WINTER 2015 Journal of Austrian Economics
The VOL. 18 | NO . 4 QUARTERLY WINTER 2015 JOURNAL of AUSTRIAN ECONOMICS ARTICLES The Efficient Market Conjecture . 387 Ricardo E. Campos Dias de Sousa and David Howden The Austrian Business Cycle Theory: A Defense of Its General Validity . 409 Mihai Macovei Division of Labor and Society: The Social Rationalism of Mises and Destutt de Tracy . 436 Carmen Elena Dorobăţ From Marshallian Partial Equilibrium to Austrian General Equilibrium: The Evolution of Rothbard’s Production Theory . 456 Patrick Newman Man, Economy and State, Original Chapter 5: Producer’s Activity . 487 Murray N. Rothbard Book Review: Doing Bad by Doing Good: Why Humanitarian Action Fails By Chris Coyne . 562 Jason E. Jewell Book Review: Exploring Capitalist Fiction: Business through Literature and Film By Edward W. Younkins . 568 Shawn Ritenour Book Review: Contending Perspective in Economics: A Guide to Contemporary Schools of Thought By John T. Harvey . 572 Mark Thornton Book Review: Finance Behind the Veil of Money: An Essay on the Economics of Capital, Interest, and the Financial Market By Eduard Braun . 578 David Howden FOUNDING EDITOR (formerly The Review of Austrian Economics), Murray N. Rothbard (1926–1995) EDITOR, Joseph T. Salerno, Pace University BOOK REVIEW EDITOR, Mark Thornton, Ludwig von Mises Institute ASSISTANT EDITOR, Timothy D. Terrell, Wofford College EDITORIAL BOARD D.T. Armentano, Emeritus, University of Hartford Randall G. Holcombe, Florida State University James Barth, Auburn University Hans-Hermann Hoppe, Emeritus, UNLV Robert Batemarco, Pace University Jesús Huerta de Soto, Universidad Rey Juan Carlos Walter Block, Loyola University Jörg Guido Hülsmann, University of Angers Donald Bellante, University of South Florida Peter G.
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