7.00 pm at the

Salvation Army, 45 Benhill Avenue, Sutton, SM1 4DD

To all members of the Sutton Local Committee:-

Chair: Councillor Marlene Heron Vice-Chair Councillor Vincent Galligan Councillors: David Bartolucci, Kevin Burke, Ruth Dombey, Wendy Mathys, Ali Mirhashem, Steve Penneck and Simon Wales

Community Gabrielle Andrews (Friends of Sutton Green) Representatives Robert Bailey (Chaucer Estate Residents’ Association) (non-voting): David Browne (Collingwood Residents’ Association) Chris Carter (Sutton Garden Suburb Residents’ Association) Paula Gowing (Friends of Rosehill Parks) Valerie Grant (Friends of Collingwood) Rob Hardy (Sutton United FC) Shailesh Jani (Friends of Seears Park) Amanda Munro (Manor Park Friends Group) Paul Nathan (Benhill Residents’ Association) Maggie Sheppard (Friends of Quarry Park).

This meeting will be recorded and made available on the Council’s website.

Niall Bolger Chief Executive Civic Offices St Nicholas Way Sutton SM1 1EA

23 October 2015

Enquiries to: Susanne Wicks, Committee Support Team Leader Tel: 020 8770 6540 | Email: [email protected]

Copies of reports are available in large print on request Local committees are intended to be inclusive and involve local residents, local businesses and organisations. Anyone resident or working in the area is welcome to attend their local committee - dates and venues will be published on the Council's website ( and on Borough notice boards.

The Chair has discretion to invite comments from members of the public on specific items while they are being discussed. Residents may also request the right to raise issues, not on the agenda, at the Chair’s discretion.

PLEASE NOTE: Any decision taken at this meeting does not become definitive until 10am on the third working day after the meeting. Any four members of the Council may notify the Chief Executive by then if they require a decision to be reviewed by the full Council at its next meeting. Please contact the Committee Services representative shown on the front page for further information.






To approve as a correct record the Minutes of the meeting held on 8 September 2015.


A presentation by Youth Travel Ambassadors (YTA) from Homefield Preparatory School, to the Local Committee on the Park and Walk initiative around their school. The YTA initiative focuses on:

 Encouraging more walking and cycling  Sharing important road safety messages  Promoting responsible behaviour on public transport and out and about  Giving fellow pupils the skills and confidence to travel safely and independently

Indicative timing: 15 minutes


An opportunity for members of the public to raise points or questions about local issues that are not already on the agenda for this meeting. If it is not possible to answer the question at the meeting, a written response will be issued. Please submit your questions to [email protected] .

Indicative timing: 10 minutes


An update on the three ward priorities in the area and community safety issues.

Indicative timing: 10 minutes


The Area Renewal Project Manager Manmohan Dayal to present the Committee with the outcomes and next steps from the two 'Have your Say' High Street pedestrianised area community consultation events near Asda held in September 2015.

Indicative timing: 10 minutes


A report from Lynn Robinson, Senior Engineer, Highways and Transport to the Committee, outlining suggested cycling infrastructure schemes on the Transport for London (TfL) highway network that are within the local area. With support from Councillors, these schemes will be presented to TfL for consideration.

Indicative timing: 10 minutes


Following the engagement session held at the meeting on 8 September, the Head of Highways and Transport to present a report on possible schemes to resolve parking and traffic issues.

Indicative timing: 40 minutes


The Locality Lead Officer will present a report to the Committee, which outlines new public realm schemes for approval and gives an update on the progress of current schemes.

Indicative timing: 15 minutes

12. NEIGHBOURHOOD GRANTS (Pages 69 - 72)

The Locality Lead Officer to present a report on grant applications approved under delegated authority since the last meeting of this Committee.

Indicative timing: 5 minutes


The Chair must approve the reason for urgency.

Indicative timing: 1 minute


The next meeting of the Sutton Local Committee will take place on 15 March 2016 at 7 pm at the Salvation Army Centre, Benhill Road, Sutton.

4 Reminder – Declaration of Interests

Members should consider the following interests and whether they have any they should declare.

Disclosable Pecuniary Interests

Where you have a Disclosable Pecuniary Interest in any business of the Authority at this meeting and you have either declared it beforehand in the Register of Members’ Interests or to the Monitoring Officer for entry in the Register you must state at this meeting that you have such an interest and then withdraw from the room or chamber where the meeting is being held whilst that business is considered.

Where you have a Disclosable Pecuniary Interest in any business of the Authority at this meeting and have not previously declared it you must declare the nature of that interest at this meeting and then withdraw from the room or chamber where the meeting is being held whilst that business is considered.

Other Pecuniary and Non-Pecuniary Interests

Where you have any other pecuniary or non-pecuniary interest in any business at this meeting you must declare that interest, but may continue to speak and vote on the matter. However, if the interest is one which a member of the public, with knowledge of the relevant facts, would reasonably regard as so significant that it is likely to prejudice your judgement of the public interest then you should declare the interest and withdraw from the room or chamber where the meeting is being held whilst that business is considered.

Further information on these matters can be found in the Council's Code of Conduct and Constitution. If you are in any doubt as to whether you have an interest you should seek advice before the committee meeting from Alexa Coates.

If, during the course of the committee meeting, you consider you may have an interest you should always declare it.

Sutton Local Committee 8 September 2015


8 September 2015 at 7.00 pm

MEMBERS: Councillor Marlene Heron (Chair), Councillor Vincent Galligan (Vice-Chair) and Councillors David Bartolucci, Kevin Burke, Ruth Dombey, Wendy Mathys, Ali Mirhashem, Steve Penneck and Simon Wales


Apologies for absence were received from Paul Nathan, Valerie Grant, Maggie Sheppard, Chris Carter and Steve O’Connell.


There were no declarations of interest.


The minutes of the meeting held on 2 June 2015 were agreed as an accurate record and signed by the Chair.


Inspector Kathy Morteo advised the Committee that over the summer there had been six residential burglaries in Sutton Central, five in Sutton West and six in Sutton North. Over the same period, there had been six thefts from motor vehicles in Sutton Central, three in Sutton West and 13 Sutton North.

Inspector Kathy Morteo also advised the Committee that there had been some staffing changes within the Safer Neighbourhood team; Simon Alexander had moved to be a Town Centre Supervisor while Simon Curson has joined as a Police Sergeant. Tom O’Donovan had left the team and Kevin Monk was replacing him from 28 September.

On 22 September a Ward Panels meeting would be taking place. Councillor Ruth Dombey requested further details on these meetings and to be invited in future as she was the area representative. Inspector Morteo confirmed she would contact Councillor Dombey with details. Also on 22 September, the Safer Neighbourhood Team were going to review all second hand phone shops, which was part of a Metropolitan-wide initiative.

The Committee were informed that speeding was topic the Police were concentrating on the area and work was being done with the Council’s Head of Highways and Transport. In the coming months the Police were taking part in the Christmas tree campaign and further details would be circulated nearer to the event.

1 Sutton Local Committee 8 September 2015

The Safer Neighbourhood Team acknowledged the issue of drinking on Sutton Green and Inspector Morteo had requested her team look at extending the dispersal zone to cover this area. This would give Police the power to warn offenders and arrest, if necessary, over a 48 hour period at weekends.

Resolved: To note.


Councillor Marlene Heron welcomed questions about local issues not otherwise covered on the agenda. Where questions could not be answered immediately, a response would be sought after the meeting.

Mrs Crook (Sutton resident)

Street lighting on Rectory Road has changed, and a resident has complained that the lamps are not as good as the previous sodium lamps. Concern has been raised by the resident that the outreach of the light is not as far, particularly by the street lamp by the goods yard. The resident queried whether the Council was intending to continue implementing the new street lamps.

Reply from Councillor Marlene Heron

Residents have complained that the new street lamps are brighter, but had not raised concerns that the light did not cover as large an area. A response from officers on the future plan for street lighting would be provided after the meeting.


The Economic Regeneration Officer, Sarah Lomax, presented an overview on the High Street Regeneration Toolkit. Following the economic recession town centres were impacted as shoppers had less disposable income and cut back on spending. Additionally town centres were impacted from increased competition from online retailers, supermarkets and out of town shopping centres. The Portas Review (2011) suggested that town centres required a different offer to survive. It suggested that community life and involvement was vital in fostering future town centres and high streets. The Council had developed a toolkit to help locally-led initiatives evolve in the new economic climate.

The toolkit provides a central resource for the community to access. It aims to inspire local groups who are interested in planning a community-led initiative and gives practical advice on how to develop projects with a community involvement. The Economic Regeneration Officer stated that it was important the community were involved and it was hoped that community representatives could be identified to promote and use the toolkit. Furthermore, there were opportunities for people to share their projects on the toolkit to make it a living and learning resource.

The Committee were shown the online toolkit, with particular reference as to how to arrange an event. This was one of six areas of interest (pop-up space, public

2 Sutton Local Committee 8 September 2015 space, shop fronts, town team, fundraising), of which information, support and advice was provided.

Councillor Steve Penneck stated that the Council were keen to support community groups and felt that the toolkit was an accessible resource which would be helpful to community groups, and not just for economic regeneration projects.

Councillor Ruth Dombey noted that there were many residents within the borough with particular expertise that the Council could consult when planning future projects. It was suggested that an online forum could be established to facilitate consultation.

Councillor Marlene Heron informed the Committee that consultation events were taking place outside ASDA on how to invest the £500,000 which had been awarded to regenerate the northern gateway of the High Street. These events were taking place on Wednesday 9 and Saturday 12 September.

Resolved: To note.


The Head of Highways and Transport, Gary Smith, presented a report on minor parking schemes within the local area. The Council had received 320 requests for 256 roads in the borough, 49 requests from the Sutton local area covering 39 roads. The report proposed six schemes to be progressed and residents would be contacted by the Council to discuss the plans and what could be implemented.

Councillor Vincent Galligan noted that it was important that roads were accessible to emergency and refuse vehicles, and consultation would take place with local residents on any proposals for these roads.

Councillor Ruth Dombey thanked officers for including Calthorpe Road on the list of proposals and requested that ward councillors viewed the resident letter before it was sent out.

Resolved: That

1. A total of £9,000 be financed from the Local Transport Fund of £14,505 remaining for the Local Committee. The funding to cover investigation, Traffic Management Order and implementation costs for the schemes listed below.

