THF PRESS FOUND. BUSINESS PORTLAND DAIIT TO LEI. WANTS, LOST, REAL ESTATE. DIRKC'TORY ANNUAL MEETINGS. Our Christmas published every day (Sundays excepted) by the THE PRESS Story. For Rent. Agency for Sewing We determined to make the Wanted. Machines— ■* Chriatmas PORTLAND PUBtlSHINO CO., Geo. St. 3>avis &■ Co.'s «. M.ι. bye" No. Portland dt Waldoboro Steam- OVER, Λ7Λ ... η Atlanta GOOD Dwelling House. No. 24 High Street, con- suitable for sugar at the EAGLE MirtdUe, mber oHbe Wetkly a very attrac- kind*•1» of »JÎTlaclïiuee for Mule ι» Co. TUESDAY Portland. 13 finished well hard Fore near G. T. uuu ^ boat MOUSING, JAN. 7, 1873. tive one. wrote a leader a At 109 Exchange St, A taining rooms, arranged, BARRELSSUGAR REFINERY, Street, BULLETIN. Kcmiii'iiiv. elt We in style of and soft drainage. Repairing. Annual meeting of the Stockholders of vig- Teums: Eight Dollars a Year in advance. wa'er, good R. R. the orous, unmitigated and aggre-sive benevo- Also, a good private stable, containing two stalls, jaii6d4w THEPortland & Waldoboro Steimboat Co., îor the of January 4,1873. Bakers. choice and lence, we that ail mankind carriage house, harness room, water, &c. Inquire Loan ! ! ! ot Directors, and tor the transaction of such Go^ip Gleanings. suggested join THE "sTATE PRESS C. Si2 Ο,ΟΟΟ to hands in a JOHN PROCTER, Found. W. C. COBB, No. 12 Pearl Hi. i Sr business as m y legally come before «hem. will ru»ij, tor a round game. This is nt deo20-3w 96 Exchange Street. Key unnw just the We are to loan money in m«v iQfc °fflce of Ross & Sturdivant. 179 Com· I would way w.· wrote: "An le every THURSDAY Morning at $2 56 a Y AT THIS OFF CE. prepared not creep along the coant, but steer phrased it—we published PPL first .Tannni, » on luesday the seventh of ■.•ndless chain if iu at $2 00 a from 9100 to any amount desired, on Booksellers and Stationers. day Out in of tbe ears. of universal year; paid advance, year. Let. A jan6dtf January is73j at3 0,clock ρ M mid-sea, by guidance goodwill, whose To — eve.y link is a cIiimm mortnseN in Portland Cape Elizn- (IOVT, FOG« A BREED, IV·. 91 Middle Middlemarch. human heart." finished near WILLIAM BOSS, Clerk, our We Rates of Advertising : One inch of space, in PLEASANT rent of 7 rooms, en Wilmot Street, leader with a Wanted or Partiel* de- pe of column, constitutes a Congress Street. For call on l»<»tb, Westbrook, Deer'-ng. oration which we con length "square." A particulars "Boots blacked inside" is not a in- iidered quite $ 1 50 per square iirst week ; 75 cents per nol6tf L. TAYLOR. SITUATION by η min who is willing to devote ft iron κ of building can also be accommoda Annual (m ■ good Dickenscsque 1 its tone : and daily his Book Binders. wound up with the week after; three insertions, or less, $1 ου; continu- A time to the interes ot hi> em foyer, lias ted with loauM. scription for a 8ugge,tiou »'B. A. sign. that our sub- in: every other day after 11 rat 50 ceutw. had experience in double en bookkeeping and olh- QITINCV, Room 11, Printer'» scribers make us week, A Few Good Bents ry OKO. B. DAVIS A f>aiiTH£ohmeb?\'!®ua^ftuMDb"n I will Wh!\r.ny bëheH TiÎSJfBnual b.ll... riien we paying Httle less, cents; at 3o'clock Janu ry Τ arranged the week, $1 00; 50 cents per week after. applied for at once. A.ddr«ss "B." BOX 10G5. Real Estate and Brokers. •i ll Λ 1,1, & Plum 1873, P.£.™dt]TOESDAY Blue-black kid is the latest ",ul," with 110 Mortgage NIIACKFOKU,9l(.35 on th<> wharf. gloves importa- end of capital letters and Special Notices, one third additional. IF MATTOCKS & FOX, Portland Post Office. if ΑιΛ,ί„ exelain; tion jn2*lw £0p24 Suecl. QEOHQU c. tion from ♦ we point,· Under head of 00 nov5iIlf 88 Miildle street. decSOdld foues, Paris. selected some "Ami'smemexts," $ΐί per square Clerk. appropriate poetry and per week ; three insertions or lebs $1 50. Bookkeeper. For Sale. and Builders. thought we were all right as u-ual, when A IvertiseuientB inserted in the "Maine State Carpenters Peak's Island ,ub-editor the STORE TO to take of the on the un- The of Louisville brought us a note. Ρ η ess" has a circulation in . LET. competent charge house State Streei, occupied by \\ SI IT.VI·: \ & Pcitrl Steamboat city will distribute We read (wh'ch large every part MEAN», Street, op- Company 20,OCO we it, Books in a Wliol sale Grocery House, may hear Tîiis house is built of ■ said of tha State) for $1 00 lor first APEKSON I^HEdersigned. thoroughly penile Park. stockholders of this are nothing, but buried our lace in per square insertion, of company her. >w ,, tons of coal among its poor this winter. our and 50 cents for each inser- a tuation, by addressing brick and stone and has all modem conveniences. tified that the annual we seated per square subsequent brick stere in the Rackleft corner THE f>r choice of hands; in the aban- large Block, BOX 5ϋ4 PORTLAND POST OFFICE. ALLEN HAINES. rectors and meeting ST ourselfhastily tion. of Middle and Ceurch Dentists. the transaction of suen business as don of cur a A streets—basemeut and Dec. 30th, 1872. 2w Portland, 1872. sej.liMf mav grie chair in which we had Address al) communication η to first Sep. 18th, be brought betoie them will be liolden ai floor, elegantlv finished and adapte 1 to jobbing DK. W. R. JOHI««ON, over Η. Π. legally the to is a our new PORTLAND PUBLISHING CO. Bar*·· old school Peak's Island on Every spendthrift passion debtor to previously placed hat. or otder similar trade. house, MONDAY, Jan. Intact, like dry goode at 7 Home, we were "voiceless to ALLEN HAINES. Wanted 13, o'clock p. m. thought. and crowule^s in Apply St. Lawrcnee SBouse. our septlldtf Djre-Honse. jan6dtd J. W. BRACKETT, Clerk. utter woe.'' "Why what's the matter?' SMART YOUNG MAN in a Clothing Store. Γ. BUSINESS CARDS. For Sale or To SVBOJifi*. India St. Velvet Clonk* :isked the subeditor. We A Enquireat Let, fia That expressed our To Let. «iyeil and it·» bed. and ûlacbids cont oiled self-consciousness of man- in that de27dtf 16i) FORE STREET. 40 liooms Gas and Sebago water. Portland, Banpor ner feelings language we hope our re- lOTI ER'S Dye 5*4 Union Street.* which is the Louse No. 80 Clark sreet, containing 13 Apply to E. H. GILLESPIE, House, Steamboat Company. expensive substitute for sim cording angel set down as "I 31 Plum St. plicity. coald F. & C. B. NASH, BRICKrooms, with modern improvements. Found. pepl3-tf No. annual meeting of the Stockholders of the Middlemarch. wish this weie different" but Enquire of Furniture-Wholesale and Retail. which ia the P. S. Λ P. R. R. a SILVER WATCH, THEabove named Co .'pany for the choice of Di- his d ct on MARK WIGGIN, Miss world's was "Bo her that oM idi- N4>. 172 AUD 174 FORE ATThe owiie1* can h ive the same bv on tlie FOR SALE ! WAITEB COREW & No. rectors, and fir the ansae:ion of such other busi- Walker, a STREET, on the premises. calling CO., Arcnde, new ietrinine is ot!" "Who'' said th;· Ticket Master of the P. S. Λ; IS Free Street. as come >ra be lecturer, sub-editor." "That 1872. P., proving property ness, m:iy legally bef them, will held the Portland, Sept. 4th, and char es. ilec3tf ol at office of >ss telling Iowans all PORTLAND, MAINE, paying House No. 24 Emery St., head GBORfiK A. Wo. 36 Ex- the 14 & Sturdivant, 17'J Commercial about women good-for-nothing humbug— "Don't exoi'e WHITNEY, and "men, Cuslimaii Street. ehaiage St. of all St., Portland, on Tuesday, the fourteenth day of Jan. politics." yourself' said the Having been appointed Agents for one of the Uphoieteriny kind· sub-editor,soothingly. And done to order. 1873, at 11 o'clock A. M. then we told him our largest Lead Manufactories in New England are Vessels Wanted. Said house is one of the best locations on WILLIAM ROSS, Clerk. griei—the rising novel- 011 the ei reel tine Consists ο •Old Table Talk" is ist of Atlanta whom we had now to Lead and Lead to TOJJET. ; neighborhood. January 1st, 1873. what Mark engaged six prepared oiler Sheet Pipe, To load ten Furniture and Honse Woods. jau'Jtd Twain Lumber at Portland. Bangor, M two sir.ry framed House and ell, containing Furnishing calls Frauds weeks before to write our Christmas he trade at price*. dt28tf Machias. and South finished walls BJEIVJ. George Train, who Is story, Cal.-iis, Montreal, highly room*; painted throughout; ADAJIS, çor. Exchange and Fed- now the sent us Store and Basement em Pons, for Rarer Platte. Casco National Sank· lad calmly word that he "-boni 1 ihe gas ; good cellar afid heated by furnace ; large brick cis- eral Seront». happy occupaut of a cell in the Tombs. Also, To loa at Pic ton, Lin'jan, and Port tillered well drained. One of the mosi desi- Annual of eave town for a f w wee*s, ail ι would η it be M. Coal, tern, ; HOOPER & Old FmI meetiug the stockholders of the C7W. STOCKMAN, D., Dale! >nla Tor New York, the S >uon 1 rable an 1 convenient houses in the close to I EATON, Offirc, tbl3 Boston, ports, city; ! Street. THECasco National Bank of Portland f>r the ch >ice to fulfill the cmtract—ba trusted it No. 47-49 middle St. and St Ν. B. streei line of can be seen from to P. Exchftujfe PHYSICIAN AND John, Spring cars; 3 5 ot Directors and the transaction of such other busi- Josh will soon celebrate would cause no inconvenience. "N." said SURGEON, PERKINS & JOB. M. Term* oa ihe L. F. HO I T, No. II Preble Street. Billings his BIRD, easy. Enquire premises. Up- ness as may legally come before them, will be held a^ fiftj- we 103 State St.. Boston. South New York doue to (Mr. our you as has removed to One more ot those large and commodious stores 27 St, June 19. dtt bolstering order. their Banking House on TUESDAY, the fourteenth flfth birthday. As A. Ward said of N.j» sub-editor) ..light novl4 d3m Chaucer, w-rll and tell the com· day of January, 187·., at 10 o'clock a. m. "He has but he upstairs intelligent talent, can't spell." p sitor to No. 307 Congress Street, IN THE THOMPSON BLOCS, FOR SALE! Furniture and Upholstering:. WM. A. WIN6HIP, Cashier. cease from his labor?—a the paper Wanted. DAVID W, Portland, Dec. 13, 1872. dec!4dtd will not \>e the DIMM!, No. HO Federal Hi. published this week, on account of (Opposite Paik.) OAT and Pant makers and Machine at the TO LET. Girl, All kinds of Uphrols criugaad Repairing The law is like « flimsy spider's net death οι the editor. Then dowu and Office llonre from 8 to 10 A. M., and2 to 4 and 7 to c §p20tf CUESLEY'S. 167 Middle et. done lo order. Tbe Cumberland National Bank have go That holds the little flies that in it steam shut oi—s 9 P. M. If applied for immediately will bo let low get ; r.d t .e "funny man" JelStf ol' Portland. tor the coroner TEBBETS" But when a jolly, plethoric old blue- and bv the tim be jome» Inquire of J1KS. II. 12. HOUSE, Hair (ioods and Toilet Articles. Stockholders of thi«bank are notified hack with TIIOJIPSON, hereby Bottle in him—we'll be Mass.. J. F. f> THEthat their Annual for itie election of Di gets ho easily breaks through. ready to be sat u|i- HENRY F. T. MERRILL, Lowell, SPRINGVALE. NilfiRRV, No. CIrpp'k Blorb Meeting 011." "Don't talk like Or, SHEPAUD & COMPANY, *ame block. BLANK BOOKS ! Cougress Street, opposite Old Hall. rectors for the tnsuiug year aud the transaction of that said the sui> edi- City tor can write COUNSELOR AT J. C. PROCTER, any otherhusirees that may then jome before them, you a better story than that LAW, WILL SOLD will be held at their room η Ί conceited je5dtf D3 Exchange St. BFv CHEAP ! Ilorse and Ox b;mking UilSDAY, imbecile could, any This No. SO Portland. Shoeing the 14th ot at 3 m. Joaquin Miller has reached where day." Exchange St., day January, 1873, o'clock p. London, cheered us a The attention of of As the owner wants to West. Donniu tbe beet possible manner 8. language little. The sub-editor Formerly of the U. S. Treasury Department and special purchasers go by SAMUEL SMALL, Cashier. he is lionized. His last is To tet. lOIJNG & CO., No. too Fore St. Dee. 1872. again being poem sharpened a pencil and gave us same Attorney in all the courts in the District of olumbia, jan3t SAM UEL D. TEBBETS. Portland, 13th, decl4dtd manu t Jan 2173 not a and he a sli will attend to the prosecution of laims before the No. 92 Middle street, recently occupied by success, has novel at his pub- script », took up oui· hat and & Breed. BLANK « Court of Claims and the various departments at STOREHoyt, Fogg BOOKS mur nuui îiauonui DsailK. bis tiied to restore it to its je3-}f MATTOCKS & FOX, 88 Middle et. and Fine Watches. lisher's, awaiting orders to issue. origi- Washington. octll-tt Jewelry annual of the Stockholders of The nal rounded and is invited to stock which is one of the in meeting contours, my largest ABNER LOWELL, 301 Street. Can il Natloual of ior ihe failing PIANO FORTES! Congre» THE Bank, Po.tland, elec- stroked i and laid it rev- the State, comprising all the different size and styles for Howard ti >n of this, gently away Agent* Watch Company· seven Directors and for the transaction of The lemon of are ROSS & ST U RM V of binding. Having had many years of experience, groves Corsica suffering on top of a of 1 ANT, EDIiCATlO^AL. such other buFiness th: t may legally comc before erently pile rejecte manu- and employing the best workmen in every dei»art- from a curious said Hannfuvture» of Trunks, Valises and tbeux, will be held at their Bankiug House, on Tues- disease. The fi uit dries up script. "Now" he, "it' you'U try to WHOLESALE COAL DEALERS ment I feel confident, of giving satisfaction in every tbe of day 14th, day January 1873, at 11 o.clock and becomes as write the story, I'll do up the and at- respect. Carpet· Bags. Α. M dusty as the "smoke-ball" in Ioca's, iYlil^OJLl tend to the bores, and patent wrin ma- 179 Commercial St., Portland· JT. B. DUBAI* & CO., 171 Middle and delMM B. C. SOMERBY, Cashier. our country pastures. ing Iltf Federal Streets. chine men and insurance agent and not a Sole agents in Maine for the sale and shipment of FAMILY SCHOOL FOR BOYS, BLANK BOOKS The National Traders Bank. soul shall come into the s.-fiictuui to distuib the Cclebraieil Coal mined kj\j by Messrs. Ham- Masons and Boston has now a first jvut 11 \J nvilb l<.l Π17ΙΛ I'Ul UI ail- At "JLittlc Blue," Hie. Builders. Shareholders of The National Trailers Bank class floating fire UiSl, u.ett Neili & of Farniingtou, Co., Philadelphia. Ν. E. REDLON, 233 1-2 St. THEof Portland, ire hereby untitle 1 that their annu- of atis pcrsonae—g Icle'i U tired dan Congre»· al will engine, capable doing great service in case heroine, We have also ior sale at lowest market price, meeting be held at their Bauking Kcom, on haired (lilt >. worthy but impecunious tbe 14th, of at 3 ol fire on the wharves or the hero,ui w and Pitta ton Paper Hangings, Window and TUESDAY, day January next, city among ship- but UKeBDarre, scranton, Lackawanna, Shades, o'clock P. M., t » choose five "Directors ior worthy wealthy ditto, ρ irtly papa. M WINTER division of the 32(1 year of its suc- tbeeusuing Coals, shipped from the vicinity of New York. Ves- Counties, Carpetiugrs. Year» and to act ou any other business that ping. tletoe, Uolly, Yule log, (iraud uiu-ou:— THEcessful prosperity will open on WEDNESDAY, may sel» for the tran ion le'ally come before them. "the black steeds iretted their I procured portai of coals from January 1st-, 1873. All the comforts of Ho e com- LOTHROP,DEVENS* CO.,61 Exbnnge by gilde b.ts, of Sreel EDWARD GOULD. Cashier. port shipment^ uny point desired. tfapr27 bined with the school in which are fouud the ablest and 48 Market St. Thomas Nast is and arched their necks Dec. 1872 Imo engaged in illus- pranced proudly—" teachers. Portland, 13th, making Cities. trations of "Household Edition of runaway—-olden-haired heroine in c rrii e ALDTCN Β Photographers. Harper's C1IAS. A. J. LETHKN, A.M., Eagle Sugar Refinery. —excellent but indigent hero rescues g. li. Κ WAKKEN, dec6d2m TPrincipal. A. 8. DAVIS A CO., No. SO Middle Street. Dickens," and no artist could be a better sue-· stockholders of this Com' any are hereby no- Christmas party at house of corpulent I'at'ucr (Formerly Warren & J. II. LAMSON, 133 Croaa. Gregg.) Middle St.,cor. THEtified tbat the annual meeting for choice of Di- cessor to Cruikshauk. —(good opportunity to do a ittle Jenkins) rectors and the transaction of other business Banks, any dark-hai ed heroine wears a silk of the new SHIP Sleighs! Sleighs! Sleighs! Plumbers. legally brought before them, will be held at the Re- BROKER, GORHAM'S Office shade. Iu the midst of a JAMES ηΐΜ,ΕΒ,Νο.ίΙΙ Federal Street. finery on TUESDAY, the litli day of Janua.y, A Connecti ut town boasts of a man dance, coloring ASD at 3 o'clock P. M. young matter of (The Best Thing Yet) Ε very description of Water Fixtures ar- 1873, dress explodes, dark-haired heroine JOS. P. timid that he can not look a needle in the COMMISSION Counting Booms, ranged aad set up in the best manner. THOMPSON, Clerk, go goes up to the star-geuiuied azure, MERCHANT, Annual Exhibition and Sale janl dtil opulent Jobbing promptly attended to. eye. ladies are w ilh but hero — — Many young troubled objectionable with whom she is I 801ΤΠ DELAWARE AVENUS, OF Smith's similar takes a course. Patent Metallic merchants National Bank of Pert- fears whenever they can get any one waltzing diametrically opposite PHILADELPHIA. jaii31 Plasterer, Stucco Worker, &e. The devouring element seizes the palatial Insurance Piano Fortes. P. land, Mi*. else to do their sewing. Companies, Elegant FBEKI, Cor. Cumberland and Frank- residence, the Fire Fiend revels in the up- WM. M. STVDDED SLEIGII, lin SI». Stockholders of this Bank, are hereby no tid- MARKS THEed that their anuual for the choice of holstery and melts the icecream. Alverity Ιψ·Ίΐ. A· L· raanuf ctnrer of t.i»e celo- meeting GCRHAM, Directors and the transaction of such business as The man who is able to work and has an emollient influente 011 (Patented by Hugh Stint»».Oct. 3,1871 » lfMl brated GOB Η ΑΛΙ PIANO Heal Estate d')es not portly papa, FOBTKS, Agents. may legally be brought before them, will be bolden Railroads, lesires to thank the citizens of Portland for tlieir is to be as well which leads him to lemark in the effusjve Book, Card & Job Printer JOHN C. PROCTER, No. 03 Exchange at the Bank on Tuesday, Jan. 14th, 1873, at 10 o'clock pitied as despised. He know" Tliis was awarded the SILVER MED A « at jonficlenc·' and very liberal he has receiv- manner hat the conventional st sleigh patronage, street. A M. of sweat and dreams' only mt j ar- lOO EXCHANGE the New England Fair, held in Lowell, Ma>s. also ed in the sale of these instruments, at each sale dur- nothing sleep pleasant t can assume: ST., «KO. Β. DAVIS Λ Co.. No. 301 l-'J Con· CHAS. PAYSON, Cashier. ea "Bles· you, my ch Idren !" ihe highest Prem um at the State Fair hold ο in ng he past three years. And informs He is a miserable and eats a substance Mills respectfully greaa Street. Dec. 13th. 1872. del4d2tawld drone, to and Bangor. I». lias been extensively use; 1 "before a criti- and hem, that he ill openhis annual exhibition and referring goldeu-haired heroine, moral he does not earn. (DAILY PRESS PRINTING HOUSE.) cising public for the last four years, and is Sale in Portland, but moneyless hero. The -ub-editor -ipidly Silver thought gaming favor for the following reasons : Smith and Gold and Silver Plater. this wa* very fine, lie considered the ex- of work Every Description promptly and carefully 1st—-It is vastly more durable, being con ructed Jan. 7 1873 M. PEARSON, No. «4 Temple St.. near FOR THE NEXT 20 DAYS. heroine to be the and at the Commencing Tuesday, It Is a little too to huraar flesh to plosive highest style of I: xecuted, lowest prices. iritbout tenon or mortise, secured by bolts οτ y. Corporations Congres». All kinds of Silver and Plated trying be tc art. we weren't satisfied. ap22 2d—The post with a brace is of best quality mal- AT STORE Ware Repaired. conscious of expressing jne's self, better than erary Still, Some- leable iron. others and never to have it and in how that story didn't suit u>. Then we said 3d—Its and of* Every Kind FOR THE NEXT 20 DAYS. noticed, H. L. elegant light appearance, NO. 118 MIDDLE Silver and Plated Ware. the dearh of admiration for the ^uietl,, -'we're very much like the great and GREGG & Co., 4th—The ease with which it can be repaired. ST., general right ABNEH 301 Street. even a chance of good George Washington—he could Successors to & Parties intending to purchase are respectfully in- CNDEBTHE FALiHOIITU LOWELL, Congreaa thing, bray applause falling chop Warren Gregg. ïn liand HOIKL.) vited to call and. examine our varied asso. tment of and made to order at short notice at prices in time is rather wood, but he couldn't tell a story !'' So we low exactly fortilying. both single and double sleighs. as as can be furnished by any house in New Eng- FOR ONE WEEK ONLY. Schools. went home that night in a state ot SHi? BROKERS, land. OUR ENTIRE STOCK AT Middlemarch. perplexity ENCil.Isn η 11.1 FRENCH and dreamed of Α2ΤΓ» These Pianos are constructed in the most SCHOOL,430 plots—gunpowder plots— smith & thorough Congress Street. COBB, manner, being ma e in every part as well a» and chaiacters- -on oneof whom we distinct- COMMISSION money OUR ENTIRE STOCK AT A c ergyman at a recent MERCHANTS ! m hands can buil·· them. Mr. Gorham a Baptist Sunday- horns and a SOUTH Blank Books a teing ly perceived tall. OKAY. Speoialtv [»ractical workman himself. In ints of con- Stair BniMer. school convention 10i Walnut oc22 many ρ said th t he was called to In the morning we concluded St., Philadelphia. eodtf struction they are peculiar. And for richness and B. F. 17 l-'i Union VNHEiBD OF LOW PRICES definitely LIBBV, Street, np the t at Ibis sort of wouldn't J. L. Gbeqg, J. 13. Hamel, Jr. grandeur of tone, Κ ice t y of Action, Elegance iu lin- stairs. bedside of an old lady who ex ;nssed her thiug do at all, My Bindery is used for the manufacture of Jan23-ly entirely ish, a d f >r eve y requisie iu a tine and were in con- BLANK all of are Quality really Cr. L. HOOPER & Sneeessors to dislike to he minister who hod bee. visi you kziow, apidly getting ! BOOKS, which made under my Piano, these cannot be surpassed.' CO., UNHEARD OF LOW PRICES ! ing Sewing Machines own su ervision and satisfaction guaranteed in Littlelieid & Wilson, Cor. York & Ma- dition Jor something desperate, when the PORTRAIT PA-USTTK-K. x. every her, "because," she "he bent one particular. EVLRV PIAXO FULLY WARRAN- ple Streets. said, only January ma· azine, came in, full of little ALL KINDS OF good TED FOR FIVE YEARS. knee when he prayed, and the Bible says 'ev- stories. We have always regard d scissors J. G. «lEWIIVC: IUACHINB sold on Minai! Watches, &c. " CL.OU]>l?lAN, Parties desirous of obtaining a reall fine Piano at Jewelry, knee shall bow.' more reliable than pencils. We chose a monthly Cash luKfalmcuftt, or work furnit>hed Please Call anil Examine before Pur- J.W. & H. It. ery' story very moderate are invited to examine them. MCDl'FFEE,Cor. Middle as 148 EXCBAWGK Rl. alter the first payment of TEN DOLLARS v.liicb we price, & $3000 worth of Dress Goods. which we (latter ourselves to be good as chasing. Mr. G irham will be to show their Uuion î*ts. jan22tf require in cash, the balance to be paid ior in work, pleased advantag- Γ which has ever in the "valu:- 3s to all. auy appeared which we furnish at good prices. This is an extra worth of ble ot our' ted EDtiAK rt. The la ge number of citizens we refer to $3000 Dress Goods. The average at birth w> a little columns" ablycondu Journal" BROWN, chance to get a good Sewing Machine on easy pay- prominent boy ighs below, hat have purchased these Pianos, and who and our woes ceased.—Atlan a Counsellor and at i,aiv ment. We will pay cash for all work done over ten the a little than six Weekly. Attorney ! HALT, I. will to the satisfaction are al- & Sons more, average gir less, dollars per month. Ladies on our work can DAVIS, testify they giv ng year Chickering easily ter and the i we and No. 80 MIDDLE STREET. earn from year, steadily creasing sate aie hav- a half pounds. For the first twelve The Construction ol Cisterns. is the i>est we can Oder f jr their excellence C3P"""Particular attention to ing, proof We have in stock some very desirable goods and paid collecting. Twenty to Dollar* and durability. years the sexes weigh about the same, bu t jan24-ly Thirty per Month, No. 53 Exchange St. we intend to sell the whole lot at some prie.-*. as we In 1866 I was >ulldin:n, AMERICA, and started on ow As I did not Esq., a my plan. Beds, Sani'l VVaterbonse, ira. ii. ture majority of the Common Council— Mattresses, 13 Place. WATCHES, Esq., ·">, Esq., We shall eell black crochet battons for2€ seethe necessity of placing it at a distance Temple Frank E. Pray, Es^., Ε. i>. ."» s, Esq., cts. of the Personal 1 to save mcDonon^b Patent Bed En- S. B. R. or MfiLANlî, doz. Do not pay 3/ l-ilc for the Adoption Liberty League's from the house, decided steps and Lounges, BOSTON. oc!0eoel2w Geld Leon tine and Neck Gowtll, Esq., on, Esq., Vest, Opera, E. Martin. \V H. same elsewhere. Infamous and so made it under the kitchen. It ameled Chaire, Ac. Esq., turner, Esq.. AND goods compromise—A Decided Triumph labor, I. P. Wa'erliou e. Mrs. Esq., Short, for the Interests of was 14 teet long, 14 feet deep, and 6 leet WALTER Jesse I). Wils- n. Goo. 0. Every remaaat ia the store to be sold foi the Guzzling Element." t^"A11 kinds of repairing neatly done. Furniture WHITE, CHAINS, Esq., Johnson, Esq., wide. I then arched it over under the floor, boxed and matted. oci5-'69TT&St.f Jare I Crane, Esq., J. \1. Ellioa, Ls»i., what they will bring- JBlk Alpacas, etc. Wholesale Jobber in H. C. FRANCE. then cemented it well. At the in Dealer and Sam — bottom, Lockets, Charms, Seals, &c., Gold and Gold plated Barnes, Esq., el Gilkey, Esq., etc. Alvin Jordan, Esq., Thomas ltau'inil, Esq., and the centre, was a reservoir that would SCRIBNER & JORDAN. Will. Κ. II Jealonsy Kerosene. dug odes, E«q., D niel Jones, Esq., 95 per ceat redaction to be made on a hold about one barrel ot sand and charcoal. SHOES and H. Franklin On an alarm was BOOTS, .