The Florida Board of

Meeting Minutes June 5-7, 2013 Marriott Tampa Westshore 1001 Westshore Plaza Tampa, FL 33609

Ann‐Lynn Denker, PhD, ARNP Chair

Lavigne A Kirkpatrick, BS, RN Vice Chair

Joe Baker, Jr. Executive Director

Florida Board of Nursing Meeting June 5-7, 2013 Tampa, FL

Board Members: Ann-Lynn Denker, PHD, ARNP - Chair Lavigne Ann Kirkpatrick, BS, RN - Vice-Chair Jessie Colin, PhD, RN Leonard Connors, JD Cathy Oles Gordon, LPN, BPS Linda Horton, Ed.D., PhD, MSN, NS-C, RN-C Barbara Kemp Jody Newman, Ed.S, Ed.D Sandra L. Walker, PhD, ARNP, FNP-BC Vacant LPN Position Vacant LPN Position Vacant RN Position Vacant RN Position

Council on Certified Nursing Assistants (CNA Council) Members: Lois Gackenheimer, Ph.D., RN - Chair Mary Botter, PhD, RN Christie King, RN, CNA Amy Sutton, CNA Lydel Wright, LPN, RN

Attorneys: Lee Ann Gustafson, Senior Assistant Attorney General Rachel Clark, Assistant Attorney General John Truitt, Assistant General Counsel Casey Cowan, Assistant General Counsel Jodi-Ann Johnson, Assistant General Counsel

Board Staff: Joe Baker, Jr., Executive Director Sherri Sutton-Johnson, MSN, RN, Director of Nursing Education Will Spooner, Program Operations Administrator Erin Pierce, BSN, RN, Nurse Consultant Deborah Hansen, BSN, RN, Nurse Consultant

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Meeting Schedule

Wednesday @ 8:30 am CNA Council Applicants with criminal history and discipline Exemptions Licensure Informal Hearings Reconsiderations Education

Wednesday @ 2:00 pm Credentials “A” Committee RN, LPN, and ARNP applicants with criminal history, discipline, and health history RN, LPN and ARNP exemption applicants

Education and Credentials “B” Committee New Program Requests Other Education items RN, LPN, and ARNP applicants under Section 456.0635, FS RN, LPN, and ARNP applicants under Section 464.009, FS

Thursday @ 8:30 am Full Board CNA Discipline & General Business Reinstatements and Compliance Issues Settlement Agreements Voluntary Relinquishments Informal Hearings Informal Waivers Motion to Vacate RN, LPN and ARNP Discipline & General Business Voluntary Relinquishments Practice Issues Advanced Practice Issues Special Education Issues Legislative Issues Approval of Minutes (previous meeting, committee recommendations)

Thursday @ 1:00 pm Reconvene RN, LPN and ARNP Discipline & General Business Petitions for Hearing/Modification Recommended Orders Informal Hearings Licensure Informal Hearings Reinstatements and Compliance Issues Other Items for Board Consideration

Friday @ 8:30 am Full Board RN, LPN and ARNP Settlement Agreements RN, LPN and ARNP Informal Waivers Board Reports

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Council on Certified Nursing Assistants

Wednesday, June 5, 2013 at 8:30 am

Call to Order The meeting was called to order at 8:36 am by the Chair, Dr. Lois Gackenheimer.

Roll call Council Members Present: Dr. Lois Gackenheimer, PhD., RN-Chair Amy Sutton, CNA Mary Botter, PhD, RN

Staff Present: Joe Baker, Jr., Executive Director William Spooner, BS, FRE, Program Operations Administrator Sherri Sutton-Johnson, MSN, RN, Director of Nursing Education Erin Pierce, BSN, RN, Nurse Consultant Deborah Hansen, BSN, RN, Nurse Consultant

Attorney General Staff Present: Rachel Clark, Assistant Attorney General Michele Bass, Paralegal Specialist

Council Members Absent: Lydel Wright, LPN, RN (Unexcused) Ms. Christie King, RN, CNA (Unexcused)

Introductions were made. Vicki Fitzpatrick gave information on the roles of IPN. Everyone stood for the Pledge of Allegiance. Dr. Gackenheimer mentioned that the Board was celebrating its 100th year. Dr. Gackenheimer welcomed the schools in attendance. She also explained to respondents that when their name is called they should come forward be sworn in and speak directly into the microphone. Dr. Gackenheimer reminded everyone that the proceedings were being recorded and posted on the Board of Nursing’s website. She asked everyone to turn off electronic devices, informed everyone where the restrooms were located and informed everyone of appropriate decorum for the meeting.

A. Required Appearances None

B. Applicants for Licensure Prior Discipline Exam None

Reciprocity None

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Prior Board Action Exam None

Reciprocity None

Criminal History Exam 1. Ames, Alysa M; 4401/610533- A motion was made by Sutton to deny, based on recency and crimes related to the practice. The motion was seconded and passed unanimously.

2. Edwards, Sesily; 4401/603591- A motion was made by Botter to deny based on recency and crimes related to the practice. The motion was seconded and passed unanimously.

3. Evans, Nathan K; 4401/615986- A motion was made by Gackenheimer to approve with a V6B. The motion was seconded and passed unanimously.

4. Geary, Ronald; 4401/599548- A motion was made by Botter to approve with a V6B. The motion was seconded and passed unanimously.

5. Guthrie, Robert; 4401/606200- A motion was made by Botter to approve. The motion was seconded and passed unanimously.

6. Hove, Janessa; 4401/609269- Present and sworn in. A motion was made by Sutton to deny based on crimes related and because the applicant was still on probation. The motion was seconded and passed unanimously. Sutton amended her motion to require a personal appearance. The motion was seconded and passed unanimously.

7. Johnson, Latrice; 4401/591075- A motion was made by Sutton to grant. The motion was seconded. Discussion ensued.

8. Labounty, Jessica L; 4401/607858- A motion was made by Botter to approve with a V6B. The motion was seconded and passed unanimously.

9. Lumb, Ellen M; 4401/619906- A motion was made by Gackenheimer to approve with a V6B. The motion was seconded and passed unanimously.

10. Mathieu, Marie; 4401/614578- A motion was made by Botter to approve. The motion was seconded and passed unanimously.

11. Mobley, Vanessa P; 4401/612300- A motion was made by Gackenheimer to deny based on crimes related to the practice and recency. The motion was seconded and passed unanimously.

12. Nixon, Tiar Q; 4401/608688- Present and sworn in. A motion was made by Gackenheimer to deny based on the felony offense (crime related to the practice). The motion was seconded and passed unanimously.

13. Page, Pamela; 4401/613503- A motion was made by Botter to approve with a V6B. The motion was seconded and passed unanimously.

14. Parchment, Keino A; 4401/613320- A motion was made by Gackenheimer to approve. The motion was seconded and passed unanimously.

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15. Price, Leola C; 4401/607021- Present and sworn in. A motion was made by Botter to approve. The motion was seconded and passed unanimously.

16. Tolbert, Artavia; 4401/617985- Present and sworn in. A motion was made by Botter to deny based on crimes related to the practice and current probation. The motion was seconded and passed unanimously.

Reciprocity 1. Everett, Patricia Lasha; 4401/614411- Present and sworn in. A motion was made by Gackenheimer to approve. The motion was seconded and passed unanimously.

2. Robinson, Charlene Marie; 4401/611817- Present and sworn in. A motion was made by Gackenheimer to approve with a V6B. The motion was seconded and passed unanimously.

False Answer on Application Exam 1. Roberts, Nisa A; 4401/616982- A motion was made by Gackenheimer to deny based on misrepresentation and crimes related to the practice. The motion was seconded and passed unanimously.

2. Sterling, Bria E; 4401/606404- A motion was made by Botter to deny based on misrepresentation and crimes related to the practice. The motion was seconded and passed unanimously.

3. Diaz, Claritza M; 4401/624428(paper addendum) - A motion was made by Botter to deny based on misrepresentation. The motion was seconded and passed unanimously.

Reciprocity None

Section 435.07, F.S. Applications Exam 1. Bromwell, Kiecia; 4401/441024- A motion was made by Botter to deny based ineligibility under Section 435.07, F.S. and crimes related. The motion was seconded and passed unanimously.

2. Butts, Tissie A; 4401/615424- A motion was made by Botter to deny based ineligibility under Section 435.07, F.S. and crimes related. The motion was seconded and passed unanimously.

3. Jones, Kelly; 4401/614990- A motion was made by Gackenheimer to deny based ineligibility under Section 435.07, F.S. , section 456.0635, F.S. and crimes related. The motion was seconded and passed unanimously.

4. Messick, Pamela S; 4401/614022- A motion was made by Botter to deny based ineligibility under Section 435.07, F.S. and crimes related. The motion was seconded and passed unanimously.

5. Ross, Zaishus; 4401/594979- A motion was made by Gackenheimer to deny based ineligibility under Section 435.07, F.S., recency, misrepresentation and crimes related. The motion was seconded and passed unanimously.

6. Googe, Jeanna; 4401/607339(electronic addendum) - A motion was made by Sutton to deny based ineligibility under Section 435.07, F.S. The motion was seconded and passed unanimously.

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Reciprocity None

Section 456.0635, FS Applications Exam 1. Searcy, Brendan T; 4401/616644—Case pulled by board office

Endorsement None

Other Exam None

Reciprocity None

C. Exemption Applications 1. Edmond, Nathalie; 4401/420781- A motion was made by Gackenheimer to deny based on Section 435.07, F.S. The motion was seconded and passed unanimously.

2. Wilson, Alisha E; 4401/488676- A motion was made by Gackenheimer to deny based on Section 435.07, F.S. The motion was seconded and passed unanimously.

D. Informal Hearings Informal Licensure and Exemption Hearings 1. Keith, Kendra; 4401/605318- A motion was made by Botter to uphold the decision to deny. The motion was seconded and passed unanimously.

2. Vinson, Diane; 4401/127371- Present and sworn in. A motion was made by Gackenheimer to uphold the previous decision. The motion was seconded and passed unanimously.

3. Washington, Tytiki; 4401/143923- Present and sworn in. A motion was made by Gackenheimer to grant. The motion was seconded and passed unanimously.

E. CNA Education None

F. Council Reports None

G. Testing Reports Stacy Lawson from Prometric came forward and updated the Council on changes made in the location of the operational facilities. The facilities are moving from St. Paul, Minnesota to Baltimore, Maryland. The phone numbers associated with the program are not changing.

Ms. Lawson also informed the Council that Prometric is moving any information associated with Credit Cards to the back page of the application. This is so that it can be shredded and not stored with the application.

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She also spoke about false positives with the Clearinghouse. Prometric took steps to identify candidates that could possibly be caught in this situation. All the ones that have been identified have been sent an updated letter letting them know to be printed. The fix for this problem went into effect yesterday. Stacy also informed the Council that they have approximately 7000 applicants in pending status.