Sutton Central Ward  Montpelier Road – Introduction of ‘footway parking’ to allow vehicles to park on both footways, ensuring sufficient space for prams and wheelchairs on the footways and allow safe passage for refuse trucks and emergency vehicles. In addition, the introduction of ‘at any time’ waiting restriction (double yellow lines) protection markings to prevent obstruction of driveways and junction protection, improve sightlines, and improve road safety.

3 Sutton Local Committee 8 September 2015

 Reading Road – Introduction of ‘at any time’ waiting restriction (double yellow lines) markings to prevent obstruction of driveways, improve sightlines, and improve road safety.

Sutton North Ward  Benhill Wood Road junction with All Saints Road – Introduction of ‘at any time’ waiting restriction (double yellow lines) junction protection, extended on the northern kerbline until the start of the controlled parking zone. These markings will prevent obstruction, obstruction of driveways, improve sightlines, and improve road safety.  Calthorpe Gardens – Introduction of ‘footway parking’ to allow vehicles to park on both footways, ensuring sufficient space for prams and wheelchairs on the footways and allow safe passage for refuse trucks and emergency vehicles. In addition, the introduction of ‘at any time’ waiting restriction (double yellow lines) protection markings to prevent obstruction of driveways and junction protections, improve sightlines, and improve road safety.

Sutton West Ward  Overton Road – Introduction of ‘at any time’ waiting restriction (double yellow lines) junction protection markings to prevent obstruction, improve sightlines, and improve road safety.  Salisbury Avenue – Introduction of ‘at any time’ waiting restriction (double yellow lines) junction protection marking to prevent obstruction, improve sightlines, and improve road safety.

2. Delegated responsibility to process, consider and resolve any objections received to the Traffic Management Orders be given to the Executive Head of Safer and Stronger Communities, in consultation with ward councillors and the Local Committee Chair.


The Head of Highways and Transport, Gary Smith, led an engagement session on concerns and issues relating to traffic and parking in the local area took place. Councillors and residents were encouraged to identify problem areas and suggest solutions.

The Head of Highways and Transport informed the Committee that all feedback, attached as an appendix, would be reviewed and analysed by Highways officers, and that a report would be brought to the next Local Committee with suggested ways forward.

Resolved: That a report on possible schemes to resolve parking and traffic issues be brought to the next Local Committee.


Councillors Marlene Heron and Vincent Galligan gave a Powerpoint presentation regarding the Local Plan and encouraged residents to get involved in the

4 Sutton Local Committee 8 September 2015 consultation process. The Local Plan is the Council’s core planning document that contains planning policies which the Council considers planning applications against.

As part of the preparation of this new Local Plan the Council wishes to engage in early discussions with residents and businesses. Whilst there are ‘formal’ stages of consultations the Council will engage with residents throughout.

The Local Plan covers a period of 15 years and could take up to two years to complete. It is needed to meet changing demands and trends and to ensure that growth is controlled and directed to appropriate areas to protect the quality and suburban nature of Sutton. It should set out a clear vision and be user friendly.

If residents would like to get involved or receive Local Plan notifications please email [email protected].

Councillor Marlene Heron confirmed that the Council was planning for the tramlink, if it is to be extended to Sutton, to ensure that no new developments would need to be re-sited. Furthermore, the Council had created a housing development company that would build affordable, social and private housing for sale.

Mr Hardy stated that it was important that the Local Plan not only considered housing and employment, but also sports and leisure facilities for residents. By using redundant buildings, such as empty office blocks, effectively recreational and green spaces could be provided to residents.

Concerns were raised that within central Sutton high density developments were taking place, which included high-rise buildings. Councillor Marlene Heron stated that high-rise developments were only allowed within town centres as it brought more vitality to the high streets. Sutton had a number of green spaces within close proximity to the high street which residents were able to take advantage of, and these spaces would be guarded against development.

Resolved: That an update from the consultation be brought to a future meeting of this Committee to ensure local conversation continues.


The Locality Lead Officer, Chantelle Swaby, introduced this report and also delivered a short presentation detailing some of the completed public realm schemes and progress on current schemes. The Committee were informed that scheme SL/1415.20 (Manor Park bird boxes) had been completed since the publication of the agenda.

The Head of Highways and Transport, Gary Smith, informed the Committee that progress was being made on the highways schemes, and that the Local Committee would receive a refund for scheme SL/1415.8 (Land opposite All Saints Church) as this would be funded from the Highways budget.

5 Sutton Local Committee 8 September 2015

The Chaucer Gardens scheme to resurface the pathway had been moved from the unfunded schemes and was to be considered for funding. The funds for this scheme were from the recycled funds from completed schemes.

The Committee were informed that £63,035 remained within the Public Realm budget and that councillors and residents could propose new schemes for funding by contacting the Locality Lead Officer. The Chair suggested that funding could be used to enhance the project to improve the northern end of the High Street or to invest in the redevelopment of the toilet block on Sutton Green.

Councillor Marlene Heron informed the Committee that the planters on the High Street and outside the Old Gasworks had been relocated to Throwley Way and Sutton Green. It was suggested that ahead of allocating funding next year for planters the locations are reviewed.


1. That £1,335 be allocated to the resurfacing of the footpath adjacent to the football pitch area in Chaucer Gardens. 2. Progress on current Public Realm schemes are noted. 3. That the net balance, under Appendix A – Section 5 of the report, be recycled back to unallocated balances for completed schemes.


The Locality Lead Officer, Chantelle Swaby, introduced the report and notified the committee that five Neighbourhood Grants had been awarded since the last Local Committee meeting under delegated authority.

The committee were informed that there was a remaining budget of £3,819 for Neighbourhood Grants for 2015/16.

Resolved: To note

1. Sutton Team Youth Group were awarded £1000 towards subsidising family costs for their active residential trip. 2. Collingwood Residents Association were awarded £500 towards their fund day. 3. Neighbourhood Watch were awarded £350 for targeted work within Sutton local wards. 4. Chaucer Estate Resident Association were awarded £500 towards a summer fun day. 5. Friends of Rosehill Park were awarded £540 for their community picnic.


No urgent items were discussed.

6 Sutton Local Committee 8 September 2015


The Committee noted that the next meeting will take place on 3 November 2015 at 7pm at the Salvation Army, Benhill Road, Sutton.

The meeting ended at 9.20 pm

Chair: Date:


Report to: Sutton Local Committee Date: 3 November 2015

Report title: Proposed Cycle Facilities on the Transport for London Road Network

Report from: Mary Morrissey Strategic Director, Environment, Housing & Regeneration

Ward/Areas affected: Borough Wide

Chair of Committee/Lead Councillor Marlene Heron Member: Author(s)/Contact Lynn Robinson, Senior Engineer, Highways and Transport Number(s): 020 8770 6461

Corporate Plan Priorities:  A Green Council

Open/Exempt: Open

Signed: Date: 8 October 2015

1. Summary

1.1 The report outlines a number of cycling infrastructure schemes on the Transport for London highway network (A217, A232 and A24) that have been suggested by the Sutton representatives of the London Cycling Campaign and supported in principle by officers. With the support of Councillors, the cycling infrastructure schemes will be presented to Transport for London for consideration.

2. Recommendations

2.1 To consider and agree the list of cycling infrastructure schemes for this local committee, as shown on Appendix A.

2.2 Agree that the list of schemes be presented to Transport for London for consideration.

3. Background

3.1 As part of the London Cycling Campaign’s (LCC) ‘space for cycling’ campaign across London in 2014, each LCC Borough representative was asked to come up with a list of improvements or new cycling facilities for each ward within the borough they represent (‘Ward Asks’) and then ask all the councillors to support the proposals. For further explanation, see the link to the LCC website - LCC Sutton representatives are a keen group of cyclists who would like to see an improvement to cycling facilities in the Borough. They produced a report, ‘Get Sutton Cycling’, proposing cycling measures in each of the wards for this borough. The link to this document is e2014.pdf

3.2 As a result of the initiative ten Sutton Councillors signed up to the Ward Asks. They are Councillors Neil Garrett, Ed Joyce, Manuel Abellan, Patrick McManus, Amy Haldane, Richard Clifton, Trish Fivey, Kevin Burke, Simon Wales and Hanna Zuchowska.

3.3 Officers were asked to look through the report and to bring their recommendations to the local committees; firstly on the measures on the TfL road network.

3.4 Appendix A shows all the proposals that are on the TfL network with officer comments and recommendations. This report will be presented to each of the local committees.

4. Issues

4.1 Officers agree in principle to the proposals on the TfL network as they are intended to make cycling more attractive and comfortable for existing cyclists and to encourage new cyclists.

4.2 Once all the local committees have agreed to the proposals the list will be sent to TfL for consideration. TfL are more likely to implement these proposals if they have the agreement of all the Councillors.

4.3 The next step will be to liaise with TfL to establish when funding would become available to progress any of the proposals. All the proposals have benefits for cycling but if TfL ask for a priority list, Officers suggest the A217 first as a lot of the infrastructure is already in place. The A24 would be second priority as London Road is a direct route between North and Morden, linking to a Cycle Superhighway. The A232 would be third priority as there is an existing cycle route running parallel for most of its length which is due to be upgraded to a Quietway cycle route.

5. Options Considered

5.1 The proposals suggested are based on general principles so no detailed design has been undertaken at this time. However, in principle, the introduction of cycle friendly measures has the potential to reduce road traffic capacity for other modes of transport. Once TfL has investigated each of the proposals, options will be considered in liaison with officers.

5.2 Officers will ensure that the local committee is kept up to date and consulted on any scheme that is progressed.

6. Impacts and Implications


6.1 There are no financial implications at this stage. Legal

6.2 There are no legal implications at this stage.

7. Appendices and Background Documents

Appendix Letter Title A London Cycling Campaign Ward Asks on Transport for London roads

Background Documents None

Audit Trail Version Final Date: 8 October 2015

Consultation with other officers Officer Comments Sought Comments checked by Finance No N/A Legal No N/A


London Cycling Campaign Ward Asks on Transport for London roads

London Cycling Campaign definition of –

Protected space on main roads and at junctions

Main roads are often the worst places for cycling because of fast moving and heavy traffic, yet they are crucial to so many journeys in London. Creation of protected cycle lanes and the redesign of major junctions are needed to create safe Space for Cycling on main roads. This is high on the wish-list of many people who currently already cycle in Sutton. The provision of protected space is through segregation from motorised vehicles and pedestrians. Different types of segregation includes full segregation using full height kerbs etc. to provide a continuous route for cyclists or ‘lightly segregated’ or ‘kerbed’ cycle paths. For more information LCC have issued, “Creating Space for Cycling: a guide for councillors”; London Cycling Campaign; June 2015 Available from: cycling-guide-for-councillors Dutch-standard crossing points could include - (modified to be relevant to the UK highway code)  Signalled junctions with by-pass tracks for cyclists wishing to turn left.  Signalled junctions, with low traffic levels, have UK style Advanced Stop Line cycle boxes to allow easy right turns.  Busier junctions which have separate tracks with cycle only traffic lights, sometimes with twice as many green phases as for other traffic.  Some large junctions have a green ‘scramble phase’ allowing all cyclists to cross in any direction.  At crossings of major trunk roads there could be totally separate routes, going under the roadway, enabling cyclists to continue through without stopping or having to give way.  Side junctions in towns typically have raised entry treatments.  Cycle lanes have been marked across the junction to indicate the space a cyclist requires and to reduce the likelihood of collisions with left-turning vehicles

This information is from LCC “Lessons from the Netherlands” document October 2011.

