GENERAL MEETING Thursday 27th November 2020 at 1.30pm St James Church, Lawry Street, ,

GUEST SPEAKER: Lydia Rae TDHB, Community Health Integration Centre GREY POWER NEW PLYMOUTH INC. Ironside History Up until a few years ago the Society had no direct Presidents Word outside funding and had to rely on fundraising and 21/117 Powderham Street, New Plymouth 4310 (As pictured on the cover of this newsletter). donations. We currently have 4 Toyota Vans and one Phone: (06) 757 5885 On behalf of the New Plymouth Grey Early in 1975 a group of interested people, headed VW Krafter, one of which is used as a back up when Email: [email protected] Power Association I would like to by Bruce McIntyre, formed a committee to raise offer our sincere condolences to other vans are in for service or off the road for any funds for a specialised vehicle to transport disabled Joanne Manukonga and family on reason. All of our vehicles are automatic to provide Office Hours: 9am - 1pm Monday, Wednesday & Friday persons . Following a visit to the United States by the recent sudden passing of Chris, a smoother ride for the passengers and to avoid the the Associations Immediate Past Chris Carter and his family the group decided to wear and tear on the gearbox . COMMITTEE 2020 - 2021: call the Society after the Popular T.V. programme, President. You would think after 39 years of operation with the PRESIDENT: Wally Garrett 7550 988 Ironside, featuring Raymond Burr. Chris did a sterling job whilst President, and was well same phone number that everything would work VICE PRESIDENT: Alison Brown 7588 040 respected within Grey Power for the acumen that he A telephone appeal was the first attempt at raising like clockwork, don’t you believe it. In the 2012-13 TREASURER: Val Armstrong brought to the role. the $35,000 to purchase the first vehicle. The Telecom publication you could not find our office SECRETARY: On a personal note I’m married to Barbara, we have hospital board felt the money raised would be better number listed. I spent most of a day trying to find out MINUTE TAKER: Mary Perrott two adult daughters and four grandchildren. We have used for other services for the disabled within the why and who was responsible. After a lot of passing COMMITTEE: Caroline Symmans, Agnes Lehrke, lived in New Plymouth since 1977. Hospital. the buck I did get and apology of sorts and offered Kathy Sutton, Rob Baigent- Ritchie, Colin Kilpatrick, Following on from the AGM in August, the President, In October 1977 the first modified Bedford van was $100 dollars compensation. Big help. Loius & Isobel Carter, Jim Sutherland. Vice President and Secretary positions were left commissioned by the Society. One driver/organiser We are now the only registered Total Mobility TRAVEL TEAM: Wally Garrett, Val Armstrong, vacant. Val Armstrong was re-elected as Treasurer at was employed, Mr Les Kay. organisation with wheelchair access, in North the AGM. Pam Burkett, Agnes Lehrke. In 1984 a second Bedford was purchased and (apart from some of the City buses) and At the subsequent Committee meeting in September, modified in Stratford. as such most of our private transport is subsidised A COMMON MISCONCEPTION: I was appointed President with Alison Brown taking by the Regional Council. They also assist with the fit Grey Power is not aligned with any politician or political party. We up the Vice-Presidents role. Mary Perrott has taken The cost of the hoist was $2,500.00. These vehicles out of the new hoists to the tune of a maximum of are an advocacy group and we present our views to Parliament to try on the role of Minute Taker for the committee had to have the roofs cut off and lifted to give to get a better deal for all Superannuitants. As such we will speak to $20,000 and an annual survey of the hoists which is any political group or politician who is likely to make a difference on meetings. reasonable head room. As well as seats, windows carried out by a local firm, Meco. our behalf. We also seek to keep all our members informed on what Welcome to Kathy Sutton, Rob Baigent-Ritchie, and of course the all important hoist for the wheel We provide a door to door service for the TRANSPORT Grey Power has been doing on their behalf. Colin Kilpatrick and Jim Sutherland