394 (~40% longer loading). These are the only revisions I have compared with that savegame.

Page 260 of 585 ---- Generated from The Bears Pit Strictly speaking the huge increase in loading time is caused by bobby ray's. But this different bug actually made the performance lost measureable. I will keep that save till weekend when testing some more revisions.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by Kriplo on Thu, 12 Sep 2013 19:37:24 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Not sure if related, but when testing with LootFrog savegame with 3xx items it only take 5s when try to open inventory in B13 with those items, and currently loaded map is D13 where my mercs are positioned.

There is another strange time loss when you open new weapon description box from strategic map (opening is also not momentary) and just left click on empty weapon slot game freeze for few moments.

Anyway it will be great if you or someone could improve performance under debugger.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by Faalagorn on Thu, 12 Sep 2013 21:36:24 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message I'm not sure whether it's AFS or stock 1.13, but the log files keep telling me that "file "SPEECH\" does not exist". Can you take a look at it?

P.S. There are no visible effects in-game I noticed by far

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by silversurfer on Fri, 13 Sep 2013 07:04:43 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message FaalagornI'm not sure whether it's AFS or stock 1.13, but the log files keep telling me that "file "SPEECH\" does not exist". Can you take a look at it?

P.S. There are no visible effects in-game I noticed by far

Isn't that a vanilla bug? I remember it from looooong ago.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by Elvis_A on Fri, 13 Sep 2013 16:54:22 GMT

Page 261 of 585 ---- Generated from The Bears Pit View Forum Message <> Reply to Message 1773/6393

Encountered bug few times, alt+L, ctrl+L doesn't work, only alt+X.

I was trying to heal my mercs in the Cabria Hospital. Willis accepted my money and my mercs followed him. After that I see infinite clock and map view is blocked.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by Moa on Fri, 13 Sep 2013 19:07:31 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Moaits somewhere in between 6367 (ok) and 6394 (~40% longer loading). These are the only revisions I have compared with that savegame.

Strictly speaking the huge increase in loading time is caused by bobby ray's. But this different bug actually made the performance lost measureable. I will keep that save till weekend when testing some more revisions.

I am sorry, this was not true and I appologize for that quick assumtion. A more precise test showed that the loading times vary in a large range:

Toggle Spoiler timings for opening and closing sector inventory with 251 items at D13 when Booby Rays shipment has arrived but not yet oppened. because of rondomness on loading times I repeated it 5 times for each revision I tested. After each test I reloaded the save. I accessed inventory via left Btn mouseclick and closed via [ESC]. rev open1 close1 open2 close2 open3 close3 open4 close4 open5 close5

6401 11248 6911 9360 7285 10421 7332 12527 7878 12293 7411 6387 11559 7394 12839 7067 11435 7130 9282 7800 10842 7129 6382 9017 6724 10749 7254 10499 7347 10655 7348 12074 6958 6375 9017 6974 10030 7301 11498 7520 11607 7269 13042 6958 6370 11248 7020 11279 7332 10671 7192 9843 7394 10640 7379 6367 10499 7222 9001 7160 10920 7332 9438 7191 12948 7145

The difference between the versions is negligible. I have a guess: there might be some racing condition -> gameloop was told to render inventory, inventory renders but in meantime the view got changed by some code: BOOLEAN AutoPlaceObjectToWorld(SOLDIERTYPE * pSoldier, OBJECTTYPE * pObj, INT8 bVisible) .. fShowMapInventoryPool = FALSE; ..

Page 262 of 585 ---- Generated from The Bears Pit then the map screen gets rendered again by gameloop because it is not shown anymore

Might be totaly wrong, just a wild guess...

Edit: identified a part of the long delay for opening the inventory, I will check the closing delay on Sunday. But I have not figured out why there is such a huge increase when Bobby Ray has shipped something. (do not commit, needs to be double checked by flugente, the debugging stuff in game loop needs to be removed and some more changes needs to be done): Toggle Spoiler Index: gameloop.cpp ======--- gameloop.cpp (revision 6401) +++ gameloop.cpp (working copy) @@ -220,7 +220,7 @@

// rain static BOOLEAN gfSkipFrame = FALSE; - +extern void ScreenMsg( UINT16 usColor, UINT8 ubPriority, STR16 pStringA, ...); void GameLoop(void) { // DebugMsg (TOPIC_JA2,DBG_LEVEL_3,"GameLoop"); @@ -377,8 +377,11 @@

//DebugMsg (TOPIC_JA2,DBG_LEVEL_3,"GameLoop: screen changed"); AssertNotNIL (GameScreens[guiCurrentScreen].HandleScreen); + UINT32 time = GetClock(); uiOldScreen = (*(GameScreens[guiCurrentScreen].HandleScreen))(); - + time = GetClock()-time; + if (time>1000) + ScreenMsg( FONT_MCOLOR_LTYELLOW, 0, L"Handle Screen completed in %d",time); // if the screen has changed if( uiOldScreen != guiCurrentScreen ) { Index: Strategic/Map Screen Interface Map Inventory.cpp ======--- Strategic/Map Screen Interface Map Inventory.cpp (revision 6401) +++ Strategic/Map Screen Interface Map Inventory.cpp (working copy) @@ -798,7 +798,8 @@ // Flugente: certain features need to alter an item's temperature value depending on the time passed // if we do these functions here and adjust for the time passed since this sector was loaded last, it will seem to the player

Page 263 of 585 ---- Generated from The Bears Pit // as if these checks are always performed in any sector - SectorInventoryCooldownFunctions(sSelMapX, sSelMapY, ( INT16 )( iCurrentMapSectorZ )); + //Moa: removed this function and stripped the relevant code into BuildStashForSelectedSector to decrease loading time + //SectorInventoryCooldownFunctions(sSelMapX, sSelMapY, ( INT16 )( iCurrentMapSectorZ ));

// build stash BuildStashForSelectedSector( sSelMapX, sSelMapY, ( INT16 )( iCurrentMapSectorZ ) ); @@ -1869,8 +1870,11 @@

uiTotalNumberOfSeenItems = uiItemCount;

+ //Flugente: update Temperature & Food (Moa: moved from SectorInventoryCooldownFunctions) + HandleSectorCooldownFunctions( sMapX, sMapY, (INT8)sMapZ, pTotalSectorList, uiTotalNumberOfSeenItems, TRUE ); + SetLastTimePlayerWasInSector( sMapX, sMapY, (INT8)sMapZ );

- // now allocate space for all the unseen items + // now allocate space for all the unseen items if( guiNumWorldItems > uiItemCount ) { pUnSeenItems = new WORLDITEM[ guiNumWorldItems - uiItemCount ]; @@ -1912,6 +1916,9 @@ // now load into mem LoadWorldItemsFromTempItemFile( sMapX, sMapY, ( INT8 ) ( sMapZ ), pTotalSectorList );

+ //Flugente: update Temperature & Food (Moa: moved from SectorInventoryCooldownFunctions) + HandleSectorCooldownFunctions( sMapX, sMapY, (INT8)sMapZ, pTotalSectorList, uiTotalNumberOfRealItems, TRUE ); + SetLastTimePlayerWasInSector( sMapX, sMapY, (INT8)sMapZ ); }

@@ -5223,8 +5230,9 @@ } }

+//Moa:moved relevant code of this function to BuildStashForSelectedSector and enterSector to increase loading time // Flugente: handle various cooldown functions in a sector -void SectorInventoryCooldownFunctions( INT16 sMapX, INT16 sMapY, INT16 sMapZ ) +/*void SectorInventoryCooldownFunctions( INT16 sMapX, INT16 sMapY, INT16 sMapZ ) { UINT32 uiTotalNumberOfRealItems = 0; WORLDITEM * pTotalSectorList = NULL; @@ -5270,9 +5278,9 @@

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//Save the Items to the the file SaveWorldItemsToTempItemFile( sMapX, sMapY, (INT8)sMapZ, uiTotalNumberOfRealItems, pTotalSectorList ); -} +}*/

-// Flugente: handle various cooldwon functions over an array of items in a specific sector. +// Flugente: handle various cooldown functions over an array of items in a specific sector. // if fWithMinutes = true, adjust cooldown for time since sector was last entered // otherwise its used for a turn-precise cooldown void HandleSectorCooldownFunctions( INT16 sMapX, INT16 sMapY, INT8 sMapZ, WORLDITEM* pWorldItem, UINT32 size, BOOLEAN fWithMinutes ) Index: Strategic/strategicmap.cpp ======--- Strategic/strategicmap.cpp (revision 6401) +++ Strategic/strategicmap.cpp (working copy) @@ -2883,6 +2883,8 @@ #endif }

+extern void SetLastTimePlayerWasInSector(INT16 sMapX, INT16 sMapY, INT8 sMapZ); +//Moa: 09-14-2013 this function modifies the temperature of items in that sector as well \calls HandleSectorCooldownFunctions BOOLEAN EnterSector( INT16 sSectorX, INT16 sSectorY , INT8 bSectorZ ) { INT32 i; @@ -3015,8 +3017,15 @@ // Flugente: certain features need to alter an item's temperature value depending on the time passed // if we do these functions here and adjust for the time passed since this sector was loaded last, it will seem to the player // as if these checks are always performed in any sector - SectorInventoryCooldownFunctions(sSectorX, sSectorY, bSectorZ); + //Moa: removed this function and replaced by the handling function. Since we have allready loaded the items previously we can use the globals here. + //SectorInventoryCooldownFunctions(sSectorX, sSectorY, bSectorZ); + //moved from SectorInventoryCooldownFunctions, unvisible items are cooled down here as well. Since we are entering the sector this should not be a problem(?) + HandleSectorCooldownFunctions( sSectorX, sSectorY, (INT8)bSectorZ, gWorldItems, guiNumWorldItems, TRUE ); + SetLastTimePlayerWasInSector( sSectorX, sSectorY, (INT8)bSectorZ );

+ //Moa: scatter items which have not yet been placed on the map + //ScatterUnplacedItems(); + return TRUE; //because the map was loaded. }

Page 265 of 585 ---- Generated from The Bears Pit

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by silversurfer on Fri, 13 Sep 2013 19:31:49 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message It seems that the trigger group cannot be attached to anything in stock 1.13. :yikes:

I checked items.xml and the Trigger Group (item 1026) is defined as 256 and 256. According to AttachmentSlots.xml class 256 is "External Attachments 1". What is this supposed to be? I believe that the trigger group should be of class 128 "Internal Attachments". Am I correct?

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by Elvis_A on Fri, 13 Sep 2013 19:44:35 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message silversurferIt seems that the trigger group cannot be attached to anything in stock 1.13. :yikes:

I checked items.xml and the Trigger Group (item 1026) is defined as 256 and 256. According to AttachmentSlots.xml class 256 is "External Attachments 1". What is this supposed to be? I believe that the trigger group should be of class 128 "Internal Attachments". Am I correct?

trigger group works fine for me in octh. I am using 6393 exe, will try soon with 6400

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by silversurfer on Fri, 13 Sep 2013 19:55:28 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message E1vS trigger group works fine for me in octh. I am using 6393 exe, will try soon with 6400 Are you using mods? CTH system has nothing to do with the problem. The problem is in stock 1.13 items.xml.

I just downloaded and checked items.xml from AFS and there the trigger group has class 128 which I believe to be correct.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by Elvis_A on Sat, 14 Sep 2013 08:20:46 GMT

Page 266 of 585 ---- Generated from The Bears Pit View Forum Message <> Reply to Message silversurferE1vS trigger group works fine for me in octh. I am using 6393 exe, will try soon with 6400 Are you using mods? CTH system has nothing to do with the problem. The problem is in stock 1.13 items.xml.

I just downloaded and checked items.xml from AFS and there the trigger group has class 128 which I believe to be correct.

I have AFS and clean 1.13 in separate folders. I do not have problems with trigger group in octh, however foregrip does not give any bonuses, at least I do not see it in advanced properties page

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by Faalagorn on Sat, 14 Sep 2013 08:57:27 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Couple of bugs, I think most (if not all) are connected to the All resolutions project and playing on high resolution (1920x1080) in multimonitor environment, maybe vsync and fraps overlay may have an effect, but I doubt. Some of them are quite annoying

EXE: 6394 Data: 1772 Mods: AFS v4.48 Release Candidate 20130905 Inis:

On higher resolutions, when the minimap is clicked near the edge, so the camera goes to the edge of the map, clicking various actions starts to move the camera down one tile (video). When the merc panel is expanded in tactical (right click the merc

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by Uriens on Sat, 14 Sep 2013 09:37:17 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message About locking mouse to windows thing. I also have 2 monitors and noticed same behavior. If you alt-tab out and back into game while in tactical map, the mouse will lock properly. Also, if you load a game that was in tactical, the mouse will also be locked properly. However, if you go to strategic screen and then back to tactical, the mouse will lose the lock. Same thing will happen if you use keyring on a merc while in tactical. On top of that, using keyring also causes graphical glitches while in tactical although they go away when you close that window and move the screen a bit to force redraw.

It would be great if someone could tackle this issue to make mouse window lock consistent and even maybe add an option for locking/unlocking mouse to window in the options menu.

Page 267 of 585 ---- Generated from The Bears Pit Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by Faalagorn on Sat, 14 Sep 2013 11:34:13 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Another small bug with All Resolutions Project while we're at it: When the resolution in ja2.ini is set above the monitor's max resolution and in fullscreen, the game stars and closes a short while after with no feedback whatsoever - no error, nothing in log etc.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by silversurfer on Sun, 15 Sep 2013 12:00:45 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message tag wasn't working in the past like it was supposed to be. I don't know if some modders implemented workarounds in their items.xml. From revision 6402 on the ingame description matches the effect. Higher values are now really better. Before they made target tracking worse.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by Buggler on Sun, 15 Sep 2013 12:30:45 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message @ Take out cash window is out of place in strategical for non-standard resolution Fix sent, wait for commit. Fixed in r6406

@ Locking mouse cursor Feature is introduced to address difficulty in using mouse for tactical exit and map scrolling in windowed mode, not to lock mouse cursor within window for the entire game session.

Function will auto-'unlock' upon entering strategic screen. If required, 'Ctrl-z' to lock it again in tactical screen.

Changing the log message to 'Locking mouse cursor to stay within window boundary for current tactical screen session only.' will be more appropriate.

Last but not least, locking based on current implementation will also restrict the mouse boundary on all other window tabs. Just like how it used to be in laptop mode.

Edit: As for keyring, will try to fix it along with other instances like in shopkeeper interface.

Edit2: My post concerns about windowed mode whereas Faalagorn & Uriens are talking about fullscreen mode in multi-monitor setup, a vanilla bug. Nonetheless I'm looking at the issue too. Fixed in r6407.

Page 268 of 585 ---- Generated from The Bears Pit Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by Uriens on Sun, 15 Sep 2013 14:51:08 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Thx Buggler. Shortcut to lock it again in tactical would be great. Anything to stop the need for constant alt-tabbing.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by silversurfer on Sun, 15 Sep 2013 23:07:10 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message E1vS By the way my imp mercs cannot do gun repair to 100%. they have technician trait. I edited manually ja2 options ini and put it TRUE.

This bug is fixed with revision 6405. Technicians will now be able to repair items beyond repair threshold.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by Moa on Mon, 16 Sep 2013 03:01:38 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message To save you some time only the question below

********************************** * Current situation ********************************** Toggle Spoiler (Food/Dirt/Temperature) decay get updated each time one enters sector or access map inventory by overwriting the uiTimeCurrentSectorWasLastLoaded. Despite it has 'loaded' in the name, this variable is used to determine when the player was IN the sector (entered tactical) and gets updated everytime the map gets undloaded. Used for updating rotting corpses, smoke effects, possibly even handling quests, everything that needs to know when the map (not just the items of a map) was last loaded. Might be totaly wrong but thats what the comment implies.

Showing sector inventory currently loaded and saved the items multiple times. In addition to the repeadadly accessing the harddrive there are also multiple loops traversing several times the item list(s), sometimes just to get the size and often to adjust a single value or to copy to another array. Those redundant code can and should be replaced.

During timing tests I figured there are actually only two problematic functions: SectorInventoryCooldownFunctions() and BuildStashForSelectedSector(). To sum up the number of loops, file reads and writes:

Page 269 of 585 ---- Generated from The Bears Pit (multi means the whole file is read/written, single means a single word is read/written, loop means there is a loop traversing all read items.) best/worst case call count:

When entering sector (allways same sector as the loaded one): -1x load items in a call of EnterSector() (single,multi) -1x calc decay in HandleSectorCooldownFunctions() (loop) -1x save items in SectorInventoryCooldownFunctions() (single,multi)

When accessing sector inventory (same sector/different sector then the loaded one): -0x/1x load items in SectorInventoryCooldownFunctions() (single,multi) -1x/2x calc decay in HandleSectorCooldownFunctions() (loop) -1x/2x save items in SectorInventoryCooldownFunctions() (single,multi) -0x/1x load items in GetSizeOfStashInSector() calculated by: -accessing total number from file (single), -calling GetNumberOfActiveWorldItemsFromTempFile() (single, multi and loop) -loop all stacks and add the itemcount (loop) -0x/1x load items in BuildStashForSelectedSector() to get total number of items (single) -0x/1x load items in GetNumberOfActiveWorldItemsFromTempFile() to get number of existing items (single, multi, loop) -0x/1x load items into local array (multi) -1x/1x loop all itemstacks and add existing ones to global vector (loop) -1x/1x loop all itemstacks and add unseen (filtered) ones to global array (loop)

As you see entering sector has one loop, but accessing sector inventory has multiple loops. Therfore it is not possible to eliminate all redundant loops. But we can make a huge boost in loading speed when reducing 11 reads, 4 writes and 6 loops down to -> 2 loops, 2 read (1x single,1x multi) and 2 write (1x single, 1x multi). That is more than 300% improvement.

If you wonder why I also count a single word read in a file as an issue: you have to add the access time to the file as well. In that time the CPU is able to do thousands and thousands of instructions (like checking all items in a sector and decay them as neccessary)

********************************** * Options to fix the time bug ********************************** Toggle Spoiler Option 1: Introduce another variable inside SECTORINFO used for the last time (game minutes) we have updated all items for that sector. This approach brakes savegame compatibility.

Option 2: Create a static array inside the decay handling function which holds the time at which all items in various sectors has been updated.

Page 270 of 585 ---- Generated from The Bears Pit There is a problem here: one cant determine if a completly different savegame is loaded. To do make it work we need some global variable which tells us if our current save game is the one which matches our static times. This also requires frequent recalculation of the static array after autosave, save and load.

Option 3: Dont update uiTimeCurrentSectorWasLastLoaded when showing items in sector inventory. Instead one must add the delta decay to the items before showing them and remove the delta decay (or trash the itemlists) when closing the sector inventory. Let the final modification be handled when player is actually entering the sector.

Option 4: Dont update item decay when showing the sector inventory. The player will see outdated values in DB and tooltips and needs to enter a sector to get the correct values.

Option 5: update decay as usual on enterSector and on showing the sector inventory by overwriting the uiTimeCurrentSectorWasLastLoaded. This may brake some (potential) quest code, visual effects like smoke, rotting corpse ec. They are actually broken allready, so we dont care!?

************************************* * Options to fix the loading glitch ************************************* Toggle Spoiler Option 1: relocate the decay handling function from SectorInventoryCooldownFunctions() to avoid multiple loadings of the same data: For entering a sector this needs to be inside the EnterSector() function after we loaded the items or inside LoadWorld(), PrepareLoadedSector(),...

For accessing sector inventory a good place is right below the buildStashForSelectedSector() call in CreateDestroyMapInventoryPoolButtons() where the original call to SectorInventoryCooldownFunctions() was.

Because of Option 3 above we can use a hook where the stash actually gets build. Saving to tempfile can be omitted. Merge all loading functions which have to get information from item temp file into a single function, at least those for building the sector stash.

Option 2: Turn off Overheating, Food and Dirtsystem? - not a real option Extend the parameter list of various functions to return some known facts about read data (number of active items, total number,...). This however does not eliminate the loops which also are responsible for long loading times.

Page 271 of 585 ---- Generated from The Bears Pit *********************************** * patches *********************************** Toggle Spoiler For a patch with savegame compatibility I used options 5/1. You can download the patch later here (using rev6401 as a base).

For a more robust patch options 1/1 will be used. Until that is finnished the first patch should allready contain a lot of improvement. Changing to another variable is not that hard. Possibly this can be added later to the trunk once we have another savegame incompatible update.

Note that this just handles the loading part - the saving (closing sector inventory) is a different kettle of fish.

The test save is the one from LootFragg in this thread but on another day (d10, 15:00) after moving the HandleSectorCooldownFunctions() to enterSector and to CreateDestroyPoolButtons() in order to avoid 1 multi word load and 1 single word load the timings are: timings (ms) before patch: after patch: 13977---to load save (into map view)----14040 10359---to show sector inventory D13----8034 6708----to close sector inventory------6178 10140---to enter sector------11372

Because of variance its probably around 1 second faster to show the stash.

During implementation of Option5 I figured that we can skip the save on showing stash (see Option3) timings using 5/1 and using option 3/1: 14165---to load save (into map view)----14040 3267----to show sector inventory D13----1529 7379----to close sector inventory------6178 10140---to enter sector------11372

Unfortunatly this introduced a bug: viewing the inventory works fine, all items decay as suspected until one puts an item into the stash. The item decays compleatly after closing and reopening stash.

Is there some way to 'undecay' the item when droping into sector stash? 300% faster loading is ok, but 600% would be awesome Moving the code from inside the loop of HandleSectorCooldownFunctions() to a seperate function, called internal_something(WORLDITEM* pwItem, INT32 minutes) which can take also negative minutes? Does this work and do you know a good place for hook? is there another solution?

Page 272 of 585 ---- Generated from The Bears Pit Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by Flugente on Mon, 16 Sep 2013 18:41:48 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message @Moa: Apart from loading times, what seems to be broken? I haven't observed broken quests/weird rotting corpses/odd smoke behaviour, is there something I'm missing? The only issue I'm aware is the added possibility to prohibt bloodcat assaults be prior opening of sector inventory, but so far, nobody seemingly found out about that^^

Note that we also load sector inventory for the 'MOVE ITEM' assignment, and for militia equipment. In both cases we don't need to see the stuff ingame, and aren't necessarily in sector (moving/reinforcing militia etc.)

MoaOption 1: Introduce another variable inside SECTORINFO used for the last time (game minutes) we have updated all items for that sector. This approach brakes savegame compatibility. I actually prefer that one. When breaking, add a number of fillers, so we won't have to break again for a long time.

MoaOption 2: Create a static array inside the decay handling function which holds the time at which all items in various sectors has been updated. There is a problem here: one cant determine if a completly different savegame is loaded. To do make it work we need some global variable which tells us if our current save game is the one which matches our static times. This also requires frequent recalculation of the static array after autosave, save and load.Bleh. That's just awful. How would you even do that in turnbased, where time is still?

MoaOption 3: Dont update uiTimeCurrentSectorWasLastLoaded when showing items in sector inventory. Instead one must add the delta decay to the items before showing them and remove the delta decay (or trash the itemlists) when closing the sector inventory. Let the final modification be handled when player is actually entering the sector.Adding new variables to the OBJECTTYPE is bad and should imho be done only when everything else fails. This will bloat savegames and cause map incombatibilities.

MoaOption 4: Dont update item decay when showing the sector inventory. The player will see outdated values in DB and tooltips and needs to enter a sector to get the correct values.Let's call this the full-proof backup-plan.

MoaOption 5: update decay as usual on enterSector and on showing the sector inventory by overwriting the uiTimeCurrentSectorWasLastLoaded. This may brake some (potential) quest code, visual effects like smoke, rotting corpse ec. They are actually broken allready, so we dont care!? How are they broken?

Page 273 of 585 ---- Generated from The Bears Pit Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by Kriplo on Mon, 16 Sep 2013 20:05:28 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Does anybody knows why backpack take less points for stance change when zipper is on then when is off (backpack closed) ? Is this a bug? I plan to change this to take equal amount no matter if backpack is open or not as long is not drop to ground.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by Faalagorn on Mon, 16 Sep 2013 23:43:14 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message It seems to be a bug with Maddog sometimes not attacking you after attacking Jake in Estoni, that leads to duplicate items. It may be related to INI option of true NPCs not triggering combat.

When you punch a Jake in Estoni while Maddog is in your team, Maddog may just leave the team but not get aggressive. If this happens and Maddog have appropriate LBEs and empty slots in his inventory, he will get a new CAWS ammo, money and repair kit free out of nothing.

I've made a save game to demonstrate. Punch Jake with Hitman and recruit Maddog to see what happens. Then do the same again. Also, it seems that if Jake stands closer to the entrance of the Junkyard, Maddog will properly attack you.

EXE: 6401 Data: 1773 Mods: AFS v4.48 Release Candidate 20130905 Inis: Save:


There's also two other bugs that are of lower importance/may be hard to nail down: Pacos name was showing, even when not talked to and XML had

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by Moa on Tue, 17 Sep 2013 01:34:48 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message @Kriplo: Maybe somehting with the SOLDIERTYPE->flags.fDontChargeAPsForStanceChange is wrong or look in switch case BIGMERC_CROUCH_TRANS_OUTOF and PRONE_DOWN (line#3797 and 3832 of soldier Control.cpp). Just a guess.


Page 274 of 585 ---- Generated from The Bears Pit to reproduce: 1. enter Sector with fresh corpses, go to map view, open sector stash just to make sure time gets written to tempfile, save game

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by silversurfer on Tue, 17 Sep 2013 07:21:06 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message KriploDoes anybody knows why backpack take less points for stance change when zipper is on then when is off (backpack closed) ? Is this a bug? I plan to change this to take equal amount no matter if backpack is open or not as long is not drop to ground. When the zipper is activated the backpack is put on the ground in a manner of speaking. That's why you have to be crouched to access it. Therefore you need less AP to change stance. I think that this is intentional. Activating and deactivating the zipper costs AP so this cannot be exploited. Please don't change.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by Kriplo on Tue, 17 Sep 2013 09:29:53 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Thanks, now is bit clearer, was confusing because when zipper is on backpack is not lying on the ground and take weight cost

I will remain APs cost as it is, fix wrong APS calculation when trying to shot or throw from prone and not in desired direction, actually it show and deduct differently, after more test will commit.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by Uriens on Tue, 17 Sep 2013 11:09:02 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Yup, was just planning to report this. When merc is lying prone and you order him to shoot at something that requires him to change facing he will spend significantly less ap's then advertized on crosshair info. Actually, even though you planned to spend all ap's on shooting that target, merc will have 20+ ap's left when he's done. It's pretty big bug in calculation.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by Uriens on Tue, 17 Sep 2013 11:46:01 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Buggler

Page 275 of 585 ---- Generated from The Bears Pit Edit2: My post concerns about windowed mode whereas Faalagorn & Uriens are talking about fullscreen mode in multi-monitor setup, a vanilla bug. Nonetheless I'm looking at the issue too. Fixed in r6407.

Just installed and tried new version and it works great. Thank you so much for doing this. :cheers: No more alt-tabbing all the time, its just great. :party:

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by Kriplo on Tue, 17 Sep 2013 12:02:04 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message @Uriens

Some of shooting problems when turning from prone is fix from r6409, but notice problem when try autofire because somewhere after stance and turning change your settings is lost so he did just one autofire shoot, I will now look into that. Also will check throwing stabbing and punching as notice AI not calculate precisely maybe our mercs neither.

From r6409 these fixings are applied into build:

Brief: //dnl ch70 - Some APs fixing for throwing knives and backpack, with doing some correction to my previous changes. Details: - Do some correction and missing parts to ch58 and ch69. - Throwing knives will add you bonus for throwing knives to same target as was suppose from v1.12 but never works. - Fix AI use gun calculation for throwing knives instead for throw. - Fix incorrect showing and deducting APs when try to shoot from prone with backpack or throw from prone and crouch positions with turning in general. - Fix cheating when sLastTarget is set just for raise gun in that direction, this was always done after you fire.

Brief: //dnl ch69 - Add alternative fix for CalcBestShot which should remove existing APs problems maybe even create AI deadlier then ever Details: - Existing CalcBestShot simply became inadequate and buggier for so many add ons to game, so compiling with dnlCALCBESTSHOT is alternative option which calculate all turning, stance and raising gun cost for different stances and all available scopes, and after all hoping fix incorrect APs calculation as well, hitrate formula is adapt to 100AP system, also try to optimize a bit to get less AICalcChanceToHitGun calls and to use with different stance decisions. - From ch58 aiming for burst and autofire was disabled as was causing invalid action handle due

Page 276 of 585 ---- Generated from The Bears Pit to incorrect APs calculation so from now aiming AI also use aiming before bursting.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by Kriplo on Tue, 17 Sep 2013 12:14:22 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message For those how don't like to be constantly shot by accident from 20 tiles when you are lying down in cover, could try alternative JSD stance definitions which reduce ridiculous high number of hit locations for prone, also had some fix to crouch and stance. Currently prone has 28 hit locations and just 11 for stand!!! this lead in stupid situation that is better to stand then go to prone as we get far to many accidental hits.

All files are located in Anims directory at: copy whole Anims directory to \Profiles\UserProfile_JA2113 and start the game.

Warning!!! Of course your merc will also much less get accidental hits

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by Kriplo on Tue, 17 Sep 2013 12:30:51 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Moa Is there some way to 'undecay' the item when droping into sector stash? 300% faster loading is ok, but 600% would be awesome Moving the code from inside the loop of HandleSectorCooldownFunctions() to a seperate function, called internal_something(WORLDITEM* pwItem, INT32 minutes) which can take also negative minutes? Does this work and do you know a good place for hook? is there another solution?

With other coders blessings and if you could do performance improvements this will be so great especially for developing and debugging. In current situation probably there is no PC strong enough in the world which could run game painlessly under debugger

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by wanne (aka RoWa21) on Tue, 17 Sep 2013 12:32:23 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message KriploFor those how don't like to be constantly shot by accident from 20 tiles when you are lying down in cover, could try alternative JSD stance definitions which reduce ridiculous high number of

Page 277 of 585 ---- Generated from The Bears Pit hit locations for prone, also had some fix to crouch and stance. Currently prone has 28 hit locations and just 11 for stand!!! this lead in stupid situation that is better to stand then go to prone as we get far to many accidental hits.

All files are located in Anims directory at: copy whole Anims directory to \Profiles\UserProfile_JA2113 and start the game.

Warning!!! Of course your merc will also much less get accidental hits

@all: Should we apply those new JSD structures to the "Data-1.13" mod?

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by Uriens on Tue, 17 Sep 2013 12:57:43 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message I'd love to see that in main branch. I for one abuse that against AI all the time. Time for me to stop.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by Kriplo on Tue, 17 Sep 2013 13:55:05 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message @RoWa21 @Uriens

It's not rush, let people test it first, personally like it, but general public maybe rather prefers old ways, especially now is harder to accidently hit on OCTH, but NCTH will "suffer" as well

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by silversurfer on Tue, 17 Sep 2013 15:16:08 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Revision 6411 fixes an issue with the new laser performance bonus.

Brightness level was handled incorrectly and actually produced opposite results than intended (more brightness -> more bonus)... :uhh:

Thanks to Strohmann for testing and reporting.

Page 278 of 585 ---- Generated from The Bears Pit Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by Uriens on Tue, 17 Sep 2013 15:45:38 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Tested on 6407 exe revision and 1773 SVN revision.

Quote from exe revision history:

Quote: r6386 | Kriplo | 2013-09-10 22:49:49 +0200 (Di, 10 Sep 2013) | 16 lines

Brief: //dnl ch68 - Magically appeared reinforcements for enemy and militia just turn after they are called from now could be delayed and randomized. Details: - Practically all enemy reinforcement which can populate available slots was always appeared next turn after they are called so now we have game settings under "Strategic Gameplay Settings" for fine tunning enemy and militia reinforce entry: MIN_DELAY_ENEMY_REINFORCEMENTS enemy reinforcement will arrive minimum this number of turns after they are called, if 0 then is disabled. RND_DELAY_ENEMY_REINFORCEMENTS additional random delay added to minimum when reinforcements will arrive after they are called. MIN_ENTER_ENEMY_REINFORCEMENTS minimum enemy units which will enter after above delay is over. RND_ENTER_ENEMY_REINFORCEMENTS additional random enemy units to appear after passing delay. MIN_DELAY_MILITIA_REINFORCEMENTS enemy reinforcement will arrive minimum this number of turns after they are called, if 0 then is disabled. RND_DELAY_MILITIA_REINFORCEMENTS additional random delay added to minimum when reinforcements will arrive after they are called. MIN_ENTER_MILITIA_REINFORCEMENTS minimum enemy units which will enter after above delay is over. RND_ENTER_MILITIA_REINFORCEMENTS additional random enemy units to appear after passing delay. - After first delay ends any other reinforcement appeared more frequently or if already arrive (but no free slot), they will pop up soon after slot is free. - Add option NO_REMOVE_RANDOM_SECTOR_ITEMS under "Strategic Gameplay Settings" to prevent permanent random removal of your sector items. - Add missing function DisplaySectorItemsInfo.

However, such lines don't exist in the options ini file at all. As a result, I have yet to see any reinforcement's arrive for either militia or enemy in my current Chitzena coounterattack battle.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by Kriplo on Tue, 17 Sep 2013 16:44:31 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message

Page 279 of 585 ---- Generated from The Bears Pit @Uriens huh, forget to update ja2_setting.ini as this one is not from build branch, will do Reinforcements even without those should came as game will take default settings.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by Uriens on Tue, 17 Sep 2013 16:55:46 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message I have just added those lines myself and set MIN_DELAY_ENEMY_REINFORCEMENTS and MIN_DELAY_MILITIA_REINFORCEMENTS to 0. This made the reinforcements behave as default. However, without it I almost killed all enemies and did not see any reinforcements for either militia or enemies. Apparently the default values are off.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by Kriplo on Tue, 17 Sep 2013 17:04:49 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message UriensI have just added those lines myself and set MIN_DELAY_ENEMY_REINFORCEMENTS and MIN_DELAY_MILITIA_REINFORCEMENTS to 0. This made the reinforcements behave as default. However, without it I almost killed all enemies and did not see any reinforcements for either militia or enemies. Apparently the default values are off.

Please could you send me or put link for savegame to test it. Thanks.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by Uriens on Tue, 17 Sep 2013 17:20:46 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Problem is, I play heavily modified JA2 AIMNAS mod easter release with WF 6.06 version of maps (also modified). It would take a huge upload to send all the necessary files.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by Kriplo on Tue, 17 Sep 2013 18:06:17 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Yes, this make things complicated.

Did reinforcement came when you turn off delay?

Page 280 of 585 ---- Generated from The Bears Pit Because reinforcements would not came if no one call them (kill opposition silently) or in case that last of them is killed then they will be redirected if are in pending.

Below is current setting from gamesettings.cpp first number is default:

//dnl ch68 090913 Reinforcements minimum+random turn delay and minimum+random units enter for enemy and militia after they have been called gGameExternalOptions.sMinDelayEnemyReinforcements = iniReader.ReadInteger("Strategic Gameplay Settings", "MIN_DELAY_ENEMY_REINFORCEMENTS", 7, 0, 100); gGameExternalOptions.sRndDelayEnemyReinforcements = iniReader.ReadInteger("Strategic Gameplay Settings", "RND_DELAY_ENEMY_REINFORCEMENTS", 8, 0, 100); gGameExternalOptions.sMinEnterEnemyReinforcements = iniReader.ReadInteger("Strategic Gameplay Settings", "MIN_ENTER_ENEMY_REINFORCEMENTS", 6, 1, 64); gGameExternalOptions.sRndEnterEnemyReinforcements = iniReader.ReadInteger("Strategic Gameplay Settings", "RND_ENTER_ENEMY_REINFORCEMENTS", 6, 1, 64); gGameExternalOptions.sMinDelayMilitiaReinforcements = iniReader.ReadInteger("Strategic Gameplay Settings", "MIN_DELAY_MILITIA_REINFORCEMENTS", 10, 0, 100); gGameExternalOptions.sRndDelayMilitiaReinforcements = iniReader.ReadInteger("Strategic Gameplay Settings", "RND_DELAY_MILITIA_REINFORCEMENTS", 10, 0, 100); gGameExternalOptions.sMinEnterMilitiaReinforcements = iniReader.ReadInteger("Strategic Gameplay Settings", "MIN_ENTER_MILITIA_REINFORCEMENTS", 6, 1, 64); gGameExternalOptions.sRndEnterMilitiaReinforcements = iniReader.ReadInteger("Strategic Gameplay Settings", "RND_ENTER_MILITIA_REINFORCEMENTS", 4, 1, 64);

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by pheloncab on Tue, 17 Sep 2013 18:24:12 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Kriplo@RoWa21 @Uriens

It's not rush, let people test it first, personally like it, but general public maybe rather prefers old ways, especially now is harder to accidently hit on OCTH, but NCTH will "suffer" as well

As a member of the public, I say Fix this kinda base level problem now, then if the hit rates etc are too bad the modders can help us by adjusting the constants and other items later to bring hit rates back up.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by Uriens on Tue, 17 Sep 2013 19:46:04 GMT

Page 281 of 585 ---- Generated from The Bears Pit View Forum Message <> Reply to Message {7, 0, 100} I'm guessing that first number is default value, while the other 2 are min/max values allowed. I have it set up like this:


When I used this value reinforcements came as they used to, as soon as they were called. It was counterattack event in Chitzena so about 96 enemies appeared and no stealth since it was day attack.

I'm guessing the problem is that default values are 7 turns min delay for enemy forces and 8 turns added random value to that so it can take up to 15 turns for enemy forces to appear. Similar for for militia where min is 10 and and adds random 10 value which can make them come after 20 turns.

If you set gGameExternalOptions.sMinDelayEnemyReinforcements = iniReader.ReadInteger("Strategic Gameplay Settings", "MIN_DELAY_ENEMY_REINFORCEMENTS", 0, 0, 100 and gGameExternalOptions.sMinDelayMilitiaReinforcements = iniReader.ReadInteger("Strategic Gameplay Settings", "MIN_DELAY_MILITIA_REINFORCEMENTS", 0, 0, 100) it should work as it used to in vanilla.

Btw, values of 7 or even 10 turns min delay are a bit excessive since by that time most of the fights are almost resolved. Kindda think it's best to have them set as they are in vanilla and have modders and players play with them.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by Flugente on Tue, 17 Sep 2013 19:58:10 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message KriploFor those how don't like to be constantly shot by accident from 20 tiles when you are lying down in cover, could try alternative JSD stance definitions which reduce ridiculous high number of hit locations for prone, also had some fix to crouch and stance. Currently prone has 28 hit locations and just 11 for stand!!! this lead in stupid situation that is better to stand then go to prone as we get far to many accidental hits.

Page 282 of 585 ---- Generated from The Bears Pit All files are located in Anims directory at: copy whole Anims directory to \Profiles\UserProfile_JA2113 and start the game.

Warning!!! Of course your merc will also much less get accidental hits If I recall, there was some way to visually 'see' the blocks in JSD files. Do you have such a visualization? This would be very helpful in understanding what was wrong and what you fixed.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by silversurfer on Tue, 17 Sep 2013 21:03:49 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message FlugenteIf I recall, there was some way to visually 'see' the blocks in JSD files. Do you have such a visualization? This would be very helpful in understanding what was wrong and what you fixed. Use JSD Editor 1.2.1. It will visualize the structures inside a JSD file. edit: I wonder why Kriplo made people stand on their heads? :headscratch: edit2: Here is an example:

There are several problems with Kriplos structure on the left (the right shows the correct old structure).

1. The person has very slim legs and a very big head. 2. You can shoot through this person (shown by the red lines). edit3: The funny thing is that for crouched stance the vanilla structure also has a big head. Maybe they tried to simulate that head and shoulders are on level 2 when you are crouched. :whoknows: Also some of the default structures for crouched stance are not dense. This is strange... edit4: Your prone structures are too small. Mercs are no children. They occupy a full tile when prone so the structure should reflect this.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by Flugente on Tue, 17 Sep 2013 22:22:42 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message @silversurfer: I'm not familiar with JSDs... is that the view from above?

Page 283 of 585 ---- Generated from The Bears Pit When talking to Gary or Kaboom, both sometimes don't have text (it is replace with "I have no text in the EDT file (44) MercEDT\xxx.EDT"). I assume someone missed that.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by silversurfer on Wed, 18 Sep 2013 07:00:26 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Flugente@silversurfer: I'm not familiar with JSDs... is that the view from above?

Yes. The picture shows a standing person cut into three parts - Level 1 (directly above ground = legs), Level 2 (torso) and Level 3 (head). These levels are also used to calculated height differences in CTH calculation (aiming upwards penalty).

When the person is crouched it only occupies level 1 and 2, when prone only level 1.

The different entries in one file show the different directions the object can be facing (NE, E, SE, S, SW, W, NW, N). That's why there are always 8 entries.

I have to agree with Kriplo that the prone structures are a bit wide sometimes and sometimes have a strange form but he also made them shorter and that is not correct. A merc doesn't shrink just because he is flat on the ground.

I will produce some new ones later today and let him decide if they better reflect the merc that we see in game.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by Kriplo on Wed, 18 Sep 2013 08:22:16 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Excellent, EXECELENT !!!

This is not best topic, but stance JSD are huge bug, very annoying specially for prone, it's been long time ago from 1999 and we are still stuck with current crap. We need to open debate and finally find replacement (remember Headrock also complains after NCTH released as primarily depend on them in compare of OCTH which use rolling dices and always hit [2,2] if rolled, other are accidental after angles adjustment for miss). Let create several and vote for best suited which will go to trunk.

Here are links which decribe JSD, I use blackdragon's editor JSDEDIT v1.05 ml

Briefly, if remember correctly there are several JSD files, for sure knows cliffs and person stance are different files structure.

Page 284 of 585 ---- Generated from The Bears Pit Ordinary structure splits one tile or cell in 5x5 array with 4 levels meaning in 3D we have 100 tiny structure hit locations. 1 tile is also cube with size (10x10x10), now height is bit complicated as defined by 256 units meaning 64 per level (see in los.h). Mostly we like treat cell size in meters so our guy even if consist of one tile will be sized 2x2 meters and 2.5 meters tall So with such limitation is not easy to create best suitable but old ones should be replaced.


1. heh, in standing put number 6 (0110) instead of 2 (0010) so persons get large had and torso, my fault want to simulate arms

2. well, you cannot shoot through this person as integer number don't have holes this is just picture misguide as structure consist of (large) cubes.

4. agreed, plan to expand them but not beyond one tile, currently they spread in some directions to even three tiles, please put your suggestion we need to find solution

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by Kriplo on Wed, 18 Sep 2013 10:10:53 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message UriensYup, was just planning to report this. When merc is lying prone and you order him to shoot at something that requires him to change facing he will spend significantly less ap's then advertized on crosshair info. Actually, even though you planned to spend all ap's on shooting that target, merc will have 20+ ap's left when he's done. It's pretty big bug in calculation.

Those are fixes from r6414:

Brief: //dnl ch71 - Fix more problems of deducting APs when try to shoot from different stances but need turn to your target. Details: - Problems raised after introduction of conditional APs charge in case that you need to rise gun and turn, so charging only higher of this to two value if not prone. - Another problem is alternative fire mode from hip which is currently allowed only in stand so was missing such condition as well for change scope mode if going down. - As run into problems from above for our merc, need adopt it to CalcBestShot for AI too. please test it if APs are now deducted correctly.

Page 285 of 585 ---- Generated from The Bears Pit Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by Kriplo on Wed, 18 Sep 2013 10:17:45 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Uriens{7, 0, 100} I'm guessing that first number is default value, while the other 2 are min/max values allowed. I have it set up like this:


When I used this value reinforcements came as they used to, as soon as they were called. It was counterattack event in Chitzena so about 96 enemies appeared and no stealth since it was day attack.

I'm guessing the problem is that default values are 7 turns min delay for enemy forces and 8 turns added random value to that so it can take up to 15 turns for enemy forces to appear. Similar for for militia where min is 10 and and adds random 10 value which can make them come after 20 turns.

If you set gGameExternalOptions.sMinDelayEnemyReinforcements = iniReader.ReadInteger("Strategic Gameplay Settings", "MIN_DELAY_ENEMY_REINFORCEMENTS", 0, 0, 100 and gGameExternalOptions.sMinDelayMilitiaReinforcements = iniReader.ReadInteger("Strategic Gameplay Settings", "MIN_DELAY_MILITIA_REINFORCEMENTS", 0, 0, 100) it should work as it used to in vanilla.

Btw, values of 7 or even 10 turns min delay are a bit excessive since by that time most of the fights are almost resolved. Kindda think it's best to have them set as they are in vanilla and have modders and players play with them. ok, I will put this off by default, could you put min and rnd to e.g. 3 and test it again, you can set gabbi cheat and observe how they will pop up, but please, try to not kill them all in 3 turns

Page 286 of 585 ---- Generated from The Bears Pit Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by silversurfer on Wed, 18 Sep 2013 11:28:17 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message New JSD files available:

1. Standing: I think that vanilla structure for standing stance is ok. I didn't change that.

2. Crouched: Vanilla crouch structures seem to be completely wrong in terms of direction. In stand and prone index 0 is direction North and then increases clockwise but crouched starts with NW and then ... chaos... I changed them to use the same structure layout in all directions.

3. Prone: This used some very big structures especially in certain directions. I changed those to use the same structure layout for every direction and also made it use only one tile. Usually we only have the head and a foot in another tile and we can't aim for those anyway. They could be added if need be.

I don't know what these "flags" are for but I set them to "mobile", "transparent" and "person" in all three files. Now all have the same flags and not different flags across the board like it was before.

If anyone wants to test my new JSDs feel free to download them here:

@Kriplo Please tell me what you think. I used two mercs to see what they look like in the different stances and created the structure form from what I saw.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by Kriplo on Wed, 18 Sep 2013 15:27:46 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Yes, prone position is far better then original but still looks occupy to much space comparing to standing.

Maybe we should just standing stance translate to prone as if you lay down you not suddenly became bigger neither taller. Yes, at screen we see guys almost big as house, but that's just for esthetic's, we need to think of real physics how to translate body to those cubes which actually get hits not pixels on screen And no matter how many hit locations put on JSD will never see that on screen but will feel when bullets start flying Those files just represent physical interaction, like could you pass through or not, how solid they are...

JSD for persons contains 8 items for 8 directions, and they goes clockwise starting with person

Page 287 of 585 ---- Generated from The Bears Pit who facing north (N,NE,E,SE,S,SW,W,NW)

Here are current proposals for stand and prone facing north and nort east, first is my current proposing which is bad, then yours, then my new one based on yours, HL stands for number of hit locations:

Stand facing N 00000 00000 00000 00060 00330 00230 00700 03700 02700 06000 03000 03000 00000 00000 00000 HL= 7 11 9

Stand facing NE: 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 02020 06760 03730 03730 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 HL= 7 7 9

Prone facing N: 00000 11100 11000 01000 11110 11100 00110 01111 01110 00010 00100 00100 00000 00010 00000 HL= 4 13 9

Prone facing NE: 00000 01110 00100 00100 01110 01110 00100 01110 01110 00110 01010 01010 00000 01000 00000 HL= 4 12 9

Maybe rule of thumb is to define total number of hit locations then adapt to all stances +/- 2 Not sure about flags maybe left generic too as was in previous, also some of them had set ZTileOffsetY, in code is mentioned in one place but don't know if anything use it and for what purpose is.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by Kriplo on Wed, 18 Sep 2013 15:36:56 GMT

Page 288 of 585 ---- Generated from The Bears Pit View Forum Message <> Reply to Message I want to commit my changes regard of reinforcement delay to ja2_settings.ini , but see that Data and Data-1.13 directory contains different ini files.

Is there particular reason why they differs? vfs will still take those from Data-1.13, so does Data-1.13 contains valid ones or I need to separately add changes to both?

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by Gambigobilla on Wed, 18 Sep 2013 16:43:04 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message 6409 changelog by Kriplo; - Fix AI use gun calculation for throwing knives instead for throw. Does this include grenades? If yes then this means enemies no longer throw grenades from impossible ranges with pinpoint accuracy, am i correct?

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by Kriplo on Wed, 18 Sep 2013 17:05:23 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message @Gambigobilla

Well spend lots of hours during fixing AI throwing stuff and still working on that, but must disappoint you, AI cheat no more then you as he use same throwing calculation. From what I see he miss most of the time, can you be more precise or have save game from I could observe such situation? APs deduction doesn't work when throwing from prone or crouch, actually seems everything is screw up with APs deduction that wasn't case 2010.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by Gambigobilla on Wed, 18 Sep 2013 17:08:20 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Sorry, currently i don't have a savegame file. Nevermind. Thanks for the fixes btw.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by pheloncab on Wed, 18 Sep 2013 17:46:31 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message

Page 289 of 585 ---- Generated from The Bears Pit KriploI want to commit my changes regard of reinforcement delay to ja2_settings.ini , but see that Data and Data-1.13 directory contains different ini files.

Is there particular reason why they differs? vfs will still take those from Data-1.13, so does Data-1.13 contains valid ones or I need to separately add changes to both?

I think data is there for true vanilla to still be played.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by wanne (aka RoWa21) on Wed, 18 Sep 2013 18:07:08 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message pheloncabKriploI want to commit my changes regard of reinforcement delay to ja2_settings.ini , but see that Data and Data-1.13 directory contains different ini files.

Is there particular reason why they differs? vfs will still take those from Data-1.13, so does Data-1.13 contains valid ones or I need to separately add changes to both?

I think data is there for true vanilla to still be played. exactly. if you add new values to the ja2_options.ini, please add them to all 3 ja2_options.ini files (data, data1.13 and data-ub). it would also be nice to add it to the ini editor xml ja2 options file.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by Kriplo on Wed, 18 Sep 2013 18:35:36 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Vanilla?!? ROFL does work that stuff anymore, does anybody test it? even v1.13 is in quite mess, maybe problem is number 13, maybe will get less bugs if rename it to 14 :whistle:

@Rowa21 Thanks, already change in both will do it to xml file too.

@pheloncab Could you describe a little bit this impossible range, how they occur, where they occur, what estimated range was, maybe even type of grenade, are you sure it was throwing stance not launching from GL?

Page 290 of 585 ---- Generated from The Bears Pit Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by Kriplo on Wed, 18 Sep 2013 18:37:38 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message As fixing throwing grenade APs, run in problem which require community opinion how to be resolved: in function MinAPsToThrow there is: //Lalien: disabled it again //AXP 25.03.2007: Reenabled look cost //iAPCost += GetAPsToLook( pSoldier ); so calculating turning cost is disabled as was in v.12 but later there is 'AXP' again who add both but in inappropriate way so you are costly way to much then in should be just for turning: anyway, I will fix that but need to know was an idea of v.1.13 to calculate turning or not? From my point of view seems logical to add turning cost for grenades?

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by Flugente on Wed, 18 Sep 2013 18:46:13 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message There is no logical reason why turning should not cost APs when done during throwing. Imho it should cost APs.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by silversurfer on Wed, 18 Sep 2013 18:59:46 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message KriploYes, prone position is far better then original but still looks occupy to much space comparing to standing.

Maybe we should just standing stance translate to prone as if you lay down you not suddenly became bigger neither taller. Yes, at screen we see guys almost big as house, but that's just for esthetic's, we need to think of real physics how to translate body to those cubes which actually get hits not pixels on screen And no matter how many hit locations put on JSD will never see that on screen but will feel when bullets start flying Those files just represent physical interaction, like could you pass through or not, how solid they are...

The problem is that the structures should somehow reflect what we see on the screen. If the player sees the bullet fly into the target and gets a "miss" he will be pissed.

I have seen the opposite in the past. It looked like my bullet missed a prone target but it was counted as "hit". That didn't feel right and it was probably because of the large structure size. Now

Page 291 of 585 ---- Generated from The Bears Pit that I made it smaller I'm going to play with it and see if it works better. It should...

Kriplo anyway, I will fix that but need to know was an idea of v.1.13 to calculate turning or not? From my point of view seems logical to add turning cost for grenades?

I think that if you have to turn it should cost more AP than if you are already facing the target.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by Kriplo on Wed, 18 Sep 2013 20:31:20 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message silversurferThe problem is that the structures should somehow reflect what we see on the screen. If the player sees the bullet fly into the target and gets a "miss" he will be pissed.

I have seen the opposite in the past. It looked like my bullet missed a prone target but it was counted as "hit". That didn't feel right and it was probably because of the large structure size. Now that I made it smaller I'm going to play with it and see if it works better. It should...

I think that if you have to turn it should cost more AP than if you are already facing the target.

Yes they should, can't agreed more about that, but what options we have as in current state we stuck with silly 100 locations to represent our guy on tile 10x10meters, should we create different JSD which will have like 256x256x256 tiny cubes (height already represented by 256 units in some point of view), so we can create precise structure definition of object, but who will create editor for that and code

Well, players will always complain on something even now you see bullet goes through animation but that is 2D isometric game you can really see how he flies, hovever problematic are bullets which hit the same tile as target, but this could be relatively easy fix with vertical and horizontal angles of miss shot before bullet fired in OCTH and NCTH, although even that approach had flaws.

Your proposal is good, still think just need fine tunnig and few less hit location in prone, I'm interseting in your test result when playing NCTH as hits there only depends on structure configuration, as hit points are halved for prone less missed hits should be.

Ok guys, will add turning cost for throwing stuff.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here!

Page 292 of 585 ---- Generated from The Bears Pit Posted by Faalagorn on Wed, 18 Sep 2013 22:52:04 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message KriploVanilla?!? ROFL does work that stuff anymore, does anybody test it? even v1.13 is in quite mess, maybe problem is number 13, maybe will get less bugs if rename it to 14 :whistle: Currently, the 4 vfs present in the GameDir SVN indicate four different scenarios: Vanilla JA2 with core 1.13 fixes and externalizations, but no additional features turned on by default and no new stuff like new mercs. It will take files from only Data folder 1.13 JA2 - what "everyone" plays Vanilla UB 1.13 UB So there are currently four ini files to maintain. I don't remember seeing a commit updating all four of them at once, though.

However, I never fully understood why the VFS is configured to use the "AddOns" subfolder inside the "Data-UB" instead of simply having two folders: "Data-UB" for vanilla UB and "Data-UB-1.13" for 1.13 UB. I think it's related to RoWa's branch with UB mods ported to 1.13, but I still don't know why exactly the VFS is configured like that, instead of simply using Data-UB-addonname format, just like current JA2 1.13 mods do (AIMNAS, AFS, UC, DL etc.)

And I agree, it's hard to maintain and test all four of versions of the game. Plus there's also a demo, that's currently held in the branch.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by Moa on Thu, 19 Sep 2013 04:32:43 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Kriplo JSD for persons contains 8 items for 8 directions, and they goes clockwise starting with person who facing north (N,NE,E,SE,S,SW,W,NW)

I am not sure about this, if you map a certain screen point (e.g. noth point on screen) to a cell coord (e.g. north point in cell coords) you have to use FromScreenToCellCoordinates()

So I assume it goes (W,NW,N,NE,E,SE,S,SW) and the JSD editor is missleading which maps to 3D instead of isometric.

But everything which is rendered later on is in cellcoords, so you dont need to use the formular to balance the structures, just keep that in mind when modifying structures.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by pheloncab on Thu, 19 Sep 2013 04:48:12 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message

Page 293 of 585 ---- Generated from The Bears Pit KriploVanilla?!? ROFL does work that stuff anymore, does anybody test it? even v1.13 is in quite mess, maybe problem is number 13, maybe will get less bugs if rename it to 14 :whistle:

@pheloncab Could you describe a little bit this impossible range, how they occur, where they occur, what estimated range was, maybe even type of grenade, are you sure it was throwing stance not launching from GL?

Huh? grenade? I know there are issues with range on grenades but I don't recall posting anything about them in this spot recently...

I do know the thowing range tends to be real long cause its based in tiles not meters, where the GLs are based in meters, so you can have a GL running 30-45 tiles then a thrower thats 20-25 tiles or something like that..

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by silversurfer on Thu, 19 Sep 2013 07:16:18 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Moa So I assume it goes (W,NW,N,NE,E,SE,S,SW) and the JSD editor is missleading which maps to 3D instead of isometric.

One thing I know for sure is that in the game code direction 0 is North (the blue arrow in your picture points there) and then it goes clockwise to 7. JSDs also have index 0 to 7 so I assume they use the same logic. Looking at standing stance structures this matches perfectly and the other stances match as well. These JSDs come from Sirtech so I hope they are correct.

The tile engine is a mystery for me that I never looked into and I don't plan to do that anytime soon.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by Kriplo on Thu, 19 Sep 2013 09:25:00 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message @Faalagorn Thanks, that make things clear, for the moment forget about all of other modes, and that they need to have default settings as well. Now thinking it will be nice to had all current mods in one place (SVN) it's will be easier to test before commit changes, currently need to download and install separate mods, like wildfire (or we have branch for them too but I'm not aware of it).

@Moa About merc facing north I presume when he look in the top of your monitor, and first entry in JSD

Page 294 of 585 ---- Generated from The Bears Pit is for that then go clockwise. Now I'm pretty sure about that as test what MoveBullet function use as target facing, and results was no matter of direction from where bullet is comming, if target facing e.g. north it always use north definition from JSD.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by silversurfer on Thu, 19 Sep 2013 10:19:23 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Other mods usually get their settings from Data and/or Data-1.13 if they don't bring their own ini files. The WF map mod for example has no ini files except for Ja2.ini, vfs_config.JA2113Wildfire607.ini and Mod_Settings.ini. Modders are responsible to adapt their own ini files to the latest changes.

Kriplo Now I'm pretty sure about that as test what MoveBullet function use as target facing, and results was no matter of direction from where bullet is comming, if target facing e.g. north it always use north definition from JSD.

This makes sense. When shooting at that target from East or West the bullet should have less chance to hit the target because the defined area of the body is smaller.

There is a function LimitImpactPointByFacing( ... ) that makes shots from the side more accurate in NCTH calculation if SIDE_FACING_DIVISOR > 1.0. Chrisl left some comments in the code that this is more or less a workaround. The default for SIDE_FACING_DIVISOR is 2.0.

I think that we shouldn't try to fix this to death because we will never have "the perfect" fix anyway. A somewhat improved structure definition is already a big improvement.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by wolf00 on Thu, 19 Sep 2013 10:31:17 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message sector inventory runing like charme,if you have in si less than 1000 items,if have more than 1000 items in si some lags begin ...

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by Kriplo on Thu, 19 Sep 2013 12:57:45 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message silversurfer

Page 295 of 585 ---- Generated from The Bears Pit I think that we shouldn't try to fix this to death because we will never have "the perfect" fix anyway. A somewhat improved structure definition is already a big improvement.

True, it's easy to get into endless loop and still never find proper solution, so let's create several options so public could test it and vote for the what they think most suitable and that one will go to trunk. My current one is no good, plan to take yours and reduce hit locations by 2,3 for prone and maybe 1,2 for other stance. It's will be great if anybody else propose his solution, for now we had just yours as mine need some rework

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by Moa on Thu, 19 Sep 2013 13:04:13 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message SilversurferJSDs also have index 0 to 7 so I assume they use the same logic. Looking at standing stance structures this matches perfectly and the other stances match as well No they did not match, thats why I was wondering. Kriplo About merc facing north I presume when he look in the top of your monitor, and first entry in JSD is for that then go clockwise.

Exactly thats also what the following test revealed structure 0 = NW: Toggle Spoiler Index: TileEngine/structure.cpp ======--- TileEngine/structure.cpp (revision 6420) +++ TileEngine/structure.cpp (working copy) @@ -1875,6 +1875,11 @@ { gprintf( 0, LINE_HEIGHT * 1, L"DDoorRt with orientation %s", WallOrientationString[pStructure->ubWallOrientation] ); } + else if (pStructure->fFlags & STRUCTURE_PERSON) + { + if (pStructure->pDBStructureRef != NULL && pStructure->pDBStructureRef->pDBStructure != NULL) + gprintf( 0, LINE_HEIGHT * 1, L"PersonStructure with StructureNumber %d", pStructure->pDBStructureRef->pDBStructure->usStructureNumber ); + } else { gprintf( 0, LINE_HEIGHT * 1, L"UNKNOWN STRUCTURE! (%x)", pStructure->fFlags );

I also found the code where the structure is added to a merc:

Page 296 of 585 ---- Generated from The Bears Pit Toggle Spoiler fReturn = AddStructureToWorld( sGridNo, pSoldier->pathing.bLevel, &( pStructureFileRef->pDBStructureRef[ gOneCDirection[ pSoldier->ubDirection ] ] ), pSoldier->pLevelNode ); that means the structures indices are rotated one step in counterclock direction in jsd file and need to rotated back one step clockwise in code. upDirection [NORTH] returns pDPStructure[1]. (NW,N,NE,E,SE,S,SW,W).

Anyways, dont make the prone too tiny in relation to stand. 3 levels of manpower have to be squeezed into a single level, no bodypart is hidden when prone.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by Kriplo on Thu, 19 Sep 2013 13:23:44 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Fix problem with APs for throwing grenades from different stances, but find more when using grenade launchers. Ordinary GL have problem with APs when firing from prone (will fix that), they go from prone to crouch then make turnover and launch and this look fine and think is ok. But when fire from attached GL and if you are prone it fire from prone I think this is not logical and should behave as ordinary GL like M79, also they take cost for raising gun but isn't such cost included in basic launch cost.

What do you think should attached GL behave as ordinary GL or it's fine by you to take almost 40% more cost for nonsense? Honestly, I will don't bother with that but as currently fixing AI, find that improper as they suffer and cannot properly shoot you on sight :diabolical:

Here are current example from Trevor: M79 basic launch cost is 44 and total cost doing turnover from prone is 58. XM-29 basic launch cost is 41 and total cost doing turnover from prone is 80.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by silversurfer on Thu, 19 Sep 2013 14:26:36 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Moa I also found the code where the structure is added to a merc: Toggle Spoiler fReturn = AddStructureToWorld( sGridNo, pSoldier->pathing.bLevel, &( pStructureFileRef->pDBStructureRef[ gOneCDirection[ pSoldier->ubDirection ] ] ),

Page 297 of 585 ---- Generated from The Bears Pit pSoldier->pLevelNode ); that means the structures indices are rotated one step in counterclock direction in jsd file and need to rotated back one step clockwise in code. upDirection [NORTH] returns pDPStructure[1]. (NW,N,NE,E,SE,S,SW,W).

Great! Now the display in JSD Editor makes more sense. Before the "floor" was always rotated 45

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by Uriens on Thu, 19 Sep 2013 15:51:09 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message KriploUriensYup, was just planning to report this. When merc is lying prone and you order him to shoot at something that requires him to change facing he will spend significantly less ap's then advertized on crosshair info. Actually, even though you planned to spend all ap's on shooting that target, merc will have 20+ ap's left when he's done. It's pretty big bug in calculation.

Those are fixes from r6414:

Brief: //dnl ch71 - Fix more problems of deducting APs when try to shoot from different stances but need turn to your target. Details: - Problems raised after introduction of conditional APs charge in case that you need to rise gun and turn, so charging only higher of this to two value if not prone. - Another problem is alternative fire mode from hip which is currently allowed only in stand so was missing such condition as well for change scope mode if going down. - As run into problems from above for our merc, need adopt it to CalcBestShot for AI too. please test it if APs are now deducted correctly.

So far it seems to work fine. No more 20+ extra AP's after turning.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by silversurfer on Thu, 19 Sep 2013 17:19:47 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message I just fixed another bug with merc availability on M.E.R.C. This bug caused mercs to disappear again from M.E.R.C when loading a savegame.

Fixed in revision 6421.

Page 298 of 585 ---- Generated from The Bears Pit Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by Faalagorn on Thu, 19 Sep 2013 22:20:25 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message KriploNow thinking it will be nice to had all current mods in one place (SVN) it's will be easier to test before commit changes, currently need to download and install separate mods, like wildfire (or we have branch for them too but I'm not aware of it). Some are in SVN already indeed: 1.13 JA2 Demo (mentioned before)Wildfire 5.0Wildfire 6.06 & 6.07 (silversurfer did some changes to it recently)Most of the UB mods ported to 1.13Flugente's WH40K, (2), (3)Flugente's Zombie Invasion IoV have it's own SVN (and is not directly ported to 1.13, but the latest SVN EXE should support all the features from it). AIMNAS, wil's mods (AFS, UB-1.13, DL-1.13) and Arulco Revisted don't use any version control from what I know. Not sure about the rest, probably more info can be found at the respective forums.

