Lake Union Herald for 1946
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LAKE UNION IIDALD Officals Oftfeta de 4et4e It4tioot eoffjeteffee Vol. XXXVIII Berrien Springs, Mich., January 22, 1946 No. 4 1=4:=====2=1=2Z1=ZMQZ1=CiT(t=2=X:111 at best only general, and we would be litically as you like without a penalty WISCONSIN happy to hear from each of you per- —what has his freedom cost? Much, sonally so as to help you in your partic- T. E. Unruh - - - - President oh so much! Our heritage of free- B. G. Burchfield - - Sec.-Treas. ular situation. G. F. RUF dom has been purchased. at the cost 802 E. Gorham St., Madison, Wisconsin of blood, suffering, and sacrifice. No- Mail Address, Box 512 WHAT PRICE LIBERTY? ble men have gone to prison, sub- IZt==it=i1=1=2=Z=Q=C1:2,2=k1=2=3=3=3=11, THREE yearly subscriptions to the mitted to the flames at the stake, suf- SABBATH SCHOOL AND Liberty Magazine for only one dollar? fered the loss of all things in order CHURCH MISSIONARY Yes, that's right. But that really isn't to light the Torch of Freedom. And OFFICERS my question. What has been the cost these all believed the cost was not too WE HAVE had a number of letters of our liberty—the freedom we take great. from Sabbath school superintendents so much for granted? The unmolested And now this great blessing is and secretaries, as well as missionary privilege to observe the Sabbath, to ours. It is our heritage. But freedom leaders and secretaries, asking for in- worship in harmony with one's con- has its enemies. There are those -who formation and counsel with respect victions, the right to a job without hate it and would destroy it. Influ- to the work they are doing. We were a religious test, to serve our country ences are at work to again enslave a happy to receive these letters and without disobeying God, to think po- freedom-loving people. What will it would be glad to have every one of these officers write to us and tell us of their particular problem or burden or plan, and we shall be glad to give Are all the children in? The night is falling, ARE And storm-clouds gather in the threatening west; all the help we possibly can. We wel- The lowing cattle seek a friendly shelter; come you to the circle of our church ALL The bird hies to her nest; workers and pray that through your The thunder crashes; wilder grows the tempest, And darkness settles o'er the fearful din: efforts our Sabbath schools and THE Come, shut the door, and gather around the hearth- churches will grow and there will be stone; Are all the children in? stronger missionary zeal than ever be- CHILDREN fore. We want to keep before us our IN? Are all- the children in? The night is falling, great goal of doubling our member- When gilded sin doth walk about the streets, 0, "at the last it. biteth like a serpent"! ship within the next four years, and Poisoned are stolen sweets. we believe that if there were no other 0 mothers, guard the feet of inexperience, Too prone to wander in the paths of sin! line of activity in our churches aside 0, shut the door of love against temptation! from the Sabbath school and church Are all the children in? missionary, these two departments Are all the children in? The night is falling, could reach that goal. So, a great deal The night of death is hastening on apace; depends on you officers and how you The Lord is calling, "Enter thou thy chamber, And tarry there a space." inspire our people thro.ugh your lead- And when He comes, the King in all His glory, ership. Who died the shameful death our hearts to win, We are preparing bulletins which 0, may the gates of heaven shut about us, With all the children in! will give you some instruction, and Elizabeth Rosser. we hope that these will be read care- fully. However, these instructions are 2 LAKE UNION HERALD cost to remain free? Eternal vigilance emy of liberty. Therefore those who preacher, every teacher of youth, ev- for one thing. We must not take love freedom most must be most ac- ery editor, and eve:), jurist. It should liberty for granted. Only those who tive in spreading the gospel of free- be found in every school and public are willing to sacrifice for freedom dom in every community. library. This goal can be reached are worthy to enjoy it. A people can The Liberty Magazine is America's without too much sacrifice. Here is 'remain free only so long as they outstanding journal of liberty. It how it can be done: have an intelligent understanding of should be in every Seventh-day Ad- First, make sure that this journal the great foundation principles on ventist home. It should be made: comes to your own