On Sale Soon Carols by Candlelight
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November 2011 Issue 38 Hemiola St George’s Singers INSIDE THIS ISSUE: ‗THE CHRISTMAS LIFE‘—ON SALE SOON Messiah—the text 2 Watkins Shaw 3 Thinking of Christmas pre- tom-tom, triangle sents? Then we have just the and recorder Handel—film star 4 thing to fill up those stock- providing the ac- CD recording weekend 5 ings—St George‘s Singers‘ new companiment, this How to sing and play 6 CD of Christmas carols. is a truly joyous I used to be a choir boy ... 7 work to set the Entitled ‗The Christmas Life— tone for your Floral arrangements 8 Carols from St George’s Singers‘ Christmas festivi- James MacMillan 9 the CD will be available at our ties. Other new carol concert on 3rd December. works include the St George’s News 10 Wedding Belles 11 A wonderful selection of old gentle O My Dear favourites and lovely new Heart by David A medal for Mary 12 works, some of which have Jepson (also writ- Cultural vandalism 13 been specially written for St ten for St Social evening 14 George‘s, there is something George‘s), plus a Poetry corner 15 here for everyone. new arrangement of I Saw Three The title of the CD comes from Ships by Darius a fabulous new carol that was Battiwalla. Traditional favour- ST GEORGE’S SINGERS certs, from members of the written for us by Sasha Johnson ites are not neglected though— Choir, or through our website: PRESIDENT: Manning, to words by poet and you‘ll find plenty of these www.st-georges-singesr.org.uk. Wendy Cope to celebrate our to sing along with; Ding Dong, Brigit Forsyth We’ll be singing some of the Golden Jubilee in 2005. (Some Sussex Carol, Star Carol, In the VICE PRESIDENTS: of you may have heard it at our Bleak Midwinter amongst others. carols from our new CD at our Sue Roper annual carol concerts.) With CDs are available at our con- 3rd December concert! Come and Mark Rowlinson listen! SPECIAL POINTS OF INTEREST:Stephen Threlfall Stephen Williams Briefly highlight your point of interest here. MUSICAL Briefly highlight DIRECTOR: your point of interest here. Briefly highlight your point of interest here. CAROLS BY CANDLELIGHT Briefly highlight yourNeil point of Taylor interest here. ASSISTANT MUSICAL DIRECTOR: After the bliz- milder! This year you rousing choruses and gen- Calum Fraser zards and our annual Carols tle melodies, along with season- freezing tem- and Brass by Candle- al readings. Tickets are £12, ACCOMPANIST: peratures of light concert is on £10 concessions, and £2 stu- Jeffrey Makinson 2010, we‘ve Saturday 3 Decem- dents and children—and the got our fingers ber, at 7.30 pm in St price includes mulled wine and Registered Charity no 508686 crossed that George‘s Church, mince pies. Member of Making Music, the National the weather Stockport. We join Tel: 01663 764012, email tick- Federation of Music Societies for our 2011 with our friends [email protected], www.st-georges-singers.org.uk carol concert from VBS Poynton or online at www.st-georges- will be a little Brass Band to bring singers.org.uk. Page 2 Hemiola 26 November 2011, 7.00 pm MESSIAH AT THE MONASTERY— Gorton Monastery, Manchester MORE TEXT PLEASE, WE‘RE ENGLISH Choirs can usually find a good copies were smuggled to Brit- new version), and the result, the Tickets: £16, £13 concessions, reason to do Handel‘s Messiah. ain—but many were burned, as King James Bible, also known £5 students This time St George‘s has come was Tyndale in 1538, his last as the King James Version up with three. words being ―Lord! Open the (KJV) or Authorised Version, King of England‘s eyes‖. was published in 1611. Tel: 01663 764012 The first is the anniversary of Email: [email protected] the King James Bible, on which And indeed, the King‘s eyes The KJV remains the most Online: www.st-georges-singers.org.uk Handel based the text for his were opened. Furious that the widely published text in the oratorio. During the Middle Pope refused to annul his mar- English language. British sail- Ages, the Catholic Church had riage to Katherine of Aragon, ors took the Bible on voyages a rigid control over the Bible Henry established the Church around the globe; through the and would not allow it to be of England, claiming he was no work of the East India Compa- translated from Latin into the longer answerable to the Pope. ny it was taken to India and to vernacular. But in 1376 the the colonies in Africa, Australia Henry had a Church of Eng- Oxford theologian John Wyclif and New Zealand: one reason land, but no English bible. So argued that the Church should why English is the world lan- in 1539 he gave approval for a not have wealth or possessions guage that it is today. translation by Myles Coverdale, and that the Pope had no right who had worked with Tyndale. The second anniversary is that to claim sovereignty over kings. Completed in 1540, it became of Watkins Shaw (see page 3). Maintaining that all authority known as the ‗Great Bible‘, and And the third (albeit a little derived from the scriptures, he Henry decreed that it should be premature) is the 50th anniver- worked on an English transla- available to everyone in every sary of Coventry Cathedral. In tion of the Bible, so that every- church in England. 