all of whom have chairs. At this stage fund raising was at its height joined the Grey Power Committee for this upcoming with the President, Chris Carter and the driver DISADVANTAGED not just wheelchair patrons and the Disclaimer: The information contained in this publication is given on year. running weekly meat raffles at Cobb & Co. This and elderly, although they are our base transportees. The good faith and has been derived from sources believed to be reliable and service is available between 9.30am and 2.30pm accurate. Neither Grey Power New Plymouth Inc. nor any person involved Grey Power, in conjunction with Positive Ageing, the donations received from those who used the for the general public and weekends for special in the presentation of this publication accept any liability whatsoever hosted a meet the candidates forum in early service were all that kept the service going. We for it’s contents including advertisements, editorials, opinions, or for any had no Government or contractual income what so occasions. All transport must be pre booked . consequences or from its use. October. This was well attended with a wide variety of ever. In spite of this we have always managed to pay responses to questions from the candidates as was Written by Max Reesby. (Abridged for news Letter) This publication is designed and printed by expected. the bills and wages while never having to have an Kiwi Publications Limited. The Travel Group is working well and I had the overdraft. Not bad for a service that was not needed. For advertising phone Dave on 027 652 5220 pleasure of joining in on the last trip to The finances were ably handled and managed by or email: [email protected] Whangamomona and District. I can only encourage Mrs Beryl Lawrence up until her passing in 2010 . Fund Raising For Grey Power She was a tireless worker for the Society and kept us those that are interested, to book in early, and get your trip paid for to avoid missing out. all on our toes. New Plymouth: Please refer to our website for disclaimer. Would you like to be part of a team of fund At the time this newsletter goes out, I will be In the early 1980s, Willy Still gave a section of land raisers for Grey power. ??? There are a few attending the long deferred National AGM in in Borrell Ave to the Society to build a permanent keen to get going and a few more to add to their Concerned about high power costs? . I feel that it is important to have a garage for the now two vehicles. $11.000 was enthusiasm would make the mix so much better. Sick of huddling in a blanket afraid to turn heating on? presence there, and to be able to vote in regards raised, by the Committee, and a Skyline garage was Working as a team is energising and fun. So Just want to live comfortably, longer showers? to the selection of the National President, where built on the site. This has since been modified and give it a go. Various means of fundraising keep it there are four very good candidates. There are also The answer may be with a Seniors Loan, sometimes now houses 4 vehicles, the office and a kitchen, fresh and going . numerous remits that will be discussed and decided referred to a reverse mortgage. We could install solar with lounge for the drivers and office person. We on at the AGM. We had a trial run with Sausage Sizzles. It was batteries into your home and reduce your power bill by up to actually now rent an adjacent building for our larger great & good results financially. So come and 70% (sometimes more) without you paying any upfront costs. With the COVID-19 pandemic still swirling around the additional vehicle. The owner of the complex Graham join in. world, we all need to be mindful of its implications Blackstock, actually had to modify the building to To get started with solar contact for us all, and not let complacency set in. We are not us today for more information. house the VW as it was higher and longer than our Why not ring the office for further information especially immune here in New Plymouth. Call FREEPHONE other vehicles, which meant raising the shed and and what is entailed. 0800 PV SOLAR (0800 787 652) extending the length the fit it in. (President) or go to and click on the Finance tab Wally Garrett Thank you Agnes. 757 5885.