■loeepli Tttcke:-, Esq., Tnkey, Esq., large Hue of Good·. Tuesday night sounded and. JEWELRY, I. Hun s Fancy Ovfr tins and in the middle of the cis'.ein I Attornevs Solicitors la.ll, Emj.» Alplie Griffin. Es j., These Standard Instruments at Sarilia, and tbe report was soon spread S. W. Slilpben, C. K. Bridges, Children's we shall close ont all made a partition, convex on side OF Sets Bracelets, Sleeve Buttons, Studs, &c. Call and Esq., Esq., Hoisery, that a lauip had exploded in the receiving 0. L. Gallis n, Florence McO apartments on si RUBBERS, see our fine selection of Esq., irthy, Esq. we have. No room for it. Mr. and and concave supply le, leaving an open- American and Henry S ». gent, Esq., M s. Λ. Κ. Are now offered at Reduced Rales at occupied by Mrs. Arthur Smith, at Foreign Patents, Sliaituck, ing in the îe^rvoir beneath for water to pass Mrs. U. Butler, Horace True. Esq., We advise aa ea ly call as there is aare to Mrs. Fisher's bouse. At first, and in tact for £09 Congress St., Portland, Mr. Henry H. Wilder, Esq., R. H. Inge sol. several hours through. I then tilled this reservoir with No. 60 Lagrange Street, FINGER RINGS, Esq., One-Price be a rash for the bargaas we shall otter<. afterward, it was supposed that Calvin S. True. Esq., System charcoal, sand and I found t e Biddeford, a lamp explosion was the cause of ihe giavtl. Examinations made our in Lorin T. Brown. only by agent Washington BOSTON. In great variety, Plain, Chased, Carved and Sea excitement. It has since pressure and lore·· of water coming in the when desired. Consultation free. Letters of inquiry ana many others. transpired, how- 41,000 tha receiving side a he ivy rain forced the cheerfully and promptly answered. All business in the occurrence of these annual sales and the COVEL.L & ever, the tamp was thrown at during (Next street South of Boyleton.) liere, OF CO,, violently material out of its notwith- u-xpert to an application lor Patent can be transact- Silver & Silver Plated Ware large number of oi teens that liave placed confidence THESE Mrs. Smith by 1er husband, injuring her filtering pl:tce, ed oy mail. jy2 Τ Τ & S tf iu uim an t these Pianos irom to standing there was a tliiek of gravel purchased year year, head severely and buri ing her so coating enables -vir. tiorham to îeel that he is not a COVELL & horribly, on of it. Tne irue idea of is to Spoons, Forks, Napkin Rings. Fruit Knives, Pocket étranger CO., that Irorn the combined has top tilteiing )PIF""Country orders solir lted. h iv, an 1 that all those who iu the en- Standard Piano injuries she since Cake Castors, Butler Cards may Fortes pass If the water GEO. D. The stock of JR.TJJ3BKRS in the Knives, Baskets, Dishes, trust him in the selection a died. through slowly. goes JOST, largest city «Sc. Also A1 of Piano Forte, will in no at the lowest Caen noiCeod'Jm Lieceivers, Vases, optical gocds. styles be Have been made and sold since 1823. and in anything like a current, it prices. ι way disapointdd. uongress, corner Street. Mrs. Smiih, whose maiden name .vas Les- through fast, Our Piani.s sold on if desireo. does nut filter. On the side of the easy iustalments, ter or Leicester, was a educated and receiving 011 Pian >s taken in and fair Allowed. First Premiums highly FRESCO exchange prices Eighty-oue refined well cistern I turn d tin arched tour inch wall, PAINTER, R. J. & E. BARBOUR, We shall also offer a of rich Piano corner Brown youug lady known .in Saruia und OPERA large variety Congress, Street, laid in cement over the reser- GLASSES, Covers at very low ices. Have been awarded to our Finn in this and admired joints tillering have a assortment of pi de27d3w city, universally wherev- large Janl WF&M voir. This tb J water to 134 MIDDLE ST., np Stairs Magnifying Glasses. Steriescopes, Microscopes, Spec- er known, moving in the best circles of so- couipel'ed pasj tacles. &e. All at lowest prices at OVER ALL COMPETITORS. four inches of brick' before its reach- selling WTO. M. ciety. Smith is spoken of as a gentlemanly through ME. BOYS' MARKS, ed the sand and charcoal. Now I have pure PORTLAND, MENS', WOMENS', Tbese Pianos are still and person, wbore ο herwise character was regarded universally BONDS. good water. he could C. II. LAMSON conceded to be of a My partner thought im AM) — 'S, spoiled by being jealous disposition, hot Residence No. β Bradford Street. STATE OF MAINE 6>i prove on my expérience, and he b lilt tempered ai;d addicted to drink. There arc impL· The Standard Instruments of the for hi nself a tour ineli convex to rci-piv·· π NO. 77 MIDDLE World, always two sides to a story, and his friends Store and Window Shades made to order. STREET, PORTLAND 6Ί side wall, the cistern all but novj5 2mis CHILDREN S' assert that, he was tiriven to t'XM-iiwrifinn hv cementing parti- Fost Office.) and are so pronounced by all the great artists. tion. Ile tells me tli tthe (near CLEVELAND, OHIO, *>■ the conduct of liis wife, who, it is claimed, water to;>k α ρ >r- dec13 dim I)r. Franz Liszt says: "I consider (he Chicker- tion of the c»uient from tne outsiile ING Piano was a flirt, co with walls, and W. L. superior ίο any made in Europe or Amer OHIO notoriously keeping pany KEILER, am c ZAffESVI&LE, S'i deposited so much on tlie tUa' it Rubber Boots & Shoes, ica. and fully onvinced tbat they were justly young unmarried men, and her- putiton Card and Job conducting was LADIES NOW IS TOUR TIME Book, entitled to the First Prize. a rendered alter a use. lie ! ST, LOUIS, β'ι self in such nanner as to bring down* upon water-tight year's FRESCO her name the t says this wou'd not have occurred had the PAINTER, Our entire etock of good arkest kind of a cloud 8 EXCHANGE ST. Chickeriug & Sons' Mammoth Maunfac'y LOUISVILLE, 7'a outside walls been eeinented and tilled with KI., of reproach aud scandal. Β that as it may, I'OKTLAXD, MAINE. water in nov25 tFtbl more tor that or some other before putting ilie filn iu is than one-third larger than any other Pinno- COOK COUNTY Τ Η reason he was very rir.g parti! The reason t^e Is made Order Slate nt 0. ». & E. P. Brooks, 333 DRESS GOODS Forte Manufactory in the world, and is, in every re- Jealous of his attractive wife, and frequent partition convex to spect, the mest complete as regards machinery and MAINE CENTRAL Β. Β. Consoli- side is to the Street. School Books. storms of abuse and anger fell upon her head. receiving prevent pressure of. Congress \ the facilities tor n it long enough to lake up all J. 11. the several text books upon similar topics heretofore from all discount s and commissi >ns: and are, EUROPEAN & surely LAMSOX, they Ν. AH. R. R «old β'ι the ceme t it will ; then in a four inch used, viz : beyond all refutation, the very best and very The particulars of the horrible tragedy on put Monroe's Sixth Reader GREAT BARGAINS! the so ; Cheapest First-Class Pianos now offered. DANVILLE & VIN- will never be partition ; lay brick in cement jtints Wen;worth's Arithmetical CHICAGO, Tuesday night perhaps know·, Problems; A large lot of PAISLEY MHAWJL.S tn be but it euded in the the water muit pass tbreu h the btiek, aud Tbe series of Arithmetics D. B. C5NNER R. B. young aud hindsome PHOTOGRAPHER, prepared by Hager Gold T»i clean, sott watir can be had—more and known as sol 1 lees thai cost. Aud in fact all our goods we CARD. woman's death and the arrest of the good, "Hager's Arithmetics; guilty than The Independent Fifth and Sixth eliall offei at reduced for 30 CENTRAL IOWA Go d who is now e-iough to supply any lamily in an ordi No. 152 Middle Street. Headers; greatly juices days. We call attention to our Β. B. 7* man, confined in the Lambtou The Boston Primary School especial house.—Cor Ν y. Tablets; COME AND SEE. County jail in Sarnia. Mrs. Smith was nary Tribune. PORTLAND, HIE. Swinton's Word Book. 100 EXCHANGE ATCHISON, TOPEKA Ac S. tf. Gold *» Mason's Manual of Gymnastic Exercise, and Mon- STREET, heard to cry out for help, and help was im- and done »o order. of UPRIGHT Copying enlarging roe's Manual Vocal and Physical Culture. GOWELL & GREENOUGH. PIANOS, FOR SALE BV mediately summoned, bat on arriving at the Bl'SI.\KSS >0Tit Est. Per order of Sup't School Committee, dec28 tf All the new Rembrants, Medallion, which in even' scene the 100m was full of t e car- styles, Berlins, JOSEPH H. CO* are, particular, the finest instruments smoke, he or Mezzotint and the retouched FIN, Secretary, of their class Porcelain, card, Dec. 18.1872. dccl9eod3w manufactured, and second to the SWAN & BARRETT. pets were burned, and Mrs. Smith burned Τη* merit» of new we rid of freckles Portland, only lay special Smola.yder's Bvcbu, card, by which procès» get REMOVAL.' Grand Piano, for which they are a g >od substitute. and bruised the upon flooi. Smith had evi- are that it mftles.wrinkles and all imperfections of the skin. Call Every Piano warranted for Ave years. Bankers and Brokers. thoroughly invigorates an enervated and for dently endeavored to put out the tire am was judge yourselves. and that it is a Svbag-o l>ye Works, . 100 MIDDLE STBEET. aJso burned system, perfect and truthial Sy Motto—Good at Moderate C DYER considerably. His at first work & story for Price·. Aim to Please. 20 WO. 17 PLUM STREET. Chickering Sons, Sept 7-eodtf-n was ihatthe in his wife's tpecijlc kidney, bladder and glandular dis- may has removed to Daily Press House. lamp exploded face, Printing mental a d We have bought out the above establishment, with It JE. 14th St., New York, but circumstantial evidence was tound that eases, physical debility, diabetes, far to ai the machinery and good will of the saaie, with all 2 7 2 MIDDLE STREET, went prov< that he had thrown tt:e gravel, all complaints of the uriuo-genital or- 354 Boston. « Christmas PORTLAND the admirable facilities, conducted a practical Washington St., Presents ! by lamp ai her, crushing her head and gans so iu the chemist and confident of out setting frequent female sex, whether dyeis: fully turning Opposite iUarr Brothers. her clothes on tire. Since his arrest he has wo; Κ that cannot fail of eiving satisfaction. BAILEY & NOYES, Agents. married or single. au·, been the < WARE- FRENCI1 by made with Portland Dispensary, by which I 'mve out a which have The course (20 less >ηκ) will bo for the 1 ! Fine and (LOfKS take.i .rougbt carpet they named purpose at Sleighs Carriages, f*(t· Patients who have once the physicians connected with that institution will an the rudiments of the the lowest cash prices. Into one of those brick with whatever pure and will be known as GERMAN TAP EST Κ V thoroughly learning music,under cells, de be in attendance from three to fjur p. m., instruction of Mr. Fitch. L. TAILOR. or Style, Finish and Durability are not surpassed be it u> all others. Physicians have o,clock exact imitation of Solid Brussels, the first food or he choose to it prefe* every at the nieces Ticket*·, and Sin Pec. 1872. ti any. OPERA GLASSES! l'ght may lurnish, each in day, Sundays excepted, of which in order to introduce them almmitiiug gentleman lady. $5 ; Portland, 30, ii it superior to auy of thj other oils For Sale at ten per cent cheai»er than can be write oidc gle tickets, gentleman #1, lady $2. decl2tf candidate takes bimselt to his e-say; tovl4-l-'w Waid Room in the bougl.t in the city. with a great variety to please purchassers, who ar> nwrket. City Building, S JOHN ADAMS, going on one evening and staying uutil the Hor.^e and Sleigh for Sale Sacearappa. invited to call and examine. Advekttskrs naturally ,- 55 Commercial Street. "The Copartnership IMA FEW WEEKS, sensational story t>at bas lately gone nounced played oat from lameness;—cure him Portland, Dec. 10,1872. declldlm round ve sen- & CO. b. clemknts and edvvard s. the of the from the y two of Centaur and Benj. Kingsbury, Jr., PEBLEÏ, RUSSELL MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS papers, with a bottle or Liuiuient, CHUKCtllLL relire from our firm tlii.s date. and stock to be moved to Baltimore. salional will be seen Doc. 1872. Moses book of Geo. Revere, The Liuimeut is 23, lmd 4fc t*r~ Goods sell ■ *(" j the difference. simply Mayor FEBLEÏ ot aîaÎÎ?r'"· Boits, Folios, and Sheet Muolc E. CHURCHILL & CO., ng vilbout regard to cost lor at once in fact by any pocket FLANNELS to have no Inundation Jan. Santa Claus to deal out in iho Jan. 1, 1873. lw CHEAP dijecnly. | of the wonders of the world. Dumb beasts Portland, 1,1873- JanSllw* HollSJf» aItariel''for who ever heard Gen. JacksonconveRe.and one — ΔΤ — cet a their and the sore manned DA W 119 will take the to rend ibe tian neigh ont gladn'ss, WAGED STEEL,! dei2 "IIBDLE STREE T, Vessel toi* Sale. EXCHANGE STREET. trouble tbe — — mouth of the human bobble ill lino doc5d&wtf 49 eutal into his by aud crippled family "LINDA STEWAIîT" now discharging at Co veil & language put a^ Empress— ou won- Poplins!— their it is CHEAP A'a OUT BARKthis port 234 tons register and in good order. Company. thor; an! SS & and go way rejoicing. Yea, OP For of in drama^lark «'^uSi- I TV (I, THE FIRE parlicu.ars inquire Notice. ANNA J.ULMEB. 'tan horseman d dollb derful. JESSOP & COYELL & declfid11 CHAKLKS H. CHASE CO. Is a" » ( SONS, COMPANY.' W. PIERCE of lorsviile, cor- Portland, retires from our Teacher of the C.iblnet Organ and Piano <**£· co"''gan :army Children cry—for Pitcher's Caslori*. It firm, an I his iuterett an.' ceases tofit 134 Church Piano for £»ale. A Fine Business Opening CIIAS. responsibility „ ^ n0 moonstruck, ; St., Boston, trom this date. 3JO CONGRESS STREET. ^me,»tragfiJ regulates the stomach, euros wind colic and a or middle man of respondent. j |)ave boeii Offers for sale of first-claes, 7 oetave Piano for sale on easy young aged unexceptiona- NOK'iuN MILLS d paiued all sizes Steel damaged by Pire. CO., G. Walter Goold. j causes uatural It is a substitute for NEW,terms. FOUble characier. Experienced accountant and one Lum.»er Reference Reference* and ο to the absurd .tory by sleep. Call and ftrlcoe fc> B* C* Manufactures, uauuuitte. suit. Ja&idttt ρ*«βιΧ 1ft. a. PALMKK thousand dollars capital. Investiyaiiuu Is invited. Norton Mills ders left atStockbriage'» ao»l Uawes <$ given xwaeou and LsUad Pond, Vt. Cragin'». -ers. ouator oil. jau^-codlw&wlt Ackbiow Ik* iW XOl-UvmI Me. ιuriilit Tilwi Food, Sqpt. 3, l£f3. érftf OCUJ oodâiB gome of theViigiuiapa van- ii it until irposes is Hos tetter's Stomacli suffei îpropriety in postponing Monday J IFTT-SECOND LEGISLATURE. Bitters. Persons A.r at Woman suffuage advocate· J 10 wish to escape the rheumatic the Havre 30th ult, (hip Grahams Polity. But- the In .( raing. twinges, >w- EW jus fortunes in Τ ne court then the tri JSPECIAL Ar ut 10th ADVERTISEMENTS. peraiubulaiiu? discharged jury. the bilious and the nervous Kingston, Ja, ult, brig Waltham, Trt®, the ^°"ιαη * Jour»al attacks, visitations, »rfolk via last number of The scenes i the court r om after the jury for common at this time ot'the Jamaica. ;he [Eeported the Press.] year, will do well to THE Ar at OM » in Haibor, Ja, 8tli sch 4: from tliat most efficient work- v ere dismissed were most impressive. As force their systems with this renowned ult, Nellie, French, iMrtluiid λ -SDAY KOBSIIQ, J AS. 7, 18152. there is a le'ter SENATE. vegetable >nce, to load for New York. «ïdciivimri; Railroad tokes triead· him the arms st jmachie and invigorant. It the VIERCA> TILE AGENCY W. Campbell, in which she says S arose, caught by improves appetite, Ar at Port an Prince 2Uth ech A er Mr·. M. Augusta, Jan. 6,1873. •engthens the stomach, cheers the and le- ult, Mary Holt, Company. 1 ) him. He did not reject this aid, | spirits, olt, from Bangor, '< ν it γ of is furnished the refused to support The vâtes the whole REFERENCE BOOKS disg. thc stntkholdera of the regular attache the Pbess at Kenduskeag people One of President announced the various coir- physique. Sid fm 12th v0f that uncertain of his strength. Cienfuegos u't, barquo Μ Β Steteon, IHForrnmK't°oe.!i1'K Railroad will ν* 11 υ a T. iemiug iiioers, Boston. Company card certificate countersigned by Stanley a meeting, that the whole him commis- 11 ittees : DKSXKOVED UY THE FIRE be n;ivx. believing t ie jurors approached speaking Ar at Havana 1 -Hen, Editor. Ail steamboat and hotel jouît standing 25th tilt, barque Iron Crabtree, die railway, was "fie· love in which so s and something about committee. CUBlHTflAS EVE. Age, at liiiig disguise," :ratingly, murmering SPECIAL reenock; brig Keystone, New York ; Hir:im Ja maty current, ten to i>a«iugers will confer a favor us deman ling On the Judiciary—Messrs. NOTICES. Barter, ο-ewî Yh.f~rPn™n to upon by conscience.' Chaplin of Cumber- biff Tibbetts, Baltimore; 27tli, ch .os.- Director» for the <>u· 1 her that she "Let them ,, Butler of barque Cienruegoe, en»Uin(( ϊϊβΓ ο i-ntials of to psguslcd exclaims, mi, York, VVebsier of of The while the that a*|('P'° every pers.xi claiming represent Stokes turned towards this man and e. in Knox, the Seu- undersigned, lamenting orgrave, Pensaoola; ech Eliza Β Coffin, an , other business ''bum- said, à Messrs. \ ton of oss Buttered bv the pecuniary Coffin, Apa- JTSS* ion iie in their sins ! X shook the dust from my Gray, Knowlon of Skowhe- burning of the EN 1 IRK 1.1)1- cliieola; 28th, Geo \V Chase. tl « m· .ml, as we have infomiatiui that several a with a touch ISSU1IE YOUR brij» Bacon, New York. ^HAb. U. FOYE oC the plaintive, reproachful way, g of DWELLINGS Γ10Ν OF tUElll JANUARY REFERENCE Cld S Ε ■" name owner '■ iU\ul <)t ^fr-Urta' Di»Kie.V Lewiston, Murt- , 24th, brig Kennedy, FTnll..Cardenas. J inland, Jan. 7,1873. Ui '"Π are tuurlesies in the j ee* and At the ( f tell me whether Bisbee of liOOK in Clerk. Keeking departed." Newport curiosity, "Will you you lackland and Mathews SD the Now York tire ot the 21th lilt., have Sid 24th, whip Enoch Talbot. Kimball, for New Or- be, evi-n i»as- 0 : Hampden, of tbe Buekiieid, J[ CONTENTS (in Town or he f Η ΐ<ιβ, an 1 we liAve no :o ^ >f of a meet- ι believed the of ?" House. I City) satisfaction to announce to the public that ans; 25tli. brie Charlotte disposition the hall prevented the holding dually testimony Hart. Oa Buck, Blohm, Key West; Lost 1 Legal h Goo do. * ciy. a parry t.) such frau I. The refused to answer. Affairs—Messrs. of A MD FARM BISKS iu the «Ο PART Srorrs, Curry, to warm or his build- juror j ay of Kennedy Lincoln, Agricnl- OF IIIKIR recouds has Ar at Matanzas S' this December 3ih. one ng by neglecting light Krnuebee, of Sen- 25th, brigs Isadora Rionda, Plum- city long leather POCK- Now t e excited crowd te. Farnn'O^mofOxford, the # BEEN Ι.ΟΗΓ au,I cninmuni- ofspectators swayed Messrs. Thomas of 1 iiral ,er. Portland; 27th, Prairie from New ET BOOK, containing 2 notes nnvable toF. C.A1 Wt do I but nevertheless claimed for it. The Portlaud, King of Ins.Co., P.Barnes, Jr., Agent, Rose, Griffin, not rea uni.nymouTîïtlc-· ing, pay ( ο and and seem; d determined not to 1 .' egan ot Lynlou, Chat ork. ι, and a small sum of in"ney. Whoever will leave of lie writer are in fro, Madawaska, Barron f Topsbam, Haley ot they have also clean proofs of the whole printed •i> Oils. Tho u.un,.· and addrcM rebu ed them qd 0 St. Sid 25th, Selma, î same at this office shall be rewarded. good people of the place properly | t-ave the room. Tiie u-hers urged ont, nnebunk, Mason of Biddeford, Adams or Anson,of Exchange Unsurpassed Sc- natter, and expect to reprint and brig Richardson, Pensacola «'t η jcwsarfl} for publication ic Housi. Arat Cardenas 23d ult. A G F. C. ALLEN. ill „· HBii 1 i.<,w.M "Ole. she et not that on such occa- brigs Jewett, Reed, failli. him by filling the church where spoke ; violently, seeing c and Reasonable Rates. FURNISH COPI KS OF THE ew York; Β F Nash. St John, NB. Portland, Jan. 6th, 1873. Jau7*iw ••■i a itf'KKl a On Financial urity Hopkins. !.ή guaranty ! ion any amount of interest in prisoner was Aff.iirs—Messrs. Davis of Andros- smltf Shi 23d. sch Cora Coffin, tor to reiurn or com- the next At all her troubles f O'Brijn of janO Nash, Apalachicola; cana >. « preserve night. Bangor ^g'4n} York, Can· of Sagalialioc, of the Reference Book within Two Months ! Ith, Roselta ixeusable. euate. Messrs. barque McNeil, Sproul, New Orleans. Business ·ΐ ·. liateh of Mil iken of Port- When iiipcrior Opportunity xiioauoys ϋι.ιί a»'e η use were over, the smoothed the Bang >r, To Let they wi 1 be able to oiler a much more com- Ar at Gibara 17th ult, sch from i' way being by Mr. J leinainc lat a-* thunder struck.— ι ui 1, Rea l of b Agues, Hodgdon, business. Waldoboro', Cushman of Aubuin, Hob- plete iok than ever iu the that it lew York. Sale. First. olajs retail cash Gen. him. Fi ieuds n of HE commodious four storied Brick No. 57 before, respect jlOK luti of generous hospitality and sympathy of stokes stood beside still sup- VViscasset, Weeks of Augusia, MollLt of Kock- Store, will contain ALL THE CHANGES OF THE NEW thoroughly esta b it-he I, with α regular he 1 md, of llie H >u e. Γ Commercial St.—immediate given. aud be od cost- mers ami <>n the in- aud his kind notices of him. Once laughed in a bloo.i poscssion YEAR, CORRECTED UP TO THE VERY [Latest by European steamers.] paying continually ! Hersev wife and the ported Inquire of ELLAS THOAÏAS & CO OF >ck. time subscribers will have at their he. busii ops demanding his immediate attention, Tue people aine, .ji'cve.y reiigior·:- «K XVUiy the sudden Webster of Kuox, of tbe Sen- ol command detailed ind. New ίΐΐΐγ in way that iron,willed men te. Messrs. Or W. W. THOMAS, Canal National Bank. information trom of Orleans; 20th, Humboldt, Drummand, id i of invesiigation. TAYLOR & CO., 3 tio po ideal paity, empcrauee rgani, ir ·, and of hut Cortliell of Calais, Fesseuden ο Port- every part the country on rec- an Francisco. worthy gressive A'je attempted to snub her, with have. Mr. Beach about. bust- i lieed of seutl2sutf ord at their offices. ate St., Boston. jan7d3t IV) or.'inUali «ri, v\ho believe iti and prut ο ">tal al)~ figit and thither his Co., No. 88 Mrfci, Cld at London 20th. Rhine, Jordan, New York. to the that the is much less "'pro- defining position. Exchange Portland, ble, pr au î effectual measure, c .jvi.ed opinion Aye I1 ■ lends Oil Eut out 18th, Thames, tor iciioabie, gathered around Mr. ask- Education—Messrs. Farr.ngton of Oxf >rd,Ken- No. tlnin (s) Hyde, Portland. meet in Mas* Onv^uti >n at Tremaine, of Lincoln. | Manufacturers of 45J street, Worcetler. Ar at Deal HOLIDAY gressive" than the Democratic Republic"1 ing tor the îedy Chaplin of Cumberland, of the Seu- j 16th. Victor, Wass. from Antwerp for prospects of a new iAujuf B.ingjr, Lord of Saco, Webster of of the jam >nry, Havre for Savannah. at 12 o'clock no m, t » a.l«»pt such mean as they may Se» atoksw is likely-to with Castiue, Swansea Τπε Missouri iouse. AND _____ £irAl 19rh, Orbit, Nash, Bilboa to reform rhe uo save l.e young as he had been used to be. Sid fm GOODS! ju ige beet iae-.riaie, ·ΜΓ· Hutchins, late- On Newport 15th, Josie Mildred, Maine, for Ha- fr »m cbo oaths of inu an 11 .. drive, if pos- make a very buter Railroads—Miessrs. Dingley of vana. mperarico, fight. The sister tried to w; lk toward the door SuLler Androscoggin, Any Desired Shade or OENTAL NOTICE. a of York, Smith of Pan of the Senate.— Color, Cardiff sible, the tia.tie from the laud, uet there be genei the who is a membei-elect of but tot >usoot, Arat 16th, hearts ly of Time», ered back to her chaii with another Vlessrs. Fesseuden of Amy, Pinkham, Bristol, (and al ral Wo need ο eue each other's Porrian t, Kn »wlton ot Skow- ;nn to load for Palermo,; y. >urage St. is a of Β Prepared for Immediate Application. REMOVAL. 18th, Czarina, Nichols, from and each other's hands in this work. the tioia Louis, candidate sm rthered cry. Her brother looked sadly at icgan, livery tngor, Β η -etc of Parsonstield,Bis- Dantzic. R.r-.n^then great Legislature xe ot The usaai educt i ju of i'are ou the several railroads said to her. He had stood to hear wha' Mr. Tre- Buckiield, Littleiield of Lyman, of the House. Cld 18th, Otago, Thorndike, JECEIYED THIS DAY! for and i« belong to a tactidn by Jne blank. BOLD GALLON ONLY MACALAsFÊR Yokohama; Eddyetone may be exj>ected. speaker, > ByThe BROS., for Havana; Pekin, Sutherland, New the maine wo'ilti say as t hopes for am ther trial Orleans. i.e invention will coniinue th ough control Senatorial election. He On Com mer ce—Messrs. Webster of Sid fm Dundee 17th, Kate probably who may or a aside of the verdict. At last with Knox, Humph- DENTISTS, Davenport, Duncan, for Thursday. setting rey of Cumberland, Kennedy of of the Sen- New Orleans. with having offered to insure the Lincoln, Have removed w JOSHUA NYE, is charged an impatient, despairing gesture, he turns i,e. Messrs. Hobson of Wi*casset, Nash ··!' Gardiner, ECONOMICAL. their office to Rooms over George W. Sid fm Pa*saroeang Nov 1, Nettie Merriman, Rol- ktobinson of DURABLE, BEAUTIFUL, Whittier's Dru ; J. S. KIMBALL, of Samuel T. Glover to or- to ard the his escort and the Bath, Boardmau of Paul of Kit- Store, Congress Square. lins, . η the great of article!», too numenpue to men- election the Sena door, followed, Belfast, Dr. variety D. B. UAM'ALL, te.ry. Lo iug of Macalaster is now at his new office to Sid fm for a line ο 1 for curtain upoti such a scene as has Yarmouth, Kalioek of Tnomasion of D. M. YEOMANS, ready Batavia Nov 1, Henry Buck, Nichols, tion, is tine E. W. ship $10,000. The Republican is down dropped the House. wait on those requiring his proiessional services. Probolingo. MORTON, witnessed. General Eastern A. J. W. STLVENS, been rarely Agent, Entrance to Dental Rooms, Ar at heavily 011 the rebel to which Hutch- On Mercantile Affairs and Insurance—Messrs. Bombay 17th ult, Helicon, Rogers, Carditis O. G. HALL. faction, 83 Commercial at. Portland. SU1 fin Palermo 9th ult. Arietta, New York. Humphrey of Cumberland, O'Brion of Abbott 392 Congres* Street and 95 Free Street, Dow, Ο. H. WiLsON, ins is said to bel The of the State ..f York, se28-eodtf en tSld fm "Genoa 12th. J H Messina. >ng. Democrat (Re- Report Treasurer. Kenuebec, of the Senate. Messrs. Loring of Port- Lane. Franklin, ASTKACHAN Stale Temperance Committee. Kubinson nov7 PORTLAND. ME. sntf Ar at Belle Isle 13tli Alice Starrest, from New doet no if The State Hou. William land, of Bath, Wood of Wheeler of ult, December public n) hesitate to say that Treasurer, Caldwell, Bango»·, If «rant a nice or Tin York for Nantes. 30,1872. Chesterville, Hawes of Deering, Harmon of Buxton, you Photograph are laid his fourth annual before the Ar at Havre 15th ult, Thos Harward. Strickland, there tbirlyTfour men willing to j .in the report Legis- Campbeil of Chei ryfield, of the House. Type, go to A M. McKenny/s 161 Middle Street. A Book tor Every Ulan. — New Orleans; 16th, Annie Torrey, Libby. New Or- A-ND and lature on Monday, as required by law. The Cn Banks and Brooks of He warrents them as as can be made in Port· Republican minority in the Legislature they Bonking—Messrs. Waldo, good The "SCIENCE OF LTFE, or SELF-PKESERVA- leans; 17th, Sandusky, Norton, and Zephyr, Sweet- The State College of Agriculture Burgess f l)avis of And of transactions of his are stat- Cumberland, oseoggin, land. ag5-eodtfsn TION," a Medical Treatise on the Cause and Cure ot ser, do; 19th, Jona Chase. Chase, Baltimore. Arts. can name the Senator. department briefly the Senate. Messrs. Nash of Mechanic Gardiner, Milliken of Exhausted Premature Decline in Ner- Sid 15th. Southern Chief, Higgins. for New York ; ed as follows: P· riland, Hatch of of Bruns- Vitality, Man, Stae at Oro- Bangor, Humphreys vous and Phvsical Southern Rights, Woodbu y, and ftlarv G Heed,"Welt, The to the College wick, Kouuds of Coffin of of The Averill Chemical Paint Debility ,Hyi»ochondria, Impotency, opposition TnE'New York Herald and the Ar- RECEIPTS. Minot, Fairtield, Carle or Seminal and all other New Orleans; Niphon, Day, and Baden, I»yer, do; To silence says, Kennobunkpurt, of the House. Spermatorruœa Weakuess, noi. la-t disappearing. opposi- Whole amnunt receive 1 in 1872 08 WILL PROVE ITSELF. diseases arising from the errors of youth or the in- L L Sturge*, Unnekin, Belize ; 16th, Arlington, Coa- CONEY MUFFS gus repeats it, that "Maine is $1,331,839 On *oI|a Vmw ΟγΙαοπα of there is murderously Cusli in Treasury, 1,1^72 192.446 5t Manufacturers—Messrs. Hobbs of York, Ding- discretions or excesses of mature years. This is in- to shut the mouths croakers, January of 1st—Far more beautiful then other. to tion, mulcted" oy the of the lsy Androscoggin, Shaw of Penobscot, of the Sen- any deed a book for every man. Thousands have been S& Flu.Mng Roaa» 140., Oui», Raodall.Cardiff; It is repeal reciprocity ace. Messrs. like success. hard to make in- S 1,527,306 49 Brock way of Dover. Webb of Lowell, 2d—More durable then any other. taught by this work tlie true wav to health and hap- Victor, Wass, Boston. nothing Toe not be but Camo of Sid fm treaty. may Staudish, Locke of of It is the and best Cuxhaven 15th Dow, Cardiff. — — believe that an institution opinion just, EXPENDITURES. Fryeburg, Pressey 3d—Lower in price then pure Lead ari Oil. piness. cheapest medical work ult, Shamrock, MUCH telligent people Lewiston, Creswell of Farmingtjn, Atwood of Cape ever published, aud the only one on this class of ill? Sid fm Helvoet 18th. Clara, Nichols, for Newcastle; the alliteration is magnificent! Amount of payments iu 1872 1 41 4th— To be all for use. such SI,147,54 Elizabeth, of tbe House. ready worth 190th much en- 18th, Helen Sands,, New York. that otfers inducements to y .ung men as (Jasli In treasury December 31 379,762 US reading. edition, revised, On Agriculture—Messrs. Shaw of Penobscot, Ab- 5th—To require no thinning or drier. larged, illustrated, bound in beautiful French cloth. to bring seventy live of them atth ; Judging from a we should say bot of Price $1. Sent bv mail on cf SPOKEN. beginning distance, $1,517,306 49 Kennebec, P.