THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 21, 2017 MUHARRAM 1, 1439 AH Vice police raid Saudi to allow Qatar Emir calls Boxer LaMotta, brothel, arrest women into for dialogue as immortalized in 12 prostitutes3 stadium8 Gulf11 row rages ‘Raging16 Bull’ dies Earthquake, volcano, tremor Min 25º Max 43º hit Mexico, killing at least 225 High Tide 10:53 Low Tide Students send text messages from the rubble; Amir sends condolence 05:03 & 17:59 32 PAGES NO: 17336 150 FILS

MEXICO CITY: Rescue workers scrabbled through piles of rubble yesterday in a harrowing search for dozens of chil- MP Al-Tabtabae blasts KPC dren feared buried under a Mexico City school, among KUWAIT: In the name of Allah the and increased the number of beneficiaries to hundreds of buildings destroyed by the country’s most Beneficent, the Merciful. “The plan, and Allah 33 (not seven). Yet, it seemed that they mis- lethal earthquake in a generation. The magnitude 7.1 plans, and Allah is the Best of Planners” (Holy calculated the end of service rewards and quake on Tuesday killed at least 225 people, nearly half of Quran 8:30). Praise be to Allah who support- packages for the 33 senior staff which them in the capital, 32 years to the day after a devastat- ed us with his grace, as we did not need exceeded KD 33 million after raising their ing 1985 quake. more than the statement of Kuwait numbers. Mexico is also still reeling from a powerful tremor that Petroleum Corporation (KPC) that was pub- KPC had a taste of its own medicine, and killed nearly 100 people in the south of the country less lished in yesterday’s newspa- was forced - while facing than two weeks ago. Among the twisted concrete and pers to answer the parliamen- the anger of the public steel ruin of the Enrique Rebsamen school, soldiers and tary question we put forward in opinion to retrieve its mis- firefighters found the bodies of at least 22 children and regards to the packages (worth leading answers that were two adults, while another 30 children and 12 adults were millions) - given to senior offi- given to us, and confess missing, President Enrique Pena Nieto said. The public cials in the oil sectors to prove openly that only seven sen- school is for children aged 3 to 14. that KPC is still practicing its ior staff benefited from Hundreds of neighbors and emergency workers spent chaotic policies of fraud and these packages at the the night pulling rubble from the ruins of the school with misinforming the public. expense of public. their bare hands under the glare of floodlights. Three sur- In the sixth item of our As for the true value of vivors were found at around midnight as volunteer rescue aforementioned question, we the packages, we will give a teams known as “moles” crawled deep under the rubble. submitted a request with a pre- comprehensive presenta- Yesterday morning, the workers said a teacher and two condition - which is the num- tion to the Kuwaiti people students had sent text messages from within the rubble. bers, names and posts of the MP Omar Al-Tabtabae about the true value of the senior officials who benefit following financial rewards Parents clung to hope that their children were alive. from a certain decision that was mentioned for all the senior staff: (1) The packages; (2) “They keep pulling kids out, but we know nothing of in the same item (the retirement system). It Indemnity (better advantage); (3) Additional my daughter,” said 32-year-old Adriana D’Fargo, her eyes seems there are some people who are trying incentive; (4) Retirement award for those red, who had been waiting for hours for news of her sev- by all means to cover up the alleged ‘pack- whose service is over 30 years according to en-year-old. ages of millions’ at the expense of the public. the social securities law), and how those Continued on Page 11 The only option they had was to behave packages got inflated. They [think to] recklessly and to manipulate the facts in deceive Allah and those who believe, but order to cover up their deeds. They turned they deceive not except themselves and per- In celebration of Hijri New Year, Kuwait things upside down and mixed things up - ceive [it] not). (Holy Quran: 2:9) MEXICO CITY: People hurry to free possible victims out of the rubble of a collapsed Times will not be published on Friday. building after a quake rattled Mexico City yesterday. — AFP LOCAL THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 21, 2017 US extremely appreciative of Amir’s efforts in Gulf crisis: Ambassador

KUWAIT: The and Kuwait believe enhance the relationship and broaden it to other that it is imperative to bring about a settlement to subjects,” pointing to the five generations of the Gulf dispute as quickly as possible in order to Kuwaiti students pursuing their education in his maintain security and stability of the Middle East country. He said that the strategic dialogue was and regions beyond, the US envoy to Kuwait said. created in order to find concrete ways to strength- Ambassador Lawrence R Silverman made those en bilateral ties, describing both countries’ bilater- statements in an interview yesterday, in which he al ties as “strong and getting stronger.” reiterated that the United States is “extremely He described His Highness the Amir’s recent appreciative” of His Highness the Amir Sheikh meeting with President Trump as “very successful,” Sabah Al-Ahmad Al-Jaber Al-Sabah’s efforts in adding that it was important that His Highness the mediating in the Gulf dispute. Amir saw the new administration and they heard He noted that the US will continue to support from His Highness directly. “We have respect for efforts of His Highness the Amir as His Highness His Highness,” said Silverman, praising what His “wants us to be involved in this,” adding that the Highness the Amir has done for so many years US’ endeavors must be synchronized with Kuwait’s when he was a foreign minister and now as an efforts because the “GCC security is essential to the Amir. “We were able to talk about the region’s KUWAIT: US Ambassador to Kuwait safety of the region.” issues, GCC issues with great focus on bilateral rela- Lawrence R Silverman speaks in an inter- Silverman pointed out that US President tions,” noted the ambassador. view yesterday. — KUNA Donald Trump said he was willing to mediate and He said “although we discussed the GCC, His “we have to see what is necessary” and Kuwait will Highness the Amir’s visit was conceived before the country initiated an English teaching program as have ideas as well as the parties concerned. He dispute started. We were well prepared for His part of the educational MoU to better prepare : The Emir of Qatar Sheikh Tamim bin Hamad Al-Thani speaks dur- said that Trump met Qatar’s Emir Sheikh Tamim Highness the Amir’s visit.” The US Ambassador Kuwaiti students wishing to pursue their education ing the 72nd session of the United Nations General Assembly at UN head- bin Hamad Al-Thani yesterday, adding that Sheikh pointed out that both sides were trying to get con- in the US and to have greater success. quarters on Tuesday. — AP Tamim and US Secretary of State Rex Tillerson crete benefits for both peoples and that is why “we have been on the phone on multiple occasions, in signed the MoU and the arrangements we did.” Commercial conference Qatar appreciates Kuwait addition to Saudi, UAE officials and Kuwaitis as Commenting on the 2nd strategic dialogue and On the other hand, the diplomat said that it was well. He said that the US wanted all parties con- Customs Mutual Assistance Agreements (CMAAs), wise of the Kuwaiti government to organize with cerned to work together to reach an agreement to Silverman said “we were working throughout the cooperation of US-Kuwaiti chambers of commerce mediation in Gulf crisis the Gulf crisis, pointing to a memorandum of years to try to come to agreements during His the first of its kind commercial conference bringing understanding (MoU) between the US and Qatar Highness’ visit and we were able to accomplish all together both business peoples, anticipating such NEW YORK: Qatari Emir Sheikh Tamim call again for an unconditional dialogue on what should be done and additional steps that these arrangements. He said that these agree- conference to be held annually, saying that he “ful- Al-Thani said Tuesday he highly appreci- based on the respect of sovereignty,” need to be taken to fight terrorism and stop ments took bilateral relations to a newer level, say- ly supports it.” He also pointed to the practical ated the “honest” mediation of His Sheikh Tamim. financing terrorism. ing “if you look at the 1st strategic dialogue last agreement initiated between Kuwait Direct Highness the Amir Sheikh Sabah Al- Sheikh Tamim said that Qatar fight- year, we didn’t reach any agreement, we kind of Investment Promotion Authority with SelectUSA Ahmad Al-Jaber Al-Sabah to solve the ing terrorism and its ideologies. He Excellent relations laid the foundation and this time we did it. As a authority, pointing to training programs offered by Gulf crisis. “I highly appreciate the hon- called on countries around the world to Furthermore, Silverman has described his result of this agreement, people of Kuwait are safer the US authority for Kuwaiti customs, commerce est mediation of my brother His join hands in fight against all forms of country’s relations with the State of Kuwait as and more secure and will see more trade and and education staffers in various spheres. Highness the Amir of the State of terrorism. Last June, three GCC coun- “excellent” and both countries enjoy a close and investment opportunities.” The ambassador touched on the importance of Kuwait Sheikh Sabah Al-Ahmad Al-Jaber tries plus Egypt decided to severe ties strategic partnership. Silverman said that both “We will help each other secure our borders, protecting Intellectual Property rights and that Al-Sabah,” the Qatari Emir said in a with Qatar, resulting in diplomatic ten- the United States and Kuwait work together for share information about customs and help Kuwait has made efforts in this regard but “needs speech before the UN General Assembly sion in the region. the best interest of their peoples, adding that exporters in both ways,” he said. He pointed to the to do more,” saying that such matter is a compo- in New York. Since then, Kuwait and other major both countries also enjoy good cooperation ties in formation of five different working groups aimed nent of the strategic dialogue. Kuwait has been mediating between global players were focusing on efforts the security, defense, securing each other’s territo- at overcoming any particular problem or impedi- On cyber security, Silverman said that it is a Qatar on one side, and Saudi Arabia, the to end the dispute. Sheikh Tamim, ries, fighting terrorism and terrorists financing for ment, adding “we can develop ideas that will ease benefit for Kuwaitis to cooperate on this issue, say- UAE, Bahrain and Egypt on the other, a meanwhile, called for achieving a two- the sake of prosperity of the region. He called for visa process, ease processing of students,” pointing ing that “we are increasing cooperation on cyber mediation that has won regional and state solution for the Palestinians, solv- building up mutual trade and profitable invest- out that some 15,000 Kuwaiti students are now security.” The ambassador congratulated Kuwait for international backing. Sheikh Tamim ing the Syrian conflict peacefully on ments, stressing the importance of expanding pursuing their education in various US universities. winning a non-permanent seat at the United thanked all countries who supported basis of communique of the Geneva I “educational connections” between both coun- Silverman said that both countries signed an edu- Nations Security Council starting as of January 1, the Kuwaiti mediation. He meanwhile conference, and ending the crisis in tries because this is a “foundation block” for bilat- cational MoU that will lead to more cooperation 2018, adding that Kuwait will represent the Arab called for “unconditional” dialogue with Yemen based on UN Security Council eral relations. between both countries’ educational and research world, describing that as a great prestige and the the four countries to solve the crisis. “I resolution 2216. — KUNA “We both realized we could do more and institutions. The US diplomat also unveiled that his US has respect for Kuwait. — KUNA

NEW YORK: First Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister Sheikh Sabah Al-Khaled Al-Hamad Al-Sabah meets First Deputy Premier and Foreign Minister Sheikh First Deputy Premier and Foreign Minister Sheikh with the UN Secretary General Special Representative to Iraq Jan Kubic. — KUNA Sabah Al-Khaled Al-Hamad Al-Sabah meets with EU Sabah Al-Khaled Al-Hamad Al-Sabah meets with foreign policy chief Federica Mogherini. British Foreign Secretary Boris Johnson. Kuwait urges UN to press Iraq over prisoners, national archive EU commends Kuwait’s promotion of peace, security globally

NEW YORK: Kuwait urged UN Assistance Mission in Iraq (UNAMI) to press the Iraqi government to dou- Palestine eyes Arab investments ble efforts in the search of the Kuwaiti prisoners and missing persons, as well as property and inside its territories, says official national archive. First Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign KUWAIT: Palestine seeks to switch the Minister Sheikh Sabah Al-Khaled Al-Hamad Al- current financial backup it receives from Sabah highlighted the importance of this “humani- Arab states into an investment inside its tarian file” during a meeting with Jan Kubic, the UN territories, a Palestinian official said yes- Secretary General Special Representative to Iraq. terday. Such a step would have a benefi- He said Kuwait attached great importance to this cial impact on everyone, said file and that it was necessary for UNAMI to press Mohammad Mustafa, Chairman of the government of Iraq to address this issue. Kubic Palestine Investment Fund (PIF). It will briefed Sheikh Sabah Al-Khaled about the latest also contribute in eliminating unemploy- developments regarding the file of Kuwaiti prison- ment and attaining economic growth, ers and missing, properties and national archive. added Mustafa, also former National He also informed the Kuwaiti top diplomat about Economy Minister. meetings with the Iraqi officials to urge them dou- On his current visit to Kuwait, Mustafa ble the efforts in this humanitarian cause. said that he would represent his country The meeting, held on sidelines of the UN as a member of the board of governors General Assembly session, was attended by the in the Arab Fund for Economic and Social Assistant Foreign Minister Sheikh Dr Ahmad Nasser Development (the Arab Fund) meeting Mohammad Al-Sabah and Kuwait’s permanent rep- Kuwait’s First Deputy Premier and Foreign Minister Sheikh Sabah Al-Khaled Al-Hamad Al- to discuss the programs offered to the Chairman of Palestine Investment resentative to the UN Mansour Al-Otaibi. Sabah meets with Italian Foreign Minister Angelino Alfano. Palestinian authority. The visit will Fund (PIF) Mohammad Mustafa include several meetings with Kuwaiti Promotion of peace economic officials to review investment investments in the banking sector via Meanwhile, European Union (EU) foreign policy opportunities awaiting the Kuwaiti pri- Bank of Palestine. chief Federica Mogherini commended Kuwait for its vate sector inside Palestine, he said. It The long and historic expertise of efforts at regional and international levels to pro- also aims to encourage Kuwaiti busi- Kuwaiti investors has always inspired PIF mote security and peace, as well as addressing nesspersons to take advantage of the officials, especially in the state and pri- crises in the area. Mogherini, during a meeting many and various investment opportuni- vate sectors, he noted, pointing out with Sheikh Sabah Al-Khaled, said the EU was ties available inside his country, particu- Kuwait’s major role in backing his coun- pleased with the level of cooperation with Kuwait. larly real estate and housing fields. try financially in past and present years. Sheikh Sabah Al-Khaled also praised the EU’s Several Gulf companies are still active Kuwait has an influential diplomatic role endeavors to achieving security and stability in the Palestinian market, including in resolving several issues in the region, regionally and globally. Ooredoo, previously owned by Kuwait particularly financial support, in addition Separately, Sheikh Sabah Al-Khaled Al-Hamad Projects Company Holding (KIPCO), in to reducing the negative impacts of oth- talks with British Foreign Secretary Boris Johnson the West Bank, he noted, adding that the er issues such as oil prices fall and human on regional and international issues of mutual inter- company will soon be operating in the migrations, said the Palestinian official. est. The meeting also touched upon bilateral rela- Gaza Strip. Qatar has a notable presence He also praised Kuwait’s recent step in tions and cooperation. Sheikh Sabah Al-Khaled also inside Palestinian territories through its bringing back Palestinian educators to its held similar meets with Iraqi Foreign Minister investments, backed by Qatar schools, which will reflect positively on Ibrahim Al-Jaafari, Omani Minister Responsible for Investment Authority, in telecommunica- both sides, adding that Palestinian Foreign Affairs Yusuf bin Alawi Abdullah, Italian tions and housing fields, Mustafa said, cadres enjoy wide expertise in education Foreign Minister Angelino Alfano and Thai Foreign First Deputy Premier and Foreign Minister Sheikh Sabah Al-Khaled Al-Hamad Al-Sabah adding that Kuwait and UAE also have and health fields. — KUNA Secretary Don Pramudwinai. — KUNA meets with Thai Foreign Secretary Don Pramudwinai. THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 21, 2017 LOCAL

News in brief Donations open for earthquake victims

KUWAIT: The Embassy of Mexico announced yesterday the opening of donations through the Kuwait Red Crescent Society (KRCS) to help the victims of the devastating earthquake that struck Mexico on September 19th 2017. The Society will receive donations in cash and in-kind through its website: The embassy would further like to extend its thanks and grati- tude to all those who contributed to the alleviation of the suffering of the families of the victims and those affected, and in particular to the Kuwait Red Crescent Society and the State of Kuwait (Leadership, Government and People) for their sympathy towards our country. KUWAIT: Kuwait’s Deputy Prime Minister and Finance Minister Anas Al-Saleh and India’s Minister of State for External Affairs J Akbar meets with Deputy Minister of India’s Minister of State for External Affairs M J Akbar shake hands during the third Foreign Affairs Khaled Al-Jarallah. meeting of Kuwait-India joint ministerial commission. Treated abroad KUWAIT: The Health Ministry revealed yesterday that Kuwait, India to strengthen cooperation in many sectors the number of Kuwaitis seeking medical treatment abroad fell by 80 percent in first quarter of 2017. The ministry revealed that the number of case was at 2,927 Kuwait keen on protecting expats rights: Sabeeh compared to the same period in 2016, which was at 13,352 cases. Meanwhile, this retreat was attributed to KUWAIT: Kuwait and India yesterday agreed and held discussions. In his talks with health ministry’s strict measures to inspect each med- to strengthen cooperation and partnerships Jarallah, Akbar discussed means of boosting ical case and determine whether treatment abroad in various fields following the ministerial lev- bilateral cooperation in addition to other was necessary. el meetings of the Kuwait-India Joint international topics of mutual interest. Commission. The agreements, seeking to Assistant Foreign Minister for Economic strengthen bilateral cooperation, covered Affairs Amal Al-Hamad, Kuwait Ambassador Driver’s licenses various sectors such as investment, science to India Fahad Ahmad Al-Awadhi and the The Central Tenders Committee (CTC) recently approved a and technology, education, labor, culture, Ministry of Finance’s Assistant request made by the Interior Ministry’s General Traffic and oil and gas. Undersecretary for Economic Affairs Nabeel Department to purchase one million driver’s licenses of Kuwait’s Deputy Prime Minister and Al-Abduljalil were also present during the various types with a total cost of KD 99,000, and that in Finance Minister Anas Al-Saleh chaired the meeting. On the sidelines of the meeting, order to end a shortage that had been delaying the third meeting of Kuwait-India joint ministeri- India’s engineering conglomerate Larsen issuance of new or renewed licenses in some governorates. al commission for trade, commerce, econo- and Toubro (L&T) bagged a major pipeline my and science and technology. In his contract yesterday from Kuwait Oil address, the minister underlined the impor- Company (KOC) worth Indian rupees 1,700 Flags tance of bolstering cooperation and part- crore contract. Kuwait Municipality recently announced a reverse auc- nerships between Kuwait and India, reflect- “L&T’s hydrocarbon division has bagged tion to supply state flags to be used for decorating var- ing the visions of the leaders of both coun- a major pipeline contract with a value close ious streets in preparation for the National and India’s Minister of State for External Affairs M J Akbar meets with Minister of Social tries. The minister exchanged documents to Rs 1,700 crore from KOC for Engineering, Liberation Days’ holiday next February, said informed Affairs and Labor and Minister of State for Economic Affairs Hind Al-Sabeeh. with India’s Minister of State for External Procurement and Construction of a new 48” sources, noting that a meeting would be held soon Affairs M J Akbar at the end of the meeting. Crude Transit Line (TL-5) from North Kuwait with participants to review the conditions. in general and overcoming all obstacles fac- in the country via electronic connectivity. Akbar paid a two-day visit to Kuwait to Ahmadi,” the company said in a statement ing them. Sabeeh, also Minister of State for Using such a modern method would heading a high-level delegation to attend yesterday. The project is scheduled to be Economic Affairs, made her remarks in press contribute in bringing more of qualified and Smoking the commission meeting. The minister also completed in the third quarter of 2020. statement after meeting Akbar. productive labor to the Kuwaiti market, said Environment police recently fined a hotel in Farwaniya for visited Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs Kuwait eyes closer cooperation with Sabeeh. Currently, there are some 900,000 allowing guests to smoke indoors, which is a violation of arti- Khaled Al-Jarallah and Minister of Social Expats’ rights India in various vital fields, particularly labor, Indian workers in Kuwait, she mentioned, cle 173 of the environment law number 42/2014. The guests Affairs and Labor and Minister of State for Meanwhile, Sabeeh reiterated Kuwait’s she said, adding the two countries are cur- adding that all these workers are protected who were caught smoking were fined as well, said sources. Economic Affairs Hind Al-Sabeeh yesterday keenness in protecting the rights of expats rently studying ways to recruit Indian labor under Kuwaiti laws. Deputy Speaker hails Constitutional Court verdict

By A Saleh

KUWAIT: Deputy Speaker of the National Assembly Essa Al-Kandari yes- terday hailed a Constitutional Court order which upheld the validity of the procedures followed when he was elected to his post. “[The court’s deci- sion] fully adheres with the constitu- tion,” he said, describing the verdict. Speaker Marzouq Al-Ghanem made the right decision when he invited MPs for a second vote to elect the Deputy Speaker after the first vote was done in the absence of the majority of MPs, Kandari said. During the first session of the current parliament, MP Jamaan Al- Harbash, the other nominee for the Deputy Speaker of the National Deputy Speaker’s post, had objected Assembly Essa Al-Kandari conducting a revote, and stressed that he was the winner. Service Commission (CSC) regulations with regards to work timings, and said Working hours that morning working hours start at Minister of State for Municipal Affairs 7:30 am and end at 2:30 pm, while after- Mohammad Al-Jabri is expected to noon working hours start at 2:30 pm issue a special directive within a few and end at 9:30 pm. The sources added days to mandate all municipality that all concerned employees would employees to be committed to official also have to use the fingerprint check in working hours, including morning, and out systems except those exempt- afternoon and night shifts. Informed ed for severe disabilities or mild mental sources explained that the directive impairments officially certified by the would urge employees to respect Civil Public Authority for the Disabled.

KUWAIT: Kuwait Municipality workers remove debris during a recent campaign in Hawally. 12 arrested on prostitution charges By Hanan Al-Saadoun proper authorities to face charges.

KUWAIT: Police recently arrested 12 Crackdown Asian men and women on charges of Hawally municipality inspection teams practicing prostitution, said security carried out several campaigns recently, sources. The arrest happened during a during which nine citations were issued for police raid on a brothel based on find- violation of hygiene regulations. ings of an investigation that was opened Meanwhile, 386 cubic meters of debris after detectives were tipped off about were removed, 160 streets were cleaned, the suspects’ activities. In addition, police 191 garbage containers were replaced, 110 also discovered that the suspects were warning notice stickers were placed on reported absconding and in violation of abandoned vehicles, while 65 cars and one residency laws. They were taken to the boat were impounded. THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 21, 2017 LOCAL

In Brief Lawmakers head to Oil price down Dollar unchanged Spain, Switzerland to $52.59 pb at KD 0.301 KUWAIT: The price of Kuwaiti crude oil dropped 7 KUWAIT: A group of Kuwaiti lawmakers, headed by KUWAIT: The US dollar’s exchange rate was cents to $52.59 per barrel in Tuesday’s trading down MP Askar Al-Enezi, embarked on visits to Spain and unchanged at KD 0.301 while the euro rose to KD from $52.66 per barrel on Monday, said Kuwait 0.361, the Central Bank of Kuwait (CBK) said yester- Switzerland yesterday. The two visits are carried out by Petroleum Corporation (KPC). The drop in global oil the Sixth Kuwaiti Parliamentary Friendship Group, day. Meanwhile, the rate of the pound Sterling was prices comes following expectations of a rise in US stable at KD 0.407 as was the Swiss franc at KD which also includes MP Mohammed Al-Huwailah. They crude reserves. It also comes ahead of a meeting OPEC come as part of a protocol to strengthen relations 0.313 and the Japanese yen, which stood still at KD and other major oil exporters to discuss lowering pro- 0.002. — KUNA between the National Assembly and the parliaments duction quotas. The price of the Brent crude shed 34 of the two countries, the Kuwaiti parliament’s press cents to $55.14 per barrel while the West Texas office ‘Al-Dustour’ said in a press statement. —KUNA Intermediate dropped 43 cents to $49.48 pb. —KUNA Photo of the day

KUWAIT: Heavy traffic is seen at Fahaheel Road, one of the busiest motorways in Kuwait. Traffic congestions returned to main roadsaround the country after the end of the summer holiday and students’ return back to school. —KUNA photo Kuwait’s security apparatus Temperatures to drop wraps up 3-day NATO Week slightly in next few days KUWAIT: The NATO-Kuwait Istanbul including protection of the infrastruc- entific, training and technical fields, as Cooperation Initiative (ICI) Regional ture, and boosting cooperation on the well as streamlining the application of KUWAIT: Temperatures in Kuwait are expected to drop southeasterly, with light to moderate speeds ranging 8- Centre of the Kuwait National Security relevant issues, Director of the NATO- the cooperation program for Kuwait, he slightly over the coming days, Kuwait’s Meteorological 30 km/h, over coastal areas. Apparatus on Tuesday wrapped up the Kuwait ICI center Fawaz Al-Othman said said. Chief of the Kuwait National Center said yesterday. The Indian Monsoon Current con- In the evening, humidity is expected to be concentrated ‘NATO Week,’ which featured a plethora in a press statement. The ‘NATO Week,’ Security Apparatus Chief Sheikh Thamer tinues to affect the region accompanied by a wet air in coastal areas, with moderately hot weather due to south- of activities dedicated to the interna- the first of its kind in the Gulf region, Al-Ali Al-Sabah had said earlier that such mass with a slight decrease in the temperature, the cen- easterly winds of moderate speeds. As for the state of the tional military alliance. The event reaf- aimed at building strategic ties and an key events reiterated Kuwait’s backing ter’s head meteorologist Dhirar Al-Ali said. sea, he said 1-4 foot waves would be light to moderate. On firmed the crucial security and maritime effective partnership among the Gulf of the regional and international securi- This constitutes an opportunity for light fog over Saturday he said temperatures during the day would security as well as planning for emer- states that are members of the ICI, ty. The ‘NATO Week’ included workshops some areas, he added. Meanwhile, he said that the remain hot with southwesterly to northerly light and mod- gencies in cities. Othman added. on topics that run the gamut from cyber weather today is expected to be hot and moderately erate winds ranging 12-35 km/h speeds. The maximum humid, particularly over coastal areas, with temperatures temperature is expected to be in the 42-22 degrees Celsius The third and the final day of the In addition, the event sought to ben- security and crisis management to mar- ranging 43-45 degrees Celsius. As for the state of winds, range. As for the evening, slightly hot and humid weather ‘NATO Week’ tackled a host of topics, efit from the NATO expertise in the sci- itime security. —KUNA he said they will be northwesterly over most areas and will be witnessed over coastal areas. — KUNA

KUWAIT: The Interior Ministry concluded its second martial arts tournament, featuring officers who participated in jujitsu, kickboxing and mixed martial arts matches. The winners were awarded in a ceremony attended by senior ministry officials including Undersecretary Lieutenant General Mahmoud Al-Dousary. — By Hanan Al-Saadoun THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 21, 2017 From the Arabic press

Al-Anbaa Crime Al-Jarida Report Different time, Plastic surgeon charged different places over medical error By Saleh Al-Shayeji KUWAIT: Detectives arrested an Egyptian plastic sur- geon after a patient accused him of removing a part of iolence against Muslims in Myanmar is noth- her body during an operation performed at his private ing new. It has been recurring for centuries clinic. Investigations later revealed that the same doc- Vbecause of the amount of hatred some tor had previously been arrested over similar charges. Buddhists have for Muslims as a result of historical A female citizen went to a Hawally police station with a residues that go back to the day of the Mongol Empire. In fact, I came across so many painful medical report stating that she suffered from danger- details while reading about the situation of ous complications due to a medical error. She Muslims in Myanmar and why they often fall vic- explained that she went to a private clinic for a plastic tims to massacres. surgery, but the doctor removed part of her abdomen, I do not know much about Myanmar or about the causing her complications that required her to be reasons behind those people’s sufferings, but I did admitted to the intensive care unit (ICU). The doctor my best to collect some information on the matter. I confirmed that he performed the operation. would not only like to talk about the sufferings of Investigations are ongoing. Muslims in Myanmar, but also the sufferings of Muslims in various countries all around the world. Early retirement law More horrible and brutal massacres have been Massage parlor committed against various races and people belong- Three people were arrested for running an unli- ing to other religions. Yet, it seems that Muslims have not been aware of them as if they had never hap- censed massage parlor. The suspects’ activity was pened, and as if those killed in the most brutal and discovered when patrolmen pulled over a bus with painful ways were not human beings. Why? The illegally tinted windows. Police grew even more answer, I believe, is simply because those other vic- suspicious when they noticed that the bus con- tims are not Muslims, as if mankind should only be tained a bed and cosmetics, and they discovered Muslim and others should not be considered human. two women inside. Police questioned the women The Islamic State (IS), Hezbollah, the Muslim who admitted that they offered massages to cus- Brotherhood, Al-Qaeda, Al-Nosra, Hamas and so tomers based on agreements made over social many other Islamic organizations have killed more media. The Filipina women as well as the bus’ VIVA sponsors NUKS - UK Muslims than those killed by extremists in Myanmar. Bangladesh driver were arrested after they failed to Nonetheless, the Muslim world did not revolt, con- produce a license for their activity, and police later demn or even launch demonstrations then, as if discovered that they are in violation of residency Branch’s graduation ceremony Muslims killed by those terrorist groups are mere regulations as well. sacrifices they use to ‘worship’ Allah. Their feelings KUWAIT: VIVA, Kuwait’s fastest-grow- of NUKS and appreciated the support our communities with a focus on help- are only moved for Muslims in Myanmar because the ing and most developed telecom oper- of the sponsors for the Kuwaiti stu- ing to grow and develop the State of ‘enemy’ is Buddhist, not Muslim! Food poisoning ator, sponsored the graduation cere- dents. At the end, graduates and out- Kuwait.” With all the humanity in me, I do condemn and Three police officers from Failaka police station were mony held by National Union of standing students received trophies. The National Union of Kuwaiti reject what is happening to the Muslims in Myanmar taken to Mubarak Hospital for food poisoning. The Kuwaiti Students (NUKS) - UK Branch, Abdulrazzaq Bader Al-Essa, Director of Students is considered to be the lone and to others oppressed elsewhere because of their in the State of Kuwait at Symphony Corporate Communications at VIVA: representative for the Kuwaiti students religion or race. My sympathy is not restricted to three became ill after eating food they personally Style Hotel under the patronage and “VIVA is keen to continue its ongoing studying in the United Kingdom and Muslims alone, but since I am a Muslim, I would not brought with them to the station. The three were taken the presence of Sheikh Mubarak socially responsible role in the commu- the Republic of Ireland, as it is well want this nation to be used, abused and messed up by medevac and were treated promptly. Medical Abdullah Mubarak Al-Sabah, VIVA’s nity in education, health, sport, envi- known to be the oldest branch of the with by people fooling around with Muslims’ feeling, reports were obtained for further action. Corporate Communications Director ronment and entrepreneurship, by Union, established in London 1950. instigating them, making up stories that never hap- Abdulrazzaq Bader Al-Essa, Country spreading the spirit of goodness The students union aims to serve its pened, fabricating photos and images and claiming Manager at the British Council Grant amongst Kuwaiti society. We believe at members by demanding of protecting that the victims seen in them are Muslims while the Jailbreak Butler and NUKS - UK Branch’s Fahed VIVA in taking a holistic approach to their rights, ensuring the successful true incidents took place with other peoples in differ- A citizen sentenced to 10 years in jail over a Khalifa Al-Hayfi. The event featured dif- our CSR activities, one that engages encouragement of students in getting ent times and different places! So, Oh the nation of blackmail case was able to escape while the ferent speeches which hailed the role our employees, and creates goodwill in their scientific procurement. Islam...when and how will you ever wake up? appeals court was discussing his case. When the — Translated by Kuwait Times judge adjourned the case, the suspect reportedly slipped away from security and walked out of the courtroom by merging with the crowds without being noticed. The suspect is 34 years of age, Al-Jarida worked as a car dealer and was convicted in sever- al cases including blackmail and swindling. An Policemen investigation was opened to determine the cir- cumstances behind the man’s escape, and to bring indifference him under arrest. By Abdu Mohsen Jumaa

Fugitives caught verybody is complaining and grumbling Jahra detectives arrested a citizen sentenced to sev- about traffic situations in Kuwait, the way en years in jail over two felonies, and discovered that Epeople drive and vehicles that are not fit for he is also wanted on a civil case worth KD 300,000. The ordinary roads but instead should rather be driven man was also charged with resisting arrest. The suspect on racing tracks. Complainers also often criticize was arrested at his home where police went with an security forces, namely traffic police who they arrest warrant, as they foiled his escape attempt. He accuse of being too passive and all they do is to was taken to the police station for further legal action. be present on various streets without interfering Separately, a Hawally detective was injured when a to stop reckless motorists. fugitive ran him over in Salmiya. The suspect was Meanwhile, we have noticed how a driver caught and taken to the detectives’ office and charged would be chased and stopped to be ticketed by accordingly, while the policeman was taken to traffic police even if a vehicle’s or a bike’s tire Mubarak Hospital. touch the dotted white lane line in foreign coun- tries. So what about what we have here in terms of drivers who maneuver around from lane to lane Forgery at top speed, not to mention motorists who equip Residency detectives discovered a forged order their vehicles with accessories that create very to cancel the residency of an Arab man who was loud noises? out of the country. Information indicated that an One would so often drive past a police patrol Arab man left Kuwait, but his residency permit was cancelled by the Ministry of Social Affairs report before six months had passed since his departure. Investigations were carried out, and the residency Policemen need affairs department employee was summoned. She said that she processed the transaction based on legislations to protect the social affairs ministry’s cancellation request. The case was sent to the public prosecution for fur- them from such ther action. penalties so that they — Translated from the Arabic press KUWAIT: Kuwait Finance House (KFH) participated as a sponsor in an awareness campaign organized recently by the Interior Ministry to spread awareness about road safety at the start of the school year. can do their part in fighting this ‘street war’

and see a reckless driver speeding past without being chased or stopped by the police, and we would immediately criticize the policeman’s reac- tion and start comparing it to what we see abroad. The Interior Ministry has started chasing traffic law violators on various roads, which has recently resulted in a tragic accident when two young peo- ple were killed while trying to escape arrest as a police patrol was chasing to stop them. May Almighty Allah have mercy on their souls. They were killed because of young people’s lack of awareness of traffic laws and because they have not been warned about the dangerous conse- quences of violating those laws and defying secu- rity men. The strange thing about this accident is that those two policemen who were only doing their duty in law enforcement were detained, facing charges of second degree murder! This will, of course, lead to more police passivity and reluc- tance from chasing outlaws, whereas escaping arrest is a punishable crime worldwide and viola- tors will have to adhere to the consequences while policemen have full immunity and protec- tion so that they can do their jobs. So, what if a policeman is jailed simply because he did his job? Policemen need legislations to protect them from such penalties so that they can do their part in fighting this ‘street war’ that has been reaping lives on a daily basis. Otherwise, policemen will become more passive and indifferent to avoid endless disciplinary or penal measures as rewards for doing their jobs. KUWAIT: Kuwait Red Crescent Society (KRCS) organized a campaign recently to offer free dental care to families in need. KRCS workers also distributed school bags to chil- — Translated by Kuwait Times dren during the activity. —Photos by Yasser Al-Zayyat THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 21, 2017

Heavy rains causes US-backed force seizes 90% of Raqa from IS Mumbai airport chaos

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SAN JUAN: Trees are toppled in a parking lot at Roberto Clemente Coliseum in San Juan, Puerto Rico yesterday during the passage of the Hurricane Maria. Maria made landfall on Puerto Rico yesterday, pum- meling the US territory after killing at least two people on its passage through the Caribbean. — AFP Hurricane Maria slams into Puerto Rico Nature’s fury continues to demolish region

SAN JUAN: One of the strongest hurricanes to toppled cell phone towers, snapped trees and millibars in the Florida Keys earlier this month. should breach. ... I don’t really recommend you is really grave,” Consul General Barbara Dailey ever hit Puerto Rico pummeled the island yes- unleashed heavy flooding, dumping 20 inches Puerto Rico had long been spared from a be sleeping from 11 o’clock to 4 (a.m.) ... Be said in New York. She said she lost contact with terday, tearing off roofs and sending doors fly- of rain so far across Puerto Rico. direct hit by hurricanes that tend to veer north aware of what’s going on around you.” Maria the island about 4 am At that point, officials ing from hinges as officials warned Hurricane El Nuevo Dia newspaper reported that an or south of the island. The last Category 4 hurri- killed two people in the French Caribbean had learned that 70 percent of homes had lost Maria would decimate the power company’s emergency medical station in the north coastal cane landfall in Puerto Rico occurred in 1932, island of Guadeloupe and two people aboard a their roofs, including her own. Flooding was a crumbling infrastructure and force the govern- town of Arecibo lost its roof, and communica- and the strongest storm to ever hit the island boat were reported missing off La Desirade big concern, given the island’s steep moun- ment to rebuild dozens of communities. tion was severed with several emergency man- was San Felipe in 1928 with winds of 160 mph. Island, just east of Guadeloupe, officials said. tains, cut through with rivers that rage even Maria, which has killed at least nine in the agement stations. One hospital and one police As Maria approached, US President Donald About 40 percent of the island - 80,000 homes after a heavy rain. Dominica was still recovering Caribbean, made landfall early yesterday in the station reported broken windows. About 90 Trump offered his support via Twitter: “Puerto - were without power and flooding was report- from Tropical Storm Erika, which killed 30 peo- southeast coastal town of Yabucoa as a percent of customers were without power and Rico being hit hard by new monster Hurricane. ed in several communities. ple and destroyed more than 370 homes in Category 4 storm with winds of 155 mph one tree fell on an ambulance. Those who Be careful, our hearts are with you- will be August 2015. winds, and it was expected to punish the island sought shelter at a coliseum in San Juan were there to help!” ‘The winds are merciless!’ Forecasters said the storm surge from Maria with life-threatening winds for 12 to 24 hours, moved to the building’s second and third floors, More than 4,400 people were in shelters by The storm also blew over the tiny eastern could raise water levels by 6 to 9 feet near the forecasters said. People calling local radio sta- radio station WKAQ 580 AM reported. late Tuesday, along with 105 pets, Rossello said. Caribbean island of Dominica late Monday, storm’s center. The storm was predicted to tions reported that doors were flying off hinges The storm’s center passed near or over St Croix where Prime Minister Roosevelt Skerrit sent out bring 10 to 15 inches of rain across the islands, and a water tank flew away in the island’s Spared no longer overnight Tuesday, prompting US Virgin Islands a series of dramatic posts on his with more in isolated areas. To the north, southern region. Meanwhile, widespread The storm was approaching Puerto Rico’s Gov Kenneth Mapp to insist that people page, including that his own roof had blown Hurricane Jose weakened to a tropical storm flooding was reported in the capital of San northern coast Wednesday at 12 mph, with top remain alert. St Croix was largely spared the away. “The winds are merciless! We shall survive Tuesday night. Forecasters said dangerous surf Juan, with water running down one apart- sustained winds of 140 mph according to the widespread damage caused by Hurricane Irma by the grace of God,” Skerrit wrote before com- and rip currents were likely to continue along ment’s interior staircase. US National Hurricane Center in Miami. The eye on the chain’s St Thomas and St John islands munications went down. the US East Coast but said the storm was Gov Ricardo Rossello warned of heavy rains was about 25 miles west of San Juan. Previously just two weeks ago. But this time, the island Hartley Henry, an adviser to Skerrit, said unlikely to make landfall. Big waves from Jose and flooding but urged people to have faith: a Category 5 storm with 175 mph winds, Maria would experience five hours of hurricane force there have been seven confirmed deaths in the swept five people off a coastal jetty in Rhode “We are stronger than any hurricane. Together, hit Puerto Rico as the third strongest storm to winds, Mapp said. Caribbean country from Hurricane Maria. He Island and they were hospitalized after being we will rebuild.” Metal roofs were already flying make landfall in the United States based on a “For folks in their homes, I really recom- didn’t say how the deaths occurred. The storm rescued. A tropical storm warning was posted and windows were breaking as the storm key measurement that meteorologists use: air mend that you not be in any kind of sleepwear,” knocked out communications for the entire for coastal areas in Rhode Island and approached before dawn, with people seeking pressure. The lower the central pressure a storm he said. “Make sure you have your shoes on. island, leaving anyone outside Dominica strug- Massachusetts, and tropical storm watches shelter inside stairwells, bathrooms and walk-in the stronger it is and Maria’s pressure was 917 Make sure you have a jacket around. gling to determine the extent of damage, were up for parts of New York’s Long Island and closets. As Maria slowly crossed the island, it millibars, lower than Irma’s US landfall of 929 Something for your head in case your roof though it was clearly widespread. “The situation Connecticut. — AP

Trump’s jabs set up big US-Iran talks Saudi university set to dismiss

NEW YORK: The United States and Iran yesterday will These include its antipathy to Israel, support for terrorism have their highest-level interaction of Donald Trump’s and Syrian President Bashar Assad, ballistic missile testing Brotherhood-linked academics presidency, a day after the American leader delivered a and its nuclear program. blistering attack on the Islamic Republic and the land- “We cannot let a murderous regime continue these RIYADH: A large Saudi public univer- of the terrorist Muslim Brotherhood conservative Wahhabi school of Islam mark 2015 nuclear deal. destabilizing activities while building dangerous missiles,” sity announced it would dismiss organization”. who have espoused a political philos- Amid strong signals Trump could walk away from the Trump said. “And we cannot abide by an agreement if it employees suspected of ties to the The statement, posted online on ophy that demands obedience to the nuclear accord as early as next month, Secretary of State provides cover for the eventual construction of a nuclear banned Muslim Brotherhood, adding Tuesday, did not name the employ- ruler. Rex Tillerson and Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad program. The Iran deal was one of the worst and most to concerns that the government is ees or specify their number, but said By contrast the Brotherhood Javad Zarif will attend a European Union-hosted meeting one-sided transactions the United States has ever entered clamping down on its critics in aca- they included Saudis and foreigners. advances an active political doctrine about the agreement at the United Nations. The closed- into. Frankly, that deal is an embarrassment to the United demia and beyond. Activists and The employees’ removal “aims to pro- urging revolutionary action, which door gathering is expected to be contentious, and the States.” The animosity is mutual. rights groups say security forces have tect the minds of students and uni- flies in the face of Wahhabi teaching. lead-up has seen Washington and Tehran trade increas- Zarif, who had a friendly, collegial relationship with for- rounded up some 30 clerics, intellec- versity employees from those A political Islamist organization ingly harsh barbs. mer Secretary of State while they negotiated tuals and others in the past 10 days, deviant, partisan ideas and danger- founded in Egypt nearly a century A year ago, such a get-together would have been con- the nuclear deal, was quick to denounce Trump’s speech. in what Human Rights Watch has ous, destructive trends”, it added. ago, it says it is committed to peace- sidered routine as nations strove to implement an agree- He took to Twitter to offer a glimpse of what may be in described as “a coordinated crack- Saudi Arabia designated the Muslim ful activism and reform through elec- ment that curtailed Iran’s nuclear activity in exchange for store for future exchanges with US officials, including per- down on dissent”. Brotherhood a terrorist organization tions, and its adherents span the an end to various oil, trade and financial restrictions on haps with Tillerson yesterday. “Trump’s ignorant hate Authorities have not explicitly in 2014. Hardline groups such as Al region, holding elected office in Arab the country. In the current environment of animus, how- speech belongs in medieval times - not the 21st Century acknowledged the detentions, which Qaeda and Islamic State are also countries from Tunisia to Jordan. ever, it is anything but. Trump used his UN General UN - unworthy of a reply,” Zarif said on Twitter. “Fake come amid widespread speculation - blacklisted. Brotherhood members fleeing Assembly speech on Tuesday to launch a withering cri- empathy for Iranians fools no one.” denied by officials - that King Salman repression in Egypt, Syria and Iraq tique of Iran, saying its government “masks a corrupt dic- In comments broadcast shortly before Trump’s speech, will abdicate in favor of his son as Internal threat half a century ago took shelter in tatorship behind the false guise of a democracy” and ruth- Iranian President Hassan Rouhani warned Trump that exit- well as deepening tensions with The ruling Al Saud family has Saudi Arabia, some taking up roles in lessly represses its own people. ing the nuclear deal would “carry a high cost.” “No one neighboring Qatar, which is accused always regarded Islamist groups as a the kingdom’s education system and would trust America again and there is no higher price to by Riyadh of supporting Islamists, major internal threat to its rule over a helping to establish the Sahwa or Animosity is mutual pay than this,” Rouhani told NBC. “Which country would including the Brotherhood. The gov- country in which appeals to religious “Awakening” movement which agi- “It has turned a wealthy country with a rich history and be willing to sit across the table from the United States of erning council of Al-Imam sentiment resonate deeply and an al tated in the 1990s for democracy. The culture into an economically depleted rogue state whose America and talk about international issues?”Rouhani is Mohammed Ibn Saud Islamic Qaeda campaign a decade ago killed Sahwa mostly fizzled, with some chief exports are violence, bloodshed and chaos,” he said, set to deliver his own UN address yesterday, shortly University in Riyadh advised against hundreds. Since the kingdom’s activists arrested and others coaxed repeating a litany of oft-spoken US complaints about Iran. before the nuclear meeting. — AP renewing contracts for employees it founding, the Al Saud have enjoyed a into conformity, though admirers and said were “influenced by the ideology close alliance with clerics of the ultra- its appeal lingered. — Reuters

THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 21, 2017 INTERNATIONAL Saudi to allow women into stadium for national day RIYADH: Saudi Arabia has invited Agency said in a statement, citing the er activities. But the kingdom appears to said Barzani should drop plans to hold a Regional kingpin Saudi Arabia is the lat- women to a sports stadium for the first general authority of entertainment. be relaxing some norms as part of its referendum “in light of the situation in est country to voice its opposition to the time to attend annual national day cele- This marks a shift from previous cele- “Vision 2030” plan for economic and the region and the dangers it is facing, referendum in oil-rich Iraqi Kurdistan. brations with their families, state media brations in the kingdom where women social reforms. In July, rights campaign- and in order to avoid new crises”. He But Barzani has so far resisted pressure said yesterday, opening up a previously are effectively barred from sports are- ers welcomed an “overdue” reform by called on the Kurdish leader to make use from Baghdad and Iraq’s neighbors male-only venue. Families will be nas by strict rules on segregation of the the education ministry to allow girls to of his “wisdom and experience”, the Turkey and Iran, as well as from the allowed into the King Fahd stadium in sexes in public. take part in sports at state schools. state-run Saudi Press Agency said. United States and its Western allies, to Riyadh, used mostly for football matches, Saudi Arabia has some of the world’s Holding the referendum as planned call off the vote. Iraq’s supreme court has and seated separately from single men tightest restrictions on women and is Scrap referendum on September 25 could have “negative ordered the suspension of the referen- to mark the kingdom’s 87th National Day the only country where they are not Meanwhile Saudi Arabia yesterday consequences on the political, security dum to examine claims made by the fed- this weekend. allowed to drive. Under the country’s urged Iraqi Kurdish leader Massud and humanitarian fronts”. It could also eral government that it was unconstitu- “The stadium is ready to receive guardianship system, a male family Barzani to call off to planned referendum “affect efforts to establish security and tional. The Saudi official called on “all about 40,000 people divided between member — normally the father, hus- on independence for his autonomous stability in the region, as well as efforts concerned parties to engage in a dia- individuals and families to be seated band or brother — must grant permis- region to avoid further “crises” in Iraq and to fight against terrorist organizations logue that would serve the interests of separately,” the official Saudi Press sion for a woman’s study, travel and oth- the region. A Saudi government official and their activities,” the official added. the entire Iraqi people”. —AFP US-backed force seizes 90% of Raqa from IS In final stages of capturing stronghold

BEIRUT: US-backed fighters have seized 90 percent of Raqa from the Islamic State group, a monitor said yesterday, as they announced they were in the “final stages” of capturing the jihadists’ Syrian stronghold. Under siege in the northern city for three months, IS is struggling to defend its one-time bastion under a barrage of air strikes by the US-led coalition battling the jihadists in Syria and Iraq. “Because of the heavy coalition air strikes, IS withdrew from at least five key neighborhoods over the past 48 hours,” said Rami Abdel Rahman, head of the Britain-based Syrian Observatory for Human Rights. “This allowed the Syrian Democratic Forces In this July 21, 2006 file photo, Israeli soldiers cover their ears as an artillery unit fires to control 90 percent of the city.” The SDF is an shells towards southern Lebanon from a position near Kiryat Shmona in northern alliance of Kurdish and Arab forces the coalition is Israel, near the border with Lebanon. —AP backing in Syria with air strikes, equipment and advisers. As Syrian war winds down, IS pulled out of the north of the city and aban- doned its grain silos and mills, Abdel Rahman said. It was now confined to the city centre, in govern- Israel targets Hezbollah ment administrative buildings, the stadium and PILON MILITARY BASE: With President Hezbollah. Our goal is to maintain the tunnels. The SDF said its forces had mounted a “sur- Bashar Assad seemingly poised to sur- quiet and stability in the north,” said prise attack” on IS in the north of the city. “We con- vive the Syrian civil war, Israeli leaders are Hayman, the commander of the army’s sider this the final stages of the Wrath of the growing nervous about the intentions of Northern Corps. Israeli forces on Tuesday Euphrates campaign, which is nearing its end,” a his Iranian patrons and their emerging shot down what Israel said was a statement said. corridor of influence across the region. Hezbollah surveillance drone that veered IS seized Raqa in early 2014, transforming the Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is too close to the Syrian border with Israel. city into the de facto Syrian capital of the “caliphate” agitating against Iran in global forums The military said the unmanned aircraft it declared after taking control of large parts of Syria was Iranian-made and launched from a and Iraq. It quickly became synonomous with the like this week’s UN General Assembly. The group’s most gruesome atrocities, including public Israeli military is holding war games tar- Damascus airport before it was shot beheadings, and IS is thought to have used the city geting the Iran-backed Lebanese down near the Israeli-controlled side of RAQA: A military convoy composed of 140 trailers used to carrying US-made armoured to plan attacks abroad. Hezbollah, and generals are issuing the Golan Heights. vehicles, bulldozers, and arms, through Simalka border crossing between Syria and Iraqi tough threats in hopes of avoiding what Kurdistan, and headed for SDF forces fighting. —AFP ‘Not resist much longer’ could be another ruinous Israeli entan- Upper hand The SDF spent months encircling the city before glement in Lebanon, this time with After six years of fighting that claimed entering it in June and sealing off all access routes. Iranian advisers and troops on Israel’s at least 400,000 lives, Assad’s forces Yemen’s capital Sanaa: Three Abdel Rahman said the siege had worn down IS’s doorstep. appear to have finally gained the upper defensive capabilities. “After hundreds of their Israel has long identified Iran as its hand as they recapture territory from the years under rebel control fighters were killed in recent weeks, the remaining biggest threat, citing its suspect nuclear Islamic State group and opposition fight- IS fighters will not be able to resist much longer in program, development of long-range ers. Russia, which is waging an air cam- SANAA: Houthi rebels captured the Yemeni rebels and their allies have also taken con- Raqa as their military equipment and basic necessi- missiles and hostile rhetoric. But gains by paign on behalf of Assad, and Iran and capital Sanaa three years ago today with the trol of the presidential palace. Hadi flees to ties are dwindling,” he said. Syrian troops and their Iranian-backed Hezbollah, which have fighters on the help of forces loyal to ex-president Ali Yemen’s second city, Aden, which he later Without food or medical equipment, IS was allies have given those concerns new ground, have provided crucial support Abdullah Saleh. The conflict that followed declares is the “provisional capital”. unable to treat its own wounded and had retreated urgency. Israel fears the establishment of and are expected to play a major role in Saleh’s departure has left thousands dead to the city centre, which it considered “the most a Shiite “corridor,” with land links from postwar Syria. and fractured the impoverished country. ‘Decisive Storm’ and failed truces secure,” he said. But the battle for the 10 percent of Iran to Lebanon, allowing the movement “The vector is quite clear right now, Here is a timeline of key events. On March 26, 2015, nine regional coun- the city still held by IS is likely to be tough, as the of fighters and weapons across the with the Syrian army, Hezbollah and the tries in a Sunni Saudi-led coalition launch jihadists have heavily mined the area, Abdel region. At the heart of those fears is Shiite militias gradually regaining control A president forced out operation “Decisive Storm” with air strikes Rahman said. IS has used mines, snipers, car bombs, Hezbollah, the Lebanese militia that bat- of large swaths of the country,” said Inspired by regional uprisings in what on the rebels to defend embattled Hadi and weaponized drones against the SDF offensive. tled Israel to a stalemate in a monthlong Chagai Tzuriel, the director general of the becomes known as the Arab Spring, Yemenis and his internationally recognised govern- Tens of thousands of civilians have fled the fighting war in 2006. Israeli Intelligence Ministry. Israel has said take to the streets in early 2011 to demand ment. They claw back some territory but in recent months. Estimates of the number still any permanent presence of Iranian or the departure of Saleh, a military man who also have to deal with increasing attacks by inside the city range from fewer than 10,000 to as ‘Tyranny and terror’ Hezbollah troops along the Syrian border has ruled with an iron fist since 1978. For the Sunni jihadists allied to Al-Qaeda and the many as 25,000. In its statement yesterday, the SDF The group has greatly beefed up its with Israel would be crossing a “red line,” next 11 months the protests grow, drawing Islamic State group. The UN and US organ- said it had helped hundreds of civilians escape the arsenal of rockets and missiles since then, hinting that it would be willing to take in the opposition, diplomats and military ize three rounds of fruitless peace talks over city in recent days. “We will continue the campaign and after years of fighting in Syria, is military action if needed. Tzuriel warned officers, and resulting in deadly clashes. 2015 and 2016. Seven truces are agreed, until we achieve our aim,” Jihan Sheikh Ahmed, the more battle-tested than ever. In his UN of a “regional conflagration.” Under pressure from the Gulf monarchies, but all broken. SDF’s spokeswoman for the Raqa offensive said. address Tuesday, Netanyahu warned that He said Russia could end up playing a Saleh agrees in November 2011 to hand Iran was spreading a “curtain of tyranny positive role, because it wants to stabilize over power in exchange for immunity from Cracks on both sides ‘Impact for years to come’ and terror” across the region, and said Syria. He said the Russians realize that prosecution for him and his family. A presi- In April 2017 Hadi fires the former Aden More than 330,000 people have been killed and Israel would defend itself. “We will act to Iran could create friction not only with dential election is held in February 2012, governor Aidarous Al-Zoubeidi, who then millions more displaced since civil war broke out in prevent Iran from establishing perma- Israel, but also with the Sunni majority in with only one candidate: Saleh’s low-profile goes on to form a council that aims to “pur- Syria following protests against President Bashar Al- nent military bases in Syria for its air, sea the region. “I think there is a good chance deputy Abedrabbo Mansour Hadi, seen as a sue the mission of liberating” South Yemen. Assad in March 2011. It has since evolved into a and ground forces. We will act to prevent that it will limit and restrain Iran, man of consensus. He is sworn in days later. The following month, thousands of Yemenis complex, multi-front conflict involving government Iran from producing deadly weapons in Hezbollah and the Shiite militias,” he said. in the south — which was an independent forces, rebels, Kurdish fighters and jihadist groups Syria or in Lebanon for use against us. But that is far from clear. Netanyahu last Rebellion erupts, Sanaa is seized state until 1990 when it was unified with including IS. After seizing swathes of Syria and And we will act to prevent Iran from month flew to Russia to discuss Syria Amid difficulties facing a national dia- North Yemen — march in support of neighboring Iraq in 2014, IS has seen the territory opening new terror fronts against Israel with President Vladimir Putin, but appar- logue charged with drawing up a new con- Zoubeidi. under its control fast diminish in recent months. along our northern border,” he said. ently returned home empty-handed. stitution, tensions intensify between There are splits in the rebel camp, too, In July, it was defeated in Iraq’s second city Mosul Israel last week wrapped up its largest Israeli media last week said Russia had Yemen’s majority Sunnis and minority with the Houthi s on August 23 calling Saleh after a nine-month offensive. On Monday, Iraqi military exercise in two decades - mobi- rejected an Israeli request to keep the Shiites, who feel marginalized after Saleh’s a “traitor” after he dismissed the Iran-backed forces launched an attack up the Euphrates Valley lizing some 30,000 troops to train for the Shiite forces at least 60 kilometers from departure. Rebels from the Shiite Houthi group as a “militia” in a speech. The next day against one of IS’s two remaining enclaves in Iraq. next war against Hezbollah. In an exclu- the border. Neither side has commented group in 2014 launch an offensive from their hundreds of thousands of Yemenis attend a And in Syria’s eastern province of Deir Ezzor, IS faces sive interview with The Associated Press, on the reports. strongholds in the north and push towards rally marking 35 years since the founding of twin assaults-one by Russian-backed government the commander of the exercise, Maj Gen Intelligence Minister Yisrael Katz Sanaa, intent on expanding a hoped-for Saleh’s General People’s Congress (GPC) in a troops and the other by the US-backed SDF. The Tamir Hayman, said that despite recently claimed at a security conference autonomous unit in a future federation. On major show of support. The tensions erupt jihadist group also holds pockets of territory in cen- Hezbollah’s gains, the balance of power September 21, 2014, they storm the capital into clashes between the allies in which a tral and southern Syria and around the capital that Iran and Syria are working on an has greatly shifted in favor of Israel since agreement that could bring an Iranian and seize the government headquarters and colonel loyal to Saleh and two rebels are Damascus, but some of those too are under attack. 2006. “If Hezbollah’s capabilities have state radio and military sites after days of killed. Saleh’s party warns it could push the “I don’t think it is a simple question of taking naval base, airport or army bases to grown linearly, ours have grown expo- Israel’s doorstep, a major boost for conflict in which more than 270 people are capital into all-out war but on September 5 away the Islamic State’s territory and then the nentially, in intelligence, in targets and in Hezbollah. “The Iranians may bring differ- killed. The rebels, backed by Shiite Iran, are the ex-president says that, even though the Islamic State idea evaporates,” said Charlie Winter, a the ability to attack,” he said. If fighting ent kinds of missiles to Syria, and a large now allied with forces loyal to Saleh, a for- Houthi rebels had feared a “coup” by his par- senior research fellow at the International Centre for resumes, “the damage to Hezbollah will mer foe after he had cracked down on ty, there was “no crisis and conflict at the the Study of Radicalisation and Political Violence in be severe, mortal and comprehensive.” and well-equipped force of Shiite militias Houthi s while president. By January the moment”. —AFP London. IS had made its mark by establishing a so- He said he was pleased with the per- may settle there, including tens of thou- called “caliphate” and calling on hundreds of thou- formance of his troops, and said the two- sands of Afghans, Pakistanis, Iraqis and sands of people around the world to join it, Winter week drill should send a powerful mes- Syrians whose goal is to threaten and bat- said. “The ideological impact of that is going to be sage of deterrence. “We have no inten- tle Israel,” Katz said. “Hezbollah will train immense for years and years to come.” —AFP tions at this time to go out and defeat and command the Shiite militias.” —AP Report points to Egyptian anti-democracy acts UNITED NATIONS: Egypt is failing to protect arbitrary arrests, detentions, disappearances. he determines it’s in US national security free speech and its minorities, investigate There are reports of extrajudicial killings. interests to provide the funds anyway. But the abuses by its forces or grant US monitors There are numerous allegations of torture law requires a detailed “memorandum of justi- access to the conflict-ridden Sinai Peninsula, and deaths in detention.” Last month, the fication” outlining how Egypt is falling short. according to a damning Trump administration Trump administration cut nearly $100 million Tillerson sent the memo to Congress on report obtained by The Associated Press. The in military and economic aid to Egypt, a key Aug 22, the same day the funding decision US grievances, detailed in a State Department counterterrorism partner that has repeatedly was announced. But the State Department memorandum to Congress, are likely to draw run afoul of the US over its human rights has declined to make the memo public, consternation from Egyptian President Abdel- record. But the administration said Egypt despite requests from the media and human Fattah el-Sissi, who meets Wednesday with would still receive almost $200 million more rights groups. The memo is considered President Donald Trump on the sidelines of in military financing, on a delayed basis, if it embarrassing to el-Sissi, who has denounced the UN General Assembly gathering. The makes improvements, including easing tight previous human rights critiques as baseless. memo was legally required for the Trump restrictions on civic groups. El-Sissi did not directly address global cri- administration to continue giving certain US tiques of his country’s rights record in his aid to Cairo despite its failure to meet several Falling short speech to the UN on Tuesday. But the conditions on good governance. Although the US determined it couldn’t Egyptian leader said his country was working “The overall human rights climate in certify that Egypt was meeting its conditions to empower its people economically despite Egypt continues to deteriorate,” the memo to receive the aid, the law allows Secretary of being “encircled by the most dangerous SANAA: A Yemeni man walks in Sanaa carrying a flag bearing the logo of the third anniver- says. “There is a continuing problem with State Rex Tillerson to waive those conditions if crises in the world.” —AP sary of the Houthis’ capture of the Yemeni capital. — AFP THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 21, 2017 INTERNATIONAL Ambitious Boris Johnson shakes up Brexit debate

LONDON: Prime Minister Theresa May that much when the spotlight isn’t on ‘Boris is Boris’ including Environment Secretary Michael I think Boris Johnson generally is some- must be asking herself: How do you solve him,” journalist Michael Cockerell, who But pro-EU Conservative lawmaker Ken Gove and Trade Secretary Liam Fox, who one who travels in zigzags, rather than in a problem like Boris Johnson? Britain’s has made a documentary about Johnson, Clarke said that May, leading a fragile gov- want a sharp break with the EU, and a straight line.” His career bears out that undiplomatic chief diplomat has thrown told Sky News. ernment and weakened after losing her those such as Treasury chief Philip description. The 53-year-old has been a British politics into turmoil by thrusting Johnson’s latest spotlight-stealing parliamentary majority in June’s snap elec- Hammond, who want to soften the eco- journalist (and was once fired for fabricat- himself to the front of the Brexit debate move came in a 4,000-word Sunday tion, “is not in the position easily to sack nomic impact through a long status-quo ing a quote), a magazine editor, a mem- at the worst possible time for the coun- Telegraph article outlining his vision of a him.” The response from May and her allies transition period. ber of Parliament, the mayor of London try’s leader. The insurrection has left “glorious Brexit.” It was published days was noticeably muted. “Boris is Boris,” May May is trying to keep the warring sides between 2008 and 2016 and a leading friends and foes scrambling to determine before the prime minister travels to said, insisting that “the UK government is from tearing her government apart. campaigner to quit the EU during last his motives. Is he about to resign, get Florence, Italy on Friday to make a speech driven from the front, and we all have the Johnson’s article helps position him as year’s referendum campaign. fired, mount a coup? Is he trying to push intended to unblock log-jammed divorce same destination in our sights.” figurehead of the “hard Brexit” faction. When David Cameron resigned as May into adopting his free-market vision talks with the EU. Johnson’s article called Johnson, meanwhile, denied planning “He is trying to create an alternative base prime minister after the referendum, of life outside the European Union? for the UK to adopt a low-tax, low-regula- to quit or maneuvering to oust May. for himself in the Conservative Party and Johnson planned to run to replace him. The one certainty is that Alexander tion economy outside the EU’s single Cornered - in his jogging clothes - by portray Theresa May as a lame duck - But he was abandoned by a key Boris de Pfeffel Johnson is exactly where market and customs union. Seemingly British reporters in a New York hotel lob- which in essence she is,” said Victoria Conservative ally and outmaneuvered by he likes to be: at the center of attention. written without consulting May, it was by on Tuesday, he insisted that the gov- Honeyman, a lecturer in politics at the May, who had backed the losing “remain” Johnson’s rumpled exterior - affable, flax- widely seen as an act of insubordination ernment was a harmonious “nest of University of Leeds. side of the EU debate. May made him for- en-haired upper-class eccentric - covers a that would get most ministers fired. singing birds.” That’s unlikely. The Cabinet Honeyman said becoming prime min- eign secretary, one of the most important core of steely ambition. “He doesn’t like it is split between Brexit true believers ister was the “ultimate game plan, though posts in government. —AP Angry protests in Barcelona as Spain arrest Catalan officials Ban on referendum by Madrid being ignored BARCELONA: Thousands took to the streets of control over the region’s finances. It says the con- But Rajoy defended his government’s position, Barcelona yesterday as Spanish police detained stitution stipulates that a Spanish region does saying it was “fulfilling its obligation.” 13 Catalan government officials in a crackdown not have the right to call a referendum. Pro-separatist parties captured 47.6 percent ahead of an independence referendum which of the vote in a September 2015 Catalan election Madrid says is illegal. With tensions mounting, Catalans divided which was billed as a proxy vote on independ- separatist organizations called for more people Tensions have also reached the parliament in ence, giving them a narrow majority of 72 seats to protest as leaders in the northeastern region Madrid, where Gabriel Rufian, a lawmaker for the in the 135-seat Catalan parliament. But opinion pressed ahead with preparations for the October pro-separatist Catalan Republican Left (ERC), yes- polls show Catalonia’s roughly 7.5 million resi- 1 vote despite Madrid’s ban and a court ruling terday told Rajoy to take his “dirty hands off dents are deeply divided on independence. A deeming it unconstitutional. Catalan institutions”. “The will of the Catalan peo- survey commissioned by the regional govern- Spanish Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy called ple cannot be stopped. And now we will leave to ment in July showed that 49.4 percent of for calm, urging “a return to normality and a support our friends,” he added before storming Catalans were against independence while 41.1 return to common sense because the referen- out of the assembly with fellow ERC lawmakers. percent were in favor. —AFP dum cannot take place.” But Catalan President BERLIN: A revolving billboard features a poster showing the Christian Democratic Carles Puigdemont accused Madrid of imposing Union’s main candidate German Chancellor Angela Merkel (top) and a poster from a “de facto” state of emergency to try and stop the far-right Alternative for Germany (AfD) (bottom) featuring the sentence “Stop the referendum. Among those arrested by the Islamisation” with the word “stop” cut off. —AFP Guardia Civil police was Josep Maria Jove, secre- tary general of economic affairs and Catalonia’s deputy vice president, a regional government Election may reflect Germany’s spokesman said. The others work in various Catalan govern- management of migrant influx ment departments, including its economic and COLOGNE: German Chancellor Angela problem and started facing the issues.” budget affairs departments, a local Guardia Civil Merkel adopted a mantra when citizens German opinion has been divided since spokesman said. The reason for the arrests was questioned her decision to open the coun- large numbers of job-seeking migrants not immediately clear, but Spain’s central govern- try to refugees fleeing wars: “We’ll manage.” from economically depressed countries ment has warned that officials who help stage She kept repeating it as the lines at immi- and refugees from Middle East nations the referendum could face criminal charges. gration offices circled city blocks, school wracked by civil wars and extremist groups Police said they staged 22 search operations. gyms turned into temporary housing and poured into Europe in 2015. Tens of thou- the questions devolved into angry criticism. sands of Germans pitched in to help the ‘They declared war’ But as Merkel campaigns for a fourth refugees, bringing food and water to train In central Barcelona, thousands of protesters term, the German obsession with stations, waving welcome signs and volun- gathered near Jove’s office, many draped in red “Ordnung”- order - looks to have been teering at shelters. Tens of thousands more and yellow Catalan flags, chanting assuaged. Most of the 890,000 asylum-seek- took to the streets in the nationalist Pegida “Independence!” and “We will vote!” Anna Sola, ers who entered Germany two years ago are demonstrations, a German acronym for an unemployed 45-year-old, said she rushed out in language and job training courses. “Patriotic Europeans Against the to protest after hearing about Jove’s arrest on Students are again playing sports in the Islamization of the West.” the news and through text messages from gyms. Rejected asylum applicants are being The friction between the two sides came friends. “They are attacking our institutions, deported. A national election on Sunday to a head in October 2015 in Cologne, those that we voted for, just for simply doing BARCELONA: People holding ‘Esteladas’ (Catalan pro-independence flags) and a symbolic bal- could show how well voters think Merkel’s Germany’s fourth-largest city. Henriette what the people want,” she said. “It is shameful lot box at a protest. —AFP government managed the refugee influx. Reker, a mayoral candidate who oversaw what is happening in Catalonia, there are no For the chancellor and her Christian municipal services for the refugees who words for it.” Democrats, the signs are promising. The far- sometimes arrived at a rate of 500 per week, An influential pro-independence citizens’ right Alternative for Germany party has strug- was stabbed and nearly killed by a far-right organization, the Catalan National Assembly London’s Parliament Square to gled to make immigration a major election extremist at a campaign event. (ANC), urged Catalans to hit the streets in issue. While the party is expected to win seats protest. “Let’s go out to defend our institutions get its first statue of a woman in parliament for the first time, the support it Flash point in a non-violent way. They made a big mistake, drew when thousands of newcomers were Reker, an independent who went on to we wanted to vote and they declared war,” its LONDON: A century after she successfully cam- Women’s Suffrage Societies in 1897, spent arriving daily has fallen along with the num- win the election while still in a coma, con- president Jordi Sanchez said in a statement. paigned to win women the right to vote, British decades advocating for equal rights for women, ber of migrants trying to enter the country. cedes Germany was not prepared to take in suffragette Millicent Fawcett will become to first including voting rights and access to higher so many desperate foreigners, yet defends Threats and seizures women honored with a statue in London’s education. The idea for the statue gained ‘Big problem’ Merkel’s decision to welcome refugees. The police operation comes a day after offi- Parliament Square. Plans to erect the bronze momentum following an online petition which At the same time, Merkel has changed “The chancellor did the only right thing: cers seized a trove of documents related to the monument next to those of Winston Churchill, garnered more than 80,000 signatures and was her rhetoric. Along with working to stream- she didn’t close the borders for purely independence referendum from the offices of Nelson Mandela and nine other historic male backed by Harry Potter author J.K. Rowling and line and improve services for new arrivals, humanitarian reasons,” Reker, 60, a career Unipost, a private delivery company, in Terrassa figures received the final go ahead on Tuesday, actress Emma Watson. she now emphasizes that migrants not civil servant, said in an interview. “If she had near Barcelona. Police said they confiscated over London City Hall said. The contemporary monument will depict deserving of asylum will be sent home and closed it, and this is really not being men- 45,000 notifications which were about to be sent Authorities hoped to unveil the “long over- Fawcett at the age of 50 holding a placard that other European nations need to share tioned enough, than hundreds of thou- to Catalans selected to staff polling stations for due” statue in time for the centenary of the 1918 reading “courage calls to courage everywhere” - the work of assisting eligible refugees. sands of people would have languished.” the vote, representing 80 percent of the numbers Representation of the People Act, which gave a quote from a speech she gave following the “Merkel’s government started a highly risky Two months after Reker’s stabbing, necessary to ensure the stations were adequately some women the right to vote for the first time, death of fellow suffragette, Emily Davison, who maneuver with its policy of the absolute Cologne again became a flash point in the staffed. Police scuffled with dozens of pro-seces- said London’s mayor, Sadiq Khan. “We want this died after running out in front of the king’s opening of the borders,” University of immigration debate. Hundreds of women statue to depict the strength and determination horse at the 1913 Epsom Derby. Designed by Heidelberg political scientist Manfred reported being groped and sexually assault- sion protesters who gathered outside Unipost’s office to keep officers from entering the building. of the women who dedicated their lives to the Turner Prize-winning artist Gillian Wearing it Schmidt said. “It led to a loss of control ed by migrants during the city’s New Year’s fight for women’s suffrage and to inspire many will be the first created by a woman to adorn which was interpreted as a big, big prob- Eve celebration, causing attitudes toward Madrid has also threatened to arrest mayors who generations to come,” Khan said in a statement. the iconic square in front of Britain’s houses of lem by the people. However, the politicians young men from the Middle East and Africa facilitate the vote, has seized posters and fliers Fawcett, who formed the National Union of parliament. —Reuters realized themselves that they had a huge in particular to harden into hostility. —AP that promote the plebiscite and has tightened its Kenya’s top court nixed poll because it couldn’t see data NAIROBI: Kenya’s Supreme Court system was infiltrated and the said yesterday it nullified data therein interfered with or President Uhuru Kenyatta’s re- IEBC officials interfered with the election largely because the elec- data or simply refused to accept toral commission refused scrutiny that it had bungled the whole of its computerized voting system. transmission system and was The court judges said because the unable to verify the data,” said electoral commission refused to Justice Philomena Mwilu, who allow scrutiny of its computer read part of the judgment. servers it had no option but to agree with the claim by Kenya’s ‘Dubious authenticity’ opposition leader Raila Odinga The electoral commission also that the computerized data of the failed to implement verification August presidential elections had measures required by law and the been interfered with. constitution to ensure the election The court annulled President was credible, said the judgment. Uhuru Kenyatta’s re-election earli- The electoral commission er this month saying there were announced the winner of the pres- irregularities and illegalities. It idential election even though it NAIROBI: Opposition leader Raila Odinga, center, arrives at the made the decision in response to was missing thousands of scanned Supreme Court. —AP Odinga’s petition challenging the copies of forms used to compile official results that Kenyatta won the presidential results at the con- accordance with the principles attacked the demonstrators fol- with 54 percent of the vote. stituency, said the judgment. laid down in the constitution and lowed by police tear gas. The electoral commission has Those measures were ordered by the written law of election in that “There was push between or set Oct. 17 as the date for a fresh the court of appeal last year to it was ... neither transparent nor among the supporters outside election. Explaining why it enhance accountability and reduce verifiable. On that ground alone ... the court and all over a sudden annulled Kenyatta’s win, the incidences of electoral fraud. we have no choice but nullify it,” bees attacked and tear gas came Supreme Court said its order to The presidential results said the judgment. from police,” Okemwa said. view the computerized data was announced on August 11 were Outside the court room, Kenya’s Chief Justice David “a golden opportunity” for the based on forms which were not Kenya’s police tear gassed opposi- Maraga said Tuesday that since electoral commission to present the primary document that the tion and ruling party supporters the September 1 judgment nulli- evidence to debunk Odinga’s law says should be used to com- who had gathered outside the fying the election results, there claim of interference. pile presidential elections results Supreme Court and started jeer- have been attempts to intimidate “IEBC’s contumacious disobe- and some of those forms were of ing and pushing each other, judges. Kenyatta has called the dience of this order ... in critical “dubious authenticity,” said the threatening violence, said a wit- Supreme Court judges “crooks” areas leaves us with no option judgment. “For the above reasons ness. Cyrus Okemwa, who was and warned of unspecified action but to accept the petitioner’s we find the 2017 presidential among the opposition support- against the judiciary if he is re- (Odinga’s) claims that the IEBC IT election was not conducted in ers, said a swarm of bees first elected next month. —AP THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 21, 2017 INTERNATIONAL Midwives deployed to assist pregnant Rohingya women MUMBAI: Dozens of midwives have gency services including for sexually 200 babies since the recent influx of who fled to Malaysia, India and camp know they have a safe space and been deployed to camps in Bangladesh transmitted disease and sexual vio- refugees began Aug. 25, Doraiswamy Indonesia became child brides. In good care with the midwives.” The mid- to deliver babies and help young lence, as well as caring for pregnant said. More than 400,000 Rohingya Bangladesh, which has been hosting wives are part of a national program mothers among the hundreds of thou- women and young mothers.”The sheer Muslims have fled a Myanmar military hundreds of thousands of Rohingya backed by the Bangladesh government sands of Rohingya refugees who have number of people pouring in, the mag- offensive that began after a series of refugees since the 1990s, about two- and supported by UNFPA and the fled across the border from Myanmar nitude of the situation is quite over- guerrilla attacks on Aug. 25 on security thirds of the refugees in the camps are World Health Organization to improve and are now living in squalid settle- whelming,” said Sathya Doraiswamy, posts and an army camp in which women and girls, including many preg- maternal health and reduce infant ments. About 35 midwives trained by chief of health at UNFPA. “Our mid- about a dozen people were killed. nant women and young mothers, mortality, particularly in the country’s the United Nations Population Fund wives are used to working in more sta- UNICEF estimates that an “unprece- Doraiswamy said. rural areas. The midwives at the camps (UNFPA) to work in crisis situations ble situations, with other Bangladeshi dented” 60 percent of new refugees in “The people coming in are hungry, have been trained for crisis situations have been attending to women and women; there is a language issue and Bangladesh are children. thirsty, sick, they have been walking for including floods. “There are many chal- girls in the two government-run other challenges, but they are facing Besides sexual violence, early mar- days and they are emotionally trauma- lenges. But even in these difficult cir- refugee camps in Cox’s Bazar over the up to them,” he told the Thomson riage is a risk for Rohingya refugee tized,” said Rondi Anderson, UNFPA’s cumstances, there is some happiness past few weeks, according to UNFPA. Reuters Foundation by phone. girls. Earlier this year, a UN survey midwifery specialist. “Still, pregnant for everyone at the safe birth of a The midwives are providing emer- The midwives have delivered about found that over half of Rohingya girls women and young mothers in the child,” said Anderson. —Reuters Trump’s UN threat leaves Asia struggling to explain S Korea praises resolve, N Korea remains silent SEOUL: Was it a bluff? A warning that with “fire and fury.” Pyongyang responded to UN speech came days after US Defense Washington would shoot down North Korea’s those past remarks with a string of weapons Secretary Jim Mattis created unease in South next missile test? A restatement of past policy? tests, including its sixth and most powerful Korea by saying without elaboration that the Or simply just what it seemed: a straightforward nuclear detonation and two missiles that flew United States has military options against North threat of annihilation from the president of the over US ally Japan. Park Soo-hyun, a Moon Korea that wouldn’t involve the destruction of United States? Officials and pundits across Asia spokesman, said that Trump’s comments “reaf- Seoul. The South Korean capital is within easy struggled yesterday to parse Donald Trump’s firmed the need to put maximum sanctions and artillery range of the huge array of North Korean vow Tuesday at the UN General Assembly to pressure against North Korea’s nuclear and mis- weapons dug in along a border only an hour’s “totally destroy North Korea” if provoked. In a sile provocations” so that Pyongyang realizes drive from greater Seoul’s 25 million people. region well used to Pyongyang’s pursuit of that abandoning its nuclear weapons is the only Kim Su-min, a lawmaker in the People’s Party, nuclear weapons generating a seemingly never- way forward. expressed worry that South Korean officials ending cycle of threats and counter-threats, Marcus Noland, a North Korea specialist with heard nothing from Washington before both Trump’s comments stood out. the Peterson Institute for International Mattis’ and Trump’s remarks. “The government should comprehensively review its diplomatic and national security system and do its absolute MUMBAI: An aircraft of India’s Jet Airways lands during rain showers yesterday. —AFP best so that our stance on critical issues related to the existence of our country and the lives of Plane stuck in the mud as rain our people doesn’t go ignored,” Kim said. causes Mumbai airport chaos China push Diplomacy meant to rid the North of its nukes MUMBAI: Dozens of flights were diverted Chiplunkar, a spokeswoman for the inter- has been moribund for years, and Pyongyang from Mumbai after a SpiceJet plane over- national airport, told AFP. has made huge strides over the last several years shot the runway and became stuck in the Some 56 flights were diverted due to in its quest for nuclear tipped missiles that can mud as heavy rain lashed India’s financial Tuesday night’s thunder and lightning reach anywhere in the world. Trump has pushed capital and caused travel chaos yesterday. storms, she added. Several other flights had Beijing, which is the North’s only major ally, to do Schools and colleges also closed for the been cancelled while travelers were told to more to influence Pyongyang’s behavior, so far to day as a precaution after severe monsoon expect delays to departures while the main no avail. A Chinese expert on North Korea was rain late Tuesday and overnight led to runway remained closed. The plane was surprised by the vehemence of Trump’s speech, fears of widespread flooding. The storms still stuck yesterday morning. saying “his rhetoric is full of military force.” Cheng came three weeks after ten people were Officials had warned of flooding if Xiaohe of Renmin University said in an interview killed when torrential rain deluged heavy rain coincided with a high tide, that he initially thought that “the US had nearly Mumbai, flooding homes and railway lines expected around midday, but India’s declared war on North Korea.” The speech signals and shutting down the city for two days. Meteorological Department said the worst that “if North Korea conducts another missile Yesterday airport officials were trying had passed. Railway officials said trains test, the US is very likely to intercept.” to move the SpiceJet plane which skidded were running normally but many residents Officials in Tokyo, meanwhile, welcomed a on landing at around 10:00 pm on decided not to take the risk, opting to reference by Trump to North Korea’s abduction Tuesday and forced the closure of the work from home. of Japanese citizens in the 1970s and ‘80s. “I main runway. All 183 passengers were The city’s famed dabbawallahs, who think it means an understanding has gotten safely evacuated from the Varanasi to take hundreds of thousands of hot Mumbai flight after it missed the runway lunches from commuters’ homes to PYONGYANG: Participants rehearse ahead of a celebratory event on Kium Il-Sung square. —AFP through” to the United States and other coun- tries, Deputy Chief Cabinet Secretary Yasutoshi and “skidded off into the unpaved surface” offices every day, cancelled their delivery South Korea officially played them down, Economics in Washington, said in an online post Nishimura said, according to Kyodo News serv- due to wet conditions, the airline said in a service Wednesday. Mumbai is regularly while some politicians worried that Trump’s that Trump’s threat will feed a long-standing ice. Trump said, “We know it kidnapped a sweet statement. “The main runway is out of use deluged by rain between June and words signaled a loss of influence for Seoul. North Korean narrative that claims that the 13-year-old Japanese girl from a beach in her due to heavy rains. Only the secondary September. In 2005 around 950 millime- Tokyo focused on his mention of Japanese citi- United States poses an existential threat. “With own country to enslave her as a language tutor runway is operational and it can only han- ters fell on the city in just 24 hours, zens abducted by the North. Analysts across Asia those words, President Trump handed the Kim for North Korea’s spies.” dle a limited number of flights,” Veena killing around 500 people. —AFP expressed surprise, worry, even wry amusement, regime the soundbite of the century. It will play The girl, Megumi Yokota, was one of at least in one case, that Trump’s words seemed to mirror on a continuous loop on North Korean national 17 people that Japan says North Korea kid- threats normally emanating from North Korean television,” Noland wrote. napped. Andrei Lankov, a North Korea expert at state media. Amid the speculation, the focus of North Korea’s regular weapons tests are an Kookmin University in South Korea, described Leader of Indonesia attack Trump’s belligerence, North Korea, remained attempt to create an arsenal of nuclear missiles Trump’s threats as similar to the type of bluffing silent in the hours after the speech. Officials from that can threaten US troops throughout Asia and that North Korea has used for decades. “It’s a bit plot gets 11 year sentence the office of South Korean President Moon Jae- the US mainland. Pyongyang tested its first two funny to see how the US president behaves in JAKARTA: An Indonesian militant linked prisons with an even greater commit- in, a liberal who has advocated dialogue with the intercontinental ballistic missiles in July and exactly the same way, using exactly the same to the Islamic State group smiled and ment to violent radicalism and new links North while being forced into a hawkish position claims that it can now accurately reach the U.S. words his North Korean counterparts have been raised one finger toward heaven after a to other militants. by the North’s weapons tests, called Trump’s homeland, though outside experts say the North using for decades,” Lankov said. court yesterday sentenced him to 11 Indonesia, the world’s most populous words a signal of Washington’s strong resolve to may still need more tests before its weapons are Rhetoric that isn’t followed by action will years in prison for leading a plot to attack Muslim country, has waged a sustained deal with the North, but also essentially a repeti- fully viable. Each new test pushes the nation eventually undermine the US image internation- a presidential guard-changing ceremony crackdown on violent jihadis since the tion of the basic stance that all options will be that much closer to that goal. ally. “It makes American threats far less efficient,” in Jakarta. At the same sentencing hear- 2002 Bali bombings that killed more than considered when confronting Pyongyang. Some South Korean opposition politicians he said. Lankov said he expects North Korea to ing, a co-conspirator, who received six 200 people, but efforts to de-radicalize saw the comments as another sign that South respond to Trump’s threats with “equally power- years in prison, shook his fist in the air convicted militants have had uneven suc- ‘Fire and fury’ Korea is losing its voice in international efforts to ful ... equally comical” and “probably more and shouted “God is Great.” cess. Meanwhile, a new threat of attacks Trump has previously threatened the North deal with the North’s nuclear program. Trump’s ridiculous rhetoric.” —AP Muhammad Nur Solihin, the ring has emerged from Islamic State group leader, and Agus Supriyadi were arrested sympathizers. In a television interview along with two other militants including after December arrests, Solihin said that Afghanistan civilians Solihin’s wife in December, just one day he married Novi as his second wife to to protect mosques before their planned attack on the popu- facilitate her desire to become a suicide lar family attraction at the presidential bomber. in Shiite holy month palace. In its verdict at the East Jakarta Presiding Judge Syafrudin Ainor Rafiek District Court, a three-judge panel said said the 37-year-old Supriyadi helped KABUL: Afghanistan is arming hundreds of civilians there was no justification for either man’s transport Solihin and the bomb for the nationwide to help protect mosques during one of the actions and both were guilty of violating attack from Central Java to Novi’s resi- holiest months on the Islamic calendar after several Indonesia’s anti-terror law. dence in Bekasi, a Jakarta satellite city. deadly attacks on Shiite religious sites. The government’s The would-be suicide bomber, The 27-year-old Solihin was the alleged move comes as it considers a similar proposal to arm Solihin’s wife Dian Yulia Novi, was sen- leader of a small extremist cell in Central 20,000 villagers to fight Islamist militants, highlighting tenced last month to 7 1/2 years in Java’s Solo city, police have said. His 28- the impotence of Afghanistan’s army and police in beat- prison. Another woman, Tutin, received 3 year-old wife planned to run close to the ing back insurgents and stemming the bloody violence. 1/2 years for encouraging Novi to presidential guards during the ceremony The extra protection for mosques was announced become a suicide bomber. The apparent- and blow herself up with a pressure on the website of Second Vice President Sarwar Danish. ly unrepentant militants are indicative of cooker bomb. It also involves the deployment during the mourning the challenge facing Indonesian authori- Police have described the group as month of Muharram of more troops and police around ties who have imprisoned hundreds of part of Jemaah Anshorut Daulah, a net- CANBERRA: Two anti-nuclear weapons campaigners Gem Romuld, left, and Papatya places of worship, particularly those of the Shiite Islamic radicals in the past decade for work of almost two dozen Indonesian Danis unfurl a banner at the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade building. —AP Muslim minority. Shiites, who number around three plots and attacks. extremist groups that formed in 2015 and million in overwhelmingly Sunni Afghanistan, have After serving their sentences, many pledges allegiance to Islamic State group regularly been targeted by Islamic State jihadists and emerge from the country’s overcrowded leader Abu Bakr Al-Baghdadi. —AP Anti-nuclear protesters accuse police and troops of failing to protect them. “After the recent unfortunate incidents the people scale Australian building should not rely on security forces alone to provide CANBERRA: Two anti-nuclear weapons Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons, told them protection. The people, especially the youth, in campaigners scaled the entrance awning of reporters outside the Canberra building their respective areas, need to focus on securing the Australia’s foreign ministry and unfurled a that her lobby group had done all it could mosques during the Muharram days,” Danish said after banner yesterday to protest the govern- through “legitimate channels” to get the a meeting with top security officials and Shiite leaders ment’s failure to endorse a UN nuclear dis- government to change its stance. on Monday. armament treaty. Gem Romuld and “We need to get the message out to the Muharram, beginning this week, marks the start of Papatya Danis spent three hours on the Australian people that we expect better the Islamic New Year and the mourning period for the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade from our government, we want them to seventh century killing of the prophet’s grandson. The building near Parliament House in the engage in this nuclear disarmament initia- holy day of Ashura, which falls on the 10th day of national capital Canberra holding the ban- tive,” Wareham said. “Our government is not Muharram, is a key date. Acting Interior Minister Wais ner: “Sign nuclear weapons ban treaty.” representing us on this issue.” Australia Barmak said the training of “hundreds of people” Scores of police were soon on the scene argues that it is protected by an umbrella of recruited by the ministry to protect mosques had and the two climbed down and were released deterrence created by US nuclear weapons. almost finished. They will support the additional forces without charge. “I think we’ve made our state- Australian diplomats are also skeptical to be deployed around “sacred places”. “Measures have ment and hopefully brought some attention about the treaty’s ability to reduce the been taken to distribute weapons, salaries and other to Julie Bishop’s failure to sign Australia on to number of nuclear weapons. Bishop said in necessary means to the newly recruited people,” the treaty,” Romuld said. Australia has joined a statement that she would “continue Barmak said, according to the statement. nuclear-armed countries including the Unites Australia’s tireless efforts to achieve a world IS in the past 14 months has claimed a series of States, a staunch ally, in boycotting the first free of nuclear weapons.” She said she attacks which killed scores of Shiites. There were two treaty to ban nuclear weapons. would promote the Comprehensive major assaults on Shiite mosques in August alone. In The Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty in New York and Kabul a suicide bomber and gunmen stormed a build- Weapons opened for signatures yesterday would work with ministerial counterparts ing during Friday prayers, killing 28 people and wound- at the UN General Assembly’s annual minis- from the 12-member Non-Proliferation and ing scores more. Earlier in the month an IS attack on a terial meeting attended by Foreign Minister Disarmament Initiative on practical initia- Shiite mosque in the western city of Herat left 33 wor- JAKARTA: Suspected Indonesian militant Agus Supriyadi, center, raises his fist as Julie Bishop in New York. Sue Wareham, tives to strengthen the Nuclear Non- shippers dead and 66 wounded. —AFP he shouts “God is great!” during his sentencing hearing at East Jakarta District board member of the International Proliferation Treaty. —AP Court. — AP NEWS THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 21, 2017 Over 40 million still Saudi Arabia lifts the trapped in slavery ban on internet calls