Memorial Notices Specialised Smoke Alarms Investi ng in 2020: Every cloud has a silver lining Christopher Manukonga for People with Hearing Aue,aue,aue. Impairment It’s easy to feel overwhelmed by of resources and informati on rarely seen reports on the testi ng of new ideas. Good Grey Power President from negati ve headlines and doomsayer before. A side benefi t of all this research and bad news comes and goes as part of With winter upon us and heaters and fires blazing, it’s May 2017-August 2020. predicti ons, but history teaches could be new treatments for existi ng the investment cycle. Be informed and an appropriate time to share some information about diseases as well as viruses in general. seek advice where necessary. At Forsyth us good ti mes usually follow bad. Chris passed away suddenly Barr, our Investment Advisers are available specialised smoke alarms for people with a hearing The coordinated global response to the And bad ti mes have oft en been to help you identi fy and navigate the early September 2020 leaving impairment. pandemic will also aff ect other areas in a much loved wife and whanau the catalyst for a step change in opportuniti es change always provides. All conventional our lives. Remote working and living, and stunned by the suddenness of this sad passing. research, discovery, and innovati on. smoke alarms technology to off set the impact of social Dillon O’Sullivan, Lyndsay Mussen, We, the Association members of Grey Power want in NZ emit a Past pessimists have predicted the world distancing will conti nue to evolve. Today we Michael Fisher and Neil Ternouth, whose running out of food and energy (‘peak views and opinions are expressed in this to acknowledge Chris as a gentleman who lead his high-pitched have robots working on producti on lines, oil’) due to the uncontrolled growth in the arti cle, are Authorised Financial Advisers New Plymouth Association in a quiet and unassuming sound which stacking shelves in warehouses, and loading global populati on. In both cases, advances trucks for distributi on. And drones are now with Forsyth Barr. To fi nd out more or manner and was proud to do so. Thank you Joanne can be difficult in science and the applicati on of new starti ng to deliver packages, allowing the to arrange a meeti ng to discuss your for supporting Chris in his presidency role. We offer for people with technology provided soluti ons so that trucks to remain on main roads rather than investment objecti ves in confi dence, our sympathy and support in your time of grief and age or noise today we have access to more food and having to detour into more suburban areas. email [email protected], loss - me te pouri tino nui. related hearing sources of energy that we can consume. call (06) 757 6000 or visit the Forsyth Barr Today’s technology revoluti on, uti lising loss to hear, It’s probably no coincidence that the offi ce at 135 Powderham St, New Plymouth. ultra-fast connecti vity combined with especially when 1918 Spanish Flu pandemic was followed This column is general in nature, has been prepared Roger Catlin Arti fi cial Intelligence (AI), will not just their hearing aids by signifi cant advances in healthcare, in good faith based on informati on obtained from President of Grey Power replace the physical challenges of our life, are removed at sanitati on, and hygiene during the 1920s, sources believed to be reliable and accurate, and 2015-2017 but will also allow machines to think for us. should not be regarded as personalised investment culminati ng in the discovery of penicillin night for sleeping. Specialised smoke alarms look like advice. Fees and charges will apply if you elect to have Roger also died earlier this year in 1928. Today billions of dollars are being The risk for investors is chasing the ‘next conventional alarms however they transmit, via radio a conti nuing relati onship with Forsyth Barr. Disclosure after suffering a lengthy and waves, to a receiver poured into possible soluti ons with a best thing’. Headlines oft en seduce us with Statements for Forsyth Barr Authorised Financial debilitating illness. by the person’s bed. level of global cooperati on in the sharing the latest tech breakthroughs or progress Advisers are available on request and free of charge. This illness crippled Roger and The receiver can vary destroyed most of his abilities to communicate. The in function however it very area Roger excelled in. Sadly we haven’t been always consists of a able to experience any type of gathering to express bright strobe light with our grieving because of Covid and other circumstanc- an attached shaker es, but we do miss this brilliant man with his ready which is placed under wit and delightful humour. the pillow giving people early notification of Arohanui Roger – until we meet again. smoke/fire in their home. If you, or someone you know has a hearing loss it

Learning technology together. could be worthwhile checking if they can hear their SeniorNet New Plymouth conventional smoke alarm especially during the night. If not please contact Life Unlimited Hearing Therapy It is with regret that we give formal notice that for a free assessment. Our hearing therapists are SeniorNet New Plymouth is closing down. qualified assessors for this specialised equipment. DILLON O’SULLIVAN MICHAEL FISHER NEIL TERNOUTH LYNDSAY MUSSEN There is some funding available where specific For those Grey Power members and other people in criteria are met. Fire and Emergency our community looking for help with their laptops, Get the expert help you need. Forsyth Barr New Plymouth phones and tablets we recommend that you contact (FENZ) are also involved in the assessment and your local library - their services are free. Alternatively installation of these smoke alarms. Access to ti mely, personalised investment advice can make a diff erence. if you are already familiar with using a computer we Supported by Forsyth Barr, your local Investment Adviser can work with you to deliver a personalised plan taking into account recommend the gcflearnfree website for its great Ph 0800 008 011 or email your investment objecti ves. Contact Dillon O’Sullivan, Michael Fisher, Neil Ternouth or Lyndsay Mussen to fi nd out more about collection of learning programmes. Forsyth Barr’s investment advice by calling 06 757 6000 or visiti ng the offi ce at 135 Powderham Street, New Plymouth. Go to click on the word [email protected] Disclosure Statements for Forsyth Barr Authorised Financial Advisers are available on request and free of charge. topics in the top right hand corner of the page and for further information. 2020 October Limited Barr © Forsyth NPY6206-03 it will take you to a good list of subjects.

