Wood vendors on a wintry morning, 's ByWard Market, circa 1920.

STRATEGIC PLAN 2018 – 2022 Marchés d'Ottawa Markets Marchés d'Ottawa Markets Municipal Services Corporation

FINAL DRAFT: April 25, 2018

Marchés d'Ottawa Markets

ByWard Market Parkdale Market (Est. 1826) (Est. 1924)

Marchés d'Ottawa Markets

FROM THE CHAIR The Marchés d'Ottawa Markets Strategic Plan (Plan) for the period FY 2018 to 2022 is designed to guide the strategic management of the recently established Municipal Services Corporation (MSC). The Plan represents the first major strategic document prepared collectively by the Board and will be used as a roadmap to implement key strategic goals and actions which will contribute significantly to the transformation of Marchés d'Ottawa Markets.

The Plan is considered a “living document”, having the flexibility to be updated and continually adapt to any external and internal factors which may impact the priorities of the MSC. This document is primarily a result of thoughtful ideas and information provided through a series of workshop sessions with the Board and the Executive Director, held during March and April 2018. In addition to the strategic planning process, the workshops afforded an excellent team building experience for the new Board. The Plan is informed by the resource documents and stakeholder input that was provided prior to and following the approval of the MSC by City Council in April 2017.

Overall the fundamental responsibility for the implementation of the strategic plan lies with the Board of Directors. The governance responsibilities of the Board which are clearly outlined in the MSC mission and mandate as approved by City Council, have guided the development of the strategic plan. While this Plan includes several key strategic outcomes, of critical importance to the Board is to have in place by 2022 a master plan for the transformation of the ByWard Market and Parkdale Market into distinct public space realms.

On behalf of the volunteer members of the Marchés d'Ottawa Markets Board of Directors, I am pleased to present our inaugural strategic plan to City Council and the community.

Respectfully submitted,

Peter Hume, Board Chair

My sincere thanks to the Marchés d'Ottawa Markets Board of Directors and Executive Director who participated in this process which was facilitated through the MNP Ottawa office.

Board of Directors Staff MNP Catherine Callary Jeff Darwin, Executive Director Doug McLarty, Partner Lauren Kennedy Tim Commisso Suneeta Millington Greg Skotnicki John Smit, Ex-Officio, City of

Ottawa Peter Hume, Chair

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Table of Contents

FROM THE CHAIR ...... 3 THE STRATEGIC PLAN CONTEXT ...... 5 The New Municipal Services Corporation ...... 5 Prior Reports and Studies ...... 5 Structure of the Document ...... 6 Key Stakeholder Input ...... 6 STRATEGIC PLANNING PROCESS: OVERVIEW ...... 7 Developing the Inaugural Strategic Plan ...... 7 Executing the Strategic Plan ...... 7 ORGANIZATIONAL FRAMEWORK (AS APPROVED BY CITY COUNCIL) ...... 8 LOOKING FORWARD ...... 10 STRATEGIC DIRECTION 1: FAST TRACK NEW MARKET REGULATIONS ...... 11 STRATEGIC DIRECTION 2: DELIVERING A DYNAMIC MARKET EXPERIENCE ...... 12 STRATEGIC DIRECTION 3: TRANSFORMING MARCHÉS D'OTTAWA MARKETS...... 14 IMPLEMENTATION...... 17 CONCLUSION ...... 17 APPENDIX A: TRANSFORMING THE MARKETS INTO DISTINCT PUBLIC REALMS ...... 18 ByWard Market Precinct ...... 18 Parkdale Market Commons ...... 18 APPENDIX B: STRATEGIC ACTION MILESTONE SUMMARY 2018 – 2022 ...... 19

