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hindlimb), which is known as “Wolterstorff Insights into the feeding behavior Index” (cf. WOlTERSTORff 1923). This ap - of Madagascarophis meridionalis proach, which is comparable to the “heel- test”, yielded a maximum error rate of 31 % DOMERGuE , 1987, from Isalo, (ARNTZEN & W AllIS 1999: 185). Compared Madagascar to the error rate of the “heel test”, which was 65 % in the grown Common frogs tested, it Madagascar has a rich and diverse col - must be concluded that the “heel test” ubrid fauna numbering about 80 cur - threshold values cannot be valid, at least for rently described . Although recent the populations studied where it turned out years have seen major advances in the to be an unreliable method for the identifica - understanding of Malagasy snake systemat - tion of Rana temporaria . ics as well as the description of several new ACKNOWlEDGMENTS: The underlying taxa (e.g., NAGY et al. 2003, 2007, 2012; work for this paper was made within the framework of GlAW & V ENCES 2007; f RANZEN et al. 2009; a high school thesis (fachbereichsarbeit: Die fersen- GlAW et al. 2007, 2009, 2013, 2014; VIEITES probe beim Grasfrosch Rana temporaria (lINNAEuS , et al. 2010), there is still little knowledge 1758) - Qualität und Aussagekraft als Bestimmungs- merkmal) as a part of the final high school examination about the behavior or ecology of most spe - passed in 2014 at the “St. Karl”, Privates Oberstufen- cies. The present note provides insights into realgymnasium in Volders, Tyrol. The author would the feeding behavior of a little-known lam - like to thank especially the mentoring teacher Guenter prophiid species endemic to south-western KREWEDl (Kematen) for his pleasant supervision and and south-central Madagascar, Madagascar - expertise, but also Walter HöDl (Wien) and Heinz OMERGuE GRIllITSCH (Wien) for their help to publish the result of ophis meridionalis D , 1987. the fieldwork in this short note. The Madagascarophis MER - REfERENCES: ARNTZEN , J. W. & W AllIS , G. TENS , 1952, comprises four recognized spe - P. (1999): Geographic variation and of crest - cies ( GlAW et al. 2013) of crepuscular and ed newts ( Triturus cristatus superspecies): morpholog - nocturnal with highly varied diets: ical and mitochondrial DNA data.- Contributions to recorded prey items include frogs, lizards, Zoology, Amsterdam; 68: 181-203. CABElA , A. & ADlE GRIllITSCH , H. (2001): Verbreitung und ökologie der snakes and birds ( C 2003). Mada - Amphibien und Reptilien: Amphibien; pp. 164-441. In: gascarophis meridionalis is largely known CABElA , A. & G RIllITSCH , H. & T IE DEMANN , f .: Atlas from the arid spiny forests of south-western zur Verbreitung und ökologie der Amphibien und Madagascar, but specimens from the Isalo Reptilien in österreich. Auswertung der Herpeto - Massif and further east (Andringitra faunistischen Datenbank der Herpetologischen Samm- lung des Naturhistorischen Museums in Wien. Wien National Park) have also been identified as (umweltbundesamt).: 386-401, Wien: umweltbundes- M. meridionalis , using nuclear and mito - amt. GOllMANN , B. & B ORKIN , l. & G