NEW YORK: More than 40 million people were trapped as that 45.8 million people were slaves and an ILO figure of slaves last year in forced labor and forced marriages, 21 million in forced labor, but Homayounpour cautioned RIYADH: Saudi Arabia will remove its ban on internet and entertainment industries,” a separate statement according to the first joint effort by key anti-slavery groups the numbers cannot be used to show progress or failure phone calls today, a government spokesman said, in a bid from the information ministry said. “Access to VoIP to estimate the number of victims worldwide of the inter- in anti-slavery efforts. Fiona David, executive director of to stimulate online business as the kingdom looks to (voice over internet protocol) will reduce operational national crime. The International Labour Organization global research at Australia-based Walk Free, said the esti- boost non-oil revenue. All online voice and video call serv- costs and spur digital entrepreneurship - that’s why it is (ILO), human rights group Walk Free Foundation, and mated number of victims contrasted sharply with a mere ices such as Microsoft’s Skype and Facebook’s WhatsApp such an important step in the Kingdom’s internet regu- International Organization for Migration said 40.3 million “tens of thousands” of slavery cases that have gone that satisfy regulatory requirements will become accessi- lation,” it said. The kingdom and its Gulf Arab neighbors people were victims of modern slavery in 2016 - but added before authorities. ble at midnight, Adel Abu Hameed, spokesman for the have been concerned by the use of secure internet this was a conservative estimate. “That’s an enormous gap that we have to close,” she telecoms regulator CITC said on Twitter yesterday. communication - which experts say is harder to monitor They estimated 24.9 million people were trapped said. She said unlike previous estimates, the findings The lifting of the ban could pinch Saudi Arabia’s - especially by activists and militants. working in factories, on construction sites, farms and fish- included people forced into marriages, many of whom three main telecoms operators - Saudi Telecom Co Gulf Arab states, except the island kingdom of ing boats, and as domestic or sex workers, while 15.4 mil- were taken from their homes, raped, and treated like prop- (STC), Etihad Etisalat (Mobily) and Zain Saudi - which Bahrain, were mostly spared the “Arab Spring” mass lion people were in marriages to which they had not con- erty that could sometimes be bought, sold or passed on as earn substantial revenue from international phone and protests often organized over the Internet which roiled sented. Almost three out of every four slaves were inheritance. The report found more than a third of the 15 text calls made by the millions of expatriates living in much of the region in 2011. They avoided the civil wars women and girls and one in four was a child, with mod- million victims of forced marriage were aged under 18 the kingdom. The policy reversal comes as part of the which largely followed but face deadly bombing attacks ern slavery most prevalent in Africa followed by Asia and when wed, and nearly half of those were younger than 15. government’s broad reform program to diversify rev- by Islamic State and militancy by fringes of their Shiite Pacific, said the report. Nearly all were female. enue sources as oil prices have hit the finances of the Muslim populations they say is fuelled by Iran. The “Forced laborers produced some of the food we eat and “Really the label marriage is actually a little bit mislead- world’s top exporter. authorities will continue to regulate the Internet in the clothes we wear, and they have cleaned the buildings ing. When you look at what’s behind it, it could also be “Digital transformation is one of the key kick-starters order to restrict content that violates the kingdom’s in which many of us live or work,” the groups said in a called sexual slavery,” she said. The ILO also released a sepa- for the Saudi economy, as it will incentivize the growth laws such as extremist material, pornography and gam- report released on Tuesday, stressing the crime was preva- rate report showing 152 million children were victims of lent in all nations. The findings mark the first time the of internet-based businesses, especially in the media bling sites, the information ministry added. — Reuters groups collaborated on an international estimate and child labor, which amounted to nearly one in every 10 child prompted calls for stronger labor rights, improved gover- worldwide, with almost half of those engaged in hazardous nance of migrants, action to address root causes of debt work. More than two-thirds of these children were working bondage, and better victim identification. on a family farm or in a family business, with 71 percent “Given that a large share of modern slavery can be overall working in agriculture. The calculation of forced traced to migration, improved migration governance is labor included the private economy, forced sexual vitally important to preventing forced labor and protecting exploitation and state-imposed labor. victims,” they said. Previously the groups had used different Half of forced laborers were victims of debt bondage, data, definitions and methodologies, said Houtan who were made to work to repay a debt or other obliga- Homayounpour, a specialist on forced labor at the ILO, the tion, and nearly four million adults and one million chil- United Nations’ labor agency. “There’s been many different dren were victims of forced sexual exploitation. “The vast numbers out there for many years. Now finally everyone majority of forced labor today exists in the private econo- has come together and has worked on developing one my. This underscores the importance of partnering with global estimate that becomes a reference point,” the business community ... to eradicate forced labour in Homayounpour told the Thomson Reuters Foundation. supply chains,” the report said. The ILO and Walk Free con- ducted surveys in 48 countries and interviewed more than Child, sex exploitation 71,000 people with findings supplemented by data from The estimate compared with a 2016 Walk Free finding the International Organization for Migration. — Reuters Earthquake, volcano, tremor hit Mexico... Continued from Page 1 hours of the morning to help. The middle-class neighborhood of Del Valle was hit NEW YORKk : Qatar’s Emir Sheikh Tamim Bin Hamad Al-Thani (left) and US President Donald Trump wait for a Overnight, volunteers with bullhorns shouted the names hard, with several buildings toppling over on one street. meeting at the Palace Hotel in , on the sidelines of the United Nations General Assembly. — AFP of rescued kids so that tense family members could be Reserve rescue workers arrived late at night and were still reunited with them. The earthquake toppled dozens of build- pulling survivors out yesterday. With power out in much of ings, tore gas mains and sparked fires across the city and oth- the city overnight, the work was carried out with flash- er towns in central Mexico. Falling rubble and billboards lights and generators. Moises Amador Mejia, a 44-year-old Qatar Emir calls for crushed cars. employee of the civil protection agency, worked late into Even wealthier parts of the capital, including the Condesa the night looking for people trapped in a collapsed build- and Roma neighborhoods, were badly damaged as older ing in the bohemian Condesa neighborhood. “The idea is buildings buckled. Because bedrock is uneven in a city built to stay here until we find who is inside. Day and night.” dialogue; row rages on a drained lake bed, some districts weather quakes better In Obrera, central Mexico City, people applauded when than others. Parts of colonial-era churches crumbled in the rescuers managed to retrieve four people alive, with cheers adjacent state of Puebla, where the US Geological Survey of “Si se puede.”-”Yes we can.”- ringing out. Volunteers UNITED NATIONS: Qatar’s Emir Sheikh Tamim Bin Hamad states and Qatar, said he had a “very strong feeling” the (USGS) put the quake’s epicenter some 100 miles southwest arrived throughout the night, following calls from the civil Al-Thani has renewed a call for “unconditional dialogue” dispute would be solved “pretty quickly”. In a speech of the capital. protection agency, the Red Cross and firefighters. The to end a crisis pitting Qatar against four Arab states while severely criticizing the four Arab states’ conduct during quake killed 94 people in the capital by yesterday morning, US President Donald Trump said he expected the dispute the dispute, the Emir said the countries were inflicting Volcano erupts too according to Mayor Miguel Angel Mancera. In Morelos to be resolved quickly. Speaking from the podium of the damage on the “war on terror.” Around the same time that the earth shook, Mexico’s State, just to the south, 71 people died, with hundreds of 193-member United Nations General Assembly, Sheikh “The countries who imposed the blockade on Popocatepetl volcano, visible from the capital on a clear day, homes destroyed. In Puebla at least 43 died. Tamim renewed the call “for an unconditional dialogue Qatar interfere in the internal affairs of many coun- had a small eruption. On its slopes, a church in Atzitzihuacan Another 17 people were reported killed in the states based on mutual respect for sovereignty”. tries, and accuse all those who oppose them domesti- collapsed during Mass, killing 15 people, Puebla Governor of Mexico, Guerrero and Oaxaca. The governor of Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates, Egypt and cally and abroad with terrorism. By doing that they Jose Antonio Gali said. In Rome, Pope Francis said he was Morelos state declared 5 days of mourning. Nearly 5 mil- Bahrain cut diplomatic and trade links with Qatar on are inflicting damage on the war on terror,” Sheikh praying for Mexico, a majority Catholic country. “In this lion homes, businesses and other facilities lost electrici- June 5, suspending air and shipping routes with the Tamim said in his speech to the annual gathering of moment of pain, I want to express my closeness and prayers ty, according to national power company Comision to all the beloved Mexican people,” he said. Federal de Electricidad, including 40 percent of homes world’s biggest exporter of liquefied natural gas, which world leaders. “We have refused to yield to dictations US President Donald Trump said in a tweet: “God bless the in Mexico City. Power was later re-established to 90 per- is home to the region’s biggest US military base. The by pressure and siege.” people of Mexico City. We are with you and will be there for cent of the areas affected. Still, much business and nations say Doha supports regional foe Iran and A Gulf official from one of the opposing countries you.” Residents of Mexico City, home to some 20 million peo- industry in affected areas remained closed. Carmaker Islamists, charges Qatar’s leaders deny. Kuwait has been said it was “unfortunate that Emir Tamim continues to ple, slept in the streets while authorities and volunteers dis- Volkswagen AG temporarily shut its sprawling Puebla trying to mediate and the United States has taken an talk about a blockade when even he in the same speech tributed food and water at tented collection centers. Other factory, its biggest outside of Germany, due to structural increasingly robust role in trying to end the crisis, but as acknowledged that his ship lanes are open.” “It’s disap- volunteers, soldiers and firefighters formed human chains damages from the quake. yet to no avail. pointing that he talks about interference in the internal and dug with hammers and picks to find dust-covered sur- Meanwhile, His Highness the Amir Sheikh Sabah Al- Trump and Sheikh Tamim later held a meeting in affairs of others while refusing to admit that is a core vivors and bodies in the remains of apartment buildings, Ahmad Al-Jaber Al-Sabah yesterday sent a cable to which the Emir was careful to emphasize the strong part of the four nations’ complaints against Qatar,” the schools and a factory. President of Mexico Enrique Pena Nieto, expressing his con- Qatar-US relationship after Trump appeared to be more official added. With each layer of rubble that was removed, workers pled dolences over the earthquake which hit his country. His sympathetic to the Saudi position at the start of the cri- Earlier this month, Saudi Arabia suspended any dia- onlookers and volunteers for silence, desperate to hear the Highness the Amir said that Kuwait stands in solidarity with sis. Qatar hosts Al Udeid air base, the largest US military logue with Qatar, accusing it of “distorting facts,” just sound of any survivors below. Some volunteers in Mexico Mexico during this time of despair, hoping that the friendly facility in the Middle East. “As you said, Mr President, we after a report of a phone call between the leaders of the City expressed frustration at the disorganization among mili- nation would overcome the aftermath of the quake that left have a problem with our neighbors,” Tamim said, adding two countries suggested a breakthrough in the Gulf dis- tary and civilian emergency services, which competed over hundreds of people dead or injured and also caused some that with Trump’s intervention, “hopefully we can find a pute. Saudi Arabia’s Crown Prince Mohammed Bin who would lead the rescue efforts. “There is so much bureau- considerable damage. His Highness the Deputy Amir and solution for this problem.” Salman spoke by the telephone with Qatar’s emir in the cracy and so many obstacles in the way of getting these kids Crown Prince Sheikh Nawaf Al-Ahmad Al-Jaber Al-Sabah Trump, who has said he would be willing to mediate first publicly reported contact between the two leaders out alive,” said Alfredo Perez, 52, a freelance civil engineer, and His Highness the Prime Minister Sheikh Jaber Al- the worst dispute in decades among the US-allied Arab since the start of the crisis. — Reuters who arrived at the Enrique Rebsamen school in the early Mubarak Al-Sabah sent similar cables. — Agencies THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 21, 2017 ANALYSIS


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Focus Brexit LibDems struggle for a new message

By James Pheby

eeting for their annual conference in a seaside town that voted to leave the European Union, MBritain’s Liberal Democrats are torn over their role as the country’s sole anti-Brexit political force. The party had expected to hoover up extra support from Trump’s UN speech shows nationalist instincts firmly intact some of the 48 percent who voted to remain in the European Union in the June general election but end- By Jeff Mason and Steve Holland showed his campaign-honed policy inclina- with threats of war and attacks on diploma- Trump still intended to pull the United ed up with only 12 MPs. tions very much intact and presented a cy. It did not divide Trump’s often warring States out of the Paris climate change “It’s a double edged-sword,” member Clive Dellard, halk one up for the nationalists. Trump Doctrine to the world that focused advisers, however, an administration official agreement unless there were a renegotia- 61, said of the party’s Brexit stance outside the main Among the many signals that Donald unabashedly on the US homeland. said. “It was the most collaborative speech tion to make it more favorable for US inter- conference hall in Bournemouth, south England. “You CTrump sent in his speech to the “The chief nationalist in this administra- among the senior people in the national ests. But Trump seemed to stun some peo- don’t want to become a one-issue party,” he said. United Nations on Tuesday, one was espe- tion is Donald J Trump. And he knows what security cabinet that the president has giv- ple in the United Nations hall, despite his Dellard joined the party last year to fight Britain’s cially clear: former chief strategist Steve he’s trying to say,” said Newt Gingrich, the en to date,” the official said. well-known penchant for blunt talk. His Bannon’s White House departure has not former speaker of the US House of He said Secretary of State Rex Tillerson speech included a condemnation of the departure from the EU, and the presence of many new muted the president’s “America First” for- Representatives and a Trump supporter. He stood up after Trump’s speech and shook Iran nuclear agreement reached with US similar members exposes the bind in which the party eign policy instincts. Trump’s eight months said the speech showed that Trump had a chief speechwriter Stephen Miller’s hand allies under Obama, and an observation finds itself in maintaining relevance. in office have been characterized by a doctrine that was defined by more than and said “you did a great job.” Miller is con- that some portions of the world were “I wasn’t a Lib Dem before, I joined because it was sometimes dramatic tug-of-war between tweets, with roots in the conservative sidered a nationalist and an ally of Bannon, “going to hell”. the only party that was going to push for Remain,” “globalists” and “nationalist” advisers who philosophies of former US President Ronald while Tillerson is more globally minded. Aaron David Miller, a former Middle East Jane Riekmann, 62, who was wearing an EU beret said have sought to move the president in myri- Reagan, France’s Charles de Gaulle, and “This was more ... Trump just being Trump,” negotiator for Democratic and Republican on the sunny Bournemouth seafront. “I think it has ad ways on issues both domestic and inter- Britain’s Margaret Thatcher. “It’s not a one- said Sam Nunberg, a former Trump cam- administrations, said allies would interpret become the purpose of the party now,” she added. national. sided American nationalism, it’s a re-cen- paign adviser, adding he thought the the speech as a sign that Trump was wary The retired teacher said the message failed to res- Bannon’s exit last month caused some tering on sovereignty that’s really, really nationalist versus globalist tension in the of undertaking major commitments onate in the election due to the “British psyche of of the former New York businessman’s core important,” Gingrich said. administration played itself out more on around the world. “Neither of the biggest ‘right, this is done, let’s move on’” but argued that atti- supporters to fret that the more multilater- The speech, in which Trump threatened domestic policy issues such as immigration problems, North Korea and Iran, can be tudes would shift “when we see the implications.” al-leaning group inside the administration to “totally destroy” North Korea if attacked, policy. The administration has given mixed solved by an America First, Lone Ranger Conference voted to push for a referendum on the had gained ground. Not on foreign policy, divided Trump’s supporters and opponents. signals on foreign policy, too. Gary Cohn, policy,” he said, adding the speech showed terms of Britain’s departure, which is expected to take at least not on Tuesday. Trump’s strident Ben Rhodes, an adviser to former the president’s top economic adviser and a that globalists within his administrations place in March 2019. defense of national sovereignty during his Democratic President , said member of the so-called globalist wing, were “throwaways” and that Trump was still “There was a lot of soul-searching about whether a debut at the annual UN General Assembly Trump was upending international order had to clarify with US allies this week that driven by nationalism.—Reuters second referendum is the right thing to do,” said Dellard, pointing out the risk of alienating voters in northern Leave constituencies that voted Leave. “The guy from Sunderland (northeast England) who spoke Cuba mystery: Theories US investigators pursue the other day said ‘I’m flogging a dead horse with this By Josh Lederman Hospital, who isn’t involved with the investi- living near infrasound-generating wind tur- tion. Diplomats may be taking a closer look at message’, I understand it must be difficult, we’ve got to and Lauran Neergaard gation. To solve the puzzle, investigators are bines have described pulsating hums that mild symptoms they’d otherwise ignored. somehow get that balance.” Chris Bailey, treasurer of sorting symptoms into categories, such as have left them dizzy, nauseous or with inter- After all, once symptoms emerged, the US the local party in Southend, southeast England, said here must be an answer. Whatever is auditory and neurological, according to indi- rupted sleep. Such effects have prompted Embassy encouraged employees to report that while the party was “languishing” in the national harming US diplomats in Havana, it has viduals briefed on the probe. There can be a fierce scientific debate. The balance problems anything suspicious. Many of these symp- polls, membership in his town had gone up from 97 to Teluded the doctors, scientists and intelli- lag before victims discover or report symp- reported in Havana? Possibly explained by toms can be caused by a lot of different 247, explaining “it’s Europe that has driven it.” gence analysts scouring for answers. toms, some of which are hard to diagnose. infrasound, which may stimulate cells in the things. At least one other country, France, Investigators have chased many theories, So investigators are charting the timeline ear’s vestibular system that controls balance, tested embassy staffers after an employee ‘Just being awkward’ including a sonic attack, electromagnetic of reported incidents to identify “clusters” to scientists say. But there’s little evidence infra- reported symptoms. The French then ruled New party leader Vince Cable delivered his confer- weapon or flawed spying device. Each expla- help solve the when, where and how of the sound can cause lasting damage once the out sonic-induced damage, the AP reported. ence speech Tuesday, promising to “lead the fight nation seems to fit parts of what’s happened, Havana whodunit. While Cuba has been sur- sound stops. Not knowing what’s causing the crisis in Cuba against Brexit”, but warning that “we should not be conflicting with others. The United States prisingly cooperative , even inviting the FBI to And the pinpointed focus of the sound, has made it harder to find the culprit. If there consumed by Brexit to the exclusion of everything doesn’t even know what to call it. Secretary of fly down to Havana, it’s not the same as an reported by some? Infrasound waves travel is one at all. else”. But among the members roaming around the State Rex Tillerson used the phrase “health investigation with the US government in full everywhere, making them difficult to aim stalls-many of them wearing “Stop Brexit” badges-said attacks.” The State Department prefers “inci- control. “You’re on foreign soil,” said David with precision. “There’s no efficient way to The Cuba theory they wanted the focus to be on EU membership. dents.” Either way, suspicion has fallen on Rubincam, a former FBI agent who served in focus infrasound to make it into a usable It was only natural that American suspi- Cuba. But investigators also are examining Moscow. “The quality of the information and weapon,” said Mario Svirsky, an expert on ear cion started with Cuba. The attacks happened Political commentator Anand Menon, who was part of whether a rogue faction of its security servic- evidence you collect is limited to what the disorders and neuroscience at New York on Cuban soil. The two countries routinely a conference panel on Brexit said that the party need- es, another country such as Russia, or some host government will allow you to see and University School of Medicine. If not infra- harassed each other’s diplomats over a half- ed to decide whether to focus on winning new voters combination is to blame, more than a dozen hear and touch and do.” Especially when you sound, maybe ultrasound? At high-intensity, century of enmity. Despite eased tensions or satisfying the core of anti-Brexit supporters. “The US officials familiar with the investigation don’t even know what you’re looking for. ultrasound can damage human tissue. That’s over the past couple of years, distrust lingers. line they are taking is not one that is easy to persuade said. Those officials spoke on condition of why doctors use it to destroy uterine fibroids Diplomats reported incidents in their homes waverers, the ‘oh my God it’s so stupid,’ is more likely to anonymity because they weren’t authorized Sonic device and some tumors. and in hotels. Cuban authorities would know alienate people.” to publicly discuss the investigation. The AP The first signs pointed to a sonic attack. But ultrasound damage requires close who is staying in each. He also believes that the focus on stopping Brexit also talked to scientists, physicians, acoustics But what kind? Some victims heard things - contact between the device and the body. was doomed to failure and could harm the party’s and weapons experts, and others about the signs that the sounds were in the audible “You cannot sense ultrasound from long dis- But what’s the motive? long-term future. “If your raison d’etre is to stop Brexit theories being pursued. spectrum. Loud noise can harm hearing, tances,” Svirsky said. No victim said they saw a When symptoms emerged last November, and then Brexit happens, what the hell is the point of Perhaps the biggest mystery is why the especially high-decibel sounds that can trig- weird contraption nearby. None of these Cuba was working feverishly with the US to you?” He advised focusing on core issues, a view symptoms, sounds and sensations vary so ger ear-ringing tinnitus, ruptured ear drums, sound waves seems to explain the concus- make progress on everything from internet echoed by 25-year-old Dipa Vaya, a member since dramatically from person to person. Of the 21 even permanent hearing loss. But others sions. Usually, those follow a blow to the head access to immigration rules before President 2013. “We need to focus a lot of inequality, and things medically confirmed US victims, some have heard nothing, and still became ill. So investi- or proximity to something like a bomb blast. Barack Obama’s term ended. Officials still like housing, young people, helping people prosper in permanent hearing loss or concussions, while gators considered inaudible sound: infra- “I know of no acoustic effect or device that don’t understand why Havana would at the their jobs, where we have a lot to say,” the young others suffered nausea, headaches and ear- sound, too low for humans to hear, and ultra- could produce traumatic brain injury or con- same time perpetrate attacks that could ringing. Some are struggling with concentra- sound, too high. Infrasound often is experi- cussion-like symptoms,” said Juergen destroy its new relationship with Washington member told AFP over breakfast. tion or common word recall, the AP has enced as vibration, like standing near a sub- Altmann, an acoustic weapons expert and entirely. Cuban President Raul Castro’s reac- Outside the conference bubble in the town centre, reported. Some felt vibrations or heard loud woofer. Some victims reported feeling vibra- physicist at Germany’s Technische tion deepened investigators’ skepticism, friends of 50 years Wyn Jones, 80, and Terry Price, 77, sounds mysteriously audible in only parts of tions. And it’s not impossible that infrasound Universitaet Dortmund. according to officials briefed on a rare, face- highlighted the challenge faced in changing the rooms, and others heard nothing. could explain some of what diplomats to-face discussion he had on the matter with minds of Brexit supporters. Bournemouth voted 54 “These are very nonspecific symptoms. thought they heard. Electromagnetic weapon America’s top envoy in Havana. Predictably, percent in favor of leaving the EU, higher than the That’s why it’s difficult to tell what’s going on,” Though infrasound is usually inaudible, It may sound like Star Wars fantasy, but Castro denied responsibility. But US officials national average. “They are just being awkward, they said Dr H Jeffrey Kim, a specialist on ear disor- some people can detect it if the waves are electromagnetic weapons have been around were surprised that Castro seemed genuinely can sit there and spout off about everything, but they ders at MedStar Georgetown University powerful enough. For example, individuals for years. They generally harm electronics, not rattled, and that Cuba offered to let the FBI are never gong to get in government, so they can say humans. The electromagnetic spectrum come investigate. Then, Canadians got ill. what they want,” said Brexiteer Price. “They are going includes waves like the ones used by your Why them? The warm, long-standing ties against what the population voted for.” — AFP cellphone, microwave and light bulbs. And between Cuba and Canada made it seem they can be easily pinpointed. Think lasers. even less logical that Castro’s government Such waves can also travel through walls, so was the culprit. an electromagnetic attack could be plausibly All articles appearing on these concealed from afar. There’s precedent. The rogues For more than a decade ending in the If not Castro, could elements of Cuba’s vast pages are the personal opinion of 1970s, the former Soviet Union bombarded intelligence apparatus be to blame? the writers. Kuwait Times takes no the US Embassy in Moscow with microwaves. Investigators haven’t ruled out that possibili- The exact purpose was never clear. What ty, several US officials said. It’s no secret that responsibility for views expressed about the sounds people heard? Microwave some within Cuba’s government are uneasy pulses - short, intense blasts - can cause peo- about Raul Castro’s opening with therein. Kuwait Times invites ple to “hear” clicking sounds. According to a Washington. “It’s entirely possible that hard- readers to voice their opinions. two-decade-old US Air Force patent, the line elements acted,” said Michael Parmly, American military has researched whether who headed the US mission in Havana until Please send submissions via email those blasts could be manipulated to “beam” 2008. But mounting unauthorized attacks, to: [email protected] or voices or other sounds to someone’s head. tantamount to aggression against a foreign But when electromagnetic waves cause phys- power, would be a risky act of defiance in a via snail mail to PO Box 1301 ical damage, it usually results from body tis- country noted for its strong central control. sue being heated. The diplomats in Cuba Cuba’s surveillance of US diplomats in Havana HAVANA: Josefina Vidal speaks to reporters in Havana, Cuba. The Trump administra- Safat, Kuwait. The editor reserves haven’t been reporting burning sensations. is intense. The government tracks US diplo- tion will press its concerns about unexplained incidents harming American diplomats mats’ movements and conversations. So at a the right to edit any submission in Cuba during a meeting in Washington, as the United States considers shuttering its Something else minimum, if Americans were being attacked, recently re-opened Embassy in Havana. US diplomats will host Cuban official as necessary. The stress and anxiety about the disturb- it’s difficult to imagine Cuba’s spies being left Josefina Vidal, who has been the public face of Cuba’s diplomatic opening with the ing incidents could be complicating the situa- in the dark.—AP US, and other Cuban officials. — AP THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 21, 2017 SPORTS

Bilic demands more Russia regains Rossi will try to race in from Arnautovic FIFA Council seat Spain with a broken leg

LONDON: West Ham United’s record signing Marko Arnautovic has plenty GENEVA: Russia has regained its place on the FIFA Council, six LONDON: Yamaha’s Valentino Rossi will try to make a race return in of ability but needs to venture outside of his comfort zone more often, months after Deputy Prime Minister Vitaly Mutko was blocked from Spain this weekend, three weeks after breaking his leg in an off-road manager Slaven Bilic has said. The Austrian playmaker set up goals for re-election. UEFA member federations yesterday elected Alexei training accident, if MotoGP doctors give him the green light. The 38- Angelo Ogbonna and Diafra Sakho before Arthur Masuaku Sorokin, CEO of the 2018 World Cup organizing committee, by accla- year-old Italian great was back on track in testing on Monday, sealed West Ham’s 3-0 League Cup win over Bolton mation as one of their delegates to FIFA’s strategy-setting commit- 18 days after suffering a double fracture, and did another Wanderers at the London Stadium on Tuesday. Despite his tee.The seat, which runs through 2021, was vacant since May when 20 laps on a road bike at Italy’s Misano circuit on Tuesday. contribution, Bilic demanded more from Arnautovic, who Mutko was formally forced to step down. Mutko’s candidacy was He underwent a medical in Italy on Wednesday and decid- West Ham prised from Stoke City for a reported fee of 25 blocked by FIFA’s then governance committee chairman, Miguel ed that while his leg had not fully healed, the result was million pounds ($33.80 million) in the off season. “I could Maduro, because of a conflict of interest with his government work. ‘positive’. “At the end I decided I will leave for Aragon and have asked for more. I want him to do more. He’s got Maduro, who was ousted by FIFA weeks later, said last week that the will try to ride my M1 this weekend,” he said in a that quality and that something extra,” Bilic told British world soccer body’s leaders put pressure on him to protect Mutko’s Yamaha statement. “If I will be declared fit to media after the game. “I like him as a player but position. Meeting with British lawmakers, Maduro said he was told ride, I’ll have the real answer after FP1 (first sometimes he gets happy with the few things that his ruling on Mutko’s eligibility could threaten FIFA President free practice on Friday), because riding that he does when I want him to push the bor- Gianni Infantino’s hold on power and “would be a disaster” for the the M1 will be a much bigger challenge. ders,” the manager added. — Reuters World Cup. —AP We’ll see.” —Reuters

Zain’s team with champions during the press conference. Zain strategic partner of Kuwait’s National Jet Ski team

KUWAIT: Zain, the leading telecommunica- ence held at the Kuwait Sea Sport Club head- World Jet Ski Championship. The company fur- ticipations, most notably many first place titles capabilities in excelling in different fields. tions company in Kuwait, announced its strate- quarters, Zain explained that this partnership ther expressed its keenness on encouraging of last year’s World Jet Ski Championship, held As a leading telecommunications company gic partnership of the Kuwait National Jet Ski falls under its solid Corporate Sustainability Kuwaiti athletes to represent Kuwait in the vari- in the United States. The company expressed in Kuwait, Zain is constantly looking to identify team for the seventh consecutive year. The and Social Responsibility strategy towards the ous internationally renowned championships. its pride in all National teams that raise the and support excellence across the sports sec- company’s sponsorship will extend during the youth and sports sectors as well as supporting The National Jet Ski team is authorized by Kuwaiti flag high by achieving top internation- tor. The company will continue to put Kuwaiti team’s participation in the upcoming World Jet Kuwaiti athletes. Zain expressed its utmost the Kuwait Sea Sport Club to officially repre- al titles, and it further confirms its commitment National teams and individual athletes at the Ski Championship 2017 that will be held in confidence in the talents of the Kuwaiti youth, sent Kuwait in regional and international Jet towards Kuwaiti champions, which resembles forefront of its priorities and pledges to contin- October at the Orlando, United States. expressing its wishes of the best of luck to the Ski championships. The team champions won the company’s endless confidence of the com- ue motivating them to achieve all the recogni- During its participation in the press confer- team on their upcoming participation in the a number of prominent titles during past par- petencies of these young athletes and their tion they deserve.

NHL NHL hoping to make inroads in China with preseason games

SHANGHAI: As the Vancouver Canucks held their first practice in Shanghai before their exhibition game with the Los Angeles Kings, a dense fog settled over the ice. The humidity in the arena was high and the players could bare- ly see the puck. Large dehumidifiers were rolled in and the mist eventually cleared, but the NHL has perhaps a bigger visibility prob- lem in China - a country with little tradition of winter sports, hockey included. The league is hoping to turn that around with a major push in the country, beginning with its first two pre- season games between the Canucks and Kings in Shanghai and Beijing this week. The timing couldn’t be better for the NHL. PHOENIX: NBA players Markieff, left, and Marcus Morris arrive with Gerald Bowman, With Beijing set to host the 2022 Winter right, at Superior Court for the second day of their aggravated assault trial, Tuesday Olympics, the government is putting a massive in Phoenix. The twins and Bowman are charged with assaulting Erik Hood outside a emphasis on developing winter sports. Hockey recreation center in 2015 in Phoenix. —AP training programs and youth leagues are expanding across China, and the nation’s first Man testifies in trial professional team, the Kunlan Red Star, plays in Russia’s Kontinental Hockey League. With interest on the rise, the NHL believes it over NBA players assault now has an opportunity to crack a market that has traditionally been more fixated on basket- PHOENIX: The man accusing NBA play- suggested Hood knew he had no chance ball and soccer. ers Marcus and Markieff Morris of aggra- of having a professional relationship with “You don’t quite know what to expect the vated assault was pressed Tuesday by the players after the 2011 incident, but first time the game is coming here, but I’ve SHANGHAI: In this Sept 19, 2017 photo, the Vancouver Canucks’ players practice at the foggy Mercedes-Benz Arena in Shanghai, China. The National Hockey League is looking to build its defense lawyers about his financial Hood insisted their relationship was not always believed that hockey is a game you visibility in China. It will hold its first two preseason games in the nation of 1.2 billion people motives in the case. An Arizona grand based on the twins making it to the NBA. need to see live,” Los Angeles Kings coach John jury indicted the Morris brothers on The Morris brothers were drafted this week, with the Vancouver Canucks and Los Angeles Kings facing each other in Shanghai Stevens said after Wednesday’s practice. “And and Beijing. — AP felony aggravated assault charges. They back-to-back in the first round of the once you see it live, you become hooked as a are accused of helping three other peo- 2011 NBA draft. The 6-foot-9 twins fan.” A glance at the numbers shows just how playoffs. The NHL also has an influential part- year-old Song has committed to play at Cornell ple beat Erik Hood outside a Phoenix became teammates in 2013 when far the NHL has to go. According to the ner on the ground in Zhou Yunjie, the billion- this season. On Monday, the Vancouver recreation center on Jan. 24, 2015. Marcus was traded to the Suns. Hood International Ice Hockey Federation, China has aire founder of a Chinese drinks packaging Canucks signed 21-year-old Sun Zehao to an Two of the other co-defendants stressed in court that he wasn’t looking just 1,101 registered players, compared with company who has devoted significant time amateur tryout contract to serve as the team’s pleaded guilty Sept. 13 to the same at any of the defendants differently from nearly 556,000 in the US and more than and resources to building the game he fell in third goaltender for the China preseason charges. The Morris brothers and the each other. 631,000 in Canada. love with as a youth in Beijing. Zhou’s compa- games. “He’s working with our goalie coach,” final defendant, Gerald Bowman, have Hood initially identified both Marcus And the fan base in a nation of more than ny, ORG Packaging, is the presenting partner Vancouver coach Travis Green said. “He liked pleaded not guilty. Hood told Phoenix and Markieff Morris as assailants, but tes- 1.2 billion people is still in its infancy. On for this week’s exhibition games. “Hockey was how quick (Sun) was, how competitive he was. police he was leaving a high school bas- tified that he couldn’t be sure whether Weibo, the Chinese equivalent of Twitter, the actually quite common in northern China back . I just think it’s a great experience for him.” The ketball game when he was approached Markieff had physically assaulted him or NHL has just 47,000 followers, some of whom in the ‘60s and ‘70s, so there is a foundation NHL should also get a boost in China as excite- by a friend of the Morris brothers. Hood was just in the vicinity. are obviously new to the sport. (One posted a among the kids in those areas,” Zhou told The ment builds for the 2022 Olympics. The league said the man was speaking to him when Defense attorneys pressed Hood on question about the temperature of the arena Associated Press at his company’s newly angered its players by deciding not to interrupt he was punched in the back of the head. his knowing about the NBA players’ sub- and what was suitable to wear to the game.) opened hockey training base in a Beijing sub- its season to allow them to take part in the Hood tried to run but fell down before stantial assets and asked if he was intent The NBA, which hosted its first preseason exhi- urb, which includes a fully stocked gym, physi- 2018 Games in South Korea in February. That five men, including the Morris twins, on having a claim on at least one of the bition games in China in 2004, boasts more cal therapy room and a hotel for players stance may change for 2022 in the much larger punched and kicked him repeatedly, Morris twins for his financial gain. Hood than 33 million followers on Weibo. attending training camps. Chinese market. To some, skipping the authorities said. All five left in a Rolls denied that claim. “We’re learning a lot about how to market Zhou said China’s hockey revival should Pyeongchang Olympics is a missed opportuni- Royce Phantom, according to police. Eckstein reviewed text messages Hood here and we’re learning a lot about how tickets focus on both universities and a professional ty to gain a bigger foothold in China. “With Hood, 36, testified he wanted justice for sent to multiple people indicating the are sold,” says David Proper, the NHL’s executive league, using the North American, northern 2022 coming up, winter sports are taking the the incident that left him with a broken Morris twins would have to pay him mil- vice president of media and international strat- European and Russian systems as models. leading focus of all sports in China right now - nose and other injuries. lions in financial damages for the case. egy. “We’re just viewing this as Year 1 of a mul- “It will take time before ice hockey really more so than football,” said Mark Dreyer, The Morris brothers have known The Morris brothers face the possibility of ti-year project and in Year 1 we may not knock becomes like a religion with young people as it founder of the China Sports Insider website. Hood since they were promising teenage prison time and discipline from the NBA, it out of the park . but we can still build over is in the West,” he said. “But ice hockey will defi- “They’ll be promoting the Korea Olympics AAU players, but Hood testified they had including a minimum 10-game suspen- time.” nitely catch on with lots of kids.” more than ever before.” a falling out in 2011. Hood testified that sion, if they are found guilty. Marcus was One thing that will certainly help is devel- For now, the league is focused on taking its his relationship with the brothers traded to the Boston Celtics in July, and INFLUENTIAL PARTNER oping a home-grown star similar to Yao Ming first baby steps in China, giving spectators in became strained because of a misinter- Markieff is now with the Washington Media exposure certainly helps. State in basketball and Li Na in tennis. There are Shanghai and Beijing a good show. “It’s going preted text message he sent their moth- Wizards. The two-week trial also threat- broadcaster CCTV now televises five games per promising signs on this front, too. to be pretty cool, especially for people who er. He said there was nothing “improper” ens to disrupt the start of their 2017 NBA week to Chinese audiences and the Internet Song Andong became the first China-born have never really experienced it before,” Kings happening with him and their mother. season, with training camp set to begin giant Tencent streams 14 games per week on player to be drafted in the NHL two years ago, forward Tanner Pearson said. “It’s going to Defense attorney Timothy Eckstein for both players on Sept 26. — AP its digital platforms, including the Stanley Cup selected by the New York Islanders. The 20- hopefully start something good here.” — AP SEPTEMBERDAY, SEPTEMBER 21 , 2017 SPORTS

DeMaurice Smith re-elected as head of NFL players’ union

NEW YORK: DeMaurice Smith has been tion,” NFLPA President Eric Winston said in said. “This is less about me than the 2,100 respond to Mehri’s comments. Smith was game suspension under the personal con- re-elected as executive director of the a statement, “the NFLPA selection com- players and 32 player reps who have been elected to the post in 2009 and led the duct policy. players’ union in a special committee mittee has unanimously selected disenfranchised; 26 clubs didn’t even players through the league’s lockout of But league spokesman Joe Lockhart vote. Under guidelines passed since his DeMaurice Smith to continue in the role have a representative on the executive them in 2011. That summer, the sides yesterday congratulated Smith on his re- last election as NFL Players Association of executive director. Congratulations to committee. “I talked to a number of player reached agreement on a new 10-year CBA election while avoiding getting into the head in 2015, a 14-player selection com- De and we know there is more work to be reps who were not on the executive com- that included, among other things, reduc- politics of it. “As far as we are concerned, mittee could bypass a full membership done.” mittee and the feedback was they want a tions in practice and meeting times and in we congratulate him on his re-election,” election. Added Smith: “The union centered on competition. Overwhelmingly, they said how much contact was allowed in those Lockhart said. “We That committee, made up of the 11 player leadership. I am proud of their that I am a serious candidate. practices. think we had productive negotiations members of the NFLPA executive commit- commitment, humbled by their trust in “No one I talked to remembers having The deal also allowed NFL with him in 2011 with the last collective tee plus the three longest-serving player me and honored to serve.” But attorney a big constitutional discussion about this Commissioner Roger Goodell to keep his bargaining agreement and believe that representatives, reviews the sitting execu- Cyrus Mehri, who had launched a cam- (change), so it’s kind of a mystery behind powers in overseeing fines and suspen- agreement has worked strongly for both tive director. That group can then call for paign to oppose Smith in a general elec- what happened with the amending of the sions in a variety of areas, including per- sides, ownership and players. “Most an election to keep the incumbent in tion in March, called the re-election “a constitution. “I also feel the union has lost sonal conduct. Smith and the union have important has been the joint effort to office, and the vote must be unanimous. non-democratic process” and vowed to a lot because they don’t have a leader claimed nearly ever since that Goodell has grow the game of football with things like The 14-0 vote took place Tuesday continue working toward having a full with legitimacy because this was a non- abused those powers, and they currently what you saw Sunday night in Atlanta night. “After a comprehensive and profes- election of the membership in March. democratic process.” are fighting the league in court over with a new stadium ... that grows the sional process in line with our constitu- “This was a very closed process,” Mehri A union spokesman declined to Cowboys running back Ezekiel Elliott’s six- game and works for both parties.—AP

SEATTLE: Seattle Mariners pitcher Nick Vincent (50) loses his footing tossing the ball to Seattle Mariners shortstop Jean Segura (2), who reaches to tag out Texas Rangers shortstop Elvis Andrus (1), trying to steal third, as third base- man Kyle Seager, right, runs to assist in the eighth inning of a baseball game Tuesday, in Seattle. — AP