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THE STRATEGIC PLAN CONTEXT The New Municipal Services Corporation Based on a detailed review of various governance options, approval was given by in April 2017 to establish a new Municipal Services Corporation (MSC) for the Marchés d'Ottawa Markets. The MSC, led by a new Chair and volunteer board, assumed responsibility for the strategic management and operations of the ByWard and Parkdale markets on January 1, 2018. The MSC was established under legislative authority of the Municipal Act and exists as a Not for Profit organization under the control of City Council, the sole member of the corporation. A detailed Service and Asset Management Agreement is in place and all assets of the Marchés d'Ottawa Markets continue to be owned by the . While the MSC is new, the ongoing operation of both the ByWard Market (Est. 1826) and Parkdale Market (Est. 1924) embodies a remarkable and unique heritage legacy to the City. Prior Reports and Studies In recent years, a number of key reports and studies have served as important resource documents contributing directly to the establishment of MSC and its mandate and vision for strategically managing and growing the markets. These include:  City of Ottawa Staff Report (April 2017) - Markets Governance Options and Business Case.  Project for Public Spaces (May 2015 Report) - Ottawa Markets Governance, Design and Business Plan.  Project for Public Spaces (May 2013 Visioning Report) -Strengthening the Future of the ByWard Market.

These reports all recommended fundamental change in management of the market and engaged key stakeholders in the consultation process to establish the MSC. In particular, the May 2013 report from Project for Public Spaces articulated and recommended six key strategic directions that are foundational for moving forward with the MSC

1. Strengthen and expand the ByWard Market as an authentic destination. 2. Regain trust of customers and integrity of the Market. 3. Develop the ByWard Market as the center for food and local, unique products. 4. Bring partners together, including the City. 5. Reinvest and redesign core spaces, including the City’s infrastructure (market building and parking garage). 6. Expand outdoor and indoor food retail opportunities. Strengthen the diversity of uses.

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Structure of the Document This document is structured based the five-step strategic planning process outlined in the next section. The focus of the document is on the proposed 2018-2022 strategic directions and related actions as outlined in the section entitled Looking Forward. Appendix B provides a timeline summary of all the strategic actions that are aligned with the key goals developed by the Board. Underlying the goals and actions are the organizational framework elements set out by Council for the MSC including Mandate, Mission and Guiding Principles. The Marchés d'Ottawa Markets strategic plan is a public document and will presented to City Council for their review.

Key Stakeholder Input The responsibility for preparing the Inaugural Strategic Plan represents a major strategic management activity of the new Chair and Board. As part of their early stage organizational review and environment assessment, the Board considered written submissions from the following key stakeholders:

1. ByWard Market Business Improvement Area (Welcome and Wish List). 2. ByWard Market Standholder Association - BMSA (Top Strategic Concerns). 3. Community Association (Five Key Points). 4. Lowertown Basseville Community Association (Re: LCA Issues for Your Consideration). 5. Wellington West Business Improvement Area (Wellington West and Parkdale Market). 6. 55 ByWard Market Tenants Association (Top Five Items).

All of the submissions were reviewed with the input and comments assessed relative to the strategic plan, in particular the alignment with strategic actions. Where applicable the input was directly incorporated in the Plan. In several instances, the stakeholder input focused on operational matters and other issues that are not directly tied to the Plan. The Board appreciates all the input provided and fully recognizes the important role of all the key stakeholders in the ongoing management and operation of the ByWard and Parkdale markets.

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STRATEGIC PLANNING PROCESS: OVERVIEW Developing the Inaugural Strategic Plan The ultimate success of any strategic plan depends upon organizational “buy-in” and commitment. The approach and process should:  Create an achievable and realistic action-based measurable plan geared to achieving specific outcomes and results over a defined time period.  Create the environment necessary to encourage and support organizational commitment and enable long-lasting and positive change to be implemented. Overall, a strategic plan should embody positive organizational change.

In preparing the Marchés d'Ottawa Markets strategic plan, the Board and Executive Director participated in four workshops to complete steps one through three of the process outlined below in Exhibit #1. Steps four and five will be completed through the ongoing implementation, monitoring and reporting on the strategic plan.

Executing the Strategic Plan The development of the strategic plan is key element of an overall strategic management of the new MSC.

As outlined in Exhibit 2, the process begins with the Develop the Strategy component which focuses on the establishment of key strategic goals and more detailed strategic actions that are required to move the organization forward to achieve its mission and mandate.

