Landscaping Plant List (PDF)

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Landscaping Plant List (PDF) City of Show Low approved plants for landscaping Grasses Scientific Name Common Name Agropyron smithii Western Wheatgrass Artemisia tridentata Big Sagebrush Bouteloua curtipendula Sideoats Grama Bouteloua gracilis Blue Grama Leptochola dubia Green Sprangletop Koeleria macrantha Junegrass Muhlenbergia rigens Deergrass Poa fendleriana Muttongrass Elymus elymoides Bottlebrush Squirreltail Sporobolus cryptandrus Sand Dropseed Stipa hymenoides Indian Ricegrass Vines Scientific Name Common Name Ampelopsis brevipedunculata "elegans" Variegated Porcelain Vine Hedera helix English Ivy Hedera helix "thorndale" Thorndale English Ivy Lonicera japiconica "halliana" Hall's Japanese Honeysuckle Lonicera japiconica "purpuea" Purple-leaf Honeysuckle Lonicera sempervirens "magnifica" Trumpet Honeysuckle Lonicera x brownii "dropmore scarlet" Dropmore Scarlet Honeysuckle Lonicera x "mandarin" Mandarin Honeysuckle Polygonum aubertii (fallopia aubertii) Silver Lace Vine Wisteria sinensis Chinese Wisteria Vitis labrusca spp. Grape Trees Scientific Name Common Name Abies balsameia nana Dwarf Balsam Fir Abies concolor White Fir Abies fraseri "prostrata" Prostrate Fir Abies koreana "starker's dwarf" Starker's Dwarf Fir Abies lasicoarpa "glauca compacta" Glauca Compacta Fir Acer spp. Maple Aesculus carnea "briotti" Briotti Red Chestnut Alnus glutinosa Black Alder Alnus tenuifolia Thin Leaf Alder Ronia arbutifolia "brilliantissima" Brilliant Red Chokeberry Betula nigra River Birch Betula occidentalis Western Red Birch Betula papyrifera Paper Bark Birch Betula pendula European White Birch Betula pendula "yongii" Young's Weeping Birch Catalpa speciosa Northern Catalpa Carpinus caroliniana American Hornbeam Cedrus atlantica "glauca" Blue Atlas Cedar Cedrus atlantica "gauca pendula" Weeping Blue Atlas Cedar Celtis occidentalis Hackberry 1 City of Show Low approved plants for landscaping Celtis reticulata Netleaf Hackberry Cercidiphyllum japonicum Katsura Tree Cercis canadensis spp. Eastern Redbud Cercis occidentalis spp. Western Redbud Chamecyparis obtusa aurenscens Dwarf Hinkoki False Cypress Chamecyparis pisifera "heatherburn" Heatherburn False Cypress Chionanthus virginicus Fringe Tree Cornus alternifolia Pagoda Dogwood Cornus kousa chinensis Chinese Kousa Dogwood Cotinus coggyria spp. Smoke Tree Crataegus crus-galli "inermis" Thornless Cockspur Hawthorn Crataegus laevigata "crimson cloud" Crimson Cloud Hawthorn Crataegus oxyacantha English Hawthorn Cupressocyparis leylandii Emerald Isle Cypress Fraxinus spp. Ash Gingko biloba "autumn gold" Autumn Gold Gingko Gleditsia tricanthos spp. Honeylocust Juglans major Arizona Walnut Larix spp. Larch Maackia amuremsis Amur Maackia Magnolia x soulangiana "rustica rubra" Rustic Rubra Magnolia Malus spp. Crabapple Morus alba "chaparral" Chaparral Weeping Mulberry Parrotia persica Persian Parrot Tree Picea abies spp. Norway Spruce Picea glauca spp. Alberta Spruce Picea omerika spp. Serbian Spruce Picea pungens spp. Blue Spruce Pinus spp. Pine Platanus x acerifolia Sycamore or London Planetree Populus spp. Cottonwood/Aspen Prunus spp. Plum Pseudotsuga menziesii "glauca" Rocky Mountain Douglas Fir Pyrus calleryana "aristocrat" Aristocrat Flowering Pear Pyrus calleryana "autumn blaze" Autumn Blaze Flowering Pear Quercus bicolor Swamp White Oak Quercus gambellii Gamble Oak Quercus palustris Pin Oak Quercus rubra Red Oak Rhus glabra Smooth Sumac Robinia spp. Locust Salix alba "tristis" Golden Weeping Willow Salix matsudana "navajo" Navajo Willow Sambucus spp. Elderberry Sequoiadendron giganteum Giant Redwood Sorbus aucuparia European Mountain Ash Taxus x media "emerald spreader" Emerald Spreader Yew 2 City of Show Low approved plants for landscaping Tilia cordata "greenspire" Greenspire Linden Ulmus japonica x wilsoniana Accolade Elm Ulmus wilsoniana "prospector" Prospector Elm Shrubs Scientific Name Common Name Amelanchier spp. Serviceberry Amorpha fruticosa False Indigo/Indigobush Arctostaphylos spp. Kinnikinnick Aronia melanocarpa Black Chokecherry Atriplex canescens Four-wing Saltbrush Berberis thunbergii spp. Japanese Barberry Buddleia davidii spp. Butterfly Bush Buxus microphylla "winter gem" Winter Gem Boxwood Buxus x "green mountain" Green Mountain Boxwood Callicarpa bodinieri "profusion" Profusion