BASEBALL Hoskins’ 4 RBIs lead Phillies over Dodgers 6-2

LOS ANGELES: Rhys Hoskins delivered a with walks, loading the bases with two outs. for the cycle. Cleveland leads Houston by 1 1/2 Diego past Arizona. Wood (3-3) allowed three the 10th inning asMiami rallied to defeat New bases-clearing, two-out double in the seventh games for the best record in the AL. hits and two walks with three strikeouts his York. Realmuto’s homer, off reliever Paul inning to lift Philadelphia past Los Angeles. It YANKEES 5, TWINS 2 10th start as a Padre. San Diego relievers Phil Sewald (0-6), was his 17th of the season. It was another stellar night at the plate for CC Sabathia pitched six solid innings as ASTROS 3, WHITE SOX 1 Maton, Buddy Baumann and Jose Torres each was Realmuto’s second career walk-off hit and Hoskins, a 24-year-old first baseman. He went New York widened its lead in the AL wild-card Jose Altuve matched his career high for pitched a scoreless inning to close out the win. his first career walk-off homer. Kyle 2-for-3 with a walk and four RBIs, raising his race over Minnesota. After the first pitch was home runs, and a four-man bullpen turned in Barraclough (6-2) earned the win after tossing average to .299 with 43 RBIs (and 18 home delayed 65 minutes by heavy rain, Sabathia an exceptional performance in Houston’s victo- RANGERS 3, MARINERS 1 a scoreless top of the 10th. runs) in his first 39 career games. Batting with (12-5) helped the Yankees take a six-game lead ry over Chicago. Altuve smacked an opposite- Shin-Soo Choo broke open a tie game with one out in the seventh inning after Odubel over the Twins and remain three games field homer off White Sox starter Lucas Giolito a sacrifice fly in the eighth inning, and Elvis ATHLETICS 9, TIGERS 8 Herrera drew a bases-loaded walk to tie the behind the Boston Red Sox in the AL East. (2-3) with one out in the fourth inning, pulling Andrus added an RBI single as Texas defeated Jed Lowrie hit a go-ahead grand slam and game at 2-2, Hoskins worked a 10-pitch at-bat the Astros even at 1-1 with his 24th dinger. Seattle. Carlos Gomez led off in the decisive drove in five runs, and Matt Olson homered against Dodgers reliever Pedro Baez (3-6) GIANTS 4, ROCKIES 3 eighth with a double to right. Delino for the fifth straight game to power Oakland before shooting a 97 mph fastball through the Hunter Pence’s sacrifice fly to center field NATIONALS 4, BRAVES 2 DeShields then beat out a bunt, with pinch past Detroit. Lowrie also tied the franchise gap in left-center. scored pinch runner Orlando Calixte with one Ryan Zimmerman’s three hits were the cen- runner Will Middlebrooks going to third. single-season record with his 47th double. out in the bottom of the ninth inning as San terpiece of an 11-hit attack and supported Jason Giambi established the mark in 2001. CUBS 2, RAYS 1 Francisco defeated Colorado. Pence earlier had seven strong innings from starter Max CARDINALS 8, REDS 7 (10 INNINGS) Olson’s solo shot in the second was his 15th Mike Montgomery took a no-hitter into the a two-run homer and Pablo Sandoval collected Scherzer as Washington beat Atlanta. Dexter Fowler tied the score with a solo long ball over the past 21 games and his 23rd sixth inning, and Chicago manager Joe three hits for the Giants. Sam Dyson (3-2), the Zimmerman was 3-for-5 with a double and home run in the eighth inning and drove of the year. Maddon won in his return to Tropicana Field as fourth San Francisco pitcher, got the win after two RBIs. The double was his 30th of the sea- home the go-ahead run with a double in the the Cubs claimed their seventh straight victo- pitching into and out of a ninth-inning jam. son, the sixth time he reached that milestone. 10th to lift St. Louis over Cincinnati. Juan BLUE JAYS 5, ROYALS 2 ry, holding the Tampa Bay Rays to one hit in a He has driven in 101 runs, the third time he Nicasio (4-5) earned the victory after pitching Marcus Stroman pitched seven strong 2-1 win Tuesday. Chicago got a solo home run BREWERS 1, PIRATES 0 surpassed 100 and nine shy of his career best. 1 1/3 innings, allowing a run on two hits. innings, and Darwin Barney homered and from Kyle Schwarber and an RBI double from Domingo Santana’s solo home run held up Scooter Gennett homered off Nicasio to make drove in three runs as Toronto defeated Javier Baez while limiting Tampa Bay to Brad as Milwaukee edged Pittsburgh. Santana’s PADRES 6, DIAMONDBACKS 2 it a one-run game leading off bottom of the Kansas City. Russell Martin also hit a two-run Miller’s solo home run in the sixth inning. homer, his 26th of the season, just cleared the Travis Wood gave up only a pair of A.J. 10th. Tyler Lyons retired both batters he faced double for the Blue Jays. Roberto Osuna Maddon managed the Rays for nine seasons short wall near the left field foul pole in the Pollock solo homers over six innings and to earn his third save. Marlins 5, Mets 4 (10 pitched a perfect ninth with two strikeouts to (2006-14), guiding them to their only fourth inning. It traveled only 338 feet and was added a two-run, two-out single to lead San innings)J.T. Realmuto hit a walk-off homer in earn his 37th save of the season. —Reuters American League pennant in 2008. the only damage the Brewers could muster against Pirates starter Trevor Williams (6-9). RED SOX 1, ORIOLES 0 (11 INNINGS) Jackie Bradley Jr. scored on a Brad Brach wild INDIANS 6, ANGELS 3 Bairstow 100, England eases to victory over WI in 1st ODI pitch with two outs in the top of the 11th inning Austin Jackson had four hits, and Roberto as Boston improved to 15-3 in extra-inning Perez had two hits including a home run as MANCHESTER: England gave Jonny Bairstow faultless century, striking 11 fours and batting Bangladesh, England, India, New Zealand, games this season. Bradley reached when Cleveland defeated Los Angeles for its 25th another opportunity at the top of the order and through England’s innings. Pakistan and South Africa. —AP grounding into a force for the first out of the victory in its last 26 games. The Indians’ Mike he responded with a maiden one-day interna- His century came from a drive through extra 11th against Brach (4-5), and Xander Bogaerts’ Clevinger (11-5) gave up one run and three tional century in a comfortable seven-wicket cover. He and Stokes ran three and he celebrat- groundout moved him to second. Andrew hits in six innings while Jay Bruce led a 14-hit win over West Indies in the series-opener on ed with a leap and a punch in the air. Stokes Benintendi and Mookie Betts both followed attack by coming a home run short of hitting Tuesday. Bairstow was 100 not out, reaching ended it straight after with his second six and three figures on the penultimate ball of the was 23 not out as England barely broke a sweat match. Next delivery, Ben Stokes launched a six to win. Kesrick Williams was West Indies’ best over long-on to seal the win. England finished bowler with 2-50, removing Root and England MLB Results/Standings on 210-3 off 30.5 overs, easily chasing down captain Eoin Morgan for 10. It began brightly West Indies’ 204-9 off 42 overs in the shortened for West Indies in Gayle’s first one-day interna- San Francisco 4, Colorado 3; San Diego 6, Arizona 2; Texas 3, Seattle 1; Cleveland 6, LA Angels 3; Houston 3, match. A two-hour delay for a wet outfield tional since the 2015 World Cup. He was Chicago White Sox 1; Washington 4, Atlanta 2; Chicago Cubs 2, Tampa Bay 1; Miami 5, NY Mets 4 (10 innings); meant the game was reduced to 42 overs per dropped by Root on 0, then hit three sixes and Oakland 9, Detroit 8; St. Louis 8, Cincinnati 7 (10 innings); Toronto 5, Kansas City 2; Boston 1, Baltimore 0 (11 side, but any notion that that would play into two fours in his 37 from 27 balls. innings); Philadelphia 6, LA Dodgers 2; Milwaukee 1, Pittsburgh 0; NY Yankees 5, Minnesota 2. the hands of the West Indies, the world 20-over Gayle fell as he was starting to get going, American League National League champions, was convincingly dispelled. Apart though, this time when Root held onto a sec- Eastern Division Eastern Division from a burst of boundary-hitting from Chris ond chance with a brilliant running catch at W L PCT GB Washington 91 59 .607 - Gayle at the start of the West Indian innings extra cover. West Indies lost all its momentum Boston 87 64 .576 - Miami 71 80 .470 20.5 and a fighting 41 not out from Jason Holder at in the middle overs, with Stokes leading NY Yankees 84 67 .556 3 Atlanta 67 82 .450 23.5 the end, the tourists were outclassed. England’s bowlers on his return after being Tampa Bay 73 78 .483 14 NY Mets 65 86 .430 26.5 Stokes took 3-43 to restrict the West Indians rested for the one-off Twenty20 game on Baltimore 73 79 .480 14.5 Philadelphia 60 91 .397 31.5 to the below-par total despite the rapid start Saturday. The International Cricket Council said Toronto 71 80 .470 16 Central Division from Gayle. Chris Woakes and Adil Rashid had following the match that the West Indies’ loss Central Division Chicago Cubs 84 66 .560 - two each. Bairstow and Joe Root (54) put meant that Sri Lanka had qualified for the 2019 Cleveland 94 57 .623 - Milwaukee 81 70 .536 3.5 Minnesota 78 73 .517 16 together a 125-run stand for the second wicket Cricket World Cup in England and Wales. The St. Louis 78 72 .520 6 Kansas City 73 77 .487 20.5 and England won with ease to take the lead in ICC said that with Sept. 30 as the cutoff for Pittsburgh 68 84 .447 17 Detroit 62 89 .411 32 the five-match series. automatic qualification, West Indies could not Chicago White Sox 60 90 .400 33.5 Cincinnati 66 85 .437 18.5 Bairstow was promoted to opener in move past Sri Lanka regardless of the outcome MANCHESTER: England’s Joe Root bowled Western Division Western Division England’s last ODI, the loss to Pakistan in the of its remaining matches in England. West by West Indies Kesrick Williams during Houston 92 58 .613 - LA Dodgers 96 55 .636 - Champions Trophy semifinals in June. He was Indies could still qualify for the 2019 event via a the first One Day International cricket LA Angels 76 74 .507 16 Arizona 87 65 .572 9.5 again preferred there ahead of Jason Roy for qualifying tournament next year. Sri Lanka match between England and West Indies Texas 74 76 .493 18 Colorado 82 69 .543 14 the start of this series and seized his opportuni- became the eighth team to qualify directly, at Old Trafford in Manchester, England, San Diego 68 83 .450 28 Seattle 74 77 .490 18.5 ty. Bairstow needed just 97 balls for his near joining defending champion Australia, Tuesday. —AP Oakland 68 83 .450 24.5 San Francisco 59 93 .388 37.5 THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 21, 2017 SPORTS

FIFA president Infantino says time to reform transfer rat race

GENEVA: FIFA president Gianni which are somewhere in the air but teams could strengthen their squads euro move from Barcelona to Paris St movement into a negative light. From Infantino appealed to European foot- which have never been addressed... in a after a poor start to the season, he Germain, plus 18-year-old French for- a perception point of view, it doesn’t ball bosses yesterday to help reform the significant way.” added: “When you run a marathon, you ward Kylian Mbappe’s move to the feel right.” sport’s transfer system and described Later, Infantino told reporters from don’t run for 10 kilometres and then same Ligue 1 club. The Swiss, who previously told the current set-up as a “rat race” which international news agencies of his ideas take a bike.” He also said that the transfer market Reuters in an interview last November had cast football in a negative light. for new regulations governing the roles Infantino, who was elected FIFA “doesn’t necessarily reflect very well” on that he wanted to reform the transfer “It is the responsibility of all of us to of agents, limits on the sizes of club president in February of last year, said the sport, although he still believed it system, said that leagues and clubs felt tackle the transfer system,” Infantino squads and the co-ordination of trans- that spending on international transfers played an important role in redistribut- the same way. “I see it from the discus- said in a speech at the extraordinary fer windows so they closed before had totalled around 4.6 billion euros ing resources. sions I had with players, clubs, leagues, congress of European soccer body major championships start. ($5.5 billion) during the northern hemi- “What is worrying is the inflation associations,” he said. UEFA. “We have to come up with some “We have to make sure that transfers sphere summer compared to 3.6 billion that these transfers trigger and the rat “I have never felt it is as strongly as I positive solutions for agents, transfer don’t affect the integrity of the compe- euros for the same period the year race that this entails with all the other do now. It’s not limited only to Europe regulations, for loans and transfer win- titions, they should indeed stop before before. These included Brazilian forward clubs,” he said. “All these negative and we need to have a framework at dows, (salary) caps and all these items the start,” he said. Referring to the way Neymar’s record-shattering 222 million headlines bring the whole football worldwide level.” — Reuters

Klopp angry as Liverpool eliminated from League Cup

LONDON: Liverpool failed to finish off a fringe players for what is regarded as the slew of chances and conceded a sloppy inferior cup competition on the English cal- goal in a 2-0 loss at Leicester in the English endar, compared to the FA Cup. League Cup, arousing the ire of its frustrat- ed manager Juergen Klopp on Tuesday. It is SPURS EDGE THROUGH becoming a familiar narrative for the Reds In another unconvincing domestic dis- in a disappointing month when they play at its temporary home of Wembley haven’t won any of their four matches. Stadium, Tottenham beat second-tier Questions are now being asked the team’s Barnsley 1-0 thanks to Dele Alli’s close- efficiency at both ends of the field. range goal in the 65th minute. Liverpool over-ran Leicester in a domi- Tottenham hasn’t won any of its three nant first-half display, with Philippe Premier League games at Wembley this Coutinho orchestrating the attacks from season, but has beaten Borussia Dortmund midfield. But the visitors struggled after the in the Champions League. Brazil playmaker was substituted at half- time of the third-round match in a pre- HODGSON’S FIRST WIN planned move from Klopp. Crystal Palace scored its first goal since In another game-changing substitution, Aug. 22 to earn a 1-0 win over Huddersfield Shinji Okazaki came on in the 53rd minute and a first victory under new manager Roy for Leicester, scored 12 minutes later with a Hodgson. Bakary Sako was the scorer from deflected shot after Liverpool’s defense a corner. was beaten to two headers, and then laid Palace has started the Premier League the ball on for Islam Slimani to drive home season with five straight losses and no a stunning second goal at King Power sta- goals, the first time that has happened in dium. “Second ball from a corner and a goal the history of England’s top flight. Hodgson from a throw-in - I’m sick of goals like this, replaced the fired Frank de Boer last week. to be honest. Unbelievable,” Klopp said. Defender Pape Souare came on as a substi- Referring to the first goal, Klopp added: tute for Palace for his first appearance since “We didn’t push up together - I say it one breaking his jaw and thigh, and picking up time, I say it a thousand times. It’s not nice other injuries, in a car crash a year ago. to concede these goals.” Since beating Arsenal 4-0 in the Premier STOKE, BURNLEY ELIMINATED League before the international break, Stoke lost 2-0 at Bristol City and Burnley BARCELONA: FC Barcelona’s Denis Suarez, right, duels for the ball during the Spanish La Liga soccer match between FC Barcelona and Eibar at Liverpool has been thrashed 5-0 by was eliminated on penalties by Leeds after the Camp Nou stadium in Barcelona, Spain, Tuesday. — AP Manchester City and drawn 1-1 at home to a 2-2 draw, as two second-tier League Burnley in the league, conceded late to Championship teams got the better of SOCCER draw 2-2 with Sevilla in the Champions Premier League sides. Bristol City also League, and has now been eliminated from knocked out a Premier League team in the League Cup. Watford in the second round. Klopp is easing Coutinho back to full Bournemouth, West Ham and Swansea Messi nets four goals to keep match sharpness after the midfielder were Premier League teams to advance to missed Liverpool’s first six games of the Round 4. — AP season - officially because of injury and ill- Barcelona with perfect record ness - while he was the subject of three transfer bids from Barcelona. MADRID: Lionel Messi added to his impres- Leicester couldn’t handle Coutinho’s Matches on TV sive start to the season by scoring four goals passing and movement in the first half, and James stars for Bayern Munich (Local Timings) and helping Barcelona rout Eibar 6-1 to only came into the game when he was off extend its perfect record in the Spanish the field. “They’ve got a world-class player SPANISH LEAGUE league on Tuesday. Messi converted a penalty in win at Schalke in Coutinho,” Leicester manager Craig in the first half and scored three more goals in Shakespeare said. Villarreal v Espanyol 21:00 the second to give Barcelona its fifth straight BERLIN: James Rodriguez starred on his first and Robert Lewandowski duly converted from “I was very relieved when he went off.” beIN SPORTS HD 3 victory in the league. Bundesliga start for Bayern Munich, scoring the spot. It got worse for the home side four one goal and playing a role in the others for a minutes later, when Bayern scored after a Liverpool finished the game having had 21 Celta de Vigo v Getafe 22:00 The Argentina playmaker took his tally to 3-0 win at Schalke on Tuesday. James, who Schalke throw-in. Thomas Mueller, shots, but only three on target. Against beIN SPORTS HD 2 12 goals in eight matches this season, includ- Burnley on Saturday, the Reds only scored switched from Real Madrid in the offseason, Lewandowski and Corentin Tolisso worked the Levante v Real Sociedad 23:00 ing nine in the five league games. Messi had earned a penalty and then scored in the first ball to the unmarked James, who wrong-foot- once from 35 shots. Tottenham was among already scored a hat trick in Barcelona’s 5-0 half, before brilliantly setting up Arturo Vidal ed Ralf Faehrmann to score his first Bundesliga the other Premier League teams to win on beIN SPORTS HD 3 rout of Espanyol in the Catalan derby two to wrap up the win in the second. goal. Mueller hit the post with a header from a a night when top-flight sides mostly fielded rounds ago. “James played very well, very much for the cross by James after the break, before substi- The result gave Barcelona a five-point lead team with good combination-play, but physi- tute Yevhen Konoplyanka went close at the over Sevilla, which hosts Las Palmas today. cally he is not yet at 100 percent,” Bayern other end. Schalke coach Domenico Tedesco Real Sociedad, six points back, is at Levante coach said. While the brought on Swiss forward Breel Embolo for Real dominate FIFPro today. Defending champion Real Madrid, sev- Colombian midfielder made his first league McKennie with just over half an hour remain- en points behind Barcelona, hosts Real Betis. start for Bayern, American teenager Weston ing. Any hopes of an equalizer ended when award nominations It has been a rather unexpectedly good start McKennie did likewise for the home team. James eluded two defenders and delivered a to the season for Barcelona, which began the Despite the efforts of the 19-year-old Texan perfect ball for Vidal to strike with a volley to MADRID: Real Madrid is the best repre- Giorgio Chiellini (Italy/Juventus), Diego league amid turmoil after seeing Neymar midfielder - who covered more ground than the top corner. “Altogether there’s no denying sented club with a record 13 names on Godin (Uruguay/Atletico Madrid), Mats leave for Paris Saint-Germain and losing the any other player in the first half - Schalke had that Bayern had a very good day. Then it’s hard the international players’ association Hummels (Germany/Bayern Munich), Spanish Super Cup match to Real Madrid. no answer to James’ individual brilliance. for any team,” Schalke general manager “We created the goals very well, so we Christian Heidel said. FIFPro’s shortlist of 55 contenders for its Phillipp Lahm (Germany/Bayern Munich It is the best start to the league for Messi, deserved to win,” said Bayern’s reserve goal- World XI Player Awards. The Spanish retired), David Luiz (Brazil/Chelsea) who in 2011-12 had scored eight goals after five matches. He is the league’s leading scorer, keeper Sven Ulreich, playing in place of WOLFSBURG FRUSTRATION, giants, who won both the La Liga and Marcelo (Brazil/Real Madrid), Javier Germany No. 1 Manuel Neuer. Neuer has been AUGSBURG ELATION Champions League titles last season, also Mascherano (Argentina/Barcelona), Pepe with four goals more than Simone Zaza of Valencia, who had a hat trick in a 5-0 rout of ruled out until January with another hairline Fin Bartels’ second-half header earned held the previous club record of having (Portugal/Real Madrid/Besiktas), Gerard fracture of the metatarsal in his left foot. Werder Bremen a 1-1 draw at Wolfsburg and Malaga earlier Tuesday. 12 players on the list in both 2014 and Pique(Spain/Barcelona), Sergio Ramos The home side was first to have the ball in denied Martin Schmidt a winning start as 2015. (Spain/Real Madrid), Thiago Silva “He is one of the smartest players I’ve ever the net, but Amine Harit’s goal was ruled out coach. Schmidt was appointed Monday when Nine Spaniards have made the short- (Brazil/Paris St-Germain), Samuel Umtiti seen on a field,” Barcelona coach Ernesto as Bastian Oczipka was offside. Ulreich had Wolfsburg fired Andries Jonker after the team list, making Spain the most well-repre- (France/Barcelona), Antonio Valencia Valverde said of Messi. “You don’t really know done well with two saves beforehand. Bayern had claimed just four points in its opening four sented country, with France and Brazil (Ecuador/Manchester United), Raphael how, but he is always in good position. He is got the penalty after referee Marco Fritz con- games. Michael Gregoritsch’s fourth-minute close behind on seven nominations Varane (France/Real Madrid) extraordinary.” It was the fourth time Messi sulted his video assistant to see if Naldo had strike was enough for Augsburg to beat visit- each. England, who dominated the inau- Midfielders: Thiago Alcantara has scored four goals or more with Barcelona. handled the ball when James cut it back. The ing Leipzig 10 for its third win from five games. gural shortlist back in 2005 with 10 nom- (Spain/Bayern Munich), Sergio Busquets Brazil midfielder Paulinho and Denis Suarez Brazilian defender was going to ground but Two goals from Brazilian midfielder Raffael inations, have just one representative (Spain/Barcelona), Casemiro (Brazil/Real also scored for the Catalan club, while Sergi had his arms raised when the ball struck. gave Borussia Moenchengladbach a 2-0 win at this year in Tottenham Hotspur striker Madrid), Philippe Coutinho Enrich netted Eibar’s goal. Protests by Schalke players had no effect home over promoted Stuttgart. — AP Harry Kane, who has made the list for the (Brazil/Liverpool), Eden Hazard Barcelona was without Ousmane Dembele, first time. (Belgium/Chelsea), Andres Iniesta who injured his left thigh at the weekend and Portugal forward Cristiano Ronaldo (Spain/Barcelona), Isco (Spain/Real is expected to be sidelined for up to four and Juventus goalkeeper Gianluigi Madrid), N’Golo Kante (France/Chelsea), months. The young France forward, Buffon are also included, making them Toni Kroos (Germany/Real Madrid), Barcelona’s top signing during the transfer the only two players to make every Nemanja Matic window, traveled to Finland to undergo sur- shortlist since the first World XI in 2005. (Serbia/Chelsea/Manchester United), gery on a ruptured tendon. He made only About 25,000 professional footballers Luka Modric (Croatia/Real Madrid), three appearances after arriving to replace took part in the poll, which this year cov- Mesut Ozil (Germany/Arsenal), Paul Neymar. ers performances by players from August Pogba (France/Manchester United), Valverde left Luis Suarez on the bench and to June, aligned with the majority of club Marco Verratti (Italy/Paris St-Germain), started with Gerard Deulofeu, Denis Suarez competitions. Previous editions covered Arturo Vidal (Chile/Bayern Munich) and Messi as a false “9” in the attack. Paulinho, player performances in a calendar year. Forwards: Gareth Bale (Wales/Real the Brazil midfielder who came off the bench The final World XI will be announced Madrid), Karim Benzema (France/Real to score the winner against Getafe on at an awards ceremony in London on Madrid), Edinson Cavani (Uruguay/Paris Saturday, also made it to the starting lineup. Oct. 23. Full shortlist (home country/club St-Germain), Paulo Dybala “Today we have been able to rest certain in 2016-17): (Argentina/Juventus), Antoine Griezmann players and give playing time to others who Goalkeepers: Gianluigi Buffon (France/Atletico Madrid), Zlatan needed to play and it turned out well,” (Italy/Juventus), David de Gea Ibrahimovic (Sweden/Manchester Valverde said. (Spain/Manchester United), Keylor Navas United), Harry Kane (England/Tottenham (Costa Rica/Real Madrid), Manuel Neuer Hotspur), Robert Lewandowski LOSING AGAIN (Germany/Bayern Munich), Jan Oblak (Poland/Bayern Munich), Romelu Lukaku Valencia won 5-0 with a hat trick by (Slovenia/Atletico Madrid) (Belgium/Everton/Manchester United), Simone Zaza to hand Malaga its fifth Defenders: David Alaba Kylian Mbappe (France/Monaco/Paris St- straight loss to start the season. Zaza scored (Austria/Bayern Munich), Jordi Alba Germain), Lionel Messi his three goals eight minutes apart early in (Spain/Barcelona), Dani Alves (Argentina/Barcelona), Neymar the second half to give Valencia its first vic- (Brazil/Paris St-Germain), Jerome (Brazil/Barcelona/Paris St-Germain), tory after three straight draws and move the GELSENKIRCHEN: Schalke goalkeeper Ralf Faehrmann, right, catches a ball alone in front Boateng (Germany/Bayern Munich), Cristiano Ronaldo (Portugal/Real Madrid), club into third place. Forward Santi Mina of Bayern’s Thiago during the German Bundesliga soccer match between FC Schalke 04 Leonardo Bonucci (Italy/Juventus/AC Alexis Sanchez (Chile/Arsenal), Luis and Rodrigo also scored for the hosts at and Bayern Munich at the Arena in Gelsenkirchen, Germany, Tuesday. —AP Milan), Dani Carvajal (Spain/Real Madrid), Suarez (Uruguay/Barcelona). — Reuters Mestalla Stadium. — AP NHL hoping to make Messi nets four goals inroads in China to keep Barcelona with preseason games with perfect record

THURSDAY,13 SEPTEMBER 21, 2017 15 Hoskins’ 4 RBIs lead Phillies over Dodgers 6-2 Page 14

PRAGUE: (L to R) Swiss tennis player Roger Federer, Spanish tennis player Rafael Nadal, Swedish former tennis player Bjorn Borg, former tennis player of Australia Rod Laver,former tennis player of US John McEnroe pose on the stage ahead of the tennis Laver Cup yesteray in Prague, Czech Republic. European players compete against players from the rest of the World during the Laver Cup tournament that runs from from September 22-24. — AFP Nadal, Federer lead Europe in inaugural Laver Cup

PRAGUE: Rafael Nadal and Roger Federer will watch events that Laver Cup organisers hope to the players wouldn’t be here,” the Swiss great Krygios and Canadian Denis Shapovalov. In a bid to keep the pace humming, the set aside their long-time rivalry when they play showcase. “I’ve been watching these guys play told a news conference. “The best (players) in the With five players inside the world’s top 10, the indoor hard court matches at Prague’s O2 Arena for Europe against the rest of the world in the for so many years, it’s going to be a fun week- world are very picky in what (tournaments) they Borg-led European squad is heavily favoured will be best-of-three sets with a 10-point tiebreak inaugural Laver Cup tournament which starts end,” Borg, now 61, told reporters yesterday. “But play, which (is why it) is great they made this a against a world team hit by Argentine Juan deciding the final set. With no player featuring in tomorrow. Team Europe, featuring the world’s make no mistake, we are here to win.” Conceived priority.” “(We’re) looking forward to making Martin del Potro’s late withdrawal due to injury. singles more than twice during the first two days, top two players, are overwhelming favourites to by Federer and his sports management company friendships because we play together and not “I’m expecting a lot of fun but at the same Nadal and Federer could see themselves on the win the three-day tournament, which is named Team8, the tournament is the latest to join a against each other for a change.” time I know it’s going to be very competitive,” the same side of the net in a mouthwatering doubles after Australian great Rod Laver, with a squad crowded calendar and comes on the heels of the 22-year-old Krygios told reporters. “We are the pairing. “We don’t even know if captain Borg is boasting a combined 36 grand slam titles against Davis Cup semi-finals last week. EUROPE FAVOURED underdogs.” going to pick us but, of course, I would love to one for Team World. World number two Federer played down the Team Europe also includes German Alexander The tournament, which will rotate between play with Rafa and see that forehand do damage The teams are captained by Bjorn Borg and impact of another event, saying matches over a Zverev, Croatia’s Marin Cilic, Austrian Dominic Europe and the rest of the world each year, fea- on the other side (of the net),” Federer said. John McEnroe, whose own rivalry starting in the short period were manageable and gave players Thiem and Czech Tomas Berdych. Team World tures three singles and one doubles match each “I’m sure that the crowd would go absolutely 1970s featured a contrast in temperament and on the two teams the chance to build cama- features Americans Sam Querrey, Jack Sock, John day. A win is worth one point on Friday, two on crazy and just because of that it would just be style that made their matches the kind of must- raderie. “I don’t think it’s too much otherwise all Isner and Frances Tiafoe plus Australia’s Nick Saturday and three on Sunday. great to play us potentially.” — Reuters

Jake LaMotta, boxing’s ‘Raging Bull,’ dead at 90s

MIAMI: Jake LaMotta, the brutish former boxing “The three toughest fighters I’ve ever been up went several years thinking he had beaten a bookie champion whose life of violence in and out of the against were Sugar Ray Robinson, Sugar Ray to death in a robbery. As an adult, he was abusive to ring was portrayed in the movie “Raging Bull,” died on Robinson and Sugar Ray Robinson,” LaMotta said. “I women and once severely beat his wife Vicki and his Tuesday, according to one of his daughters. LaMotta, fought Sugar so many times, I’m surprised I’m not dia- best friend after hearing they were having an affair. who admitted intentionally losing a fight at the betic,” he said in a line that he would use often. Mobsters had a great deal of control over boxing dur- behest of mobsters, was in his 90s, listing his birthday Fighting mostly as a middleweight and known as ing LaMotta’s career but he refused to take on a as July 10, 1922, while other sources had the year as the “Raging Bull” and “Bronx Bull,” LaMotta finished his Mafia-connected manager. He did, however, agree to 1921. His daughter Christi LaMotta announced the 13-year career with 83 victories (30 by knockout), 19 throw his 1947 match against Billy Fox in return for a death on her personal Facebook page but did not dis- losses and four draws. He was never knocked out and long-sought chance to fight for a championship. In close the cause of death. in 2002, the authoritative Ring Magazine ranked him his autobiography LaMotta said he had trouble mak- LaMotta’s seventh wife, Denise Baker, told ABC 52nd on its list of the 80 best fighters of the previous ing the Fox fight look convincing. The referee stopped News that the boxer, who had been living in a nursing 80 years. While LaMotta’s strength and volatility made the fight in the fourth round as Fox pounded home in Miami, died of complications of pneumonia. him one of the top fighters of the 1940s and ‘50s, by LaMotta, who was not defending himself. By that Actor Robert DeNiro, who won an Academy Award in his own admission, his paranoid, jealous and self- point, LaMotta wrote, “If there was anybody in the 1981 for his movie portrayal of LaMotta, issued a destructive nature led to a life of turmoil. Garden who didn’t know what was happening, he statement saying, “Rest in Peace, Champ.” must have been dead drunk.” LaMotta was suspend- LaMotta, who grew up in a rough neighborhood EARLY CRIMES ed for several months after the bout and admitted in New York City’s Bronx borough, had a fearless ring LaMotta was a raging bull of a hoodlum as a child. throwing the fight when he testified to a Senate sub- TOKYO: Garbine Muguruza of Spain returns a shot to Monica Puig of Puerto Rico style in which he closed in on an opponent, leaning After being beaten up at school once, LaMotta told committee investigating boxing corruption in 1960. during their second round match of the Pan Pacific Open tennis tournament in low and forward, and began battering away with little Reuters his abusive father gave him an ice pick to use The mob did give LaMotta his shot at the title, Tokyo, yesterday. — AP concern about the shots he might take in return. He on his attackers. “And when I went after them with an though, and he made good on it, defeating French- had a reputation for having the strongest chin in the ice pick, they ran away,” he said. “Then I realized I Algerian Marcel Cerdan in 1949 to win the mid- Muguruza beats Puig to reach sport. “Punches never bothered me that much,” he didn’t have to use an ice pick any more. I was good dleweight crown. once told the Times of London. LaMotta’s career was enough with my fists.” He fought other neighborhood LaMotta held the title almost two years before los- Pan Pacific quarter-finals highlighted by a rivalry with the legendary Sugar Ray boys in matches that adults bet on and ended up at a ing it to Robinson in their sixth fight on Feb. 14, 1951, Robinson, who beat LaMotta in five of their six match- juvenile facility for attempting to rob a jewelry store. a bout so fierce it became known as the St. Valentine’s TOKYO: Garbine Muguruza began her reign the quarterfinals for the fourth straight year. es, including an especially ferocious title bout in 1951. Due to an erroneous newspaper report, LaMotta Day Massacre. LaMotta took a brutal pounding from as No. 1 with a 6-4, 6-0 win over Monica Puig Muguruza took over at No. 1 from Robinson but was never knocked down in a fight yesterday, earning a spot in the quarterfinals Karolina Pliskova, who also advanced with a stopped by the referee in the 13th round. of the Pan Pacific Open. 6-2, 6-1 win over Magda Linette. After coast- LaMotta retired three years after that loss to Playing in her first tournament since ing through the first set, the Czech player Robinson. Martin Scorsese’s 1980 “Raging Bull” movie earning the WTA’s top ranking, the broke her opponent with a backhand to the was based on LaMotta’s 1970 autobiography and the Wimbledon champion broke Puig to go up corner in the sixth game before serving out boxer helped DeNiro prepare for the starring role by 5-0 in the second set and then won with her to win. The second-seeded Pliskova, who training and sparring with the actor. “When I saw the third ace of the match. had eight aces against Linette, will next face film I was upset,” LaMotta told an interviewer. “I kind “I’m happy to win my first match as No. 1,” seventh-seeded Angelique Kerber. Kerber of look bad in it. Then I realized it was true. That’s the Muguruza said. “I have to be ready and every beat Daria Kasatkina 7-6 (5), 6-3. way it was. I was a no-good bastard ... It’s not the way I match is going to be tougher now.” Also, Anastasia Pavlyuchenkova of Russia am now but the way I was then.” After retiring from Puig beat Muguruza 6-1, 6-1 at the Rio de advanced with a 6-4, 4-6, 6-2 win over Wang the ring, LaMotta tried standup comedy and had a Janeiro Olympics and maintained that Qiang. Second-seeded Karolina Pliskova few small acting roles, most notably in the Paul momentum early on but Muguruza found used a strong serve to help overpower Newman-Jackie Gleason movie “The Hustler” and the her pace by breaking in the opening game Magda Linette of Poland 6-2, 6-1 yesterday 1960s sitcom “Car 54, Where Are You?” He opened a of the second set. A stretch of 12 points won to advance to the Pan Pacific Open quarterfi- nightclub in Florida and in 1967 was sentenced to in succession formed part of another break nals. After coasting through the first set, the prison for six months on a charge of promoting pros- as the Spaniard raced out to a 4-0 lead. Czech player broke her opponent with a titution. LaMotta was in his 90s when he took the “The last time I played her it didn’t go my backhand to the corner in the sixth game stage for a poorly reviewed cabaret-style show based way at all,” Muguruza said. “This time, I found before serving out to win in just over an on his life and co-starring seventh wife Baker, recall- a better way to play and got the victory. In hour at Ariake Colloseum. ing highlights from his career and reciting Marlon the second set, I kind of learned what I did Pliskova, who had eight aces against NEW YORK: This file photo taken on January 27, 2005 shows boxer Jake LaMotta and actor Robert De Brando’s “I coulda been a contender” monologue well in the first set.” Linette, will face either seventh-seeded Niro attending a special screening of “Raging Bull” to celebrate it’s 25th anniversary and DVD release in from the movie “On the Waterfront.” LaMotta had six Muguruza will next face either Kurumi Angelique Kerber or Daria Kasatkina in the New York. LaMotta, the former world middleweight boxing champion who was portrayed by De Niro in children from his seven marriages. Robinson was the Nara or Caroline Garcia as she takes part in quarterfinals.— AP the Scorcese film “Raging Bull,” has died at age 95, his family announced yesterday. — AFP best man at the sixth wedding. —Reuters British trade mission from N Ireland to visit Kuwait Page 18

ThyssenKrupp-Tata Business steel merger may spark jobs war THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 21, 2017 Page 20 Reforms could boost Asia firms’ sentiment slips on geo-political tensions Kuwait-Qatar ties Page 19 Page 21

HONG KONG: A woman poses while facing Victoria Harbor and the Kowloon skyline as her friend takes photos of her in Hong Kong yesterday. — AFP Kuwait credit rating at Aa2 stable: Moody’s State’s credit profile supported by strong balance-sheet

KUWAIT: Kuwait’s credit profile is supported by event that parliamentary resistance blocks or capita in purchasing power terms at approxi- with plans to cap spending at 2017/18 levels investment income). the government’s exceptionally strong balance forces the reversal of planned reforms to govern- mately USD 71,887 in 2016, the sixth-highest supports this view. Furthermore, the Kuwaiti Kuwait’s susceptibility to event risk is sheet, with assets in the Kuwait Investment ment finances and the management of govern- amongst rated sovereigns and slightly higher authorities have signalled renewed willingness “Moderate”. Similar to most other GCC countries, Authority (KIA) estimated to exceed 550 percent ment debt,” Moody’s said in its report. than Norway’s (Aaa stable). However, the very to increase transparency with regard to govern- Kuwait’s geographical location renders it vulner- of GDP, roughly 29 times outstanding govern- high dependence on the oil sector has led to ment financial assets. able to regional geopolitical event risk, which ment debt in 2016. Fiscal balance wide fluctuations in economic performance. Oil- The successful Eurobond issuance earlier in dominates our event risk assessment for Kuwait. Vast hydrocarbon reserves are estimated to In addition, a further sustained fall in the price sector GDP accounted for an average of 62 per- the year supports improved transparency and However, Kuwait enjoys close relations with the exceed 88 years at current rates of production, of oil, a further marked worsening in the fiscal bal- cent of total nominal GDP between 2011-15, and institutional development. Kuwait scores only US (which has demonstrated strong commit- the credit rating agency Moody’s Investors ance for which there was no clear plan for reversal, the oil price shock has significantly reduced moderately in terms of its institutional frame- ment to protecting Kuwait’s sovereignty), other Service reported on Tuesday. However, the gov- and/or signs of falling government financial assets nominal GDP. work and government effectiveness in the G8 countries, and fellow GCC members. The gov- ernment remains highly dependent on these oil would also exert downward pressure on the rat- Worldwide Governance Indicators. Kuwait’s fis- ernment also attempts to maintain stable rela- revenues, rendering it vulnerable to oil price ing. A deterioration in the domestic or regional Vast oil wealth cal strength score is “Very High (+)”. Given the tions with neighboring Iran and Iraq and has tak- volatility. The outlook for Kuwait’s Aa2 rating is political environment resulting in disruptions to In addition, partly because of its vast oil extraordinarily large government financial assets en a mediating role in the ongoing regional stable. Fiscal challenges arising from a period of oil production and/or a deterioration in the busi- wealth, Kuwait has been slower than other high- managed by KIA, we have adjusted the score diplomatic dispute. We forecast a contraction of lower for longer oil prices are balanced by vast ness climate would also be credit negative. ly rated GCC governments to develop its nonoil upwards from an indicative score of “Very High.” 2.7 percent in oil GDP in 2017 as a result of lower sovereign asset buffers, a low fiscal breakeven oil “We have adjusted Kuwait’s score for eco- sector through encouraging private sector activi- oil production volumes, according to the report. price, and a gradual fiscal and economic reform nomic strength upwards from the indicative ty or attracting foreign investment. This has Moderate risk However, in the event that OPEC votes to extend program which should ultimately lower expo- “Moderate (-)” to “High (+)” to reflect the coun- resulted in an oversized public sector relative to As a result of the fall in oil prices Kuwait post- or even reduce production allocations in 2018 sure to the oil sector. try’s exceptionally high wealth levels, as well as the private sector. ed a sharp drop in its fiscal balance to a small we would likely look to revise down our 2018 real Steady diversification of government rev- its substantial hydrocarbons endowment.” Kuwait’s institutional strength score of “High surplus of about 1.2 percent of GDP in fiscal year GDP growth forecasts - which currently antici- enues and economic activity away from the oil According to the 2017 BP Statistical Review of (-)” is adjusted up from the indicative score of 2015, which ended in March 2016, and we esti- pates a 1.9 percent expansion in oil GDP - given sector could apply upwards pressure on the rat- World Energy, in 2016 the country had the sev- “Moderate (+)”. Positive fiscal reform steps under- mate that the fiscal balance deteriorated further Kuwait’s strong track record of compliance with ing. Additionally, sustained improvements to the enth largest proved oil reserves in the world and taken by the Kuwaiti government so far include to a deficit of 2.6 percent of GDP in fiscal year productions cuts. institutional framework, in particular in govern- the second largest within the group of Gulf the establishment of a debt management unit at 2016. This compares to average fiscal surpluses Nonetheless, reaching consensus for further ment transparency and reporting standards, Cooperation Council (GCC) countries, after Saudi the Ministry of Finance (MoF) and improved of almost 31percent of GDP between 2010 and cuts will be challenging given that Russia is likely would be credit positive. “We would consider a Arabia (A1 stable). At the current rate of produc- coordination between key institutions such as 2014. Risks to Kuwait’s fiscal position are further to oppose further extensions, while Nigeria is negative rating action if Kuwait’s reform momen- tion, these reserves would last for almost 90 Kuwait Investment Authority (KIA), MoF, and mitigated by a relatively low fiscal break-even oil pushing for further exemptions due to the delay tum were to slow beyond the already anticipat- years. This translates into high levels of national Central Bank of Kuwait (CBK). Preparation to price, which the IMF projects at around $50 per in bringing its own production back towards 2.1 ed, slower-than peer pace, for example, in the wealth, and the IMF estimates Kuwait’s GDP per implement a medium-term budget framework barrel for 2017 and 2018 (this estimate includes million bpd, the report concluded. — KUNA Shopping surge boosts British rate hike bets Aramco could disclose LONDON: British retail sales unexpectedly underscored the challenge for the BoE which last their fastest since April, to give an annual growth surged in August, boosting chances the Bank of week surprised investors by saying it was likely to of 2.4 percent, both well above the highest fore- accounts early 2018 England will raise interest rates for the first time raise rates in the coming months if the economy casts in a Reuters poll. More Britons holidaying at while the two previous years would be done on in a decade at its next meeting. and inflation pressures strengthen as expected. home and more foreign visitors, reflecting the LONDON/DUBAI: Saudi Aramco will be able to release its audited financial accounts in early a pro-forma accounting basis. However, it would More downbeat news, however, came from a That change of gear by the BoE came despite weaker pound since the Brexit vote, could be 2018 if the government decides on a venue for make sense to release the accounts only after BoE survey which showed no sign that wages the uncertainty about Britain’s withdrawal from behind some of the rise, economists said. listing the oil giant’s IPO and finalizes several the government has decided where the listing were likely to grow much more quickly, temper- the European Union and mixed messages about Shoppers spent heavily on non-essentials, despite reforms this year, three sources said. will take place as different venues use different ing a jump in sterling. The Organization for the strength of the economy. Yesterday’s official rising prices, with strong demand for watches and It will be the first public earnings disclosure accounting standards, the sources said. Economic Co-operation and Development, data showed a sharp pick-up in monthly sales jewelry. “These latest figures will give further for Aramco and one of the most important inter- For example, a listing in New York would meanwhile, said uncertainty about Brexit meant growth in August, despite inflation pressures encouragement to the Bank of England to follow nal milestones in preparing for the initial public require the accounts to be prepared according Britain next year will suffer its slowest growth that have previously squeezed spending. Retail up their recent statements on the need to raise offering (IPO), which is expected to raise as much to US GAAP standards whereas IFRS standards since the financial crisis. The contrasting signals sales volumes rose 1.0 percent month-on-month, interest rates,” Andrew Sentance, a former BoE pol- as $100 billion. The Saudi government has said it would be acceptable for a listing in London, icymaker who now advises accountants PwC, said. wants the sale of five percent of Aramco to take Hong Kong or Singapore. Aramco has so far pre- HSBC said market pricing for a quarter-point rate place before the end of 2018. A Saudi govern- pared the accounts according to IFRS standards, rise on Nov. 2, after the BoE’s next meeting, rose to ment source said the share sale was on track. but can quickly convert those to US GAAP if the 65 percent. Sterling gained almost a cent against Releasing the 2015-2017 accounts in the first government decides to list in New York, a second the U.S. dollar after the data, before later giving quarter would be a major step towards sticking source said. back most of its gains. to the 2018 goal although the IPO’s timing British retail data is frequently volatile on a depends on several external factors, the sources Decision-maker monthly basis and a separate survey released by said. “Aramco will have its 2017 results by the The IPO is a centerpiece of Vision 2030, an the BoE on Wednesday offered a more downbeat first quarter, the audited accounts will be avail- ambitious reform plan to diversify the Saudi picture. Construction and consumer-facing able then, so the IPO could happen after that,” economy beyond oil which is championed by industries were suffering and there were mixed one of the sources said. Saudi Crown Prince Mohammad bin Salman. He signals on investment, although factory exports The sources said internal accountants would has sweeping powers over defense, energy and and business-to-business services were strong. send the 2017 accounts to external auditors the economy and is expected to take the final Pay rises mostly remained at 2-3 percent, below when they have finished work on them at the decision about Aramco’s listing venue and the inflation but there were some signs that the beginning of next year. The auditors - named by other reforms. The accounts also cannot be final- worst of the impact on prices of last year’s fall in Aramco as PwC, EY and BCG - have already audit- ized until the government has finished the the pound should start to ease. ed the 2015 and 2016 accounts. They have never reform of domestic fuel price subsidies. These The loss of disposable income this year been released. The auditors and Aramco would are currently funded by Aramco. Under the caused the weakest first quarter for retail sales first prepare a report on the accounts for all planned reform, the government will pay for the since 2010. But companies have reported little three years that it could share with a group of subsidies, the sources said. This would boost slowdown in spending so far. prospective large investors. They would then Aramco’s valuation and make it more attractive Kingfisher, Britain’s biggest home improve- prepare a full prospectus which would be avail- to investors ahead of the IPO as it could mean a ments retailer, said sales of expensive power tools able to all investors. The accounts for 2017 would higher dividend. The government has also yet to be done to reflect Saudi’s new taxation system decide on Aramco’s dividend policy. — Reuters LONDON: Shoppers sit with their purchases in bags outside a Primark store in central and new kitchens had not changed, though it London yesterday. — AFP was cautious about the outlook. — Reuters BUSINESS THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 21, 2017 British trade mission from N Ireland to visit Kuwait

KUWAIT: Seven companies from Northern Ireland ment of individual, bespoke systems to suit customer tations configured to the client’s requirements and tures and supplies custom sterile procedure packs, will visit Kuwait from 23 to 25 September 2017 as requirements by truly understanding the input mate- working environment. surgical instruments and other products to the part of a trade mission. This visit is part of a regional rial and separation processes possible. healthcare industry. tour to UAE and Kuwait. The visit is organized by CareerSport International Invest Northern Ireland, which is a regional economic McCloskey Washing Systems Cunningham Covers development agency with its global headquarters in CareerSport International provides specialist edu- Belfast, Northern Ireland, United Kingdom. The McCloskey Washing Systems has become a world- cation and training courses for those wanting to pur- Founded in 1969, Cunningham Covers specializes Regional HQ for India, Middle East and Africa is locat- leader delivering a full range of mobile, modular and sue a professional career in Education, Fitness and in the design, specification and manufacture of cus- ed at the British Embassy in Dubai. static material and mineral washing equipment Health and Sport and Leisure. It has fitness acade- tom industrial textile tarpaulin covers for the protec- The companies participating in the delegation across multiple applications. For over 30 years, mies based in the UK, UAE and India. Its qualifica- tion of high value assets and provides the trans- covers the following sectors: Waste management; McCloskey has gained a reputation for quality, relia- tions are internationally accredited by Skills Active portation industry with kits and accessories for the software in the power and energy sector; specialist bility and agility in providing superior equipment to (UK) and Active IQ for fitness instructors, personal construction of curtain sides. education and training on Fitness, Health, Sport and a large customer network worldwide. trainers, activity leaders, sports coaches, teachers, The company exports to over 40 counties and is Leisure as well as medical supplies. The companies and health and leisure professionals. The company is recognized by ISO 9001 quality award and has are as follows: NiSoft committed to educate, motivate and inspire students recently won the Queen’s Award for Enterprise in to perform to their full potential. International Trade. EMS Environmental Marketing Solutions Ltd NiSoft is a world leader in safety, operations and compliance management software across energy, Clonallon Laboratories Ltd Sandvik Mobile Crushers & Screens EMS has been involved in the manufacture of power and water installations globally. With project bespoke plants for the waste and material handling management and support staff based in Europe, Asia Clonallon Laboratories Ltd, a UK medical sup- Construction and demolition debris waste and sectors for over ten years. Its specialty is the develop- and USA, it is well positioned to manage implemen- plies company based in Northern Ireland, manufac- asphalt recycling. Pension Funds second largest investor in GCC after SWFs GCC demographics positive for mopping up further assets