Exhibit 1: Strategic Planning Process Exhibit 2: Strategic Management Process

1. Develop the Strategy

5. Ongoing Review & 2. Develop Refinement the of Strategy Implementa- tion Plan

3. 4. Execute Communicate the Strategy the Strategy

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ORGANIZATIONAL FRAMEWORK (AS APPROVED BY CITY COUNCIL) In approving the new MSC for the Marchés d'Ottawa Markets, City Council has set out the following organizational framework:


Marchés d'Ottawa Markets shall subsist as a not-for-profit corporation, without share capital, and shall be incorporated, organized and at all times be in good standing under the Canada Not- for-profit Corporations Act (S.C. 2009, c. 23).

The mandate of Marchés d'Ottawa Markets shall be to manage the ByWard and Parkdale Markets for the following purposes: 1. Securing a diverse and innovative mixture of outdoor vending and indoor retail tenants; 2. Positioning the markets as desirable destinations that offer programming and shopping opportunities for both tourists and local residents; 3. Promoting local foods and goods, while at the same time offering a variety of complementary products and services that reflect customer needs; 4. Celebrating and continuing to build the rich heritage of each market within its community; and 5. Establishing a growth-based model that is both viable and financially and operationally sustainable, and which respects community needs.

And such other complementary purposes consistent with these objectives.


Marchés d'Ottawa Markets shall manage the Markets in a manner consistent with the following Mission Statement:

Maximize the ByWard and Parkdale Markets’ potential to be unique year-round gathering places and destinations to purchase local produce and goods as well as other services and products that meet the needs of local and city-wide residents and tourists alike.

Marchés d'Ottawa Markets will build upon the rich heritage of the public markets in their communities and promote the importance of local food sustainability.

In an entrepreneurial manner, Marchés d'Ottawa Markets will strive to build a creative and innovative retail and outdoor vending mix and work with partners to ensure that all public space is inviting and enhanced as opportunities are made available.

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Marchés d'Ottawa Markets shall align the management the Markets with the following Guiding Principles: 1. Growth: Increase levels of measurable participation and investment from vendors, tenants and residents. 2. Collaboration: Bring together overlapping community interests (City Council, Business Improvement Areas, community innovators, tourism industry, residents, local businesses, growers/producers, and artists). 3. Diversity: Favour vendors and retail operations whose food and goods reflect the diversity of Ottawa’s evolving landscape. 4. Sustainability: Focus on providing a diversity of local food products that reduce the impact of our food system on the environment by reducing the distance food travels from farm to table. 5. Innovation: Seek new business opportunities and take advantage of current market trends. 6. Transparency: Adhere to clearly articulated reporting and approval requirements.

The MSC is committed to its mandate in keeping with Council’s approved organizational framework. In addition, the Mission speaks clearly to the reason that the MSC exists, namely to maximize the potential of the Marchés d'Ottawa Markets. Fundamentally the MSC views its role as the champion of positive change including an ongoing dynamic market experience and transformation of both the ByWard and Parkdale Markets into distinct public space realms. In so doing, the markets will preserve and build on a remarkable history, one that contributes directly to the ongoing City Building process for Ottawa as reflected in the following statements:

 A renewed physical environment that is beautiful, inspired, and gracious.  A downtown that celebrates Ottawa’s rich local history integrating with the City’s unique role as Canada’s National Capital.  An enhanced focal point for the city and an even more distinctive destination for residents and visitors alike.

( Urban Design Strategy, 2020)1.

1 Retrieved from www.ottawa.ca April 13, 2018.

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LOOKING FORWARD The goals and actions outlined in this section of the Strategic Plan are specific initiatives that the Board will endeavour to accomplish over the next four years. Organized within three main strategic directions, the goals and actions are derived from the many ideas and input provided by the Board and Executive Director during the workshop sessions. Embodied within the strategic directions are the following key goals or outcomes to be achieved by 2022:

Fast Track New Market Regulations  New City Council approved policy and regulatory framework for ByWard and Parkdale Markets.  New City Council approved zoning by-law encompassing the ByWard Market buildings.

Delivering a Dynamic Market Experience  New annual Marchés d'Ottawa Markets Events Program and Calendar.  Updated Retail Mix Strategy with expanded local product offerings.  New national brand specialty retailer tenant(s) complimentary to the markets’ mission.  New year-round sustainable market attractions.  Key stakeholder engagement including communication processes.

