The Bid Caller

2015 ISSUE NO. 3 August, 2015 South Carolina auctioneers Association

A Message From The President SCAA President David Meares, CAI, GPPA SCAA Members: What’s Inside I want to start out by saying I am so proud to be the President of the South Carolina Auc- President’s Message 1 tioneers Association. Members of the SCAA made a great showing at the NAA Confer- ence and Show in Addison, in July. It was awesome and I am thankful for the AARE Class 1 large group of members who made the trip. Our association was represented so well with Gwen Bryant and Bryan Hope competing in the International Auctioneers Champion- ’15 Board Of Directors 2 ship, they did a great job! Thank you to Darron Meares who was an excellent example for SC by the educational seminars he led during the week; I heard several comments Upcoming Events 2 from fellow auctioneers of the impressive job he did. If you did not have an opportunity to attend this year, I sincerely hope you can start making plans to attend next year at About The Bid Caller 2 Grand Rapids, Michigan.

NAA IAC Questions 3 I am excited about the new initiative the NAA is promoting to its members, the three leg- ged stool concept. The three legs stand for Education, Advocacy, and Promo- NAA Convention 4 tion. Education will help prepare us to meet the needs of customers and grow our indus- try. Advocacy will help keep us informed for the legislative issues that affect our profes- 2016 Convention 4 sion. And finally, Promotion will help us grow our business.

Chris Pracht 5 One more thing, with this being the midpoint of our year, I just want to remind you to keep promoting the SCAA to fellow auctioneers that may not be a member yet. I honest- SSA Graduates 6 ly believe that being a member of the state and national associations make us better. As we grow our association, we should all grow personally as well. Jobs & Resource Board 6 As always, remember I am available should you ever need me or my assistance; it is my Reciprocal States 7 desire to be the best I can be for the SCAA, NAA and the auction profession.

Annual Boosters 8 Best Regards , David J. Meares David J. Meares, CAI, GPPA, SCAL 620

AARE CLASS COMING TO COLUMBIA, SC IN JANUARY The Bid Caller is the official newsletter of the South Caro- The SCAA is excited to be hosting an AARE class on January 19-21 at the Hilton lina Auctioneers Association. Garden Inn, Columbia, SC. The AARE class is being sponsored by the SC Auctioneers This newsletter is published Commission and offered/presented by the SCAA. This is the same hotel that the by the SCAA as a service to SCAA convention will be held beginning Friday, January 22. Make your plans now to its members and supporters in attend both. We are also excited that John Nicholls, NAA Vice President, will be the auction industry. Sugges- speaking during the SCAA Convention. tions are welcome for articles in future editions. Mark the calendar and save the dates!!!

2015 ISSUE NO. 3, August THE BID CALLER PAGE 2 STATEMENT OF PUBLISHER THE BID CALLER is the official ’15 Board of Directors UPCOMING EVENTS publication of the South Carolina Auctioneers Association. Readers are invited to submit manuscripts, which President Director 2018 preferably would be limited to 2,000 David Meares Carole Hoskyns November 1, 2 015 words or fewer in length. THE BID The Bid Caller CALLER’S advertising policy attempts 315 Eastview Road 315 Eastview Road to conform its advertising to business Pelzer, SC 29669 Pelzer, SC 29669 Fall Deadline endeavors. Products or services david.meares@ 864-947-2000 advertised in THE BID CALLER are not Submit materials [email protected] directly or impliedly endorsed by the to home office. SCAA. The views and opinions implied or expressed herein by authors and Vice President Director 2018 advertisers are not necessarily those of SCAA, the editor or the publisher, and Merle Sharick Mike B. Harper, AARE January 22-24, 2016 no responsibility for such views will be 182 Neptune Lane 984 Sea Gull Dr. assumed. This newsletter is provided 2016 Annual Convention with the understanding that opinions, Prosperity, SC 29127 Mt Pleasant, SC 29464 instructions and advice provided by 803-364-9048 843-729-4996 (Cell) contributing authors and editors are mike@harperauctionand those of such authors and editors and [email protected] not of this publication. Neither the publisher nor the editor is engaged in Secretary/Treasurer providing professional opinions of any nature. If technical or professional David Yoder Director 2019 advice is required in any aspect of your PO Box 435 Robert Robeson NOT YET A MEMBER? business, we encourage our readers to PO Box 206 seek professional services. THE BID Fair Play, SC 29678 CALLER publication may refuse to 864-784-4369 Chesterfield, SC 29709 accept any and all advertising or arti- [email protected] 843-623-6187 Come join us! cles it believes to be false, fictitious or Contact our headquarters at misleading. [email protected]