-nneil of Cumberland, of the Sen- 6th—The best wood preservative ever discovered. only post-paid receipt ate. Messrs. price. Address PEA BODY MEDICAL INSTI- Nov 17, lat 19 Ion 33 of the fifth year .rom ail of ihe State that the officers of the two Houses Knight ofKumfnd, Ford of Aikins m, does not N, W, barque Adelaiue Norris. UNDER REGULAR PRICES. parts presiding the the are 7th—Rain (before dry) wash it., TUTE. No. 4 Β ni tincli or Dr. Among expenditures following Hubbard of Be. wick, Jordan of Lisbon, Jones of St. Street, Boston, Mass., from Boston for Rio Janeiro. and to infuse into them such a of the iture have exercised discretion AI will not uu or chalk. W. H. PARKER, Assistant Physician. Ν. B. The Dec 12, lat 48 corps dCsprit Legisl the more important items: bans, Sturtevant of Fayette, Davis of Jeiferson, of 8th—It 44 N, Ion 10 25 \V, brig Amy A Lane, the House. author may be consulted on the above as well as all from Cardiff for Havana. as never to lose one of their is in in tue dimcult ot ine commit- 9th—It is positively water and fire prooi. members, job making up Public debt, $18,000; ii terest on debt, $132,- diseases requiring skill and experience. Dec 15, lat 49 N, Ion 10 Wm A On Military Affiirs—bL·ssrs. Had Lock of 10th—Covers old work as well as new. W, ship Campbell, course cannot Hancock, sn mar25-dlv from Liverpool for Mobile. any way a aiiure. True, it was a dubious tees. Of they please everybody. !I9!).73; peusious, $25,24(5.90; orphan asylums, Faningtou or Oxford, Chaplin of Cumberland ot the for Dec lat —, $11,000; insane State paupers, $.(4,324.87; costs Senate. 11th—Superior covering brick. 15, ion 1ϋ \V, barquo Clara Eaton, from look at and was a Messie. Fols )m of Howard of Lew- first fit mark for the pedan- iu criminal Oldtown, best for iron Liverpool for Galveston, 3 days out. Tue last to the mannero conduct prosecutions, $1,082.53; State pris- ist >n, Kennist in of Whitcomb of Ells- 12t,li—The paint buildings. MARRIED. LADIE8 objection Bootbbay, Dec 10, on the Equator, ship Republic, from San tic ciitic of "mushroom colleges and the lo- on, $15,000; Reform School, $14,200; deaf, dumb worth, Peaks oi Charleston, Lincoln of This has and is used the fin- the Credit Mobilier affair is removed Dennysville, paint been, being upon riiiiJUMU ιυι i_.iv ci oui, ο.) Udjs Oui Λ.·»1 —ν»Λ U .. Γλ_ ing oy and Maine General G tchell of Jaeks of the blind, $15,500.50; Hospital; m, House. est villas and buildings both public and private. Dec 24, lat 25 Ion 68 40, Everett In 35, barque Gray, the action of the Hou e Monday ir making $10,000; Penobscot Indians, $3,551.50; Passa- Ou Interior Waters—Messrs. Smith of Penobscot, this city, Dec. 5, Michael Kennedy and Mary from Liverpool for Matanzas, 39 days out. ou "book in barbaric but Crandon of this country, north, south, east, and west, giving uni- Curran. farming." English; the maqiioady Indians, $3,820; immigration, $11,- Washington, Humphrey of Cumberlan I, meetings of the committee public. Now of the versal and in all cises has its In Elizabeth, Jan. 2, Geo. such men as ex- S)H8.55; to promote settlement of Public lands. Senate. Messrs. Bailey of Auburn, Whitcoinb satisfaction, proved Ferry Village, Cap· by practical auJ experienced of F. Frank L. Griffin and Ada C. please call and examine onr for it! Urono Ellsworth, Perry of Kenniston of Booth- £ ear to be twice as without or Henley, Esq.. Bailey, goods. »12,υυυ; College, $18,COO; Agricultural Bridgton, fully long, chalking ot Or >v Coburn and bis associates Messrs. Per- >>ay, Ο ik of G irlan I, Webster of Webster of both Cape Elizabeth. NEW Societies, $0,034.54; Board of Agriculture. Orono, acking,_as any other paint. In Dec. ADVERTISEMENTS. The well at work | Norway, 28, Joseph A. Kenney of Portland ley, Oak, Stetson"and others realized the need Legislature got yester $871.96; Secretary, 725,14; Fish Officers, $-,- and Miss Almira A. Royal of South Paris. Also, at Ο λ State Lands and D. M. Even that Teachers' Nor- State Roads—Meests. Dun- TEOIIÂMS, same lime. Oscar W. of South Paris and Miss of the institution and their btst efforts day. heavy committee 011 the 57tï.7ô; Institutes, $3,159.50; of Royal REPORT OF THE CONDITION gave mal ning Piscataquis, Arnold of Aroostook, Martin of Augusta Warren of Auburn. BOTTOII PRICKS ! of Names has a for considera- Schools, $11,041,62; academies, $2,080; Oxford, of the Senate. Messrs. Randall of Island General Eastern Agent, to secure the measure of success it has attain- Change subject school mill tax In Oxford, Dec. 28, Anson Martin and Mise Mary I. fuuds, $19,979.85; fuud, $17.- Palls, Thomas of Ρ >rtlaud, of Andover, Rich- Smith. tion. fund of sink- ard sou of Gre^g 83 ed. 799.45; sinking 1865, $79,070.01, Presque Isle. Kimball of Patten, Commercial St., Portland. in Jan. Florin B. Maxim and B. of of Whipple Norway. 1. Mary MERCHANTS NATIONAL ing fund 1868, $94,805.24; printing, $22,994,- Solon, Schollield of Harpswoll, of the House. Morse, both of South Paris. BANK, The present Legislature will be called upon A London despatch says that the Sept21eodsntl physi- 09; advertising laws, 2,698 45; binding. $ ,315.- On Ways and Bridges—Messrs. Abbot of Kenne- In Oxford, Jan. 1, John H. Smith and Miss Mary OF POBl'LAlVD, ME. the same board of trustees that have cians of the are 51; bec, Palmer of Howes of of ϋ,. acamnion. by ex-Emperor Napoleon very stationery, $4,168.26; postage, $1,670.65; Somerset, Franklin, tlie as an roll of Senate. Messrs. Weed of The Press Advertising Medi- At close of business, Dec. 27, 1872. shown themselves so of to pay council, $4,484; Senate, $8,162; Littleton, Gr*:en of Ath- worthy confidence, anxious the condition of his health. ens. 154 MIDDLE STREET. respecting House, 28,364; salaries of Stephens of Eastp.»rt, Alley of Hartf>rd, Pen- um. RESOURCES. officers, $59,364; dexter i.f DIED. extend further aid 10 give the institution the clerks in of State's office. Denmark, Thompson of Newfield, Martin Loans and Discounts, 3" Secretary $3,491.34; of of the House. The attention of advertisers is called to the excel- 558,753 in Sebago, Over Drafts 53 83 means to make it more efficient. The intelli- The End of Stokes' Trial. Treasurer's office. $2,600; in Adjutant Gen- lent and condition of the On Fisheries—Messrs. Whitmore of constantly improving Daily U. S. Bonds to secure circulation 300,000 eral's in land for Hancock,Har- In this Jan. Mrs. Jennie, wife of Charles W. 41 " we are office, $2,750; office, $2,000; mon of Press as an medium. Its city, 4, 44 .Α.. B. BUTLER. gence of the State, sure, a e in favor Washington. Carr of Sagadahoc, of the Sen- advertising circulation of deposits 100,000 Superintendent of Schools, clerk ill Baker, Oakland. Ca ., age LIABILITIES. Bowdoin, Colby, liâtes, Hill, pearance of a court-room where some minor Kingman, Learned of Rand of The Treasurer Burnham, Greenwood, Capital in have all received State in the estimates that the receiots for Moriland of Rockland, Robbius of Deer Isle, of the CAPS. NAME FROM FOR DAT Stock, paid 300,000 BOUGHT, aid, amounting case of fraud was and a Fund pending verdict of ac- the will House. Parthia Now York. .Liverpool Jan 8 Surplus 60,000 as as be year 1873 amount to $1,726,626 05, of BUY THEM AT 51 EXCIIAKGE Profit and Loss 88 aggr.-gate to several times much will was On Indian ST., Nevada New York..Liverpool Jan 8 54,78» quital expected. which will affairs—Messrs. Harmon of Washing- Discount 19 $124,000 be received from the tax on ton, Arnold of Moro Castle New York.. Havana Jan 9 26,930 to the Orono school on a firm Aroo«took, Sbaw of of tlie — — repaired put The were in at ten Senite. Penobscot, of Bristol... ..New York. Jan 9 81,719 07 BY jury expected half-past savings banks, and the for the Messrs.. Wilder of Dennison of City Liverpool expenditures Pembroke, .New York. National Bank Circulation outstanding, 270,000 basis. Machiasport, Patten of J. B. LUCAS. Henry Chauncey.. .Asplnwall Jan 11· 44 44 44 o'clock, but eleven came and they were out. same time are estimated at CarmeT, Folsom of Newburg, State 4 546 $1,364,005.37. Ellis of Brooks, Kicker of Sept 18-sntf Moravian Portland ... Liverpool Jan 11 Second. The Orono from its loca- Biddeford, Ouilette of Dividends unpaid 1,072 26 college Presently there was a murmur that bccame The Treasurer gives the resources of Freuchville, of the House. Europa New York. .Glasgow Jan 11 the Individual Deposits 363,661 48 tion and character w 11 never detract from lilEA A Hocla Bostou Liverpool ... .Jan 11 then "a noUe and a hideous hum" State as On Claims—Messrs. Carr of PEBR,N8' U. S. -, 6 that seem- follows: Sagadahoc, Howes of ΓαιιίΐΛϋΤ Cleopatra New York. .Havana Jan 11 Deposits 1,891 Franklin, -f of the Senate.— Deposits of U. S. Officers b3 H. M. the patronage of the otaers. It is a matter ed like that Cash in the treasury 373.762 08 Dunning Piscataquis, Sauce Cîtv of Brooklyn.. .New York. Liverpool Jan 11 Disbursing 42,097 PAYSON, hearifin the sacred fanes of the January 1,1873 $ Messrs. Prentiss ol of vdULlUll.Worcestershire Due to National Banks Β dunce ou State Greenbush, Moore Greene,Rand Baltic New York. Jan II 9,323 6:; a duo taxes 1,203,363 95 of .Liverpool of ioubt if any of those now pursuing so Greenwood. Files of Treat of Buyers are cautioned to avoid the numerous Coun- Due to State Banks 98 Delphian Api Ho, often prophetic of dire Slaking fuuds 01 Gorham, Winterport, Java New York.. Liverpool Jan 15 I,4i2 1,020,247 Wilker of Crocker of terfeits and Imita ions offered for Notes and Bills Re-Discounted course of at Orono would have either Securities in the land office Brighton, Macliias ot the sale. Wyoming New York.. Jan 15 35,192 06 study fate. I came so suddenly and as to 5,508 75 House. Liverpool sharply JOIIN Polynesian Portland .. .Liverpool Jan 18 been inclined or been able to attend either On JDIJNCAX'8 SONP, New York, S 1,170,927 28 seem supernatural. A chill ran the 82 Pensions—Messrs. Kimball of Penobscot, Whit- Sainaria Boston. ... Liverpool Jan 18 BANKER A.ND through ®3,tl08,8Sl more of BROKER, of the other institutions in the State. Its Hancock, (one vacancy) of the Senat .— Agents for the United States. Atlantic New York. .Liverpool Jan 18 as when evil and The liabilities of the State Jan. 1873. are Messrs. audieuc, genii pass by the 1, Richards of Camden, Yates of Bristol, Win- octl6 eodsnly City of Montreal New York.. Liverpool Jan is I, Charles Payson, Cashier of the Merchants Na- slow of annual classes will largely come from the "hair of the llesh siands up, or as when an give as follows: Chelsea, Carvilie of Freeman, Steveus of Merrimack New York. .Rio Janeiro .Jan 23 tional Bank, of'Portlan.l, do solemnly swear,that the G Warreu of -ibove statement ii neared. Due in mldsboro, Westbrook, Wheeler of Cor- is true to the best of my knowledge young men on the firm) who are not able to open sepulchre 1873, public debt $50,000 00 of lie MUNICIPAL & REAL ESTATE an 1 " " inth, House. belief! CHAS. PAYSON, Cashier. This passed, and there was no sign of the 1874 : 50,001100 Jlinialure Alanauac January 7. 33 Exchange St., pursue a course of at the other institu- " " On Insane ! Attest study of the 1875 30,000 00 Hospital—Messrs. O'Brion of York, SECURITIES San rises Moon Correct, ; importance occasion, but the ol " " Brooks of 7.30 I sets 1.40 AM hurry 1*76 Waldo, Burgess of of Seo- JAcob ) but free and with an 00,000 00 Cumberland, the Suu sets 4.44 water Ρ M McLelun, tions, by tuition, oppor- every one to a seat. Stokes " " aie. Mrssrs. Paul of Ki I High 6.30 get Presently 1877 51,000 00 tevv, Τ dbot of E ist Ma- BONDS of Towns and Cities, and MORTGAGES Geo. Ε. B. Jackson, } Directors. a are to catne in. He was " " cliias, Lincoln of Geo. S. tunity to work few hours a day, able accon panied by bi« bioth- 1*78 30,000 00 Dennysvdie, Severence of Limerick, of improved Real Estate in the west, bearing 10 pei Hunt, ) ( " aselten of Manson of r, sister, and the wife and of Mr. 1880. bounty loan: .. 475,000 00 Albany, Pittsfleld. of the cent, interest, payable in the east, for sale by State of Maine, County of Cumberland: ss. PORTLAND. secure an e '.ucation to which they could net daughters " House. 1883, war loan 00 CHARLES M. Sworn to and subscribed before me this 6th de24 Towusend. " 525,000 HAWKES, Τ>ΓΑΤΜ>ΓΚ NEWS. day of dtf is otherwise attain. 1889, war loan 2,832.5110 00 On Reform School—Messrs. Howes of 28 Exchange st., Portland. January, 1873. As yet llie did not and as the " of Pen Franklin, jury appear 1880, municipal war debt l«an — 00 Kimball ibscot, Coffin of of Lhe sep28sm f jan7u3t CHAS. O. J. P. as we is 3,081,400 Waldo, Senate. BANCROFT, Third, Maine, believe, entering and counsel took their seats there was Messrs. Putnam of York, Weston of Cut- Judge Belgrade, PORT OF PORTLAND. .. a Ou ting of Weld, of of Β upon a new era of development. If all signs sigh oi relief among some of the vpectatois #7,187,000 Alley Hartford,Foss Dexter, May- BATCIIELOR'S HAIR DYE. REPORT OF THE CONDITION Ο S. hew of Mt. Wentworth of N_D who considered that the verdict of the The first war loan of has been en- Veruon, BucksporL, of the do not point the wrong way, the present in- jury $800,000 House. This Hair Dye is the best in the world. iTloudny, Jan. β. Portland would not be splendid City 6's given at that lime and ihat the tirely paid from the fund established Ο.ι The True and Perfect Harmless Reliable dustries in thu State will be greatly enlarged sinking State Prison—Messrs. Burgess of Comi>erland, only Dye. ARRIVED. Rockland Judge was about 10 i.ismiss the court. for Smith of Pen «bscot. an I Instantaneous; η ο m eut; no ridiculous City 6's that purpose. The present debt of the I Davis of Androscoggin, in the disappoint Sch Carr'e, (Br) to load for and new ones will up, all of which will But now the I Senate. Messrs. tints or unpleasant odor. Remedies the ill eti'ects oi Bumell, Providence, CANAL NATIONAL spiing jury came filing in and take State is Cary of Turner. Neal of Karmin^- St John. NB. BANK, Bath City 6's represented by $1.561,000 Green of Athens. bad washes. Produces Immediately a men t e education their and the registered dale, Ci oswell of Farming!on,Hiueh dyes superb Sch Iris. to require with practical places ; philosophical began to Black OE Natuual and leives h-iir (Br) Bucliard, Newport, load for-St OF St. Louis ..... and $5,626,900 coupon bonds. of Bancroft, Tierce of Monmouth, Lake of of the Brown, the John. NB. POBTLAXD, City 6's of philosophize upon the of S lartan ami Jay, sofr and beautiful. The W. A. tint it is within the design and scope the decay House. clean, genuiue, signed Sch Anna teeds & Koinan that was to be Mr. Caldwell's report also contains a table Barchelor. Sold bv all Martha, (Br) Bissett, Boston, to load At close of business, December 1872. Faruiington, (Guaranteed,) 6's justice exhibited in the On Public Druggists. for St John. ND. 27, C of Mechanic Arts to give to young mild Buildings—Messrs. Coflln of Waldo, CHÂS. BATCH Ε LOR, V. F. Haine iMege verdict about tone those twelve giving the deposits of the several banks Hadlock of Palmer of Prop., Sch Ε & F Williams. Pitt. Boston. Central, Consolidated. 7's given l>y savings Hancock, Somerset, of the Sen- octld&w IvrsH (Br> men. The relations of our mild a'e. A la fcmmi. RESOURCES. changing agricul- lookiug men, arrayed in the and the amount i.f tax due from them as im- Messrs. Mavbew of Mt. Vern n, Robbins of Sch Burgess, Grand Menin. NB. Cook peaceful Gail Sell Loaûû and Discounts County, Uliuols, 7's t irai interests trans- garb of American citizens. ord, Hall of Nobleboro', Herriek of Sedgwick, I WUislow. Kent. East port for Β »s:on. 998,079 46 consequent upon cheap posed by the act of last year, which amounted Fu 1er of CONSUMPTION CAN BE CURED A r Mokanna. U. S. Bonds to secure circulation Clay ... 7's answered to their Apnleton, Witherly of Liucolnville, !lrue of Sunday—Br barque McLean, Boston 533,000 County, Illinois, station with the West will also call Thejury names, and still to Sanford, of .lie House. for St John, NB. Other Bonds ρ upon t'ie $62,432.69 November 21, ISfi. All the (and "proceeded Monday.) 13.700 Iowa Ceutral, Hold, 7's pruceediugs seemed very dull and com- SCllHMIi'S PUIjJIONIC 8ΥΒΓΡ, Dae from Redeeming and Reserve 98.111 81 the aid. banks that at On Library -Messrs. Martin of Oxf Brooks of CLEARED. Ag'ts. Orono school for valuable Already A except Thomaaton have paid the ml, Dae from other National Banks Northern Pacific ... monplace. well-known editor sat beside Waldo. of the Senate. Messrs. 13,314 24 Gold, 7.80's I tax Diiuuing Piscataquis,of SCIIENCK'^ NKAWEED Steamer Franconia. Bragg. New York—Henrv Fox. House a series of with different Jud:e Β it in the promptly. Ti'comb of Gilford of TONIC, Banking 30,000 experiments crop* were, capacity ol Augusta, Vassalb »ro', Loving Steamer New York, St John, NB, via Current West Wisconsin R. 7's of Poriland,Camobell of Winchester, expenses 8,164 6i- R., Gold, could confidential advi er, and the ov- The Treasurer lias distributed the CheiTyfield.Culting of Weld, Eastport— A Κ Siubbs. and fertilizers have been begun which Judge edged following Ivallock of 8CHENCK'4 IUAIVDRAKE PILli», Checks and other Cash Items 73 er Thoinaston, Ray of of the Mattie Β 41,069 011 nis piaUorm towarus Ins and school funds: Permanent school Harrison, Brig Kussell, York, Las Tunas, Cuba—Geo Bills of National Banks Exchange on England, Scotland and Ire- not be made upon a farm. The re- Irieuu, fuud, House. S Hunt. 14,200 single fook serious counsel with him. Are the only medicines that will cure Pulmonary Fr letional Currency and Nickels 2,000 land. $18,778.50; savings bank tax to A communication was received from H. M. consumption. Sch Albert Mason. Rose, New York—J Nickerson. Tender Notes sults of these experiments will be of great The is told to May,$57,334.89; Legal 60,000 prisoner stand up. will a Sch Belle, (Br) Gatcomb, St NB—Geo A FOIt SALE BY mill tax, total, The Plaisted and B. Sometimes medicines that stop cough will of- Andrews, in he course of a few Now the asks the foreman of $224,529.95; §300,643,34. Benj. Murray, jr., signifying ten of tlie Hunf & Co, and Fletcher & Co. advantage years. Judge the occasion the death patient. It locks up the 91,813,639 93 aggregate of the s^ sums to be their of the Fourth. Another benefit to be derived jury, "Have you decided upon a verdict?" apportioned acceptance of the offices to which they liver, stops the circulation blood, hemorrhage SAILED-Barque Eplini Williams; schs Mary Ε Will. in the action of E. WOOD, "We have." uu 1er existing laws during the year 1873, to were elected. fallows, and, fact, clogging the very Staples, Belle Hardy, anil others. Ag't, from th? is that it will to a local- that caused the cough. LIABILITIES. College give "Whit is it?" th·,· several towns organs Sept 7-dtfis 67 Exchange At. cities, aud olautations iu this Communications were receivedfrom Hon. Wm. Liver plaint and dyspepsia are the causes of MEMORANDA. Capital Stock paid in where are needed a hundred 600,000 ity they greatly "Mur er in the first Slate for the benefit of two-thii of the cases of consumption. are Surplus Fuud degree." common schools, will Caldwell transmitting his annual statement Many Steamship Texas, from Liverpool, which got ashore 120,000 Taase A shudder iu human frame now ; > laining with dull pain iu the side, the bow- at Discount 23 JUVENILE DANCING taaeh-irs for winter sc'djIs. young every in Court, bj abou t derived from the aad Fort Independence. Boston, on Saturday, came off 34,405 • SCHOOL. as $307,000, following account for Dec. els * > η mes costive and sometimes to loose, Exchange 658 if the wing of Azrael touched each the-year ending 31, 1872, tongue Sunday afternoon, after discharging about 5U0 tous men can and will be the means of co nmuni- person ; Interest on the coated, aiu in the shoulder blade, feeling sometimes Profit and Lobs sti. ed s>ur ; the food damage. J. W. a vast deal of information tax on had a very passage and a sea which Raymond cating practical ot the fund, $19,000; i-avitigs baulcs, cial Affairs. that is aken lies on the stomach, rough shipped wild, swif't-paseing cry savage, but the $124,000; heavily accompani- completely demolished the la iies' cabin. 282 371 19 at the school on connected faint the school mill ed with and ofwiud. These National Bank announces to the citizens of gathered topics out ome of the that cannot tax, $224.500. The business of the last referred acidity belching symp- Sir Francis, ashore at Beach, Circulation outstanding.. 479,380 "groaning», Legislature toms irom a disordered of Steamship Hampton State Bank 44 44 Portland and tliat he will commence be usually originate condition .. vicinity with their course of instruction which will uttered," from a nature that, under The report also contains a table of the cities to the remains in same position, with back broken and mid- 9,452 except present was ordered to be taken from ! the stomach or a torpid liver. Persons so if Dividends the dire stress ot such aftecfed, dle compartment full of water, and sea unpaid 1,040 anaw.ul annunciation, and towns in the State, the number of scholars they take one or two heavy colds, and if the in breaking Individual give a new impetus to agricultural pursuits. the files and referred to the committees. cough over her. One lighter load wool has been out. Deposits 416,487 74 would "die and no sound' in these cases be suddenly stopped, the lungs, liver and got Due to National Banks Juvenile Dancing School give public therein and the amount of school aud mill tax Scli C F Young, (of Portland) at Nev 21,909 Fifth. It is a lamented fact that a The Committee on Senatorial votes stomach clog, and remain and and Richardson, âResnectful'y long torpid inactive, places expressive of the spirit's wounds. having York from Maianzas, been 12 for fuud due them. before the patient is aware of Ids the reports having days Masters and Misses at his of the more young men rises in the throat of tlie reported that Sullivan was elected in situation, lungs North of Hatteras with split and lost $1,813,639 iK. Dancing Academy, large part intelligent Something visibly Lothrop are a m ss of sores, and ulcerated, and death is the heavy gales, He has not January 1st, 1873, as before stated, the Somerset sails; 3d iust, while at ancher in the lower mar leavi our rural town? for other prisoner. expected this, nor has public county, the Seuate accepted the re- inevitable result. bay B. LANCASTER pursuits. West Bank, in a thick fog, was run into by steamer I, C. Somerby, Cashiet of 44The Canal National HALL, anyone outside of the but he do s not debt was represented by $7,187,900, and Mr. Sclienck's Pulmonic Syrup is an expectorant which have been that there is no e- jury; deducting port Lothrop took the oath of office. Jessie Hoyt, and had quarter stove in. of Τ ley taught does n-1 contain any opium, nur calculated Bank, Portland," do solemnly swear that the staggei. therefrom the amount of the tuuds f. r Messrs. anything Sch Oolin McAdam, Willard. at Charleston from Wednesday, Jan. at 3 P. siuking Humphrey, and Kimball to check a cough suddenly. above statement is true to the best of Sth, M., wards t be obtained at home and go out to There are some few of his old Kennedy Portland, reports 27th ult, lat 38 36 N. Ion 74 39 my knowledge motions. the payment of tl e same, and the Scheuck's Seaweed tonic diss ν the mixes W, ($1,020,247) ΐ.ι WU.U11VKCC vjii tue υι food, encountered a lerriiio from and belief. B. C. where will be al of the fashionable seak their thus too often swell- But there is noth parti lue with the of gale the East, lasting five SOMERBY, Cashier. taught dances, fortunes, ng extraordinary in his ap- debt at that gastric juice the sto ach, easily, and bo'h round ikud He will be time was $6,167,653. with such as the digests hours, then veering to North-East; was olm«ed square. assisted by hie pearance it is a of his daik Senate, House may join, to nourishes the system, and créât a healthy circu a- to the ranks of the consumers at the e>- except deepening carry all possible sail to keep off carried Subscribed and sworn to daughter. ing The Treasurer informs the that a tion of the blood. Wht*n the els are skin shore, before me this 6th day of Term·» ejes. The J looks startled, but his Legislature report reference of the various of the costive, away jibboora, fore jib, split foresail, aud $3 ; course 12 lessons. Private lesions of the It is believed that idge topics shallow, and t ie patient is a billious shipped January 1873. GEO. C. every pense producers. friend is to the in case no unusual appropriations are the Governor's habit, largo quantities water, tilling cabin and forecastle, PETERS, J. P. afternoon from 2 to 5 o'clock. Janldtd equal occasion. Mr. Beach made, address to the appropriate commit- Schenck's Mandrake Pdls are required. the new life which this in connection and injuiing a seaman; washed overboard deckload Correct, Attest : school, and Mr. Treuiaine are affected wiih State tax may be reduced to five mills on the tees. These medicines are pre paired by Dr. J. H. deeply op- of 221 bbls tish guano, tore off hatch bars, sfarted W. W. Thomas, SCHENCK & SON, Northeast corner "of Sixth and ) Dissolution. with other will infuse into posite emotions. djllar of the valuation—a reduction of deck on both sides, vessel to make Wii. Ham agencies, agricul- $170,- Messrs. Chaplin, Sullivan and Arch streets. and tor causing considera- m«'Nd, J Directors. Stokes turns Mr. Dunning were Philadelphia. Penn., sale by ble wa'er. A. L. copartnership heretofore existing between the ture in Maine and kindred will sharply upon Beach, and 000. GEO. C. GOODWIN & 38 Hanover Bos- Gilkey, ) subscribers is industries, appointed on the part of the Senate to CO., street, Fidelia. White, at Messina from jan7 THE this day dissolved by mutual con- exclaim» his bet "Mr. inquire and «John F. 8 New Brig Bangor, re- sent. All through teeth, Beach, Mr. so ton, Henry, College place, York, pereous having unsettled :u counts wiih us hare a tendency to check this tide of wealth Caldwell in fortunate iu showing the into the of ports rough weather the entire passage, and one have done work propriety the Maine sale by generally. sept3sneodtf only are respect t<» call on u* you your pretty well ; I purchasing Druggists day out of the 37 that the sea did fully requeste· at our old hope condition of his that he days passage, not REPORT OF THE CONDITION >1 >ce of in brain and muscle that has for two decades you have been well for it." healthy D>partm.