KUWAIT: Marmore MENA Intelligence, a subsidiary with most retirement benefits being paid out with of Kuwait Financial Centre “Markaz”, recently the help of excess contributions from the employ- released a report on GCC Institutional Investors III - ees rather than income derived from pension Pension funds. It is the third report in the series of assets. This position may not be sustainable unless GCC’s Institutional Investors; which had earlier cov- structural reforms in the pension system are intro- ered State Owned Entities (SOE) and Sovereign duced. Pension funds have the mandate to invest Wealth Funds (SWF). GCC Pension Funds are the will further grow by another third to 53 million in the local stock markets and they currently con- second largest set of institutional investors in the people by 2020. Swelling population and the chal- tribute about 5 percent of the market cap. Saudi region after the SWFs. However, this investor class lenges it poses are well reflected in the growing Arabia has the highest exposure to the stock mar- has seldom been researched in detail despite its unemployment rates. Advancing healthcare facili- ket followed by Kuwait and Qatar. They serve as widespread influence in the economy. This report ties available in the GCC countries is extending the anchor investors with a long-term investment hori- covers the size, development, roles and future of life expectancy of retirees. Early retirement zon, thereby providing support in times of crisis this investor class in the region. schemes and higher payouts have created an asset and reducing the volatility. Pension funds, being ISTANBUL: A woman pets a cat as shopkeepers sit outside bookstores in Istanbul. An The report stated that pension funds in the GCC liability mismatch and needs immediate attention. one of the largest investor class, are important increasing number of highly-skilled Turks are leaving Turkey, pushed by the flagging are a recent development barring Kuwait, which The report elaborates on these factors and its force for the stability and growth of GCC markets. economy and what critics say are attacks on individual liberties. — AFP founded a pension fund in 1955 and Saudi Arabia, impact on the funding shortfall that could likely Considering the growth in pension assets from a which founded a similar fund in 1958. Until recent- take place in these retirement funds going forward. youthful population, these funds have the room to Escaping disillusion: Skilled ly, concepts such as retirement benefits and pay- take higher risk. This opportunity should be used outs to its citizens were not given much impor- Demographics proactively in order to widen the scope of invest- youth are quitting Turkey tance, due to the generous government salaries On the positive side, current demographics of ments and delve into products such as ETFs, REITs and associated benefits coupled with the higher GCC countries, dominated by youth population, and other structured investments. ISTANBUL: When Dilara left Turkey for Dubai ‘Why should I suffer?’ proportion of expatriate workers. Non-transparent allow for the pension subscription base to expand Currently there is no One-Size-Fits-All rule to five years ago, her friends said she’d made a Dilara initially left Turkey temporarily to actuarial information and limited public disclosure and mop up further assets. The Pension fund asset define the proper level of basic pension or replace- mistake. The economy was flourishing, the enrich her CV with experience abroad. “I of data by the respective authorities make it very is bound to grow in the future as these countries ment rate. GCC region needs to take into account a cultural scene was vibrant and relations with planned to go back many times in the past few difficult to assess the solvency and sustainability of transform themselves through their economic multitude of factors to find the right mix. Cultural the West warm. But now, “most of my friends years, but there were things happening in current pension schemes. visions. According to our estimates, the total pen- factors, such as family structures or the willingness are sending me their CVs because they don’t Turkey so I changed my mind,” she said. The As a fallout of the rapid economic development sion fund asset in GCC by 2020 is estimated to be of individuals to save for old age play a big role. want to stay in Turkey anymore, especially suppression of anti-government protests and of the GCC countries, the aggregate population $602.4 Billion and by 2025 is estimated to be Economic factors, such as the general standard of after the referendum,” said Dilara, a pseudo- terror attacks, which hit the country in 2016, increased by more than tenfold in little over half a $938.6 billion. Millennials who are currently enter- living of the population, estimates about minimum nym as she did not want to be identified by made some think twice about staying in Turkey. century which is widely considered the most rapid ing the workforce have close to thirty-forty years consumption needs, the existence of other formal her real name. President Recep Tayyip “Why should I suffer when there are better population growth rate anywhere in the world dur- before they retire. However, GCC pension systems and informal social assistance programs, and, of Erdogan won a landmark referendum in April options elsewhere? What am I doing in a ing that period. It is estimated that the population are at a nascent stage and are only partially funded course, the costs have to be considered. on expanding his powers, which critics fear country with no justice?” said a 33-year-old will lead to one-man rule in an increasingly English-language teacher, who, like several polarized nation. people, agreed to speak to AFP on condition Moody’s: Egypt economy still Dilara, a specialist in digital marketing, is their names were not published. one of an increasing number of highly-skilled He said he had taken the first steps to Turks to leave the country, a trend that has leave the country, with his wife and children, recovering from 2011 uprising grown in recent years, according to Ulas explaining that he felt they “deserve better Sunata, sociologist at the University of standards of living.” “There is no longer a CAIRO: Egypt’s economy has started to improve fiscal year 2017-18, which started in July. He also weeks. Egypt’s sovereign rating by Moody’s Bahcesehir in Istanbul. place for independent films in Turkey,” added but has yet to recover from the country’s 2011 said the government plans to plug the gap by remains unchanged at B3, far below investment Lamenting a lack of data, she said the one 26-year-old filmmaker, who plans to uprising and the years of unrest that followed, an increasing foreign debt issuance, and will grade and subject to high credit risk, but the out- issue represented a potentially damaging move to Paris. international credit rating agency said. announce future bond offerings in the coming look remains stable. — AP brain drain. “It’s a genuine problem for the Moody’s hailed recent economic and fiscal country,” she told AFP. “But it’s not just the ‘Quite bold decision’ reforms in its annual report released on Tuesday, sociocultural aspect, there’s the economic “It would be a quite bold decision now to saying they point to “improved government effec- aspect, too... their departure is a real disad- take up an academic position in Turkey.” Merve, tiveness and policy predictability.” Weak finances, vantage for the country.” a communications PhD student, will soon join however, remain a “key challenge” for the govern- A dozen Turkish citizens interviewed by her partner, who is also an academic, in ment, it added. AFP, who have left or are planning to leave, Budapest. Both believe it is “too difficult” in Egypt embarked on an ambitious economic cited dwindling job prospects for graduates today’s climate to lead an academic career in reform plan shortly after President Abdel-Fattah Al- and complained of a rising conservatism Turkey. “Everyone is making choices, thinking Sisi took office in 2014. The government has under the government and an erosion of civil of their future, so I chose to leave,” she added. slashed subsidies, imposed a value-added tax and liberties. The Turkish government insists it is allowed currency devaluation in order to qualify for building a strong economy, based on innova- ‘Graduates taking risks’ a $12 billion bailout loan from the International tion and investment, with the aim of becom- Those most likely to leave are graduates, Monetary Fund. ing one of the world’s top 10 economies by who “have a better chance of being accepted The austerity measures have hit the public hard, the 100th anniversary of the modern in the countries they want to go to,” said however, with inflation hovering around 30 per- Republic in 2023. Sunata. “Leaving involves risks, and it is the cent for months, many import products unavail- The economy has remained robust after graduates who can afford to face them.” But able, and soaring electricity and fuel costs. Moody’s the July 2016 failed coup, even expanding by she warned: “Their departure means that said reforms and financial support provided by 5.1 percent in the second quarter this year. there are fewer people left to uphold impor- international lenders have helped in restoring Yet critics point to high unemployment-espe- tant, universal values such as human rights Egypt’s foreign reserves, which are currently above cially the 20.6-percent rate among 15 to 24 and (their departure) entails a weakening of $36 billion, their highest level since December year-olds-and an uncertain future outlook as those values.” The procedure for leaving is TIANJIN: Employees wait in front of the first Airbus A330 plane to be delivered before the 2010. “We also expect that Egypt’s high fiscal reforms stall. long and arduous: for one historian, who inauguration ceremony of the Airbus A330 Completion and Delivery Centre in Tianjin, deficits and government debt levels will gradually Erdogan claimed in July that a “brain drain” recently moved to France after having long China yesterday. Aerospace giant Airbus inaugurated a completion center for A330 wide- reduce,” said Steffen Dyck, a Moody’s vice presi- was taking place throughout the Muslim taught in one of Turkey’s most respected uni- body aircraft, which will provide cabin equipment, furnishing and exterior paint for the dent. Egypt’s Finance Minister Amr Al-Garhy world. “We are losing our most intelligent stu- versities, it took four years to prepare the planes bought by Chinese airlines - a new selling point for the European group in the cru- announced earlier this week that the country will dents to the benefit of the West,” he said. paperwork and find a job abroad. — AFP cial and fast expanding Chinese market. —AP face a $10-$12 billion budget deficit for the current EXCHANGE RATES

Al-Muzaini Exchange Co. Canadian dollar 247.160 Malaysian Ringgit 72.765 Hong Kong Dollar 0.036620 0.039370 Turkish lira 87.330 Chinese Yuan Renminbi 46.660 Indian Rupee 0.004242 0.004930 Swiss Franc 316.060 ASIAN COUNTRIES Thai Bhat 10.115 Indonesian Rupiah 0.000018 0.000024 Australian Dollar 243.680 Turkish Lira 88.375 Japanese Yen 2.710 US Dollar Buying 300.950 Japanese Yen 0.002624 0.002804 Indian Rupees 4.690 Korean Won 0.000257 0.000272 Pakistani Rupees 2.867 GOLD Bahrain Exchange Company Malaysian Ringgit 0.068031 0.074031 Srilankan Rupees 1.971 20 Gram 249.070 Nepalese Rupee 0.003015 0.003185 Nepali Rupees 2.956 10 Gram 127.450 Pakistan Rupee 0.002754 0.003044 Singapore Dollar 225.490 5 Gram 64.570 CURRENCY BUY SELL Hongkong Dollar 38.717 Europe Philippine Peso 0.005814 0.006114 Bangladesh Taka 3.702 British Pound 0.401410 0.411410 Singapore Dollar 0.218910 0.228910 Philippine Peso 5.941 Dollarco Exchange Co. Ltd Czech Korune 0.005867 0.017867 Sri Lankan Rupee 0.001623 0.002203 Thai Baht 9.164 Danish Krone 0.044650 0.049650 Taiwan 0.009890 0.010070 Euro 0. 357072 0.366050 Thai Baht 0.008794 0.009344 GCC COUNTRIES Rate for Transfer Selling Rate Georgian Lari 0.121210 0.121210 US Dollar 301.800 Saudi Riyal 80.627 Norwegian Krone 0.0.34661 0.039861 Canadian Dollar 248.685 Arab Qatari Riyal 83.042 Romanian Leu 0.078686 0.078686 Omani Riyal 785.213 Sterling Pound 403.050 Bahraini Dinar 0.794255 0.802755 Euro 363.090 Russian ruble 0.005183 0.005183 Bahraini Dinar 802.840 Slovakia 0.008995 0.018995 Egyptian Pound 0.014472 0.020380 UAE Dirham 82.318 Swiss Frank 291.255 Iranian Riyal 0.000084 0.000085 Bahrain Dinar 801.000 Swedish Krona 0.033939 0.038939 Iraqi Dinar 0.000193 0.000253 UAE Dirhams 82.560 Swiss Franc 0.307553 0.318553 ARAB COUNTRIES Jordanian Dinar 0.421552 0.430552 Egyptian Pound - Cash 19.750 Qatari Riyals 83.380 Australasia Kuwaiti Dinar 1.000000 1.000000 Egyptian Pound - Transfer 17.044 Saudi Riyals 81.340 Australian Dollar 0.233853 0.245853 Yemen Riyal/for 1000 1.214 Jordanian Dinar 426.950 Lebanese Pound 0.000150 0.000250 Tunisian Dinar 125.900 Egyptian Pound 17.121 New Zealand Dollar 0.214360 0.223860 Moroccan Dirhams 0.021126 0.045126 Jordanian Dinar 426.400 Sri Lankan Rupees 1.975 Omani Riyal 0.778385 0.784065 Lebanese Lira/for 1000 2.014 Indian Rupees 4.719 America Qatar Riyal 0.078703 0.083643 Pakistani Rupees 2.863 Canadian Dollar 0.240430 0.249430 Syrian Lira 2.000 Saudi Riyal 0.079487 0.080787 Morocco Dirham 32.986 Bangladesh Taka 3.733 US Dollars 0.298050 0.302470 Philippines Pesso 5.929 US Dollars Mint 0.298550 0.302470 Syrian Pound 0.001280 0.001500 Tunisian Dinar 0.120434 0.128343 EUROPEAN & AMERICAN COUNTRIES Cyprus pound 17.960 US Dollar Transfer 302.150 Japanese Yen 3.740 Asia Turkish Lira 0.081704 0.092004 Euro 364.540 Syrian Pound 1.585 Bangladesh Taka 0.003238 0.003822 UAE Dirhams 0.080839 0.082539 Sterling Pound 410.320 Nepalese Rupees 2.954 Chinese Yuan 0.044488 0.047988 Yemeni Riyal 0.000982 0.001062 THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 21, 2017 business

Does BoE’s hawkish lurch nod to sterling crisis?

LONDON: As the Bank of England sends porate earnings without forcing up despite it being the main reason the its strongest signal to date that the first interest rates. Bank is failing in its sole mandate: con- interest rate hike in a decade is So what then constitutes a sterling cri- trolling inflation. approaching, could Britain be heading sis? And does the Bank’s sudden hawkish There have been at least four sterling towards its first sterling crisis in a quar- turn to offset the inflationary effects of a crises in the last 50 years - 1967, 1976, the ter of a century? weak pound bring Britain closer to one? mid 1980s and 1992 - where interest At first glance, there appear to be few There’s no agreed definition of a ster- rates were jacked up aggressively in ulti- parallels between now and 1992, when ling “crisis”, but one common element is mately unsuccessful attempts to defend George Soros famously “broke the Bank that persistent sterling selling or weak- the currency. A doubling of interest rates of England” and the pound chalked up ness forces up interest rates, hits asset from a record low 0.25 percent currently what was then its biggest one-day loss of markets and potentially hastens reces- to 0.5 percent would only reverse the the floating exchange rate era. sion. In effect, rates are forced higher to emergency cut shortly after the Brexit That dubious record was smashed on defend the pound or to bring imported referendum last year. Even another quar- June 24, 2016, after Britain voted to inflation under control, regardless of the ter point hike would be laughably minis- leave the European Union, but there has economy’s ability to withstand that mon- cule when set against the steep rate been little talk since of a “sterling crisis”, etary tightening. increases of crises past. and the weaker pound has been broadly Some might argue that’s now hap- But it would represent a doubling or viewed as a welcome safety valve, keep- pening with a 15-month lag, although trebling of official borrowing costs, LONDON: Pedestrians carry shopping bags as they walk past shops in cen- ing asset markets attractive to foreign no one at the Bank will ever admit that greater magnitudes of increase than tral London yesterday. — AFP investors while buoying export and cor- the exchange rate determines policy, those four crises past. — Reuters

OECD thinks eurozone will grow as much as US this year

PARIS: The Organization for Economic Co- unchanged at 1.6 percent this year and 1 operation and Development has upgraded percent in 2018. Uncertainty over the coun- its economic growth forecasts for the 19- try’s exit from the European Union will con- country eurozone following a run of upbeat tinue to hobble its economy, the OECD said. news from the single currency bloc. In a Japan’s expected growth was also forecast update yesterday, the OECD is now revised higher by 0.2 percentage point for predicting eurozone growth this year of 2.1 this year and next, to 1.6 percent and 1.2 percent. That’s 0.3 percentage point more percent, respectively. Overall, the OECD is than its previous prediction in June and sticking with its view of a broad-based glob- means the region will match the expected al recovery from last year’s 3.1 percent rate, growth rate of the U.S., which was left with industrial production and trade picking unchanged. up and a further acceleration in technology And for next year it is forecasting growth spending. Its global growth forecast for this of 1.9 percent for the eurozone, 0.1 percent- year was left at 3.5 percent for this year, but age point more than previously estimated next year’s was revised up by 0.1 percentage but below the 2.4 percent projection for the point to 3.7 percent. US The big three eurozone economies - “The upturn is promising, but there is no Germany, France and Italy - all saw upward room for complacency,” said OECD Chief revisions. Britain’s growth rates were left Economist Catherine L Mann. — AP Saudi to create $2.7bn entertainment firm

RIYADH: Saudi Arabia’s sovereign wealth The unnamed company will invest in a NEW YORK: Japan’s Prime Minister Shinzo Abe (right) answers questions after his keynote speech on Japan’s economy and investment-friendly fund is set to create a $2.7 billion enter- variety of projects, including an entertain- reforms, at the New York Stock Exchange, yesterday. —AP tainment investment company, state ment complex that will be launched by media said yesterday, as the ultra-conser- 2019, SPA said, adding that it aims to cre- vative kingdom opens up avenues for ate more than 22,000 jobs by 2030. leisure. SPA did not give further details about The country seeks to increase domes- the projects. Alcohol, cinemas and the- Asia firms’ sentiment slips tic spending on entertainment and atres are currently banned in the king- launch hundreds of recreation centres dom, an absolute monarchy and one of across the kingdom as part of its Vision the world’s most conservative countries. 2030 plan to reduce its dependence on Vision 2030, an ambitious economic on geo-political tensions oil. “The Public Investment Fund is in the diversification plan unveiled in April 2016, process of developing a new company to aims to broaden its investment base to act as its investment arm in Saudi Arabia’s make citizens reliant on private sector Survey finds retail and leisure sector most positive; autos least growing entertainment sector,” the Saudi jobs rather than on government largesse. Press Agency said. The largest Arab economy is suffering MUMBAI: Business confidence among Asian Trade friction with China has also risen over up of oil prices are a bigger issue for Asian “The company, which will have an ini- from a sharp slide in oil revenues since companies fell for the first time in three quarters Seoul’s deployment of a US anti-missile system to economies,” said Radhika Rao, chief economist at tial capitalisation of SAR 10 billion, will crude prices plummeted in mid-2014, in July-September as escalating geo-political ten- counter the North Korean threat, as Beijing fears DBS in Singapore. play an active investment role in various forcing Riyadh to cut subsidies and delay sions outweighed an improved performance by the system’s radar can penetrate its territory. While Canada has already hiked rates twice in areas of the entertainment sector.” projects. — AFP most economies in the region, a Thomson China, upon which much of Asia depends for recent months and the Bank of England warned Reuters/INSEAD survey showed. trade, saw its subindex fall to 63, its lowest since of rate hike possibilities, all eyes are now on the The Thomson Reuters/INSEAD Asian Business the last quarter of 2015. Its gross domestic prod- US Federal Reserve’s decision on Wednesday Sentiment Index ,, representing the six-month uct rose 6.9 percent in the second quarter but where it is likely to take another step towards Britain to promise 20bn outlook of 86 firms, slipped to 69 for the growth is expected to slow on tighter debt regu- policy normalization. But a major shift in busi- September quarter from 74 three months before. lations. India fell to 63 from 82 in April-June, a ness sentiment either way is unlikely. “The tech- euros in Brexit bill The decline was the first drop from a previous level last seen in the second quarter of 2013. nology-oriented and commodity exporting quarter since the final quarter of 2016. A reading Growth at Asia’s third-largest economy slowed countries will do well in Asia but overall I expect LONDON: British Prime Minister Theresa Britain is yet to put forward a figure to above 50 indicates a positive outlook. While to its lowest in three years to 5.7 percent in April- a status quo in sentiments going ahead, barring May will promise to pay a Brexit divorce bill meet its financial obligations to the China, India and South Korea led the fall in senti- June and is expected to stay muted on a lack of a reversal in oil prices,” DBS’s Rao said. of at least 20 billion euros (£18 billion, $24 European Union when it leaves the bloc, ment in the third quarter, reflecting regional ten- private investment. The survey showed that while the proportion billion), the Financial Times newspaper currently set for March 29, 2019. sions and sluggish growth, most Southeast Asian Australia’s sub-index inched up to 69 from 67 of respondents with a positive bias fell to 47, the reported yesterday. May’s EU adviser Olly The lack of agreement on a divorce set- economies and Australia put in a stable perform- in the June quarter, and Singapore’s rose to 64 lowest level since the December quarter of 2016, Robbins has informed his counterparts in tlement has proven a major stumbling ance, limiting the downside in the overall index. from 62. Sentiment climbed the most in companies which were neutral rose to 45, the various European capitals of the offer, the block in the Brexit talks. “Companies expressed concerns this quarter Indonesia in the September quarter, with a 17 highest level since the March quarter of 2016. newspaper said, citing unnamed officials While Brussels has not made public its about trade and diplomatic tensions not only in point jump in its sub-index to 100, its highest Sectors including retail, metals, real estate briefed on the discussions. own figure, EU senior officials have told the region but also in the world,” said Antonio since the second quarter of 2013, though the and technology showed bullish trends while The announcement will be formally AFP the preliminary evaluation is between Fatas, a Singapore-based economics professor at survey pool was small with only three firms par- others like autos, construction, healthcare and made by May on Friday, during her highly- 60 to 100 billion euros. global business school INSEAD. ticipating. The sub-index for three other transport were more subdued. Corporates anticipated Brexit speech in the Italian city Britain’s net contribution in 2015, the “This brought the index down, in a reflection economies - Malaysia, Philippines and Taiwan - such as survey respondent Kossan Rubber of Florence, the FT said. However, the last year for which figures were available, of cautiousness because of the potential risks remained unchanged over the previous quarter. Industries of Malaysia cited exchange rates German government’s spokesman Georg was 10.75 billion euros, according to that could derail the current state of the econo- and interest rates as the key risks going ahead. Streiter denied that Chancellor Angela European Commission and European my,” he said. Status quo ahead? While maintaining that it was cautiously posi- Merkel had received any such notification. Parliament documents. South Korea’s sub-index fell the steepest The pace at which global central banks tight- tive, given increasing global demand for “We have not been informed in advance The 20-billion-euro figure points to pay- among its peers in the survey, dropping to 50 en their accommodative monetary policies is set gloves, Kossan was worried about “escalating by the British government of any negotia- ments to meet the UK commitment to the from 75 in the previous quarter. The country has to be one of the biggest factors for Asia business production cost due to higher raw material tion offer,” he told a regular press briefing EU’s seven-year budget, which runs to been rattled by North Korea’s series of nuclear sentiment in the quarters ahead. cost, energy, labor and volatile exchange rate”. in Berlin. May’s Downing Street office 2020, and could be paid during a transi- tests and missile launches, although a war on the “More than geo-political tensions, policy nor- Note: Companies surveyed can change from called the report “pure speculation”. tioned departure from the bloc. — AFP Korean peninsula is seen as unlikely. malization by global central banks and firming quarter to quarter. — Reuters US existing home sales fall to 12-month low

WASHINGTON: US home resales fell to their ed to announce a plan to start shrinking its 27 straight months on a year-on-year basis. lowest in a year in August as Hurricane $4.2 trillion portfolio of Treasury bonds and As a result, the median house price increased Harvey depressed activity in Houston and a mortgage-backed securities, accumulated as 5.6 percent from a year ago to $253,500 in perennial shortage of properties on the mar- the Fed sought to stimulate the economy fol- August. That was the 66th consecutive ket sidelined buyers. lowing the 2008 financial crisis. month of year-on-year price gains. Annual The National Association of Realtors said wage growth has not exceed 2.5 percent. yesterday existing home sales decreased 1.7 Housing stalling Pointing to strong demand for houses, percent to a seasonally adjusted annual rate Even before the hurricanes struck, the existing homes sold in August typically of 5.35 million units last month. That was the housing market had been slowing as supply stayed on the market for 30 days. That com- lowest level since August 2016. failed to keep up with strong demand. Sales pared to 36 days a year ago. Demand for July’s sales pace was unrevised at 5.44 mil- were up 0.2 percent from August 2016. Home housing is being driven by a tight labor mar- lion units. Economists had forecast sales ris- sales have virtually stalled this year amid ket, marked by a 4.4 percent unemployment ing 0.3 percent to a 5.46 million-unit rate. tight inventories that have resulted in home rate, which is boosting employment oppor- The NAR said Harvey, which struck Texas price increases outpacing wage gains. tunities for young Americans. The housing in the last week of August, had resulted in Builders have blamed shortages of labor market also remains supported by historical- sales in Houston declining 25 percent on a and land for their inability to ramp up con- ly low mortgage rates, with the 30-year fixed year-on-year basis. Stripping out Houston, struction. They have also complained about mortgage rate averaging 3.78 percent. existing home sales would have been higher costs of building materials. High house prices as a result of tight unchanged in August. Economists and builders say Harvey and inventories are sidelining first-time home- Home resales in the South tumbled 5.7 Irma could worsen the housing shortage as buyers. In August, first-time buyers account- percent last month. Harvey, and a second scarce labor is pulled toward the rebuilding ed for 31 percent of transactions, well below hurricane, Irma, which slammed Florida ear- effort and building materials are bid higher. the 40 percent share that economists and ly this month could hurt September home A report on Tuesday showed housing realtors say is needed for a robust housing resales. Texas and Florida account for more completions tumbling to a 10-month low in market. than 18 percent of existing home sales. August. At the same time single-family home August’s share of first-time homebuyers Sales lost because of delays in closing con- permits fell to a three-month low. These was the smallest in a year and was down tracts will be recouped in 2018, the Realtors developments suggest housing inventory from 33 percent in July. Sales rose 10.8 per- group said. will remain troublesome for a while. cent in the volatile Northeast and climbed US financial markets were little moved by The NAR said the number of homes on the 2.4 percent in the Midwest. They dropped 4.8 the data as traders awaited the conclusion of market fell 2.1 percent to 1.88 million units in percent in the West, where the price increas- This Thursday, April 27, 2017, file photo shows a “For Sale” sign posted in front of a home in the Federal Reserve’s two-day policy meeting August. Supply was down 6.5 percent from a es and property shortages have been con- Charlotte, NC. Yesterday, the National Association of Realtors reported on sales of existing later yesterday. The US central bank is expect- year ago. Housing inventory has dropped for centrated. — Reuters homes in August. —AP THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 21, 2017 BUSINESS Equities flat ahead of Fed EU, Canada launch free unveiling monetary horizon trade agreement while Britain eyes own deal LONDON: Europe’s stock markets wavered yes- terday as investor caution prevailed before the BRUSSELS: The European Union and can tailor to suit the priorities of the Federal Reserve’s latest interest rate call. Canada will begin cutting import British and Canadian economies post- Frankfurt equities sagged despite a rally for duties from today on thousands of Brexit,” lawmaker Emma McClarkin said shares in German heavy industry giant products and services in a reminder to in a statement. British Prime Minister ThyssenKrupp, which announced a deal with Britain of the work it will take to Theresa May said in Ottawa on Monday Indian group Tata to merge their steel opera- replace the trade alliances it will give that she and Canada’s Justin Trudeau tions in Europe. up when it leaves the EU. had agreed that CETA should be “swift- Thyssenkrupp jumped 3.4 percent to stand at The Comprehensive Economic and ly transitioned” into a new UK-Canada 26.15 euros in Frankfurt afternoon deals follow- Trade Agreement (CETA) will provi- deal after Brexit. ing news of the combination to create Europe’s sionally enter force on Thursday, How fast that transition occurs will second-largest steelmaker after ArcelorMittal, eight years after negotiations begun. depend on how much post-Brexit whose stock was up 1.0 percent at euros in It will be the EU’s first major trade Britain wants to tailor the deal, perhaps Amsterdam. deal since it began implementing its by including closer convergence on The main index in London was flat despite South Korea agreement in 2011. The financial services, rather than largely data revealing a surprise surge in British retail Canada agreement is the EU’s first copying what is in place. CETA will sales last month, while Paris stocks edged high- trade pact with a G7 country, mark- abolish some 98 percent of customs er. Wall Street equities also temporized at the ing a success after its credibility took duties, open up public tenders to com- open of trading, with the Dow flat. a beating from Britain’s 2016 vote to panies and allow the EU to export US stocks added modestly to records early leave the block. more cheese and wine and Canada yesterday as oil-linked equities gained ahead of It has since struck a deal with Japan more pork and beef in quotas that a Federal Reserve policy announcement expect- and hopes for further agreements with expand over the next six years. ed to offer clues on the likelihood of a third 2017 Mexico and the Mercosur countries of The 1,598-page CETA text is full of rate hike. South America by the end of this year. negotiated details, including the right Shares of petroleum-linked companies such British Conservatives in the European of European companies to ship up to as ConocoPhillips and Halliburton rose more Parliament said yesterday that the EU- 537,000 knitted jerseys to Canada and than one percent on a bump in oil prices as a In this Feb 9, 2017, file photo, traders work the floor at the New York Stock Exchange. —AP Canada deal would bring 1.3 billion Canadian companies’ ability to send two-day Fed meeting resumed. While the Fed is to $419.6 million. Ford fell 0.3 percent after interest rates, the post-meeting statement and pounds ($1.76 billion) in benefits to up to 196,000 square metres of carpet not expected to announce a rate hike, analysts announcing it was trimming production at five comments from chair Janet Yellen are the main Britain and said they hoped CETA’s to Europe. will assess the policy statement and Fed Chair plants in Mexico and the United States due to focus as traders hope for a timetable on winding benefits for Britain would continue Britain and Canada will still have to Janet Yellen’s comments during her news confer- low demand for some cars. down its crisis-era bond-buying stimulus. after Brexit. create their own free trade agreement, ence for signs the odds of a December rate hike Focus was on 1800 GMT when the US Federal Yesterday’s announcement comes amid “I believe CETA will become the gold which took the Brussels and Ottawa have risen. Reserve announces the outcome of its latest broader moves by global central banks to tight- standard of agreements and one we five years to negotiate. —Reuters The Fed is also expected to announce the monetary policy meeting. “The Fed trumps all en monetary policy in the face of rebounding start of a gradual process to unwind its bond- else, and with hours to go until the next deci- world economic growth, dealers said. buying stimulus program. About 15 minutes into sion, caution reigns supreme,” said IG analyst trading, the Dow Jones Industrial Average was Chris Beauchamp. ‘Money is still cheap’ up a hair at 22,373.75. “Today’s Fed meeting provides us with “We expect steady Fed policy through to the The broad-based S&P 500 won 0.1 percent to enough to pore over for weeks to come. “Details end of the year,” Rabobank analyst Jane Foley 2,508.57, while the tech-rich Nasdaq Composite on balance sheet reduction will be of interest, told AFP. “All central banks would like to regain Index advanced 0.1 percent to 6,464.89. All three but crucially the committee will extend its rate more ammunition in preparation of the next major indices finished at records Tuesday. outlook in 2020, and this could give us a good downturn, so in this context there is a universal Retailer Bed Bath & Beyond plummeted 14.8 sense of the end-point for the interest rate in desire of central banks to have higher interest percent after reporting that second-quarter this current tightening cycle,” he added. A third rates-but not at any cost clearly.” She added: earnings tumbled 43.7 percent from the year- successive record performance on Wall Street, “When the low levels of bond yields is taken into ago period to $94.2 million. Comparable store fanned by speculation about Trump’s economic account, money is still very cheap. This factor, sales fell 2.6 percent. General Mills dived 6.3 per- agenda, was not enough to induce much buying combined with good levels of global growth, is a cent after reporting first-quarter earnings per elsewhere. good environment for stocks.” share of 71 cents, five cents below analyst Foreign exchange markets saw little move- Asian equities earlier moved tentatively after expectations. ment, although the Mexican peso was down US President Donald Trump threatened to Adobe Systems lost 4.7 percent after report- after an earthquake killed more than 200 people. “totally destroy” North Korea if it threatened ing that third-quarter earnings rose 55 percent While Fed policymakers are not expected to raise the US or its allies. — AFP ThyssenKrupp-Tata steel merger may spark jobs war BERLIN: German heavy industry giant with ThyssenKrupp shares the top per- ThyssenKrupp and Indian group Tata former on the DAX index of blue-chip agreed yesterday to merge their steel oper- German stocks as they added 3.7 percent ations in Europe, sending governments and to trade at 26.19 euros at 1310 GMT. unions scrambling to ward off job cuts. Once the deal is finalized in 2018, the ‘Betting everything’ two groups aim for efficiency savings of Worker representatives in Germany, between 400 and 600 million euros ($480- where ThyssenKrupp employs some 27,000 720 million) per year-and are likely to shed people in its steel division, were quick to 4,000 jobs in production and administra- voice fears over the planned tie-up. tion. The combination would create “The board has bet everything on a sin- This file photo taken on May 15, 2017 shows the logo of Europe’s second-largest steelmaker after gle card in the face of all the warnings,” troubled conglomerate Toshiba at the headquarters in ArcelorMittal, expected to produce around works council chief Guenter Back told news Tokyo. —AFP 21 million tons of steel per year for sales of agency DPA, adding that “significantly 15 billion euros. more” job cuts would likely follow those Toshiba sells chip The two sides plan a 50-50 joint venture, announced yesterday. Trade unions at named “ThyssenKrupp Tata Steel”, as a ThyssenKrupp have for months been fear- unit to Bain Capital holding company in the Netherlands with ing news of job losses, using the pressure joint management that will employ some of Germany’s general election campaign to for around $18bn 48,000 people across 34 sites. enlist support from Berlin. “We have found a European solution for “There should not be a merger at any TOKYO: Toshiba said yesterday it would sell its memory a European industry,” ThyssenKrupp chief cost” between Tata and ThyssenKrupp, chip business to a group led by US investor Bain Capital, in executive Heinrich Hiesinger told reporters. Labor Minister Andrea Nahles said of the a deal worth around $18 billion and seen as crucial to He said the planned job cuts would be deal. The jobs tussle is set to intensify at the keeping the Japanese conglomerate afloat. The sale to the shared evenly with Tata, with ThyssenKrupp weekend, as ThyssenKrupp must submit consortium-which includes US tech giants Apple and Dell shedding a thousand jobs in production the plan to its supervisory board-where as well as South Korean chipmaker SK Hynix-caps a and another thousand in administration. worker representatives hold half the seats- months-long saga that saw heated courtroom battles, “This is not a pretty number, and it would for approval. rival bids and the near-delisting of one of Japan’s best- not have been any better if we had stayed “There has to be consensus with worker known firms. on our own,” Hiesinger said. The merger representatives on important strategic “At the board meeting held today, our company has comes as Europe and the United States have decisions of this kind,” said Economy decided to conclude a contract to transfer stocks of long complained of massive gluts in the Minister Brigitte Zypries. “That is not yet the Toshiba Memory to Pangea, a special purpose acquisi- world steel market caused by overproduc- case.” IG Metall plans a demonstration by tion company formed by a consortium led by Bain tion in China, with Washington launching “thousands” of workers in the western Capital Private Equity,” Toshiba said in a Japanese-lan- investigations into the national security German city of Bochum on Friday, a guage statement. implications of Chinese competition. spokesman told AFP. Protestors will call for The deal is worth two trillion yen ($18 billion), Toshiba “The steel industry has faced massive “transparency” in the merger process and said, adding that it also planned a reinvestment worth challenges in Europe for many years,” “security for jobs, for workplaces, the 350.5 billion yen ($3.1 billion) in Pangea. ThyssenKrupp, a industrial conglomerate preservation of the German model of Toshiba said it aimed to complete the sale by March. whose products range from lifts to car employee participation,” union spokesman The announcement was a milestone in a protracted parts and submarines, said in a statement. Mike Schuerg told AFP. effort to sell the lucrative chip unit to revive the group’s “Steel demand is characterized by a lack More upbeat than Germany’s Gabriel, overall financial health. Last week Toshiba said it had of dynamic. There is structural overcapacity British Economy Minister Greg Clark hailed signed a memorandum of understanding with the Bain in supply and constantly high import pres- an “important step” for the island nation’s group as the leading candidate. sure,” it said, which has led to various stages steel industry. London hopes the deal will But at the time, the Japanese giant had held open the in the value chain operating well below secure the future of Tata’s 4,000-strong site possibility it could still ink a deal with rival bidders Western capacity. at Port Talbot in Wales, which sits at the Digital, Toshiba’s US-based chip factory partner, or Taiwan’s Tata Steel chairman N Chandrasekaran heart of the local economy. “As always, the Hon Hai Precision, better known as Foxconn. Toshiba and said the partnership agreement was a devil will be in the detail and we are seek- Western Digital were embroiled in a heated legal dispute “momentous occasion” for two firms who ing further assurances on jobs, investment over the sale, with the Japanese firm suing its US partner “share similar culture and values”. The “dec- and future production” in the UK, said trade for trying to block a deal. laration of intent” signed by both sides union representative Roy Rickhuss, while must still be approved by competition adding that workers “recognize the indus- Delisting fear authorities. Investors welcomed the news, trial logic of such a partnership”. — AFP Toshiba is the world’s number two chipmaker behind Samsung and the division’s products are found in many smartphones and electronic gadgets. The chip unit accounts for around a quarter of Toshiba’s total annual revenue and is the crown jewel in a vast range of businesses ranging from home appliances to nuclear reactors. Toshiba narrowly averted a delisting this year, but it still faces the humiliating prospect of being yanked from Japan’s premier stock exchange if the sale does not raise enough money. Selling the chip division is seen as key to Toshiba’s sur- vival, as it battles to recover from multi-billion-dollar losses at its US nuclear operation Westinghouse Electric. The Japanese industrial giant is still recovering from a disas- trous earlier acquisition of Westinghouse, which racked up billions of dollars in losses before being placed in bank- ruptcy protection. Those huge losses came to light as the group was still reeling from revelations that top Toshiba executives had pressured underlings to cover up weak results for years after the 2008 global financial meltdown. Its most recent results published in August revealed a loss of $8.8 billion in the last fiscal year, although it predict- ed it would swing back into the black this year. The losses are a major embarrassment for a corner- stone of Japan Inc, which traces its history back as far as The plant entrance of ThyssenKrupp is pictured yesterday in Duisburg, western 1875 when the company started life as a telegraph factory Germany. —AFP in what is now Tokyo’s ritzy Ginza shopping district. —AFP BUSINESS THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 21, 2017 Gulf Air goes daily to Istanbul

MANAMA: Gulf Air, the Kingdom of tional online services offering hotel bookings, Bahrain’s national carrier, will introduce a car rental and travel insurance. permanent increase to its Istanbul service Gulf Air, the national carrier of the with daily flights on the route effective early Kingdom of Bahrain, commenced operations November 2017. The increase is in direct in 1950, becoming one of the first commer- response to passenger demand, increasing cial airlines established in the Middle East. the number of convenient flight options Today, Gulf Air is a major international carri- offered by the airline and giving passengers er serving 42 cities in 25 countries spanning greater flexibility and choice when travelling three continents. to and from Istanbul. The airline operates double daily flights or Last year Gulf Air celebrated the 30th more to 10 regional cities, in addition to anniversary of its direct, nonstop service to select destinations in the Indian and from the city of Istanbul in the Republic Subcontinent and Europe, from its hub at of Turkey. Launched in 1986, Istanbul is one Bahrain International Airport. Gulf Air cur- of the airline’s main tourist destinations rently serves all its destinations with a combi- with growing numbers of passengers from nation wide and narrow body fleet totalling Bahrain and the GCC throughout the year. 28 modern aircraft with orders for 39 new Gulf Air’s Deputy Chief Executive Officer, Boeing and Airbus aircraft due for delivery Reforms could lead to a surge Captain Waleed Abdul Hameed Al-Alawi, commencing in early 2018. The modern fleet commented on this growth saying: “Gulf will herald a new era for Gulf Air as it contin- Air’s Istanbul route performance to date has ues to enhance its product and service offer- been promising with consistently strong ing. Renowned for its traditional Arabian hos- in Kuwait-Qatar bilateral ties passenger demand throughout the year. pitality, evidenced by the airline’s signature Offering our valued passengers a daily serv- family and business friendly products, Gulf ice to and from Istanbul meets their travel Air is committed to being an industry leader Doha Bank hosts knowledge-sharing event needs, further reinforcing the strong his- and developing products and services that toric ties between Bahrain and Turkey and reflect the evolving needs and aspirations of our airline’s key role in encouraging two- its passengers. KUWAIT: Doha Bank hosted a knowledge sharing unveiled a new plan to transform the country into these businesses further and boost its food pro- way travel, trade, tourism and investment Gulf Air connects Bahrain to the world event on 19th September 2017 at JW Marriot Hotel, a regional financial and cultural hub by 2035. It has duction to provide both locally and internationally. opportunities.” and, as such, is a key national infrastructure Kuwait. The theme of the event was “Qatar- Kuwait organized seven pillars which are areas of focus for Qatar Budget 2017 has allocated for key sectors Operating double daily flights or more to asset, serving as a powerful driver for the bilateral opportunities”. The event was well attend- investment and improvement. The Kuwait budget such as health, education and infrastructure 10 regional cities, Gulf Air provides excellent economy and supporting the Kingdom’s on- ed by leading Corporates and Bankers in Kuwait deficit 2017-18 is projected to be $21.6 billion, with QR87.1 billion ($23.9 billion) which is made up connectivity for passengers travelling to/from going economic growth. who were keen to hear more about Kuwait Qatar revenues estimated at $43.6 billion and expendi- made up of nearly 44 percent of the total expendi- Istanbul with connections to various cities in Gulf Air has been the Title Sponsor of the bilateral relationships and to explore further busi- ture at $65.2 billion. Kuwait stocks could get an ture in the 2017.Transportation and infrastructure the Middle East, Indian Subcontinent and FORMULA 1 GULF AIR BAHRAIN GRAND PRIX ness opportunities with Doha Bank. extra boost from the Kuwait Investment Authority. projects, which represented a main pillar of Asia. The airline’s network currently serves 42 ever since it made history as the first Formula Dr R Seetharaman, CEO, Doha Bank was the Initiatives targeted at improving market liquidity enhancing sustainable development, have been cities in 25 countries spanning three conti- 1 Grand Prix to be held in the Middle East in keynote speaker and gave the concept note. He and reducing trading costs should help support allocated QR42 billion. ($11.51 billion).The accom- nents. Gulf Air flights can be booked online at 2004. In addition, the airline has been Official said “According to IMF July 2017 Outlook, econom- local and foreign interest in the Kuwaiti capital plishment of the New Orbit Highway will facilitate, the airline’s one-stop-shop web- Carrier of the biennial Bahrain International ic activity in both advanced economies and emerg- market. The Kuwait government had issued the world cup infrastructure works as per schedule. site, where customers can find a suite of addi- Airshow since it was first held in 2010. ing and developing economies is forecast to accel- domestic bonds worth $7.2 billion and internation- Qatar’s landmark residency plan is a welcoming erate in 2017, to 2 percent and 4.6 percent respec- al bonds worth $8 billion. Kuwait is coming up with social and economic reform. It will attract skilled tively, with global growth projected to be 3.5 per- infrastructure projects such as Kuwait Metro, expats to have a career in Qatar. It will also encour- cent. Current global growth prospects are encour- Kuwait International Airport expansion & Regional age investors as they would be able to launch busi- aging, though the pace of growth is still weaker Highway. Kuwait’s 2035 vision stresses the impor- ness ventures. It will help migrants to further inte- than desirable.” tance of developing tourism and its role in sup- grate with Qatar’s society. On the whole the land- Dr R Seetharaman gave an insight on Kuwait porting Kuwait’s economy by creating employ- mark residency plan will enhance expatriates par- economy. He said “Kuwait’s non-oil growth is ment opportunities in the private sector.” ticipation in Qatar’s economy and society in vari- expected to improve to in 2017 and 2018. Kuwait Dr R Seetharaman gave insight on the recent ous forms and thereby contribute to sustainable Banking sector lending growth in was more than 7 reforms brought by Qatar and the potential oppor- growth of Qatar. Qatar has also waived entry visa percent on YOY basis in 1st Half of 2017 and tunities therein. He said “Qatar ranked 18th in ‘the requirements for citizens of 80 countries.” deposit growth was flat. Government- funded proj- Global Competitiveness Report 2016-17’ and Doha Bank Management gave a farewell to ects will drive economic growth. Domestic interest stands second in the region. A new law for Public Ahmed Yousuf Ahmed Al- Mehza, Chief Country rates moved up in June 2017 even as the Central Private Partnership (PPP) businesses in Qatar Manager, Kuwait Branch and On behalf of Doha Bank of Kuwait opted to keep its key policy rate on should provide an additional level of comfort to Bank Management Dr R Seetharman thanked him hold following the US Fed hike. Though the central the private sector and foreign investors. In Feb for all the efforts taken for the organization and bank refrained from hiking the discount rate in 2017, Qatar issued a new law on arbitration (the wished him good luck in all his future endeavors. June, it did increase the overnight repo rate by 25 “Arbitration Law”), inspired by the UNCITRAL He also welcomed Loai Fadel Mukamis who will be basis points, which helped lift interest rates. Qatar - Model Law (the “Model Law”), an international the new Chief Country Manager of Doha Bank Kuwait bilateral trade was above 2.7bn QR in 2016.” template for law on arbitration. In terms of food Kuwait Branch. Dr R Seetharaman highlighted on the opportu- security, Qatar now have many local companies The vote of thanks was given by Loai Fadel nities in Kuwait. He said “This year Kuwait has that are supporting the country and it can develop Mukamis, Chief Country Manager of Kuwait. ABK wishes everyone Explore popular destination in Kuwait a happy in India by availing exciting Islamic New Year fares from jet airways KUWAIT: ABK announced that dur- service agent via ‘Ahlan Ahli’ . On ing the Islamic New Year holiday, its the occasion of the Islamic New KUWAIT: Jet Airways, India’s full-service, motion will be valid for travel by Branches and the Head Office will be Year, ABK’s Board Members, premiere international airline, is offering September 30, 2017. closed today (September 21, 2017). Management & Staff, would like to discounted Economy fares on select direct The special fares will be applicable on The Bank will resume its regular extend its warmest wishes to the flights from Gulf region to destinations in Economy class travel, on direct flights working hours on Sunday 24th Amir of the State of Kuwait, His India such as Mumbai, Delhi, Kolkata, operated by Jet Airways and for both one- September 2017. Highness Sheikh Sabah Al-Ahmad Chennai, Bengaluru, Hyderabad, Kochi, way and return journeys. The special fares ABK’s online services and Call Al-Jaber Al-Sabah, HH the Crown Thiruvananthapuram, Lucknow and will be applicable only on direct flights Center will be available 24 hours a Prince Sheikh Nawaf Al-Ahmad Al- Calicut. Guests can use this opportunity to operated by Jet Airways. Guests can book day during the holiday and can be Jaber Al-Sabah and to the Kuwaiti explore exotic destinations in India or their tickets on or reached by contacting a customer government and its people. plan to visit their family and friends. use the airline’s mobile app. Jet Airways will offer guests travelling Shakir Kantawala, Vice President - Gulf, from Kuwait to Kochi and Hyderabad in Middle East & Africa, Jet Airways, said, “Jet India a discount of 20% percent on base Airways constantly finding means of pro- fares, applicable on tickets booked on viding our guests moments of joy through For ECB taper clues, website, mobile app and through travel our ‘Guest First’ policy. This fare sale will agents. The airline will offer these special provide our guests an opportunity to eurozone bond markets fares for tickets booked by September 28, explore destinations in India or visit their 2017. Tickets booked as part of the pro- families”. look to the Fed