4 GREY POWER NEW PLYMOUTH QUARTER FOUR 2020 - SUMMER 5 Digital Exclusion Life Unlimited Hearing Therapy Services provide Free National Adult On the 1st of September Ewan McDonald of the Aural Rehabilitation Services for NZ back on N.Z. Herald wrote an article on Digital Exclusion. The citizens and permanent residents well written article says “Too many seniors are still aged 16 years and over. uncertain of the internet which can even affect their Services are provided under a our feet health”. Ministry of Health contract. The Hearing Therapists During the Covid 19 lockdown this proved to be so are members of HTANZ, are NZQA trained and are $20m package helping residents true as the level of communication available to those accredited assessors for Enable/accessable and ACC. and local businesses seeking to contact these seniors and isolated people They are able to assist with: was very difficult. • Hearing Evaluation – including Pure Tone Other than the phone, there seemed no other Audiometry screening and needs assessment with means of communication. Visits although another onward referral when appropriate. form of contact, proved out of reach for those good • Cochlear implant – initial needs assessment, Samaritans doing their best to contact and reassure information on, and rehab pre and post fitting. the isolated and needy. • Tinnitus Management - advice and practical help. • Meniere’s – information and help. All depended on the indivuals to make contact • Hearing Aid Management - helping clients to somehow with others, which many did. manage and use their hearing aid(s) more We are in a day and age now when cheques are effectively. disappearing and most banking activities seem to • Assistive Devices – demonstration and be by joining the digital world. Where does this leave information e.g. telephones, TV, radio listening those unable to do this? There is perhaps your devices, specialised fire alarms, etc. relatives even or close friends, to assist with or use of • Discussion on funding options available to clients. Some 11 building owners in New Plymouth, Waitara and We’ve dropped or slashed a huge range of fees and the telephone banking. • Improving communication skills - in family, work, Inglewood are on their way to seeing their properties charges to provide much-needed help for local businesses recreation and social situations. get a makeover thanks to the Main Street Fund, helping hit by the Covid-19 downturn. We’ve cut the cost of There are banks who will accept phone business. • Workshops - for people with a hearing impairment to bring in shoppers and tenants. Property owner John doing business for cafes, restaurants and hairdressers Banks who still will take over the counter and or their communication partners. We also Shewry says: “Many businesses have had a hard year as well as those planning to build a new home. Big Jim’s transactions. But these banks are few. Recently this year, so it’s great to see NPDC helping to renew and Garden Café owner Shani Benton says: “It’s provided a provide information to groups and organisations reinvigorate our main streets.” big boost and thanks to the Council for their help.” I discussed this concern, with our TSB Bank to about hearing impairment and preventing hearing discover that Seniors can use phone Banking and loss. can also use the option of visiting the bank to use the individual banking area to discuss business and HTS local clinic: Taranaki Disabilities Info Centre transactions in person on a one to one basis. TSB 28 Young St. New Plymouth | Phone:0800 008 011 do not have a determined date or time to be ceasing Email: [email protected] cheques. Other areas visited by this clinic Monthly- Waitara, Hawera For those who wish to join the digital system there are places to attend for training. Computer Access Centre Trust, 44 Liardet St N.P. 759 2149 (Free Tutoring). Your local library also has a free service. Or if you are already familiar with using a computer you can try the gcflearnfree website for a great collection of learning programmes. Go to click on the word topics in the We’ve been helping to keep tradies in work making Additional $450k funding for the district’s community top right hand corner of the page and it will take you residents’ homes warmer and greener thanks to the groups has been a lifeline to many organisations making to a good list of subjects. $7.5m expanded Home Energy Scheme. The number of a huge contribution to elderly or vulnerable people. approved applications for low-cost loans trebled from July This has included $8,500 for the Hearing Dogs for Deaf I do hope that you feel able to contact Grey Power to September to 93 compared to 30 for the same time in People. The charity’s general manager, Clare McLaughlin, with any issues you may need assistance with and we 2019. Taranaki Solar director Tony Pope says: “NPDC has says: “The money has helped Hearing Dogs to continue to can provide advice and effort to resolve these with done a great thing in supporting local businesses.” exist and provide life-changing dogs for deaf people.” you, our members. We are your Advocates, that ‘s what Grey Power stands for. Agnes