Director 2016 919-876-0687 for a free information packet to find out how AD COPY AND ARTICLES J. Tony Adams Director 2019 an SCAA membership will strengthen MAY BE SUBMITTED TO: PO Box 563 Brent Murdoch your future! THE BID CALLER Santee, SC 29142 PO Box 4125 Elaine Christian, Publisher 803-387-5570 Spartanburg, SC 29305 PO Box 41368 [email protected] 864-597-0784

Raleigh, NC 27629 brentmurdoch@ 919-876-0687 Director 2016 Fax: 919-878-7413 Brandon Howe Email: [email protected] 10 N. Watson Road Immediate Past RATES OF ADVERTISEMENT Taylors, SC 29687 President Annual Booster 864-268-4399 Rafe Dixon $30 per year (four issues) [email protected] 1560 Alice Drive Annual Sponsor Sumter, SC 29153 $100 per year (four issues) 803-774-6967 (Office) Business Card Ad Director 2017 Know an $25 per issue/$100 per year Bryan Hope [email protected] auctioneer who is Quarter-page Ad PO Box 431 $50 per issue/$200 per year Ninety Six, SC 29666 not a member of Half-page Ad 864-377-1479 $100 per issue/$375 per year the SCAA? Full-page Ad [email protected] $150 per issue/$550 per year Encourage them to PUBLICATION DATES Director 2017 Pete Jenkinson attend functions Article and ad deadlines: 183 Hwy 413 and to belong to an FEBRUARY 1 AUGUST 1 Anderson, SC 29621 MAY 1 NOVEMBER 1 864-221-6976 association [email protected] Any and all SCAA members are designed for their encouraged to send information on past or coming events they have profession. See conducted or news articles that would be of interest to other mem- above for contact bers. Please send profiles of mem- bers who you feel deserve to be information. highlighted in our publication.


At the 2015 National Auctioneers Association (NAA) International Auctioneer Championship (IAC) recently held Fri- day, July 17 in Addison, Texas, three questions were asked of the contestants. Here, we note those three questions and our answers to them:

• The auction method of marketing is often viewed as the last resort. What can be done to change this perception?

• Media has been highlighting the auction industry more and more. How can you ensure the credibility of the NAA if you’re contacted by a producer or reporter?

• The NAA Promotions Committee distributed an elevator speech on why consumers should use an NAA auction pro- fessional. What’s your elevator speech to answer this question?

The auction method of marketing is often viewed as the last resort. What can be done to change this perception?

For centuries auctions were indeed used as the last resort and/or only when other sale methods were unsuccess- ful. Today, it is much the opposite. The highest priced real property, artwork, equipment and collectibles are sold at auction as the first and only choice. I believe the more the NAA promotes this basic tenet by words and exam- ples, the more the public will know the reality that auctions are hardly the last resort, and rather the prudent way to sell virtually anything for the highest price.

Media has been highlighting the auction industry more and more. How can you ensure the credibility of the NAA if you’re contacted by a producer or reporter?

It’s always a great opportunity for an auctioneer to be contacted by a producer or reporter — and at the same time potentially disastrous. What producers or reporters want today may well be basically … drama, which often isn’t in any NAA member’s interest. The key is preparation. Have at your immediate disposal facts, figures and other data which supports the actual auction industry and resist answering those questions which might feed the desire for the opposite effect. Ultimately avoiding such interviews or contacts is better than taking them on and resulting in less than desirable results, but be ready for that moment which can elevate our profession.

The NAA Promotions Committee distributed an elevator speech on why consumers should use an NAA auction professional. What’s your elevator speech to answer this question?

