Partially-Ordered Modalities
Partially-ordered Modalities Gerard Allwein US Naval Research Laboratory, Code 5540, Washington, DC, USA William L. Harrison Department of CS, University of Missouri, Columbia, Missouri, USA Abstract Modal logic is extended by partially ordering the modalities. The modalities are normal, i.e., commute with either conjunctions or disjunctions and preserve either Truth or Falsity (respectively). The partial order does not conflict with type of modality (K, S4, etc.) although this paper will concentrate on S4 since partially ordered S4 systems appear to be numerous. The partially-ordered normal modal systems considered are both sound and complete. Hilbert and Gentzen systems are given. A cut-elimination theorem holds (for partially ordered S4), and the Hilbert and Gentzen systems present the same logic. The partial order induces a 2-category structure on a coalgebraic formulation of descriptive frames. Channel theory is used to `move' modal logics when the source and target languages may be different. A particular partially ordered modal system is shown to be applicable to security properties. Keywords: Modal logic, partial order, Hilbert, Gentzen, channel theory 1 Introduction This paper presents modal logics with several modalities where the modalities are par- tially ordered. The partial order can be added to any normal modal logic, however individual partial orders derive from some particular (application oriented) domain of discourse. Propositional dynamic logic [9] places a fair amount of algebraic structure on modalities. A weakened form of this is had by replacing the algebraic structure with a partial order. The partial order typically arises from some application area where the modalities express abstract features of the area and the partial order expresses a relationship among the modalities.
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