6 GREY POWER NEW PLYMOUTH Editorial supplied by Council QUARTER FOUR 2020 - SUMMER 7 QuinLaw - Barristers & Solicitors such as a roof or a wall, and how that is to be paid. PROPERTY SHARING Improvements to the property can also be addressed PUZZLE With house prices rising and the shortage of available in the agreement. TIME housing it is becoming more common that individuals Of course, one of the vital parts of this agreement is are coming together to buy a house. That is individuals how does one party sell their share. Do they sell to the Raptor Search who are not necessarily in a relationship. We know other party or is the property put on the open market? that some people are looking at their assets and We can put in processes and address these issues. ACCIPITERS deciding to share them, not necessarily just having We also put in dispute resolution clauses and how any BIRD OF PREY flatmates but actually sharing in the capital value of improvement/increase in capital is to be shared. BROAD WINGS their property. This may involve siblings or different Over the years we have dealt with many different and generations in a family, for example, we have instances BUTEOS various combinations of family/friends/ex-partners. where a grandchild has the ability to pay a mortgage They have had all kinds of conditions, shares of BUZZARDS and the grandparent has the capital and they enter an property and requirements. agreement to purchase a property which neither could CARNIVOROUS afford on their own. That property can be owned in Each agreement is completely individual to the parties EAGLES different shares or in any kind of share arrangement because their interests, assets etc differ. FALCONS that suits the parties. We also do similar but not identical agreements if a family member is building a small home on their HARRIERS Ideally, of course there would be a written agreement. There are all kinds of different conditions we can relatives’ property. These agreements are also always HAWKS put in so for example, if the grandparent is providing unique. Sometimes the older person or the disabled HUNTERS all the capital then the parties might agree that the person has money to put in, sometimes they do not, sometimes they only have a little. Here we need to KITES grandparent’s contribution should be capitalized at a rate of interest by agreement (e.g. identical to the address what is going to happen if the relative needs LARGE grandparents’ bank’s one year fixed lending rate). to move on or if they fall out, or die. We go through OSPREY every possibility with you to come up with something The agreement should also then cover who is paying and that will be robust enough to work with whatever your OWLS for what. Who pays for electricity, gas and telephone, changing circumstances become. It is like looking into insurance, rates, and general maintenance? POWERFUL a crystal ball to see what problems there could be and The parties to the agreement have to turn their as lawyers in these situations, we are pleased for our QUIET minds to what happens if there was a major repair, client that they have got a new solution to a particular SERIEMAS housing need and SHARP BEAKS For the MOST important decisions of your life see us they also need to have some reality checking, SOLITARY QuinLaw are dedicated to offering professional and 4 Estate Planning which we will do. We VULTURES cost effective legal services with a personal touch. also have to discuss At QuinLaw “people matter” 4 Wills and Trusts with you each negative 4 Enduring Powers of possibility and how you How to solve sudoku puzzles Attorney and the other parties wish to arrange your No math is required to solve 4 Sales affairs to deal with a sudoku. You only need logic 4 Purchases those situations that and patience. may arise. Simply make sure that Always interesting, each 3x3 square region every situation is has only one instance of different and we enjoy the numbers 1-9. working with you to Similarly, each number can 11 Robe St, New Plymouth meet your unique only appear once in a column Phone: (06) 769 9687 needs. or row in the larger grid. Email: [email protected] (The difficulty on this puzzle is easy)