It's also worth noting that Wildfire - both v5 and v6 needs to be purchased to play, just a 1.13 conversion is available in the SVN.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by Moa on Thu, 19 Sep 2013 22:50:02 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Kriplo I think this is not logical and should behave as ordinary GL like M79, also they take cost for raising gun but isn't such cost included in basic launch cost.

What do you think should attached GL behave as ordinary GL or it's fine by you to take almost 40% more cost for nonsense?


There is also the handling difficulty and dozen other modifiers for attached thingies. I would like to see them bahave equal.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by silversurfer on Fri, 20 Sep 2013 19:33:51 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message People still having problems with the advanced repair feature should check out revision 6426. There was still a skill check for the wrong person in the code. And I thought I got them all last time... :angry:

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here!

Page 299 of 585 ---- Generated from The Bears Pit Posted by Faalagorn on Sat, 21 Sep 2013 22:23:21 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message A long standing bug of the game crashing when loading a savegame (or a sector) is still present in the trunk. The bug is a random crash to desktop (generic windows error window) with no explanation whatsoever when trying to load a savegame. It happened to me for a long time - with and without AFS, with any exe over the past year or more, each time I was playing. The crash appears at the end of the loading bar, so it seems that the actual sector loading is the case? It is right after the first (red) bar fills fully, then a small break, and the game crashes. It's not critical, as I can always relaunch the game, but maybe someone will be able to nail this bug down. Here's the last 5 details from Windows event viewer: Toggle SpoilerFaulting application name: ja2.exe, version:, time stamp: 0x523e11f8 Faulting module name: ja2.exe, version:, time stamp: 0x523e11f8 Exception code: 0xc0000409 Fault offset: 0x003c9042 Faulting process id: 0x1e9c Faulting application start time: 0x01ceb713209168ba Faulting application path: D:\Games\!Steam\steamapps\common\Jagged Alliance 2 Gold\ja2.exe Faulting module path: D:\Games\!Steam\steamapps\common\Jagged Alliance 2 Gold\ja2.exe Report Id: 6c241547-2307-11e3-b3b5-20cf3001c45fToggle SpoilerFaulting application name: ja2.exe, version:, time stamp: 0x523a17da Faulting module name: ja2.exe, version:, time stamp: 0x523a17da Exception code: 0xc0000409 Fault offset: 0x003c8692 Faulting process id: 0x13a4 Faulting application start time: 0x01ceb646abe81fe3 Faulting application path: D:\Games\!Steam\steamapps\common\Jagged Alliance 2 Gold\ja2.exe Faulting module path: D:\Games\!Steam\steamapps\common\Jagged Alliance 2 Gold\ja2.exe Report Id: e082152c-223e-11e3-b523-20cf3001c45fToggle SpoilerFaulting application name: ja2.exe, version:, time stamp: 0x523a17da Faulting module name: ja2.exe, version:, time stamp: 0x523a17da Exception code: 0xc0000409 Fault offset: 0x003c8692 Faulting process id: 0x22c0 Faulting application start time: 0x01ceb5892ea11206 Faulting application path: D:\Games\!Steam\steamapps\common\Jagged Alliance 2 Gold\ja2.exe Faulting module path: D:\Games\!Steam\steamapps\common\Jagged Alliance 2 Gold\ja2.exe Report Id: 69d33477-2181-11e3-827b-20cf3001c45fToggle SpoilerFaulting application name: ja2.exe, version:, time stamp: 0x523a17da Faulting module name: ja2.exe, version:, time stamp: 0x523a17da Exception code: 0xc0000409 Fault offset: 0x003c8692 Faulting process id: 0x87d0 Faulting application start time: 0x01ceb50e9f77ba3e Faulting application path: D:\Games\!Steam\steamapps\common\Jagged Alliance 2 Gold\ja2.exe Faulting module path: D:\Games\!Steam\steamapps\common\Jagged Alliance 2 Gold\ja2.exe Report Id: cc89809e-210b-11e3-936e-20cf3001c45fToggle SpoilerFaulting application name: ja2.exe, version:, time stamp: 0x5233f6bb Faulting module name: ja2.exe, version:, time stamp: 0x5233f6bb

Page 300 of 585 ---- Generated from The Bears Pit Exception code: 0xc0000409 Fault offset: 0x003c7cd2 Faulting process id: 0x2564 Faulting application start time: 0x01ceb32ff405a30b Faulting application path: D:\Games\!Steam\steamapps\common\Jagged Alliance 2 Gold\ja2.exe Faulting module path: D:\Games\!Steam\steamapps\common\Jagged Alliance 2 Gold\ja2.exe Report Id: 40b47887-1f23-11e3-9732-20cf3001c45fMy system specs: Windows 7 Professional x64 EnglishIntel Core i5-760 (4 cores & no HT, 2.8GHz)2 x 8GB RAM (1600mhz DDR3)AMD Radeon 5870 GPU1920x1080 resolution (but I think it happened on lower resolutions too)OS is on an OCZ-VERTEX2 SSD drive @ SATA 2.0, Game is installed on secondary HDD WD20EARX @ SATA 3.0, both are running under AHCI Not using any compatibility modes whatsoever.

I may add, that I generally had no trouble with other games, and I don't think that a mod installed nor any of my INI/XML tweaks have an effect on this.

As you may judged from the reports, I'm using a Steam version, which is an English (US) 1.12 version.

I've also reported that bug in the past to bugzilla here on build 4870.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by Flugente on Mon, 23 Sep 2013 20:25:18 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message UriensTested on 6407 exe revision and 1773 SVN revision.

Quote from exe revision history:

Quote: r6386 | Kriplo | 2013-09-10 22:49:49 +0200 (Di, 10 Sep 2013) | 16 lines

Brief: //dnl ch68 - Magically appeared reinforcements for enemy and militia just turn after they are called from now could be delayed and randomized. Details: - Practically all enemy reinforcement which can populate available slots was always appeared next turn after they are called so now we have game settings under "Strategic Gameplay Settings" for fine tunning enemy and militia reinforce entry: MIN_DELAY_ENEMY_REINFORCEMENTS enemy reinforcement will arrive minimum this number of turns after they are called, if 0 then is disabled. RND_DELAY_ENEMY_REINFORCEMENTS additional random delay added to minimum when reinforcements will arrive after they are called. MIN_ENTER_ENEMY_REINFORCEMENTS minimum enemy units which will enter after above delay is over. RND_ENTER_ENEMY_REINFORCEMENTS additional random enemy units to appear after passing delay.

Page 301 of 585 ---- Generated from The Bears Pit MIN_DELAY_MILITIA_REINFORCEMENTS enemy reinforcement will arrive minimum this number of turns after they are called, if 0 then is disabled. RND_DELAY_MILITIA_REINFORCEMENTS additional random delay added to minimum when reinforcements will arrive after they are called. MIN_ENTER_MILITIA_REINFORCEMENTS minimum enemy units which will enter after above delay is over. RND_ENTER_MILITIA_REINFORCEMENTS additional random enemy units to appear after passing delay. - After first delay ends any other reinforcement appeared more frequently or if already arrive (but no free slot), they will pop up soon after slot is free. - Add option NO_REMOVE_RANDOM_SECTOR_ITEMS under "Strategic Gameplay Settings" to prevent permanent random removal of your sector items. - Add missing function DisplaySectorItemsInfo.

However, such lines don't exist in the options ini file at all. As a result, I have yet to see any reinforcement's arrive for either militia or enemy in my current Chitzena coounterattack battle. I just added the missing settings to the ini in GameDir r1787. Default values are 0, resulting in the usual reinforcement behaviour.

@Kriplo: Please add descriptions to the ini, as I did not add those.

Edit: Scrap that. Reinforcements no longer show up, no matter the ini setting. Please fix this.

Edit 2: So apparently some values have to be set > 0... idk.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by Kriplo on Mon, 23 Sep 2013 21:11:13 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Sorry, create ini files last week and still need to add for UB and for xml ini editor (not sure how to do that), and as was absent for last 4 days didn't want to force update without test it as this will be my first time to update game directory.

I'm working on that now and should be there soon

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by Flugente on Mon, 23 Sep 2013 21:34:27 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Aha, found it.

You need to set values > 0 for MIN_DELAY_ENEMY_REINFORCEMENTS in order for this to work, so I advise setting 1 as the minimum. Otherwise reinforcements wont work, making

Page 302 of 585 ---- Generated from The Bears Pit counterattacks impossible. This will also only work if if(gTacticalStatus.Team[ENEMY_TEAM].bAwareOfOpposition == TRUE) ... This, however, will only happen if the AI radios sighting of your mercs or handle's its initial read alert. This does not always happen - I just observed an airdrop where the enemy id not call reinforcements ever due to this not happening.

As I remember this working in the past, this might be an issue.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by Kriplo on Mon, 23 Sep 2013 21:52:11 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Hm, that's strange because if you look in my changes (in VS find all "dnl ch68") for enemy in function AddPossiblePendingEnemiesToBattle and if you put 0 in gGameExternalOptions.sMinDelayEnemyReinforcements it will be turn off, and ordinary reinforcements should work as was before because I just altering returned value from NumFreeEnemySlots function. Didn't mess with anything else, also test it in Drassen counter attack and was working fine, when enemy go to red alert they pop up after some time, now maybe problem will be for militia?!?

Anyway I'm going to turn off this feature for now form ini settings and as well by default from gamesettings.cpp although if there are problem with reinforcements maybe they are not related with my change.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by Uriens on Mon, 23 Sep 2013 22:40:42 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message I have also set MIN_DELAY_ENEMY_REINFORCEMENTS = 0 and reinforcements show up as normal. In revision history 0 value is described as the way to disable the feature and it works fine for me. I had 2 counterattacks so far and reinforcements were arriving as they should.

My settings are following:


Page 303 of 585 ---- Generated from The Bears Pit RND_ENTER_MILITIA_REINFORCEMENTS = 64

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by Kriplo on Mon, 23 Sep 2013 22:43:24 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message In the moment of closing sector inventory when there are no visible items, SaveSeenAndUnseenItems function will throw exception ("vector iterator not dereferencable"), seems problem is related with recent changes.

//check whether memmory (loaded map) or file is used to save the items if( ( gWorldSectorX == sSelMapX ) && ( gWorldSectorY == sSelMapY ) && ( gbWorldSectorZ == ( INT8 ) ( iCurrentMapSectorZ ) ) ) { //handle in existing function ReBuildWorldItemStashForLoadedSector( iExistingItems, uiNumberOfUnSeenItems, &(*worldItemsSaveList.begin()), pSaveList ); }

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by Kriplo on Mon, 23 Sep 2013 22:47:23 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message @Uriens did you try to put MIN_DELAY_ENEMY_REINFORCEMENTS to e.g. 2 and observe will they still came 2 turn later or never? just for precautions I turn off this fetaure in latest ja2_setttings.ini

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by Uriens on Mon, 23 Sep 2013 23:15:07 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message No, not yet. Will do it in Alma counterattack.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by derek on Tue, 24 Sep 2013 09:20:17 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message

Page 304 of 585 ---- Generated from The Bears Pit Don't know where to post this actually... Downloaded JA2_6428 build and SCI_..._6428 from Depri's builds yesterday.

Think I saw in IMP medic background twice (working now so have to check).

Why I can't no longer press mouse button and by holding it drag slider for skills? Why I can't click on arrow of the skill (dex for example) and that the value increases while I'm holding mouse button? (before I could do this two things)

What's with anims? My merc has 100 APs and I want to move him for 60 APs... he moves but when he stops moving (because he spent APs for that task) he doesn't crouch (like before) but he is some sort of "half-step"? (never saw this before in any build)

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by silversurfer on Tue, 24 Sep 2013 09:58:16 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message DerekBP What's with anims? My merc has 100 APs and I want to move him for 60 APs... he moves but when he stops moving (because he spent APs for that task) he doesn't crouch (like before) but he is some sort of "half-step"? (never saw this before in any build) That's a feature. If you decide to continue movement you can do so with less AP spend because you are still in the movement animation.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by derek on Tue, 24 Sep 2013 10:00:15 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message OK, thanks for info.

What about slider?

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by silversurfer on Tue, 24 Sep 2013 11:20:02 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message I have no idea. I don't use that. I just click where I want the slider to be and then adjust a little with left/right arrows.

Also I didn't see duplicated medical backgrounds.

Page 305 of 585 ---- Generated from The Bears Pit Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by Buggler on Tue, 24 Sep 2013 11:40:41 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Quote:Why I can't no longer press mouse button and by holding it drag slider for skills?If my memory serves me correctly, click-and-drag and mouse_repeats are broken with the introduction of FF-mod (fast forward mod) aka Highspeed timer game loop.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by Elvis_A on Tue, 24 Sep 2013 13:21:14 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message 6428/1789 I cannot hire Slay. I gave him the disk, and he refuses to join my team. I tried to do it with Miguel (leadership 99) - no success.

Now it is not possible to use rod& spring and trigger group at the same time?

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by wanne (aka RoWa21) on Tue, 24 Sep 2013 14:54:59 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message BugglerQuote:Why I can't no longer press mouse button and by holding it drag slider for skills?If my memory serves me correctly, click-and-drag and mouse_repeats are broken with the introduction of FF-mod (fast forward mod) aka Highspeed timer game loop. yes, thats true

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by Uriens on Tue, 24 Sep 2013 16:34:38 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message rev 6428.

Bug: While doing nightime sneaking in realtime and hunting last 2 enemies, Ira finished up training militia at another city. The message from Ira popped up normally but the game froze afterwards. I'm guessing that is should have went back to strategic and ask me if I wanted continue training militia but it never happened. Had to kill the process in .

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by silversurfer on Tue, 24 Sep 2013 16:57:01 GMT

Page 306 of 585 ---- Generated from The Bears Pit View Forum Message <> Reply to Message E1vS Now it is not possible to use rod& spring and trigger group at the same time? This is true. Both are internal attachments which could never be used together as far as I remember. If they could be that was a bug or a special ability of a mod that defined more/other attachment points. edit: This bug was introduced with GameDir revision 1257 where attachment classes first showed up in the current GameDir. The trigger group got the wrong attachment class and was therefore assigned to a slot that most weapons don't have although the trigger group was still defined to be compatible with these weapons. This was fixed in GameDir 1783.

Some modders have already fixed this bug in their items.xml long ago.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by Moa on Tue, 24 Sep 2013 17:51:33 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message KriploIn the moment of closing sector inventory when there are no visible items, SaveSeenAndUnseenItems function will throw exception ("vector iterator not dereferencable"), seems problem is related with recent changes.

Yes, this is missing:worldItemsSaveList.resize(1);//min one element to have an iterator (around line#961)

The tempfile always contains 10 empty items so there should be no issue adding 1 emty in front and removing the last empty one. Otherwise the loop needs a check for the first item or the tempfile needs to be removed - but file was always present if a sector was visited once. Dont know if it has some sideeffects when removing that file. if ( worldItemsSaveList.capacity() == 0 ) //nothing to do anyways so get out of here return; worldItemsSaveList.resize(1);//min one element to have an iterator //make list of seen items for ( UINT32 i = 0; i < pInventoryPoolList.size(); i++ )

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by silversurfer on Tue, 24 Sep 2013 18:43:26 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Moa if ( worldItemsSaveList.capacity() == 0 ) //nothing to do anyways so get out of here

Page 307 of 585 ---- Generated from The Bears Pit return; worldItemsSaveList.resize(1);//min one element to have an iterator //make list of seen items for ( UINT32 i = 0; i < pInventoryPoolList.size(); i++ )

This fix seems to work. Shall I commit?

No it does not. It causes items to vanish. Please don't use. edit: Bug is now fixed in revision 6440.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by Kasar on Wed, 25 Sep 2013 05:49:42 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message I think I have found a small bug. I am running one of the latest from Depressivebrot's page (early September).

A few of my newly hired mercs were ambushed without equipment, and I allowed them to surrender. Upon being rescued later, their health bars had turned green and have remained green ever since.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by Elvis_A on Wed, 25 Sep 2013 09:08:09 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message silversurferE1vS Now it is not possible to use rod& spring and trigger group at the same time? This is true. Both are internal attachments which could never be used together as far as I remember. If they could be that was a bug or a special ability of a mod that defined more/other attachment points. edit: This bug was introduced with GameDir revision 1257 where attachment classes first showed up in the current GameDir. The trigger group got the wrong attachment class and was therefore assigned to a slot that most weapons don't have although the trigger group was still defined to be compatible with these weapons. This was fixed in GameDir 1783.

Some modders have already fixed this bug in their items.xml long ago. what about making rifle sling as external attachment?

What about Slay unhireable bug? Could somebody help me if I upload save file?

Page 308 of 585 ---- Generated from The Bears Pit Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by silversurfer on Thu, 26 Sep 2013 09:47:08 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message E1vS what about making rifle sling as external attachment?

It's possible but it will require to add the slot to all weapons that are supposed to support the rifle sling. Most weapons don't have an external slot in stock 1.13.

E1vS What about Slay unhireable bug? Could somebody help me if I upload save file? If the savegame is from an unmodified installation you can upload it. I can try to find the reason why Slay is so stubborn.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by Faalagorn on Thu, 26 Sep 2013 10:26:32 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Buggler@ Take out cash window is out of place in strategical for non-standard resolution Fix sent, wait for commit. Fixed in r6406 Another bug, similar to this one: Repair assignment sub-menu goes out of rendering range (screen).

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by DepressivesBrot on Thu, 26 Sep 2013 10:50:17 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Uhm, no that's not how NAS works. If you define a layout (probably even the default one) with a slot for the sling and only make the sling go in that slot, all weapons should get that slot.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by silversurfer on Thu, 26 Sep 2013 11:36:40 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message :headscratch: Now I'm confused. Looks like NAS lost some of its configuration files since last time I knew how it worked.

- AttachmentSlots.xml contains the slots and assigns them to a certain . - in Items.xml defines which layout an item belongs to. - 1 already has a slot for "External Attachments 1"

Page 309 of 585 ---- Generated from The Bears Pit The only thing that needs to be done is to assign item "Rifle Sling" (ID 1525) to 256 which is "External Attachments 1" and all weapons that use 1 get that slot and the rifle sling can be attached if it is compatible (defined in Attachments.xml). Bingo!

Now I really wonder if someone assigned the trigger group to "External Attachments 1" on purpose and me putting it back to "Internal Attachments" in rev 1783 was a mistake. It was there in old NAS but maybe someone said it should be external...

Can you answer this question too?

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by Elvis_A on Thu, 26 Sep 2013 12:17:20 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Hello everybody. Here are save files The only modifications are done in Inieditor and skill settings. savegame11 - Slay unhireable.

I decided start new game and encountered few bugs. quicksave - 2 bugs: 1) in san mona as soon as I enter boxing club sector - siren turns on and my mercs got killed. I did not stole money or steal anything in sector. 2) Enemy do not finish their turn during attack in tactical - infinite clock

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by Moa on Thu, 26 Sep 2013 15:34:27 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Faalagorn Repair assignment sub-menu goes out of rendering range (screen).

possible fix: Toggle Spoiler Index: D:/JA2/Source/Strategic/Assignments.cpp ======--- D:/JA2/Source/Strategic/Assignments.cpp (revision 6441) +++ D:/JA2/Source/Strategic/Assignments.cpp (working copy) @@ -7269,13 +7269,13 @@

Page 310 of 585 ---- Generated from The Bears Pit

if( ( fShowRepairMenu == TRUE ) && ( fCreated == FALSE ) ) { - CheckAndUpdateTacticalAssignmentPopUpPositions( ); + // Moa: removed below: repositioning now the same way as for training in AssignmentMenuBtnCB as it caused missplaced box for higher resolutions then 3. + //CheckAndUpdateTacticalAssignmentPopUpPositions( ); + //if( ( fShowRepairMenu ) && ( guiCurrentScreen == MAP_SCREEN ) ) + //{ + // //SetBoxPosition( ghRepairBox ,RepairPosition); + //}

- if( ( fShowRepairMenu ) && ( guiCurrentScreen == MAP_SCREEN ) ) - { - //SetBoxPosition( ghRepairBox ,RepairPosition); - } - // grab height of font iFontHeight = GetLineSpace( ghRepairBox ) + GetFontHeight( GetBoxFont( ghRepairBox ) );

@@ -10232,6 +10232,7 @@ if( DisplayRepairMenu( pSoldier ) ) { fShowRepairMenu = TRUE; + DetermineBoxPositions( ); }

} @@ -10285,6 +10286,7 @@ if( DisplayMoveItemsMenu( pSoldier ) ) { fShowMoveItemMenu = TRUE; + DetermineBoxPositions( ); } } } @@ -11237,18 +11239,20 @@

if( ( fShowRepairMenu == TRUE ) && ( ghRepairBox != -1 ) ) { - CreateDestroyMouseRegionForRepairMenu( ); + //CreateDestroyMouseRegionForRepairMenu( ); pNewPoint.iY += ( ( GetFontHeight( MAP_SCREEN_FONT ) + 2 ) * ASSIGN_MENU_REPAIR );

SetBoxPosition( ghRepairBox, pNewPoint ); + CreateDestroyMouseRegionForRepairMenu( ); }

Page 311 of 585 ---- Generated from The Bears Pit if( ( fShowMoveItemMenu == TRUE ) && ( ghMoveItemBox != -1 ) ) { - CreateDestroyMouseRegionForMoveItemMenu( ); + //CreateDestroyMouseRegionForMoveItemMenu( ); pNewPoint.iY += ( ( GetFontHeight( MAP_SCREEN_FONT ) + 2 ) * ASSIGN_MENU_MOVE_ITEMS );

SetBoxPosition( ghMoveItemBox, pNewPoint ); + CreateDestroyMouseRegionForMoveItemMenu( ); }

if( ( fShowTrainingMenu == TRUE ) && ( ghTrainingBox != -1 ) ) @@ -17838,13 +17842,13 @@

if( ( fShowMoveItemMenu == TRUE ) && ( fCreated == FALSE ) ) { - CheckAndUpdateTacticalAssignmentPopUpPositions( ); + // Moa: removed below: repositioning now the same way as for training in AssignmentMenuBtnCB as it caused missplaced box for higher resolutions then 3. + //CheckAndUpdateTacticalAssignmentPopUpPositions( ); + //if( ( fShowMoveItemMenu ) && ( guiCurrentScreen == MAP_SCREEN ) ) + //{ + // //SetBoxPosition( ghMoveItemBox ,RepairPosition); + //}

- if( ( fShowMoveItemMenu ) && ( guiCurrentScreen == MAP_SCREEN ) ) - { - //SetBoxPosition( ghMoveItemBox ,RepairPosition); - } - // grab height of font iFontHeight = GetLineSpace( ghMoveItemBox ) + GetFontHeight( GetBoxFont( ghMoveItemBox ) );

Still missplaced when in tactical near the right window border (new popup should be on the left side, not ontop of the old): regarding Quote:crashing when loading a savegame [..] Exception code: 0xc0000409 Fault offset: 0x003c9042

This is an unspecified error in a seldom used code - disassembly shows that this memory section is not used. Maybe its used by a external lib (direct2D, windows stuff, lua or sound driver). However I got one lucky catch in debug version and this section showed some values, could not set a breakpoint there as there was no linkage (debugger says) nor do I have an idea how this section got filled and if it has the same meaning as in release version. And now as I am trying to

Page 312 of 585 ---- Generated from The Bears Pit reproduce to show a screen shot of disassembly its gone. I am stumped.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by silversurfer on Thu, 26 Sep 2013 16:14:08 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message E1vS savegame11 - Slay unhireable.

I can reproduce that bug but I don't know which change caused it.

When we try to recruit Slay the game checks if fact 155 is true. Fact 155 has no enum but I found out that it means "Slay offered deal". This fact is never set to true. That's why you can't recruit him. When I gave him the disk he got out of his wheelchair and said "I appreciate that." and that's it. I have no idea who changed his code or if it is related to some LUA script externalizations or something. I don't even know where to start looking. Also I can shoot at him and he never fights back. He doesn't even get out of his chair when I shoot at him. Looks like his code was completely broken.

E1vS quicksave - 2 bugs: 1) in san mona as soon as I enter boxing club sector - siren turns on and my mercs got killed. I did not stole money or steal anything in sector.

Where do all the rotting bodies come from in D5? When I enter the sector from the west I don't get attacked but there is dead bodies everywhere. When I started a new game and went to D5 from the North I didn't get attacked and there were no dead bodies so I don't know what you did there...

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by Elvis_A on Thu, 26 Sep 2013 21:26:27 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message silversurferE1vS savegame11 - Slay unhireable.

I can reproduce that bug but I don't know which change caused it.

When we try to recruit Slay the game checks if fact 155 is true. Fact 155 has no enum but I found out that it means "Slay offered deal". This fact is never set to true. That's why you can't recruit him. When I gave him the disk he got out of his wheelchair and said "I appreciate that." and that's it. I have no idea who changed his code or if it is related to some LUA script externalizations or something. I don't even know where to start looking. Also I can shoot at him and he never fights back. He doesn't even get out of his chair when I shoot

Page 313 of 585 ---- Generated from The Bears Pit at him. Looks like his code was completely broken.

E1vS quicksave - 2 bugs: 1) in san mona as soon as I enter boxing club sector - siren turns on and my mercs got killed. I did not stole money or steal anything in sector.

Where do all the rotting bodies come from in D5? When I enter the sector from the west I don't get attacked but there is dead bodies everywhere. When I started a new game and went to D5 from the North I didn't get attacked and there were no dead bodies so I don't know what you did there...

By the way Slay unhireable bug introduced recently. I remember I could hire him last time I played aprox. 1-2 weeks ago.

Dead bodies are enemy patrol, I killed them with my 2 mercs by attacking/retreating few times. Also I accidentally wounded boxing club guard Spike but after fight he did not fight back and I spent 1 boxing match. next time I went to tactical - kingpin people started killing my mercs, so I retreated in map view and next time I entered sector crazy things started to happen. Usually I use this sector as source of money in early game and prison, all done by Bull.

What about bug when enemy do not finish their turn?

Thanks for external attachment for rifle sling by the way! edit. I just had exact same kingpin bug in Arulco folding stock mod. I did nothing except 3 boxing matches. Darren gave me money, Kingpin invited me and left. few seconds later siren goes on and everybody become hostile. just before match there was enemy patrol so I left sector and returned later when they moved somewhere else.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by wanne (aka RoWa21) on Fri, 27 Sep 2013 06:57:57 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message FaalagornBuggler@ Take out cash window is out of place in strategical for non-standard resolution Fix sent, wait for commit. Fixed in r6406 Another bug, similar to this one: Repair assignment sub-menu goes out of rendering range (screen).

Fix by Moa is committed.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by Uriens on Fri, 27 Sep 2013 08:50:00 GMT

Page 314 of 585 ---- Generated from The Bears Pit View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Kriplo@Uriens did you try to put MIN_DELAY_ENEMY_REINFORCEMENTS to e.g. 2 and observe will they still came 2 turn later or never? just for precautions I turn off this fetaure in latest ja2_setttings.ini

Ok, finally managed to get into position to test this. I have set up following parameters:


At the end of enemy turn 4 militia reinforcements showed up. At the end of the enemy turn 7 enemy reinforcements showed up. Seems that feature works fine since reinforcements should have showed up in 4-7 turns period. Or is it 3-7 turn period. Does random number include 0? Is 3 meaning 1-3 or 0-3?

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by Kriplo on Fri, 27 Sep 2013 19:28:16 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message @Uriens

Thanks, finally confirmation that this feature works somewhere else then at my PC only

In this case random numbers are generated from 0 to your RND value e.g. (0, RND_ENTER_ENEMY_REINFORCEMENTS), so return 0 as random value is possible.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by Kriplo on Fri, 27 Sep 2013 22:27:54 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Finally get time to finish fix for APs showing/deducting for grenades and launchables, while doing that hope not too much screw up other things :headbanger:

Page 315 of 585 ---- Generated from The Bears Pit Well, if something else is still not working with APs deduction will try to fix that too :wave: r6447 contains:

Brief: //dnl ch72 - Fixing bad APs deduction when using hand grenades, mortars, rocket launchers, grenade launchers and attached grenade launchers from different stances and need turn to your target. Details: - Add APs cost for stance change and turnover for mortar and rocket launchers. - Rocket launchers cannot be fire from prone any more as there are no animation for that stance. - Attached grenade launchers now take raise gun cost for launcher instead for gun. - No more problems with APs for grenades from different stances and turnover, add proper costs for crouch too as someone add animation for that. - Fix wrong APs deduction for grenade launcher from prone and turnover in general. - Fix incorrect values for APs cost under throwing/launching cursor.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by silversurfer on Sat, 28 Sep 2013 12:33:53 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message E1vS By the way Slay unhireable bug introduced recently. I remember I could hire him last time I played aprox. 1-2 weeks ago.

I traced the conversation now and found out that Slay will only offer the recruitment option if the player has the "Kill Terrorists" quest active. In your savegame this quest is already solved and therefore Slay's NPC record 1 will not trigger which in turn doesn't activate Fact 155 which means that you can't hire him. I have no idea how you managed to solve that quest without killing him however...

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by Slax on Sat, 28 Sep 2013 12:46:40 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Quote:- Fixing bad APs deduction when using hand grenades, mortars, rocket launchers, grenade launchers and attached grenade launchers from different stances and need turn to your target. :bow:

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by Elvis_A on Sat, 28 Sep 2013 15:40:43 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message

Page 316 of 585 ---- Generated from The Bears Pit silversurferE1vS By the way Slay unhireable bug introduced recently. I remember I could hire him last time I played aprox. 1-2 weeks ago.

I traced the conversation now and found out that Slay will only offer the recruitment option if the player has the "Kill Terrorists" quest active. In your savegame this quest is already solved and therefore Slay's NPC record 1 will not trigger which in turn doesn't activate Fact 155 which means that you can't hire him. I have no idea how you managed to solve that quest without killing him however...

hm. If I remember correctly I gave 3-4 heads of terrorists to Carmen except Slay's of course. After that I did not meet him for money. Maybe game thought that it is enough to finish this quest.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by Kriplo on Sat, 28 Sep 2013 17:12:40 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Try to fix punch APs deduction but not understand why we use MinAPsToPunch for bare hands and brass knuckles, and for any other punching stuff MinAPsToShootOrStab ? Why not put all punching under MinAPsToPunch ? v1.12 source showing that all punch part was calculate in MinAPsToPunch.

This one is v1.12 MinAPsToAttack:

if ( uiItemClass == IC_BLADE || uiItemClass == IC_GUN || uiItemClass == IC_LAUNCHER || uiItemClass == IC_TENTACLES || uiItemClass == IC_THROWING_KNIFE ) { sAPCost = MinAPsToShootOrStab( pSoldier, sGridno, ubAddTurningCost ); } else if ( uiItemClass & ( IC_GRENADE | IC_THROWN ) ) { sAPCost = MinAPsToThrow( pSoldier, sGridno, ubAddTurningCost ); } else if ( uiItemClass == IC_PUNCH ) { sAPCost = MinAPsToPunch( pSoldier, sGridno, ubAddTurningCost ); } and this one v1.13 MinAPsToAttack:

if ( !(pSoldier->inv[HANDPOS].exists()) || Item[pSoldier->inv[HANDPOS].usItem].brassknuckles ) { sAPCost = MinAPsToPunch( pSoldier, sGridno, ubAddTurningCost ); } else if ( uiItemClass & ( IC_PUNCH | IC_BLADE | IC_GUN | IC_LAUNCHER | IC_TENTACLES |

Page 317 of 585 ---- Generated from The Bears Pit IC_THROWING_KNIFE ) ) { sAPCost = MinAPsToShootOrStab( pSoldier, sGridno, bAimTime, ubAddTurningCost, ubForceRaiseGunCost ); } // thrown items else if ( uiItemClass & ( IC_GRENADE | IC_THROWN ) ) { sAPCost = MinAPsToThrow( pSoldier, sGridno, ubAddTurningCost ); } // for exceptions else sAPCost = MinAPsToPunch( pSoldier, sGridno, ubAddTurningCost ); why v1.13 had IC_PUNCH for MinAPsToShootOrStab? :whoknows:

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by Faalagorn on Sat, 28 Sep 2013 23:50:28 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message silversurferI have no idea how you managed to solve that quest without killing him however... Maybe the option to enable all terrorists have something to do with that?

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by Elvis_A on Sun, 29 Sep 2013 08:42:48 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message FaalagornsilversurferI have no idea how you managed to solve that quest without killing him however... Maybe the option to enable all terrorists have something to do with that?

I have this option set to TRUE.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by silversurfer on Sun, 29 Sep 2013 09:02:25 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Faalagorn Maybe the option to enable all terrorists have something to do with that?

Not exactly that but you caused me to check that function again that creates Carmen's terrorist counter and guess what I found...

Page 318 of 585 ---- Generated from The Bears Pit Well, the function was not changed but it assumes that all terrorists are placed randomly across the map. All randomly placed terrorist add to a counter and this counter is given to Carmen. In the current MercProfiles.xml two terrorist are preplaced, MoM and Tiffany.

So the game goes through this list: Elgin is always there +1 Slay +1 MoM preplaced, skip Imposter +1 Tiffany preplaced, skip T-Rex +1

We end with the counter at 4. When you killed 4 terrorists (edit: and handed in the heads) the quest is done. This is probably what happened to E1vS.

How to solve that? We could simply assume that the data in MercProfiles.xml is valid and end with several terrorist in the same sector or a terrorist in an inaccessible sector.

Need to think about that and implement a solution.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by Elvis_A on Sun, 29 Sep 2013 09:23:32 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message silversurferFaalagorn Maybe the option to enable all terrorists have something to do with that?

Not exactly that but you caused me to check that function again that creates Carmen's terrorist counter and guess what I found...

Well, the function was not changed but it assumes that all terrorists are placed randomly across the map. All randomly placed terrorist add to a counter and this counter is given to Carmen. In the current MercProfiles.xml two terrorist are preplaced, MoM and Tiffany.

So the game goes through this list: Elgin is always there +1 Slay +1 MoM preplaced, skip Imposter +1 Tiffany preplaced, skip T-Rex +1

We end with the counter at 4. When you killed 4 terrorists the quest is done. This is probably what happened to E1vS.

How to solve that? We could simply assume that the data in MercProfiles.xml is valid and end with several terrorist in the same sector or a terrorist in an inaccessible sector.

Page 319 of 585 ---- Generated from The Bears Pit Need to think about that and implement a solution.

I killed 4 terrorists, so for new game one should not kill more than 3 to hire Slay?

Thanks for fixing bug with M.E.R.C. mercs availability!

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by silversurfer on Sun, 29 Sep 2013 09:54:51 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message The terrorist counter is now fixed in revision 6451. The game will increment the counter no matter if the terrorist has a fixed or random placement. Unfortunately this will not fix older savegames because the counter is stored in the savegame. If you want to hire Slay with an old savegame you shouldn't hand in more than 3 heads before trying to hire him. For new games the counter will be correct so you can hand in as many heads as you like because you cannot end the quest prematurely anymore.

If a fixed placement of a terrorist is invalid go blame the person who did that because you will not be able to solve the terrorist quest anymore.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by Elvis_A on Sun, 29 Sep 2013 10:01:31 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message silversurfer, thanks for quick response!

Did you see the bug in my savegame when enemy soldiers could not finish their turn?

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by silversurfer on Sun, 29 Sep 2013 10:11:55 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message E1vS Did you see the bug in my savegame when enemy soldiers could not finish their turn? I saw the bug but I didn't find the problem in the code. I don't do AI stuff because I have no idea how that is build. Sorry.

Page 320 of 585 ---- Generated from The Bears Pit Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by Elvis_A on Sun, 29 Sep 2013 10:17:38 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message silversurferE1vS Did you see the bug in my savegame when enemy soldiers could not finish their turn? I saw the bug but I didn't find the problem in the code. I don't do AI stuff because I have no idea how that is build. Sorry.

Thanks anyway!

If you can handle this bug to someone that could look at it that would be great.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by silversurfer on Sun, 29 Sep 2013 10:24:24 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message We don't "hand over" bugs to anyone. All of the work is voluntary. If someone wants to fix bugs he will look here anyway.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by E3245 on Sun, 29 Sep 2013 14:03:23 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message I found a bug in the latest build but I'm not sure if is just my build. When you kill all hostiles in the map, TRIUMPH_MUSIC doesn't play. Instead it skips over to MUSIC_NOTHING. Autoresolve plays TRIUMPH_MUSIC though.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by silversurfer on Sun, 29 Sep 2013 14:22:47 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message This could be related to the new music system that was revoked lately. Maybe one instance of the code still uses it. As long as the game doesn't crash because of that I would be too worried. As soon as the new music system is fixed it will be activated again.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by E3245 on Sun, 29 Sep 2013 15:06:51 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Why was it revoked? Did it not work?

Page 321 of 585 ---- Generated from The Bears Pit Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by silversurfer on Sun, 29 Sep 2013 15:20:15 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Yeah, it was causing several issues so it had to be disabled.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by Gambigobilla on Sun, 29 Sep 2013 15:45:05 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message It was the much unneeded feature. You cannot even play any formats other than wav and ogg. Muting ingame music and playing music on winamp is much is much better. I won't mind it if it's optional but causing bugs is another story.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by Elvis_A on Mon, 30 Sep 2013 09:40:55 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message silversurferWe don't "hand over" bugs to anyone. All of the work is voluntary. If someone wants to fix bugs he will look here anyway. what I am trying to say is do coders have some bug database\to-do list? Because some of bugs I posted earlier got ignored until recently somebody else posted them. it would be easy for everybody if something like this will be done for clean 1.13 _Read_.html#Post288134

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by silversurfer on Mon, 30 Sep 2013 13:04:52 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message There is a bug tracker site which is linked in the very first post of this thread -> _here.html#Post166487

Anybody can report bugs there and add attachments to the report. However, you shouldn't expect that these bugs are resolved quicker just because they are on the official bug tracker.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by Elvis_A on Mon, 30 Sep 2013 19:10:55 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message

Page 322 of 585 ---- Generated from The Bears Pit silversurferThere is a bug tracker site which is linked in the very first post of this thread -> _here.html#Post166487

Anybody can report bugs there and add attachments to the report. However, you shouldn't expect that these bugs are resolved quicker just because they are on the official bug tracker.

OK. thanks for your info!

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by Faalagorn on Mon, 30 Sep 2013 23:10:18 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message silversurferHowever, you shouldn't expect that these bugs are resolved quicker just because they are on the official bug tracker. I had the impression that it's actually even the opposite, and bugs reported to bugzilla are fixed rarer . Which is quite a shame, since an issue tracker should be a better tool than a forum. Maybe the jaggzilla and the main infromational thread on reporting bugs could use some love? I'd love to switch back to using it knowing it would help resolving bugs quicker .

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by silversurfer on Wed, 02 Oct 2013 14:09:05 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Just in case anybody wonders why he can't drop all backpacks anymore with Shift+B during an interrupt - this bug was fixed in revision 6464. Only interrupters can drop their backpack now.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by Uriens on Wed, 02 Oct 2013 18:42:28 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message I liked that bug. Oh well. It was an exploit so lets give it a proper funeral :rip: and move on. :walking:

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by Kriplo on Thu, 03 Oct 2013 20:46:12 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message r6465 contains:

Brief: //dnl ch73 - Fixing bad APs deduction when using blade or blunt weapons and punching in general from

Page 323 of 585 ---- Generated from The Bears Pit different stances when need turn to your target. Details: - Fix wrong APs deduction and animation change when go to attack with knife or punch from prone. - Fix no APs cost for martial artist when perform turning. - When target was prone there was several problems in defining turnover and stance cost as range to them could vary depending of obstacles between, and as punch or stub in general use same logic put all stubbing and punching under one function MinAPsToPunch which should solve current problems with APs calculations. - Still there are no turning cost when going to stub or punch from moving, but this problem is not related with MinAPsToAttack but with UIPlotPath which don't add turning cost, hope someone in the future will add this feature which never exist.

Although this will fix most APs problems with punch and stub, sometimes if you perform move to your target cursor will show 1AP more then real cost due to BPs change, as CalcActionPoints will show less full base APs then before attack because breath was changed. Unfortunately BPs calculation is total mess as spread to several functions and couldn't find how to estimate BPs cost before moving to your target.

Planting explosive, exchanging items or throwing items between mercs also show incorrect values, well except that if anybody find more problems related to bad APs will try to fix it next week.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by E3245 on Fri, 04 Oct 2013 11:30:58 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message I found another bug. There was a bloodcat ambush between Drassen and Alma, but there was no wildcats. The mobile militia was there as well, so I assumed that they killed the bloodcats. I went to the tactical screen and tried to move my troops, but I couldn't because you cannot move troops in tactical until the hostiles have been dealt with. I went to autoresolve and there was no enemies, so the mobile militia automatically won.

I don't have the savegame to reproduce this, sadly. I Just wrote this down to let you know about this bug.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by silversurfer on Fri, 04 Oct 2013 14:41:00 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message There was probably one cat left somewhere in the sector. Bloodcats are handled a little different than enemy soldiers. They will not trigger combat on the map screen but the game will still tell you that there are enemies around. I have only encountered them with my team and no militia around

Page 324 of 585 ---- Generated from The Bears Pit so maybe there is some strange game behaviour. I wouldn't worry about it much since it doesn't break anything.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by navaroe on Sat, 05 Oct 2013 10:24:12 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Hallo to everyone, I just filled a bug report and thought I might state that here as well in case forum is more popular among developers to read that bugzilla :confused:

Basically, using JA2_6465.exe (or any older possible) with newest gamedir, the game hangs up in civilian turn in Alma academy sector, if any merc dies from mortar shot or some certain other way.

If I should explain more, made any mistake or even just used some non-traditional way in report, let me know (e.g. should I use attachments or do you prefer to associate URL to file-sharing service like I did?)


Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by Faalagorn on Sat, 05 Oct 2013 21:58:26 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Speaking of Bugzilla, that thing has been crossing my mind for the past few days - ]like I mentioned before, the original one is kinda outdated and unpolished, and with no proper instructions how to submit bugs and overall low awareness, so the bugs are often reported in the forums instead in the issue tracker (Well, despite having an account, even I'm doing it myself, feeling it's not worth the effort). However, the issue tracking tool is still better than the forum, for example bugs reported to the tracker won't be forgotten as easily as the ones reported on forum some time ago.

So here's my questions/ideas: First of all - I suspect JAPH, the thread creator, is the current maintainer of JaggZilla - is he still around there?Aside from upgrading to the newest version of bugzilla, the bug reporting window could use some improvements, especially the "Version" section of it. I suggest using simple "stable" and "development" with additional field to state the revision number (like 4870 or 6465)And finally, some additional guides/instructions/guidelines on how to use JaggZilla and how to report bugs could be useful.If any help will be needed related to this manner, I will be glad to help . It would be nice to see 1.13 issue tracker improved and easier to use

Page 325 of 585 ---- Generated from The Bears Pit Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by dieMaus on Sat, 05 Oct 2013 22:28:35 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Well, so i finally started a game, made my IMP, assembled the team, still there is a reproducable problem :/ (Version 6462) I dunno if i should post this somewhere else (bug section?), pls tell me if so

The game wont make a save, but i got a quicksave, and every time i load it, the same error appears after some seconds. Maybe its another "quick fix" thing? So, the following error is displayed:

Assertion Failure [Line 4861 in file strategicmap.cpp]..... Dr. Q is not in a valid group (pSoldier -> ubGroupID is 0)

Thx in advance for any help!

Edit: Hm, seems i can prevent the game from crashing. I went to strategic view, assigned all 3 from Squad1 to Squad2. Now no crash. Strange...

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by derek on Sun, 06 Oct 2013 20:31:29 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message In 6471 where are the names of M.E.R.C. JA1 mercs? (they don't show up)

p.s. Copied JA2 gold, downloaded SCI_Unstable_Revision_6471_on_GameDir_1806.7z and interested, and downloaded JA2_6471.7z and inserted.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by silversurfer on Sun, 06 Oct 2013 20:46:42 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message No idea. It's working fine here. These two for example:

Using revision 6473 with GameDir 1808. There haven't been any changes in M.E.R.C display from your revision.

Page 326 of 585 ---- Generated from The Bears Pit Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by derek on Sun, 06 Oct 2013 20:49:25 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Don't know... I'm missing it and their stats.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by dieMaus on Sat, 12 Oct 2013 16:53:10 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message 2 more questions/probably bugs:

First, the cleaning kit - option team - only cleans the weapons from the merc holding the kit. Also the other option only cleans his/her guns.

Second, the BIO from MERC soldier "Raffi" hints he "could" have some medic skills, still his medic skill is on 4... Not that "immersiv"

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by silversurfer on Sat, 12 Oct 2013 18:34:09 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message His medic skills are probably fighting pain with drugs.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by E3245 on Sun, 13 Oct 2013 07:48:57 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message I have another bug to report. When you have incompatible attachments (for example Kobra and PSO-3), the UI buttons grey out and you have to click a blank box in the sector inventory many times before you can do anything again.

Another thing, sometimes the NADA item appears and if you click a empty box in the area where you apply weapon attachment, the game crashes or hangs. If you constantly click on a empty box in the sector inventory, the NADA disappears.

One more bug to report, applying the rifle sling to an AN-94 crashes the game.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by silversurfer on Sun, 13 Oct 2013 12:10:04 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message

Page 327 of 585 ---- Generated from The Bears Pit E3245I have another bug to report. When you have incompatible attachments (for example Kobra and PSO-3), the UI buttons grey out and you have to click a blank box in the sector inventory many times before you can do anything again.

Just click at an empty spot in the attachment area and the UDB will be closed. Or click an empty field in sector inventory with your item at the cursor. The item will be placed in that empty slot. It's one click and not many. Can't reproduce your problem with stock 1.13.

E3245 Another thing, sometimes the NADA item appears and if you click a empty box in the area where you apply weapon attachment, the game crashes or hangs. If you constantly click on a empty box in the sector inventory, the NADA disappears.

There shouldn't be any NADA items in stock 1.13. Probably mod related.

E3245 One more bug to report, applying the rifle sling to an AN-94 crashes the game. Not a stock 1.13 problem. I can attach the rifle sling to the external slot of the Abakan just fine. Must be mod related.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by silversurfer on Sun, 13 Oct 2013 18:38:19 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message I don't know if some players were abusing this bug but from revision 6486 it is not possible anymore to fly to an enemy sector and start any assignments like training, repair etc... As soon as one merc leaves the heli (is assigned to a squad) the rest of the passengers is forced out as well and combat is initiated.

No more lallygagging in enemy sectors!

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by Parkan on Mon, 14 Oct 2013 20:00:21 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message After adding MOLLE there is some glitch with enemy inventory.Sometimes after death of enemy soldier there is a chance of spawn of ammo crate of some ammunition(example 4.6*30 mm ammo crate which weight 50 kg).Plus there is a glitches with some ammunition too: If IMP char starts with Mp5\10A whic have 10mm ammunition,it start with two magazines,but those magazine have a description and image of 8 round pistol magazine.(sometime it has type of glaser ammunition,sometime Armor piercing,but in all those ammo is grey ammo)

Page 328 of 585 ---- Generated from The Bears Pit Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by silversurfer on Mon, 14 Oct 2013 20:06:59 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Oh oh, I have a feeling that this has something to do with the changes in items.xml that have been done with the outdated XML editor.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by Parkan on Mon, 14 Oct 2013 20:18:39 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message There is a misunderstandings in Ammo section.Some magazines\crates(some crates has ammo capacity of 8 rounds so they spawned in enemy inventory,but has a huge weight) has wrong ammo-rounds\description or caliber.I looked with xml editor(with updated editor by Jmich)

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by silversurfer on Mon, 14 Oct 2013 20:35:58 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Yes, definitely related to the changes in Items.xml. The for lots of ammo items was changed and now points to the wrong ammo type. Too tired to fix this now. Will do it tomorrow.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by silversurfer on Tue, 15 Oct 2013 11:37:35 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Ok, fixed the for all items in GameDir 1825. They are now back on their original value. Also added some missing tags to MercStartingGear.xml but this needs more work. There are lots of tags missing and I'm not sure at them moment if they have a default value (item status for example).

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by Elvis_A on Tue, 15 Oct 2013 13:24:31 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message dir 1825 exe 6478

It was working before molle system introduction. cannot start the game:

Page 329 of 585 ---- Generated from The Bears Pit *** Tue Oct 15 18:03:57 2013 *** [ 9WL54-7DTTB-CKBTI-3FCLY-OX3OX ]

[7.60445] : ERROR : File : Init.cpp Line : 1409 Location : InitializeJA2 Loading external data failed File : Init.cpp Line : 292 Location : LoadExternalGameplayData Items\Items.xml

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by silversurfer on Tue, 15 Oct 2013 14:22:51 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message :headscratch: I don't know. Just started the current exe 6495 with GameDir 1825 and it starts fine. edit: You can try this exe and see if it helps. edit: Maybe your old 6478 exe doesn't like the new tag in Items.xml.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by Elvis_A on Tue, 15 Oct 2013 15:32:56 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message silversurfer:headscratch: I don't know. Just started the current exe 6495 with GameDir 1825 and it starts fine. edit: You can try this exe and see if it helps. edit: Maybe your old 6478 exe doesn't like the new tag in Items.xml.

I guess I am noob in SVN software. I reverted files, now it works fine. Thanks for response. edit 1)russian molle pistol holster looks weird - goes off slot 2) any chance to change picture of shotgun holster? now it looks like smg

Page 330 of 585 ---- Generated from The Bears Pit 3) is it possible to change syringe slot image?

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by silversurfer on Tue, 15 Oct 2013 16:33:28 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message E1vS 1)russian molle pistol holster looks weird - goes off slot

This has the wrong pocket. *fixing*

E1vS 2) any chance to change picture of shotgun holster? now it looks like smg 3) is it possible to change syringe slot image? There is no silhouette graphic for shotgun and syringe. Must be created first.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by silversurfer on Tue, 15 Oct 2013 18:21:18 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Fixed the Russian Molle pistol holster in GameDir 1827. In addition to that I created a new silhouette for the shotgun holster.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by Parkan on Tue, 15 Oct 2013 19:49:45 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message thank you for quick fix =)

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by Elvis_A on Sat, 19 Oct 2013 16:35:35 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message kit drop pouch does not hold camo kit but supposed to edit. I am pretty sure that in previous version Glock 18 supported C-mags. I have even merc with glock 18 from old savestate with 30 rounds

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by Flugente on Sat, 19 Oct 2013 17:20:20 GMT

Page 331 of 585 ---- Generated from The Bears Pit View Forum Message <> Reply to Message E1vSI am pretty sure that in previous version Glock 18 supported C-mags. I have even merc with glock 18 from old savestate with 30 rounds Wut? Not in the trunk. :armsfolded:

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by Elvis_A on Sat, 19 Oct 2013 17:55:36 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message FlugenteE1vSI am pretty sure that in previous version Glock 18 supported C-mags. I have even merc with glock 18 from old savestate with 30 rounds Wut? Not in the trunk. :armsfolded:

Yes I am sure it was 1-2 month ago, if it does not support now - put it back again =) edit. bug with ambush.

I retreat from enemy sector and send my mercs back while they are still in between sectors and they got ambushed. other bug maybe related - enemy patrols shown on map, I send my mercs there and they ambushed!

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by Off_Topic on Sat, 19 Oct 2013 18:28:50 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message E1vSkit drop pouch does not hold camo kit but supposed to edit.

Not sure what happened there, the pocket is missing the following tag:1

44 Kits 38 1 8192 4

That pouch was meant to hold one Camo, Lock, or Gun Kit.

Page 332 of 585 ---- Generated from The Bears Pit Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by Kriplo on Fri, 25 Oct 2013 19:09:17 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message r6530 contains couple fixes for mapeditor.

Details: - Map loading not properly set Vanilla global variable switch. - Loading AIMNAS maps of version 28 cause CTD due to incorrect StackedObjectData loading sizeof. - Only in editor mode and if NAS setting is on inseparable and default attachments will be always add, but default attachments will not, so older maps should be converted from mapeditor to new version. - Fix CTD if try to place items from tab selection which contains no items. - There was missing part from ch4 for mouse wheel support in mapeditor. - There was conflict between keyboard and mouse events creating problems when try to select taskbar options by mouse. - Fix annoying message of using improper attachment during item place if item consist of default or inseparable attachments. - Remove hints to display if loading map from editor. - Fix CTD if have previously selected merc and loading another (smaller) map. - Saving map as Vanilla will check if attachment is valid for 1.12, that means you will lost some stuff from NIV if save in Vanilla mode, so you should always save map in newest format if want play map in 1.13. - Add correct weight recalculation when saving in Vanilla format using old OBJECTTYPE. - Remove entry points check during map save as Scheinworld reported problem with basement levels and similar maps which doesn't need entry points. - Fix displaying wrong map version in summary window because MapInfo is incorrectly saved in all previous mapeditors.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by silversurfer on Fri, 25 Oct 2013 19:49:58 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Great! Would you say that map modders should load all their maps and save them again with the new editor version? Will the fixes also get rid of those 10x scopes on dragunov sniper rifles?

I just tested with WF6.07 map sector P3. Loaded the sector - tons of warnings about 10x scope on Steyr Aug-A2. Saved map, closed editor, started editor again and loaded updated map - no more warnings. Must have removed the faulty attachments during save. Cool.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by Kriplo on Fri, 25 Oct 2013 20:54:17 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message

Page 333 of 585 ---- Generated from The Bears Pit Maybe this load/save map in new format should be done only for modders who plan to play mod with most recent game version. Depends of RemoveProhibitedAttachments function, actually didn't test for dragunov as don't know what map have it.

During loading map prohibited attachments are removed and proper permanent and default attachments add, but this part was already done by someone else, I just change entry conditions

Crap, annoying sticky message is only partially fix, now popping up from another part of code after loading P3

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by Parkan on Mon, 28 Oct 2013 12:40:02 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message I dunno what happen again but i found a bug(again):After capturing a drassen after cutscenes and after wining defending battle vs enemy,enemy stop attacks on early version of mod enemy made often attacks(during 1 day there is can be 2-4 attacks on sectors)but now if i had only city militia(2o militia\regulars not elites)enemy no attack me.Is any chance if with option Aggressive_Strategic_Ai in ja2_option.ini.Enemy will attack my sectors even he has not chance at all to win?

Checked with 6520 and 6534 versions of exe.Plus tryed with mod(AFS,Overhaul)on standart maps and on WF maps.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by Elvis_A on Mon, 28 Oct 2013 15:23:18 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message latest svn 6534 exe. 1366x768 resolution Started new game, and this bug appears when trying to create IMP and it is not critical because it disappears as soon as I go to map view

the other bug with "personnel manager" if more than 4 skills/traits are used - skill and merc backgroung text are messed up

Page 334 of 585 ---- Generated from The Bears Pit Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by wanne (aka RoWa21) on Mon, 28 Oct 2013 17:59:53 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message I can confirm the bug. there also seems to be a minor bug if you hover the mouse over the drop down lists and the tooltip appears. the tooltips are repeated a few times.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by silversurfer on Mon, 28 Oct 2013 18:04:56 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message ParkanI dunno what happen again but i found a bug(again):After capturing a drassen after cutscenes and after wining defending battle vs enemy,enemy stop attacks on early version of mod enemy made often attacks(during 1 day there is can be 2-4 attacks on sectors)but now if i had only city militia(2o militia\regulars not elites)enemy no attack me.Is any chance if with option Aggressive_Strategic_Ai in ja2_option.ini.Enemy will attack my sectors even he has not chance at all to win?

Checked with 6520 and 6534 versions of exe.Plus tryed with mod(AFS,Overhaul)on standart maps and on WF maps.

I play with the following settings and Deidranna doesn't stop bugging me:


Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by Parkan on Mon, 28 Oct 2013 18:11:58 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message I am always play with such settings and on INSANe difficulty,but enemy attack me only after dedirana cutscenes.Really something weird happen.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by Asthner on Tue, 29 Oct 2013 05:25:09 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Found a crash bug

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by Strohmann on Tue, 29 Oct 2013 15:47:17 GMT

Page 335 of 585 ---- Generated from The Bears Pit View Forum Message <> Reply to Message exe 6534 with GameDir 1845:

I could reproduce the bug in my mod, both with the cleaning kit and the rifle sling. It could be because they have both the tag 1

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by Asthner on Tue, 29 Oct 2013 21:10:06 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message I wasn

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by Buggler on Wed, 30 Oct 2013 08:10:47 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message [color:#666666]SOLDIER_PROFILES_ENEMY = TRUE bug Tanks will frequently spawn as soldiers instead when SOLDIER_PROFILES_ENEMY = TRUE (e default value)

To reproduce: - Do a first-time entry to sector M3/M4/M5 OR - Reloading maps with tanks in editor.

P.S. switch e option off to play against tanks[/color]

[color:#3333FF]Rubbed e genie lamp in e right way. Immediate fix in r6541 by silversurfer.[/color]

Edit: There was some excellent discussion/discoveries (a few pages back) on improving the JSD structure definition. Any progress since then?

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by silversurfer on Wed, 30 Oct 2013 10:43:06 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message AsthnerFound a crash bug

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by silversurfer on Wed, 30 Oct 2013 11:46:55 GMT

Page 336 of 585 ---- Generated from The Bears Pit View Forum Message <> Reply to Message BugglerSOLDIER_PROFILES_ENEMY = TRUE bug Tanks will frequently spawn as soldiers instead when SOLDIER_PROFILES_ENEMY = TRUE (e default value)

To reproduce: - Do a first-time entry to sector M3/M4/M5 OR - Reloading maps with tanks in editor.

P.S. switch e option off to play against tanks

Fixed in revision 6541. Tanks will not be overwritten anymore by enemy/militia profiles. Yeah, I know - we don't have militia tanks...

Buggler There was some excellent discussion/discoveries (a few pages back) on improving the JSD structure definition. Any progress since then? No. Haven't played much with the changed body structures so I can't provide substantial feedback.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by Flugente on Wed, 30 Oct 2013 19:14:29 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message E1vSlatest svn 6534 exe. 1366x768 resolution Started new game, and this bug appears when trying to create IMP and it is not critical because it disappears as soon as I go to map view

Fixed in r6542.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by wanne (aka RoWa21) on Wed, 30 Oct 2013 21:06:47 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message RoWa21I can confirm the bug. there also seems to be a minor bug if you hover the mouse over the drop down lists and the tooltip appears. the tooltips are repeated a few times.

Should be fixed in revision 6545 (by Flugente)

Page 337 of 585 ---- Generated from The Bears Pit Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by Parkan on Fri, 01 Nov 2013 10:20:31 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message There is something wrong goes with camouflage bonuses from armor and LBE vests.Examples: 1.We have Armor(example Kevlar Field ops Vest)it add 20% to Wood camo,and we have LBE gear it adds 5% of wood camo.There is must be 25% at all of camo on merc,but it is only 5%. 2.If merc wear armor with Urban camo bonus(SWAT armor or something else)and LBE gear with wood camo bonus-their camo bonuses work normal(20+5=25%) 3.If merc have urban armor and LBe with urban camo-their bonuses work fine

Summary-There is glitches in work of Wooden camo bonuses.Is it possible to fix?Such troubles occur very long time(even tried to play with older version of mods like AIMNAs 5176 where a lot armor with camo bonuses and wood camo work not good,but other work normal)

Maybe it will be sound like a request,but i want to ask:Is there somebody still play with old inventory system?I am asking this because in 1.13 mod there is additional armors in items but they for old inventory.Playing with WF maps(reworked by silversurfer)with new inventory system sometimes i can find on maps armors that works for OLD inventory(but they can be equiped by mercs if player still play with New inventory system).My questions is:Maybe to made all those armors for New inventory?(remade armor bonuses\camo bonuses on them too)

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by DepressivesBrot on Fri, 01 Nov 2013 10:43:26 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Working as intended, LBE covers the vest and overrides its camo. The different camos adding up is a minor glitch.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by Parkan on Fri, 01 Nov 2013 10:59:40 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message if it work as intended,how player can rise his camo to maximum without using camo kits?Ghillie kits are for Old inventory not for new.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by E3245 on Fri, 01 Nov 2013 11:37:33 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message

Page 338 of 585 ---- Generated from The Bears Pit Can someone test these two bugs that I found? I'm pretty sure it's mod related from the INI changes, but I'm just making sure.

1) Game Crashes if I look at the results email after creating an IMP character. Specifically, when I look at how racist/sexist the IMP character really is.

2) Runtime Error on the AIM website when displaying inventory. Says "Number of VObject [163] is smaller than the requested index [166]. It is caused by an INI change, but I'm not sure which setting was it.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by Sam Hotte on Fri, 01 Nov 2013 14:44:37 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Parkanif it work as intended,how player can rise his camo to maximum without using camo kits?Ghillie kits are for Old inventory not for new. Depending on the mod you're using there are attachments to armour adding to LBE's camo value and thus to total camo value; like camo helmet cover, ghillie pants and shirts. If looking for them in XML editor, don't look in "armour" section (those are the ones for OIV you mentioned) but in "misc" as they are attachments to helmets/vests/pants.

E3245Can someone test these two bugs that I found? I'm pretty sure it's mod related from the INI changes, but I'm just making sure. Wouldn't it be wise then to tell the mod you're using and which version of 1.13 and such?

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by silversurfer on Fri, 01 Nov 2013 15:33:12 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message E3245Can someone test these two bugs that I found? I'm pretty sure it's mod related from the INI changes, but I'm just making sure.

1) Game Crashes if I look at the results email after creating an IMP character. Specifically, when I look at how racist/sexist the IMP character really is.

2) Runtime Error on the AIM website when displaying inventory. Says "Number of VObject [163] is smaller than the requested index [166]. It is caused by an INI change, but I'm not sure which setting was it. Can't reproduce any of them. I used exe 6551 with GameDir 1853 for testing.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by Parkan on Fri, 01 Nov 2013 15:36:46 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message

Page 339 of 585 ---- Generated from The Bears Pit I am saying right now about only 1.13 stock mod,not about item mod like AFS(AFS has no trouble with that).In misc section there is Ghillie stuff,but i did not see them during game(they appear too late in BR and not appear on the enemy).

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by Parkan on Sun, 03 Nov 2013 10:11:39 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Again found a bugs with ammo.Some ammo has wrong types like:wrong magazine or crate,wrong ammunition capacity and etc.There is a lot of problems there.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by Kriplo on Sun, 03 Nov 2013 17:01:01 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message in r6554 was messing with these:

Brief: //dnl ch75 - More map editor fixes and map inventory pool performance improvement for big maps. Details: - Fix not showing expected messagebox on exit (ALT+x) which also throw exception and goes to improper mapeditor exit. - Fix second annoying sticky message which shouldn't popup during map loading and performing RemoveProhibitedAttachments. - Fix CTD when delete all enemies or civilians or all of them in map. - Fix some std exception when reporting for missing optional xml file. - Fix memory and map corruption in old mapeditors if loaded old map has item with invalid attachment and we try to attach something else. - As years ago pInventoryPoolList had migrated from WORLDITEM* array to std::vector it was time to do that with gWorldItems too, all necessary functions which need to be adopted to gWorldItems std::vector type are also changed. - Resize code for gWorldItems is changed hoping will lead into less corruption problems as now could occur in mapeditor and game when code automatically doing attachment changes. - Change code for handling map inventory which now should be fast enough to support AIMNAS project which will probably deal with thousands of items per map.

As this update contains quite a lot of changes regarded with map inventory pool handling,... losing or gaining stuff should be reported immediately :crazy: Now will continue with mapeditor bugs so write here if find some problems related to maps editing.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by Elvis_A on Sun, 03 Nov 2013 17:32:52 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message

Page 340 of 585 ---- Generated from The Bears Pit it is not really a bug but still if anyone can fix this that will be great: 1) when you turn on Fast AI turns or do it manually - important combat messages in tactical view about direction of sounds dissappear fast and you cannot read them.