2012 Coventry Cathedral will one could have direct access to be celebrating the word of God. its Golden Wyclif completed his transla- Jubilee - a tion of the New Testament in landmark c1380, and the Old Testament occasion in c1384. The Church con- recognising The title page to the 1611 first edi- demned the translation as inac- the re- tion of the Authorized Version Bible curate and opinionated, but as building of by Cornelius Boel shows the Apos- the first full version in English, the Cathedral tles Peter and Paul seated centrally it proved very popular. after its de- above the central text, which is struction in flanked by Moses and Aaron. In the In 1401 Henry IV outlawed the the Second four corners sit Matthew, Mark, Luke translation as heresy, and made World War, and John, authors of the four gos- heresy a capital crime, punisha- pels, with their symbolic animals. 50 years of service to Coventry's ble by burning at the stake. Other versions of the bible fol- The rest of the Apostles (with Judas community and the world, both Although Wyclif had died in lowed: the Geneva (Calvinist) facing away) stand around Peter and through its unique international 1384, in 1415 he was declared a bible in 1560, the Bishops Bible Paul. mission of peace and reconcilia- heretic, his bones were ex- in 1568. Then in 1604, King tion, and as a cultural centre for humed and burned along with James I decided that a new the performing arts. In recogni- his books. bible was needed. He abolished tion, Graham Sutherland‘s the death penalty attached to Fast forward over 100 years to magnificent tapestry of ‗Christ To find out more about the English bible translation, and Luther. In 1521, the Pope con- the King‘ features on our con- commissioned a new version anniversary of the demned Luther‘s writings, and cert posters for Messiah. that would use the best availa- King James Version, visit there were public burnings of ble translations and sources, Of course, there is one other his books in London, under www.kingjamesbibletrust. and be free of biased commen- obvious reason for doing Messi- Henry VIII. The ban on trans- taries. A translation committee ah—it‘s just a wonderful piece org lations still stood, however, a of 47 scholars drew on many of music, and one which St ban flouted by William Tyndale sources, especially Tyndale (as George‘s Singers has not per- when he published his English much as 80% of Tyndale‘s formed in its entirety for some version of the New Testament translation was reused in this years. That‘s sufficient reason in Germany in 1526. Some for anyone. Issue 38 Page 3 WATKINS SHAW– THE CRITICAL EDITION The King James Bible is not the Shaw was the only child of non Foundation at St Michael‘s only anniversary this year. -conformist schoolteachers in College in Tenbury. When the Harold Watkins Shaw was born Bradford, and discovered his college closed in 1958, Shaw in Bradford in 1911, and died in love of music from singing in ensured that all the manuscripts Worcester in 1996. Best known chapel choirs. He studied at the in this important collection for his extensive writings on Royal College of Music, where reached the Bodleian Library— and editing of church music, he was encouraged to combine including Handel‘s conducting and closely associated with the his loves of history and music. score of Messiah, used by the Three Choirs Festival, Shaw is He held a teaching post in Lon- composer for the first perfor- remembered by choirs mainly don, was music organizer to mance in Dublin in 1742. In for his editing of Messiah. The Hertfordshire County Council, 1959 Shaw published his edi- Harold Watkins Shaw Times obituarist described and a lecturer at Worcester tion of the vocal score, followed Shaw‘s edition as being in College of Education from 1949 in 1965 by the full score. Fond- ―universal use‖ - though we‘re until his retirement in 1970. ly known simply as ‗the Wat- not sure if the angelic hosts kins Shaw‘, his edition remains In 1948 Shaw became honorary actually need a music score.