adopted March 2007 Landscape Character Area 1a

Berwyn Mountain 1a

This is one of a series of Local The Berwyn Mountain area of consists of unenclosed and Planning Guidance Notes based on uninhabited upland moorland overlooking and partly surrounding the Wrexham LANDMAP (adopted Ceiriog Valley. Its scenic exposed rounded mountain ridges form the November 2004), setting out highest part of the County Borough, with outstanding views recommendations for each Landscape Character area Landscape context The Berwyn Mountain landscape character area is one of two areas of unenclosed upland moorland in Wrexham, the other being / Mountain. The Berwyn Mountain moorlands extend into and , with the highest point, at Cadair Berwyn, just outside the Wrexham boundary. The area forms the remotest and most westerly part of

Map of Berwyn Mountain Landscape Character Area

map not to scale

Berwyn Mountain summary:

O Very high and open with outstanding long distance views

O Relatively natural with high wildlife value

O Tranquil and remote

O Large scale landscape of rounded ridges

O Important for informal recreation

O Significant weather and seasonal changes Character Area boundaries should be considered transitional rather than precise O Potential for archaeological © Crown copyright. All rights reserved Licence No.100023429. 2006 discovery

Key characteristics O Overlying soils are deep acid waterlogged peat or upland soils Visual character: with a wet peaty surface O Tributaries of the River Ceiriog O High, open, relatively uniform and arise in the area large scale landscape over 450 m O is the highest O Perceived as almost 'wilderness' point in Wrexham County Borough O High scenic quality at 784 m

Geological character: Ecological character:

O Underlying rocks are mixed O Vegetation cover is heather moorland Ordovician sedimentary siltstones and blanket bog, with some improved and mudstones, of marine origin, pasture, bracken, ffridd land and folded into a dome structure known conifer plantations on edges as the Berwyn Dome Wrexham Landscape Character Area Guidance Landscape Character Area 1a

O Site of Special Scientific Interest Overall management strategy: (SSSI) and Special Area of Conservation Conservation designation Management Guidance Historical character: Aims Guidelines O Of national importance for Conserve natural O Development and new forestry which breaches the skyline archaeological interest, with much scenic character of and would be visible in local and long distance views potential for discovery because ridgelines and upland would be considered inappropriate. Assess intrusive the land is relatively undisturbed development from at least 15km distance. O Any land use change is to visually complement the existing O Scattered prehistoric evidence of moorland landscape character and not conflict with land use and burial, a Roman camp, Ecological or Archaeological objectives medieval platforms and enclosures, and tracks of unknown antiquity Strengthen O Low key development other than for agriculture or informal remoteness recreation, is likely to be inappropriate Cultural character: and 'wilderness' O Features to promote countryside access are to be sensitively designed and low key O Land use is sheep grazing, with some Preserve O Continue current geological management but assess parts managed for grouse shooting. geological new exposures SSSI designation constrains features O Manage grazing and recreational use to prevent erosion of agricultural use peat. Any erosion control measures are to respect the O Remote from roads, with few ‘wilderness’ character of the area footpaths, apart from well-used paths Conserve the O Follow Berwyn SSSI guidelines including restrictions to Berwyn ridges and summits mosaic of on drainage and ploughing O Most is open access land under the moorland habitats O Maintain and extend upland heath and blanket bog Countryside and Rights Of Way Act habitats 2000 O Protect breeding birds including hen harrier, peregrine, merlin and red kite O Refer to Upland Moorland Habitat Action plan (Wrexham Biodiversity Action Plan)

Conserve O Discourage 'improvement' of moorland or grassland, and archaeological avoid tree planting or enclosure features O Undertake more detailed surveys and assessments generally, and in particular assess and record archaeology before any changes or development Landscape sensitivity O Discourage off-road vehicular access and minimise physical impact of public access The area is vulnerable to development O Protect peat deposits which hold a record of past which might break the skyline or environmental conditions and land use introduce urban features, such as masts. The moorland is sensitive to Encourage local O Refer to Local Access Forum and link with adjoining changes in climate, changes in sustainable areas management and likely increased tourism initiatives O Promote sustainable land management through agri- public access environment schemes

For further information contact: Planning Environment Planning Department Wrexham County Borough Council Lambpit Street, Wrexham. LL11 1AR Tel:01978 292019 All our information is available in accessible formats

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