8 GREY POWER NEW PLYMOUTH Editorial supplied by QuinLaw QUARTER FOUR 2020 - SUMMER 9 Changes to N.Z. Super Historical Tour of New Plymouth : Did you know that in 1860, New Plymouth was a and Veteran’s Pension fenced City. Did you know that there were 7 forts From November the 9th 2020, the Government is around the city? making changes to N.Z. Super and Veteran’s pension. Did you know that some streams and swampland The changes aim to simplify Superannuation in New was set aside by our city Fathers and not designated Zealand and is a move towards treating people more conservation wetland but for another beneficial as individuals. This means people’s payments would purpose? eerr TTrraavvee depend more on their own situation, instead of their PPooww ll lu Do you know where the first settlers set foot on dry rreeyy b partner’s. land in the place called New Plymouth? GG Closing the option to include a non-qualifying If you would like to know the answers, or even if you Well, what a wonderful day out for the Grey Power Trip partner. Currently, some people getting NZ Super already know them, join us for an enjoyable tour to Whangamomona on the 2nd of September. A full or Veteran’s pension can include their partner who around our beautiful city. bus load and wonderful narrative about the history of doesn’t qualify because of their circumstances. Any the area from our very competent bus driver Callum Gain all the rest of the info and enjoy a tea & lunch of Weir Bros. income either person earns can affect their payment. with great company on the tour. From 9th November 2020, people won’t be able to A drive through several very narrow tunnels all dug 11th March 2021. The tour will be lead by historian include a non qualifying partner in their payments. by hand with pick and shovel which had gasps from Mrs Jill Mc Killop. To Enable booking contact Instead, their partner would be able to apply for other one of the members who had visions of being stuck 021 02298 721 Agnes or Val 027 289 1810 kinds of assistance. If they need financial support, in there. Morning tea at the Strathmore gardens, a …………………………………………………………...... please encourage them to contact MSD on lovely prepared lunch at the Whangamomona Hotel 0800 552 002 Mokau Travel the 5th November accompanied by a talk on the history and area by If your partner is already included in your payment We will travel to Mokau. On route visit the the owner, a stroll along the charming old road that NZ Super or Veteran’s Pension, on November the 9th Tongaparutu sea side village. The three Sisters & still has the character of the years gone by and then they’ll continue on as before unless circumstances Elephant Rock. Learn the history of the area. Time to onto the Mt Damper Falls, where a 10 minute walk to change. Appreciate the landscape. Dine at White Bait Inn. reach them was a challenge for some. On to the Museum with it’s interesting history. Learn Overseas Pension Deductions. However the effort was well worth while and from one about the latest ventures of Mokau. of the lookouts the waterfall looked very spectacular. Currently overseas Pensions can affect your Super Return to the Valley. The Last of the Samurai It was then homeward bound over Mt Messenger or pension payments. From 9th November 2020, Setting up the valley. On to the famous Green Shed another tunnel and back to New Plymouth after a this will no longer apply. This will help recognise farm with it’s crafts, herbs and animals. An attractive very satisfactory day out. you as an individual with your own entitlement to Tourist venue. Return home late afternoon. Superannuation. A wonderful day out . All for $50.00. Let’s join in!!!! For other changes, affected people will receive a ……………………………………………………………………………... letter from MSD to explain changes. Travel for 2021: Diane Turner | Director, Office for Seniors. Historic Tour of New Plymouth: 11th March 2021. & surroundings: ? June 2021. TIPS TO HELP WITH ANXIETY ATTACKS Te Popo Gardens & Pioneer Village: ? September 2021 Look around you. Otorohanga & Waitomo Caves: November 2021. Find five things you can see All Payments for trips to be made three weeks prior to Four things you can touch trip date please. Three things you can hear REMEMBER YOU ARE NOT BOOKED UNTIL Two things you can smell PAYMENTS ARE MADE, Thank you. and One thing you can taste Payments cannot be made with eftpos but with Cheque, right cash, or by Direct Credit to Bank This is called grounding. It can help you feel like Account… 153948 000 7390 01 Reference with you have not lost all control of your surroundings. Surname & trip. (e.g Peters, Mokau) So follow the exercise, find your surroundings stay calm at all times. We look forward to having you join us on some of these ventures.