ROSSENBACHER , chondrial markers ( NAGY et al. 2007, 2013). K. & W EDDElING , K. (2014): Rana temporaria lIN - A telemetry study on the spatial ecolo - NAEuS , 1758 – Grasfrosch; pp. 305-437. In: GROSSEN - gy of the Rainbow frog, Scaphiophryne gott- BACHER , K. (Ed.): Handbuch der Reptilien und Am- phibien Europas. Band 5/III A, froschlurche (Anura) lebei BuSSE & BöHME , 1992 ( ANDREONE et III A, (Ranidae I). Wiebelsheim (Aula Verlag). lAND- al. 2013) carried out in the Isalo Massif (fiana- MANN , A. & f ISCHlER , D . (2000): Verbreitung, Be - rantsoa Province, Antsohy fivondro nona, standssituation und Habitatansprüche von Amphibien Ranohira firaisana) revealed some informa - im mittleren Tiroler Inntal und angrenzenden Mittel- gebirgsterrassen.- Natur in Tirol, Innsbruck; 8: 1-158. tion on the species’ interspecific interac - NöllERT , A. & N öllERT , C. (1992): Die Amphibien tions. One of the radio-tracked individuals Europas. Stuttgart (franckh-Kosmos), pp. 382. WOl- was consumed by a juvenile M. meridiona - TERSTORff , W. (1923): Übersicht der unterarten und lis [not M. colubrinus (SCHlEGEl 1837), as formen des Triton cristatus lAuR .- Blätter für Aquarien- und Terrarienkunde, Stuttgart; 34: 120-126. previously reported; ANDREONE et al. 2013], later captured on 15 february 2011 near KEY WORDS: Amphibia: Anura: Ranidae; Malaso canyon (22°35,49’S; 45°21,44’E) Rana temporaria ; brown frogs; “heel test”; morpholo - gy, morphometry, identification, field herpetology; The (fig. 1). The specimen is currently pre - Tyrol, Austria served at the Parc Botanique et Zoolo gique SuBMITTED: November 14, 2014 de Tzimbazaza (Antananarivo, Madagascar) under the provisional code fAZC 14788. AuTHOR: Thomas M. HuBER – Stainerstraße 22b, 6067 Absam, Austria < thomas.m.huber@tum. On 12 february 2011, an adult indi - de > vidual of M. meridionalis was observed All_Short_Notes_SHORT_NOTE.qxd 08.08.2016 11:17 Seite 28

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fig. 1: Juvenile of Madagascarophis meridionalis DOMERGuE , 1987, captured after consumption of an adult Scaphiophryne gottlebei BuSSE & BöHME , 1992, being radio-tracked. The figure shows the transmitter that was attached to the frog inside the snake’s digestive tract. Photo by P. Eusebio Bergò.

preying on an adult Mantidactylus sp. aff. species in Anjofo canyon (Andrianomane- femoralis (BOulENGER , 1882) (fig. 2). This ro), Isalo Massif (22°22,01’S; 45°21,96’E). is a locally common water-dwelling frog The snake was spotted already with half of

fig. 2: Madagascarophis meridionalis DOMERGuE , 1987, consuming an adult Mantidactylus sp. aff. femoralis (BOulENGER , 1882) in Anjofo canyon (Andrianomanero), Isalo Massif, Madagascar. A-B – the snake swallows the frog head first; C – the individual writhes its body to facilitate the passage of the prey to the stomach. Photos by P. Eusebio Bergò. All_Short_Notes_SHORT_NOTE.qxd 08.08.2016 11:17 Seite 29

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fig. 3: Madagascarophis meridionalis DOMERGuE , 1987, swimming (A) and foraging (B) in a stream in the Namazaha Valley, Isalo Massif, Madagascar. Photos by l. Jasper.

