FOR RELEASE, July 15, 2021

Toronto joins global network of cities to tackle climate crisis at the source: fossil fuel supply

Toronto City Council votes in overwhelming majority to endorse the call for a Fossil Fuel Non-Proliferation Treaty to phase out fossil fuels and fast track a fair energy transition.

TORONTO - took a big step in response to the climate emergency by endorsing the Fossil Fuel Non-Proliferation Treaty initiative which takes aim at the source of 80% of global greenhouse gas emissions.

The Treaty motion was co-sponsored by Councillors (Ward 11) and Shelley Carroll (Ward 17).

The nearly unanimous Council vote (22 – 2) follows a period of record-breaking high temperatures across the nation causing human deaths, biodiversity loss and wildfires that scientists say would have been “virtually impossible” without climate change.

Toronto is the second city in Canada to endorse the initiative, after Vancouver became the first city in the world to sign on. In Toronto the Treaty is endorsed by the Toronto Climate Action Network, Toronto Environmental Alliance, Canadian Health Association for Sustainability and Equity (CHASE) and the Canadian Association of Physicians for the Environment (CAPE).

Organizers included ClimateFast, MobilizeTO, FridaysforFutureTO, and Seniors for Climate Action Now! A petition of 1,000+ signatures in support was presented at the start of Council.


City Councillor Mike Layton, Ward 11 - University-Rosedale: We have seen fires, floods, murderous heat, and yet governments continue to ignore the immediacy of the climate crisis. Ignorance at this point should be impossible. We can't wait any longer for action. Our youth and future generations have the most to lose from a lack of immediate action to stop fossil fuel expansion as they face major and lifelong health, ecological, social and economic impacts from prolonged and cumulative effects of climate change, especially on those who also face socioeconomic and health inequities. I am happy to have Council endorse the Treaty and look forward to a greener, healthier future."

City Councillor Shelley Carroll, Ward 17 - Don Valley North: “By endorsing the Fossil Fuel Non-Proliferation Treaty, Toronto joins a network of cities globally in advancing our climate goals. We have seen lately that the effect of climate change is no longer in the distant future and more must be done to reduce carbon emissions quickly. This endorsement reiterates our commitment to an equitable and green post-pandemic recovery.”

Lyn Adamson, Organizer, Toronto Campaign for a Fossil Fuel Non-Proliferation Treaty Initiative: “In the six years since the Paris climate agreement was adopted, national governments have moved to expand fossil fuel production far beyond the limit of 1.5 degrees Celsius of warming. Canada is still increasing its emissions and handed $18 billion in subsidies to the fossil fuel industry last year. Toronto’s leadership puts cities at the centre of the push against further fossil fuel exploration and development. It’s a giant leap forward for a climate- safe future.”

Allie Rougeot, Toronto Coordinator for FridaysforFutureTO: “Toronto is making the right call by signing on to the Treaty. It is no longer enough to talk about climate change; we must name the problem and enthusiastically endorse the solutions we must be brave in our efforts to phase out fossil fuels while leaving no-one behind. As a young Canadian, I see this treaty as an important step towards a safer future.”

Seble Samuel, Global Cities Lead for the Fossil Fuel Non-Proliferation Treaty Initiative:, Toronto is sending a strong signal to provincial and federal governments that fossil fuel expansion cannot continue during a time of climate crisis. last month’s heat dome show that the emergency is real and it is now. cities that have the ability to generate upward momentum on climate action This move will inspire similar motions in other cities across Canada and beyond.”

Tzeporah Berman, Chair of the Fossil Fuel Non-Proliferation Treaty Initiative: “No city, province or country can make this energy transition alone. Sadly, the great work that is being done locally in Toronto is being undermined by higher levels of government. Global cooperation is needed to backstop local efforts to reduce GHG emissions quickly.

Vancouver Councillor Christine Boyle: “We are thrilled that Toronto is joining Vancouver as a leading Canadian city demanding an end to the fossil fuel era. The devastating and deadly damage from the heat dome in our home province is a loud reminder that the climate emergency is at our doorstep. Cities can hold the national government accountable by building pressure from below to ensure Canada makes fossil fuels history”.

For more information on the Fossil Fuel Non-Proliferation Treaty, please visit the website and view the introductory video. For information on the Toronto campaign, go to

Media contacts:

Lyn Adamson, Co-Chair ClimateFast – [email protected], 416-731-6605 Coordinator Toronto Campaign for the FFNPT

Councillor Mike Layton c/o Stephanie Nakitsas, [email protected]

Allie Rougeot, Toronto Coordinator for FridaysforFutureTO - [email protected] 647-920-1050 (bilingual)

Additional youth voices: Chloe Tse, Aviva Gale-Buncel

Gideon Forman, Climate Policy Analyst for David Suzuki Foundation

International Campaign Spokespersons available for interview include: • Tzeporah Berman, Chair of the Fossil Fuel Non-Proliferation Treaty Initiative and International Program Director at • Seble Samuel, Global Cities Lead for the Fossil Fuel Non-Proliferation Treaty Initiative