-nt is Year Book. Adjourned. break over the vessel. business f »r an adjust ment of ibe same paid or to pri- not to Sch from of the— th«- *40ih, iiiet. Both members of tbe our at a stand still and re- This Mr. obliged reOommand any future policy ex- Lark, Cillais for Baltimore, before late kept population brought up Fellows, Dis- ATTENTION SMOKERS! report- firm are authorized to use Acting HOUSE. · ed ashore at Eaton has been hauled ott the firm name in adjust- trict who to the same Neck, and ment. duced it at au rate in some locali- Attorney, seemed for once in his cept pursue course that he has towed to New York. alarming The House met at 2 and Just received the finest assortment of FIRST life disconcerted and tuat he had ever contributed so much to o'clock, the The new schr H S NATIONAL DANIEL W.0* RION, ties. At all events it'the «'ill not sorry direct the finances of Speaker Bridges, recently launched at BANK, experiment adopted the He announced the joint Pembroke, and bound to Red Beach to of in the State of AARON H. MARR. legal profession. made along the State. standing committees: CHOICE IMPORTED AND DOMESTIC load, missiay- Portland, Maine, at the close of Jan. 1873. cOit over a it is worth e 1 went ashore on Rice Island 29th and on Cornish, 1st, $'25,000 year, trying. personal, ill-time 1 whkh seemed STANDING COMMITTEES OF THE HOUSE. knocked off business Friday, December 27th, 1872. speech, the cl keel. She was merest part hauled off by steamer Moss- Sixth The of the insti- mockerv at this priuK nf rvffl·»*» I Business of the House—Messrs. Titeomb of CIGARS wood. graduates higher Augus- resources. most extraordinary trials of STATE NEWS. ta, Dingiey <>f Lewiston, an I Vinton of Sch Marcus Hunter, Copartnership. tutions of learniug seek the professions and a history. He saiil Gray. Henley.from Port Johnson for The this that he brands : Rnsinn waa uoliAra nn Πλλ,Ι ii-.i ·-* Loans and Discounts subscribers have day entered into had positively refused to on Change of Names—Messrs. Randall of Island lowing $1,226,228 92 copart- business None return to the go with Falls, U. S. Bonds to secure circulation nership under tbe firm name of few pursuits. the Rounds of Wood of Deal, Dec 17—Brig Alberti, 44 44 44 678,000 0o ease unless Mr. Be-ch and Mr. Fullertou Minot, Bangor, Lincoln of Den- Herriman, from Lou- 44 uvbville, Egery of Matisou of Henry Clay, Regalia Britanica· don for Berbice, lia* put into the Downs with loss of deposits 200,000 0». farms and few to the let Maine make were associated with and ANDROSCOGGIN COUNTY. Bangor, Pittsfield, and Other Bonds on hand. MARR & O'BRIOX. factory ; him, that they had Walker of Brighton. sa Is. in consequence of heavv weather. 24,907 33 consented to The nex' term of the Dec Due from Redeeming Banks use of the bounty offered by the general gov- unwillingly try the can wiM Supreme Judicial Court Bills in Third Partageas, Cabana's, Hull, 17—Barque Genevie M Tucker, from 33,452 56 Th \v may be fourni at the old stand of O'Brion for Reading—Messrs. Benneft of Par- for Due from National Banks & at the of Androscoggin county will open the third Cronstadt Hull, which drove ashore at 56.338 05 a well selected stock of ernment to see if men cannot be so him, request District-Attorney Gar- nonsfield. Kin? of Weed of Dimilugle Due from Marr/with goods, in all the educated in Jau. Lyn lou, Littleton, Rem- Brevas, Nov2i>,is in a worse in Bankers 3,292 Ofe and without ; Tuesday (21.) Kent is Ick of Barron of Figaros, position consequence of the variety heretofore found in said store. vin, any fee from ny member of Judge expected Elliot, Topsham, Adams oi storm Banking House 00 as Ό return to those sources of our Na- to preside. and Johnson of Alison, yesterday. 5,000 AARON Η MARR, great Fisk'e family. Topsfield. Ε span i ο las, Conchas, Nc-w Haven. Eng. Dec The Lewiston 18—Ship American Union, Premium* CHARLKS C. O'BRION. tional an:t State wexltb, prepared to success- At thin wrath overcame the Journal that the Engrossed B'dls—Messrs. Hawes ot Locke (about 2000 tons) Delano,lrom New York for 16,209 OU Jan. 1S73. point prisoner, says meeting if Deering, London, Cash Items Γ Cornieb, 1st, jan2eolislww3wis2 and of the Androscoggin Agricultural and Horti- Fryelmrg, Files of Gotham, heeler of Cliester- Operas, Panetelas, c imc ashore here last night and broke the ly,85î» 00 the work forward. raising himself half fr mi his seat and llollius of up, irasf- Bill» of National fully carry cultural held vrille, Albion, Lord of Saco, ofMad- ments and cargo being «trewed for miles Banks β,495 00 hie arm he Society, January 4th, result- awaska. Koegan and a very large variety of Domestic Cigars, all of along shore. Fractional It is not our to detract from the swinging right wildly, «houted, ed in the choice of the Eighteen of the crew landed by the rocket Currency l,04o 00 purpose "Nortrom Gould!-' following offl.'er-t:— which are to be sold at very greatly reduced prices, apparatus Drawing Class. Jay Nelson Ham Elections—Messrs. Mathews of and the remaining ten after the tide receded. Specie 892 23 earned our President, ; Secretary, Ζ A. Gil- Hampden, Alley of far below the usual rates, making it an object for any Tender well reputation of established There was silence iu court for Hartford. of Warren. Legal Notée 149,510 οι of the late Mr. Root's class and the space of bert; Treasurer, D. Jas. Lindley Mayberry of Wind- smoker to supply himself at our store. To those pur- others Farrar; Agent, Clark; liam, H inch of DOMESTIC MEMBERSdesirous of Industrial and Maine have their with a while at that P. Bancroft, Kinguian of he box we are to offer PORTS. learning Ornamental colleges. They sphere minute, midnight hour the Librarian, IS. 1) E. ?f Cuuibet laud. Waltliara,Hulit chasing cigars by prepared 4fc re Tobie; Trustees, Farrar, NEW ORLEANS—Cld $2,427,061 Drawing requested to meet the on wild, fierce, des words of D. ilillet, Isaiah C. H. îspecial inducements. 31st, ship C Β Hazeltino, next undersigned which the new in titution cannot interfere. ironical, >airing the Woodman, Cobb, J. H. Leave of Gilkev. sell Alfred Thursday evening at half past 7 o'clock at the Absence—Messrs. Crocker of Machias· Cork; Keen, Pillsburv. Baltimore. prisoner went out through the open Jordan, Tristram Hill. Weeks ot SAtlLLA MILLS—Ar Library Roon», Mechanic's Hall to form a new Iu their nu iierous alumni and religious ad- doors, Aug.isa, Brockway of Dover, Peaks of Α. Ο. SCHLOTTERBECK dr CO., 27th, sch C R Flint, Doug- LIABILITIES. class. and echoing and e the half- The Journal that Charleston, L >f lass, Bath. CHAS. F. BUTTERICK, echoing through says Mr. Bolster, recently >ting Yarmouth,Rieker ®f Capital Stock $800,000 00 herent! they have crowds of friends and pat- lit corridors. The md Coffin of Fairfield. Biddeford, Ar 28th, sch Dunn, Teacher of reverberating walls caught APOTHECARIES, Abby Fountain, Nassau, NP. Circulation 601,000 00 4tb. 1873. Drawing. the Ar 20th, sch Mollie, Atherton, Beaufort, SC. January janedtdn rons that the Orjno school cannot secure. up cry, "Jay Gould! Jay Gould 1" iii employee ill the office of Secretary of State, Mr. Prentiss of was Surplus Fund 160.000 00 Milford, qualified. JO? iflaine· WILMINGTON—Ar 2d, brig Open Sea, Discount» But the prisoner s friends him back mid for two years ha.l the entire charge of the All business of Congress Street, Portland, Navassa. Veazic, 43,387 79 caught the last decl7 sntf Profit and Loss Flannels, Beavers, and the and bank returns under the old laws of the Legislature referred 31,484 02 Winter among proprieties, the appalled at- banking ;o this was ordered BALTIMORE—Cld 2d, brig Dudley, for It is not often that astronomy furnishes a State. to be taken from the tiles Gamage, 3234 871 81 Casseineres at Cost at torney contiuued in a stammering, Paysander. Dividende unpaid 1,098 12 of apologetic CUMBERLAND COUNTY. ind referred to the committees. SUFFERERS NEW YORK—Ar 3d, sch Game joke, .lisappearance Biela's comet, tone. He went on at some Cock, Patrick, fin Individual Deposits 473,1)46 78 VICKRRT & but^the length, thanking Β Providence. I.KIOHTON'M, has set Mr. Proctor and all the counsel for the defence his The officers of United L >dge No. 8, in Bruns- Hit, Petitions, etc., presented and FROM Ar U. S. Deposits 42,409 lj η ην overdue, associates, referred— COUGHS, COLDS, Ac., 4th, ship St Paul, Martin, JanS 133 .Tliddle Street. lw were installed in Ljmoiit 3f P. I). Yates and others to Hong Kong; barque Disbursing Officer 118,309 38 and the court and and concluded Brick, publicly Hall, be authorized to Sarah, Nichols, Montevideo CO days; brigs tae other watchers of the skies into convul- jury, by Jan. Κ. juild a wharf in DON'T FAIL TO TBV Ennis, Due to National Banks 131,125 90 himself that 2d, by E. John W. Ballou of Bath, 1λ Bristol; of David Keen and Foster, Seville 35 days; J Β Brown, Bain, Las Tunas congratulating his three years' to m Triment. These comets 13. H. P. of the Grand Arch of >thers, build a wharf in 20 days; L Η Cole, Jones, H sions ot hobgoblin endurance of such scenes as he Uoyal Chapter Bremen; of Samuel Guantanamo; Houstou, Total Deposits 791,189 67 PRESERVES. now saw Maine. Bro. Thomas U. \V. C. Waters and others, to have certain LBAMSON'S BOTANIC COUGH BALSAM. Tapper, East Harbor. TI; solis Elizabeth terror to the inhabitants c Eaton, M.; C. set DeHart, that used to strike uld now cease and he would become a Sec. >ff from the of territory Low, Curacoa 21 days; Annie F1KST-CLASS commission house of pri- Nelson, County Penobscot and WHY? Whiting. Hutchinson, »2,427,061 48 HAIfl- va e citizen. o annexed Deinarara 19 Ella. A BU IHS. in the Preserve-line Is "»C the earth to be of s;.ch extreme tenu- KKNNEBfiC COUNTY. the County of of E. days; Montgomery, Tuepan; Nel- desirous of prove Aroostook; My rick and lie S 'orming connections with Packers. Meaiwhile Mr. Bea h sat there with >thers, for S. S. because it is indorsed bv leading physicians, is pleas- Crowell, Crowell, Jamaica; C Noyes, Lee, iroin Please address bare attraction of the his Hie Order of Good same; Thompson and Ponce; C F Richardson, STATE OF MAINE, County of Cumberland, ss. J. A. care of Ilnun sttiiat the planets Independent Templars or others, ant to take, and CUIIKS EVE Κ VT TIM E, Young, Matanzas 16 days; 295, Ac large eyes dilating with horror, and inflamed ire to meet with saine; Juhu Gardner and for Allen Norfolk I, William E. Cashier of the ^•gler's As for the Ferry Lodge at Pisliou's >f others, same; Colds, Horseness, Iu- Lewis, Lewis, ; Calvin, Clark. Calais; Gould, First National Ailvertbinv Agfiuy, liana h urn, Vo tear them in pieces as if wiih tears. He oeemed Ferry the inhabitants of Roughs Bronchitis, Asthma, Eleanor. Bank of do poor He )U Wednesday and J au. Vanceboro for and all diseases of a like nature. Perry, Ellsworth; Alligator. and Portland, swear that the above , Utra.uuy choking. Thursday next, 8th of incorpora- iluenza, Hiram McGregor, solemnly Jan6d3t first its at the east ion; the Selectmen of Canaan for a Tucker. Curtis, Calais. statement is true to the best ofmy and be- constitue, lost Biela, Jupiter gave gazed intently windows which he lud 9th. Among the questions to be discussed reduct- The children like it and tell knowledge ! ion of town they Cld 4th, ship Gen San Fran- lief. WAT. E. GOULI), Cashier. was his .s this: ''Shall we have a Political valuation; of W. P. Harriman of MeLellan, Morrison, 4ellin? all our Winter before it came facing. Again burning eyes wander- Temperance It cu-es their Golds and makes them well; Flora M Subscribed and sworn to Dress Goods in tight. 5 dreadful shuck, ielfast, to build a wharf into tide cisco; barques Hurlbut, Millay, Havana; before me, this 6th dav ed from face to face, as if >art.y? If so, when?" Rev. 1). B. Randall of And mot hers seek the store to try it, Hook, Barstow. of 1873. a wander- seeking sympathy ieuben and waters; Saudy do; brig Amelia Emma. Car- January, HOWAKD GOULD, N. P. stream of'"unis it fell in with on the Sibley others of for an With hundreds who desire to it. AT COST, in^ and support. His look tarried a ippears affirmative side of the Belfast, act buy Ion, Matan as; sehsOspray, Dyer, Al- Correct. Attest : long upon question, ο create port of J. Charleston; divided it and lud Hon. Joshua Nye oil the wardeus; C. Caldwell and Beware of worthless imitations. See that the name varado, Herrick. Jacksonville. H. J. Limn, 158 fifially dissipAtètwa which gentleman who wore a clerical vest, as ,f he negative. for ) Middle St., VICKKRT & LEIGHTON. •thers, incorporation of the Maine Confer- f F. W. Kinsman is blown in the glass nf (he buttle, Passed through Hell Gate 4th, schs R C Thomas, Ezra Carter, Directors. •janfi The earth was anxious for "benefit of The Kennebec Journal says that nce of J m lw annually encountet altogether. clergy." Ben.j. Ujitarian churches; of Charles Dona- 'rice 33 ceuts per bottle. For sale by all druggists Crockett, New York for Portland ; Geo Β Ferguson, Cuas. Holder, ) The lines the face Fowles, Esq., the efficient city marshal of dal- lue for do for H teor of me- deepened upon of Ly- change of name; of the ud medicne dealers. Sample bottle and circulars Ferguson, Belfast; y ire, Hall, and Ε Atcula- Jan7 3t systems, against '^Ured· these is ill. inhabitants ot do for Rockland man Tremaine, which was flushed with emo- oweil, quite seriously )eer Isle for to out ree b> all d aleis. rius, Gregory, ; May Queen, Foster, Motice. authority lay a do for Franklin. ephere is a whit}-1 our atroo- China voted on to loan ver the tide highway $ V»00 Howard f»r a better article ! HE lnicroat. of KIN'S and complete very tion. He was ternbly shaken. Jiveri on the Friday its credit to waters m said" ot Ε. E. WESLEY H. .K'D town; $1U00 Reward for case it will not cure ! PROVIDENCE—Ar 4th, sch Com Met- COPARTNERSHIP. Γ FRANK «no tliat it the late is face of he Kennebec aud Wiscasset Railroad to lavward a d others of Kearney, FOWLER in our lamented we,^he inference smooth, cool, passionless Mr. Town- Co., Dennysville and Ed- F. W. Proprietor Me. caif, Calais. l«ï. CHAMFlJN •[•"'"."'TA CO. lie amount of $75,000, a vote of 134 to 52. Qunds, to prevent use of KINSMAN, Augusta, ÏWITCHEU- a chambermaid could send there was a look of grief, and the by the, narrow rimmed de28eod&w2wt>n Sid 5th, schs Annie Murchie, Merrill, Jan6 easily t&!"; condensed heavy /heels iu sa d towns. Jacksonville; unde'signed have this day entered into co- The Waterville Mail that a Parepa. Packard, New York. ;ircies around hi* eyes grew heavier. says petition for partnership under the firm nam'; of ! who has tfi UP in her The NEWPORT—Ar 3d. Giles THE W1NSLOW dustpa.i Anybody division of that town, headed by A. P. Ben- remonstrances of Oscar Hills ? Ε Ε D brig Lonng, Piukham, & for the an The centr.'l figure, the strong man in his of North- FOR CATTLE Warren, RI. for Portland. COOMBS, manufacture i sale of all kind» Caution. to fear a coaiet am in. chairman of the board of »f after this would weli selectmen of ort, against the of are hereby forbid ira. or ba.bor- be*^urr ud of p^Spruce Dimensions cut to WM. th force, J B. of Dan order. 8 e McLAl'GHUN. "tiger faculty," KNOX COUNTY. forth, against the Casco nia, Hall, from R wkland; Eureka, Stanley, Calais Oiliee: Ns.'ilV da or what it Brewery, «omuicrriiu Jan. 3,1873. Gov. or obtuseni ss, you wi.l, ight of VV. T. Johnson to the tor Baltimore; Emma F Hart, Hart. Providence for Hi., Portland, 1'urtJand, jan-kl3t* Washburn of evi-\ nertfa, The Herald that the new school home in seat for the Vic. Oust a certain admiration es- says Tops- ίο. 7 Tore Port- Savanuah. elicit ; eld Street, Opposite ..... H does not fear consolida.ion always , Jnion, costing about $3300, was district, were both referred to the Com init- VINEYARD-HAVEN—Ar 2d, sch WINSLOW. dently very much. T-'aUy when the shows a eertain le- completed Mary Langdon, "BED DAMASK person ] )ec. 23d. ie on Elections. land Gas Works. Bennett, Port Johnson for Boston. A W. COoMBS. H is so much in favor of Portland, Jan. 1,1873. consolidating the and delicacy oi organization. PENOBSCOT COUNTY. schs G W Galdwiti, D R Emerson. Flora |n'Hw 85 ets. a yard, at The General Railroad bill Returned, lines with the road strait® Mr. Fellows was setting hunselt was taken from PATRICK iHre the nations a îe table and referred to the Railroad Commit- η ί Thoradike, and Alleghanian. l"o veil & Hoosac tunnel that he recommends listening glass j langor, was more comfortable after- Ar 3d. sr.hs W D B. Lee. Portland for New Company. compulso- to the Sunday ïe. York; dec31 pr?2ul another of wine were hai>d>;d , oon, liis condition is still critical. Pilot's Bride, Brewster, Fox aslaud for ry union, it nothing else will avail. He holds though BANK OF PORTLAND. do; Kendrick ANNUAL MEETING. and his s ster the attentive An act to the Fish. Rawley. Calais for Providence; Bertha distresSSf by In Brewer 850 persons have been vaccined at incorporate Coburn Land Com- Souder, all and see how we are that there is vested in the State tufficicnt au- inte.ested (Jn, and after this t» e un will Wooster, do for Philadelphia. of the Board of Trade io r the Selling Goods ! who had so long t le any was read twice under date, ersigned carry HE annual meeting bin?"'::t'keeper, public expense. suspension of the a strictly at the BOSTON--Ar 1th. ship Comj^titor, the transaction of such to hold in :heck dies strove to con... th ir la- Banking business, Banking Matthews, fm Γ choice of Oitieers and thority any improper tenden- a lairs. The new ooiLS now schs Alexander. come beloie the nieet- VICKERY & The Whiy leports three cases of small lies, and referred to the Committee on occupied by the Second National BanV, Padang; Falkiugham. Port John- >ther business as mav leaally LEIGHTON, Stokes once Manu ■> cies ot the consolidated if looked and and Portland, under the of the "BANK son; Allston, Fitzgerald, Hoboken. on »10ND Υ Ε V LXING Jan 13th. road, hey shoul ! weeping sister, ox ou Saturday an additional death, ictures and ordered Maine, style ng wilî oe helo her with printed. F PORTLAND" and as will receive Cld 4th. l»ri,' Minnie "■ N. HIGH, 53 MIDDLE inspire at her as if to 11 "· all. Adjourned. such, Deposits Abbie, Harding, it ο clock. STREET. be developed. eome*n|"(5ly j taking ud sch J Ρ Merriam, Clark. Galveston; 7J The make Discounts, in the regular course of the Portland. Jan7td Secretary. ) ui6 lw closing lu,'titude. COUNTY. Ar sch Garland. follows : proceeding1, n PISCATAQUIS anking Business. 5th, Cates. Wceliawken. court were as Prelect Your Health. W. Ar 4th, bar.|U« s lo bu ν First Class is to be in N. GOOLD. Fanny Lewis, Lewis, St Marc ; M Karc chance Since the Boston and Maine; Mr. Fellows—It A shovel-liandle manufactory put Β Stetson, Seimers. COWS, FOR SALr. railroad voted becomes C >ld an » Portland, June 24th, 1872. RM roule on terms. at Brown ville next A moisture combined have a ef- Cienfuegos; brigs Hes'en, milk ejisy imperative now to 0 »e ration spring. large torporising jun23uewlt then sn tf Tones, Galveston ; Mary Ε Ho· to pass cl rgymen tree there has bee a duty move U,paiufu' but cut in the ct tlie Thompson, Plnnkett. run of good customers stock per- i>« Λ m.uiit of asli is being vicinity this upon bodily organs, »nd the digestive an i se- b .ken ; schs Flora Con SPLENDID paying iudgmentbe Ion, Condon, Jacksonville; c >u A lin l.s offered if an- pronounced that at the new Ε R 5 all in good lition. kirg ceptible increase in the number of white cra- up0u°Wr'1 * to be m uufactured factory eiive processes are to be more Emerson, Snow, Island Belle,.Buck- diet. inter, apt tardily perform- TO Baltimore; ie«l for soon. Sat it«faetory reasons gi vei» for nelling. ver- master, William Flint. Pendleton, and vats and sober 3 Eter it is started. l in Wiuter ;han iu ihe fall. The same b_k_lkt. Philadelphia; Ά YLOR Λ 3 State St., Β >ston, Mass. J.iT«i3t 1WO new milch COWS, wirh calves their side suits. There are several bre- Mr. Tremaine—I is true, also, Joshua S Medftra, CO., by hope this motion v,;n COUNTY. Tke Front Office on the second floor in the Bragdon. Snow, Philadelphia; Also, HOUSE AND OX SI EDS. SAGADAHOC the excretory functions. The bowels are Canal [ Euzabetii- vet clergymen we wot of who will be sure to suspended till Monday ften Orne, Hoboken; Silver-Heels, Newman, Boartl, to mor.iing, as we ■„ to Vcture in Quit't Apply have a motion to Gen. Kilpatrick is advertised uggisb, and the pores of the skm throw off but lit- ational Bank Building, recently occupied by Mat- port. «JOHN avail themselves of the new make in arrest ol and Ladv a home REED, franchise at least judgment ( alais of between is A GENTLEMAN wishing quiet this week The trifle $30.000 waste matter at iliis season. The an2'lw « Judge Boardman—I think there « system, there- cks & Fox. POKTf·. fV. can tind pleasant room» with board at No. 4 *~r once a is no ne- Cen. Tim s has been settled, re, requires a and also FOKEICI* week. for f and the Daily opening up liutie, purifying otton street, sec >nd door from Free street. One or cessity passing sentence to ul and tlie Also rooms in the Paeeefl Oct 30, »lii|> Ρ I ΙΊΛΙί night, and no concluded to take a nonsuit ill full satisfac- regulating, safest, surest, and most pal- Third story. Enquire at the Anjier ,.u\cb'Û can be aceommodated also. iiwuUy exviiueu at im °u able touic and for Maplhi; 31st, Wrque Clar»,rwV tί >ro single gentlemen 1 of the amount.—Bath Timet. alterative that can be used for these son, from Hamburg if «J otfice. ink. r arisen as to Jan. May who are electors, and what mea peoples' legislature began to arrive at Odd Fel Lovdok, β—1.30 p. m Promenade At of 92 for 0 " at 911 & Biddeford, Pillsbury. biy manure to the thing off and keep us to Miss Alice and a ures are low s a m-me y and opened »i( At Saco of put and other citizens Carle, 0- necessary to provide for the deterraii Hall, and the entrance and stairway weri aocou,™ Dance, L, we are. I to Tues Jay Jan, 7 Hodgdou· Now, Mr. Editor, propose expia The Rumored Cabinet ation of such contests at at once securldas-U. S. Evening, th. IN At of J. S. her. So there will be a rendition Chaage*· and to guard against crowded by an immeuse concourse ο 5-20s Eric· 7a, Waterville, Carter. in a few words how we and have be cepted by ^American 1867, 93; At just are, determine like contests in In the a AT Gorh&m, or News We Washington, Jan. (i.—President Grant sta future; thecommi people. course of very few minute: Th·! rate for at the Ageut. for There is a of about 3 "East Lynne" this evening. anticipate tee to have to money Stock At Bath, of J. O. Shaw. years. population ed that whatevi power send for and 8,0(10 or 10,000 had arrived. eminent securities is lower Exchange on Gov- over fit positively yesterday nothing persons p; people than the At of F. Stan wood, inhabitants now upon the island, rush to see Portland's young favorite, ai d"[ is pers and take The b.iuk rate hv11 Lewibtou, \V. great known of a change in the State Departmen testimony, and if necessary, ai general understanding is that the peopl< percent. y houses and te. a number of pub] thorize suitable CITY HALL. dwelling qui would advise all who purpose attending to s i- ami that there was no member of the Cabim disinterested au-l will wait quiet until the legislature meet). Ir London, Jan. 6—5.0^ P. there is a travel unpieiiidici M.—Consols closed at COMMITTFE OF ARRANOEMESTS : buildings; very large daily he desired t pe.rsous not resident in either of said the event of to the a} U2 for money ami 0 for 0120 residents cure seats ae soon as to change. Should Boutwell States I any attempt disperse lepre J account. Co). 'Γ. A. Kobe· te, Hon. Beuj. VICINITY. ttiis place in the summer, as al possible. take such testimony as is material in American Securities—U. S. Kiniuburv, Jr., CITY AND elected to the and resign his preser the déte sentatives of the people, the citizens will form 5-20's, uew, OOfc. Erl Col. G. W. Parker. W. ι·.. W κ) Portland are aware, while tourists and invall· Senate, mi nation of contest Railway 51 J. I, SekiouslyBubned.—Mr. S. L. position, the vacancv will be promptly iilied any pending growing 01 for their protection and move against any forct Col. C. P. Mattock^*, -Nathan Gould. from all of the United States and Canat Taylor,watel of Discounts of th ee months bills are To-Day. parts intimated a desire elections. ol the United States. J per cent, be- Ailrerli^tMrui» Although Mr. Fish has t but the military low the b >nk rate η RECEPTIOS COMMITTEE: fill the hotels aud boarding houses and mal man at the Boston & Maine eugine w: 8 Mr. West to the «Min. house, retire at tbe end of the present administration objected present consider 11,50 Α. M —At this moment the American L. Bnai, (jjl. A. M. Bensnn. the Island already somewhat noted as a suu tion of the not to its Liverpool. Jan. 6—5.00 Ρ M.—Cotton closed o. column. severely burned yesterday the e: the President he would consent to re resolution, sp'rit, but h is out from the front of Od 1 Fellows dull W. >r C. W^'t. entertainment uier a has been establishc morning by hoped flag hung and sales A,|j, RnhertB, Maj resort; post office wanted time to discuss it. urn-hanged ; 112,C00 bales, Including 4000 foi Ailj. C. J. w- P■ L>nne. of a main until the out of th Hall. The crowd make a rush toward the hall Pu-imell. Maj. J"rJan· Mueic Hall-E»8t liifre, rendered necessary by the growing inte plosion large kerosene lamp which he wr s questions growing export and speculation. Hall. of are settled. The resolution was laid over and Mr. Shei from is Bret Harte—City ests with all we are u Treaty Washington entirely eveiy direction. A cry raised, "They of the place,—yet, this, endeavoring to blow out. His face was badl man would are —Music BY— The Saailwieh gave notice that he call it up tt going into Odd Fellows Hall." The crowd AUCTION COLUMN. terly without IIoadj! There are to-da.v 3C ΙκΙηηιΐΗ. scorched, and he had a narrow fro! 1 morrow. is in the greatest O. & Co. here who cannot to the Post Offic escape The on good humor. Sleighs—F. Bailey people go President, conversing freely Hawai Mr. offered a resolution th At 12 ENTERTAIΝMEN'l b. CAM). more severe Morton directing o'clock a ot was seen NEW ADVERTISEMENT COLUMN. tor their letters, to the steamboat lauding fi injuries. ian affaire, said the government sent a vesse body men going CHANDLER'S^FULL Committee on Elections to examine and repui up the stairs and into to nor to the church for salvatio to the Sandwich to the ti the hall unattended, and Dancing Commrnce at Lost- Porker Book. transportation, Islands, bring King at the next the bes*. and mos .is the Eight o'clock. session, upon just clock struck 12 the House wits call- without tre (pasting on their neighbors prope: San Francisco, lie h a desire ti Ticket- 50 & Coombs. The of Gorliam' iving expressed practicable mode of electing the am ed to order in the MUSIC H^lI.L. eents; for nale at W. K. Copartnership—Wi.