Temporary solution I think will be making messages stay longer.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by Moa on Sun, 03 Nov 2013 20:20:27 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Kriploin r6554 was messing with these: migrated from WORLDITEM* array to std::vector it was time to do that with gWorldItems too, all necessary functions which need to be adopted to gWorldItems std::vector type are also changed. on debug build getting 3 different Assertions: opening sector inventory: list erase iterator outside range Toggle Spoiler JA2_EN_Debug.exe!std::_Debug_message(const wchar_t * message, const wchar_t * file, unsigned int line) Line 15 C++ JA2_EN_Debug.exe!std::list::erase(std::_List_const_iterator _Where) Line 1057 + 0x14 bytes C++ JA2_EN_Debug.exe!std::list::pop_back() Line 932 + 0x59 bytes C++ JA2_EN_Debug.exe!std::list::resize(unsigned int _Newsize) Line 863 + 0x8 bytes C++ JA2_EN_Debug.exe!OBJECTTYPE::Load(unsigned int hFile) Line 2890 C++ JA2_EN_Debug.exe!WORLDITEM::Load(unsigned int hFile) Line 2667 + 0xf bytes C++ JA2_EN_Debug.exe!LoadWorldItemsFromTempItemFile(short sMapX, short sMapY, char bMapZ, std::vector & pData) Line 708 + 0x1a bytes C++ > JA2_EN_Debug.exe!BuildStashForSelectedSector(short sMapX, short sMapY, short sMapZ) Line 2126 + 0x19 bytes C++ JA2_EN_Debug.exe!CreateDestroyMapInventoryPoolButtons(unsigned char fExitFromMapScreen) Line 827 + 0x1d bytes C++ closing sector inventory: list insert iterator outside range Toggle Spoiler JA2_EN_Debug.exe!std::_Debug_message(const wchar_t * message, const wchar_t * file, unsigned int line) Line 15 C++ JA2_EN_Debug.exe!std::list::_Insert(std::_List_const_iterator _Where, const StackedObjectData & _Val) Line 970 + 0x14 bytes C++ JA2_EN_Debug.exe!std::list::_Insert(std::_List_const_iterator _Where, std::_List_const_iterator _First, std::_List_const_iterator _Last, std::forward_iterator_tag __formal) Line 1042 + 0x37 bytes C++ JA2_EN_Debug.exe!std::list::insert(std::_List_const_iterator _Where, std::_List_const_iterator _First, std::_List_const_iterator _Last) Line 1005 C++ JA2_EN_Debug.exe!std::list::_Assign(std::_List_const_iterator _First, std::_List_const_iterator _Last, std::input_iterator_tag __formal) Line 951 + 0xa2 bytes C++ JA2_EN_Debug.exe!std::list::assign(std::_List_const_iterator _First, std::_List_const_iterator

Page 341 of 585 ---- Generated from The Bears Pit _Last) Line 939 C++ JA2_EN_Debug.exe!std::list::operator=(const std::list & _Right) Line 777 C++ JA2_EN_Debug.exe!OBJECTTYPE::operator=(const OBJECTTYPE & src) Line 1345 C++ JA2_EN_Debug.exe!WORLDITEM::operator=(const WORLDITEM & src) Line 180 C++ > JA2_EN_Debug.exe!SaveSeenAndUnseenItems() Line 1055 + 0x27 bytes C++ JA2_EN_Debug.exe!CreateDestroyMapInventoryPoolButtons(unsigned char fExitFromMapScreen) Line 896 C++ closing sector inventory (world loaded): list splice iterator outside range Toggle Spoiler JA2_EN_Debug.exe!std::_Debug_message(const wchar_t * message, const wchar_t * file, unsigned int line) Line 15 C++ JA2_EN_Debug.exe!std::list::_Splice(std::_List_const_iterator _Where, std::list & _Right, std::_List_const_iterator _First, std::_List_const_iterator _Last, unsigned int _Count) Line 1438 + 0x14 bytes C++ JA2_EN_Debug.exe!std::list::splice(std::_List_const_iterator _Where, std::list & _Right, std::_List_const_iterator _First, std::_List_const_iterator _Last) Line 1185 C++ JA2_EN_Debug.exe!OBJECTTYPE::SpliceData(OBJECTTYPE & sourceObject, unsigned int numToSplice, std::_List_iterator beginIter) Line 508 + 0xaf bytes C++ JA2_EN_Debug.exe!OBJECTTYPE::AddObjectsToStack(OBJECTTYPE & sourceObject, int howMany, SOLDIERTYPE * pSoldier, int slot, int cap, bool allowLBETransfer) Line 671 C++ JA2_EN_Debug.exe!OBJECTTYPE::PrivateRemoveObjectsFromStack(int howMany, OBJECTTYPE * destObject, SOLDIERTYPE * pSoldier, int slot, int cap) Line 749 + 0x21 bytes C++ JA2_EN_Debug.exe!OBJECTTYPE::MoveThisObjectTo(OBJECTTYPE & destObject, int numToMove, SOLDIERTYPE * pSoldier, int slot, int cap) Line 697 C++ JA2_EN_Debug.exe!InternalAddItemToPool(int * psGridNo, OBJECTTYPE * pObject, char bVisible, unsigned char ubLevel, unsigned short usFlags, char bRenderZHeightAboveLevel, char soldierID, int * piItemIndex) Line 2770 C++ JA2_EN_Debug.exe!AddItemToPool(int sGridNo, OBJECTTYPE * pObject, char bVisible, unsigned char ubLevel, unsigned short usFlags, char bRenderZHeightAboveLevel, char soldierID) Line 2683 + 0x28 bytes C++ JA2_EN_Debug.exe!RefreshWorldItemsIntoItemPools(std::vector & pItemList, int iNumberOfItems) Line 848 + 0x3b bytes C++ JA2_EN_Debug.exe!RefreshItemPools(std::vector & pItemList, int iNumberOfItems) Line 359 + 0xd bytes C++ > JA2_EN_Debug.exe!SaveSeenAndUnseenItems() Line 1060 + 0x14 bytes C++ JA2_EN_Debug.exe!CreateDestroyMapInventoryPoolButtons(unsigned char fExitFromMapScreen) Line 896 C++

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by Kriplo on Sun, 03 Nov 2013 21:12:12 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message @Moa

Page 342 of 585 ---- Generated from The Bears Pit Cannot reproduce any of those exceptions on savegame files I have. Could you please provide more specific details about mode you play or send me savegame where those exception popup?

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by Toma777 on Wed, 06 Nov 2013 14:14:03 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message merc kaboom cant detect landmines

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by Elvis_A on Thu, 07 Nov 2013 18:50:11 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message 6553/1859

I just encountered 2 bugs.

1) Helicopter stuck, cannot order Skyrider to move, he says he is going to refuel, but do not fly anywhere. 2) I attacked enemy they agreed to surrender but message to send them to prison did not show up. however they all become "captured" but battle still going. I order my mercs to retreat, militia, that was present in sector won in autobattle toma777merc kaboom cant detect landmines

Maybe because of his low Wisdom stat?

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by Flugente on Thu, 07 Nov 2013 18:54:26 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message 2) Not necessarily a bug. Only enemies without profiles can surrender. Hostiles with profiles (like Mike or Warden) will still fight on.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by Elvis_A on Thu, 07 Nov 2013 18:59:11 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Flugente2) Not necessarily a bug. Only enemies without profiles can surrender. Hostiles with

Page 343 of 585 ---- Generated from The Bears Pit profiles (like Mike or Warden) will still fight on. nope, I saw only red shirts in autobattle. As far as I know Mike will be shown as elite. The battle was in E7 sector.

I will try to find autosave file and see if there was hostile with profile. right above in D7 helicopter stuck. edit, found another save file, before entering the sector - enemy surrendered as usual.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by Flugente on Thu, 07 Nov 2013 19:00:51 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message In that case... where there bloodcats or hostile civilians? Enemies get sent to prison only if all hostilities have stopped.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by Elvis_A on Thu, 07 Nov 2013 19:09:06 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message FlugenteIn that case... where there bloodcats or hostile civilians? Enemies get sent to prison only if all hostilities have stopped.

I do not remember civilian turn, but bloodcats were not there for sure. unfortunately I did not save game during bug, and could not reproduce bug when entered sector again. edit. hm i just encountered again this bug. looks like it was because of enemy in dying state

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by Elvis_A on Fri, 08 Nov 2013 11:56:24 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message I just recruited Dynamo and after that game started to crash (black screen).

6567/1859 here what I found in game log

Page 344 of 585 ---- Generated from The Bears Pit *** Fri Nov 08 15:31:28 2013 *** [ 104R2-YPAF3-E0TQ3-2N0YN-AC1BP ]

[58.1966] : ERROR : File : vobject.cpp Line : 922 Location : BltVideoObjectToBuffer No Source Object

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by wanne (aka RoWa21) on Fri, 08 Nov 2013 12:16:57 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message E1vSI just recruited Dynamo and after that game started to crash (black screen).

6567/1859 here what I found in game log *** Fri Nov 08 15:31:28 2013 *** [ 104R2-YPAF3-E0TQ3-2N0YN-AC1BP ]

[58.1966] : ERROR : File : vobject.cpp Line : 922 Location : BltVideoObjectToBuffer No Source Object

Can you upload a savegame right before you recruited dynamo

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by Elvis_A on Fri, 08 Nov 2013 12:30:05 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message RoWa21

Can you upload a savegame right before you recruited dynamo unfortunately No, however I can give save of end of the battle for Tixa. edit

I will try to replay it again and reproduce the bug

Page 345 of 585 ---- Generated from The Bears Pit edit2 hmm. that is weird, I cannot reproduce it. Last time i send prisoners to D5, this time I just released them, and no bug is seen. is there any chance to fix Helicopter bug? it is in the savegame. edit 3. Spectra Vest "eats" camo shirt, attachment disappears.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by Seven. on Sat, 09 Nov 2013 07:32:58 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Is this a bug? When i plant mines, my mercs and militia remember them and they will avoid running through that tile, unless they are explicitly told to go there. But after save/load, they forget it and start exploding (But ALT+SHIFT+V still shows planted mines after save/load).

Maybe this information should be saved too?

[playing with current svn gamedir/exe ]

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by Toma777 on Sat, 09 Nov 2013 09:27:14 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message what is then point of high explosive skil if he cant detect landmines, even merc with low explosive skill can flag landmine

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by Seven. on Sat, 09 Nov 2013 10:02:54 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message toma777 1) Putting blue flags on mines makes planting mines pointless, because enemy can see them. 2) Very often merc able to plant mine cannot detect it reliably (Barry for ex).

Fixing this (probably) bug will allow planting defensive mines and tripwire in sectors with militia.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here!

Page 346 of 585 ---- Generated from The Bears Pit Posted by silversurfer on Sat, 09 Nov 2013 10:57:13 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message SevenfmIs this a bug? When i plant mines, my mercs and militia remember them and they will avoid running through that tile, unless they are explicitly told to go there. But after save/load, they forget it and start exploding (But ALT+SHIFT+V still shows planted mines after save/load).

My mercs did never ever try to avoid land mines that have been placed recently. If I tell them to go from A to B they will always take the shortest route and if a mine is in the way... *boom* Only after loading a savegame they will detect them. Has always been this way as far as I know. toma777what is then point of high explosive skil if he cant detect landmines, even merc with low explosive skill can flag landmine High explosives skill has nothing to do with experience and paying attention to suspicious stuff. Detecting mines requires (in order of importance): 1. Experience 2. Wisdom 3. Explosives Skill

Kaboom lacks the first two which are most important.

Sevenfmtoma777 2) Very often merc able to plant mine cannot detect it reliably (Barry for ex).

Mercs with Demolitions trait are so damn good in hiding their evil work that they sometimes can't even find it anymore themselves. The description of the trait is a bit misleading because it says that only the enemy will have more problems finding the trap. Actually the trap level counts for the trap and it doesn't care if the searching character is enemy or not. It could be implemented this way that mercs get a bonus to find their own traps but I don't think that this is a good idea. Right after we planted a trap we still know where we put it but a week after we won't remember exactly where we placed our traps. Give the merc a metal detector and he should be able to find most traps.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by Seven. on Sat, 09 Nov 2013 11:26:10 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Quote: My mercs did never ever try to avoid land mines that have been placed recently.

My experience with this is completely different. Just tested with r6567.

Page 347 of 585 ---- Generated from The Bears Pit Mercs and militia ALWAYS avoid recently planted mines. And after save/load (or leaving sector) they completely forget about them.


Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by Toma777 on Sat, 09 Nov 2013 12:49:29 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Ok, thank you!

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by Gambigobilla on Sun, 10 Nov 2013 14:17:46 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Minor UDB bug.In UDB advanced tab tag is displayed as percentage i.e. 120 displays 120% range bonus (in the general tab it shows correct range as +12 bonus) while displays nothing.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by Seven. on Mon, 11 Nov 2013 08:01:53 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Found strange throwing behavior while experimenting with attached explosives. Attaching something to grenade makes it heavier, so you should not be able to throw it as far as before the attachments, and red aim shows decreased range. But you can still throw grenade at full distance.

So i think at some point weight added from attachments is not added.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by Elvis_A on Mon, 11 Nov 2013 12:46:34 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message In save06 - there is bug and it is possible to see through the wall(or roof?)in Alma warehouse sector.

There is still bugs with attachments to Spectra vest. Can anybody look at them?

Page 348 of 585 ---- Generated from The Bears Pit now the problem with attachment is gone.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by hrvg on Mon, 11 Nov 2013 22:04:33 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Hi, I'm sorry for my English. There is a problem with Spooky. I press 'Shift + R'... But he did not reload his weapon (in real time mode). (To see screen):

Thanks. Regards.

PS: (no combat) English version... Patch: SCI_Unstable_Revision_6553_on_GameDir_1854.7z

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by Kriplo on Mon, 11 Nov 2013 22:23:25 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message @hrvg

Shift+R will reload all mercs weapons but only in tactical screen, not in map inventory.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by hrvg on Mon, 11 Nov 2013 22:46:17 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Hi Kriplo, Yes, I know, It's very hard for me to write English explain (I'm sorry). I show that there is ammunition in the inventory sector ... Spooky does not reload his weapon (Sniper rifle only).

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by hrvg on Mon, 11 Nov 2013 23:42:18 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message

Page 349 of 585 ---- Generated from The Bears Pit It comes from rifle 'Erma SR-100' or other guns (perhaps)... Because it is the same with other mercenaries. (To see screen).

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by silversurfer on Tue, 12 Nov 2013 02:21:46 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message The problem is that the gun has no ammo left so the game cannot compare ammo type with magazines in sector inventory. Since it can't find a matching ammo type it will not reload. This problem happens with all guns that are empty.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by silversurfer on Tue, 12 Nov 2013 10:58:34 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message I tested the reload issue again and this is not a bug.

When you shoot the gun empty it will remember which type of ammo was the last used type. Shift + R works in that case. If you find an empty gun or unload the gun manually the ammo type is not set (the 0 is grey) and the game can't possible read your mind to know what type of ammo you want.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by Sam Hotte on Tue, 12 Nov 2013 12:42:37 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message silversurferI tested the reload issue again and this is not a bug.

When you shoot the gun empty it will remember which type of ammo was the last used type. Shift + R works in that case. If you find an empty gun or unload the gun manually the ammo type is not set (the 0 is grey) and the game can't possible read your mind to know what type of ammo you want.

Wouldn't it make more sense to load standard ammo of given calibre instead of nothing then?

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by silversurfer on Tue, 12 Nov 2013 13:33:55 GMT

Page 350 of 585 ---- Generated from The Bears Pit View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Sam_Hotte Wouldn't it make more sense to load standard ammo of given calibre instead of nothing then? What is standard ammo? The first we can find? No thanks, I rather decide myself what ammo I want to use and I think that other players should not be THAT lazy to load their guns at least ONCE. edit: After all this feature is called "Reload" and that requires some ammo to be in the gun before.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by Sam Hotte on Tue, 12 Nov 2013 13:57:26 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message silversurferSam_Hotte Wouldn't it make more sense to load standard ammo of given calibre instead of nothing then? What is standard ammo? The all purpose, not very specialized one? Ball (grey) for the smaller rounds or FMJ/AP (red) for rifle cartridges?

Quote:The first we can find? No thanks, I rather decide myself what ammo I want to use and I think that other players should not be THAT lazy to load their guns at least ONCE. I prefer deciding myself as well - that's why I hardly use shortcuts to reload. But I wouldn't impose my style and preference to others. And i'd think that on using the shortcut to reload everyone, players would prefer even the first type of ammo to be found to nothing in a gun that for whatever reason has been "undecided" yet. YMMV.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by silversurfer on Tue, 12 Nov 2013 14:43:39 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Sam_Hotte The all purpose, not very specialized one? Ball (grey) for the smaller rounds or FMJ/AP (red) for rifle cartridges?

That's what I mean. There is no standard ammo. AP is hardly standard for me. It's expensive armor piercing ammo. FMJ is not AP although it is used like that in JA2 at the moment... Anybody can have his own preference.

So instead of wasting developer time to program some "Hmm, I think this could be how you want it function" how about the player just uses the feature like it is designed? One click to load the gun one time is hardly that much to ask for.

Sorry, if I sound upset but I think we spend more than enough time for important stuff already without the need for pampering the players any more and add useless automation stuff.

Page 351 of 585 ---- Generated from The Bears Pit Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by hrvg on Tue, 12 Nov 2013 20:46:43 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message silversurferI tested the reload issue again and this is not a bug.

When you shoot the gun empty it will remember which type of ammo was the last used type. Shift + R works in that case. If you find an empty gun or unload the gun manually the ammo type is not set (the 0 is grey) and the game can't possible read your mind to know what type of ammo you want.

Hi, If I understood well. 'SHIFT + R': Do not reload an empty weapon and without ammunitions from mercs' inventory. But... I press once on 'SHIFT + R': Reload empty weapon with ammunitions from mercs' inventory. I press second on 'SHIFT + R': Fills weapon with ammunitions from sector inventory. If, merc does not have ammunition in his inventory... He must take ammunition from sector inventory? It is correct? Thank you for your reply. Regards.

PS: I apologize for this inconvenience.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by silversurfer on Tue, 12 Nov 2013 21:26:01 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message The game first tries to reload the gun from sector inventory. It searches for the same ammo type that is in the gun or was in the gun before the last bullet was fired. If it can't find matching ammo it checks the characters inventory. If your character has ammo with him the game uses that. After all you supplied your merc with that particular ammo so it's obvious that you want him to use that. Now that the gun has an ammo type it can compare it to sector inventory and reload more bullets if the clip is not full yet.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by hrvg on Wed, 13 Nov 2013 00:05:57 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Hi silversurfer, Thank you for your explanations. Thank you.

Page 352 of 585 ---- Generated from The Bears Pit I beg you to accept my apologies for my mistake. Regards.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by silversurfer on Wed, 13 Nov 2013 08:11:03 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message No need to apologize. Some functionality is sometimes hard to understand without looking at the code. Which reminds me of some bug report on Jaggzilla about reloading. Maybe that was about the same thing. Have to check...

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by John_5696 on Thu, 14 Nov 2013 13:04:48 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Bug report: I happened to start a game with "Merc Story Background" unchecked, and then I created an I.M.P. merc, when I finished the "Skill" part, "Attribute" part remained gray so it was impossible to create IMP with Merc Story Background unchecked. I tried it on Depri's v6553 and my Chinese v6598 builds, this problem remains the same. So it probably is a bug.

Thanks, buggler, this problem is fixed in a very short time!

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by Flugente on Thu, 14 Nov 2013 18:55:13 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message John_5696Bug report: I happened to start a game with "Merc Story Background" unchecked, and then I created an I.M.P. merc, when I finished the "Skill" part, "Attribute" part remained gray so it was impossible to create IMP with Merc Story Background unchecked. I tried it on Depri's v6553 and my Chinese v6598 builds, this problem remains the same. So it probably is a bug. Fixed by Buggler in r6599. He also fixed that "Prev"/"Next"/"None" issue you reported earlier.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by silversurfer on Sat, 16 Nov 2013 17:16:00 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message GambigobillaMinor UDB bug.In UDB advanced tab tag is displayed as percentage i.e. 120

Page 353 of 585 ---- Generated from The Bears Pit displays 120% range bonus (in the general tab it shows correct range as +12 bonus) while displays nothing.

Fixed in revision 6613. This exe requires minimum GameDir 1873!

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by John_5696 on Mon, 18 Nov 2013 12:29:31 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Bug report: (as of r6618)

When purchasing BR items, only using keyboard 1,2,3,4 (or Shift + 1,2,3,4) will not refresh "Qty on order" in the top-right corner of item pic, and in addition, "Sub Total" in the down-right screen will not refresh either. It is doing all right when using only mouse button.

I tested this on English r6613, repeatable in Chinese r6618. This is not a problem in former reversions.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by wanne (aka RoWa21) on Mon, 18 Nov 2013 20:03:13 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message John_5696Bug report: (as of r6618)

When purchasing BR items, only using keyboard 1,2,3,4 (or Shift + 1,2,3,4) will not refresh "Qty on order" in the top-right corner of item pic, and in addition, "Sub Total" in the down-right screen will not refresh either. It is doing all right when using only mouse button.

I tested this on English r6613, repeatable in Chinese r6618. This is not a problem in former reversions.

This was just fixed by Buggler in revision 6625.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by Taro_M on Mon, 18 Nov 2013 23:29:43 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message UI bug for latest SVN.

Enchanced description box is glitched for weapons: M1 Carbine, Colt M1911, there may be others. The background is shifted and ammo count in sector inventory has black color. Toggle Spoiler

Page 354 of 585 ---- Generated from The Bears Pit More pressing error: an IMP gets randomly removed from a group and game crashes. Putting her to sleep removes her from the map completely, moving sectors dosent fix anything and game crashes, I have save just before it happens.

Toggle Spoiler

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by silversurfer on Tue, 19 Nov 2013 09:14:22 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message TaroUI bug for latest SVN.

Enchanced description box is glitched for weapons: M1 Carbine, Colt M1911, there may be others. The background is shifted and ammo count in sector inventory has black color.

You are using WF maps? This problem has nothing to do with the latest SVN data. It's related to items that are placed on WF maps and are loaded with ammo that doesn't exist in JA2 data. The ammo existed in AIMNAS however where these maps come from. If you unload the gun the UDB box shows normally. I haven't had the time to look up that part of the code and implement a fix to make the game ignore the missing ammo type.

Taro More pressing error: an IMP gets randomly removed from a group and game crashes. Putting her to sleep removes her from the map completely, moving sectors dosent fix anything and game crashes, I have save just before it happens.

I have that problem too sometimes. It always happened after Alt+Tabbing out of JA2 and coming back in the game. Alt key hangs at that time (if you forget to touch it) and when pressing another key (unfortunately don't know which one) kicks the character out of the group internally. It can easily be fixed by reassigning the character to another group and back. Would be nice to know which key combination causes it though so we can fix the code to ignore that combination.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by Taro_M on Tue, 19 Nov 2013 10:13:37 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message L, Z, PgUp,PgDwn, R, S, D, F, shift, control. These are the keys I used the most. If all fails we could just do this the hard way and start testing alt+every key.

Thanks about the tip on WF weapons, loading them with a 1.13 ammo fixes everything.

Page 355 of 585 ---- Generated from The Bears Pit BTW: Is there any log of changes for SVN version? The SCI have them and Im just curious on what changes have been made to SVN I just downloaded.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by DepressivesBrot on Tue, 19 Nov 2013 10:22:27 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Where do you think I get those logs from? RMB->SVN->Show Logs or something along those lines.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by Sam Hotte on Tue, 19 Nov 2013 11:54:11 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message DepressivesBrotWhere do you think I get those logs from? Because ... ? SCNR.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by DepressivesBrot on Tue, 19 Nov 2013 12:51:57 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message No, I use a turtle farm for that.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by wolf00 on Wed, 20 Nov 2013 19:15:29 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message svn 1873/6615: rocket launcher are useless,game going to crash,i must shut down it manualy from win task manager

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by Seven. on Wed, 20 Nov 2013 20:02:49 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Quote:svn 1873/6615: rocket launcher are useless,game going to crash,i must shut down it manualy from win task manager

Page 356 of 585 ---- Generated from The Bears Pit This happens only with LAW (item 51). RPG's work fine. This bug appeared somewhere between r6446 and r6471. With latest 6537 it sometimes does not crash the game, but instead fires at zero range, hitting the soldier.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by Taro_M on Wed, 20 Nov 2013 21:15:00 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Quote:You are using WF maps? This problem has nothing to do with the latest SVN data. It's related to items that are placed on WF maps and are loaded with ammo that doesn't exist in JA2 data.

It seems that there is more problems then just ammo. Weapons placed on WF maps are incompatible with attachments. If you attach something you get sound, but attachment is removed. eg. a match sight I found in Omerta fit correctly on Glock 17 my IMP had, but it got deleted from the game when I tried to place it on M1911 I found in sector. Or 2x scope when I tried to place it on Ithaca 37 or on Type 85.

The thing is I remember things working correctly before. So this isnt a small bug, it renders WF maps pretty broken right now.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by Gambigobilla on Wed, 20 Nov 2013 21:37:45 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message @taro I've got exactly the same bug while playing with Storhmann's overhaul + AR + r6567 I thought it was a bad installation. For a temporary solution i created item transformations to recreate item itself. For example i had problems with SVD which is item 18

18 18 15 0 deglitch deglitch

Newly created items did not have that problem. Also the bug is not limited to weapons TNT, steel tube and several other items suffered from this bug. I can't provide a savegame bc i rage-deleted the game a week ago

Page 357 of 585 ---- Generated from The Bears Pit Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by Taro_M on Wed, 20 Nov 2013 23:31:38 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Hey, this would mean that it is possible to fix any item using a source code to transform any picked up item. This would restore compatibility with other mods.

The question is: what will break then? How much work will it take? Is there any better way to fix it?

This is a big issue right now as this completely breaks any map mods.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by silversurfer on Fri, 22 Nov 2013 18:17:18 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message SevenfmQuote:svn 1873/6615: rocket launcher are useless,game going to crash,i must shut down it manualy from win task manager This happens only with LAW (item 51). RPG's work fine. This bug appeared somewhere between r6446 and r6471. With latest 6537 it sometimes does not crash the game, but instead fires at zero range, hitting the soldier. Wtf? The LAW was defined as item class IC_GUN!

Fixed in GameDir 1878.

For a quick fix without SVN change the following in Items.xml for item 51:

2 to


Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by Seven. on Fri, 22 Nov 2013 18:32:45 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Found strange bug. Take TNT (137), attach remote det (224 or 1527), arm remote tnt in inventory. Then throw it somewhere or drop. Then blow it up using remote trigger. After explosion you can see that item is removed from the ground, but ALT+SHIFT+V still shows RED square, and you can blow this invisible tnt as many times as you want. Under some circumstances this can crash the game.

Page 358 of 585 ---- Generated from The Bears Pit If you just plant remote tnt as usual, with "bomb" cursor - then this bug does not happen.

Tested with r6232, r6614

EDIT: fixed

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by silversurfer on Sat, 23 Nov 2013 10:11:11 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message There is some big bug about world item handling in the code at the moment which could also be related to the attachments not working. It looks like all items above ID 350 are removed from maps when saving them with the current editor.

I already contacted Kriplo because I suspect it to be related to optimizations that he did for debugging speed improvements.

DON'T use the current editor! edit: The current Map Editor will remove all items > Item ID 350 if the map is saved as vanilla map. Please uncheck "Save in vanilla map format" after you load a map that was saved in the old format.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by Parkan on Sat, 23 Nov 2013 20:13:51 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message I need some info about Strategic Ai if someone can help me.I cannot understand which changes or options what i made broke AI.Sometime after taking 1-2 sectors of 1 town(example-Drassen)enemy stop attacking me even i have only 4 mercs in sector plus 20 regular militia(playing on INsane difficulty with Agressive Ai= on and other Massive attacks options on and i have no mobile militia at all),but enemy stop me is became boring.So, is there any info about strategic AI or tips to how made AI really mad(so enemy will always attack captured sectors by player).

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by Elvis_A on Sat, 23 Nov 2013 22:43:20 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message LAW now works fine but rpgs(single serving) are not working, please fix it.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by Seven. on Sat, 23 Nov 2013 23:43:58 GMT

Page 359 of 585 ---- Generated from The Bears Pit View Forum Message <> Reply to Message LAW (51) works. RPG-26 (916), RPG-27 (917), RPO-M (918) - same problem as it was with LAW previously - usItemClass = 2. After changing to 16, works fine. RPG-7 (914), RPG-16 (915) - work fine with all 3 types of rockets.

Tested with r6641, gamedir 1878

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by wanne (aka RoWa21) on Sun, 24 Nov 2013 09:35:59 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message SevenfmLAW (51) works. RPG-26 (916), RPG-27 (917), RPO-M (918) - same problem as it was with LAW previously - usItemClass = 2. After changing to 16, works fine. RPG-7 (914), RPG-16 (915) - work fine with all 3 types of rockets.

Tested with r6641, gamedir 1878 can you upload a patch file with the fixed values

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by silversurfer on Sun, 24 Nov 2013 09:43:57 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Item class is now correct for the RPGs and the RPO. (GameDir 1880)

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by wanne (aka RoWa21) on Sun, 24 Nov 2013 11:17:29 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message silversurferItem class is now correct for the RPGs and the RPO. (GameDir 1880) thanks

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by silversurfer on Mon, 25 Nov 2013 08:11:25 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message

Page 360 of 585 ---- Generated from The Bears Pit Kriplo informed me that the map editor problem with lost items only happens when the map is saved in old vanilla map format. I wasn't aware of that. So if you work with maps in old format make sure to uncheck "Save in vanilla format" before you save this map. Otherwise all items > Item ID 350 are lost!

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by Strohmann on Mon, 25 Nov 2013 19:37:39 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Unfortunatly the bug with random items remains even with exe 6641 on gamedir 1882:

If you don't save the map in vanilla map format and the random items haven't 268435456< (misc), they don't spawn the items in their lists properly. Save them with vanilla map format unchecked and you end up with the plain random items, not the contents they should spawn. This happens regardless them having 268435456

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by Kriplo on Mon, 25 Nov 2013 22:08:04 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Taro It seems that there is more problems then just ammo. Weapons placed on WF maps are incompatible with attachments. If you attach something you get sound, but attachment is removed. eg. a match sight I found in Omerta fit correctly on Glock 17 my IMP had, but it got deleted from the game when I tried to place it on M1911 I found in sector. Or 2x scope when I tried to place it on Ithaca 37 or on Type 85. r6652 should fix this problem.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by Seven. on Tue, 26 Nov 2013 08:27:42 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message This small patch fixes bug with remote explosives not being removed after activation, if they were armed in inventory and thrown afterwards. world items r6653 patch

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by wanne (aka RoWa21) on Tue, 26 Nov 2013 12:02:25 GMT

Page 361 of 585 ---- Generated from The Bears Pit View Forum Message <> Reply to Message thanks, committed

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by Taro_M on Tue, 26 Nov 2013 14:42:37 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Quote: r6652 should fix this problem.

It did, the attachments work on WF weapons correctly.

I found a strange bug: when I fired buckshot shell at the enemy the game just froze. I think that some taunt tried to fire up, but failed. The game froze both when I missed him and when I hit him, caused 2 critical wounds and made him fall down.

BTW: Those the eyeball/scope-with-no-number icon mean hipfire when choosing fire modes?

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by Seven. on Tue, 26 Nov 2013 15:17:10 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message RoWa21 Last patch was added in wrong place. New lines Toggle Spoiler // sevenfm: added flag WORLD_ITEM_ARMED_BOMB // this fixes bug with remote explosives not being removed after activation, if they were armed in inventory and thrown afterwards gWorldItems[ iItemIndex ].usFlags |= WORLD_ITEM_ARMED_BOMB;should be inserted after Toggle Spoiler // Add a bomb reference if needed // Flugente: we can arm bombs in our inventory and then throw them out, which will cause them to be added to the world. Only way to identify those items is via a check for their bDetonatorType if (usFlags & WORLD_ITEM_ARMED_BOMB || ( (Item[pObject->usItem].usItemClass & (IC_BOMB)) && ( ( (*pObject)[0]->data.misc.bDetonatorType == BOMB_TIMED ) || ( (*pObject)[0]->data.misc.bDetonatorType == BOMB_REMOTE ) ) ) ) { so the function should look like Toggle Spoiler// Add a bomb reference if needed // Flugente: we can arm bombs in our inventory and then throw them out, which will cause them to be added to the world. Only way to identify those items is via a check for their bDetonatorType if (usFlags & WORLD_ITEM_ARMED_BOMB || ( (Item[pObject->usItem].usItemClass & (IC_BOMB)) && ( ( (*pObject)[0]->data.misc.bDetonatorType == BOMB_TIMED ) || ( (*pObject)[0]->data.misc.bDetonatorType == BOMB_REMOTE ) ) ) ) { // sevenfm: added flag WORLD_ITEM_ARMED_BOMB

Page 362 of 585 ---- Generated from The Bears Pit // this fixes bug with remote explosives not being removed after activation, if they were armed in inventory and thrown afterwards gWorldItems[ iItemIndex ].usFlags |= WORLD_ITEM_ARMED_BOMB; iReturn = AddBombToWorld( iItemIndex ); if (iReturn == -1) { return( -1 ); } else Please fix it. fixed world items patch r6654

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by wanne (aka RoWa21) on Tue, 26 Nov 2013 17:17:27 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message @Sevenfm: Thanks, I corrected the fix

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by Kriplo on Tue, 26 Nov 2013 22:25:08 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message StrohmannUnfortunatly the bug with random items remains even with exe 6641 on gamedir 1882:

If you don't save the map in vanilla map format and the random items haven't 268435456< (misc), they don't spawn the items in their lists properly. Save them with vanilla map format unchecked and you end up with the plain random items, not the contents they should spawn. This happens regardless them having 268435456

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by Taro_M on Tue, 26 Nov 2013 22:55:10 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message I ran into something really weird.

WF map, San Mona brothel, I have disarmed the alarm trap in back door of brothel and I went back to Angel to get the quest to get his girlfriend. When I got back I send merc back to brothel, he says the line when spotting trap and game just freezes, but animations and such keep going, but I lose cursor and keyboard. Something is wrong when putting blue flag or something. Nothing changes when using other merc, leaving or anything.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here!

Page 363 of 585 ---- Generated from The Bears Pit Posted by Seven. on Tue, 26 Nov 2013 23:09:40 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Taro exe? gamedir? AUTOMATICALLY_FLAG_MINES_WHEN_SPOTTED = TRUE?

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by Strohmann on Tue, 26 Nov 2013 23:52:59 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message KriploDoubt this is mapeditor problem, something is very wrong with those random items, whatever I try get results you described [.] Testing with the latest release of my mod (where i know random items were working) and then upwards revisionwise: exe 6520 on gamedir 1842: itemclass misc/save in vanilla format -> random item spawns listed items properlyexe 6520 on gamedir 1842: itemclass random item/save in vanilla format -> random item spawns listed items properlyexe 6520 on gamedir 1842: itemclass misc/don't save in in vanilla format -> random item spawns nothingexe 6534: itemclass misc/save in vanilla format -> random item doesn't even appear on the mapexe 6534: itemclass misc/don't save in vanilla format -> random item spawns nothingexe 6534: itemclass random item/save in vanilla format -> random item doesn't even appear on the mapexe 6534: itemclass random item/don't save in vanilla format -> random item spawns nothingChangelog: Toggle Spoiler [...] r6530 | Kriplo | 2013-10-25 20:48:37 +0200 (Fr, 25 Okt 2013) | 17 lines

Brief: //dnl ch74 - Couple map editor fixes. Details: - Map loading not properly set Vanilla global variable switch. - Loading AIMNAS maps of version 28 cause CTD due to incorrect StackedObjectData loading sizeof. - Only in editor mode and if NAS setting is on inseparable and default attachments will be always add, but default attachments will not, so older maps should be converted from mapeditor to new version. - Fix CTD if try to place items from tab selection which contains no items. - There was missing part from ch4 for mouse wheel support in mapeditor. - There was conflict between keyboard and mouse events creating problems when try to select taskbar options by mouse. - Fix annoying message of using improper attachment during item place if item consist of default or inseparable attachments. - Remove hints to display if loading map from editor. - Fix CTD if have previously selected merc and loading another (smaller) map. - Saving map as Vanilla will check if attachment is valid for 1.12, that means you will lost some stuff from NIV if save in Vanilla mode, so you should always save map in newest format if want play map in 1.13. - Add correct weight recalculation when saving in Vanilla format using old OBJECTTYPE.

Page 364 of 585 ---- Generated from The Bears Pit - Remove entry points check during map save as Scheinworld reported problem with basement levels and similar maps which doesn't need entry points. - Fix displaying wrong map version in summary window because MapInfo is incorrectly saved in all previous mapeditors. [...] Too lazy to do more tests this late.

-- Edit: Ok, one last test^^, with exe 6567, the closest exe to the next change regarding maps (6554):

The problems are persisting, unchecking save in vanilla formats leads to no items appearing on the map at all and doing so leads to plain random items, not spawning the items on their lists.

Changelog:Toggle Spoiler[...] r6554 | Kriplo | 2013-11-03 17:26:30 +0100 (So, 03 Nov 2013) | 12 lines

Brief: //dnl ch75 - More map editor fixes and map inventory pool performance improvement for big maps. Details: - Fix not showing expected messagebox on exit (ALT+x) which also throw exception and goes to improper mapeditor exit. - Fix second annoying sticky message which shouldn't popup during map loading and performing RemoveProhibitedAttachments. - Fix CTD when delete all enemies or civilians or all of them in map. - Fix some std exception when reporting for missing optional xml file. - Fix memory and map corruption in old mapeditors if loaded old map has item with invalid attachment and we try to attach something else. - As years ago pInventoryPoolList had migrated from WORLDITEM* array to std::vector it was time to do that with gWorldItems too, all necessary functions which need to be adopted to gWorldItems std::vector type are also changed. - Resize code for gWorldItems is changed hoping will lead into less corruption problems as now could occur in mapeditor and game when code automatically doing attachment changes. - Change code for handling map inventory which now should be fast enough to support AIMNAS project which will probably deal with thousands of items per map. [...]

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by Taro_M on Wed, 27 Nov 2013 00:34:29 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message exe: 6655 gamedir:1882

Game freezes with automatic flagging on and off. What is weird is that character dosent say thing about trap when standing or walking next to that trap. The game freezes only when you try to walk on top of the trapped square.

Page 365 of 585 ---- Generated from The Bears Pit Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by Seven. on Wed, 27 Nov 2013 11:38:09 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Taroexe: 6655 gamedir:1882 Game freezes with automatic flagging on and off. What is weird is that character dosent say thing about trap when standing or walking next to that trap. The game freezes only when you try to walk on top of the trapped square. Please try using this r6655 exe with latest fixes I tested it with stock 1.13 and WF6.07, and was able to complete san mona angel's quest without any problems. Toggle SpoilerIn WF6.07 there were 4 traps behind the door, Barry was able to find them only with metal detector

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by Kriplo on Wed, 27 Nov 2013 12:34:02 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message @Strohmann

Don't save map as vanilla v1.12 because saving map in that format automatically erase all items above item id 351 (random items are included) as those items not exist in vanilla maps and such are not compatible with v1.12 and that is normal editor behavior.

However placing random items as world items obviously not working in current state. All fixes I done was not related to random items (at least not directly). But maybe after migration from WORLDITEM* array to std::vector had something with random items recognition. I'm not familiar with random item code so will take a while to find where is stuck.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by Kriplo on Wed, 27 Nov 2013 13:17:16 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message VFS throw exception that TableData\SpreadPatterns.xml file is missing from Data directory when start Vanilla configuration VFS_CONFIG_INI = vfs_config.JA2Vanilla.ini

Does this file need to be add or just removed from XML list for vanilla?

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by wanne (aka RoWa21) on Wed, 27 Nov 2013 13:45:55 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message

Page 366 of 585 ---- Generated from The Bears Pit @Kriplo:

We have no "Data\TableData\SpreadPatterns.xml" file for the Vanilla ("Data") folder. This is OK. If the file cannot be found, the default spread pattern values are taken from the source code.

There is a comment in line 203 (Init.cpp)

//zilpin: pellet spread patterns externalized in XML //If file not found, or error, then the old hard-coded defaults are used by LOS.cpp //This needs to be loaded before AmmoTypes and Items because SpreadPatterns can be referenced by name or index. strcpy(fileName, directoryName); strcat(fileName, SPREADPATTERNSFILENAME); DebugMsg (TOPIC_JA2,DBG_LEVEL_3,String("LoadExternalGameplayData, fileName = %s", fileName)); ReadInSpreadPatterns(fileName);

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by Kriplo on Wed, 27 Nov 2013 13:57:51 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message @RoWa21

Ok, but then we need to put FileExist condition in ReadInSpreadPatterns function or better before calling ReadInSpreadPatterns to avoid VFS throwing unnecessary std exception.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by wanne (aka RoWa21) on Wed, 27 Nov 2013 14:39:34 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Kriplo@RoWa21

Ok, but then we need to put FileExist condition in ReadInSpreadPatterns function or better before calling ReadInSpreadPatterns to avoid VFS throwing unnecessary std exception.

Done, I added a FileExists() check before calling the ReadInSpreadPatterns().

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by Kriplo on Wed, 27 Nov 2013 14:54:23 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message

Page 367 of 585 ---- Generated from The Bears Pit No more exception, thanks RoWa21.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by Elvis_A on Thu, 28 Nov 2013 15:19:49 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message 6656/1884 at the beginning of the game Fatima does not lead mercs to Dimitri after moving to Omerta's right sector.

I gave her letter from Enrico, then moved to adjacent sector before her. she followed to the next sector but she is not showing rebel hideout here save file

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by cnagorneac on Thu, 28 Nov 2013 15:33:48 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message E1vS6656/1884 at the beginning of the game Fatima does not lead mercs to Dimitri after moving to Omerta's right sector.

I gave her letter from Enrico, then moved to adjacent sector before her. she followed to the next sector but she is not showing rebel hideout here save file That is strange. I moved to adjacent sector once without fatima and she did not showed there until I came back and waited her going to the needed sector. So most probably everything will be fine if you will just let her go to the next sector before going there by yourself (but most probably you already know it).

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by zwwooooo on Thu, 28 Nov 2013 16:10:06 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Bug report:

6659 for Chinese Version

Page 368 of 585 ---- Generated from The Bears Pit Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by wanne (aka RoWa21) on Thu, 28 Nov 2013 16:26:41 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message zwwoooooBug report:

6659 for Chinese Version

Fixed in rev. 6662

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by Elvis_A on Thu, 28 Nov 2013 16:54:52 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message something weird is going on in Omerta. Previous bug I believe was related to Pacos - he was left alone in starting sector. Next time I talked to him and he ran away to his mother. In adjacent sector Fatima was not moving again, but as soon as I talked again to Pacos, it triggered her movement. Unfortunately after conversation with Dimitri, Dimitri turns around, opens the door and game stucks and nothing is going on except infinite clock

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by Kriplo on Fri, 29 Nov 2013 11:59:29 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message v1.13 mod throws VFS exception for missing file: SPEECH\

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by wanne (aka RoWa21) on Fri, 29 Nov 2013 13:10:31 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Kriplov1.13 mod throws VFS exception for missing file: SPEECH\

Can someone create the missing gap-file from the "000_059.wav" file and upload it?

Page 369 of 585 ---- Generated from The Bears Pit Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by Seven. on Fri, 29 Nov 2013 14:47:33 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Two issues regarding suppression calculation: 1) overhead.cpp CalcSuppressionTolerance() bTolerance += pSoldier->GetSuppressionResistanceBonus();is calculated after applying minimum and maximum suppresion tolerance values bTolerance = __max(bTolerance, gGameExternalOptions.ubSuppressionToleranceMin); bTolerance = __min(bTolerance, gGameExternalOptions.ubSuppressionToleranceMax); This could lead to incorrect suppression tolerance values. Changed this to // Flugente: add personal bonus to suppresion tolerance bTolerance += pSoldier->GetSuppressionResistanceBonus(); bTolerance = __max(bTolerance, gGameExternalOptions.ubSuppressionToleranceMin); bTolerance = __min(bTolerance, gGameExternalOptions.ubSuppressionToleranceMax);overhead.cpp patch r6663

2) values in backgrounds.xml are probably too excessive. Adding or deducting 10 or 20 from suppression tolerance (min 1, max 18) makes all other calculations rather meaningless. So i suggest reducing this to appropriate values, as backgrounds are supposed to make very small changes to other systems. I changed them to 1/5 of original values, so now Barry has -2 penalty to suppression tolerance instead of -10, because of his graduate background. backgrounds.xml patch gamedir 1885 This change is subject to discussion. Maybe original values were supposed to be % penalties?

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by Kriplo on Fri, 29 Nov 2013 15:01:41 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message RoWa21Kriplov1.13 mod throws VFS exception for missing file: SPEECH\

Can someone create the missing gap-file from the "000_059.wav" file and upload it?

Investigate a bit, seems when sound file is from SLF then this counterpart gap file is not exist, but seems that is optional file so one FileExist is enough to prevent VFS exception. Can fix that in next commit.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by Flugente on Fri, 29 Nov 2013 18:09:17 GMT

Page 370 of 585 ---- Generated from The Bears Pit View Forum Message <> Reply to Message SevenfmTwo issues regarding suppression calculation: 1) overhead.cpp CalcSuppressionTolerance() bTolerance += pSoldier->GetSuppressionResistanceBonus();is calculated after applying minimum and maximum suppresion tolerance values bTolerance = __max(bTolerance, gGameExternalOptions.ubSuppressionToleranceMin); bTolerance = __min(bTolerance, gGameExternalOptions.ubSuppressionToleranceMax); This could lead to incorrect suppression tolerance values. Changed this to // Flugente: add personal bonus to suppresion tolerance bTolerance += pSoldier->GetSuppressionResistanceBonus(); bTolerance = __max(bTolerance, gGameExternalOptions.ubSuppressionToleranceMin); bTolerance = __min(bTolerance, gGameExternalOptions.ubSuppressionToleranceMax);overhead.cpp patch r6663

2) values in backgrounds.xml are probably too excessive. Adding or deducting 10 or 20 from suppression tolerance (min 1, max 18) makes all other calculations rather meaningless. So i suggest reducing this to appropriate values, as backgrounds are supposed to make very small changes to other systems. I changed them to 1/5 of original values, so now Barry has -2 penalty to suppression tolerance instead of -10, because of his graduate background. backgrounds.xml patch gamedir 1885 This change is subject to discussion. Maybe original values were supposed to be % penalties? 1. Committed in r6664 2. Yep, should have been percentage. As a few other background values are also way too high for my liking, I will fix this today.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by wanne (aka RoWa21) on Fri, 29 Nov 2013 19:07:36 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message I tried to create the missing gap file with the tool "GAP File Editor", but it can't process the "000_059.WAV" file. It seems the wav-file has some settings that the tool can't read. Other wav files work fine...

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by Seven. on Fri, 29 Nov 2013 19:19:41 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Another two points regarding suppression 1) There is a code block in HandleSuppressionFire function which is doubled for some reason. // INI-Controlled intensity. SuppressionEffectiveness acts as a percentage applied to the number of lost APs. // To turn off the entire Suppression system, simply set the INI value to 0. (0% AP Loss)

Page 371 of 585 ---- Generated from The Bears Pit // The default is obviously 100%. You can increase or decrease it, at will. // PLEASE NOTE that AP loss governs ALL OTHER SUPPRESSION EFFECTS. ubPointsLost = ( ubPointsLost * sFinalSuppressionEffectiveness ) / 100; // This is an upper cap for the number of APs we can lose per attack. if (usLimitSuppressionAPsLostPerAttack > 0) { if (ubPointsLost > usLimitSuppressionAPsLostPerAttack) { // Flugente: eh.. wouldn't this _always_ be 255? I suspect this should be __min //ubPointsLost = __max(255,(UINT8)usLimitSuppressionAPsLostPerAttack); ubPointsLost = __min(255,(UINT8)usLimitSuppressionAPsLostPerAttack); } }As a result, ubPointsLost are twice multiplied by sFinalSuppressionEffectiveness. Probably some kind of mistake?

2) I also suggest moving code block with applying AP loss limits from one attack and whole turn to the point after shock and morale calculation, but before stance change. Reason: in the original code, if we limit AP loss to some small values (10 points for examples), there will be nearly no shock from suppression. With this change, we can have high shock and morale effects from suppression, but still have some ap's left to be able to change position. overhead.cpp patch r6663

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by Kriplo on Fri, 29 Nov 2013 19:26:49 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message RoWa21I tried to create the missing gap file with the tool "GAP File Editor", but it can't process the "000_059.WAV" file. It seems the wav-file has some settings that the tool can't read. Other wav files work fine...

000_059.wav exist in SLF but proper gap not. Don't know for what that gap files are but there are more of them without gap like 000_058.wav. Fix that by put check FileExists but not sure what happens if gap file not exist, anyway game works as those files missing from v1.12 too.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by wanne (aka RoWa21) on Fri, 29 Nov 2013 22:38:36 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message the gap files are used for the proper lips movement of the matching speech file. if the gap file does not exist, the animation of the lips are not synced with the speech. thats all. so there is no big deal if the file is missing...

Page 372 of 585 ---- Generated from The Bears Pit Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by Kriplo on Fri, 29 Nov 2013 23:03:59 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Good, then will apply fix to avoid unnecessary exception throw by VFS.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by Kriplo on Fri, 29 Nov 2013 23:39:10 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message StrohmannUnfortunatly the bug with random items remains even with exe 6641 on gamedir 1882:

If you don't save the map in vanilla map format and the random items haven't 268435456< (misc), they don't spawn the items in their lists properly. Save them with vanilla map format unchecked and you end up with the plain random items, not the contents they should spawn. This happens regardless them having 268435456

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by Elvis_A on Sun, 01 Dec 2013 12:58:56 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message i started new game in hope not to encounter bugs that make game unplayable in previous exe: 1) cannot enter boxing match at San Mona - Kingpin do not approach mercs and stays few tiles away 2) Dimitri does not show entrance to rebel hideout. no problem now

6671/1886 Right now I found a bug in Hurl's starting gear. He has >10 aid kits

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by Seven. on Sun, 01 Dec 2013 13:20:13 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message E1vS Probably some bad installation. Just checked fatima/dimitri quest and boxing in san mona - everything works fine with 6671/1886.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by Elvis_A on Sun, 01 Dec 2013 13:44:46 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message

Page 373 of 585 ---- Generated from The Bears Pit SevenfmE1vS Probably some bad installation. Just checked fatima/dimitri quest and boxing in san mona - everything works fine with 6671/1886.

it works fine now for me too, I did not test boxing match yet.

I do not do any installation now. I am usnig svn for few months already

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by Kriplo on Mon, 02 Dec 2013 23:01:17 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Recent commit r6674 has "mercs Files.cpp" file corrupted!

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by Buggler on Tue, 03 Dec 2013 05:09:38 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Yes, I noticed the problem when submitting patch. Have asked Rowa to help me have a look as I thought it was a character encoding issue.

I reverted 'Mercs Files.cpp' to r4xxx version and did a test patch. Same result, corruption.

Can someone help me verify whether creating a patch against r6673 or older 'Mercs Files.cpp' will produce corrupted lines for 'Mercs Files.cpp' portion? If no corruption, that means my harddisk is dying.

Edit: Found the problem. It's in 2008 r2199 patch.

There's an illegal character in line 989 which causes the patching corruption.

Edit2: Patch submitted

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by wanne (aka RoWa21) on Tue, 03 Dec 2013 09:44:28 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message @merc files.cpp: Fixed and committed

Page 374 of 585 ---- Generated from The Bears Pit Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by Elvis_A on Tue, 03 Dec 2013 10:51:10 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message 1886/6671 bug(?) if you select squad in map view and select route to go but not confirm, then press U (sector inventory) mouse icon will remain the same as for route planning. edit 2

Sig Pro .40 has 90 loudness, is it bug or feature? edit 3

Scar L .223 CQC barrel has very small size (can fit AR mag slot)

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by Elvis_A on Sun, 15 Dec 2013 16:40:42 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message bullets disappear when fired in full auto on smgs.

I met Skyrider before talking to Waldo in Drassen airport. is it bug or feature? latest svn/exe

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by Elvis_A on Tue, 24 Dec 2013 09:56:51 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message I have got ingame email with subject "none" With info about salary increase for Gasket, however for other MERC mercs I have got proper Notice of fee increase email.

Other bug with Merc - on main page Speck speaks about his mercs even those who is not available yet (Gaston) exe 6699 gamedir 1901

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by John_5696 on Wed, 25 Dec 2013 03:44:10 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message

Page 375 of 585 ---- Generated from The Bears Pit Bug report:

When applying Camouflage Kit to a merc, his/her body CAMO value was maxed at 5%, unless he/she has additional camo bonus from equipment.

I tested using Wood Camouflage Kit on Barry, with exe v6708 and gamedir v1901.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by Seven. on Wed, 25 Dec 2013 04:13:29 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message John_5696 CAMO_KIT_USABLE_AREA = 5?

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by John_5696 on Wed, 25 Dec 2013 09:58:22 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message SevenfmJohn_5696 CAMO_KIT_USABLE_AREA = 5?

Thanks, I have no idea when this feature was added.

Suggestion: Add a new massage box so when body camo value has reached max, it tells us "You have reached the maximum camo value!" instead of "Heh?" expressing something that cannot be eaten.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by Seven. on Wed, 25 Dec 2013 10:04:42 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message John_5696 I think it should be =100 by default (vanilla style), to not confuse players.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by silversurfer on Wed, 25 Dec 2013 12:20:39 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message If it was 100% you wouldn't get any bonus from equipment. That's why I set it to 5% default.

Page 376 of 585 ---- Generated from The Bears Pit "Heh?" is the standard message for things that cannot be applied to the character. It's not specific to camo.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by sionus on Thu, 26 Dec 2013 11:27:54 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Little bug/not implemented feature in latest version:

Scenarion: Start/load game Open save game menu Save game to slot on any page except first. Close save game menu Open save game menu

Actualy: openned first page, none saved game slot selected. Expected: openned page with last save game, slot with last saved game selected.

I make patch for this, but I don`t know c++, please check it. It looks like work but maybe it destroy something.

On future, where patches should be sended? Looks like post it on forum is not good idea.

Index: Build/SaveLoadScreen.cpp ======--- Build/SaveLoadScreen.cpp (revision 6708) +++ Build/SaveLoadScreen.cpp (working copy) @@ -562,7 +562,7 @@ //if it is not the Quick Save slot, and we are loading if( !gfSaveGame || gfSaveGame && gGameSettings.bLastSavedGameSlot != 0 ) { - gbSelectedSaveLocation = gGameSettings.bLastSavedGameSlot; + gbSelectedSaveLocation = gGameSettings.bLastSavedGameSlot%NUM_SLOT; gbSaveGameSelectedLocation[ gbSelectedSaveLocation ] = SLG_SELECTED_SLOT_GRAPHICS_NUMBER;

//load the save gamed header string @@ -848,6 +848,22 @@

gfGettingNameFromSaveLoadScreen = FALSE;

+ //Go to page with last saved game + if ( gGameSettings.bLastSavedGameSlot >= NUM_SLOT) + {

Page 377 of 585 ---- Generated from The Bears Pit + PAGE_SLOT = gGameSettings.bLastSavedGameSlot/NUM_SLOT; + VAL_SLOT_START = (PAGE_SLOT * NUM_SLOT); + + if ( PAGE_SLOT > 0 ) + EnableButton( guiPrevButton ); + + if (PAGE_SLOT == MAX_PAGE_SLOT || PAGE_SLOT > MAX_PAGE_SLOT ) + DisableButton( guiNextButton ); + + DestroySaveLoadTextInputBoxes(); + NewEnterSaveLoadScreen(); + } + return( TRUE ); }

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by wanne (aka RoWa21) on Fri, 27 Dec 2013 08:21:15 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message @Sionus: Thanks for the patch. I just applied it to the 1.13 source trunk and it is working fine. If you have more patches, you can post them in the "Code Snippets" thread:

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by wanne (aka RoWa21) on Fri, 27 Dec 2013 10:00:20 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message E1vSI have got ingame email with subject "none" With info about salary increase for Gasket, however for other MERC mercs I have got proper Notice of fee increase email.

Fixed in GameDir Revision 1903

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by cowhide on Sat, 28 Dec 2013 18:06:08 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message I don't know if this is a bug, or my dl/installation went wrong somehow.. after the battles there is no victory-music played. It just goes straight to the normal music.

Page 378 of 585 ---- Generated from The Bears Pit I use depri's SCI_Unstable_Revision_6708_on_GameDir_1901.7z

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by wanne (aka RoWa21) on Sat, 28 Dec 2013 19:00:02 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message LukeI don't know if this is a bug, or my dl/installation went wrong somehow.. after the battles there is no victory-music played. It just goes straight to the normal music.

I use depri's SCI_Unstable_Revision_6708_on_GameDir_1901.7z

I am currently taking a look at the music problem ...

EDIT: Fixed in revision 6720.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by Elvis_A on Sun, 29 Dec 2013 08:45:48 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message RoWa21E1vSI have got ingame email with subject "none" With info about salary increase for Gasket, however for other MERC mercs I have got proper Notice of fee increase email.

Fixed in GameDir Revision 1903 are you sure you fixed it for GasKET, not for GasTON? I did not check Gaston, though

Quote:- Bugfix: Fixed email subject for Gaston on salary increase

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by Seven. on Sun, 29 Dec 2013 09:04:33 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Both GasKET and GasTON have Notice of Fee Increasetag in EmailMercLevelUp.xml (gamedir1903).

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by wanne (aka RoWa21) on Sun, 29 Dec 2013 12:21:25 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message

Page 379 of 585 ---- Generated from The Bears Pit SevenfmBoth GasKET and GasTON have Notice of Fee Increasetag in EmailMercLevelUp.xml (gamedir1903).

The fix was for Gasket. Gaston already had correct mail subject.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by smeagol on Mon, 30 Dec 2013 16:21:11 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message The bug with not being able to go prone in bigmaps with cliffs seems to be back.

I thought this had been fixed quite a while ago, but apparently it is either back or the problem is saved in the map files.

Anyways, in maps with cliffs it is only possible to go prone in NW/SE direction (along the highground markers as it looks like) and also only possible to actually move on the NW/SE tile row while prone (probably because mercs use up two tiles instead of one while prone).

Using 6699 exe version.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by wolf00 on Sat, 04 Jan 2014 14:08:57 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message arulco folding stock mod,sector inventory block random items,they canont be pickup by player merc[they are on s.i.i screen but not in ivnentory itself] sci data 1901,exe 6708[1891/6690 same problem here]

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by smeagol on Sat, 04 Jan 2014 17:14:51 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message wolf00arulco folding stock mod,sector inventory block random items,they canont be pickup by player merc[they are on s.i.i screen but not in ivnentory itself] sci data 1901,exe 6708[1891/6690 same problem here]

These items usually are behind locked doors or are placed on top furniture/map objects or on top of cliffs and thus can't be reached in the maps themselves or in the sector inventory.

Annyoing about this is, that the items sometimes seem to get placed into these locations randomly.

Page 380 of 585 ---- Generated from The Bears Pit Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by Parkan on Sat, 04 Jan 2014 17:21:47 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message I spotted same thing what Wolf described.And sometimes there is another glithc come:items can be placed beyond map.such thing occur when battle begin in tactical,and finished via autoresolve,after that going to sector inventory and made items rearrange via buttons broke something and items has chance to be placed beyond map and cannot be deleted or teleported to player mercs.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by wolf00 on Sat, 04 Jan 2014 18:49:14 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message items in sectory invetory having white or green marker,there is not somethning like that,i posting here my savegame later...

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by Elvis_A on Mon, 06 Jan 2014 16:16:58 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message I am using latest exe/gamedir available. Not sure it is a bug or some changes in ini file I did.

Few revision ago appeared text UNKNOWN CONSUMPTION TYPE when repair/cleaning kit is used. It does not crash the game it is just unnecessary text. another thing when you try assign merc to full vehicle THE NULL IS FULL text appears

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by Flugente on Mon, 06 Jan 2014 17:23:26 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message E1vSI am using latest exe/gamedir available. Not sure it is a bug or some changes in ini file I did.

Few revision ago appeared text UNKNOWN CONSUMPTION TYPE when repair/cleaning kit is used. It does not crash the game it is just unnecessary text. Fixed in r6733.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by hrvg on Mon, 06 Jan 2014 20:02:58 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message

Page 381 of 585 ---- Generated from The Bears Pit Hi: I apologize for the inconvenience. There is an old bug in the version "4870". (English and French version.) It is impossible to go to case (tile) A1. French version of JA2:

Now: I play with SCI_Unstable_Revision_6708_on_GameDir_1901.7z English version A1 v1.13:

French version A1 v1.13:

Thanks. Regards.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by wolf00 on Mon, 06 Jan 2014 21:12:46 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message fluegente here is my quicksave .....

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by Flugente on Mon, 06 Jan 2014 21:21:12 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Uh, okay... what revision, are any mods involved, and in regard to what error?

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by hrvg on Mon, 06 Jan 2014 21:35:25 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Hi Flugente, I play with SCI_Unstable_Revision_6708_on_GameDir_1901.7z(English version.) Thanks. Regards.

Page 382 of 585 ---- Generated from The Bears Pit Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by wolf00 on Mon, 06 Jan 2014 21:37:12 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message arulco folding stock mod 4.48 relase candidate no.5,sector inventory block random items,they canont be pickup by player merc[they are on s.i.i screen but not in ivnentory itself] sci data 1901,exe 6708[1891/6690 same problem here]items not present on sector map

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by Flugente on Mon, 06 Jan 2014 21:44:33 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message @wolf00: I don't look for bugs in savegames with mods I don't have, as installing them takes too much time. And I don't see any random items in that picture, so what is the error? (I don't understand what the problem is).

@hrvg: It seems you use a very, very old version of that map that is no longer supported (since several years it seems). Use a newer one.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by wolf00 on Mon, 06 Jan 2014 21:47:42 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message after some playing time sectory inventory block random items[guns,armor,ammo] typicaly after delivery from boby rays or after batlle

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by Flugente on Mon, 06 Jan 2014 21:50:58 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message What does that mean, 'sectory inventory block random items'? I don't understand that.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by wolf00 on Mon, 06 Jan 2014 21:55:56 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message your merc cant pickup them not matter from sector inventory manualy on map,they looks like located after sector border ....

Page 383 of 585 ---- Generated from The Bears Pit Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by Flugente on Mon, 06 Jan 2014 22:25:34 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Hmm. Not installing another mod, so lets do a diagnosis here...

Are these items in non-accessible locations, like closed buildings? Can you pick them up in tactical? Does that happen with specific items, or can it happen to all items?

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by Parkan on Mon, 06 Jan 2014 22:34:18 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Something strange going with morale.After each battle won by me morale of mercs going lowered or made stable,but merc still going to say phrase like:"I hate to be here,bla-bla-bla".Played with stronghmans overhaul.Will check with stock 1.13

Edit:Same thing is going with stock 1.13 mod,using exe 6733(compiled myself).Morale drop each won sector and going up and down with mercs bad commentary

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by wolf00 on Mon, 06 Jan 2014 23:13:25 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message i cat pickup them in tactcal,they are not on map,hapening to:steel helmet,steel camo helmet,kevlar helmet,kevlar vest. .45 acp ammo magazines,22 lr magazines,toolkit, hemet camo cover mark 2

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by hrvg on Mon, 06 Jan 2014 23:17:52 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Quote:It seems you use a very, very old version of that map that is no longer supported (since several years it seems). Use a newer one. @Flugente: I installed English version. I unzipped: SCI_Unstable_Revision_6722_on_GameDir_1905.7z It's good (for English version only.) Thank you for your help. Regards.

Page 384 of 585 ---- Generated from The Bears Pit Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by wanne (aka RoWa21) on Tue, 07 Jan 2014 07:57:13 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message @hrvg: So it works with English Version of 1.13, but does not work with French Version of 1.13?

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by hrvg on Tue, 07 Jan 2014 12:43:20 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Hi RoWa21,

Quote:@hrvg: So it works with English Version of 1.13, but does not work with French Version of 1.13? I don't know, because I play with the French version to check the translations. I don't want to do new French installation, because there are new files (translated or fixed). Thank you. Regards.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by wanne (aka RoWa21) on Wed, 08 Jan 2014 17:02:57 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message @hrvg: ok, do you have original english or french version of ja2 (yes I mean ja2 and not 1.13)

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by hrvg on Wed, 08 Jan 2014 17:58:09 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Hi RoWa21,

Quote:@hrvg: ok, do you have original english or french version of ja2 (yes I mean ja2 and not 1.13) I have French version of JA2, of course. And English version of JA2 for translation.

I installed French version (JA2). I downloaded: The french files to SVN. And SCI_Unstable_Revision_6708_on_GameDir_1901.7z I unzipped 'SCI_Unstable_Revision_6708_on_GameDir_1901.7z' in game folder. I copied all the folders and files (SVN) in game folder. I copied JA2_FRENCH_6701.exe in game folder.

