The BDHS Library is a facility for Society members, housed in the Battle Museum of Local History at the top of the High Street.

The Museum Custodians are not permitted to open the bookcases – so please do not ask them to.

Access to the Library is by prior appointment only, and after recent reorganisation, begins 2 June 2014.

To borrow a book – please telephone Diane Braybrooke on 01424-775632.

Your BDHS Membership Card must be shown for free entry to the Museum and to borrow a book.

Diane Braybrooke

BDHS Librarian

Title Author

Anglo Norman Language & Literature John Vising

Anglo-Norman Warfare Matthew Strickland

Anglo Saxon Chronicle to 1154 ?

Anglo Saxon F M Stanton

Anglo Saxon England & the Norman Conquest H R Loyn

Anglo Saxons Campbell et al

Governance of Anglo Saxon England – 500-1087 H R Loyn

History of England under Anglo-Saxon Kings – Vol.II Benjamin Thorpe

History of the Anglo-Saxons – 2 vols. R H Hodgkin

History of the Anglo Saxons Sir Francis Palgrave

In Saxon Alec Barr-Hamilton

Life in Norman England O G Tomkereff

Making of the English Nation – Anglo Saxons to Edward I H R Lloyn

Saints & Missionaries of the Anglo Saxon Era D C O Adams

Saxon & Norman Kings Christopher Brake


Saxon Kings Richard Humble

South Saxons Peter Brandon

1066 – The Story of a Year Dennis Butler

Antiquaries of & the Battlefield Thomas H Cole

Battle 1066 Brig.C N Barclay

Battle Abbey Roll – 3 vols. Duchess of Cleveland

Battlefields of England Lt.Col. A L Burne

Battle of Hastings Jim Bradbury

Battle of Hastings Stephen Morilla

Battle of Hastings, England & Europe – 1035-1066 Sten Korner

Carmen de Hastingae, Proellio of Guy, Bishop of Amiens. C Morton/Hope Muntz

Conquest 1066 Rupert Funneaux

History of the Norman Conquest – 6 vols. E E Freeman

Norman Conquest – its effects on Economy 1066-1086 R W Finn

Norman Conquest – its setting and impact Whitelock – et al.

Normans R Allen Brown

Normans & their Myths R H C Davis

Normans & the Norman Conquest R Allen Brown

Battle Abbey - Sussex – Official Guide Sir Harold Brakspear

Battle Abbey Under 39 Kings Lilian Boys Behrens

Battle Abbey with notices of Parish Church & Town M EW C Walcott

Catalogue of Battle Abbey Archives, Estate Archives Judith Brent

Chronicle of Battle Abbey M A Lower

Chronicle of Battle Abbey Eleanor Searle

Chronicon – Monasteril de Bello ?

Custumals of Battle Abbey in the reign of Edward I & Edward II S R Scargill Bird

Descriptive Catalogue of Battle Abbey Charters Thomas Thorpe

English Medieval Monasteries 10665-1540 – a summary Roy Midmer

Falaise Roll Crispin & Macary 2

Guide to Battle Abbey C.L.W.C. (Duchess)

History of Battle Abbey Duchess of Cleveland

Lordship & Community 1066-1538 Eleanor Searle

Rule of Saint Ben edict translation – Abbot Gasquet

Sons of the Conqueror George Slocombe

Studies in Medieval History C Harper Bill, et al.

They Came with the Conqueror L G Pine

William I & the Norman Conquest Frank Barlow

William the Conqueror David C Douglas

William the Conqueror Edward Freeman

William the Conqueror George Slocombe

William the Conqueror & the Battle of Hastings R Allen Brown

Abbot’s House at Battle Sir Harold Brakspear

Battle Abbey – The Story of a School June Parker

Battle – Rural Guide – Official Guide ?

Battle – Rural District – Jubilee Review – 1894-1954 ?

Bygone Battle Alywin Guillmant

Church Guide – St Mary the Virgin, Battle ?

Church Guide – St Mary Magdalene, ?

History of the Parish Church of Battle Clifford Braybrooke

Parish Church of St Mary the Virgin, Battle Rev.F Vere Hodge

Pilgrims Rest Rev.F Vere Hodge

Short Popular Guide to Battle Lewis H Pyke

Story of St Mary’s Church Rev. W W Youard

Story of the Old Gunpowder Works at Battle Herbert Blackman

Three Sussex Churches – Bound Compilation Grevill M Livett

All Saints Church – Herstmonceux Rev/Rosslyn Bruce

Ashburnham Church (no title) Rev.John Bickeseth

At the Sign of the Bull – Walter H Godfrey 3

Battle & in Old Photographs Alan Gillet

Battle of Lewes 1264 Powick/Treharne/Lemmon

Battle of Lewes & Eve sham – 1264-1265 David Carpenter

Bexhill Directory, Guide & Almanac – 1801 ?

