5010 Approved Vendors

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5010 Approved Vendors 5010 APPROVED VENDORS Transaction Vendor Name Phone Email TPID Type 1 REX INC (817)531-8992 [email protected] CH00178 835 (5010A1) 1 REX INC (817)531-8992 [email protected] CH00178 837P (5010A1) 1 STOP MEDICAL BILLI (909)315-8267 [email protected] 600041 837P (5010A1) 1 STOP MEDICAL BILLI (909)315-8267 [email protected] 600041 276 (5010) 1 STOP MEDICAL BILLI (909)315-8267 [email protected] 600041 835 (5010A1) 121 Rehab Physical Therapy Corp. (626)962-5035 [email protected] BS105440 276 (5010) 1st Choice IT (818)986-9552 [email protected] CH00695 276 (5010) 1ST CHOICE MEDICAL BILLING (702)396-8834 [email protected] BS00170 835 (5010A1) 1ST CHOICE MEDICAL BILLING (702)396-8834 [email protected] BS00170 276 (5010) 1ST CHOICE MEDICAL BILLING (702)396-8834 [email protected] BS00170 837P (5010A1) 1st Priority Billing Solutions (479)751-6828 [email protected] BS02760 276 (5010) 1st Providers Choice (303)779-3340 [email protected] BS01657 276 (5010) 21ST CENTURY MEDICAL (626)975-0000 N/A 504162 837P (5010A1) 21ST CENTURY MEDICAL (626)975-0000 N/A 504162 276 (5010) 360 Medical Billing Solutions (844)813-1749 [email protected] BS03509 276 (5010) 808 MEDICAL BILLING LLC (808)203-7943 [email protected] BS00905 835 (5010A1) 808 MEDICAL BILLING LLC (808)203-7943 [email protected] BS00905 276 (5010) 808 MEDICAL BILLING LLC (808)203-7943 [email protected] BS00905 837P (5010A1) A & J BILLING (831)639-0000 N/A B00000015 837P (5010A1) A & J BILLING (831)639-0000 N/A B00000015 276 (5010) A & J BILLING (831)639-0000 N/A B00000015 835 (5010A1) A & L BILLING SERVICE (775)289-2059 [email protected] BS00214 837P (5010A1) A & L BILLING SERVICE (775)289-2059 [email protected] BS00214 276 (5010) A & R BUSINESS SVCS (855)442-2113 [email protected] 3371 276 (5010) A & R BUSINESS SVCS (855)442-2113 [email protected] 3371 837P (5010A1) A & R BUSINESS SVCS (855)442-2113 [email protected] 3371 835 (5010A1) A BETTER BILLING INC (310)273-7365 [email protected] 500015 835 (5010A1) A BETTER BILLING INC (310)273-7365 [email protected] 500015 837P (5010A1) A BETTER BILLING INC (310)273-7365 [email protected] 500015 276 (5010) A PLUS MEDICAL & INS. BILLING SERVICES (818)546-1500 [email protected] 504317 837P (5010A1) A Plus Medical Billing, LLC (808)238-0674 [email protected] BS02673 835 (5010A1) A Plus Medical Billing, LLC (808)238-0674 [email protected] BS02673 276 (5010) A Plus Medical Billing, LLC (808)238-0674 [email protected] BS02673 837P (5010A1) A PROMPT BILLING INC (760)745-5445 [email protected] 500141 837P (5010A1) A PROMPT BILLING INC (760)745-5445 [email protected] 500141 276 (5010) A PROMPT BILLING INC (760)745-5445 [email protected] 500141 835 (5010A1) A&M Billing and Consulting (801)577-1109 [email protected] BS01067 837P (5010A1) Transaction Vendor Name Phone Email TPID Type A.O.K. MEDICAL BILLI (805)239-9055 [email protected] 3065 276 (5010) A.O.K. MEDICAL BILLI (805)239-9055 [email protected] 3065 835 (5010A1) A.O.K. MEDICAL