LONDON: Eurozone govern- and euro weakness which ment bond yields nudged down would harden the ECB’s exit case yesterday as investors awaited and be a headwind for govern- the conclusion of a US Federal ment bonds.” Reserve meeting for clues on Most euro zone bond yields whether another interest rate fell around 1-2 basis points on rise is likely this year. the day. Caught between a lull in US Portugal’s 10-year bond yield inflation and a stronger global hit its lowest level since economy, the Fed is expected to December 2015 at 2.387 per- Ooredoo launches the signal whether it will raise rates cent, extending sharp falls seen for a third time this year or back after the country’s return to new Note8 with Shamel off until prices rise more briskly. investment grade with a major What it says is important for ratings agency. KUWAIT: Ooredoo Kuwait, a member keeps your personal and professional the outlook for monetary policy German bond yields dipped of the international Ooredoo Group, data separate. in the euro zone, since any state- after a 30-year bond auction. announced yesterday that the all-new ment that points to another rate Germany’s 10-year Bund yield Galaxy Note 8 is available in 3 colours Powerful Performance hike this year could lift the dollar was down 1.5 bps at 0.44 per- (midnight black, orchid grey and maple With 6 GB RAM, a 10nm processor, against the euro. cent, while 30-year yields fell 2 gold) in all its stores across Kuwait. The and expandable memory (up to 256 And any weakening in the bps to 1.23 percent. device is available with the all-inclusive GB), you have the power you need to single currency, up around 14 Still, the main focus post-paid Shamel plans, which include browse, stream, play games, and multi- Burgan Bank encourages its percent against the dollar this remained the Fed. Expectations a variety of benefits like unlimited min- task. year, could encourage the for a December Fed rate hike utes, internet sharing, and internet car- Premier customers to European Central Bank to press have gained ground over the ryover. Customers can enjoy surfing the ahead with plans to unwind its past week, boosted by web using Ooredoo’s blazing-fast 4G+ benefit from offer hefty stimulus scheme. stronger-than-expected infla- internet. A strong euro, with its damp- tion numbers. The Fed’s policy Water and Dust Resistance Innovative Mobile Experiences KUWAIT: Ensuring a consistent approach to focus on the corporate and financial institu- ening effect on inflation, has statement is due out at 1800 clouded the outlook for ECB GMT. Fed Chair Janet Yellen will You can take your Note8 almost any- Samsung DeX enables a desktop satisfying its customers’ needs, Burgan Bank is tions sectors, as well as having a growing where you want and write even when experience powered by your phone. pleased to announce that its premier cus- retail, and private bank customer base. tapering. hold a press conference half an ECB policymakers are divided hour later. the display is wet due to its water and You can keep your files on your device, tomers are now entitled to up to 12 percent Burgan Bank has majority owned subsidiaries dust resistance feature on both the conduct work on the go, and use on whether to set a definitive “We think that another rate discount when booking on in the MENAT region supported by one of the device and the S Pen. Samsung DeX when you need an even Recognizing its customers’ enhanced interest largest regional branch networks. end-date for their stimulus hike by the end of this year still bigger screen. The Note 8 is Samsung’s in overseas travel, Kuwait’s most dynamic The Bank has continuously improved its scheme when they meet in has a 40 percent chance, howev- Fast Wireless Charging first smartphone to come with a dual bank brings additional privileges under its performance over the years through an October, raising the chance that er the upcoming economic data The Galaxy Note8 supports the most camera lens and includes Bixby (cutting premier banking services. expanded revenue structure, diversified they will keep open at least the is going to keep traders on their advanced wireless charging capabilities edge artificial intelligence to respond to Further integrating luxury provisions for funding sources, and a strong capital base. option of prolonging it again, toes due to the massive foot- yet, so you can get a quick charge with- voice commands), a smarter way to use its discerning clientele, Burgan Bank’s premier The adoption of state-of-the-art services and Reuters reported on Tuesday. prints of hurricanes,” said Naeem out having to deal with the mess of your phone; it learns from you, customers can enjoy discounted deals on technology has positioned it as a trendsetter “The euro is still strong so that Aslam, chief market analyst at ports or wires. improves over time, and helps you get hotels, as owns a wide network of in the domestic market and within the doesn’t make life easier for the ThinkMarkets UK. The Fed is also more done. more than 985,000 hotels worldwide and is MENA region. Burgan Bank’s brand has been ECB,” said Commerzbank rates likely to announce a scheduled Security home to a popular selection of resorts and created on a foundation of real values - of strategist Rainer Guntermann. “If reduction of its approximately The Galaxy Note8 offers a choice of Available with Shamel unique homes, making it the ideal platform trust, commitment, excellence and progres- we move closer to a US rate $4.2 trillion in holdings of biometric authentication options- The device is available exclusively for avid travelers. sion, to remind us of the high standards to hike, that should come along bonds and mortgage-backed including iris and fingerprint scanning. with the Shamel 30 plan, which Established in 1977, Burgan Bank is the which we aspire. ‘People come first’ is the with a bit more dollar strength securities. — Rueters Samsung Knox7 provides defense- includes unlimited local minutes, 500 youngest commercial Bank and second foundation on which its products and servic- grade security at the hardware and soft- GB LTE internet and taking unused largest by assets in Kuwait, with a significant es are developed. ware layers and with Secure Folder that internet to the next month. THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 21, 2017 TECHNOLOGY As Apple slows, fast-moving Chinese rivals gain

HONG KONG/SINGAPORE: Slowing innovation at Lenovo and TCL all Chinese firms - were among the this month that features a sleek, all-ceramic ‘uni- brand image, and Samsung too. If they can pay a lit- iPhone maker Apple gives Asian rivals their best top-10 best-selling smartphones in its stores. body’ design and 12-megapixel front camera. The tle more to purchase an Apple or Samsung phone, chance yet to conquer developed markets, retailers Chinese manufacturers’ rapid growth has been special edition Mi MIX 2 retails for $720. Also, most consumers may still continue to do that.” and consumers say - thanks to better designs and fuelled by strong domestic sales, but they now Xiaomi, Oppo and Vivo are working with Qualcomm In the $600-plus segment, Apple has 63 percent lower prices. Apple last week unveiled new iPhones export 40 percent of their smartphones, almost dou- to embed ultrasound sensors under smartphone market share, against just 3 percent for Huawei, and with wireless charging, an edge-to-edge screen and ble the number just three years ago, according to screens to improve the touch function. the US firm’s retention rate of around 82 percent, dual cameras - all features already widely available CLSA. Huawei, whose smartphone shipments to “Chinese brands with growing scale, access to the versus Huawei’s 52 percent, suggests it will be tough in phones from China’s Huawei and Oppo, and Europe jumped more than 50 percent in the first half same supply chain, rising components buying pow- for Chinese firms to raise their prices, according to Samsung Electronics. of this year, is poised to overtake Apple as the er, aggressive marketing and value-for-money offer- UBS. The average selling price of smartphones from While Apple must convince buyers to fork out world’s second-largest vendor. ings have stalled Apple’s growth rate and nullified the top-3 Chinese makers - Huawei, Oppo and Vivo - nearly $1,000 for its high-end model, challengers are The Chinese firm’s confidence was on show in a the differentiation points,” said Neil Shah, research is just $248, or two-thirds less than the cheapest tilting at the luxury market, offering similar features short Facebook video ad ahead of its “RealAIphone” director at Counterpoint. Apple declined to com- iPhone 8. Yet experts say the threat of competition is for less money. launch next month, using a clown to poke fun at ment beyond what their executives have said pub- real, especially as buyers pay more attention to Chinese vendors, formerly seen as churning out Apple’s facial recognition feature that unlocks the licly about why they hold off on certain technologies. smartphone apps than hardware features. “How cheap phones with copycat innovation, have upped new iPhone. much impact would a $1,000 iPhone really have on their quality game and now control nearly half the Huawei plans to unveil its top-of-the-line Mate 10 Still a big gap UX (user experience) of WhatsApp, or YouTube, or global mobile market. By cramming high-end fea- phone on Oct. 16, with artificial intelligence-pow- To be sure, Apple maintains a healthy market Snapchat?” said Sameer Singh, founder of research tures into affordable devices, and using a canny mix ered features such as instant translation and image share lead over Chinese rivals in the premium seg- firm Tech-Thoughts. of promotion, advertising and retail reach, they have recognition. And media reports speculate the phone ment, and few experts see Apple fans switching “The most popular apps being available on both also won over some loyal Apple users. will have an edge-to-edge screen, and undercut the from the iPhone X to Huawei’s Mate 10. “The biggest platforms (Apple’s iOS and Google’s Android) really “Huawei is seen as a relevant competitor to Apple iPhone on price. Huawei declined to comment. With challenge they (Chinese firms) face would be prov- makes the experience a bit of a wash, making it and Samsung (by) covering all major price points their growing scale and the flattening of hardware ing to consumers their products and brand are harder to justify the price point based just on fea- and placing big investments in marketing and sales,” improvements, other Chinese firms are also looking worth paying that much for,” said Xiaohan Tay, an tures. This isn’t all that different from the PC industry said a spokeswoman for MediaMarktSaturn, Europe’s to crack the high-end smartphone market. analyst at research firm IDC. 10-20 years ago. At one point, a PC was a PC irre- biggest electronics retailer. She said Huawei, ZTE, Xiaomi, for example, unveiled a full-screen phone “Apple has taken years to build that premium spective of the manufacturer.” — Reuters Apple Watch goes solo, but don’t dump your phone yet You’re still missing calls, messages without phone nearby

SANTA CLARA, California: A chief gripe with Apple Watch is that it requires you to keep an iPhone with you for most tasks. The inclusion of GPS last year helped on runs and bike rides, but you’re still missing calls and messages without the phone nearby. A new model with its own cellular-network connection is Apple’s next step toward an untethered world. Now you can make and receive calls and messages on the watch while leaving your phone at home. But the watch still DALLAS: A customer walks into a Toys R Us store in Dallas on Tuesday. Toys R Us has needs regular contact with an iPhone, and for filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection while continuing with normal business most tasks, the phone needs to be on and con- operations. — AP nected, even if it’s nowhere nearby. So you can’t get away with ditching the iPhone altogether. Toys R Us joins bankruptcy (Android users have their own wristwear options, including Samsung Gear and Android list as Amazon exerts clout Wear watches, some of which can already man- age their own network connections.) NEW YORK: In filing for bankruptcy, Toys R Us Walmart and Target, and then to Amazon. The new Apple Watch Series 3, distinguished joins a list of dozens of store chains that have GlobalData Retail estimates that about by a red crown, comes out Friday starting at done so already this year as online leader 13.7 percent of toy sales were made online in about $400. You can forgo cellular, and the red Amazon increasingly exerts its influence over 2016, up from 6.5 percent five years ago. And crown, for $70 less. Or get a first-generation a huge part of the retailing world. The toy Toys R Us has also been hurt by children shift- model, without GPS, for about $250. In this Sept 15, 2017, photo, the non-cellular version of the Apple Watch Series 3 is displayed chain, hobbled by $5 billion in debt and more ing to mobile devices as playthings. But the in New York. The new watch comes out tomorrow. — AP intense competition, filed for protection from toy industry still needs Toys R Us, says Jim Where it helps er apps, Yelp recommendations and notifications ahead. A spare watch charger at your desk helps its creditors ahead of the key holiday season. Silver, editor-in-chief of the toy review web- You might not want to bring your phone on a that go to the phone. Coming soon: the ability for those days you’re dumb enough to leave Like so many retailers that find it harder to co- site TTPM. He cites the fact that it sells toys all short jog; the watch can still keep you in touch. to stream Apple Music, even with the phone off. your phone on the kitchen counter. It can be exist with Amazon, analysts say Toys R Us year, rather than just at the holidays, and has Or you can leave the phone home while walking Unfortunately, this doesn’t apply to rival music handy to untether the watch at times, but it’s needs to improve its online services and helped launch toy crazes such as ZhuZhu Pets the dog or performing a quick errand. You need services or Apple’s podcast app. not always necessary. Even when tied to the offering special experiences in the stores. during the downturn. a data add-on from the same wireless provider phone, Series 3 offers improvement such as For Toys R Us, that might be game demon- “If toy companies lost Toys R Us, it would as your phone. It typically costs $5 or $10 a Limitations tracking elevation, so you get credit for climbing strations or hosting birthday parties. It says it’ll be a hardship for a lot of companies,” said month and uses the phone’s data allotment. Because the watch screen is small, many apps stairs or jogging up a hill. And you can now hear keep its 1,600 Toys R Us and Babies R Us stores Silver. Toys R Us has also struggled with debt While the watch technically has its own offer only a sliver of information and refer you Siri responses on the watch speaker, something open, and keep serving customers while in since private-equity firms Bain Capital, KKR & phone number, the major carriers have worked back to the phone to view more. That was little enabled by the new version’s faster processor. bankruptcy. Still, the chain faces hurdles - price Co. and Vornado Realty Trust took it private in out number syncing. Calls to your phone will go more than an annoyance when the phone was For owners of past models, a software update is a big issue for shoppers, and Toys R Us a $6.6 billion leveraged buyout in 2005. The to the watch, and calls from the watch will in the same room. If you’ve left the phone out this week, watchOS 4, will bring easier access acknowledges that it can’t compete there. plan had been to take the company public, appear on caller ID with your regular number. behind, though, you’ll be left hanging. to music playback controls when exercising - just “We will go to Toys R Us to check out the but that never happened because of its weak Same goes for texts and iMessage chats. Calls You can also run into trouble while roaming, swipe left. There are more prompts when reach- current toys, and while we are at the store, we financial performance. With such debt levels, use the watch’s speaker and microphone, or particularly internationally. For one thing, engi- ing or nearing daily goals, and options for multi- will be looking up prices on the phone on Toys R Us has not had the financial flexibility wireless earphones. neers weren’t able to squeeze in support for cel- ple sports in a single workout. A new heart rate and Amazon,” said Randy to invest in its business. Marc Rosenberg, a Colleagues say call quality was fine. It came in lular frequencies around the world. And outside app now shows heart rate at rest and averages Watson of Fort Worth, Texas. toy marketing executive, said it hasn’t been handy for sneaking in runs during conference the US, only a handful of carriers are supporting when walking or recovering from exercise. These He used to pick up items at Toys R Us for aggressive about building its online business, calls (though if you’re my boss, just kidding! the cellular watch. In any case, don’t forget to can help you gauge your overall fitness. And if his kids. But for his grandchildren, he uses the and let those sales migrate to rivals. Now, about that raise ...). switch to airplane mode on flights. Cellular data your heart rate is high without any signs of exer- store to see what’s available and then shops Toys R Us said the bankruptcy proceedings Phone calls and iMessage chats work on the also drains the battery quicker. Apple’s promised cise, you’ll get an alert. You enable this when you elsewhere to get lower prices. are a way for it to work with its creditors on watch even if your phone is off, as do turn-by- 18 hours of battery life includes about four hours first open the heart rate app. It can signal health The bankruptcies of nearly three dozen restructuring its debt and will give it greater turn maps and queries to the Siri voice assistant. of such use. An hour of phone calls over LTE will problems, though Apple is stopping short of retailers since the beginning of the year - financial flexibility. The company said it’s For texts, the phone needs to be on - some- drain the battery completely. telling you to see a doctor or visit the emergency many of them very small companies, but also “well-stocked as we prepare for the holiday where. With the phone on, you can perform a I got dropped from two conference calls room, as the watch isn’t marketed - or certified - well-known names like Payless Shoe Source, season and are excited about all of our variety of other tasks, including checking weath- because the battery was low to begin with. Plan as a medical device. — AP Gymboree Corp. and True Religion jeans - has upcoming in-store events.” resulted in job losses and store closings. Toys What shoppers find on the shelves might R Us didn’t say if it would trim its workforce of be a question. Lawyers for Toys R Us said in nearly 65,000 employees worldwide. court Tuesday that within a week of a news China rises at Frankfurt car show Credit Suisse believes that there could be story about the possibility of bankruptcy, 8,640 store closings this year, which would nearly 40 percent of the company’s suppliers FRANKFURT: Traditional heavyweights Fiat, past, Chinese manufacturers want to show they Chinese carmakers’ more visible presence at this surpass the 2008 peak of 6,200. In 2008, the refused to ship products without cash on Peugeot and Volvo may have shunned this year’s can be successful in Europe, it’s a mark of quality, a year’s IAA is not just for European consumption, number of bankruptcies was at a historic high delivery. That accelerated the bankruptcy fil- Frankfurt auto show (IAA), but for Chinese and test before expanding to other markets outside said industry expert Laurent Petizon at consultancy of 569, according to S&P Global Market ing. Jefferies analyst Stephanie Wissink said Taiwanese carmakers looking to make inroads in Europe,” said Walker. Two other Chinese manufac- AlixPartners. Showing that they appeal to an inter- Intelligence. Amazon, meanwhile, has been she expects that Toys R Us suppliers will con- Europe the chance to step into the limelight was turers, high-end WEY and the mass-market Chery, national audience is also a way for the brands to using its $99-a year-Prime Membership as a tinue to shift some orders to other retailers. not to be missed. Two years after becoming a sur- made their IAA debuts this year. WEY, the newly increase their cachet back home in the world’s way to gain fierce shopper loyalty as it adds For most multinational toy suppliers, the Toys prise hit at the last IAA with an electric sedan con- created luxury label of Chinese carmaker Great largest car market, he told AFP, pointing out that more perks like same-day delivery Amazon R Us business roughly accounted for 10 per- cept car to rival Tesla’s Model S, Taiwanese upstart Wall, showcased a range of compact 4x4s offering those jostling for attention at the IAA were not Now for a growing number of markets. It’s cent of total sales, she said. Thunder Power was back at Europe’s top industry both petrol and hybrid drivetrains. China’s biggest players. “The goal is not to invade also making partnerships with brands like The issue isn’t that people aren’t buying showcase, which runs until September 24. It also wowed with its XEV concept, a sleek the European market, at least not for now,” he said. Sears and Kohl’s, and now has hundreds of toys. US toy sales rose 6 percent last year on But this time there was no mistaking its ambi- crossover with futuristic-looking gullwing doors, But analyst Ferdinand Dudenhoeffer of Whole Foods stores that it could use as distri- top of a 7 percent increase in the prior year, tions. Positioning itself a stone’s throw away from but did not make any announcements about when Germany’s CAR research center noted that Chinese bution points.“Amazon has the level of con- says NPD Group Inc, a market research firm. luxury brands Maserati and Ferrari, Thunder Power it might land in Europe. Chery showed off the manufacturers had worked hard in recent years to venience that so far surpasses the ability of That was the biggest increase since 1999 and unveiled a second prototype, a high-end electric Exeed Tx, an urban crossover designed for improve their chances of gaining a foothold in traditional retailers can offer,” said Karl was fueled by several blockbuster movies. SUV with which it hopes to capture a slice of the European tastes that it says will be made available Europe’s competitive and mature car market. Havard, a retail industry expert for PA But for the first half of 2017, sales rose 3 booming 4x4 market. “I’m not interested in gaso- with hybrid, plug-in hybrid and fully electric drive- “The design and quality are now at the level of Consulting Group, a global retail consultancy. percent. That puts more pressure on the later line cars. I want to build an electric car that is the trains. “We have the firm intention to come to those seen in general European manufacturers like “There’s a lot of inertia in the retail board- part of the year, when most toy sales occur, best in the world,” said chief executive Wellen Europe, but it’s too early to disclose the details,” Renault, Opel, Volkswagen,” he told AFP, calling the room. They’re not prepared to take the risk.” for the industry to meet NPD’s estimate for a Sham. The sedan is set for mass production in 2019, Chery CEO Anning Chen said, hinting only that Chinese focus on offering electrified SUVs “a good Toys R Us was a major force in toy retailing 4.5 percent annual increase. Lego is laying off followed by the SUV a year later, he told AFP, “this product isn’t going to be the cheapest car on strategy”. Chery boss Chen for his part said he was in the 1980s and early 1990s, and was one of 1,400 workers after saying profits and sales adding that the firm already had a factory in China the market.” “confident” of a European breakthrough. — AFP the first of the “category killers” - retailers that dropped in the first half. And the nation’s two and planned to set up one in Spain. focused on one merchandising category and largest toy makers, Mattel and Hasbro, report- Starting with Germany and Britain, Thunder offered low prices. That combination hurt ed disappointing second-quarter results. Power eventually aims to sell 40,000 units a year in mom-and pop shops that couldn’t compete Toys R Us, based in Wayne, New Jersey, Europe, he said. on breadth of inventory or price. made its filing in the US Bankruptcy Court for But like its peers, the now-defunct Sports the Eastern District of Virginia, and said its European litmus test Authority, Borders and Circuit City, Toys R Us Canadian subsidiary would seek similar pro- On the other side of the mammoth Frankfurt started losing shoppers to discounters like tection through a court in Ontario. — AP convention centre, fairgoers marvelled at the renais- sance of storied German brand Borgward, which went under 50 years ago but was brought back to life in 2015 with the help of Chinese truck maker Self-driving Uber fleet Beiqi Foton. “We are coming to Europe this year,” said chief executive Ulrich Walker, adding that its limited- returns to service edition BX7 SUV, priced at around 45,000 euros ($53,000), will go on sale in Germany first before PITTSBURGH: Uber has resumed self-dri- Sonya Toler, the Uber driver was in con- other models are launched across the continent. ving vehicle service in Pittsburgh follow- trol of the vehicle at the time of the Tapping into nostalgia for the brand’s heyday, ing a crash. crash. Uber says their self-driving vehi- Borgward also unveiled a sporty Isabella concept car The company briefly suspended their cles returned to service late Tuesday inspired by a legendary 1950s coupe of the same self-driving fleet yesterday morning. morning following an investigation. name. The reborn German-Chinese manufacturer, Police say a car collided with a self-dri- The San Francisco-based company which is already producing cars in China, plans to ving Uber SUV. had previously suspended its nationwide increase its European footprint by building an Two Uber employees who were in the self-driving fleet for two days in March assembly plant in Borgward’s original hometown of SUV at the time of the crash and the after a crash in Arizona. Police deter- Bremen in northern Germany next year. The plant driver of the car were not injured. mined the Uber vehicle was not at fault will manufacture electric vehicles for European con- DETROIT: This file photo taken on January 08, 2017 shows John Krafcik, CEO of Waymo at a According to police spokeswoman in the crash. — AP sumers, with production slated for 2019. press conference at the 2017 North American International Auto Show in Detroit, Michigan. “Like the Japanese and South Koreans in the Intel announced its computing tech is being loaded into Waymo self-driving minivans. — AFP THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 21, 2017 HEALTH & SCIENCE

Teens risk suicide, drugs, AIDS due to gender ‘straitjacket’

NEW YORK: Gender stereotypes put girls as young Urban Health Institute, said. “Young adolescents do puberty, he said. The gender “straitjacket” is espe- teens, which means adolescent mental and sexual as 10 at risk of HIV/AIDS and depression, and lead not live in the world of childhood... they live in a cially harmful for girls. Constant emphasis on their health programs need to start younger, Blum said. boys to abuse drugs and commit suicide, a major transitional era where they’re acutely aware of physical appearance and perceptions of vulnerabili- “If we start intervention at the age of 15, we may be study across 15 countries said yesterday. Children what’s going on,” he said. ty make girls subservient and can sanction abuse as too late,” he said. “These gender norms become around the world - in liberal and conservative cul- The US-based university and the World Health punishment for violating gender norms, the land- solidified in early adolescence, they’re exposed to tures - internalize damaging beliefs that boys are Organization interviewed about 450 adolescents mark study found. This leaves girls at a greater risk them since they were born.” In countries such as the aggressive troublemakers, while vulnerable girls over four years in countries ranging from the United of physical and sexual violence, child marriage, early United States, India, Belgium and China, it is need protection, at a much younger age than previ- States and Belgium to Malawi and India. “There are pregnancy and HIV/AIDS, it said. For boys, an increasingly acceptable for girls to defy gender ously thought, the research found. tremendous commonalities in young people in as emphasis on physical strength and independence at stereotypes but not for boys, who get bullied and “Before this study, there was a general belief that diverse places as Beijing and Kinshasa,” said Blum. an early age makes them more likely to abuse drugs beaten up for appearing feminine, it said. Recent at 10 or 11 years of age, (adolescents) were not Pre-teens know where to get a backstreet abortion and get involved in violence. shifts in gender roles in the United States and clued into any issues around gender norms and val- in countries where it is illegal and understand that Damaging expectations become entrenched northern Europe show that cultures can change, ues,” Robert Blum, director of the Johns Hopkins certain friendships are no longer acceptable after between the ages of 10 and 14, rather than in mid- Blum said. — Reuters

‘Verbal autopsies’ show India averted a million child deaths

LONDON: India has avoided the deaths of of the largest studies of premature deaths about one million children under the age in the world. of five since 2005, largely due to a decrease The study found that mortality rates in cases of preventable diseases such as from vaccine-preventable diseases such as pneumonia, diarrhoea, tetanus and tetanus and measles fell by about 90 per- measles, a study published on Tuesday cent since 2005 while neonatal infection found. The study took a novel approach and birth trauma fell by more than 66 per- carrying out “verbal autopsies” as census cent. For children aged one to 59 months, staff knocked on more than 1.3 million mortality rates from pneumonia and diar- doors to speak to households about infant rhoea also fell by more than 60 percent, mortality, in a country where many deaths according to the research. occur at home and without medical atten- Improved female literacy rates, tion. “It’s huge progress,” said Prabhat Jha, schemes paying women to deliver babies lead investigator of the survey. “The most in hospitals and an increase in spending on important thing that India has done is public health by the Indian government actually count the deaths.” have all contributed to the falling death Jha told the Thomson Reuters rates. Foundation that the approach, which “It is clear that there is good progress in included using local languages and listen- some states in India - but this is not shared ing to parents tell unvarnished stories of across all communities,” said Vishal Chowla their children’s deaths, was simple and of Save the Children in India. “Access to cheap and could be replicated elsewhere. healthcare remains unequal, and very low WASHINGTON: US Sen Dean Heller (R-NV) (2nd left) and Sen Lindsey Graham (R-SC) (left) listen during a news conference on health care at “(India) has got a simple way of counting public spending means that the poor are Capitol Hill in Washington, DC. Senators Graham, Cassidy, Heller and Johnson unveiled a proposed legislation to repeal and replace the the dead and describing causes that many often left to fend for themselves.” Obamacare. — AFP countries could adopt at low cost, this isn’t Worldwide, more than six million children hard stuff, it just needs a bit of money and die before their fifth birthday each year, some political commitment,” he said. The according to the United Nations, with chil- Winners and losers in GOP’s research published in The Lancet, a medical dren born into poverty almost twice as journal, is part of a wider Million Death likely to die before the age of five as those last-ditch health overhaul Study taking place across India and is one from wealthier families. — Reuters Latest bill likely to leave more people uninsured Hepatitis A outbreak

WASHINGTON: The GOP’s last-ditch effort to funding reduction over time, as well as states, like viously,” said Collins, one of three GOP senators seen in Los Angeles repeal “Obamacare” would redistribute hundreds Florida, where many residents received subsidies whose opposition derailed the last Republican of billions of dollars in federal financing for insur- for private health insurance, said Larry Levitt of legislation. Here’s a look at some winners and los- LOS ANGELES: Public health authorities Several people who provide services to ance coverage, creating winners and losers the nonpartisan Kaiser Family Foundation. ers under the bill: have declared an outbreak of the highly the homeless have also been infected. Los among individual Americans and states in ways “Every state has to start from scratch creating Winners - People who don’t believe the gov- contagious liver disease hepatitis A in Los Angeles County Interim Health Officer Dr not yet fully clear. Independent analysts say the its own health insurance program, in some cases ernment should require individuals to purchase a Angeles County, the third California Jeffrey Gunzenhauser said vaccination is latest Senate Republican bill is likely to leave with reduced federal funding and in some cases costly private service like health insurance. The region to see significant infections this the best protection against hepatitis A and more people uninsured than the Affordable Care with increased federal funding,” Levitt said. “I don’t bill would repeal “Obamacare’s” unpopular year. Health officials reported the out- outreach teams and clinics are offering Act, and allow states to make changes that raise think at this point anybody knows what states are requirements for individuals to have coverage break to the county Board of Supervisors, free vaccine to the homeless, active drug costs for people with health problems or pre- going to do.” Following the framework of previous and for larger employers to offer coverage. The which requested a briefing due to the users and people who work with those existing medical conditions. Republican bills, the new legislation would also trade-off is that without such a legal requirement, proximity of LA to San Diego, which has groups. The homeless are considered at After closed-door meetings Tuesday, support- limit overall federal financing for Medicaid, which more people are likely to be uninsured. And an had more than 420 cases and 16 deaths high risk for infection because of poor san- ers seemed confident but acknowledged they’re serves more than 70 million low-income people. accident or unexpected illness can make that a since early this year. itation. The latest annual tally found nearly not sure if the bill can pass. There’s only a narrow That feature affects the entire program, not just costly decision. Losers - People with health prob- The Los Angeles County outbreak was 59,000 homeless people in the nation’s window for the Senate to act under special budg- former President Barack Obama’s expansion to lems or with pre-existing medical conditions declared because two of 10 confirmed most populous county. Hepatatis A et rules that expire at the end of the month. The cover more low-income adults. It would change could be charged more if the state they live in cases could not be traced back to either spreads when someone comes in contact Congressional Budget Office has said it doesn’t the current open-ended nature of Medicaid obtains a waiver from current requirements that San Diego or to Santa Cruz County, some with an infected person’s feces, sometimes have time to complete a full analysis of the financing, a move that prompts deep concern forbid insurers from charging higher premiums 300 miles to the north, where there have when hands are not properly washed after impact on coverage before the deadline. from hospitals, doctors, nursing homes, consumer based on health status. States could also seek been 69 hepatitis A cases since April, the going to the bathroom or changing dia- The biggest changes would start in 2020 - the groups, and some state officials. “The bottom line waivers from the current requirement that insur- Department of Public Health said. The pers and the virus is then spread through next presidential election year. That’s a political is most states will experience a reduction in feder- ers cover 10 basic kinds of services, such as two apparently locally acquired infections food or objects. risk for Republicans, since health care changes al funding under the bill,” said Caroline Pearson of maternity and childbirth, or mental health and were the most recent. “We’ve met the def- It can also be spread through sex or by often involve unforeseen problems. A key feature the consulting firm Avalere Health. “States that substance abuse treatment. inition for an outbreak,” department sharing drug paraphernalia. Health offi- of the legislation from Sens Lindsey Graham of expanded Medicaid are likely to see some of the Winners - Medical device manufacturers. The Director Barbara Ferrer told the board. “As cials say the incubation period ranges South Carolina and Bill Cassidy of Louisiana biggest cuts.” bill would repeal an ACA tax on the industry. But of this morning we’ve confirmed that we from 15 to 50 days, and symptoms would put the ACA’s financing for subsidized pri- Graham says his bill will allow states to take it would leave in place Obama’s tax increases on have two community acquired cases.” Of include fever, malaise, dark urine, anorex- vate health insurance and Medicaid expansion the initiative on health care, designing programs upper-income individuals, a feature that may the other cases, four had been in San ia, nausea and abdominal discomfort, fol- into a giant pot and redistribute it among states that work best under local conditions. “I believe cause problems among some conservatives. Diego and one had been in Santa Cruz lowed by jaundice. In addition to vaccina- according to new formulas. that most Republicans like the idea of state con- Losers - States that expanded Medicaid, during their exposure period. tion and thorough hand washing, medical States could obtain federal waivers allowing trol of health care rather than Washington, DC, including 17 with Republican governors. The Three secondary cases occurred in a experts say people should avoid sex with them to modify insurance market safeguards for control,” he said. “We’ve come upon an idea that is more generous federal match for the expansion health care facility in Los Angeles County. anyone who has hepatitis A, and not consumers. For example, states could let insurers uniquely Republican.” But Sen Susan Collins, R- would be phased out, and some of the money Most of those infected in the outbreaks share food, drinks, cigarettes, towels, charge higher premiums for older adults. The 31 Maine, sees problems. “It seems that it has many would be redistributed to states that did not have been homeless or using illicit drugs. toothbrushes or eating utensils. — AP states that expanded Medicaid are likely to see a of the same flaws as the bill that we rejected pre- expand their programs. — AP WHAT’S ON THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 21, 2017

Pepper Steakhouse offers famed Smoked House Specials at Jumeirah Messilah Beach Hotel and Spa Award-winning restaurant delights guests with its specialty this month

umeirah Messilah Beach Hotel and Spa, Kuwait’s idyllic resort, is introducing a variety of new culinary surpris- es in September, one of them is the Smoked House SpecialsJ served at the resort’s award-wining Steakhouse, Pepper. The luxurious restaurant with its signature vibrant atmosphere continues to offer its diners their favorite pre- mium meat cuts, this time with a special menu devoted to wood-smoked treats. Guests will discover a choice of Mesquite Smoked Angus Brisket with candied sweet pota- to and BBQ bean, Oak Smoked Angus Rib-eye Steak accompanied with crispy onion rings, aromatic Baby Chicken with Apple Compote, Duck Leg garnished with garlic mushrooms and tender Lamb Shank. All dishes are expertly infused with a variety of Hickory, Oak, and Cherry woods to create the unique and authentic smoky flavors combined with fresh local ingredients. For those looking to host an intimate special occasion, guests can savor their dishes in the warmth of the restau- rant’s private dining area coupled with creative romantic arrangements of their choice. Recently awarded as the best Luxury Steakhouse and Luxury Hotel Restaurant for 2017 by the World Luxury Restaurant Awards, the hotel’s premium Steakhouse offers a memorable dining experi- ence in classy and extravagant surroundings ideal for busi- ness and leisure occasions. Sultanchef soon in Oman

ohammed Fawzi Al-Qassar, the in Salmiya (Symphony Style Mall); Sharq General Manager of the Kuwait (Altijaria Tower); and Mahboula (Light Turkish Catering and Restaurants Complex). MCompany announced the first branch of Sultanchef chooses the best cuts of Sultanchef franchise will be opening soon meat from cattle and livestock fed in the in the Opera Galleria in Muscat, Oman. rich pastures of Turkey, the United States, “We are expecting the Oman branch South Africa, and other countries. The opening in the summer with a huge quality of the pasture, the color and aro- attendance,” Qassar said in a press state- ma of the meat and the way of slaughter- ment. He also clarified that the Sultanchef ing and preservation in special dry-age expansion plan started in the GCC coun- fridges are the key factors carrying tries in 2017 through opening more Sultanchef to success. The high standard branches around the area to satisfy the of kitchen equipment and industrial global expectations for elite fans of the kitchenware mainly imported from well- Turkish steakhouse in the Arabian Gulf. known Turkish producers is another Sultanchef has three branches in Kuwait; important fact about Sultanchef.

A delegation from the Interior Ministry’s Relations and Security Media Department visited the Amal School for female students with special needs as part of its ongoing awareness campaign for the start of the school year. THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 21, 2017 TV PROGRAMS