Bexhill on Sea – A Pictorial History Alywin Guillmant

Bodiam & its Lords Mark Antony Lower

Bodiam Castle, Sussex Marquis Curzon

Book of Pres.W G Willoughby

Brede – The Story of a Sussex Parish Edmund Austen

Burton’s St Leonards J Mainwaring Baines

Burwash & the Sussex James Goodwin

Bygone Age – Ashburnham & Brasseys Kathleen Richardson

Cryed in Old Hastings 1766-1794 J Mainwaring Baines

Geological Sketch of the Vicinity of Hastings William Henry Fiutton

Guide & History of Rye + Political History H P Clark

Hastings Ward Lock

Hastings & Neighbourhood Higins/Haselhurst

Hastings Guide by an inhabitant

Hastings in 1605 J Mainwaring Baines

Historic Hastings J Mainwaring Baines

History & Antiquities of Town & Port of Hastings W Moss

History of Brickwall in Sussex, Parish of & Brede A L Frewin

History of Cowden Guy Ewing

Life in 1800-1910 – History of our Doorstep D Phillips/Parish Council

Mountfield Meanderings – Vol.1 Patricia A Jones

Mountfield Meanderings – Vol.2 Patricia A Jones

New History of Rye L A Vidler

Ninfield in the Nineties Alfred T Ridel

Notes on the Church & Manor of Crowhurst M E Newman

Old Town Hastings – a pictorial guide James Meredsith

Penhurst Church near Battle Rev.J D Bickersteth 4

Pevensey & Westham Guides to town & Church – Bound ?

Romney Marsh Walter J C Murray

Romney Marsh John Piper

Rye Church Clock E J Tyler

Short History of the Parish of Leonard J Hodson

Story of Bexhill LJ Barley

Story of Kin g Edward & New F A Inderwick

Story of St Peters, Bexhill Clifford Earwaker

Tudor Rye Graham Mayhew

Twenty Centuries in Beryl Lucey

Victorian & Edwardian from old Photographs J Betjeman/J S Grey

Winchelsea – a Port of Stranded Pride Malcolm Pratt

Winchelsea – the tale of a Medieval Town Malcolm Pratt

Wivelsfield Captain F W Attree

County Geologies – Pedigree of families – County of Sussex William Berry

Cowdray – its early History Torrens Trotter

East Sussex Sentences of Transportation at Quarter Sessions Roger Davey

Fuller of Sussex – a Georgian Squire Geoff Hutchinson

Glimpses of our Ancestors in Sussex Charles Fleet

Index of Parish Records – 1275-1870 Michael J Burchall

Kipling’s Sussex R Thurston Hopkins

Life & Labour of Mr Brassey 1805-1870 Arthur Helps

Recollections of a Sussex Parson – Rev.Edward Boyls Ellman Rev.Ellman

Scenes from Provincial Life – Knightly Families – Sussex – 1240-1400 Nigel Saul

Sussex Election – 1820 ?

Sussex Genealogies Compiled by J Comber

Sussex Life – Memories of Gilbert Sargeant D Arthur – editor

T.A.B. – Memoir of Thomas Allnutt (2nd Earl Brassey) Frank Partridge

Victorian Village – Diaries of Rev.Coker Egerton 1857-1888 Roger Wells

Worthies of Sussex Mark Antony Lower 5

Writers in Sussex B Smith/P Haas

A Childhood in Edwardian Sussex Margaret Hutchinson

An Old Gate of England A G Bradley

Around Historic Sussex Drawings – Gerald Lip

Around Historic Sussex with Ray Miller Ray Miller

Bygone Sussex William E A Axon

Cinque Ports Ford M Hueffer

Cinque Ports & Romney Marsh Margaret Brentnall

County Maps & Histories – Sussex V Scott/H Barty-King

Detective in Sussex Donald Maxwell

Dictionary of the Rev. W D Parish

Domesday Book – Sussex ?