Mr. Baker announced that Prometric has been awarded the contract for the C.N.A. exam.

H. Counsel’s Report Ms. Clark addressed the March and April Rule report and informed the Council that she was still working on the in-service provider rule.

I. Executive Director’s Report 1. Update from BON Long Range Policy Planning Meeting- Mr. Baker spoke about the C.N.A Council meeting change. He informed everyone that starting with the August meeting the C.N.A application files will be addressed by the Board’s Committees. He also indicated that the Council will still meet by conference call to discuss issues affecting C.N.A.s.

2. Section 464.2085, F.S. (electronic addendum)- Mr. Baker informed the Council that this statute encompasses what the Council will still review. Discussion ensued.

Mr. Baker discussed employee turn-over in the board office.

J. C.N.A. Programs Orders to Vacate 1. Manatee Tech and Horizon Healthcare- A motion was made by Gackenheimer to vacate the previous orders. The motion was seconded and passed unanimously.

2. Leto Adult & Community and Tom P Haney Tech- A motion was made by Gackenheimer to vacate the previous board orders. The motion was seconded and passed unanimously.

K. CNA Issues for Discussion None

L. Approval of Minutes 1. C.N.A. Council April 2013 Minutes

A motion was made by Sutton to approve the minutes. The motion was seconded and passed unanimously.

The meeting adjourned at 10:39 am.

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Crede ntials “A” Committee

Wednesday, June 5, 2013 at 2:00 pm

Call to Order The meeting was called to order at 2:07 pm, by the Chair of the Committee, Barbara Kemp.

Roll call Committee Members Present: Barbara Kemp Ann Lynn Denker, PhD, ARNP Lavigne Kirkpatrick, BS, RN Linda Horton, Ed.D., PhD, MSN, NS-C, RN-C

Staff Present: Joe Baker, Jr., Executive Director William Spooner, BS, FRE, Program Operations Administrator

AOG Staff Present: Lee Ann Gustafson, Senior Assistant Attorney General Michele Bass, Paralegal

Introductions were made. Vicki Fitzpatrick gave a brief description of the roles of IPN. Ms. Kemp asked everyone to turn off electronic devices, that there be proper decorum for the proceedings, and introduced the schools in the attendance.

Mr. Baker gave a brief description of what applicants should do when their name was called. He also reminded everyone that the proceedings were being recorded and would be posted on the Board of Nursing’s website.

A. Required Appearances 1. Hunter, Anthony; 1701/461690- Present and sworn in. A motion was made by Kemp to approve. The motion was seconded and passed unanimously.

2. Malloy, Tasha; 1702/160618- Tabled to August Board meeting

3. Ojibway, Connie; 1701/457557- Present and sworn in. A motion was made by Kemp to approve with a V6A. The motion was seconded and passed unanimously. Discussion ensued. Kemp made a new motion to approve. The motion was seconded and passed with Kirkpatrick in opposition.

4. Nelson, Sandslia; 1701/461213- Present and sworn in. A motion was made by Kemp to approve. The motion was seconded and passed unanimously.

5. Jeune, Ruth Belzius; 1701/463975- Present and sworn in. A motion was made by Kemp to approve. The motion was seconded and passed unanimously.

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6. O'Donoghue, Tina Renee; 1701/453236- Present and sworn in. Ms. O’Donoghue requested to withdraw her application. A motion was made by Kemp to approve the withdrawal. The motion was seconded and passed unanimously.

B. Applicants for Licensure Prior Discipline Exam 1. Turner, Latrise Nicole; 1702/122571- A motion was made by Kirkpatrick to deny for not being in compliance with previous board order. The motion was seconded and passed unanimously.

Endorsement 1. Broglia, Tania Joan; 1701/416413- A motion was made by Kemp to deny based on previous discipline in Colorado. The motion was seconded and passed unanimously.

2. Bryant, Wendi; 1701/462097- Present and sworn in. A motion was made by Horton to approve. The motion was not seconded. Discussion ensued. A motion was made by Kemp to approve with a remedial course and a V6B. The motion was seconded and passed unanimously.

3. Hillard Jr, James Edward; 1701/464825- Present and sworn in. A motion was made to by Kemp to approve. The motion was seconded and passed unanimously.

4. McAnally, Katinna; 1701/460847- A motion was made by Kemp to approve with a V6A. The motion was seconded and passed unanimously.

5. Morris, Lisa Higgins; 1701/469811- A motion was made by Kemp to approve. The motion was seconded and passed unanimously.

6. Soussana, Heather Anne; 1701/163406- A motion was made by Kemp approve. The motion was seconded and passed unanimously.

7. Tyer, Donna Lunn; 1701/455653- A motion was made by Kemp to approve. The motion was seconded and passed unanimously.

8. Valenti, Carl Thomas; 1701/428856- A motion was made by Kirkpatrick to approve. The motion was seconded and passed unanimously.

9. Culpepper, Bryant; 1701/396252 (electronic addendum)- Present and sworn in. A motion was made by Kemp to approve. The motion was second and passed unanimously.

Prior Board Action Exam Chambers, Pamela Gayle; 1702/162596(paper addendum) - A motion was made by Kirkpatrick to deny based on non-compliance with a previous final order. The motion was seconded and passed unanimously.

Endorsement None

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Criminal History Exam 1. Brown, Frank James; 1701/328501- A motion was made by Kemp to require a personal appearance. The motion was seconded and passed unanimously. Kemp made a motion to reconsinder the motion. The motion was seconded and passed unanimously. A motion was made by Kemp to deny for failure to submit proof of completion of a remedial course. The motion was seconded and passed unanimously.

2. Davis, Kristen Nicole; 1702/161568- Present and sworn in. A motion was made by Denker to approve with a V6B. The motion was seconded and passed with Horton in opposition.

3. Nichols, Amelia Esther; 1701/469419- A motion was made by Kemp to approve with a V6B. The motion was seconded and passed unanimously.

4. Skinner, Canda'nce Monique; 1702/162574- Present and sworn in. A motion was made by Kemp to approve. The motion was seconded and passed unanimously.

5. Westbrook, Victoria Denice; 1701/463942- Present and sworn in. A motion was made by Horton to approve. The motion was seconded and passed unanimously.

Endorsement 1. Hall, Stephanie Ann; 1701/446993- A motion was made by Kemp to approve. The motion was seconded and passed unanimously.

2. Lindell, Glenda Rae; 1701/465697— Application pulled by board office

3. Malone, Marco Antonion; 1702/161980- A motion was made by Kemp to approve with a V6B. The motion was seconded and passed unanimously.

4. Maloney, Alexandria L; 1701/451365- Present and sworn in. A motion was made by Kemp to approve with a V6B. The motion was seconded and passed unanimously.

Health History Exam 1. Ash, Ryan-Lin; 1702/161926- Present and sworn in. A motion was made by Denker to approve. The motion was seconded and passed unanimously.

Endorsement 1. Christ, Kathleen Gay; 1701/446071- Present and sworn in. A motion was made by Kemp approve with a V6A. The motion was seconded and passed unanimously.

2. Ciptak, Mary Ellen; 1701/458037- A motion was made by Horton to require a personal appearance. The motion was seconded and passed unanimously.

3. Pegoraro, Doreen Margaret; 1702/160931- A motion was made by Kirkpatrick to require a personal appearance. The motion was seconded and passed unanimously.

4. Ripepi, Linda G; 1701/466208- Present and sworn in. A motion was made by Horton to approve. The motion was seconded and passed unanimously.

False Answer on Application Exam 1. Pike, Jessica; 1701/451923- A motion was made by Denker to deny. The motion was seconded and passed unanimously.

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2. Radhachran, Alvin Totaram; 1701/457807- Present and sworn in. A motion was made by Kemp to deny. The motion was seconded, but did not pass with Horton and Denker in opposition. A motion was made by Horton to approve with an amended application. The motion was seconded and passed unanimously.

3. Tema, Yolette; 1701/457645(paper addendum) - A motion was made by Kirkpatrick to deny based on misrepresentation. The motion was seconded and passed unanimously.

Endorsement None

Medical Prep Institute Exam 1. Bernadin, Janine; 1702/157469- Present and sworn in with attorney Paul Kutcher. Ms. Bernadin made a request to withdraw the application. A motion was made by Kemp to approve the request to withdraw her application. Discussion ensued. Ms. Bernadin requested to withdraw her request to withdraw. A motion was made by Kemp to deny the application based on not meeting the requirements of 464.008. The motion was seconded and passed unanimously.

2. Meheux, Ferguson Faye; 1702/157464- Present and sworn in. A motion was made by Denker to deny based on not meeting the requirements of 464.008. The motion was seconded and passed unanimously.

3. Okoye, Ikechuku Chinedu; 1702/157942- Present and sworn in. A motion was made by Denker to deny based on not meeting the requirements of 464.008. The motion was seconded and passed unanimously.

Endorsement None Other Exam 1. Fernandez, Victor Eduardo; 1701/419729- Present and sworn in. A motion was made by Kirkpatrick to approve. The motion was seconded and passed unanimously.

2. Grant, Gretel Paceta; 1701/454347- A motion was made by Kirkpatrick to approve. The motion was seconded and passed unanimously.

3. Grib, Raymond; 1702/160593- Present and sworn in with Attorney Joann Kenna. A motion was made by Kemp to approve the request to withdraw the application and to vacate the notice of intent to deny. The motion was seconded and passed unanimously.

Endorsement 1. Benton, Kimberly; 1702/160835- A motion was made by Denker to approve the withdrawal of the application. The motion was seconded and passed unanimously.

C. ARNP Applicants 1. Riva, Brian; 1701/468974- A motion was made by Kemp to approve with a V6A. The motion was seconded and passed unanimously.

2. Schaffer, Donald; 1701/444814- A motion was made by Denker to approve. The motion was seconded and with Kemp in opposition.

D. CNS Applicants

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E. Exemption Applicants 1. Cambridge, Michelle Lynn; 1701/449678- A motion was made by Kirkpatrick to approve. The motion was seconded and passed unanimously.

2. Kube, Suzanne; 1701/137533- Present and sworn in. A motion was made by Kemp to deny. The motion was seconded and passed unanimously.

3. Main, David; 1701/259787- Present and sworn in. A motion was made by Kemp to deny. The motion was seconded and passed unanimously.

4. Quijano, Milene; 1701/462049- Present and sworn in. Applicant requested to waive her 90 days.

5. Stokes, Anthony Jerone; 1702/98167- A motion was made by Kirkpatrick to deny. The motion was seconded and passed with Kemp in opposition.

6. Williams, Elizabeth Anita; 1702/158191- Present and sworn in. A motion was made by Kemp to deny. The motion was seconded and passed unanimously.

F. Other Items for Discussion


The meeting adjourned at 5:50 pm.