10 GREY POWER NEW PLYMOUTH QUARTER FOUR 2020 - SUMMER 11 If any members would like to travel around the in the evening to view the lights, please let us know so we can book the buggie. YOUR NEW BUS CARD

'It's just too hot to wear clothes today,' Jack says as he stepped out of the shower. 'Honey, what do you think the neighbours would think if I mowed the lawn like this?' 'Probably that I married you for your money,' she replied. The buggie takes eight passengers and costs $5. A great way to view the lights from the security of a buggie ride. Please ring the office or 021 0229 8721.

Lab Service on the Move Big changes are in the air for Taranaki‘s Laboratory services, with a change in Location Order your BEE CARD online or pick one up from the Customer Services Points: and ownership. l i-Site l Waitara Library After seven months of operation Taranaki l Bus Centre, Ariki Street l Tranzit, Sunley Street Patholgy Services has been sold by Australian l Bell Block Library owned Healthscope to the NZ Super Fund and the Ontario Teachers’ Pension Plan Board, If you cannot register your card due to not having an email address or internet, there is a form available which will each take a 50% per cent stake. It so that the Council can create the bee card account for you, just pop into one of the outlets lists above. was announced in July 2019 that Taranaki DHB had selected Healthscope for its community QUESTIONS: Laboratory and pathology. This set up Taranaki Email the Transport Team at: [email protected] Pathology Services to take over from Med Lab. Message on Facebook: taranakipublictransport This service has been operating since February Call Taranaki Regional Council between 8am-4pm weekdays on 0800 BEE TRC (0800 233 872). and opened a new facility in Road in Bell Block. This central Pathology Service will be changed Find out more at to a new site on Gill Street by January 2021.

12 GREY POWER NEW PLYMOUTH QUARTER FOUR 2020 - SUMMER 13 Retired and still rocking? New Discounters Renewal of Subscriptions: OFFICIAL NOTIFICATION In the 1950s, guidance counselors recommended Focus Maintenance LTD that students throw away their rock albums, which Take your membership card and check the date of expiration. 5 Smith Rd, RD 3, New Plymouth. 4373 Frank Sinatra condemned as ugly and vicious. But 027 222 3307 This is when your renewal did they do it? David Voulaire Name: was due. Some research suggests that seniors are still rocking Engineering, Handy Man, Wrought Iron. Subs due date was extended to May 31st 2020 to the bands of their youth. 10% over range . Number: because of Lockdown. Our friendly reminder is Seniors have lived through explosive musical that these subs are well overdue now. Please Moturoa Locks 2020 Expires: 31.3.20 changes. Influenced by the crooners of the 1940s contact the office if there is a problem and we will and 1950s, to the early bluesy rock of Elvis Presley 5 Smith Rd. R D 3 and into the rock band era of the 1960s and 1970s. New Plymouth 4373 help collect them for you if necessary. Thank you 027 7510 900 One of the main reasons these huge musical You can pay by ; Cash, Eftpos, cheque or Direct Credit, our Bank number is 153948 0007390 00 When Judy Gulliver movements exist is technology. Radio brought music paying by Direct Credit, please use surname and membership number in the reference section, or surname Locksmith 10% of range and phone number if new, so we know who is paying. So PLEASE pay punctually, the association survives to the masses. Vinyl records allowed us to choose. Cassette tapes and CDs were portable. And, finally, by your subscriptions. Thank you. We‘re the cheapest Subscription fees in the country. So let’s be the best at fulfilling this obligation please. Well done to those already paid.....Agnes. internet-based music allows consumers to transport, Anti Virus Protection: choose, and mix it up. Remember the old adage, Some studies say musical tastes change with age. “If it looks too good to be true – it usually is!” Grey Power Electricity A 2013 University of Cambridge study of data from 250,000 people over 10 years