ST. PETER & ST. CASIMIR PARISHES Third Sunday in Ordinary Time January 24, 2021

 L"L L + ;SSLK MASKS & SOCIAL DISTANCING REQUIRED R[+; ,R[ S";[ Please Wear Mask throughout entire Mass +;SKKK Z*$(&'')$$( +##JL"; [XR,S+L,

     Website: Facebook:  Catholic Church     

WeekdaysZ8:00am TuesFriday  4:00 pm Saturday @ St. Peter 7:30 am Sunday@ St. Peter at St. Casimir 9:00 am Sunday 10:30 am Sunday@ St. Peter  R:!+ +JK:!K+ :L,  L,Z "SJ; Z *Z$(*Z'( " R "; Z &Z##&Z'( ,"

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,L,,RLKR`Z TUESDAY, January 26 LS L ; S;L"S  S`X  KL; , 8:00 am †Frank & Dorothy Kvatek ,  ,;L LK " L; ; $L" L †Sandra Braatz ", ;RL S";R; "  ; ',L,,R , L  L""",L,[   + ;SZ WEDNESDAY, January 27 *$(&'')$$( L " ` ;; ,R",S[ 8:00 am †Frank Chilla  †Clarence Guzman !::+KJJK!:R +Z&# "&Z##,"X THURSDAY, January 28 !L, ;L"R";S  8:00 am †Emily Bembenek †Isabelle Laszewski J;+Z&# $$Z&#"  FRIDAY, January 29 R:!"!RRZ 8:00 am †Ela Plaut 'Z##+!R";& †Bill Drefcinski

Website:  SATURDAY, January 30 - Mass is Live-Streamed Facebook:  4:00 pm † Stroik ‘Saint Peter Catholic Church’ For the Families of St. Peter & St. Casimir Parishes

  WKJ! !R:RL,L""!Z SUNDAY, January 31 7:30 am †Gertrude & Lawrence Krutza  MONDAY MASS ROTATION †Robert & Dorothy Meyer and +Al Kritzberg St. Joseph Parish 8:00 am 10:30 am †Gena Numsen (Holy Hour precedes  at 7:00 am) †Ann Sweeney


 #252 ENTRANCE: In Christ There is No East or West  1. In Christ there is no east or west, In him no south or north, But one great fam’ly bounded by love, Throughout the whole wide earth  2. In him shall true hearts ev’rywhere, Their high communion find; His service is the golden cord, Closebinding humankind.  3. Join hands, disciples in the faith, Whate’er your race may be! Who serve each other in Christ’s love, Are surely kin to me.

FIRST READING: FROM THE BOOK OF THE PROPHET JONAH   Jon 3:15, 10  The word of the LORD came to Jonah, saying: “Set out for the great city of Nineveh, and announce to it the message that I will tell you.” So Jonah made ready and went to Nineveh, according to the LORD’S bidding.   Now Nineveh was an enormously large city; it took three days to go through it. Jonah began his journey through the city, and had gone but a single day’s walk announcing, “Forty days more and Nineveh shall be destroyed, “when the people of Nineveh believed God; they proclaimed a fast and all of them, great and small, put on sackcloth.  When God saw by their actions how they turned from their evil way, he repented of the evil that he had threatened to do to them; he did not carry it out.



 I tell you, brothers and sisters, the time is running out. From now on, let those having wives act as not having them, those weeping as not weeping, those rejoicing as not rejoicing, those buying as not owning, those using the world as not using it fully. For the world in its present form is passing away. 

The word of the Lord.  THANKS BE TO GOD.

A READING FROM THE HOLY ACCORDING TO MARK    MK 1:1420  After John had been arrested, came to proclaiming the gospel of God: “This is the time of fulfillment. The kingdom of God is at hand. Repent, and believe in the gospel.”  As he passed by the , he saw Simon and his brother Andrew casting their nets into the sea; they were fishermen.  Jesus said to them, “Come after me, and I will make you fishers of men.” Then they abandoned their nets and followed him. He walked along a little farther and saw James, the son of , and his brother John. They too were in a boat mending their nets. Then he called them. So they left their father Zebedee in the boat along with the hired men and followed him.