Page 385 of 585 ---- Generated from The Bears Pit I installed English version (JA2). I unzipped 'SCI_Unstable_Revision_6722_on_GameDir_1901.7z' in game folder. Regards.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by wanne (aka RoWa21) on Wed, 08 Jan 2014 23:32:41 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message @hrvg: that all looks ok. i also have french version (next to english and german) of ja2. tomorrow i will try to reproduce the map crash on french 1.13 and see if it also happens wih latest version of french exe.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by anv on Thu, 09 Jan 2014 16:49:11 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Bugfixes: - Dimitri's recruitment, - proper morale gains/losses (previously reputation settings were used instead, oops).

Toggle SpoilerIndex: Strategic/Quests.cpp ======--- Strategic/Quests.cpp (revision 6743) +++ Strategic/Quests.cpp (working copy) @@ -1074,7 +1074,7 @@ || ( gubQuest[QUEST_FOOD_ROUTE] == QUESTDONE && gGameExternalOptions.ubEarlyRebelsRecruitment[0] == 4 ) ) && IsTownUnderCompleteControlByPlayer( OMERTA ) ); // silversurfer: this is the highest requirement and therefore we will automatically enable recruitment of Miguel if ( gubFact[usFact] ) - SetFactTrue(40); // Miguel will now be willing to join and so will the other RPC + SetFactTrue(FACT_MIGUEL_AND_ALL_REBELS_CAN_BE_RECRUITED); // Miguel will now be willing to join and so will the other RPC #endif break;

@@ -1304,9 +1304,10 @@ gubFact[usFact] = !BoxerExists(); break;

- case 245: // Can dimitri be recruited? should be true if already true, OR if Miguel has been recruited already OR is available for recruitment

Page 386 of 585 ---- Generated from The Bears Pit - gubFact[usFact] = ( gubFact[usFact] || FindSoldierByProfileID( MIGUEL, TRUE ) || gubFact[40] ); -/* + case FACT_DIMITRI_CAN_BE_RECRUITED: // Can dimitri be recruited? should be true if already true, OR if Miguel has been recruited already OR is available for recruitment + gubFact[usFact] = ( gubFact[usFact] || FindSoldierByProfileID( MIGUEL, TRUE ) || gubFact[FACT_MIGUEL_AND_ALL_REBELS_CAN_BE_RECRUITED] ); + break; +/* case FACT_: gubFact[usFact] = ; break; Index: Strategic/Quests.h ======--- Strategic/Quests.h (revision 6743) +++ Strategic/Quests.h (working copy) @@ -245,6 +245,7 @@ FACT_PABLO_PUNISHED_BY_PLAYER,// 37



+ FACT_DIMITRI_CAN_BE_RECRUITED,// 245 + FACT_MALE_SPEAKING_FEMALE_PRESENT = 248, FACT_HICKS_MARRIED_PLAYER_MERC,// 249 FACT_MUSEUM_OPEN,// 250 Index: Tactical/Morale.cpp ======--- Tactical/Morale.cpp (revision 6743) +++ Tactical/Morale.cpp (working copy) @@ -417,7 +417,7 @@ }//hayden

ubType = gbMoraleEvent[bMoraleEvent].ubType; - bMoraleMod = gReputationSettings.bValues[bMoraleEvent];//gbMoraleEvent[bMoraleEvent].bChange; + bMoraleMod = gMoraleSettings.bValues[bMoraleEvent];//gbMoraleEvent[bMoraleEvent].bChange;

pProfile = &(gMercProfiles[ pSoldier->ubProfile ]);

Page 387 of 585 ---- Generated from The Bears Pit Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by wanne (aka RoWa21) on Fri, 10 Jan 2014 16:44:59 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message @anv: thanks, committed.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by wanne (aka RoWa21) on Sun, 12 Jan 2014 15:54:41 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message hrvgHi: I apologize for the inconvenience. There is an old bug in the version "4870". (English and French version.) It is impossible to go to case (tile) A1. French version of JA2:

Now: I play with SCI_Unstable_Revision_6708_on_GameDir_1901.7z English version A1 v1.13:

French version A1 v1.13:

Thanks. Regards.

Fixed. The French A1 map seemed to be outdated. I replaced it with the English A1 map and it works fine. You can download it from here:

Just put the map file in your "Data\Maps" folder.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by hrvg on Sun, 12 Jan 2014 16:10:28 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Hi RoWa21,

Quote:Fixed. The French A1 map seemed to be outdated. I replaced it with the English A1 map and it works fine. You can download it from here:

Just put the map file in your "Data\Maps" folder.

Page 388 of 585 ---- Generated from The Bears Pit It's good. Thank you very much. Regards.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by guanying12 on Sat, 18 Jan 2014 04:12:22 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message sorry for this

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by anv on Sat, 18 Jan 2014 15:31:24 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Bugfix: - UB crashing after helicopter crash in new game (junk variables removed) Toggle SpoilerIndex: Tactical/faces.h ======--- Tactical/faces.h (revision 6768) +++ Tactical/faces.h (working copy) @@ -123,10 +123,6 @@

UINT32 uiSoundID; // Sound ID if one being played

- UINT32 uiSound1ID; // anv: snitch - UINT32 uiSound2ID; - UINT32 uiSound3ID; - UINT8 ubSoldierID; // SoldierID if one specified UINT8 ubCharacterNum; // Profile ID num

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by wanne (aka RoWa21) on Mon, 20 Jan 2014 09:21:55 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message @anv: committed

Page 389 of 585 ---- Generated from The Bears Pit Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by guanying12 on Mon, 20 Jan 2014 09:40:28 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message HOURS_BETWEEN_STRATEGIC_DECAY of morale setting has no effect ,morale keep increasing until 100 even do with SCI_Unstable_Revision_6763_on_GameDir_1919

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by anv on Mon, 20 Jan 2014 16:10:04 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message @cod6gui: Because it's never loaded

Bugfix: - loading HOURS_BETWEEN_STRATEGIC_DECAY from .ini Toggle SpoilerIndex: GameSettings.cpp ======--- GameSettings.cpp (revision 6791) +++ GameSettings.cpp (working copy) @@ -3393,6 +3393,7 @@ CIniReader iniReader(MORALE_SETTINGS_FILE);

gMoraleSettings.ubDefaultMorale = iniReader.ReadInteger("General Morale Settings","DEFAULT_MORALE", 50, 0, 100); + gMoraleSettings.ubHoursBetweenStrategicDelay = iniReader.ReadInteger("General Morale Settings","HOURS_BETWEEN_STRATEGIC_DECAY", 3, 1, 100);

gMoraleSettings.bValues[MORALE_KILLED_ENEMY] = iniReader.ReadInteger("Tactical Morale Settings","MORALE_KILLED_ENEMY", 4, -100, 100); gMoraleSettings.bValues[MORALE_SQUADMATE_DIED] = iniReader.ReadInteger("Tactical Morale Settings","MORALE_SQUADMATE_DIED", -5, -100, 100);

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by silversurfer on Mon, 20 Jan 2014 18:07:42 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message TaroUI bug for latest SVN.

Enchanced description box is glitched for weapons: M1 Carbine, Colt M1911, there may be others. The background is shifted and ammo count in sector inventory has black color. Toggle Spoiler

Page 390 of 585 ---- Generated from The Bears Pit Fixed in dev revision 6798. Invalid ammo types in guns will now be reset to 0 when their description box is opened for the first time. "Invalid" means at least one of their attributes , or is 0.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by Flugente on Wed, 22 Jan 2014 21:56:58 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message @anv: committed in r6815

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by Nasenbaer on Sun, 26 Jan 2014 18:19:55 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Hi there, i just installed:

- 1.13 SCI 6763 - Flugs increased teamsizes - AR Mod with Fixpack 1886+ - deleted the ini-files from the AR-folder as it will use the 1.13 files

The fighting in the first Sektor showed up no Problems. But when i try to give the letter to Fatima it

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by Flugente on Sun, 26 Jan 2014 18:22:59 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message That is an error specific to my exe. Please post those errors in the corresponding thread. I've since fixed the error, the next release will work in that regard.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by Nasenbaer on Sun, 26 Jan 2014 19:07:58 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message hey Flugente, thanks for the quick answer and sorry for using the wrong thread. I didn

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here!

Page 391 of 585 ---- Generated from The Bears Pit Posted by Moerges on Thu, 06 Feb 2014 12:47:08 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Hey guys,

I'm not quite sure this is the right place to report this, but I hope it is. Please don't slap me if it isn't, I'm not Elliot.

Recently, I got curious as to what exactly the different facilites do that are found in 1.13. When inspecting the FacilityTypes.xml, I noticed the following:

The "Hospital", the proper one found in Cambria, grants a performance boost of 50% to the doctoring rate and reduces the degradation of the medical bag to 40%, while requiring MED 60, WIS 75. So far, so good.

However, the "Combat Support Hospital", the one found in Drassen C13, while also reducing med kit consumption to 40% and only requiring MED 60 and WIS 60, grants a doctoring boost of 100%.

This can't be right, can it? Why would a make-shift infirmary set up in an old sweatshop grant a higher bonus than a well-equipped, proper hospital?

Maybe the performance boosts should be switched? Or the one granted by the Combat Support Hospital lowered to 25%?

I realize this isn't as much a bug as it is a balancing problem, but maybe it can be addressed anyway.


Edit: I'm on build 4870, but the numbers in the xml are the same in Depri's most recent unstable package.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by Flugente on Thu, 06 Feb 2014 18:49:27 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message That seems odd indeed. I've switched the performance boni in GameDir r1934.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by Moerges on Thu, 06 Feb 2014 18:55:58 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Thanks, Flugente.

Page 392 of 585 ---- Generated from The Bears Pit Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by Drakwarg on Fri, 07 Feb 2014 09:57:59 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Long time lurker first time poster. no mods all settings as supplied Revision/dir 6871/1931

File : skill_setting.ini Section : [Generic Traits Settings]


Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by anv on Fri, 07 Feb 2014 13:03:51 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message DrakwarMAX_NUMBER_OF_TRAITS = 10

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by silversurfer on Fri, 07 Feb 2014 15:23:53 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Great, you already have a fix.

Committed in revision 6886.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by Drakwarg on Fri, 07 Feb 2014 17:44:19 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Regarding JA2 1.13 INI editor Revision/dir 6871/1931

I have noticed that some entries are MISSING: PROPERTY DESCRIPTION e.g. Tactical Gameplay Settings/BACKPACKWEIGHT_LOWERS_AP meaning that they are not editable via the ini editor, would a list of these be useful?

Page 393 of 585 ---- Generated from The Bears Pit Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by silversurfer on Fri, 07 Feb 2014 18:10:23 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message A list is already in the editor itself. Just select the Ini and sort the "Description" column. Looks like most missing entries are from Flugente's new features. He did a good job documenting them in the forum. Now it's time to add the documentation to INIEditorJA2Options.xml as well. :taskmaster:

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by Drakwarg on Fri, 07 Feb 2014 23:40:10 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message save just before delivering skyrider to his helicopter, deliver him, listen to speech, go to world map and get his speech about Sam sites, Sam site Text box is now stuck on all screens until game quit and restart. fast clicking through his conversations or not the text box sticks

Revision/dir 6871/1931 NO mods Windows xp SP3 default ini settings except for repair options FULL repair and clean weapons

Could not attach save game as was too large for bugzilla

Saved game 13 worked out how to attach url to my google drive i think posting here cos i have no idea if the other thing worked yes me nub cake

Edit : Oh ermm 1024*768 resolution

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by Drakwarg on Sat, 08 Feb 2014 02:19:55 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Revision/dir 6871/1931 NO mods

No Merc Lights at night ( the glowy area around merc in night ops) works in my "basic" install but not current build.

Page 394 of 585 ---- Generated from The Bears Pit Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by Drakwarg on Sat, 08 Feb 2014 04:34:17 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Revision/dir 6871/1931 no mods all resolutions same bug after deleting everything and fresh install(kept save game) saved game 1 as soon as you click on sky rider helicopter, you can no longer click on anything else but send him somewhere and redeploy merc to another assignment, lose time save and go to tactical screen buttons.

Moving the mercs in the helicopter via the merc menu on the left works but leaves the skyrider text locked on screen like previous bug. it is clicking on the helicopter icon in world map that breaks things let me know if i need to post this somewhere else or send the file a different way.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by Buggler on Sat, 08 Feb 2014 05:02:14 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Drakwar, welcome to the pit.

Your easy-to-follow and detailed bug reports are very helpful in reproducing the bugs. Keep it up.

DrakwarNo Merc Lights at night ( the glowy area around merc in night ops) works in my "basic" install but not current build. Hotkey 'G' should bring the lights back. (Will add a feedback message as it is intentionally made absent from the option screen)

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by silversurfer on Sat, 08 Feb 2014 10:24:37 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Drakwar as soon as you click on sky rider helicopter, you can no longer click on anything else but send him somewhere and redeploy merc to another assignment, lose time save and go to tactical screen buttons.

Page 395 of 585 ---- Generated from The Bears Pit Moving the mercs in the helicopter via the merc menu on the left works but leaves the skyrider text locked on screen like previous bug.

I found the problem with the sticky text in the code and will fix it. For now you can always quit helicopter command mode by right-clicking. This will not remove the sticky text but you should be able to use the interface normally.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by silversurfer on Sun, 09 Feb 2014 08:57:47 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Drakwar as soon as you click on sky rider helicopter, you can no longer click on anything else but send him somewhere and redeploy merc to another assignment, lose time save and go to tactical screen buttons.

Moving the mercs in the helicopter via the merc menu on the left works but leaves the skyrider text locked on screen like previous bug.

Ok, fixed in revision 6892.

This here is also fixed in that revision: Drakwarsave just before delivering skyrider to his helicopter, deliver him, listen to speech, go to world map and get his speech about Sam sites, Sam site Text box is now stuck on all screens until game quit and restart. fast clicking through his conversations or not the text box sticks

Both issues were related to face selection.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by smeagol on Mon, 10 Feb 2014 17:16:28 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Think Rebels recruitment is still broken.

I can't recruit Dimitri, Carlos or Miguel (Ira works fine) with Gus (highest LDR available) even after completing foodquest and having liberated 4 towns and 100% loyalty in Omerta. updated to newest svn today and using 6871 exe.

I've seen that anv fixed Dimitri recruitment recently, maybe I have still an outdated file in my

Page 396 of 585 ---- Generated from The Bears Pit aimnas install that I need to update?

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by silversurfer on Mon, 10 Feb 2014 17:33:20 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message I believe that fix was just some change to make the code more readable. There was no change in handling. You should be able to recruit Dimitri after you have done the Drassen food quest. It worked like that last time I played and that was before the change anv made.

You will have to have 5 towns under complete control (all sectors) in order to recruit Miguel with the default setting of EARLY_REBELS_RECRUITMENT = 3.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by smeagol on Mon, 10 Feb 2014 18:35:56 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message okay, i fixed Dimitris .npc script, somehow something was saved wrong in that file... it's now possible again to recruit Dimitri in AIMNAS bigmaps.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by JosephCKohn on Sat, 01 Mar 2014 04:13:52 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message I have gone a step further to help others find and dissect the bugs found. A tiny Windows 7 VM has been created with a dependent snapshot of the bug in question occurring. The VM for this report has executable 6996, SVN Game Dir 1968.

Game info: Bug occurs on the following versions: r69xx/19xx, no other mods, new games onlyNo special actions needed, simply playing the tactical game for one hour was enough to induce the bug. Game Directory: C:\transfer\Jagged Alliance 2 Gold\, C:\Jagged Alliance 2 Gold\Closest save to bug occurrence for executable 6996, SVN Game Dir 1968Executable, build log, debugging symbols (7zip): 6996

PC info: (s): Windows 8.1 Professional x64, Tiny7 (Windows 7 Ultimate x86 build 6.1.7600.16385 RTM)

Bug info: Debug assertion failed, vector subscript out of range. File: c:\program files (x86)\Microsoft visual studio 12.0\vc\include\vector Linen:1201

Page 397 of 585 ---- Generated from The Bears Pit Assertion failure (line 2140 in file C:\users\echo\desktop\ja2\source\build\standard gaming [;atform\buttonsystem.cpp.] Attempting to CreateAndTextButton with out of range ImageID -1

DebugMessage.txt Quote:[1549.35] : Enemy ambush test mode enabled. [1549.35] : Enemy ambush test mode enabled. [1565.23] : A9 ENTER SECTOR TIME: 4.94 seconds. [1565.23] : See JA2\Data\TimeResults.txt for more detailed timings. [2024.24] : DEBUG: Enemies on team 1 prompted to go on RED ALERT! [3159.26] : A9 ENTER SECTOR TIME: 3.40 seconds. [3159.26] : A9 ENTER SECTOR TIME: 3.40 seconds. [3159.26] : See JA2\Data\TimeResults.txt for more detailed timings. [3159.26] : See JA2\Data\TimeResults.txt for more detailed timings. [3160.4] : SynchronizeItemTempFile() Error! Reported 0, should be 8 [3160.4] : SynchronizeItemTempFile() Error! Reported 0, should be 8 [3211.3] : A9 ENTER SECTOR TIME: 3.40 seconds. [3211.3] : A9 ENTER SECTOR TIME: 3.40 seconds. [3211.3] : See JA2\Data\TimeResults.txt for more detailed timings. [3211.3] : See JA2\Data\TimeResults.txt for more detailed timings. [3212.44] : SynchronizeItemTempFile() Error! Reported 0, should be 8 [3212.44] : SynchronizeItemTempFile() Error! Reported 0, should be 8 [3328.14] : Invalid Animation File for Body 14, animation END COWER CROUCHED. [3328.14] : Invalid Animation File for Body 14, animation END COWER CROUCHED. [3609.3] : Team 3 drops all items for inspection! [3609.3] : Team 3 drops all items for inspection! [3611.9] : A10 ENTER SECTOR TIME: 3.57 seconds. [3611.9] : A10 ENTER SECTOR TIME: 3.57 seconds. [3611.9] : See JA2\Data\TimeResults.txt for more detailed timings. [3611.9] : See JA2\Data\TimeResults.txt for more detailed timings. [3696.86] : Team 3 drops all items for inspection! [3696.86] : Team 3 drops all items for inspection! [3700.31] : A10_b1 ENTER SECTOR TIME: 4.71 seconds. [3700.31] : A10_b1 ENTER SECTOR TIME: 4.71 seconds. [3700.31] : See JA2\Data\TimeResults.txt for more detailed timings. [3700.31] : See JA2\Data\TimeResults.txt for more detailed timings. [3700.32] : Call to UnPauseGame() while Pause State is LOCKED! AM-4 [3700.32] : Call to UnPauseGame() while Pause State is LOCKED! AM-4 [3742.36] : QUEST COMPLETED - Adding to merc records and awarding experiences (300). [3742.36] : QUEST COMPLETED - Adding to merc records and awarding experiences (300).

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by wanne (aka RoWa21) on Sat, 01 Mar 2014 06:52:26 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message

Page 398 of 585 ---- Generated from The Bears Pit @josep: thanks for posting the bug report. what actions are needed in the game to reproduce the bug? you have the merc inventory open, so did you do any special action there?

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by JosephCKohn on Sat, 01 Mar 2014 16:57:52 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Whoops I forgot to include that. The bug occurred after 1 hour of playing the game. No special actions needed. The save file included is the closest chronologically to the bug occurring. Failing that the VM I uploaded has a dependent snapshot of the bug occurring.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by Kriplo on Sun, 02 Mar 2014 12:04:10 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message List of mapeditor fixes in r7004.

- Change the way exit grids are add, remove, save and load through editor, also add undo option for exit grids and you can place unlimited number of them. - Fix incorrect gridno save in temporary map file for bigmap exit grids. - Increase maximum number of light sprite from 256 to 4096 per map. - Using DEL key for QuickEraseMapTile will now erase ItemPool too, and with improved function DeleteStuffFromMapTile will erase light sprites, exit grids and door locks. - Cliff hang tiles used for middle cliffs are now possible to erase with when erase button is on. - Add support for undo door locks, also you can now erase them if erase button is on. - Move building function is completely rewrite and will properly move exit grids, door locks, lights and items too. - Removing unnecessary tiles during copy building is improved too. - Fix undo function for light sprites which now will also store all three types and undo them properly. - Fix CTD situation if tile elements are deleted and after that items too, then undo will crash mapeditor. - Fix spawning of item pool cursors during when adding items. - Fix text glitches over door locks form. - Fix sticky tooltip when loadsave screen or door locks form is active. - High ground marking cursors will not be drawn in invisible map tiles anymore to increase speed and maybe fix some render problems but I doubt it. - Move GLOCK_17_ForUseWithLOS item generation from init.cpp to los.cpp to avoid potential problems if global world items array not set.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by Kriplo on Sun, 02 Mar 2014 19:38:18 GMT

Page 399 of 585 ---- Generated from The Bears Pit View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Notice that savegame compatibility is break, not sure from when this occurs or is it done intentionally, but cannot load any savegame older then October 2013.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by JosephCKohn on Mon, 03 Mar 2014 06:47:38 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Game info below and archives. Bug occurs on the following versions: r7013/SVN1971 only, no other mods, new game onlyExecutable, build log, debugging symbols (7zip): 7013I AM UNABLE TO SAVE!

PC info: Operating System(s): Windows 8.1 Professional x64, Tiny7 (Windows 7 Ultimate x86 build 6.1.7600.16385 RTM)

Old Skill traits prevents the game from being played. Starting a new game with that option plays the ending movies and then dumps back to the title screen. The errors logged below also only occur when Old Skill traits is selected. I am not joking.[/video] If the player is not working here is a link.

ERROR_REPORT.iniErrorMessages.txt Quote:[5.36e-005] : The value [Tactical Cover System Settings][COVER_SYSTEM_ADDITIONAL_TILE_PROPERTIES] = "" in file [Ja2_Options.ini] is neither TRUE nor FALSE. The value TRUE will be used. stack_trace.log Quote:[174.32] : Backtrace: Could not delete file

[174.389] : Backtrace: Could not delete file : Temp\Throne_Mig.smk

Strange as the Temp folder contains Throne_Mig.smk, archive here!

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by silversurfer on Mon, 03 Mar 2014 13:37:05 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message I updated from revision 6974 to 7013 and now my map shows question marks everywhere:

There were no enemy troops in these sectors before. Now all sectors that have been explored

Page 400 of 585 ---- Generated from The Bears Pit before which are not adjacent to my mercs or militia show "?". This is very annoying.

I'm playing with WF6.07 maps mod, GameDir 1971 and dev exe 7013.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by silversurfer on Mon, 03 Mar 2014 13:51:56 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message JosephCKohnGame info below and archives. Bug occurs on the following versions: r7013/SVN1971 only, no other mods, new game onlyExecutable, build log, debugging symbols (7zip): 7013I AM UNABLE TO SAVE!

Cannot reproduce that. I tried to reproduce on a clean new install with exe 7013 and GameDir 1971 as well as WF6.07 maps on top of it. Both tests worked fine.

- can start a new game with old traits (didn't change any other option) - can hire merc (tried with Grunty and Grizzly) - can land in starting sector and start to play - can save

There must be something wrong with your installation.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by wanne (aka RoWa21) on Mon, 03 Mar 2014 18:17:24 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message silversurferI updated from revision 6974 to 7013 and now my map shows question marks everywhere:

There were no enemy troops in these sectors before. Now all sectors that have been explored before which are not adjacent to my mercs or militia show "?". This is very annoying.

I'm playing with WF6.07 maps mod, GameDir 1971 and dev exe 7013.

did you compile an executable from the development trunk or from the stable 2014 branch? does it happen with both executables??

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by silversurfer on Mon, 03 Mar 2014 18:55:26 GMT

Page 401 of 585 ---- Generated from The Bears Pit View Forum Message <> Reply to Message I only tried development trunk.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by wanne (aka RoWa21) on Mon, 03 Mar 2014 19:50:10 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message silversurferI only tried development trunk.

Then I assume it is a problem with the modified mobile militia feature, because the bug does not exist AFAIK in the stable branch.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by Flugente on Mon, 03 Mar 2014 19:52:01 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message I cannot reproduce that error in the trunk using r7013 and current GameDir.

Edit: Wait a minute... now I can? Hu? I guess I'm on it :scan:

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by silversurfer on Mon, 03 Mar 2014 20:16:31 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message I think this is related to NO_ENEMY_DETECTION_WITHOUT_RECON = FALSE which I set in my Ja2_Options.ini. This was working fine before and only showed question marks when there were enemy troops in the sector. Now this here always triggers in "Map Screen Interface Map.cpp" and sets "fDetection" to TRUE no matter if there are enemies in the sector or not:

// Explored Sector Detection // Enemy can be detected in any previously-visited sector. // This is also enabled by some facilities, provided a merc is present and available to do it. if( GetSectorFlagStatus( sSectorX, sSectorY, 0, SF_ALREADY_VISITED ) == TRUE ) { // HEADROCK HAM 3.2: When enabled, this INI setting disallows detection of enemy roamers beyond merc/militia // recon range. if (!gGameExternalOptions.fNoEnemyDetectionWithoutRecon) { // then he always knows about any enemy presence for the remainder of the game, but not exact numbers fDetection = TRUE;

Page 402 of 585 ---- Generated from The Bears Pit } }

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by Flugente on Mon, 03 Mar 2014 20:27:00 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Ah, then its clear. anv's snitch feature added the possibility of false enemy reports - basically one would get enemy readings even if there are none. Unfortunately this shows all sectors if gGameExternalOptions.fNoEnemyDetectionWithoutRecon is FALSE. Will fix ...

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by silversurfer on Mon, 03 Mar 2014 20:39:00 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message FlugenteAh, then its clear. anv's snitch feature added the possibility of false enemy reports - basically one would get enemy readings even if there are none. Unfortunately this shows all sectors if gGameExternalOptions.fNoEnemyDetectionWithoutRecon is FALSE. Will fix ... :rofl: I see now. He commented the "return" statement and now the game runs checks that it didn't consider before...

That was in revision 6906 already. I guess I didn't notice any sooner because I didn't play and only tested some things in tactical screen...

Waiting for your fix. Maybe have some configurable probability instead of 100% false reports.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by anv on Mon, 03 Mar 2014 20:44:30 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Hey, in my defense if there are no enemies in sector, it shouldn't be set to KNOWS_THEYRE_THERE

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by Flugente on Mon, 03 Mar 2014 20:45:24 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Committed in r7015

Page 403 of 585 ---- Generated from The Bears Pit Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by anv on Wed, 05 Mar 2014 21:09:41 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message KriploNotice that savegame compatibility is break, not sure from when this occurs or is it done intentionally, but cannot load any savegame older then October 2013.Should solve that. Toggle SpoilerIndex: SaveLoadGame.cpp ======--- SaveLoadGame.cpp (revision 7025) +++ SaveLoadGame.cpp (working copy) @@ -2235,8 +2235,6 @@

for(int i = 0; i < sizeof(bSoldierFlagMask2); ++i) buffer++; - while((buffer%4) > 0) - buffer++; }

/*if ( guiCurrentSaveGameVersion >= FOOD_CHANGES )

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by Kriplo on Thu, 06 Mar 2014 19:18:27 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message test it and my old savegames work again, excellent... thanks anv, now going to commit your patch :ok:

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by Anthropoid on Fri, 07 Mar 2014 00:05:45 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Yippee Kiyeah! I got my bugzilla account working and just posted my first bug report with a save file.

Toggle Spoiler"This item cannot be picked up from here" has occurred in B13 sector, immediately after receipt of Bobby Ray shipment, and use of Shift-M key to reposition all inventory items in sector.

I have attached the save file with the bug present. If needed I can send one immediately prior to the bug appearing.

After receipt of BR shipment, I opened the crate to see the items, then moved the merc outside the building to type Shift-M.

Some items were then grayed out as if they were inside a locked building or on

Page 404 of 585 ---- Generated from The Bears Pit a roof.

I suspect that the Shift-M function has somehow positioned some items off the margin of the map?

Will post any more I find as well

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by JosephCKohn on Sat, 08 Mar 2014 05:12:37 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Bug occurs on the following versions: r7029, 69XX/SVN 1973, 19XX, no other mods, new games only, from clean install and remod, no Cheat Engine hooks, Bandicam used to record videoExecutable, build log, debugging symbols (7zip): 7029Game Directory: C:\transfer\Jagged Alliance 2 Gold\Closest save to bug occurrence for executable 7029, SVN Game Dir 1973

PC info: Operating System(s): Windows 8.1 Professional x64

Requirements to reproduce: GABBI cheat mode activatedUse

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by JosephCKohn on Sat, 08 Mar 2014 22:19:07 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Enemy solder with wrong ubGroupID.

Game info: Bug occurs on the following versions: r7035/SVN 1975 no other mods, upgrade from executable 7035, SVN 1973, no cheat engine hooks, previous save from executable 7035, SVN 1973 usedExecutable, build log, debugging symbols (7zip): 7035Game Directory: C:\Jagged Alliance 2 Gold\Closest save to bug occurrence for executable 7035, SVN Game Dir 1975 RAM dump

PC info: Tiny7 (Windows 7 Ultimate x86 build 6.1.7600.16385 RTM)Dependent snapshot of bug created

Required to reproduce: GABBI cheat mode enabledDo not use the auto resolve to victory cheat

Videos: The bug in action 5min of gameplay before the bug

Literally the first militia fight ever in a new game uncovered this bug. The mobile militia was trained by two mercs, Leader and Scout. Before then my actions were limited to forcing

Page 405 of 585 ---- Generated from The Bears Pit shipments, dressing up the mercs as if GI Joes and Barbie Dolls (don

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by JosephCKohn on Sun, 09 Mar 2014 04:18:42 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Something is causing mouse related crashes and I have no idea as to what is the cause. This seems to occur only when MILITIA_USE_SECTOR_EQUIPMENT=TRUE. This is similar to a previous bug as well. The symptoms, rate of occurrence and effects are the same. The only difference is buttonsystem.ccp for the older bug report vs mousesystem.ccp for this bug report.

Game info: Bug occurs on the following versions: r7039, 69XX/ SVN 19XX, no other mods, new games only, no Cheat Engine hooks, Bandicam used to record videoExecutable, debugging symbols (7zip): 7039Game Directory: C:\transfer\Jagged Alliance 2 Gold\, C:\Jagged Alliance 2 Gold\Closest save to bug occurrence for executable 7039, SVN Game Dir 1975RAM dump at time of bug

PC info: Operating System(s): Windows 8.1 Professional x64, Tiny7 (Windows 7 Ultimate x86 build 6.1.7600.16385 RTM)

Required to reproduce: In the JA2_Options file the following must be set: MILITIA_USE_SECTOR_EQUIPMENT=TRUEMercs must be in combat on the tactical screenMilitia must be equipped with weapons and armor with attachments to bothMilitia must be called to an adjacent sector by a merc with the radio operator skillIn tactical press o and then either: done, save or load'Never move my mouse' option not enabled

Videos: Video of the bug occurring 5mins up to the bug Last 26 mins of recorded game play ending with the bug occuring. Video: XVID Audio: PCM Size:167.5MB


1st error message: Debug Assertion failed! Program: C:\Jagged Alliance 2 Gold\JA2_EN_Debug.exe File: c:\program files (x86)\Microsoft visual studio 12.0\vc\include\vector Line:1201 Expression: vector subscript out of range

The file named vector has been uploaded here. Relevant part: #elif _ITERATOR_DEBUG_LEVEL == 1 _SCL_SECURE_VALIDATE_RANGE(_Pos < size()); #endif /* _ITERATOR_DEBUG_LEVEL */

Page 406 of 585 ---- Generated from The Bears Pit return (*(this->_Myfirst + _Pos)); }

reference operator[](size_type _Pos) { // subscript mutable sequence #if _ITERATOR_DEBUG_LEVEL == 2 if (size() uiFlags & MSYS_REGION_EXISTS ) AssertMsg( 0, "Attempting to define a region that already exists." ); #endif

region->IDNumber = MSYS_ID_BASE;

if(priority == MSYS_PRIORITY_AUTO) priority = MSYS_PRIORITY_BASE; else if(priority = MSYS_PRIORITY_HIGHEST) priority = MSYS_PRIORITY_HIGHEST;

region->PriorityLevel = priority;

region->uiFlags = MSYS_NO_FLAGS;

region->MovementCallback = movecallback; if(movecallback != MSYS_NO_CALLBACK) region->uiFlags |= MSYS_MOVE_CALLBACK;

region->ButtonCallback = buttoncallback; if(buttoncallback != MSYS_NO_CALLBACK) region->uiFlags |= MSYS_BUTTON_CALLBACK;

region->Cursor = crsr; if(crsr != MSYS_NO_CURSOR) region->uiFlags |= MSYS_SET_CURSOR;

region->RegionTopLeftX = tlx; region->RegionTopLeftY = tly; region->RegionBottomRightX = brx; region->RegionBottomRightY = bry;

region->MouseXPos = 0; region->MouseYPos = 0; region->RelativeXPos = 0; region->RelativeYPos = 0; region->ButtonState = 0;

//Init fasthelp region->FastHelpText = NULL; region->FastHelpTimer = 0;

Page 407 of 585 ---- Generated from The Bears Pit region->next = NULL; region->prev = NULL; region->HelpDoneCallback = NULL;

//Add region to system list MSYS_AddRegionToList(region); region->uiFlags|= MSYS_REGION_ENABLED | MSYS_REGION_EXISTS;

// Dirty our update flag gfRefreshUpdate = TRUE; }

DebugMessage.txt Quote: [65.2206] : B13 ENTER SECTOR TIME: 3.87 seconds. [65.2223] : B13 ENTER SECTOR TIME: 3.87 seconds. [65.2229] : See JA2\Data\TimeResults.txt for more detailed timings. [65.2233] : See JA2\Data\TimeResults.txt for more detailed timings. [66.564] : SynchronizeItemTempFile() Error! Reported 0, should be 112 [66.5643] : SynchronizeItemTempFile() Error! Reported 0, should be 112 [79.5588] : Team 3 restocks gear from sector inventory! [79.5593] : Team 3 restocks gear from sector inventory! [89.5223] : Team 3 restocks gear from sector inventory! [89.523] : Team 3 restocks gear from sector inventory! [106.363] : Team 3 drops all items for inspection! [106.364] : Team 3 drops all items for inspection! [177.208] : Team 3 restocks gear from sector inventory! [177.208] : Team 3 restocks gear from sector inventory! [234.816] : Team 3 restocks gear from sector inventory! [234.817] : Team 3 restocks gear from sector inventory! [660.1] : Team 3 drops all items for inspection! [660.101] : Team 3 drops all items for inspection! [722.738] : C13 ENTER SECTOR TIME: 18.76 seconds. [722.739] : C13 ENTER SECTOR TIME: 18.76 seconds. [722.739] : See JA2\Data\TimeResults.txt for more detailed timings. [722.74] : See JA2\Data\TimeResults.txt for more detailed timings. [1206.64] : QUEST COMPLETED - Adding to merc records and awarding experiences (400). [1206.64] : QUEST COMPLETED - Adding to merc records and awarding experiences (400). [1621.69] : DEBUG: Enemies on team 1 prompted to go on RED ALERT! [1633.66] : C13 ENTER SECTOR TIME: 3.24 seconds. [1633.66] : C13 ENTER SECTOR TIME: 3.24 seconds. [1633.66] : See JA2\Data\TimeResults.txt for more detailed timings. [1633.66] : See JA2\Data\TimeResults.txt for more detailed timings. [1658.46] : C13 ENTER SECTOR TIME: 3.20 seconds. [1658.46] : C13 ENTER SECTOR TIME: 3.20 seconds. [1658.46] : See JA2\Data\TimeResults.txt for more detailed timings.

Page 408 of 585 ---- Generated from The Bears Pit [1658.46] : See JA2\Data\TimeResults.txt for more detailed timings. [1831.49] : DEBUG: Enemies on team 1 prompted to go on RED ALERT! [1843.56] : C13 ENTER SECTOR TIME: 3.21 seconds. [1843.56] : C13 ENTER SECTOR TIME: 3.21 seconds. [1843.57] : See JA2\Data\TimeResults.txt for more detailed timings. [1843.57] : See JA2\Data\TimeResults.txt for more detailed timings. [1845.44] : SynchronizeItemTempFile() Error! Reported 0, should be 8 [1845.44] : SynchronizeItemTempFile() Error! Reported 0, should be 8 [1850.86] : Path for SOLDIER ( 44 ) did not make merc get to dest (1 spaces away). [1850.86] : Path for SOLDIER ( 44 ) did not make merc get to dest (1 spaces away). [2200.87] : C13 ENTER SECTOR TIME: 3.24 seconds. [2200.87] : C13 ENTER SECTOR TIME: 3.24 seconds. [2200.87] : See JA2\Data\TimeResults.txt for more detailed timings. [2200.88] : See JA2\Data\TimeResults.txt for more detailed timings. [2202.69] : SynchronizeItemTempFile() Error! Reported 0, should be 11 [2202.69] : SynchronizeItemTempFile() Error! Reported 0, should be 11 [2330.13] : DEBUG: Enemies on team 1 prompted to go on RED ALERT! [2493.22] : C13 ENTER SECTOR TIME: 3.21 seconds. [2493.22] : C13 ENTER SECTOR TIME: 3.21 seconds. [2493.22] : See JA2\Data\TimeResults.txt for more detailed timings. [2493.22] : See JA2\Data\TimeResults.txt for more detailed timings. [2495.45] : SynchronizeItemTempFile() Error! Reported 0, should be 15 [2495.45] : SynchronizeItemTempFile() Error! Reported 0, should be 15 [2809.38] : C13 ENTER SECTOR TIME: 3.24 seconds. [2809.38] : C13 ENTER SECTOR TIME: 3.24 seconds. [2809.39] : See JA2\Data\TimeResults.txt for more detailed timings. [2809.39] : See JA2\Data\TimeResults.txt for more detailed timings. [2811.43] : SynchronizeItemTempFile() Error! Reported 0, should be 15 [2811.43] : SynchronizeItemTempFile() Error! Reported 0, should be 15 [2852.64] : C13 ENTER SECTOR TIME: 3.26 seconds. [2852.64] : C13 ENTER SECTOR TIME: 3.26 seconds. [2852.64] : See JA2\Data\TimeResults.txt for more detailed timings. [2852.64] : See JA2\Data\TimeResults.txt for more detailed timings. [2854.57] : SynchronizeItemTempFile() Error! Reported 0, should be 15 [2854.57] : SynchronizeItemTempFile() Error! Reported 0, should be 15 [2904.01] : C13 ENTER SECTOR TIME: 3.25 seconds. [2904.01] : C13 ENTER SECTOR TIME: 3.25 seconds. [2904.01] : See JA2\Data\TimeResults.txt for more detailed timings. [2904.01] : See JA2\Data\TimeResults.txt for more detailed timings. [2905.95] : SynchronizeItemTempFile() Error! Reported 0, should be 11 [2905.95] : SynchronizeItemTempFile() Error! Reported 0, should be 11 [3021.31] : DEBUG: Enemies on team 1 prompted to go on RED ALERT! [3163.54] : C13 ENTER SECTOR TIME: 3.23 seconds. [3163.54] : C13 ENTER SECTOR TIME: 3.23 seconds. [3163.54] : See JA2\Data\TimeResults.txt for more detailed timings. [3163.54] : See JA2\Data\TimeResults.txt for more detailed timings. [3165.49] : SynchronizeItemTempFile() Error! Reported 0, should be 11 [3165.49] : SynchronizeItemTempFile() Error! Reported 0, should be 11

Page 409 of 585 ---- Generated from The Bears Pit [3202.14] : QUEST COMPLETED - Adding to merc records and awarding experiences (400). [3202.14] : QUEST COMPLETED - Adding to merc records and awarding experiences (400). [3248.73] : DEBUG: Enemies on team 1 prompted to go on RED ALERT! [3334.76] : C13 ENTER SECTOR TIME: 3.25 seconds. [3334.76] : C13 ENTER SECTOR TIME: 3.25 seconds. [3334.76] : See JA2\Data\TimeResults.txt for more detailed timings. [3334.76] : See JA2\Data\TimeResults.txt for more detailed timings. [3336.7] : SynchronizeItemTempFile() Error! Reported 0, should be 11 [3336.7] : SynchronizeItemTempFile() Error! Reported 0, should be 11 [3382.86] : DEBUG: Enemies on team 1 prompted to go on RED ALERT! [3530.66] : C13 ENTER SECTOR TIME: 3.24 seconds. [3530.66] : C13 ENTER SECTOR TIME: 3.24 seconds. [3530.66] : See JA2\Data\TimeResults.txt for more detailed timings. [3530.66] : See JA2\Data\TimeResults.txt for more detailed timings. [3532.6] : SynchronizeItemTempFile() Error! Reported 0, should be 15 [3532.6] : SynchronizeItemTempFile() Error! Reported 0, should be 15 [3939.36] : C13 ENTER SECTOR TIME: 3.25 seconds. [3939.36] : C13 ENTER SECTOR TIME: 3.25 seconds. [3939.36] : See JA2\Data\TimeResults.txt for more detailed timings. [3939.36] : See JA2\Data\TimeResults.txt for more detailed timings. [3941.3] : SynchronizeItemTempFile() Error! Reported 0, should be 20 [3941.3] : SynchronizeItemTempFile() Error! Reported 0, should be 20 [4009.32] : C13 ENTER SECTOR TIME: 3.24 seconds. [4009.32] : C13 ENTER SECTOR TIME: 3.24 seconds. [4009.32] : See JA2\Data\TimeResults.txt for more detailed timings. [4009.32] : See JA2\Data\TimeResults.txt for more detailed timings. [4011.23] : SynchronizeItemTempFile() Error! Reported 0, should be 26 [4011.23] : SynchronizeItemTempFile() Error! Reported 0, should be 26 [4039.46] : C13 ENTER SECTOR TIME: 3.22 seconds. [4039.46] : C13 ENTER SECTOR TIME: 3.22 seconds. [4039.47] : See JA2\Data\TimeResults.txt for more detailed timings. [4039.47] : See JA2\Data\TimeResults.txt for more detailed timings. [4041.35] : SynchronizeItemTempFile() Error! Reported 0, should be 26 [4041.35] : SynchronizeItemTempFile() Error! Reported 0, should be 26

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by Parkan on Tue, 11 Mar 2014 10:11:55 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Hello community.I think i have some issues with fresh build of 1.13 mod.The game timer freezing without any warnings.If i play with builds above 6996 those freezings occur very often when enemy squads wanted attack me,when i reverted gamedir and exe to 6996(before new Passive ai fix and new tileset properties).All this games i played on Wildfire maps and i not tested it with vanilla maps(tryed silversurfer maps and my map pack too on different install of game).The game logs did not show anything.All i have installed afs mod rc 6 and wf maps.The glithces occures on builds 7029-7045.On lower-6996-not present.

Page 410 of 585 ---- Generated from The Bears Pit Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by Buggler on Tue, 11 Mar 2014 10:29:59 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message @Parkan What's your Visual Studio version? Is it Express edition?

I encountered the same problem with my VS2008 C++ Express edition builds on JosephCKohn's savegame. (In the meantime, use DBrot's build; his should have no problem.)

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by wolf00 on Tue, 11 Mar 2014 10:39:51 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message i have full squad of imps[created around 6670*exe] in today builds i cant use them,imp page get me this message:canont read data from files are in profile directory...

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by Parkan on Tue, 11 Mar 2014 10:50:08 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Buggler@Parkan What's your Visual Studio version? Is it Express edition?

I encountered the same problem with my VS2008 C++ Express edition builds on JosephCKohn's savegame. (In the meantime, use DBrot's build; his should have no problem.) yes express compile exe i used ja2_VS2008.vcproj.

I didnot want to use dbrot builds at the moment because i maded a little changes in xml_background.cpp(not game breaking because i used it for long time and don't had any freezing problems.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by anv on Tue, 11 Mar 2014 15:25:58 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message That should solve problems with loading IMP profiles between different game versions (checked on IMP from 6670, 6901, 7047): Toggle SpoilerIndex: IMP Confirm.cpp ======

Page 411 of 585 ---- Generated from The Bears Pit --- IMP Confirm.cpp (revision 7047) +++ IMP Confirm.cpp (working copy) @@ -39,6 +39,8 @@

#include "Soldier Profile.h"

+#include "SaveLoadGame.h" + // Changed by ADB (rev 1513) to resolve IMPs created prior to structural changes //#define IMP_FILENAME_SUFFIX ".dat" #define OLD_IMP_FILENAME_SUFFIX ".dat" @@ -1529,11 +1531,18 @@

// read in the profile //if ( !gMercProfiles[ iProfileId ].Load(hFile, false) ) + + // anv: before loading profile we need to set guiCurrentSaveGameVersion to profile's version + // and set it back to SAVE_GAME_VERSION right after or else new saves will be broken! + guiCurrentSaveGameVersion = version; + if ( !gMercProfiles[ iProfileId ].Load(hFile, isOldVersion, false, false) ) { + guiCurrentSaveGameVersion = SAVE_GAME_VERSION; DoLapTopMessageBox( MSG_BOX_IMP_STYLE, pImpPopUpStrings[ 7 ], LAPTOP_SCREEN, MSG_BOX_FLAG_OK, NULL); return FALSE; } + guiCurrentSaveGameVersion = SAVE_GAME_VERSION;

// close file FileClose(hFile);

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by Parkan on Tue, 11 Mar 2014 17:52:56 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Build of exe 7047.Created with vs2013.One bug i see:mobile militia not moving self.Even if restrict roaming=false mobile militia sit in sector where it was created.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by Flugente on Tue, 11 Mar 2014 19:39:42 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message @JosephCKohn: still cannot download your files, so good luck. There is also no need to upload

Page 412 of 585 ---- Generated from The Bears Pit files from the STL

As you've caught an error, it would be very useful to know more about that. The callstack should yield a lot more useful information on what the error was (by stepping up you should come into contact with JA2-code).

@Parkan: In case you are playing with this, did you order them to move?

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by Parkan on Tue, 11 Mar 2014 20:34:57 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message i didnot captured alma sector.i hoped militia will move self without captured alma sector,or it now needed to capture because this sector to made mobile militia move self?

Mobile militia do nothing at all.even not reinforce(not in battle) near captured city sector even they allowed to do this.just sitting in sector where they created.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by Flugente on Tue, 11 Mar 2014 21:40:19 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message If you staff the military HQ in Alma, mobile militia will not move on its own. If you haven't, they should move normally.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by Flugente on Tue, 11 Mar 2014 21:49:45 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message anvThat should solve problems with loading IMP profiles between different game versions (checked on IMP from 6670, 6901, 7047): Toggle SpoilerIndex: IMP Confirm.cpp ======--- IMP Confirm.cpp (revision 7047) +++ IMP Confirm.cpp (working copy) @@ -39,6 +39,8 @@

#include "Soldier Profile.h"

+#include "SaveLoadGame.h" + // Changed by ADB (rev 1513) to resolve IMPs created prior to structural changes //#define IMP_FILENAME_SUFFIX ".dat" #define OLD_IMP_FILENAME_SUFFIX ".dat"

Page 413 of 585 ---- Generated from The Bears Pit @@ -1529,11 +1531,18 @@

// read in the profile //if ( !gMercProfiles[ iProfileId ].Load(hFile, false) ) + + // anv: before loading profile we need to set guiCurrentSaveGameVersion to profile's version + // and set it back to SAVE_GAME_VERSION right after or else new saves will be broken! + guiCurrentSaveGameVersion = version; + if ( !gMercProfiles[ iProfileId ].Load(hFile, isOldVersion, false, false) ) { + guiCurrentSaveGameVersion = SAVE_GAME_VERSION; DoLapTopMessageBox( MSG_BOX_IMP_STYLE, pImpPopUpStrings[ 7 ], LAPTOP_SCREEN, MSG_BOX_FLAG_OK, NULL); return FALSE; } + guiCurrentSaveGameVersion = SAVE_GAME_VERSION;

// close file FileClose(hFile); Thanks, committed in r7050.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by Parkan on Tue, 11 Mar 2014 22:32:36 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message FlugenteIf you staff the military HQ in Alma, mobile militia will not move on its own. If you haven't, they should move normally. they not work as usual.something going wrong or with builded exe with vs2013 or with militia itself.exe 7047

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by Flugente on Tue, 11 Mar 2014 23:07:44 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Fixed in r7053. In my defense, I was mislead by malicious indentation

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by mercsdontcry on Wed, 12 Mar 2014 06:24:59 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message The description box is showing weird value changes when changing weapon attachments in

Page 414 of 585 ---- Generated from The Bears Pit strategic view. For example adding and removing a flash suppressor several times on after the other to any gun changes your "allowed aiming levels modifier" and your recoil bonus in a very strange manner. Same behavior for rifle sling, grenade launcher etc. (visible in the "Advanced panel")

In detail: Start new game with Buzz and buy premium kit. It includes a colt commando with grenade launcher + grenade. 1. Go to description box in strategic view (Advanced Panel): the aiming level modifier shows "+2" 2. after unloading the grenade and directly loading it again it changed to "+1" and the maximum counter force etc. are increased. 3. loading and unloading ungain changes it back to former values 4. This behavior is always present for newly sterted games and loaded save games. build 6967, food-system switched off, inventory-AP-cost on, dirt and overheating on, NCTH win 7

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by Flugente on Wed, 12 Mar 2014 20:34:32 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message If you change a weapon's attachments while it is in your hands, the scope mode changes. In Buzz' case, it changes between 'Ironsight' and 'hip-firing'. When hip-firing, you get no bonus from any optics, in this case the ironsight, which is the gun itself, which hives +1 to aimlevel. This does not happen if you are crouched, because hip-firing only works when standing.

As this happens only when the gun is in your hands, and toggling optics costs no AP, I see no fix necessary.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by JosephCKohn on Thu, 13 Mar 2014 19:59:01 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message A quick heads up, I am changing my file hosting service from megaupload links to mediafire due to complaints. Any link that were unaccessible should now be accessible.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by mercsdontcry on Sun, 16 Mar 2014 06:59:04 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Found a few typos:

- Instructor background: "with" too much: "... But with with violence..." - Pops McGillicutty Bio: "and" too much: "... warfare and and his ..."

Page 415 of 585 ---- Generated from The Bears Pit - When trying to load more than 6 people into helicopter a message appears: "The (null) is full" - I hired first 3 MERC mercenarys and few days later an additional two. The account on the MERC Website shows only the first 3. However, payments are calculated correctly for all 5 mercenarys. build 6967, food-system switched off, inventory-AP-cost on, dirt and overheating on, NCTH win 7

P.S. Dr Clifford Highball should have the "Doctor" trait instead of the "Paramedic" trait.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by Flugente on Sun, 16 Mar 2014 13:22:20 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Thanks. Fixed typos in GameDir r1986. MERC website accounting has already been fixed since 6967, and Cliff already has Doctor trait since then.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by JosephCKohn on Fri, 21 Mar 2014 00:41:18 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Let

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by JosephCKohn on Fri, 21 Mar 2014 01:09:38 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Let

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by JosephCKohn on Fri, 21 Mar 2014 01:36:16 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Let

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by silversurfer on Fri, 21 Mar 2014 08:54:31 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message

Page 416 of 585 ---- Generated from The Bears Pit JosephCKohnLet

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by Seven. on Fri, 21 Mar 2014 13:14:58 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message @all Maybe it's better to make a dedicated thread for strange and weird places in code?

@JosephCKohn If you have will and time to clean up code, you can fix (and test) those errors and post patch files in 'code snippets' thread or send them directly to RoWa

Also, there are hundreds (or even thousands) of similar warnings, so this project will take quite a time

Toggle SpoilerThe same variable is used in innner and outer loops: strategicmap.cpp BOOLEAN HandlePotentialBringUpAutoresolveToFinishBattle(int pSectorX, int pSectorY, int pSectorZ) ... for( int i = gTacticalStatus.Team[ ENEMY_TEAM ].bFirstID; i bActive && MercPtrs[ i ]->stats.bLife ) { if( MercPtrs[ i ]->sSectorX == pSectorX && MercPtrs[ i ]->sSectorY == pSectorY && MercPtrs[ i ]->bSectorZ == pSectorZ ) { //We have enemies, now look for militia! for( i = gTacticalStatus.Team[ MILITIA_TEAM ].bFirstID; i bActive && MercPtrs[ i ]->stats.bLife && MercPtrs[ i ]->bSide == OUR_TEAM ) { ... } } } }

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by Parkan on Sat, 22 Mar 2014 10:54:27 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message I don't know it is a bug or not,but.If in ja2_option.ini player increase damage reduction of militia-that damage reduction work only in tactical and not in autoresolve battle.Same thing happen for enemy side-damage reduction work only in tactical.It is possible to made work this feature in autoresolve battles too?

Page 417 of 585 ---- Generated from The Bears Pit Another question about limiting mobile militia.If playing with standart settings: MOBILE_MILITIA_MAX_ACTIVE_MODE = 195 MOBILE_MILITIA_MAX_ACTIVE_MODIFIER = 0.5

If i have reached maximum training of mobile militia,that thing not allowed to me to train city militia and sam sites militia.Is this a bug or it is work right?

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by Parkan on Tue, 25 Mar 2014 10:05:15 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Another possible bug.

I am playing with AFS R6 and Vanilla WF maps.Such bug i see first time.The bug is:sometime during battle militia or enemy soldiers saw each other(or my mercs)through the walls and try to shoot each other(and sometime very succesfully).I don't saw this bug early on that's map and this mod it start appear after 7095 revision of exe.Before that revision-i didnot notice because i played such mod compilation early and this cannot be a mod mistake or map mistake.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by Gorro der Grüne on Tue, 25 Mar 2014 13:07:52 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message a "bug" from the very beginning. simply messy maps with unproper tiles (Pic=wall but did anybody look for the other patameters?) the same issue: merc lays in the mittle of the place ON the roof and some idiot shoots him from 12 tiles away through the building and the roof.

Just bad maps

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by JosephCKohn on Tue, 25 Mar 2014 16:44:57 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Attempting to attach a LAM-200 to a assault rifle with a ISM-V-IR already attached crashes the game. A quick way to find this bug it to buy a XM8 Sharpshooter (comes with a ISM-V-IR already attached) and a LAM-200. Then attempt to attach the lam to the upper left slot.

Bug occurs on the following versions: Executable 7116, SVN Game Dir 2001 no other mods, clean reinstall and remod, new game

Page 418 of 585 ---- Generated from The Bears Pit Executable and debugging symbols (7zip): 7116 Game Directory: C:\transfer\Jagged Alliance 2 Gold RAM Dump

PC info: Windows 8.1 Professional 64bit

Required to reproduce: GABBI cheat mode enabled

Info from Visual Studio 2013 debug mode: [list] [*]First-chance exception at 0x00BCAC33 in JA2_EN_Debug.exe: 0xC0000005: Access violation reading location 0xCCCCCCD0. [*]call stack: >JA2_EN_Debug.exe!std::_Iterator_base12::_Adopt(const std::_Container_base12 * _Parent) Line 165 C++

Thread: 43832 0 Worker Thread JA2_EN_Debug.exe!JA2NotifyThread() JA2_EN_Debug.exe!std::_Iterator_base12::_Ado pt Normal

- _Lock {_Locktype=3 } std::_Lockit _Locktype 3 int - _Parent_proxy 0xcccccccc {_Mycont=??? _Myfirstiter=??? } std::_Container_proxy * _Mycont _Myfirstiter - this 0x17f5ee60 {_Myproxy=0x00000000 _Mynextiter=0x00000000 } std::_Iterator_base12 * - _Myproxy 0x00000000 std::_Container_proxy * _Mycont _Myfirstiter - _Mynextiter 0x00000000 std::_Iterator_base12 * _Myproxy _Mynextiter - _Parent 0x17f5f028 {_Myproxy=0xcccccccc {_Mycont=??? _Myfirstiter=??? } } const std::_Container_base12 * - _Myproxy 0xcccccccc {_Mycont=??? _Myfirstiter=??? } std::_Container_proxy * _Mycont _Myfirstiter

code segment

#if _ITERATOR_DEBUG_LEVEL == 2 if (_Myproxy != _Parent_proxy) { // change parentage

Page 419 of 585 ---- Generated from The Bears Pit _Lockit _Lock(_LOCK_DEBUG); _Orphan_me(); _Mynextiter = _Parent_proxy->_Myfirstiter; _Parent_proxy->_Myfirstiter = this; _Myproxy = _Parent_proxy; }

#else /* _ITERATOR_DEBUG_LEVEL == 2 */ _Myproxy = _Parent_proxy; #endif /* _ITERATOR_DEBUG_LEVEL == 2 */ } }

void _Clrcont() { // disown owning container _Myproxy = 0; }


#if _ITERATOR_DEBUG_LEVEL == 2 if (_Myproxy != _Parent_proxy) 00BCAC0A mov eax,dword ptr [this] 00BCAC0D mov ecx,dword ptr [eax] 00BCAC0F cmp ecx,dword ptr [ebp-2Ch] 00BCAC12 je std::_Iterator_base12::_Adopt+0C9h (0BCAC59h) { // change parentage _Lockit _Lock(_LOCK_DEBUG); 00BCAC14 push 3 00BCAC16 lea ecx,[ebp-38h] 00BCAC19 call std::_Lockit::_Lockit (0A9947Bh) 00BCAC1E mov dword ptr [ebp-4],1 _Orphan_me(); 00BCAC25 mov ecx,dword ptr [this] 00BCAC28 call std::_Iterator_base12::_Orphan_me (0A97225h) _Mynextiter = _Parent_proxy->_Myfirstiter; 00BCAC2D mov eax,dword ptr [this] 00BCAC30 mov ecx,dword ptr [ebp-2Ch] ------>00BCAC33 mov edx,dword ptr [ecx+4] 00BCAC36 mov dword ptr [eax+4],edx _Parent_proxy->_Myfirstiter = this; 00BCAC39 mov eax,dword ptr [ebp-2Ch] 00BCAC3C mov ecx,dword ptr [this] 00BCAC3F mov dword ptr [eax+4],ecx _Myproxy = _Parent_proxy; 00BCAC42 mov eax,dword ptr [this]

Page 420 of 585 ---- Generated from The Bears Pit 00BCAC45 mov ecx,dword ptr [ebp-2Ch] 00BCAC48 mov dword ptr [eax],ecx } 00BCAC4A mov dword ptr [ebp-4],0FFFFFFFFh 00BCAC51 lea ecx,[ebp-38h] 00BCAC54 call std::_Lockit::~_Lockit (0AA8DD1h)

#else /* _ITERATOR_DEBUG_LEVEL == 2 */ _Myproxy = _Parent_proxy; #endif /* _ITERATOR_DEBUG_LEVEL == 2 */ } }

DebugMessage.txt Quote:[33.3685] : L11 ENTER SECTOR TIME: 4.25 seconds. [33.4413] : L11 ENTER SECTOR TIME: 4.25 seconds. [33.4426] : See JA2\Data\TimeResults.txt for more detailed timings. [33.4437] : See JA2\Data\TimeResults.txt for more detailed timings. [39.2417] : SynchronizeItemTempFile() Error! Reported 0, should be 22 [39.2428] : SynchronizeItemTempFile() Error! Reported 0, should be 22

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by wanne (aka RoWa21) on Tue, 25 Mar 2014 16:57:53 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message can you upload a savegame and the steps to reproduce the crash. thanks

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by silversurfer on Tue, 25 Mar 2014 17:27:02 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message JosephCKohnAttempting to attach a LAM-200 to a assault rifle with a ISM-V-IR already attached crashes the game. A quick way to find this bug it to buy a XM8 Sharpshooter (comes with a ISM-V-IR already attached) and a LAM-200. Then attempt to attach the lam to the upper left slot.

I just tried to reproduce this and wasn't able to. I tested with XM-8 Auto (item 749) and XM-8 Sharpshooter (item 752). When I tried to attach the LAM-200 (item 1005) the game gave me an error message that I cannot use LAM-200 together with ISM-V-IR (item 946) just like it should be because this combination is denied in "IncompatibleAttachments.xml".

Page 421 of 585 ---- Generated from The Bears Pit Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by Parkan on Tue, 25 Mar 2014 18:22:47 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Gorro der Gr

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by Gambigobilla on Tue, 25 Mar 2014 19:17:08 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message I've encountered a similar bug a couple of times, if enemies exist in a sector and game is currently at real-time, while you are climbing down from a building sometimes enemies inside the building can see see you. What makes it weird is you can see the interior of the building too, like there is no wall. I wanted to make a bug report but this bug cannot be reproduced, after loading the saved game(game is saved just at ledge i'm about to climb down), game proceeds normally. This bug is happens really rarely.

I guess what i wrote was pretty redundant considering i'm lacking a proper bug report, not even a version number.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by Gorro der Grüne on Tue, 25 Mar 2014 19:43:01 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message This bug is there from the very beginning,maybe you see it now from a (slight) change of tactics.

Annother ancient bug is, that You loose town's loyality when your mercs go from one Cambria underground sector to the other and back.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by JosephCKohn on Wed, 26 Mar 2014 04:54:05 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message While gabbi cheat mode is activated, after a creature attack on a controlled territory, pressing CTRL + T on the tactical cause the game to deadlock and through an exception. This must occur after a attack by creatures on a controlled territory.

Bug occurs on the following versions: Executable 7116, SVN Game Dir 2001 no other mods, custom JA2_Options.ini, save game before crash

PC info: Windows 8.1 Professional 64bit

Required to reproduce:

Page 422 of 585 ---- Generated from The Bears Pit GABBI cheat mode enabled

Info from Visual Studio 2013 debug mode: { 599340194 } Assertion Failure [Line 2101 in file c:\transfer\ja2\source\build\strategic\strategicmap.cpp]> JA2_EN_Debug.exe!JA2ClockThread(voi d * lpParam=0x00000000) Line 304 C++Not Flagged > 4936 0 Worker Thread JA2_EN_Debug.exe!JA2ClockThread() JA2_EN_Debug.exe!JA2ClockThread Normal

Code section from strategicmap.cpp

for (int i=0; iflags.uiStatusFlags & SOLDIER_DEAD) && MercPtrs[i]->bAssignment != VEHICLE) { //Assert( !MercPtrs[i]->bActive || !MercPtrs[i]->bInSector || MercPtrs[i]->sGridNo != NOWHERE || MercPtrs[i]->bVehicleID == iHelicopterVehicleId ); Assert( !MercPtrs[i]->bActive || !MercPtrs[i]->bInSector || !TileIsOutOfBounds(MercPtrs[i]->sGridNo) || MercPtrs[i]->bVehicleID == iHelicopterVehicleId ); } }

Break point involved with bug from Time Control.cpp

DWORD WINAPI JA2ClockThread( LPVOID lpParam ) { __try { for(;;) { TimeProc(0, 0, 0, 0, 0);

DWORD dwResult = WaitForSingleObject(ghClockThreadShutdown, 0); if (dwResult == WAIT_OBJECT_0 || dwResult == WAIT_ABANDONED) break; YieldProcessor();

// Sleep for a couple of milliseconds if not in fast forward mode if (!IsFastForwardMode()) Sleep( TIME_US_TO_MS( GetNextCounterDoneTime() ) ); } } __except( EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER ) { // Unhandled exception just exit } return 0L; }

Page 423 of 585 ---- Generated from The Bears Pit DebugMessage.txt uploaded here

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by Buggler on Wed, 26 Mar 2014 07:49:25 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Quote:While gabbi cheat mode is activated, after a creature attack on a controlled territory, pressing CTRL + T on the tactical cause the game to deadlock and through an exception. This must occur after a attack by creatures on a controlled territory.

Yes, will CTD if using cheat mode for self exile with more than 3 mercs in sector.

Under normal playing circumstances, CTD should not occur as surrendering will only be allowed when there's 3 mercs or less.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by silversurfer on Wed, 26 Mar 2014 08:20:33 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Buggler Yes, will CTD if using cheat mode for self exile with more than 3 mercs in sector.

Under normal playing circumstances, CTD should not occur as surrendering will only be allowed when there's 3 mercs or less. Exactly. There is only space for 3 POWs and not more. This is not a bug.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by JosephCKohn on Thu, 27 Mar 2014 02:21:39 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Visual Studio caught an exception pertaining to LightTrueLevel. To induce this exception a illumination mortar shell must be fired at a location on the tactical map and at least three turns must pass. Surprisingly this did not cause a deadlock or crash!