«slow 'In not a inhabitant can t anuual exhibition and sale travel this President main ball of alie Odd Fel- Woo IV C7 Fx- ty fact, tinjle get through country, and theuce go tc Vice and of a tribuual t< lows -liance street; J. s. ey & C of Mer .hante National Bank. Middle President providing George Κ «ii vu,· s Report church or school house -vithout pr pianos at No. 120 street for his health. About the time the ves- building. Shepoard then pro- Dr. h. .Mason'β, Mildl·: s'revt and traversing begins to-day Europe adjust and decide all contested con ceeded to call the ; u Dr. I D-ina Report of Canal National Bank. vate lands the entire distanoe. Can a sel reached questions roll, wheu 47 members nus- Jr., A pothi 373 C paralh (under the Falmouth Hotel) and continues til· Houolulu the King died. Upon the nected wered to their names. cary, "tigress emigre** ntve t. therewith. The This *3^·"»» are Rej>ort of First National Bank. case be found elsewhere? Is there a town i receipt of the news the commander of the Pa- captain, who was Tuesday Even's. Hilary îejUv-Sted to appear hi remainder of the week. These instruments ari The order was and Mr. Morton an about h) force his wiv the dec31 unlfo-m. of ever so recent » cific printed past Seroe int-at- Carde—2. Maine, growth that is s badl squadron was instructed to send another no us t4 Taylor's the iuc;d that lie would soou call it up aud sub Ar by the b U. off as we are? And Mr. spoken of in highest of terms, and liavi vessel to the to showing lige ofja S. Β >ar I of Trade—Arnual Meeting. yet, Editor, this is til Islands, simply protect the mit soaie was told to reiire. Marshal, remarks poli «ly Tins he retused to oue thing that we have been an been by a large number of our mos righfs of American citizens in case of an em- Portland & Ogdensburg R. R. Co—Meeting. petitioning purchased Mr. Jidward's resolution askiug the Secretary do, and was accordingly ejected. EAST LYNNE! M. Iu. .A. begging to have rectified for the twent as bargo, and β e that other nations take uo uudue of Board. past prominent citizens, the list published in thi War to com m uuicate the information in hi! Mr. Finti ο of New Orleans, moved that Quiet years. advantages under a new Gen. the government. as to the in hall be to as MISCELLANEOUS NOTICES. advertisement will testify. They are construe possession expenditures suppress- opened many spectators as could Every winter the come holi Scofield, who has been very sick, asked per- The will for people together, ted ing Indian hostilities in Washington territory fill it without crowding it following correspondence speak Jas. T. The Enquirer—ii -*l Advertising Medium. a scries of and to the cit; in the most thorough mauner, and ev ry in- mission to take the on a ves- itself: Fields, meeti.igs, petitiou trip government and Oregon, was to. Mr. Zucharie of Oruu-us, moved that the Scr- Esq.. for a aud that's the end ο strument is warranted for five Tin sel and was authorized the President to agreed We, tlie Citizens of Portland government road, fuliy years. by Mr. Scott offered a resolution which was geaut-at-Aruis be instructed to absout undersigued OF BOiTO'J, lTluuicipnl Court. it. The most trivial the commander of the notify authorities allow the tfiiii! occurence of Mr. s accompany squa-lron, on believing that home talent when brought ti Gorham annual sales here adopted, the Committee Finance members that this is now — directing in-sessiua. Car- — MORRIS a for no and was told if h1 could render anv body in WILL DF.LIVI B T11E JUDGE PRESIDING. imaginable to answer for reason assistance to inquire whether the of the Treas- ried. light such unparalelled brilliancy as wai ex· have made his pianos well-known to our uiti his Secretary hi l>ited on Monday—Amos vs. E. C.Ma- granting the prayer, or else they calmly igaori by counsel, the President would be pleased lias should l>> S.King, assignee, ury power undt-r the existing law to issuj 12.15 P.-M.—The crowd fillitg the street in better Saturday evening last, the They are determinei zens, aud their reputatiou is ever,* to have him do so. more than this United appreciated than aud that it i.- SIXTH guire. Action on account annexed for groceries— subject altogether. spreading Nothing Sta es notes in lieu of $44,000,000, notes front of the hall do not allow the horse cars to forei^u, LECTURE a that is "'as of the m ore not to give us road, evident; audi thought by President, who adds that retired aid deserving of our in the coarse of 915.46. Defence—paymentin part. for day. cancelled under the aet of '866. pass. There are rushes made to secure availa- patronage, respectfully present rhe JudgmeLt the Almighty had not given u« a way, broat if any report should be made the it request Miss Alice Carle to by General, A resolution was adopted directing the Ju- ble positions, and the house stand- again play Kas·. plaintiff—$7.88. aud level, between here and Portland, I doubl Special Notice.—The for Maine oi would be altogether voluntary. unoccupied Lynue, that we have the Tlercantilii Manager diciary Coimntttee to euquire iiito :he proprie- ing next to the hall is filled men my pleasure of con Library Sargent. Vinton. if we could there, when we wish U quickly by upou her a 4s*ociatior, get even, The Life Assurance General Emory'* Order·. of the national law who r furring benefit, aud in this we Equitable Sociefy,New York, ty repealing bankrupt ou appear upou its front galleries. also wish to doiug Entries, 11; default», 10; continued 3. spend our money! aud after express our of wishes to secure a Gen. Emory at New Orleans has been in- January 1, 1874, and providing appreciation th» J;tn. 8th. It seems almost incredible that a place as at- thoroughly reliable,successful meritorious efforts ot all Wednesday Evening, structeil not to interfere with either political for the immediate repeal of so much of said connected with th Brief tractive to and in itself as and business man as for representation of this ilUBJËCT-"MUiiMcre of Jottings. strangers, populous energetic Special Agent hut has act as relates to IT0 1 interesting aud val- tiie iou.'' Peaks Island party there; also been instructed by involuntary bankruptcy. i±; Ο JN uable truly The annual m of ihe Portland Frater- should be kept by the city au- the of Portland. Ou play. feting City telegraph that should a contingency arise motion of Mr. Stewart, the question pen- thorities without a street of some kind, even il Benj. Kingsbury, Jr., S. C. Tickets f>r t'ie Cwr yl.O time—though it federal troops) lie cauld use them to preserve bill was taken up. C. P. at 7 1-2 o'clock. The public are invited. it never was so needed in the necessary that we have sueli α man at once. The Preach Mattock*, M. P. Doors open at 6J. Lecture at 7J o'cl ck. j '.n3td course, badly past and to came the Mr Stewart Mr. Crisis. frank, peace decrees of the federal accepted Cale'samendment, Matthew A hms, P. J· Li r The Stockholders of the Portland & Waldo- as it is now, aud will be in the future. The Liberal terms will he made f.n nnv <ιη i> I'iim Tic .Tan. G.—The ,bee, court to be respected. ft is not apprehended referring the bill to the Committee on Paris, census of France for El ward W. F »x, L. M. tell we can't be accom- Military Webb, boro Steamboat Co. are reason, they us, why tent to fill the wucii. shows a I). reminded that their situation. Address or call upon uiiiiLaij iuit*rveuuoii win oe necessary. Affairs, and it was so referred. 1872, population of 30,109,291, a de- W. SJiibuer, C.Hale, ENTERTAINMENT modated, is "because the inhabitants won't all crease of D. ! annual will be held at E. P. G5 to Mr. Pratt introduced a bill to the se~- 3f>G,83Jsiuce 180G, caused by the war, W.Cushman, E. Leach, meeting the office of their land for a and Robert?, Manager, Exchange Street Support Kellogg. celing give street," so, forsooth, eral States within which respectively small pox, aud a reduction in the number of and 06 others. Ross & 179 Commercial a whole Me. It is stated that the merchants of New Or- they lie,the The Sturdivant, street at community has been and must be Portland, beds of lakes Active Base Ball leans to surveyed aud other bodies of water. marriages. issadatioi., ο ο clock this A obliged to do without an to which offered Kellogg to form a syndicate to I thank the afternoon, full attendance is improvement Mr. Ferry of Michigan introduced a bill to "L. N." Has Honorable Ma or and all th' kin 1 anl of we are take the new consolidation Another Operation Per- S:an l>h, «1U entitled, four or live individu- city loan, which it η iblc-hc ir;ed of f»r this unex- sivc their first entertainment at particularly desired. Ijesause KIISCELLAMEOIIN is set apart a portiou of the Island of Mackinac Portland, als will not accede to the demand of NOTICES. believed would place financial afiairs on an formed. oei-ted an I doubly dear in ν ration to The storm yivinn. announce day, pleasant none;" is Enquirer.—The me- finished bnt was operation performed advertising business, laid aside, and the ηιο.ι my rea ines> to Tuesday 7cn. Wednei head aud getting toliea little "too thin" to stuff us with The was under the play evening January lay Jan. 8th. very disagreeable under foot, follow- dium in Maine. Circulation and Resignations. Indian bill to-day. patient put Au l ma» this kin 1 aot of Erenin?, that threadbare 10,000 increas- appropriation ceusidered. The iutiuence of ours, our worthy Mayvii ed. plea any longer. As was re- The President has the ameuut chloroform. The difficulties *ere an I kind ·· use tw > An extra train will ruu marked ing 1000 per month. it. accepted resignation appropriated is $5,434,160, which is friends, flowers to. bioom in eaca over tli»- p. & O. R bc- at the the other Try jan7tf but the results not of ν ween ur R., meeting night "there of Alonzo B. Cornell is of customs less than last unusually great unfavorable. our hearts where one was wont to blow. Land and F ills. ï .r The are to one of their Surveyor of $017.087 year. The Sleep the acc aninoda- Alcyons give popular to Re a roaa on ibis island New and of Emperor suffertd much, but nulier irom A LICE CARLE. i η of all »vh » w.sii t »a-Mi the '""Γ;/"3 ;way York, George A. Edes as Collector AVhiOi t'.ie item appropriating $200,000 for the Dill, leavin; t e entertainments at Lancaster on ami It a Utile town of three Harper's Bazar.—This beautiful weekly constitutional disturbance than from Portland & Kcnin-bec at G. Hall, the 14th hundred i,.habi" of cust©ms for the district of Alaska. Siou c Indians was the? effects Depot 15 p.m., Tickets reached, Mr Harlau read a of the >n the roa I half i»r!ce. inst. Str<;et to walk from the publication is a welcome visitor to the- parlor operation. His strength holds out well. Boxes S3 and $5; Reserve-*seats 50 cts. ; e SCt»a Re-Orgn α ization. communication from the acting of Parquet Refreshments f »r thos who CityCifr^wSh lathers, after years of humlile eircle. The Secretary Great Britain 35 cts. ; Galleries 23 cents. wi*h. The annual of the Portland twenty number for the eflsuing week lias the Interior setting forth the sources of infor- Declines. Tickets to the dnne Λ I OO. meeting Frater- V«K/er. U is tittle Commissioner Douglas to-day appointed Doors often at 6£. C >inmcnce at 7.45. jan7dlt ™rtaiuly Κ been received Fessenden mation abant the Teton Sioux, aud that The British Government declines to Man c by MANCHESTER'S FULL nity takes place this ni.peal fTf"'to that to which even the by Brothers, Lancas- Deputy Commissioners Sweet, Rogers and Ray, stating suppcrt QUADRILLE evening. power city gov- in view of the recent in the of the BAND. eminent of is ter Hall and D. Solicitor and Chief Clerk of charges the newspapers proposal Royal Geographical Society St. is Portland subservient. Weutworth, 337 Congress, cor- Chesley, Avery the for D to commence on 'he Stephens' parish entirely free romùebt Internal that no such Indians existed, an order had sending out an arctic MISS twin? arrival of the train "Peaks Island." ner of Oak street. Revenue Bureau, a board to report a expedition, partial.y ANNA STARRIttD from Portland. Per aud in a ~ Λ s ac the rder. very.prosperous condition. Pbaks Jan. 1873. for the reorganization of that office, public expense. Island, 6th, plaij Hr\s the honor to announce to her friends, anl ti e Executive C mit tee. State s llostoii Vessel Bnrneil. street, High reet and Plymouth 1500 Dozen Undershirts and Drawers, nominations. public generally, that the Sebago Lake, Jan. 3, 1873. Jan kitd Street. slight- The churches held union services last at Montgomery The President has nominated ship Wallace ot Boston took tire ^ evening ly damaged from the great Boston fire. the following in to-day Ms· Very gpffîfêngg the harbor of Torbay and burned to the wa- mwrm.Lm the Editor,—Your account of the violent postm xsters: Mrs. H. li lM OlyJl Plymouth vestry. Surgeus, Warren, I.; ter s * Concert ! WL· „ cheap. J. 89 Middle St. Sit^Turlng cage, me crew in the sav- Complimentary demonstration" on Burleigh, Miss S. E. Richardson, N. A. escape bouts, It is reported that insurance rates are to Montgomery street at the Gardner, Mass.; the the ing only ship charts, etc. s~ kin ten lered hor a la removal of Daniels, Somerville, Mass.; F. D. Fisk, Hins- was wbether instruments, lly by ge number of the cit- advanced 30 cent. the body of Miss is in- The 5t antI best wo zens of per Petteugill, cheat, Paint in the Id is dale, Ν. H. Commercial Treaty Signe J. Portland, since her return from Italy, wi 1 Army and Navy Union Hall The correct, and does great to the the Averill Chemical. take place at regular monthly meeting for the promo- injustice resi- Appropriation Bills. aQ?'4hs"^«^uestion Paris, Jan. 6.—The Assembly met to-day dents on said street. but the j. tion of holiness, will be held to morrow (Wed- Previous to her illness For sale at 83, Commercial St., Portland, tf The House Committee on Appropriations proceedings were unimportant. The w. BOSTON. commercial CITY kenneïïv7of at the Chestnut Street every kindness and attention was shown her to-day finished the naval appropriation bill, treaty between France anil Great HALL, nesday) Church, cora- Job which the Britaiu was the citizens nf Portland *nd her brother. had Printing.—Every description of Jos appropriates $18,8ί>4,ί)93; fortifica- tinaily signed by Representa- and vicinity are informed meucing at 10 a. and and 7 m. Ser- They provisions in abnn- tives of the THVa^DlYEVEMIXCi JAN. that Mi·. m., 2J p. Printing executed promptly, and at the loweer tion bill appropriating $1,91)1),U00; the military two Governments on Saturday and Otlr, THE Kennedy will commence classes for in- vices in dance, the kinduess of now awaits struction in all the the through Messrs. Ben- at the bili which 0^Êmm satisfaction. at nrliînli tliu 4λ1 ΙαπτΪ η η Α »ι lato —■ 11 vestry every evening during the prices, Daily Press Printing House, 10b academy appropriates $551,000, aril parliamentary and others. St. leaves the law rela. ive to the of week. nett, Montgomery, Exchange Wm. M. Marks. appointment Movements iα Spain. Latest cadets as at present, which allows an increase «Ouished that there Jlr. CÎEO. Ε. ΜΙ ΤΙΓΜΟΧ, anil Most The numerous of At the removal of the body, which took The Gazettee de France reports that Don Fashionable, friends Mr. Water- plaeo increase of cadets for an s^SHSaî®·-l a;" ,was George Save your buîldogs them increase of Represen- sho.i i! entered The celebrated Tenor, of New York. at nine m. the by painting be Alphonzo Catalonia Saturday eight, bouse, of the Preble House, who fractured hi· o'clock, p. (which residents tatives iu Congress. of lu the Ball and Room fore winter comes on, with the Averill Chemi- œftr;îî! province Of Olat 701)0 carlists are concen- Mr. W.n. II BSCKKTT, Drawing Dances. ankle in Lewiston the thought to be rather early), a lad ν who resides Crcilit mobilier other day, will be grati- Investigation. trated. The ara about to enter ou a cal "'aint. insurgents The well known Ba itone, of New York. l t > learn that he is opposite, raised her window and Dr The credit mobilier vigorous Applications can e made at the Ladies' Drawing comfortable and recovering requested investigating committee campaigu. Room of ihe Hall from ior sale at 83 Commercial St., Portland, tf has been made Mr*. FLORA E. BABRV, rapidly. Foster to Jrive the body off and not expose the public. ^hSTs?ju\°^S^»riated More Arbitration. Oakes aft^r The well known of Boston. All neighbors to the so Ames, stating his conne3tiou Jan. G.—The Greek Contralto, 2 O'clock P. those who intend Prof. Ken- contagion long-perhaps the Athens, Government, iTI., Jan. attending with the Union Pacitic and credit on the Mr. II. Wednesday, the had been in mobilier, recommendation ^f the great powers, has Wl. DENNETT, edy's dancing school, will bear in mind that body tljp wagon five minutes says, "I began by my intimate fiieads consented Sth, to e, soliciting to submit the question of the Lau- Bisso, of Portland. hs will be at The above account embodies all the "demon- and men in of and positively the Army and Navy Congress, possessed means, iSis^isi rium mines to arbitration. And on BY each the stration" of that TELEGRAPH. capitalists in large cities. I failed te persuade Mr. WILL fl. succeeding day during week, from Union Hall on afternoou and night The Irish an J 8TOCKBRIDGE, 8 to 12 a. m., and lrom 2 10 6 m. Wednesday every Senator Grime<. John B. and Samuel the Pope· p. Before and after the Alley Tenor, of Portlaid, succeeding day through the week. decease of Miss Pettin- were to Jau. 6.—A Hooper willing go in and subscribed Home, large deputation of Roman Terms made known on the sa'd was not a United Catholics from Mr. HERMANN KOTZ9CI1M Inquiry· Mi. F. 6. Patterson has just completed a gill, greatest solicitude and sympathy was MASSACHUSETTS. very largely, and iu these cases I offered to iiiispss^JSan Ireland waited on the Pope to- AR, States Tortfort «^î;at a11· 0ut a private trading aud an Conductor. and fine two and a half manifested the guarantee them against loss. "wreljr day presented address recounting the Wedne>day Saturday afternoons ot each week story residence on Arsenal by neighbors. will be devoted to Our soon benefits conferred on lrelaud Admission 50 for children. Paren s are No missiles capital provedgiuadequate and was po*t. oy the Holy See cents. Tickets stile by llawes & particularly street. were thrown, either of snow ice bUI """ and at and His Cragin. Fred E. Schunoclier inviied to be present. The best of references increased with difficulty. It was again inade- a~reed tendering Holiness a contribution of Hale, Bros.,, dec28 given. The concert in or other material. A Fire·. 4.5'd amPP^n«*U0" executive ses-es "Peters Short Λ Harm >n and at I be door. tf the Array and Navy course strey dog hajpened to quate and again increased, and this time was ?Di"eweilinto pence." The Pope in responding de Jan. ni.mL?sion and soon atter Reserved se its Î5 cents. For sale at 's this bark the was Boston, 0.—A tire on Robie's wharf, obtained the aid of an bonus. adjourned. plored the ingratitude of the who Stockbridg week,Friday evening wi 1 be one of the upon occasion, but not set upon only by immense people per- Music store on Jan. 6th. mitted > Mon.lay morning next, Causeway street Mo.iday morning, destroyed a Until late in 18β7 there wer° neither divideads HOUSE. the spoliation of th church. He made MUSIC most enjoyable of the five series. The of them by any one. jan3 6t HALL, PORTLAND array wooden and hay valued at $7000. nor I was at work and held an exceptiou in favor of the Irish whom Miss building profits. constantly numb"r °f bills were introduced and people, talent ensures a rare treat, which wr'll be varied Pettingill was estimated very hghly by Auother fire in the same out and he praised for their attachment and vicinity destroyed every inducement, made every repre- r, ftr'"îe enduring & Baruabee with his her and her loss is soda ash, lime, etc., to the valueof $8000. Both sentation that I believed congratulated them on their faith. He con- Friday, Saturday Monday Eve'», by comic singing, and the neighbors, deeply (epiored justifiable. Precisely H°^eo-dered open fcs- BRET fires were caused the of lime from to cluded the to ÏÏARTE Jan. lllh and in street. by slacking whom I spoke or who agreed to •iowof a by giving apostolical blessings lOlh, 13th. youthful Prodigy, who is announced as violin- Montgomery the inuudation of formally Mobilier Committee by Ireland. cellars, take shares but decided to the time of voteot U] ist. A Resident of Montgomery Sheet postpone 130 γ deliver his ~el«-brnted Lecture on "THE The organ factory of George Woods & Co., it is to recall. When the Ûouth American News THE peyment, impossible uf MaiDe,Offered a joint resolu- WILLARGONAUTMOF 4»" Vridny E«f FINAlTtRIUMPH. There was a in Cambridge, took fire last The main stock was obtained in New Jau. good attendance at the First night. 1803, there was a difficul- tiiiîn'ri^®11tion an aiueudnieut to the constitu- York, 6.—Panama papersof the ui.ig. Jul. J4ih, at Hal', Portland. .Ad- this lire Panic tig fool- was proposing City church last m'—^urinz building saved, hut sawçil and prepared ty about this, and time has not aided me in this 28th ult. have been received. Toission 5J cents, iiacla.iinu Ree rveil Scnif. "HE'S GOT TO COME." Bapfiit evening. Drs. Caruthers •ti'UfAN(iIAishness of a bauk to do a te of the Un,ted States for the eleSof allowing safe-ftposit lumber and other material to the value of but as the time There is a Sal* to cunmence Jan. and Rev. J. $23,- respect, approached for nrofits President and Vice President revolution at Conca caused by Monday, 12th, at Stock- Shailer, M. Palmer and others, par- became evident. We fear some·)?the 000 were burned. dTrec'tl/'b"/the bri Music S ore. !»'s'rS the number of shares that remained, and with Catholics, who are dissatisfied because the Ige's jnn7td ticipated in the exercises. trunks and ooxes left on storage at the >anks City Affairs. Harry which alone I could fulfil many agreements I t,le priests are not allowed in future to mauage the Blood?ôod'« would have been left behind if a genera ske all j SUSpe,ld Previous The Payson Literary held a full meet- Nearly the cities in Massachusetts had made or I had was ! schools; Society daddle had taken The has to-day supposed made, very quesUo?amîfffUSed,tOresolution went over until next PROBATE NOTICES, Minstrel & last place. Comptroli» inaugurated municipal governments for 1873. small. Preeideut Morales of after Burle-ique Combination ing evening in their room in the P. A. and ^bidden the banks Monday. Bolivia, havinz with a fron do- Pierce in his 1 then and host of new faces, prou rmu -ed Star* ot the f£?V! ,a"i"n Mayor message, gives the follow- applied got the shares, the agree "N" a resolution for threatened Cougross with dissolution b3ca^e it To nil Pereen* intfmtcil in either N. U Block. New members were admitted in,, this safe-deposit busiuess. The provi.ite of H" offered of the professijn. Tao m march.s ing statistics of the great fire: the says 280, bat my recollection would not favor h s and Estate* hereinafter unmed: a national bank is to do a Considering inept says 250, tbeunlio»'-!?* per cent, annually of U. S. mining projects, abus- aDd a on Woman was regular busines^o* smell extent of I paper Suffrage read by territory covered, about sixty- which confirmed by the share list which «enusland! not law ing not the members of but his a Court of Probate bel I at Walters anil u for the old truukslull other securities, exempt bv* only Congress Portlaud, witHn Mnrtor, Uayaor, Itidilell, Ρ· H. Paine. The r\M fire acres and the short time that the fire had shows 250 allotted to me. Our were staff, was shot dead an I f >r the of on paper Dawn of Day, was ifof k:LP,*:,Ujra-estock, bonds and otfier securities belon'ii" prospects from taxation by the United States personal by his own nephew AT County Cumberlan I the ihird M.inning, l).H >nt, itloud^ooil liim-.el/, been the amouut of then and I was while the was ofD„'cera in the also read. to and shareholders. burning, property destroy- flattering compelled, in distrib- se;ouJ the previous latter being abused by Morales. Tuesday »er, yearof our Lord eighi- depositors ed was een bun lred and the and iiO others in con une'i >n with unparalleled The whole number of uting shares, to disappoiut many, though I S°, resolutiou went over Congress quietly elected Gen. Battissau as the seventy-two, following waiter* j The <*renfeet The and humor of the above fro,n tbe quest1onU?fJt?7ÎSed been I f >r the of Jloderu originality Brete Harte's Commercial Β,l- buildings destroyed (exclusive of those slightly strove to use them in a way to our in- till successor of Morales. having présente action thereupon here- lure .«lion·, for spread iiext'jlonday! inafter in.lie it is of letm the purpose of calling the attention rf was of which were of brick fluence As to Mr. I cannot Several ited, hereby Ordered, "Argonauts 'Ι'·," attraced a very aud damaged) 776, 709 everywhere. Colfax * offered a resolution for meetings in aid of Cabaa η The large our readers Elaine, patriots Th it itice thereof be given to all persons intei- Illustrate J mirror oi tliereat to the folly of this practice of reiv- a'ld and 67 of wood. The Assessors' val remember which of us first mentioned the sub were held in Lima. symp ithetic audience in Bjstoa. This is the stoue, τ.,fhr sess'"us (jf «he Credit Mobilier Couimit- cs ed, by a copy of this order to be ing banks to do a business of causing published upon entirely forei'i nation these buildings amounts to $13,591,- ject. but I know he wanted to get some stock. fee thre.ï weeks successively in the Maine State lecture he is to deliver in this the 24th to the of the Pre** city provisions National Currency act 300, and it is estimated that to them Am pretty confident that he oaid me for an I liastern Argus, at Port Ian I BOSTON FIRE. replact it, » memorial from ΐηΐΝφΒ papers printed afore- insL It is of as one Before the establishment of safe vaulti would cost at least of it was uever nor TfiLEGBA9l§. sai that ai a universally spokin of the deposit $18,000,000. The value though transferred to him, can winchwfn fub,Ilitte'1 was read. It represents I, they may appear Probate Court to be Fall BraM Β η I nail Or«-h"Mtra. in our A!ley, cities there was some shade of ex- was 1 remember I Carlisle, suffered a loss of held at Slid Portlan I on the :hird Tues of Jannr- finest eft >rts ever delivered frotn the lecture larger personal property destroyed about $60,000,- having paid him any dividend At °e do"e to mem bel s Ky., from $40,000 lay cuse toi bt'ÎnK to ry next, at at ten of ibe cl· ck in the foren on. bmk officers with this class 000. The number of estates within the di trict the next session he said about that 11 $70,000 by fire niîibt. ;.nd F r particulars see our i annoying something of the 'ho u si*"' "î' as W'tuu^es iu the case, Saturday be he trd thereon, and if tliev luminated Pot rs and platform. U StlUp wh«re there is a covered the fire was off. objec. see cause. Tlie sale of I" any by about 530. The loss of thing being w,i^u™^'ef,r" cou- Gen. Osborne of Chicago is to be Programmes. itvserved seats will e m- There is a ■ afc it no' ιι,νβί"'Κ»«οη heing appointed HENRY BARNES, 1 ate of decevid. iienr,-* a the Β χ >tlice boarding-house keeper in this city depotit vault, certainly does exist life was comparatively small to the fact As to Henry Wilson, 1 was consulted as to \li>, ww oue of the Texas Harpswell, Thnrsdav, J in. lull. owing STiK^cteil with closed doors. It states thath^ Border Commission. Petition tor a l >wauce out of a" to the bank that but few a persmal estate, pre- Jud&IU MARSHALL P. WlLl who buys the swill of one of our carries annoyance officers, dwelling" houses were barn.d ami investing fund given to Mrs. Wilson on the accosted at the Fifth Avenue Hotel in New sented Ag^nt. hotels, hnbut t Zit F'Jis by Mary W. Barnes, widow eî'said deceased. hazardous to the interests of their that those in mercantile or manufac- 25th of her I reci n- it out the of meat and employed auuiver.sary wedding. an excited individual who had been HENRIET. A home, picks pieces stockholders. as we have in our a by K. LOVEWEÛL, m in >r child and Now citv turing pursuits iii the buildings which were de- meuded 20 shares for and the money was i'lUKCIAL AND selves them to his $2000, been reading what purported to be his (Alley's) CiMlM^KCIAL. h ir ot Heiir> Iv. Lovewell. late of Harii de- (jrand Entertain ment. up boarders at breakfast the safe deposit vault that iu the of gen- had retired before the fire broke out. to me. Sam* mouths afterwards she ob- un, opinion itroyed paid testimony n, full, ii, the New York Sun An I ceased. Second acc nin j«resented for allowance next in to is second to none by morning the form of hash. His Qualified judge, Only fourteen persons are known to have lost jected to the investment and I took it off her s Β. Guardi u. charges iu Γ With l,ersu"<»l vio- Alphe Lovewell, the0 should parties to tkeir and of this number were lire- nauds. Mr. Patter-on of Receipt* by Itailroa-I* anil Nieaiiiboats. are said to be very moderate. · »'h.y neglect lives, seven New Hampshire, lence toi bis statements(AlleiV) aboat him On tne LEWIS lite of deceased. iv.H.13uu,,t7·avail themselv«< ot its benefits thus rid Îucetfm'1bf''etdtl'i,n Steamer GAY, Caseo, Petition Social and nvn. agreed to buy 30 shares and received the divid- Fraxconia, froji New York—100 f>r all twangs out of Levee & l'estival Mayor has in acol- thiit the publication was baie» personal estate, presented by Kingsbury contemplation themselves of the attendant the The amount of debts end but w Calcutta ides, 164 do 39 do 4 wi low anxiety upon of the several cities at upon it, the stocK is uever delivered an entire the jute butts, lags. Polly (lay, of said decease I. fabrication, do 88 bills s lection of of all the of the keeping of valuables in safes or secreted at close of was as to burlaps, paper hanging*, 80 «lo raw portraits past mayors the the pas} year follows: Bos- him, although he paid lor it. Mr. B a ne de- M ita in HENRY WIT HAM, I ite of C isc d ceased Pet IK AID OF TBI! home. "mue ail l'r"iJer apologies, boards, 113 half chest s tea,*97 &>ks linseed 13 ο », Ibey should not wait for a fire or rob- ton Worcester clined the stock. Mr. in D c. oil, tion that Decker city. $20, Γ87.200; Lynn $1,508,0.0; Dawes 18β7. h » "ι shee 6 do lead an 1 Spenser mav be anp iute Admiuis- to awake aÎd vis.téd ϋμυ"tbe eJiu>i skins, paint, do primes. 