Proposals - Beddington North – Beddington & Wallington Local Committee LCC proposals are - Theme: Protected space on main roads and at junctions

A232 - Protected space for cyclists on Croydon Road A232 - Dutch-standard crossing points on Croydon Road

Officer comment is – Protected space for cyclists is the safest form of cycling facility as long as the provision is designed correctly. Safety is one of the biggest reasons given by people for not cycling. The London Cycle Design Standards 2014 recommend that cyclists should be segregated from traffic where there are high levels of traffic. The A232 has high levels of traffic. In principle, officers support the protected space for cyclists on A232 however as there is a parallel route using quieter residential roads to the north of A232 this would not be a priority. Ideally, protected space should be on each side of the road rather than two-way on one side of the raod as on a section of Croydon Road.

Recommendation - Agree that the proposals should be presented to Transport for London for consideration.

Wallington North – Beddington & Wallington Local Committee LCC proposals are - Theme: Protected space on main roads and at junctions A232 - Improvements for cyclists on the A232.

Officer comment is – Protected space for cyclists is the safest form of cycling facility as long as the provision is designed correctly. Safety is one of the biggest reasons given by people for not cycling. The London Cycle Design Standard 2014 recommends that cyclists should be segregated from traffic where there are high levels of traffic. The A232 has high levels of traffic. In principle, officers support the protected space for cyclists on A232 however as there is a parallel route using quieter residential roads to the north of A232 this would not be a priority.

Recommendation - Agree that the proposals should be presented to Transport for London for consideration.

Cheam – Sutton South, Cheam and Belmont Local committee LCC proposals are - Theme: 20mph speed limits A232 - Implement a 20mph speed limit in Cheam Village including A232 A217 - Engage with TfL to upgrade the cycle paths on A217

Officer comment is – 20mph speed limits and zones create an attractive and safer environment for cyclists. In principle, officers support the 20mph speed limit in Cheam Village as it is a local shopping area with high levels of pedestrian activity. In principle, officers support the up-grade of the off-road segregated cycle paths along A217. The route needs better cycling priority at junctions to improve the directness and coherence of the route.

Recommendation - Agree that the proposals should be presented to Transport for London for consideration.

Nonsuch – Cheam North and Worcester Park Local Committee Theme: Protected space on main roads and at junctions A24 - Improve links to the Greenway in Nonsuch Park and the proposed Quietway on LCN route 75 via the centre of North Cheam on A24 (NB. Ward Councillors have already expressed support for an off road cycle track running alongside the A24 London Road from the borough boundary/Nonsuch Park to The Spinney.)

A24 - Improvements for cyclists in North Cheam district centre along the A24 and continuing north to Stonecot and Morden.

Officer comment is – Officers are working with the cycling groups and Surrey County Council to establish a cycle route between Nonsuch Park and Worcester Park. A good cycling facility across the A24 at Sparrow Farm Road is supported by officers. Officers will be working with TfL on a good cycling facility across the A24 at Lloyd Road and Fairlands Park as part of the Quietways project. In principle, officers support improvements for cyclists along the A24 as this a direct route between North Cheam and Morden.

Recommendation - Agree that the proposals should be presented to Transport for London for consideration.

Stonecot – Cheam North and Worcester Park Local Committee Theme: Protected space on main roads and at junctions A24 - Protected space / segregation to improve cycle facilities on the A24 Stonecot Hill

Officer comment is - In principle, officers support improvements for cyclists along the A24 as this is a direct route between North Cheam and Morden. If protected space / segregation is to be proposed it must be direct and high quality to give cyclists the same priority and speeds as cycling on the carriageway.

Recommendation - Agree that the proposal should be presented to Transport for London for consideration.

St. Helier – St. Helier, The Wrythe and Wandle Valley Local committee Theme: Protected space on main roads and at junctions A217 - Redesign Rosehill roundabout to provide protected space for cyclists with a fully signalised perimeter path A217 - Upgrades to the segregated cycle paths on Reigate Avenue and St. Helier Avenue

Officer comment is – In principle, officers support improvements for cyclists at Rosehill roundabout to provide a safe and direct route on the A217 cycle path and other routes. In principle, officers support the up-grade of the off-road segregated cycle paths along A217. The route needs better cycling priority at junctions to improve the directness and coherence of the route. However, proposals for Rosehill roundabout should take into account the plans for Tramlink there.

Recommendation - Agree that the proposals should be presented to Transport for London for consideration.

Sutton North – Sutton Local Committee Theme: Protected space on main roads and at junctions A217 - The council should work with TfL to upgrade the existing segregated cycle track along the A217 to Dutch standards

Officer comment is – In principle, officers support the up-grade of the off-road segregated cycle paths along A217. The route needs better cycling priority at junctions to improve the directness and coherence of the route.

Recommendation - Agree that the proposal should be presented to Transport for London for consideration.

Sutton West – Sutton Local Committee Theme: Removal of through motor traffic A217 - Major upgrade of the A217 cycle path with Dutch-style crossing points at Sears Park to Love Lane and Alberta Avenue to Churchill Road.

Officer comment is – In principle, officers support the up-grade of the off-road segregated cycle paths along A217. The route needs better cycling priority at junctions to improve the directness and coherence of the route. In principle, officers support improved crossing points at Sears Park to Love Lane as this is part of the cycle route between Cheam and Sutton but feel the existing Toucan crossing between Alberta Avenue and Churchill Road is adequate.

Recommendation - Agree that the proposals should be presented to Transport for London for consideration.

Carshalton Central – Carshalton and Clockhouse Local Committee Theme: Removal of through motor traffic A232 – The A232 in this ward is not directly affected by the proposal to stop rat running between Ruskin Road and Carshalton High Street by closing one or more side roads but it may be affected by the displacement of traffic.

Officer comment is – TfL will not be asked to consider this scheme as the proposal is to close roads on the borough road network. Should this proposal be progressed by the borough in the future officers will need to consult TfL. As Beddington North ward councillors and Wallington North councillors have been asked to consider protected space proposals for the A232, officers would support in principle protected space measures for the whole length of A232 to achieve a good continuous route between Cheam and Croydon.

Recommendation – Agree that the protected space proposal for the whole of the A232 should be presented to Transport for London for consideration. Report to: Sutton Local Committee Date: 3 November 2015

Report title: Planning for Traffic & Parking Engagement Outcomes

Report from: Mary Morrissey, Strategic Director of Environment Housing and Regeneration

Ward/Areas affected: Sutton Central, Sutton North and Sutton West

Chair of Committee/Lead Councillor Marlene Heron Member: Author(s)/Contact Warren Shadbolt, Executive Head of Safer and Stronger Communities, Number(s): Gary Smith, Head of Highways, 020 8649 0605

Corporate Plan Priorities: ● A Green Council

Open/Exempt: Open

Date: 20 October 2015

1 Summary

1.1 This report outlines the process undertaken in respect of the prioritisation and request for funding of minor parking schemes within the Sutton Local Committee area for 2015-16.

1.2 This report also outlines the planning for the traffic and parking engagement outcomes for the Sutton Local Committee.

2 Recommendations

It is recommended that the Committee:

2.1 Approve £7,505 Local Transport Fund to cover the investigation, Traffic Management Order and implementation costs for the proposed minor parking schemes listed below; and

2.2 Delegate authority to process, consider and resolve any objections received to the Traffic Management Orders, to the Executive Head of Safer and Stronger Communities, in consultation with ward councillors and the Local Committee Chair.

2.3 To agree to commence informal consultation on the possible Parking Control Zone areas identified on the plan in Appendix C.

2.4 To agree to commence informal consultation on the possible 20mph limit areas identified on the plan in Appendix D. Proposed schemes

Sutton West Ward

Elizabeth Close Extension of ‘at any time’ waiting restriction (double yellow lines) from the junction protection on the southern kerb line to the rear of No 1 Elizabeth Close markings to prevent obstruction, improve sightlines, and improve road safety by reducing the probability of a road traffic incident.

Quarry Park Road junction with Fairholme Road and Revel Road Introduction of ‘at any time’ waiting restriction (double yellow lines) junction protection markings to prevent obstruction, improve sightlines, and improve road safety by reducing the probability of a road traffic incident.

Salisbury Avenue Upgrade the existing ‘Monday to Friday 8:00am - 6:30pm’ waiting restriction (single yellow lines) to ‘at any time’ waiting restriction (double yellow lines) junction protection markings to prevent obstruction, improve sightlines, and improve road safety by reducing the probability of a road traffic incident.

3 Background

3.1 Requests for new or amended parking restrictions are received by officers from local residents, Ward Councillors and MPs on behalf of their constituents on a regular basis.

3.2 These requests are considered by officers, checked to see if practicable and added to a database awaiting future consideration, when and if, suitable funding should become available.

3.3 At present Borough-wide there are more than 320 requests for minor parking arrangements covering 256 streets. In the Sutton Local Committee area there are currently 49 requests for 39 streets.

3.4 Funding for parking restrictions is usually requested from one of two funding streams:

 Local Transport Fund (LTF): A discretionary sum of £100,000 from Transport for London’s (TfL) annual Local Implementation Plan (LIP) allocation to the borough split between all Local Committees.

 Public Realm Funding: Council capital funding allocated annually across all Local Committees based on the population per area.