Bug occurs on the following versions: Executable 7116, SVN Game Dir 2001 no other mods, custom JA2_Options.ini, save game before exception

PC info: Windows 8.1 Professional 64bit

Page 424 of 585 ---- Generated from The Bears Pit Visual Studio 2013 debug info: First-chance exception at 0x01490C5C in JA2_EN_Debug.exe: 0xC0000005: Access violation reading location 0x00000014.Call stack: > JA2_EN_Debug.exe!LightTrueLevel(int sGridNo=5999, short bLevel=0) Line 765 C++pShadowNode 0x00000000 LEVELNODE *

Break point in lighting.cpp code at pShadowNode = gpWorldLevelData[ FindBaseStructure(pStructure)->sGridNo ].pShadowHead;:

UINT8 LightTrueLevel( INT32 sGridNo, INT16 bLevel ) { LEVELNODE * pNode; INT32 iSum;

if (bLevel == 0) { pNode = gpWorldLevelData[sGridNo].pLandHead; } else { pNode = gpWorldLevelData[sGridNo].pRoofHead; }

if (pNode == NULL) { return( ubAmbientLightLevel ); } else { iSum=pNode->ubNaturalShadeLevel - (pNode->ubSumLights - pNode->ubFakeShadeLevel );

if(gGameExternalOptions.fStaticShadowsDecreaseBrightness && ( gRenderFlags & RENDER_FLAG_SHADOWS )) { INT32 sNewGridNo = NewGridNo( sGridNo, (UINT16)DirectionInc( NORTH ) ); STRUCTURE* pStructure = gpWorldLevelData[ sNewGridNo ].pStructureHead; if(pStructure != NULL) { LEVELNODE* pShadowNode = NULL; if(!(pStructure->fFlags & STRUCTURE_BASE_TILE)) pShadowNode = gpWorldLevelData[ FindBaseStructure(pStructure)->sGridNo ].pShadowHead; else pShadowNode = gpWorldLevelData[ sNewGridNo ].pShadowHead; if(pShadowNode != NULL) {

Page 425 of 585 ---- Generated from The Bears Pit iSum += max( 0, (StructureHeight(pStructure) - 1 ) ); } } } iSum=__min(SHADE_MIN, iSum); iSum=__max(SHADE_MAX, iSum); return( (UINT8) iSum ); } }

Is the MPDebug.txt log useful?

DebugMessage.txt Quote: [70.6763] : C13 ENTER SECTOR TIME: 5.27 seconds. [70.6778] : C13 ENTER SECTOR TIME: 5.27 seconds. [70.6789] : See JA2\Data\TimeResults.txt for more detailed timings. [70.68] : See JA2\Data\TimeResults.txt for more detailed timings. [73.552] : SynchronizeItemTempFile() Error! Reported 0, should be 13 [73.553] : SynchronizeItemTempFile() Error! Reported 0, should be 13 [397.394] : C13 ENTER SECTOR TIME: 3.57 seconds. [397.395] : C13 ENTER SECTOR TIME: 3.57 seconds. [397.396] : See JA2\Data\TimeResults.txt for more detailed timings. [397.397] : See JA2\Data\TimeResults.txt for more detailed timings. [400.265] : SynchronizeItemTempFile() Error! Reported 0, should be 13 [400.266] : SynchronizeItemTempFile() Error! Reported 0, should be 13

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by JosephCKohn on Thu, 27 Mar 2014 05:53:43 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Upon a quick load an exception was thrown, this seems to be caused by a tile property problem. Even more interesting is the line of code in which a break occurred. None of my mercs are using WoodCamo! Is this related to how mercs are disguised? I had reloaded due to my disguised spy merc was killed by a sniper shot from an elite enemy. How the spy was found remains a mystery to me.

Bug occurs on the following versions: Executable 7117, SVN Game Dir 2001 no other mods, custom JA2_Options.ini, save game before crash

PC info: Windows 8.1 Professional 64bit

Page 426 of 585 ---- Generated from The Bears Pit Visual Studio 2013 debugging info: First-chance exception at 0x012E1929 in JA2_EN_Debug.exe: 0xC0000005: Access violation reading location stack: > JA2_EN_Debug.exe!GetAllAdditonalTilePropertiesForGrid(const int & sGridNo=-1, const short & bLevel=112) Line 571 C++Thread: Not Flagged > 34976 0 Worker Thread JA2_EN_Debug.exe!JA2NotifyThread () JA2_EN_Debug.exe!GetAllAdditonalTilePropertiesForGrid Normal Visual Studio 2013 output log

Code segment for exception, line broken at: iWoodCamoAffinity += gTileDatabase[ pNode->usIndex ].bWoodCamoAffinity;

} if( pNode!= NULL ) { iWoodCamoAffinity += gTileDatabase[ pNode->usIndex ].bWoodCamoAffinity; iDesertCamoAffinity += gTileDatabase[ pNode->usIndex ].bDesertCamoAffinity; iUrbanCamoAffinity += gTileDatabase[ pNode->usIndex ].bUrbanCamoAffinity; iSnowCamoAffinity += gTileDatabase[ pNode->usIndex ].bSnowCamoAffinity;

iCamoStanceModifer += gTileDatabase[ pNode->usIndex ].bCamoStanceModifer; iSoundModifier += gTileDatabase[ pNode->usIndex ].bSoundModifier; iStealthDifficultyModifer += gTileDatabase[ pNode->usIndex ].bStealthDifficultyModifer;

iTrapBonus += gTileDatabase[ pNode->usIndex ].bTrapBonus;

ubTerrainID = gTileDatabase[ pNode->usIndex ].ubTerrainID; // going from the top, if any tile has terrain type, we're ignoring all tiles below it if(ubTerrainID != NO_TERRAIN) { fFoundBottom = TRUE; } }

Relevant entries from DebugMessage.txt, entire log here: Quote: [6431.29] : Attack busy problem. Save, exit and send debug.txt + save file to Sir-Tech. [6431.29] : Attack busy problem. Save, exit and send debug.txt + save file to Sir-Tech.

Quote: [5744.86] : SynchronizeItemTempFile() Error! Reported 0, should be 50 [5744.86] : SynchronizeItemTempFile() Error! Reported 0, should be 50 [5757.97] : Attack busy problem. Save, exit and send debug.txt + save file to Sir-Tech. [5757.97] : Attack busy problem. Save, exit and send debug.txt + save file to Sir-Tech.

Page 427 of 585 ---- Generated from The Bears Pit [5757.97] : IAnimation Surface for Body 0, animation ALTERNATIVE AIM, surface 451 not loaded. [5757.97] : IAnimation Surface for Body 0, animation ALTERNATIVE AIM, surface 451 not loaded. [5757.97] : IAnimation Surface for Body 0, animation ALTERNATIVE AIM, surface 451 not loaded. [5757.97] : IAnimation Surface for Body 0, animation ALTERNATIVE AIM, surface 451 not loaded.

LiveLog.txt Quote: [2311.14] : Breaking Deadlock

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by JosephCKohn on Fri, 28 Mar 2014 03:34:47 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Upon attempting to attach a remote detonator to a block of C4 an unhandled exception occurs. Break point occurred at code for void __cdecl _lock (. I had deleted, reinstalled and remodded since the last bug report.

Bug occurs on the following versions: Executable 7117, SVN Game Dir 2001 no other mods, custom JA2_Options.ini, save game before crash.

1st Visual Studio 2013 debugging info: First-chance exception at 0x00E7ADD3 in JA2_EN_Debug.exe: 0xC0000005: Access violation reading location 0x00000018.Call stack: + _locktable 0x01c45890 {{lock=0x14c65ab8 {JA2_EN_Debug.exe!_RTL_CRITICAL_SECTION lclcritsects[15]} {DebugInfo=0xffffffff {...} ...} ...}, ...} [36]Local value: locknum 8 intThread: Not Flagged > 3444 0 Main Thread Main Thread JA2_EN_Debug.exe!_lock Normal Visual Studio output log

Mediafire servers back up, links now working!

Code segment for exception from mlock.c, line broken at }.

/*** * _lock - Acquire a multi-thread lock * *Purpose: * Acquire a multi-thread lock. If the lock has not already been * allocated, do so, but that is an internal CRT error, since all locks * should be allocated before first being acquired, either in * _mtinitlocks or individually in _mtinitlocknum. * * Note that it is legal for a thread to aquire _EXIT_LOCK1 * multiple times. * *Entry:

Page 428 of 585 ---- Generated from The Bears Pit * locknum = number of the lock to aquire * *Exit: * *Exceptions: * A failure to allocate a new lock results in a fatal _RT_LOCK error. * *******************************************************************************/ void __cdecl _lock ( int locknum ) {

/* * Create/open the lock, if necessary */ if ( _locktable[locknum].lock == NULL ) {

if ( !_mtinitlocknum(locknum) ) _amsg_exit( _RT_LOCK ); }

/* * Enter the critical section. */

EnterCriticalSection( _locktable[locknum].lock ); }

2nd Game reported error: Quote: Debug Assertion Failed! Program C:\transfer\Jagged Alliance 2 Gold\JA2_EN_Debug.exe File: f:\dd\vctools\crt\crtwin32\misc\dbgdel.cpp Line 52


Relevant code segment, line broken at _ASSERTE(_BLOCK_TYPE_IS_VALID(pHead->nBlockUse));:

#ifdef _DEBUG

Page 429 of 585 ---- Generated from The Bears Pit #include #include #include #include #include

/*** *void operator delete() - delete a block in the debug heap * *Purpose: * Deletes any type of block. * *Entry: * void *pUserData - pointer to a (user portion) of memory block in the * debug heap * *Return: * * *******************************************************************************/ void operator delete( void *pUserData ) { _CrtMemBlockHeader * pHead;

RTCCALLBACK(_RTC_Free_hook, (pUserData, 0));

if (pUserData == NULL) return;

_mlock(_HEAP_LOCK); /* block other threads */ __TRY

/* get a pointer to memory block header */ pHead = pHdr(pUserData);

/* verify block type */ _ASSERTE(_BLOCK_TYPE_IS_VALID(pHead->nBlockUse));

_free_dbg( pUserData, pHead->nBlockUse );

__FINALLY _munlock(_HEAP_LOCK); /* release other threads */ __END_TRY_FINALLY


Page 430 of 585 ---- Generated from The Bears Pit }

#endif /* _DEBUG */

Relevant entries from DebugMessage.txt Quote: [9339.27] : No code support for NPC action 109 [9339.27] : No code support for NPC action 109 [9358.66] : No code support for NPC action 109 [9358.66] : No code support for NPC action 109

Quote: [7710.52] : Call to UnPauseGame() while Pause State is LOCKED! AM-4 [7710.52] : Call to UnPauseGame() while Pause State is LOCKED! AM-4

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by JosephCKohn on Fri, 28 Mar 2014 03:45:22 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Just noticed a sound file is missing by checking Strategic Decisions.txt! This occurred on a clean reinstall and remod.

Bug occurs on the following versions: Executable 7117, SVN Game Dir 2001 no other mods, clean reinstall and remod.

Quote: Day 5, 03:19: 12 troops have been sent from palace to stage assault near sector C13 [1496.8] : ERROR in SoundLoadDisk(): Failed to open 'SPEECH\044_061.wav' [1497.28] : ERROR in SoundLoadDisk(): Failed to open 'SPEECH\044_061.wav' [1497.37] : ERROR in SoundLoadDisk(): Failed to open 'SPEECH\044_061.wav' [1497.46] : ERROR in SoundLoadDisk(): Failed to open 'SPEECH\044_061.wav' [1526.86] : ERROR in SoundLoadDisk(): Failed to open 'SPEECH\044_061.wav' [1527.22] : ERROR in SoundLoadDisk(): Failed to open 'SPEECH\044_061.wav' [1527.33] : ERROR in SoundLoadDisk(): Failed to open 'SPEECH\044_061.wav' [1527.44] : ERROR in SoundLoadDisk(): Failed to open 'SPEECH\044_061.wav' [1527.56] : ERROR in SoundLoadDisk(): Failed to open 'SPEECH\044_061.wav' [2218.69] :


Page 431 of 585 ---- Generated from The Bears Pit TL:DR the entire log is the same error over and over again. Quote: [1527.56] : Backtrace: file "SPEECH\044_061.wav" does not exist

ERROR : File : c:\transfer\ja2\source\build\ext\vfs\src\core\vfs_file_raii.cpp Line : 34 Location : vfs::COpenReadFile::COpenReadFile

file "SPEECH\044_061.wav" does not exist

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by anv on Fri, 28 Mar 2014 14:43:13 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message JosephCKohnVisual Studio caught an exception pertaining to LightTrueLevel. To induce this exception a illumination mortar shell must be fired at a location on the tactical map and at least three turns must pass. Surprisingly this did not cause a deadlock or crash!Fix: Toggle SpoilerIndex: lighting.cpp ======--- lighting.cpp (revision 7117) +++ lighting.cpp (working copy) @@ -762,7 +762,11 @@ { LEVELNODE* pShadowNode = NULL; if(!(pStructure->fFlags & STRUCTURE_BASE_TILE)) - pShadowNode = gpWorldLevelData[ FindBaseStructure(pStructure)->sGridNo ].pShadowHead; + { + STRUCTURE* pBaseStructure = FindBaseStructure(pStructure); + if( pBaseStructure != NULL ) + pShadowNode = gpWorldLevelData[ pBaseStructure->sGridNo ].pShadowHead; + } else pShadowNode = gpWorldLevelData[ sNewGridNo ].pShadowHead; if(pShadowNode != NULL)

JosephCKohnUpon a quick load an exception was thrown, this seems to be caused by a tile property problem. Even more interesting is the line of code in which a break occurred. call stack: > JA2_EN_Debug.exe!GetAllAdditonalTilePropertiesForGrid(const int & sGridNo=-1, const short & bLevel=112) Line 571 C++GridNo=-1, bLevel=112? What the hell? Couldn't reproduce the bug on given save. I can assure that it won't cause exception anymore, but problem lies somewhere else, as sGridNo and bLevel shouldn't be set to those values. Fix: Toggle SpoilerIndex: LOS.cpp ======

Page 432 of 585 ---- Generated from The Bears Pit --- LOS.cpp (revision 7117) +++ LOS.cpp (working copy) @@ -525,6 +525,11 @@ BOOLEAN fFoundBottom = FALSE;

memset(&ubAllTileProperties,0,sizeof(ubAllTileProperties)); + if( !( sGridNo > -1 && sGridNo < WORLD_MAX ) || !( bLevel == FIRST_LEVEL || bLevel == SECOND_LEVEL ) ) + { + // incorrect argument values, what the hell? + return ubAllTileProperties; + } for(UINT8 ubCnt=0; ubCntusIndex < NUMBEROFTILES ) { iWoodCamoAffinity += gTileDatabase[ pNode->usIndex ].bWoodCamoAffinity; iDesertCamoAffinity += gTileDatabase[ pNode->usIndex ].bDesertCamoAffinity;

JosephCKohnNone of my mercs are using WoodCamo! Is this related to how mercs are disguised? I had reloaded due to my disguised spy merc was killed by a sniper shot from an elite enemy. How the spy was found remains a mystery to me.When your spy gets recognised you should get appropriate message with a reason. Note that most LBE gear give wood camo, so if spy is wearing it and pretend to be a civvie, it can blow his cover.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by wanne (aka RoWa21) on Fri, 28 Mar 2014 20:18:10 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message thanks anv, both patches have been applied to the development source trunk.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by Gambigobilla on Sat, 29 Mar 2014 09:09:52 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message In r7122, line 577 of tactical\LOS.cpp is missing a line feed. Is this a typo or intended?

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by wanne (aka RoWa21) on Sat, 29 Mar 2014 10:59:19 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message GambigobillaIn r7122, line 577 of tactical\LOS.cpp is missing a line feed. Is this a typo or intended? no problem on that

Page 433 of 585 ---- Generated from The Bears Pit Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by hrvg on Sun, 30 Mar 2014 20:08:44 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Hi, I apologize if... I'm off topic (irrelevant). It's bug? I don't know. I play with cheat mode. For:

Items disappeared: NVG IV and Trigger Group are no longer in the game... - Bobby ray, 1025 NVG IV Night Vision Goggles, Gen. IV Light amplification is not better than in generation III, but image resolution is better and halos around bright objects are reduced, resulting in a better overall picture. Night Vision Goggles IV Fresh from the assembly line, the first NVG of generation IV. Just what you need when a clear picture makes the difference between a dead enemy and collateral damage.

- Bobby ray and enemies drop items. 1026 Trigger Group Trigger Group For the unhappy trigger-happy folks: Just attach the ACME Trigger Group to your favourite assault rifle and enjoy simple and effective 3-round burst fire. Trigger Group For the unhappy trigger-happy folks out there, we are proud to present the ACME Trigger Group! Marksmanship skill too low? Tired of firing too many bullets in autofire? Simply attach the ACME Trigger Group to your favourite assault rifle and enjoy simple and effective 3-round burst fire.

There are maybe (perhaps) other items. I don't know... It's normal?

Thank you foy your help. Regards.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by JosephCKohn on Sun, 30 Mar 2014 22:01:40 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message I found a nasty null pointer memory bug. It would seem that a deadlock is caused sending a merc: with the spy trait, disguised as an elite solder (black clothes) and carrying a backpack in each arm

Page 434 of 585 ---- Generated from The Bears Pit to a different sector causes a deadlock. This seems to only occur when the merc is traveling on foot. This bug is very strange as only the vfs.log and Strategic Decisions.txt logs were created the others were created with the game exited!Derp broke too early never mind.

Game info: Executable 7124, SVN Game Dir 2001No cheat engine hooksNo other modsprevious save from executable 7117

Data available: I have made a video recording of the bug in action. Save game before the bug, all you have to do is compress time. RAM dump if you want to search for the memory addresses listed.

Game reported errors: stack_trace.log vfs.log

Visual Studio 2013 debug info: JA2_EN_Debug.exe: 0xC0000005: Access violation writing location 0x00000000.First-chance exception at 0x75ED4B32 in JA2_EN_Debug.exe: Microsoft C++ exception: std::bad_alloc at memory location 0x17ECE4A4.First-chance exception at 0x75ED4B32 in JA2_EN_Debug.exe: Microsoft C++ exception: std::bad_alloc at memory location 0x17ECDE84.First-chance exception at 0x75ED4B32 in JA2_EN_Debug.exe: Microsoft C++ exception: std::bad_alloc at memory location 0x17ECD064.First-chance exception at 0x75ED4B32 in JA2_EN_Debug.exe: Microsoft C++ exception: vfs::Exception at memory location 0x17ECE1E0.

Not Flagged > 15568 0 Worker Thread JA2_EN_Debug.exe!JA2NotifyThread () JA2_EN_Debug.exe!_nh_malloc_dbg Normal Relevant code segment from dbgheap.c, line broken at void * pvBlk = _nh_malloc_dbg_impl(nSize, nhFlag, nBlockUse, szFileName, nLine, &errno_tmp);:

Toggle Spoiler

/*** *void * _nh_malloc_dbg() - Get a block of memory from the debug heap * *Purpose: * Allocate of block of memory of at least size bytes from the debug * heap and return a pointer to it. Assumes heap already locked. * * If no blocks available, call new handler. * * Allocates any type of supported memory block. * *Entry: * size_t nSize - size of block requested * int nhFlag - TRUE if new handler function * int nBlockUse - block type * char * szFileName - file name

Page 435 of 585 ---- Generated from The Bears Pit * int nLine - line number * *Exit: * Success: Pointer to (user portion of) memory block * Failure: NULL * *Exceptions: * *******************************************************************************/ extern "C" void * __cdecl _nh_malloc_dbg ( size_t nSize, int nhFlag, int nBlockUse, const char * szFileName, int nLine ) { int errno_tmp = 0; void * pvBlk = _nh_malloc_dbg_impl(nSize, nhFlag, nBlockUse, szFileName, nLine, &errno_tmp);

if ( pvBlk == NULL && errno_tmp != 0 && _errno()) { errno = errno_tmp; // recall, #define errno *_errno() } return pvBlk; }

Not Flagged > 15564 0 Worker Thread JA2_EN_Debug.exe!JA2ClockThread () JA2_EN_Debug.exe!JA2ClockThread Normal

Relevant code segment from Timer Control.cpp, line broken at Sleep( TIME_US_TO_MS( GetNextCounterDoneTime() ) );: Toggle Spoiler

DWORD WINAPI JA2ClockThread( LPVOID lpParam ) { __try { for(;;) { TimeProc(0, 0, 0, 0, 0);

DWORD dwResult = WaitForSingleObject(ghClockThreadShutdown, 0);

Page 436 of 585 ---- Generated from The Bears Pit if (dwResult == WAIT_OBJECT_0 || dwResult == WAIT_ABANDONED) break; YieldProcessor();

// Sleep for a couple of milliseconds if not in fast forward mode if (!IsFastForwardMode()) Sleep( TIME_US_TO_MS( GetNextCounterDoneTime() ) ); } } __except( EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER ) { // Unhandled exception just exit } return 0L; }

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by JosephCKohn on Thu, 03 Apr 2014 01:59:49 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Something seems to be causing an unhandled exception pertaining to button system.cpp. This occurs when in tactical after the player

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by JosephCKohn on Thu, 03 Apr 2014 18:03:42 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Two quick reports:

Snitch is missing an audio file: stack_trace.log Quote:File : j:\ja2\source\build\ext\vfs\src\core\vfs_file_raii.cpp Line : 34 Location : vfs::COpenReadFile::COpenReadFile

file "SPEECH\SNITCH\NAMES\180_254.wav" does not exist

The weapon Ares M4 Shrike (5.56x45mm) has foregrip listed twice as an attachment on the Bobby Ray's listing. Orginal size image here.

Page 437 of 585 ---- Generated from The Bears Pit Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by anv on Fri, 04 Apr 2014 18:33:29 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message JosephCKohnI found a nasty null pointer memory bug. It would seem that a deadlock is caused sending a merc: with the spy trait, disguised as an elite solder (black clothes) and carrying a backpack in each arm to a different sector causes a deadlock. This seems to only occur when the merc is traveling on foot. This bug is very strange as only the vfs.log and Strategic Decisions.txt logs were created the others were created with the game exited!Derp broke too early never mind.Not backpacks, just Igor and his empty stomach. Also on the same save noticed some lag (massive lag in debug mode - ~15 seconds) when dismissing mercs, so changed drop items function to be called only once for all items, not for every item one by one. Fixes: - autofeeding bug, - drop items on dismiss optimization, - effectiveness of suppression was increased/decreased with every influenced soldier if set to other than default 100, - item status changed to INT16 on item create - item status is also used to specify amount of money (*50), if NPC had a lot of money in his starting gear, its amount would be incorrect. Toggle SpoilerIndex: Strategic/Map Screen Interface.cpp ======--- Strategic/Map Screen Interface.cpp (revision 7131) +++ Strategic/Map Screen Interface.cpp (working copy) @@ -1642,18 +1642,31 @@ }

UINT32 invsize = Menptr[ uiMercId ].inv.size(); - for( UINT32 iCounter = 0; iCounter < invsize; ++iCounter ) + UINT32 uiFoundItems = 0; + Inventory invTemporaryBeforeDrop; + + if( Menptr[ uiMercId ].sSectorX != gWorldSectorX || Menptr[ uiMercId ].sSectorY != gWorldSectorY || Menptr[ uiMercId ].bSectorZ != gbWorldSectorZ ) { - // slot found, - // check if actual item - if( Menptr[ uiMercId ].inv[ iCounter ].exists() == true ) + for( UINT32 iCounter = 0; iCounter < invsize; ++iCounter ) { - if( Menptr[ uiMercId ].sSectorX != gWorldSectorX || Menptr[ uiMercId ].sSectorY != gWorldSectorY || Menptr[ uiMercId ].bSectorZ != gbWorldSectorZ ) + // slot found, + // check if actual item + if( Menptr[ uiMercId ].inv[ iCounter ].exists() == true ) { - // Set flag for item... - AddItemsToUnLoadedSector( Menptr[ uiMercId ].sSectorX, Menptr[ uiMercId ].sSectorY, Menptr[ uiMercId ].bSectorZ , sGridNo, 1, &( Menptr[ uiMercId ].inv[ iCounter ]) , Menptr[ uiMercId ].pathing.bLevel, WOLRD_ITEM_FIND_SWEETSPOT_FROM_GRIDNO |

Page 438 of 585 ---- Generated from The Bears Pit WORLD_ITEM_REACHABLE, 0, 1, FALSE ); + invTemporaryBeforeDrop[uiFoundItems] = Menptr[ uiMercId ].inv[ iCounter ]; + uiFoundItems++; } - else + } + // anv: add all items at once (less file operations = less lag) + AddItemsToUnLoadedSector( Menptr[ uiMercId ].sSectorX, Menptr[ uiMercId ].sSectorY, Menptr[ uiMercId ].bSectorZ , sGridNo, uiFoundItems, &(invTemporaryBeforeDrop[0]) , Menptr[ uiMercId ].pathing.bLevel, WOLRD_ITEM_FIND_SWEETSPOT_FROM_GRIDNO | WORLD_ITEM_REACHABLE, 0, 1, FALSE ); + } + else + { + for( UINT32 iCounter = 0; iCounter < invsize; ++iCounter ) + { + // slot found, + // check if actual item + if( Menptr[ uiMercId ].inv[ iCounter ].exists() == true ) { AddItemToPool( sGridNo, &( Menptr[ uiMercId ].inv[ iCounter ] ) , 1, Menptr[ uiMercId ].pathing.bLevel, WORLD_ITEM_REACHABLE, 0 ); } Index: Tactical/Food.cpp ======--- Tactical/Food.cpp (revision 7131) +++ Tactical/Food.cpp (working copy) @@ -716,7 +716,7 @@ ApplyFood( pSoldier, pObj, TRUE, FALSE ); // cannot reject to eat this, we chose to eat this ourself!

// if we're full, finish - if ( pSoldier->bFoodLevel > FoodMoraleMods[FOOD_MERC_START_CONSUME].bThreshold && pSoldier->bDrinkLevel > FoodMoraleMods[FOOD_MERC_START_CONSUME].bThreshold ) + if ( ( pSoldier->bFoodLevel > FoodMoraleMods[FOOD_MERC_START_CONSUME].bThreshold || Food[foodtype].bFoodPoints == 0 ) && ( pSoldier->bDrinkLevel > FoodMoraleMods[FOOD_MERC_START_CONSUME].bThreshold|| Food[foodtype].bDrinkPoints == 0 ) ) return; } } Index: Tactical/Items.cpp ======--- Tactical/Items.cpp (revision 7131) +++ Tactical/Items.cpp (working copy) @@ -7935,7 +7935,7 @@

Page 439 of 585 ---- Generated from The Bears Pit return( fRet ); }

-BOOLEAN CreateItems( UINT16 usItem, INT8 bStatus, UINT8 ubNumber, OBJECTTYPE * pObj ) +BOOLEAN CreateItems( UINT16 usItem, INT16 bStatus, UINT8 ubNumber, OBJECTTYPE * pObj ) { BOOLEAN fOk; fOk = CreateItem( usItem, bStatus, pObj ); Index: Tactical/Items.h ======--- Tactical/Items.h (revision 7131) +++ Tactical/Items.h (working copy) @@ -62,7 +62,7 @@ extern BOOLEAN EmptyWeaponMagazine( OBJECTTYPE * pWeapon, OBJECTTYPE *pAmmo, UINT32 subObject = 0 ); BOOLEAN CreateItem( UINT16 usItem, INT16 bStatus, OBJECTTYPE * pObj ); BOOLEAN CreateAmmo( UINT16 usItem, OBJECTTYPE * pObj, UINT16 ubShotsLeft = 0); -BOOLEAN CreateItems( UINT16 usItem, INT8 bStatus, UINT8 ubNumber, OBJECTTYPE * pObj ); +BOOLEAN CreateItems( UINT16 usItem, INT16 bStatus, UINT8 ubNumber, OBJECTTYPE * pObj ); BOOLEAN CreateMoney( UINT32 uiMoney, OBJECTTYPE * pObj ); extern UINT16 DefaultMagazine( UINT16 usItem ); UINT16 RandomMagazine( UINT16 usItem, UINT8 ubPercentStandard, UINT8 maxCoolness, INT8 bSoldierClass ); Index: Tactical/Overhead.cpp ======--- Tactical/Overhead.cpp (revision 7131) +++ Tactical/Overhead.cpp (working copy) @@ -8207,6 +8207,10 @@ sFinalSuppressionEffectiveness += (10 + (ubGunVolume - 85)); } } + + // remember effectiveness at this point before modyfing it depending on target's team + INT16 sFinalShooterDependentEffectiveness = sFinalSuppressionEffectiveness; + ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////

// Loop through every character. @@ -8243,9 +8247,9 @@

// Flugente: added ini options for suppression effectiveness for player team and everybody else if ( pSoldier->bTeam == gbPlayerNum ) - sFinalSuppressionEffectiveness = sFinalSuppressionEffectiveness *

Page 440 of 585 ---- Generated from The Bears Pit gGameExternalOptions.usSuppressionEffectivenessPlayer / 100; + sFinalSuppressionEffectiveness = sFinalShooterDependentEffectiveness * gGameExternalOptions.usSuppressionEffectivenessPlayer / 100; else - sFinalSuppressionEffectiveness = sFinalSuppressionEffectiveness * gGameExternalOptions.usSuppressionEffectivenessAI / 100; + sFinalSuppressionEffectiveness = sFinalShooterDependentEffectiveness * gGameExternalOptions.usSuppressionEffectivenessAI / 100;

// INI-Controlled intensity. SuppressionEffectiveness acts as a percentage applied to the number of lost APs. // To turn off the entire Suppression system, simply set the INI value to 0. (0% AP Loss) Index: Tactical/Tactical Save.cpp ======--- Tactical/Tactical Save.cpp (revision 7131) +++ Tactical/Tactical Save.cpp (working copy) @@ -847,14 +847,17 @@ DeleteTempItemMapFile( sMapX, sMapY, bMapZ ); }

+ UINT16 uiLastFoundSpot = 0; //loop through all the objects to add for( uiLoop1=0; uiLoop1 < uiNumberOfItemsToAdd; uiLoop1++) { //Loop through the array to see if there is a free spot to add an item to it - for( cnt=0; cnt < uiNumberOfItems; cnt++) + for( cnt=uiLastFoundSpot; cnt < uiNumberOfItems; cnt++) { if( pWorldItems[ cnt ].fExists == FALSE ) { + // anv: remember first found free spot to not loop through entire inventory again for next added items + uiLastFoundSpot = cnt; //We have found a free spot, break break; }

Edit: Fix: - possible crash when viewing general stats of machineguns with no single shot available (due to comparison feature) Toggle SpoilerIndex: Interface Enhanced.cpp ======--- Interface Enhanced.cpp (revision 7131) +++ Interface Enhanced.cpp (working copy) @@ -8310,7 +8310,7 @@ // Reset font color SetFontForeground( 6 );

Page 441 of 585 ---- Generated from The Bears Pit } - else + else if( fComparisonMode ) { if( !Weapon[gpComparedItemDescObject->usItem].NoSemiAuto ) {

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by silversurfer on Sat, 05 Apr 2014 08:16:46 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message JosephCKohn The weapon Ares M4 Shrike (5.56x45mm) has foregrip listed twice as an attachment on the Bobby Ray's listing.

That's because the foregrip exists twice in items.xml and some guns are compatible with both. Item 1011 is the normal one and item 1010 is probably some ancient relic. In my installation I changed item 1010 to a shotgun barrel extender long ago and fixed Attachments.xml but I didn't dare to do the same on the official GameDir. Don't want to make people angry that still use 1010 on their maps.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by wanne (aka RoWa21) on Sun, 06 Apr 2014 18:50:17 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message thanks anv, both patches have been committed to stable and development trunk.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by JosephCKohn on Thu, 10 Apr 2014 05:24:00 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Every so often I try unusual things in order to fret out bugs. In this case attempting to attach two batteries to a radio set causes an unhandled exception. Requires a merc with the radio operator skill.

Game info: Clean reinstall and remod to Executable 7145, SVN Game Dir 2007New game startedCheat engine hooksNo other modsGame Dir: J:\Jagged Alliance 2 Gold\Custom JA2_Options.ini

Data available: A video demonstrating how. Save game RAM dump

Page 442 of 585 ---- Generated from The Bears Pit Game reported errors: gzErrorMsg 0x053c9218 "Unhandled exception. Unable to recover." char[2048] SGP.ccp, line broken at MessageBox(NULL, gzErrorMsg, "Error", MB_OK | MB_ICONERROR );

Visual Studio 2013 debug info: Output: First-chance exception at 0x00E86233 in JA2_EN_Debug.exe: 0xC0000005: Access violation reading location 0x00000018Autos: - gzErrorMsg 0x053c9218 "Unhandled exception. Unable to recover." char[2048]Locals: fAlreadyExiting 1 '\x1' unsigned charThreads: Not Flagged > 13652 0 Worker Thread JA2_EN_Debug.exe!JA2NotifyThread() apphelp.dll!6ffaceaa Normal

Toggle Spoiler void SGPExit(void) { static BOOLEAN fAlreadyExiting = FALSE; // helps prevent heap crashes when multiple assertions occur and call us if ( fAlreadyExiting ) { return; }

fAlreadyExiting = TRUE; gfProgramIsRunning = FALSE;

// Wizardry only #if !defined( JA2 ) && !defined( UTIL ) if (gfGameInitialized) { // ARM: if in DEBUG mode & we've ShutdownWithErrorBox, don't unload screens and release data structs to permit easier debugging #ifdef _DEBUG if (gfIgnoreMessages) { fUnloadScreens = FALSE; } #endif GameloopExit(fUnloadScreens); } #endif


Page 443 of 585 ---- Generated from The Bears Pit // ShowCursor(TRUE); if(strlen(gzErrorMsg)) { MessageBox(NULL, gzErrorMsg, "Error", MB_OK | MB_ICONERROR ); }

#ifndef JA2 VideoDumpMemoryLeaks(); #endif


Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by JosephCKohn on Wed, 16 Apr 2014 06:16:26 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message I found a nasty bug, specifically my iterator list became corrupted during tactical. This seems to be related to militia inventory as I experienced problems with their inventory not moving from sector to sector with the militia.

Game info: Clean reinstall and remod to executable 7148, SVN Game Dir 2012New game startedNo other modsGame Dir: J:\Jagged Alliance 2 Gold\Custom JA2_Options.ini, JA2.ini

Data available: Save game closest to JA2 locking up. RAM dump

Game reported errors: DebugMessage.txt Toggle Spoiler Quote: [15535.2] : Error: Item 30 was given invalid grid location -1 for item pool. Please Report. [15535.3] : Error: Item 30 was given invalid grid location -1 for item pool. Please Report. [15535.3] : Error: Item 30 was given invalid grid location -1 for item pool. Please Report. [15535.3] : Error: Item 30 was given invalid grid location -1 for item pool. Please Report. [15535.3] : Error: Item 994 was given invalid grid location -1 for item pool. Please Report. [15535.3] : Error: Item 994 was given invalid grid location -1 for item pool. Please Report. [15535.3] : Error: Item 135 was given invalid grid location -1 for item pool. Please Report. [15535.3] : Error: Item 135 was given invalid grid location -1 for item pool. Please Report. [15535.3] : Error: Item 133 was given invalid grid location -1 for item pool. Please Report. [15535.3] : Error: Item 133 was given invalid grid location -1 for item pool. Please Report. [15535.3] : Error: Item 593 was given invalid grid location -1 for item pool. Please Report. [15535.3] : Error: Item 593 was given invalid grid location -1 for item pool. Please Report. [15535.3] : Error: Item 54 was given invalid grid location -1 for item pool. Please Report.

Page 444 of 585 ---- Generated from The Bears Pit [15535.3] : Error: Item 54 was given invalid grid location -1 for item pool. Please Report. [15535.3] : Error: Item 64 was given invalid grid location -1 for item pool. Please Report. [15535.3] : Error: Item 64 was given invalid grid location -1 for item pool. Please Report. [15535.3] : Error: Item 805 was given invalid grid location -1 for item pool. Please Report. [15535.3] : Error: Item 805 was given invalid grid location -1 for item pool. Please Report. [15535.3] : Error: Item 806 was given invalid grid location -1 for item pool. Please Report. [15535.3] : Error: Item 806 was given invalid grid location -1 for item pool. Please Report. [15535.3] : Error: Item 210 was given invalid grid location -1 for item pool. Please Report. [15535.3] : Error: Item 210 was given invalid grid location -1 for item pool. Please Report. [15535.3] : Error: Item 213 was given invalid grid location -1 for item pool. Please Report. [15535.3] : Error: Item 213 was given invalid grid location -1 for item pool. Please Report. [15535.3] : Error: Item 1025 was given invalid grid location -1 for item pool. Please Report. [15535.3] : Error: Item 1025 was given invalid grid location -1 for item pool. Please Report. [15535.3] : Error: Item 212 was given invalid grid location -1 for item pool. Please Report. [15535.3] : Error: Item 212 was given invalid grid location -1 for item pool. Please Report. [15535.3] : Error: Item 266 was given invalid grid location -1 for item pool. Please Report. [15535.3] : Error: Item 266 was given invalid grid location -1 for item pool. Please Report. [15535.3] : Error: Item 1697 was given invalid grid location -1 for item pool. Please Report. [15535.3] : Error: Item 1697 was given invalid grid location -1 for item pool. Please Report. [15535.3] : Error: Item 202 was given invalid grid location -1 for item pool. Please Report. [15535.3] : Error: Item 202 was given invalid grid location -1 for item pool. Please Report. [15535.3] : Error: Item 1709 was given invalid grid location -1 for item pool. Please Report. [15535.3] : Error: Item 1709 was given invalid grid location -1 for item pool. Please Report.

Toggle Spoiler Quote: [14109.1] : AI 148 got error code -3 from HandleItem, doing action 30... aborting deadlock! [14109.1] : AI 148 got error code -3 from HandleItem, doing action 30... aborting deadlock! [14109.9] : AI 149 got error code -3 from HandleItem, doing action 30... aborting deadlock! [14109.9] : AI 149 got error code -3 from HandleItem, doing action 30... aborting deadlock! [14172.3] : AI 151 got error code -3 from HandleItem, doing action 30... aborting deadlock! [14172.3] : AI 151 got error code -3 from HandleItem, doing action 30... aborting deadlock! [14287.7] : AI 146 got error code -3 from HandleItem, doing action 30... aborting deadlock! [14287.7] : AI 146 got error code -3 from HandleItem, doing action 30... aborting deadlock!

Visual Studio 2013 debug info:

Relevant code segment from xutility, line broken at _Myproxy = 0; Toggle Spoiler

#if _ITERATOR_DEBUG_LEVEL == 2 if (_Myproxy != 0) { // adopted, remove self from list _Iterator_base12 **_Pnext = &_Myproxy->_Myfirstiter;

Page 445 of 585 ---- Generated from The Bears Pit while (*_Pnext != 0 && *_Pnext != this) _Pnext = &(*_Pnext)->_Mynextiter;

if (*_Pnext == 0) _DEBUG_ERROR("ITERATOR LIST CORRUPTED!"); *_Pnext = _Mynextiter; _Myproxy = 0; }

Thread: JA2_EN_Debug.exe!JA2NotifyThread() JA2_EN_Debug.exe!std::_Iterator_base12::_Orphan_me Normal Locals: Toggle Spoiler

+ _Pnext 0x17f9ec88 {0x17f9ea24 {_Myproxy=0x14d49c20 {_Mycont=0x053b2b88 {JA2_EN_Debug.exe!std::map SurfaceData::_surfaceOfData} {...} ...} ...}} std::_Iterator_base12 * *

+ this 0x17f9ea58 {_Myproxy=0x14d49c20 {_Mycont=0x053b2b88 {JA2_EN_Debug.exe!std::map SurfaceData::_surfaceOfData} {...} ...} ...} std::_Iterator_base12 *

Autos: Toggle Spoiler

+ *_Pnext 0x17f9ea24 {_Myproxy=0x14d49c20 {_Mycont=0x053b2b88 {JA2_EN_Debug.exe!std::map SurfaceData::_surfaceOfData} {...} ...} ...} std::_Iterator_base12 *

+ _Mynextiter 0x17f9ea24 {_Myproxy=0x14d49c20 {_Mycont=0x053b2b88 {JA2_EN_Debug.exe!std::map SurfaceData::_surfaceOfData} {...} ...} ...} std::_Iterator_base12 *

+ _Myproxy 0x14d49c20 {_Mycont=0x053b2b88 {JA2_EN_Debug.exe!std::map SurfaceData::_surfaceOfData} {...} ...} std::_Container_proxy *

+ this 0x17f9ea58 {_Myproxy=0x14d49c20 {_Mycont=0x053b2b88 {JA2_EN_Debug.exe!std::map SurfaceData::_surfaceOfData} {...} ...} ...} std::_Iterator_base12 *

Page 446 of 585 ---- Generated from The Bears Pit Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by JosephCKohn on Fri, 18 Apr 2014 04:02:39 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Heap memory corruption occurs when deleting items from the inventory screen during combat in tactical. I think this is where a RAM dump really comes in handy! This seems to be a rendering problem as the last entry in DebugMessage.txt is [5531.17] : Trying to render to outside of destination surface.

Game info: Quote: Debug Error!

Program: J:\Jagged Alliance 2 Gold\JA2_EN_Debug.exe

HEAP CORRUPTION DETECTED: after Normal block (#114401143) at 0x208EC290. CRT detected that the application wrote to memory after end of heap buffer.

Memory allocated at j:\ja2\source\build\tileengine\render dirty.cpp(1130).

(Press Retry to debug the application) JA2_EN_Debug.exe has triggered a breakpoint.

Game info: Upgrade to Executable 7154, SVN Game Dir 2012No other modsGame Dir: J:\Jagged Alliance 2 Gold\Custom JA2_Options.ini, JA2.ini

Data available: Latest save RAM Dump

Game reported info: DebugMessage.txt Toggle Spoiler Quote: [5531.15] : Trying to render from outside of surface surface [5531.15] : Trying to render to outside of destination surface [5531.17] : Trying to render from outside of surface surface [5531.17] : Trying to render to outside of destination surface

Toggle Spoiler Quote: [862.662] : SynchronizeItemTempFile() Error! Reported 0, should be 14 [862.662] : SynchronizeItemTempFile() Error! Reported 0, should be 14 [1049.15] : Team 3 drops all items for inspection! [1049.15] : Team 3 drops all items for inspection!

Page 447 of 585 ---- Generated from The Bears Pit [1051.8] : Error: Item 29 was given invalid grid location -1 for item pool. Please Report. [1051.8] : Error: Item 29 was given invalid grid location -1 for item pool. Please Report. [1051.8] : Error: Item 29 was given invalid grid location -1 for item pool. Please Report. [1051.8] : Error: Item 29 was given invalid grid location -1 for item pool. Please Report. [1051.8] : Error: Item 1522 was given invalid grid location -1 for item pool. Please Report. [1051.81] : Error: Item 1522 was given invalid grid location -1 for item pool. Please Report. [1051.81] : Error: Item 1522 was given invalid grid location -1 for item pool. Please Report. [1051.81] : Error: Item 1522 was given invalid grid location -1 for item pool. Please Report. [1051.81] : Error: Item 1522 was given invalid grid location -1 for item pool. Please Report. [1051.81] : Error: Item 1522 was given invalid grid location -1 for item pool. Please Report. [1051.81] : Error: Item 1522 was given invalid grid location -1 for item pool. Please Report. [1051.81] : Error: Item 1522 was given invalid grid location -1 for item pool. Please Report. [1051.81] : Error: Item 1522 was given invalid grid location -1 for item pool. Please Report. [1051.81] : Error: Item 1522 was given invalid grid location -1 for item pool. Please Report. [1051.81] : Error: Item 1522 was given invalid grid location -1 for item pool. Please Report. [1051.81] : Error: Item 1522 was given invalid grid location -1 for item pool. Please Report. [1051.81] : Error: Item 1522 was given invalid grid location -1 for item pool. Please Report. [1051.81] : Error: Item 1522 was given invalid grid location -1 for item pool. Please Report. [1051.82] : Error: Item 1522 was given invalid grid location -1 for item pool. Please Report. [1051.82] : Error: Item 1522 was given invalid grid location -1 for item pool. Please Report. [1051.82] : Error: Item 1522 was given invalid grid location -1 for item pool. Please Report. [1051.82] : Error: Item 1522 was given invalid grid location -1 for item pool. Please Report. [1051.82] : Error: Item 752 was given invalid grid location -1 for item pool. Please Report. [1051.82] : Error: Item 752 was given invalid grid location -1 for item pool. Please Report. [1051.82] : Error: Item 913 was given invalid grid location -1 for item pool. Please Report. [1051.82] : Error: Item 913 was given invalid grid location -1 for item pool. Please Report. [1051.82] : Error: Item 913 was given invalid grid location -1 for item pool. Please Report. [1051.82] : Error: Item 913 was given invalid grid location -1 for item pool. Please Report. [1051.82] : Error: Item 1305 was given invalid grid location -1 for item pool. Please Report. [1051.82] : Error: Item 1305 was given invalid grid location -1 for item pool. Please Report. [1051.82] : Error: Item 1306 was given invalid grid location -1 for item pool. Please Report. [1051.82] : Error: Item 1306 was given invalid grid location -1 for item pool. Please Report. [1051.83] : Error: Item 1292 was given invalid grid location -1 for item pool. Please Report. [1051.83] : Error: Item 1292 was given invalid grid location -1 for item pool. Please Report. [1051.83] : Error: Item 1385 was given invalid grid location -1 for item pool. Please Report. [1051.83] : Error: Item 1385 was given invalid grid location -1 for item pool. Please Report. [1051.83] : Error: Item 1384 was given invalid grid location -1 for item pool. Please Report. [1051.83] : Error: Item 1384 was given invalid grid location -1 for item pool. Please Report. [1051.83] : Error: Item 1255 was given invalid grid location -1 for item pool. Please Report. [1051.83] : Error: Item 1255 was given invalid grid location -1 for item pool. Please Report. [1051.83] : Error: Item 1209 was given invalid grid location -1 for item pool. Please Report. [1051.83] : Error: Item 1209 was given invalid grid location -1 for item pool. Please Report. [1051.83] : Error: Item 1211 was given invalid grid location -1 for item pool. Please Report. [1051.83] : Error: Item 1211 was given invalid grid location -1 for item pool. Please Report. [1051.83] : Error: Item 1258 was given invalid grid location -1 for item pool. Please Report. [1051.83] : Error: Item 1258 was given invalid grid location -1 for item pool. Please Report. [1051.83] : Error: Item 1271 was given invalid grid location -1 for item pool. Please Report. [1051.83] : Error: Item 1271 was given invalid grid location -1 for item pool. Please Report.

Page 448 of 585 ---- Generated from The Bears Pit [1051.83] : Error: Item 1307 was given invalid grid location -1 for item pool. Please Report. [1051.83] : Error: Item 1307 was given invalid grid location -1 for item pool. Please Report. [1051.83] : Error: Item 1350 was given invalid grid location -1 for item pool. Please Report. [1051.83] : Error: Item 1350 was given invalid grid location -1 for item pool. Please Report. [1051.83] : Error: Item 544 was given invalid grid location -1 for item pool. Please Report. [1051.84] : Error: Item 544 was given invalid grid location -1 for item pool. Please Report. [1051.84] : Error: Item 1223 was given invalid grid location -1 for item pool. Please Report. [1051.84] : Error: Item 1223 was given invalid grid location -1 for item pool. Please Report. [1051.84] : Error: Item 1229 was given invalid grid location -1 for item pool. Please Report. [1051.84] : Error: Item 1229 was given invalid grid location -1 for item pool. Please Report. [1051.84] : Error: Item 1390 was given invalid grid location -1 for item pool. Please Report. [1051.84] : Error: Item 1390 was given invalid grid location -1 for item pool. Please Report. [1051.84] : Error: Item 147 was given invalid grid location -1 for item pool. Please Report. [1051.84] : Error: Item 147 was given invalid grid location -1 for item pool. Please Report. [1051.85] : Error: Item 147 was given invalid grid location -1 for item pool. Please Report. [1051.85] : Error: Item 147 was given invalid grid location -1 for item pool. Please Report. [1051.85] : Error: Item 966 was given invalid grid location -1 for item pool. Please Report. [1051.85] : Error: Item 966 was given invalid grid location -1 for item pool. Please Report. [1051.86] : Error: Item 966 was given invalid grid location -1 for item pool. Please Report. [1051.86] : Error: Item 966 was given invalid grid location -1 for item pool. Please Report. [1051.86] : Error: Item 148 was given invalid grid location -1 for item pool. Please Report. [1051.86] : Error: Item 148 was given invalid grid location -1 for item pool. Please Report. [1051.86] : Error: Item 970 was given invalid grid location -1 for item pool. Please Report. [1051.86] : Error: Item 970 was given invalid grid location -1 for item pool. Please Report. [1051.87] : Error: Item 1189 was given invalid grid location -1 for item pool. Please Report. [1051.87] : Error: Item 1189 was given invalid grid location -1 for item pool. Please Report. [1051.87] : Error: Item 134 was given invalid grid location -1 for item pool. Please Report. [1051.87] : Error: Item 134 was given invalid grid location -1 for item pool. Please Report. [1051.87] : Error: Item 135 was given invalid grid location -1 for item pool. Please Report. [1051.87] : Error: Item 135 was given invalid grid location -1 for item pool. Please Report. [1051.88] : Error: Item 131 was given invalid grid location -1 for item pool. Please Report. [1051.88] : Error: Item 131 was given invalid grid location -1 for item pool. Please Report. [1051.88] : Error: Item 981 was given invalid grid location -1 for item pool. Please Report. [1051.88] : Error: Item 981 was given invalid grid location -1 for item pool. Please Report. [1051.89] : Error: Item 981 was given invalid grid location -1 for item pool. Please Report. [1051.89] : Error: Item 981 was given invalid grid location -1 for item pool. Please Report. [1051.89] : Error: Item 140 was given invalid grid location -1 for item pool. Please Report. [1051.89] : Error: Item 140 was given invalid grid location -1 for item pool. Please Report. [1051.89] : Error: Item 951 was given invalid grid location -1 for item pool. Please Report. [1051.89] : Error: Item 951 was given invalid grid location -1 for item pool. Please Report. [1051.89] : Error: Item 593 was given invalid grid location -1 for item pool. Please Report. [1051.89] : Error: Item 593 was given invalid grid location -1 for item pool. Please Report. [1051.9] : Error: Item 1678 was given invalid grid location -1 for item pool. Please Report. [1051.9] : Error: Item 1678 was given invalid grid location -1 for item pool. Please Report. [1051.9] : Error: Item 1661 was given invalid grid location -1 for item pool. Please Report. [1051.9] : Error: Item 1661 was given invalid grid location -1 for item pool. Please Report. [1051.9] : Error: Item 1095 was given invalid grid location -1 for item pool. Please Report. [1051.9] : Error: Item 1095 was given invalid grid location -1 for item pool. Please Report.

Page 449 of 585 ---- Generated from The Bears Pit [1051.9] : Error: Item 1695 was given invalid grid location -1 for item pool. Please Report. [1051.9] : Error: Item 1695 was given invalid grid location -1 for item pool. Please Report. [1051.9] : Error: Item 1646 was given invalid grid location -1 for item pool. Please Report. [1051.9] : Error: Item 1646 was given invalid grid location -1 for item pool. Please Report. [1051.91] : Error: Item 1094 was given invalid grid location -1 for item pool. Please Report. [1051.91] : Error: Item 1094 was given invalid grid location -1 for item pool. Please Report. [1051.91] : Error: Item 1097 was given invalid grid location -1 for item pool. Please Report. [1051.91] : Error: Item 1097 was given invalid grid location -1 for item pool. Please Report. [1051.91] : Error: Item 183 was given invalid grid location -1 for item pool. Please Report. [1051.91] : Error: Item 183 was given invalid grid location -1 for item pool. Please Report. [1051.91] : Error: Item 804 was given invalid grid location -1 for item pool. Please Report. [1051.91] : Error: Item 804 was given invalid grid location -1 for item pool. Please Report. [1051.91] : Error: Item 805 was given invalid grid location -1 for item pool. Please Report. [1051.91] : Error: Item 805 was given invalid grid location -1 for item pool. Please Report. [1051.92] : Error: Item 806 was given invalid grid location -1 for item pool. Please Report. [1051.92] : Error: Item 806 was given invalid grid location -1 for item pool. Please Report. [1051.92] : Error: Item 838 was given invalid grid location -1 for item pool. Please Report. [1051.92] : Error: Item 838 was given invalid grid location -1 for item pool. Please Report. [1051.92] : Error: Item 837 was given invalid grid location -1 for item pool. Please Report. [1051.92] : Error: Item 837 was given invalid grid location -1 for item pool. Please Report. [1051.92] : Error: Item 213 was given invalid grid location -1 for item pool. Please Report. [1051.92] : Error: Item 213 was given invalid grid location -1 for item pool. Please Report. [1051.93] : Error: Item 1025 was given invalid grid location -1 for item pool. Please Report. [1051.93] : Error: Item 1025 was given invalid grid location -1 for item pool. Please Report. [1051.93] : Error: Item 212 was given invalid grid location -1 for item pool. Please Report. [1051.93] : Error: Item 212 was given invalid grid location -1 for item pool. Please Report. [1051.93] : Error: Item 201 was given invalid grid location -1 for item pool. Please Report. [1051.93] : Error: Item 201 was given invalid grid location -1 for item pool. Please Report. [1051.94] : Error: Item 202 was given invalid grid location -1 for item pool. Please Report. [1051.94] : Error: Item 202 was given invalid grid location -1 for item pool. Please Report. [1051.94] : Error: Item 1618 was given invalid grid location -1 for item pool. Please Report. [1051.94] : Error: Item 1618 was given invalid grid location -1 for item pool. Please Report. [1051.94] : Error: Item 1606 was given invalid grid location -1 for item pool. Please Report. [1051.94] : Error: Item 1606 was given invalid grid location -1 for item pool. Please Report. [1051.94] : Error: Item 1576 was given invalid grid location -1 for item pool. Please Report. [1051.94] : Error: Item 1576 was given invalid grid location -1 for item pool. Please Report. [1051.95] : Error: Item 204 was given invalid grid location -1 for item pool. Please Report. [1051.95] : Error: Item 204 was given invalid grid location -1 for item pool. Please Report. [1051.95] : Error: Item 203 was given invalid grid location -1 for item pool. Please Report. [1051.95] : Error: Item 203 was given invalid grid location -1 for item pool. Please Report. [1051.95] : Error: Item 1001 was given invalid grid location -1 for item pool. Please Report. [1051.95] : Error: Item 1001 was given invalid grid location -1 for item pool. Please Report. [1051.95] : Error: Item 200 was given invalid grid location -1 for item pool. Please Report. [1051.95] : Error: Item 200 was given invalid grid location -1 for item pool. Please Report. [1051.96] : Error: Item 1030 was given invalid grid location -1 for item pool. Please Report. [1051.96] : Error: Item 1030 was given invalid grid location -1 for item pool. Please Report. [1051.96] : Error: Item 1012 was given invalid grid location -1 for item pool. Please Report. [1051.96] : Error: Item 1012 was given invalid grid location -1 for item pool. Please Report.

Page 450 of 585 ---- Generated from The Bears Pit [1051.96] : Error: Item 322 was given invalid grid location -1 for item pool. Please Report. [1051.96] : Error: Item 322 was given invalid grid location -1 for item pool. Please Report. [1051.97] : Error: Item 1007 was given invalid grid location -1 for item pool. Please Report. [1051.97] : Error: Item 1007 was given invalid grid location -1 for item pool. Please Report. [1051.97] : Error: Item 1007 was given invalid grid location -1 for item pool. Please Report. [1051.97] : Error: Item 1007 was given invalid grid location -1 for item pool. Please Report. [1051.98] : Error: Item 886 was given invalid grid location -1 for item pool. Please Report. [1051.98] : Error: Item 886 was given invalid grid location -1 for item pool. Please Report. [1051.98] : Error: Item 214 was given invalid grid location -1 for item pool. Please Report. [1051.98] : Error: Item 214 was given invalid grid location -1 for item pool. Please Report. [1051.98] : Error: Item 214 was given invalid grid location -1 for item pool. Please Report. [1051.98] : Error: Item 214 was given invalid grid location -1 for item pool. Please Report. [1051.98] : Error: Item 269 was given invalid grid location -1 for item pool. Please Report. [1051.98] : Error: Item 269 was given invalid grid location -1 for item pool. Please Report. [1051.98] : Error: Item 216 was given invalid grid location -1 for item pool. Please Report. [1051.98] : Error: Item 216 was given invalid grid location -1 for item pool. Please Report. [1051.99] : Error: Item 216 was given invalid grid location -1 for item pool. Please Report. [1051.99] : Error: Item 216 was given invalid grid location -1 for item pool. Please Report. [1051.99] : Error: Item 1542 was given invalid grid location -1 for item pool. Please Report. [1051.99] : Error: Item 1542 was given invalid grid location -1 for item pool. Please Report. [1052] : Error: Item 1542 was given invalid grid location -1 for item pool. Please Report. [1052] : Error: Item 1542 was given invalid grid location -1 for item pool. Please Report. [1052] : Error: Item 1542 was given invalid grid location -1 for item pool. Please Report. [1052] : Error: Item 1542 was given invalid grid location -1 for item pool. Please Report. [1052.01] : Error: Item 1542 was given invalid grid location -1 for item pool. Please Report. [1052.01] : Error: Item 1542 was given invalid grid location -1 for item pool. Please Report. [1052.01] : Error: Item 1023 was given invalid grid location -1 for item pool. Please Report. [1052.01] : Error: Item 1023 was given invalid grid location -1 for item pool. Please Report. [1052.01] : Error: Item 1546 was given invalid grid location -1 for item pool. Please Report. [1052.01] : Error: Item 1546 was given invalid grid location -1 for item pool. Please Report. [1052.02] : Error: Item 1003 was given invalid grid location -1 for item pool. Please Report. [1052.02] : Error: Item 1003 was given invalid grid location -1 for item pool. Please Report. [1052.03] : Error: Item 1008 was given invalid grid location -1 for item pool. Please Report. [1052.03] : Error: Item 1008 was given invalid grid location -1 for item pool. Please Report. [1052.03] : Error: Item 1008 was given invalid grid location -1 for item pool. Please Report. [1052.03] : Error: Item 1008 was given invalid grid location -1 for item pool. Please Report. [1052.03] : Error: Item 1011 was given invalid grid location -1 for item pool. Please Report. [1052.03] : Error: Item 1011 was given invalid grid location -1 for item pool. Please Report. [1052.04] : Error: Item 947 was given invalid grid location -1 for item pool. Please Report. [1052.04] : Error: Item 947 was given invalid grid location -1 for item pool. Please Report. [1052.05] : Error: Item 946 was given invalid grid location -1 for item pool. Please Report. [1052.05] : Error: Item 946 was given invalid grid location -1 for item pool. Please Report. [1052.05] : Error: Item 1545 was given invalid grid location -1 for item pool. Please Report. [1052.05] : Error: Item 1545 was given invalid grid location -1 for item pool. Please Report. [1052.06] : Error: Item 1545 was given invalid grid location -1 for item pool. Please Report. [1052.06] : Error: Item 1545 was given invalid grid location -1 for item pool. Please Report. [1052.07] : Error: Item 1545 was given invalid grid location -1 for item pool. Please Report. [1052.07] : Error: Item 1545 was given invalid grid location -1 for item pool. Please Report.

Page 451 of 585 ---- Generated from The Bears Pit [1052.08] : Error: Item 1570 was given invalid grid location -1 for item pool. Please Report. [1052.08] : Error: Item 1570 was given invalid grid location -1 for item pool. Please Report. [1052.08] : Error: Item 1570 was given invalid grid location -1 for item pool. Please Report. [1052.08] : Error: Item 1570 was given invalid grid location -1 for item pool. Please Report. [1052.09] : Error: Item 1570 was given invalid grid location -1 for item pool. Please Report. [1052.09] : Error: Item 1570 was given invalid grid location -1 for item pool. Please Report. [1052.09] : Error: Item 1570 was given invalid grid location -1 for item pool. Please Report. [1052.09] : Error: Item 1570 was given invalid grid location -1 for item pool. Please Report. [1052.09] : Error: Item 1570 was given invalid grid location -1 for item pool. Please Report. [1052.09] : Error: Item 1570 was given invalid grid location -1 for item pool. Please Report. [1052.1] : Error: Item 207 was given invalid grid location -1 for item pool. Please Report. [1052.1] : Error: Item 207 was given invalid grid location -1 for item pool. Please Report. [1052.1] : Error: Item 264 was given invalid grid location -1 for item pool. Please Report. [1052.1] : Error: Item 264 was given invalid grid location -1 for item pool. Please Report. [1052.1] : Error: Item 1698 was given invalid grid location -1 for item pool. Please Report. [1052.1] : Error: Item 1698 was given invalid grid location -1 for item pool. Please Report. [1052.11] : Error: Item 1527 was given invalid grid location -1 for item pool. Please Report. [1052.11] : Error: Item 1527 was given invalid grid location -1 for item pool. Please Report. [1052.11] : Error: Item 1009 was given invalid grid location -1 for item pool. Please Report. [1052.11] : Error: Item 1009 was given invalid grid location -1 for item pool. Please Report. [1052.12] : Error: Item 1009 was given invalid grid location -1 for item pool. Please Report. [1052.12] : Error: Item 1009 was given invalid grid location -1 for item pool. Please Report. [1052.12] : Error: Item 1525 was given invalid grid location -1 for item pool. Please Report. [1052.12] : Error: Item 1525 was given invalid grid location -1 for item pool. Please Report. [1052.13] : Error: Item 1540 was given invalid grid location -1 for item pool. Please Report. [1052.13] : Error: Item 1540 was given invalid grid location -1 for item pool. Please Report. [1052.16] : Error: Item 1709 was given invalid grid location -1 for item pool. Please Report. [1052.16] : Error: Item 1709 was given invalid grid location -1 for item pool. Please Report. [1052.17] : Error: Item 1709 was given invalid grid location -1 for item pool. Please Report. [1052.17] : Error: Item 1709 was given invalid grid location -1 for item pool. Please Report. [1052.17] : Error: Item 1029 was given invalid grid location -1 for item pool. Please Report. [1052.17] : Error: Item 1029 was given invalid grid location -1 for item pool. Please Report. [1052.17] : Error: Item 208 was given invalid grid location -1 for item pool. Please Report. [1052.17] : Error: Item 208 was given invalid grid location -1 for item pool. Please Report. [1052.18] : Error: Item 592 was given invalid grid location -1 for item pool. Please Report. [1052.18] : Error: Item 592 was given invalid grid location -1 for item pool. Please Report. [1052.18] : Error: Item 327 was given invalid grid location -1 for item pool. Please Report. [1052.18] : Error: Item 327 was given invalid grid location -1 for item pool. Please Report. [1052.18] : Error: Item 1026 was given invalid grid location -1 for item pool. Please Report. [1052.18] : Error: Item 1026 was given invalid grid location -1 for item pool. Please Report. [1052.18] : Error: Item 1184 was given invalid grid location -1 for item pool. Please Report. [1052.18] : Error: Item 1184 was given invalid grid location -1 for item pool. Please Report.

