Chris Christie, Governor Kim Guadagno, Lt. Governor Carole Hedinger, Executive Director Benefits Education and Institutions FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Media Contact: Judith L. Drucker, Public Relations Manager
[email protected] Office: (609) 826-7477 Mobile: (609) 789-2362 Media Contact: New York Lottery Communications Office: (518) 388-3415 A pre-packaged :30 spot plus natural sound b-roll will be available at after about 4:00pm tomorrow. New Jersey and New York Lotteries Launch New CASH4LIFE Game Offering $1,000 A Day For Life Top Prize Second prize will be $1,000 A Week For Life; additional cash prizes from $2 to $2,500 TRENTON, NJ/NEW YORK, NY (June 12, 2014) - The New Jersey and New York Lotteries today officially announced the launch of Cash4Life, a first-of-its-kind draw game designed to give players on both sides of the Hudson a chance to win not one but two prizes of a lifetime. First prize in the exclusive multistate game will be $1,000 a day for life. Second prize will be $1,000 a week for life. Tickets for the first-ever Cash4Life drawing will go on sale Friday, June 13. The inaugural draw will take place at approximately 9 p.m. on Monday, June 16. The Cash4Life game is an exclusive multistate draw game offering players in New Jersey and New York two chances for lifetime prizes with the purchase of a single $2 ticket. The drawings, to be held on Mondays and Thursdays, will originate from New Jersey’s drawing studio in Lawrenceville.