3.5 At the Sutton Local Committee on 8 September 2015, an engagement session was held and 53 issues were raised these are included in Appendix A. These issues have been reviewed and the outcomes of the engagement are a list of 68 solutions, these are included in Appendix B. Three of these solutions have been included in the minor parking schemes, which are detailed above. 3.6 Using an holistic approach, the 68 solutions have been divided between possible parking control zone areas (these are included in Appendix C) and possible 20mph limit areas (these are included in Appendix D).

4 Process – Minor Parking Proposals

4.1 Once identified and approved, all parking restrictions require further investigation which would normally include the following:-

 Site visits; problem diagnosis, analysis, solution development, traffic flow and safety assessment;  Production of scheme drawings;  Informal public consultation with residents/businesses;  Revision of scheme drawings following informal consultation (if required);  Formal Traffic Order consultation to enable Council enforcement;  Determination of responses and objections;  Issuing a works instruction to contractors and supervising the implementation on the ground;  Liaison with Councillors, members of the public, road users and businesses; and  Liaising with Parking Services over matters of enforcement.

4.2 As part of the formal consultation process, notices are advertised in a local paper and The London Gazette. Whenever possible, a number of parking schemes are combined into one traffic management order to reduce costs and make more effective use of limited resources. However, a typical traffic order costs about £2,000 to £3,000, excluding non-statutory consultation and design costs.

4.3 As the proposals are to be treated as a single batch, all of the processes will be streamlined to ensure value for money. The budget request therefore covers all of the proposals for this batch.

4.4 Requests for parking restrictions are often received in response to issues raised by a sole resident which can, on occasion, be a perceived rather than actual problem.

4.5 As a result schemes identified for priority action need to represent those where there are recognised safety issues and which are likely to be supported, rather than generating objections. However, it should be noted that the Council does have the authority to override objections were it to consider that restrictions were necessary on road safety grounds.

Process – Major Traffic and Parking Proposals

4.6 The areas shown in Appendix C and D are proposed for informal consultation. The process would normally include:-

 Determination of Parking Strategy;  Production of consultation material;  Informal public consultation with residents/businesses;  Analysis of informal public consultation;  Preparation of scheme drawings following informal consultation;  Local Committee Approval;  Formal Traffic Order consultation to enable Council enforcement;  Determination of responses and objections;  Issuing a works instruction to contractors and supervising the implementation on the ground;  Liaison with Councillors, members of the public, road users and businesses; and  Liaising with Parking Services over matters of enforcement.

5 Options Considered

5.1 Information relating to the assessment of the minor parking schemes, where 49 requests for 39 streets within the Sutton Local Committee area have been received, was circulated for consideration to the Chair and Vice Chair at a meeting held on 15 October 2015.

5.2 At the same meeting schemes were selected for the remaining 2015-16 programme, taking into account the Local Transport Fund (LTF) budget for the year.

5.3 At the same meeting, the outcomes of the engagement from the 8 September 2015 Local Committee were presented (the 53 issues raised are included in Appendix A). These issues have been reviewed and the outcomes of the engagement are included in Appendix B. Out of the 68 solutions, 3 have been included in the minor parking schemes.

5.4 Possible parking controls can include, but are not limited to, the following:

Controlled Parking Zones, Disabled Bays, Loading Bays, Loading Restrictions, Permit Parking Areas, Restricted Parking Zones, School Clearways, School Protection Zones, Town Centre Protection Zones, & Waiting Restrictions.

6 Impacts and Implications


6.1 For the minor parking schemes the costs of design, informal consultation, statutory Traffic Order consultation and implementation of £7,505 can be funded from the requested LTF Capital Funding.

6.2 For the planning for traffic and parking informal consultations, all revenue costs are covered by existing revenue budgets.


6.3 The Council is the Traffic Authority for its administrative area and is empowered under the provisions of the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984 to make traffic orders controlling or regulating vehicular and other traffic. Any proposed traffic order would be made in accordance with the detailed provisions of the Local Authorities Traffic Orders (Procedure) (England and Wales) Regulations 1996 (SI No.1996/2989). This includes consultation, publication of notice of any proposed order, consideration of any objections received before any order is confirmed and giving notice of any order made.

Other impacts and implications: equalities and community safety

6.4 The proposals will improve safety and the perception of safety at these locations and improve access for vulnerable people and those with restricted mobility. 7 Appendices and Background Documents

Appendix Letter Title A Sutton Local - Parking Engagement Feedback B Sutton Local Committee Engagement Outcomes C Possible Parking Control Zone Areas D Possible 20mph Zone Areas

Background Documents None

Audit Trail Version Final Date: 19 October 2015

Consultation with other officers Officer Comments Sought Comments checked by Finance Yes Tony Cooke Legal Yes David Fellows

Sutton Local - Parking Engagement Feedback Appendix A

Please note that the requesters issue and the requesters proposed solution, are word for word what was written by the requester at the engagement held on 8 September 2015 at the Sutton Local Committee.

Reference No. Street Name Ward Requesters Issue Requesters Proposed Solution

Concern about the proposed change of timing in the permit zone, there are not enough spaces for the existing residents as Alfred Road Sutton Central SLE 5 - it stands and once people come home from work they would have nowhere to park

Car dealer parking cars in Benhill Road and surrounding roads for upto 6 months, cars Benhill Road Sutton Central SLE 2 - are old and of no value, should check MOT and tax

Parking by a car traders cars left for upto 6 Benhill Road Sutton Central SLE 104 months, possible CPZ with space for 3-10 CPZ cars Sutton Local - Parking Engagement Feedback Appendix A

Please note that the requesters issue and the requesters proposed solution, are word for word what was written by the requester at the engagement held on 8 September 2015 at the Sutton Local Committee.

Reference No. Street Name Ward Requesters Issue Requesters Proposed Solution

Parking by lorries during the international Brunswick Road Sutton Central SLE 103 market Wardens to cover Need wardens to cover these events

On the red route near the mosque, the road bends inwards for about 20 yards Carshalton Road Sutton Central SLE 4 20 yards of double red line (TFL) making it difficult to pass, sometimes there is parking on the pavements

Constance Road Sutton Central SLE 148 CPZ required CPZ Sutton Local - Parking Engagement Feedback Appendix A

Please note that the requesters issue and the requesters proposed solution, are word for word what was written by the requester at the engagement held on 8 September 2015 at the Sutton Local Committee.

Reference No. Street Name Ward Requesters Issue Requesters Proposed Solution

Crown Road / Too small (potentially) when old gas works is Collingwood Road Sutton Central SLE 143 Open to suggestions developed (roundabout)

Greenford Road Sutton Central SLE 102 Parking on Sundays near Christmas Extend hours of parking

Lind Road Great roundabout however stop it being Speed tables at Benhill Avenue and Lower Sutton Central SLE 144 (roundabout) used as a chicane Road Sutton Local - Parking Engagement Feedback Appendix A

Please note that the requesters issue and the requesters proposed solution, are word for word what was written by the requester at the engagement held on 8 September 2015 at the Sutton Local Committee.

Reference No. Street Name Ward Requesters Issue Requesters Proposed Solution

Traffic calming Raised tables Lower Road Sutton Central SLE 145 Tesco parking Traffic management Speeding Parking / deliveries cessation

Non-residents parking all day M&S staff, Sutton staff Extend CPZ to Benhill Road, Oliver Road, Montpelier Road Sutton Central SLE 1 and pupils, Manor Park School staff and Constance Road and Thicket Crescent vans parking over the weekend

Montpelier Road Sutton Central SLE 149 CPZ required CPZ Sutton Local - Parking Engagement Feedback Appendix A

Please note that the requesters issue and the requesters proposed solution, are word for word what was written by the requester at the engagement held on 8 September 2015 at the Sutton Local Committee.

Reference No. Street Name Ward Requesters Issue Requesters Proposed Solution

Morland Road Sutton Central SLE 106 One way road misused Camera

Oliver Road Sutton Central SLE 147 CPZ required CPZ

Parking being allowed at minicab business opposite police station, opposite Choices, Orme Road / SLE and both sides of Morrisons when parking is Carshalton Road / Sutton Central - 352 351 359 being strictly observed elsewhere in the Throwley Way borough, this turns these sites into motoring pinch points. Especially bad outside police station causing people to jump lanes Sutton Local - Parking Engagement Feedback Appendix A

Please note that the requesters issue and the requesters proposed solution, are word for word what was written by the requester at the engagement held on 8 September 2015 at the Sutton Local Committee.

Reference No. Street Name Ward Requesters Issue Requesters Proposed Solution

Palmerston Road Sutton Central SLE 146 One way Turn into one way street

Ownership and management of road at Identify who owns the road Rosebery Gardens Sutton Central SLE 142 the side of Salvation Army as it is being Maintain and police parking abused

St Barnabas Road Sutton Central SLE 150 CPZ required CPZ Sutton Local - Parking Engagement Feedback Appendix A

Please note that the requesters issue and the requesters proposed solution, are word for word what was written by the requester at the engagement held on 8 September 2015 at the Sutton Local Committee.

Reference No. Street Name Ward Requesters Issue Requesters Proposed Solution

Concerns about spillover from all the flats being parked out of hours in the Sutton Court Road Sutton Central SLE 3 - surrounding roads and causing difficulties with the works on the road

Parking to use the shops, one side of Sydney Sydney Road Sutton Central SLE 105 Camera Road misused

Continue the traffic wardens visiting at Warwick Road Sutton Central SLE 101 Continue traffic wardens school time Sutton Local - Parking Engagement Feedback Appendix A

Please note that the requesters issue and the requesters proposed solution, are word for word what was written by the requester at the engagement held on 8 September 2015 at the Sutton Local Committee.

Reference No. Street Name Ward Requesters Issue Requesters Proposed Solution

Waterloo Road Sutton Central SLE 107 Parking, wants CPZ CPZ

All Saints Road Sutton North SLE 252 Speeding traffic outside school Review effectiveness of current measures

Local mechanic garage taking up several parking spaces Propsed solution is residents permits but Aultone Way Sutton North SLE 206 Very narrow and heavily parked as nearby local residents aren't keen conservation closes have no offstreet parking Sutton Local - Parking Engagement Feedback Appendix A

Please note that the requesters issue and the requesters proposed solution, are word for word what was written by the requester at the engagement held on 8 September 2015 at the Sutton Local Committee.