Downland Pathways –s East Sussex A Hadrian Allcroft

Folklore of Sussex Jacqueline Simpson

Hidden Sussex Day by Day Arden Swinfen/D Arscott

Historical, Topographical & Descriptive Account – Weald of Kent T D W Dearn

Highways & Byways in Sussex E V Lucas

History, Antiquities & Topography of the County of Sussex – 2 vols. Thomas Walter Horsfield

History of Sussex J R Armstrong

History of Sussex – 2 vols. Mark Antony Lower

History of Sussex L F Salzman

History of the Weald of Kent – Vol.I & II – 3 books Robert Furley

History, People & Places in the Cinque Ports Edward Hinings

Jutish Forest – Study of Weald of Kent 450-1380 K P Witney

Kent J Charles Cox

Kingdom of Kent K P Whitney

Land of the Cinque Ports Rowland Hilder

Lost Villages of Sussex John E Wigar

Motoring in Sussex & Kent Mrs R Stawell

Nooks & Corners in Old Sussex Rev. P dePutron 6

Notes on Sussex Churches – 1920 & 1`906 – 2 books Frederick Harrison

Off the Beaten Track in Sussex Arthur Stanley Cooke

Old Sussex & her Dialects Arthur J Rees

Parry’s – The Coast of Sussex J D Parry

Place Names of Sussex – Part I & Part II ?

Portrait of Sussex Cecile Woodford

Prehistoric Sussex E Cecil Curwen

Rambles in Sussex F G Brabant

Roman Ways in the Weald J D Margery

Round About Sussex Downs Fredk. F Wood

Seaward Sussex – from End to End Edric Holmes

Shepherds of Sussex Charclay Wills

Short History of Sussex John Lowerson

Sky High – Sussex – Aerial Journey

Smuggling in Kent & Sussex – 1700-1840 Mary Waugh

Some Sussex Byways Viscountess Wolseley

South Down Farm in the Sixties Maude Robinson

Southdown Songs & Idylls A Stanley Cooke

South East England – The Channel Coastlands R Millard/A Robinson

Spirit of the Downs Arthur Becket

Story of Sussex W Victor Cook

Sussex F G Brabant

Sussex Augustus Hare

Sussex Esther Meynell

Sussex S Winbolt/E Ward

Sussex – 1600-1660 – A Community in Peace and War Antony Fletcher

Sussex & the Spanish Armada Jeremy Goring

Sussex Coast Ian C Hannah

Sussex Cottages Esther Meynell

Sussex County Book S C Kendell

Sussex Folk & Sussex Ways John Coker Egerton 7

Sussex – Garden by the Sea Arthur Mee

Sussex Garland Ton y Wales

Sussex in Bygone Days N P Baker

Sussex Landscape Peter Brandon

Sussex One Hundred Years Ago Frank Graham

Sussex Shipwrecks Nicholas Thornton

Sussex Views – Selection from Burrell Collection Goidfrey/Salzman

Sussex Villages Michael H C Baker

Tales from the Parish Pump – 100 Years Parish Councils in E Sussex. David Arsett

That Peace in our Time P Longshaft-Tyrall

Tomorrow in East Sussex Sussex Rural Community Council

Topographical History of Surrey & Sussex George L Gomme

Unknown Sussex David Maxwell

Victorian & Edwardian Sussex from Old Photographs James S Gray

Victorian Churches of Sussex Dr Robert Elleray

Victorian History – History of Susszex in 2 vols. Wm. Page – Editor

Victorian History – History of East Sussex – Vol.IX Wm. Page – Editor

Views of Sussex Ben Darby

Weald of Kent & Sussex Brian Vesey-Fitzgerald

Agriculture & Soil of Kent, Surrey & Sussex A D Hall/E J Russell

Archaeology of Sussex E Cecil Curwen

Batsford Guide to Industrial Archaeology of S E England A J Haselfoot

Brick & Tile Making at Ashburnham Kim Leslie & Jack Harmer

Brickmaking in Sussex – A History & Gazetteer M Beswick

Framed Building of the Weald R T Maston

Glass Industry of the Weald G H Kenyon

Iron Industry of the Weald H Cleere/D Crossley

Rails Across the Weald S G Newton

Rescue Archaeology in Sussex P Drewett

Rye Pottery ? 8

Some of the Smaller Manor Houses in Sussex Viscountess Wolseley

Survey of Agriculture of Sussex R H B Jesse

Sussex Pottery J Mainwaring Baines

Wealden Firebacks J Mainwaring Baines

Wealden Iron Ernest Straker

Windmills in Sussex Rev.Petewr Hemming

Ancient British Coins Ernest Willett

Archaeology or Miscellaneous Tracts relating to Antiquity 15 various authors

Civil Service Commission – 1835-1975 K M Reader

History of the British Iron & Steel Industry H R Schubert

In the Wake of the Hurricane Bob Ogley

Mystery of the Town Creep Kathleen Richardson

Piltdown Forger J S Weiner

Queen’s Gunstonemaker Edmund Teasdale

Richard III John Gillingham

Richard the Lionheart John Gillingham

We also have some copies of the following:-

BDHS Journals

Proceedings of the Battle Conference on Anglo Norman Studies

Sussex Archaeological Collection

Sussex Record Society