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Education and Credentials “B” Committee

Wednesday, June 5, 2013 at 2:00 pm

Call to Order The meeting was called to order by Committee Chair, Dr. Colin at 2:38 pm.

Roll call Committee Members Present: Jessie Colin, PhD, RN Jody Newman, Ed.S, Ed.D Leonard Connors, JD

Staff Present: Sherri Sutton-Johnson, MSN, RN, Director of Nursing Education Erin Pierce, BSN, RN, Nurse Consultant Deborah Hansen, BSN, RN, Nurse Consultant

AOG Staff Present: Rachel Clark, Assistant Attorney General

Committee Members Absent: Cathy Oles Gordon, LPN, BPS (Excused) Sandra L. Walker, PhD, ARNP, FNP-BC (Excused)

A. Non-Compliance with Section 464.019, FS


B. Required Appearances 1. Jean, Marie Carmel; 1701/441788- A motion was made by Colin to deny due to failure to appear. The motion was seconded and passed unanimously.

2. Mendoza-Fortier, Lorraine Anne; 1701/453684- A motion was made by Colin to deny due to failure to appear. The motion was seconded and passed unanimously.

3. Paradis, Praise Malabag; 1702/160186- Applicant requested to withdraw. A motion was made by Colin to accept the withdrawal. The motion was seconded and passed unanimously.

C. Education Credentials 1. Avila, Geila Galabin; 1701/469747- Present and sworn in. The applicant Waived 90 days. A motion was made by Colin to approve. The motion was seconded and passed unanimously.

2. Avila Garcia, Ileana; 1701/467545-A motion was made by Colin to deny based on education being equivalent to a Practical Nurse. The applicant currently has a clear and active LPN license. The motion was seconded and passed unanimously.

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3. Bordigoni, Mario; 1701/461116- A motion was made by Colin to approve. The motion was seconded and passed unanimously.

4. Cesar, Lucrecia G; 1702/162386- A motion was made by Colin to deny based on education being equivalent to a nursing assistant. The motion was seconded and passed unanimously.

5. Cordero Alvarez, Yaime; 1701/466107- Present and sworn in. A motion was made by Colin to approve based on extensive hours. The motion was seconded with Connors in opposition.

6. Dieudonne, Sindy; 1701/465113- A motion was made by Colin to deny based on completion of unauthorized distance learning program. The motion was seconded and passed unanimously.

7. Fequiere, Maria A; 1701/464972- A motion was made by Colin to deny based on completion of unauthorized distance learning program. The motion was seconded and passed unanimously.

8. Fridlich, Margaret Leah; 1701/460796- Present and sworn in. A motion was made by Colin to approve. The motion was seconded and passed with Connors in opposition.

9. Headlam, Peeches Juanita; 1701/434714- A motion was made by Colin to deny based on completion of unauthorized distance education program. The motion was seconded and passed unanimously.

10. Horfilla, Gerald Cabanlet; 1702/151075- A motion was made by Colin to deny based on completion of unauthorized distance education program. The motion was seconded and passed unanimously.

11. James, Ging Namocatcat; 1701/464939- A motion was made by Colin to approve. The motion was seconded and passed unanimously.

12. Louis Moise, Matula; 1701/466191- A motion was made by Newman for a required appearance at one of the next two scheduled board meetings and to have Joseph Silny request that Irma Boise, the Director of Nursing of the Ministry of Public Health and Population in Haiti, review this program and issue a letter or statement with recommendations regarding Belle Vue University and the language of instruction issues, similar to her statement pertaining to Bon Samaritain International. The motion was seconded and passed unanimously.

13. Manaois, Klara Cerina Ledesma; 1701/463469- A motion was made by Colin to approve. The motion was seconded and passed unanimously.

14. Manresa Gonzalez, Ania; 1701/462125- A motion was made by Colin for a required appearance at one of the next two scheduled board meetings. The motion was seconded and passed unanimously.

15. Martini, Laurie; 1701/449737- Present and sworn in. A motion was made by Colin to approve pending completion of a Board approved remedial course with a concentration in obstetric nursing, within one year. The motion was seconded and passed unanimously.

16. Molina Hernandez, Niurys; 1701/462252- Present and sworn in. A motion was made by Colin to approve. The motion was seconded and passed unanimously.

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17. Oke, Elizabeth Adeola; 1701/442973- A motion was made by Colin to deny based on completion of unauthorized distance education. The motion was seconded and passed unanimously.

18. Onyoni, Eunice Kerubo; 1701/465116- A motion was made by Colin to deny based on completion of unauthorized distance education. The motion was seconded and passed unanimously.

19. Osei-Akoto, Joyce; 1701/464823- A motion was made by Colin to deny based on completion of unauthorized distance education. The motion was seconded and passed unanimously.

20. Perez, David; 1701/465177- A motion was made by Colin to approve. The motion was seconded and passed unanimously.

21. Pineiro Coronado, Sergio; 1701/462130- Present and sworn in. A motion was made by Colin to approve pending completion of a remedial course with a focus on psychiatry, within one year. The motion was seconded and passed unanimously.

21. Pobre, Windeeline Lacuna; 1701/465131- A motion was made by Colin to approve. The motion was seconded and passed unanimously.

22. Reyes Roman, Merari; 1701/465494- A motion was made by Colin to approve pending the completion of a Board approved remedial course with in one year. The motion was seconded and passed unanimously.

23. Rodriguez, Maria; 1701/328758- A motion was made by Connors to require an appearance at one of the next two scheduled board meetings and offer the option to test as an LPN. The motion was seconded and passed unanimously.

24. Sande, George Otieno; 1701/467358- A motion was made by Colin to approve pending the completion of a Board approved remedial course with in one year. The motion was seconded with Connors in opposition.

25. Tejeda Hisado, Maria Montserrat; 1701/449350- Present and sworn in. A motion was made by Colin to approve pending completion of a remedial course within one year. The motion was seconded and passed unanimously.

26. Vamos, Darlene; 1701/162611- A motion was made by Colin to approve pending completion of a Board approved remedial course including 150 theory hours and 96 clinical hours within one year. The motion was seconded with Connors in opposition.

27. Parra, Gloribel Marie; 1701/467101 (Electronic Addendum)- A motion was made by Colin to approve based on excessive hours. The motion was seconded and passed unanimously.

D. Applicants for Licensure Section 456.0635, FS Applications Exam 1. Dennis, Keesha L; 1702/116762- Present and sworn in. A motion was made by Colin to approve. The motion was seconded and passed with Connors in opposition.

2. Fischer, Suzanne M; 1701/459800- Present and sworn in. A motion was made by Colin to approve with a V6B. The motion was seconded and passed unanimously.

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3. Fordham, Shale; 1701/161672- Present and sworn in. Applicant requested to withdraw her application.

4. Jesmer, Joseph Harold; 1701/468858- Present and sworn in. Applicant requested to withdraw his application.

Endorsement None

Section 464.009, FS Applications Endorsement 1. Darwish, Abraham; 1702/126201- A motion was made by Colin to approve pending completion of a Board approved remedial course with in one year. The motion was seconded and passed unanimously.

2. Espinoza, Evelyn; 1701/464044- A motion was made by Colin to approve pending completion of a Board approved remedial course within one year. The motion was seconded and passed unanimously.

3. Hadlock, Loretta Krupa; 1701/464711- A motion was made by Colin for a required appearance at one of the next two scheduled board meetings. The motion was seconded and passed unanimously.

4. Hanlon, Sara P; 1702/126907- Present and sworn in. A motion was made by Colin to approve pending completion of a Board approved remedial course within one year. The motion was seconded and passed unanimously.

5. Kinnebrew, Monica; 1701/290374- A motion was made by Colin to approve pending the completion of a Board approved remedial course within one year. The motion was seconded and passed unanimously.

6. Livingston, Linda D Roe; 1701/446647- A motion was made by Colin to require an appearance at one of the next two scheduled board meetings. The motion was seconded and passed unanimously.

7. Lomo, Loviemen; 1701/465948- A motion was made by Connors to require an appearance at one of the next two scheduled board meetings. The motion was seconded and passed unanimously.

8. Loveall, Linda Kay; 1701/465762- A motion was made by Colin to require an appearance at one of the next two scheduled board meetings. The motion was seconded and passed unanimously.

9. Maddox, Donna Marie: 1701/464814- Present and sworn in. A motion was made by Colin to approve pending completion of a Board approved remedial course within one year. The motion was seconded and passed unanimously.

10. Mellard, Shannon (Powell); 1701/464419- A motion was made by Colin to require an appearance at one of the next two scheduled board meetings. The motion was seconded and passed unanimously.

11. Onyancha, Judith Dianne; 1702/162355- Present and sworn in. A motion was made by Colin to approve pending completion of continuing education courses in professional standards, legal aspects and ethics, within one year. Each of the courses must be a minimum of 8 hours. The motion was seconded and passed with Connors in opposition.

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12. Prince, Phoebe Lorraine; 1701/423536- Present and sworn in. The applicant requested to waive her right to the Board making a decision in 90 days.

13. Reynolds, Zainab Zena; 1701/461070- A motion was made by Colin to require an appearance at one of the next two scheduled board meetings. The motion was seconded and passed unanimously.

14. Trandem, Susan; 1701/467044- Present and sworn in. A motion was made by Newman to approve pending a Board approved remedial course within one year. The motion was seconded and passed unanimously.

15. Zimmer, Debra Brush; 1701/466507- Present and sworn in. A motion was made by Newman to approve pending a Board approved remedial course within one year. The motion was seconded and passed unanimously.

16. Gleason, Christie L.; 1701/464522 (paper addendum)- Present and sworn in. A motion was made by Colin to approve pending completion of a Board approved remedial course and continuing education courses in professional standards (3 to 4 hours), legal aspects(8 hours) and ethics (8 hour), within one year. The motion was seconded and passed unanimously.

Health Opportunity Technical Center Applications 1. Alexis, Codine; 1702/162785- A motion was made by Colin to approve pending the completion of a Board approved remedial course with in one year. The motion was seconded and passed unanimously.

2. Auguste Mathurin, Patricia; 1702/162860- A motion was made by Colin to approve pending the completion of a Board approved remedial course with in one year. The motion was seconded and passed unanimously.

3. Boule-Thys, Marie Claudette; 1702/162981- A motion was made by Colin to approve pending the completion of a Board approved remedial course with in one year. The motion was seconded and passed unanimously.

4. Chyron, Naomie; 1702/162016- A motion was made by Colin to approve pending the completion of a Board approved remedial course with in one year. The motion was seconded and passed unanimously.

5. Denis, Marie Rose; 1702/162871- A motion was made by Colin to approve pending the completion of a Board approved remedial course with in one year. The motion was seconded and passed unanimously.