shows that musical Don’t rush in to open an attachment. Take time Account Number: 02 0108 0333798 029 Phone number= 0800473976 tastes shift in line with life challenges. to think about it. Common sense is important. Windows 10 has built in protection with Windows Adolescents like intense, aggressive, loud, distorted Defender. MEMBERSHIP APPLICATION / RENEWAL FORM and rebellious music as they struggle to find an Grey Power New Plymouth Assn Inc | 21/117 Powderham Street, New Plymouth 4310 identity and overcome frustrations. You can also install a third-party programme | Email: [email protected] | Ph: (06) 757 5885 free or paid for, but you must have only one of Young adults prefer romantic, positive and danceable * Membership year is from 1 April to 31 March these programmes. Look for advice at Anti Virus music as they search for love. In this stage, music is Protection and Advice. part of the search for intimacy, according to Science Membership: New Member o Renewal o Membership Number:______Daily. Type: Single ($15) o Dual ($25) o Office Open: Monday - Wednesday - Friday - 9am - 1pm By middle age and later, people search for relaxing, MEMBER DETAILS: emotive, and more sophisticated (or complex) music. First:______On the other hand, smaller studies by online music Title Initials/Forename Surname Year of birth companies found that people reached their peak Second:______music experiences around age 24 and stopped Title Initials/Forename Surname Year of birth experimenting with music around age 30. Postal Address:______That means seniors may still be rocking out to the Post Code: ______Phone Number: ______bands and voices of their youth. Email Address:______According to a 2001 study by National Institutes of Health, listening to your favorite songs can give your PAYMENT DETAILS: brain a big dose of pleasure. Subscription $______Donation $______Total $______When supporting the advertisers within this Do you wish to register with our travel group? Yes o No o magazine PLEASE LET THEM KNOW. Office use only Do you wish to resign from the travel group? Yes o No o Their continuation enables our newsletter to Date Received______Are you a member of Grey Power Electricity? Yes o No o be provided free of charge - they need to know Card Issued______where you found them and that the advertising is NOTES: Please return a completed form with every application. Expires______Payments may be made by eftpos, cash, cheque at our offices, or internet banking into Amount______working for them too. our bank account. Online Account: 153948 0007390 00. Please ensure your name and membership Bank Cheque______Thanks number appears in the reference section of the form. Date on Computer______A stamped addressed envelope with postal applications would be appreciated.

14 GREY POWER NEW PLYMOUTH QUARTER FOUR 2020 - SUMMER 15 Central Audiology Taranaki Central Audiology has been a leading hearing specialist throughout Taranaki with clinics in New Plymouth, Stratford and Hawera. With over 20 years of experience working in the Taranaki region, we know and value our customers and community.

We’re the only 100% independently owned and operated audiology practice in the region with the largest supply in the latest hearing aid technology. This means we are able to tailor your hearing needs to suit you.

We’re a primary provider to the Taranaki , and you can visit us whether you’re Clinics in referred by your GP, or want to approach us directly. New Plymouth At Central Audiology we want to ensure that you’re not missing out on the important sounds of life. Stratford and Hawera Call us today on 0800 751 000 and book a FREE hearing check at one of our clinics. FREEPHONE We’re here to help. 0800 751 000 Editorial supplied by Central Audiology Taranaki

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Are you a financial/paid up member of Grey Power? MEETING If your card has 31/03/2020 on it, then yes you need to renew your subscription. proposed for Find the application form on Page 15 of this newsletter and fill it in. 25 March 2021 Payment methods are at the bottom on the left hand side.