Transforming Marchés d’Ottawa Markets  New Ten-year Marchés d’Ottawa Markets Master Plan supported by joint Federal, Provincial and City funding.  Alignment and integration of the Master Plan with City of Ottawa ByWard Market Public Realm Study.  Revitalized City-owned ByWard market heritage building at 55 ByWard Market Square including new fully accessible public washrooms.  Redeveloped ByWard market building at 70 Clarence Street with new underground parking. A Municipal Capital Facility (MFC) agreement exists between the City of Ottawa and the MSC related to the new market building.  All Marchés d'Ottawa Markets facilities and infrastructure are updated to current building standards with facility condition index (FCI) measurement established within acceptable asset management level.  ByWard Market Precinct is a safer environment based on completion of a Community Safety Through Environmental Design (CSTED) study.

In addition to the three strategic directions noted above, the Board also developed for internal use, a supplementary strategic direction focused on the MSC as an organization. Entitled Becoming a Leading and Sustainable Organization, this strategic direction includes four goals each with separate actions:

1. The Marchés d'Ottawa Markets is strategically managed & financially sustainable. 2. Maintain high levels of customer & vendor satisfaction & overall community support 3. The Marchés d'Ottawa Markets is a key economic & tourism catalyst for the City of Ottawa. 4. Develop an updated branding strategy.

The Strategic Plan has been developed to reflect the aspirations of the Board and is critical for moving Marchés d’Ottawa Markets forward in achieving its mandate and mission.

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MSC Board Concepts & Ideas Influencing Key Goals

 Establishment of a strong a coherent policy and regulatory framework is essential to the success of Marchés d'Ottawa Markets.  The new policy and regulatory framework will support “bold thinking”, innovative programing and events and attract younger demographics.

Key Key Goals Strategic Actions Performance Indicators (KPI) 1.1.1. Develop a new policy and regulatory framework for Parkdale Market and present to City Council for review and approval including: - Repeal of existing Parkdale Market Complete by Q3 2018 By-Law 2008-448 - Transitional provisions related to ongoing market operations 1.1. Marchés d'Ottawa - Public and stakeholder consultation Markets is sustainable 1.1.2. Develop a new policy and regulatory framework for based on a new policy & ByWard Market & present to City Council for review regulatory framework and approval including: specific for both ByWard - Repeal of existing ByWard Market Program Market and Parkdale Complete by Q3 2019 By-Law 2008-449 Market. - Transitional provisions related to ongoing market operations - Public and stakeholder consultation. 1.1.3. Initiate and prepare a new land use zoning by-law for ByWard Market specific to 70 Clarence Street and 55 Complete by Q1 2019 ByWard Market Square to enable a broader retail mix that supports the local food vision.

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MSC Board Concepts & Ideas Influencing Key Goals

STRENGTHENING THE RETAIL MIX AND LOCAL PRODUCT OFFERINGS  Focus on local food producers and artisans to create a robust retail portfolio both interior and exterior.  Through creative demonstrations and exhibits, highlight the complete cycle of growing, producing and bringing local products to market. Draw a strong connection with local producers and their growing operations.  Become the “food place to be” by providing an atmosphere of festivity and celebration.  Recognize the unique heritage characteristics of ByWard and Parkdale Markets.  Become a high quality, intergenerational destination both independent and integrated with restaurant and bar uses.

CREATING NEW SUSTAINABLE MARKET ATTRACTIONS  Negotiate the location of a specialty anchor food related retailer in ByWard Market.  Develop activities and events that are ancillary and complimentary to the local food and artisan focus.  Benefit and contribute to the “Ottawa” experience by highlighting Canada’s history and multicultural heritage. Include particular attention to the food traditions of Canada’s Indigenous peoples.

