W a rn e r V 121°37'30"W 121°30'0"W 121°22'30"W alley 121°15'0"W 121°7'30"W

29N42 29N02Y 30N09 Forest Order Willow Lake 30N18 29N77

Blue Lake 29N65A 29N36Y 29N72 29N24 29N65 29N22A 29N09 Order N o.0 6-09-01 29N18 29N70 29N68

29N40 29N55 29N24C 30N09E 29N22B

30N35 29N75A 29N33 Blue Lake 29N74C

29N75 29N56 U SD A Forest Servic e + 29N79 29N16 30N16 29N78 @ "N

Lassen N ational Forest 31N17P 29N64Y 29N14 29N74

29N22 29N96

29N83 29N38A 0°22'30


"N 29N10Y 29N64 29N20 29N33 30N17 Pursuant to 36 C FR 261.50(a) and (b), and to protect natural resources, the follow ing act is 29N07Y 0°22'30

30N37 prohibited within the Lassen N ational Forest. This order is effective froJmu ly 13, 2009 through 4 30N72 29N95 29N69 July 12, 2010. 29N97 29N54 29N25A


29N03Y 29N27 29N36 Possessing or using a m otorized wheeled vehicle off N ational Forest System roads, except for 29N14Y + 29N12 @ |}36 29N17 4318 31N17 29N63B the routes, open areas, and N ational Forest System trails show n onh Eibxit A . For purposes of 28N61 !? ULA255 Mineral 29N29 Childs High Bridge

this order, a wheelchair is not considered to be a m otorized w heeled vehicle. 36 C FR 261 .56. 28N44 |}172 29N32 Meadows Work Center ULA273 29N38 !9 29N54Y Pursuant to 36 C FR 261.50(e), the follow ing persons are exem pt from this or der: !9 Battle Creek 29N25 UBC076 29N60 1. A ny Federal, State, or local officer or m ember of anrg oanized rescue or fir-efighting force 29N67 in the performance of an official duty . 28N16A 29N19 28N61 29N11 28N88B 28N16B 28N85A1 322 Gurnsey Creek 29N17 4 2. Persons w ith a permit from the Forest Service specifically authorizing the otherw ise 28N06 prohibited act or omission . !9 28N16 28N28 4312 This prohibition is in addition to the general prohibitions 3 i6n CFR Part 261, Subpart A . ULA246 28N51 Chester 29N58 Hole in the Ground ULA247 28N88 th Turner Mtn !9 !? Executed in Susanville, , this27 day of May 2009. 28N61 Almanor 28N89B 28N72 28N86 28N83 Ranger Station 29N48 28N70 4A13 ULA249 4 28N21

ULA190 28N45

ULA191B 28N97A

/s/ Kathleen S. M ors__e ______ULA309 KA THLEEN S. M OR SE

Forest Supervisor 28N21 28N75 28N27

Lassen National Forest 28N97 29N19 28N89 28N79 28N78 A violation of this prohibition is punishable bay f ine of not more than $5,000 for an individual or 28N15 0°15'0"N

$10,000 for an organization, or imprisonment for not more than 6 months, or both. 16 USC 551 4 and 18 U SC 3559, 3571, and 3581 . 28N20

28N49 E Elam Creek !9 28N12 0°15'0"N To 4 Oregon 29N04E 27N22 Mud Lake 27N52 This order does not authorize the use ULA224A Weed 04.5 9 18 A27lturasMiles 28N40 of non-highway legal vehicles on National ULA225 !y Forest System roads or other roads Forest Order 27N52A Dunsmuir Extent 27N55 Adin 27N22A !9 where such use is otherwise prohibited. ULA013 6 28N36 ULA223 28N12A This map is for use with this Forest 395 Butt Mtn

SHASTA-TRINITY Fall River Mills ¡¢ 27N71C 27N44 NATIONAL FOREST UMN915 Order only. It is not a route designation 28N12C map. 27N05 27N03 UMN088

27N15 27N78 28N12B This order does not prohibit non- 4 Onion Butte 27N50 wheeled vehicle use. 5 +@ Redding 28N12D +@ 27N85 Igo 27N16E1 ULA043 27N16D 27N97 L A S S E N 27N04 Disclaimer: Routes depicted on Anderson N A T I O N A L F O R E S T Susanville 27N16 ULA012 non-National Forest System lands Cottonwood Chester Black Rock 27N91A 27N43L are shown for informational purposes 3 Potato Patch UBB467 27N93 Red Bluff !9 27N86 only. Respect private property. !9 27N91

27N83 1 27N01Y Gerber-Las Flores 2 27N21 27N12 27N38 28N29 GIS Data Source: 27N04 PLUMAS USFS , 2008 NATIONAL 27N59 Tehama FOREST 27N39 27N76 Quincy 27N65A GPS inventory completion date as of 27N80 27N77 To MAP AREA SHOWN IS WITHIN BLACK BOX 27N08 4305 27N32 4 June, 2008 E Sacramento ULA262B 27N14 ALL 6 MAP EXTENTS ARE SHOWN AS A GUIDE

Humboldt 27N65 27N11Q 27N12Y 27N06 Summit 27N11D 26N29A 27N34 Butte Valley Reservoir

27N36 27N37 26N28 27N11A 26N08D 26N26 + @ 27N11R 26N69

26N07 0°7'30"N

!F 4 26N49 26N31 26N03

United States Department of Agriculture 26N13 26N83


Forest Service 0°7'30"N 4

26N76 26N11 27N11G 26N72 26N13 |}32 26N27 ULA210 PLUMAS

26N78 26N64 !F 26N08 26N04

Lassen National Forest 26N36 NATIONAL !9 26N35 97485A Cherry Hill 27N11V 26N02 Ishi 319 26N73 MOTORIZED VEHICLE RESTRICTIONS 44 26N82 FOREST Butte Meadows Wilderness North Fork 26N16

!9 26N33 26N22 Jonesville Area +@ 26N75 26N17 UBB370

Frontcountry Area (Map 1 of 6) on Other Side 28N29 !? 26N23 307 Snow Mtn !F Butte Meadows 4 UBB436 Exhibit A for Forest Order 06-08-01 Work Center

ULA235 26N74 606 Map 2 (of 6) 26N74A

28N29 25N15 602 25N13


25N05 25N05A 25N13 501 25N05B 25N05D Possessing or Using a Motorized Wheeled Vehicle !9 Philbrook 25N09 Off Lassen National Forest System Roads 25N18 Reservoir Lotts Lake

25N07 611 is Prohibited, Except on the Routes, 25N04 Spring Valley Lake North Fork Feather River Open Areas and NFS Trails Shown on this Map Morris Lake 25N02B 608

25N08A 605 0°0'0"N 4

25N22C 611 North Fork Feather River 25N22B 25N08 519 Roads, Trails, Routes, and Open Areas 613

0°0'0"N 25N03 4 25N22 180|} 4J3 US/State/County Roads 25N17 High Lakes OHV Area National Forest System Roads

25N16 National Forest System Trails 616 North Fork Feather River

614 Non-System Routes 476322 615

Open Areas 24N12B + 610 @ (Area is smaller than area represented by map symbol) 452513 Gold Lake 451262 24N11

Land Management and Facilities 617 24N04

Lassen National Forest 76503 (Forest Order Area) !? Federal Facility 4

Other National Forest !9 Camp Site

National Forest System !F Trailhead Lower Lands Boat Launch Non-Forest Service Land !y 51261 00.5 1 2 3 4 5 4 E Miles "N 9°52'30 3

121°37'30"W 121°30'0"W 121°22'30"W 121°15'0"W 121°7'30"W