The Gospel of the Lord.  PRAISE TO YOU, LORD JESUS CHRIST. 2 

  #254 OFFERTORY: I Want to Walk as a Child of the Light  1.  I want to walk as a child of the light. I want to follow Jesus. God set the stars to give light to the world. The star of my life is Jesus. [Refrain]  Refrain In him there is no darkness at all. The night and the day are both alike. The Lamb is the light of the city of God. Shine in my heart, Lord Jesus.  2. I want to see the brightness of God. I want to look at Jesus. Clear sun of righteousness, shine on my path  And show me the way to the Father. [Refrain]  3. I’m looking for the coming of Christ. I want to be with Jesus. When we have run with patience the race, We shall know the joy of Jesus. [Refrain]

  COMMUNION: Jesus, My Lord, My God, My All  1. Jesus, my Lord, my God, my all! How can I love thee as I ought? And how revere this wondrous gift, So far surpassing hope or thought?  Refrain: Sweet Sacrament, we thee adore! Oh, make us love thee more and more. Oh, make us love thee more and more.  2. Had I but Mary’s sinless heart With which to love thee, dearest King, Oh with whatever fervent praise, Thy goodness, Jesus, would I sing! [Refrain]  3. Thy Body, Soul and Godhead, all! O mystery of love divine! I cannot compass all I have, For all thou hast and art is mine! [Refrain]

 #281 MEDITATION: The Summons   1.  Will you come and follow me If I but call your name? Will you go where you don’t know And never be the same? Will you let my love be shown, Will you let my name be known, Will you let my life be grown In you and you in me?  2. Will you leave yourself behind If I but call your name? Will you care for cruel and kind And never be the same? Will you risk the hostile stare, Should your life attract or scare? Will you let me answer prayer In you and you in me? 

 #335 RECESSIONAL: God’s Blessing Sends Us Forth     1.  God’s blessing sends us forth, Strengthened for our task on earth Refreshed in soul and renewed in mind. May God with us remain, Through us his Spirit reign, That Christ be known to all mankind.  2. God’s news in spoken word Joyfully our hearts have heard; O may the seed of God’s love now grow. May we in fruitful deeds Gladly serve others’ needs, That faith in action we may show.

Holy Michael the Archangel, Defend us in battle. Be our protection against the wickedness and snares of the devil. May God rebuke him, we humbly pray; and do you, O Prince of the heavenly host, by the divine power thrust into hell Satan, and all the other evil spirits who wander through the world seeking the ruin of souls. Amen.  3 


Name of Subscriber ______Phone ______

Number of Subscriptions: 1 @ $36.00 2 @ $72.00 3 @ $108.00 

*Must have 10+ from Parish for this rate/delivery. Remember to include your check to St. Peter Parish; submit to Parish Office by 02/08/2021

St. Peter Parish will again be offering the opportunity for you to subscribe to the MAGNIFICAT at a reduced group rate: $36.00* for the Annual subscription, beginning with the April 2021 issue. The monthly issues come to St. Peter’s and are available for self-serve pick-up in the Sacristy. *Must have 10+ for this rate/delivery.

If you are interested, please return the form and include your check made out to St. Peter Parish; please indicate “Magnificat Subscription” in the memo line. DEADLINE IS FEBRUARY 8th. Preview MAGNIFICAT online at: ~ Rosary Society News ~

Rosary Dues are due by the end of January. Please turn them in to your Directress. Directress’s, please bring to the officers on January 26 at 6:30pm, in Kolbe Hall.

Schedule of meetings will follow later, depending on health crisis situation.

 PORTAGE COUNTY PRAYER for LIFE, Sunday, January 31, Guardian Cemetery  2:00 pm Sponsored by Stevens Point 40 Days for Life / Same Weekend as March for Life in Washington, DC Beginning at 2:00 pm, there will be a 3045 minute reflection for the unborn killed by abortion, with prayer at the Memorial for the Unborn. For more info, email[email protected]  Please park on the frontage road at the southwest cemetery entranceoff Frontenac Ave across from  Len Dudas Auto. It is an easywalk intothe plowed blacktop in front of the Memorial for the Unborn. There is a large area to social distance and masks are recommendedeven though outdoors. Thank you for your support of the unborn that have no voice and for protecting the sanctityof life from conception to natural death. God Bless. 