Beautyberry Calluna vulgaris "j.h.hamilton" Scotch Heather Calycanthus floridus Carolina Allspice Caragana spp. Pea Shrub Caryopteris x clandonensis spp. Bluebeard Ceanothos fendleri Buckbush/Fender Ceanothus Cercocarpus spp. Mountain Mahogany Chamaebatiaria millefolium Fernbush Chrysothamnus spp. Rabbitbrush Clethra alnifolia "ruby spice" Ruby Spice Summersweet Cornus alba spp. Dogwood Cornus alternifolia Pagoda Dogwood Cornus kousa chinensis Chinese Kousa Dogwood Cornus sericea spp. Twig Dogwood Cornus stolonifera Red Osier Dogwood Corylus avellana "contorta" Harry Lauder's Walking Stick Cotoneaster apiculatus Cranberry Cotoneaster Cotoneaster apiculatus "tom thumb" Tom Thumb Cotoneaster Daphne burkwoodi "somerset" Somerset Daphne Deutzia x kalmiifolia Kalmia Flowered Deutzia Ephedra viridis Mormon Tea Erica x darleyensis "mediterranean pink" Mediterranean Pink Heath Erica x darleyensis "silberschmelze" White Bell Heath Euonymus spp. Euonymus Fallugia pradoza Apache Plume Fendlera rupicola Cliff Fendlerbush Forsythia interm "magical gold" Magical Gold Forsythia Forsythia x imtermedia "spring glory" Spring Glory Forsythia Gaultheria "red barron" Red Baron Genista pilosa "gold flash" Gold Flash Broom Genista tinctoria "vancouver gold" Royal Gold Woodwaxen Hamamelis x intermedia "diane" Witch Hazel Hibiscus spp. Hibiscus 3 City of Show Low approved plants for landscaping Holodiscus dumosus Ocean Spray/Rock Cliff/Rock Spirea Hydrangea spp. Hydrangea Hypericum frondosum "sunburst" Sunburst St. John's Wort Hypericum kalimanum St. John's Wort Ilex x meserveae spp. Holly Ilex x "mondo" Little Rascal Holly Juniperus spp. Juniper Kalmia latifolia "little linda" Little Linda Mountain Laurel Kerria japonica "plenifora" Double Flowered Kerria Kolkwitzia ambilis Beauty Bush Leucothoe fontanesiana Rainbow Drooping Leucothoe Ligustrum vulgare "chyenne" English Privet Ligustrum vulgare "lodense" Lodense Privet Ligustrum x vicary Dwarf Variegated Privet Ligustrum x vicaryi Golden Privet Liriodendron tulipfera Tulip Tree Lonicera diervilla Dwarf Honeysuckle Bush Lonicera "honeyrose" Honeyrose Honeysuckle Lonicera korolkowli "zabelli" Sabelli Honeysuckle Lonicera tatarica "arnold red" Arnold Red Honeysuckle Magnolia liliiflora "nigra" Purple Lilly Magnolia Magnolia stellata Royal Star Magnolia Magnolia x loebneri "merrill" Merrell Magnolia Mahonia aquifolium spp. Grape Holly Mahonia repens Creeping Grapeholly Myrica pensylanica Northern Bayberry Nolina microcarpa Beargrass Opuntia spp. Cholla/Prickly Pear Cactus Pachystima mysinites Mountain Lover Penstemon ambiguus Sand Penstemon Philadelphus x virginalis spp. Mock Orange Phyllostachys aurea Golden Cold Hardy Bamboo Phyllostachys nigra Black Bamboo Physocarpus monogynus Mountain Ninebark Physocarpus opul "center glow" "Center Glow" Ninebark Physocarpus opulifolius "dart's gold" Golden Ninebark Physocarpus opuilfolius "monlo" Diabolo Ninebark Pieris japonica "cavatine" Flame of the Forest Pieris japonica "mountain fire" Mountain Fire Pieris Pieris x "forest flame" Forest Flame Pieris Potentilla fruticosa spp. Cinquefoil Rhamnus frangula "aspleniafolia" Fernleaf Buckthorn Rhamnus frangula "tallcole" Tallhedge Buckthorn Rhus aromatica Gro-Low Fragrant Sumac Rhus glabra Smooth Sumac Rhus typhinia "laciniata" Laceleaf Staghorn Sumac Ribes spp. Berry 4 City of Show Low approved plants for landscaping Rosa woodsii Wood's Wild Rose Salix spp. Willow Sambucus spp. Elderberry Sasa pygmaea Dwarf Bamboo Sasaella masumuneana albostriata White Striped Dwarf Bamboo Shepherdia argentea Silver Buffaloberry Spiraea bumalda "goldflame" Goldflame Spirea Spiraea japonica spp. Japanese Spirea Spiraea nipponica "snowmound" Snowmound Spiraea Spiraea x bumalda "anthony waterer" Anthony Waterer Spiraea Spiraea x vanhouttei "renaissance" Bridal Wreath Spiraea Symphoricarpos spp. Snowberry Syringa spp. Lilac Taxarix ramos "summer glow" Summer Glow Tamarix Thuja spp. Arborvitae Viburnum dentatum "christom" Blue Muffin Viburnum Viburnum dilatum "henneke" Cardinal Candy Viburnum Viburnum lentago Nannyberry Viburnum Viburnum opulus spp. Cranberry Bush Viburnum rhytidophylloides Allegheny Viburnum Viburnum sargentii "onondaga" Sergeant Cranberry Bush Viburnum x bodnantense "pink dawn" Pink Dawn Viburnum Viburnum x burkwoodii Burkwood Viburnum Weigela spp. Weigela 5.
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