the frog body in its mouth. The episode 850 m a.s.l.). The snake was actively forag - subsequently lasted for about five minutes ing within a small rocky stream. upon the (from 18:36 to 18:41), before the snake had first encounter, the was entirely sub - completely swallowed the frog. merged and remained underwater for at On 4 January 2013, at 09:25, another least 30 seconds, during which time it adult individual of M. meridionalis was en - repeatedly inserted its head between and countered in Namazaha Valley, also within under rocks in search of prey. When it the Isalo Massif (22°32.24’S; 45°22.17’E, emerged it continued to move along the All_Short_Notes_SHORT_NOTE.qxd 08.08.2016 11:17 Seite 30

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stream for several minutes with its head Norte), under the National Strategic Reference frame- above water (fig. 3) until when (perhaps work (NSRf), through the European Regional De- disturbed by our presence) it left the stream velopment fund (ERDf). REfERENCES: ANDREONE , f. & B ERGò , P. E. and sought refuge under some dense water - & M ERCuRIO , V. & R OSA , G. M. (2013): Spatial ecolo - side vegetation. It was still present under gy of Scaphiophryne gottlebei in the canyons of the this vegetation an hour later. The authors Isalo Massif, Madagascar.- Herpetologica, lawrence; presume that the snake was searching for 69 (1): 11-21. CADlE , J. E. (20 03): Colubridae, Snakes; pp. 997-1004. In: GOODMAN , S. M. & B ENSTEAD , J. P. frogs, or perhaps their eggs or tadpoles, (Eds.): The natural history of Madagascar; Chicago because no aquatic lizards are known from (The university of Chicago Press). fRANZEN , M. & this region and these snakes are not known JONES , J. & R ASElIMANANA , A. P. & N AGY , Z. T. & to eat invertebrates. D’C RuZE , N. & G lAW , f. & V ENCES , M. (2009): A new black-bellied snake (: Liophidium ) The diurnal, active foraging observed from western Madagascar, with notes on the genus seems unusual in the genus Madagascar - Pararhadinaea .- Amphibia-Reptilia, leiden; 30: 173- ophis , which is known to be primarily noc - 183. GlAW , f. & KuCHARZEWSKI , C. & NAGY , Z. T. & HAWlITSCHEK , O. & VENCES , M. (2014): New insights turnal or crepuscular ( CADlE 2003; G lAW & into the systematics and molecular phylogeny of the VENCES 2007). Interesting to note though Malagasy snake genus Liopholidophis suggest at least that the Namazaha valley is a very narrow, one rapid reversal of extreme sexual dimorphism in tail steep-sided canyon, and by this time of the length. - Organisms, Diversity & Evolution , Berlin, Heidelberg ; 14 (1): 121-132 . GlAW , f. & N AGY , Z. T. morning had not received any direct sun - & f RANZEN , M. & V ENCES , M. (2007): Molecular phy - light. Amongst other Malagasy snakes, Lio - logeny and systematics of the pseudoxyrhophiine pholidophis sexlineatus (GÜNTHER , 1882) is snake genus Liopholidophis (Reptilia, Colubridae): semiaquatic and Thamnosophis lateralis evolution of its exceptional sexual dimorphism and descriptions of new taxa.- Zoologica Scripta, Oxford; (DuMéRIl , BIBRON & DuMéRIl , 1854) has 36: 291-300. GlAW , f. & N AGY , Z. T. & K öHlER , J. & also been recorded in water ( CADlE 2003; fRANZEN , M. & V ENCES , M. (2009): Phylogenetic rela - GlAW & VENCES 2007). The present obser - tionships of a new species of pseudoxyrhophiine snake vations confirm the preference of M. meri - (Reptilia: : Thamnosophis ) suggest a biogeographical link between western and northern dionalis for aquatic habitats and, although Madagascar.