11:30 Alex & Co. 16:50 Disney11 07:15 Duck Dynasty 13:00 Breadwinners 14:38 Junkyard Wars 11:05 Father Brown 11:55 Disney Mickey Mouse 17:15 Mech-X4 07:40 Counting Cars 13:24 Sanjay And Craig 15:26 Hacking The Wild 12:00 New Tricks 12:00 Rolling With The Ronks 17:40 Marvelʼs Spider-Man 08:05 Counting Cars 13:48 Nicky, Ricky, Dicky & Dawn 16:14 Mythbusters 12:50 Stella 12:15 Lolirock 18:05 Milo Murphyʼs Law 08:30 Pawn Stars 14:12 Henry Danger 00:40 Star 17:02 NASAʼs Unexplained Files 13:40 Doctors 12:40 Lolirock 18:30 Marvelʼs Ant-Man 08:55 Pawn Stars 14:36 The Thundermans 01:30 The Americans 17:50 Junkyard Wars 14:10 EastEnders 00:45 Treehouse Masters 13:05 Star Darlings 18:35 Lab Rats 09:20 Storage Wars 15:00 School Of Rock 02:30 The Unit 18:40 Mythbusters 14:40 Father Brown 01:40 My Tiny Terror 13:10 Miraculous Tales Of Ladybug 19:00 Kirby Buckets 09:45 Storage Wars 15:24 Breadwinners 03:20 Chicago Justice 19:30 Food Factory USA 15:30 Agatha Raisin 02:35 Swamp Brothers And Cat Noir 19:25 Walk The Prank 10:10 American Pickers 15:48 SpongeBob SquarePants 04:10 Code Black 19:55 Food Factory USA 16:20 Stella 03:25 Dr. Jeff: Rocky Mountain Vet 13:35 Miraculous Tales Of Ladybug 19:50 Marvelʼs Rocket And Groot 11:00 Alone 16:12 Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 05:00 Good Morning America 20:20 How Do They Do It? 17:05 New Tricks 04:15 Treehouse Masters And Cat Noir 19:55 Right Now Kapow 11:50 Duck Dynasty 16:36 The Loud House 07:00 The View 20:45 Food Factory 18:00 Doctors 05:02 Wildest Indochina 14:00 Jessie 20:20 Mech-X4 12:15 Duck Dynasty 17:00 Regal Academy 07:45 The Chew 21:10 NASAʼs Unexplained Files 18:30 EastEnders 05:49 Untamed & Uncut 14:25 Lolirock 20:45 Disney11 12:40 Counting Cars 17:24 Winx Club 08:30 Star 22:00 Food Factory USA 19:05 Father Brown 06:36 Going Ape 14:50 The Zhuzhus 21:10 K.C. Undercover 13:05 Counting Cars 17:48 Hunter Street 09:20 Chicago Justice 22:25 Food Factory USA 20:00 Holby City 07:00 Going Ape 15:15 Elena Of Avalor 21:35 Marvelʼs Ant-Man 13:30 Ozzy And Jackʼs World 18:12 Henry Danger 10:10 Code Black 22:50 Junkyard Wars 21:00 Uncle 07:25 Swamp Brothers 15:40 Stuck In The Middle 21:40 Disney Mickey Mouse Detour 18:36 Nicky, Ricky, Dicky & Dawn 11:00 The Unit 08:15 Treehouse Masters 16:05 Liv And Maddie 21:45 Lab Rats 14:20 Mountain Men 19:00 School Of Rock 11:45 The Flash 09:10 My Tiny Terror 16:30 Whisker Haven Tales With 22:10 Lab Rats 15:10 Leepu And Pitbull 19:24 Game Shakers 12:30 The View 10:05 Wildest Indochina The Palace Pets 22:35 Phineas And Ferb 16:00 Storage Wars 19:48 The Thundermans 13:15 The Chew 11:00 Swamp Brothers 16:35 Bunkʼd 23:00 Programmes Start At 6:00am 16:25 Storage Wars 20:12 SpongeBob SquarePants 14:00 Live Good Morning America 11:28 Swamp Brothers 17:00 K.C. Undercover 16:50 Cars That Made America 20:36 Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 16:00 Code Black 00:00 The Americans 11:55 Dr. Jeff: Rocky Mountain Vet 17:25 Miraculous Tales Of Ladybug 18:30 Forged In Fire 21:00 The Loud House 17:00 Chicago Justice 00:20 My 600lb Life: Where Are 01:05 Taken 12:50 Treehouse Masters And Cat Noir 19:20 Mountain Men 21:24 Sanjay And Craig 18:00 The Unit They Now? 01:50 Falling Water 13:45 My Tiny Terror 17:50 Girl Meets World 20:10 American Pickers 21:48 Rabbids Invasion 19:00 Law & Order: Special Victims 01:05 The Day I Almost Died 02:40 Star 14:40 Wildest Indochina 18:15 Disney Mickey Mouse 21:00 Road To 9/11 22:12 Breadwinners Unit 01:50 My Extreme Excess Skin 03:30 The Americans 15:35 Untamed & Uncut 18:20 Bizaardvark 22:40 Road To 9/11 22:36 Harvey Beaks 02:35 Oprah: Where Are They 00:05 Second Wives Club 20:00 The Night Shift 04:30 The Unit 16:30 Treehouse Masters 18:45 Best Friends Whenever 23:00 SpongeBob SquarePants 21:00 Star Now? 05:20 Chicago Justice 17:25 Whale Wars 19:10 Tsum Tsum Shorts 00:55 Second Wives Club 23:24 SpongeBob SquarePants 03:20 Sister Wives 01:50 E! News 22:00 Claws 06:10 Code Black 18:20 Whale Wars 19:15 Liv And Maddie 23:48 Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 23:00 Claws 04:05 Toddlers & Tiaras 07:00 Good Morning America 19:15 My Tiny Terror 19:40 Elena Of Avalor 02:50 Celebrity Style Story 04:50 Your Style In His Hands 03:20 Celebrity Style Story 23:50 Falling Water 09:00 The View 20:10 Swamp Brothers 20:05 Jessie 05:35 Say Yes To The Dress: 09:45 The Chew 20:38 Swamp Brothers 20:30 Cracke 03:50 Botched By Nature Bridesmaids 05:30 Celebrity Style Story 00:15 Carnival Eats 10:30 Star 21:05 Whale Wars 20:35 K.C. Undercover 00:45 Miguelʼs Tropical Kitchen 06:00 Obsessive Compulsive 11:20 Chicago Justice 22:00 Whale Wars 21:00 The Zhuzhus 06:00 Hollywood Medium With Cleaners Tyler Henry 01:10 Fish Of The Day 12:10 Code Black 22:55 Wildest Indochina 21:25 Stuck In The Middle 00:01 Max & Ruby 06:45 Outdaughtered: Busby 06:55 E! News 01:40 Korean Soul Food 13:00 The Unit 23:50 Untamed & Uncut 21:50 Sunny Bunnies 00:25 Ben & Hollyʼs Little Kingdom Quints 07:10 Hollywood Medium With 02:35 Access 360 World Heritage 00:10 The Secret Of The Magic 13:45 The Flash 00:36 Ben & Hollyʼs Little Kingdom 07:30 Say Yes To The Dress UK Tyler Henry 03:30 Gokʼs Chinese Takeaway Gourd 14:30 The View 00:47 The Day Henry Met 07:52 Say Yes To The Dress UK 08:10 E! News: Daily Pop 04:25 Poh & Co. 01:45 White Fang 2: Myth Of The 15:15 The Chew 00:52 The Day Henry Met 08:15 Sister Wives 09:10 Keeping Up With The 04:50 Fish Of The Day White Wolf 16:00 Live Good Morning America 00:57 Blaze And The Monster 09:00 Cake Boss Kardashians 05:20 Route Awakening 03:40 Confessions Of A Teenage 18:00 Code Black Machines 09:25 Toddlers & Tiaras 12:00 E! News 05:45 Route Awakening Drama Queen 19:00 Chicago Justice 00:00 Escaping Polygamy 00:00 Henry Hugglemonster 01:19 Blaze And The Monster 10:10 Obsessive Compulsive 12:15 Keeping Up With The 06:15 Billionaireʼs Paradise: Inside 05:20 Home On The Range 20:00 The Unit 01:00 Celebrity Ghost Stories 00:15 Calimero Machines Cleaners Kardashians Necker Island 06:45 The Secret Of The Magic 21:00 Law & Order: Special Victims 02:00 My Haunted House 00:30 Art Attack 01:41 Zack & Quack 10:55 Too Ugly For Love? 15:00 E! News 07:10 Korean Soul Food Gourd Unit 03:00 Stalked By A Ghost 00:55 Zou 02:03 Shimmer And Shine 11:40 Oprah: Where Are They 15:15 Keeping Up With The 08:05 Access 360 World Heritage 08:20 White Fang 2: Myth Of The 22:00 The Night Shift 04:00 Escaping Polygamy 01:05 Loopdidoo 02:25 Olive The Ostrich Now? Kardashians 09:00 Gokʼs Chinese Takeaway White Wolf 23:00 Star 05:00 Celebrity Ghost Stories 01:20 Henry Hugglemonster 02:30 Olive The Ostrich 12:25 Say Yes To The Dress UK 19:00 E! News 09:55 Poh & Co. 10:15 Tinker Bell And The Lost 06:00 Cold Case Files 01:35 Calimero 02:35 Paw Patrol 13:55 Toddlers & Tiaras 20:00 E!ʼs Look Book 10:20 Fish Of The Day Treasure 08:00 It Takes A Killer 01:50 Zou 02:58 Little Charmers 14:40 Sister Wives 21:00 Fashion Police 10:50 Route Awakening 11:45 Confessions Of A Teenage 09:00 Homicide Hunter 02:05 Art Attack 03:10 Ben & Hollyʼs Little Kingdom 15:25 Too Ugly For Love? 22:00 WAGs Miami 11:15 Route Awakening Drama Queen 10:00 Evil Up Close 02:30 Henry Hugglemonster 03:22 Dora The Explorer 16:10 Love, Lust Or Run 23:00 E! News 11:45 Billionaireʼs Paradise: Inside 13:25 Frankenweenie 14:00 It Takes A Killer 02:40 Loopdidoo 03:44 Max & Ruby 16:35 Cake Boss 00:00 WWE Vintage 23:15 Hollywood Medium With Necker Island 15:00 Treasure Planet 15:00 Cold Case Files 02:55 Henry Hugglemonster 04:06 The Day Henry Met 17:00 Oprahʼs Master Class 01:00 WWE Raw Tyler Henry 12:40 Rustic Adventures Italy 16:40 Ice Princess 16:00 Gangs Of Britain With Gary & 03:10 Art Attack 13:05 Rustic Adventures Italy 04:11 Nella The Princess Knight 18:20 Tuck Everlasting 17:50 Obsessive Compulsive 03:30 Arena Esports Martin Kemp 03:35 Loopdidoo 13:35 Access 360 World Heritage 04:35 Shimmer And Shine 19:55 A Simple Wish Cleaners 04:00 World Of X Games 17:00 Nightmare In Suburbia 03:50 Calimero 14:30 Gokʼs Chinese Takeaway 04:59 Wallykazam! 21:30 Frankenweenie 18:50 Your Style In His Hands 04:30 World Of X Games 18:00 Crimes That Shook Britain 04:05 Art Attack 15:25 Fish Of The Day 05:21 Zack & Quack 23:05 Treasure Planet 19:40 Say Yes To The Dress: 05:00 Pro Bull Riders 19:00 It Takes A Killer 04:30 Henry Hugglemonster 15:50 Fish Of The Day 05:32 The Day Henry Met Bridesmaids 06:00 Monster Jam 19:30 It Takes A Killer 04:45 Zou 16:20 Route Awakening 05:38 Blaze And The Monster 20:10 Cake Boss 07:00 WWE Vintage 20:00 Homicide Hunter 05:00 Art Attack 00:00 Chopped 16:45 Route Awakening Machines 20:35 Cake Boss 08:00 Pro Bull Riders 21:00 Cold Case Files 05:30 Henry Hugglemonster 01:00 Food Network Star Kids 17:15 Cesar Millan: Viva Las 06:00 Rusty Rivets 21:00 Say Yes To The Dress UK 09:00 Monster Jam 22:00 Fred Dineage: Murder 05:45 Loopdidoo 02:00 Diners, Drive-Ins And Dives Vegas! 06:13 Paw Patrol 21:25 Say Yes To The Dress UK 10:00 World Of X Games Casebook 06:00 Zou 03:00 Man Fire Food 18:10 Restoration Man 06:37 Dora The Explorer 21:50 Say Yes To The Dress: The 11:00 WWE Vintage 23:00 It Takes A Killer 06:15 Calimero 04:00 Chopped 19:05 Fish Of The Day 07:00 Zack & Quack 01:10 The Call Up Big Day 12:00 Pro Bull Riders 06:30 Loopdidoo 05:00 Guyʼs Grocery Games 19:30 Fish Of The Day 07:21 Bubble Guppies 02:45 Black Rose 22:40 Say Yes To The Dress UK 13:00 WWE Smackdown 06:45 Henry Hugglemonster 06:00 Barefoot Contessa: Back To 20:00 Route Awakening 07:44 Blaze And The Monster 04:30 Virtual Revolution 23:05 Say Yes To The Dress UK 14:30 Monster Jam 07:00 Sofia The First Basics 20:30 Route Awakening Machines 06:15 Spooks: The Greater Good 15:30 World Of X Games 07:30 The Lion Guard 06:25 Barefoot Contessa: Back To 21:00 Cesar Millan: Viva Las 08:07 Paw Patrol 08:05 Survivor 16:00 WWE Main Event 08:00 Mickey And The Roadster Basics Vegas! 08:30 Shimmer And Shine 09:45 The Call Up 17:00 WWE NXT 00:05 Destroyed In Seconds Racers 06:50 Anna Olson: Fresh 22:00 Restoration Man 08:53 Nella The Princess Knight 11:20 The Lovers 18:00 Pro Bull Riders 00:30 Pawn Queens 08:30 Doc McStuffins Toy Hospital 07:15 The Kitchen 22:55 Rustic Adventures Italy 09:15 The Day Henry Met 13:15 Spooks: The Greater Good 19:00 Monster Jam 01:20 Donʼt Drive Here 09:00 PJ Masks 08:05 The Pioneer Woman 23:20 Rustic Adventures Italy 09:22 Paw Patrol 15:00 Beyond Redemption 00:00 Bizarre Foods America 20:00 WWE Wal3ooha 02:10 Animal Nation With Anthony 09:30 Miles From Tomorrow 08:55 Sibaʼs Table 23:50 Access 360 World Heritage 09:45 Rusty Rivets 16:35 Swordfish 01:00 Mysteries At The Museum 20:30 World Of X Games Anderson 10:00 Jake And The Never Land 09:25 Sibaʼs Table 09:57 Wallykazam! 18:15 Tekken: Kazuyaʼs Revenge 02:00 Expedition Unknown 21:00 European Rally 03:00 Finding Bigfoot Pirates 09:55 Cooking For Real 10:20 Fresh Beat Band Of Spies 19:50 Operation Chromite 03:00 Expedition Unknown Special Championship Highlights 03:50 Destroyed In Seconds 10:30 Mickey And The Roadster 10:25 Cooking For Real 10:42 Zack & Quack 21:45 Terminator Genisys 04:00 The Road Less Travelled 22:00 Monster Jam 04:40 How Itʼs Made Racers 10:55 The Kitchen 10:52 Team Umizoomi 23:50 The Canal 05:00 Bizarre Foods America 23:00 WWE Wal3ooha 05:30 Pawn Queens 11:00 PJ Masks 11:45 Bake With Anna Olson 11:15 Shimmer And Shine 06:00 Mysteries At The Museum 06:20 Mythbusters 11:30 My Friends Tigger & Pooh 12:10 The Pioneer Woman 11:39 Shimmer And Shine 07:00 House Hunters International 07:00 Awesome Adventures 12:00 Goldie & Bear 12:01 Max & Ruby 12:35 The Pioneer Woman 00:10 Rare 07:30 House Hunters International 07:25 Dick ʻnʼ Dom Go Wild 12:30 Sofia The First 12:25 Ben & Hollyʼs Little Kingdom 13:00 Sibaʼs Table 01:00 Inside The Hunt For The 08:00 House Hunters International 07:50 K9 Cops 13:00 Jake And The Never Land 12:36 Ben & Hollyʼs Little Kingdom 13:30 Sibaʼs Table Boston Bombers 08:30 House Hunters International 08:40 How Itʼs Made Pirates 12:47 The Day Henry Met 00:00 UFC Main Event 14:00 Diners, Drive-Ins And Dives 03:00 Megastructures 09:00 Texas Flip And Move 09:30 Nextworld 13:30 PJ Masks 12:52 The Day Henry Met 01:35 The Golden Child 01:00 MotoGP Highlights 15:00 Chopped 04:00 Rare 10:00 Hotel Impossible 10:20 Mythbusters 14:00 My Friends Tigger & Pooh 12:57 Blaze And The Monster 03:10 The Grand Seduction 02:00 Motul FIM Superbike 16:00 The Kitchen 05:00 WWIIʼs Greatest Raids 11:00 Mysteries At The Museum 11:10 K9 Cops 14:30 The Lion Guard Machines 05:05 Down With Love Highlights 17:00 Cooking For Real 06:00 Highway Thru Hell 12:00 Expedition Unknown 12:00 Finding Bigfoot 15:00 Sheriff Callieʼs Wild West 13:19 Blaze And The Monster 06:50 Big Mommaʼs House 2 03:00 UFC NOW 18:00 Chopped 07:00 John Torodeʼs Malaysian 13:00 House Hunters International 12:50 How Itʼs Made 15:30 Mickey And The Roadster Machines 08:30 The Grand Seduction 04:00 The Ultimate Fighter: A New 19:00 Guyʼs Grocery Games Adventure 13:30 House Hunters International 13:40 Pick A Puppy Racers 13:41 Zack & Quack 10:25 Down With Love World Champion 20:00 Sibaʼs Table 07:30 John Torodeʼs Malaysian 14:00 House Hunters International 14:30 Awesome Adventures 16:00 Sofia The First 14:03 Shimmer And Shine 12:10 Big Mommaʼs House 2 06:00 UFC Main Event 20:30 Sibaʼs Table Adventure 14:30 House Hunters International 14:55 Dick ʻnʼ Dom Go Wild 16:25 Miles From Tomorrow 14:25 Olive The Ostrich 13:50 Babe: Pig In The City 07:00 Motul FIM Superbike 21:00 Jenny And Rezaʼs Fabulous 08:00 Nick Bakerʼs Eco Malaysia 15:00 Big Time RV 15:20 Destroyed In Seconds 16:50 Doc McStuffins 14:30 Olive The Ostrich 15:30 Outside Bet Highlights Food Academy 09:00 WWIIʼs Greatest Raids 15:30 Big Time RV 16:10 Nextworld 17:00 Doc McStuffins 14:35 Paw Patrol 17:15 Taxi 08:00 UFC Unleashed 21:30 Jenny And Rezaʼs Fabulous 10:00 Megastructures 16:00 Texas Flip And Move 17:00 Space Dealers 17:15 The Lion Guard 14:58 Little Charmers 18:55 Undercover Brother 09:00 The Ultimate Fighter: A New Food Academy 11:00 Big Fix Alaska 17:00 Hotel Impossible 17:50 Engineering The Impossible 17:45 Sofia The First 15:10 Ben & Hollyʼs Little Kingdom 20:25 Spanglish World Champion 22:00 Diners, Drive-Ins And Dives 12:00 Year Million 18:00 Bizarre Foods America 18:40 Mythbusters 18:15 Goldie & Bear 15:22 Dora The Explorer 22:35 Don Peyote 10:00 UFC Ultimate Knockouts 23:00 Chopped 13:00 Highway Thru Hell 19:00 House Hunters International 19:30 How Itʼs Made 18:45 Mickey And The Roadster 15:44 Max & Ruby 11:00 UFC Main Event 14:00 Incredibly Small World 19:30 House Hunters International 20:20 Destroyed In Seconds Racers 16:06 The Day Henry Met 12:00 The Ultimate Fighter: A New 15:00 Genius 20:00 House Hunters International 21:10 Space Dealers 19:15 Little Mermaid 16:11 Nella The Princess Knight World Champion 16:00 Mission Saturn 20:30 House Hunters International 22:00 Engineering The Impossible 19:45 PJ Masks 16:35 Shimmer And Shine 13:00 Motul FIM Superbike 17:00 The State 21:00 Mysteries At The Castle 20:15 The Lion Guard 16:59 Wallykazam! Highlights 18:00 The State 22:00 Mysteries At The Museum 20:45 Mickey Mouse Clubhouse 17:21 Zack & Quack 14:00 UFC Unleashed 19:00 Exomars: The Hunt For Life 00:20 True Confessions 23:00 Expedition Unknown Special 21:15 Goldie & Bear 17:32 The Day Henry Met 15:00 The Ultimate Fighter: A New 20:00 Mission Saturn 02:10 Antwone Fisher 21:45 Doc McStuffins Toy Hospital 00:10 Chopping Block 17:38 Blaze And The Monster World Champion 20:50 Megastructures 04:10 Lorenzoʼs Oil 22:15 Little Mermaid 01:00 Emmerdale Machines 16:00 UFC Ultimate Knockouts 21:40 WWIIʼs Greatest Raids 06:25 Yosemite 22:45 Mickey Mouse Clubhouse 01:30 Coronation Street 18:00 Rusty Rivets 16:30 Mobil 1 The Grid 00:30 The Coroner: I Speak For 22:30 Exomars: The Hunt For Life 08:00 A Birderʼs Guide To 23:15 PJ Masks 02:00 Coronation Street 18:13 Paw Patrol 17:00 Motul FIM Superbike The Dead 23:20 Incredibly Small World Everything 23:45 Loopdidoo 02:30 The Chase 18:37 Dora The Explorer 09:35 Reds Highlights 01:20 Evil Online 03:25 Midsomer Murders 00:05 Inside Amy Schumer 02:10 I Am Homicide 19:00 Zack & Quack 12:50 Lorenzoʼs Oil 18:00 The Ultimate Fighter: A New 05:15 Couples Come Dine With Me 19:21 Bubble Guppies 15:05 The Shamerʼs Daughter 00:30 Inside Amy Schumer World Champion 03:00 Sin City Justice 06:10 Chopping Block 00:55 Broad City 03:48 Disappeared 19:44 Blaze And The Monster 16:45 Iʼll See You In My Dreams 19:00 UFC Top 10 07:05 The Chase Machines 18:30 My Old Lady 01:20 Broad City 20:00 UFC Ultimate Knockouts 04:36 Murder Chose Me 08:00 Midsomer Murders 01:45 Another Period 05:24 A Crime To Remember 20:07 Paw Patrol 20:20 The End Of The Tour 21:00 The Ultimate Fighter: A New 09:30 Catchphrase 20:30 Shimmer And Shine 22:10 Steve Jobs: The Man In The 02:10 Lip Sync Battle World Champion 06:12 Iʼd Kill For You 10:00 Couples Come Dine With Me 00:20 Worldʼs Deadliest Snakes 02:35 Lip Sync Battle 07:00 Disappeared 20:53 Nella The Princess Knight Machine 22:00 UFC Unleashed 00:20 Misfit Garage 10:55 Chopping Block 01:10 Monster Fish 03:00 The Daily Show With Trevor 07:50 Murder Chose Me 21:15 The Day Henry Met 23:00 UFC Main Event 01:05 Harley And The Davidsons 11:50 The Chase 02:00 Hippo vs Croc Noah 08:40 A Crime To Remember 21:22 Paw Patrol 02:35 X-Ray Mega Airport 12:45 Emmerdale 02:50 Secrets Of The Wild 03:25 Disorderly Conduct: Video 09:30 Iʼd Kill For You 21:45 Rusty Rivets 03:20 Fast Nʼ Loud 13:15 Coronation Street 03:45 Worldʼs Weirdest Brains And On Patrol 10:20 Blood Relatives 21:57 Wallykazam! 04:05 The Island With Bear Grylls 13:45 Coronation Street Babies 04:15 Lip Sync Battle 11:10 Unravelled 22:20 Fresh Beat Band Of Spies 04:50 Alaska: The Last Frontier 14:15 Chopping Block 04:40 Extreme Animal Babies 04:40 Ridiculousness 00:00 European Challenge Tour 12:00 Disappeared 22:42 Zack & Quack 05:35 How Do They Do It? 15:10 The Chase 05:35 Hippo vs Croc 01:10 The Tigger Movie 05:05 Disaster Date Highlights 12:50 Murder Chose Me 22:52 Team Umizoomi 06:00 Deadliest Catch 16:00 Iʼm A Celebrity...Get Me Out 06:30 Secrets Of The Wild 02:35 Get Squirrely 05:30 Catch A Contractor 01:00 PGA Web.Com Tour 13:40 A Crime To Remember 23:15 Shimmer And Shine 06:45 Misfit Garage Of Here! 07:25 Worldʼs Weirdest Brains And 04:00 Doctor Proctorʼs Fart Powder 06:20 Sweat Inc. Highlights 14:30 Iʼd Kill For You 07:30 Fast Nʼ Loud 17:15 Catchphrase Babies 05:30 Egon And Donci 07:10 Disorderly Conduct: Video 02:00 Asian Tour Highlights 15:20 Blood Relatives 08:15 The Island With Bear Grylls 17:50 Couples Come Dine With Me 08:20 Extreme Animal Babies 06:55 Winnie The Pooh On Patrol 03:00 Europro Tour 16:10 Evil Online 09:00 Storage Wars Canada 18:45 Emmerdale 09:15 Dr. Kʼs Exotic Animal ER 2.5 08:05 Zodiac: The Race Begins 08:05 Disaster Date 05:00 Inside The PGA Tour 17:00 Disappeared 09:25 How Do They Do It? 19:15 Coronation Street 10:10 Ultimate Predators GPU 09:45 Izzieʼs Way Home 08:30 Impractical Jokers 05:30 PGA European Tour 17:50 Murder Chose Me 09:47 How Do They Do It? 19:45 Coronation Street 11:05 Wild Untamed Brazil 11:10 The Wish Fish 08:55 Ridiculousness Highlights 18:40 A Crime To Remember 12:35 The Tigger Movie 10:10 Harley And The Davidsons 20:10 The Chase 12:00 Manta Mystery 00:15 The New Adventures Of Old 09:20 Key And Peele 06:00 PGA Web.Com Tour 19:30 Obsession: Dark Desires 14:00 Get Squirrely 11:40 X-Ray Mega Airport 21:00 Iʼm A Celebrity...Get Me Out 12:55 Soul Of The Cat Christine 09:45 Lip Sync Battle Highlights 20:20 Blood Relatives 15:30 Funny Little Cars 12:25 How Do They Do It? Of Here! 13:50 Secrets Of The Wild 00:40 The New Adventures Of Old 10:10 Ridiculousness 07:00 Golfing World 21:10 Murder Chose Me 16:35 Izzieʼs Way Home 12:47 Storage Wars Canada 22:15 Catchphrase 14:45 Worldʼs Weirdest Brains And Christine 10:35 Disaster Date 08:00 The President Cup Official 22:00 I Am Homicide 18:00 Space Dogs 2: Adventure To 13:10 Alaska: The Last Frontier 22:50 Emmerdale Babies 01:05 Kevin Can Wait 11:00 Sweat Inc. Film 22:50 The Perfect Murder The Moon 13:55 The Island With Bear Grylls 23:15 Coronation Street 15:40 Make You Laugh Out Loud 01:30 Kevin Can Wait 11:50 Disaster Date 09:00 Inside The PGA Tour 23:40 Evil Online 19:25 A Town Called Panic 14:40 Deadliest Catch 23:40 Coronation Street 16:35 Dr. Kʼs Exotic Animal ER 2.5 01:55 The Detour 12:15 Catch A Contractor 09:30 PGA Tour Highlights 20:45 Funny Little Cars 15:25 Fast Nʼ Loud 17:30 Ultimate Predators GPU 02:20 The Tonight Show Starring 13:05 Disorderly Conduct: Video 10:30 The Presidents Cup Preview 21:50 Zodiac: The Race Begins 16:10 Misfit Garage 18:25 Wild Untamed Brazil Jimmy Fallon On Patrol 11:00 Golfing World 23:30 The Wish Fish 17:00 How Do They Do It? 19:20 Worldʼs Weirdest Brains And 03:10 Late Night With Seth Meyers 13:55 Gym Rescue 12:00 PGA Web.Com Tour 17:25 How Do They Do It? Babies 04:00 The Ellen DeGeneres Show 14:45 Lip Sync Battle Highlights 17:50 Storage Wars Canada 20:10 Make You Laugh Out Loud 04:50 George Lopez 15:10 The Jim Gaffigan Show 13:00 The Presidents Cup Preview 21:00 Dr. Kʼs Exotic Animal ER 2.5 18:20 Storage Wars Canada 00:00 Pirate Treasure Of The 05:15 Happy Endings 15:35 Ridiculousness Arabia 13:30 Live PGA European Tour 21:50 Ultimate Predators GPU 18:50 The Island With Bear Grylls: Knights Templar 05:40 Dr. Ken 16:00 Impractical Jokers 15:30 The President Cup Official 22:40 Wild Untamed Brazil 00:00 Hank Zipzer USA 01:00 Clash Of Warriors 06:05 Dr. Ken 01:45 Raising Helen 16:30 Disaster Date 23:30 Manta Mystery 00:25 Alex & Co. 19:40 How Do They Do It? 02:00 Americaʼs Book Of Secrets 06:30 Mom 03:45 A.I. Artificial Intelligence 16:55 Disaster Date 00:45 The Hive 20:10 How Do They Do It? 02:50 Ancient Aliens 06:55 Cougar Town 06:10 Dick Tracy 17:20 Ridiculousness 00:50 Evermoor Chronicles 20:35 How Do They Do It? 03:40 United Stuff Of America 07:20 Late Night With Seth Meyers 07:55 Raising Helen 17:45 Ridiculousness 01:15 Sabrina Secrets Of A 21:00 What On Earth? 04:30 Serial Killer Earth 08:10 The Ellen DeGeneres Show 10:00 Rocky Balboa 18:10 Impractical Jokers Teenage Witch 21:50 So You Think Youʼd Survive? 05:20 Pirate Treasure Of The 09:00 The Tonight Show Starring 11:45 Before We Go 18:35 Key And Peele 00:00 Caribbean Premier League 01:40 Sabrina Secrets Of A 22:40 Impossible Engineering Knights Templar Jimmy Fallon 13:20 Dick Tracy 18:58 Brotherhood 00:12 Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Highlights Teenage Witch 23:30 Fast Nʼ Loud 06:10 The Universe 09:50 George Lopez 15:05 Kicking And Screaming 19:22 Ridiculousness Arabia 00:36 Rabbids Invasion 01:00 Caribbean Premier League 02:05 Binny And The Ghost 07:00 Clash Of Warriors 10:15 Happy Endings 16:40 Dracula Untold 19:46 Ridiculousness Arabia 01:00 Rabbids Invasion Highlights 02:30 Binny And The Ghost 08:00 Americaʼs Book Of Secrets 10:40 Mom 18:15 Seven Years In Tibet 20:09 Lip Sync Battle 01:24 Sanjay And Craig 02:00 England v Windies ODI 02:55 Hank Zipzer 09:00 Ancient Aliens 11:05 Cougar Town 20:30 National Security 20:32 Lip Sync Battle 01:48 Sanjay And Craig Highlights 03:15 The Hive 10:00 United Stuff Of America 11:30 The Ellen DeGeneres Show 22:00 This Boyʼs Life 21:00 The Daily Show With Trevor 02:12 Winx Club 03:00 India v Australia ODI 03:20 Hank Zipzer 11:00 Serial Killer Earth 12:20 Fresh Off The Boat 23:55 Bram Stokerʼs Dracula Noah 06:00 Penn Zero: Part Time Hero 02:36 Winx Club Highlights 03:45 Alex & Co. 12:00 Pirate Treasure Of The 12:45 Black-ish 21:30 Comedy Central Presents 06:25 Disney11 03:00 Harvey Beaks 04:00 ICC World Twenty20 2016 04:10 Alex & Co. Knights Templar 13:10 The New Adventures Of Old Comedy 3alwagef 06:50 Marvelʼs Spider-Man 03:24 Harvey Beaks Official Film 04:35 Sabrina Secrets Of A 13:00 Clash Of Warriors Christine 22:00 Sean Lock - Purple Van Man 07:15 Right Now Kapow 03:48 The Loud House 05:05 Womenʼs Super League T20 Teenage Witch 14:00 Americaʼs Book Of Secrets 13:35 The New Adventures Of Old 22:50 The Half Hour 07:40 Mech-X4 04:12 The Loud House Highlights 05:00 Sabrina Secrets Of A 15:00 Ancient Aliens Christine 23:15 South Park 08:05 Marvelʼs Rocket And Groot 04:36 Breadwinners 06:00 Womenʼs Super League T20 Teenage Witch 16:00 United Stuff Of America 14:00 George Lopez 00:30 How Do They Do It? 23:40 The Daily Show With Trevor 08:10 K.C. Undercover 05:00 Breadwinners Highlights 05:25 Binny And The Ghost 17:00 The Universe 14:25 Happy Endings 00:55 Food Factory Noah 08:35 Milo Murphyʼs Law 05:24 Get Blake 07:00 ICC Cricket 360 05:45 The Hive 18:00 Pirate Treasure Of The 14:50 Gary Unmarried 01:20 Hacking The Wild 09:00 Star vs The Forces Of Evil 05:48 SpongeBob SquarePants 07:30 England v Windies ODI 05:50 Rolling With The Ronks Knights Templar 15:15 Dr. Ken 02:10 NASAʼs Unexplained Files 09:25 Supa Strikas 06:12 SpongeBob SquarePants Highlights 06:00 Jessie 19:00 Clash Of Warriors 15:40 Dr. Ken 03:00 Junkyard Wars 09:50 Supa Strikas 06:36 Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 08:30 England v Windies T20I 06:25 Liv And Maddie 20:00 Americaʼs Book Of Secrets 16:05 The Ellen DeGeneres Show 03:48 Mythbusters 10:20 Kickinʼ It 07:00 The Loud House Highlights 06:50 Tsum Tsum Shorts 21:00 Ancient Aliens 17:00 Fresh Off The Boat 04:36 How Do They Do It? 06:55 The Zhuzhus 10:45 Kickinʼ It 07:24 Rabbids Invasion 17:30 Black-ish 05:00 Food Factory 00:40 Doctors 09:25 Caribbean Premier League 07:20 Elena Of Avalor 11:10 Mighty Med 07:48 Get Blake 18:00 The New Adventures Of Old 05:24 Hacking The Wild 01:10 EastEnders Magazine Show 07:45 Bunkʼd 11:35 Mighty Med 08:12 Harvey Beaks Christine 06:12 NASAʼs Unexplained Files 01:40 Poldark 09:55 India v Australia ODI 08:10 Stuck In The Middle 12:00 Lab Rats 08:36 Sanjay And Craig 18:30 The New Adventures Of Old 07:00 How Do They Do It? 02:40 Last Tango In Halifax Highlights 08:35 Miraculous Tales Of Ladybug 12:30 Lab Rats 09:00 Rank The Prank Christine 07:26 Junkyard Wars 03:35 Prime Suspect: Tennison 10:50 Live India v Australia ODI And Cat Noir 12:55 K.C. Undercover 09:24 Henry Danger 19:00 American Housewife 08:14 Mythbusters 04:25 New Blood Series 09:00 Miraculous Tales Of Ladybug 13:20 K.C. Undercover 01:10 Forged In Fire 09:48 100 Things To Do Before 19:30 Malibu Country 09:02 NASAʼs Unexplained Files 05:25 Doctors 19:30 ICC Cricket 360 And Cat Noir 13:45 Gamerʼs Guide To Pretty... 02:00 The Curse Of Oak Island High School 20:00 People Of Earth 09:50 How Do They Do It? 06:00 Doctors 20:00 ICC World Twenty20 2016 09:25 Lolirock 14:10 Disney Mickey Mouse 02:50 Storage Wars 10:12 Game Shakers 20:30 New Girl 10:14 Food Factory 06:30 Doctors Official Film 09:50 Lolirock 14:15 Kirby Buckets Warped 03:15 American Pickers 10:36 Regal Academy 21:00 The Tonight Show Starring 10:38 Hacking The Wild 07:00 EastEnders 21:07 Caribbean Premier League 10:15 Sabrina Secrets Of A 14:40 Lab Rats: Bionic Island 04:05 Pawn Stars 11:00 Winx Club Jimmy Fallon 11:26 Junkyard Wars 07:30 Father Brown Highlights Teenage Witch 15:05 Milo Murphyʼs Law 04:30 Pawn Stars 11:24 SpongeBob SquarePants 22:00 Brooklyn Nine-Nine 12:14 Mythbusters 08:20 New Tricks 22:00 India v Australia ODI 10:40 Sabrina Secrets Of A 15:30 Walk The Prank 05:00 Mountain Men 11:48 Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 22:30 The Last Man On Earth 13:02 How Do They Do It? 09:15 Stella Highlights Teenage Witch 15:55 Right Now Kapow 06:00 Leepu And Pitbull 12:12 The Loud House 23:00 The Detour 13:26 Food Factory 10:05 Doctors 23:00 England v Windies T20I 11:05 Hank Zipzer 16:25 Supa Strikas 06:50 Duck Dynasty 12:36 Rabbids Invasion 23:25 Late Night With Seth Meyers 13:50 NASAʼs Unexplained Files 10:35 EastEnders Highlights stars26 THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 21, 2017


Aries (March 21-April 19) Libra (September 23-October 22)

You may have to repeat or clarify instructions several times this day, partic- You are disciplined regarding your career. Lock those practical skills of yours ularly to one individual. Write to-do lists for yourself and check all paperwork that passes into a routine and make them good habits. Your mind and decision-making abilities through your hands, including contracts. You may feel left out or passed over just now. should be at a peak. You may be called on for your organizational and management skills. Your own requirements may appear to separate you from where the rest of the gang is You are an aggressive prime mover, a starter—able to get things moving. Although you headed. The reason for all of this delay is quite acceptable as you like your work and you are not always hot on the follow-up, you will be able to tackle tasks that require real disci- know the demands of work at this time are temporary. This afternoon you draw emo- pline. This evening is a good time for surrounding yourself with friends and young people tional sustenance and a sense of security from friends and social involvement. There are and for having a good time. You appreciate your particular situation and enjoy support plenty of things to grab your attention and your spirits are lifted when a young person from those around you. You and a loved one can relax this evening—perhaps after a long opens up to you. Budgeting is favorable. and enjoyable bicycle ride.

Taurus (April 20-May 20) Scorpio (October 23-November 21)

There are extra charm and charisma in the way you come across to others You could be in the limelight, particularly with superiors or in relation to this day. When faced with difficult situations or difficult people, you can be exceptionally your work. You may discover that you are more comfortable in you job than usual. There is creative. Speaking in front of a group, you may speak convincingly. You communicate much mental busywork now. A good time, when your efforts really pay off and things with great enthusiasm. Your words just flow out and carry an emotional impact that seem to run smoothly. Now you have the opportunity for sustained work that allows you brings your point or your ideas home to your listeners. Things are happening in your to coordinate and organize like never before. There is time to clean off your desk and com- career and your future may strengthen now depending upon your drive to achieve, plete any uncompleted tasks before the end of this workday. Cultivate and collect positive which is strong and works in your favor. This is a good time to get ahead in your work or images of successful situations as well as relaxed settings—use these to ease tensions. A personal life. This evening your desires are strong and you will want to enjoy yourself. heightened interest in health and diet, as well as an urge to get things organized into a Romance is possible. There is a basic drive to appreciate and taste life. rational system, agrees with this. Music will lift your spirits tonight.

Gemini (May 21-June 20) Sagittarius (November 22-December 21) Some days are just difficult to maneuver around. It could be hard to figure You may find yourself coordinating events and communicating with new out the right move. You may feel frustrated as to where you are headed in people. Your company may have decided to open another store in another life just now. Someone older or in an authoritative position may disapprove of your deci- area of town or some such scenario. You could be chosen to make sure everything runs sions just now—it may be a bit hard to think. Thinking long-term, however, you will be ACROSS DOWN smoothly. It looks as though there are requests for your services that are not included in able to come up with just the right technique, step, method or frame of words to create 1. The muscular back part of the shank. 1. A minute epidermal pore in a leaf or your job identification. You might put your request in for additional pay before the action some positive reaction when it comes to pleasing the customer and the supervisor. An 5. A mural done with watercolors on wet stem. begins. Using your mind to negotiate obstacles and dilemmas is a great talent. You tend upswing in sales or in stock can be the result of some internal change that requires many plaster. 2. A member of a Turkic people of to radiate success. This afternoon is a time of concentration and working through any people to cooperate. You will be pleased with the results of your efforts this day. The 11. A bachelor's degree in library science. Uzbekistan and neighboring areas. professional matters. You can demonstrate great understanding and sensitivity to your pleasures of music can calm the beast in all of us. Enjoy music this evening. 15. A male monarch or emperor (especially 3. An Indian side dish of yogurt and friends at this time. You may enjoy dinner away from the home this evening. of Russia prior to 1917). chopped cucumbers and spices. 16. Of or involving the rectum. 4. The products of human creativity. 17. A barrier consisting of a horizontal bar 5. Able to act at will. and supports. 6. The mistake of not following suit when Cancer (June 21-July 22) Capricorn (December 22-January 19) 18. A notice of someone's death. able to do so. 19. Convert ordinary language into code. 7. (computer science) A coding system that Your instinctive orientation at this time is in taking care of business. You You like to work with words and ideas and have a natural appreciation for 20. Avatar of Vishnu. incorporates extra parity bits in order to may take some risks today, even if you appear a bit unconventional. You will anything that is literary or artistic. Your sense of discernment when it comes 21. Not reflecting light. detect errors. prosper through new insights, inventions and an independent point of view. to matters of literary and intellectual taste is refined. You could write poetry or prose, and 23. Antihypertensive drug (trade name 8. Something contrived to meet an urgent Breakthroughs in your career could open up during this time, making it possible for you to you put a high value on the written word. You enjoy good conversations and may be Minipress). need or emergency. solve problems and reach new levels of accomplishment. Improved solutions, insights skilled at speaking and communicating. The lunch hour today could bring some fun con- and approaches make this a time not to be ignored. A dental checkup can be very positive 25. Jordan's port. 9. A genus of Pyralidae. versations your way. This afternoon you may have to be careful not to disturb others with this week. There is an instinctive urge to learn about better nutrition and better health at 27. Mentally or physically infirm with age. 10. Evergreen trees and shrubs having oily your urge to talk—you will do well in matters that concern proofing and editing. Expect a many levels. You may want to join a health spa so that there is some regular exercise in 29. The blood group whose red cells carry one-seeded fruits. more confident, outgoing attitude, for you have brought to close a time of inward exami- your life. Diet, exercise and work somehow mean more to you now. both the A and B antigens. 11. A unit of weight used in some Spanish nation and learning. There is a growing sense of direction and self-worth. 30. (astronomy) A measure of time defined speaking countries. by Earth's orbital motion. 12. South African term for `boss'. 31. The branch of computer science that 13. The greatest possible degree of some- Leo (July 23-August 22) Aquarius (January 20- February 18) deal with writing computer programs that thing. can solve problems creatively. You may be tempted to only focus on what you dislike today. However, you There could be change in the air with regard to your working situation. 32. A period marked by distinctive character 14. A biased way of looking at or presenting You may want to be open to the new ideas of others. This may mean moving in a differ- something. can be more fully empowered by using this time to embrace your or reckoned from a fixed point or event. strengths. If at work, keep a journal of date, time, event, problem and how you helped to ent direction within the same company for which you work or taking a class to brush up 35. An extinct ancient language of 22. Submerged aquatic plant having nar- on some technical skills. You are driven when it comes to fulfilling your ambitions and row leaves and small flowers. create a good or successful outcome. If you are put in difficult situations that seem to have unknown affinities. no ending, it may be time for a good compromise or a future change. You should be carving out a career. There is no lack of energy or drive here; nothing can stand in your 39. French cabaret singer (1915-1963). 24. (Middle East) An ornamental metal cup- way. Lots of energy goes into making the right moves. Most of your co-workers will find shaped holder for a hot coffee cup. experiencing rewards for your hard work soon. There is the possibility of new visions or 41. An awkward stupid person. sudden insights into your plans—perhaps a reassessment. Breakthroughs and insights you outgoing, enthusiastic and diplomatic. Friends, group projects and community con- 44. Antibacterial drug (trade name 26. The Tibeto-Burman language spoken in cerns could play key roles that effect your career direction. Relaxation can be found in the Dali region of Yunnan. into future plans will become clearer as time moves along. Parents and friends as well as a Nydrazid) used to treat tuberculosis. career advisor may be quite helpful. Move to music this evening. your own backyard. 45. Informal or slang terms for mentally 28. A colorless and odorless inert gas. irregular. 33. A soft silvery metallic element of the alkali earth group. 49. Petty quarrel. Virgo (August 23-September 22) 51. A package of several things tied togeth- 34. A pointed instrument used to prod into Pisces (February 19-March 20) er for carrying or storing. motion. 53. The sixth month of the civil year. 36. Remove the pins from. Ambitious schemes and the pursuit of success and status take on a high Everything points to your taking the initiative today. Interest and success in 54. A thick sweet sticky liquid. 37. An African river that flows northwest priority. This brings a focus on the practical, the successful, the realistic—whatever it takes a career requires activity, whether it is physical, mental or emotional—you need to be moving! Work and career should be a primary focus during this time. There is 56. A light strong brittle gray toxic bivalent into Lake Chad. to get you ahead in the long run. The meek may inherit the earth, but the clever will col- an opportunity to make good decisions—clear choice is yours. You are at your most prac- metallic element. 38. A silvery soft waxy metallic element of lect the rent. Ambition and achievement are qualities you hold in special regard. You look tical and what happens with the remainder of this week may have a lasting effect on your 57. Open-heart surgery in which the rib the alkali metal group. for ways to get ahead and perhaps combine business and pleasure. Seeing both sides of 40. Small tropical American tree bearing an issue and figuring out resolutions to opposing views take on more importance in your life direction. Patterns, habits and new ideas will be forming. You love to tinker around cage is opened and a section of a blood and might enjoy a hobby that involves some sort of design or mechanics. After work, this vessel is grafted from the aorta to the coro- edible plumlike fruit. life. Intense focus on your career can find you mercilessly cutting back and getting down 42. A genus of Platalea. to the bare essentials regarding the path or direction you are taking with your life. You hobby may be the only thing on your mind. Setting a timer that will give you time for this nary artery to bypass the blocked section of hobby will also remind you to stop and enjoy some time with your family. the coronary artery and improve the blood 43. The capacitance of a capacitor that has enjoy the climb as well as the rewards. supply to the heart. an equal and opposite charge of 1 coulomb 59. A state in midwestern United States. on each plate and a voltage difference of 1 60. An agency of the United Nations volt between the plates. Wordsearch Puzzle Yesterday’s Solution responsible for programs to aid education 46. A federally chartered savings bank. and the health of children and mothers in 47. 100 thebe equal 1 pula. developing countries. 48. A motley assortment of things. 62. African tree having an exceedingly thick 50. A large faint constellation in the south- trunk and fruit that resembles a gourd and ern hemisphere containing most of the has an edible pulp called monkey bread. Small Magellanic Cloud. 64. A public promotion of some product or 52. A large family of trees, shrubs, vines, and service. herbs bearing bean pods. 65. A dark-skinned member of a race of 55. Having nine hinged bands of bony people living in Australia when Europeans plates. arrived. 58. Having undesirable or negative quali- 66. (Akkadian) God of wisdom. ties. 67. (Babylonian) God of storms and wind. 61. A 10% solution of formaldehyde in 69. United States writer of thrillers (born in water. 1925). 63. A city in western Germany near the 73. Counting the number of white and red Dutch and Belgian borders. blood cells and the number of platelets in 1 68. (Irish) Chief god of the Tuatha De cubic millimeter of blood. Danann. 70. Other than what is under consideration 75. A short labored intake of breath with or implied. the mouth open. 71. United States newspaper publisher 78. Type genus of the Alcidae comprising (1858-1935). solely the razorbill. 72. Small cubes with 1 to 6 spots on the 79. (Old Testament) The guardian archangel faces. of the Jews. 74. Informal or slang terms for mentally 82. Aircraft landing in bad weather in which irregular. the pilot is talked down by ground control 76. Someone who works (or provides work- using precision approach radar. ers) during a strike. 83. A hormone secreted by the anterior 77. A metabolic acid found in yeast and liv- pituitary gland that controls the degree of er cells. pigmentation in melanocytes. 80. An independent agency of the United 84. A white trivalent metallic element. States government responsible for collect- 85. A light touch or stroke. ing and coordinating intelligence and 86. The foot of a human being. counterintelligence activities abroad in the 87. Made clean. national interest. 88. A loose sleeveless outer garment made 81. An honorary law degree. from aba cloth. Yesterday’s Solution

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American Airlines 22087425 22087426 Kuwait Airways 171 Jazeera Airways 177 Jet Airways 22924455 FlyDubai 22414400 CHANGE OF NAME Qatar Airways 22423888 I Celine Peter Caido D/o KLM 22425747 Charles Pereira holder of Indian Passport No. Air Slovakia 22434940 H1118122 & Civil ID No. Olympic Airways 22420002/9 259102400921 has changed my name to Royal Jordanian 22418064/5 Celine Christina Pereira hereinafter in all my deal- Reservation 22433388 ings and documents. British Airways 22425635 (C 5344) 18-9-2017 Air France 22430224 Emirates 22921555 Air India 22438184 Sri Lanka Airlines 22424444 Egypt Air 22421578 Swiss Air 22421516 Saudia 22426306 Middle East Airlines 22423073 Lufthansa 22422493 PIA 22421044 Alitalia 22414427 Balkan Airlines 22416474 Bangladesh Airlines 22452977/8 Czech Airlines 22417901/ 2433141 Indian Airlines 22456700 Oman Air 22958787 Turkish Airlines 22453820/1 Aeroflot 22404838/9

Directorate General of Civil Aviation Home Page ( DIAL161 FOR AIRPORT INFORMATION