2l> bbls bery them jo a sense of their insecur- L >well came to me to a Cedar ban I. trator de b «ri·4 non, or rented l»y S uuuel S. .Brown» $2,47,910; $1,718,121; Fitchburg $599,- purchase Kip.d «f sugar, 17 Dois flour, 77.200 lbs oil Petit i >ii f»r all >w in e »nt of personal estate, L irned mnant that he and his cikc, pre- nan: by asserting 48.000 do potarfi, 11,810 d » irk, 3/7 073 iio b.ic sented Charii tto We οι MONDAY deceased, and Israel Holt was nominated for Machiyonn", No. 1.—B. 8. Bind, 3 at ρ boef d » bar > Jere J. VV. C. ..-warn. lard, 142,500 ter, UJtO d ΗΕ2ΒΚΙΑ.Ί late of Msfcy, Clerk; Knight, NEW YORK. He then said he cheese d> c do BREWER, F «port, da Mr. William's place, The nominations were had rather not taice the stoek 280,000 »pj»er ore, 13,600 leather, 58,- ion GENERAL C No. 2.—Chas. D. Skilliugs, Fore- Ό ceased. Peti i>»r assignment of «lower in re.»I «MMITT E. Portland, and he contract was rescinded. 5 do cotion, 72J0 ext heml »ck, 200 bbl3 confirmed. ga-ls apples, es a e. presented by L·. Brewer, w d-w ol HON. I. man ; Edward H. Sargent, Cleik ; Albùs Moody, 106/ lbs meats, 136 13 iner- Margate WASHBUUN, Ja.. Pieiient Mr. Bingham a-ked me to invest some money sewing macbiues, pkgs said deceased. Fraternity. The of the on was Fireman. clian dse. T. C. Vi report Committee Streets for him in MEK-v^Y, e President. such stocks or things that I knew c SAlîAH BL late of taken from the table and No. 3 —C. H. Leighton, Fore- The Sentence EÛward ψ resoiution reciting ihc LAS TUNAS. Β VNCHARD, Winlham, de- Mrs. accepted. Cumberland. S. would well. He me u Brig Mattie Rnssel',—W00 feet Washburn, Β. H. Fire- Upan pay furnished about $2500, fact th rr'"^''' Puc'"10 KiUlr i:il1 is a | easel. Firs ucj uin'. ρ esen^e l to· all >w nee by Mayo» Kin^sb ry, Au order discontinuing a of Kenne' man; Iiall, Clerk; A. H. Lenham, tifit Co. lumoer, 1037 shooks and, 3300 bdls Mrs. C. K. Jose, Mr. S Κ. portion and i invested it iu slures of the Credit t wi Loops. Ali e B. True, Admiuistι atrix with the Will an- Spring, and was E. A. Trefelhen and C. E. Timinons, twenty dailii '.r 'U ι» the sum of $0,- j Mrs. F>. iJr.i hi r. il bee Somerset streets passed. man; Stokes. Alobilier and "UVtn,luJ:»t Psrftisi· luiporiK. n xed. bury, Lmî. the balauco in Iowa Falls aud W 7-i f I that Mrs. Dr. £11 r. A petition from Charles H. Adams for a li- Pipemen; H. D. \Va dron, Steward. for interest paid on its bond» and Mr. A. E. S""Oims. Sioux City contracting compauy stocks. I set- GRAND Μ ΕΝΑΝ. NB. Schr Addie Emma—15,- EPHRAIM MORRISON. late of de- M s. Κ. cense as au inu—holder was aud a Hook an t Ladder Co.—B. L uo™Pa"i to ":lV such inte'r- Cumberland, Pl.inuey, Mr. limas L. WT-fcii, presented, 000 lbs fresh fresh ιο oiver. ceased. » .M.S. Washington tled up this matter with him in 1870. 1 thiuk codtisli, 23,0t0 hening Pe ition f*r license to sell ana nvuy re 1 T.iottl.i* S haw, Mr. (iu ». 6. license was ordered to be issued. Sawyer, Foreman; \V. B. Gribben, Clerk; W. est has beenbi en occasioned mainly by the euor- Haut, To be oil tlie 28th of Feb- f linn the am >unt dae and to.ik the stocic eir*. A. Woo lui High street, After the meeting, the ruary. I a-reed to ten shares of stock for him, an I rCKSIAH BROWN, of G τΐιηηι. Abstracts ol n, Mr. Ν itLau. get that asn Î ίί" '"uf the 'atter and its fSale* at the BiokerV Mrs. J. T. Webb, York aud was and re- a*alust Board, Jan 6. and an i i ns same Levis, M., ue \V «.m Commertial, presented the invitation of Mr. F. \V. a held it till he could for it. He never did , inventory account, pe that ilie .n, pany, by Hatch, pay iudivthrlt 8 to®.W If to recover sucli interest in \lrs. J. K. bViii il ferred. holders, Eastern Railroad 102 iy be vérifié I ami established, presented by Oliver 1, Mr. J S. Wiord iw, member of was pay for it or receive it. aue v!rs. J H. H ;in A of S. L. to the the company, who lately rnadi lifh.tho goverameut. iles at Pope, Guardian. len, Mr. W. T. Κι b rn, petition Carleton, relating As S Auction. M ». New York. Jan. 6.—Edward S. Stokes, con- to Mr. Bout well, I offered him ome of substitute. Levi Mjriill Mr. J. N L of a certain lot of land owned the in the bonds ο 1 ^P'the Boston & Railroad J jHN late of deceased. First ..d, purchase by happy by being joined holy victed o*i of murder of Jaini s this stock aud there were tome v,0 Maine 124 LOVVERY, Deering, M ». W. H. Mr. Saturday the negotiations, Alessrs. and finil acc iKunett, l'Yank N >>es, the was ALfnlÎft''!.611by Poland, Niblack, rant. presented for allowance by Eu- Mrs. city.was presented,and petitioner given wedlock to the maid of his choice was this in the but it resulted in his not the stock. As κ·? Chus. H ddeii. Mi. Lewis Pierce. leave to withdiaw. Fisk, brought up morning taking Γ,ΛηCobjin, Γ Farnsworth and Cox, the resolution ward P. B.i,'gs, A Imiuicrator. to to of an at Mr. court of Oyer anj to receive his sen- Mr, Elliot, of Mass., Ue uever agreed take New Vork Nioeu hjr. S. C. G 3»d »n, Dr. a was where some fine were made him, ' K,flale' Hoar, Ntcw York. Jan. Θ*- AforiiiAo.—Gold at and heirs of James J >hns >n, la e of Westbi ook ·νν A O. curred by reason of defectiv" sewer, re- very speeches bj a^-'r130·»0^ May.iard, 1ll|.— [η Win. Law, Mr. Tremaine, his made an address I cannot thereioie believe that I ever mention- κΓί" i'i at 7 deceased. First ac uni η Mr. A lien, Mr C. Κ. ferred to the Committee ou claims. counsel, r"e' aud Twiteheil. Mmey percent, per day. Sterling Exchange Deerin/) près e I for al- Jr.,, Chief A. J. F. W. Hatch, and otli his uauie .Mr. M. Ν. Κ c i. Cummings, in relation to the bill of to the ed to Mr. McCombs, for I never had ù ÎLî"· a to 10 Slocks lowance by Ε i/.abeth E. Johns n, ouar liau. Mr. Hon.y F »x. Petition of Michael for abatement of exceptions bill ΜΜ1ΤΓΕΕ. to use a was Miss Starbikd.—The interest takei upon Stokes, reply spare Uf portable engine, order of notice lively sïssrssa l iaus 3 7 cent. The clearances were J. k». he had not intentional.y violated any law and that I would carry it for him till he was able to of the @111}; @ i»er GEORGE RIGGS, laie of Wcstbrook, decease 1. LEW», voted. in the grand concert which is to come off a 8llsPension ^31,000,000. Treas iry disbursements were Petiti »n f »r out that the testimony u»on which he was convict- pay f >r it. He never took the stock. My rec- T0Vedi lhe $618,0»0. altowanco of pern -nal estate, pre- John A. Emery, Fritz H. Jordan, Petition of Henry T. Carter, for damages in- rules',,,!^;!4,:!!, Governments η J @ J per cent, higher and stion '. set! ted by Grace widow of said deceased. Chas. A. City Hall on Thursday evening next, in hono ed was manufactured and ollection is very indistinct as to that case of his. Riggs, Libby, Jr., Fred L. Vil 11, curred by discontinuance of Summer street. perjured. St ite bonds dull aud strong. Stocks quiet, improved Cuas. H. of this Boardman ill a I made a loan to him of $1.000.1 which PARKER LIBBY. late of Cane Elizabeth, de- Uaudail, Wm. iC. W kxJ, Referred. young lady,is demonstrated in the rap Judge tVm. feeling address, thiuk, carriedto^n^oa?°^L°f^h^U^crhU^ and the resolution was passed. slightly in the forenoon, iell off iu the afi-ern jon, aud H. in which he alluded to ceased. First an l f nal acc uni presented for allow- Henry Lowell, A. L. Webb. ere. id the youth and ι*tiniatioii been eiven that a simil-ir closod strong. J Crane, on petition for damages, was sale of reserved seats, which kept Stock prisoner's having ance by James \V. A imiuisirator witli tl.e social surroundings, sentenced the to to me. It a transaction of long Johnson, given leave to withdraw. prisoner longing being theCentral Pacific The following werejthe quotations of Government Will annexed. Ticket* 511 all This wi] "ν x "?> t>bo obtaine-l at. i,ow bridge forenoon. un I Cent*, UN, busy yesterday mollit ul χ·cuiuary iiuai, standing and of small amount to me, have roau Mi. résolu James C. Sheridan's for r"ad'rMWOw,1|i>eWilson rDîdf of Indiana, offered a ELIZA P. late H lie's, L Short Λ Harm Genisli & Pcar- petition damages, be her the shortest time uever a BUSII, of Portland, deceased. Pe- >rhu, ui's, first appearance before an American an being that could be given it special thought. Unite·I Slates coupon G's, 1881 114$ ami at caused by overflow of sewer, was referred to legally for another select committee of live^hT tit] η that James T. McCobb be sj.i's, tl β door. allowed the murderer. i»Ir. Schofield talked with me very ο." Unite»! State»5-20's 1S62 may appointed Ad- All since her and th frequently whether of the Credit 11-1 I interested in this are rc- Committee on Claims. dience, return from Italy, quire Buystockhoiders Unitfc.l States 5-20's I8G4 ministrator. presented by Charles H, Stebbins, credi- charitable insfitti'ion The Storm—Great in the about some stock 113# ques ed to s η 1 in >ns ·>!' ■a. >ιυ to early enterprise having Mojih. r held boads of the Uuion Pacific Kail- I tor of said de eased. cmtribuii re res.iments or jnaviviuu υι IX. V. 11 ml was xcioiicu ιυ Italian papers tell us that the careful cultiva ·>«βιη2Γ Telegraph United St ates 5-20's 18G5, ol«l WiN. iu the credit Mobilier, and I him to take 114^ ujoney to the Committee ai the Committee on Drains aud Sewers. urged whether they obtained them for val- U nited States 5-20's 1805, oew 113 WILLIAM KIMBALL, late of deceased. tion of her fiue voice under the bes 1 some as I did others. Mr. Sjhotield Portland, Ordered that naturally The storm here and in many uahli &c· Unite·I States 5-'2'i's 1SG7 ...... 114 Sec ·η account ami claim of All «id Sewall Bucktnau be $200 tbe vicinity yesterday Adopted. private Dyer 01» paid to take ten shares. He afterwards took U n"itei 1 States* Reception hiooin .Won In·, for damages sustained by d scontiuuance. Italian masters of song, has rendèred her on was very severe. Hail, sl*t and rain fell near· agreed VI, «"!IÎerfïï:'·N°W York' o£^red a resolution 5-20's I f*>8 113} against sai I estate présenté ! for allowance by Ali'ord -f ♦!.« J f.., it and for oue and the interest Sub- United States 5'b. new an I jstus E. »rs. Edward a all to All paid part fortor eiwinw aι·? monument at Washington com U 1| Dyer Aug Stevens. Exocut he of the Moure, petitioner for damages by ly day, freezing tree»aud everything. ereoting 11 l day Festival, before four o'clock. the he became dissacitied with it. assign- nlte States 10-40'b., coupon ...lln ENOCH C. and loss from of telegraph wires in the ί. Y. Centra1 aud Hudson Report Committee, return to her native We understand tha 1 teleg\ph spirits dertroye River consolidated looj John M. Gould, Administrator. even the any stock to him and he never received any uuiiu wits ferred the claim of W. & A. the city. city, not during Juljrj0Ki cf ten years jiicacnteu, ica'i huu miu u me uiote. Erie 63f Curtis, giving I am aware SIMEON HALL, late of Portland, deceased. Final AUCTION she is for concerts at Hartfon that of. Mr of a Erie SALES. petitioners leave to was already engaged ago. Sargent California, offered resolu- preferred 76 account foi allowance Lzekiel withdraw, accepted. James F. Wilson of Iowa, also bought and presented b} liobinsen. The gift of portraits of Hon. W. P. Fessen- Rochester, Ν. Y., Washington and other placci It will cost $151.000 to rebuilt the police and tion asking for information as to the suitability Tlie following were the quotations for Pacific Rail- Administrator with the Will annexed. den and Kev. and tire alarm in paid for ten shares, and so did Senator Allison, of the Wuite House for the Pre-ident's official road": Benjamin Titcomb from Moses a télégraphe tkj3 city, which DAVID T. laie of deceased· .sleighs, and there is every prospect that she will win then a member of the House. Mr. McCouib Central Pacific bonds CHASE, Portland, Harnesses. A»·., at Auction. Ti.'comb, was aud the thanks of the were destroyed yesterday. and family residence. AJjourued. 99| Account pre?ented for allowance Daniel Chase» accepted, swears him I one Senator Union Pacific do by Jan. H at much fame here as in Italy. I told bad given to 87 Administrator. WEDNESDAY, li, 11 o'cl■■••k A. M., city given. The Mayor'» Kecoinm"»j„|iot,,. ONin viaiket we It is absolutely untrue. I never Union Pacific stock 38J S^uar., shall soil 2 new double Thj or.ler $400 to Welch Conklinç. Union Pacific land JOHN A. bleiglis 5 new paying Benjamin Mayor Havemeyer's message recommends did nor did I ever to him nor was grants 79 WATERMAN, Ji^ge. (city made), sng'e sleigh G *econd and I. 1 agree get one, A true of the Order. hand SI an others^ for damage· on York was O. O. F.—Last Saturday evening Gran that and Union Pacific income bonds 83 copy original igiie J now cast on made Har- street, the city county goveriii^nt be consol- he ever interested in the The Situation in Louisiana. Pang*. company. nesses, 3 second hand do, I passed. Patriarch, Chas. H. Rich, assisted by oth< r idated; that the legislative and etecutive Attest, WM. K. NEAL, Register. very tine pai ligbi. double The pow- de25 Harm ss and Pole, VVhii a, Hot*. &*e. order giving the Portland Cadets an ar- ers -be restored to the w.)wù2 officers of the Grand Encampment of Maine Mayor anj Common DoiurMtic îVlnrketM. r O. B ill l V Ar mory in Old City Hall was taken from the Council that the varions CO., Auctioneer·. ; comin:.*iolls be re- 3I£TEOROLOCiICAL. New York. Jan. in fair jau6 31 table and the order a instituted a new in this t 9 6—Evening—Cotton de- refused passage. encampment city, vised and made accountable to Gov- Sheriff's Sale. Ordered théâtral PROBABILITIES FOB THE NEXT TWENTY-FOUR Meeting of Warmoth'e Legisla- mavd and £c lower; Middling uplands at 20§c; sales that the pay of J. R. Gribben dnr- be known as Portland No. 1! v aud that State of I Encampment, eminent, special legislate,, be dis- HOURS. 3G50 bales. Flour firm; sales 13,000 bbl s ; State 5 95 Maine, Fiue Parlor l Ac. his sickuees be paid, and the services of C. To out ss, J Suits arpeis. ing After the was th·· fc couraged. carry these refotu3 the co- ture. let) 8 00 ; Kound hoop Ohio 7 20 @ 9 50 ; Western 5 95 @ Cumberland, encampment instituted, on execution THUUSl>AY, Jau. 9th. at 10 o'clock A. M., at H. Williams during that time be remunerated. operation of the Legislature will War Dep't, Office Chief Signal f 9 50; Southern 6 15 @ 12 57. Wheat a shade firmer; and will be sold at public officers were elected aud instilled th bs|lt,ce:J3ary. auction on ONoffice, we shall soli one line Parlor ui· inure* η The Committee on Street the lowing by The denounces the Officek, Washingington, L). C., > sales 93,000 bush ; No 1 Spring 170 @172; No 2 do TAKEN Saturday, the thirty-first (31st) day ot Lamps reported Mayor pointed A. ιβ^Γ, one Scoml bun 1 d in cri ».^'n repi, Chamber for the last as K. C. Isri «oproliensi- 1 58 1 67 ; Winter Red Western 1 7 1 85. Corn is January, D. 1873, at four o'clock in the afternoon quarter $115.43. graud officers: Joseph Merrill, P.; ble which the heads jau. G. Î8P. &.\\ @ « li expenditures system by certain at the Sheritt's Office in Sots, 3n w Brussels Cari e s tog»·-flier other Ordered that the Committee on Side- firm; sales 98,00o bush; new Mixed Western 65 (a> Portland iu said county, all Streets, el Hicks, H. H. Wentworth, S. W ; departments are made members of Probabilities—For New New ,Τ.ιη. β.—The committee the r in will h Cook an I Parlor Stoves. Inning ltoom P.; Joseph th* board of England, westerly Orleans, ap- Oats lc better ; sales 59,000 bush new Mixed ght equity Wilson < f Fal- Furniture, walks and be autberized to make such 66£c. ; Libby, an Ac· Bridges, appointment and given authority winds to the anu at the recent here held a con- 46 49c. Beef dull. Pork new mouth in said has or had Kitchen Furniture, Frank H. Cushing, J. W. ; Albro E. Chasi ^ supply gradually backing southerly pointed meetings @ firmer; Mess 13 75. county, the 2_'ιI day ol A. corrections and abatements in the assessments their own A D. f, ο. Β Λ ifitv CO., Auctioneer*. money tor estimates, clear weather, but increasing cloudiuess on ference yesterday. It is understood that a plan Laid firm at 7} @ 8Jc. Butter quiet ; State 24 ic 30c. March, E7J, at ten o'clock and fifty-five min- on side talks as lit and Scribe, Augustine D. Smith, Treasurer. andeinphati- utes in the foi en jane *1 they judge proper. cally commends Comptroller Greeu'34(imiuia. Tuesday night; for the Middle States, south- of action was agreed upon for to day. Most ol Whiskey lower at 92$ @ 93c. Rice firm; Carolina at »on, being the time of the attach Samuel «as leave to withdraw of will an 1 8 M us-ovado 9 ment of the same on the Tyler given The evenings meeting be the first tration of the finances. to winds and increas- the tiusi nesi houses will nrobablv be closed to- @ 8£c. Sugar quiet ; @ 6$c ; refining 9 original will in the action easterly south-westerly ou which ol Fiue his petition for a of State @ 9gc. Conee quiet and firm; Rio at 16@19icin said Execution was obtained t· redeem Spécial Sale at asking renumbering third Saturday evenings of each month. Tweeil'* Trial. ing cloudiness with probably light snow over day and it is expected the inei ting in Lafaveti the Sleighs street. Gold. Molasses quiet; New Orleans 50 @ 70c. NuvmI fallowing describe I mortgaged real estate situ- Auction. the lower lake for the South Atlantic will be very It is not believed ated in Tne trial of Tweed, which was to region Square large Stores— Spirits Turpentine quiet at GOc; Rosin dull the iowns of Cumber! iud an Falmouih in Adjourned. ha^ been will to TUESDAY, Jin. 14th, at 11 A. M. Officers' Dance.—There will be a rush ι υ commenced before Noah Davis and Gulf States east of the Mississippi; gener- that Pinchback attempt disperse them at 3 65 for strained. Petroleum quiet; crude said county anl bounded as follows, viz wo *1 all Judge 10$ @ Beginning %ell at thJ Coring; Κ ρ ot to-day, clear weather aud from Gen. sent a letter to Gov. Pinchbact 11c refined at Tallow at 8 at a poi it on he east side line of t OX" eitory Albert Cba-e. the officers' dan e this The we [1 was until ally rising temperature Emory ; 27£c. quiet @ 8fc. lie county roau of Ε Κ. Art an admirable evening. postponed to-morrow, owing v, tlit ..lisfanl Lemon., on Preble lull Notes.—There is portrait Tennesse to Lake Erie and the lakes, that he should hold the in read! Freights to Liverpool at leading from Morris u's llill to Portland an l street, 5 of some of upper stating troops lower; CoMon, per steam, twenty size double known character of the tl e indisposition the counsel front theii 12 12 rods from the west Sleighs. of the late Hon. Willian. Pitt Fessenden or projectors stamps to south westerly winds and ris- ness to preserve peace in the city. He enclosec (α} 9-16d; Grain, per steam, 7| @ 7$d; do s il 6 southerly corner o. the h )use-lot, 1 Alaska s.yle ouble .. labors i η the Stokes case. south-easterly Sleizb, mt tloish. affair as first class in protracted with weath- a from Gen. Sherman hiti (£ 7d. occupied by thence double eltg exhibition at a being every respect. A ing temperature, geuerally cloudy despatch instructing formerly George Abbott; running 1 11.'ht Slei* (ball' Schumacher's gallery; por- Ez-maror Hull southerly 011 the line ol s.ud road «.ne hundred and tri.rmeu). ijjeo er and with snow over the lake to act as above indicated. A was sen Chicago, Jan. 6.—Flour nominal but held firm.— j round back the military organizations in the will uoub light region. despatch forty-nine more or >ingle Sleighs. trait of the Kev. Benjamin Titronit'7 who wai city Wheat active and No 1 (149) rods, less, to lie cross road 5 SI 2 slipped and fractured his ankle by Ogden, Attorney General of Louisiana. t< higher; Spring nominal; sales to In trotting i^us, witu pole and shafts. less embrace this 'lone^lnrhif of No 2 dol on 1 leading the dwelling house of M. W. too 4 business the first minister in and the eagerly opportunity to testil y the He will he an invalid abouta States General Williams ai 22| spot; 24| seller Ifeb; No 3 do at Leigh Sleighs ( limmed). Baptist Portland, night. nii^th Ûnited Attorney said Falmouth ; thence eas erly on the one ot' sai·» 1 of 108; rejectee at 94 ,aî96c. Com quiet and Puug. first theii appreciation the efforts made by tl e Λ Small Convention. Washington, yesterday, stating that the War unchang- road, f t rods, to th'; roa I leadinj by the 1 printer in Maine. These are from Fight Impending. ed; No 2 Mixed 30$c on for seller re- »rty-eig (18) extra aeatod portraits spit; 3l| Feb; house of υοιtneasteny Recoud hand A*c. and the result will be a and bri twelve moth Legislature would meet to on jectedat28c. Oats No 2 at dwelling R. L. Abbott; thence Sle Sleigh, the brush of to officers, merry John has been Little Jau. 6.—Only organize | quiet; 24$c. Rye quiet on more or ,Ihese glis art made iLe in Max Weyl, aud were presented Foley appointed Detntj Rock, Ark., were the line of said road rode, by mccl anics State Monday but preveuted by Piuchback, end and weak at 65 @ 65$c f >r No 2. firm No 2 seventy-four trie city and are liant which we shall be there I ο Chamberlain Comiitroller Cireen, but Chi,,, counties were in the Reform Barley ; less to a nineteen and six link» snort oi sup« lor in every way υ an; sit. s the city of Portland Moses of time, surely by represented that President Grant"will disconnten Fall 65 (a) Provisions active and point rods evei offered g by Titcomb, esq., Palmer refuses to now in session. The oi asking G5§c. higher. Pork the south land» iu this im.rke-t. Call aua see lui \iui- berlain recognize Foley· Λ Convention project sold at at 11 16 ou corner of Rufus Legrow's see. auc1 sucli interference. John has is spot. Lard higher at 7 lo per cwt η selves. Washington. Is Green lias also a new State Government meets vioEnery north, fortv-tbur > ees wesi, by land lively fight expected. establishing on epoi ; 7 50 seller March. Meats firm an I η eg »i,« «, » F. O. sued an address counciling his frien s to b< jminal- merlv of T. Η rucl· tn « et BAILEY Ar Am lioucci» There are also four Abraham L E.irle, late County with little favor the Democrats. The advance I an Wm. ill. clKUtv^Uht CO., superb pictures after Von Elizabeth. pointed Autij among calm and ly fcc. Green Hams; sales of 16 l'»s avs J«n7 7t Cape ac· dignified to-day when they assembli mentioned bounds. at tor to the of Auditor ot Accounts,tin, is by Gover -nient troops 011 at7^@7|c. Bulk meats—sales of shoulders for ULi ibv bv Bremen, this which position Capitol guarded as citizens to 3^c and b the same r°nlai7'n*!,nto »by by Wm. gallery, will well repay We understand that the town of Eliz; some oi peaceable witness the inaugura- in κ conveyed Cape consolidating the offices of city and count bount of threats to take possession by couutry boxed short rib mill ilcs; 5gc loose. Whiskey Sot. 0. «ω,jaM «ω looking at. tion of the true and ο in fair Γ. Hall, by deed, dated in lionne lor ^alr. beth, through her Representative, proposes t ο auditor. the reformers. only legal Legislature demand and lower at 88^c. Dresse 1 Hogs firm — the State. at 4 35 (eg 4 50. I. Oceak ask for a law to all cities an Organization. hereby u.ude for ILL be so· at Mc^iin, on THURSDAY· Insurance Company general compel Later.—The following was received at Wash- Receipts—4,000 bbls flour, 27,000 bush —The annual New York Ulattcrs. wheat, 104,- a «ore W J tuuary lGtfc, at U o'clock, A. w., η .h of towns in the State to furnish and maiutain t The city government organize California at twelve 000 hush corn, 33,030 bush bush meeting the Ocean Insurance President of the Aldn ington:—To-da. promptly o'clocl oats, 6,000 rye, 7,000 Premi es, a two >-t ny dwelling Loua·, N'o. 3-' Fra î.k was w th S Β. Η. Vance — Com- bush this ad Company and San. Francisco, Ja 1. 4. Γ lie Harbor the members of the met in Ode barley. at said of liu if η ι. old ai. e sale. held yesterday afternoon. their own cost expense, suitable ferry lau( Wm. Wade President of the Assi. Legislature Dated Portland day Dec. 1SI2 Street, previously p.iva The Di- mill, and has been indicted for frauds. Fellows' Hall. There were Shipments—10,000 bbls flour, 6,000 bush w52w3w erms at sale. following are missioner 20,000 citizens ii bush wheat,0,000 rectois were chosen for the ings where such landings needed, Tbis a] >- taut Aldermen. at the Cham- corn, 12,000 bush oats 1,000 bush rye, to ensuing year: Chap. A mass meeting of merchants attendance, occupying Lafayette Square am bush 14,000 Apply M. to the has arisen from the fa< t to barley. Π. C BAR\E«, Davis, Benj. Webster, Charles B. Merrill peal Legislature IWr.'Bergh Enjoined. bar of Commerce to-night opposed ceding the streets leading to the hall. Every person Cincinnati, Jan. 6.—Provisions—Pork at iiôw 4J ral Hlrrrl. of Pacific was was higher Richard O, H. J. that the city of Portland not only refuses 1 ο Jnd"e J. F. Daly of the court Goat Island to the Central railroad, quiet and peaceable but fir.i, and deter 12 25. Conant, Libby, EnosC. Sou le! çommo Lard steady ; kettle at @ 7$c ; steam at 7} Portlaud, Jan. 2d, 1873. jau2 .td* that that the society ft addressed Gov. Booth. mined. The citizens bave at the 7} Cyrus E. Sargent. A semi-annual furnish a landing,but refuses to give the muni pleas decided to-day by placed dispos (g2 7ic. Bulk Meats in fair demand and advanced— dividend ol animals had η al of the a To f the of cruelty to Legislature large fund. The Legie shoulders at Jc ; clear rib sides 6e clear sides Speculate J. ». A ( 8 per cent., Ipal officers of this town a hearing. Many prevention 5J @ ; Successiuliγ O., payable| forthwith,|was declared right to arrest drivers for merely driving du 'ature are satisfied with the position of thi @6Jc. Bacon unchanged; shoulders 4$^ 5c; clear the 8 rib a At a subsequent of the Director» t prominent men of the town freeley expre: eased horses, and cannot order horses to the JTlre. Wharton Again. President as 7J @ 7$c ; clears!les 7$ @ 8c. Green ηι.-ats tiyc meeting Caj reported. are in RANDAL H. their a and higher ; shoulders ; ; cle tr rib ; hams FOOTE & M. was indignatioh iu to this action of tl e stables or take them from cars, and granted (5.—The trial of Mrs. (Sigued.) J. C. Moxcure, fc 5Jc CO-, Com mission JJ crclin Charles Davis re-elected President, an< regard Anapoits, Ind., Jan. g »od demand ai stroog at J ιιis, asked railroads. of the 6? 