Visual Studio 2013 reported data: Code segment debgheap.cpp, line broken at: pHead->nLine); , treading info for Code segment

Page 452 of 585 ---- Generated from The Bears Pit debgheap.cpp Toggle Spoiler Thread: Not Flagged > 34112 0 Worker Thread JA2_EN_Debug.exe!JA2NotifyThread() JA2_EN_Debug.exe!_free_dbg_nolock NormalLo cal: + pHead 0x208ec270 {pBlockHeaderNext=0x20ee1310 {pBlockHeaderNext=0x1dd29958 {pBlockHeaderNext=0x1f7a2e08 {pBlockHeaderNext=...} ...} ...} ...} _CrtMemBlockHeader *Auto #1: + pHead 0x208ec270 {pBlockHeaderNext=0x20ee1310 {pBlockHeaderNext=0x1dd29958 {pBlockHeaderNext=0x1f7a2e08 {pBlockHeaderNext=...} ...} ...} ...} _CrtMemBlockHeader *Auto #2:+ pHead->szFileName 0x018a82bc "j:\\ja2\\source\\build\\tileengine\\render dirty.cpp" char *

Code segment debgheap.cpp, line broken at: pHead->nLine);

/* * If this ASSERT fails, a bad pointer has been passed in. It may be * totally bogus, or it may have been allocated from another heap. * The pointer MUST come from the 'local' heap. */ _ASSERTE(_CrtIsValidHeapPointer(pUserData));

/* get a pointer to memory block header */ pHead = pHdr(pUserData);

/* verify block type */ _ASSERTE(_BLOCK_TYPE_IS_VALID(pHead->nBlockUse));

/* if we didn't already check entire heap, at least check this object */ if (!(_crtDbgFlag & _CRTDBG_CHECK_ALWAYS_DF)) { /* check no-mans-land gaps */ if (!CheckBytes(pHead->gap, _bNoMansLandFill, nNoMansLandSize)) { if (pHead->szFileName) { _RPT5(_CRT_ERROR, "HEAP CORRUPTION DETECTED: before %hs block (#%d) at 0x%p. " "CRT detected that the application wrote to memory before start of heap buffer. " _ALLOCATION_FILE_LINENUM, szBlockUseName[_BLOCK_TYPE(pHead->nBlockUse)], pHead->lRequest, (BYTE *) pbData(pHead), pHead->szFileName, pHead->nLine);

Page 453 of 585 ---- Generated from The Bears Pit } else { _RPT3(_CRT_ERROR, "HEAP CORRUPTION DETECTED: before %hs block (#%d) at 0x%p. " "CRT detected that the application wrote to memory before start of heap buffer. ", szBlockUseName[_BLOCK_TYPE(pHead->nBlockUse)], pHead->lRequest, (BYTE *) pbData(pHead)); } }

if (!CheckBytes(pbData(pHead) + pHead->nDataSize, _bNoMansLandFill, nNoMansLandSize)) { if (pHead->szFileName) { _RPT5(_CRT_ERROR, "HEAP CORRUPTION DETECTED: after %hs block (#%d) at 0x%p. " "CRT detected that the application wrote to memory after end of heap buffer. " _ALLOCATION_FILE_LINENUM, szBlockUseName[_BLOCK_TYPE(pHead->nBlockUse)], pHead->lRequest, (BYTE *) pbData(pHead), pHead->szFileName, pHead->nLine); } else { _RPT3(_CRT_ERROR, "HEAP CORRUPTION DETECTED: after %hs block (#%d) at 0x%p. " "CRT detected that the application wrote to memory after end of heap buffer. ", szBlockUseName[_BLOCK_TYPE(pHead->nBlockUse)], pHead->lRequest, (BYTE *) pbData(pHead)); } } }


if (pHead->nBlockUse == _IGNORE_BLOCK)

Page 454 of 585 ---- Generated from The Bears Pit { _ASSERTE(pHead->nLine == IGNORE_LINE && pHead->lRequest == IGNORE_REQ); /* fill the entire block including header with dead-land-fill */ memset(pHead, _bDeadLandFill, sizeof(_CrtMemBlockHeader) + pHead->nDataSize + nNoMansLandSize); _free_base(pHead); RTCCALLBACK(_RTC_FuncCheckSet_hook,(1)); return; }

/* CRT blocks can be freed as NORMAL blocks */ if (pHead->nBlockUse == _CRT_BLOCK && nBlockUse == _NORMAL_BLOCK) nBlockUse = _CRT_BLOCK;

/* Error if freeing incorrect memory type */ _ASSERTE(pHead->nBlockUse == nBlockUse);

/* keep track of total amount of memory allocated */ _lCurAlloc -= pHead->nDataSize;

/* optionally reclaim memory */ if (!(_crtDbgFlag & _CRTDBG_DELAY_FREE_MEM_DF)) { /* remove from the linked list */ if (pHead->pBlockHeaderNext) { pHead->pBlockHeaderNext->pBlockHeaderPrev = pHead->pBlockHeaderPrev; } else { _ASSERTE(_pLastBlock == pHead); _pLastBlock = pHead->pBlockHeaderPrev; }

if (pHead->pBlockHeaderPrev) { pHead->pBlockHeaderPrev->pBlockHeaderNext = pHead->pBlockHeaderNext; } else { _ASSERTE(_pFirstBlock == pHead); _pFirstBlock = pHead->pBlockHeaderNext; }

/* fill the entire block including header with dead-land-fill */ memset(pHead, _bDeadLandFill, sizeof(_CrtMemBlockHeader) + pHead->nDataSize + nNoMansLandSize); _free_base(pHead);

Page 455 of 585 ---- Generated from The Bears Pit } else { pHead->nBlockUse = _FREE_BLOCK;

/* keep memory around as dead space */ memset(pbData(pHead), _bDeadLandFill, pHead->nDataSize); } RTCCALLBACK(_RTC_FuncCheckSet_hook,(1)); }

Code segment MemMan.cpp, line broken at: _free_dbg( ptr, _NORMAL_BLOCK );, treading info. Toggle Spoiler Thread: Not Flagged > 34112 0 Worker Thread JA2_EN_Debug.exe!JA2NotifyThread() JA2_EN_Debug.exe!_free_dbg_nolock NormalLo cal: + pcFile 0x018a82bc "j:\\ja2\\source\\build\\tileengine\\render dirty.cpp" char * constAuto:uiSize 1520 unsigned int void MemFreeReal( PTR ptr, const STR8 pcFile, INT32 iLine ) { UINT32 uiSize;

if ( !fMemManagerInit ) DbgMessage( TOPIC_MEMORY_MANAGER, DBG_LEVEL_0, String("MemFree: Warning -- Memory manager not initialized -- Line %d in %s", iLine, pcFile) );

if (ptr != NULL) { uiSize = _msize(ptr); guiMemTotal -= uiSize; guiMemFreed += uiSize; _free_dbg( ptr, _NORMAL_BLOCK );

Code segment Render Dirty.cpp, line broken at: MemFree( gVideoOverlays[uiCount].pSaveArea );pHead->nLine);

Toggle Spoiler Thread: Not Flagged > 34112 0 Worker Thread JA2_EN_Debug.exe!JA2NotifyThread() JA2_EN_Debug.exe!_free_dbg_nolock NormalA uto #1: + gVideoOverlays[uiCount] {uiFlags=0 fAllocated=1 '\x1' fDisabled=0 '\0' ...} _VIDEO_OVERLAYAuto #2: + gVideoOverlays[uiCount].pSaveArea 0x208ec290

Page 456 of 585 ---- Generated from The Bears Pit {25346} short *Local: uiCount 2 unsigned int void DeleteVideoOverlaysArea( ) { UINT32 uiCount;

for(uiCount=0; uiCount < guiNumVideoOverlays; uiCount++) { if( gVideoOverlays[uiCount].fAllocated && !gVideoOverlays[uiCount].fDisabled ) { if ( gVideoOverlays[uiCount].pSaveArea != NULL ) { SurfaceData::ReleaseApplicationData((BYTE*)gVideoOverlays[ uiCount ].pSaveArea); MemFree( gVideoOverlays[uiCount].pSaveArea ); }

gVideoOverlays[uiCount].fActivelySaving = FALSE;

gVideoOverlays[uiCount].pSaveArea = NULL;

//DebugMsg( TOPIC_JA2, DBG_LEVEL_0, String( "Removing Overlay Actively saving %d %S", uiCount, gVideoOverlays[ uiCount ].zText ) );

// Remove if pending if ( gVideoOverlays[uiCount].fDeletionPending ) { RemoveVideoOverlay( uiCount ); } } } }

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by JosephCKohn on Wed, 23 Apr 2014 06:00:56 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Pdf version.

Hello again all, I have found a very strange bug. It was caused by the merc Dynamo launching a thermobarbic grenade at a nearby enemy redshirt solder. For reasons unbeknownst to me the grenade exploded the solder which caused a separate explosion at Dynamo

Page 457 of 585 ---- Generated from The Bears Pit Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by hrvg on Thu, 24 Apr 2014 15:05:41 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Hi, I have XP windows. Screen resolution = 1360 x 768 pixels.

For French version: I play with JA2_FR_7151_Stable_.exe For English version: I play with SCI_Unstable_Revision_7141_on_GameDir_2007.7

There are bugs... For example: - 1) After twenty load or save, I have black screen then I return to the desk. For French version: Yes. For English version: No problem (I don't think)

- 2) Impossible to save to Tixa (level 1, no level 2), I return to the desk. For French version: Yes. For English version: No problem.

- 3) Problem with backpack error message (but not always). Press ESC...

For French version: Yes For English version: I don't know.

Or I have black screen then I return to the desk. For French version: Yes. For English version: Yes, same problem.

Or backpack is always present in sector's inventory is or other... It's strange. For French version: Yes. For English version: Yes. I have two "ARUC Backpacks". I click "drop B/P" in tactical screen then I click "Stack and merge items" from sector inventory. I return to tactical screen, I click "pickup B/P" then I return in sector inventory... I have four "ARUC Backpacks".

- 4) Little problem with Kevin "Maddog" Cameron's inventory at Estoni when he repair his items... Items adds in his inventory...

Caws only...

After, there are laser sights. For French version: Yes. For English version: Yes, same problem.


Page 458 of 585 ---- Generated from The Bears Pit Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by wanne (aka RoWa21) on Thu, 24 Apr 2014 18:09:11 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Thanks hrvg. for testing and posting the bugs.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by Decoy on Thu, 24 Apr 2014 20:25:22 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message So it doesn't get lost I'll add a bug posted a few days ago to this thread: Not working night vision goggles

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by Parkan on Sat, 26 Apr 2014 06:54:18 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message I tryed to compile last unstable exe with vs2008 and vs2013-both have one bug:Game saves not working.The is some errors in campaigh.cpp in line 1631.version of exe 7164.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by wanne (aka RoWa21) on Sat, 26 Apr 2014 10:22:17 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message ParkanI tryed to compile last unstable exe with vs2008 and vs2013-both have one bug:Game saves not working.The is some errors in campaigh.cpp in line 1631.version of exe 7164. it is not a bug, it is a feature externalization: locks and keys: old savegames are not compatible with this new externalization.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by Parkan on Sat, 26 Apr 2014 15:39:49 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message You not understand.I made a fresh install of game,Gamedir,compiled a new exe.Started a new game.Save game-load game=error.Campaign.cpp line 1661.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here!

Page 459 of 585 ---- Generated from The Bears Pit Posted by Seven. on Sat, 26 Apr 2014 15:42:38 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message @Parkan Did you try making a clean build?

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by Parkan on Sat, 26 Apr 2014 15:44:26 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Yes.First of all i maded a cleaning in both VS2008 and 2013.And after that i start to compile.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by Seven. on Sat, 26 Apr 2014 15:52:19 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Line 1661 in campaign.cpp is a comment // When the "Alternate Progress Calculation" is activated, the program selects only the HIGHEST of the In both stable and dev branches. Something is probably wrong with your source files

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by hrvg on Sat, 26 Apr 2014 15:54:39 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Hi, English version. Problem with backpack error message: Rutine error -- Press ESC...

Backpacks is dropped (tactical screen)... When I click on 'Stack and merge items' (strategic screen)...

Backpacks are picked (tactical screen)... Backpacks are still in the inventory area (strategic screen).

If I take Russian 106 vest or TIMS backpack... Message: Rutine error -- Press ESC...

Or other... Items disappears or changes.

Page 460 of 585 ---- Generated from The Bears Pit It's strange.


Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by Parkan on Sat, 26 Apr 2014 17:45:21 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Fully redownloaded development brunch of 1.13 mod source files.Created both exe in VS2008 and VS2013.Both exe have same bug:Made a quick save or save game to slot then try to load it and game crash with assertion failure in line 1631 of Campaign.cpp

Edit:I just recreated exe with previus revesion 7164.And all working fine.Game save and load normaly.Something weird going with 7165.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by JosephCKohn on Sun, 27 Apr 2014 05:10:12 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message There something wrong with any given instance of Executable 7164 SVN Game Dir 2020 as any save game cannot be loaded.

I have done countless clear reinstalls, remods. No custom JA2.ini or JA2_Options.ini files, no other mods. Simply put: Run an instance of Executable 7164 SVN Game Dir 2020Create a save game, any type will doExit game via main menuRun game and attempt to load any save

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by Parkan on Sun, 27 Apr 2014 06:47:19 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Yup.that i was said too.Something weird going with Locks feature in 7165 version.Previus version of exe(7164,7163) work fine.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by Flugente on Thu, 01 May 2014 17:44:07 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message As of r7179, I am somewhat confident to have repaired an annoying boxing bug. Basically, loading during boxing removed the boxer property and disqualified your boxer. This was actually a fix for another bug that caused mercs to be treated as boxers on other occasions. Hopefully, that

Page 461 of 585 ---- Generated from The Bears Pit is now history. If not, contact me.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by Decoy on Fri, 02 May 2014 17:32:40 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Game crashes if I left click on specter thig rig sling and try to equip ammunition. I also wonder why the specter thig rig only has room for a gas mask and nothing else.


Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by Wil473 on Sat, 03 May 2014 17:17:05 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message DecoyI also wonder why the specter thig rig only has room for a gas mask and nothing else. The "Specter Thigh Rig" does not have any pockets beyond the "Carabiner Ring" until you attach a MOLLE pouch to it. This however begs the question of why you are being given the option to fill it with ammo - which probably is related to the crash.

It looks like Anv's fix to the UBW bug I reported has not been implemented yet as of SCI_Unstable_Revision_7178_on_GameDir_2027 - bug is still present and the change logs make no mention of it. Bug was also reported in BUGZILLA: 663.

Not really a bug per sec, but are there any challenges to getting JMich's current Revision 162 XMLEditor into the SVN?

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by Parkan on Sat, 03 May 2014 17:28:40 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message I tryed to use new Jmich xml editor with Stronhmans overhaul(alpha version)and after saving changes to xml files via xml editor it broke enemy inventory(all enemies spawned only with pistol regardless of game progress and no armor at all),but looking with notepad+xml files(enemy choices and other stuff)no any broke was just not load their inventory.bug was fixed when i overwrite them with defaults xml files.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here!

Page 462 of 585 ---- Generated from The Bears Pit Posted by Randok on Sat, 03 May 2014 18:08:50 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message JA2 + SCI_Unstable_Revision_7178_on_GameDir_2027.7z

1. Bug: I'm in town. I have enabled functions "do not show roofs". Birds sit on the body. Once undermine flight, turns on the function "show roofs".

2. Bug: enemy in fire. I throw in enemies Molotov Cocktail ( one turn ). In the next turn of enemies to move in fire and clock spins without end.

3. Question: before enemies were running on a shot in the air ( for example, when I shoot the edge of the sector where they have come ). Now they do not care. Is this a bug or a new strategy enemies?

I have saves ( bird and fire ). I can send them but only mail ( interested are asked to address the in PM ). Sorry.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by Decoy on Sat, 03 May 2014 19:02:15 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message If I equip Ivan with the CETME ameli, i get his perks shown by overlapping symbols at his portrait. A mouse over reveals what perks he has. Is this a bug or a feature? If it's a feature, it's a bit strange.

EXE Source Completed: At revision: 7181

Data Source Completed: At revision: 2031

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by DepressivesBrot on Sat, 03 May 2014 19:52:10 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message That has nothing to do with his traits, it shows that the Ameli is taking ammo from special pockets or a dedicated loader before touching the loaded belt.

Page 463 of 585 ---- Generated from The Bears Pit Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by Decoy on Sat, 03 May 2014 20:14:45 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Thanks for the explanation, I was confused by the tooltip. Just figured out that's the default tooltip when you hover above someones portrait.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by Decoy on Sun, 04 May 2014 13:22:50 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message I have a savegame where two mercs are training Militia, but the Militia will never appear. They just keep on training forever without anything to happen.

I can workaround the bug: If I give them the order to train militia again, I have to pay for it and it will work.


EXE Source Completed: At revision: 7181

Data Source Completed: At revision: 2031

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by Parkan on Sun, 04 May 2014 16:45:02 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message yes i can confirm that bug happen sometime,but i don't understand when it appear.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by Seven. on Tue, 06 May 2014 14:26:13 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Stable 7193 build fails with:

Map Screen Interface TownMine Info.cpp(438) : error C2065: 'PRISONER_OFFICER' : undeclared identifier Map Screen Interface TownMine Info.cpp(444) : error C2065: 'PRISONER_OFFICER' : undeclared identifier

Page 464 of 585 ---- Generated from The Bears Pit Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by Flugente on Tue, 06 May 2014 22:34:24 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Fixed in r7194.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by RunAwayScientist on Thu, 08 May 2014 08:01:02 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message All funds made from facilities with a negative XML value defined in FacilityTypes.xml do not save into permanent memory.

The value is updated in the strategic screen or when withdrawing money, but when viewing the Laptop's Financial Screen or viewing your current finances after manually withdrawing cash the value is reset to its previous amount.

My guess is that there are two separate variables being accessed or the game's current finances variable is being overwritten/refreshed by another value in the backend somewhere.

Encountered in 7178 and it has apparently been occurring with versions before r7178.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by wanne (aka RoWa21) on Sun, 11 May 2014 06:06:23 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message RunAwayScientist All funds made from facilities with a negative XML value defined in FacilityTypes.xml do not save into permanent memory.

The value is updated in the strategic screen or when withdrawing money, but when viewing the Laptop's Financial Screen or viewing your current finances after manually withdrawing cash the value is reset to its previous amount.

My guess is that there are two separate variables being accessed or the game's current finances variable is being overwritten/refreshed by another value in the backend somewhere.

Encountered in 7178 and it has apparently been occurring with versions before r7178.

Fixed in revision 7199 (by Buggler)

Page 465 of 585 ---- Generated from The Bears Pit Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by wanne (aka RoWa21) on Sun, 11 May 2014 06:41:57 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message DecoyI have a savegame where two mercs are training Militia, but the Militia will never appear. They just keep on training forever without anything to happen.

I can workaround the bug: If I give them the order to train militia again, I have to pay for it and it will work.


EXE Source Completed: At revision: 7181

Data Source Completed: At revision: 2031 fixed in rev. 7199 (by buggler)

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by M16AMachinegun on Wed, 14 May 2014 05:09:42 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message BASIC_RELIABILITY_ODDS in CTHConstraints will be set to 100 upon startup if user sets between 100 and 10000 as advertised in the description:

Quote: ; This is the basic chance PER SHOT to lose 1 point of weapon condition with each ; bullet fired. The formula for this chance is 1 in BASE_DEPRECIATE_CHANCE, so higher ; values result in slower degradation. ; The default value for OCTH is 15, but NCTH requires a **much** higher ; expenditure of bullets, resulting in severely-reduced weapon condition after every ; battle. Therefore, the default for NCTH is currently 150. ; Valid range is 0-10000. BASIC_RELIABILITY_ODDS = (some number)

This bug's been around for at least a year.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by arkanglesk on Thu, 15 May 2014 06:23:08 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message

Page 466 of 585 ---- Generated from The Bears Pit Hi guys, I'm having 2 3 issues with exe 7178, gameDir 2027 (Depri's build):

1) Tooltips don't show up in tactical view. Not even the tooltip for mercs' health/energy.

2) Sometimes I get guns (e.g. Beowulf and KAC PDW, to name a couple. There's more but I haven't tested them all) that have no ammo. They can be refilled with GABBI's Alt+R but mags can't be extracted.

2a) If I manage to get the ammo elsewhere, its crates do not generate at all, either by Ctrl+Shift+A or button on strategic.

3) I just noticed it won't let me order a merc or squad to move out of a sector via map edge in tactical view.

-It should be easily reproducible, only changes on game data are: size of all crate magazines = 20000 (values above 32000 cause problems too); suppression/fear = 200%; gun,explosive damage = 190%,250%

-I play with ctrl+GABBI on. (if you think its' related let me know. Otherwise, don't judge me. Or do it if you dare.)

Savegame should be available on Dropbox:

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by DepressivesBrot on Thu, 15 May 2014 07:42:05 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Reproduce 2&2a with a clean install, it's more likely that you just messed up the formatting.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by arkanglesk on Thu, 15 May 2014 18:33:35 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Hi, you're right... I tried to reproduce with a clean magazines.xml (this game has taught me the hard way to ALWAYS keep a backup) and crates work, guns have ammo

As for 1 and 3, I also noticed mercs' animations don't play while on tactical(they don't blink or move their mouth, but if they say something like "time for the enemy to say its prayers" then the dialog appears and animations play normally). I also forgot to mention I play with some modded faces... But if I had messed something up there strategic ui would also be broken, wouldn't it?

Page 467 of 585 ---- Generated from The Bears Pit Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by Floh on Fri, 16 May 2014 13:46:27 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Hi, just downloaded the latest SCI from Depri's thread (7205), installed on a fresh Steam gold edition installation (copied to a new folder). I created 9 custom mercs and landed in Drassen, on second turn I got a runtime error:

Assertion Failure [Line 4861 in file strategicmap.cpp] Sarge is not in a valid group (pSoldier->ubGroupID is 0)

On two retries the same error occurred, once with a different merc, once after I ended the turn quickly without doing much (clarification edit: error came during my next turn). The error does not seem to be directly connected to any action, the mercs in question behaved normally before and were not selected when the error occurred.

Can anybody help me with that?

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by silversurfer on Fri, 16 May 2014 15:21:26 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message I don't know how this problem arises but you can "fix" it by reassigning the mercs in your group to a different group number and then back to the original number. This will reset their group ID and should fix the problem in your savegame.

When I got this problem before I thought that is is related to Alt+Tabbing out of JA2 and back and pressing a certain key. Alt key is still stuck at that moment because of the previous Alt+Tab action (game remembers that Alt was pressed). I wasn't able to reproduce it though. If you know a reliable way to reproduce the issue please let us know.

Whenever you Alt+Tab out of the game and go back to the game press Alt to get it released.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by wanne (aka RoWa21) on Sat, 17 May 2014 05:30:06 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message @moth_hunter: please upload the savegame so we an reproduce the bug

Page 468 of 585 ---- Generated from The Bears Pit Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by Floh on Sat, 17 May 2014 10:18:27 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message The debug save seems to have failed, unfortunately all Autosaves were overwritten when I successfully tried the workaround posted earlier in this topic for this problem: I went to the strategic map and reassigned my mercs from squad 1 to squad 2.

PS: @silversurfer: Thanks for the reply, must have missed it earlier. I definitely did alt-tab out a lot during character creation since I was completely unfamiliar with the new character traits

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by Flugente on Sat, 17 May 2014 19:21:19 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message M16AMachinegunBASIC_RELIABILITY_ODDS in CTHConstraints will be set to 100 upon startup if user sets between 100 and 10000 as advertised in the description:

Quote: ; This is the basic chance PER SHOT to lose 1 point of weapon condition with each ; bullet fired. The formula for this chance is 1 in BASE_DEPRECIATE_CHANCE, so higher ; values result in slower degradation. ; The default value for OCTH is 15, but NCTH requires a **much** higher ; expenditure of bullets, resulting in severely-reduced weapon condition after every ; battle. Therefore, the default for NCTH is currently 150. ; Valid range is 0-10000. BASIC_RELIABILITY_ODDS = (some number)

This bug's been around for at least a year. Fixed in r7208. It's now 0-10000, like the ini says.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by M16AMachinegun on Sat, 17 May 2014 23:57:40 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Another bug

Windows 7 64-bit: Lack of Windows Aero support

Game image stops updating when User Account Control dims the desktop like this

Page 469 of 585 ---- Generated from The Bears Pit Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by Slax on Sun, 18 May 2014 00:22:53 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message No aero when running on 16-bit graphics.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by M16AMachinegun on Sun, 18 May 2014 07:53:30 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Totally incompatable, huh?

Thanks for the heads up. I figured out how to remove the screen-dimming 'feature'.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by M16AMachinegun on Wed, 21 May 2014 17:02:10 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message I made a detailed post in cussio.html regarding a nasty visual glitch i've been having since early May Post #332012

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by Seven. on Wed, 21 May 2014 23:42:48 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message When trying to fire beyond the weapon range, merc often says "bad chance to hit" quote and refuses to fire (you have to click again to fire). It's very annoying in NCTH, because weapon's range is not a big problen in this system - you can fire at 1.5x normal weapon range and hit.

Another problem is that AI uses the same routine to determine chances to fire or taking cover. INT8 ChanceToGetThrough( SOLDIERTYPE * pFirer, FLOAT dEndX, FLOAT dEndY, FLOAT dEndZ ) And if this function does not work correctly (in NCTH), maybe it can also cause the known "AI refuses to fire" problem?

Page 470 of 585 ---- Generated from The Bears Pit Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by Slax on Thu, 22 May 2014 07:21:32 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message SevenfmWhen trying to fire beyond the weapon range, merc often says "bad chance to hit" quote and refuses to fire (you have to click again to fire). It's very annoying in NCTH, because weapon's range is not a big problen in this system - you can fire at 1.5x normal weapon range and hit.

Another problem is that AI uses the same routine to determine chances to fire or taking cover. INT8 ChanceToGetThrough( SOLDIERTYPE * pFirer, FLOAT dEndX, FLOAT dEndY, FLOAT dEndZ ) And if this function does not work correctly (in NCTH), maybe it can also cause the known "AI refuses to fire" problem?

Quoted for truth. Possibly very disorienting for new players. Definitely annoying for veterans.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by M16AMachinegun on Sat, 24 May 2014 10:26:46 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message AFS RC8 + SCI 7205

Attempted to create "Regeneration Dart" using existing dart ammunition as a base and checking the "regeneration" flag.

IMP shoots Tranquilizer dart at Grizzly, only effect is 2 damage (dart damage), Grizzly shot back, dealing 25-ish damage.

Thinking this is a perfect opportunity to test the regen dart, I tell IMP to give the dart gun to Grizzly and have Grizzly shoot the regeneration dart at my now moderately injured IMP.

Merc promptly loses all breath points and falls down, no regeneration activated.

I really hope i'm just doing it wrong, but I recommend someone to take a look at how regeneration and tranquilizer flags work when used with ammunition such as darts.

Intended effect:

Neurotoxin Dart: Several turns after shot with dart, target dies. Tranquilizer Dart: (Supposedly) brings breath points to zero for several (if not more) turns. Energy Booster Dart: Mimics Energy Booster shot, "Adrenaline" flag. Target receives a boost of energy and can operate at higher maximum APs for a while. Regeneration Dart: Mimics Regeneration shot, "Regeneration" flag. Target heals 30+ HP of

Page 471 of 585 ---- Generated from The Bears Pit damage.

I plan on using other flags for custom darts in a Scifi campaign, such as a hemostatic dart (mimics bandaging), blindness, and other effects.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by John_5696 on Thu, 29 May 2014 22:06:32 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Crash Report: Game version: tested on r7230+ (of 2014 stable branch), repeatable. Chinese builds. Description: Language specific condition, does not exist in respective English builds. If MAX_NUMBER_OF_TRAITS and/or MAX_NUMBER_OF_TRAITS_FOR_IMP was set too high (like 20 or 30), game will crash when click "personnel" button in the laptop screen after creating an IMP with too many skills and traits. Nothing shows up the game just go plain crash. Might be something wrong with text manifestation, overflow of total skills and traits messages under Chinese characters.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by Seven. on Mon, 02 Jun 2014 00:39:12 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message STAMINA_HIT option is present in ja2_options.ini but not in the code. (APBPConstants.ini are used instead)

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by wsmithjr2013 on Mon, 02 Jun 2014 04:17:10 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Play Deidranna Lives 1.13 mod, but this crash seemed to be a general 1.13 thing.

A single merc and militia were defending the center sector of Drassen and the last enemy retreated north into the Drassen Airport sector, which was under rebel control. The game didn't seem to have a problem with an enemy being in a sector with 2 other mercs and militia. However, when I moved the merc who was defending the center sector, I was asked to place my mercs on the map edge. However, no map edge was available. I tried clicking everywhere to no avail. So, then I decided to try the Spread option to place the mercs automatically and that's when the game crashed.

The contents of stack_trace.log is:

[17914.9] : Backtrace: ChooseMapEdgepoints: Failed to pass a valid strategic insertion code.

Page 472 of 585 ---- Generated from The Bears Pit and the contents of ERROR_REPORT.iniErrorMessages.txt is:

*** Mon Jun 02 00:08:26 2014 *** [ OF2TR-VPARP-8LFL1-97XQ6-AVRG9 ]

[4.97607e-006] :

This happened with SDO 2033 with gamedir 2033 and DL113 4.48.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by Buggler on Mon, 02 Jun 2014 08:43:26 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Artificially created a game with wsmithjr2013 bug in 1.13.

Unable to place mercs in overhead screen if player attacks from the strategic screen on a friendly sector with retreated enemy.


To reproduce: 1. Use squad 1 to attack B13, Drassen Airport in strategic screen 2. Unable to place mercs' starting location in the overhead screen 3. CTD occurs on pressing 'Spread' button

To circumvent the problem: a. attack by traversing in tactical screen (thanks Sevenfm) OR b. load B13 sector directly to start fight

Created on Stable r7201. (Savegame can be loaded with development branch)

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by cresforce on Tue, 03 Jun 2014 11:59:26 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message John_5696Crash Report: Game version: tested on r7230+ (of 2014 stable branch), repeatable. Chinese builds. Description: Language specific condition, does not exist in respective English builds. If MAX_NUMBER_OF_TRAITS and/or MAX_NUMBER_OF_TRAITS_FOR_IMP was set too high (like 20 or 30), game will crash when click "personnel" button in the laptop screen after creating an IMP with too many skills and traits. Nothing shows up the game just go plain crash. Might be something wrong with text manifestation, overflow of total skills and traits messages under Chinese characters.

Page 473 of 585 ---- Generated from The Bears Pit fixed it in r7253

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by tim110011 on Thu, 05 Jun 2014 10:05:55 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message 7265 chinese build fails with: "E:\game\ja2\src2\ja2_VS2010.sln" (default target) (1) -> "E:\game\ja2\src2\ja2_VS2010.vcxproj.metaproj" (default target) (8) -> "E:\game\ja2\src2\Tactical\Tactical_VS2010.vcxproj" (default target) (16) -> (ClCompile target) -> Overhead.cpp(596): error C3861: 'AddLanguagePrefix': identifier not found [E: \game\ja2\src2\Tactical\Tactical_VS2010.vcxproj]

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by wanne (aka RoWa21) on Thu, 05 Jun 2014 14:20:25 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message tim1100117265 chinese build fails with: "E:\game\ja2\src2\ja2_VS2010.sln" (default target) (1) -> "E:\game\ja2\src2\ja2_VS2010.vcxproj.metaproj" (default target) (8) -> "E:\game\ja2\src2\Tactical\Tactical_VS2010.vcxproj" (default target) (16) -> (ClCompile target) -> Overhead.cpp(596): error C3861: 'AddLanguagePrefix': identifier not found [E: \game\ja2\src2\Tactical\Tactical_VS2010.vcxproj]

Fixed in rev. 7266

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by Strohmann on Mon, 16 Jun 2014 08:02:33 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Revision 2054 with exe 7249:

1) vehicles: passengers in cars with higher than 6 (tested with 10) can't switch seats with CTRL + ARROW to seats over #6 (regardless if they are empty or occupied). 2) sector inventory: hovering with the mouse cursor over a gun doesn't highlight fitting attachments anymore (and vice versa). 3) index cap: RandomItem.xml allows no more than 1000 indexes, otherwise items don't spawn correctly anymore. It would nice if the cap would be lifted or at least drastically increased (wil473 already gave agreement to this). 4) item spawning: ammo boxes spawning from random items (but itemclass Misc) ignore

Page 474 of 585 ---- Generated from The Bears Pit itemstatus and always spawn with full ammunition. I would prefer reverting this and allow fine tuning the status. 5) description box/cosmetic: modifiers for handling have green colour for positive values, should be red because more handling=bad. 6) description box/cosmetic: modifiers for armour piercing have green colour for values >1, should be red because more=less penetration. 7) description box: every attachment on a gun increases the maximum counter-force modifier crouching/prone by 10/25% even if the stat isn't present on the attachment. That allows even weak shooters to overcome strong recoil by just stacking them. Skills_Settings.INI: if CAN_DETERMINE_ENEMY_NUMBERS_IN_SECTORS_AROUND is set to FALSE mercs with scouting trait spott enemy presences in all adjacent sectors, even if they aren't any troops.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by silversurfer on Mon, 16 Jun 2014 09:06:00 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message StrohmannRevision 2054 with exe 7249:

7) description box: every attachment on a gun increases the maximum counter-force modifier crouching/prone by 10/25% even if the stat isn't present on the attachment. That allows even weak shooters to overcome strong recoil by just stacking them.

This could be somewhat intended. I remember discussions that a weapon that is becoming heavier because of attachments is easier to control. I haven't checked this behaviour and if it is related to attachment weight.

Strohmann Skills_Settings.INI: if CAN_DETERMINE_ENEMY_NUMBERS_IN_SECTORS_AROUND is set to FALSE mercs with scouting trait spott enemy presences in all adjacent sectors, even if they aren't any troops. This is directly related to the false reports feature. I think I will remove it completely because it is causing nothing but trouble. Already had the same issue as above with the NO_ENEMY_DETECTION_WITHOUT_RECON option. Setting a fixed percentage chance for false reports would probably also only lead to confusion. edit: I disabled false reports in revision 7273.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by Strohmann on Mon, 16 Jun 2014 10:44:37 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message It doesn't seem to be weight related. The default iron sights in my mod on every gun weigh nothing, or even the light rifle sling, both still give the bonus. In the current form i deem it way too powerful. Why not adding a on individual item basis instead of a global modifier?

Page 475 of 585 ---- Generated from The Bears Pit A (default disabled) chance of false report could be interesting, but in the current form the option is useless.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by silversurfer on Mon, 16 Jun 2014 16:49:45 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Strohmann 2) sector inventory: hovering with the mouse cursor over a gun doesn't highlight fitting attachments anymore (and vice versa).

Cannot reproduce. Hovering over a weapon in sector inventory highlights ammo and attachments just fine (tested with several weapons and foregrip, flash suppressor) and vice versa in rev. 7273.

Strohmann 5) description box/cosmetic: modifiers for handling have green colour for positive values, should be red because more handling=bad.

6) description box/cosmetic: modifiers for armour piercing have green colour for values >1, should be red because more=less penetration.

Fixed in revision 7275 among the respective display issue with comparison mode.

Strohmann 7) description box: every attachment on a gun increases the maximum counter-force modifier crouching/prone by 10/25% even if the stat isn't present on the attachment. That allows even weak shooters to overcome strong recoil by just stacking them.

Also fixed in revision 7275. The stance based modifier now only applies to guns. In addition to that I enabled display of the max counter force modifier for attachments which was disabled before.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by Strohmann on Mon, 16 Jun 2014 18:39:45 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message The reason seems that i mainly use attachmentpoints. I checked, highlighting works for items from Attachments.xml. Can this still be "fixed" or does the highlightning rely mandatorily on the attachments beeing present in Attachments.xml?

Quote:The stance based modifier now only applies to guns.I don't understand, what does this mean? Attachments on a non-gun doesn't display the modifier anymore?

Page 476 of 585 ---- Generated from The Bears Pit Before reporting i tested if it was just a display error or the real maximum counter-force modifier; it turned out the latter. The issue was some attachments (scope, laser, suppressor, grip/pod and sling) fit on nearly every gun; that equals +150% and upward counterforce (if prone) for "free" even for the weakest shooter, seems overpowered. Was this addressed in any form?

Also i forgot: 9) Radio Set seems to require beeing a combat pack (3

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by silversurfer on Tue, 17 Jun 2014 07:38:48 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message StrohmannThe reason seems that i mainly use attachmentpoints. I checked, highlighting works for items from Attachments.xml. Can this still be "fixed" or does the highlightning rely mandatorily on the attachments beeing present in Attachments.xml?

Highlighting relies on Attachments.xml.

Strohmann Quote:The stance based modifier now only applies to guns.I don't understand, what does this mean? Attachments on a non-gun doesn't display the modifier anymore?

Before reporting i tested if it was just a display error or the real maximum counter-force modifier; it turned out the latter. The issue was some attachments (scope, laser, suppressor, grip/pod and sling) fit on nearly every gun; that equals +150% and upward counterforce (if prone) for "free" even for the weakest shooter, seems overpowered. Was this addressed in any form?

Sorry, my statement wasn't very clear. First, there is no recoil on non-guns. Second, there are two stance based modifiers in CTHConstants.ini: RECOIL_MAX_COUNTER_CROUCH - bonus when the character is crouched RECOIL_MAX_COUNTER_PRONE - bonus when the character is prone

These applied for every single attachment and the weapon itself before, giving the insane bonus. Yes, this wasn't just a display error. Now they only apply to the gun itself no matter how many attachments you have on that gun. The attachments will provide their modifier just like they should. When you view an attachment in UDB now you will see exactly this modifier making it easier to verify the effect of different attachments on the weapon.

Strohmann 9) Radio Set seems to require beeing a combat pack (3

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by Strohmann on Tue, 17 Jun 2014 08:18:45 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message

Page 477 of 585 ---- Generated from The Bears Pit Quote:Highlighting relies on Attachments.xml.Too bad. Nevertheless thanks for the fixes.

Not sure if error: As of recently we have the option MAX_BACKPACK_WEIGHT_TO_CLIMB in Ja2_Options.INI, climbing on roofs/jumping over obstacles can depend on weight now. Is it intentional, that it only counts the weight of the empty backpack? Filling it to the brim seems to make no difference. Also jumping Southeast Northwest doesn't seems to work for all obstacles, at least for the wooden fences in Cambria G9, but that may be an age old problem.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by JMich on Tue, 17 Jun 2014 11:06:04 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Strohmann Is it intentional, that it only counts the weight of the empty backpack? Filling it to the brim seems to make no difference. Not intentional. I think I used the function to get the item of a specific item, so it should be looking at the backpack slot, and calculating the weight of that one. If it doesn't properly calculate it, it does need fixing.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by Seven. on Sat, 21 Jun 2014 12:07:07 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message 1. Click on the 'teams' button on the team panel in tactics (this opens list of squads in current sector instead of minimap) 2. Right-click on the merc portrait to open big inventory panel. 3. Crash. tested with stable r7282

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by silversurfer on Sat, 21 Jun 2014 17:15:01 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Sevenfm1. Click on the 'teams' button on the team panel in tactics (this opens list of squads in current sector instead of minimap) 2. Right-click on the merc portrait to open big inventory panel. 3. Crash. tested with stable r7282 Fixed in 7285. The view is now reset to minimap because this is the only supported view in the inventory screen.

Page 478 of 585 ---- Generated from The Bears Pit Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by Parkan on Thu, 17 Jul 2014 18:57:04 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message 7337 version of exe.There is a glithc appearing when mercs talks.After finish his\her speech the portret and text file don't remove and only after clickng on text it removing.I see this bug first time.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by Shacker on Sat, 19 Jul 2014 03:32:42 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Crash when going to strategic map after first fight with iMP with "Scout" trait on INSANE and Expert Difficulty Levels, Experienced work well. I think is a problem with sti contained points showed how many enemies in sector.

R7337 with defaults in all ini and XML settings (clean)

[47.8813] : ERROR : File : vobject.cpp Line : 967 Location : BltVideoObjectToBuffer Video object index is larger than the number of subimages

UPD: Crash on all difficulties when sector enemies > 6?

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by tais on Sat, 19 Jul 2014 05:20:50 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message ShackerCrash when going to strategic map after first fight with iMP with "Scout" trait on INSANE and Expert Difficulty Levels, Experienced work well. I think is a problem with sti contained points showed how many enemies in sector.

R7337 with defaults in all ini and XML settings (clean)

[47.8813] : ERROR : File : vobject.cpp Line : 967 Location : BltVideoObjectToBuffer Video object index is larger than the number of subimages

UPD: Crash on all difficulties when sector enemies > 6? did you also get the right revision gamedir for that build? it requires some updated STI files that you can find in the gamedir repo under revision 2070

Page 479 of 585 ---- Generated from The Bears Pit Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by Seven. on Sun, 20 Jul 2014 07:57:58 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message 1. Run ja2.exe 2. In main menu, press [N] 3. Crash tested with stable and main trunk.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by tais on Sun, 20 Jul 2014 08:03:09 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Ooooh that's a funny one, nice find!

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by Parkan on Sun, 20 Jul 2014 08:59:09 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Parkan7337 version of exe.There is a glithc appearing when mercs talks.After finish his\her speech the portret and text file don't remove and only after clickng on text it removing.I see this bug first time.

Also 7307 version of exe.There is a some pause appear in mercs talks during game(tactical battles\strategic movement).In option the pause of speaking was turned off,so there is a glitch in mercs talk.Playing new aimnas caused my game to hang during battle and only GABBi cheats saved me from start battle from begin.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by iWat on Tue, 22 Jul 2014 03:09:30 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Don't know if this was reported or is just me. Started playing ja2 again after a year break.

Latest 7337.exe, the alt+shift+w GABBI code for backwards item scrolling does not work for me, alt+w works as it should. It's a bit annoying because it really helps with item sorting.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by Buggler on Tue, 22 Jul 2014 07:33:29 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message

Page 480 of 585 ---- Generated from The Bears Pit iWatDon't know if this was reported or is just me. Started playing ja2 again after a year break.

Latest 7337.exe, the alt+shift+w GABBI code for backwards item scrolling does not work for me, alt+w works as it should. It's a bit annoying because it really helps with item sorting. Yes, function was lost when doing the hotkey code reorganization in r7278. Will be restored in the next SCI.

Check back this post if you wish to know the exact revision number.

Thanks for the bug report.

Edit: Fixed in r7360.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by Elvis_A on Tue, 22 Jul 2014 08:15:48 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message 7337 exe, latest gamedir, although it happened to me in earlier revisions. 2 Bugs Bobby-ray related: 1) shipments disappears, stealing is OFF, chance to lose cargo is set to 1% and "coffee money" is given to Pablo. 2) maybe related to 1st one, screen goes black after I open shipments at BR site.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by silversurfer on Tue, 22 Jul 2014 09:54:35 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Sevenfm1. Run ja2.exe 2. In main menu, press [N] 3. Crash tested with stable and main trunk. Fixed in revision 7357.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by Elvis_A on Tue, 22 Jul 2014 17:28:18 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Truck does not like my mercs XD Toggle Spoiler by the way other bug related to Mercs opinion - I recruited Ears after other my mers, as soon as he arrived - mercs had negative impression - "good stuff always goes to him"

Page 481 of 585 ---- Generated from The Bears Pit Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by Flugente on Wed, 23 Jul 2014 10:18:09 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message The issue with vehicles having opinions should be fixed by now. Mercs complaining about other mercs getting better equipment is not a bug. They do that if the other person's gear has a way higher coolness.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by wolf00 on Wed, 23 Jul 2014 10:22:03 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message 7307 base exe,well pc is not best machine,but i think this is slower than prewious build

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by Elvis_A on Wed, 23 Jul 2014 11:24:00 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message FlugenteThe issue with vehicles having opinions should be fixed by now. Mercs complaining about other mercs getting better equipment is not a bug. They do that if the other person's gear has a way higher coolness. well then is there any way to change the description so it will not sound like a bug? Is it possible to add coolness indicator to MElody site so it will be easier to tweak mercs inventory so everybody had equal coolness items.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by Seven. on Wed, 23 Jul 2014 13:58:34 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message It seems that if you set SQUAD_SIZE = 10 in Ja2_sp.ini in the profile dir, the program does not check if this is supported in actual resolution, so you can start a new game with the squad size=10 in 800x600, but you will not be able to load it later.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by silversurfer on Wed, 23 Jul 2014 15:09:02 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message SevenfmIt seems that if you set SQUAD_SIZE = 10

Page 482 of 585 ---- Generated from The Bears Pit in Ja2_sp.ini in the profile dir, the program does not check if this is supported in actual resolution, so you can start a new game with the squad size=10 in 800x600, but you will not be able to load it later. 1024x768 was set as default resolution of the game and it's sufficient for squad size 10. The game will tell you that you have to increase a lower resolution if you try to load a savegame with this squad size.

Sometimes people should simply read the comments that are present at the game options before messing with them. Or in other words - RTFM!

;------; Maximum Squad Size ; ; 6 = Available in 640x480, 800x600 and 1024x768 screen resolution ; 8 = Available in 800x600 and 1024x768 screen resolution ; 10 = Available in 1024x768 screen resolution ;------SQUAD_SIZE = 8

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by Seven. on Wed, 23 Jul 2014 15:13:05 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Still if the program allows to start the game with unsupported squad size, it's a bug. You can receive ini file with a mod as a default setting, or you can import it from another computer etc, then you start the game, save it, but unable to load it later.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by silversurfer on Thu, 24 Jul 2014 08:20:40 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message If you want to change it go ahead. I wouldn't waste my time on something the player can easily fix himself. Honestly, who is forced to use ancient resolutions like 800x600 or lower anyway? Any computer can display at least 1024x768 and much higher resolutions.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by wolf00 on Thu, 24 Jul 2014 10:37:35 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message this is my set maximum allow to hire:32.squad size:10,screen resolution-1024x768x32

Page 483 of 585 ---- Generated from The Bears Pit Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by wolf00 on Sun, 27 Jul 2014 06:23:36 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message litle problem's with emeny on border of map [they are partialy in sight but on map edge],some emeny's are immune to shoting, if they are knocked down on ground by explosive or stun munition,if i try punch them or try use my knife,game game show clock animation[maybe some is mising]

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by Flugente on Mon, 28 Jul 2014 21:00:31 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message ParkanParkan7337 version of exe.There is a glithc appearing when mercs talks.After finish his\her speech the portret and text file don't remove and only after clickng on text it removing.I see this bug first time.

Also 7307 version of exe.There is a some pause appear in mercs talks during game(tactical battles\strategic movement).In option the pause of speaking was turned off,so there is a glitch in mercs talk.Playing new aimnas caused my game to hang during battle and only GABBi cheats saved me from start battle from begin. Fixed in r7367.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by waSchtl on Thu, 31 Jul 2014 07:24:05 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Items which are not of JA2 Vanila will not be displayed with the Release Candiate in the game. This behaviour is not at all and must be changed otherwise is the version bullshit and to use for nothing. in 7337 is the same problem!


Who makes it so what?

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by Gorro der Grüne on Thu, 31 Jul 2014 11:45:51 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message this map editor bug is in 4 quite a while

Page 484 of 585 ---- Generated from The Bears Pit Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by waSchtl on Thu, 31 Jul 2014 13:00:08 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Then this needs to be fixed quickly :thumbsup:

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by Flugente on Thu, 31 Jul 2014 18:47:34 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Wow. I have no idea on what exactly you are talking about (map editor bug about non-appearing items? That also affects normal gameplay? Explain the error dammit!), but your condescending tone doesn't exactly motivate to solve the problem either. Good luck then.

Is it so hard to describe the error before whining?

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by waSchtl on Fri, 01 Aug 2014 06:19:41 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Go in the Mapeditor Set an Item (not vanila) Open game an enter the sector with the new item The item was not present Which affects some Items (not vanila) such as rocket launchers, weapons and explosive that I have tested better?

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by JMich on Fri, 01 Aug 2014 06:22:09 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message DocSchuhGo in the Mapeditor Set an Item (not vanila) Open game an enter the sector with the new item The item was not present Which affects some Items (not vanila) such as rocket launchers, weapons and explosive that I have tested better? Question, are you using the Vanilla VFS or the 1.13 one? If you use the vanilla one, quite a few options are not available, including items above 350.

Page 485 of 585 ---- Generated from The Bears Pit Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by waSchtl on Fri, 01 Aug 2014 06:27:09 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Hello JMich, i have this tested with 1.13 - 7337 (English exe) and the Release Candidate 1.13 with English and German ja2.exe from this Thread: Post334670

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by silversurfer on Fri, 01 Aug 2014 06:32:13 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Did you save the map in new format? If it is saved in old format all non-vanilla items are stripped off the map.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by waSchtl on Fri, 01 Aug 2014 06:48:56 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message I think in new format!

Get this afternoon look again at home. Cant here at work just look.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by Gorro der Grüne on Fri, 01 Aug 2014 07:17:30 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message how to save in new / old format are there more buttons?

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by JMich on Fri, 01 Aug 2014 07:58:27 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message DocSchuhi have this tested with 1.13 - 7337 (English exe) and the Release Candidate 1.13 with English and German ja2.exe from this Thread: Post334670 All recent (including the 4870 stable one) versions of 1.13 include both a vanilla VFS and a 1.13 one. But the default is the 1.13 one, so I guess you didn't mess with that part.

Page 486 of 585 ---- Generated from The Bears Pit P.S. You are modifying a map you haven't yet visited, right?

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by silversurfer on Fri, 01 Aug 2014 08:15:00 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Gorro der Gr

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by waSchtl on Fri, 01 Aug 2014 09:24:46 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Ah.. thanks JMich and Silversurfer I check this at home!

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by Gorro der Grüne on Fri, 01 Aug 2014 13:08:38 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message is there an ini or xml to remove this bloody idio... fine feature?

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by silversurfer on Fri, 01 Aug 2014 13:25:18 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Gorro der Gr

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by Gorro der Grüne on Fri, 01 Aug 2014 13:37:20 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message since this editor kills at least each 3rd big change, You have to do it part by part and got Your chance to miss this "feature" with each save. -> after any save You have to copy and rename the map (security 4 the work so far)

-> in my eyes this "feature" is solid crap and a source of errors and endless frustration to have a crippling feature as unchangeable default reminds me to the idiotic smokers' argument: they never did complain about somebody NOT smoking

Page 487 of 585 ---- Generated from The Bears Pit Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by waSchtl on Fri, 01 Aug 2014 14:37:50 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Thanks Gorro so is it!

The Problem with the feature is, I musst all Maps for complete Arulco new save. :headbanger:

And if I forget once the hook to take the frustration out everything big when the Items fail.....

My Mod has 236 new Maps :wb:

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by silversurfer on Fri, 01 Aug 2014 14:49:13 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message I have no idea why this was changed. Saving non-vanilla items in old map format caused some problem but I don't remember it exactly anymore. Ask Kriplo, our editor master.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by waSchtl on Fri, 01 Aug 2014 15:22:13 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message I's ok with the feature. The item as in the sector when save in right format.

Thank for your help.

I go save all new map in new format! :headbanger:

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by waSchtl on Mon, 04 Aug 2014 12:52:22 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message If I move my soldiers in Combatmode at Tactical, then set this at your destination no longer out.

Is this is a bug or desired?

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by silversurfer on Tue, 05 Aug 2014 11:25:37 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message

Page 488 of 585 ---- Generated from The Bears Pit Sorry, I don't understand what you mean. You are in combat and have a soldier at the map border? Then you click the arrow to move him across that map border to the neighboring sector? Now you are not able to cancel this movement order anymore on the strategic map?

If that was your question then yes, I believe it is working as intended. I suppose this is done to prevent the player from exploiting the feature and 'park mercs in transit' until the danger is gone on that border.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by waSchtl on Tue, 05 Aug 2014 11:58:11 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Sorry i mean sit down the merc on our target destination. He remains in a crouch attitude. in 4870 she sitting on target destination.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by silversurfer on Tue, 05 Aug 2014 13:57:52 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Ah, now I understand. You move your crouched merc to some destination and he remains in a stance that looks like he is still 'moving'. This is working as intended. It's a feature that allows to continue movement with less AP because the merc is still in 'movement mode'. As soon as you perform another action this 'movement mode' will be gone. The same applies to walking and crawling.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by waSchtl on Tue, 05 Aug 2014 20:07:09 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Okay i understand. Thanks

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by darkelf1986 on Sun, 17 Aug 2014 12:02:11 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Using latest build SCI_Unstable_Revision_7393_on_GameDir_2100 - When opening Encyclopedia game freezes. I can't say i need it, but...

P.S. Previous version worked fine, just checked

Page 489 of 585 ---- Generated from The Bears Pit Any suggestions?

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by darkelf1986 on Tue, 19 Aug 2014 12:01:25 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Is there someone reading this forum section? Give some explanation please...

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by Gambigobilla on Tue, 19 Aug 2014 16:09:58 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message lurking this thread... please continue

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by darkelf1986 on Tue, 19 Aug 2014 17:29:36 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message I'll wait for the next release then, hope this will be fixed.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by wanne (aka RoWa21) on Wed, 20 Aug 2014 19:29:49 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message darkelf1986Using latest build SCI_Unstable_Revision_7393_on_GameDir_2100 - When opening Encyclopedia game freezes. I can't say i need it, but...

P.S. Previous version worked fine, just checked

Any suggestions?

It seems the "Diseaes-Feature" broke the Encyclopedia. Flugente is already informed.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by Flugente on Thu, 21 Aug 2014 14:20:04 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message AS said before, I still cannot reproduce that. I just did a clean new installation, start the exe, start a

Page 490 of 585 ---- Generated from The Bears Pit new game, open encyclopedia and it works. I do not experience any glitches here.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by darkelf1986 on Thu, 21 Aug 2014 16:48:20 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message So did I, installed from scratch, Encyclopedia now opens but menu's inside are freezing when "Downloading".

P.S. reinstalled once again to another folder - Encyclopedia doesn't open again

Flugente - are you using 1CD from gold version + patch 1.12 + latest SCI build?

P.P.S. Well, i noticed a strange thing - after changing resolution to 800X600 Encyclopedia opened but links inside still ended up with game freeze.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by silversurfer on Fri, 22 Aug 2014 20:50:28 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message I can reproduce the problem in revision 7402 with a release exe but not with a debug exe. I used an old savegame, went to the encyclopedia web site and clicked on "Locations".

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by wanne (aka RoWa21) on Sat, 23 Aug 2014 08:54:33 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message I can also confirm the freeze happens with a release exe

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by buggerbot on Sat, 23 Aug 2014 11:44:14 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Same thing happening for me with encyclopedia.

Installed fresh Jagged Alliance 2 Gold v.1.10 english Updated with v1.12 patch

Copied files from SCI pack SCI_Unstable_Revision_7393_on_GameDir_2100

My system is Windows 8.1 Pro 64bit.

Page 491 of 585 ---- Generated from The Bears Pit Running Ja2.exe with settings: - run as administrator - compatibility mode Windows XP SP3 Changed in ja2.ini: - resolution in game and in editor to 7 (1366x768) - disabled intro Also copied content of win8 fix to gamedir (files wined3d.dll, ddraw.dll and libwine.dll)

No other changes in inis, xmls and no mods. Started fresh new game with no changes in settings. New game parameters (difficulty, squad sizes etc) default. No changes.

After that, when new game starts i try to open encyclopedia before i do anything(not even hiring new mercs or creating own merc) the in game laptop loading bar appears, loads a little bit and then game stops. Sound still plays but i cant move in game cursor and pressing keyboard buttons does nothing. Task manager does not mark application as "unresponsive". ps. When running game and its loading (with SIRTECH LOGO) it says in top left corner:


Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by darkelf1986 on Sat, 23 Aug 2014 17:01:23 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message That's because of a new Disease feature i think. By the way, this feature can not be enabled in INI editor - it is always set to disabled.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by buggerbot on Sat, 23 Aug 2014 18:03:49 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message I just want to mention it happens not only with encyclopedia but game is very unstable with ingame laptop in various places. Getting freezes during browsing bobbys rays all over the place.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by silversurfer on Sun, 24 Aug 2014 12:03:10 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Randok 2. Bug: enemy in fire. I throw in enemies Molotov Cocktail ( one turn ). In the next turn of enemies to move in fire and clock spins without end.

Page 492 of 585 ---- Generated from The Bears Pit I was finally able to find a fix the problem in revision 7405.

Fixed another problem with fire as well. The damage modifiers for movement through gas clouds were not applied to fire causing insane amounts of damage to the victim. Don't be surprised if your opponent can now exit fire clouds more easily. Before they were a certain death trap. Fixed in revision 7407.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by darkelf1986 on Sun, 24 Aug 2014 17:20:20 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message While creating a second or third IMP character, if choosing a Personnel button (where you see your created or hired mercenaries) causes the game to freeze most of the time.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by hrvg on Mon, 25 Aug 2014 16:00:03 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Hi,

English version = SCI_Unstable_Revision_7393_on_GameDir_2100.7z French version = JA2_FR_7365_Stable.exe

There is a little problem with "Rifle Pouch" item. The item disappears when its slots are occupied by other items. (To screenshots):

Bobby Ray, ok. (English/French version)

Before taking "Rifle Pouch". It's good. (English/French version)

"Rifle Pouch" disappeared (NADA). It's not good. (English/French version)

"Rifle Pouch" disappeared (NADA). It's not good. (English/French version)

Page 493 of 585 ---- Generated from The Bears Pit Slots "Rifle Pouch" are free.... It's good. (English/French version)

Unless I am mistaken (if I'm not mistaken)...

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by hrvg on Mon, 25 Aug 2014 20:12:04 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Hi, I have another problem... For English version = "SCI_Unstable_Revision_7393_on_GameDir_2100.7z". Only, no french version "JA2_FR_7365_Stable.exe"

There is a big problem with Bobby Ray... If I click "Shipments"... My game crashes (blocked).

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by wanne (aka RoWa21) on Mon, 25 Aug 2014 21:32:25 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message @hrvg: I cannot reproduce the crash on Bobby Ray. I have sent you a PM.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by RunAwayScientist on Tue, 26 Aug 2014 07:47:09 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message On the latest build available (r 7384 exe; 7393 archive version), both on Depri's FTP and the one on the SVN there are a few new bugs:

Issue #1 (Medkits Hourly Update): At every hourly update, first aid kits are placed into the primary hand of every merc who has a first aid kit, both in tactical and strategic.

Issue #2 (No Mine Income): Upon loading a save or starting a new game, all mines report no

Page 494 of 585 ---- Generated from The Bears Pit income at all, even after capture and talking to the head miner.

Issue #3 (Black screen upon loading sector with Skyrider in sector): When a helicopter with loaded mercs enters a sector and the player presses the load sector button, the screen goes black and the program freezes. This is presumably related to fast rope insertions.

Issue #4 (Missing Subimages For Diseases): The required images/files for diseases are missing from the SVN Data/Depribots builds. Game crashes when using any disease assignment action (diagnose/treat).

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by Flugente on Thu, 28 Aug 2014 02:22:15 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message RunAwayScientistIssue #1 (Medkits Hourly Update): At every hourly update, first aid kits are placed into the primary hand of every merc who has a first aid kit, both in tactical and strategic.Fixed in r7442.

RunAwayScientistIssue #2 (No Mine Income): Upon loading a save or starting a new game, all mines report no income at all, even after capture and talking to the head miner.Fixed in r7443. Also, if you play with disease, make sure your TableData/Map/SectorNames.xml is up to date.

RunAwayScientistIssue #3 (Black screen upon loading sector with Skyrider in sector): When a helicopter with loaded mercs enters a sector and the player presses the load sector button, the screen goes black and the program freezes. This is presumably related to fast rope insertions.Could not reproduce.

RunAwayScientistIssue #4 (Missing Subimages For Diseases): The required images/files for diseases are missing from the SVN Data/Depribots builds. Game crashes when using any disease assignment action (diagnose/treat). Fixed in GameDir r2121.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by Flugente on Thu, 28 Aug 2014 02:32:20 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message darkelf1986Using latest build SCI_Unstable_Revision_7393_on_GameDir_2100 - When opening Encyclopedia game freezes. I can't say i need it, but...

P.S. Previous version worked fine, just checked

Page 495 of 585 ---- Generated from The Bears Pit Any suggestions? Fixed in r7440. Wow, this was a tough bug to squish.

Long explanation for those interested: What made the bug very hard t catch was that it did not occur in any VS2013-built versions (which is the compiler I use to create my exes, which led to a few WTF's of mine. Additionally, in those VS versions it did occur, it only did so in Release exes - not in Debug exes, and not even in Release exes with additional debug infos (which was broken in VS2010 btw).

Also, for the record :goodnews:, this wasn't entirely a new 'disease' bug - it was something that has been wrong for years. Basically, there was an array called gfWWWaitSubSitesVisitedFlags[] that should keep track of websites visited, but was too small. It didn't take into account my new websites, the briefing room or the encyclopedia. This means that this bug was in fact several years old.

As a result, visiting those sites led to the game writing over other variables. Like, say, images loaded, or sound channels. It seems however, that the debug mode and VS2013 prevented this bad access. Anyway, should be fixed now.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by Flugente on Thu, 28 Aug 2014 02:38:04 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message darkelf1986While creating a second or third IMP character, if choosing a Personnel button (where you see your created or hired mercenaries) causes the game to freeze most of the time. Could not reproduce (hopefully r7440 also solved this one).

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by Lacedaemonius on Thu, 28 Aug 2014 04:03:44 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message I receive this error when selecting Doc in UB. This only happens from ~Day 6 on, I had no issues prior. Reinstalled and I still receive the error. I can UL relevant files on this bugzilla thing if need be.

EDIT: Forgot to mention this is on build 7393 installed from scratch.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by RunAwayScientist on Thu, 28 Aug 2014 12:53:59 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Flugente

Page 496 of 585 ---- Generated from The Bears Pit As a result, visiting those sites led to the game writing over other variables.

Using static arrays instead of vectors...

Thanks for the fixes, Flug, time to go get mercilessly run down by the new tanks!

To clarify on Issue #3:

The bug with the helicopter occurs when using the 'Load Sector' button in the bottom right of the UI, -NOT- the 'Enter Sector' button at the top left middle of the red sector combat pop-up window that replaces the squad screen.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by darkelf1986 on Thu, 28 Aug 2014 17:46:30 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Will there be a new SCI version due to some annoying bugs fixed?

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by DepressivesBrot on Thu, 28 Aug 2014 18:03:01 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message There will be a new SCI when a new SCI is due

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by darkelf1986 on Thu, 28 Aug 2014 18:13:44 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Was here any info about dates of a stable release?

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by DepressivesBrot on Thu, 28 Aug 2014 18:23:11 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Only the giant newspost on the frontpage.

Page 497 of 585 ---- Generated from The Bears Pit Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by RunAwayScientist on Thu, 28 Aug 2014 21:49:31 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message darkelf1986Will there be a new SCI version due to some annoying bugs fixed?

Get SVN Tortoise for Windows. Enable Shell Integration during install. Make a folder on your desktop. Right click on it -> SVN Checkout. Use those links.

Open the .sln in /Build/ with Visual Studio 2010. Build -> Configuration Manager. Set for 'Release'. Build it (F6 keyboard key).

Retrieve the .exe from bin\VS2010\. Replace current .exe. Copy data from \GameDir\ to your JA2 folder and replace (or use WinMerge to selectively replace). Done.

If you require further help, PM me or please post in this thread after reading it thoroughly---->

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by darkelf1986 on Fri, 29 Aug 2014 05:09:49 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message RunAwayScientist - why is there 2 links? Why do i need Visual Studio? Nothing is said about it in a description here

P.S. well i understand now... VS is needed for exe compilation...

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by Flugente on Sat, 30 Aug 2014 23:44:44 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message

Fresh install of current GameDir r2132 and compiled and exe r7458 in a clean installation. There is an odd glitch in the merc inventory in strategic. Basically, the second hand slot is still visible even if you carry a two-hand item, the item in your first hand is not visible below the merc's face if the inventory is open, and there is some sort of overlay on the face items. Weird part is that this seems to be resolution-dependent: It happens with resolution 16, but not with 1 or 4.

Page 498 of 585 ---- Generated from The Bears Pit Edit1: Gradually reverting to old code reveals that the glitch is not present in r7343, but is present in r7345.

Edit2: Come to think of it... it seems like the glitch is a patch that is supposed to 'hide' the second hand if it should not be shown... perhaps the vertical offset is simply wrong?

Edit3: Fixed in r7460.

Nothing to see here, move along :computer3:

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by tais on Sun, 31 Aug 2014 07:25:24 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message lol, coders who find bugs.. always funny...

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by Uriens on Sun, 31 Aug 2014 11:06:06 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Makes me feel obsolete.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by Flugente on Sun, 31 Aug 2014 18:02:24 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Since we now have up to 15 different difficulty levels, I wanted to try it out. However, when starting with a new difficulty, I get the following error upon starting:

Code in initunderground.lua:

... s["P3-1"].numElites = ({ 8, 10, 14, 20 })[difficultyLevel] + math.random(0, ({ 2, 5, 6, 0 })[difficultyLevel]) ... If I understand the code bit right, this will always crash if difficulty level is 4 or higher. Hmm... Perhaps some scripts are missing? Or are we supposed to just fill in tons of 0s here?

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by Realist on Sun, 31 Aug 2014 20:11:56 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message

Page 499 of 585 ---- Generated from The Bears Pit Quote:If I understand the code bit right, this will always crash if difficulty level is 4 or higher. Hmm... Perhaps some scripts are missing? You're right indeed that with new difficulty levels this will result in an index out of bounds. However I don't think there are any scripts missing but rather the new feature is just not compatible with the existing scripts at this point.