Arrival Flights on Thursday 21/9/2017 FEG 933 Sohag 12:55 Departure Flights on Thursday 21/9/2017 RBG 554 Alexandria 12:10 Airlines Flt Route Time MSR 610 Cairo 13:00 Airlines Flt Route Time MSC 404 Asyut 12:15 JAI 574 Mumbai 00:05 AXB 393 Kozhikode 13:10 AIC 976 Goa/Chennai 00:05 JZR 176 Dubai 13:10 THY 772 Istanbul 00:10 KAC 514 Tehran 13:10 RBG 556 Alexandria 00:05 JZR 786 Riyadh 13:10 JZR 553 Alexandria 00:15 KAC 672 Dubai 13:55 BBC 044 Dhaka 00:10 PAL 669 Manila 13:10 KAC 102 London 00:15 KAC 792 Madinah 13:55 MSR 2615 Cairo 00:30 JZR 124 Bahrain 13:30 SVA 502 Jeddah 00:20 KNE 231 Riyadh 14:10 FDB 072 Dubai 00:30 SAW 702 Damascus 13:30 SVA 514 Riyadh 00:25 QTR 1078 Doha 14:10 PIA 240 Sialkot 00:40 THY 767 Istanbul 13:45 MSC 411 Asyut 00:30 GFA 221 Bahrain 14:15 JZR 502 Luxor 01:15 FEG 932 Alexandria 13:55 KAC 786 Jeddah 00:30 SVA 500 Jeddah 14:15 SVA 503 Jeddah 01:20 MSR 611 Cairo 14:00 JZR 267 Beirut 00:35 KAC 352 Kochi 14:20 JAI 573 Mumbai 01:25 KAC 413 Bangkok 14:05 KAC 504 Beirut 00:45 FDB 059 Dubai 14:20 SVA 515 Riyadh 01:25 AXB 394 Kozhikode 14:10 DLH 635 Doha 01:00 KAC 618 Doha 14:20 MSC 412 Asyut 01:30 UAE 872 Dubai 14:15 JZR 539 Cairo 01:20 KAC 692 Muscat 14:55 THY 773 Istanbul 01:40 KAC 673 Dubai 15:00 SAI 441 Lahore 01:30 KAC 304 Mumbai 14:55 KAC 677 Dubai 01:45 KNE 382 Taif 15:00 UAE 853 Dubai 01:40 KAC 788 Jeddah 14:55 DLH 635 Frankfurt 02:00 GFA 222 Bahrain 15:00 RJA 642 Amman 01:45 ETD 303 Abu Dhabi 15:05 JZR 1442 Doha 02:10 FDB 060 Dubai 15:05 KKK 6506 Istanbul 01:55 KAC 562 Amman 15:10 SAI 442 Lahore 02:30 QTR 1079 Doha 15:15 AXB 395 Kozhikode 02:00 OMA 645 Muscat 15:10 KKK 6505 Istanbul 02:55 KAC 563 Amman 15:40 KLM 446 Bahrain 02:05 FDB 8053 Dubai 15:25 AXB 396 Kozhikode 02:55 SVA 501 Jeddah 15:45 PGT 830 Istanbul 02:10 KAC 502 Beirut 15:25 KAC 351 Kochi 03:05 JZR 188 Dubai 15:50 QTR 1086 Doha 02:10 ABY 127 Sharjah 15:35 ETH 621 Addis Ababa 03:05 KAC 775 Riyadh 15:50 GFA 211 Bahrain 02:15 UAE 857 Dubai 15:45 PGT 831 Istanbul 03:10 KAC 661 Abu Dhabi 15:55 ETH 620 Addis Ababa 02:15 SAW 705 Damascus 15:50 UAE 854 Dubai 03:30 KAC 619 Doha 16:00 KAC 418 Manila 02:50 SYR 341 Damascus 15:55 KLM 446 Amsterdam 03:30 KAC 743 Dammam 16:00 OMA 643 Muscat 03:05 RJA 640 Amman 16:00 MSR 607 Luxor 04:05 FDB 8054 Dubai 16:05 OMA 646 Muscat 16:10 MSR 606 Luxor 03:05 FDB 051 Dubai 16:15 OMA 644 Muscat 04:05 ABY 128 Sharjah 16:15 ETD 305 Abu Dhabi 03:10 QTR 1072 Doha 16:15 QTR 1087 Doha 04:10 ETD 304 Abu Dhabi 16:20 MSR 612 Cairo 03:15 JZR 535 Cairo 16:20 ETD 306 Abu Dhabi 04:10 KAC 615 Bahrain 16:30 FDB 069 Dubai 03:15 JZR 125 Bahrain 16:25 MSR 613 Cairo 04:15 SAW 706 Damascus 16:50 KAC 382 Delhi 03:15 KAC 118 New York 16:25 KAC 417 Manila 04:20 RJA 641 Amman 16:55 QTR 1076 Doha 03:45 JZR 787 Riyadh 16:35 JZR 560 Sohag 04:45 SYR 342 Damascus 16:55 KAC 1544 Cairo 03:50 KNE 531 Jeddah 16:35 LMU 511 Cairo 05:00 KAC 675 Dubai 17:00 LMU 510 Cairo 04:00 NIA 361 Alexandria 16:50 QTR 1077 Doha 05:30 FDB 052 Dubai 17:05 UAE 873 Dubai 04:15 KAC 542 Cairo 17:05 KAC 303 Mumbai 05:50 JZR 266 Beirut 17:15 KAC 358 Kochi 04:50 SVA 510 Riyadh 17:15 FEG 934 Sohag 05:55 KAC 503 Beirut 17:15 FEG 931 Alexandria 05:00 GFA 215 Bahrain 17:30 THY 1465 Istanbul 06:00 QTR 1073 Doha 17:25 KAC 784 Jeddah 05:00 JZR 777 Jeddah 17:35 UAE 874 Dubai 06:15 KNE 532 Jeddah 17:25 THY 1414 TZX 05:05 JZR 177 Dubai 17:45 RJA 643 Amman 06:25 JZR 240 Amman 17:30 DHX 170 Bahrain 05:10 QTR 1080 Doha 18:10 THY 771 Istanbul 06:25 UAE 858 Dubai 17:40 THY 770 Istanbul 05:25 JZR 483 Istanbul 18:30 KAC 773 Riyadh 06:35 KAC 357 Kochi 17:40 KAC 344 Chennai 05:30 MSR 620 Cairo 18:30 GFA 212 Bahrain 06:50 NIA 362 Alexandria 17:50 JZR 529 Asyut 05:35 KAC 744 Dammam 19:05 JZR 238 Amman 06:55 KAC 381 Delhi 17:50 JZR 1433 Doha 05:45 UAE 875 Dubai 19:05 KAC 173 Munich 06:55 JZR 512 Sharm el-Sheikh 18:00 KAC 362 Colombo 05:50 GFA 217 Bahrain 19:05 FDB 070 Dubai 07:05 KAC 283 Dhaka 18:00 BAW 157 London 06:05 FDB 063 Dubai 19:10 JZR 164 Dubai 07:15 KAC 343 Chennai 18:00 SVA 511 Riyadh 18:15 KAC 204 Lahore 06:20 NIA 161 Cairo 19:15 KAC 167 Paris 07:15 GFA 216 Bahrain 18:20 KAC 678 Dubai 06:25 ABY 123 Sharjah 19:20 KAC 501 Beirut 07:50 JZR 184 Dubai 18:25 KAC 284 Dhaka 06:35 KAC 174 Munich 19:25 KAC 613 Bahrain 07:55 JZR 538 Cairo 18:30 QTR 8511 Doha 06:35 KAC 154 Istanbul 19:30 QTR 8512 Sialkot 08:05 KAC 785 Jeddah 18:45 KAC 206 Islamabad 06:40 KAC 616 Bahrain 19:40 BAW 156 London 08:20 QTR 1081 Doha 19:15 KAC 302 Mumbai 06:55 KAC 674 Dubai 19:40 KAC 177 Vienna 08:25 JZR 552 Alexandria 19:20 KAC 156 Istanbul 07:05 KAC 178 Vienna 19:45 FDB 054 Dubai 08:30 KAC 345 Ahmedabad 19:20 JZR 503 Luxor 07:25 KAC 776 Riyadh 19:45 KAC 791 Madinah 08:35 MSR 621 Cairo 19:30 FDB 053 Dubai 07:50 FDB 057 Dubai 19:50 KAC 513 Tehran 08:45 GFA 218 Bahrain 19:50 KAC 354 Bangalore 07:50 KAC 620 Doha 20:05 KAC 117 New York 09:15 FDB 064 Dubai 19:50 KAC 384 Delhi 08:00 OMA 647 Muscat 20:05 KAC 787 Jeddah 09:15 ABY 124 Sharjah 20:00 KAC 332 Trivandrum 08:05 KNE 381 Taif 20:10 KAC 671 Dubai 09:15 NIA 162 Cairo 20:15 UAE 855 Dubai 08:25 DLH 634 Frankfurt 20:15 JZR 534 Cairo 09:30 FDB 058 Dubai 20:30 IRA 673 Ahwaz 08:35 MEA 402 Beirut 20:15 KAC 691 Muscat 09:30 UAE 876 Dubai 20:35 ETD 301 Abu Dhabi 08:55 KAC 662 Abu Dhabi 20:20 KAC 561 Amman 09:30 KAC 353 Bangalore 20:55 ABY 125 Sharjah 09:00 JZR 189 Dubai 20:25 IRA 672 Ahwaz 09:35 DLH 634 Doha 21:00 IRA 667 Esfahan 09:05 QTR 1088 Doha 20:40 JZR 482 Istanbul 09:40 KAC 1543 Cairo 21:00 QTR 1070 Doha 09:25 WAN 116 Bahrain 20:45 ABY 126 Sharjah 09:40 OMA 648 Muscat 21:05 FDB 055 Dubai 09:40 KAC 564 Amman 21:00 KAC 101 London 09:45 KNE 232 Riyadh 21:10 SVA 512 Riyadh 10:00 KAC 168 Paris 21:05 UAE 856 Dubai 09:50 MEA 403 Beirut 21:15 KAC 301 Mumbai 21:40 FDK 803 Damascus 10:00 ETD 307 Abu Dhabi 21:10 KAC 541 Cairo 10:00 KAC 203 Lahore 21:45 GFA 213 Bahrain 10:40 ALK 229 Colombo 21:15 ETD 302 Abu Dhabi 10:00 QTR 1089 Doha 21:50 KAC 774 Riyadh 10:45 KLM 445 Amsterdam 21:15 IRA 668 Mashhad 10:05 DHX 171 Bahrain 21:50 MEA 404 Beirut 10:55 UAE 859 Dubai 21:15 KAC 617 Doha 10:15 ETD 308 Abu Dhabi 22:00 QTR 1074 Doha 11:00 THY 764 Istanbul 21:30 KAC 153 Istanbul 10:30 KAC 155 Istanbul 22:15 PAL 668 Manila 11:00 KAC 676 Dubai 21:35 QTR 1071 Doha 10:35 ALK 230 Colombo 22:20 JZR 561 Sohag 11:10 GFA 219 Bahrain 21:50 FDB 056 Dubai 10:35 KLM 445 Bahrain 22:25 MSC 403 Asyut 11:15 QTR 1082 Doha 22:05 AAG 148 IQA 11:00 THY 1401 ADB 22:25 KAC 614 Bahrain 11:15 ETD 309 Abu Dhabi 22:10 FDK 804 Damascus 11:00 UAE 860 Dubai 22:35 RBG 553 Alexandria 11:30 AIC 981 Chennai/Ahmedabad 22:25 SVA 513 Riyadh 11:00 KAC 383 Delhi 22:35 JZR 165 Dubai 11:50 JZR 241 Amman 22:55 GFA 214 Bahrain 11:35 GFA 220 Bahrain 22:50 JZR 239 Amman 12:20 JAI 574 Mumbai 23:00 MEA 405 Beirut 11:55 ETD 310 Abu Dhabi 23:00 SAW 709 Latakia 12:30 JZR 185 Dubai 23:00 JZR 776 Jeddah 12:00 KAC 783 Jeddah 23:10 UAE 871 Dubai 12:45 MSR 2614 Cairo 23:30 WAN 435 Al Najaf 12:05 QTR 1083 Doha 23:20 THY 766 Istanbul 12:50 FDB 071 Dubai 23:35 QTR 1075 Doha 12:10 KAC 1801 Cairo 23:55 lifestyle THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 21, 2017


US designer Tommy Hilfiger (left) and US model Gigi Hadid greet the crowd after the catwalk show for the Spring/Summer 2018 collection on the fifth and final day of The London Fashion Week Women’s in London . — AP/AFP photos Tommy Hilfiger and Gigi Hadid stage London Fashion Week show

ondon Fashion Week has reached its giddy conclusion, Victoria Beckham gives glimpse the extravaganza more than meeting expectations with of Victoria, Victoria Beckham La string of shows, parties and presentations. The theme Victoria Beckham didn’t have a runway show at London seemed to be a frenzied search for fun and whimsy, a shade Fashion Week, but she showed the spring and summer 2018 less serious and complicated than usual as designers looked collection for her popular Victoria, Victoria Beckham line to forward to next spring and summer. There were big shows by journalists and guests at a private club in Mayfair. The former Giorgio Armani, Burberry, Versace, and more, and more inti- Spice Girl, whose New York show won accolades last week, is mate affairs by the up-and-coming designers London offering a youthful look. Some of the clothes celebrated depends on for its fashion cred. The first day was marred when Miami and its neon colors, including a jacket with pink flamin- a subway train was attacked on the outskirts of London, rais- go designs. The saturated pop colors included “milkshake ing fears of more attacks, but the fashionistas stayed calm and pink,” “bubblegum” and “peppermint.” partied on. One tan suede outfit of short-short pants and a patch pocket jacket caught the eye, as did some pajama-style Tommy Hilfiger, Gigi Hadid slouchy outfits. The look was relaxed and meant for fun, a far pay homage to rock music cry from the black that was once Beckham’s signature color. Designer Tommy Hilfiger and model Gigi Hadid staged a She’s emphasizing pastels now - at least for summer - and grungy rock affair for their show on the final night of London suits made of pinstriped cotton twill. It’s been quite a year for Fashion Week. It was the pair’s third collaboration and fea- Beckham, who in April was made an Officer of the Order of the tured early appearances by Hadid’s siblings, Bella and Anwar. British Empire in a ceremony at Buckingham Palace. — AP The Tuesday show was presented at London’s legendary Roundhouse, where stars such as James Brown and Bob Dylan have performed over the years. Concert-style merchandise stalls had pieces from the TOMMYNOW collection available to purchase around the venue. The outfits included leather jackets with leopard print col- lars, worn with cropped denim shorts and beanie hats embla- zoned with “Gigi Hadid” - a homage to band merchandise and an appeal to the model’s vast fan base. Models also wore lan- yards mimicking backstage passes printed with “Gigi” and cropped T-shirts also bearing the model’s name. Patterns were checks or stripes, and oversize puffer jackets were worn open. Hadid said she was happy the show was such a family affair. “It is obviously a huge event, and I put a lot of pressure on myself as I’m a perfectionist, so to be able to look around and see my family is very grounding and keeps me calm,” she said. THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 21, 2017 lifestyle


Models present creations for fashion house Atsushi Nakashima during the Women’s Spring/Summer 2018 fashion shows in Milan yesterday. — AP/AFP photos Hot new talent lights up Milan Fashion Week ashion week roared into Milan yester- “This is the reason for the collection... day with a line-up of hotly anticipated putting together, understanding each other Fshows from fresh talent as well as lux- to have more communication,” he told ury titans ranging from Moschino to reporters through a translator. “We can con- Armani, who are battling for their share of a nect with each other.” Expectations are rebounding market. Gucci is the first big building for British talent Paul Surridge, name in line during the six days of catwalk who will on Friday show off his maiden col- strutting, coming in with mighty momen- lection since being named creative director tum under mastermind Alessandro Michele in May of Roberto Cavalli, known for its sexy and the geek chic aesthetic he has estab- rock’n’roll attitude. Husband-and-wife team lished since taking the reins in 2015. Luke and Lucie Meier are presenting their The Spring/Summer 2018 collection first designs on Saturday since being starring in its show yesterday is also Gucci’s tapped in April as creative leads of minimal- first since French parent company Kering ist stalwart Jil Sander. The Meiers, a rare announced a pledge earlier this month to married duo of co-directors, come from ban ultra-thin models from its brands’ Dior for her and Paris-based menswear advertising and runways. Luxury group brand OAMC via iconic streetwear label LVMH, which counts heavyweight Fendi Supreme for him. among its labels, has signed on as well to the ban that comes after repeated scandals Very good times, for some in the fashion industry about anorexia and “Lucie and I work together very natural- the mistreatment of models. ly,” Canadian Luke Meier told Vogue in June of his Swiss-born wife. “We have had an open dialogue about the approach to design for over 15 years and have often spoken of working together one day.” Newcomers to the Milan calendar also include the-sirius, a young Seoul-based label known for futuristic designs, which will indulge its ultramodern urge with a show Thursday on the campus of Milan’s Leonardo da Vinci Museum of Science and Technology. But it would not be fashion week in Italy’s capital of clothes and accessories without the kings and queens of the multi- billion euro luxury goods industry like Fendi, Ferragamo, Versace, Moschino and Prada. These European behemoths-or some of them, anyway-are seeing sales jump after years troubled by the triple whammy of a slowdown in Asia, currency volatility and customers staying at home after a string of terror attacks in Europe. “While in the past good meant good for everyone... now the situation is very good for some and very bad for others,” said Stefania Saviolo, a fashion and luxury expert at Milan’s Bocconi University. “It depends on the category, the brand, it depends on many things,” she told AFP. The rebound has been led by houses like Gucci which saw its sales in the first quarter of 2017 grow at their fastest pace in 20 years. But the flip side is labels like Prada that just cannot seem to remember where they put the secret sauce. Prada has put some of Milan kicked off with shows from smaller the blame for soft sales on tourists being up-and-comers, including Japanese design- driven away by a strong euro. However, the er Atsushi Nakashima, who unveiled bright winners and losers in the war for luxury colors, space-agey silver ponchos and buyers’ hearts-and cash-must remember clothing bisected with lots of shiny zips. For that nothing is forever. Saviolo said: “You Nakashima the zips are a reminder of don’t know how long it will last. Cycles are humanity’s better impulses in an uncertain getting shorter and shorter. The market time that has seen North Korea fire missiles gets tired of styles very fast.” — AFP directly over his homeland. lifestyle THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 21, 2017

MUSIC & MOVIES In glossy Bollywood, stories of ordinary Indian women shine

n elderly woman seeks a Mills & Boon romance with come into popular entertainment media,” said veteran film- While arthouse films in the 1980s and a crop of independent her swimming coach in Hindi film, ‘Lipstick Under My maker Shyam Benegal, whose award-winning films filmmakers have tackled social issues, gender and small ABurqa’, that battled the Indian censors ahead of its explored India’s caste divide and told stories of ordinary town India in their films, the backing of such projects by release in theatres last month and is now going strong on women. “Films like ‘Toilet: A Love Story’ ring a bell with a major studios seems a recent phenomenon - but in some streaming service Amazon Prime. In another Bollywood film large section of the audience who identity with the problem ways is simply following an old Bollywood tradition. this year, ‘Anaarkali of Aarah’, inspired by a real-life incident, a and that explains why they are doing well.” “Hindi cinema has been dealing with social issues since nautch girl who sings innuendo-laden songs at functions in the 1920s, even in the silent era,” Meenakshi Shedde, South a small town called Aarah takes on a powerful official who Off screen voices Asia consultant to the Berlin and Dubai Film Festivals and molests her in public. In April, popular actor Abhay Deol took on fellow actors festival curator told the Thomson Reuters Foundation. A A fresh crop of Hindi films - or Bollywood as the industry for endorsing skin whitening creams and slammed the pop- 1937 film - Duniya Na Mane (The World Does Not Agree) - is popularly known - are telling stories of ordinary women ular Indian belief of “fairer is better” as racist. This off-screen that showed a young schoolteacher from a poor family seeking sexual and financial freedom, or tackling tags of voice of leading actors is creating awareness on subjects being “available” because they are in the company of men or that were never discussed, be it fairness creams or even sex are out until late. “Bollywood is a male-dominated industry trafficking, campaigners said. “Celebrities have a huge fol- but there is a sudden influx of women-oriented films that lowing and the message goes out to people that campaign- are also doing well,” Avinash Das, writer-director of ‘Anaarkali ers would never be able to reach out to,” said Samarth of Aarah’ told the Thomson Reuters Foundation. Pathak, spokesman at United Nations Office on Drugs and Triggering the change in Bollywood’s narrative was the Crime (UNODC). Pathak interviewed Bollywood heartthrob brutal gang rape of a 23-year-old woman on a bus in New John Abraham on World Day Against Trafficking in July Delhi in 2012, that led to massive protests across the country where he described trafficking as a “serious threat to and put a spotlight on women’s safety in India. “After the humanity”. Delhi gang rape case, people are taking note of these films. “This was our first interview with a filmstar and it created Such films were made in the past too, but after the protests quite a buzz. A lot of young people are reaching out on (to following the 2012 case, people are alert, and no longer understand) trafficking, which is unprecedented,” Pathak casual about these stories.” said. A couple of days before the interview, Bollywood’s Bollywood films, often characterized by their song and most sought-after actor Akshay Kumar, who plays the male dance sequences and male-dominated story lines are influ- lead in ‘Toilet...’ and is now working in a film on menstrual ential in India and beyond, and objectification of women hygiene, spoke about the need to protect children from and their use in titillating songs is often blamed for stoking abuse at an international sex trafficking conference in sexual crime in the country. India has only 10 cinema Mumbai. screens per million people as against 124 in the United These star voices matter as Bollywood’s handling of pros- States and 90 in China for the nearly 1,000 films Bollywood titution had been restricted to portraying women as “call churns out every year, but it has the largest number of peo- girls” without delving into the problems of sex trafficking refusing to consummate her marriage with an old man. ple going to the cinema. and modern day slavery, said Sanjay Macwan, regional Some of India’s most successful filmmakers from the The films that tell women’s stories, though still perceived director of anti-trafficking charity International Justice 1930s to 60s such as V Shantaram and Bimal Roy had social as commercially unviable, have done well at the box office. Mission. “When Bollywood celebrities speak against sex traf- themes at the centre of their stories. “Bollywood is often per- Alankrita Shrivastava, director of ‘Lipstick Under My Burqa’ ficking, exploitation and bonded labour, it brings the issue ceived as monolithic, masala films with stars, six songs and a said viewers were drawn to her film as “an honest story before every Indian.” happy ending. But it is many different things,” Shedde said. It about them” and that the film remains the most watched is wonderful that social issues are becoming fashionable in since Amazon Prime’s launch in India last December. The ‘Fashionable again’ Bollywood again.”— Reuters makers of Anaarkali too could prove naysayers wrong when Last year’s release ‘Dangal’, which shows an ageing father the film did commercially well and even a movie exploring train his two daughters to become wrestlers, defying social lack of sanitation as a women’s rights violation - Toilet: A norms in conservative Haryana state in northern India, is Love Story - has been a major hit this year. among Bollywood’s biggest ever hits, beating fluffy “When issues matter to people ... they are bound to romances and epic revenge dramas in box office collections. Protesting Venezuelan violinist may seek asylum in US violinist who became the young face of anti-govern- tions of the classic folk standards that became anthems of the ment protests in Venezuela may soon seek political asy- four-month protest movement. Projected on a screen behind Alum in the United States. Wuilly Arteaga became well- him were scenes from the protests in which more than 120 known after playing somber renditions of Venezuela’s national people died and hundreds more were injured or jailed. Some anthem while standing amid clouds of tear gas. During one of the images showed Arteaga, his face bloodied. clash with security forces earlier this year, he and his violin “I play the violin for peace, for freedom,” Arteaga told the were dragged to the ground and he was later thrown in jail, Lincoln Center crowd. Arteaga first picked up the violin grow- where he said he was beaten. ing up in the city of Valencia and was a member of Venezuela’s Now free, he performed Tuesday at Lincoln Center in New world-famous El Sistema network of youth orchestras and York at an event to draw attention to human rights abuses in music schools. He dropped out after two years but continued Venezuela. The 23-year-old said his priority is to find work in studying on his own. About four years ago he moved to the US rather than request asylum. But he said he doesn’t feel Caracas, busking for his meals by playing on the streets and safe returning home because of death threats he*s received outside stores. He arrived in New York on Sunday with little on social media and by phone following his outspoken criti- means to support himself. He’s living now at a hotel paid for cism of President Nicolas Maduro. “I’ll probably seek asylum by the sponsors of Tuesday’s event but says he’ll soon have to but it’s not a decision I’ve made yet,” Arteaga told The start looking for work. — AP Associated Press at the concert. “I’m nervous and worried. I Venezuelan musician Wuilly Arteaga thanks the audience don’t know what’s going to happen with my life.” after playing the violin at the Alice Tully Hall in New York’s Dressed in a T-shirt and hat in the red, yellow and blue col- The members of Little Big Town, from left, Phillip Sweet, Lincoln Center. — AP ors of the Venezuelan flag, Arteaga performed somber rendi- Kimberly Schlapman, Karen Fairchild and Jimi Westbrook receive their start in the Music City Walk of Fame in Nashville, Tenn. — AP

Georgia middle school music teacher dents to take the rap lyrics and come up with who assigned homework featuring their own positive words. Little Big Town heads Music teacher suspended after Aexplicit rap lyrics has been suspended. DeKalb County School District Crishana Wright, the parent of a student at Superintendent R. Stephen Green said in a Bethune Middle School in DeKalb County, statement that the teacher was removed back on tour after told WSB-TV on Tuesday that her daughter from the classroom and will be held account- rap assignment angers parent brought home a worksheet that contained able for “poor judgment.” He said the district expletives, violence and sexually suggestive encourages teacher creativity, but instruction Ryman residency lyrics. The exercise was for sixth-grade stu- must be age-appropriate. — AP very time country vocal group Little Big Town walked into the 125-year-old Ryman Auditorium to play one of Etheir residency shows this year, the four singers breathed a little sigh of relief. “When we go into the dressing room, you just take a breath and go, ‘OK, I feel like I am at home,’” said Jimi Westbrook. The Mother Church of country music in downtown ‘Stronger’ spawns a friendship for Gyllenhaal and Bauman Nashville, Tennessee, was one of the few places fans could have seen the quartet perform this year, but the five-time s the cast and makers of “Stronger” collectively rose to take Meeting for an interview at a Toronto hotel shortly after the brother. He’s helped Bauman through hard times (he and Hurley, Country Music Association vocal group of the year will return a bow after the film’s Toronto International Film Festival film’s festival premiere, the close bond between Gyllenhaal and previously married and with a three-year-old daughter, Nora, have to a major headlining tour starting in February. After the Apremiere, Jake Gyllenhaal realized that Jeff Bauman, whom Bauman was plainly evident. In the two and a half years since they separated) and gamely accepts Bauman’s playful chiding - like his release of their eighth album “The Breaker” in February, the he plays in the film and who wears prosthetic legs, was still sitting, began working on the movie together, they’ve gotten to know questioning the depth of the New York-based Gyllenhaal’s Red Grammy-winning band took a break from heavy touring but overwhelmed with emotion. “Jake was like, ‘Get up!’” Bauman said. each other well through Gyllenhaal’s regular trips up to Boston to Sox fandom. their nine Ryman concerts between February and September “And I stood up.” “As soon as he got up, everyone else stood up,” spend time with Bauman and study how he moves physically. gave fans a much more intimate and unique concert experi- Gyllenhaal said. “I realized: This movie just showed them every- Bauman came to New York to see Gyllenhaal on Broadway. They ‘I had my life on pause’ ence. They took advantage of the theater’s natural acoustics to thing he went through just for that moment. I’ve never had an threw out the first pitch at Fenway Park together. “Since we first Jake: I am a Sox fan. I just wear a Yankees hat, but I am a Sox show off their beautiful four-part harmonies and had surprise experience like that making a movie.” “Stronger,” directed by David met, I think he’s a totally different person now,” Gyllenhaal says. fan. Jeff: He doesn’t wear a Yankees hat around me. Jake: That’s special guests including Miranda Lambert, Luke Bryan, Tori Gordon Green, is the kind of movie that holds as much drama off “Particularly in the past year, since getting sober. I think he’s been true. Jeff (derisively): He’s a Warriors fan. Jake: Easy. They’ve been Kelly and Chris Stapleton. The last show in the residency will the screen as on it. The movie chronicles Bauman’s struggles after much more open. When we first met, trying to learn about him inseparable while strolling down red carpets and promoting be on Nov 27. a bomb explosion tore through his legs while he was waiting by and figure out what was going on was a little harder. And now I “Stronger.” “I’m like his shadow,” said Gyllenhaal. Last week, they “It’s magical and it’s surreal every time,” Phillip Sweet said of the finish line of the 2013 Boston Marathon. He was there to greet feel like I know him better than even when I played the role.” showed the film to patients and staff at the Spaulding the Ryman shows. “And it’s been such an enriching experience his on-again, off-again girlfriend, Erin Hurley, who had previously “Bromance” is a term that has often been applied to their rela- Rehabilitation Hospital, where Bauman worked on his recovery for us. We come away really emotional in a good way.” “The chided him for never “showing up.” tionship, but Gyllenhaal, 36, is more like an encouraging older and where they filmed scenes for the movie. In Toronto, Bauman Breakers” tour will kick off in Oklahoma City on Feb. 8 and hit “Stronger,” based on Bauman’s 2014 memoir, is an undoubted- was pleased to see a photo caption misidentifying him as his fic- the Radio City Music Hall in New York, as well as Green Bay, ly inspiring story, but maybe not in the way you’d expect. Honest, tion-film doppelganger. He plans to frame it and give it to Jake. Wisconsin, Minneapolis and Atlanta. Opening acts include painful and funny, it avoids the familiar Hollywood beats for a But in the time they’ve been making “Stronger” (Gyllenhaal is Kacey Musgraves and Midland and tickets go on sale Friday. more truthful tale of personal growth. “The big moments of our also a producer), both say Bauman has dramatically grown. He’s The group is up for four nominations at this year’s CMA Awards lives don’t happen in a close-up,” says Gyllenhaal. “Stronger” cap- now 15 months sober and studying engineering in college. on Nov. 8, including single and video of the year for “Better tures Bauman, now 31, recalibrating his life after the tragedy, still Working at Costco at the time of the bombing, Bauman now Man,” written by pop superstar Taylor Swift. Swift, who got her struggling with relationship and drinking problems that predated hopes to work for a prosthetics company. He also moved out of start in country, is also nominated for the first time in several the bombing and chafing at the role cast upon him as a heroic his mother’s apartment and into his own place. Gyllenhaal consid- years as the songwriter for “Better Man.” symbol of “Boston Strong.” Bauman instead saw himself merely, he ers it the film’s biggest accomplishment. “I took my hand off the “When you can’t get it out of your head, and when it says, as: “Just a dude with no legs.” pause button,” says Bauman. “I had my life on pause. You get stuck, becomes sing-able instantly, then there’s always something especially when you’re drinking and isolating. I started homing in special about it,” Fairchild said. “And then when you get that Totally different person on what I wanted to do as a person. Just try to grow up.” extra tug of the heart and connection... then you really have Bauman’s modesty remains, but he’s also come to terms with When Gyllenhaal first met Bauman, he was struggling to just gone to a deeper level with the fans... Taylor wrote a beau- being someone who gives hope to others, who can now connect adjust to the prosthetic legs. Now, he confidently goes up and tiful song and we’re just really grateful that the fans connected with a wide world of amputees, war veterans and other sufferers down stairs, unaided. Bauman, still reluctant to take any credit, with it.” The group said they sent Swift messages of congratu- trying to get by. One memorable scene, taken from a real experi- Actor Jake Gyllenhaal, left, director David Gordon Green, praises the technology. But Gyllenhaal prods him, still trying to get lations after learning of the nomination and Sweet said, “She ence, shows Bauman mobbed at Fenway and listening to story center left, Boston Marathon bombing survivor Jeff Bauman to take some credit. “I wish you could stand where I stand was very thrilled, very excited.” But there’s no word if Swift, after story. “There’s so much love coming at Jeff,” says Gyllenhaal. Bauman, center right, and actress Tatiana Maslany, right, when you walk through,” Gyllenhaal says, “and people just go, ‘F— whose new album “reputation” comes out two days after the “People line up - they really do - to talk to him. They’re like: ‘This arrive on the red carpet at the US premiere of the movie -ing awesome.’”— AP CMA Awards, will show up to the awards show. “She is one thing happened to me,’ ‘That thing happened to me.’ We are not ‘Stronger’ at the Spaulding Rehabilitation Hospital in busy lady,” Fairchild said, but added if she did come, “that alone in all that, and that’s what his story says.” Boston. — AP would be awesome.”-AP lifestyle THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 21, 2017


A woman looks at a painting titled ‘Hollywood Africans’ by A woman looks at a painting titled ‘Untitled’, 1982 by US US artist Jean Michel Basquiat. artist Jean Michel Basquiat.

A man videos himself in front of a painting titled ‘King Zulu’ by US artist Jean Michel Basquiat during a press call for a A man looks a painting titled ‘Dos Cabezas’ by US artist A woman looks at a painting titled ‘Glenn’ by US artist new exhibition ‘Basquiat: Boom for real’ at the Barbican in London yesterday. — AP/AFP photos Jean Michel Basquiat, depicting himself and Andy Warhol. Jean Michel Basquiat. ‘Seismic’ street-art icon Basquiat gets major UK show he explosive works of Jean-Michel Basquiat, a trailblazer $110.5 million (92 million euros) in New York this year, a sign learned his trade in the late 1970s in the post-punk under- worked with international museums and private collections of the New York art scene of the 1970s and 80s, are to be the increasingly high esteem in which his work is held. The ground art scene in downtown New York, being a protege of for three years to secure more than a 100 works, from vast Tshown in London starting this week in his first major vibrant, busy pieces reveal a stream of consciousness, absorb- pop-art icon Andy Warhol and becoming a pioneer of multi- paintings like “King of Zulu” to handwritten poems influenced British exhibition. The former graffiti artist, who died in 1988 ing influences from high and pop culture, including jazz mas- media work. He also played in a band as part of the scene that by beat poet William S Burroughs. at just 27 years old, mined a huge range of influences includ- ter Charlie Parker, Leonardo da Vinci, Henri Matisse and the spawned artists such as Blondie and the Ramones, and his use British graffiti artist Banksy counts himself one of Basquiat’s ing jazz, pop culture, abstract and primitive art and old mas- Looney Tunes’s Road Runner and reproducing them in of chopped-up samples in his paintings echoed similar tech- biggest fans, and caused a stir by producing two new works ters in producing his dynamic and distinctive paintings, earn- abstract forms. Common motifs include the use of symbols niques being used at the same time by hip-hop pioneers like close to the Barbican, one pointing out the irony of holding ing him a devout legion of supporters. “These works are able and text, often repeated in blocks, exploring themes such as Grandmaster Flash. “This is an artist who has this insatiable the show in a neighborhood largely devoid of street art. to induce almost maniacal passion in people, once you get colonialism and class politics. appetite for information,” said Nairne. “We might think of this Among those coming to survey Banksy’s latest works were hooked there’s no going back,” said Eleanor Nairne, curator at as the beginning of the information age.” Sharon De Boos and her young daughter Elise. “I wanted to Barbican Art Gallery, where the exhibition will open today. ‘Beginning of information age’ “He always had the television on in the studio, always had show my daughter, she’s never heard of Banksy so I thought “His work is really expressive, loose, free,” she said. “Very Nairne said Basquiat had a “seismic impact not just on con- books spread open and music playing. He was able to sample I’d show her, it’s something different,” De Boos said. — AP rough and ready, but with that raw texture to it, teeming with temporary art, but much more broadly, in fashion and in from a lot of material.” Since his death of a heroin overdose, thoughts, influences.” His “Untitled” work sold for a record media, whether it be Jay Z or Banksy.” Basquiat, born in 1960, Basquiat has had little exposure in Britain. The Barbican Centre

Contemplating a ski trip this winter? Book now for best deal re you contemplating a ski trip this popular resorts like Vail, Breckenridge, Aspen winter? It might be hard to wrap your and Park City,” Sherman said. “If you’re plan- Ahead around the concept of snow if ning to visit these resorts and others, espe- you’re still mourning summer’s passing or try- cially during the holiday season, booking now ing to make vacation plans for fall amid ensures you’ll have first choice in your travel foliage forecasts and hurricane news. But the days, connections and accommodation pref- best deals for ski vacations are offered well erences.” before cold weather hits. “Now is the best Sherman predicts that Canadian resorts time to time to book a ski trip,” said Dan like Whistler Blackcomb will also see sellouts Sherman, spokesman for “You may this year, due to new ownership and inclusion not want to think about snow right now but on the Epic Pass, which covers unlimited ski- it’s coming. People wait and then they may ing at a dozen resorts including Vail in A picture shows an Egyptian rowing a boat in the Nile, in the southern have to pay more.” Colorado and Park City in Utah. Seven-day A picture shows river boats moored in the Nile at a marina during sunrise Egyptian city of Luxor. Sherman said travelers often don’t focus Epic passes are $659 until Oct 8, when the in the southern Egyptian city of Luxor. — AFP photos on skiing until much later in the year, but air- price goes up to $753.77. also has a fare, hotels, car rentals and other ski trip variety of early bird deals, like a discounted essentials typically cost more as winter and Christmas through New Year’s stay at the holidays approach. Some options will sell Breckenridge in Colorado if you book by Oct out altogether, especially nonstop flights and 10. The one-bedroom suite deal at Beaver Merchants say Egypt tourism stays at ski-in and ski-out properties. Run Resort, eight nights from Dec 25 through Multiresort passes like the Epic Pass and Jan 2, is $5,068 (before taxes and fees), 30 Mountain Collective become more expensive percent off the regular price of $7,240. — AP the longer you wait to buy. “We will see accommodation sellouts as early as this fall at revival steady but slow

ummelled by political unrest and jihadist Public relations blitz ‘The people are great’ attacks, Egypt’s tourism industry is slowly In October 2015, the Islamic State group said Abdel Hakim said the city’s population and its Pgrowing again, but too slowly for thou- it downed a Russian airliner in the Sinai after it tourism workers were suffering. “Tourists in the sands of bazaar workers who fondly recall when took off from a Red Sea resort, killing all 224 past would walk around the historic sites, and ride tourists thronged their stores. Abu Aya owns a people on board. Visitor numbers plunged from carriages and buy souvenirs... everyone would souvenir shop in the southern city of Luxor which 9.3 million in 2015 to 5.3 million the following profit,” he said. Abu Aya accepts that tourists have is home to ancient pharaonic monuments, and year. A public relations blitz by the tourism indeed begun to return. But “this hasn’t yet been he fondly remembers the days when the front industry including international events and slick felt by the owners of bazaars and residents of the pocket of his traditional Arabic robe sagged with advertisements has had some effect, tourism city”. He says that despite a bungled attack in a cash. “Before 2011 it was filled with dollars and officials say. Hotel occupancy rates in Luxor are Luxor temple in 2015, the city is safe, a view euros. Today the sellers just sit in front of their expected to reach 30 percent by the end of the Chinese tourist Ann Zhu agreed with. “I feel Luxor is stores reading the papers because there are so year, compared with 23 percent in 2016 and 17 safer than Cairo, and the people here are great,” few customers,” the 47-year-old said. In the prom- percent in 2015, said Maher Abdel Hakim, an said the 28-year-old who had just visited the enade bazaar lined with shops selling souvenirs expert on the hospitality industry who runs a Karnak temple where the attack was foiled. and incense, every business seemed to be suffer- tourism promotion group. Tourists from China have been among the most ing from the downturn. But there is still a long way to go, as suggested drawn to the ancient Egyptian sites over the past For years the North African nation had worked by the desperate shop owners and drivers of two years. China’s top public travel agency, China to attract more tourists to its famed ancient sites horse-drawn carriages who resort to pleading for International Travel Service, reported a 58 percent and pristine Red Sea beaches, a policy that resulted business. “I’ll accept whatever you pay-I just want increase in the number of tourists flying to Egypt in a record 14.7 million visitors in 2010. Tourism in to buy fodder for the horse,” one yelled at potential compared with 2015. “I’ve started speaking the Arab world’s most populous country has long clients outside the colossus-flanked entrance of the Chinese,” said Ahmed Hassan, who operates a hot- provided much-needed revenues. But an uprising ancient Luxor Temple. Sites such as Luxor-once a air balloon that gives tourists the chance to experi- that unseated autocrat Hosni Mubarak in February pharaonic capital that still boasts stunning ancient ence a different perspective of the area’s famous 2011, followed by years of political unrest, rolled temples-have been hardest hit, compared with the sites. — AFP back the gains in a disaster to the four million peo- beach resorts that continue to attract a diminished ple whose jobs at the time relied on the tourism but steady flow of holidaymakers. “Before the 2011 industry. A jihadist insurgency that erupted in 2013 revolution, 1,500 French tourists would come to In this, file photo, a skier kicks up some fresh powder during opening day at Arapahoe also took its toll. Two years later, security forces Luxor in just a week,” said Ahmed Mahmoud, a 35- Basin in Dillon, Colo. — AP mistakenly killed eight Mexican tourists they year-old former tourism industry worker who has thought were “terrorists”. since switched to teaching. Safat Home launches new Autumn collection and a chance to win a 2017 Chevrolet Malibu

afat Home, Kuwait’s leading home furnishing retail- The Autumn collection also reveals a new selection of Customers can take advantage of the diversified er, launched its new Autumn collection bringing sanitary and tiles from Italy & Spain, on which customers Autumn collection, quality products, the latest trends and Sover 3,000 brand new products into its showrooms will receive 50 KD in voucher for every 500 KD spent on competitive prices under one roof by visiting the Safat across Kuwait and giving customers a chance to win a these products. Home showrooms located in Al-Rai, Shuwaikh and 2017 Chevrolet Malibu when shopping the new collec- Constantly rewarding customers and ensuring their Fahaheel. The Shuwaikh showroom is located near Yusuf tion. satisfaction, Safat Home offers customers 0% interest on A Alghanim Service and Maintenance Center, while the Running its new collection campaign from September credit facilities taken over 12 months. The service enables Al-Rai showroom is located in Safat Alghanim, and the 14 to October 25, Safat Home enables customers to enter customers to renew their homes from the largest variety Fahaheel showroom on Dabbous Street, above X-cite. the draw to win the coveted 2017 Chevrolet Malibu for of home furnishing styles and products in Kuwait, cater- The Shuwaikh showroom is open from 9am to 11pm every KD 100 spent on the new collection. The campaign ing to all tastes, demographics and lifestyles. The avail- every day, while the Al-Rai showroom operates from also rewards a second draw winner who will leave with able collections run the gamut from the classical, luxuri- 9:30am until midnight every day, and the Fahaheel show- 500 KD in cash, and a third draw winner of 250 KD in ous, contemporary and minimalist, giving customers that room is open daily from 9am to 10pm. vouchers to be used at Safat Home. The draw will be held furniture set they really need, or a stylish mixture of on October 26 at the Safat Alghanim Shuwaikh show- accessories that are guaranteed to add beauty and piz- room. zazz to any corner in their house. Tommy Hilfiger and Gigi Hadid stage London Fashion Week show


Kuwaiti men looking at a painting of Kuwaiti artist Ahmed Muqeem, during an art exhibition in Kuwait City . — Yasser Al-Zayyat Marie Kondo is back with a manga about decluttering

ust when it seemed Marie Kondo had spread her gospel on the “life-changing magic” of decluttering as far is it could Jgo, the author - whose two previous books remain interna- tional best-sellers - is back with a different audience in mind. Kondo’s message that you should keep only things that “spark joy” is now in manga form, with a love story as a backdrop. Her new book, “The Life-Changing Manga of Tidying Up” (Ten Speed Press), features the work of artist Yuko Uramoto and seems designed to attract a younger set - including teenage boys - many of whom probably missed out on her earlier vol- umes. And she may be on target. While my two sons, ages 12 and 14, had zero interest in her earlier books, they battled over who could rip through Kondo’s manga as soon as they spotted it on the dining room table. And while they rolled their eyes when I asked if it had made a differ- ence in their lives, my younger son was soon putting his desk in order and going through his drawers, and my older son packed for a family trip by carefully rolling his clothes into neat little packets in his suitcase. He also commented on a recently Photo shows the cover of the book “the life-changing acquired cabinet in our living room, noting Kondo’s advice that manga of tidying up: a magical story.” additional storage furniture should be unnecessary in a proper- ly decluttered home. complains about the mountains of trash on her balcony. Chiaki Then my boys passed the book on to a friend, who also is a workaholic and never has time to cook, but she dreams of rolled his eyes and shrugged when asked if he’d learned any- preparing delicious meals at home. Will she ever be able to tidy thing from it. But within days, he’d packed up no less than sev- up enough to invite her Prince Charming to dinner? en bags of unwanted toys and clothes from his room. A coinci- Thanks to Kondo, who appears as a character in the book - a dence? Perhaps. Manga is a form of graphic novel in Kondo’s sort of magical decluttering fairy - the answer is yes. Kondo, native Japan. “In Japan, manga is a form of artistic expression teaching her method of sifting through belongings one catego- and entertainment that connects people across generations,” ry at a time, helps Chiaki transform her apartment and, in the Kondo wrote in an email when asked about the book. “Creating process, her life. Chiaki learns to appreciate the things around the manga has been such a fun and gratifying experience for her, recognize her forgotten dreams and value herself. me, and I hope that it sparks joy for new readers and fans alike!” In short, she discovers the life-changing magic of tidying up. The fictional story tells of Chiaki Suzuki, 29, single, and living And yes, she does end up with the cute guy next door, a role in a tiny hoarders’ den of a Tokyo apartment. She develops a model for any reader, of any age, who ever doubted that cook- crush on the handsome - and minimalist - young man next ing and tidying up was a certain way to a girl’s heart. — AP Photo provided by Ten Speed Press shows illustrations inside the book “the life-changing manga of tidying up: a magi- door, a professional cook whom she can’t bring herself to invite cal story,” by Marie Kondo and illustrated by Yuko Uramoto. — AP photos over because of her messy apartment. The two meet when he Tall tail: Record-setting cats share home near Detroit

ere’s a very tall tail: Two record-setting cats are liv- Guinness says they sought the records to raise awareness ing together near Detroit. Arcturus Aldebaran about a cat shelter. HPowers holds the Guinness World Records mark Will Powers told The Detroit News that people often for tallest domestic cat, measuring at about 19 inches (48 want to have photos taken with the cats, so they ask centimeters). Housemate Cygnus Regulus Powers holds them for donations for the shelter. He says both cats are the record for the domestic cat with the longest tail, about 2 years old. reports that Arcturus could measuring more than 17 inches (43 centimeters). The cats keep growing until age four or five. — AP live in Farmington Hills with Will and Lauren Powers. Will Powers holds his cat Arcturus Aldebaran Powers in Farmington Hills, Mich. — AP photos