6. Derival Michaud, Daphnee; 1702/162882- A motion was made by Colin to approve pending the completion of a Board approved remedial course with in one year. The motion was seconded and passed unanimously.

7. Duverneau Walter, Milousel; 1702/162867- A motion was made by Colin to approve pending the completion of a Board approved remedial course with in one year. The motion was seconded and passed unanimously.

8. Edouard, Jacqueline; 1702/162142- A motion was made by Colin to approve pending the completion of a Board approved remedial course with in one year. The motion was seconded and passed unanimously.

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9. Eliezer, Gertrude; 1702/162901- A motion was made by Colin to approve pending the completion of a Board approved remedial course with in one year. The motion was seconded and passed unanimously.

10. Joseph, Marie Gladys; 1702/162793- A motion was made by Colin to approve pending the completion of a Board approved remedial course with in one year. The motion was seconded and passed unanimously.

11. Lasalle, Sonia Baltizar; 1702/162876- A motion was made by Colin to approve pending the completion of a Board approved remedial course with in one year. The motion was seconded and passed unanimously.

12. Merry, Gizelle Claire; 1702/161976- A motion was made by Colin to approve pending the completion of a Board approved remedial course with in one year. The motion was seconded and passed unanimously.

13. Merzius, Menande; 1702/161933- A motion was made by Colin to approve pending the completion of a Board approved remedial course with in one year. The motion was seconded and passed unanimously.

14. Naser, Sanaa; 1702/162051- A motion was made by Colin to approve pending the completion of a Board approved remedial course with in one year. The motion was seconded and passed unanimously.

15. Pierre, Diegrace; 1702/162815- A motion was made by Colin to approve pending the completion of a Board approved remedial course with in one year. The motion was seconded and passed unanimously.

16. Pierre, Nathanaellel; 1702/162787- A motion was made by Colin to approve pending the completion of a Board approved remedial course with in one year. The motion was seconded and passed unanimously.

17. Pierre, Wilda; 1702/162050- A motion was made by Colin to approve pending the completion of a Board approved remedial course with in one year. The motion was seconded and passed unanimously.

18. Pierrelouis, Patricia; 1702/162117- A motion was made by Colin to approve pending the completion of a Board approved remedial course with in one year. The motion was seconded and passed unanimously.

19. Popoola Arroyo, Llesenia Sulaica; 1702/161803- A motion was made by Colin to approve pending the completion of a Board approved remedial course with in one year. The motion was seconded and passed unanimously.

20. Raphael, Keisha Alyssa; 1702/162905- A motion was made by Colin to approve pending the completion of a Board approved remedial course with in one year. The motion was seconded and passed unanimously.

21. Reid, Carol R; 1702/162924- A motion was made by Colin to approve pending the completion of a Board approved remedial course with in one year. The motion was seconded and passed unanimously.

22. Robillard, Wilmide; 1702/162995- A motion was made by Colin to approve pending the completion of a Board approved remedial course with in one year. The motion was seconded and passed unanimously.

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23. Romul, Linda; 1702/162784- A motion was made by Colin to approve pending the completion of a Board approved remedial course with in one year. The motion was seconded and passed unanimously.

24. Sido, Veronise; 1702/162845- A motion was made by Colin to approve pending the completion of a Board approved remedial course with in one year. The motion was seconded and passed unanimously. Other 1. Mullins, Michelle Marie; 1702/161874- A motion was made by Colin to deny based on not completing a nursing program. The motion was seconded and passed unanimously.

2. Paris-Lawlor, Gina; 1702/158649- The applicant requested to withdraw. A motion was made by Colin to approve the request to withdraw. The request was seconded and passed unanimously.

3. Barrett, Lisa; 1701/4314210- Application pulled by board office

E. Licensure Applicant Ratification 1. Licensure Applicant Ratification List

A motion was made by Colin to approve. The motion was seconded and passed unanimously.

F. New Nursing Education Program Ratification 1. Education Program Ratification List

A motion was made by Colin to approve. The motion was seconded and passed unanimously.

G. New CNA Training Program Ratification


H. Other Items for Discussion 1. CE Provider Complaints- A motion was made by Colin to rescind approval per Board rule 64B9-5.005 F.A.C. The motion was seconded and passed unanimously.

2. Distance Education- Faculty must be licensed in Florida to supervise students. Per Section 464.003 F.S.

3. Innovative Academic Solutions - Remedial Course Provider- Present. A motion was made by Newman to approve the recommended revisions. The motion was seconded and passed unanimously.

4. Mission Bon Samaritain- No Board action required.

Informational Items 1. NLNAC Correspondence- No Board Action Required 2. Edison State College Correspondence- No Board Action Required 3. Concorde Career Institute– No Board Action Required

The meeting adjourned at 6:12 pm.

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Disciplinary Hearings & General Business

Thursday, June 6, 2013 at 8:30 am

Call to Order The meeting was called to order by the Chair, Dr. Denker at 8:36 am.

Roll call Board Members Present: Ann-Lynn Denker, PhD, ARNP - Chair Lavigne Ann Kirkpatrick, BS, RN - Vice-Chair Jessie Colin, PhD, RN Barbara Kemp Leonard Connors, JD Jody Newman, Ed.S, Ed.D Linda Horton, Ed.D., PhD, MSN, NS-C, RN-C (arrived at 8:58 am) Sandra L. Walker, PhD, ARNP, FNP-BC (arrived at 9:16 am)

Staff Present: Joe Baker, Jr., Executive Director William Spooner, BS, FRE, Program Operations Administrator Sherri Sutton-Johnson, MSN, RN, Director of Nursing Education Erin Pierce, BSN, RN, Nurse Consultant Deborah Hansen, BSN, RN, Nurse Consultant Elisa Floyd, Regulatory Program Administrator- Compliance Reginald Colston, Compliance Officer Christa Peace, Regulatory Specialist II- PSU Michelle Bass, Paralegal

Attorneys Present: Lee Ann Gustafson, Senior Assistant Attorney General Rachel Clark, Assistant Attorney General John Truitt, Assistant General Counsel Casey Cowan, Assistant General Counsel Jodi-Ann Johnson, Assistant General Counsel

Board Members Absent: Cathy Oles Gordon, LPN, BPS (Excused)

Introductions were made. Vicki Fitzpatrick gave a brief description of the roles of IPN. Everyone stood for pledge of allegiance. Dr. Denker recognized all the schools in attendance, Officer John Thomas and the court reporter. She then gave directions for what respondents should do when their name was called. Dr. Denker discussed what proper decorum is for the proceedings, including silencing all electronic devices. She also reminded everyone that the proceedings were being recorded and would be posted on the Board of Nursing website.

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A. CNA Reinstatements and Compliance Issues 1. Byrd, Rhonda; 4401/488717- Noticed for 1:00 pm. Present and sworn in. A motion was made by Horton to deny the request. Motion was seconded and passed unanimously.

B. CNA Settlement Agreements Recused Members: Claydell Horne and Sandra Walker 1. Woodard, Latrivette M., CNA 99062 Case#2012-17578 File #376414- A motion was made by Colin to accept the settlement agreement. The motion was seconded and passed unanimously. . C. CNA Informal Hearings If the Respondent was present the board, as appropriate, accepted unanimously the following motions: 1). The Department asks that you accept the investigative report into evidence for the purpose of imposing a penalty. 2). The Department asks that you find that the Respondent was properly served and that an informal hearing was requested. 3). The Department asks that you adopt the findings of fact as set forth in the Administrative Complaint. 4). The Department asks that you adopt the conclusions of law as set forth in the Administrative Complaint and find that this constitutes a violation of the practice act. If the Respondent was not present, the board, as appropriate, accepted unanimously the following motion: 1). The Department asks that you accept the investigative report into evidence for the purpose of imposing a penalty. 2).The Department asks that you find that the Respondent was properly served and that an informal hearing was requested. 3). The Department asks that you adopt the findings of fact and conclusions of law as set forth in the Administrative Complaint, and find that this constitutes a violation of the practice act.

Recused Members: Claydell Horne and Leonard Connors 1. Layne, Diana Lashelle, CNA 41926 Case #2012-15816 File#130623- Settlement agreement. A motion was made by Colin to accept the settlement agreement. The motion was seconded and passed unanimously.

Recused Members: Mary Jane Herrera and Kirkpatrick 2. Williams, Latonia E., CNA 140768 Case#2012-15379 File#341892- Present and sworn in. A motion was made by Kemp to impose costs and CEs in Legal Aspects and Ethics. Motion was seconded and passed with Connors in opposition.

Recused Members: Mary Jane Herrera and Claydell Horne 3. Gordon, Kathryn, CNA 187272 Case#2013-01066 File #477077- Voluntary Relinquishment. A motion was made by Colin to accept the Voluntary Relinquishment. The motion was seconded and passed unanimously.

D. CNA Voluntary Relinquishments No Recused Members- A motion was made by Colin to accept the Voluntary Relinquishments listed below. The motion was seconded and passed unanimously.

1. Belfleur, Jean H., CNA 26894 Case #2012-18052 File #338342 2. Castleberry, Tigre S., CNA 174420 Case #2013-03214 File #457571 3. Aman, Jennifer Lynn, CNA 100489 Case#2013-01813 File #380682 4. Hardman, Mary L., CNA 230185 Case #2013-03197 File #538523

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Recused Members: Lavigne Kirkpatrick and Mary Jane Herrera- A motion was made by Colin to accept the Voluntary Relinquishments listed below. The motion was seconded and passed unanimously.

5. Gallant, Marilyn B., CNA 23013 Case#2012-15609 File #54560 6. Legrand, Farrah A., CNA 62034 Case#2012-07474 File#319633

Recused Members: Claydell Horne and Leonard Connors- A motion was made by Colin to accept the Voluntary Relinquishments listed below. The motion was seconded and passed unanimously.

7. Thornton, Angela L., CNA 108400 Case#2012-16947 File #390599 8. White, Tiffany A., CNA 198409 Case#2012-10089 File#493687

Recused Members: Jody Bryant Newman and Claydell Horne- A motion was made by Colin to accept the Voluntary Relinquishment listed below. The motion was seconded and passed unanimously.

9. Hamlin, Katrina D., CNA 250557 Case #2012-14382 File#560433

Recused Members: Barbara Kemp and Mary K. Habgood- A motion was made by Colin to accept the Voluntary Relinquishments listed below. The motion was seconded and passed unanimously.

10. Cenido, Marwil C., CNA 231609 Case #2012-17577 File# 534063 11. Nicely, Amanda, CNA 183527 Case #2012-18057 File#471185

Recused Members: Sandra Walker and Claydell Horne- A motion was made by Colin to accept the Voluntary Relinquishments listed below. The motion was seconded and passed unanimously.