Key Key Goals Strategic Actions Performance Indicators (KPI) 2.1. A contemporary Marchés 2.1.1. Develop an annual Marchés d'Ottawa Markets d'Ottawa Markets Events Program & Calendar focused on delivering Complete annually for program is created that authentic, public market experiences for residents approval by the Board celebrates food, culture, & visitors. Align with Ottawa Tourism and other in Q1 for the heritage, music & complimentary programs and event partners; e.g. upcoming year. community. Ottawa Music Industry. 2.2.1. Develop & implement a Retail Mix Strategy for both KPI - % of Local Food & ByWard & Parkdale Markets that maximizes Artisan revenue vendor occupancy and focuses on local food and expressed as a % of artisans. total markets retail revenue

2.2. A sustainable Marchés Complete strategy by d'Ottawa Markets retail Q4 2018 mix is established.

Ongoing 2.2.2. Attract a national brand specialty retailer (e.g. cooking, dining, entertaining) that supports the Complete by Q2 2019 retail mix and embraces the mission & guiding principles.

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Key Key Goals Strategic Actions Performance Indicators (KPI) 2.2.3. Expand the market vendor product offerings to Ongoing include enhanced variety of locally made products (e.g. meats, cheeses, artisan baking, organic & To be incorporated gourmet products). into annual retail mix strategy 2.3.1. Develop key stakeholder engagement and ongoing communication processes including but not limited to the following organizations: 2.3. The Marchés d'Ottawa - Tenant vendor associations (55 ByWard Markets fosters & Market Tenants Association & BSMA). Ongoing priority maintains important - Business Improvement Areas (ByWard Market stakeholder relationships. & West Wellington) including committees e.g. safety & security, parking etc. - Community associations (Hintonburg & Lowertown Basseville). 2.4.1. Pursue opportunities for new market attractions including: Complete by Q2 2019 - Christmas markets for inclusion in event 2.4. The Marchés d'Ottawa - Evening markets program Markets exist as a - New “maker spaces” destination attraction - Culturally based market special events Ongoing inviting ongoing - Festivals, including music community interest & 2.4.2. Work directly with Ottawa Tourism and other key Complete by Q3 2019 vibrancy. partners to increase visitation by closely integrating Marchés d'Ottawa Markets with the KPI - # of out of town City of Ottawa / National Capital Experience. visitors (based on on- site surveys)

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MSC Board Concepts & Ideas Influencing Key Goals

REDEFINING THE MARKETS AS PUBLIC SPACE REALMS  Create an innovative and internationally regarded urban design for the ByWard Market: • The ByWard Market will highlight the historical design of York and George Streets to accommodate market stands, facilitate pedestrian walkabouts, create nodes and greenspaces for resting and viewing entertainment and demonstrations. • The design will mitigate risk management issues (safety, security) and ensure accessibility. • The design will minimize motorized vehicle access and traffic. • The design will promote public transit, walking and bike riding.  Enhance and continue to benefit from Parkdale Market’s classic “neighbourhood market” features. • Enhanced Parkdale Park programming directly related to market activities.  A comprehensive plan for branding, marketing, signage and wayfinding will enable flow through both the ByWard and Parkdale Market and also link the markets to other “Ottawa” experiences.

INTEGRAL TO THE “NATIONAL CAPITAL” EXPERIENCE  Interpret the “national capital experience” from the perspective of the ByWard and Parkdale Markets. • Provide interpretation of the historical context and development of each market, for tourists, in a creative and lively manner. • Creatively interlink the markets to important “national capital” experiences.

Key Key Goals Strategic Actions Performance Indicators (KPI) 3.1.1. Working closely with the City of Ottawa develop a 3.1. The Marchés d'Ottawa Ten-year Marchés d'Ottawa Markets Master Plan Complete by Q2 2019 Markets are transformed including but not limited to: into distinct public - Initial feasibility study including design vision, spaces: Complete by Q2 2019 transformation goals and guiding principles. - ByWard Market - Proposed multi-year infrastructure renewal and Precinct - a vibrant Complete by Q4 2019 replacement program. downtown mixed-use - Financial Plan and Case for Funding Support realm. Complete by Q4 2019 document. - Parkdale Market Commons – a 3.1.2. Investigate & pursue opportunities for Canada and neighbourhood, Ontario eligible infrastructure funding including the Complete by Q3 2019 integrated market & recently announced Investing in Canada program open space realm.2 agreement ($742M over ten years) for community Ongoing and cultural infrastructure.