The proper solution would probably be to specify further array elements in accordance with new difficulty levels or change the method of calculation entirely. As a quick and dirty hack you should be able to clamp the variable like this local difficultyLevel = math.min(gameSettings["difficultyLevel"], 4) in the BuildUndergroundSectorList function and likewise newDIFFICULTY_LEVEL = math.min(newDIFFICULTY_LEVEL, 4) in InitializeMines() in initmines.lua

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by Flugente on Sun, 31 Aug 2014 20:26:26 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message This is more of a fix this than a how do I fix this? kind of post

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by Realist on Sun, 31 Aug 2014 21:03:52 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message FlugenteThis is more of a fix this than a how do I fix this? kind of post I know and this is the fix I am offering. It seems the main problem is that we now have competing externalizations with the lua scripts and the difficulties xml: (a) if you add new difficulty levels you have to edit the xml and the scripts, so it's not all nicely together in one place but functionality is spread across multiple files (b) the xml defines enemy population tags for a hardcoded selection of underground sectors, which duplicates parts of the functionality of the lua scripts.

While (a) is merely an inconvenience, (b) is likely the real issue here and I don't know how you guys wanna approach this one.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by wanne (aka RoWa21) on Mon, 01 Sep 2014 04:31:05 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message FlugenteSince we now have up to 15 different difficulty levels, I wanted to try it out. However, when starting with a new difficulty, I get the following error upon starting:

Code in initunderground.lua:

Page 500 of 585 ---- Generated from The Bears Pit ... s["P3-1"].numElites = ({ 8, 10, 14, 20 })[difficultyLevel] + math.random(0, ({ 2, 5, 6, 0 })[difficultyLevel]) ... If I understand the code bit right, this will always crash if difficulty level is 4 or higher. Hmm... Perhaps some scripts are missing? Or are we supposed to just fill in tons of 0s here?

Exactly, to get more difficulties working, you have to make changes to the LUA scripts. I have uploaded (which JAZZ send to me) an example with additional difficulties in our Modding-Examples SVN folder:

Just check the file "Additional Difficulty Settings"

And here is what JAZZ told me: Quote: You should add the new of the difficulty in the file initmines.ini. look :

-- 25 - Novice, 25 - Experienced, 20 - Expert, 15 - Insane, 30 - My Example 1, 3 - My Example 2 local numProductionIncreases = ({ 25, 25, 20, 15, 30, 3 })[newDIFFICULTY_LEVEL] and look to initunderground.lua.

Also look to the file Gameinit.ini. There is the there new function :

-- Get starting cash from DifficultySettings.xml SetStartingCashDifLevel(newDIFFICULTY_LEVEL)

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by DepressivesBrot on Mon, 01 Sep 2014 21:40:52 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Trying to do my fortnightly SCI building, UB does not compile anymore. It seems to be another issue with the new difficulty levels. 3>GameInitOptionsScreen.cpp(3154): error C2065: 'ubDiffLevel': nichtdeklarierter Bezeichner 3>GameInitOptionsScreen.cpp(3154): error C2228: Links von ".szConfirmText" muss sich eine Klasse/Struktur/Union befinden.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by Flugente on Mon, 01 Sep 2014 21:50:57 GMT

Page 501 of 585 ---- Generated from The Bears Pit View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Fixed in r7476.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by RunAwayScientist on Wed, 03 Sep 2014 16:09:57 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message

With regards to morale.xml and the Battle Reports/News Feature:

As of the new build, the MORALE_RAN_AWAY morale is now coupled with MORALE_HEARD_BATTLE_LOST when entering a sector then leaving, but not engaging (as in a scouting action). Previously it just applied MORALE_RAN_AWAY, even though the battle was reported as being lost.

Additionally, though it has been this way for awhile, the Battle Reports News item tracks and reports all your scouting actions, even though no actual engagement occurs. So you'll have many battles reported as 'Insignificant Incidents' with zero shots fired and zero casualties etc. simply for traversing a sector with enemies.

Naturally, for someone who does a lot of stealth work and scouting work morale deficits are incurred globally/strategically where they logically shouldn't be applied.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by Flugente on Wed, 03 Sep 2014 21:27:36 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message What do you mean, 'coupled'? Which code part are you referring to?

The part about tracking events where the player retreated without the enemy is a bit annoying, true... perhaps I'll revamp it out.

How should the game know that you are scouting and not retreating? Note that disguised spies do not take this morale penalty if they retreat.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by smeagol on Wed, 03 Sep 2014 21:47:08 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message

Page 502 of 585 ---- Generated from The Bears Pit Flugente How should the game know that you are scouting and not retreating? Note that disguised spies do not take this morale penalty if they retreat.

Based on condition of enemies (condition green / red / black etc) maybe? If the AI is not aware of your presence, and you leave the sector, it should probably not count as a battle.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by DepressivesBrot on Wed, 03 Sep 2014 21:54:10 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Then some people would get a lot of not-battles ending with 'Patrol, lost with all hands, cause unknown'. I'd say if anyone initiates any kind of attack, flag it as a battle since at the very least your scout bungled it.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by smeagol on Wed, 03 Sep 2014 22:01:40 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message DepressivesBrotThen some people would get a lot of not-battles ending with 'Patrol, lost with all hands, cause unknown'. I'd say if anyone initiates any kind of attack, flag it as a battle since at the very least your scout bungled it.

Well... if that works, fine with me...

Don't know if this is easy to keep track of, though.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by RunAwayScientist on Thu, 04 Sep 2014 17:28:22 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Quote:What do you mean, 'coupled'? Which code part are you referring to?

Every battle where no engagement occurs (but you retreat) results in the 'HEARD_BATTLE_LOST' morale penalty being applied at the strategic level. Previously, it did not do this. Which could simply mean it's actually working as it was intended now.

I was merely pointing out that ran_away morale penalties were added onto the heard_battle_lost for mercs involved in the retreating action.

Page 503 of 585 ---- Generated from The Bears Pit Quote:Note that disguised spies do not take this morale penalty if they retreat.

That's odd. I haven't seen this working. I have used disguised spies to scout and I'm pretty sure they took hits to morale when moving between occupied sectors. I cannot confirm, however.

Quote:I'd say if anyone initiates any kind of attack, flag it as a battle since at the very least your scout bungled it.

Agreed. Wasn't this how morale penalties worked in the base game? It specifically detected for an initiating combat action and then any retreats after were considered a lost battle?

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by Cboen on Fri, 05 Sep 2014 22:57:00 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Playing on the unstable, 7393. This has been a problem for a while. Everytime I close the game in windowed mode, my desktop resolution gets automatically changed to 1280x720. I'm playing on a Surface Pro 2, running Windows 8.1, so I think the DPI scaling feature that windows 8 has might be the cause of the problem.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by LootFragg on Sun, 07 Sep 2014 14:11:42 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message JA2_Options.ini still has a semi-colon after AIMING_LEVELS_REDUCTION_ON_ALTWEAPHOLD = 50;Typical C dev reflex, I believe.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by wanne (aka RoWa21) on Sun, 07 Sep 2014 14:42:07 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message LootFraggJA2_Options.ini still has a semi-colon after AIMING_LEVELS_REDUCTION_ON_ALTWEAPHOLD = 50;Typical C dev reflex, I believe.

Thanks for reporting, fixed in development and stable GameDir.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by Flugente on Thu, 11 Sep 2014 20:22:33 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message If you are not a coder, ignore this post.

Page 504 of 585 ---- Generated from The Bears Pit Just fixed a really, really annoying error Buggler found in stable in r7507/7508. Basically, what happens was that a merc's inventory is full - including the slots on the legs - and the merc then picks up an MP holster. What is supposed to happen is that the holster is worn, and the items that are in the leg slots are moved to the holster or droppped to the floor.

However, what happened was that one of items dropped was tuned into a NADA, and the holster was turned into one of the items - so you have a camo kit in the LBE slot. You can get the savegame here.

Now, the problem here was basically that during picking up the item, we told the game to 'remove' the item from the sector inventory - and after that, we put it into our inventory. This is wrong, and I would like to remind any coder who might read this as to why. If we remove a world item, we don't NULL it - we set its existence to FALSE. This allows us to still access it (which we did here), but whenever new space in the inventory is needed (say, if we drop an item to the world), this world item slot and everything in it is fair game. Which is very, VERY bad if we are still working on the thing. If you remove a world item, you can no longer rely upon its existence. So do any work that needs to be done before that, okay?

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by grim on Thu, 11 Sep 2014 21:51:16 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Thanks Flugente! HRVG tried to report this bug some time ago (2014 stable version), he'll be relieved to know that it's gone, at least in the new builds.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by grim on Fri, 12 Sep 2014 15:05:25 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Bug report

Game version : 7492 on latest gamedir

Description : After a militia restock, i happen to have magazines with 0 bullets.

In the sector inventory, if i click on 'Sort ammo into crates/boxes', it creates several empty crates/boxes (0 bullets).

Page 505 of 585 ---- Generated from The Bears Pit Of course, if i happen to click several times, i get a lot of empty crates/boxes, it's exponential.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by grim on Sun, 14 Sep 2014 16:59:15 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Update: savegame to reproduce the bug

Link to the savegame (zipped)

How to reproduce : 1) You can check sector inventory in B2 (Chitzena), there are no 0 ammo mags. The militia is fresh newly trained and not equiped yet. 2) Go in tactical with Lee (militia restocks) 3) Check sector inventory : There should be 0 ammo mags 4) Transforming ammo into crates or boxes results in the problem described in my previous post.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by Flugente on Sun, 14 Sep 2014 21:19:59 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message GrimUpdate: savegame to reproduce the bug

Link to the savegame (zipped)

How to reproduce : 1) You can check sector inventory in B2 (Chitzena), there are no 0 ammo mags. The militia is fresh newly trained and not equiped yet. 2) Go in tactical with Lee (militia restocks) 3) Check sector inventory : There should be 0 ammo mags 4) Transforming ammo into crates or boxes results in the problem described in my previous post. Fixed in r7518. This solves the creation of these items in the first place. It doesn't solve any crate-merging issues though.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by grim on Sun, 14 Sep 2014 22:53:02 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Good catch! The crate/box merge problem was a consequence of the 0 ammo mag issue (and how i noticed there was a problem in the first place). If this is solved, the consequence too!

Subject: Kingpin's assassins not assassinating

Page 506 of 585 ---- Generated from The Bears Pit Posted by navaroe on Mon, 15 Sep 2014 18:40:44 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Hi, at least from build 7393 to the current 7516 the Kingpin's assassins are not attacking when they spot my men and just run around instead. The militia ignores them as well. The game enters turn based mode tough.

Only when they get attacked in melee, then militia "sees through the disguise", starts fighting and the assassin fights as well.

The game dir. version is always the one associated with the build in SCIs distributed by kind guys here.

Saved game for build 7516 is here as well as altered inis and xmls:

I thought that dealing with the previous assassins was surprisingly easy this time...

Subject: Re: Kingpin's assassins not assassinating Posted by Flugente on Mon, 15 Sep 2014 21:34:13 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Nav|NafHi, at least from build 7393 to the current 7516 the Kingpin's assassins are not attacking when they spot my men and just run around instead. The militia ignores them as well. The game enters turn based mode tough.

Only when they get attacked in melee, then militia "sees through the disguise", starts fighting and the assassin fights as well.

The game dir. version is always the one associated with the build in SCIs distributed by kind guys here.

Saved game for build 7516 is here as well as altered inis and xmls:

I thought that dealing with the previous assassins was surprisingly easy this time...

Good find. Fixed in r7522 in both stable and unstable.

Page 507 of 585 ---- Generated from The Bears Pit Subject: Re: Kingpin's assassins not assassinating Posted by wolf00 on Tue, 16 Sep 2014 19:05:56 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message unstable sci 7516/2145,game dont read data from options.ini[i set my own amount money on start] ....

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by Flugente on Tue, 16 Sep 2014 19:20:24 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message wolf00unstable sci 7516/2145,game dont read data from options.ini[i set my own amount money on start] .... Hey, no running away!

To quote from this very another thread:

Flugente ramzesLOLHello,

I have a rather weird bug. Game does not read STARTING_CASH_NOVICE, STARTING_CASH_EXPERIENCED, STARTING_CASH_EXPERT STARTING_CASH_INSANE from Ja2_Options, it takes all other options (tested with arrival time and A.I.M availability) but not starting cash :/.

Im running r.7476 with wildfire 6.07 maps. To check that my game does not read Ja2_Options from other folders than the folder that ive instaled r.7476 i have changed starting cash in EVERY SINGLE Ja2_Options file that i colud find on my hard drive and it still uses defalut values(in game).

Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here!

For test porpuses Ive set STARTING_CASH_NOVICE to an unacceptable value, this is the result:

It sais that game will use 2000 but guess what it STILL uses defalut value of 45000 that i cannot change :/.

Other than that game runs great. First off, this is a bug with an unstable relase, not the '14 stable, so this post and all following posts should be moved to the right place. This issue does NOT happen in the '14 stable release.

Now, to the issue at hand. You, dear sir, are right to be confused. Very recently, a separate method to define game difficulty was added. Some values that were in JA2_Options.ini were moved to TableData/Data-1.13/DifficultySettings.xml. Here you can set those values, and add more difficulty levels (although doing so will crash your game, because apparently we don't test what we commit, so just don't). The starting cash bits in the ini are just relics - the game will read them, complain if you give bad ones, but never use them anyway.

Page 508 of 585 ---- Generated from The Bears Pit Should you feel very confused by this right now, don't worry, you have every right to. This change was not publicly announced, so you have no chance of knowing unless you read our SVN logs daily :whythis: . Just edit the DifficultySettings.xml and wonder :dontknow2:

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by wolf00 on Tue, 16 Sep 2014 19:26:41 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message ok i have solved my problem,sorry if i cause any trouble to you ....

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by silversurfer on Mon, 22 Sep 2014 16:34:30 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Revision 7491 breaks VS2008 code generation. It's not possible to create a working release exe anymore. The game will crash before it gets to the main menu.

Debug exe still runs.

Crash happens in Init.cpp: strcpy(fileName, directoryName); strcat(fileName, STRUCTUREDECONSTRUCTFILENAME); SGP_THROW_IFFALSE(ReadInStructureDeconstructStats(fileName),STRUCTUREDECONSTR UCTFILENAME); strcpy(fileName, directoryName); strcat(fileName, STRUCTURECONSTRUCTFILENAME); SGP_THROW_IFFALSE(ReadInStructureConstructStats(fileName),STRUCTURECONSTRUCTF ILENAME);

When I comment these lines the game starts. edit: To be more precise - the crash happens for this call in function "ReadInStructureDeconstructStats" in "XML_StructureDeconstruct.cpp" and "ReadInStructureConstructStats" in "XML_StructureConstruct.cpp": if(!XML_Parse(parser, lpcBuffer, uiFSize, TRUE))

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here!

Page 509 of 585 ---- Generated from The Bears Pit Posted by Flugente on Wed, 24 Sep 2014 10:05:14 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Grml. Errors that happen only in certain compiler versions, and only in Release, are annoying.

Does the error still exist if you erase the content of the xmls, or if you comment out the reading part of the xml functions?

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by silversurfer on Wed, 24 Sep 2014 14:41:47 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message First test was to remove the contents from both XMLs and just leave this in:

Now the release exe starts fine.

Second test was to comment some more code. First thing I did was comment the deconstruction call in init.cpp. That way I only have to look at the construction part. Then I commented some lines in "structureconstructEndElementHandle" to get the exe running with the default XMLs:

Toggle Spoiler structureconstructEndElementHandle(void *userData, const XML_Char *name) { structureconstructParseData * pData = (structureconstructParseData *)userData;

if(pData->currentDepth maxReadDepth) //we're at the end of an element that we've been reading { if(strcmp(name, "STRUCTURESLIST") == 0) { pData->curElement = ELEMENT_NONE; } else if(strcmp(name, "STRUCTURE") == 0) { pData->curElement = ELEMENT_LIST;

// we do NOT want to read the first entry -> move stuff by 1 if(structureconstructcnt < pData->maxArraySize) { // pData->curArray[structureconstructcnt] = pData->curFood; //write the data into the table }

Page 510 of 585 ---- Generated from The Bears Pit ++structureconstructcnt; } else if(strcmp(name, "usCreationItem") == 0) { pData->curElement = ELEMENT; pData->curFood.usCreationItem = (UINT16) atol(pData->szCharData); } else if(strcmp(name, "usItemStatusLoss") == 0) { pData->curElement = ELEMENT; pData->curFood.usItemStatusLoss = (UINT8) atol(pData->szCharData); } else if(strcmp(name, "szTileSetName") == 0) { pData->curElement = ELEMENT;

strncpy(pData->curFood.szTileSetName, pData->szCharData, 20); } else if(strcmp(name, "northfacingtile") == 0) { pData->curElement = ELEMENT; // pData->curFood.northtilevector.push_back( (UINT8) atol(pData->szCharData) ); } else if(strcmp(name, "southfacingtile") == 0) { pData->curElement = ELEMENT; // pData->curFood.southtilevector.push_back( (UINT8) atol(pData->szCharData) ); } else if ( strcmp( name, "eastfacingtile" ) == 0 ) { pData->curElement = ELEMENT; // pData->curFood.easttilevector.push_back( (UINT8)atol( pData->szCharData ) ); } else if ( strcmp( name, "westfacingtile" ) == 0 ) { pData->curElement = ELEMENT; // pData->curFood.westtilevector.push_back( (UINT8)atol( pData->szCharData ) ); }

pData->maxReadDepth--; }

pData->currentDepth--; }

Looks like the game has problems with the vectors and some array. More writing over foreign memory regions perhaps?

Page 511 of 585 ---- Generated from The Bears Pit Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by Flugente on Wed, 24 Sep 2014 22:22:23 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Hmm. Installed VS2008. Cannot start debug Exe or Release with debug Info, due to weird errors about path variables. Ugh. Why do we even still maintain VS2005 an 2008? Bah.

Until I somehow can get VS08 to work, I can't solve this.

Edit: Fixed in r7530. It is dirty, I don't like it, but it works. I still don't know why the code was okay on some compilers and not on others, but this should do it.

Did not test in VS2005. I have no interest in having a 9-year old compiler when clearly better stuff is already out. Anyone care to clarify why we even still keep that artifact around?

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by silversurfer on Thu, 25 Sep 2014 08:27:23 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Thank you very much. The release exe now runs fine.

You want to know why anyone still uses VS2008? Well, VS2013 is for Windows 8.1 which rules out Windows 7 users. I tried to download VS2010 long ago but at that time it required activation through some Microsoft account which I don't have (and don't want btw.). So I just sticked to VS2008.

I'm going to try VS2012 which is supposed to run on Windows 7 and be able to use VS2010 project files. Let's see how this is activated... edit: Looked at wrong version of VS2013. This one was the Metro version which only runs on Windows 8.1. VS2012 is a bad idea btw. This would require to upgrade the VS2010 project files. Better use VS2013 instead.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by JMich on Thu, 25 Sep 2014 09:17:06 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message silversurferWell, VS2013 is for Windows 8.1 which rules out Windows 7 users. That's weird, I've been using VS2013 for quite some time now, always on Win7. Have they changed that?

Pre-post edit: Notice that there is Express 2013 for Windows and Express 2013 for Windows Desktop. One is the metro app, the other is the desktop app. So 2013 for Win7 is still there.

Page 512 of 585 ---- Generated from The Bears Pit Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by silversurfer on Thu, 25 Sep 2014 09:27:21 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Oops, then I was looking at the wrong version. Thank you for the hint. Downloading that 4.7GB package now...

Btw. VS2012 is a bad idea because you need to upgrade the VS2010 project to VS2012 in order to compile it. I'll try VS2013 instead.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by Parkan on Thu, 25 Sep 2014 10:05:40 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message I want to warn you.I spotted some time freezing and game freezing on strategical map during game when compiled release exe with vs2013.On exe 7526 and 7523.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by silversurfer on Thu, 25 Sep 2014 13:43:30 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message I must say that it's not exactly easy to upgrade to a newer version of Visual Studio Express. VS2013 requires Internet access to constantly renew the license, so that version is out of the picture.

So I tried VS2010 and this can't even compile the JA2 source code out of the box.

1>------Build started: Project: zlib, Configuration: Release Win32 ------1>LINK : warning LNK4068: /MACHINE not specified; defaulting to X86 1>..\..\..\..\build\VS2010\zlib_Release\zlib1.res : fatal error LNK1123: failure during conversion to COFF: file invalid or corrupt 2>------Build started: Project: libpng, Configuration: Release Win32 ------2>LINK : warning LNK4068: /MACHINE not specified; defaulting to X86 2>..\..\..\..\build\VS2010\libpng_Release\pngw32.res : fatal error LNK1123: failure during conversion to COFF: file invalid or corrupt 3>------Skipped Build: Project: ja2export, Configuration: Release Win32 ------3>Project not selected to build for this solution configuration 4>------Build started: Project: ja2, Configuration: Release Win32 ------4>LINK : fatal error LNK1181: cannot open input file 'libpng.lib' ======Build: 0 succeeded, 3 failed, 13 up-to-date, 1 skipped ======

I'm no developer so I don't know how I can fix these errors in VS2010. edit: Hundreds of MBs of VS2010 updates later it compiles the code. Hurray!

Page 513 of 585 ---- Generated from The Bears Pit Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by HunterHunter on Fri, 26 Sep 2014 21:29:15 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Hi guys, this mod is great!

If I play with the original Screen Resolution (1280x800) in the tactical map (soldier view) the main gun is not correct shown. Is this Little bug known?

PS: Great job!

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by silversurfer on Fri, 26 Sep 2014 21:49:17 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Yes, that is a known bug that is already fixed in development builds.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by navaroe on Tue, 30 Sep 2014 17:59:33 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Hi, I found a minor bug in militia training.

When you train mobile militia and militia in the same sector and the trainers finish both assignments in same moment, you get prompted only for continuing normal militia training, but both assignments continue. So you get mobile militia squad free

Here is saved game with ini, build 7535. In an hour, the bug will occur.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by HunterHunter on Tue, 30 Sep 2014 22:40:05 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message another minor bug (newest Version): - financial money startup setting from the Editor have no effect - got some emails in the first playing day with Headline/text A/AAA - hope that this effects nothing

Page 514 of 585 ---- Generated from The Bears Pit Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by wolf00 on Wed, 01 Oct 2014 10:09:10 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message working nice like gem ...

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by silversurfer on Wed, 01 Oct 2014 11:20:17 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message HunterHunteranother minor bug (newest Version): - financial money startup setting from the Editor have no effect

Crap. It would be nice if the person that wanted to move difficulty settings to a new ini file actually removes the old stuff that is replaced. Now we have two identical sets of data and people get confused. Also the old code can be removed as it is useless now. :angry:

@HunterHunter Please modify Data-1.13\TableData\DifficultySettings.xml for changes to starting cash. The tag is called . Look for it in the corresponding difficulty level.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by silversurfer on Wed, 01 Oct 2014 14:52:35 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Nav|NafHi, I found a minor bug in militia training.

When you train mobile militia and militia in the same sector and the trainers finish both assignments in same moment, you get prompted only for continuing normal militia training, but both assignments continue. So you get mobile militia squad free

Here is saved game with ini, build 7535. In an hour, the bug will occur.

Thanks Nav. I fixed this in revision 7538 (dev) and 7539 (stable). It wasn't only the prompt but also the notification that was missing from the second assignment. In the end both had similar reasons.

Page 515 of 585 ---- Generated from The Bears Pit Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by HunterHunter on Wed, 01 Oct 2014 19:00:00 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message silversurferHunterHunteranother minor bug (newest Version): - financial money startup setting from the Editor have no effect

Crap. It would be nice if the person that wanted to move difficulty settings to a new ini file actually removes the old stuff that is replaced. Now we have two identical sets of data and people get confused. Also the old code can be removed as it is useless now. :angry:

@HunterHunter Please modify Data-1.13\TableData\DifficultySettings.xml for changes to starting cash. The tag is called . Look for it in the corresponding difficulty level.

Will the ini Editor changed too? My Workaround was starting with the official released version and play with the new one, hope the savegame conversation is working well. btw: Reattack in Drassen is totally strange: got 75 enemy soldier in one sector. First I tried the strategy to attack them on the borders but too many and the game crashed at battle Startup. I do not have the savegame or everything else. It seems that too many soldiers are processed at the game time... The better strategy seems to be: hiding in secure houses without Windows and wait for interrupts.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by silversurfer on Wed, 01 Oct 2014 19:47:06 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message No, the Ini Editor still uses the old values as well. Both the game exe and editor have to be fixed and cleaned up. I'm not the cleaning lady so whoever moved the difficulty settings to another file please clean up the mess you left! :dontlike:

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by HunterHunter on Wed, 01 Oct 2014 22:02:54 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message additonal question: How it works to use a shadow kit? The old method is not more working (soldier comment "What?") and the new one by using it in the Hand creates a info "xx can't be used to soldier_name"

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here!

Page 516 of 585 ---- Generated from The Bears Pit Posted by pheloncab on Thu, 02 Oct 2014 01:25:49 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message silversurferNo, the Ini Editor still uses the old values as well. Both the game exe and editor have to be fixed and cleaned up. I'm not the cleaning lady so whoever moved the difficulty settings to another file please clean up the mess you left! :dontlike: my 2 cents.. instead of removing anything, I'd recommend just commenting it out with where it moved to so that say... returning players used to the old files would know where it moved to without having to search the files or the forum.

and a big thank you to all the coders and modders that are keeping this game going.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by silversurfer on Thu, 02 Oct 2014 08:29:44 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Ja2_Options.ini is already big enough without leaving all that junk in there. Nobody is going to clean that up after some time has passed so better clean it up now while people still remember what has changed.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by wanne (aka RoWa21) on Thu, 02 Oct 2014 13:27:28 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message silversurferJa2_Options.ini is already big enough without leaving all that junk in there. Nobody is going to clean that up after some time has passed so better clean it up now while people still remember what has changed.

@silversurfer: do you clean it up (source, ja2_options.ini and the inieditor xml) or should I do it?

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by silversurfer on Thu, 02 Oct 2014 14:27:34 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message How about the person that created this mess does it?

*sigh* I'm gonna do it...

Page 517 of 585 ---- Generated from The Bears Pit Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by wanne (aka RoWa21) on Thu, 02 Oct 2014 14:28:44 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message silversurferHow about the person that created this mess does it?

*sigh* I'm gonna do it...

cool, thanks

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by Gambigobilla on Thu, 02 Oct 2014 17:07:05 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message While on it why don't we roll back the changes from externalized difficulty settings. It's the worst commit ever, with no qc and next to none documentation.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by wanne (aka RoWa21) on Thu, 02 Oct 2014 17:20:51 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message GambigobillaWhile on it why don't we roll back the changes from externalized difficulty settings. It's the worst commit ever, with no qc and next to none documentation. that is a really bad idea. why should we roll back once it is cleaned up? the externalization can also be used to define new difficulty levels which can ne interested for modders.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by DepressivesBrot on Thu, 02 Oct 2014 17:54:11 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Because nobody knows about it, it's confusing, there was no reason to break the old style and who seriously needs more than 4 difficulty settings for his mod?

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by smeagol on Thu, 02 Oct 2014 17:59:16 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message DepressivesBrotBecause nobody knows about it, it's confusing, there was no reason to break the

Page 518 of 585 ---- Generated from The Bears Pit old style and who seriously needs more than 4 difficulty settings for his mod?

That sums it up quite well, I'd say.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by Flugente on Thu, 02 Oct 2014 18:09:17 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Ahem. I would also like to point out two things:

First of all, there's numerous code instances like this: if ( pSoldier->bTeam == ENEMY_TEAM ) { switch( gGameOptions.ubDifficultyLevel ) { case DIF_LEVEL_EASY: sBreathPerAP *= 9/10; // -10% break; case DIF_LEVEL_MEDIUM: sBreathPerAP *= 1; // normal break; case DIF_LEVEL_HARD: sBreathPerAP *= 11/10; // +10% break; case DIF_LEVEL_INSANE: sBreathPerAP *= 6/5; // +20% break; default: sBreathPerAP *= 9/10; // -10% break; } } // SANDRO: this simple thing is the correct calculation sBreathChange = (sUnusedAPs * sBreathPerAP); In these instances, the difficulty level is used to determine some modifier. If none of the original levels is used, the game will now use the novice settings. This makes the entire idea of externalising difficulty levels settings useless. If you define a new difficulty setting and copy its settings over from the INSANE tags, you will get a weird hybrid of INSANE and NOVICE settings. This isn't strictly speaking a new error - it just wasn't relevant until now. If someone wanted to play with a modified INSANE or NOVICE, he'd likely start with that anyway. This can be fixed, but this is a design flaw, not an error. Fixing errors is ok as everybody does them, but I don't see why coders should finish features of other people.

Second, several LUA scripts break if one starts the game with number of difficulty levels = 4. This can be fixed, but leads me to seriously doubt whether this was tested.

Page 519 of 585 ---- Generated from The Bears Pit Also, I ask again: Will there ever be any explanation of this thing? At least a post announcing it to the public?

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by HunterHunter on Thu, 02 Oct 2014 18:22:49 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message .. and INSANE is difficult enough

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by navaroe on Thu, 02 Oct 2014 18:24:42 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Hi again, One of my mercs just got healed by 43 HPs in 1 hour in Drassen hospital while attended by two doctors doing hospital assignment. Feels a bit buggy to me. Especially as others were not healed that much and this guy has ebola resulting in -4HP/hour regeneration.

If it sounds like bug to you, I'll post savedgame, otherwise sorry.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by Flugente on Thu, 02 Oct 2014 18:32:55 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Nav|NafHi again, One of my mercs just got healed by 43 HPs in 1 hour in Drassen hospital while attended by two doctors doing hospital assignment. Feels a bit buggy to me. Especially as others were not healed that much and this guy has ebola resulting in -4HP/hour regeneration.

If it sounds like bug to you, I'll post savedgame, otherwise sorry. Hmm. A savegame would be good, yes.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by Gambigobilla on Thu, 02 Oct 2014 18:41:49 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message RoWa21 why should we roll back once it is cleaned up?

Exactly the same reason why externalized music feature was rolled back, which is a feature coincidentally coded by Jazz.

Page 520 of 585 ---- Generated from The Bears Pit I seriously wish Jazz continues this project on a different branch like Flugente does with increased team sizes.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by navaroe on Thu, 02 Oct 2014 19:01:14 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message FlugenteHmm. A savegame would be good, yes. Here you go, ja2_options.ini included.

The merc in question is Nav. On next hour he will be fully healed except for disease. Other mercs heal normal amount.

Thinking about it, I should have posted the save right on - the healed amount is ridiculous ]

Edit: Stupid me - didn't mention the version. Save is for build 7535. Also, I tried with 7516 and bug is there too. Just noticed that almost dead merc (undiseased this time) complete healt herself in one hour of doctoring.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by silversurfer on Thu, 02 Oct 2014 19:34:35 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message FlugenteAhem. I would also like to point out two things:

First of all, there's numerous code instances like this: if ( pSoldier->bTeam == ENEMY_TEAM ) { switch( gGameOptions.ubDifficultyLevel ) { case DIF_LEVEL_EASY: sBreathPerAP *= 9/10; // -10% break; case DIF_LEVEL_MEDIUM: sBreathPerAP *= 1; // normal break; case DIF_LEVEL_HARD: sBreathPerAP *= 11/10; // +10% break; case DIF_LEVEL_INSANE: sBreathPerAP *= 6/5; // +20%

Page 521 of 585 ---- Generated from The Bears Pit break; default: sBreathPerAP *= 9/10; // -10% break; } } // SANDRO: this simple thing is the correct calculation sBreathChange = (sUnusedAPs * sBreathPerAP); In these instances, the difficulty level is used to determine some modifier. If none of the original levels is used, the game will now use the novice settings. This makes the entire idea of externalising difficulty levels settings useless. If you define a new difficulty setting and copy its settings over from the INSANE tags, you will get a weird hybrid of INSANE and NOVICE settings. This isn't strictly speaking a new error - it just wasn't relevant until now. If someone wanted to play with a modified INSANE or NOVICE, he'd likely start with that anyway. This can be fixed, but this is a design flaw, not an error. Fixing errors is ok as everybody does them, but I don't see why coders should finish features of other people.

Second, several LUA scripts break if one starts the game with number of difficulty levels = 4. This can be fixed, but leads me to seriously doubt whether this was tested.

Also, I ask again: Will there ever be any explanation of this thing? At least a post announcing it to the public? Just when I thought I was finished with the cleanup! :angry: You are absolutely right. Why should we finish the work of someone else. All of these occurrences of "DIF_LEVEL_EASY" and so on have to be replaced by a modifier that is defined in DifficultySettings.xml but there is tons of locations which means tons of modifiers. This could lead to more externalization of hard coded values which is about the only positive thing I can think of. Still I'm not willing to do all this work that someone else started.

If someone is able to revoke my cleanup and also the implementation of the new difficulty settings I wouldn't mind. edit: At the moment we are safe if we only use the default 4 difficulty levels. DIF_LEVEL_EASY, DIF_LEVEL_MEDIUM, DIF_LEVEL_HARD and DIF_LEVEL_INSANE correspond to index 1, 2, 3 and 4 in the XML. However I would like to see the issues fixed by Jazz.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by HunterHunter on Sun, 05 Oct 2014 12:18:50 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message A have a fuel bug in the latest Version. The helicopter is located at Airport in Drassen and don't have fuel, mainly because of I navigate it manually. Btw: Does the fuel setting in the ini Editor have an effect after starting a game?

Page 522 of 585 ---- Generated from The Bears Pit Subject: CTD on end of battle in 7516 (and 7535) Posted by navaroe on Sun, 05 Oct 2014 19:18:30 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Hi, here I have uploaded savedgame for 7516 where, when the battle ends in next turn by killing that last elite behind the tree, the game will crash to desktop. I had autosave from previous turn and there was no difference whatever I did. Tried to load the game with 7535 with same results.

After finishing the battle via autocombat allowed me to continue as usual.

Hope it helps to kill a bug.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by navaroe on Sat, 11 Oct 2014 23:05:09 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Hi, fancy another CTD bug?

Here is save for build 7535. When you put anyone (say Ira) on repair assignment Drassen mine sector, game just crashes.

If you do that in other sector, no problem. If I transfer the squad from mine to other sector, no problem.

It doesn't matter whether the mine sector is active or not. I also took mercs out, tried on Ira repair assignment (no problem), got them back to mine sector, CTD again.

Sorry about that.

BTW, how's Bugzilla? Last year I got this idea you guys prefer forum. If that has changed, just say and I'll enter my finding there myself, no need for JAPH to do that as he says in thread start

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by Flugente on Mon, 13 Oct 2014 21:50:07 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Nav|NafHi again, One of my mercs just got healed by 43 HPs in 1 hour in Drassen hospital while attended by two doctors doing hospital assignment. Feels a bit buggy to me. Especially as others were not healed that much and this guy has ebola resulting in -4HP/hour regeneration.

Page 523 of 585 ---- Generated from The Bears Pit If it sounds like bug to you, I'll post savedgame, otherwise sorry. Not related to ebola (which can't be healed anyway), it was an internal overflow that caused abnormal healing speed. Fixed in r7563.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by HunterHunter on Mon, 13 Oct 2014 22:35:35 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message HunterHunterA have a fuel bug in the latest Version. The helicopter is located at Airport in Drassen and don't have fuel, mainly because of I navigate it manually. Btw: Does the fuel setting in the ini Editor have an effect after starting a game?

I found out that the fuel bug Comes because I changed the XML-Settings. It seems that the refuel to 25 items is triggered only if the helicopter Comes into the sector. I suggest to refuel it simply after 30 min waiting time.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by navaroe on Tue, 14 Oct 2014 18:14:15 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message FlugenteNot related to ebola (which can't be healed anyway) Exactly - that coupled with excessive medikit exhaustion, that happened with mercs getting healed, caused my whole stash of medikits to be almost gone :yikes:

Ebola is also not disease to which you want to prolong duration a lot

Subject: Assertion failure in 7572 Posted by navaroe on Fri, 17 Oct 2014 14:30:10 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Just spotted a bug in 7572 build.

In strategic view, with Show Teams & Enemies active, when you right click on sector with your or enemy's soldiers present, you'll get Assertion Failure and game crashes.

I haven't found any log with textual presentation of the error, so here is screen: which seems hard to read even in zoomed version, but there is original quality copy in zip with

Page 524 of 585 ---- Generated from The Bears Pit saved game and ja2_options.ini:

Long live all bughunters.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by M16AMachinegun on Sat, 18 Oct 2014 15:51:41 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message 7535 + AFS RC8 Patch

Had a strange bug where the .INI editor was allowing me to edit the AFS .ini (As usual), but when I load the game up, none of my edits apply, most notably the starting cash.

For reference, the starting cash level for INSANE difficulty is 15,000. I set it to 500,000. When I load the game, I only have 15,000 starting cash. I can only assume the wrong .ini file is being loaded.

Going to attempt a reinstall.

Edit 1: Noticed there was a new patch, tried again using 7572 + AFS RC8 Patched and I've still got problems with the INI Editor loading the wrong .ini file(s).

Edit 2: @ DepressivesBrot: Thank you for pointing this out to me! And apologies for not checking the blasted thread before hand :headbanger:

Edit 3: Honestly I rather like the idea of externalizing the difficulties so we can add more if we please. For example, if I want to duplicate Novice's settings while having the number of enemies in INSANE, i'd like to make a new difficulty (perhaps call it 'Swarm') instead of editing the base four; that way I have a base to work with!

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by DepressivesBrot on Sat, 18 Oct 2014 16:35:02 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message See most of the upper half of this page.

Subject: Re: Assertion failure in 7572 Posted by silversurfer on Sat, 18 Oct 2014 19:55:50 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Nav|NafJust spotted a bug in 7572 build.

Page 525 of 585 ---- Generated from The Bears Pit Not a bug. You broke your Ja2_Options.ini.

; Enemies (i.e., soldiers), valid values 16 through 64, default is 32 >MAX_NUMBER_ENEMIES_IN_TACTICAL = 40

Remove the leading > sign and you are good.

However this little bugger showed a possible problem that was introduced in revision 6294. The game is not so strict anymore about loading savegames with different "max number of some team" parameters in Ja2_Options.ini. In your case "MAX_NUMBER_ENEMIES_IN_TACTICAL" dropped to the default 20 which was too low.

Having a higher value in the ini than in the savegame is ok but the opposite is not. So I put back the check for this case in the code and also the error messages which had been removed already.

I know I could have just set gGameExternalOptions.ubGameMaximumNumberOfWhatever to the value from the savegame but in this case the player would never get to know about his mistake and unexpected behaviour of the game could be the result.

Fix is in revision 7589 (dev) and 7590 (stable).

M16AMachinegunEdit 3: Honestly I rather like the idea of externalizing the difficulties so we can add more if we please. For example, if I want to duplicate Novice's settings while having the number of enemies in INSANE, i'd like to make a new difficulty (perhaps call it 'Swarm') instead of editing the base four; that way I have a base to work with! At the moment you better not do this because the feature is not finished yet by its creator. Only the 4 default difficulty settings are supported!

Subject: Re: Assertion failure in 7572 Posted by navaroe on Sun, 19 Oct 2014 17:28:16 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Damn it. I'm very sorry.

Actually remember that moment of fumbling with shortkeys, when merging changes in my ini and new version's one, but game loaded without complaining about missing value in ini, so I thought I corrected everything...sorry again.

Subject: Surgery Posted by daggertx on Tue, 21 Oct 2014 00:48:53 GMT

Page 526 of 585 ---- Generated from The Bears Pit View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Is restoring stats with surgery still possible? Thank you!!

Just curious because I no longer get the surgery prompt and I wanted to know if its a change or something (like needing hospital).

Subject: Re: Surgery Posted by grim on Tue, 21 Oct 2014 09:01:16 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message I don't know what that question does here daggertx, but you should try to heal with mercs having the traits "doctor" or "paramedic", they should be able to heal stat loss, and do surgery (prompts when you assign them to doctor task. Better have others assigned to patient first so surgery is proposed for them).

Subject: Re: Surgery Posted by daggertx on Tue, 21 Oct 2014 13:29:25 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message I am asking if the mechanics are still the same because I am no longer getting ANY prompts. Even if I cheat and start someone with 100 medical skill and doctor trait.

So I tried to restore stats with a regen booster. I even tried GABBI cheat.

Its not working. Stats stay red and don't go up.

Also this if for stat restore in starting IMPs not mercs, have not tried that yet. But I do know it didnt work on Ira either.

Subject: Re: Surgery Posted by navaroe on Wed, 22 Oct 2014 20:35:26 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message With 7572 build, I still get those surgery prompts. Not always, don't know under what condition. I think sometimes assigning first doctor and then patient help (or other way around? Not sure), but the prompts do appear.

As for restoring specifically lost stats, I guess that surgery won't help you, because first you need restore all HP and only then the stats are healed. At least with normal doctoring and I think surgery would be behaving the same way. And because you will never heal one completely just by surgery...

Page 527 of 585 ---- Generated from The Bears Pit Edit: I checked and surgery actually heals lost stats even when merc isn't on full HP.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by sirlach on Mon, 27 Oct 2014 10:28:53 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Bug Report. Build 7529

Getting assertion failure when driving the ice cream truck and encountering enemeies.

Line 1955 in file PreBattle INterface.cpp

I did edit the vehicles.xml and increased the number of passengers in the ice cream truck to 10.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by Gambigobilla on Mon, 27 Oct 2014 17:20:23 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message IIRC you should not make it higher than 9 (or "max teamsize-1")

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by sirlach on Tue, 28 Oct 2014 10:19:51 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message I changed it back to 9 for all named vehicles and still getting the assertion error.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by darkelf1986 on Tue, 28 Oct 2014 14:34:24 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message If i enable an option MERC_WEBSITE_IMMEDIATELY_AVAILABLE = TRUE

Page 528 of 585 ---- Generated from The Bears Pit MERC_WEBSITE_ALL_MERCS_AVAILABLE = TRUE hiring any merc and buying equipment is completely free... There is a cost per day (red color) shown, no money spent after each day...

I don't know if the problem exists if MERC site is set by default and available in game later.

P.S. using latest stable + official update from wiki.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by DepressivesBrot on Tue, 28 Oct 2014 14:39:28 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message You do know that MERC has always required manual payments through their site, right?

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by Gambigobilla on Tue, 28 Oct 2014 17:46:46 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message @sirlach

Did you also started a new game?

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by smeagol on Tue, 28 Oct 2014 19:12:42 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Amount of items an inventory slot can take is no longer displayed in most recent builds (7616 and 7618). Intended or accident?

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by silversurfer on Thu, 30 Oct 2014 16:06:46 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message smeagolAmount of items an inventory slot can take is no longer displayed in most recent builds (7616 and 7618). Intended or accident? Accident. Fixed in r7619.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by Flugente on Thu, 30 Oct 2014 18:12:18 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message

Page 529 of 585 ---- Generated from The Bears Pit Oops :sadyellow:

Subject: Battle simulation bug Posted by navaroe on Sat, 01 Nov 2014 14:15:20 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Hi, I have encountered bug involving army units movement/reinforcements and battle simulation, occurs at least in builds 7572 and 7623.

In this saved game (for 7623 build), there is mobile militia about to be attacked in sector C11. There are 2 enemy groups in D11, each with 12 soldiers.

One of enemy groups starts the battle, the other joins the attack, so militia fights 24, but when militia wins, only 1 of the enemy groups disappear from map. The other remains and may fight again. Immortal bastards.

Subject: Re: Battle simulation bug Posted by silversurfer on Sun, 02 Nov 2014 13:07:43 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message :headscratch: That's a very special case of one group reinforcing itself...

Group 63 enters the sector and triggers the pre-battle interface. The game calculates 24 possible combatants (two groups with 12 soldiers). First group 63 is assigned to the first 12 slots and then reinforcements are checked. The first hit is again group 63 so we assign those 12 again to the last 12 slots. Ja2 1.13 - Attack of the Clone Warriors... The second group is never considered so they don't even participate in the battle. I have to figure out how to solve this.

Subject: Re: Battle simulation bug Posted by silversurfer on Sun, 02 Nov 2014 13:39:56 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message I hope I found a proper fix in r7636 (r7637). Groups that already are in the battle sector are not considered valid reinforcements anymore. Reinforcements have to come from different sectors. Groups that are in the battle sector are handled differently already.

Please test and report any strange side effects.

Page 530 of 585 ---- Generated from The Bears Pit Subject: Re: Battle simulation bug Posted by M16AMachinegun on Sun, 02 Nov 2014 21:58:28 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Fatima's stuck, won't leave Omerta West.

SCI 7623 + AFS RC8 patch 1

I had zombies on for a bit

Here's my most recent saves: And the save where Fatima refuses to move: JA2 Options:

Update 1: Started new game with...less mercs, and no zombies. Fatima's acting like normal now. Somethin wrong with that save, i guess

Subject: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by smeagol on Sun, 02 Nov 2014 22:11:24 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Display bug in EDB.

Instead of tooltip for counterforce frequency, the EDB shows tooltip for AP to ready. The value gets displayed correctly, it's just the tooltip that states it is showing AP to ready modifier (while the icon is clearly related to counterforce...).

Edit: Who changed the thread name, btw? This thread is supposed to be: "BUGZILLA report all bugs here!" and not "BHattle simulation bug". :nono:

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by silversurfer on Mon, 03 Nov 2014 09:11:37 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message The reason for this display bug is probably that counterforce frequency is not used anymore but Headrock forgot to remove/comment all parts in the code where it still exists. I will clean that up.

If you use that property in your mod you can remove it as it has no effect.

Page 531 of 585 ---- Generated from The Bears Pit Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by silversurfer on Mon, 03 Nov 2014 13:21:47 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message smeagolDisplay bug in EDB.

Instead of tooltip for counterforce frequency, the EDB shows tooltip for AP to ready. The value gets displayed correctly, it's just the tooltip that states it is showing AP to ready modifier (while the icon is clearly related to counterforce...).

Fixed in r7644 (r7645). I removed all code parts associated with this property. It wasn't used anyway. I also removed the tags from Items.xml in GameDir 2176 (2177).

Subject: Re: Battle simulation bug Posted by navaroe on Mon, 03 Nov 2014 20:06:24 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message silversurfer Please test and report any strange side effects.

Great, thnaks. I will test as soon as next build will be on skydrive/FTP, if that's what you meant.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by navaroe on Mon, 03 Nov 2014 20:14:06 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message smeagolDisplay bug in EDB. Edit: Who changed the thread name, btw? This thread is supposed to be: "BUGZILLA report all bugs here!" and not "BHattle simulation bug". :nono:

It seemed like a good practice to me to change subject of a post to reflect the bug. It's easier to trace one problem in thread then, when discussion is interlaced with other topics/bugs, no?

Sorry anyway, will keep it the old way next time.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by Cardinal on Mon, 03 Nov 2014 20:40:59 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Nighttime artificial light doesn't follow mercs while they move. It stays on the ground and resets position when the merc stops moving.

Page 532 of 585 ---- Generated from The Bears Pit SCI unstable 7623 on 2175.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by M16AMachinegun on Tue, 04 Nov 2014 00:39:51 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message I have had a similar issue, but where Nighttime artificial light refuses to turn off even when I click the option in the preferences menu

7572 and 7623 + AFS RC8 patch 1

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by wolf00 on Tue, 04 Nov 2014 12:21:54 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message afs rc8 patch1 ? this is curent build here on my link z

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by M16AMachinegun on Tue, 04 Nov 2014 15:19:10 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message #Post334325

Yeah. 4.48.1, i've been calling it RC8 1st patch for a while guess i'm wrong. Where'd you get that, Wolf? And is there a version for UC113?

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by wolf00 on Tue, 04 Nov 2014 17:29:53 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message from here relase topic for afs/uc/dl mods

Page 533 of 585 ---- Generated from The Bears Pit Subject: Re: AFS/UC113 update Posted by M16AMachinegun on Tue, 04 Nov 2014 18:14:20 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Thanks bud! Didn't realize wil updated that!

Subject: Re: AFS/UC113 update Posted by M16AMachinegun on Wed, 12 Nov 2014 14:38:18 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Got a problem i don't know how to fix

Quote:wondering how i can turn this artificial light off that's underneath my merc(s) at night.

I'm using r7623 + AFS v4.49, but i've had this problem with many different builds over the years before.

Here's the kicker, though; i distinctly recall being able to turn this light off (underneath and around Buns, it explicitly says brightness 22 in the link).

"Merc Lights during Movement" in the Options menu is turned off.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by jasmith on Wed, 12 Nov 2014 16:31:24 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Profiles->UserProfile (the mod you're using)->Ja2_Settings.ini-> Set TOPTION_MERC_CASTS_LIGHT (down at the bottom) to FALSE. This should turn off merc lights entirely, although you might need to keep the other option off as well.

Also, I remember seeing someone complain a few weeks ago about having to reset the game start options every time they started a new game. For the record, you can set the defaults for most of those in the Ja2_sp.ini file.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by M16AMachinegun on Thu, 13 Nov 2014 04:49:30 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message 7623 + AFS v4.49

Sometimes militia reloads many (5+) times, as if they spawn with zero-ammo magazines

Page 534 of 585 ---- Generated from The Bears Pit Potentially related to the mod where you can arm militia; there was a similar bug fixed earlier by Flugente that may still be related.

For reference, i have 'arming militia' disabled for this playthrough

Edit 1: Attempting to make Wolf repair items causes the game to crash

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by onewithdeath on Sun, 23 Nov 2014 11:35:44 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Line 8763, .\mapscreen.cpp

Shank's location becomes "XBeirut" (?!) after I put some mercs on the heli, and gave Skyrider the destination.

Here's another - also, Shank gets a Patient icon:

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by smeagol on Sun, 23 Nov 2014 14:04:41 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message 7654.exe with latest gamedir and AIMNAS data:

I can't attach UGLs anymore. Yes, no UGLs, neither OGLs (like the AICW default launchers). The attachment slot does no longer show that it is possible to add an M203 (or any other kind of UGL) to a gun. This seems to affect all kinds of launchers. They can still be fired just fine if used as main gun.

Is this bug also present with vanilla 1.13 gama data?

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by navaroe on Wed, 03 Dec 2014 17:59:41 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Hi, another report from guinea pig/tester

Page 535 of 585 ---- Generated from The Bears Pit In this saved game, there is enemy unit about to enter Cambria F9. It's a group that is supposed to attack Drassen, but it changed its route (as it detected my mercs in Cambria I guess?). If I retreat my mercs, queen will gain control of sector but her squad will just dissapear.

I checked neighboring sector just to be sure - it's not there.

If I send mercs away before enemy enters the sector, everything is fine and enemy is present in the sector as expected.

Also note, that when hovering on "retreat mercs" button on strategic screen, the arrow shows retreat is going to happen to the left sector, but mercs will actually go downwards when retreat is chosen. Is it related to the bug?

Tough the save is for build 7667, I've observed this bug before way, even years back. It's definitely not fresh. But in this game it (or another bug) already cost me fun from Drassen counter attack (the enemy seemed to try to synchronize attack, then moved bit around and vanished) and so I thought it's time to stop being lazy and report it...

Hope it helps.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by smeagol on Fri, 05 Dec 2014 11:38:31 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message smeagol7654.exe with latest gamedir and AIMNAS data:

I can't attach UGLs anymore. Yes, no UGLs, neither OGLs (like the AICW default launchers). The attachment slot does no longer show that it is possible to add an M203 (or any other kind of UGL) to a gun. This seems to affect all kinds of launchers. They can still be fired just fine if used as main gun.

Is this bug also present with vanilla 1.13 gama data?

KK, DeprtessivesBrot found the issue... there seems to be a cap in the amount of possible attachments. And due to the sheer amount of attachments in AIMNAS I broke it... the values above the cap happen to be the launchers. :/

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by DepressivesBrot on Fri, 05 Dec 2014 11:52:34 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Fix:

Page 536 of 585 ---- Generated from The Bears Pit

Long term we'll need to look into transitioning AIMNAS to NCAF, but for now this will have to do.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by wanne (aka RoWa21) on Fri, 05 Dec 2014 15:08:15 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message DepressivesBrotFix:

Long term we'll need to look into transitioning AIMNAS to NCAF, but for now this will have to do. what is this fix for? is it for plain 1.13 (stable and development version)?

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by DepressivesBrot on Fri, 05 Dec 2014 15:24:54 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Yes, we need a bigger array so mods with a lot of attachments assigned to a lot of items don't run out of space and cause problems like smeag described above.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by wanne (aka RoWa21) on Fri, 05 Dec 2014 18:45:38 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Thanks for the fix, does it break savegame compatibility?

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by DepressivesBrot on Fri, 05 Dec 2014 18:47:14 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Nope, it's all xml related and doesn't get saved.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by wanne (aka RoWa21) on Fri, 05 Dec 2014 19:07:40 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Attachment size fix is committed to dev and stable trunk.

Page 537 of 585 ---- Generated from The Bears Pit Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by smeagol on Sat, 06 Dec 2014 09:06:03 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Fix works well, UGLs attach again in AIMNAS... the upcoming XMAS release is saved.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by navaroe on Sun, 07 Dec 2014 21:03:25 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Hi, encountered another bug.

Few days ago I realized my current game is completely fucked up, as almost every inventory operation with backpacks leads either to crash or to disappearance of items.

When I tried to trace down the point of it going wrong I found, that when in this saved game, which is during battle, 1) I go to strategic view, enter inventory of any other sector, 2) select a merc present in that sector 3) and rightclick any backpack (empty or otherwise, any type), 4) then return to sector of battle, 5) assertion failure will ocur on press of "Go to sector button". Specificaly Assertion Failure (Line 2152) in file strategicmap.ccp.

Save is for build 7667, tried to load it saved game with more exes back to 7393 - problem still occurs after the steps mentioned.

Possibly same problem with backpacks appears also under other conditions, but in spite of trying for more than hour, I wasn't able to reproduce it reliably. Once it occurred, I had saved game from just moments before. Reloaded it and problem was gone. At this state, I could notice every loaded backpack to appear to have the same content - specifically one of the backpack I have recently deal with. Some pointer running wild somewhere?

Hope it helps someone someday.

Edit: realized, that when bug (on of bugs?) occurs, the content of every backpack is the same as of first backpack in Hamouse's car inventory. Was it because I clicked it before? Dunno, hope it's hint, not distraction.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by silversurfer on Sat, 24 Jan 2015 20:58:39 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message

Page 538 of 585 ---- Generated from The Bears Pit Wow, someone fucked up the tile engine pretty bad. I can now walk through walls and tile properties are not saved correctly to map temp files anymore. Since I haven't played for a long time I don't know when this breakage occurred.

1. Hammer is facing a wall (lower rectangle). In fact the game thinks that this is the door so he doesn't walk through the door but through that wall when he enters the building. The other character in the upper rectangle went through the closed door because the game thinks that the door is further northwest...

2. I placed some mines and later disarmed and removed them. As long as the game was running the tiles were accessible. When I restarted the game the movement plot function was evading these tiles so I tried to walk there manually but the character stopped. It looks like the tile still had MAPELEMENT_PLAYER_MINE_PRESENT set. I could force the character to step on the tile. Sevenfm implemented a hackfix some time ago to function "MineSpottedDialogueCallBack( )" that should clear the flag and prevent a crash but this only hides the real bug.

Someone who knows the tile engine and map temp files should clean this mess up please. It's no fun to play with a broken engine.

Tested with r7721.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by Flugente on Sat, 24 Jan 2015 21:37:46 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Hmm. Does that also occur in stock maps? I'm trying to reproduce it, but so far everything works fine...

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by silversurfer on Sat, 24 Jan 2015 22:06:43 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message I play on WF 6.07 maps and these haven't changed for years. It's even visible in the editor.

I try to place a door here: and it shows up southeast of the spot:

This is sector A11.

It looks like the game uses an offset of +1 tile. So in the previous picture Hammer stands in front

Page 539 of 585 ---- Generated from The Bears Pit of the door but the game displays the door at the real door tile +1. I guess it's the same for other objects as well. In map A10 I had to click NW of a refrigerator in order to open it and the character even moved behind it.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by silversurfer on Sun, 25 Jan 2015 19:44:21 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Ha, I was able to reproduce it.

It also happens on vanilla map.

To reproduce: - Open map editor in Full Screen Mode. This is important! Bug didn't occur in windowed mode. I used editor r7721. - Map A9 will be loaded automatically. Scroll to the upper left corner of the screen. You will notice that the screen makes a slight jump. - Click "Buildings" -> "Place door" and place a door anywhere you like on the screen. You will notice that it is offset by one tile to southeast.

If you scroll the screen away from the upper left border you may be able to place the door correctly again. edit: For comparison I compiled an r7542 editor and tested with it. The issue is not present there. I'll try to narrow it down. I suspect the custom resolutions code. edit2: Yup, bug was probably introduced in r7546.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by silversurfer on Sun, 25 Jan 2015 20:24:50 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Now I know what it is. Before r7546 the resolutions in Ja2.ini were numbered differently.

I used number 11 which was 1280x960. This was working fine. From r7546 on number 11 is 1600x900. This is broken and causes the issue with the tile offset. I changed my settings to number 12 now (new number for 1280x960) and everything is fine again. The good thing is that this is not a new engine bug. *wipes off sweat* Still I wonder if anyone can play with the 1600x900 resolution without running into the same issue as I did.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by wanne (aka RoWa21) on Wed, 28 Jan 2015 03:56:42 GMT

Page 540 of 585 ---- Generated from The Bears Pit View Forum Message <> Reply to Message @silversurfer: As you pointed out, the problem with the +1 offset seems to be a result of a roundig error between the correct tile structure and the incorrect display of the view rendering engine. So I assume everyone that plays in 1600x900 will have the same problem. I can't reproduce it, because my laptop doesn't support such a high resolution. So we have 2 options to fix the offset problem:

1) Find the rounding error in the source of the rendering engine where it happens. 2) Remove (disable) the screen resolutions that produce the rounding errors.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by Flugente on Wed, 28 Jan 2015 11:59:32 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Tried to reproduce it in 1600x900. The error seemed to occur, but just for once. If RoWa is correct, the error would require the screen to also be at a certain position. In case you can actually reproduce the error at a specific Gridno, you could get its index both in 1600x900 and a different resolution via 'F'. If those are different, this would indicate that the function returning a gridno to a mouse coordinate is borked. GetMouseMap(...) or something like that... I'm not at code currently, but you know what I mean.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by silversurfer on Wed, 28 Jan 2015 12:22:24 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message So far I have only noticed this error in the upper left corner of the map and it only happened in full screen mode in 1600x900. If I scroll down to some point I can place objects normally again. As soon as I scroll to the upper left corner again objects are misplaced by 1 tile.

Anv and Buggler (hack)fixed this for windowed mode in r7296.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by silversurfer on Sun, 01 Feb 2015 22:20:05 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message I'm happy that I finally could reproduce that annoying bug that puts mercs in random order in the team panel. This always happened when a team entered an enemy sector in a vehicle and was forced out of the vehicle. Sort order then depended on who said "Enemy sighted" and remained like that for the rest of the game. Fixed in r7724. If you are affected by this problem you will need to reassign your mercs to another group once in r7724 or higher.

Page 541 of 585 ---- Generated from The Bears Pit Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by silversurfer on Sat, 14 Feb 2015 17:34:22 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Revision 7737 fixes a bug with boxing where the player couldn't finish the initial three fights because he killed all the boxers. Yeah, I know, my MA guy is a little brutal... This bug was introduced in r7263.

Because of the fix a new externalized parameter was introduced in Mod_Settings.ini - "KINGPIN_RING_TILE = 10763". This is the default tile where Kingpin is watching the fight. If modders modify this on their map they need not only adjust 86.npc file but this new parameter as well.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by silversurfer on Sat, 14 Feb 2015 18:33:51 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message And another bug fix for boxing in r7738. After a fight the characters would retain their boxing flags. This caused player characters to do random actions. This problem was automatically solved by loading a savegame but it's better if it doesn't happen in the first place.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by silversurfer on Mon, 16 Feb 2015 19:27:01 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message sevenfm wrote on Thu, 22 May 2014 01:42When trying to fire beyond the weapon range, merc often says "bad chance to hit" quote and refuses to fire (you have to click again to fire). It's very annoying in NCTH, because weapon's range is not a big problen in this system - you can fire at 1.5x normal weapon range and hit.

I noticed the same problem constantly with my mercs that are using shotguns with buckshot. This should increase your chance to hit because some of the pellets are likely to hit the target. Unfortunately the game only considered one pellet for the shot and if that was taking an unfortunate flight path the chance to get through was 0. In r7741 I changed the FireBulletGivenTargetNCTH function so that all pellets are taken into account and the best is returned. Now my mercs do not complain anymore unless there's really something in the way.

Subject: Multiplayer bug Posted by Trapper Brothers on Wed, 18 Feb 2015 18:09:32 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message

Page 542 of 585 ---- Generated from The Bears Pit Hello all! I'll try to be as brief as possible.


Sometimes, not always, randomly, when an interrupt occurs, the game will freeze: the interrupt is not given to the player who interrupted and gameplay remains as if it was the opponnent's turn. This is usually signaled with a double interrupt message. Whence when only one interrupt message appears, the interrupt procedure goes on normally.

This occurs several times, on several matches. More details: 2 player game, same house, LAN connection. PS: this is one VERY annoying bug, as both sides need to quit the game and restart all over every time.


Subject: Re: Multiplayer bug Posted by TrentL on Fri, 20 Feb 2015 03:26:37 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Download save game /INI here;

(add h t t p : / / I don't have enough posts to post URL)

New game w/ 7740. 5 IMP mercs made


Took over sector A9.

To reproduce:

When I move the squad on the strategic map (regardless of direction), at 7:10 AM the game clock stops moving forward.

1. on strategic map move south to B9 (some enemies there I wanted to dispatch quick, before going to get Ira)

2. at 7:05 AM skip or watch the Queen's rant (doesn't matter)

3. at 7:10 AM the clock stops. No forward progress can be made with either pause / unpause

4. enter sector A9 (triangle icon)

5. exit sector A9 to return to strategic map

Page 543 of 585 ---- Generated from The Bears Pit 6. At this point you can run the clock but an assertion error hits at 7:14 AM. (No stack trace written, no error log written, no save game made) screen cap here showing line and assertion if you can't reproduce?

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by TrentL on Fri, 20 Feb 2015 03:53:36 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Also;

Version I am running is 7740.

I installed (extracted dev zip then copied files) over a clean GOG.COM install under c:\games.

No mods installed

I also tried giving the letter to the lady, MANUALLY moving to sector A10 (edge of screen sector move, worked), talked to carlos, recruited IRA, transitioned back to A10 (all that worked fine).

Then when I moved on the strategic map, I didn't get the Queen's banter.. but the clock slowed to a crawl and then crashed at 7:14 AM.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by TrentL on Fri, 20 Feb 2015 04:08:26 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message I have a suspicion that it might be my enemy settings in the INI file. Does the enemy spawn on the strategic map at certain ticks? If so this might be my settings; tac map # of unit settings maxed out, max enemy group size 50, etc...

My other save that was working fine under 7609 now crashes with the same assertion error under build 7740. Except in that one I've got 10 AIM merc and have taken 2/3 of drassen. No matter what I do, 10 mins of strategic map time after loading the save game, it stops altogether. Load a sector, return to strategic map, and it crashes.

(I tried both a clean install + 7740, and my old JA install, which was base+4870+7435+7609patched+7740, in that order)

Page 544 of 585 ---- Generated from The Bears Pit Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by mercsdontcry on Fri, 27 Feb 2015 07:20:14 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Some minor bugs I found

- Pressing "shift+m" in tactical leads sometimes to all equipment vanishing from the sector. Reloading and doing the same thing does not reproduce it, so I am not sure what exactly is triggering this, but it happens already several times in my current campaign. - Although I have always switched off "enemy taunts" in the options menu, sometimes they start taunting and I have to witch the option off and on again.


Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by Hawkeye on Sat, 28 Feb 2015 00:59:32 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Bit of a strange one Seven FM has discovered testing Vengeance, but we're trying to figure out if it's specific to that mod, or 1.13.

At the moment Fox walking in Omerta has issue with her walk animation, she seems to 'slide' with her walk moving at one pace, but the translation of her sprite being slower. This shortly crashes the game afterward. She also crashes the game when spotting items and the game bombs half way through her 'What's this lying around?' speech. Anyone else had issues with Fox or similar issues with any other merc? We had Barry walk around the same map without problems.

Ignore - all fixed, for now.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by Gambigobilla on Sat, 28 Feb 2015 08:47:24 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message @mercsdontcry I remember there was a similar problem with invalid attachments, do you see any attachments on the ground or simply everything vanishes?

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by mercsdontcry on Sat, 28 Feb 2015 16:02:41 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message @Gambigobilla No there are no attachements left. Just everything vanishes.

