Expansive Actions with Specification of Sofic Groups, Strong Topological Markov Property, and Surjunctivity
EXPANSIVE ACTIONS WITH SPECIFICATION OF SOFIC GROUPS, STRONG TOPOLOGICAL MARKOV PROPERTY, AND SURJUNCTIVITY TULLIO CECCHERINI-SILBERSTEIN, MICHEL COORNAERT, AND HANFENG LI Abstract. A dynamical system is a pair (X; G), where X is a compact metrizable space and G is a countable group acting by homeomorphisms of X. An endomorphism of (X; G) is a continuous selfmap of X which commutes with the action of G. One says that a dynamical system (X; G) is surjunctive provided that every injective endomorphism of (X; G) is surjective (and therefore is a homeomorphism). We show that when G is sofic, every expansive dynamical system (X; G) with nonnegative sofic topological entropy and satisfying the weak specification and the strong topological Markov properties, is surjunctive. Contents 1. Introduction 2 2. Preliminaries 5 2.1. General notation 5 2.2. Actions 5 2.3. Shifts and subshifts 5 2.4. Dynamical systems 6 2.5. Expansivity 6 2.6. The strong topological Markov property 7 2.7. The weak specification property 8 2.8. The pseudo-orbit tracing property 8 2.9. Algebraic dynamical systems 9 2.10. The Hamming distance 9 2.11. Sofic groups 9 2.12. Sofic topological entropy 10 3. Proofs 12 4. Examples 17 Appendix A. Stirling's approximation formula 18 References 19 Date: July 26, 2021. 2010 Mathematics Subject Classification. 37B40, 37B10, 37D20, 20F65. Key words and phrases. Sofic group, sofic entropy, surjunctive dynamical system, expansive action, strong topological Markov property, weak specification property, subshift, surjunctive subshift, strongly irreducible subshift, algebraic dynamical system. 1 2 TULLIO CECCHERINI-SILBERSTEIN, MICHEL COORNAERT, AND HANFENG LI 1.
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