Description of the Telluride Quadrangle
DESCRIPTION OF THE TELLURIDE QUADRANGLE. INTRODUCTION. along the southern base, and agricultural lands water Jura of other parts of Colorado, and follow vents from which the lavas came are unknown, A general statement of the geography, topography, have been found in valley bottoms or on lower ing them comes the Cretaceous section, from the and the lavas themselves have been examined slopes adjacent to the snow-fed streams Economic Dakota to the uppermost coal-bearing member, the only in sufficient degree to show the predominant and geology of the San Juan region of from the mountains. With the devel- imp°rtance- Colorado. Laramie. Below Durango the post-Laramie forma presence of andesites, with other types ranging opment of these resources several towns of tion, made up of eruptive rock debris and known in composition from rhyolite to basalt. Pene The term San Juan region, or simply " the San importance have been established in sheltered as the "Animas beds," rests upon the Laramie, trating the bedded series are several massive Juan," used with variable meaning by early valleys on all sides. Railroads encircle the group and is in turn overlain by the Puerco and higher bodies of often coarsely granular rocks, such as explorers, and naturally with indefinite and penetrate to some of the mining centers of Eocene deposits. gabbro and diorite, and it now seems probable limitation during the period of settle- sa^juan the the interior. Creede, Silverton, Telluride, Ouray, Structurally, the most striking feature in the that the intrusive bodies of diorite-porphyry and ment, is. now quite.
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