Every single person in business today needs a brief, succinct explanation of their product or service and the clear advantage of working with him or her. If I was entering an elevator with you Joseph, I would introduce myself and tell you that I am one of a select group of auctioneers on the planet who is entrusted to sell at auction the most treasured and valued property on earth. Why do they hire us? We maximized value in the shortest amount of time in the most transparent marketplace on earth. And, we don’t only serve sellers, but allow access to a mul- titude of property for buyers who seek that desired treasure or needed product. As an auctioneer, I work in the greatest and most exciting marketplace; Joseph, what are you looking to buy or sell?

Mike Brandly, Auctioneer, CAI, AARE has been an auctioneer and certified appraiser for over 30 years. His company’s auctions are located at: Mike Brandly, Auctioneer , Keller Williams Auctions and Goodwill Columbus Car Auction . He serves as Adjunct Faculty at Hondros College of Business , Executive Director of The Auction School and Faculty at the Certified Auctioneers Institute held at University .



2017 2016 July 11 - 15 July 19 - 23 Hyatt Regency Downtown DeVos Place/Amway Grand Plaza Hotel Grand Rapids, Michigan Columbus, Ohio


Please make plans to join us for the 2016 Annual Convention January 22—24, 2016

Hilton Garden Inn Columbia/Northeast 8910 Farrow Road Columbia, SC 29203 Phone: (803) 807-9000

Room Rates: $94.00/night + applicable taxes Don’t delay, book your room today! Hotel booking deadline is January 1, 2016.



The NAA Board of Directors established the President's Award of Distinction in 2002 to honor those members whose conduct has distinguished the auction profession or the National Auctioneers Association. The award is bestowed on recipients during the annual International Auctioneers Conference and Show.

NAA President, Tom Saturley made the following comments.

This individual is a friend and colleague and someone who many years ago was recognized with this award for his contributions leading to a successful merger between the Auction Marketing Institute and the National Auctioneers Association. Many people who have contributed to a leadership position fade away – they are tired. Volunteer ser- vice can do that to a person. But this person has stayed involved and took the reins when another person decided to retire from office. Kurt Kiefer’s shoes were large to fill but Christopher Pracht is an individual with integrity who could take those reins and continue the path that had been set. He and I heard the murmurs in the hall – With that lib- eral Tom Saturley in office, we’ll be overspent in weeks – well Chris Pracht made sure that wouldn’t happen! He has not only served this year in the Treasurer’s capacity, but he has served the Education Institute Trustees as a faculty member for the Certified Estate Specialist, coming into Overland Park to our NAA headquarters for a special session for our friends from Nigeria but also served on the CES Rewrite Team. He also serves as a faculty member at CAI and served as a member of the Promotions Committee this year. His service is endless and his passion for this organi- zation is strong. So it is my pleasure to be able to recognize Chris Pracht as one of the 2015 winners for the Presi- dent’s Award of Distinction.


Southeastern School of Auctioneer- ing at their August 2015 class gradu- ated 12 new Auctioneers. This year marks the 32 nd year for SSA. The dates for the next class will be No- vember 7 th - November 14 th , (November 5 th – November 14th for GA. Students). The classes are held at a hotel in Greenville, SC. More information can be found concerning the school at or you may also call 800-689-5654 or 864-444-1325. Larry J. Meares is the President of Southeastern School of Auctioneering.

SCAA Jobs & Resource Board

Looking for ways to use your auctioneering abilities? Looking for assistance from an auctioneer or ringman? You are at the right place! Use the SCAA Jobs & Resource Board to expand your marketing power throughout the state of South Carolina! The SCAA Jobs & Resource Board is for members only — AND IT’S FREE! To post on the board, submit your posting information to the SCAA office by email ([email protected]), fax (919-878-7413), or mail (SCAA, PO Box 41368, Raleigh, NC 27629). Looking for work? Please include your name, phone number, region, times available and skill set. Looking for help? Please include your name, phone number, location of auction, date and time and skill set needs.

Renewal may be by phone or email if there are no changes. You must notify SCAA before each magazine issue if you wish to renew for the upcoming issue. Contact information: 919-876-0687 or [email protected].