 READERS: Weekend of January 30/31 4:00pm Kay King 7:30am Lee Petersen 10:30am Angel Gebeau READERS: Weekend of February 6/7 4:00pm Nancy Koch 7:30am Gladys Glodoski 10:30am Matt Bablitch READERS: Weekend of February 13/14 4:00pm Cherye Rolnicki 7:30am Donna Bemowski 10:30am Chelsea Peeters USHERS: Weekend of January 30/31  4:00pm King Family / Dick Glinski 7:30am Fred V / Mike K 10:30am Carl K / Dick G USHERS: Weekend of February 6/7 4:00pm Paul Koch / Mateo Koch / Dick G 7:30am Bob Bernas / Bob Govett 10:30am Bernard H / Dick G USHERS: Weekend of February 13/14 4:00pm King Family / Dick G 7:30am Fred V / Mike K 10:30am Carl K / Dick G

   RSVP or Questions: email [email protected] PLEASE CALL THE OFFICE IF YOU WOULD LIKE TO  ASSIST WITH, especially, USHERING, AT THIS TIME Website: 4 

Year of St. Joseph  Pope Francis has dedicated this year to St. Joseph and so he has proclaimed it as the “Year of St. Joseph” with his Apostolic Letter Patris Corde (translated as “with the heart of the father”). You may ask why or what is the special reason for the Pope to declare so. The reason is that this year is the 150th anniversary of the Proclamation of St. Joseph as the Patron of the Universal Church by Pope Pius IX. In order that we may reflect on the important virtues of St. Joseph, the great provider and protector of the Holy Family, Pope Francis has proclaimed “the Year of St. Joseph”.   St. Joseph loved Jesus with a father’s heart, and so the refer as the Son of Joseph. In the Gospels according to St. Matthew and Luke, we can read briefly what kind of father, St. Joseph was and what was his Mission entrusted to him by God. He was a poor carpenter (cf. Mathew 13:55), betrothed to Mary (cf. :18; :27). He was also a just man (cf. Matthew 1:19) ever ready to carry out the Will of God (Luke cf. 2:22, 27, 39).  He was very faithful and obedient to fulfill, what God revealed to him through dreams (cf. Matthew 1:20; 2:13, 19, 22). Joseph was given the privilege to become the legal father of Jesus, to whom he gave the name revealed by the angel: “You shall call his name Jesus” (Matthew 1:21). In the ancient Biblical society, the one who named a person or a thing gained legal authority over that person or that thing. We can read this from the Book of Genesis, how Adam named the woman and all the created things (cr.2:1920) and thus gained his authority over the created beings.   Pope St. John Paul II, in his Apostolic Exhortation Redemptoris Custos (translated as “Guardian of the Redeemer) on the Person and Mission of St. Joseph, makes it known to us that our families have a lot to learn from Joseph and Mary. The Pope says that St. Joseph was called to serve the person and mission of Jesus directly through the exercise of his fatherhood. He reiterates that Jesus grew most of his life on earth (30 years of his life) by experiencing the love, which was communicated and shared in the holy family. Hence, the Pope states that every family has the mission to guard, reveal and communicate this love with one another.   To be continued.          God bless you,        Fr. Arul Joseph V.

World Mission Sunday—Thank You  24hour “We in the Mission Office want to thank you EUCHARISTIC ADORATION for being a source of hope in a world  Begins Wednesdays after 8:30 Mass affected by the pandemic of illness and and Ends before 8:00 am Mass on unrest. As a result of World Mission Thursdays Sunday, St. Peter and St. Casimir Parishes  C  have helped to support the work of haplet of Divine Mercy Prayed at 3:00 pm missionaries who foster hope and bring  assistance. May God bless you for your “Let us be generous with our time respective financial contributions of in going to meet Jesus and ready $2,051.85 and $337.65, along with all your to make reparation for the great prayers. We will forward the total to the evils of the world. national Society for the Propagation of the Let your Adoration never cease”… ~ St. Pope John Paul 11

  Faith office. Your collective gifts will  support projects that build God’s kingdom Please call to volunteer: in our midst. Thank you.” Marianne 3416732 or Renee 3449119 5  Contact Information:

St. Peter’s Pastor: Rev. Arul Joseph Visuvasam [email protected] or 7153446115

Associate Pastor: Rev. Todd Mlsna [email protected] or 7152528157

Deacon: Ray Heitzinger Lay Ministry Coordinator [email protected]

Administrative Assistant: Pat Prestidge 7153446115 [email protected]