Reference No. Street Name Ward Requesters Issue Requesters Proposed Solution

Elgin Road / Benhill Sutton North SLE 251 Dangerous junction Mini roundabout Wood Road

Overnight and weekend parking of Elgin Road / Benhill Extension of existing yellow lines to junction Sutton North commercial vehicles. Petition presented to Wood Road with All Saints Road Local Committee one year ago

Commercial van problem, where should General Locations Sutton North SLE 255 - they park? Sutton Local - Parking Engagement Feedback Appendix A

Please note that the requesters issue and the requesters proposed solution, are word for word what was written by the requester at the engagement held on 8 September 2015 at the Sutton Local Committee.

Reference No. Street Name Ward Requesters Issue Requesters Proposed Solution

Parking can be impossible due to resident Resident in question to be told he needs Greenhill Sutton North SLE 208 selling used cars leaving them parked on premises to sell his cars the street

Road seriously obstructed at school intake Grennell Close Sutton North SLE 205 Further enforcement required and exit times

Sightlines impeded by vans parked across Extend double yellow lines so that vehicle Grennell Road Sutton North SLE 201 dropped kerb, if vehicle is parked opposite cannot park opposite then resident at No 104 cannot get out Sutton Local - Parking Engagement Feedback Appendix A

Please note that the requesters issue and the requesters proposed solution, are word for word what was written by the requester at the engagement held on 8 September 2015 at the Sutton Local Committee.

Reference No. Street Name Ward Requesters Issue Requesters Proposed Solution

Already overcrowded, needs parking Residents parking Grennell Road Sutton North SLE 202 management to cater for additional traffic Traffic wardens to enforce those stopping from staff and pupils at school on zig zags to reduce congestion

Hallmead Road Sutton North SLE 258 Displaced parking from town centre -

Residential short stay parking bay for pick Parking outside fish and chip shop High Street Sutton North SLE 256 up of goods from shops immediately restricted to delivery and taxis only overlooking the parking area Sutton Local - Parking Engagement Feedback Appendix A

Please note that the requesters issue and the requesters proposed solution, are word for word what was written by the requester at the engagement held on 8 September 2015 at the Sutton Local Committee.

Reference No. Street Name Ward Requesters Issue Requesters Proposed Solution

Double yellow lines at junction helped but Leafield Road / now vans park opposite each other Extend double yellow lines down one side Sutton North SLE 203 Clensham Lane Emergency services have commented on of road how unsafe this makes it

Parking on the corners from Greenshaw Longfield Gardens Sutton North SLE 257 - and from car dealer

Displacement of parked cars caused by Montrose Gardens Sutton North SLE 253 - new restrictions in Monksdene Sutton Local - Parking Engagement Feedback Appendix A

Please note that the requesters issue and the requesters proposed solution, are word for word what was written by the requester at the engagement held on 8 September 2015 at the Sutton Local Committee.

Reference No. Street Name Ward Requesters Issue Requesters Proposed Solution

Northspur Road / Enforcement of double yellow line Westbourne School using new Swallows Close / Sutton North SLE 210 restrictions and installation of speed development for parking Anton Crescent restriction signs and road markings

No access for devliery vans / refuse Relocate bins to end of road so that refuse collections collection is carried out Ranfurly Road Sutton North SLE 207 Residents refused permission for dropped Review the parallel parking situation in the kerbs road

Sutton Common Review effectiveness of parking bays in the Sutton North SLE 254 - Road road between the station and Angel Hill Sutton Local - Parking Engagement Feedback Appendix A

Please note that the requesters issue and the requesters proposed solution, are word for word what was written by the requester at the engagement held on 8 September 2015 at the Sutton Local Committee.

Reference No. Street Name Ward Requesters Issue Requesters Proposed Solution

Traffic outside Robin Hood Juniors school at More wardens or CCTV vans to encourage Thorncroft Road Sutton North SLE 204 drop off and pick up times parents to park in St Nicholas carpark

Parking scheme has helped until new Revisit footway parking and inform new Vermont Road Sutton North SLE 209 resident moved in resident of the current scheme

Too many cars parked on street causing obstruction to refuse and emergency Residents interested in 1 hour restrictions on vehicles parking to solve commuter problems, also Waverley Avenue Sutton North SLE 300 Caused by displaced parking from footway parking (would remove grass neighbouring parking schemes and verges) commuter parking from Sutton Common Station and the High Street Sutton Local - Parking Engagement Feedback Appendix A

Please note that the requesters issue and the requesters proposed solution, are word for word what was written by the requester at the engagement held on 8 September 2015 at the Sutton Local Committee.

Reference No. Street Name Ward Requesters Issue Requesters Proposed Solution

Extrend red lines at junction with A217 Extend red lines - TFL Alberta Avenue Sutton West SLE 303 Junction with Frederick Road Parking for maisonettes inside their grounds Too much parking from maisonettes

Ashton Close Sutton West SLE 302 Football club parking / commuters Engage with SUFC

Parents from Sutton High School all over Homefield Park Sutton West SLE 305 Enforce school travel plans the place Sutton Local - Parking Engagement Feedback Appendix A

Please note that the requesters issue and the requesters proposed solution, are word for word what was written by the requester at the engagement held on 8 September 2015 at the Sutton Local Committee.

Reference No. Street Name Ward Requesters Issue Requesters Proposed Solution

Taxis parking, particularly after 6.30pm Mulgrave Road Sutton West SLE 310 Enforce parking Wardens are threatened by drivers

Phase 1 of Village Row has already been Parking and access impeded for residents consulted informally with residents in favour Mulgrave Road / and their visitors due to people in flats and of CPZ, phase 2 cunsulting needed via Sutton West SLE 353 Village Row houses in Mulgrave Road + colluters using management company Village Row for long stay parking Phase 1 would like formal consultation to being as soon as possible

Norman Road Sutton West SLE 301 Commuter & school parking Enforce school travel plans Sutton Local - Parking Engagement Feedback Appendix A

Please note that the requesters issue and the requesters proposed solution, are word for word what was written by the requester at the engagement held on 8 September 2015 at the Sutton Local Committee.

Reference No. Street Name Ward Requesters Issue Requesters Proposed Solution

Robin Hood Lane Sutton West SLE 307 School parking Enforce school travel plans

Planning application for Arms Cottage Seears Park Sutton West SLE 308 inside park, turning in and out of A217 Officers to visit Overflow parking in Quarry Park Road

One resident with about 20 cars parked in St Albans Road Sutton West SLE 311 Get him to move them street Sutton Local - Parking Engagement Feedback Appendix A

Please note that the requesters issue and the requesters proposed solution, are word for word what was written by the requester at the engagement held on 8 September 2015 at the Sutton Local Committee.

Reference No. Street Name Ward Requesters Issue Requesters Proposed Solution

Sutton United Parking management is now in force on Sutton West SLE 304 Parking overflow on game day Football Club game day

School parking from Homefield Preparatory Western Road Sutton West SLE 306 Enforce school travel plans school

Westfield Road / Poor sightlines on junctions Sutton West SLE 309 Officer to visit to assess potential scheme Elmbrook Road Access difficulties Sutton Local Committee Engagement Outcomes Appendix B

Parking request Street name Ward Request Type Issue Requester's proposed solution Proposal / Comments schedule reference No.

Concern about the proposed change of timing in the permit zone, there are Sutton Parking Control not enough spaces for the existing Possible extension of Green parking Alfred Road SLE 5 - Central Zone residents as it stands and once people control zone come home from work they would have nowhere to park Ownership and management of road Sutton Identify who owns the road This road is unnamed and Unadopted Benhill Avenue SLE 142 Enforcement at the side of Salvation Army as it is Central Maintain and police parking highway being abused If vehicles have valid road tax they Car dealer parking cars in Benhill Road are entitled to park on the public Sutton and surrounding roads for upto 6 highway Benhill Road SLE 2 Other - Central months, cars are old and of no value, To Report Vehicles contact DVLA should check MOT and tax vehicle Parking by a car traders cars left for Sutton Parking Control upto 6 months, possible parking control Possible parking control Purple Purple Benhill Road SLE 104 Parking control zone Central Zone zone with space for zone C 3-10 cars Sutton Parking Control Benhill Road 1046 Non residents parking on road Parking control zone Possible parking control Purple zone C Central Zone Parking by lorries during the Sutton This is an issue for the town centre Brunswick Road SLE 103 Enforcement international market Wardens to cover Central manager or Parking Services Need wardens to cover these events On the red route near the mosque, the Sutton road bends inwards for about 20 yards Contact TFL to investigate possible Carshalton Road SLE 4 Other 20 yards of double red line (TFL) Central making it difficult to pass, sometimes implementation there is parking on the pavements Sutton Parking Control Possible extension of Blue parking Constance Road SLE 148 Parking control zone required Parking control zone Central Zone control zone Crown Road / Sutton Too small (potentially) when old gas Collingwood Road SLE 143 Other Open to suggestions Enforcement issue Central works is developed (roundabout) Sutton Waiting Greenford Road SLE 102 Parking on Sundays near Christmas Extend hours of parking Review hours of operation Central restrictions Over 5 accidents in last five years Lind Road Sutton Great roundabout however stop it Speed tables at Benhill Avenue and SLE 144 Traffic (roundabout) Central being used as a chicane Lower Road Undertake ATC survey Traffic calming Raised tables 3-5 accidents in last 5 years Sutton Lower Road SLE 145 Traffic Tesco parking Traffic management Central Speeding Parking / deliveries cessation Undertake ATC survey Non-residents parking all day M&S staff, Sutton Grammar School Extend parking control zone to Benhill Sutton Parking Control Possible extension of Blue parking Montpelier Road SLE 1 staff and pupils, Manor Park School Road, Oliver Road, Constance Road Central Zone control zone staff and vans parking over the and Thicket Crescent weekend Sutton Parking Control Possible extension of Blue parking Montpelier Road SLE 149 Parking control zone required Parking control zone Central Zone control zone Sutton Morland Road SLE 106 Enforcement One way road misused Camera Enforcement issue Central Drivers ignore one way system and No 0 accidents on road in last five years Sutton Entry sign Speed reducing measures of any kind... Morland Road 1089 Traffic Central Big problem with speeding motorists on Camera, speed tables, enforcement No further action road Sutton Parking Control Possible extension of Blue parking Oliver Road SLE 147 Parking control zone required Parking control zone Central Zone control zone Parking being allowed at minicab business opposite police station, opposite Choices, and both sides of Orme Road / Morrisons when parking is being strictly Sutton SLE Carshalton Road / Enforcement observed elsewhere in the borough, - Enforcement issue / Red route Central 352 351 359 Throwley Way this turns these sites into motoring pinch points. Especially bad outside police station causing people to jump lanes Not a parking issue Sutton Palmerston Road SLE 146 Traffic One way Turn into one way street Central Contact traffic Sutton Parking Control Possible extension of Green parking St Barnabas Road SLE 150 Parking control zone required Parking control zone Central Zone control zone Concerns about spillover from all the If cars are correctly parked in the Sutton flats being parked out of hours in the roads then no issue, if vehicles are Sutton Court Road SLE 3 Enforcement - Central surrounding roads and causing parked in parking control zones then difficulties with the works on the road it's an enforcement issue Propose junction protection waiting restricition at junction with Wings Sutton Waiting Parking to use the shops, one side of Sydney Road SLE 105 Camera Close, extending along northern Central restrictions Sydney Road misused kerbline between Collingwood Road and Wings Close Sutton Parking Control Wanting increased parking control Possible extension of Blue parking Thicket Crescent 1068 Parking control zone Central Zone zone control zone Small non-dropped kerb between Propose splitting parking bay and Sutton Waiting dropped kerbs inside parking bay, introducing double yellow line waiting Vernon Road 1071 Revise bay or yellow lines Central restrictions when car is parked here resident can't restrictions at shared dropped kerb get out outside Nos 29 and 31 Sutton Continue the traffic wardens visiting Warwick Road SLE 101 Enforcement Continue traffic wardens Enforcement issue Central at school time Sutton Parking Control Possible extension of Green parking Waterloo Road SLE 107 Parking, wants parking control zone Parking control zone Central Zone control zone 3-5 accidents in last 5 years Sutton Review effectiveness of current All Saints Road SLE 252 Traffic Speeding traffic outside school North measures Undertake ATC survey Local mechanic garage taking up several parking spaces Sutton Parking Control Proposed solution is residents permits but Aultone Way SLE 206 Very narrow and heavily parked as Possible parking control Purple zone C North Zone local residents aren't keen nearby conservation closes have no offstreet parking Issues with level of non resident parking Sutton Parking Control from rail commuters and local garage. Would like resident parking bays or Aultone Way 938 Possible parking control Purple zone C North Zone Made worse by new yellow lines allocated bays introduced in other roads. Sutton Waiting Residents are experiencing blocking of Benhilton Gardens 1093 Hour restriction AM and PM suggested Enforcement issue North restrictions crossovers Sutton Parking Control Blenheim Road 1076 Would like permit parking in road Parking control zone Possible parking control Purple zone B North Zone Junction protection waiting Elgin Road / Benhill Sutton restrictions in situe SLE 251 Traffic Dangerous junction Mini roundabout Wood Road North No further action There is a Borough wide ban on overnight parking for 5T vehicles Sutton Commercial van problem, where General Locations SLE 255 Enforcement - Need more information as the North should they park? question is not clear