Page 545 of 585 ---- Generated from The Bears Pit Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by jasmith on Wed, 04 Mar 2015 22:39:42 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message I'm having the same problem as TrentL above. 7766 on 2217 (both from SVN), both with basic 1.13 and AFS 4.50 (merc profiles and IMP inventory modified to account for recent Ranger trait changes). Game is running, everything working normally, but soon after taking my first sector from the enemy (Drassen airport, in this case) the strategic clock runs for about a day and then starts running slower and slower before stopping completely.

I tried waiting in Omerta's landing sector for some time with no slowdown, but as soon as I took the Drassen sector it started. Militia training or just standing around seems to make no difference. Sometimes it crashed, other times time just stopped passing and I was able to set assignments, access inventory, etc. When it did crash, I got the same Line 2447 StrategicMovement.cpp assertion failure.

I also noticed when I first started up this particular installation that I was seeing the mouse flicker and leave tails on the main screen. Adding the Windows 8 fixes seemed to cure that, but it's the first time I've had to use those on my Windows 7 computer.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by Vince7403 on Tue, 10 Mar 2015 05:35:03 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message On 7763 exe / 2215 gamedir with AIMNAS, I get crashes on strategic screen which seem to be related to forces moving around, with message "assertion failure in line 2447 of Strategic Movement.cpp." I have a save that always encounters the crash at the same place, and could provide it if that helps.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by Seven. on Mon, 16 Mar 2015 17:45:36 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message In actual stock 1.13 gamedir svn, S.T.R.I.K.E. Vest, id=1683 in items.xml gives magic 5, looks like XML bug.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by Flugente on Mon, 16 Mar 2015 20:46:46 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message sevenfm wrote on Mon, 16 March 2015 17:45In actual stock 1.13 gamedir svn, S.T.R.I.K.E. Vest, id=1683 in items.xml gives magic 5, looks like XML bug.Thanks, fixed in r2228.

Page 546 of 585 ---- Generated from The Bears Pit Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by Flugente on Mon, 16 Mar 2015 20:47:42 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Vince7403 wrote on Tue, 10 March 2015 05:35On 7763 exe / 2215 gamedir with AIMNAS, I get crashes on strategic screen which seem to be related to forces moving around, with message "assertion failure in line 2447 of Strategic Movement.cpp." I have a save that always encounters the crash at the same place, and could provide it if that helps. A save, plus the ini and the difficulty xml, would be useful, yes.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by Seven. on Tue, 17 Mar 2015 11:28:54 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Hire merc with low explosives skill. Give him tnt+detonator. Try to plant tnt on the ground (using bomb cursor) Merc fails to plant bomb due to his low skills, explosion occurs, but the TNT is still in his hands. So what was exploding then?

Tested with actual trunk and 4870 stable, maybe it works this way even from vanilla, but anyway doesn't look realistic.

EDIT: minor code issue - currently flamethrower is hardcoded to it's vanilla item. So if the modder wants to make a new item or a sci-fi weapon with integrated flamethrower, it will fail. Maybe better check for flame ammo instead? From LOS.cpp else if ( usHandItem == FLAMETHROWER ) { usBulletFlags |= BULLET_FLAG_FLAME; ubSpreadIndex = 2; } Possible fix: // sevenfm: check for flame caliber instead else if ( Weapon[Item[usHandItem].ubClassIndex].ubCalibre == AMMOFLAME ) { usBulletFlags |= BULLET_FLAG_FLAME; ubSpreadIndex = 2; }

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by Qinetix on Tue, 17 Mar 2015 13:47:44 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message

Page 547 of 585 ---- Generated from The Bears Pit I've also seem to have been getting the assertion failure at line 2447 of Strategic Movement.cpp. JA2 GoG edition,1.13 revision 7783 on gamedir 2226.It seems to have started appearing since the 7740 exe, both in 1.13 vanilla (with the revision of course) and associated mods like AFS or UC113. It is possible to bypass the error once and never get it again tough( I've attepmted to reproduce it in the same sesion again and it didn't happen anymore, the time seemed to slow down but it started to run again properly afterwards). It involves skipping strategic events, or that was my case, it usually appears during the start of a new session ,after some progress was done, it probably doesn't appear in other saves where one would be farther in the game and therefore not get the error.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by Vince7403 on Wed, 18 Mar 2015 02:58:18 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Flugente wrote on Mon, 16 March 2015 21:47 A save, plus the ini and the difficulty xml, would be useful, yes.

Where does that particular XML file live, please?

Also, I think I may have found something - I'm running on Linux with Wine, which works very well with a little prodding, but I just noticed that there are redundant folders in the data directories since the Linux file system is case-sensitive while Windows' usually aren't. I'm going to merge those folders and see if it has any effect.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by Flugente on Wed, 18 Mar 2015 11:08:24 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message TableData/DifficultySettings.xml

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by Cardinal on Mon, 23 Mar 2015 13:52:09 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Not really sure if it's a bug or a feature:

Gear kit selection becomes unavailable when rehiring mercs on both AIM and MERC websites. Looks like it happens after buying equipment when first hiring. Essentially gear can be bought only once per merc.

Page 548 of 585 ---- Generated from The Bears Pit I'm using r7792 with SDO gamedir which I keep up to date.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by silversurfer on Mon, 23 Mar 2015 19:48:51 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message I bet it's working as intended. Usually you mostly need the kits at the start of the game when you don't have much own equipment. After you hired the merc you have his equipment so there is not much need for more. I wouldn't change that. After all the kits are just for player convenience. The mercs probably don't have several different loadouts at home. ;)

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by RunAwayScientist on Fri, 27 Mar 2015 06:44:22 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message SVN Build 7646:

With 'Strategic Militia Command' enabled, left clicking a militia unit stationed in a town or city, moving the mouse into a sector a few sectors outside the town or city, and then right clicking to cancel completely bugs the system and prevents the player from using 'Strategic Militia Command' again.

If the player attempts to order militia around by left clicking on them again, nothing will happen. This bug is saved into save games and cannot be undone by a quick restart (the player must reload an earlier save).

EDIT: Downloaded and compiled latest SVN (March, 27 2015 ver). Cannot reproduce issue, may have been fixed. Will keep post up for reference.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by Flugente on Fri, 27 Mar 2015 11:08:59 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message RunAwayScientist wrote on Fri, 27 March 2015 06:44SVN Build 7646:

With 'Strategic Militia Command' enabled, left clicking a militia unit stationed in a town or city, moving the mouse into a sector a few sectors outside the town or city, and then right clicking to cancel completely bugs the system and prevents the player from using 'Strategic Militia

Page 549 of 585 ---- Generated from The Bears Pit Command' again.

If the player attempts to order militia around by left clicking on them again, nothing will happen. This bug is saved into save games and cannot be undone by a quick restart (the player must reload an earlier save).

EDIT: Downloaded and compiled latest SVN (March, 27 2015 ver). Cannot reproduce issue, may have been fixed. Will keep post up for reference. I remember fixing that recently, the bug should nto appear anymore.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by smeagol on Mon, 30 Mar 2015 21:13:29 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Driving out of a map in tactical with a vehicle causes an unhandled exception, crashing the game (exe 7667 using bigmaps and ice-cream truck).

Happens in multiple sectors and seems to be 100% reproducible.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by Buggler on Tue, 31 Mar 2015 01:52:37 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message smeagol wrote on Mon, 30 March 2015 21:13Driving out of a map in tactical with a vehicle causes an unhandled exception, crashing the game (exe 7667 using bigmaps and ice-cream truck).

Happens in multiple sectors and seems to be 100% reproducible.

Does the crash happens when the mouse cursor is supposed to change to the tactical transverse icon at the map borders for the selected vehicle?

Are you using Depri's exe? If so, the better coders could then have a look. It used to be an isolated incident occurring only for VS2008 release build, not affecting VS2005/VS2010.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by smeagol on Tue, 31 Mar 2015 08:24:14 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Yes, as far as I can tell, the crash happens when the cursor changes. Not 100% sure on that, though (it's hard to tell, when the actual crash happens, but yes, it may be related to that).

Page 550 of 585 ---- Generated from The Bears Pit Always using Depri exe's.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by navaroe on Wed, 01 Apr 2015 18:43:34 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Hi, There seems to be serious bug in build 7783. To make sure I did clean installation of JA2, copied over 7783 from SCI and when I start a new game on insane level I eventually get Assertion Failure [Line 2887 in file Strategic Movement.cpp].

To reproduce: 1) start a new game on INSANE (other levels are fine, at least at the beginning). 2) Pick any merc, go to Omerta, kill enemies using cheat. 3) On strategic screen, you should now be only able to move 5 minutes ahead and then get stuck. Sometimes timer goes a bit further, but extremely slow. 4) Leave the game to first screen and start a new one. Pick any difficulty, assertion failure will occur.

Since the problem persists even on clean installation, I guess it's not caused by me and I just got lucky when because I started two games which run just fine, units move and attack (on insane level). Btw, after save and reload you can move timer another 5 minutes ahead, but assertion failure will happen eventually anyway.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by Flugente on Wed, 01 Apr 2015 19:07:48 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message I just fixed a bug near that region a few minutes ago in r7805. It might be worth testing whether that fixes the issue.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by navaroe on Wed, 01 Apr 2015 20:13:24 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Oh the miracle of building own exe...Thanks, problem seems to be solved!

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by navaroe on Sat, 04 Apr 2015 11:57:38 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message

Page 551 of 585 ---- Generated from The Bears Pit There seems to be another one, or perhaps the same. Whenever I cancel movement orders, I get Assertion Failuere in same file: Line 2935 in file Strategic Movement.cpp

Saved game + ja2_options.ini

Let me know if I can be of any further help.

Edit: Everything works fine right up to the moment there is a battle with reinforcements. After that, any movement order cancellation results in error. Tested on insane, Build 7805

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by Flugente on Sat, 04 Apr 2015 20:38:11 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Yoiks. Sorry, my fault. Fixed in r7809.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by navaroe on Sun, 05 Apr 2015 11:47:03 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Thanks for fix, seems to be ok now.

Here is 7809 build, if anyone needed.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by math3ws on Mon, 06 Apr 2015 13:55:58 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message I found this bug while playing AFS, but IMHO it is an issue with the exe itself, so I'm posting it here.

The problem is with various dual-mode sights and variable magnification scopes. Sometimes (not always, but quite often), changing the magnification/mode results in unhandled exception and a subsequent CTD. This seems to happen especially if the gun with the scope has other attachments. I've noticed this happening in strategic and in tactical turnbased only, but it's possible that I was just un/lucky and this can happen in tactical non-turnbased aswell.

I could reproduce the bug in exe 7679 (the exe recommended for current version of AFS), and on a relatively new exe (about 3 weeks old revision, unfortunately I can't remember the exact revision number, but to my knowledge it was 7786)

Page 552 of 585 ---- Generated from The Bears Pit steps to reproduce: Install AFSEdit IMP loadout (I added Wilson Combat Recon Rifle, Suppressor, RIS foregrip, RIS Lam/Tac Light, Match trigger and most importantly Dual Mode Sight)Start a new game, create IMP (use the new gear selection method and give your IMP all the stuff added in previous step), go to Omerta.Attach all the stuff to your gun, if it wasn't done automatically.Try changing scope mode several times while in turnbased or in strategic. This should do the trick.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by M16AMachinegun on Tue, 07 Apr 2015 21:55:56 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message @ Chaos:

I can confirm this, theres at least one sight, for example, Dual Mode Sight (goes from 4x to 1.5x and back), which crash the game when attempting to transform the scope to a different mode

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by Cardinal on Wed, 08 Apr 2015 10:17:28 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Chaos wrote

I could reproduce the bug in exe 7679 (the exe recommended for current version of AFS), and on a relatively new exe (about 3 weeks old revision, unfortunately I can't remember the exact revision number, but to my knowledge it was 7786)

M16AMachinegun wroteI can confirm this, theres at least one sight, for example, Dual Mode Sight (goes from 4x to 1.5x and back), which crash the game when attempting to transform the scope to a different mode

Do you build your own exe? It used to happen back when I used VS2008.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by ratpaz on Wed, 08 Apr 2015 13:16:47 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Few issues i found so far playing with r7809 on gamedir 2232: - If i get an attack with tanks and i play the battle or do autoresolve with the active sector selected, after the battle the tanks will get bugged, they stay there as "ghost" tanks (can be displayed like there are vehicles on the sector) then if i attempt to do a repair on that sector or try to get on these vehicles the game will crash to

Page 553 of 585 ---- Generated from The Bears Pit desktop. Also during the attack if i play the battle sometime the tanks will not show up, the battle is declared won but the tank stay on the sector nowhere to be found, i can compress time, do repairs etc... but can't train militia, if i leave the sector it count as withdrew from the battle, the tank/s will eventually move from the sector after few hours.

- Kobra and reflex sight don't seems to work properly, the AP reduction is displayed on the item information, but it isn't applied when mounted to a weapon (playing with NCTH disabled)

- I don't know if this is a bug or a feature, but some scopes don't let me switch them when i press .(dot) key, 2x scopes seems to works always with all the weapons, but 4x, 7x e 10x don't works. The only weapons so far that will let me change scope mode even mounting a 4x or 7x scope is a Steyr AUG-A3, not sure if there are other weapons.

- This is not a bug, but deseases seems to occour too frequently, i mean playing on insane difficulty make the game way harder, mercenaries get 1-2 infections/day and i can't efford to hire a doctor to every city since i need all the manpower to replace dead militia, but maybe it is cause the sectors get so many corpes, i counted on a sector more than 150 dead bodies (i usually play most of the biggest battles, only do autoresolve on easy battles). Also healing deseases is too easy and fast (usually take 1-2 hours) but become much harder if the desease is ignored for only 1 day or so, even a doctor with 90+ medical can't handle.

- Crows are considered innocents by mercs and this worsens relationships since it happen frequently to kill them especially when using artillery strike.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by silversurfer on Wed, 08 Apr 2015 16:03:01 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message ratpaz wrote on Wed, 08 April 2015 15:16 - Kobra and reflex sight don't seems to work properly, the AP reduction is displayed on the item information, but it isn't applied when mounted to a weapon (playing with NCTH disabled)

They only give a bonus when the corresponding scope mode is selected. You won't get the bonus from a reflex sight while looking through a 4x scope for example. This is working as intended. ratpaz wrote on Wed, 08 April 2015 15:16 - I don't know if this is a bug or a feature, but some scopes don't let me switch them when i press .(dot) key, 2x scopes seems to works always with all the weapons, but 4x, 7x e 10x don't works. The only weapons so far that will let me change scope mode even mounting a 4x or 7x scope is a Steyr AUG-A3, not sure if there are other weapons.

Most scopes block iron sights so the only scope mode left is the scope itself or hip fire while standing (there is no hip fire while crouched or prone). This is also working as intended.

Page 554 of 585 ---- Generated from The Bears Pit Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by ratpaz on Wed, 08 Apr 2015 19:56:56 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Awesome! Just catched the trick you guys are making this game more realistic day by day

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by math3ws on Wed, 08 Apr 2015 20:49:56 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Cardinal wrote on Wed, 08 April 2015 12:17Chaos wrote

I could reproduce the bug in exe 7679 (the exe recommended for current version of AFS), and on a relatively new exe (about 3 weeks old revision, unfortunately I can't remember the exact revision number, but to my knowledge it was 7786)

M16AMachinegun wroteI can confirm this, theres at least one sight, for example, Dual Mode Sight (goes from 4x to 1.5x and back), which crash the game when attempting to transform the scope to a different mode

Do you build your own exe? It used to happen back when I used VS2008.

I do build my own exe, but I'm using VS2013. While I don't see how could that fix a bug like this, I did try to use Depri's exe to be sure. I can still replicate the issue with exe 7679 and 7783.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by Cardinal on Wed, 08 Apr 2015 22:28:44 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Chaos wrote on Wed, 08 April 2015 22:49 I do build my own exe, but I'm using VS2013. While I don't see how could that fix a bug like this, I did try to use Depri's exe to be sure. I can still replicate the issue with exe 7679 and 7783.

I guess I spoke out of turn then, sorry. I used to get the exact same crash using a VS2008 exe because I couldn't get it to compile in VS2010. I've since re-installed VS2010 and it works fine now.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by math3ws on Thu, 09 Apr 2015 06:50:42 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message

Page 555 of 585 ---- Generated from The Bears Pit Cardinal wrote on Thu, 09 April 2015 00:28I guess I spoke out of turn then, sorry. I used to get the exact same crash using a VS2008 exe because I couldn't get it to compile in VS2010. I've since re-installed VS2010 and it works fine now.

No, if anything I'm glad someone tried to help me. Unfortunately it didn't help. But thank you anyway.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by navaroe on Thu, 09 Apr 2015 17:17:29 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message ratpaz wrote on Wed, 08 April 2015 15:16Few issues i found so far playing with r7809 on gamedir 2232: - This is not a bug, but deseases seems to occour too frequently, i mean playing on insane difficulty make the game way harder, mercenaries get 1-2 infections/day and i can't efford to hire a doctor to every city since i need all the manpower to replace dead militia, but maybe it is cause the sectors get so many corpes, i counted on a sector more than 150 dead bodies (i usually play most of the biggest battles, only do autoresolve on easy battles). Also healing deseases is too easy and fast (usually take 1-2 hours) but become much harder if the desease is ignored for only 1 day or so, even a doctor with 90+ medical can't handle.

I also play insane difficulty and don't have this kind of problem. You should only get diseased if you mess with corpse, right? And only those not so fresh ones. I collect clothes from bodies a lot and haven't been diseased in this game so far. Did you perhaps went through swamp sector? If you do that with 10 mercs then the chance of leaving with two dissased mercs is quite high. If you even stayed for a few hours, than any big team without drugs is doomed. BTW, that makes western tropical SAM extremely hard to defend.

Or may be you are playing with food system on and have diseases reinfecting you from used food?

As for ease of healing - I think it's Flugente's intention for it to be easy when handled soon. As you say yourself, it gets tough enough when unattended...

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by ratpaz on Thu, 09 Apr 2015 21:06:51 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Well it was at beginning of the game, i headed to San Mona, made some quests there, then Chitzena and the sam site near by, after that i headed toward Drassen and liberated it, food system was disabled. So yes i went through few swamp sector, but also stationated on sectors filled with rotten bodies, but that is something usual playing this game, especially on insane, you can't leave a city you liberetad just to avoid to get diseases, you have to train militia as fast as possible, maybe magic

Page 556 of 585 ---- Generated from The Bears Pit Flugente should implement a bury bodies feature i disabled deseases when i wasn't able to handle the problem anymore, oh and maybe i used a little earlier version, i think r7783 on gamedir 2226. Anyway on my opinion deseases should be a rare event even on most dangerous environments, if i go to a swamp should be not that possible i get a disease, also i don't get a desease today and another tomorrow few hour after i was healed from the first one, or get 2-3 deseases at the same time. I know it is possible to change desease probabilities changing variables on desease.xml, i tried reducing deseases by more than 500% but don't seems to had sort any noticable effect on my case.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by edmortimer on Thu, 09 Apr 2015 22:00:56 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Interesting reading regarding disease in wartime operations:

Toggle SpoilerHealth of the Command

Rates and Trends

In Vietnam, as in Korea and in the Asiatic and Pacific theaters in World War II, the cumulative effect of disease was the greatest drain on the strength of the American combat and support effort. Disease admissions accounted for just over two of every three (69 percent) hospital admissions in Vietnam in the period 1965-69; battle injuries and wounds, in contrast, were, responsible for approximately one of six admissions during this period. (Table 1) But the average hospital stay and thus the time lost from duty resulting from combat injury was considerably longer than that resulting from disease. In 1970, however, as a result of the diminution of the American combat role, disease and nonbattle injury accounted for more than half the man-days lost to the, Army in that theater. (Table 2)

While indicative of the theater's single greatest cause of morbidity, disease rates for Vietnam revealed encouraging trends when compared to rates for previous conflicts. The average annual disease admission rate for Vietnam (351 per 1,000 per year) was approximately one-third of that for the China-Burma-India and Southwest Pacific theaters in World War II (844 per 1,000 per year and 890 per 1,000 per year, respectively), and more than 40 percent less than the rate for the Korean War (611 per 1,000 per year). (See Table 1.) *

One of the most striking achievements of military medicine in Vietnam, was the rapid and effective establishment of a preventive medicine program that blunted the impact of disease on combat operations, In World War II, preventive medicine programs in the Far East did not begin to make inroads upon disease incidence until 1945, a year of transition from war to peace. In Korea the delay was less, but still considerable. In Vietnam, however, effective disease control programs were introduced in 1965, and these were successfully maintained throughout the stress of the troop buildup, (See Table 1.) see:

Page 557 of 585 ---- Generated from The Bears Pit Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by navaroe on Sat, 11 Apr 2015 16:13:53 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Well, 10 days into my insane game and I have 2 admissions due to battle injury and like 14 due diseases. I'll probably try to balance things more towards your link Especially mortality troubles me - I have Ira, Fox and MD working in Drassen hospital and still they are losing the battle against typhus and cholera. For large teams in insane games this awesome idea of diseases needs to be rebalanced, I think. Or perhaps make medicaments accessible bit sooner through BR?

I'll post results and XML in feature's thread some day soon.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by edmortimer on Sat, 11 Apr 2015 16:31:02 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Making more medical supplies available earlier and easier to come by is a realistic option. Adjusting Gearkits of the medics to have these items at the start is also realistic. It is, after all, the role of medics to prepare for these types of circumstances, and to be knowledgeable about them before arriving. Medics would know that disease is a primary problem they will encounter. As well, considering we don't have a medical version of an online store it makes sense to have Bobby Ray's sell all medical equipment at the start. Just my opinion as a medic.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by smeagol on Wed, 15 Apr 2015 16:18:26 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message No had evidence yet, but from little testing it seems, that rocks used as distractions are not functional atm.

Also it basically makes next to no difference if you are stealthy and running behind the back of an enemy or not, you seem to make no noise, whatsoever anyways.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by Flugente on Fri, 17 Apr 2015 16:24:17 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message I've noticed a few more bugs: on certain conditions, entering a sector if a merc is a passenger of a vehicle in that sector causes CTD. enemy artillery explosions are falsely attributed to the very first merc recruited, leading to other mercs complaining about 'friendly fire' other minor stuff I've since forgottenWhile I have the fixes, I am currently unable to commit them. Due to ... non-standard electrical conditions my router is fried, leaving me without internet (I'm posting this from somewhere else). I'll commit once I'm back online. This is just a reminder, so nobody feels to research these 2 bugs as well.

Page 558 of 585 ---- Generated from The Bears Pit Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by Flugente on Sun, 19 Apr 2015 09:48:33 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message smeagol wrote on Mon, 30 March 2015 21:13Driving out of a map in tactical with a vehicle causes an unhandled exception, crashing the game (exe 7667 using bigmaps and ice-cream truck).

Happens in multiple sectors and seems to be 100% reproducible.Fixed in r7817. Also: r7818: Fix: enemy artillery shells were wrongly attributed to have been fired from the first merc you hired, leading to lots of complaints about friendly fire. r7819: Fix: crash when entering a sector if currently selected merc is in the helicopter r7822: Fix: during strategic AI evaluation, player strength should be taken into account. However, due to very bad programming/deletion of code (not sure which one, probably both) not only is player strength not calculated sometimes, the variable isn't even initialized. Which can lead, to say, the AI assuming that the player has 54k mercs defending a sector, at which points it decides 'Nope, not going there'. We now at least initialize the thing to 0, so the AI can properly attack. r7823: Technically not a fix, but it sure feels like one: As you might know, the AI cyclically evaluates the strategic situation and sends out garrison/patrol replacements. It creates a list of all sectors viable to be reinforced, then picks one of them (somewhat) randomly. However, if it then decides that it cannot send forces there (because, say, the sector has over 54k defenders), it does not send forces - it stops for this cycle. I've changed this so that in this case, it simply tries to send forces to the next sector on the list, until it is successful. This seems to be in line with what the AI should originally do. The combination of these 2 bugs (r7822 && r7823) could lead to the strategic AI being severely dumbed down, sending out teams at a much lower rate then was originally intended.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by Flugente on Sun, 19 Apr 2015 10:11:52 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message ratpaz wrote on Wed, 08 April 2015 13:16... - Crows are considered innocents by mercs and this worsens relationships since it happen frequently to kill them especially when using artillery strike.Fixed in r7824.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by smeagol on Sun, 19 Apr 2015 14:58:07 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Unloading vehicles in sector inventory with shift+e makes the items disappear, while shift+w works fine.

Page 559 of 585 ---- Generated from The Bears Pit Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by ExxonValdez on Sun, 19 Apr 2015 23:23:55 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message navaroe wrote on Sun, 05 April 2015 13:47Thanks for fix, seems to be ok now. Here is 7809 build, if anyone needed. Thx. By the way - 7809 build contain all previous bugfixes ?

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by silversurfer on Mon, 20 Apr 2015 07:17:02 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Yes, newer versions have all previous bugfixes.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by smeagol on Mon, 20 Apr 2015 18:49:22 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Instead of placing concertina wire, mercs will start complaining about the terrible condition, once it reaches low percentages, even though concertina wire is using the multiple placement per item option.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by ratpaz on Tue, 21 Apr 2015 16:05:36 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message 2 more bugs r7809 gamedir 2232

- A tank spawned inside a house in Balime L11, not sure if it is a feature but it sure look wrong.

- Assertion Failure (Line 3090 in file Stategic Movement.cpp) while entering on hammer for the first time 24 hours after i have bought it from Dave.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by Flugente on Wed, 22 Apr 2015 18:46:42 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message smeagol wrote on Mon, 20 April 2015 18:49Instead of placing concertina wire, mercs will start

Page 560 of 585 ---- Generated from The Bears Pit complaining about the terrible condition, once it reaches low percentages, even though concertina wire is using the multiple placement per item option.Fixed in r7829.

This also fixes the bug that launchers happily launch whatever is attached to them via attachment points. If someone wants to define what a launcher can launch, use Items/Launchables.xml.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by ExxonValdez on Fri, 01 May 2015 07:22:09 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Hello. I've started my JA2 test-gameplay on the newest release v7816 downloaded from!583 . I found blackscreen error occur in evry games after many days (I have tried new game and result was the same). After load savegame just press "next turn" and BS will appear. savegame:

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by smeagol on Fri, 01 May 2015 11:41:27 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Placing movement orders for vehicle squads in the worldmap overview doesn't work properly if using two vehicles.

If you are moving two non-vehicle squads you issue movement orders to different sectors and both squads will move properly. However, the same doesn't apply to two squads in vehicles. Only the first squad will move and the second squad will remain in the sector, so you have to issue the movement orders to vehicle squads seperately, even if they have the same destination.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by smeagol on Wed, 06 May 2015 08:11:34 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Switching taclights on/off while attached to a gun (without batteries) crashes the game.

Switching magnification via transformation of certain scopes sometimes crashes the game, sometimes it doesn`t. Hard to replicate, happens during tacctical view in AIMNAS while using a 7x re3dfield scope which can be transformed to 2x or 4x magnification. My guess is that it is either caused by the changed field of view or some amount of AP cost. Of course I might be totally

Page 561 of 585 ---- Generated from The Bears Pit wrong with this...

Using 7X35 exe (probably 8 or 9, whatever most recent release is... currently not at my gamedir PC).

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by Flugente on Sun, 10 May 2015 12:10:00 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Hmm. This can also happen in stock 1.13. Seems to only happen if attached to a gun. For some reason, sometimes a pointer is corrupted, resulting in random behaviour.

Edit: Fixed in r7855. However... the attachment code in general is so messed up I have a hard time determining whether the code is buggy, intended to be this obscure, or the result of some merging accident.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by ExxonValdez on Tue, 12 May 2015 16:45:03 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Flugente, any news ?

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by Uriens on Wed, 13 May 2015 08:30:11 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Using SCI 7835. I'm getting weapons with 100% condition to jam quite frequently. Not sure if that is related to those pointers because the way those jams happen are quite peculiar. Namely, I have like 6 or so same guns in the squad but only one of them will start jamming at 100% or close to 100% condition. Other times (other battle or maybe reload) another gun will start doing that while the previous one will no longer jam.

I'm also getting an error which causes game to crash shortly after: "schedule callback: illegal soldier ID of 0.". It's displayed in the message box in the bottom left corner, not like those assertion fail messages. I don't know to which feature that is connected so I'm reporting it here.

Edit: And just as I reported it, I got 2 guns to start jamming at max condition. Apparently, whatever the bug is, it doesn't have to be one item. Also, the jams are quite frequent, like gun condition is way below 50% so it makes it almost unusable. Never had that happen in the previous SCI so whatever was changed in between 7835 and the one before is likely the cause of it.

Page 562 of 585 ---- Generated from The Bears Pit Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by Flugente on Wed, 13 May 2015 10:08:00 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message @ExxonValdez: will check once I have time, likely earliest the next weekend.

@Uriens: I assume you are using stock 1.13 on this one... Is overheating or dirt active? Any special things you did, like item transformationss?

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by Uriens on Wed, 13 May 2015 14:01:33 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Nope, dirt and overheating are off. I always have them off, no other changes except for some usual changes I always do to ini file. No modifications to the other files.

Btw. in previous playthrough of UC mod with one version older SCI I had some problems when there was a vehicle present in the sector that was loaded. Problems like AI turn going into endless loop. No matter what I would do it wouldn't pass first AI turn. However, when I would move vehicle away from sector and then tried the same battle again - game would work normally. However, since this was both UC in question and I did use some shift+arrow rearranging of mercs (IIRC that used to mess up indexes while ago) I wasn't really sure what caused it so I didn't report it. That "schedule callback: illegal soldier ID of 0." error is something I saw first time since I play but, in the sector that was currently loaded, there was a vehicle present. It's possible it's related but not sure. Unloading sector and then reloading fixed that error problem and I wasn't able to reproduce it yet.

As far as the jams are concerned, it happens all the time. I'll look into it more closely, see if I manage to find a pattern and what causes it. Odd thing is that it currently only happens on one type of gun but currently I hardly have any other guns.

Edit: Ignore jam part of the report, I may have made a mistake in ja2_options.ini file. I'll check it out of it still happens but so far just ignore. The "schedule callback: illegal soldier ID of 0." error is still valid though and I'll try to reproduce it.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by Seven. on Thu, 14 May 2015 14:48:58 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Looks like dynamic aiming levels are shown incorrectly in EDB for mercs with skills, for example, marksman skill lowers shown max. aimlevels value instead of increasing it. Probably the values for EDB are calculated in NCTH system even when using OCTH. Actual shooting and aiming works ok.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here!

Page 563 of 585 ---- Generated from The Bears Pit Posted by silversurfer on Thu, 14 May 2015 19:48:53 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message sevenfm wrote on Thu, 14 May 2015 16:48Looks like dynamic aiming levels are shown incorrectly in EDB for mercs with skills, for example, marksman skill lowers shown max. aimlevels value instead of increasing it. Probably the values for EDB are calculated in NCTH system even when using OCTH. Actual shooting and aiming works ok. That was an easy fix -> r7864.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by smeagol on Fri, 15 May 2015 11:58:24 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message And another very annoying bug:

I got an endless stop watch during opponents turns. The source of this seems to be if an unmanned vehicle is spotted by the AI. Took some time to figure it out and I'm not yet 100% sure on this one either.

I made an assault on several different sectors during a daytime mission, the vehicles seem to get parked within sight range of enemies each time. When entering turnbased, the game will freeze with the usual stopwatch and end of opponents turn and there is no way to stop the freeze (not even GABBI and Alt+Enter work). If entering the sector without vehicle, all seems to work fine.

Tried in two different sectors (Bigmaps D2 and G2). Will likely be hard to track. :/

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by dreamer2008 on Fri, 15 May 2015 15:49:40 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message After using the new weapon selection with IMP, I don't get a few of the items I've chosen when I start the game. For example, when I choose to get two NVG I, when I start the game I actually get none. The same with extra Scopes. Didn't test anything else. I'm using the latest Depri build that came out today.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by Uriens on Fri, 15 May 2015 18:03:04 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message smeagol wrote on Fri, 15 May 2015 11:58And another very annoying bug:

I got an endless stop watch during opponents turns. The source of this seems to be if an unmanned vehicle is spotted by the AI. Took some time to figure it out and I'm not yet 100% sure

Page 564 of 585 ---- Generated from The Bears Pit on this one either.

I made an assault on several different sectors during a daytime mission, the vehicles seem to get parked within sight range of enemies each time. When entering turnbased, the game will freeze with the usual stopwatch and end of opponents turn and there is no way to stop the freeze (not even GABBI and Alt+Enter work). If entering the sector without vehicle, all seems to work fine.

Tried in two different sectors (Bigmaps D2 and G2). Will likely be hard to track. :/

I had similar thing happen in UC mod. If there was a (empty) vehicle present in the map, during AI turn I'd get a stopwatch. I just wasn't sure what caused it so I didn't report it.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by silversurfer on Fri, 15 May 2015 18:03:54 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message dreamer2008 wrote on Fri, 15 May 2015 17:49After using the new weapon selection with IMP, I don't get a few of the items I've chosen when I start the game. For example, when I choose to get two NVG I, when I start the game I actually get none. The same with extra Scopes. Didn't test anything else. I'm using the latest Depri build that came out today. If you pick too many items it can happen that they don't all fit into your merc's inventory. Don't be so greedy. ;)

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by smeagol on Fri, 15 May 2015 18:48:19 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Did some more investigations on the vehicle stopwatch bug... seems like it is caused if there are at least two vehicles in a sector (I have Ice Cream Truck and El Dorado atm). If I only bring in one car, all works fine. Two cars -> always stopwatch at end of first turn I spotted an enemy. Enemies are still unaware, happens regardless if they see the vehicles or not (I even increased map size to 480x480 in D2 to make sure the cars don't get seen).

Edit: On further notice: it actually seems to be caused exclusively by the el dorado... the ice cream truck seems to work fine.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by dreamer2008 on Sat, 16 May 2015 07:43:37 GMT

Page 565 of 585 ---- Generated from The Bears Pit View Forum Message <> Reply to Message silversurfer wrote on Fri, 15 May 2015 20:03 If you pick too many items it can happen that they don't all fit into your merc's inventory. Don't be so greedy. ;) Thanks for the reply. I think the problem is that you can't select doubles for certain items, like Scope or NVG. I've restarted several times with different item configuration, and there wasn't a problem with the number of items, just doubles. Noticed the same thing with double holsters as well, I only got one.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by Flugente on Sat, 16 May 2015 08:41:48 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message @smeagol: A savegame of such a situation (directly before you begin combat) would be helpful.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by smeagol on Sat, 23 May 2015 12:21:11 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message And another one:

Seems like the AimLevel modifier doesn't work.

If I understood it correctly, this item tag should reduce the number of aim clicks on guns in ncth to get maximum aim on a shot. But it doesn't...

If using a reflex sight with a -3 aimlevel modifier set, the number of clicks on the gun remains the same to reach maximum aim.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by silversurfer on Sat, 23 May 2015 13:23:04 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message smeagol wrote on Sat, 23 May 2015 14:21 Seems like the AimLevel modifier doesn't work.

If I understood it correctly, this item tag should reduce the number of aim clicks on guns in ncth to get maximum aim on a shot. But it doesn't...

If using a reflex sight with a -3 aimlevel modifier set, the number of clicks on the gun remains the same to reach maximum aim. Works fine in my game. You did remember to switch to corresponding scope mode, didn't you? If you aren't using this sight it will have no effect. Also you need to have the gun in your weapon

Page 566 of 585 ---- Generated from The Bears Pit hand. Otherwise it will have no scope modes except base weapon.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by smeagol on Tue, 26 May 2015 13:57:09 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Drunk Larry can't buy stuff from Devin (probably also can't buy from otherr dealers).

Get this error message: assertion 955 shopkeeper interface.cpp selected merc can't interact with shopkeeper send save AM-1

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by silversurfer on Tue, 26 May 2015 14:15:34 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message I see Larry but Devin? Is that the guy at the lowest table? If so the reason why Larry can't talk to him is probably that the line of sight check fails which is causing the assertion. The question is how do you even manage to see him through the wall and activate dialogue?

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by smeagol on Tue, 26 May 2015 19:10:23 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message No, Devin was hiding in the toilet, after a gun fight in San Mona. Can't reproduce the bug, seemed indeed be related to some missing line of sight. Nevermind...

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by M16AMachinegun on Wed, 27 May 2015 09:10:39 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Using Flug's r7862 'increased max sizes' .exe on AFS v4.50.1 patch

Using Tab+Left click to mark items in sector inventory with any overlay [i.e. red overlay saying 'Militia, do not take this'], and then attempting to merge items/convert ammo to boxes/crates/other ways to manipulate the sector inventory fails to update the items appropriately.

Example: M16A4 is in slot 18, and there are several items that can be merged together, for example right after a battle.

Page 567 of 585 ---- Generated from The Bears Pit Highlighting this M16A4 with a red overlay (to signal militia not to take it) and then clicking 'Merge Items' will leave the overlay over the box, while moving the item that's supposed to be marked as 'do not take' to a different inventory square.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by Rockstarz on Thu, 28 May 2015 06:16:19 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Using unstable build 7823. It's been a few in-game weeks, and i've finally gotten around to going and turning in the get food from drassen quest. When entering sublevel 1, rebel hideout, i have an odd bug where it looks like my screen is trying to continuously scroll right. I can still click and give orders, but it's impossible to really see what I'm doing. Starting a new game, this issue does not persist. I've tried a few older saves, this bug appears to activate at some point after the start of the game, but I haven't been able to pin it down. Any suggestions on a quick workaround?


Finally lined my cursor up with the exit from the basement. JA2 exits with error:

Told to use exit grid at 13582 but one does not exist.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by silversurfer on Thu, 28 May 2015 08:27:39 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Rockstarz wrote on Thu, 28 May 2015 08:16Using unstable build 7823. It's been a few in-game weeks, and i've finally gotten around to going and turning in the get food from drassen quest. When entering sublevel 1, rebel hideout, i have an odd bug where it looks like my screen is trying to continuously scroll right.

I only got the permanent scrolling problem when I alt+tabbed out of the game and back and some key was stuck in the game. This could always be fixed by pressing alt, ctrl and all cursor keys (one after the other, not together). The basement of A9 was always a bit wonky. Whenever I clicked a container or NPC the view would jump around a bit. I don't know what is causing this.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by M16AMachinegun on Fri, 29 May 2015 21:58:00 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Two things, both on AFS v4.50.1 + Flug's increased team size JA2_Volitile_r7862.exe

1: Bug moving militia

Page 568 of 585 ---- Generated from The Bears Pit To Reproduce: Create 32 militia in NW Cambria (Hospital) Move Militia to NE Cambria [battle] Move Militia to sector E9 [battle] Note: 'Waited' for multiple 'squads' to arrive in same sector Attempt to move Militia back to NE Cambria, as shown.

To Fix: Left click on Militia Right click on sector they're in to cancel movement Done


Exiting the vehicle teleported me through a wall when a vehicle is pressed against a wall.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by Anthropoid on Sat, 30 May 2015 21:06:09 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message I'm a bit confused about how to report bugs, and even if it is worth doing for "older" versions.

I've got 7816 installed and I see on Onedrive that there are now two more recent versions. Basically I'm getting hangs and crashes that have to do with backpacks containing things. I can recreate them and provide detailed info (screen caps, logs whatever) if that is worthwhile. To summarize it briefly.

Merc drops his TIMs backpack in the Kingpin nightclub in prep to fight. When clicking then on the small one game hangs up and have to force it to stop using Task manager. This one repeated three times in a row.

Related, dropped backpacks in Chit (dropped each one manually, not using the hotkey to drop all of them in whole squad). I used Shift-M to collate everything. The packs have the blue asterisk, but when you put them back on a merc they are empty.

Somebody let me know if reporting these bugs is worthwhile and I'll keep this install for a while. I'll just make a copy and install the most recent version for continued play and restart a new game.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by Anthropoid on Sat, 30 May 2015 23:53:35 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Okay, I've installed the latest build (7866). I made a couple of changes in INI to difficulty settings,

Page 569 of 585 ---- Generated from The Bears Pit base damage modifiers, BR settings . . . nothing that I would imagine would impact how backpacks work.

My mercs arrive at Chit, and all have backpacks, many have a complete TIMS set. All have something in their backpacks. I've tried it a couple times, and it happens most of the time (but not all). Dropping backpacks causes the contents to disappear. This seems to happen whether the packs are dropped individually (either with the drop button or "manually") or using the Shift-B hotkey.

Quite simply: drop a pack with stuff in it, pick it up again and its empty.

I did notice in one repeat that this did not occur. The only thing I could speculate might account for it not occuring was that the merc which did it was not in stealth mode nor wearing NVGs.

ADDIT: a bit more 'testing' . . . I think it might be stealth mode that is causing stuff to disappear. If a merc drops a bag or backpack while in stealth mode, the contents of the bag/pack disappear. Reload and redo with same merc not in stealth mode: stuff does not disappear.

ADDIT2: On further testing, nope it is more complicated than just stealth mode. I've had stuff disappear when packs are dropped in normal mode a couple times now.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by silversurfer on Sun, 31 May 2015 05:54:18 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message You should do your tests in an unmodified version of JA1.13 and see if it happens there. I never had contents from my backpacks disappear so far and I have 9 IMPs with a full TIMS set. I drop these with shift+b before battle and also drop/pick them using the zipper from time to time. If you could narrow down the reason and provide a savegame with steps to reproduce the issue it would be helpful.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by Anthropoid on Mon, 01 Jun 2015 23:34:35 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Okay, I'll do a clean install of 7866 and see what I see.

ADDIT: So weird. I cannot now replicate the disapearing stuff in the dropped packs, using the exact same 7866 build (plenty of changes in INI). I don't quite comprehend how that is possible, but ah well!

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by ExxonValdez on Sun, 07 Jun 2015 15:05:27 GMT

Page 570 of 585 ---- Generated from The Bears Pit View Forum Message <> Reply to Message ExxonValdez wrote on Fri, 01 May 2015 09:22Hello. I've started my JA2 test-gameplay on the newest release v7816 downloaded from!583 . I found blackscreen error occur in evry games after many days (I have tried new game and result was the same). After load savegame just press "next turn" and BS will appear. savegame:

Flugente wrote on Wed, 13 May 2015 12:08@ExxonValdez: will check once I have time, likely earliest the next weekend.

Flugente - did you check it out ?

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by navaroe on Tue, 09 Jun 2015 18:35:40 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Hi, in this saved game for build 7883 bug is about to manifest in B1. At 21:50 of game time, the unit in B2 (with tank - wow, I love this) which came to take back Chitzena, will attack Ira in B1. If Ira retreats in strategic view, the queen's unit just disappears. If Ira stays and retreats in tactical or fights, the unit stays, just won't move again (which is fine by me - I know it's not a patrol).

I have noticed this behavior with queens counter attack forces before - one can go around it by retreating in tactical, but if you just leave the sector to which is attack heading, the units will disappear too.In tough situations (which are abundant in my game) it feels a bit stupid to leave soldiers behind just so that he can make sure enemy units stay intact (ja2_options.ini included)

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by Flugente on Mon, 15 Jun 2015 18:27:04 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message A minor glitch: we have a helptext on a merc's silhouette, that nowadays display health, breath, sleep food and disease info. It is possible that the text will be for a different merc than currently viewed in tactical display. The reason is that the game is weird on what it updates when and what not. I currently have no time to fixing that though, perhaps someone else has.

Page 571 of 585 ---- Generated from The Bears Pit Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by Flugente on Tue, 16 Jun 2015 22:05:41 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message ExxonValdezExxonValdez wrote on Fri, 01 May 2015 09:22Hello. I've started my JA2 test-gameplay on the newest release v7816 downloaded from!583 . I found blackscreen error occur in evry games after many days (I have tried new game and result was the same). After load savegame just press "next turn" and BS will appear. savegame:

Flugente wrote on Wed, 13 May 2015 12:08@ExxonValdez: will check once I have time, likely earliest the next weekend.

Flugente - did you check it out ? Eh. I remember fixing a bug on a savegame that looked like this months ago. Not sure if thats the smae or another one of yours. Anyway, with this savegame and a current (r7893) I can play through several turns without any crash happening. Whatever the error is, I can't find it.

I am also incapable in differing editing and replying, it seems.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by Flugente on Wed, 17 Jun 2015 21:10:20 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message navaroe wrote on Tue, 09 June 2015 18:35Hi, in this saved game for build 7883 bug is about to manifest in B1. At 21:50 of game time, the unit in B2 (with tank - wow, I love this) which came to take back Chitzena, will attack Ira in B1. If Ira retreats in strategic view, the queen's unit just disappears. If Ira stays and retreats in tactical or fights, the unit stays, just won't move again (which is fine by me - I know it's not a patrol).

I have noticed this behavior with queens counter attack forces before - one can go around it by retreating in tactical, but if you just leave the sector to which is attack heading, the units will disappear too.In tough situations (which are abundant in my game) it feels a bit stupid to leave soldiers behind just so that he can make sure enemy units stay intact (ja2_options.ini included) Hmm. Tried that savegame (situation in F9). On the first time I loaded the savegame, effect occured. After that, never again. I even restarted the exe and loaded it again, assuming it was some error depending on some uninitialised variables - nope. Seems random to me. This is bad, not sure how to fix it.

Page 572 of 585 ---- Generated from The Bears Pit Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by navaroe on Fri, 19 Jun 2015 20:16:04 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message edit: F9? The attacks happens next to Chitzena, from B2 to B1. Now I wonder if you over sought this or f9 is just typo.

Wow, it happened to me like 5 times in a row :o I've made another savedgame, in build 7883, just in the minute when the attack happens, hopefully eliminating randomness.

I still wonder how there could be this sort of difference, on my system the behavior is same all the time, tried a few times again now. Can behavior of say, random number generator, differ between systems that much? Too bad JA2 doesn't offer remote debugging

Thanks for trying tough.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by Flugente on Sat, 20 Jun 2015 15:22:17 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message The new savegame has this happening in B1. The old was in F9, thus me writing that

Anyway... what happens is that the 83-people strong group needs new orders after arriving at their destination, but missing the player (who retreated). The group then gets a random new assignment. The intention was obviously to get the group moving again (otherwise they wouldn't move and be stuck there).

And, apparently it can happen with the right random numbers picked that the group doesn't get reassigned... It then gets moved back to the troop pool. Which causes it to completely vanish. There is no code in place to stop this. So... this is not a bug... this is design.

Currently seeking a fix, 'cause this design stinks.

Edit: Somewhat fixed in r7895. If a group is ordered ordered to be moved back to the pool during reassignment, we now order them to move there an dissolve then instead of vanishing outright.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by navaroe on Sun, 21 Jun 2015 08:21:57 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Funny, I had no idea about F9, I was talking about B1 all the time albeit there was quite a bit of game time to pass before the event in the first savedgame Nevermind.

Page 573 of 585 ---- Generated from The Bears Pit Stinky design indeed. Dumbs down queen a lot.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by M16AMachinegun on Sun, 21 Jun 2015 13:50:49 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Bug: Suppressed enemies with zero breath (knocked out or otherwise) are unable to be attacked with punching, knifes, gunfire. Additionally, another entity (example: Militia) can stand on the enemy's square. This subsequently causes militia to shoot at the militia that is standing on the enemy's square, leading to repeated instances where militia will attack the one militiaman, only for him to die and another militia to attempt to attack the suppressed enemy...only for other militiamen to attack their new target.

Build: Has existed for several months across different builds

Repeatability: Must knock out enemy, then suppress, with militia on map. Militia sometimes do this. Easiest way is to take a Martial Artist, knock out an enemy, then use auto fire above enemy.

Suppression .ini settings, using UC113 v4.6x with 'tested' SCI (7883): Toggle Spoiler[Tactical Suppression Fire Settings]

;************************************************************************************************************** ********* ******* ; These settings control the behavior of Suppression Fire, its severity, and its side-effects. ; ; Please note: Activating this system may have a PROFOUND effect on your game - it changes the way battles are fought ; (hopefully making them more realistic). Do not change any setting unless you understand what it does!! ; ; To enable the system, raise the value of "SUPPRESSION_EFFECTIVENESS" above 0.

;************************************************************************************************************** ********* *******

;************************************************************************************************************** ********* ******* ; SUPPRESSION BASICS ; ; Suppression Fire is a way of controlling a battlefield. When under heavy fire, a character accumulates suppression. ; He will then lose APs proportionally. The goal is to SUCK OUT THE ENEMY'S APs, so he can't move or fire back. ;

Page 574 of 585 ---- Generated from The Bears Pit ; Characters have a TOLERANCE value that helps them resist suppression fire. A higher value decreases AP loss, Shock, ; and morale loss. This value is based on the character's Experience and Morale, among other things. ; ; In addition to AP loss, Suppression SHOCK can also be accumulated. This makes the character less useful, by reducing ; his Chance-to-Hit considerably. It also makes the character harder to hit himself. ; ; Characters with too much SHOCK are said to be COWERING. They are now even more vulnerable to suppression than normal! ; ; Characters can go into negative APs when under suppression fire. This means they lose APs off their NEXT turn as well. ; A character who has lost all APs off his NEXT turn is said to be PINNED DOWN. This is the best result from suppression ; fire, it means that the character is useless of a whole turn and can be assaulted safely. ; ; Use suppression fire to prevent enemies from approaching, pin them down, and then advance and kill them while they are ; hiding. ; Note that they will try to do the same thing to you!

;************************************************************************************************************** ********* *******

;------; Controls how powerful suppression fire is. ; ; 0 = JA2 Default: Suppression is DISABLED. ; 100 = Suppression is fully activated. ; ; This value can be raised to 65535... But don't. Values over 200 are already excessive. ;------


;------; These modifiers control suppression effectiveness for different teams. They work together with SUPPRESSION_EFFECTIVENESS, ; not instead ; ; 0 = JA2 Default: Suppression is DISABLED. ; 100 = Suppression is fully activated. ; ; This value can be raised to 65535... But don't. Values over 200 are already excessive. ;------

Page 575 of 585 ---- Generated from The Bears Pit SUPPRESSION_EFFECTIVENESS_PLAYER = 50 SUPPRESSION_EFFECTIVENESS_AI = 200

;------; Minimum and Maximum amount of Suppression Tolerance a character can have. ; ; NOTE: You'll cause problems if you set MIN to a value greater then MAX ;------


; If TRUE, the condition, leadership and experience of nearby friendlies affects a character's tolerance value. NEARBY_FRIENDLIES_AFFECT_TOLERANCE = TRUE

; Characters gain 1 bonus tolerance point per each N tiles they move during their turn. TILES_MOVED_PER_BONUS_TOLERANCE_POINT = 5

;------; This controls how much Suppression Shock is taken when under fire. ; ; 100 is the "normal" effect. ; Range is 0 (no suppression shock) to 65535 (65535% effect). ; 200 is a LOT. ;------


; The maximum number of Shock points a character can have. MAX_SUPPRESSION_SHOCK = 30

;------; Shocked Target CTH Penalty ; ; When Suppression Shock is enabled, targets under fire become harder to hit (they are trying to hide). ; Use these settings to change the CTH penalty for shooting at such targets. ;------

; This controls how much CTH you lose when shooting at a Shocked target: X CTH lost per target shock point. CTH_PENALTY_PER_TARGET_SHOCK = 2

; Controls the maximum CTH penalty you can get when shooting at a Shocked Target. 0 = No limit! MAX_CTH_PENALTY_FOR_TARGET_SHOCK = 40


;--- 2014 Stable 1.13 Release compatibility settings ------; Minimum range at which you get the full CTH penalty. If you are closer than this, the penalty begins to drop. MIN_RANGE_FOR_FULL_COWERING_TARGET_PENALTY = 100 ;--- 2014 Stable 1.13 Release compatibility settings ------

;------; Shock Effects ; ; A Shocked character becomes less useful, primarily losing CTH on all his attacks. ; Use these settings to enable further effects from being shocked. ;------

; Maximum amount of CTH we lose when shocked. Each point of shock causes a loss of 5 CTH on any ranged attack. ; 0 = No limit. MAX_CTH_PENALTY_FROM_SHOCK = 0

; Vision loss due to Suppression Shock. ; 0 = No vision loss. ; 2 = Vision range reduced proportionally to shock. ; 3 = Tunnel Vision increased proportionally to shock. ; 1 = Both options enabled. SHOCK_REDUCES_SIGHTRANGE = 1

; When "COWERING" (fully shocked), the character's tolerance decreases by this many points. This effectively makes ; the character considerably less resistance to further suppression fire, until the shock can clear away. COWERING_PENALTY_TO_SUPPRESSION_TOLERANCE = 4

;------; These settings tell the AI how to behave when Suppress is enabled. The first tells the AI the minimum mag size of the weapon ; before suppression will be considered. And the second tells the AI minimum remaining ammo the weapon must have to be valid ; for suppression. Valid range is 0 to 1000. Setting the mag size to 0 will mean the AI will try to use suppression on every

Page 577 of 585 ---- Generated from The Bears Pit ; weapon which is the result you used to get when setting the AI Suppression flag to FALSE. ;------


;------; Explosive Suppression ; ; This feature enables suppression effects caused by explosives. All blast-type explosives (Frag, Stun, TNT, etc.) will cause ; suppression based on how far the center of the blast is from the character. Note that suppression works BEYOND the range ; of the explosion itself! ; 0 = disabled. ; 100 = "normal" effect. ;------


;------; Other settings ;------

; Show a message when a character has lost all APs off his NEXT TURN (normally at -80AP). This is called "PINNED DOWN". NOTIFY_WHEN_PINNED_DOWN = TRUE

; Minimum distance at which friendly characters become suppressed their own forces. MIN_DISTANCE_FRIENDLY_SUPPRESSION = 30

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by Flugente on Sun, 21 Jun 2015 18:14:46 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Hu. And there I had hoped this was just a one-of-a-time weird effect. Grr.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by M16AMachinegun on Sun, 21 Jun 2015 19:23:29 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message @ Flugente: I have noticed this bug popping up again and again in wil734's UC113 mod. If it matters, specifically in Atremo Underground (since it's a brawl down there) and Atremo NE if i bring militia

Page 578 of 585 ---- Generated from The Bears Pit with me (attacking the police makes it more likely for militia to have surrounded the station and have them shoot autofire inward)

Edit 1: Bug: Leaping over short walls sometimes either puts a merc INSIDE the wall, or fails to jump said merc over the wall entirely, wasting APs

Build: Has existed for several months across different builds

Repeatability: Random, unknown cause

In the picture above, this merc has attempted to jump from the square SE of where he is now (in the wall) to the square NW of the wall (cursor). On occasion I'm allowed to complete the movement, but in this case i have to crouch-walk back to the square to try again.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by navaroe on Sun, 05 Jul 2015 10:03:58 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Since build 7898 certain items in sector inventory are edible. Like tool kits, locksmith kits, scopes and bipods. Yummy, just like mom used to make.

Bug seems to be that all items starting from camouflage kits (in sector's inventory) can be used on merc's body. In some cases it makes sense and still work as expected, in other cases it doesn't and item just disappears.

Bug does not appear in build 7890.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by Flugente on Sun, 05 Jul 2015 10:33:13 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message navaroe wrote on Sun, 05 July 2015 10:03Since build 7898 certain items in sector inventory are edible. Like tool kits, locksmith kits, scopes and bipods. Yummy, just like mom used to make.

Bug seems to be that all items starting from camouflage kits (in sector's inventory) can be used on merc's body. In some cases it makes sense and still work as expected, in other cases it doesn't and item just disappears.

Bug does not appear in build 7890.Well, that was rather stupid. Fixed in r7900.

Page 579 of 585 ---- Generated from The Bears Pit Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by Flugente on Sun, 05 Jul 2015 12:44:32 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Flugente wrote on Sat, 20 June 2015 15:22The new savegame has this happening in B1. The old was in F9, thus me writing that

Anyway... what happens is that the 83-people strong group needs new orders after arriving at their destination, but missing the player (who retreated). The group then gets a random new assignment. The intention was obviously to get the group moving again (otherwise they wouldn't move and be stuck there).

And, apparently it can happen with the right random numbers picked that the group doesn't get reassigned... It then gets moved back to the troop pool. Which causes it to completely vanish. There is no code in place to stop this. So... this is not a bug... this is design.

Currently seeking a fix, 'cause this design stinks.

Edit: Somewhat fixed in r7895. If a group is ordered ordered to be moved back to the pool during reassignment, we now order them to move there an dissolve then instead of vanishing outright.I've altered this part in r7901: If the player retreats from an enemy attack that was targetted at this sector, the enemy group pursuits instead of being given new orders. In the savegames posted about this error, this means that if one retreats to another town sector, the AI follows (with a 5-minute delay for internal reasons - if player and enemy groups arrive at the same time, bad things happen during tactical deployment). Not sure how much harder this will make the game - I figure I'll just wait until someone comes crying and then make it optional (you wussies! ).

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by silversurfer on Sun, 05 Jul 2015 15:42:13 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Flugente wrote on Sun, 05 July 2015 14:44If the player retreats from an enemy attack that was targetted at this sector, the enemy group pursuits instead of being given new orders. In the savegames posted about this error, this means that if one retreats to another town sector, the AI follows (with a 5-minute delay for internal reasons - if player and enemy groups arrive at the same time, bad things happen during tactical deployment). Not sure how much harder this will make the game - I figure I'll just wait until someone comes crying and then make it optional (you wussies! ).

This certainly makes sense. Why would the enemy troops just stop and let the mercs run? They wouldn't! They would chase the mercs until they are dead. So better retreat into the wild and have a survival specialist with you or run to your militia boys crying for help.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here!

Page 580 of 585 ---- Generated from The Bears Pit Posted by Kalindro on Thu, 09 Jul 2015 13:04:47 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message If anyone is alive Version 7989 from, and in my case other versions too, when I choose new method of my merc equipment, i have no weapon or ammo to choose (only option to choose is "no weapon")

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by silversurfer on Thu, 09 Jul 2015 16:21:27 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Kalindro wrote on Thu, 09 July 2015 15:04If anyone is alive Version 7989 from, and in my case other versions too, when I choose new method of my merc equipment, i have no weapon or ammo to choose (only option to choose is "no weapon") That was probably my mistake when I overhauled the automatic selection of items. I forgot to let the new IMP item selection code read the new sidearm category from IMPItemChoices.xml. So if you selected traits that didn't include any special guns (like SMGs for auto weapons, rifles for marksman, shotguns for hunters, additional pistol for gunslinger ambidextrous etc.) you were left without any gun to choose from. I wonder why nobody reported this any sooner. Fixed in r7908.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by Kalindro on Fri, 10 Jul 2015 01:55:29 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message One thing to mention: Taking gunslinger (even 2 points in gunslinger) doesn't help, there are still no weapons, but when I take auto + heavy weapons I can finally choose one

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by silversurfer on Fri, 10 Jul 2015 06:19:11 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Ah, yes. The gunslinger doesn't get another gun. The ambidextrous merc gets it. Sorry for the confusion. Gunslinger gets a laser pointer or something.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by navaroe on Sun, 12 Jul 2015 11:16:47 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message

Page 581 of 585 ---- Generated from The Bears Pit Another post, anoter problem. This saved game here for build 7898 is about to encounter assertion failure, when mercs enter sector A6. It doesn't matter whether you choose to call militia or not. When you choose to enter sector to have a battle, problem occurs. There seems to be problem with entry points for those few mercs Oo.

Assetion that failed:

Saved game and ini:

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by tim110011 on Tue, 21 Jul 2015 07:52:40 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Useing 113 and Chinese GameData, differ directory names is causing problem in case-sensitive Linux system. here are some differ names i found: Mercedt MercEdt NpcData NPCData

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by navaroe on Sat, 25 Jul 2015 11:42:38 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message navaroe wrote on Sun, 12 July 2015 13:16Another post, anoter problem. This saved game here for build 7898 is about to encounter assertion failure, when mercs enter sector A6. It doesn't matter whether you choose to call militia or not. When you choose to enter sector to have a battle, problem occurs. There seems to be problem with entry points for those few mercs Oo.

I have noticed in SVN comment to revision 7903 states what looks like fix to this bug - "Fix: possible crash if entering a sector with more enemies present than map placements" (thanks to Flugente). There is one more similar bug around, I guess:

This assertion failure happens when I enter K13 sector, where currently 64 enemies march towards Alma.

Saved game for build 7917 and ja2_options.ini:

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Edit: Same thing happens later in J13. These country sector's really aren't for big battles, are they?

More edit: This thing appears all over the place. Do I guess correctly, that this problem wouldn't occur with MAX_NUMBER_ENEMIES_IN_TACTICAL set to default 32? I have 40 now. In that case comment to this property in ja2_options.ini should state something about this, as this is really annoying and cannot be reset during game.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by Franimus on Wed, 29 Jul 2015 01:07:19 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message I keep getting frozen on this line of code, vobject.cpp line 967: SGP_THROW_IFFALSE( hSrcVObject->usNumberOfObjects > usIndex, L"Video object index is larger than the number of subimages"); While debugging, I did see it at one point just prior to this hit line 1715, an fAssertError gubVODebugCode "DeleteVideoObjectFromIndex" but I have no clue if that means anything or if it's normal.

I think it may be occurring during Handle UI.cpp line 1343 SetCurrentInterfacePanel( TEAM_PANEL ); call.

This happened to me on r7889 or thereabouts when that was latest. I shelved it for a bit, came back now and updated to r7938 (gamedir r2267) and started a completely new game, now I'm getting the same freeze. I managed to capture two end-turn saved game files where the first turn works fine and the second turn always freezes. It displays the "Saving..." dialog and does not pop anything up. Is there a recommended spot to upload them & options INI? I'm using AIMNAS Bigmaps (r63).

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by Franimus on Wed, 29 Jul 2015 01:16:51 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Edit to previous post: I've uploaded the .sav and .ini here:

Running Win 7 NVIDIA GeForce 9600 GT drivers are up-to-date

Also, I've tried most of the suggestions in the Win 8.1 compatibility thread, no luck.

Page 583 of 585 ---- Generated from The Bears Pit Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by Franimus on Thu, 30 Jul 2015 01:58:49 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Well I saw a commented out try/catch block around it, so based on that I ended up just putting this statement in and I got past it, at least: if (hSrcVObject->usNumberOfObjects <= usIndex) return(TRUE); Instead of the SGP_THROW it was failing.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by Flugente on Thu, 30 Jul 2015 07:57:34 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message A video object (graphics) is not what is expected. Easiest way to get this is by a faulty install - maybe you installed in the wrong order, thereby overwriting bigger with smaller .sti-libraries. As you are able to reproduce it, you could debug and look at the call stack. With luck you'll be able to identify the bad picture.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by navaroe on Sun, 02 Aug 2015 11:03:31 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message I think I've solved this one:

The problem occurs, when there is mobile group of enemies as well as static group in sector you are attacking and the number of slots available is lower then sum of all groups.

Here is the diff - just one line of comment and changed max to min... Toggle Spoiler Index: Strategic/Queen Command.cpp ======--- Strategic/Queen Command.cpp (revision 7954) +++ Strategic/Queen Command.cpp (working copy) @@ -655,7 +655,7 @@

if (mapMaximumNumberOfEnemies > gGameExternalOptions.ubGameMaximumNumberOfEnemies) mapMaximumNumberOfEnemies = gGameExternalOptions.ubGameMaximumNumberOfEnemies; - + //is there more enemies in the sector then we can actually place on map? gfPendingNonPlayerTeam[ENEMY_TEAM] = (NumNonPlayerTeamMembersInSector( gWorldSectorX, gWorldSectorY, ENEMY_TEAM ) > mapMaximumNumberOfEnemies);

pSector = &SectorInfo[ SECTOR( gWorldSectorX, gWorldSectorY ) ];

Page 584 of 585 ---- Generated from The Bears Pit @@ -881,7 +881,7 @@ //sNumSlots = mapMaximumNumberOfEnemies - totalCountOfStationaryEnemies;

// Flugente: at this point, soldiers have already been placed, thus enough slots for them exist - sNumSlots = max( mapMaximumNumberOfEnemies, NumNonPlayerTeamMembersInSector( gWorldSectorX, gWorldSectorY, ENEMY_TEAM ) ); + sNumSlots = min( mapMaximumNumberOfEnemies, NumNonPlayerTeamMembersInSector( gWorldSectorX, gWorldSectorY, ENEMY_TEAM ) );

pGroup = gpGroupList; while( pGroup && sNumSlots > 0 )

After bit of ingame testing, everything seems to be ok.

Subject: Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here! Posted by DepressivesBrot on Sun, 02 Aug 2015 12:52:08 GMT View Forum Message <> Reply to Message Locking this one for excessive length, use the new one here

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