Properties of minerals: The main 10 minerals: Describing IGNEOUS ROCKS Colour Galena Haematite texture: Intrusive: Hardness Size: Mica Quartz Crystal size: Lustre Shape: Feldspar Halite Features; Cleavage Sorting: Calcite Garnet Formation (where?): Acid reaction Augite Olivine How do minerals form? Extrusive: Density Hydrothermal: Crystal size: Evaporites: Streak Features; GCSE minerals Materials Rock texture Formation (where?): What are the features of sedimentary rocks? What are the features of Igneous rocks? Clues about their formation: Weathering and to form sediment What are the main rock types and how/where do they form? Grain size Metamorphic rock formation Igneous Granite Basalt Grain shape Parent Rock = Peridotite Andesite Colour Contact/Thermal: Effects are? HEAT Sedimentary Conglomerate Coal Sorting Regional: Sandstone Red (desert) sandstone Halite Fossils Effects are? HEAT PRESSURE Breccia/Till Limestone Shale Sedimentary structures: Cross bedding Main features are: *Turbidites Aureole Cleavage Ripple marks Metamorphic Slate Schist Foliation Graded bedding Metaquartzite Marble Re-crystallisation Desiccation/Mud cracks Volcanoes: Cone Shield Volcanic Hazards: Structure of the Earth Plate boundaries - Diagram/ Primary: description/ landforms for... Magma: Constructive-Mid Atlantic ridge Secondary: Eruption:


Earthquake Hazards: Primary

What are the tectonic What are plate boundaries and Destructive (Ocean/Continent)-Chile Secondary hazards and dangers how does plate movement generate a variety of landforms?

Types of and case study: Vargas Mudslides and What are the Hazards main case studies for a volcano, Destructive (Ocean/Ocean)-Japan , and tsunami? What are the benefits of living near volcanoes? Examples: How can these Earthquake Case hazards be Volcano Case Study: Mt Studies: Kobe and monitored? Pinatubo, Philippines Japanese Tsunami Background info: Background info: Collision boundary-Himalayas Hazards: Hazards: The three P’s (Prediction, Preparation and Protection): Volcanoes Prediction? Effects: Effects:

Protection? Conservative-San Andreas /Haiti Three P’s: Three P’s: Preparation? Our Solar System: Lunar Landforms and Rocks: Craters: Igneous rocks (Basalt)

Rolling features:

What types of objects make What makes up or up our solar system? solar system? Martian Rocks and Features: Red sandstone:

Asteroids Meteoroids Comets Planetary Geology Conglomerate: The ‘Present Description: Description: Description: is the key to Cross bedding: the past’ – in SPACE. Desiccation cracks: Effects of Stony: Tail: impacts: Impacts in Space: Martian landforms: Impact craters Valleys Iron: Better preserved impacts on moon or Mars than Earth – Why? Example: Meteor:

Meteorite: Slope streaks Rivers?

Deserts? Effects of Impacts: Positive:

Negative: What causes rocks to be deformed? Types of folding: Types of Faulting: Describe the differences, how did each form?

What is folding?

What is faulting?

How do we interpret the How are rock layers deformed? geology from a map?

Map symbols Features on maps Geological Structures and Maps What is an unconformity? How do we work out the order Formation: that rock layers formed in?

Working out a geological history: Way up evidence: Explain each of these:- Superposition (rocks on top) Clues from block diagrams or maps: e.g. Cross cutting relationships

Included fragments

Sedimentary structures that can tell way-up: Mud cracks Graded bedding

Ripple marks Cross bedding Using block diagrams or maps: Relative dating: How do we put rocks in order? How did early life form? Cross cutting Included fragments Conditions needed:

Unconformities Metamorphism Likely environments: Absolute (radiometric) dating: How does it work?

Preservation potential – what are the chances? Interpreting evidence (logs)

Review of How did life Geological Earth History/Future form and get histories? fossilised?

Britain changing Climate Change over time? over time Icehouse vs Greenhouse Clues include: Fossils K/Pg Mass extinction Major fossil groups Causes: and their features Rock types (Grain size and shape) Effects: Effect of global warming on sea-level Metamorphic and Igneous rocks Trace fossils Usefulness: Structures (folds and faults) Cephalopods (Complex) Positive and Negative controls: Suture lines: Albedo effect Carbon cycle Evolution: Reef building corals Plants Usefulness: Usefulness: Where are Greenhouse gases from? Usefulness: Zone fossils Trilobites Graptolites (Simpler) Good zone fossils must have: Usefulness: Stipe and theca: 1) 2) Reducing impacts – SEQUESTRATION Other: 3) 4) Usefulness: Zone fossils 5) Prospecting for minerals How is stored inside rocks? Geophysical techniques: Groundwater: • Magnetic surveys To make an aquifer a rock must be: • GPR (Radar) Permeable:

Geochemical techniques: Porous:

Major resources What is the water table? Haematite : Finding mineral resources Hydrogeology What makes a good dam/reservoir site? Uraninite:

Limestone: Earth Resources and Engineering Landfill and waste How is waste managed in a landfill site? The Oil Industry What is the correct Geology?

Finding Oil: a) Seismic surveys b) Boreholes (Forams) Carbon sequestration Leachate:

Methane: Formation of oil and gas? Environmental issues with oil Lining and cap: and permeability – rock types production

Oil traps: Reservoir and cap rock How is hazardous waste managed?

TRAPS Fracking What are they? How? What are reserves vs resources?

Good or bad?