94e. Live Hogs Jj> city noveruinent towards Elizabeth. Vi e injunction for by the Elizabeth G. Wharton, indicted for attempting S|>eaker House ol Keps 4 aud in George A. Wright Secretary and Treasurer. Cape 10; receipts 6500 head. Whiskey higher BANKERS AND —AND— are Various .Halters. Mannis iu was N. Campbell, President of the Senate fiir DROKEItS, not prepared to believe that shor V» Eugene June, 1871, demandat 80c. such poison of Anne Arun· A It is stated that the verdict Stoke Commenced in the Circuit Court caucus of the House of Representatives of lOLEDO, Jan. 6.—Flour dull and 70 N. Y. AUCTION KKJiS Hand Injubed.— Mr. Joseph Hewey, whil· sighted, penurious to c against Broadway, feelings prevail any grea had a the was held this Wliai Wabash extent in has distressing effect upon county to-day. peoples' legislature morning higher ; No '.· Wliire 183;.NulWhite Member of standing near the in the roon Portland,but on Scanuel,Kiu£ 1 nlO J ® KM), ieb Stock Exchange and Gold Board. NO. M KXC IIA.^JI' NTRCbf. machinery press the contrary are coi I" Foster and other murderers awaiting trials i There were present 37 members. Michigan ni; Amber MicUi* tiued to some ft 1 I — of the Puess office yesterday afternoon, acci old fossilized the tombs. The clerk of the House proceeded to th ; Citi 137; iceal eit; References.—Jay Cooke -V Ν. Y.; Mecbanlcr NeU bel >w Mcmbunt»' I antedeluvian "pod C >rn K er la*t halt .Jan at Co., xchan^e. Hervy Snow Storm. Hull and removed his records. «feidy ; high Mixedfc; liaiiKinsr Asuociati »n, or ilou*e or his hand in the augur Rip Van Winkl# Two escaped burglars and a dozen othe <■* MlxeJ YbIIuw any Banking S. B ULKY, OKO. W. dentally got caught gearini a," who are •ttjc, and May «Je ; 3îjc, 38^;.— C nntn.Tcial in New York. JOSEPH "AHKFH. strange were the ό. The heaviest snow for 2C It was iu the caucus that the mpmheri Agtney out of roughs captured by police in a raid υ §r. Louis, Jan. agreed Ο Ν*· 2 quiei at 31^c. N. SWa. II.-T. Lib Λ crushing one of his fingers so badly that it wil I place among people of the 19th at 12 o'clock U.—Pamphlets 01» -WALL STREET AND ITS KEFKR-vCCS-Mi I.V ill II.,» centur. a iu yesterdav. on aud over a would assemble m., at Odd Fel- bbls iiuor, 12,000 buih ■" 1 prize fight Brooklyn ye*t8 feil Friday Saturday large Bj.eiiJin -2.0J0 wheat, 20,01.0 OPERATIONS" furnished free on Cli'l.ltin P- Kim *·< -a .Ml·.; Mcshi.s. Li· nald have to be had aud lows Hall. do oate. application. amputated. A. A large number of people their legs an PorUon3 of this State Kansas.À bush corn, 3UOO wl7-ly & Co., au.l Loe Λ: Shcparil, Bj«uin. apllt POETRY. 1-8-7-3. HOT ELS. MISCELLANEOUS. miscellaneous. RAILROADS. STEAM EKS. Tiie Because. Wife's HOTEL DIRECTORY, LGBEAT t'O JIB [V 4TIOIV Embracing the leading Hotel» «η the State, at whicL. The Last Half Million nd the Ygfv best business INTERNATIONAL STEAMSHIP CO. opportunity » ver BY ADELUUU PBOCTOB. the Daily Puess may always ya i'uunci. a be found in an for offered,is Ageucy faking subscriptions to 1 Calai» Allan Line. — !aeipoi't, and Si. ALFBËO. OF ΤΠΕ— llenry Ward Johu, Digbf, Bccchcr's IViud^oranil Halifax. Montreal Ocean II is not because your heart is mine—mine only— ireat LITERARY, FAMILY Steamship Co. Miue flie Maine State Press County House, Ejlmuuil Warrcu, Proprie- ι» NEWSPAPER, with UKDEB CONTttACT alone; Cent. Gold Bonds rhich given away thy ami VINTER ARRAN FOR THE CAKBYIXO OF It is not 1>3 weak and lonely, tor. 7 Per lar^t-st best Premium GEMENT. THE -ause you choose me, >icture ever the new ottered, and exquisite ôlj.UO i Canadian aud Lui For your own ; ISSUED BY THE ONE TRIP ici! Mtate» Mail*. Not because the earth is fairer, ami tlio skies ACBIJBN. FBESCH OLi:OiiUAPII PER WEEK! Passengers booked to Spread above you, — — Elm Court. St. W. H. & A. ailed "IPet's Loudon ej IS THE House, Youug. IPar'adise." The Aul m rani .n: t' .r the shining of your he choi est class of (Oleographs are Steamer New York, Capt. derryand Liverpool. Proprietors». French Ε. B. He turn. Thai 1 love you. of Ari-priniugin oils—thr Winchester, will leave Kail- Tickets CHICAGO ter/cction ΌιΙ-chromo)— We nlpo give the road at meaning AIJ«rSTA. Si© of Genuine superb wharf, foot of State street, granted Reduced Bates. It is η >t because he world's perplexed pair French Oil Chroiuos, "\Vi«le Tlie B»1'" lwal&e"& every MONDAY at G F. M. for Steamship State Ht. Harrison — AnguKia House* "jfc'aai Aelerp," subjects LIFE-SIZE ■ and St. John. "Hb «nge'8 leaning, similes ot" original oil Eastport And £««·, BEST WEEKLY PAPER er, Proprietor. liarxuing/ac Painting?. This Returning will leave St. John and the^JtW Danville & has .he circulation in th Eastport every Cony «. A. & II. t ony. Proline- Vincennes >ai>er largest world. It will HUR6DAY. mOBAVIAÎV, Capt. Uraliem, wlt" ail her Τθ1θββ House, îext ear made better ever. All tOi'M. > be than Serial talc* Connections made at JS·*» by Eastport for St. ^ili leave this port for on Siaca VDU vorld famous authors, L. M. Alcott, Edward Eu- Andrews, Liverpool now lobbinston, Calais, Woodstock aiul Houlton. u. li u.% silent beartthat Harriet Since rejoices BANOOR Railroad jlésion, BEBCHERStowe, etc. New and Connections made a*, St. John for s NATl'lSDAV, Jan. Ijttve awoke. &Γ Company ïrilliant contributors. Illustrated Number s, Digby, Annapo- 11th, Harriman lionne, J E- M"»-«uinu Co., Holiday Windsor, Kentville, Halifax, N. S., Am· md back nos of Mi.-κ Alcott's s or.ν free. The ni"8 erst. Shcdiac, immediately after the arrival oi' the Train of Ν >t even because your hand holds anil IN MAINE: the I heart life Proprietors Are now oflered for sale, about "Combination !" Tlw evious from Montreal. Al all the Slore». A! your $3,500,000 having akinq largest ! u*r"Frei.»ht received on of day Dru3 will, A W Pro- commissionspaid daysJ * until 4 iVaobsco. Kxebnue" «o-lward, been sold. 3ne Âgeut made $800 in 3 in Y.ock P. 31. sailing SoMbiiif, hits'.in<{ all i β discord, makin" strife already months; another $337 Passage to aud 55 days ; auother $94.40 in one one in J"*" Londonderry Liverpool, Cabin (ac- Calm and still; prietor. Tlie road (21L miles in is the air low week; $31,GO A. R. w to ! K length) line, »ne ami others from and SXUBBS, Agont. diag accommodation») $ 70 to £SO $5,000 REWARD Xdichiiu 1 un. to t mi her Franklin day, many $5 $10 to per in wings, nor ever roam ûâhVi'JL .?,,iubv' route to from the Indiana Coal Fields. Ï7iis our Payable Gold or ite equivalent. if .ω lier «vitk Μ Ρ ;tfi;iia«iJii»iiu Soil., Prop. grade Clikag) lay. year oilers are even more nest; Because it more profitable. BOSTON & For or Cabin to REWARD gives reading That of the road which lias No wailing for the premiums. TaE MAINE Freight Passage, apply $1,000 Telling Iν ν hat lier safest portion (132 miles) SUBSCRIBER RAILROAD. H. & A. 1 securest, home 3ETS Til EM WIIU.N HE PAYS ALLAN, No. J m lia St. Must be rest. ΒΑΤΑ. been in since has 1IIS SUBSCRIPTION. Γ» iater F,τ S Ρ Ε C I Λ L NOTICE. matter than any other; operation December, 1871, earned, Airau^ciucui, Uccvtubcr id, IS7£. Steerage Passage inward and outward, and tor House, «Boh η 8. Lutit Drafts on for Bft*ause this human SaJ{fldahec TOillikcn, Pro over and above'all expenses, Grood Agents Wanted. England small amounts apply to "BEWABE OF love, though pure and sweet— pi-icior. Trains leave P. s. & JAMES L. Yours and because it is a NEWS Intelligent men ana women wanted p. r. jjt §ta- FA KM Eli, mine— thoroughly it nth everywhere. foi COUNTERFEITS s C. M. Γο Portland, Boston, No. 3 India Stieet. II he 11 s η bv love more Hotel, Pimuiuer, Proprietor get go'd territory, send "at *7.ου tender, more complete, §262,313.48, for exclusively assigned, A. M., and t3.20 and *0.45 Portland, Nov. 19th, 1872. More •arly circular and tenns! J. B. FOKD & CO., -22——-—**—-^t"v'J.55 P.m! noviiOtf AM) IMITATIONS. divine, PAPER; Sew York Returning, leave Boston tor Portland Ih t il 1 ι» our .· rts at last to rest in heaven BOSTON. its interest obligation upon Bonds, for the same ; Boston, Mass. ; Chicago, liL ; San Fran- A dam son's time, Cal. t *7.3(>, t8.3b A. M., and *12.30 and *3.15 P. M high reputation gained by Botanic Far above jisco, Ί1ΗΕCo 11 lî..i>aiii for 1 cur»· of you, liecause it has a larger Editorial American House, Hauorer St. L.Bic being but $100,116.67 gold. p^irious AnΛ i love yon! iu For Manchester c mpoun !s wliich are oui the c.un- ï'orce thau other paper Parker School & and Concord, Ν. II., via C. & P. R. NEW peddled through any House, St. H. D. Parker cember, to $28,390.62, in October, the latter being at ΛΒΒΛΛΟΚΜΚΛΤ. tr\ cal ed the sunt'. Ti e λιι ine Adam^in's Botanic Co., Proprietors. I. Junction, 13 20 P. M. the rate of per anuuin. The total inter- For Manchester and Cough Balaam is prepared only by F. W. Kinsman4 The Spauhawk Iu an article · $3i0,795,44 Concord, via Lawrence, *9.55 Family. Maine; Revere House, Bowdoiu Square,Bulfiucli, L. M. SKMI-WKEKLY .li^k the inventor and sole To protect your est 1 ability upon tlie total issue oi Bonds upon the proprietor,* in the Bin^iiatu, Wriwiey & Co.. Proprietors For *ί).55 selve-from imposition examine the bottle aud see recently published Lowell, *7.00, A. and t3.20 P. M. Sieiuu.'iM ·· Amesbury, Mass., Marine, Con· whole road is $280,000 gold. The 132 miles are, there- M., Dirigo and Franconii that the words W. Becauseitsjwarteet, St. James Hotei—J. P. 1M. For Milu»n and Union, *7.00 A. 31. and P. will, uniil Kinsman, l>ru^gn luiiic lia Isa ni is we rec-m- Ac ticketed an I b.ttles the cheapest, It is nota which in for μ Κ* tier Article î mouth Mo BETHEL.. them and will be in physic may give reliel W. hit en Passage State Kooin .*0. Meals extra. by watt, in 1775, may be indirectly Chicago, operation by January temporary MERRITT, Super dent, 9ΐϋΟ(Ρ fur aruM-it will not most to the sufferer for the first few «To but from Goods forwarded to anil Cure! carefully collected and select- Chaudler House, F. S. Chandler & Co. and the of the road will be es, which, Boston. from Montreal, Quebec l-'RANK W. traced to the influence of a fair ui 1st, earnings thenceforth continued use brings Piles and kindred PAYSON St. and KINSMAN, Propriety r, daughter Proprietors. diseases to TUCKER, General Agent» lalifax, John, all parts of Maine. Shippe No. 142 Water largely increased. lid in weakening the invalid, nor is it a doctored 353 Commercial ,re requested to send their St., Augusta, Maine. this h >use. The as relaie.! by Mr. Chapman liquor Street, Portland. freight to the Steamers a> For sale by ail story House, S. II. Chapman, Pro- which, under the name of Doc. 1872 as 4 P. the Druggists. uoVJleodtf The company is not in debt, and owns a large and popular "Bitters" is so 2, dec3tf arly Μ.,οη days they leave Portland. Whittier is as follows : prietor. 9xtensively palmed oil on the as rem- For or valuable real estate in beside public sovereign Freight Passaic apply to Ui»· Iki J· very Chicago, edies, but it is a moat powerful Tonic HENRY Gait'* JMUHBIUft lu of the British war BRIDGTON ami HAINE FOX, Wharf. Portland 1775 Capt. Mowatt, CENTER, Me. an of alterative, so CENTRAL RAILROAD. OJ· THE equipment twenty-four first-class locomotives pronounced by the leading medical J. F. AMES, Pier E. R., Now York. PROPRIETOR with three other aimed ves- W ANTED ! Cumberland JIar»haH Pro authorities of London and and 9-dtf ship Oanceaiix, House, Bacon, and about 800 cars. Paris, has been long ItViuUr May Parisian of anchored off Portsmouth, unde order* used by the regular physicians of other countries with Arran^iniciit, Commencing Dec. (Jallery Anatomy» Itoston, eei«, prietor. The Bon is are at the are rate of $18,500 per mile, wonderful remedial results. îi, IS7i. jnrft published a new edilion of his let iuies, to and tlie town. He _ bombard destroy pri- —. Trains leave Portland for ROLSTEB MILLS. for $1000 eacli. and have years to iun, the in- Bangor, For Nova HAScooiaiuing most valuable information en 1 li%» va went on siiore ami entered The forty Calais Halifax, Scotia. ely spacious Dr. Wells Extract of Jurubeba Houlton, and St. John at 12:15 causes, consequences and treatment of diseases < 1 the at Hancock House,—J. N. terest (at 7 per cent, gold,) payable in New York '·· »>. S^arkawk mansion Kittery Point. He be Hancock, Prop. retains all (elee|>ing and day cars on this reproductive system, with remark on >»nd 1st and October 1st. the medicinal virtues peculiar to the plant marriag οι u so fascinated wi'h April and be DIIIECT ! the various causes of the tons 0/ with li.ll Mify Sparhawk that 5000 New Subscribers in January. must taken as a permanent curative agent. For manhood, BRUNSWICK. MUE. The is 90 and interest from October Bath, Lcwbton, Rockland and Augusta at 7:00 infractions for ils also a eh «he liiui to save the present price Ie there i. m. complete restoration; τ persuaded town and sail want of aceioti in liirer & WINTER on P. <*- K. Dining Rooms, W. R. your ARKA5i(JEW13XT. venereal infection, and the means ot curt, bt : t > then Field, ist, the Company reserving the right to advance the Spleen? Unless relieved at the blood For Bath, Portland, Falmouth, which he laid in Proprietor. once, becomes Lewiston, Rockland, Augusta, Readfield. iny the most comprehensive icork on the Mibjecl ev« r at time. impure by deleterious vVinthrop, a«h"s. price any secretions, producing scrof- Skowbegan, Belfast, Bangor, St. John anu yet published, comprising 150 Mailed tree 10 ulous or skin Halifax at 1 :U0 m. pages. CAPE ELIZABETH. orders are in to diseases, Blotches, Felons, Pustules, p. The favorite any address· for 25 cents. Address, Early suggested, order secure any &c. For Batb steamship CAR- Canker, Pimples, &c., Lewiston, and Augnsta at 5.30 p. m. LOT'iA. C'a t. E. D. To sïeaui'tiuac Our friends cannot confer a more New Oi'eau House—J. P. of this desirable Mulligan, l»r. t'uarieii W.»i. acceptable Cûanabcrlain, Propri- portion extremely loan. Take .Burubeba to For Lewiston via Danville at 5:25 m. •leaves .Scnirduiii'* »>i!ice, on;· of the etor. cleanse, purify and restore p. Portland (.Όιι>ιιΗϊιικ JuHtic β of tbe Ju- Year's Gift than or a dozen new Supreme by each sending one the vitiated blood to action. Trains arc Due at Portland. Ol Hancock Mtixet, t*o«tou, JIiim. dicial ÛOurt of the Sînrtf of For further statement of healthy jluiiie. subscribers. particulars, earnings, From j junlldlyr CALAIS. Have you a Dyspepetie Stomach ? unless Augusta,. Batb and Lewiston at 9:45 a. m. Every at undersigned, Nathan ot the maps of the line, &c., apply to Saturday, 4 P. 31., fljTlii·: Webb, Attorney digestion is promptly aided the is debilitated From St. John, Bangor, and North and East at JL U .ii ed Si atcs of Amoiica lor the Iuteriintional Hotel, W. D. system FOB District ol Simpson· wirh loss of vital oi 5:12 p. m. HALIFAX DIBECT. Maine, a au hoi ized Proprietor. force, povert y the Blood, Dropsi- duly agent, of said United States cal General From and Lewiston at >* i,ute Messrs. Swan & Tendency, Weakness or Lassitude. Augusta 6:35 p. m. Cathartic jmi jwc, lespectiuiiy represents that the Barrett, Bankers, Ayer's Pills, 4Γ A 1W*»■?!»■ Take it to assist without From St., at 1:20 a. m. Uni; eJ Slates ut'ores iid are f Digestion reaction, it will Bangor, &e., desirous purchasing AVIV for the impart youthiul rigor to the weary sutierer. Through Ticket^ aie sold in Portland and érection of a fat and battery a cert «in tract Bay View Mo use, JE. SI. baggage AX Dernuth, Prop· vou > checked through to St. Hali- of 1 m l s-i'.uated in the town of in OFFER. Ifnvc of ■«»»-»:«»» Houlton, Calais, John, «.atNew Gl*>»w,N. S., with Lindsey For all the Purposes of a Cape Elizabcli, fax, Dover, Foxcroft, &c. for Co^ Family Physic, tbo C ouu y of Cuinbe:lanl. within the limits of the You are in danger ol Chronic Diarrhoea or the dread- Rockland, stages Cape B-eion. CORNISH. M. ful L. L. LINCOLN, CURING Siatoof Alain particularly bounded and describe ! Heury Paysen, Esq, Inflammation of the Bowels. Acting Superintendent. RETURNING leaves Halifax on TUES- as to lows : Cornieli Take it to Augusta, Nov 30, 1872. dec3tf at 4 P. M. CofllvencF*. i*e winning at a opper boit in a rock on House,—P. Kurgiu, Proprietor. allay irritation and ward off tendency to DAYS, ^ Jaundice, tlie side of tne road the inflatn ations. Fare, including State room, $7 00 jsjapepwa, i.u>ijKîlai«, Head- b^ing about eleven hundred feet til··tan; M -line 8a»born & Jacobs. Urinary Organs ? You must instant, PORTSMOUTH R. R. CoYLE, Jr., Wliarf, to any person us five new with Hotel, Proprie- OR TO procure re- w2Slf ache, PU» *, Uheuina- from the county road known as the shore το thence sending subscribers, lief or are liable to .IOHX fuUTEOUS. Aïent. >d, tors· you suffering worse than death. t isui in» au. 1 Skin southerly at right angles with said «10. Take it to ,Erupti. Light Hons*, W. it SHATTUCK & Co.. strengthen organic weakness or life be- WINTER Diseases, road seven him t e l and niaeteen or Bankers, a I;ili'>uj-ness, teet more Use Special club rates may be obtained by applying to D1NVILJLE «9 UNCTION. comes burden. Liver Complaint, ae>p;ier b>lt set in the line of a stoDe which Drop- wall, the Clark's 33 NASSAU ST., SFW it should be Coiinueiitiug Moiuiny, Dec. 2d, 1874· FOR BOSTON. Tumors a wall is the of Publishers. Diaiusr Hall, Grand Trunk Bail- ltORK, Finally frequently taken to keep the sy, Tetter, southerly laud now or for- in health Salt of boundary way Depot, M. W. Clark, Proprietor. de28il& wlm G system perfect or you are otherwise in great Kheuin, Worms, merly Beujaoiin B. Dyer; tlience easterL said ENERAL AGENTS, .. trains by danger of miasmatic or Passenger leave Portland dai- THE Gout, as a atone w 11 ab >ut 1' »ur hundred and feel malarial, contagious diseases. SUPERIOR SEA-G0IK6 Neuralgia, twenty-ei^ht JOHN 18 ]r^;ï5?S®?«||îlly, for Portsmouth and Boston, (Sun- Dinner and Puri- to the sea sh >re; theaee DEXTER. Q. KELLOGG, Piatt St., New York, Pill, northeasterly by the se:· Sole £ ;1ή·Γr w*'ays excepted) at *1.30 A. M. t7.00 A. STEAMERS the fhorei o the p 'int where the Agent for the United Stales. "" fying Blood, southerly side line ot Dexter House. The Greatest New Price One "WM., 0.55 Α. +3.20 P. t 6.45 P. FOREST CITY nuil the road from Road. Dollar per Bottle. Send forCireular M., 31., are the most Thei county road to the Light House pro- M. JIOIVTBEAL, j congenial purgative yet perfected. 1 I decl3 4wi : >uge would strike the sea shore at low Leave Boston for Pnrfanrnn+Ή Pni+i«»'i «»+ *τ ίο ! etk-i abun show bov mueb excel alloili- water line; DIXFIELD. Havin? coramn>f the road to the THE NEXT YEAR Audroscoggin House, J. Jackson, Pro- rank as the ofthe new rail- Cheap Farms ! Free Homes ! leaving to cure. out the foul Lu mors Ligh. House to the first greatest Leave Portsmouth l'or Portland at tlO.OO Α. M, ϊΐυ. j powerful The.v purge said 'escribe! prietor. of the stimulate the or disor- b>uu:s; parcel of lan t containing roads built in the (J. S» for On tlie line ol the UNION PACIFIC KaIUMXAD 35 A. M., t3.l0 P. M., t5.40 P.M., *10.05 P. M. ATLANTIC blood; they sluggish ab >u nine acres. many WHARF, Portland, That the sole owner of sai de- 12.000,000 acres of the best and mineral Leave Biddeford for Portland at I dered organ into action, and they impart health and scribe 1 EASTPOBT. years, Farming 8.00A. M., return- DAILY, (SUNDAYS EXCEPTED) tract f laud is supjjosed to be one Reujanii Lands in America. ina at 4.35 P. M. tone to «Tie whole being. They cure not only the ev- L. of Passamaq noddy House.—G. Τ H promising, put New-York City in pla e or Valley, now for sale. train runs leave INDIA diseases. Most eminent, clergymen, most sai l No efforts will be to make the Maine Sunday Morning, does not run Monday Returning WHARF, Boston, same j dangerous 15 njaiu η 13. as spared ELLSWORTH. one of its termini, ana it is selfevideut Ihkt that suc- at P. M. skilful and our best citizen* semi eertifl- Dyer, owner a foresaid Oi said morning. days 5 Fare $1.50. Freight taken I physicians, tract of land, from State Press more to its cess or promise would be infinitely increased. THE Mild Climate, Fertile cates or '-urea and of benefits disagreemeu in regard to the acceptable patrons. Indeed, American House.—S. Jordan & Son, Soil, t Accommodation crain. low rates. | performed great they price of ?he or from Prop Ν. Y. MIDLAND HAS Ν. Y. CITY for its START- for Grain and have from these Pills. are the safest same, sune other cause to this : he Publishers will not relax their eftorts to make growing Stock liaising unsurpassed by tFast Express. W. Ij. BIMiVNG». Agent derived They applicant and ta the said United SUtes ING POINT. any in the United States. Pullman J. B. COYMÎ : and best physic for children, because mild as well as unknown, the paper a to FOX CROFT. E^g^The Car Express Train ar- JR., General Agcnt.mch3otf hath refused au I s'.ill ret α ses to neccts'hty those who have been accu*- The receipts of the lines west from Cheaper in more Sleeping effectual. coated, are to convey said tracV ol great running Prick, favorable terms given, rives at and departs from tue of the j Being sugrir they easy to said Uni e « t«>mod to FoxcroJft Ν. Y. Ν. Y. and Depot Maine l;u\l States; read it. We pledge that during the year Exchange. City (ihe Central, tha Erie, the Penn. more convenient to market than can be found Central Railroad, in Portland. take ; and being purely veget able, they are entirety Vv herefore, Luis in behalf ot Central), them lirstin rank in the elsewhere. harmless. appUeuut, said Uoi'ed IH73, ihe Weekly Pi:ess shall be more a NEWSPA- place country. Ν Β. The 7.€0 A. M., and 3.20, P. M. trains BOSTON Stales respe tt'uU· prays your Honor to GARDINER. The MIDI AND runs west, from Ν. Y. in Free Homesteads for from PREPARED BY order notice PER than so that tho that City, rivalry Aeiual Settlers. Portland, u^ake close connections to New οίthis application, c >n for niable with ever, family thoroughly with these three, and is intended to be THE SHORT- —A>'D— the provision? Evans O. C. The best location f »r York by one or other of llie routes from Boston. Dit. J. C. AYEK & LOWELL, of the "Act of tl\e reads the will have all the current Hotel, Rollins, Proprietor. EST LINE. of Colonies—soldiers entitled te I CO., MASS., Legislature of the Maine paper events of the Each the other lines represent sever- a Homestead of ticketed Practical and Chemists. entitled al IOO Acres. Passengers through by either route. Analytical uAu act for toe relinquishment to the United times what the Midland will have cost when doub- Seud day. GOBiIA.lI. for the new Descriptive with new F. CHASE, Sold by all drtfggrtets everywhere. janl-eJdwly States in certain cases of title to lands le-tracked and it is LIGHTLY Pamphlet, PH1UOELP1IIA for Files ο» equipped—and very maps, published in English, Swedish and no30tf Supt. Portlaud Division. light stations on the coast ami waters of the State," Central Hotel, F. J. Berry, Prop. MORTGAGED. German, Of the Danish, mailed free everywhere. approved tfob.uary is, an mortgages wo offer for sale: THE Ν. Y. 1871,as aiuendedby act eu- Address, O. F. DAVIS, PORTLAND & OUDENSBUllti It. B. Steamship Line. titi;d "Λα Ac to amend six GREAT Ν. MIDLAND CONVERTIBLE BONDS bronchial? Chapter liumred aud FALLS, H. Land Com'r U. P. R. R. Neb. f of the laws of (securea since their issuance a Second Co., Omaha, FOB COUGHS, COLDS. &c. m »rt.y-uine private oue thousand eight Great Falls O. A. by Mortage), de!7 OF Leave each port & liun'.red Hotel, Frost, Proprietor the most attractive and a 1 t4w CHANGE TUVTE. every Wed's'y Sat'd'y. OXLY 25 CENTS. and seventy-one, relating to lig t houses," NO CHROMOS. promising of the issues. BROWN'S W approve 1 liU. to THE OI AKAIÏTËBD FIRST TIORT- Sept 5-dtanos February 1872, be published in soiiie Ό $75 to $250 per month everywhere, male On and after Nov. and newspaper in Portl uoarest to HIRAM. GAOE 7 p. c. GOLD BONDS issued on the and to Monday, 4th, ïo md, where said Ιγλλ CP female, introduce the GENUINE IM further will run of lan I lies, once in J9It. Cntler Montclair Road (its short route l^oëôôPpïPïiuiitil notice, trains Wharfage. each week for the space of four House,—Hiram Baston, Pro- through New-Jersey), PROV ED COMMON SENSE FAMILY SEWING : mou the of follows lis which η >ùc<» shall contain an prietor. cheapest all the first mortgage issut s. accurate de- Sm MACHINE. This machine will stitch, hem, fell, —^Α. Μ. P. Μ. From Long 3 scri tiou of said, tract of Wharf, Boston, land, together with the gg tuck, quilt, cord, bind, braid, and embroider in a Leave Portland, 7.15 3.15 From Pine Street Phila- name of ihe aud We oii'er no pictures to make the value of the Piiess KENDALL'S 1TIILLS. Ai LEN.STEPHENS&Co most Wharf, supposed owner, s mil require al:. ^ superior manner. Price only §15. Fully Leave N. Conway, 8.3Q 1.G0 delphia, at 10 a. m. per s >ns interesreJ in said 1 mds to come forward on a up to Its price. Kendall's Mills Hotel, Randall BANKERS, licensed and warranted for five years. We will The 7.15 a. m. and 1 00 p. m. Trains will Insurance one half the rate οt d y to bt> in said notice Andrews, be Freight specified and îile their Proprietor. SOLE FOB I pay $1,000 for any macliiue that will srw a with cars vessels. if ok£ee- AGENTS THIS LOAN, strong- passenger attached. 'sailing any they should to the er, more or more elastic seam have, proposed pur- I beautiful, than for the fig!^ STAGES Freight West thePenn. R. anil 1 v- ! éuaee. LU7IERICK. 25 ours. It makes the "Elastic Lock Stitch." by R., South PISIE ST. φ Every by eoinecting lines forwarded free of And thLs in l>elialf <\f said second stitch can Connect with P. Commission. applicant, United States, Pro- jvlSdtf New York, be cut, and still the cloth can- daily 3.15 M., further that on the LimerickJHouse, JosephG.Harmon, not prays, return day specific t in prietor. J3 be pulled apart without tearing it. We pay For Cornish, Kezar Falls, Porter, Freedom, Den- PASSAGE, TEN DOLLARS. sai 1 notice jury may be empanuelled in the agents from $75 to month and manner φ $250 pei expenses, mark, Bridgton, Lovell,and North Lovell. Fof Freight or to η jw provid» -1 by law fo assess the val e We intend to make a lor W\or a commission irom Passage, apply of said tract paper 1TIACHIAS. GOUT and lî Η Ε UMATISM which twice that, amount can The 8.30 a. m. from No. Conway connects with o. laud at its fjir market and all made. Address S ecomb Λ value, damages sus- Eastern Hotel.—E. 9-.'· ^~he Co., Boston, Mass.; afternoon trains f<>r Boston, via Eastern or Boston & WHITNEY Ac tained the owner of the so Stoddard, Prop. excruciating pain of Gout and HA91PMON, Agent», iy lands appropriated by sens., '* people, and make it worth Rheumatism, Pittsburg, Pa. Chicago, III., or St. Louis, Mo. Maine R. ll's., and tlie 1.00 p. m. train arrives in reas >n of such TIIErelieved in two and cured in a few de!7 jn23-ly 70 appro riation, and that such other hours, days, t4w Portland in season to connect with Steamers for Bos- Long Wharf, Bo> ton. aud further may bo had in of MECHANIC FALLS. by the celebrate! Englisn Medicine, ton. proceedings pursuance 32 to egfti subscriber for the all the aforesaid acts of the year Union ^ among classes. Old people, the middle- Norfolk an*l Legislature of tue State of Hotel, P. R' Cobb, Proprietor. Ticket Office in Portland at of M. C. R. R. Baltimore and Maine as m & aged, those who are just life, and Depot Washington, iy be requisite to convey to. said United Blair's Gout and Rheumatic Pills. entering I). C. Line. S of America a 1873. *|S youth of both sexes buy and read with the J. HAMILTON, Steamship good and absolute title to tVe St. Ν. ® Superintendent. above desc ANDREWS, B. They neither attention or confinement of greatest profit. ibeu tract <Ί land against all require " Portland, Oct. 2, lb72.. nov4ti pei&ms The Rail kin 1 and are Steamebips of this Line sail from whatsoever; and so will ever Way Hotel, Hicbael Clark, Pro- any certain to prevent the disease at- ΆΥ pr*>\ ^ JOLLY FRIEND'S SECRET cud bf Central Boston, Dated at Portland, in t he of prietor. tacking any vital parts. GRAND Wharf, G>«n;y Cumberland, DIO LEWIS' last and best book. TRUNK RAILWAY ΟΓ^ΑΝΑρΓ. Semi-Vv 2.30 v. m. for NOll- the li uay of A. D £ eeklv, twenty-uin October. 