2 See Appendix A.

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Key Key Goals Strategic Actions Performance Indicators (KPI) 3.1.3. Work jointly with the City of Ottawa on the ByWard Market Public Realm Study including integration of the Master Plan into the Designated Design Focus Area, development of strategic partnerships & infrastructure funding opportunities focusing on: - Public space: o Delineation of the proposed ByWard Market Precinct boundaries. Ongoing priority; o Parking location & use. Study to commence o Public access Wi-Fi. Q3 2018 - Pedestrian Focus: o Integrating new LRT station. o Prioritizing pedestrian traffic & way finding. - Place Making: o Urban design excellence. o Optimizing green spaces & lighting. o Respecting the heritage context. o Establishing a distinct “sense of place”. 3.1.4. Develop a Facility Redevelopment & Revitalization Plan for city-owned buildings within ByWard Market to be integrated into the Master Plan including but not limited to the following: - 55 ByWard Market Square; a complete revitalization of heritage building by 2023 to potentially include public event, market Complete by Q2 2019 program & interpretative space, and upgrades to interior leasehold spaces. - 70 Clarence Street; a complete redevelopment plan including replacement of parking garage building by 2028; development to potentially include new underground parking spaces & market leasehold spaces. 3.1.5. Working with the City of Ottawa develop regular Parkdale market programming including enhanced Complete by Q2 2019 use of Parkdale Park.

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3.2.1. Working closely with the City of Ottawa complete a facility condition assessment including establishing a baseline facility condition index (FCI) measure for Complete by Q3 2018 the ByWard Market buildings including the city- owned parking garage. 3.2.2. Examine alternatives for fully accessible (AODA 3.2. The Marchés d'Ottawa compliant) public washroom facilities (permanent Markets city-owned Complete by Q4 2018 and seasonal) within both ByWard and Parkdale building assets and Markets. infrastructure are well 3.2.3. Develop a short-term (1 to 2 years) capital plan for maintained & support infrastructure upgrades including enhanced on-site public safety. Complete by Q1 2019 & way-finding signage & vendor stall improvements. 3.2.4. Undertake a Community Safety Through Environmental Design (CSTED) study for ByWard Complete by Q4 2019 Market and integrate with the Ten-year Master Plan. 3.3.1. Work with the City of Ottawa to convey delegated authority to support markets’ transformation including but not limited to: 3.3. The Municipal Service - Infrastructure planning & renewal. Complete by Q1 2020 Corporation is - Urban design and maintenance standards. empowered to transform - Redevelopment of market buildings including the ByWard Market & financing options. Parkdale Market in - Markets revenue generation. keeping with the 3.3.2. Work with the City to investigate the establishment strategic vision. of a new Municipal Capital Facility (MCF) agreement related to the proposed redevelopment Complete by Q3 2020 of the City-owned parking facility & market building located at 70 Clarence Street.

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IMPLEMENTATION The Marchés d'Ottawa Markets Strategic Plan is considered a “living document”, having the flexibility to be revisited and updated at any time to continually adapt to any external and internal factors which may impact on the priorities for the MSC. The Board and Executive Director will jointly be responsible for implementing the plan including the need for ongoing monitoring and annual status reporting to City Council.

The Strategic Action Plan Milestone Summary (see Appendix B) is provided to assist with implementing the Strategic Plan over the next four years. Suggested target dates are outlined to establish a basis for prioritization and to ensure the action items are completed in a reasonable timeframe.

As indicated in several of the strategic actions, a close working relationship will need to occur between the MSC and the City of Ottawa. City-led Initiatives like the new ByWard Market Public Realm Study will most certainly be aligned closely with the work of the Board in the execution of 2018-2022 strategic actions such as the proposed development of the Ten-Year Master Plan for the Marchés d'Ottawa Markets. Fundamental to the Board’s success in implementing the strategic plan, particularly as it relates to transformation, is the ability to jointly pursue and secure dedicated project-specific capital financing and other resources.

CONCLUSION A strategic plan provides a road map when the path forward is both clear and unclear. By virtue of a set of integrated and aligned strategic actions, the MSC Board has set out a logical direction for the next four years. In so doing, the Board also fully acknowledges that the strategic management of the Marchés d'Ottawa Markets, will be dynamic and that the strategic plan will also provide direction and help guide ongoing decision-making related to any unforeseen opportunities and issues.

