1814 Watlington Drive Michael van Olden Charlotte, NC 28270 (704) 469-7951 Web Application Developer
[email protected] http://emveeoh.com Around twelve years of IT experience in Design, Development, Implementation, Enhancement and Testing. Worked with SKILLS Client/Server, Cloud Architecture and developed Intranet, Web-based, Distributed and E-commerce applications. Strong experience Programming Languages: developing innovative web applications and interfaces using: PHP, PHP, JavaScript, HTML5, PUG, JavaScript, jQuery, React JS, Vue JS, HTML5, CSS on WordPress, CSS3/SASS, ANSI-SQL, T-SQL, Bash/Zsh Shell Woocommerce, NodeJS/ExpressJS with NoSQL, MySQL, SQL Server Databases on Windows, Mac, Unix and Cloud platforms. JavaScript Frameworks & Libraries: TARGET JOB React JS, Vue JS, Node JS, Express JS, EJS, NPM/Yarn, jQuery, Gulp, Webpack, Google Target Job Title: Web Application Developer Maps API, Fetch API Desired Type: Employee Desired Status: Full-Time IDE Tools: Site Location: Greater Charlotte, NC area Visual Studio Code, Postman Date of Availability: Open API, Visual Composer, MySQL Workbench, Navicat for MySQL, Toad EXPERIENCE Application Platforms: Amazon Web Services (AWS), Self-Employed / Freelancer Firebase, WordPress, Woocommerce, Nginx, Apache, Web Application Developer / Music Producer / Audio Engineer Microsoft Exchange 1990 – Present Dev Ops/Deployment: Git, GitHub, AWS, Google Cloud, SELECT FREELANCE CLIENTS: Firebase, Heroku, Vultr, Digital Ocean, Docker Saber Engineering | SaberEngineering.com, Charlotte, NC Operating