Name Phone/Email Location Available Jobs

Mike Harper 843-729-4996 Southeastern U.S. and Anytime Ringman for real estate or [email protected] beyond. Licensed in S.C., heavy equipment. N.C., Ga., and Fla.

Johnny Odom 803-460-4955 Can work statewide. Anytime Can call, ring, show, clerk. [email protected] 30 yrs. exp.

David Taylor 864-706-0847 Work anywhere U.S. Li- Anytime Auctioneer/Ringman, Real [email protected] censed in S.C., N.C., Fla., Estate, Autos, Heavy Equip- Ga. Texas. RE in S.C., Ga. ment.

Darron Meares 864-444-5361 Anywhere in the U.S. Anytime Auction Technology And [email protected] Online Auction Resources Consultation/Management

Jake Ohlinger 864-918-7572 Upstate South Carolina Anytime Bid Calling & Ringman [email protected]



Are you using the SCAA website to promote your business? If so, great! If not, here are some great reasons to post your auctions:

1. The general public uses the SCAA website,, as a hub to look for interesting auctions it wants to attend. 2. Even if a visitor who sees your auction posted on the SCAA website isn’t interest- ed in your upcoming auction, he or she still will learn about your company, and you receive branding recognition for future sales. 3. It’s free for members to post. How can you beat that? Free ad space for your auctions — marketing at that rate makes sense.


Minimum Age: 18 Aenei euie: Yes BningInuane euie: $100 to recovery fund Lienue Pei: Two years, expires June 30 nnuing uan euie: Yes, eight hours every two years mmiin ntat: auconeers

eiang tate

Alabama Ohio Florida Pennsylvania Georgia Rhode Island Indiana Tennessee Kentucky Texas Virginia Mississippi North Carolina ylSCAA The Bid Caller



SCAA | 919-876-0687 | 919-878-7413 (FAX) | WWW.SOUTHCAROLINAAUCTIONEERS.ORG THANK YOU, BID CALLER BOOSTERS! J. Tony Adams Miller Gaffney Gene Patrick Gerald “Stick” Thibodeaux Adams Auction Gallery Miller Gaffney Art Advisory Belton, SC Stick Realty Services, LLC Santee, S.C. Greenville, S.C. 864-338-5720 Columbia, S.C . 803-387-5570 888-251-9994 803-730-6146 Chris Pracht Glen Brooks Mike Harper Chris Pracht Auctioneers David Yoder Pawleys Island, S.C. Harper Auction & Realty Anderson, S.C. Fair Play, S.C. 864-379-1011 Mt. Pleasant, S.C. 800-877-3044 864-972-3016 843-729-4996 Gwen Bryant Ed Roumillat James Blocker Bryant Auction & Real Estate Dorothy Hipps CSC Liquidators, Inc. JG Blocker Auction & Realty Florence, S.C. Village Crest Antiques Charleston, S.C. Walterboro, S.C. 843-617-8449 Ware Shoals, S.C. 843-766-8899 843-538-2276 864-456-7612 Rafe Dixon Merle Sharick J.R. Dixon Auctions Johnny King High Bid Auctions Sumter, S.C. Johnny King Auctioneers Prosperity, S.C. 803-774-6967 Ware Shoals, S.C. 803-422-8460 864-456-7141 Donald Dukes Homer D. “Billy” Shaw Dukes Auction Group T. Randolph Ligon H.D. “Billy” Shaw Auctioneer North, SC The Ligon Company Leesville, S.C. 803-247-2776 Rock Hill, S.C. 803-315-5273 803-366-3535 Christopher Easler Jim Smith Southeastern Auction Sales David Meares Carolina Auction Team, Inc. Chesnee, S.C. Meares Auction Group Spartanburg, S.C. 864-578-5045 Pelzer, S.C. 864-597-0784 864-444-1322 TJ Freije Rachel Smith Freije Auctions & Marketing Brent Murdoch Carolina Auction Team, Inc. Clayton, IN Carolina Auction Team Spartanburg, S.C. 317-539-2895 Spartanburg, S.C. 864-597-0784 864-597-0784