- Organisms, Diversity & Evolution, the genus Madagascarophis is known to Berlin, Heidelberg; 9: 13-22. GlAW , f. & V ENCES , M. prey on a range of vertebrate groups, in these (2007): A field guide to the amphibians and of canyons on Isalo Massif, M. meridionalis Madagascar. Third edition. Köln (M. Vences und f. Glaw Verlags GbR), pp. 496. GlAW , f. & V ENCES , M. may be a specialist predator of frogs, at least & KuCHARZEWSKI , C. & NAGY , Z. T . (2013): Resolving in the rainy season ( GlAW & VENCES 2007). an enigma by integrative taxonomy: Madagascarophis ACKNOWlEDGMENTS: The authors are in - fuchsi (Serpentes: lamprophiidae), a new opisthoglyp - debted to the university of Antananarivo, Parc Bota- hous and microendemic snake from northern Mada- nique et Zoologique de Tsimbazaza (PBZT), the Di- gascar. - Zootaxa, Auckland; 3630 (2): 317-332. NAGY , rection des Eaux et forêts, and Madagascar National Z. T. & G lAW , f. & A NDREONE , f. & W INK , M. & Parks (MNP) for permission to visit the National Park VENCES , M. (2007): Species boundaries in Malagasy of Isalo and to conduct research activity (authorization snakes of the genus Madagascarophis (Serpentes: nos. 191/09/MEf/SG/DGf/DCB.SAP/SlRSE of 22. Colubridae sensu lato ) assessed by nuclear and mito - IX.2009, 222/09/MEf/SG/DGf/DCB.SAP/SlRSE of chondrial markers.- Organisms, Diversity & Evolution, 12.X.2009, and 357/10/MEf/SG/DGf/DCB.SAP/SCB Berlin, Heidelberg; 7: 241-251. NAGY , Z. T. & J OGER , of 17.XII.2010). The team of MNP at Rano hira–Isalo u. & W INK , M. & G lAW , f. & VENCES , M. (2 003): was very helpful, especially its director A. Rajaonarivo Multiple colonization of Madagascar and Socotra by and our guide Anicet. The fieldwork was possible with colubrid snakes: evidence from nuclear and mitochon - the support of the Mohamed bin Zayed Species Con- drial gene phylogenies. - Proceedings of the Royal servation fund, EDGE, Zoological Society of london, Society, london; (B) 270: 2613-2621. NAGY , Z. T. & Amphibian Specialist Group, Conservation Internatio - SONET , G. & G lAW , f. & V ENCES , f. (2012): first large- nal, Gondwana Conservation and Research, Regione scale DNA barcoding assessment of reptiles in the bio - Piemonte, and the Zurich Zoo. G. M. Rosa holds a doc - diversity hotspot of Madagascar, based on newly de- toral scholarship from the fundação para a Ciência e a signed COI primers.- PloS One, lawrence; 7: e34506. Tecnologia (fCT) (SfRH/BD/69194/2010); A. Crottini VIEITES , D. R. & R ATSOAVINA , f. M. & R AN DRI ANIAINA , is supported by an Investigador fCT contract (If/00209/ R.-D. & N AGY , Z. T. & G lAW , f. & V ENCES , M. (201 0): 2014) under the Programa Operacional Potencial Hu- A rhapsody of colours from Madagascar: discovery of mano – Quadro de Referência Estratégico Nacional a remarkable new snake of the genus Liophidium and funds from the European Social fund and Portuguese its phylogenetic relationships.- Salamandra, Rhein - Ministério da Educação e Ciência. The authors ac - bach; 46: 1-10. knowledge the project “Genomics and Evolutionary KEY WORDS: Reptilia: : Serpentes; Biology” cofinanced by North Portugal Regional Madagascarophis meridionalis , feeding behavior, prey, Operational Programme 2007/2013 (ON.2 – O Novo ethology, Madagascar All_Short_Notes_SHORT_NOTE.qxd 08.08.2016 11:17 Seite 31

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SuBMITTED: December 15, 2014 common snakes and at times occurs in AuTHORS: Gonçalo M. ROSA (corresponding dense populations ( KABISCH 1997; VAlAKOS author, < [email protected] >) 1, 2, 3) ; Paolo et al. 2008 ). It is also found on several Eusebio BERGò 4) ; franco ANDREONE 4) ; Angelica HONDROPOu CROTTINI 5) ; louise JASPER 6) ; Charlie J. GARDNER 1, 7) Ionian and Aegean islands ( C - lOS 1989; V AlAKOS et al. 2008), always in 1) Durrell Institute of Conservation and Eco- logy, School of Anthropology and Conservation, uni- areas near water ( CATTANEO 2001, 2010; versity of Kent. Canterbury, Kent, CT2 7NR, uK BROGGI 2014) . The strong aquatic character 2) Institute of