12. Gilley, Shophia A., CNA 224675 Case #2012-11647 File#531216 13. Cordle, Heidi L., CNA 164672 Case #2012-17084 File#441943

E. CNA Informal Waivers If the Respondent was present, the board, as appropriate, accepted unanimously the following motions: 1). The Department asks that you accept the investigative report into evidence for the purpose of imposing a penalty. 2). The Department asks that you find that the Respondent was properly served and waived the right to a formal hearing (either by failing to respond at all or timely). 3). The Department asks that you adopt the findings of fact as set forth in the Administrative Complaint. 4). The Department asks that you adopt the conclusions of law as set forth in the Administrative Complaint, and find that this constitutes a violation of the practice act.

If the Respondent was not present, the board, as appropriate, accepted unanimously the following motions: 1). The Department asks that you accept the investigative report into evidence for the purpose of imposing a penalty. 2).The Department asks that you find that the Respondent was properly served and waived the right to a formal hearing (either by failing to respond at all or timely). 3). The Department asks that you adopt the findings of fact and conclusions of law as set forth in the Administrative Complaint, and find that this constitutes a violation of the practice act.

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Recused Members: Barbara Kemp and Mary K. Habgood 1. Repompo, Rosemarie C., CNA 199912 Case#2012-11380 File #447572- A motion was made by Colin to impose a V8. The motion was seconded and passed unanimously.

2. Andrews, Christina M., CNA 265967 Case #2012-15232 File #540615- A motion was made by Colin to impose a V8. The motion was seconded and passed unanimously.

3. Jerome, Lana, CNA 116482 Case#2012-15604 File#269164- A motion was made by Colin to impose a V8. The motion was seconded and passed unanimously.

Recused Members: Claydell Horne and Linda Horton 4. Boyd, Sandra, CNA 210517 Case#2011-17628 File #484574- A motion was made by Colin to impose a V8. The motion was seconded and passed unanimously.

Recused Members: Lavigne Kirkpatrick and Barbara Kemp 5. Howard, Twanda F., CNA 84871 Case#2012-07470 File #337338- A motion was made by Colin to impose a V8. The motion was seconded and passed unanimously.

Recused Members: Mary Jane Herrera and Lavigne Kirkpatrick 6. Peart, Jr., Kingsley A., CNA 216783 Case #2013-01498 File#520410- A motion was made by Colin to impose a V8. The motion was seconded and passed unanimously.

7. Askew, Tridney K., CNA 189860 Case#2012-18289 File#477832- A motion was made by Colin to impose a V8. The motion was seconded and passed unanimously.

8. Potter, Nickula Katrina, CNA 95849 Case#2012-15320 File#372010—Case pulled by PSU 9. Blount, Patsy L., A.K.A. Patsy Kennedy A.K.A. Patricia Blount-Kennedy, CNA 45214 Case#2012-14785 File#187306- A motion was made by Colin to impose a V8. The motion was seconded and passed unanimously.

Recused Members: Leonard Connors and Claydell Horne 10. Gavin, Jr, Kenneth Bernard, CNA 74240 Case #2012-10481 File#368927- A motion was made by Colin to impose a V8. The motion was seconded and passed unanimously.

11. Cole, Jasmine J., CNA 244752 Case#2012-19038 File#564149- A motion was made by Colin to impose a costs and a V6B. The motion was seconded and passed unanimously.

12. Williams, Sharonda Renee, CNA 83270 Case#2012-17644 File#374192- Present and sworn in. A motion was made by Colin to impose a V8. The motion was seconded and passed with Kirkpatrick in opposition.

13. Rich, Courtnie S., CNA 229048 Case #2012-09640 File#535370- A motion was made by Colin to impose costs and a P3 for two years with standard terms and direct supervision. The motion was seconded and passed unanimously.

Recused Members: Jody Bryant Newman and Claydell Horne 14. Sallie, Roniequea L., CNA 247550 Case#2013-02962 File#545428- A motion was made by Colin to impose a V8. The motion was seconded and passed unanimously.

Recused Members: Maria Kolb and Lavigne Kirkpatrick 15. Howard, Tawanda F., CNA 84871 Case#2012-07388 File#337338- A motion was made by Colin to impose a V8. The motion was seconded and passed unanimously.

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F. CNA Other Items for Discussion

G. RN, LPN, and ARNP Voluntary Relinquishments No Recused Members: A motion was made by Colin to accept the Voluntary Relinquishments listed below. The motion was seconded and passed unanimously.

1. Vyain, Diane Marie, LPN 489711 Case#2012-17217 File #2190 2. Shankin, Charles Michael, RN 9247307 Case#2013-01969 File#337392 3. Enderle, Margaret Mary, RN 9242003 Case#2013-03627 File#336304 4. Chaippini, Melissa Lynn, RN 9305472 Case #2013-01295 File#406146 5. Barral, Melissa Kristine, RN 3365462 Case#2013-04986 File#202112 6. Walther, Stacy Lee, LPN 5181836 Case#2013-03770 File #128625 7. Dean, Daphne Pope, RN 2736282 Case#2013-03956 File#137070- Present and sworn in. Case was pulled because Ms. Dean requested to withdraw her relinquishment.

Recused Members: Claydell Horne and Jody Bryant Newman 8. Palmer, Sara Louise, RN 797862 Case #2013-01503 File#230231- A motion was made by Colin to accept the Voluntary Relinquishment. The motion was seconded and passed unanimously.

Recused Members: Linda Horton and Claydell Horne 9. Gray, Sharon Yvonne AKA Webb, Sharon, RN 9297565 Case #2011-13509 File #397596- A motion was made by Colin to accept the Voluntary Relinquishment. The motion was seconded and passed unanimously.

Recused Members: Barbara Kemp and Mary K. Habgood- A motion was made by Colin to accept the Voluntary Relinquishments listed below. The motion was seconded and passed unanimously. 10. Hanner, Adrianne Nicole, RN 9321566 Case #2012-14545 File#413543 11. Brooks, Sharon Rose, ARNP 2105342 Case #2012-17043 File# 96482 12. Davis, Tanya Rose, LPN 5166735 Case #2012-13013 File #112926 13. Kimberly, Julie M. Sanders, LPN 610981 Case#2012-14466 File#7830 14. Camel, Blendina Monroe, LPN 333171 Case #2012-17193 File#80951

Recused Members: Maria Kolb and Lavigne Kirkpatrick- 15. Galbraith, Judith E., RN 395882 Case #2012-07112 File #210193- Pulled by Department

Recused Members: Lavigne Kirkpatrick and Mary Jane Herrera- A motion was made by Colin to accept the Voluntary Relinquishments listed below. The motion was seconded and passed unanimously. 16. Rostien, Susan Marie, RN 9224717 Case#2012-18501 File #311055 17. Murray, Joann, RN 9163685 Case #2012-15904 File# 240027 18. Bouley, Edmund Albert, RN 9342355 Case #2012-19025 File#436307

Recused Members: Sandra Walker and Claydell Horne- A motion was made by Colin to accept the Voluntary Reliquishments listed below. The motion was seconded and passed unanimously. 19. Cabrera, Carolyn C., LPN 209131 Case #2013-00238 File #76045 20. Thoen, John Eugen, RN 1478402 Case#2013-02860 File#40545

Recused Members: Leonard Connors and Claydell Horne- A motion was made by Colin to accept the Voluntary Relinquishments listed below. The motion was seconded and passed unanimously. 21. Zagrajek, Grazyna Ewa, RN 3278762 Case#2012-17573 File #193080

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22. Escalona, Eulises, RN 9166225 Case #2012-06791 File#242506

Other Practice Issues Advanced Practice Issues- A motion was made by Kemp to approve the protocols. The motion was seconded and passed unanimously.

Protocols Breedlove, Jesse; 9305569 Olivera, Erica; 9299439 Alix, Sunny; 9190292 Ray, Kaitlin; 9247828 De Jesus, Carlos; 9175034 Olkowski, Teresa; 2011042 Febres, Jeanine; 9225493 Negoshian, Carol; 1003832 Umbac, Maria; 2673172 Ray, Kaitlin; 9247828 Snider, Carolyn; 1236452 Imhoff, Janice; 3137912 North, Jennifer; 9268450 Glymph, Derrick; 9328708 Jarosz, David; 3006402 Ulmer, Stephen; 9330297 Nguyen, Holly; 9190774 Elias, Maria; 9220800 Marlin, Jerry; 3274792 Evans, Hallie; 9250784 Espana, Maria; 9210097 Toole, Barbara; 9291123 Ives, Carol; 9264392 Nihiser, Melissa; 9258469 Gilpin, Jennifer; 9241976

Special Education Issues None

Legislative Issues Mr. Baker informed the Board that on the August agenda the Board will have the bill that allows the Board to delegate a Board member to predetermine whether an applicant needs to be referred to IPN. He indicated that the Bill is currently before the Governor to be signed. Discussion ensued.

Rules Report 1. March 2013 Rules Report 2. April 2013 Nursing Rules Report Ms. Gustafson informed the Board of what rules she had filed. Ms. Clark also informed the Board of what files she had filed.

Approval of Minutes Previous Board Meeting Minutes: 1. April 2013 Credentials A Committee Minutes- A motion was made by Kemp to approve the minutes. The motion was seconded and passed unanimously.

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2. April 2013 Education and Credentials B Committee Minutes- A motion was made by Colin to approve the minutes. The motion was seconded and passed unanimously.

3. April 2013 Full Board Minutes- A motion was made by Walker to approve the minutes. The motion was seconded and passed unanimously.

Recommendations Current Meeting CNA Council Recommendations- A motion was made by Colin to approve the recommendations. The motion was seconded and passed unanimously.

Current Meeting Credentials A Committee Recommendations- A motion was made by Kemp to approve the recommendations. The motion was seconded and passed unanimously.

Current Meeting Education and Credentials B Committee Recommendations- A motion was made by Colin to approve the recommendations. The motion was seconded and passed unanimously.

The meeting recessed at 9:52 am.

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Thursday, June 6, 2013 at 1:00 pm

Call to Order The meeting was reconvened by the Chair, Dr. Denker, at 1:04 pm.

Roll call Board Members Present: Ann-Lynn Denker, PhD, ARNP - Chair Lavigne Ann Kirkpatrick, BS, RN - Vice-Chair Jessie Colin, PhD, RN Barbara Kemp Leonard Connors, JD Linda Horton, Ed.D., PhD, MSN, NS-C, RN-C Jody Newman, Ed.S, Ed.D Sandra L. Walker, PhD, ARNP, FNP-BC

Staff Present: Joe Baker, Jr., Executive Director William Spooner, BS, FRE, Program Operations Administrator Sherri Sutton-Johnson, MSN, RN, Director of Nursing Education Erin Pierce, BSN, RN, Nurse Consultant Deborah Hansen, BSN, RN, Nurse Consultant Elisa Floyd, Regulatory Program Administrator- Compliance Reginald Colston, Compliance Officer Michele Bass, Paralegal Christa Peace, Regulatory Specialist II, PSU

Attorneys Present: Lee Ann Gustafson, Senior Assistant Attorney General Rachel Clark, Assistant Attorney General John Truitt, Assistant General Counsel Casey Cowan, Assistant General Counsel Jodi-Ann Johnson, Assistant General Counsel

Board Members Absent: Cathy Oles Gordon, LPN, BPS (Excused)

H. RN, LPN, and ARNP Petitions for Hearing/Modification Petition for Informal Licensure Hearing 1. Ludovici, Jacqueline; 1701/419304- Present and sworn in. A motion was made by Connors to vacate the notice of intent to deny and to approve the application with 12 months to complete the remedial course. The motion was seconded and passed unanimously.

