Outer North East Alwoodley, and Wards

Outer North East Parish and Town Council Forum Aberford and District; Alwoodley; Bardsey cum Rigton; Barwick in Elmet & Scholes; Boston Spa; Bramham cum Oglethorpe; Clifford; Collingham with Linton; ; Harewood; Scarcroft; Shadwell; ; Thorp Arch; Walton; Wetherby;

Thursday 3 April 2014, 7:30pm Chair: Cllr Peter Harrand

Attendance Cllr Peter Harrand (Chair) Alwoodley Ward Cllr Matthew Robinson Harewood Ward Ruth Reed Aberford & District Keith Dunwell Aberford & District Lyn Buckley Alwoodley Neil Buckley Alwoodley Linda Flockton Bardsey cum Rigton Claire Hassell Barwick in Elmet and Scholes Keith Langley Barwick in Elmet and Scholes David Thomson Boston Spa Nicholas Fawcett Clifford Derek Armitage Collingham with Linton Kevin Sedman Harewood Margaret Wilkinson Harewood Paddy Procter Scarcroft Diane Eshelby Scarcroft Debbie Potter Shadwell Colin Pool Walton

Carole Clark LCC Area Support Team John Woolmer LCC Environmental Locality Team John Bullivant LCC Contract Manager, Superfast West Emma Peach Openreach

Apologies: Val Whitbread, Bramham; Harry Chapman, Wetherby; Judith Pentith, Gaynor Anning, East Keswick;

1.00 Cllr Peter Harrand welcomed everyone to the meeting & introductions were made.

2.00 Apologies given as above.

3.00 Minutes of last meeting agreed as a true record

4.00 Matters Arising

4.01 CC confirmed that the Youth Activity Fund is being used to provide a climbing wall for Barwick Maypole Day on 26 May.

4.02 Youth activity funding is still available for organisations to apply for. Contact CC for

Carole Clark East North East Area Support Team 0113 3367629 carole.clark@.gov.uk

further details.

4.03 The council is also establishing panels of young people to consult with on activities for young people. Flyers about the Youth Activity Fund and the Youth Panels were CC available at the meeting.

4.04 Grounds maintenance contract – Further discussion took place regarding parishes taking over small areas of the contract. Parishes asked to be provided with details of the up to date schedules for 2014/15.

5.00 Superfast Broadband - John Bullivant, Superfast Broadband Contract Manager, Leeds City Council and Emma Peach – Openreach Project Manager

5.01 JB and EP delivered a presentation on the rollout of Superfast Broadband in . Copy of slides attached to these minutes.

5.02 Cllr Robinson gave assurances that Scholes is part of a broadband upgrade.

5.03 Most villages in this area are in phase 2 and 3 and should be upgraded by Christmas 2014.

5.04 Clarification over the term ‘commercial rollout’, this refers to areas which are commercially viable to BT. This current rollout extends beyond this.

5.05 The roll out is hardware, people can then take their broadband service from any supplier. To get superfast broadband to your home you have to order it; it doesn’t happen automatically.

5.06 Openreach consult with LCC Highways and Planning on the location of the new cabinets. This is a legal process. Usually the new cabinet will be sited next to existing ones.

5.07 Anyone with a particular query to send details to CC, with an address or postcode, CC CC will collate the list of queries and send them to JB.

6.00 Environmental Issues – John Woolmer

6.01 JW reminded the meeting of the proposed new structure for the Locality team, which will include a team for Outer NE. The negotiations to implement the new structure are taking longer than anticipated, but the new team should be in place by June 2014. JW said that he hoped that the new team will have the resource to be more proactive as well as continuing to react to enquiries.

6.02 Parishes suggested that if they had the litter bin emptying schedule, it would cut down on the number of enquiries they make about bins being emptied.

6.03 Boston Spa are employing a local litter picker, JW team will collect the bags of JW rubbish collected;

6.04 Shadwell would like some litter pickers and white bags; Litter bin outside the shop – there are suspicions that someone is putting their own household rubbish in the bin. To refer to Bev Kirk to investigate. JW Carole Clark East North East Area Support Team 0113 3367629 [email protected]

6.05 Grange Close, Bardsey – query over ownership. Linda Flockton to email the details LF/Cllr to Cllr Robinson. Robinson

6.06 Aberford asked about the use of covert cameras to catch people who do not pick up their dog poo. JW responded that the difficulty lies in identifying people.

6.07 Scarcroft, Tarn Lane – litter collecting on the grassed area, and the bin has JW disappeared, please can it be replaced.

6.08 Barwick and Scholes would like some stickers to say you can put dog poo in litter JW/ bins. Also problems with brown bin collection, bin wagon turning up on Fridays on CC the Saturday collection round.

6.09 Harewood – Wike, at the entrance to the golf club the bin has been removed. White bags from litter picks at Slaid Hill left next to the litter bin have not been JW collected. Bins not being emptied on Harrogate Road from Moortown Corner. There seems to be a trend for people putting their own rubbish into litter bins.

6.10 Shadwell Lane, near Elmhursts and Darkwoods, still a lot of leaves on the ground. JW

6.11 Ginnels – let JW know if any ginnels need clearing. ALL

6.12 CC to find out if the council made a saving because it hasn’t snowed this winter. CC

7.00 Update from Parish and Town Councils –none this time

8.00 Any Other Business

8.01 Funding – Link to funding opportunities website http://doinggoodleeds.org.uk/current-funding-opportunities/

8.02 Community Councils – this is the new name for Area Committees, subject to approval subject to approval at the Council’s Annual General meeting on 9 June 2014.

8.03 Yorkshire Air Ambulance Service have identified 100 communities as having a large number of cardiac arrests and patients who would benefit from early life saving equipment. YAS have purchased a £2000 defibrillator and 24 hour access cabinet for location in each of these communities. If you live in one of these communities, the contact is [email protected]. Further information circulated with these minutes.

8.04 Cllr Harrand to arrange for Trading Standards West Yorkshire to attend a future Cllr meeting. Harrand

9.00 Date and time of meetings 2014

3 July, Wetherby Ward 16 October, Harewood Ward, venues to be confirmed.

Carole Clark East North East Area Support Team 0113 3367629 [email protected]