In keeping with the mandate, mission and guiding principles approved by City Council, the MSC is excited and fully committed to the advancement of the key outcomes embodied within this inaugural strategic plan.

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APPENDIX A: TRANSFORMING THE MARKETS INTO DISTINCT PUBLIC REALMS ByWard Market Precinct The idea of transforming the ByWard Market into a distinct public space realm is not new. The MSC Board is encouraged that the City of Ottawa is moving forward with a ByWard Market Public Realm Study and is prepared to participate fully in this strategic initiative. In reviewing the history of ByWard market transformation, the directions and strategies set out in the prior ByWard Market Precinct urban design and planning process provide an excellent foundation from which to move forward. Specifically, the following key directions and precinct strategies are highlighted:  Reinvigorate and invest in the traditional ByWard Market area through a series of co-ordinated public realm improvements to bring it up to an international design standard that gives priority to the needs of pedestrians and the outdoor vendors.  Maintain the traditional ByWard Market area as a tourist and entertainment focus.  Streetscape Infrastructure Programme.  Parks and Open Space Strategy.  Built Form Guidelines.  Public Realm Design Competition (i.e. To raise the “Market experience” to a national level from a regional level).  Branding & Theming.  Conversion/Removal/Remodelling of ByWard Parking Structure (70 Clarence St).  Re-Image York & George Streets.  Dalhousie as a Main Street.

Parkdale Market Commons

In contrast to ByWard Market, which is situated in the heart of the City’s historic commercial core, Parkdale Market is located in a thriving and growing mixed used neighbourhood area. While the Board foresees the Parkdale Market as continuing to maintain a seasonal high quality, locally grown fresh food focus, a unique opportunity does exist.

The ability to develop and introduce new complementary market programming and animation making use of Parkdale Park, supports the strategic vision of an integrated Parkdale Markets Commons public space realm. Working closely with City of Ottawa staff and community stakeholders, the Board is interested in pursuing opportunities to design and develop a flexible programming space with fully accessible public infrastructure to facilitate small scale market related events with a particular focus on youth and older adults.

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2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 No. Strategic Action Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Fast Track New Market Regulations New policy & regulatory framework – 1.1.1 Parkdale Market New policy & regulatory framework – 1.1.2 ByWard Market New land use zoning by-law – ByWard 1.1.3 Market buildings Delivering a Dynamic Market Experience Develop an annual Marchés d'Ottawa 2.1.1 Markets Events Program Develop and implement a Retail Mix 2.2.1 Strategy for both ByWard and Parkdale Markets. 2.2.2 Attract a national brand specialty retailer. Expand the market vendor product 2.2.3 offerings to include enhanced variety of locally made products. Develop key stakeholder engagement & 2.3.1 ongoing communication processes. Pursue opportunities for new market 2.4.1 attractions. Work directly with Ottawa Tourism to closely integrate Ottawa Marchés 2.4.2 d'Ottawa with the City of Ottawa / National Capital Experience. Transforming Marchés d'Ottawa Markets Develop a Marchés d'Ottawa Markets 3.1.1 Master Plan Pursue opportunities for Canada and 3.1.2 Ontario infrastructure funding Work jointly with the City of Ottawa on 3.1.3 the ByWard Market Public Realm Study including integration of the Master Plan. Develop a Facility Redevelopment Plan 3.1.4 for city-owned buildings within ByWard Market. Develop regular Parkdale market 3.1.5 programming including the use of Parkdale Park. Complete a facility condition assessment 3.2.1 for ByWard Market buildings including the city-owned parking garage. Examine alternatives for fully 3.2.2 accessible (AODA compliant) public washroom facilities Develop a short-term capital plan for 3.2.3 enhanced on-site signage / way-finding and vendor stall improvements.

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2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 No. Strategic Action Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Undertake a Community Safety Through 3.2.4 Environmental Design (CSTED) study. Work with the City of Ottawa to convey 3.3.1 delegated authority to support markets’ transformation. Investigate in conjunction with the City, the transfer of building ownership to the 3.3.2 MSC and establishment of a new Municipal Capital Facility (MCF) designation.

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Dancing Bear Statue from a Nunavut-based artist. Pauta Saila