2. Livingston, Alexandra; 1701/456545- Not present to make her request clear. No action was taken.

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Request for Modification 1. Caldevilla, Heather; 2008-25034; RN3281582; File # 193376- A motion was made by Connors to deny the request. The motion was seconded and passed unanimously.

2. Bell, Rosanne; 2005-57608- Present and sworn in. A motion was made by Kemp to remove the probation. Motion was seconded and passed with Connors in opposition.

I. RN, LPN, and ARNP Recommended Orders A. Licensure 1. Fenelon, Rose; 1702/152624; DOAH Case No 12-3553- Kemp made a motion to strike the response from the respondent’s attorney. The motion was seconded and passed unanimously. Colin made a motion to adopt the recommended order and deny the application. The motion was seconded and passed unanimously.

B. Exemption None

C. Discipline None

J. RN, LPN, and ARNP Informal Hearings If the Respondent was present, the board, as appropriate, accepted unanimously the following motions: 1). The Department asks that you accept the investigative report into evidence for the purpose of imposing a penalty. 2). The Department asks that you find that the Respondent was properly served and that an informal hearing was requested. 3). The Department asks that you adopt the findings of fact as set forth in the Administrative Complaint. 4). The Department asks that you adopt the conclusions of law as set forth in the Administrative Complaint, and find that this constitutes a violation of the practice act.

If the Respondent was not present, the board, as appropriate, accepted unanimously the following motions: 1). The Department asks that you accept the investigative report into evidence for the purpose of imposing a penalty. 2).The Department asks that you find that the Respondent was properly served and that an informal hearing was requested. 3). The Department asks that you adopt the findings of fact and conclusions of law as set forth in the Administrative Complaint, and find that this constitutes a violation of the practice act.

Recused Members: Barbara Kemp and Mary K. Habgood 1. Torres, Rebecca Louise, RN 9286133 Case #2012-12855 File#384147- Present and sworn in. A motion was made by Denker to impose costs and a V2. The motion was seconded and passed unanimously.

2. Merritt-Wilkins, Tammy Gwen, LPN 5184168 Case#2012-17709 File#129539- A motion was made by Colin to impose a V8. The motion was seconded and passed unanimously.

3. Heins, Margaret McGowin, RN 9184211 Case#2012-13552 File#270279- Present and sworn in. A motion was made by Kirkpatrick to impose a V8. The motion was seconded and passed with Colin, Horton, and Denker in opposition.

4. Brauner, Jennifer Ashley, RN 9337665 Case#2012-13232 File #438338- Attorney Joann Kenna present to represent Ms. Brauner. A motion was made by Kirkpatrick to impose a V2 and costs. The motion was seconded and passed unanimously.

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5. Downing, Regina Gerst, RN 9329128 Case#2012-09746 File#431483- A motion was made by Colin to impose costs and a V2. The motion was seconded and passed unanimously.

Recused Members: Leonard Connors and Claydell Horne 6. Orsita, Diane Pauline, RN 9184255 Case #2012-16919 File #270367- A motion was made by Colin to impose costs and a V2. The motion was seconded and passed unanimously.

7. Alles, Cindel Johnson, RN 9324876 Case#2012-09119 File#398613- A motion was made by Kemp to impose a V8. The motion was seconded and passed unanimously.

8. Osman, Tasleem, LPN 5179209 Case #2011-20394 File#126620- A motion was made by Colin to impose costs and a V5A.The motion was seconded and passed unanimously.

Recused Members: Lavigne Kirkpatrick and Mary Jane Herrera 9. Blake, Angelica Tiffany, LPN 5204571 Case #2012-17849 File#150520- Present and sworn in. A motion was made by Kemp to impose costs in the amount of $500.64 a V2, waiving the requirement for an appearance. The motion was seconded and passed unanimously.

Recused Members: Jody Bryant Newman and Claydell Horne 10. Vance, Karen Gail, RN 9180989 Case#2012-10670 File#266408- A motion was made by Colin to impose costs and V6A. The motion was seconded and passed unanimously.

Recused Members: Linda Horton and Claydell Horne 11. Butler, Rodger Neal, RN 9167273 Case#2010-23073 File#252987- A motion was made by Denker to deny his request. The motion was seconded and passed unanimously. A motion was made by Kirkpatrick to impose a V8. The motion was seconded and passed unanimously.

K. RN, LPN, and ARNP Licensure Informal Hearings 1. Swanson, Kathryn; 1701/463809- Present and sworn. A motion was made by Kemp to vacate the previous order. The motion was seconded and passed unanimously. A motion was made by Kemp to approve the application. The motion was seconded and passed unanimously.

2. Teeling, Robert; 1702/160555- Present and sworn in. A motion was made by Connors to deny the request. The motion was seconded and passed unanimously.

3. Kutscher, Laura; 1702/154535- Present and sworn in. A motion was made by Connors to issue an amended notice of intent to deny that includes exclusion from the Department of Health and Human Services. The motion was seconded and passed unanimously.

4. Moore, Rebecca; 1701/451069- Present and sworn in. A motion was made by Kemp to approve with a V6B. The motion was seconded and passed with Colin in opposition.

5. Exantus, Carole; 1702/160960- A motion was made by Kemp to approve the application. The motion was seconded and passed unanimously.

5. Thomas, Shequila; 1702/160768- Present and sworn in. A motion was made by to Kemp to approve. The motion was seconded and passed with Connors and Colin in opposition.

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L. RN, LPN, ARNP Reinstatements and Compliance Issues 1. Tuttle, Sheilagh; 2007-17784; PN5146776; File #89364- Present and sworn in. A motion was made by Kirkpatrick to reinstate with a V6A. The motion was seconded and passed unanimously.

2. Vassor, Rose; 2011-02590; PN5159269; File #102075- Present and sworn in. A motion was made by Connors to deny the request. The motion was seconded and passed with Horton, Newman, and Kemp in opposition. Colin made a motion to reconsider the motion. The motion was seconded and passed with Connors in opposition. A motion was made by Colin to reinstate. The motion was seconded and passed with Connors in opposition.

3. Marquez, Andrea; 2010-18231; PN5160384; File #106092- Present and sworn in. A motion was made by Kemp to reinstate with a V6A. The motion was seconded. Kemp withdrew the motion. A motion was made by Colin to deny reinstatement on basis of lack of meeting requirements from the previous Board Order. The motion was seconded and passed with Horton in opposition.

4. Castro, Harry George; 2007-02666- Present and sworn in. A motion was made by Colin to terminate the requirement for probation. The motion was seconded and passed unanimously.

5. Greenlee, Debra; 2010-07338; RN2676432; File# 130938- Present and sworn in. A motion was made by Kemp to deny the request. The motion was seconded and passed unanimously.

M. RN, LPN, and ARNP Other Items for Board Consideration Reconsideration of Final Order 1. Abernathy, Tracy; 1702/149887- A motion was made by Kirkpatrick to allow her to take the exam. The motion was seconded and passed unanimously.

2. Castaneda, Laura; 1701/457036- Present and sworn in. A motion was made by Kemp to continue the case to allow Ms. Castaneda to submit a letter from her physician. The motion was seconded and passed unanimously.

Request for Waiver/Variance 1. Williams, Renee; RN9327004; File #430580- A motion was made by Kirkpatrick to deny the request. The motion was seconded and passed unanimously.

Petitions for Declaratory Statement (paper addendums) 1. Jones-Wills, Eunice; Petition regarding whether taking digital single view chest x-rays for the purpose of screening for tuberculosis while working in a federal facility is within the scope of practice for an RN.- A motion was by Colin to deny based on the fact that she is already doing the tasks. The motion was seconded and passed unanimously.

2. Parnacott, Stewart; Petition regarding whether the administration of Botox, Dysport and fillers is within the scope of practice for an RN.- A motion was made by Denker to tell him that he has not provided sufficient information on training, competencies, and the standards for appropriate persons. The motion was seconded and passed unanimously.

3. Bergeron, Lisa; Petition regarding whether ventriculostomy flushing is within the scope of practice for an RN. Present and sworn in with attorney. No action was taken.

The meeting recessed at 5:21 pm.

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Other 1. Smith, Garrick Larson; RN 9234839; Case #2010-13931 File #9234839 (electronic addendum) Attorney Mr. Roy Gliss was present to represent Mr. Smith. No action was taken.

Disciplinary Hearings & General Business

Friday, June 7, 2013 at 8:30 am

Call to Order The meeting was reconvened by the Chair, Dr. Denker, at 8:37 am.

Roll call Board Members Present: Ann-Lynn Denker, PhD, ARNP - Chair Lavigne Ann Kirkpatrick, BS, RN - Vice-Chair Jessie Colin, PhD, RN Barbara Kemp Leonard Connors, JD Linda Horton, Ed.D., PhD, MSN, NS-C, RN-C Jody Newman, Ed.S, Ed.D Sandra L. Walker, PhD, ARNP, FNP-BC

Staff Present: Joe Baker, Jr., Executive Director William Spooner, BS, FRE, Program Operations Administrator Sherri Sutton-Johnson, MSN, RN, Director of Nursing Education Erin Pierce, BSN, RN, Nurse Consultant Deborah Hansen, BSN, RN, Nurse Consultant Eliza Floyd, Regulatory Program Administrator- Compliance Reginald Colston, Compliance Officer Michele Bass, Paralegal Christa Peace, Regulatory Specialist II, PSU

Attorneys Present: Lee Ann Gustafson, Senior Assistant Attorney General Rachel Clark, Assistant Attorney General John Truitt, Assistant General Counsel Casey Cowan, Assistant General Counsel Jodi-Ann Johnson, Assistant General Counsel

Board Members Absent: Cathy Oles Gordon, LPN, BPS (Excused)

32 | Page Introductions were made. Vicki Fitzpatrick gave a brief description of the roles of IPN. Everyone stood for the pledge of allegiance. Dr. Denker welcomed the schools and the DOH investigators (Tampa Office) who were in attendance. She then explained appropriate decorum for the meetings proceedings and informed everyone that the proceedings were being recorded to be posted on the Board of Nursing website. Dr. Denker also reminded everyone to silence electronic devices. She gave a brief summary of current centennial celebration.