Parking in evenings all over the place, Possible parking control Purple zone C Sutton Parking Control corners, verges and between Gloucester Gardens 1090 Yellow lines / permit parking North Zone driveways, also being used by non Enforcement issue residents If vehicles have valid road tax they are entitled to park on the public Parking can be impossible due to highway Sutton Resident in question to be told he needs Greenhill SLE 208 Other resident selling used cars leaving them North premesis to sell his cars parked on the street To Report Vehicles contact DVLA vehicle Sutton Road seriously obstructed at school Police to fine drivers for dangerous Grennell Close SLE 205 Enforcement Enforcement issue North intake and exit times driving Part of the strategic review for EN Sightlines impeded by vans parked committee 5 year plan Sutton Waiting across dropped kerb, if vehicle is Extend double yellow lines so that Grennell Road SLE 201 Purple zone C North restrictions parked opposite then resident at No vehicle cannot park opposite 104 cannot get out 132 dwellings Residents parking Already overcrowded, needs parking Sutton Parking Control Traffic wardens to enforce those Grennell Road SLE 202 management to cater for additional Possible parking control Purple zone C North Zone stopping on zig zags to reduce traffic from staff and pupils at school congestion Sutton Hallmead Road SLE 258 Other Displaced parking from town centre - Possible parking control Purple zone B North Residential short stay parking bay for Sutton Waiting Parking outside fish and chip shop Loading Bay is required for Businesses / High Street SLE 256 pick up of goods from shops immediately Central restrictions restricted to delivery and taxis only Public House overlooking the parking area

Double yellow lines at junction helped Recommend double yellow line but now vans park opposite each waiting restrictions along north side of Leafield Road / Sutton Waiting Extend double yellow lines down one SLE 203 other Burford Road between boundary of Clensham Lane North restrictions side of road Emergency services have commented No 124 and No 126 Clensham Lane to on how unsafe this makes it junction with Minster Avenue Sutton Waiting Parking on the corners from Longford Gardens SLE 257 - Implemented by 18th September North restrictions Greenshaw and from car dealer Sutton Displacement of parked cars caused Montrose Gardens SLE 253 Other - Possible parking control Purple zone C North by new restrictions in Monksdene Northspur Road / Enforcement of double yellow line Enforcement issue Sutton Westbourne School parents using new Swallows Close / SLE 210 Enforcement restrictions and installation of speed North development for parking Anton Crescent restriction signs and road markings Contact traffic No access for devliery vans / refuse Relocate bins to end of road so that Recommend extension of junction Sutton Waiting collections refuse collection is carried out Ranfurly Road SLE 207 protection waiting restrictions along North restrictions Residents refused permission for Review the parallel parking situation in east side of road dropped kerbs the road People using garages for storage and then parking infront of them making it Permit parking could be an answer, but Possible parking control Purple zone B Sutton Parking Control Sunnyhurst Close 1081 very difficult to get car out could cause even more people to park North Zone This is a result of there being no space at the garages Garages on unadopted land on the street Sutton Common Sutton Review effectiveness of parking bays in SLE 254 Other Monitor bay use Monitor bay use Road North the road More wardens or CCTV vans to Sutton Traffic outside Robin Hood Juniors Thorncroft Road SLE 204 Enforcement encourage parents to park in St Enforcement issue Central school at drop off and pick up times Nicholas carpark Sutton Parking scheme has helped until new Revisit footway parking and inform new Vermont Road SLE 209 Other No contact details for new resident North resident moved in resident of the current scheme Too many cars parked on street Part of the strategic review for EN causing obstruction to refuse and committee 5 year plan Residents interested in 1 hour restrictions emergency vehicles Purple zone C Sutton Waiting on parking to solve commuter problems, Waverley Avenue SLE 300 Caused by displaced parking from North restrictions also footway parking (would remove neighbouring parking schemes and Council policy states only essential grass verges) commuter parking from Sutton verge removal for road widening etc Common Station and the High Street not parking Extrend red lines at junction with A217 Extend red lines - TFL Extend red lines 11.5m Sutton Alberta Avenue SLE 303 Other Junction with Frederick Road Parking for maisonettes inside their Contact TFL to investigate possible West Too much parking from maisonettes grounds implementation Sutton Ashton Close SLE 302 Other Football club parking / commuters Engage with SUFC Matchday parking & Enforcement West email from resident who feels Extend double yellow line junction Sutton Waiting restrictions are not long enough and is protection waiting restrictions along Elizabeth Close 813 Minor Parking Proposal West restrictions also concerned at commercial southern kerbline to rear boundary of vehicles property No 1 Recommend junction protection Fairholme Road waiting restrictions at junctions at Sutton Waiting Obstructive parking in various roads in Quarry Park Road 1014 1015 1016 Minor Parking Proposal - Quarry Park Road and Fairholme West restrictions the area Revell Road Road - Quarry Park Road and Revell Road Suffering from parking from nearby Sutton Parking Control Frederick Road 839 West Sutton station and Football Residents parking scheme Possible parking control Purple zone A West Zone Club. Also has issues in the evening Unadopted highway/ School Travel Sutton Parents from Sutton High School all adviser has asked the head teacher Homefield Park SLE 305 Enforcement Enforce school travel plans West over the place to issue a Letter to Parents regarding parking. Enforcement issue Sutton Taxis parking, particularly after 6.30pm Threats are a police matter Mulgrave Road SLE 310 Enforcement Enforce parking West Wardens are threatened by drivers More information is required for the location in the road Sutton Parking Control Regularly little to no on-street parking Mulgrave Road 1063 Residents parking scheme Possible parking control Purple zone A West Zone available to residents Phase 1 of Village Row has already been Parking and access impeded for consulted informally with residents in residents and their visitors due to favour of parking control zone. Mulgrave Road / Sutton Parking Control Possible extension of Green parking SLE 353 people in flats and houses in Mulgrave Phase 2 consulting needed via Village Row West Zone control zone Road + commuters using Village Row management company for long stay parking Phase 1 would like formal consultation to being as soon as possible Sutton Enforcement issue /School Travel Norman Road SLE 301 Enforcement Commuter & school parking Enforce school travel plans West Coordinator Outside No 81 Site visit - existing double yellow line Having problems parking since new waiting restriction required as lines were put down, objection to the Would like the lines reduced by about 6 Sutton Waiting property is on a tight bend in the Norman Road 1085 new lines was not responded to feet, stopping at the bungalow (up to West restrictions road Neighbours have installed dropped the drain) kerbs which exacerbates the problem No furthur action further Enforcement issue School travel Sutton adviser will contact to asked Robin Hood Lane SLE 307 Enforcement School parking Enforce school travel plans West Headteacher to request better parking Recommend changing existing single yellow line 'Mon-Fri 8am-6.30pm' Sutton Waiting Vehicles parking across access in the Salisbury Avenue 1003 Minor Parking Proposal waiting restrictions to double yellow West restrictions turning head area line waiting restrictions around turning head Planning application for Quarry Sutton Cottage inside park, turning in and out Passed onto Highways Development Seears Park SLE 308 Other Officers to visit West of A217 Control Officers to feedback Overflow parking in Quarry Park Road Possible parking control Purple zone A Sutton One resident with about 20 cars St Albans Road SLE 311 Other Get him to move them To Report Vehicles contact DVLA West parked in street vehicle Sutton United Sutton Parking management is now in force on SLE 304 Enforcement Parking overflow on game day Enforcement issue Football Club West game day Sutton School parking from Homefield Enforcement issue will speak to School Western Road SLE 306 Enforcement Enforce school travel plans West Preparatory school travel adviser Recommend junction protection waiting restrictions at junctions on Westfield Road / Sutton Waiting Poor sightlines on junctions Officer to visit to assess potential different arms of Westfield Road and SLE 309 Elmbrook Road West restrictions Access difficulties scheme at junctions of - Westfield Road and Silverdale Close - Westfield Road and Westfield Close

Sutton Local Area

Possible Parking Control Zone Parking control request recieved

Existing C Blue Controlled Parking Zone

Possible Blue Controlled Parking Zone Extension B

Existing Green Controlled Parking Zone

Possible Green Controlled Parking Zone Extension

Existing Red Controlled Parking Zone


Sutton Local Area

Review area for 20mph Zone Speed request recieved

Existing 40mph Limit

Existing 3 20mph Zone







Report to: Sutton Local Committee Date: 3 November 2015

Report title: Progress Report – Area Improvements and Public Realm Programme

Report from: Mary Morrissey, Strategic Director of Environment, Housing and Regeneration

Ward/Areas affected: Sutton North, Sutton Central, Sutton West

Chair of Committee/Lead Councillor Marlene Heron Member: Author(s)/Contact Chantelle Swaby, Locality Lead Officer Number(s): 0208 770 5010

Corporate Plan Priorities:  An Open Council  A Green Council  A Fair Council Open/Exempt: Open

Signed: Date: 20 October 2015

1. Summary

1.1 This report contains information on Public Realm spending since 8 September 2015, details any new requests for Public Realm Funding and shows available budgets for 2015/16.