BILLI (805)239-9055 [email protected] 3065 837P (5010A1) AAA Professional Medical Billing Inc (480)821-9339 [email protected] BS01244 276 (5010) AAA Professional Medical Billing Inc (480)821-9339 [email protected] BS01244 835 (5010A1) AB MEDICAL BILLING S (213)436-0000 N/A 500926 276 (5010) AB MEDICAL BILLING S (213)436-0000 N/A 500926 837P (5010A1) ABBOTT MED. BILLING (714)279-9537 [email protected] 502956 276 (5010) ABBOTT MED. BILLING (714)279-9537 [email protected] 502956 837P (5010A1) ABILITY (555)555-5555 N/A CH01000105 276 (5010) ABILITY (555)555-5555 N/A CH01000105 837P (5010A1) ABILITY (555)555-5555 N/A CH01000105 835 (5010A1) ABILITY (555)555-5555 N/A CH01000105 837I (5010A2) ABLAZE MEDICAL BILLING (307)362-4336 [email protected] BS00224 835 (5010A1) ABLAZE MEDICAL BILLING (307)362-4336 [email protected] BS00224 837P (5010A1) ABSOLUTE MEDICAL BIL (818)865-1611 [email protected] 600099 276 (5010) ABSOLUTE MEDICAL BIL (818)865-1611 [email protected] 600099 837P (5010A1) ABSOLUTE MEDICAL BIL (818)865-1611 [email protected] 600099 835 (5010A1) ACCESS MEDICAL MANAGEMENT (818)848-8891 [email protected] 504197 835 (5010A1) ACCESS MEDICAL MANAGEMENT (818)848-8891 [email protected] 504197 837P (5010A1) ACCESS MEDICAL MANAGEMENT (818)848-8891 [email protected] 504197 276 (5010) ACCLAIM MEDICAL BILL (707)940-0000 N/A BBB12163B 276 (5010) ACCLAIM MEDICAL BILL (707)940-0000 N/A BBB12163B 837P (5010A1) ACCUBILL, INC (909)599-6118 [email protected] 504142 837P (5010A1) ACCUBILL, INC (909)599-6118 [email protected] 504142 276 (5010) ACCUBILL, INC (909)599-6118 [email protected] 504142 835 (5010A1) ACCUBILL, INC. (909)599-6118 [email protected] BBB31932B 276 (5010) ACCUBILL, INC. (909)599-6118 [email protected] BBB31932B 837P (5010A1) ACCUBILL, INC. (909)599-6118 [email protected] BBB31932B 835 (5010A1) Accucode Inc. (626)430-1900 [email protected] 600043 835 (5010A1) Accucode Inc. (626)430-1900 [email protected] 600043 837P (5010A1) Accucode Inc. (626)430-1900 [email protected] 600043 276 (5010) ACCUPRO MEDICAL SERVICES (360)366-0494 [email protected] BS01372 276 (5010) AccuQuik (805)583-8107 [email protected] 501371 837P (5010A1) AccuQuik (805)583-8107 [email protected] 501371 276 (5010) AccuQuik (805)583-8107 [email protected] 501371 835 (5010A1) ACCURATE BILLING AND CONSULTING (818)884-0611 [email protected] 502975 837P (5010A1) ACCURATE BILLING AND CONSULTING (818)884-0611 [email protected] 502975 276 (5010) Transaction Vendor Name Phone Email TPID Type ACE MEDICAL PROFESSI (714)636-0342 N/A BS01000015 276 (5010) ACE MEDICAL PROFESSI (714)636-0342 N/A BS01000015 837P (5010A1) ACM BILLING (951)782-7474 [email protected] BBB11374B 837P (5010A1) ACM BILLING (951)782-7474 [email protected] BBB11374B 835 (5010A1) ACM BILLING (951)782-7474 [email protected] BBB11374B 276 (5010) Action Billing Services (480)982-5009 [email protected] BS01136 837P (5010A1) ACTION MEDICAL BILLING SERVICE (714)444-3448 [email protected] 501034 837P (5010A1) ACTION MEDICAL BILLING SERVICE (714)444-3448 [email protected] 501034 276 (5010) ACTION MEDICAL BILLING SERVICE (714)444-3448 [email protected] 501034 835 (5010A1) Adams Billing (408)234-9094 [email protected] B00000006 276 (5010) Adams Billing (408)234-9094 [email protected] B00000006 837P (5010A1) Adams Billing (408)234-9094 [email protected] B00000006 835 (5010A1) ADAPS, Inc. (808)383-9834 [email protected] CH00450 837P (5010A1) ADEPT MGMT SYS (626)357-1100 [email protected] 501206 837P (5010A1) ADEPT MGMT SYS (626)357-1100 [email protected] 501206 276 (5010) ADEPT MGMT SYS (626)357-1100 [email protected] 501206 835 (5010A1) ADLF PROFESSIONAL SR (310)599-0000 N/A 500294 276 (5010) ADLF PROFESSIONAL SR (310)599-0000 N/A 500294 837P (5010A1) AdminisTEP, LLC (214)440-3115 [email protected] CH00258 837P (5010A1) AdminisTEP, LLC (214)440-3115 [email protected] CH00258 835 (5010A1) AdminisTEP, LLC (214)440-3115 [email protected] CH00258 276 (5010) Advanced Behavioral Health Billing LLC (602)741-3077 [email protected] BS01642 837P (5010A1) ADVANCED BILLING (818)345-0504 N/A 500345 276 (5010) ADVANCED BILLING (818)345-0504 N/A 500345 837P (5010A1) ADVANCED BILLING AND (530)244-5833 [email protected] BS01000007 276 (5010) Advanced Billing Managment (253)320-5412 [email protected] BS02778 276 (5010) ADVANCED BILLING SER (701)221-9810 [email protected] BS01000248 837P (5010A1) ADVANCED BILLING SER (701)221-9810 [email protected] BS01000248 835 (5010A1) ADVANCED BILLING SER (701)221-9810 [email protected] BS01000248 276 (5010) Advanced Billing Services (701)221-9810 [email protected] BS01271 837P (5010A1) Advanced Billing Services (701)221-9810 [email protected] BS01271 835 (5010A1) Advanced Billing Services (701)221-9810 [email protected] BS01271 276 (5010) ADVANCED BILLING SOLUTIONS (661)327-0692 [email protected] B00000053 837P (5010A1) ADVANCED BILLING SOLUTIONS (661)327-0692 [email protected] B00000053 835 (5010A1) ADVANCED BILLING SOLUTIONS (661)327-0692 [email protected] B00000053 276 (5010) ADVANCED HEALTHCARE (562)424-7600 N/A 600008 276 (5010) ADVANCED HEALTHCARE (562)424-7600 N/A 600008 837P (5010A1) ADVANCED MED BILLING (909)653-9427 N/A BBB50193B 276 (5010) Transaction Vendor Name Phone Email TPID Type ADVANCED MED BILLING (818)236-0000 N/A 500360 276 (5010) ADVANCED MED BILLING (818)236-0000 N/A 500360 837P (5010A1) ADVANCED MEDICAL BIL (714)528-0000 N/A 5173 276 (5010) ADVANCED MEDICAL BIL (714)528-0000 N/A 5173 835 (5010A1) ADVANCED MEDICAL BIL (626)858-7200 [email protected] 500402 837P (5010A1) ADVANCED MEDICAL BIL (714)528-0000 N/A 5173 837P (5010A1) ADVANCED MEDICAL BIL (626)858-7200 [email protected] 500402 276 (5010) ADVANCED MEDICAL CONSULTING INC (951)801-2513 [email protected] 504009 276 (5010) ADVANCED MEDICAL CONSULTING INC (951)801-2513 [email protected] 504009 837P (5010A1) ADVANCED MEDICAL CONSULTING INC (951)801-2513 [email protected] 504009 837I (5010A2) ADVANCED PACIFIC MED (619)203-9726 [email protected] BS01000226 276 (5010) ADVANCED PACIFIC MED (619)203-9726 [email protected] BS01000226 835 (5010A1)
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