This Land Is Herland
9780806169262.TIF Examines the experiences and achievements of women activists in Oklahoma This Land Is Herland Gendered Activism in Oklahoma from the 1870s to the 2010s Edited by Sarah Eppler Janda and Patricia Loughlin Contributions by Chelsea Ball, Lindsey Churchill, Heather Clemmer, Amanda Cobb-Greetham, Sarah Eppler Janda, Farina King, Sunu Kodumthara, Patricia Loughlin, Amy L. Scott, Rowan Faye Steineker, Melissa N. Stuckey, Rachel E. Watson, and Cheryl Elizabeth Brown Wattley. Since well before ratification of the Nineteenth Amendment in 1920 secured their right to vote, women in Oklahoma have sought to change and uplift their communities through political activism. This Land Is Herlandbrings together the stories of thirteen women activists and explores their varied experiences from the territorial period to the VOLUME 1 IN THE WOMEN AND THE AMERICAN WEST present. Organized chronologically, the essays discuss Progressive reformer Kate Bar- nard, educator and civil rights leader Clara Luper, and Comanche leader and activist JULY 2021 LaDonna Harris, as well as lesser-known individuals such as Cherokee historian and $24.95 PAPER 978-0-8061-6926-2 educator Rachel Caroline Eaton, entrepreneur and NAACP organizer California M. 318 PAGES, 6 X 9 Taylor, and Equal Rights Amendment (ERA) champion Wanda Jo Peltier Stapleton. 21 B&W ILLUS. U.S. HISTORY/WOMEN’S STUDIES Edited by Sarah Eppler Janda and Patricia Loughlin, the collection connects Okla- homa women’s individual and collective endeavors to the larger themes of intersec- ORDER ONLINE AT OUPRESS.COM tionality, suffrage, politics, motherhood, and civil rights in the American West and the United States. The historians explore how race, ethnicity, social class, gender, and ORDER BY PHONE political power shaped—and were shaped by—these women’s efforts to improve their INSIDE THE U.S.
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