A. Recognition of Attendees 1. Former Board Members and Staff Dr. Denker asked the past Board Chairs in attendance to introduce themselves: Dr. Vicky Stone-Gale, Dr. Patricia Dittman, Natalia Cruz, Betty Taylor. Dr. Denker then had previous Executive Director, Rick García introduced himself.

2. QUIN Council and Association members in attendance Lastly she had Members of the QUIN Council introduced themselves: Mary Lou Brunell, Chair, Jan Mauck, Dr. Mavra Kear, Sheila Sarver, Nancy Redenius, Sandy Yochem, and Jose Castillo III. Ruthanne Bowie, member of the Florida Association Directors of Nursing Administrators.

B. RN, LPN, ARNP Settlement Agreements Recused Members: Leonard Connors and Claydell Horne- A motion was made by Colin to accept settlement agreements 1-8 with costs. The motion was seconded and passed unanimously.

1. Summers, Angela H., RN 9207483 Case #2012-13534 File#298593 2. Todd, Carolyn RN 2880122 Case#2012-11283 File #151972 3. Shannon, Joyce Pearman, RN 9182713 Case#2012-13177 File #266290 4. Ullrich, Rhonda Mary, RN 9180944 Case#2012-16247 File#268831 5. Brenner, Cheryl Jean, LPN 5173365 Case #2012-01900 File #120213 6. Davis, Carl Leroy, RN 9271249 Case #2012-14716 File#364408 7. Taylor, Valerie Joyce, LPN 5189507 Case #2012-13960 File#138261 8.Haylett, Audrey A., LPN 5199863 Case #2012-12979 File#150062

Recused Members: Claydell Horne and Linda Horton- A motion was made by Colin to accept settlement agreements 9-10 with costs. The motion was seconded and passed unanimously.

9. Wiggins, Laticia Gaye, RN 9243780 Case #2010-16989 File #318928 10. Heern, Judith Ann, RN 9266679 Case#2011-18433 File #363745

Recused Members: Barbara Kemp and Mary K. Habgood- A motion was made by Colin to accept settlement agreements 11-24 with costs. The motion was seconded and passed unanimously.

11. Ryan, Tammy Jo, LPN RN 9318703 Case# 2012-05275 & 2012-05282 File#419861 12. De Brock, James John, RN 9257439 Case#2012-15035 File #351003- Present and sworn in. 13. Butts, Georgina Maria, LPN 1216661 Case #2012-17194 File #59196 14. Paliy, Lisa Robinson, ARNP 9200019 Case#2012-16634 & 2012-11972 File #288479 15. Averbeck, Donna Michelle, RN 2939302 Case #2012-11109 File#158075 16. Prescott, Chad Allen, ARNP 9338743 Case #2012-16364 File#442033 17. Phillips, Corliss Y., LPN 5195534 Case#2012-17845 File#145154 18. Poppell, Shannon Denise, RN 9183802 Case #2012-08883 File#270596

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19. Gibson, Cindy Jo, RN 9285235 Case#2012-10575 File#381807 20. McCoy-Delado, RN 9174441 Case #2013-02847 File #260446 21. Connor, Erica Janell, RN 9234325 Case #2012-06470 File#326241 22. Prine, Danielle C., LPN 1200021 Case #2012-15282 File#57475 23. Heern, Judith Ann, RN 9266679 Case#2012-16799 File#363745

Recused Members: Claydell Horne and Barbara Kemp 24. Martin, Cheryl Lee, RN 9302320 Case #2013-03294 File#402220- A motion was made by to accept the settlement agreement with costs. The motion was seconded and passed unanimously.

Recused Members: Lavigne Kirkpatrick and Mary Jane Herrera- A motion was made by Colin to accept settlement agreements 25-31 with costs. The motion was seconded and passed unanimously.

25. Small, Jacob, ARNP 2163832 Case #2012-14087 File#102652 26. Barnett, Elisa Meredith, RN 9250789 Case #2012-12325 File #342830 27. Zayas, Linda Josephine, RN 9204523 Case #2012-18235 File #294497 28. Thorne, Laquita S., RN 3027582 Case #2012-12518 File#167207 29. Fields, Monica Setina, LPN 5175442 Case #2012-08015 File#118989 30. Stone, Corey Lee, RN 9310572 Case#2012-14149 File#409534 31. Spencer, Lindsey Kay, RN 9214425 Case #2012-16907 File#292308

Recused Members: Sandra Walker and Claydell Horne 32. Diefenderfer, Kelley Lauren, RN 9253190 Case#2012-14806 File#347187- A motion was made by Colin to accept the settlement agreement with costs. The motion was seconded and passed unanimously.

Recused Members: Jody Bryant Newman and Claydell Horne 33. Johnson, Allen Michael, RN 9306351 Case#2012-18469 & 2013-02312 File#406501- Present and sworn in with Attorney Michael Keenan. A motion was made by to accept the settlement agreement with costs and approve this as his appearance before the Board. The motion was seconded and passed unanimously.

C. RN, LPN, ARNP Informal Waivers If the Respondent was present, the board, as appropriate, accepted unanimously the following motions: 1). The Department asks that you accept the investigative report into evidence for the purpose of imposing a penalty. 2). The Department asks that you find that the Respondent was properly served and waived the right to a formal hearing (either by failing to respond at all or timely). 3). The Department asks that you adopt the findings of fact as set forth in the Administrative Complaint. 4). The Department asks that you adopt the conclusions of law as set forth in the Administrative Complaint, and find that this constitutes a violation of the practice act.

If the Respondent was not present, the board, as appropriate, accepted unanimously the following motions: 1). The Department asks that you accept the investigative report into evidence for the purpose of imposing a penalty. 2).The Department asks that you find that the Respondent was properly served and that waived the right to a formal hearing (either by failing to respond at all or timely). 3). The Department asks that you adopt the findings of fact and conclusions of law as set forth in the Administrative Complaint, and find that this constitutes a violation of the practice act.

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Recused Members: Leonard Connors and Claydell Horne 1. Greenway, Collen Betty, LPN 784631 Case #2012-12229 File #18078- A motion was made by Colin to impose a V8. The motion was seconded and passed unanimously.

2. Yeager, Judith Marie, LPN 828861 Case #2012-12339 File #21241- Withdrawn

3. Art, Karen Ann, LPN 5158681 Case#2012-01663 File#103784- Present and sworn in. A motion was made by Kemp to impose V8. The motion was seconded and passed unanimously.

4. Friedrich, Lynsey Marie, RN 9194345 Case #2012-06038 File#275648- Withdrawn

5. Dipronio, Anna Marie, RN 9246437 Case #2012-18874 File#339506- A motion was made by Colin to impose costs and V6C- 2 years standard terms. The motion was seconded and passed unanimously.

6. Orrange, Gregory Michael, RN 9269029 Case #2012-13717 File#362469- A motion was made by Colin to impose costs and a V6A. The motion was seconded and passed unanimously.

7. Macan, Lisa Marie, LPN 5146390 Case #2012-11423 File#89943- A motion was made by Colin to impose costs and a V6A. The motion was seconded and passed unanimously.

8. Murphy, Stephanie Michelle, RN 9273305 Case #2011-20712 File #371220- A motion was made by Colin to impose a V8. The motion was seconded and passed unanimously.

9. Hodge, Erica M., LPN, 5176979 Case#2012-07814 File#123503- A motion was made by Colin to impose a V8. The motion was seconded and passed unanimously.

Recused Members: Claydell Horne and Linda Horton 10. Debella, Joanna Maria, RN 9303123 Case#2012-03662 File #402442- A motion was made by Kirkpatrick to impose costs and a V2. The motion was seconded and passed unanimously.

11. Stevens, Molly Ann, RN 9278224 Case#2012-04640 File#369972- Present and sworn in. A motion was made by Colin to impose costs and a V6A. Motion was seconded and passed unanimously.

12. Kalman, Janet Lynn, RN 9240332 Case#2011-17409 File#333584- Present and sworn in. A motion was made by Kirkpatrick to impose costs and a V6A. The motion was seconded and passed with Connors in opposition.

13. Alderman, Stephanie Marie, LPN 5153137 Case#2011-04715 File#97362- Withdrawn.

Recused Members: Barbara Kemp and Mary Jane Herrera 14. Nagle, Brenda Kayle, LPN 5189195 Case#2012-09188 File#137295- Case was pulled by PSU.

15. Almore, Angela, RN 2980012 Case#2011-00937 File#162269- A motion was made by Kirkpatrick to impose a V8. The motion was seconded and passed unanimously.

16. Lambert, Tammy Jo, RN 9339803 Case#2012-08889 File#443537- A motion was made by Kirkpatrick to impose a V8. The motion was seconded and passed unanimously.

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Recused Members: Lavigne Kirkpatrick and Mary Jane Herrera 17. Hills, Suzan Kay Hale, RN 856832 Case #2012-12355 File#233569- A motion was made by Colin to impose costs and V3 for 2 years. The motion was seconded and passed unanimously.

18. Jaime, Terrie L., LPN 1241381 Case #2012-17571 File #61717- Case was pulled by PSU.

19. Dixon, Laura Noelle, RN 9232620 Case #2012-11092 File #324127- A motion was made by Colin to impose a costs a V6C for 1 year with standard terms and direct supervision. The motion was seconded and passed unanimously.

20. Atwood, Rachel Nicole, LPN 5161990 Case #2012-14148 File#107146- A motion was made by Kemp to impose costs and a V6A. The motion was seconded and passed with Connors in opposition.

21. Garrett, Margaret E., RN 9172318 Case#2012-13424 File#256818- A motion was made by Kemp to impose costs and V6A. The motion was seconded and passed unanimously.

22. Richardson, Michelle Lynn, LPN 1199001 Case#2012-12952 File#57369- A motion was made by Colin to impose costs, V6B and CEs in Medication Administration and Documentation. The motion was seconded and passed unanimously.

23. Crawford, Jan Linette, RN 9304420 Case #2012-12377 File#405523- Case was pulled.

24. Cason, Patricia Ann, RN 9275765 Case#2012-17411 File#354534- A motion was made by Colin to impose costs and V6A. The motion was seconded and passed unanimously.

25. Brooke, Lou Anne, RN 9202394 Case #2012-15599 File#292641- A motion was made by Colin to impose costs and V6A. The motion was seconded and passed unanimously.

26. Mora, Aida A., RN 9295583 Case#2012-17039 File#378578- A motion was made by Colin to impose costs and a V5F. The motion was seconded and passed unanimously.

27. Kaur, Manjot, RN 9311835 Case#2012-12363 File#413312- A motion was made by Colin to impose costs, $250 fine and submission of the CEUs required by the Texas Board. The motion was seconded and passed unanimously.