2. Recommendations

The Sutton Local Committee is recommended to:

2.1 Approve the locations and installation of eight Landseer conservation area heritage signs for £3,000 funded from Public Realm capital 2.2 Approve a new outdoor table tennis table for Collingwood recreation ground for £3,000 funded from Public Realm capital 2.3 Approve two public noticeboards. One for Seears Park and one for Quarry Park costing a total of £3,800 funded from Public Realm capital 2.4 Approve the provision of one litter bin to be placed outside of the Sutton West rail station for £185 public realm capital 2.5 To earmark a sum of £6,865 for floral arrangements to be funded from 2016/17 Public Realm Revenue Budget, and £350 for column testing, subject to budgets being made available within the 2016/17 budget cycle that will be approved in March 2016 3. Background

3.1 This Committee has been allocated Public Realm funding to invest in area improvements.

3.2 The work of the Local Committees, including their management of the Public Realm budget play a pivotal role in the development of Sutton Council’s localism agenda and makes a significant contribution to resident engagement in locality decision making.

3.3 The approved schemes have a positive effect on the local area by promoting community activity and improving shared spaces everyone can enjoy.

4. Issues

4.1 Schemes for Consideration of Funding Appendix A, Section 1 shows Public Realm schemes for consideration by the committee, at this meeting.

4.2 Current Public Realm Scheme Programme Appendix A, Section 2 shows all other current Public Realm schemes, within the Programme, previously agreed by the Committee and updates on progress

4.3 Completed Public Realm Schemes Appendix A, Section 3 sets out Public Realm schemes completed since the last meeting of the Committee, including:  New road signs at St James Road (SL/1415.19)  Manor Park Bird Boxes (SL/1415.20)  Minor parking scheme 2014/15 (Sutton North ward only) (SL/ 1415.11)

4.4 Unfunded Public Realm Schemes Appendix A, Section 4 sets out previously approved but not yet agreed, Public Realm schemes

5. Options Considered

5.1 Public Realm schemes can be proposed by ward councillors or community representatives. Consultation is then undertaken to agree which schemes should be proposed. These are then voted on at each meeting of the Local Committee.

6. Impacts and Implications


6.1 The total Committee budget for 2015/16 is £ 42,772 Public Realm capital; £16,505 transport related schemes and £10,000 direct revenue funding.

6.2 In 2015/16 the committee has already allocated funds of £1,335 Public Realm Capital, £9,000 transport related schemes, £9,100 direct revenue funding, and has recycled £6,193 Public Realm capital. 6.3 The total cost of the proposed schemes in Appendix A, Section 1 is £9,985 of Public Realm capital funding from 2015/16, and earmark £7,215 direct revenue funding from 2016/17 subject to funding being available.

6.4 The current available budget for Sutton Local Committee, subject to previously agreed schemes, recycled funds, annual revenue maintenance and agreement of the proposed schemes, is a total of £46,050 made up of £37,645 Public Realm capital, £7,505 transport related schemes and £900 direct revenue funding. This is detailed in Appendix A, Section 5.


6.5 There are no specific Legal Implications arising from this report.

Other impacts and implications (Equalities)

6.6 When Public Realm improvements are made as a result of decisions taken by the Local Committee, particular account is taken of the requirements under the Equality Act 2010.

6.7 Consideration is also given to the contribution public realm investment and improvements make to the social and developmental assets of the borough, in line with the Council’s approach to outcomes based commissioning.

6.8 The schemes described in this report have been subject to consultation with local residents, councillors, community representatives and partner organisations. Meetings are held in accessible venues and everyone is encouraged to take part and put forward their ideas.

7. Appendices and Background Documents

Appendix Letter Title A Area Improvements and Public Realm Programme

Background Documents None

Audit Trail Version Final Date: 19 October 2015

Consultation with other officers Officer Comments Sought Comments checked by Finance Yes Tony Cooke Legal n/a n/a Other Officers Yes Consultation has been sought with the relevant Officers regarding sections in Appendix A, Sections 1, 2, 3 and 4. APPENDIX A

Section 1 - New Schemes for Consideration

Project Key scheme/ area Ward Proposer / Details Estimated Officer Fund ID of innovation Sponsor costs SL/ Landseer Sutton Cllr Wales Replace eight road name signs with heritage style £3,000 Charlie Izzillo Public 1516.4 Conservation West signs with ‘Landseer Conservation Area’ and the Realm Area heritage road name stated on them. Capital signs (8 ) Similar signs were completed in this area for 13 roads in Summer 2015. This proposal is to complete the remaining signs in the conservation area.

SL/ Outdoor table Sutton Cllr Wales Installation of a new concrete outdoor table tennis £3,000 Ian Public 1516.5 tennis table for West table and tarmac in Collingwood recreational Wolstencroft Realm Collingwood ground. This will provide all weather table tennis Capital Recreation facilities providing entertainment and promoting Ground physical activity. SL/ Public notice Sutton Cllr Wales To provide two black public lockable noticeboards £3,800 Ian Public 1516.6 boards for Quarry West for: Quarry Park and Seears park (off the A217 side Wolstencroft Realm Park and Seears of the park). These will also include the 3 base slabs Capital Park that are to be placed in front of the boards. The cost per noticeboard is £1900 each. SL/ Litter bin outside Sutton Cllr Heron To provide one litter bin outside of the Sutton West £185 Michael Public 1516.7 Sutton West rail West rail station Dangerfield Realm station Capital SL/ Barrier All Cllr Heron Earmarked for 2016/17. £6,865 + Dominic Public realm 1516.8 baskets/Floor To install the following floral arrangements: £350 for Aslangul capital Planters Hanging baskets (all year round)- testing of converted to columns revenue (funding 5 x Sutton high street (opposite ASDA) 1 x Gander green lane (lamp column opposite 2016/17 earmarked for shops) (@£102.50/basket) budget 2016/17) Barrier baskets (all year round)- 14 x Sutton green (pedestrian crossing outside toilet block and opposite outside shops) as existing 10 x Sutton High street & Crown road (opposite the old gas works development) as existing 4 x new barrier baskets (on Throwley way /Marshalls road bend) (@£125/basket) Planters- 3 x Marshalls road as existing 2 x planters outside the shops Powers Shop and beauty shop on Gander Green lane 1 x on opposite side of road near to bench on Gander Green lane 5 x around shops opposite Sutton West station

FUNDING Public Realm Capital 2015/16 £9,985 Revenue 2016/17 (subject to funding) £7,215

TOTAL TO ALLOCATE Total £17,200 Section 2 - Progress on Schemes Being Delivered

Project ID Key scheme/ Ward Year Allocated Comments Anticipated Officer Fund area of & meeting £ completion innovation date date Parks and Open Spaces SL/1516.1 Street trees for Sutton June 2015 1,850 Scheme to install seven tree pits and January 2016 Ben Morris Capital Sutton North North plant trees. Officers have not received (formerly for any agreement from residents to water Vicarage Road trees on Stayton Road but have found and Stayton other felled tree locations where Road) residents have agreed to water trees (Two trees on Rosehill Park West, two trees on Aultone Way, two trees on Woodend and one tree on Broomloan Lane). Cost is £155 per tree. Community SL1516.3 Chaucer Sutton September 1,335 Proposal to use remaining funds from a December Ian Public Gardens North 2015 previous scheme within Chaucer 2015 Wolstencroft Realm Resurfacing of Gardens (fencing around the football Capital Pathway pitch) to resurface footpath adjacent to football pitch area and dispose of failing material and then supply and lay compacted layer of tarmac. Work has now begun on this scheme.

Traffic / Transport SL/1415.6 Rectory Road, Sutton January 2014 5,000 Traffic Management Order advertised December Gary Smith- Capital Vicarage Road, Central/ 19 February 2015. End of consultation 2015 Highways Bushey Lane, Sutton period 12 March 2015 and 3 week Deans Road and North statutory consultation to end 12 March. Lenham Road This batch of roads has been reassessed and will be part of a wider Project ID Key scheme/ Ward Year Allocated Comments Anticipated Officer Fund area of & meeting £ completion innovation date date comprehensive consideration of traffic and parking measures.