home. which it is built. Ignorance is an en- available to every lawmaker, every Second, on January 26 place in the Religious Liberty Offering from one to five dollars cr more, that the con- HAVE YOU HEARD?? ference might be able to supply the magazine to the above mentioned in- Something to happen in Madison dividuals. YOU NEVER HEARD BEFORE! Third, send in lists of prominent individuals who should receive the CHILD EVANGELISM INSTITUTE magazine. T. E. UNRUH January 26-27, 1946 SPECIAL OFFERING NETS MADISON CHURCH OVER $10,000 Corner Colby and VanDeusen Streets AN important project and a willing (South Side) people! Under the blessing of God For Whom? such a combination cannot fail. This on Every Seventh-day Adventist Soul-Winner! truth found demonstration De- Pastors, Elders, Deacons, Clerks, Treasurers, all church officers, cember 22 when the special offering Sabbath School Superintendents, Teachers, all S. S. officers, for the New Academy was received. Missionary Volunteer leaders, Secretaries, all officers, All Church School Teachers, Home and School Leaders, all officers, The date was not a favorable one All Sabbath School Division Leaders, Teachers, Assistants, etc. since it came so close to Christmas All workers and teachers of youth, Juniors, Primary, Kindergartens, and Cradle Roll, and the Thirteenth Sabbath. The EVERYBODY weather was most unfavorable on that EVERYBODY particular Sabbath. And yet the re- EVERYBODY! sponse was wonderful. Not all the re turns are in. We are confident that Do you deal with young people in the church, Sabbath school, church school, home, shop, street, alley, camp, jail, anywhere? many of our people have not yet THEN YOU SHOULD COME!! turned in their offering or paid the POSTPONE ALL OTHER ENGAGEMENTS!! pledge made December 22. The total Do you want to know: reported in cash for the special offer- How to tell stories? How to win youth to Christ? How to make your class successful? How to conduct a successful Sabbath school or M. V. Society? LAKE UNION HERALD How to CAPTURE child interest? Published weekly (50 issues a year) by the How to spring ATTENTION TRAPS? How to keep the youth spell-bound? LAKE UNION CONFERENCE OF How to give them wholesome thrills? SEVENTH-DAY ADVENTISTS THE SECRET IS OUT!! COME—SEE—HEAR THE SECRET IS OUT!! Berrien Springs, Michigan These amazing, thrilling, soul-stirring, captivating, fascinating, unusual studies will be given by the combined efforts of the Missionary Volunteer and Sabbath School Department of the Wisconsin Conference. This is positively All matter for publication should reach the Lake Union Conference office, WEDNES- something you have never seen or heard before! You cannot afford to miss this DAY preceding the date of issue. Subscrip- opportunity of a lifetime! All sun-ounding churches are cordially invited. tion price $1.00. Come for Sabbath school and Sabbath morning service, and stay through un- R. M. Harrison - Managing Editor til the closing session, Sunday 5:30 p.m. Similar institutes will be held a+ G. E. Schultz - Associate Editor Eau Clairc, February 2-3, and Bethel, February 16-17. Entered as second-class matter Novem- BY ALL MEANS PLAN TO BE THERE! ber 3, 1908, reentered January I, 1946, M. J. Perepelitza at the post office of Berrien Springs, Michi- gan. Printed by the College Press, Berrien Springs, Michigan. LAKE UNION HERALD ing and on previous pledges is $10,- Nehring of New London will be we must give more study and atten- 544.82. In addition to this the Dorcas saddened by the news of her sudden tion to these. societies turned in during the month death. Sister Nehring spent part of We want to thank the union for of December $975 to apply on their the afternoon of Friday, January 11, making this insitute possible and $10,000 goal for the culinary depart- visiting some of her neighbors. She only wish that these brethren could ment. To date the ladies of the Dorcas returned to her home and made ready spend several more week-ends with have sent in $1,081. the evening meal. Following supper us. The Conference Committee ex- she unexpectedly had a stroke and Our next Child Evangelism insti- presses deep gratitude for the splen- died about 9:30 that evening. Funeral tutes will be directed by local work- did response of the churches to this services were conducted by Elder ers and will be held in Madison, Jan- special appeal. Let us all continue the Unruh in the New London church uary 26 and 27, in Eau Claire, Feb- good work. on Monday, January 14. ruary 2 and 3, and at Bethel, Feb- While in the home of one of our The managing board of the Wis- ruary 16 and 17.