Zoology, Zoological Society of of the species shapes its diet; N. natrix feeds london, Regent’s Park, NW1 4RY london, uK mainly on amphibians, but has been known 3) Centre for Ecology, Evolution and Environ- mental Changes (CE3C), faculdade de Ciências da to supplement its normal diet with fish universidade de lisboa, Bloco C2, Campo Grande, (HuTINEC & M EBERT 2011 ). However, lisboa, Portugal water is a rare commodity on Mediterranean 4) Museo Regionale di Scienze Naturali, Via islands, especially on those located in the G. Giolitti, 36, I-10123, Torino, Italy 5) CIBIO Research Centre in Biodiversity and Aegean Sea ( CATSADORAKIS & P ARAGAMIAN Genetic Resources, InBIO, universidade do Porto, 2007; V ERVuST et al. 2013 ). As a result, the Campus Agrário de Vairão, Rua Padre Armando Quin- Grass Snake is absent from many small tas, Nº 7, 4485-661 Vairão, Vila do Conde, Portugal islands, which often lack water sources 6) BP 639, Toliara 601, Madagascar. 7) WWf Madagascar and Western Indian (BROGGI 2008, 2009 ). In the Cyclades, Ocean Programme Office, BP 738, Antananarivo 101, wherever it occurs, its populations are small Madagascar and the last individuals are imperiled (e.g., in Milos, BROGGI 2000 ), like the majority of the hydrophilic species in the Archipelago, by the anthropogenic exploitation of fresh - Natrix natrix (lINNAEuS , 1758 ), water resources ( BROGGI 2012; B ROGGI & GRIllITSCH 2012). In summer 2014, the found on the small Islet of Tigani authors found N. natrix on the small, dry (Central Cyclades, Greece) islet of Tigani, off Paros, which is the first ophidian record for that islet. The European Grass Snake, Natrix Tigani is situated between two larger natrix (lINNAEuS , 1758), is one of the most islands, Paros and Antiparos (1.6 km SW of widespread snakes in the Palearctic, occur - Paros Island, 36.9770°N, 25.1155°E) and ring from Portugal to Mongolia and from belongs to the three-islet cluster called Algeria to Norway ( uETZ & H OSEK 2014 ). Panteronissia (fig. 1A). Tigani has an area It prefers wet habitats that range in altitude of 0.08 km 2 and is very dry and flat with from sea level up to 3,000 m and is typical - sparse patches of low, scrubby vegetation. ly found close to water bodies such as lakes, Previous surveys had confirmed the pres - ponds or rivulets ( KABISCH 1997). Across ence of Mediodactylus kotschyi (S TEIN - the wide distribution of this species, 14 de - DACHNER , 1870) but no other reptiles or scribed subspecies conflict with 16 molecu - amphibians had been found on the island. lar clades currently recognized ( KINDlER et The encounter with the snake occurred on 8 al. 2014 ). Coloration varies considerably, June 2014, during an island-wide herpeto - but the main dorsal background colors are logical survey. It was a warm, sunny eve - gray, brown and olive-gray whereas the ning (24 °C), with a few scattered clouds. ventral side is commonly whitish, tessellat - At 18:45 h, after being on the island for only ed with black to a variable degree. Very ten minutes, the authors saw a dark snake typical is a pair of black occipito-nuchal dart into a bush. As no snakes had been dots anteriorly bordered by orange to white recorded previously on the island, the spec - colored semilunar dots. The dorsal decora - imen was caught, preserved in alcohol and tion may include regularly arranged black later added to the Herpetology Collection of spots and two bright longitudinal stripes. the Yale university, Peabody Natural His- Melanistic or dark colored specimens were tory Museum (specimen number YPM frequently reported (K A BISCH 1999). HERR.019499). The snake was a melanis - In Greece, N. natrix ranges throughout tic, non-gravid adult female, (Pholidosis the mainland, where it is one of the most features: keeled dorsal scales, seven super -