SL/1415.8 Land opposite Sutton September 7,000 December Gary Smith/ Capital All Saints North 2014 Improvement of the verge opposite All 2015 -Highways converted to Church Saints Church. Replacement of bollards revenue and renovation of grassed area:

Officers are obtaining cost estimates for resin posts to:  Replace all 71 posts and add an extra one post at the narrow end of the verge ;  Remove and dispose of the wooden posts and excavated spoil;  Erect and set 72 new recycled plastic posts in concrete;  Fix existing chain with new ring fixings Costs are broken down as follows: Repairs around posts and additional grass seed Laying of top soil around the new posts at narrow end of verge, and repairing vehicle damage on the corner Labour and materials to remove and dispose of wooden posts and excavated spoil and erect 72 new posts in concrete Project ID Key scheme/ Ward Year Allocated Comments Anticipated Officer Fund area of & meeting £ completion innovation date date SL/1415. Minor Transport Sutton September 15,000 a) Sutton Central ward – £5,000 December Gary Smith TfL 11 Schemes North, 2014 allocation. Duke Street and Duchess 2015 /Peter Central Close: introduction of ‘at any time’ Matthews- double yellow line junction and West Highways protection waiting restrictions to prevent obstruction and improve sightlines.

b) Sutton West ward – £5,000 allocation. Denbigh Close, Frederick Road and Hilldale Road / Gander Green Lane: introduction of ‘at any time’ double yellow line waiting restrictions to prevent obstruction and improve sightlines. SL/ 1516.9 Minor Parking 8 September 9,000 Montpelier road – Introduction of March 2016 Peter TfL Schemes 15/16 2015 ‘footway parking’ to allow vehicles to Matthews/Gary (Sutton Central) park on both footways and introduction Smith of junction protection and ‘at any time’ waiting restriction (double yellow lines) to prevent obstruction of driveways and improve sightlines. Reading Road- Introduction of ‘at any time’ waiting restriction (double yellow lines) to prevent obstruction of driveways and improve road safety. SL/ Minor Parking 8 September Benhill Wood Road junction with All March 2016 Peter TfL 1516.10 Schemes 15/16 2015 Saints Road- Introduction of ‘at any Matthews/ Gary (Sutton North) time’ waiting restriction and junction Smith protection to prevent obstruction of driveways, improve sightlines and road safety Calthorpe Gardens- Introducing ‘footway parking’ to allow vehicles to park on both footways, ensuring space Project ID Key scheme/ Ward Year Allocated Comments Anticipated Officer Fund area of & meeting £ completion innovation date date for prams and wheelchairs on the footways. Also introduction of ‘at any time’ waiting restrictions (double yellow lines) to improve road safety. Councillors will undertake a consultation process with residents for this scheme. SL/ Minor parking 8 September Overton Road – Introduction of ‘at any March 2016 Peter TfL 1516.11 Schemes 15/16 2015 time’ waiting restriction and junction Matthews/ Gary (Sutton West) protection markings to prevent Smith obstruction and improve road safety. Salisbury Avenue – Introduction of ‘at any time’ waiting restriction and junction protection markings to prevent obstruction, improve sightlines and improve road safety. SL/1415. Elizabeth Close Sutton March 2015 247 TfL To address obstructive parking by large December Gary Smith/ TFL/Capital 18 West 2,753 vehicles on this road, a suggestion that 2015 Peter Matthews Capital the current restrictions should be further extended. Officers are currently progressing this scheme. £42,185 CURRENT PUBLIC REALM SCHEMES TOTAL Totals by Funding £ Public Realm Capital 22,088

Transport for London 9,247

Public Realm Revenue 7,750

Public Realm Capital Converted to 3,100 Revenue TOTAL 42,185 Section 3 - Completed Schemes since the last meeting

Scheme Ward Budget Notes Manor Park – bird boxes Sutton Central £2,000 8 Bird boxes have been installed in the northern part of Manor Park. Located SL/1415.20 within the trees, these encourage bird life and breeding, and will be maintained by Friends of Manor Park.

New road signs at St James Road Sutton Central £2,000 Directional signs/markings now highlight the no entry to Sydney Road from SL/1415.19 the St. James’ Road direction

Minor parking schemes 2014/15 Sutton North £5,000 Sutton North ward – £5,000 allocation. Chudleigh Gardens, Danescourt (Sutton North ward only) Crescent and Longford Gardens, at the junction with Grennell Road: SL/1415.11 introduction of ‘at any time’ double yellow line junction protection waiting restrictions to prevent obstruction and improve sightlines. Section 4 - Unfunded Public Realm Schemes for future consideration

Scheme Ward Project Date Estimated Comments Officer Fund Sponsor/ Proposed cost Proposer Street trees in Sutton Cllr Wales September TBC post Consultation with residents is Richard Capital Landseer Road West 2015 consultation required to determine who is Daubeny with residents willing to maintain a tree. Once affirmative responses have been received, officers can progress this scheme. Rosehill Park Sutton Councillor March 2015 £5,000 + £500 3 new pieces of equipment to Dominic Public Gym Equipment North Heron annual keep users of the Park healthy Aslangul Realm maintenance and active. Capital Ongoing revenue maintenance cost will need to be considered in addition to the estimated cost. Bandstand for Sutton Janet Lowne 2012 Low Estimate To purchase and install a Parks Public Manor Park Central £50,000 bandstand in Manor Park. Service and Realm £50,000 (not including Construction Capital procurement and tendering and exercise). Costs based on Procurement costs for Wallington Bandstand – which is 10 ft in diameter. Benhill Avenue – Sutton Janet Lowne 2012/13 and Estimate To install a crossing on Benhill TBD Public Crossing Central 2013/14 £25,000 Avenue – possibly in the Realm region of £25K. Tied into the Capital or proposed planning application. TFL Awaiting outcome. Sutton Garden Sutton Community 2013/14 £15,000 3rd phase of Sutton Garden Paul Dillon Public Suburb – phase Rep Suburb Realm 3 Capital

Friends of Sutton Councillor November TBC Would be operated by the Ian Kershaw Public Rosehill Park: North Heron 2013 Costs based Police. for Safer Realm purchase of on other Sutton Capital mobile CCTV committee: Partnership £20K for camera, £2K annual maintenance Sutton Green Sutton Councillor May 2015 Match To refurbish the block to make TBC Public toilet block North Heron Funding TBC it a useable commercial space Realm refurbishment Capital Section 5 – Sutton Local Committee Financial Update

Budget Position Public Transport Direct Total Realm for London Revenue Capital Funding Funding Funding £ £ £ £ Balance from 2014/15 1,509 0 0 1,509

Allocation for 2015/16 41,263 16,505 10,000 67,768

Budget for the year 2015/16 42,772 16,505 10,000 69,277

Previously allocated to projects in 2015/16 -1,335 -9,000 -9,100 -19,435

Sum Previously Recycled for completed schemes 6,193 0 0 6,193

Schemes proposed (Appendix A – Section 1) -9,985 0 0 -9,985

Balance to be allocated in 2015/16 37,645 7,505 900 46,050

Schemes proposed (Appendix A – Section 1) to be earmarked in 2016/17 0 0 -7,215 -7,215 (subject to funds being available)

Report to: Sutton Local Committee Date: 3 November 2015

Report title: Neighbourhood Grants 2015-2016

Report from: Mary Morrissey, Strategic Director, Environment, Housing and Regeneration

Ward/Areas affected: Sutton Central, Sutton North, Sutton West

Chair of Committee/Lead Councillor Marlene Heron Member: Author(s)/Contact Will Solly Community Development Officer Number(s): 0208 770 4391

Corporate Plan Priorities:  An Open Council  A Green Council  A Fair Council

Open/Exempt: Open

Signed: Date: 9 October 2015

1. Summary

1.1 This report updates the Local Committee on the Neighbourhood Grant applications determined under delegation.

2. Recommendations

The Local Committee is asked to:

2.1 Note Sutton United has been awarded £734 towards equipment, trophies and promotional materials for the Collingwood recreation sports day.

3. Background

3.1 Following a review of the Neighbourhood Grants Programme, groups can now apply for £50- £1000 each financial year. This will provide local groups with flexibility to submit a single or multiple applications.

3.2 Each Local Committee can allocate Neighbourhood Grants to clubs and community groups delivering projects that benefit residents of their local area. Applications are welcome from voluntary, community and self-help groups who are formally constituted.

3.3 Neighbourhood Grants promote community and voluntary activity in the local area, foster sustainable projects and identify activities that the whole community can participate in.

3.4 The Local Committee has determined that it will consider applications for Neighbourhood Grants under delegated authority to the Director of Environment, Housing and Regeneration.

3.5 More information on Neighbourhood Grants is published on the Council’s website: 4. Issues

4.1 The Committee is asked to note that the following application has been approved.

Applicant Proposal Funds sought

Sutton Team Youth Sutton United held a sporting event at £734 Group Collingwood Recreation Ground on Saturday 3rd October. The annual event was expanded to include a sports day, which provided and created better links between the local clubs, residents and organisations. By working together the event provided further sports and recreational opportunities within the local area. The group received funding towards equipment, trophies and promotional materials.

4.2 Following the award of a grant, the recipients is required to complete and return a grant completion report within one year telling us the difference the project has made. Organisations can be invited to Local Committee meetings to give feedback on completed projects. Completion reports can be viewed by the committee upon request.

5. Options Considered

5.1 The applications listed met the criteria adopted for consideration of Neighbourhood grants. No other option was considered.

6. Impacts and Implications


6.1 Neighbourhood Grant funds are specifically allocated to each Committee. Grant payments will be monitored against each Committee’s allocation, to facilitate efficient budgetary control.

6.2 Funds for allocation to the Neighbourhood Grant have been identified in the base budget and carry forward from 2014/15. The Committee has a budget of £7,609 to spend in 2015/16.

6.3 The committee has £3,085 remaining to spend in 2015/16.

6.4 Applications approved in 2015/16 are shown in Appendix A.


6.5 There are no specific legal implications arising from this report. Risk

6.6 Safeguarding Policy, Health and Safety Policy and Procedures and Public Liability Insurance are a priority; the application process has verified that the grantees have robust risk mitigation processes in place. Where relevant, copies of supporting documents have been submitted.


6.7 Many of the schemes that are approved have a positive effect by promoting community activity and providing shared spaces that everyone can enjoy.


6.8 Local Committee Neighbourhood Grants are one of the best ways that the Council can support local groups that want to get involved in shaping their neighbourhoods. By working with residents in this way we will ensure that funding is spent on improvements that local people want to see in their area.

7. Appendices and Background Documents

Appendix Letter Title A Breakdown of Neighbourhood Grants approved in 2015-6

Background Documents None

Audit Trail Version Final Date: 8 October 2015

Consultation with other officers Officer Comments Sought Comments checked by Finance Yes Peter May Legal No n/a Other Officers: Yes Victoria Jeffrey, Head of Local Place and Engagement Appendix A- Breakdown of Approved Neighbourhood Grants approved in 2015-16

Organisation Proposal Amount Date of decision Manor Park Manor Park Midsummer Fayre £400 May 2015 Friends Group Little Leagues Pitches for all £500 June 2015 Sutton Team Residential trip £1000 June 2015 Youth Group Collingwood Fun day £500 Residents June 2015 Association Neighbourhood Targeted area improvements. £350 July 2015 Watch Chaucer Estate Fun day £500 Resident July 2015 Association Friends of Community picnic £540 July 2015 Rosehill Park Sutton United Collingwood Recreation Sports Day £734 October 2015 Total £4,524