October 2018
Members of the Social Centre enjoying their exercises with Andreas before sitting down to lunch at the Summer Party on 29 August Rabbi Chava Koster making motsi after taking the morning service during her visit Bromley Three Faiths Forum on the weekend of Shabbat Shuvah to see Autumn Discussion Programme if she would like to fill the vacancy left by the departure of Rabbi Jason Holtz Following the format of past discussions, we In This Month’s Highlight have drawn up the next three events: View from the Chair ..........................2 Monday, 15 October, starting at 7.30 pm, Leo Baeck College ordinations .........2 Knit and Natter ..................................2 at St John’s Church, Park Road, Bromley, Cheder News .....................................3 looking at verses from the Torah Social Centre News ...........................3 Chanukah Fair ...................................3 Monday, 19 November, starting at 7.15 pm, Religions must modernise ..................4 at Keston Mosque, looking at verses from Jewish Museum - Roman Vishniac ...4 Christian scripture Reform Beit Din .................................5 BoD Open Meeting ............................5 Wednesday, 19 December, starting at 7.30 CCJ talk on the Septuagint .................5 pm, at Bromley Reform Synagogue, with Social and Personal ............................6 Chanukah Fair Auction ......................6 verses from the Qu’ran 999 Club Appeal ................................6 Refreshments will be served SE10 and Beyond ...............................6 CST article
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