Weekly Financial Report  Thank You Parish Secretary: Judy McLaughlin  7153446115   Envelopes    [email protected] Date  & Offertory Year to Date 01/17/2021 $ 4,284.00 $223,618.16 Director of Religious Education: Building Fund $ 22.00 Deacon Ray Heitzinger  [email protected] OnLine Giving to St. Peter Parish: RCIA Coordinator: Natalino Xuereb [email protected]

DIOCESE OF LA CROSSE Music Director: Nicole Van Tiem  [email protected] GUIDELINES FOR REPORTING INSTANCES OF CHILD ABUSE Maintenance: Jeff Patton 7153473400

PARISH COMMITTEES: Family Life: Holy Name Society: Gene Kemmeter  Gladys Glodoski 7153442811  7153442598    Pastoral Council: Finance Council: Justice & Peace: Shelly Korger Fr. Joseph  7153446115 Fr. Joseph  7153446115  7153475288 Deacon Ray  7156301275 Matt Bablitch 7153431980 Picnic Committee:  Tamás Bodor  7153438188 Jim Gies  7153440736 Gies, Jim   7153440736 Calvin Friedenfels 6082605427  Debra Jakusz  7153415834 *Niescior, Joe   7153443455 (responsible to call for meeting) Gladys Glodoski 7153442811 Nancy Koch  7154982345 Skrzeczkoski, Mary  7153420645 Kevin Hagen  7153448565 Joe Niescior  7153443455 Weber, Gerry   7153448220  Ryan Jeidy  7152520158 Gerry Weber  7153448220  Shelly Korger 7153475288  Rosary Society / Linda Strosin 

Mary Makuski 7153443359 Bldg. & Grounds:    7153447647  Fay Schultz  7153447839 Ben Gebeau  7153401172 Gerry Weber  7153448220  Sacred Worship Mary Makuski  7153443359 Rick Zupan  7155444321 Eucharistic Adoration CoCoordinators:   Marianne Koch  7153416732  Secular Franciscan Order / Bob Crane DAA Coordinator (Diocesan Annual Appeal) : Renee Vollert  7153449119    7152049663 Matt Bablitch 7154010775 

Retrouvaille Marriage Help Weekend Coming Soon!  ST. PETER’S WINTER WEAR COLLECTION   Whether your marriage has simply drifted apart, or has We are collecting jackets, snow pants, and arrived at separation or divorce, Retrouvaille \Retro vī\ boots for Operation Bootstrap.  offers hope. The next program begins with a weekend away NEW ITEMS ARE WELCOMED  at St. Anthony Spirituality Center in Marathon: Feb. 1214.  If items are preowned, please be certain Fr. Joseph Redfern, a priest of our diocese, is on the they are in clean, gently used condition, presenting team, along with 3 couples who share their without need of repair. personal stories of healing and reconciliation. This highly 

successful program is fully confidential, affordable (all Box for “Operation Bootstrap” in Faustina Room   volunteerrun), and open to couples of all faiths or no faith.  PLEASE, due to COVID, Operation Bootstrap cannot  For more information or to register, call 1877922HOPE accept any other clothing; please do not bring clothing  (4673) or visit website: .  at this time. Thank you for the continued donations!  Space is limited with Covid19 precautions. Register early.  We are making a difference! Helping those in need. 6  St. Casimir Parish V January 24, 2021 3rd Sunday in Ordinary Time

St. Casimir Office Hours: Tuesdays 8:00 til 1:00  Happy Birthday

7153449582 Email: [email protected] Gerry Stuczynski 1/27 SUNDAY MASS TIME: 9:00am Niklaus Lewandowski 1/27 Robert Lesczynski 1/28 Jessica Pilsner 1/29 Chester Dombrowski 1/30

Employment Opportunities  St. Adalbert


St. Adalbert Parish, Rosholt is hiring 2 part January 31, 2021 time office positions: Administrative Asstto

Bernard Lang perform general secretarial and clerical duties; Frances Zimbauer (Fr. Lynch) MS Office & basic IT knowledge preferred. Financial Secretaryto manage the financial  aspects of the Parish; MS Office, general spreadsheet and basic accounting/payroll

knowledge required. Ideal candidates will Weekend of January 17, 2021: have at least three years experience working

Adult Env./Offering - $ 1,192.00 in a fastpaced office environment, ability to Student Envelopes - $ 2.00 multitask and a desire for continued learning. For more information or to apply, please Thank you for supporting St. Casimir Parish

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