Recused Members: Mary K. Habgood and Barbara Kemp 28. Parker, Jamie Lee, RN 9342452 Case#2012-14538 File #448602- A motion was made by Colin to impose costs and a V6A. The motion was seconded and passed unanimously.

29. Decasteele, Dawn Elizabeth Henry-Van, LPN 909071 Case #2012-09921 File #27875- A motion was made by Colin to impose costs and a V2. The motion was seconded and passed unanimously.

30. Roco, Stephanie Garcia, RN 9256995 Case #2012-09574 File #344578- A motion was made by Colin to impose costs and a V3 for 2 years. The motion was seconded and passed unanimously.

31. Smith, Kimberly Dawn, LPN 5159569 Case #2012-11534 File #104952- A motion was made by Colin to impose costs and a V6A. The motion was seconded and passed unanimously.

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32. McBroom, Dianne Rosalie Baxt, RN 3066532 Case #2012-16611 File#171205- A motion was made by Colin to impose costs and a V6B. The motion was seconded and passed unanimously.

33. Campbell, Jennifer Brown, LPN 5179731 Case #2012-15071 File# 126709- A motion was made by Colin to impose costs and a V6A. The motion was seconded and passed unanimously.

34. Miller, Kerin J., RN 9276622 Case #2012-17284 File #374920- A motion was made by Colin to impose costs and V6A. The motion was seconded and passed unanimously.

35. Jordan, Sandra A., RN 9242423 Case #2012-17691 File#336333- A motion was made by Colin to impose costs, a V1, condition that she comes back with a Clear North Carolina license. The motion was seconded and passed unanimously.

36. Duchene, Annette Louise, LPN 1132451 Case#2012-04663 File #50558- Present and sworn in. A motion was made by Kirkpatrick to dismiss the case. The motion was seconded and passed unanimously.

Recused Members: Jody Bryant Newman and Claydell Horne 37. Potrekus, Nicole Marie, RN 9232361 Case#2012-18859 File #323697- A motion was made by Colin to impose costs and a V6C for 2 years. The motion was seconded and passed unanimously.

38. Prescott, Holly Brogdon, LPN 5145487 Case#2012-17103 File#89083- A motion was made by Colin to impose costs and a V6A. The motion was seconded and passed unanimously.

Recused Members: Barbara Kemp and Lavigne Kirkpatrick 39. Webb-Pugh, Melissa Paige, RN 9336410 Case# 2012-08163 File#440520- A motion was made by Colin to impose a $250 fine, CEs in legal aspects and ethics and costs. The motion was seconded and passed unanimously.

Recused Members: Ann-Lynn Denker and Maria Kolb 40. Boston, Michael Anthony, RN 9225995 Case#2012-06129 File#317118- A motion was made by Colin to impose a V8. The motion was seconded and passed unanimously.

Recused Members: Lavigne Kirkpatrick and Mary K. Habgood 41. Charles, Yolette, LPN 5162995 Case #2012-06559 File#87789- A motion was made by Colin to impose costs and a V5A. The motion was seconded and passed unanimously.

42. Kelly, Castle Renee, RN 9303068 Case#2012-08906 File#403948- A motion was made by Kemp to impose costs and a V2. The motion was seconded and passed unanimously.

D. RN, LPN, ARNP Other Items for Board Discussion Updated Nursing Applications 1. Nursing Reactivation Application- A motion was made by Colin to approve and grant staff the ability to clarify P.O. Box. The motion was seconded and passed unanimously.

II. Intervention Project for Nurses (IPN) Agenda 1. IPN Monitoring Components- Vicki Fitzpatrick reviewed the report with the Board. 2. Substance Abuse in Nursing and IPN- Outline for 1 hour CE

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State Report 1. April 2013 State Report 2. Performance Measures- 3rd Quarter 2012-2013

III. Board Reports

A. Chair Dr. Denker attended APRN meeting with the NCSBN in Chicago. She gave a brief description of what was discussed at that meeting.

Future Agenda Items- None

B. Members Ms. Kirkpatrick attended the Long Term Care Conference in April. She gave a brief description of the discussion topics for this meeting. She also spoke to all the Collier County LPN Program graduating classes.

Dr. Colin attended the CORE committee meeting at NCSBN. She spoke about the discussions that occurred during the meeting. She also presented her study from the Institute of Regulatory Excellence (International Educated Nurses, Nursing Education in Haiti) in Australia.

C. Board Counsel 1. Correspondence

D. Prosecution Services Unit 1. Report- Mr. Truitt gave a brief report. Dr. Colin recommended that they publish their best practices in an article.

E. Executive Director Ratifications 1. CEU Provider Ratification- A motion was made by Kemp to approve the list. The motion was seconded and passed unanimously.

2. Withdrawal Ratification June 2013- A motion was made by Kemp to approve the list. The motion was seconded and passed unanimously.

Other Business 1. Nursing Monthly Report May 2013 2. Renewal Report - 1701 Group 3

Mr. Baker discussed the new website and the number of visitors to the site. He addressed about Board member vacancies. He also gave a report on staffing updates. Mr. Baker also spoke about the IT Conference he attended here in Florida. He informed the Board that the Department has announced that the C.N.A. Exam contract has been awarded to Prometric.

F. Financial Report 1. Revenue Report 2. Expenditures By Function - Period ending 3/31/2013 (paper addendum) 3. Cash Balance Report (paper addendum) 4. Allocations to the Board (paper addendum) 5. Total Expenditures by Board (paper addendum)

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G. Announcements/Information

IV. Other Business

IV. Adjournment The meeting adjourned at 11:05 am.

Appendix 1. Involved Party Notices

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For more information regarding board meetings please visit:

Or contact: Shanna Pelt Florida Board of Nursing 4052 Bald Cypress Way, Bin # C-02 Tallahassee, FL 32399-3252 Direct Line: (850) 245-4176 Direct Fax: (850) 617-6450 Email: [email protected]

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Credentials Summary of Conditions

CONTINUING EDUCATION Required within 6 months of licensure

PROBATION (P1) Standard terms [A] Violate no laws [B] Report changes in address, employer, arrests, or violations of probation or orders from another jurisdiction [C] Quarterly self-reports [D] Quarterly nursing employer reports [G] Tolling

Direct supervision [H] Direct supervision, regularly assigned unit, no employment by , nurse employment agency or home health agency, no multiple employers or self- employment

IPN (V6) V6A - must sign IPN contract V6B - must have IPN evaluation and contract if recommended V6C - must have IPN evaluation and contract if recommended; if contract not recommended, probation

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Summary of Discipline

CONTINUING EDUCATION Required within 6 months of licensure

PROBATION (P3) Standard terms [A] Violate no laws [B] Report changes in address, employer, arrests, or violations of probation or orders from another jurisdiction [C] Quarterly self-reports [D] Quarterly nursing employer reports [G] Tolling

Direct supervision [H] Direct supervision, regularly assigned unit, no employment by nurse registry, nurse employment agency or home health agency, no multiple employers or self- employment C1

PROBATION (P4) Stayed suspension conditioned on compliance

SUSPENSION (V) V1 - suspend until appearance to demonstrate safety V2 - suspend until appearance to demonstrate safety with IPN coordinated evaluation V3 - suspend for a minimum period and thereafter until appearance to demonstrate safety with IPN coordinated evaluation V4 - suspend until fine and costs/bounced check paid V5A V5B V5F - suspend until compliant with previous final order

IPN (V6) V6A - suspension until entry into IPN, suspension stayed while compliant V6B - suspension until IPN evaluation and contract if recommended, suspension stayed while compliant V6C - suspension until IPN evaluation and contract if recommended suspension stayed while compliant; if contract not recommended probation

REVOCATION V8 - revocation

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Guidelines for Acceptable Disciplinary CE

CE AREA HOURS/OPTIONS TYPICAL CONTENT • Definition, assessment, management of anger Anger 4 hr • Positive anger management tools Management 8 hr • Resources • Health History, including cultural assessment 2 hr • Fundamental physical assessment techniques Assessment 8 hr • Assessing body systems: Integumentary, 40 hr full course Respiratory, Cardiac, Gastrointestinal, Reproductive, Musculoskeletal, Neurological • Definition Critical 2 hr • Characteristics and skills that demonstrate critical Thinking 8 hr thinking • Strategies to improve ability to think critically • Aspects that a nurse needs to consider when 2 hr delegating Delegation 8 hr • Professional roles that a nurse cannot delegate • Process for effective delegation • Process of charting • Common charting errors 2 hr Documentation • Implications of poor record keeping 8 hr • Emerging issues, i.e., faxes, computers, HIPAA • Legal case review • Ethical decision making 2 hr • Concepts of beneficence, justice and autonomy 8 hr Ethics • History of ethics in nursing (may be combined • Common ethical issues/case review, frameworks with Legal Aspects) • Resources • Nursing Practice Act: purpose and role of Board; definitions of advanced, professional, and practical 2 hr nursing; scope of practice; grounds for disciplinary 8 hr actions Legal Aspects (may be combined • Delegation with Ethics) • Documentation & keeping • Informed consent • Case review • Per 64B9-15 LPN Supervision 30 hr • Note: RNs may take this course; for CE credit for RNs, at least 2 hours must be on the RN role • Standard abbreviations • Transcription of orders • Calculations, including pediatric dosages • Preparation and administration of oral, parental, Medication 16 hr intravenous medications, fluids Administration Supervised lab • Legal responsibilities related to medication administration, observation, documentation, and record keeping • Common errors and strategies to avoid them • Classifying acute and chronic pain Pain 2 hr • Assessment and reassessment strategies Management 8 hr • Barriers to effective pain management; psychology of pain

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CE AREA HOURS/OPTIONS TYPICAL CONTENT • Pain intensity scales • Pharmacological pain interventions • Non-pharmacological pain management • Interdisciplinary discharge planning • Patient/family education • Specific rights protected by federal and state laws • Right to be informed • Right to exercise self-determination Patient Rights 2 hr • Protection of personal privacy • Forms of abuse • Reporting violations • Classification systems • Drug forms, routes, actions, uses, precautions, 16 hr interactions, and side effects Pharmacology 40 hr • Computation and dosages • Asepsis • Resources • Programs on Standards from Professional Associations • Curriculums approved by Professional Associations Professional Varies • Examples (not limited to): Association of Operating Standards Room Nurses, Association of Critical Care Nurses, American Nurses Association, Infusion Nurses Society, Oncology Nurses Association • All disciplinary board-ordered refresher or remedial courses require didactic and clinical components that Refresher 80 didactic and 96 are in compliance with 64B9-3.025. Remedial Courses hours clinical • Additional clinical hours in specialized or general areas may be specified • Agency specific, agency provided in-services on Universal JCAHO requirements for procedural timeout and Protocol other standards

Note: 2 & 8 hour courses offered by CE Providers; 40 hour courses may be offered by CE Providers but are more commonly part of a nursing program curriculum.

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