1872. PREP ABED BY |m^ •FOLKand SFRINGVALE. Τ It is meeting with the greatest BALTIMORE. NAT MAN success; ALTKBATIOX _ ....^—— THE GKEAT KEMEDY YV'<:BB, Now is OF TRAINS. Steamshlps :— FOU of the the time to subscribe. Tibbctts F. Φ ■jr an 1 tbereV MOTS' EV IN IT. ** Attorney United; béates for the District of House, S. Tibbetts, Proprietor PROUT & William Lawrence Capt. W. A. Hallett Maine. HARSANT, Send for our circulars,etc., which are bent WINTER " William Crane" S free. Geo. MAcLean, Boston. del7t4w ARRANGEMENT. Capt. Solomon Howes. STANDISH. LONDON, ENGLAND, *4 "George Appold," Capt. Winslow Loretand. STATE "UF UIAIXE. Standish House. Cbas. On and after Ν·ν. "Rlachttone," Geo.II. Hallett. C0ISSJ1PÏSQN 4th " Capt. Thompson, and sold all Monday, William Caj»t. CUMUERLAND, SS. by Drnggists. CAWPIIO^IKE. will ruu as follows : Kennedy," Capt, Henry D. Foster. Proprietor. l'AIN, PAIN, PAIN, [^•?:iJPIfP^Traiue which can the Z3F*A Local wauled in towu in the eodlyr train for Paris •'AfcClellan,"Capt. F. M. Howes. ho cured a Upon foregoing application Nathan Agent every The for the relief of — Pnssenger South at by "Webb great discovery pain and a sure troin by of YORK H 1RBOR. ■ c.oU A. f«»r Freight forwarded Norfolk to A:torney ilie United States of America, it State. ami immediate cure for Rheumatism—Chrouic nd M.; Island Pond, Quebec, Washington been s having anil the west at Steamer Lady of the Lake. resort to this stand- ttisfactorily made to appear to tne that the Marshal! IIousc.—N. G. Marshall & WHITE, SOUND TEETH! Acute, Sprains. Sore Throat, Bruises. Chilblains,Pain Muutieal, 1.30 P. M. Stopping at aU timely s ii Sous, CLEAN, s talions. Freight forwarded from Norfolk to a applieaui is a duly, authorized agent of sai i Addres Proprietors. in Chest, Back <>r Limb-:, Crouo, Stiff S'rains Pelersburq Uuix*th are NORTH WINDHAM. connecting with night mail train for points Virginia, Ai true, and that it. con- Frosted Feet, Catarrh, &c. It lias a plea ;;nt and Quebec, bama and Tennessee, tho hundreds of t lins an iccu'ate deserioti >n of Montreal and thé West. Georgia ; and over the Seaboard and Ro the lands proposed to Nenmsket W. W. refreshing odor and will not grease or st in the mos! noke R. R. proved by be House, Stanley, Propri- THURSTON'S Accommodation for South Paris and to all points in North and South Caro'in.i purchased by the United Slates for the erectJon <>f etor. delic ·te fabric, which makes it a in every iutermediite a fort luxury staiions at 5.00 P. M. bv the Rait. & Ohio R. R. to testimonials received tho and battery, with the names of all Familv. Price 25 cents Bolt le. For bv Washington and by together per sale ail From West. ku>\vn or suppose 1 ow ers of said ii is PORTLAND Pearl Tooth Powder. Montreal, Quebec, Island GorJain places lauds, PUBLISHING] CO., NOR WAV. Ivory REUBEN HOYT,ΙΟΓ Prop., 203 Greenwich Pond, rates It is acknowl- That uotiee ot said and Soath Paris at 2.50 P. M. Through given to South and West. proprietors. Οι\.\Γψί, application be given Deal's L. U. no20 Price, 23 and 50 Cents bottle, druggists.St.,U.Y. declWw Fine to 11 ons Hotel, Weeks, Prop. per eodlyr From So. Paris at 8. 20 A. Passenger accoramocat osed owner, requiring them to come Proprietor. isaPIIiE of money in it. The veoplo every- between Portland and t Montreal. For further information to to bo the most forward in he Supremo Judicial Court iu Portland Beautiful, Soft, Glossy Hair ! where are EAGER to buy the autiientie his- apply physicians in the C of ME. trains run to E. SAMPSON, Agent. mil.y Cumberland, on Tuesday, the eighth PORTLAND, NAPLES tory of Express through Montreal without reliable ever day >f A. D. ALL chau_e of cars at Island Pond. juue2tf ϋtl Centra^ Wharf. Boston. in- April, 1λ73, being the second Tuesday Elm Nathan DESIRE IT, ALL MAY HAVE IT preparation of next, at 11 House, Church & Sons, Pro- April o'clock iu the forenoon, and tile prietors. LIVINGSTONE'S Tl:e Company are uot responsible for baggage to troduced for the relief and their if have, to by constSnt use of and TIIRVE¥,ING AOi amount objections, any they the prop sed pur- CNTCRKS during any exceeding $50 in value (and that person- STEERAGE FARE chase by the said United States of 28 in A FBI t'A with account of the Ntan- unless notice is said descr bed lands NO R RIDGE WOC K. years al) given, and paid for at tie rate of cure /ion of a of all b} pubic, true and attested copy of the THOMPSON'S.POMADE 0ΡΤΙΜΕ iey Expedition. Over tfOO pages, only $£.5θ· one passenger tor every $500 additional va^ue. Lung complaints, s me Danforth House, D.Danfortb. application and of this order uuce in Propricto Is s Hing beyond parallel. CAUTION. Bew:trc of in- C. «7. Director, thereon, THK no20 23 anil 50 Cents BRYDGES, Managing REDUCER. and is offered to tho each woek for the space of four mou.'hs in the Port- Prii:e, per Bottle, eodlyi ferior works. This is the only complete and reliable Li. BAILEY, Local public, land Superintendent. Daily Pre«s, a newspaper published in Portland NORTH ANSON. work. Send f r ci cul'.irs, an ! see proof and great Portland. June 20 1872. jen21tf sanctioned the nearest to where sai 1 land the last to — success are HUBBARD BROS.. b- by lies, publication ~w.vs· JM.SWOUWO agents having. cxperienca^ be at one UI1IWU) JL lupil least week before raid eighth date of April, ι LIGHT COLORED KIO GLOVES yliers, Β ston, Maes. dcc1l+lw PORTLAND & Dated at ctors. ROCHESTER RAILROAD. of over ^Bcli Portland in the County of Cumber'aud ! forty years. the tbirlietli oi' aBE VERY STYLISH WHEN NOT SOILED. day Ootober, A. D/1872. A.G"TCTSrXS, now is your chance! Winter Arrungcmcuf· resorted to in season it sel- C. W. WALTON. Portland Dailv Press OLDORCHARD BEACH. W Justice of the Judicial Ocean B. LIVINGSTON LOST AND POCND. Supreme Court of Maine House, Seavy, Proprietor. JOUYEN'S dom fails to a A t· ue of and The book on the that tells the &U1&9I)STEAMSHIPS effect copy application order of Court Old Orchard E. C. only subject whole speedy thereon. House, Staples, Propri- INODOROUS with etor. story. Don't be humbugged any other. This m i'or Rochester euro — — andiuteraediaie stations 18 has 800 foil ϊ)ιι· WEEKLY in the most severe nearly pages. SEiPVO ραμο "at 7.15 A. M., and 1.30P. M.. D. W. Si i«l and Maps^.1 Price $3.50, The Pros- making SAlUNCsipg^? FESSENDEN, Clerk, Glove gravinsN directconnection at Rochester witht/alns for cases NORTH STRATFORD Ν. H. Cleaner For firs1 choice of Boston, of Willard pectus will sell it at sight.. territory over Boston & Maine and Eastern Railroads. Also Coughs, Bronchitis, To iht* Honorable CliarlR» House, C" ft. Raitey )ii('N of the prietors. bottle. All said dec!4t4w Winnipiseogee Supreme Ju- The largest and fullest daily paper published in by Druggists and Fancy Dealers. Hartford, Conn. Railroad for Alton Bay, and with Great Croup, Whooping Cough, dkiai Court of (be Ntate of illaiue. ibrtsmoutn, m and in the future as in the Falls and Conway Railroad tor mm Maine, past, the Publish- PARIS HSIjL. F. C. WELLS & OUTFITS FÏ8EE! Conway. Influenza, Asthma, The undersigned, Nathan Webb Attorney of the CO., New York, Leave Rochester for Portland and way stations at Colds, ers propose to make it beyond question, the Ascnf« Wanted Everywhere for Un.led Stales of America, for the District of Maine, Hubbard Hotel, H. Hubbard, Proprieto 7.30 A.M. and 12 M. STEERAGE PASSAGE ! Sore Throat, Pains or Sore- a d authorized of Wholesale Agents. The 7.30 train dy agent said Uuited States for «his no20 THE MOTHERS' GUIDE connecting with down train on pur ρ >se, respectfully represents that the United PORTLAND. eodlyr This is the best opportunity now offered to agents Portsmouth, Great Fall:- and Conway Railroads, and ness in the Chest and States af>resaid are desirous the 12 o'clock train $30 « IRSÏEMÏ Side, of purchasing for the: A'la»»'« St. to cauvass for a live book. Every Mother needs ami making direct connection at erection a House, Temple Charles* Adams Choirs, Musical of fort aud battery, a certain tract of lamH Proprietor. Classes, Conven- wants it. It se'ls rapidly. Experienced canva-sers Rochester with trains from Boston, leaving Boston Liver situa: cd in rhe town of at 7.JO and 8.30. A. via Boston EITHER Complaint, Bleeding Cape Elizabeth, in the Coun- tions: pronounce if the best selling b^ok in the market. M., & Maine, and at WAY. ot Cuuiberlan Best Albion House, 117 Federal St. J. Ο Academies. 8-30 A. .»!. via at ty I, within the limits of ihe State *>4" Newspaper in Maine, Perry, Send for circulars and see our exlra liberal terms. Eastern Railroad*. the &c. Wistar's Maine, bounded and Proprietor. Leave Portland for Saco River at Lungs, particularly described as ol- Address CONTINENTAL PUBLISHING Co., 4 Bond St., 6.20 P. M. Passengers landed atid embarked at iows Beginningat the sea shore at the Northeasterly American House, India St. J. H. ATTENTION! Ν. Y. City. dei!4t4w Leave Saco River for Portlaid at· 5.30 A. M. Balsam does not a c of Hodge, dry up jruer a ioi of land recently conveyed to the Unit- Proprietor. to the following Choice List of Stages connect as follows : L VVHU WHARF, Κ INT ΒΟΚΤΟΛ ed Sutes bv Asa T. Webster, and the Sourh»*»sterlv Ij WANTED for At Gorham for West and and City Hotel· Cor. and AG-FTNTTS Goriani, Standish, No. Cough, leave tho cause « Congress Green y corner οι tne parcel ot'lan (escribed iu and By milking all its fuller and more valu Si. CANTATAS! ORATORIOS ■' ANTHEMS ! Liming ton, conveyed departments Job21 P. Davis & Co. daily. booked fromono London. b> a (ieed ir »m Ana ï. Webster to C. ible. Proprietors. At Buxton Centre for West Bonny Passengers Bristol, Lon- as is the case George Thomp- Falmouth BOSTON AN?TS Destruction Buxton, Eagle .onde it or for behind, with son, dan-d March 23d, 181'J an l rec a iîeu in Cumber- Hotel, P. E. Wheeler, Propri- New and attractive Cantata». and Limington y, Glasgow, Derry, 33» currency. Tkie of Portland as a etor. its earliest set- .daily. land Registry ol Deeds, ïiook 216, Pago 405, thence growing importance distributing A history of this renowned city, from At Centre Waterboro' forLimerick, Newfield, Par- most but it bv the «îivision line (ltsuieul· tu HIC iiicoeiil· 1iiuc. Ρβιιιμιο,ι; *'.< 1UU" preparations, between said two pieces of land îeetre for Maine, aud its increasing wholesale trade Preble nonse, Congres» ÎÉt. Oibson & FORTY-SIXTH PSALM Buck. l'ict; eonslield and Ossipee, Tuesdays, Thursdays and Sat- DRAFTS FOIt i'l %1VD UPWARDS OX rods and live Co., Dudley 1.00 50 cts. WM. FLINT & Mass. Westerly fifty-two links; thence, s till fol- make a full Proprietors. CO., Spiingfield, urdays, returning alternatedavs. loosens and cleanses the said division North Daily paper imperatively necessary. FESTIVAL CANTATA Ewjcne Thayer. 1.28 dec!4 t4w lowing line, Wes.erly witli an in- St. Julian At Centre Waterboro'for limerick, clude! of -nie linn ired and With a larger Editoral corps than any paper in Hotel, Cor. iTTiildleand Plum GOUNOD'S CHORAL MUSIC Parsonefleld, THE BANK OF IRELAND. an^le eighteen degrees •its. G. E. 50 daily. and and thirts minutes ten rods to a War»l, Proprietor. 8»© made Dec. 3d by one agent selling lungs, allays irritation, copper bolt set iu Maine, with unexcelled facilities for collecting news Well ot m it: iin trill. ft. worthy careful study. the le tge; lb once. North Easterly wicli an U. Hotel. Junction of Congress and Fed- For Cabin Passage at the Cabin Office. 80 thus included and more space to devote to details, the Publishers MUSICAL ENTHUSIAST HORACE (ÎKKKl.l'.V & FAMILY deelfi-tc pply the causo of angle of one hundred and thirty-eight degrees four eral Sts. E. Cram & Co., Proprietor. Hewitt. 50 itate street, and for. cerage Passage at the Steer- removing will mike ever·7 exertion to An amilfilniT and vprvmnlmlinnewinliel A fine 22x28 in., sent by mail for βΐ.00 hun ired and forty-eight feel more or less to a render the Dai ly Press Walker engraving, & ge Office, 99 fctate street, Boston. the cojv House, Opp. Boston Depot, Geo. We also mail Button hole Λ S-win» Machine Thread KNOX LINCOLN RAILROAD. complaint. per bolt set in a roe!; : iheuee North Easterly sua a fuller and more complete than it has paper hitherto Rriilgbam .*»·., Proprietor. C and Needle iirice 25 J A.VIE.S ALEXANDER, PREPARED BY iuolu led angleof one hundred and twenty-six NEW ORATORIO*. liters, Threading Thimble, degrees, been, and in every respect Commercial Mouse—L, O. cents each. Circulais of various other Novelties I>»rcctrail route to New jn'iJly General three hunt red and fset more 01 less u» & Co., Wiscasset, Agent. BZTH W. FOWLS L· thirty law Sanbori} ST. PKTER J. K. EONS, Boiton, Mus.» waier thence 1 CUTLE/t said sai l tract of Trom inORTGAOE < BROS. & CO. --£%*sC° land, disagreement in re- BAUMBACH'S SACKED Stages connectât y *ί to The Publishers themselves that their QUAltTETTES,[New]2.50 Rockland, for Llncoin- ~*P*oi*AiKTons. Bosro/v. -4** congratulate Camden, — gard the price of the or from sou.e RICHMOND. WELLS' CARBOLIC TABLETS. —OF TIM I,·-* same, other ville, Northport.jBoath Thomaston and St. cause to ihis applicant aud to lie said United (Sorts to m ike the Press acceptable to its patrons George, now States Richmond Hotel, H. Springer. IN PREHS —IVEABLT REiDT. Worililen* imitations are on the market, but daily. At Rockknd for and Wash- d«fcwl2w uukuown. hath refused and s! ill tre > Proprietor Union, Appleton Sorlliwfstfrn ami refuses to convey appreciated from he conclusive fact that wi'.h- the only scientific of Carbolic Acid for ington. Thurs and lucltsonville, sai 1 racl. of lan I to sai I Unite I STKAUSS'S DANCE MUSIC. Violin and Piano. 1.0» preparation Tuesday*, lays Saturdays. States. >ut diseases is when chemically combined with At Thomas?on for St. Wherefore this in special efforts, its list of subscribers has been in- NKOWlIEflAN. Lung George daily. Southeastern R. R. Pu July sis and Deformities Cored applicant behalf of said United other weU known remedies, as in these and At to tablets, WarrenJ* Union, daily. Slaves, re.>i»ectfull\ prays your Houor to order notice creased a greater extent during the last six Skowhegan Hotel,Ε. Β. The above books w»nt, pngt-i-ald, for rclail nrice. all HAVING The etor. i?Iaybury,Propri- parties are cautioned against using any other. At Warren Ar Jefterson and TIIIRTV YEARS TO RUN. Oiient Springs Health Institute in located near of t-lxis application conformable with the nonths than OLIVER D1TSON & Boston Whitefield, Mondays, provisions of for any similar period the past six years. CO., In all ea»e* of irritation of the mucous mem- Wednesdays and the (ovui of Amherst, Mass., for the treameut and the Act of he Legislature of ke State of Turner Fridays. •earing interest at 7 per ccnt. in Gold "of or Maine, en- As nua House, T. H. Husscy & Co. Pro G. H. DITSON & C»., Now York. brane these tahlets should be freely used, their At Wa doboro' for Coin, uure ot Paralysis In nil IN forms. Diseases, li led "An Act for the advertising medium the Daily Press stands North Waldoboro', Washington, to the present standard." Spinal relinquishment to the United prictors. cleansing and hea in? properties are astonishing:. ind equal t; niraoied O" rds and Limbs, Crooked Feet and S ates in certaiu cases of to Irst am >ng Maine janM&w2w w52 tc Liberty daily. title lands for sites oi journals. Elm Be never la it. is At Coupons payable in New York, or Frank- ou House. ITT. H. Hilton. warued, nerjlect col'!, easily New Q^tlè for Bristol and London, light stations the coast aw l waters of Terms : a Proprietor, Pemaquid, daily. the State," » year in advance ; $4 for six months ; rured in it> incipient state, when it becomes chronic Freight Trains and >rl, on the Main, at the option of the bolder. When as dailv freight taken at low rates. | approved February 18, 1S71, amended by an act for F A. the cure is use Wells' Carbolic esired, boude will be registered the Trustee—the en 52 three months. LE AVITT exceedingly difficult, j>2i'dtf c. A. COOMBS. Su n't. by j itled {'An Act to amend six .ι··., a.ι Chapter hundred and Tablets as a specific. armors* Loan and Trust Co. Interest payable Jau- i.uuiviic», mervon^ uiseapes, uour, convul- forty-nine of the laws of one Liberal commissions will be those who manufacturer of private thousand ci^ht paid will JOHN Q. KELLOGG, 18 Piatt St.,· New aiv rnd July. sion Diseases r»t the brain, Heart and Can- hunl'vd an I BOSTON York, Lungs, seventy-one, relating to light houses.** secure subscribers with LEAD Sole for This road is now from Jacksonville to a cels, etc. prepaid subscriptions. CO., & Agent United States. THE completed I vsfceria, approved February 20,1872, to be in ITaclit Boat Sails •iicii ,u witn τπβ c? Α ν to published soaie £ûr"*Orders from News Dealers filled. Price 25 cents a box Send for circular. aijI UJN κ. κ. at pi GEO HOE \V. RHODES, M. D., newspaper in Portland, nearest to where said promptly η over u Amherst, tract of llNCOKPORATED IX 1829.] dec30-4wt ffUTUJL BENE l IT ACCOUNT BOOK, erdin, distance ot 30 miles. The road, so far 'oV. E. FAXON, KSQ., A g ni for the Institute an l once in each week f>r the Awnings, Verandahs, lies, space of four Address itoir.pleied, is thoroughly equipped, ENTIRE- | No. 1 Peinberton square, Bosten. mouths, which shall eontain an and accurate de- flags. BY M. V. B. Λ é'AID FOR. and in full operation, and it is octt5-d&wl2w w4 2 ,si;ri'>:i η oi said tract of J. ST1MSON. j laud, together with tbe nantc H. Chadwick & |tent* μοη the completed portion only, thai h .nds amou t- } and Co., Ag'ts, Crumbs of Is a pans book for the use of all classes of of be supposed owner, shall require all persons §31^* Canvas Signs, Flags and Comfort designed g to .-$600,QUO are now ottered ât H5 and accrued iu- lands to come Borders Thd iealersjn of and is an invar- interested in »aid forward ou a day to Office Jîîî, A 36 Oliver Street, Awning marie anil Ladies' Filend. Aek your grocer for it. every department trade, rest in currency. Bonds upon the remaining jkh- î,ÎM'î ίη β'ι!1 nn, !™ nn<1 iable medium for be SOO' Portland lettered in the best manner. encouraging cash payments for on of the road will he eo'd ;»t a much higher price Ayer»' Sarsparilla, any t!i Publishing Co. BOSTON. goods, îd will be ottered only upon completed road. THs As an economical measure it has no in the FOR And ïJf Wagon, Bos and Boat: eoual ad traverses the garden of the State,crosses all the PURIFYING THE BLOOD. Bartlett's both and seller. fur her t-uu.»- Blacking intérêt of buyer Its adoption will o?t controls the enormous prayo, <»«»j MANUFACTURERS OF important roads, coal lave 28 cent hi the cost of A medicine that cure >iiee, a mav be m the maimer satisfaction. it. per living. int's at Verden, and its bonds aro most ev- now jury empanuelled Canvass ilways gives Try highly is a real in- .vi ;e,i t)V to the value of tract (.'overs, Advertising Price .151.20 per dozen. Sent poet-paid in packagos erted those whose investigation has been public blessing. law, assess said Dec. by most Y «f laud at Portland. 25th, 1S73. d number, to of the United States or A EE's SAIWAI'AIULLA iis fair market value, and all damages sus- BOSTON any part arcning. We have personally examined every de- i 3ri(kli Provinces on of order with in- il makes positive cure of a by the owner of the lands so Posters, Transparencies, &c. receipt price Ά this Company, and have gone repeatedly over appropriated by PEARL BLUE îloserl. Full on series of com ;:1 and that, such other particulars application. Sample e entiie line. Wo arc consequently enabled to ree- plaints,which a.i λ\\.!! ,ncr appropriation; Tor Ό for 10 λ re nroeee the laundry has no equal. SOLD BY GR -CERS. pies bv mail post-paid cents. nmendthese bends as an always afflicting ami ling- mav be had ia pursuance of CARBOLIC AMULET Pure tifTeuU to let. ub*oluicly perfect so- too often fatal. act»of White Lead ! EI. A. BARTLÈTT & CO., 115,117 N. rhila.. M. A. 7irKf If Ν BY Λ CO.. Piiblinbrr*, xity. It purifies ν ,, Γ. the «if the S:a'eof Front-st., the ,u* nmy Legislature .43 Ν. 43 12» Middle St.. Portland, Me. blood, purges out tbe requisite to to said Uniied and Chamber,-st., Y., Broad-st., Bostou. sep23-d«S'wtf Pamphlets and further particulars may be had convey A Sure Guard Dry Gronnd in Oil, de30 by lurking bnmora in the title lo the Against 49 1-2 Exchange Street, tlw plying to ai» vc\lcswi^dÎ.V0',,land absolute system, which under- all DRY AND GROUND PORTLAND. knford's Improved Refrigerators. mine against pen»- ZINC, LITHARGE, RED Ο Tim WOKEIKfi CtASS, male or 'f health and settle in- D u. l at Pur: IBSON, CASANOYER & CO., Bankers., land, SMALL LEAD, LEAD SHEET TIN AM Γ female $60 a week guaranteed. em- to troublesome disorders. Hi, : i"uL riJ ay.· °r FOX, PIPE, LEAD, orders by mail promptly attended to. Respectable The three points of excellence which I claim, are: 50 wj.ity-ninth ,lav Cumbcrlan.1, duyment at home, day or no Exchange IPlaoe, !N". Y. Eruptions of the skin are PIPE, TIN-LINED PIPE, IRON PIPE 73 evening; capital requir- it : constant and thorough circulation of pure air; ilecl3 deod&w4w .foitfe1"/ *1; full instructions and valuable ot to wjl Î g» the appearance on the sur- of nj po sed of such Disinfectants as were used i > the & PUMPS. package goods id ; rvness, no dampness mould nor taint ; 3rd ; no «-«•iBijr Attorney tli,o United WEBB. FITTINGS, &C., &C. itart with sent tree by mail. Addiess with 6 ceut lace of humors that should Slau^TlIAîs'trm to be carried about person. passed by any the market, either foreign or Ayer'h Bar*\parir.LA e*|«ls these humors trom Upon the >ing American. BONDS. the foreg application bv V- .x the blood. ΛΥ1 e they aie disorders they ol the Uui'.e l Prof. Fowler's #;ue. Attorney States of Air ,Hjr"ln order to protect ourselves, we have Great Work FINE ! WOOD COUNT twwlnrt· di.-· or» -ir. sacb twi ofthe Liver been sa it Webb, adopted SOUTHERN LUMBER Y, WIS., eviction* ivfactorily made to aime» -*crica, iULLIVAN & LOTZ, Proprietors. as our trade-mark f«n retl aid Bonde A ">«' said lo having eight-pointed star, with City County registered un )n Womanhood and Railroad Stnmarh iniphre appli ant is a duly au»h»»-*. me» the seal in the centre. This is der tlie laws Manhood, their Mutual Inter, TKJR Ships, Cars, Bridges, Factories, and ..!.,/■■<./»"!>'2 Co. Phila.Pa. <îe.30t4 yE£!*l£JjS W AN Τ JE !>.—Coastwise and For- Ulcers and arf !*u*» aii'1 Noticci State Treasurer in New York. There is no TEX PER jronn, Sons, Hhevmatism, Neuralgia, be purchased -escripnon 1 the lands to expense CENT. KANSAS proposed W. F. <& for collecting and no tax prtin hi the Boηp?. Side, and Head, Female Weak- π f >ri JV l^e United States for the both of Phillips Co., deduction. Present indebt- ereciion of Oliver Pope and Joseph Pope, edness is RYAN & KELSEY, Igielercil B-milg, ami other Choice ■' ness, Sterilitii, Ltucorrhcea from internal ■* WHEREAS small and therefore and re- LOOK ! FRE Ε TO ALL Seoutlitn. arising ul- known battery, together with the names oi all ofCumber and State easily paid must ! 161 Ices that will tmyo>cr Win w in the County main so under the laws CommerciaM5treet, 12 tier cent, on the iim mnt !*. ration and uterine disease. ο or owners of sai 1 it is »f)l dated 10tU registration of the State. PEU week to A:;entp, Male or rested. Drops}/. Dyspepsia, supposed lauds, Maine. !,y tucir deed an 1 mort."age, lij Tenia!,. octOtj' Portland, Me. THOS. P. ELLIS & Banker». Emaciation. a,id Cent ral jrder d. tuai η >tice of said lor AGENTS Fi>15 THE CO., Bonis recommended tor safety as well as jy j To all who will CO., Debility. With their de- application be given to 'opti-mtM-r the of Dee ds profitable- ip' wr te for an Agcucv No. York. health returns. s 1*70, recorded in Registry ness, teu cent and " we' 11 Pine Street, New parture all per ins interested in the lands therein described tome a cer- bearing pe^ interest, soiling at nil send a couv of that Wonder of (r< idtn "tie IfClTà&wllii »jem- u I4u in the second divi- au 6d6m eod TT&S fifty illustrations, anil iw Mass., f invar i iu patt .»f lot ernment Bonds into those more cnt wl) HOWE Practical ard the Supreme Judicial in ■ion of ΙΟυ acre remunerative. Or- FREE to all who may write. Address I. G\R- CHEAP -Λ.Τ IMPPvOVeT) Analytical Chemists. in the Court, Portland, lots in said town, containing fifty ders and attended Sold nil County of on inquiries promptly to. IDE. Patterson, N. J. other First Class by Droughts everywhere. Cumberland, Tuesday, the eighth or tlie farm on which said U«M f!\v and all day of April, A. D. 187^5. the illVIn>v*r r anJS? I τ !es ^'"8 CHARLES m. Iecttd'% wevwySdwly jan4d2wArw2w being second Tues lay of Joseph now live; And whereas ihe «mill- Destructive Fires Σ VIAWKES, Novell & April next, at eleven o'clock in the and ion ot said the mch22dt.f Company. their forenoon, file mortgage has been broaken; Now I, 38 Exchange St., Pory publication of a true aud ic auction the es : country. We submit, to the attested copy of upon premi described j,, 8ald mort- every in futu e ο devote exclusive GOOD MACHINE THREAD 2 ρ pool» for Jc. saiio apolk'atioii au I of on of sen ble. prudent atten- this older thereon, once age, tue fourth day Mareh next ai one o'clock in ; man, that [NTENDTNGtion to our ManufaemiinL' A. WALKER, in each woek for t can be Dopariment, sl.all Machines the space of four months iu the Port- lie afternoon Ihe granted aud hey prevented tbe our Store Business to a IMPORTER, Sewing Ian l premises conveyed to by ring final dose as ns a le as iutrcducti 11 of rarely AVarbnrton, 105 Middle Street. Daily Press, newspaper published m afijresaid, with all improvements that may b" geneial the Ircumstances will an therefore off. 127 Tremont nearer to Portland, GARDNER FIRE allow, rfor H:lie Street, Boston. A.ND ECTTRKICK'S where said land lies, the last publication to hereon. EXTIN- ur tx onsive stock of \leicVandise. ficsh septO'72 b' » least oue GUISH ICR. an,i in ot the best week before said eighth day of At.rii GEORGE L. STOREIt, f ΐ ood order, comprising all varieties of G Materials quality for Oil an I Water next. This machine stands its 'ods^nnlly lin Wax BV McCobli Λ lvin^sbnry, his Ait'ys upon eptin Country Stores, and also to Kent th* i':ilii'lng> Drawing, fluwer makli.g. Da- l>a ed at merits, having made for For Sale in Portland by HALLL. LOR- store, le Ac. ilcaaiscti. r I'dtiC-U Sif Portland, in the County of Portland, Jan. l<*t, 1873. jaiil feWtniar itself, DAVIS, ctv'y finished and furnished, for such a nnini·, lloiliing (iaini!Bl8 the thirtieth Cumberland, SOLID a Terin 0f day of October, A. D. 1872. IîY WORK, record ING, SHORT & HARMON, R. K. i> UNT & CO. ear's ns may be agreed upon. The stand ig HOLIDAY PRESENTS. commands attention. !U1 ex_ C. W. WALTON, that au^29 eodly ellcnt one, com» anding a large leclS 4w > PL .'Α of »IA*»s. "WEBER" and other traile,^,! g00t] ___ Cleansed and at short notice i l~r sale in MER, trade. engage KICW SLEIGH cheap, lirst clase Vll orders will receive prompt and faithful atten ϋ Country been ueed but four Sioiicp. D. W. FESSENDEN, Clerk. Calioon Block· opposite City llallj AKD and SOFT WOOD for tale at No. 43 Lie k order, uu\er that*. Apply *0 -"δ ? UMION STREET, H coin street. Also LUKE & F. II. can.o to WILLIAM BBOWN IRA CUOCK.EB la adxuKed a oawWimt sp8 ~yl7 AT REDUCED PRICES' eomly Dry Edgtuge. BBOWX. pirtur in on* uovSMemTu&riiaw PORTLANPi M«. WM. PLUM ST., OT Federal I firm from tliia due. AM I s BUSB Nortk BrUigWu, Si».. Dee. 2,1ST2. deoUtf STABLES, st., MK. çq_ Ocasii 371 Oimiumual Street. iOcUaud, January1, W?3. JauWlw