Social Media and Politics: Theoretical and Methodological Considerations in Designing a Study of Political Engagement
Social Media and Politics: Theoretical and Methodological Considerations in Designing a Study of Political Engagement Paper presented at Politics: Web 2.0: An International Conference New Political Communication Unit Royal Holloway, University of London April 17-18, 2008 Maja Turnšek University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Social Sciences, Slovenia Nicholas W. Jankowski Virtual Knowledge Studio for the Humanities and Social Sciences, Amsterdam, The Netherlands 1 Introduction Web 2.0 has become the buzz word describing a plethora of social media available on the internet, includingblogs, photo and file sharing systems (e.g., Flickr, SlideShare, YouTube), and social networking sites (e.g., Friendster, MySpace, SecondLife). Although these media are largely designed for personal presentation, political speech and action sometime emerge, such as in postings protesting government actions on YouTube, creation of candidate headquarters in SecondLife, and utilization of still image and video functionalities on mobile phones during demonstrations and police confrontations. Last year, as candidates began preparing for the U.S. Presidential Primaries, CNN coined the term YouTube-ification of Politics to describe this development. From a perspective ascribing importance to everyday settings as venues for political expression, these Internet-based social media have become both the tools for and sites of politics. The question, however, is how such manifestations of political life can be empirically investigated within a social science theoretical framework. In this paper we examine the theoretical and methodological approaches involved in studying social media utilized for political expression and action. In question form, we ask: How do empirically oriented social scientists consider the theoretical and methodological challenges involved in investigating social media? We address this question through examining a sample of research-oriented peer reviewed journal articles addressing facets of social media.
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